The Wage Gap Social Problem

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The Social Problem of Wage Gap


The gender wage gap is a social problem that refers to the differences in men and

women’s earnings. It is a social problem because it supports inequality between men and women.

It also has women earning lesser than men, and is even worse when women of color get to suffer

the disparity in pay even more. The social problem of wage gap also transcends to affect those

living with intersectional realities like immigrant women and transgender women. This is so

because the social problem of wage gap often has these group of women left out in important

conversations of wage gap and this bias affects them negatively. The main causes of this societal

problem are discrimination, differences in working hours, differences in years of working

experience and the job or industry and individual works in. A discussion of inequality as a major

factor the drives wage gap differences, and the causes of differences in wage gaps is discussed

below together with what can be done about the wage gap problem. Factors that promote wage

gap differences, making it a societal problem as seen with its outcomes are either directly or

indirectly influenced by inequalities and ethical, race, or gender-based discriminations.

Equality is one of the major factors that stimulates motivation and constructive

relationships at work. That significantly contributes to a firm’s commercial success. For that

reason, it’s important to reward all employees equally and objectively. However, the stubborn

inequality in the average wages between men and women that persists in every country still

remains to be one of the most persistent social issues that is affecting productivity rate. Apart

from promoting poverty, the wage gap also fuels gender discrimination and inferior working

conditions. On the other hand, equal paying schemes triggers numerous benefits that includes;

poverty reduction, boosted overall GDP, better education opportunities, established and better

working atmosphere, and most importantly promote high incentives for women to work in the

corporate world. Below are the clarifications of how wage gap promotes poverty, gender

discrimination and inferior working conditions.

Wage gap promotes poverty because it has an economic impact. The inequality caused by

wage gap translates into lower lifetime wage for women, less pay for families and higher rates of

poverty is triggered across the globe because women have less funds to spend and invest (Henke,

2020). As Gharehgozli & Atal (2020) explains, because of the wage gap, women experience

lower earnings that in turn causes low circulation of money for them. As such resulting to low

standards of living even in their older age because of the consequent low pension. Factually, the

gender pay gap continues to widen with age along the career and the ever increasing family

demands. With less money to save and capitalize, the gaps accumulate. As such, women are

subjected to higher risk of poverty and social exclusion at an older age. Consequently, the gender

pension gap is low and that places them at a better chance of insufficiency. However, this

situation can take another turn if women receive equal pay, poverty for working women would

be reduced expressively since they will have sufficient funds to spend and invest, that would in

turn boost the economy. Equal pay is not just a matter of justice, but it would significantly boost

the economy as women would get more and spend more. That would in turn increase the tax base

and relieve some burden off welfare systems.

Other than promoting poverty, wage gap also fuels gender discrimination. Even though

women advance to higher levels and paying jobs in management, the gender gap is still

frequently visible. Women are still subjected to unequal career advancement. Besides, through

the wage gap other forms of gender discriminations are heavy practiced in their working stations.

Such practices include job segregation, lack of legal protection due to financial strains, uneven

access to job resources, poor medical care and societal mindset. Opportunity gap is another

primary drive to wage gap. Consequently, this global issue necessitates robust and inclusive


Decreased satisfaction Since women earn less wages as compared to men, chances are

that they are less happy with their jobs on the average and their overall level of motivation are

significantly low. In turn, the risks for conflicts increase and the overall working atmosphere

becomes much worse. The pay gap keeps them in lower level, lower-paid and filled with

dissatisfaction. However, if equal pay is implemented, it not only benefits women but it also

leads to a better corporate culture in general (Greer, & Carden, 2021). That may increase the

quality of life for male workers as well. In general, through equal pay schemes and implied

higher wages for women, women will be much more willing to work in the corporate world since

they can contribute more to the overall family income. Sequentially, the corporate career pipeline

for women will grow immensely and generate more opportunities for them. Women will also

avail themselves in large numbers for top posts or leadership positions course at every stage of

their professional lives.

It is also worth mentioning that according to reliable reports, women’s work force and

participation has grown immensely. Women are evidently toiling longer hours and pursing

higher education in significant numbers. However, despite the efforts, the wage gap between

men and women still persists. So upholding the gender gap pay is certainly unfair to hard

working women. Everyone has a right to a standard and equal reward in response to their efforts.

Equal paying schemes can be accompanied by lots of advantages that embodies poverty

reduction, boosted overall GDP, better education opportunities, established and better working

atmosphere, and most importantly promote high incentives for women to work in the corporate

world (Aizer, 2010). All the above are benefits that can be effortlessly ripped once the

government and the public at large opts to put an end to wage gap and promote equal pay to

every work force.

What can be done?

The social problem of wage gap is no only nuance, and complex, but it is also persistent.

Our patriarchal societies have for a long time advocated for pay reforms that favor men in place

of women. With no comprehensive and updated pay reforms, the gender wage gap problem will

remain stubborn. It is important that women receive comprehensive and updated legislations for

equal pay like the Paycheck Fairness Act which strengthens and advocates for protection of

women and those living with intersectional realities from discriminatory practices. This will

make sure that women don’t get disadvantaged when it comes to opportunities (Blau and Kahn,

2017). A good example of what this will uplift is allowing women to access paid sick days and

also gain comprehensive paid medical and family leave to help minimize the rates at which

women lose jobs hence ensuring a better economic security to every worker. This will reduce the

rates at which the social problem of wage gap detrimentally affects societies and the economy in



In a nut shell, wage gap is an issue that requires undivided attention. This ongoing

conversation is really a call to action. The remuneration between men and women has been this

globe’s unattended matter for the longest time. The government however can use different

approaches to close or lessen the gap. One of them can be formulating favorable and all rounded

policies that cover and protect women’s right. Other than that, the government can also create

cultural awareness to employers and obligate them to provide equal access to the best paying

position in their corporations. That will allow the public to experience the benefits accompanied

by equality and by doing so the government will also be promoting gender equality in general.

For all the above reasons, it would be wise to assert that equal pay really matters. This is an issue

of economic security and therefore it should not be taken lightly, every employee should be

rewarded equally!


Aizer, A. (2010). The gender wage gap and domestic violence. American Economic

Review, 100(4), 1847-59.

Blau, F. D., & Kahn, L. M. (2017). The gender wage gap: Extent, trends, and

explanations. Journal of economic literature, 55(3), 789-865.

Gharehgozli, O., & Atal, V. (2020). Revisiting the gender wage gap in the United

States. Economic Analysis and Policy, 66, 207-216.

Greer, T. W., & Carden, L. L. (2021). Exploring the gender wage gap among project managers:

A multi-national analysis of human capital and national policies. International Journal of

Project Management, 39(1), 21-31.

Henke, A., & Hsu, L. C. (2020). The gender wage gap, weather, and intimate partner

violence. Review of Economics of the Household, 18(2), 413-429.

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