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1. Socrates states, “Do not go with the flow. Just because everybody is doing it, does not mean that you
will go with the flow.” To be morally upright is one’s responsibility. Socrates was willing to die rather
than go against his conscience.

You may think that we are only making decisions just to keep life comfortable and to avoid
discomfort when you are not mindful and have a go with the flow personality. When you take a
closer look at your motivations they are often associated with avoiding conflict or not wanting to go
against the grain. We may begin to feel like something is missing in our life. In other words, the
message to go with the flow that arises from our conditioned small sense is purely concerned with
living a contained, controlled and safe life. And not only does it result in us living a less than fulfilling
life. It is often an indication that we are living someone else’s life. We go with the flow, but if we pay
close attention we may notice that it’s someone else’s river that we’re flowing in. We may still
accomplish a lot and not appear to be flowing through life- but we are allowing other people’s
agenda’s to dictate our flow. We should remember that life is a series of natural and spontaneous
changes. We should not resist them because they might only create sorrow. Let reality be reality. Let
things flow naturally forward in whatever way they like.

2.Aristotle teaches, “Keep people motivated.” According to Aristotle, it is natural for humans to be
rational, sociable, and virtuous. People should be given tasks that are ethical and meaningful. They
should also be given the opportunity to learn and be trained.

Motivation reflects something unique about each one of us and it allows us to gain valued outcomes
like improved performance, enhanced well-being, personal growth, and a sense of purpose. It is a
pathway to change your way of thinking, feeling, and behaving. As you are constantly responding to
changes in our environment, you need motivation to take corrective action in the face of fluctuating
circumstances. Motivation is a vital resource that allows everyone to adapt, function productively,
and maintain wellbeing in the face of a constantly changing stream of opportunities and threats.
High-quality motivation allows you to thrive, while its deficit causes us to flounder. The societal
benefits of increased motivation are visible in greater student engagement, better job satisfaction in
employees, flourishing relationships, and institutions. Learning about motivation is valuable because
it helps us understand where motivation comes from, why it changes, what increases and decreases
it, what aspects of it can and cannot be changed, and helps us answer the question of why some
types of motivation are more beneficial than others.
3.Plutarch advises, “Be a good example.” Humans are naturally sociable. They are fond of observing and
imitating others. Employees look up to their supervisor’s behavior. It is therefore necessary for leaders
to set a good example to their followers.

As a leader, you initiate what you preach for and take the first step toward accomplishing it so that
you become an example for your people to model and benchmark against. Without an example
provided by leader, confusion may arise and people may not follow. Likewise, when things are not
clear the people tend to fear change. They are not confident enough to embrace it. Leading by
example gives people enough confidence to accept and apply the changes fully by following the role
models. Furthermore, many of us have great and creative ideas. However, we fail to implement
them by taking the first few steps because we think that our role is to create new ideas and
implementing our ideas is the job of others. But remember that if you don’t initiate implementing
your ideas, the chances of getting it done through others are almost zero. There is an old saying that
if you don’t do it, it will never get done. If you don’t start, you cannot expect others to start. If you
don’t do it, it will never get done.

4. Epictetus declares, “Have a resilient mind.” People must have the resilience to face any challenges.
During tough times, they are able to recover quickly and move on even in difficult situations. They can
focus on the practical ways on what to do to improve the situation.

Resiliency enables us to develop mechanisms for protection against experiences that could be
overwhelming, helps us to maintain balance in our lives during difficult or stressful periods, and can
also protect us from the development of some mental health difficulties and issues. There will be
times in all of our lives when pressures mount or we experience pain and trauma, and at points, we
will struggle to cope. However, through learning about ourselves and realizing what we can and
cannot manage, we will be able to develop strategies that allow us to become resilient, to take these
difficulties in our stride, and to feel confident in our abilities to manage. When we are in a weakened
position where we feel as if things are going from bad to worse, it can be very difficult to find our
balance, or swim against the tide, or, recover and regain stability. Moreover, we can control our
thoughts, beliefs and attitudes, though everything else is to some extent out of our control. If you
focus on what is beyond your control, and obsess over it, you will end up feeling helpless. Focus on
what you can control, and you will feel a measure of autonomy even in chaotic situations.

5. What is the most valuable lesson that can be learned by business people from these Greek and roman
philosophers? Justify your answer.

1. “Dare to disagree” Socrates

Socrates, one of the first philosophers, insisted on our right to think for ourselves. Too often, he warned,
humans sleepwalk through life, simply going along with the crowd.
This is dangerous in questions of morality, and particularly in corporate governance. When corruption is
uncovered, too often people say "everyone else was doing it". But our characters are our responsibility.
Socrates was prepared to die rather than go against his conscience. Does your organization encourage
independent thinkers, and people who follow their conscience? Does it allow people to give critical
feedback to managers? Does it create opportunities for good people to blow the whistle on bad

2. “Let people seek fulfillment” Aristotle

Aristotle was a great biologist as well as a great philosopher. He based his ethics on a psychological
theory of human nature, insisting that we are naturally virtuous, rational, social and happiness-seeking.
Governments and organizations need to build the best systems to let humans fulfill their natural drives.
Your employees will also be more motivated if you give them the opportunity to feed their natural
curiosity through learning opportunities. That could be vocational training, but it could also simply be
learning about the world, ideas, culture

3. “Be a good role model” Plutarch

Plutarch, the ancient Greek historian and educator, understood that humans are incredibly social
creatures, who constantly observe the people around them and imitate them. What you say to your
employees is less important than what you do. They will watch how you behave, how you treat others,
how you cope with pressure and whether you follow through on your promises. And they will imitate
you. If you talk about ethics and then cut corners at the first opportunity, they will follow your lead.

Set a good example and they will follow it. Plutarch would also warn that your best young employees
will use you as a bar to aim for and exceed. That's natural. Let them compete with you and encourage
them to go further.



1. Virtue of ethics “To know the good is to do the
-virtue refers to a particular I want to know the ideas good.” Plato believed that all
moral excellence. contributed by philosophers; virtues should be united to
- Virtue ethics is defined as a Plato and Aristotle. achieve happiness.
person-based ethics which looks Aristotle was not contented
at the moral character of the with just knowing what is good.
person carrying out a particular He was not in favor of the unity
action. Virtue ethics does not of virtues; it does not follow
focus on following rules but the that if one is virtuous the
development of good traits individual will achieve
which will help the person make happiness.
decisions in life.
2. History of business
- Ethics are somewhat - I want to know who are the - the philosophers that are
connected to the ten philosophers that are mentioned or who have
commandments. mentioned or who have contributed to the history of
- Business ethics has been contributed to the history of business ethics aside from
recognized for thousands of business ethics aside from Aristotle are John Locke, Adam
years dating back to the time of Aristotle. Smith, John Stuart Mill (1863),
Aristotle. Immanuel Kant (1899), and
G.W.F. Hegel (1820), and John

3. New Generation of Ethics

- there was wide interest in -I want to know who write the - the authors of the book of
business ethics during 1960’s. book of ethical reasoning and ethical reasoning are Norman
- ethical organizations have the book that addresses the Bowie, Thomas Donaldson,
been put up to standardize ethical decision making, the Patricia Werhane, Richrard De
ethical practices in their ethical problems encountered George, and Manuel Vasquez.
professions in many countries by managers, and how they can -the authors of the book that
around the world. comply ethically and legally addresses the ethical decision
from a managerial point of making, the ethical problems
view. encountered by managers, and
how they can comply ethically
and legally from a managerial
point of view are Katherine
Nelson and Linda K. Trevino.



1. The secret of change is to 1. If a man properly said to love 1. Knowing yourself is the
focus all of your energy, not on something, it must be clear that beginning of all wisdom.
fighting the old, but on building he feels affection for it as a
the new. whole, and does not love part of
it to the exclusion of the rest.

2. There is only one good, 2. No one is more hated than he 2. It is during our darkest
knowledge, and one evil, who speaks the truth. moments that we must focus to
ignorance. see the light.
3. He is richest who is content 3.The greatest wealth is to live 3. Pleasure in the jobs puts
with the least, for content is the content with little. perfection in work.
wealth of nature.
4. The hour of departure has 4. Every heart sings a song, 4. Happiness is the meaning and
arrived, and we go separate incomplete, until another heart the purpose of life, the whole
ways, I to die and you to live. whispers back. Those who wish aim and end of human existence.
Which of these two is better only to sing always find a song. At the
God knows. touch of love everyone becomes
a poem.
5. Education is the kindling of a 5. The direction which education 5. It is the mark of an educated
flame, not the filling of the starts a man will determine his mind to entertain a thought
vessels. future in life. without accepting it.


1. Rufus teaches, “Act what you learn.” As an ethical individual, get into the habit of practicing good
ethics. Keep an account of your progress by recording your behavior every day

It just simply means that we should also engrave every knowledge we have learned to our hearts.
In order to fulfil such thing, we need take action for it. we should execute what important thing
that have taught to us because action speak louder than words. We can also see the progress of a
person to the way he/she act specially if it is a positive progress.

2. Epicurus advises, “Be happy.” The person should focus his/her attention to the present moment and
be happy about things that are easily achievable. Some companies develop a happy culture and teach
their employees the art of happiness.

I can say that a person is happy when he/she is contented and felt grateful on what s/he have at
the moment. Likewise, when s/he does not feel envious to any other people around him/her
whenever they have achieved something s/he will rather feel happy for what they have. With
that, I can conclude that s/he already found his/her source of happiness in life. As long as you are
contented, happiness will find you itself. Although, you can still finding one by fulfilling your goals
or chasing you dreams.



“To know the good is to do the “The next step in the path “Human things are inherently
good.” Plato believed that all towards self-knowledge was variable. While Natural law
virtues should be united to obtain knowledge of what is exists, it is actualized by human
achieve happiness. good and what is evil, and in beings.”
“Man, is not merely an idea in the process use what one learns
the mind but something which to cultivate the good within
has reality of its own, outside one’s soul and purge the evil
and independent of mind.” from it.”
“One’s inner self, or soul, is all


“Truth is determined through reasoning and logic.” The 3 philosophers taught their students to
think rationally, or using reason. This contrasted with the popular Greek Mythology about Gods.


What I Liked Most About the What I Need to Improve in What I Want to Learn
Lesson? Understanding the Lesson? Connected to the Lesson?

1. what I liked the most in this 1. I need to improve in 1. I want to learn connected
topic was that I am able to understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the history of
think deeply or have a chance rational thinking. business itself.
to reflect to some things and
given situation.
2. I need to improve in 2. I want to learn connected
2. what I liked the most in this understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the other
topic was the idea of reflecting focus, because lately I noticed philosophers who have a
for every side a situation. that I am out of focus. contribution to the history of
3. what I liked the most in this 3. I need to improve in 3. I want to learn connected
topic was that I was able to understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the ideas they
know those important people knowledge about ethics. gave that are still present to
that had a big contribution to the business world.
the business history and ethics.



1. Can giving of favors of pharmaceutical companies to doctors be stopped? Why or why not?

I believed that there’s still a chance to stop this unethical behavior of some pharmaceutical
companies. The doctors need to cooperate and reject those corrupted offers by
pharmaceutical company. Because this kind of act was really unethical, it is so biased and
does not follow the standard of being an ethical one. This kind of problem lead our economy
to misery, we should be fair to everyone and avoid taking advantage just to be on top. For
me, a real winner was the one who gave his/her best and fight with all his/her will without
committing a dirty job and does not aggrieved anyone.
2. Do you think this is really unethical? Why do you say so?

I can say that this kind of act was really unethical. Because they are misleading their
customers by their advertisement, they also making false claims by using the doctor’s
prescription, and this leads to customer service failure. These three (3) reasons are all under
the list of unethical business practices. The company should avoid such unethical behaviors
because this might destroy their reputation and may lead to bad business. Moreover, the
continues act of unethical practices might bring the manager to imprisonment.


Classical Philosophies and the Evolution of Business Ethics


1. X

2. /

3. /

4. X

5. /


1. A

2. A

3. C

4. A

5. A

6. D

7. A

8. A


WEEK 5-6


1. B

2. A

3. B

4. C



1. Buddhism
- I want to know where does - I learned that in the cycle of
- based on Siddhartha Gautama Buddhist believe in. rebirths and part of this rebirth
“Buddha” teaching - I also want to know their end is suffering. They also believe
- Buddha is not a god but is goal that the causes of these rebirths
considered by Buddhists as their are cravings, aversions, and
end goal, the one they would selfish motives.
like to attain, to be free from - The end goal of a Buddhist is
the cycle of life and death to let go of all these selfish
yearnings and hostility by
purifying the heart.

2. Confucianism
- I want to know what - I learned that, the teachings of
- propagated by Confucius happened to the teaching of Confucius advocate stability by
- Mostly found in China and Confucius. organizing the society and
Korea. - I also want to know the places more emphasis on the
important core value. common good and welfare of all
through interdependence.
- The most important core value
in Chinese business practice is
interpersonal relationships built
on trust and reciprocity.
3. Christianity
- I want to know what is the - I learned that the Ethics in
- 10 commandments ethics in Christianity Christianity is three-fold first,
- Christian bible is the main - I also want to know the 3 main the values propagated in
guide branch of Christianity.
Christian belief are based on the
- Believe in God who created
the universe. Christian Scriptures. Second,
behavior is related to the
behavior of Christian prophets.
Third, ethics is based on the
standards of behavior taught by
- the three main branches of
Christianity are the Catholic, the
Orthodox, and the Protestant

4. Islam
- I want to know who is Allah - I learned that Allah is the
- They believed to Allah - I also want to know their Almighty God who is the creator
- their holy book or the main Islamic ethics of the universe. He is the source
guide is called Quran of good and evil and whatever
happens to humans is His will.
Allah is considered powerful
and strict and whoever believes
in Allah is his servant.
- Islamic ethics is governed by
freedom, responsibility, and
honesty. Gambling is restricted
among Muslims.

5. Hinduism
- I want to know how they value - I learned that Hindus value
- they believe in Karma commitment to work commitment to work and they
- they worship Brahman, the - I also want to know what are held accountable for results.
source of ultimate oneness karma means to them. They are dedicated workers.
- they also believe that the They also protect the interest of
present life is brought by past the organization where they
- for Hindus karma is a term for
an act or deed, whether good or
bad, which may result in either
happiness or misfortune. It can
also be described as cause and
effect, or “what you sow, you
6. Judaism
- I want to know what are the 3 - I learned that
- they believed that to to group of Jews.
acquire wealth - I also want to know the core
through profit in business is values of Jewish.
wrong because it leads to envy
or greed
- they also believe that a person
should have the things needed
for survival and happiness.


1. Susan should not quit her job. First and foremost, Susan is a great and multi-talented worker, she also
has been on top when she was on training. She definitely deserves the spotlight that she has. There is
nothing wrong from being different, skills do not have gender as well as race. Susan should not listen on
what others will say against her, she must continue her job as long as she does not aggrieve anyone. Just
let them say what they want to say, haters going to hate.

2. I strongly disagree to her co-worker’s evaluation against her. They do not have the right to belittle
someone’s capability and qualification. Specially, if they are only basing on his/her gender and skin
color. Degrading someone does not make you a better person, everyone deserves to be respected no
matter who or what they are and where they are come from. Each of us are fighting our own battle in
life, we should be more considerate and open-minded to understand them.

3. Instead confronting her co-workers, Susan should consult her supervisor to avoid much conflict. Her
supervisor can also help her to decide on what she needs to do and s/he can encourage Susan to
continue working despite of what other people will think against her. The supervisor is the one who can
validate and assure everyone that Susan is qualified to her position because of her potential and skills.

4. I think Susan should improve her self-confidence so she would not doubt her capabilities. She needs
to have peace of mind and avoid overthinking on the things that are not important at all. Susan should
trust herself more because she deserves what she has, no matter what other people mat say against
LEARNING TASK 4. Find the Similarities


Though hast made us for Should a seeker not find an It does matter how slowly you
thyself, O Lord, and our heart is companion who is better or go, as long as you do not stop.
restless until it finds its rest in equal, let them resolutely
thee. pursue a solitary course.
To have faith in Christ means Give, even if you only have a When anger rises, think of the
trying to do all that He say. little. consequences.
God is the most glorified in us May all being have a happy Faced with what is right, to
when we are most satisfied in mind. leave it undone shows lack of
him. courage.
Rejection is an opportunity for A disciplined mind brings Do not impose on to others
your selection. happiness . what you yourself do not desire.
It is pride which has been the Let none find fault with others; Our greatest glory is not in
chief cause if misery in every let none see the omissions and never falling but in rising every
nation and family since the commissions of others. But let time we fall.
world began. one see one’s own acts, done
and undone.


1. For me, the suspension was fair, Jose was right when he said that Carlito’s excuse was not justifiable
for being absent. Carlito should have thought of different ways in order to go to his work.

2. Based on the context, Jose did act responsibly. He just did what was right and appropriate, it is his job
to monitor his people’s attendance and to warned them as a supervisor. If he notices that an employee
did not do his/her job well, then s/he deserve the disciplinary action from the supervisor or from anyone
that is superior.

3. Jose was fair to his actions, he did give a written and verbal warning to his employee several times.
Carlito should have look for another babysitter and did not wait for those warning from his supervisor.
Therefore, the suspension that Jose gave to Carlito was appropriate.

4. I think there are alternative job for working mothers specially for those who needs to stay at home. In
today’s generation, many jobs online have been started due to the pandemic and it is called “work from
home”. This kind of job is really suitable for those parents that needs to be at home to guide their young


There are times that we really need to lie, especially if it will bring positive outcome. We
sometimes lie for the sake of ourselves but we do not notice that it has a negative effect to our
personality. As long as we continue this kind of act, we tend to do it as if it is natural to us. I have
realized that everything that comes from bad deed will definitely end to negative situation. If you have
gain something from what you did, then you do not deserve it.



- If you believe in Jesus and - Each person is responsible for - Without human relationship,
repent of your sins- you will be following the 8-fold path on their there would be no self.
forgiven. own. - envisions the grand the grand
- Take care of those who cannot -the ability to see and feel from harmony of human relationship,
take care of themselves. another’s point of view must and this vision is emphasized by
lead to action. the doctrine of the Five Constant

“ Golden Rule”
Christianity – “Do unto other as you would have them do unto you”

Buddhism – “Hurt not other with that which hurts yourself”

Confucianism – “Do not impose on others what you do not yourself desire”


What I Liked Most About the What I Need to Improve in What I Want to Learn
Lesson? Understanding the Lesson? Connected to the Lesson?

1. what I liked the most in this 1. I need to improve in 1. I want to learn connected
topic was that I am able to understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the history of
think deeply or have a chance rational thinking. business itself.
to reflect to some things and
given situation.
2. I need to improve in 2. I want to learn connected
2. what I liked the most in this understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the other
topic was the idea of reflecting focus, because lately I noticed philosophers who have a
for every side a situation. that I am out of focus. contribution to the history of
3. what I liked the most in this 3. I need to improve in 3. I want to learn connected
topic was that I was able to understanding the lesson is my to the lesson is the ideas they
know those important people knowledge about ethics. gave that are still present to
that had a big contribution to the business world.h
the business history and ethics.


Beliefs System and Ethics

ACTIVITY 1. Pre Test

1. F

2. T

3. T

4. T

5. T


1. Value

2. Hospitality

3. Bahala na

4. Damdamin

5. God-fearing

6. Pakikipag-kapwa

7. Hospitality

8. Family Orientation

9. Debt of Gratitude

10. Respect to elders



1. The three Filipino values that I like most to discuss are Hospitality, Pakikipagkapwa, and Respect for

2. These values that I choose can really help me even in business world. We all know that Filipinos are
known for being hospitable especially to those tourist or foreign people who visits the country. Likewise,
“pakikipagkapwa” is really needed in business world because we need to adjust and adapt our
surrounding and to the people around us. Moreover, respecting elders shows the value of being
courteous and respectful and it is badly needed in the business world.

3. These Filipino values are positive as applied in business practices because it encourages many people
especially those foreign business people because they like for being hospitable and grateful.

4. Yes, utang na loob or debt of gratitude” have a positive impact in business practices . Because if
everyone shows “utang na loob”, no one will be left behind. Each in every people will reach their goal

5. Filipino values that I think will help me succeed economically is ‘pakikipagkapwa’. “Pakikipagkapwa” is
really needed in business world because we need to adjust and adapt our surrounding and to the people
around us.


1. Hospitality / Hospitality is more like being friendly, it can
help us to cope up with others.
2. Debt of Gratitude / This value shows that a person appreciate
what others do for them, so they do the
same way.
3. Family Orientation / Filipinos to uplift from misery because family
is the one who loves and guides us.
4. Bahala na / This kind of act from Filipinos is not helping
in any ways. It just let Filipinos to trust in
chance even they can do better.
5. Pakikipag kapwa / “Pagkikipagkapwa” is really a great value
that Filipinos have. It just shows that we can
easily adapt and adjust to what is new.



The three Filipino values that I like most to discuss are Hospitality, Pakikipagkapwa, and Respect
for elders. These values that I choose can really help me even in business world. We all know that
Filipinos are known for being hospitable especially to those tourist or foreign people who visits the
country. Likewise, “pakikipagkapwa” is really needed in business world because we need to adjust and
adapt our surrounding and to the people around us. Moreover, respecting elders shows the value of
being courteous and respectful and it is badly needed in the business world. These Filipino values are
positive as applied in business practices because it encourages many people especially those foreign
business people because they like for being hospitable and grateful.

WEEK 7-8



1. True

2. Strong family ties

3. True

4. True

5. True



- also known as “Bahala na” - I want to know if this can be - I have learned that fatalism
-it is the tendency to surrender helpful in to us. can sometimes be helpful in
future to fate. adversity, but it can also keep
- it is an attitude of “what goes us from finding ways out of the
around, comes around” or situation.
“come what may”

Crab Mentality
- it involves pulling down - I want to know if getting rid of - the crab mentality is a bad
anyone who achieves or is this mentality may lead to habit that hinders a person’s
about to achieve success success. growth, and awareness is the
greater than yours. first step. Getting rid of it means
- people tend to possess this to act in consideration of the
trait especially when they are people involved in his team,
insecure. allies, and countrymen.

- Filipinos tend to be - I want to know why being too - Some Filipinos are too
complacent and there rarely is a complacent is one of the reason complacent with the
sense of urgency about any why it is hard for the Philippines incompetence and mediocrity
problem to succeed. around them, commonly known
as “bahala na” trait where one
leaves everything to chance
under the pretext of trusting on
people who have higher
position who can solve the

Shame or “Hiya”
- means shyness, timidity, and - I want to know why or when - It occurs I many instances,
embarrassment “hiya” occurs such as not being able to pay a
- also related to ‘pride’ and is bill, provide for one’s family, or
connected to self-esteem or being generally unreliable.

Don’t be Caught” Attitude

- being uncooperative, negative - I want to know what kind of - I have learned that this
or harmful attitude is this attitude describes as aggressive,
arrogant, dishonest, envious,
and selfish

- it pertains to the process of - I want to know if there are - I have learned that a person
arranging something into a types of rationalization. who is not in the mood or
logical sound system. general rudeness by claiming
that lac of signal impacted.

LEARNING TASK 3. Picture Analysis

1. If there is no attention paying off, the brain fails to prioritize information and the student will be
unable to apply concept learned in school. Students who do not pay attention are not necessarily
disruptive and you should weigh up the benefits of interceding before acting. If you decide you would
like to increase a student’s attentiveness it is good idea to try to make an eye contact with them. You
may also find that students are suddenly more attentive if you ask them a question, if you explicitly
relate the topic to assessment or keep them active.

2. This picture shows that teachers who spend their time in class by telling his or her life story can affect
the whole. Because instead of discussing the lesson, they rather tell their experiences throughout their
journey. Although, most of the time the best story that came from these teachers inspire and motivate
their student to keep chasing their goals.
LEARNING TASK 4. Find the Similarities

1. Fatalism

is an attitude of “what goes around, comes around” or “come what may”. Fatalism can
sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can also keep us from finding ways out of the situation.

2. Crab Mentality

people tend to possess this trait especially when they are insecure. Crab mentality is a bad habit
that hinders a person’s growth, and awareness is the first step. Getting rid of it means to act in
consideration of the people involved in his team, allies, and countrymen.

3. Complacency

Some Filipinos are too complacent with the incompetence and mediocrity around them,
commonly known as “bahala na” trait where one leaves everything to chance under the pretext of
trusting on people who have higher position who can solve the problem.

4. Shame or “Hiya”

It means shyness, timidity, and embarrassment. Also related to ‘pride’ and to self-esteem or
self-image. It occurs in many instances, such as not being able to pay a bill, provide for one’s family, or
being generally unreliable.

5. “Don’t be Caught” Attitude

This attitude describes as aggressive, arrogant, dishonest, envious, and selfish

6. Rationalization

It pertains to the process of arranging something into a logical sound system.

Negative Filipino Value 1 Negative Filipino Value 2

Fatalism Crab Mentality

It will affect the entire organization because it is Crab Mentality will affect the entire organization
an attitude of “what goes around, comes Because it is a bad habit that hinders a person’s
around” or “come what may”. A worker who has growth, and awareness is the first step. Getting
this kind of trait will have ingrained to his/her rid of it means to act in consideration of the
mind that there is nothing worth fighting for and people involved in his team, allies, and
living for. I have learned that fatalism can countrymen. It involves pulling down anyone
sometimes be helpful in adversity, but it can also who achieves or is about to achieve success
keep us from finding ways out of the situation. greater than yours.

LEARNING TASK 5. Illustrate

Illustration 1

Explanation 1

Strong Family Ties

The family is important and Filipinos are motivated by the fact that their personal success will
support their families as well. Filipino family loves to do everything together, especially when
there a big event that is set by the family like marriage, birthday and even in feast.

Illustration 2

Explanation 2
Occupational Excellence

Filipinos exert best efforts to succeed in their respective occupations. Working overtime is a
popular concept in the Filipino Work Culture. Many workers do not mind working after business
hours because they know it help add value to the work they do. Despite having their own heavy
workload, Filipinos will offer assistance to their colleagues in order to help the team as a whole.

Occupational Excellence

It is a common statement from foreign employers that the work ethics and dedication of Filipino
workers are top notch and unmatched. Filipinos exert best efforts to succeed in their respective
occupations. Working overtime is a popular concept in the Filipino Work Culture. Many workers do not
mind working after business hours because they know it help add value to the work they do. Despite
having their own heavy workload, Filipinos will offer assistance to their colleagues in order to help the
team as a whole.

It is clear that Filipinos have carve out a unique place in the international market as high performing,
high sought after employees. Their strong moral code, along with family values and ethical workplace
practices has solidified their place as trustworthy and hardworking employees.

LEARNING TASK 7. Global Issues

1. Can giving of favours of pharmaceutical companies to doctors be stopped? Why or why not?

I believed that there’s still a chance to stop this unethical behavior of some pharmaceutical
companies. The doctors need to cooperate and reject those corrupted offers by pharmaceutical
company. Because this kind of act was really unethical, it is so biased and does not follow the standard
of being an ethical one. This kind of problem lead our economy to misery, we should be fair to everyone
and avoid taking advantage just to be on top. For me, a real winner was the one who gave his/her best
and fight with all his/her will without committing a dirty job and does not aggrieved anyone.

2. Do you think this is really unethical? Why do you say so?

I can say that this kind of act was really unethical. Because they are misleading their customers
by their advertisement, they also making false claims by using the doctor’s prescription, and this leads to
customer service failure. These three (3) reasons are all under the list of unethical business practices.
The company should avoid such unethical behaviors because this might destroy their reputation and
may lead to bad business. Moreover, the continues act of unethical practices might bring the manager
to imprisonment.


What I Liked Most About the What I Need to Improve in What I Want to Learn
Lesson? Understanding the Lesson? Connected to the Lesson?

1. what I liked the most in this 1. I need to improve in 1. I want to learn how I can
topic was that I am able to understanding the lesson is my apply these Filipino positive
know about Positive Filipino rational thinking. traits to others.

2. what I liked the most in this 2. I need to improve in 2. I want to learn connected to
topic was the idea of Filipino understanding the lesson is my the lesson is the other Filipino
Work Values. focus, because lately I noticed work ethics that have
that I am out of focus. contributed to the history of
3. what I liked the most in this business.
topic was that I was able to 3. I need to improve in 3. I want to learn connected to
know those important values understanding the lesson is my the lesson is the ideas it gave
and traits of Filipinos that had a knowledge about Filipinos that are still present to the
big contribution to the business values and traits. business world.
history and ethics.








As an ABM of Kapayapaan Integrated School , cite an example as how are you going to uphold or show
this value to your parents, teachers, friends, or classmates. Provide a sample scenario as detailed as
possible where you will practice this KIS value, minimum 5 and maximum 8 sentences.

Start here :

There are values that I am proud and will surely uphold are Hospitality, Pakikipagkapwa, and
Respect for elders. These values that I choose can really help me even in as a student and in my
future business life. We all know that Filipinos are known for being hospitable especially to those
tourist or foreign people who visits the country. Likewise, “pakikipagkapwa” is really needed in
business world because we need to adjust and adapt our surrounding and to the people around us.
Moreover, respecting elders shows the value of being courteous and respectful and it is badly
needed in the business world. These Filipino values are positive as applied in business practices
because it encourages many people especially those foreign business people because they like for
being hospitable and grateful.
LEAP 1 Responsibilities and Accountabilities of entrepreneurs








1. Corporate Social Responsibility

2. Responsibility

3. Accountable

4. Corporate Social Responsibility

5. Accountability


A. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

a person’s obligation to think about the effects of his decisions and actions on the whole social
system. It also refers to the approach that an organization takes in assessing its responsibilities toward
different stakeholders when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions.

B. Responsibility

C. Accountability

Being accountable not only means being responsible for something but as well as being liable
for every decision made.


a. Employees

it is organization’s responsibility to employees to give the right treatment that they deserve.
Also, they must receive the exact amount of payment that they work for. An organization must ensure
that employees are happy and satisfied with their jobs.
b. Suppliers

a supplier is the person who provides a high-quality product from a manufacturer so the
organization’s responsibility to them is to give loyalty and be fair to them. Companies also should inform
any changes in the business or in the market, coordinate future developments, and promote healthy

c. Creditors

it is organization’s responsibility to creditors to give the right amount of payment that are due.
They have the right to collect collateral if there is a default on the debtor’s debt. Every business or
company must strictly follow the loans agreement, ensure business ethics are being practiced, proper
utilization of loans, and ensure regular payment of any financial accountabilities

d. Consumers

Supplying quality goods or services for consumers are very important. It is the business’
responsibility to ensure that the product or service they provide for the consumers has better quality. It
is also their responsibility to ensure that after sales service is being provided to the consumers based on
the nature of a product or service.

e. Investors

treat them in a fair, ethical, and respectful manner and also give them a competent and
courteous service at fair price

f. General Public

the responsibility for general public involves reducing danger, protecting the environment, and
developing the quality of the workforce.


Think of at least 3 companies in your locality and cite at least 3 examples of their practiced CSR

1. Nestle Philippines

Committed to helping in community and nation building through programs that help the underprivileged
members of society.

a. Agronomy Assistance – their organization has been helping coffee farmers in different parts of
the country through imparting knowledge on how they can improve their crops.
b. Education and Manpower Development – Nestle conducts a “Technical Skills Scholarship
Program” which is a two-year program that combines theoretical and hands-on training. This is
implemented in cooperation with Don Bosco College in Canlubang, Laguna. They also have an
advocacy that offers practical and theoretical training to selected students which is the “
Donate-a-Classroom Program”. Furthermore, Nestle also conducts a program called “Academic
linkage Program” that provides training to selected students from educational students.
c. Community development - Nestle develop programs which are relevant to the needs of the
communities where it operates.
d. Health and Nutrition – Nestle is an advocate for good health and proper nutrition that is why it
conducts feeding programs and medical missions in the areas where it operates.
e. Environmental Protection and Preservation

2. San Miguel Corporation

San Miguel Focuses on empowering communities and reaching out to unprivileged sectors of the

a. Education – it covers not only the granting of scholarships but also the improvement of the
quality education through programs that benefits public schools and educators.
b. Health and Nutrition – through their community clinics and medical missions, they continue to
provide their host community’s better access of healthcare services.
c. Environment
d. Housing Rehabilitation

3. Shell community

a. Raising industry and community safety standards

b. Corporate Social Responsibility

c. Developing the youth


1. A local multi-million
company also focuses Because the company
on bettering the lives / did not just focus on
of their employees and their profit but also
those in surrounding focuses on their
communities. employees welfare.
2. A giant food chain
corporation provides Because the company
housing to families / also focuses on their
who have to travel in employee’s welfare not
order to receive care just on their profit or
for their children. future income.
3. SM established a
foundation to provide Because the company
the less privileged did not just focus on
members of the society / their profit but also
assistance like giving focuses on their
donations to charitable employees welfare.
4. Scholarship grants Because they chance to
are provided by Metro- / those student who
bank Corporation. cannot afford the
education they need.
5. Relief operations
conducted by Cebu / Because they help
Pacific those in need.

1. Do you believe that the majority of today’s companies are not sincere in their CSR? Why or why not?

In my opinion, there are company that are sincere when they are initiating CRS. They still do the
approach where in an organization takes in assessing its responsibilities toward different stakeholders
when making legal, economic, ethical, and social decisions.

2. Do you agree that startup businesses must also actively participate in CSR?

Getting your business off the ground is daunting enough, so spending company’s time picking up
trash in the park while wearing a matching shirts (an outdated form of CSR) may not seem like the most
profitable use if time. On the contrary, Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) initiatives can be invaluable
to startups, those managing/working at a startup needs to realize why they should incorporate CSR into
their business plans early on.

Engaging in CSR in your early stages shows that your company cares, not just about the profit,
but also to your community. A startup business/company should build some better relationships, have
leverage to their marketing and image, boost their employee’s morale, keep their investors happy and
lastly, make the world a better place.

3. Why do you think CSR is important in every business?

Corporate Social Responsibility (CRS) demonstrates that you are a business that takes an
interest in wider social issues, rather than those that impact the profit margins, which will attract
customers who share the same values. Being a social responsible company can bolster a company’s
image and build its brand. Therefore, it makes good business sense to operate sustainably.








1. A

2. B

3. C

4. D

5. E

6. F

7. H

8. G

9. I

10. J


Make a concept map (visual representations of information) of ethical dilemma and then come up with
your own definition of term.

Non- ETHICAL Unfair

respect of competition
agreement DILLEMMAS

Customer Environ-
relations degradation


Personnel relations – refers to the organization’s effort in creating and maintaining a positive
relationship with the personnel.

Non-respect of agreement – A legal agreement clause in a contract between employer and employee
where the employee binds not to enter into a competition with an employer after the employment
period is ended.

Customer relations – describes the way the company engages their customers.

Fairness – is involved with actions, activities, and outcomes that are morally right, good and equitable.

Environmental degradation – the worsening of the environment through reduction of resources such as
air, water, and soil

Unfair competition – arises when another business advances a competitive advantage through
fraudulent, unfair, or unethical commercial conduct.

Fraud – A condition in which a tough choice must be made between two courses of action.

Fair working conditions – Companies shall give fair pay to employees and provide a fair working
condition to all employees.

List down at least five ethical dilemmas that a company faces. Rank and arrange them from 1 to 5 with 1
as the most ethical issue and 5 as the least ethical issue

1. Accounting Practices

This is one of the ‘classic’ ethical issues in business and comes along with some very serious legal
implications as well. Manipulating business’s financial data to make the company look more successful
(also known as “cooking the books”) is the most well-known form of accounting misconduct.

2. Social Media

One of the most current ethical issues in business is the question of employee’s personal
behavior on social media outside of work hours. Granted, there is still quite a large gray area od
situations that may or may not make it ethically justifiable to fire an employee for their social media

3. Discrimination

Discrimination in the workplace is essentially any aspect about the job itself or the duties related
to it which are treated differently with respect. Ensuring diversity and actively preventing discrimination
are critical aspects of resolving ethical dilemmas in business.

4. Health and Safety

There are few ethical problems in business that are more serious than the health and safety of
the employees and customers. Besides the obvious ethical implications of people getting hurt or sick
while working for your business, there is also the huge risk to your business’s financial stability and

5. Privacy/ Technology

These days it will be hard-pressed to find anyone who does not have some sensitive data stored
digitally including the employee. The ethical issues have less to do with how your employees conduct
themselves on company computers, smartphones, and tablets. The ethics come into play when you
decisde how exactly to implement it.


1. The issue of It is an example of
minimum wage in the / ethical dilemmas under
Philippines “Fair working
conditions” wherein a
company shall give fair
pay to employees and
provide a fair working
condition to all
2. Ethics of labor It is an example of
contractualization / ethical dilemmas under
“Fairness” that is
involved with actions,
activities, and
outcomes that are
morally right, good and

3. The issue of just / It is an example of

wage ethical dilemmas under
“Fair working
conditions” wherein a
company shall give fair
pay to employees and
provide a fair working
condition to all
4. The right to form It is an example of
union and strike / ethical dilemmas under
“Personnel relations”
that refers to the
organization’s effort in
creating and
maintaining a positive
relationship with the

5. Fiduciary duty of It is an example of

employee / ethical dilemmas under
“Fairness” that is
involved with actions,
activities, and
outcomes that are
morally right, good and


1. D

2. C

3. D

4. A
5. B


I understand that companies are facing different types of ethical issues. The common ethical
issues faced by most companies with omission intended to result for personal gain. Ethical dilemmas are
extremely complicated challenges that cannot be easily solved. Therefore, the ability to find optimal
solution in such situation is critical to everyone. Every person may encounter an ethical dilemma in
almost every aspect of their life, including personal, social, and professional.

I realize that the the ethical issues have less to do with how your employees conduct themselves
on company computers, smartphones, and tablets. The ethics come into play when you decide how
exactly to implement it. Furthermore, it come to my mind that the biggest challenge of an ethical
dilemma is that it does not offer an obvious solution that would comply with ethical norms.

I need to learn more about how a company differentiate the dilemmas that they have faced.
Likewise, I wanted to know their strategies and plan in order to cope to the said dilemmas.

Business Beyond Profit Motivation

1. Environmental degradation
2. Unfair competition
3. Fraud
4. Fair working conditions
5. Ethical dilemma

1. Social Entrepreneurship is the process of recognizing and resourcefully pursuing opportunities to
create a social value. It encompasses the activities and processes undertaken to discover and define
opportunities in order to develop social wealth by creating new ventures and making the existing
organizations in an innovative manner. A social entrepreneur is interested in starting a business for the
greater social good and not just to pursue the profits. They combine commerce and social issues in a
way that improves the lives of people connected to the cause.

2. Some of the social problems in entrepreneurship are global climate change, environmental concerns
such as pollution, worker health and safety, child labor, and safety workplace practices. There are large
number of social responsibility issues in today’s business world. Each organization must identify the
concerns that are relevant to is operation.

1. three social problems that affect the business world
a. Environmental concerns
Almost every business, large or small, uses toxic chemicals of some sort. For example, a new
factory might be built on cleared forest land or a wetland that has been drained to recover usable
property. The businesses raw materials also impact ecosystem, often directly.

b. Worker Health and Safety

Abusive workplace practices are considered by many to be one of the most serious categories of
social problems in business, and are major challenge to businesses that want to conduct themselves
with grater social responsibility.

c. Climate Change
Human activities are dumping billions tons of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gasses into
the atmosphere. These pollutions are altering the earth’s climate in significant ways, a process
sometimes referred to as global warming. Businesses are one of the major source of such pollution, both
directly by burning fuels and emitting greenhouse gasses.

2. Pick one social problem and propose actions that entrepreneurs can take to solve this social problem

Environmental concerns
Companies may choose to utilize wind and solar power as an alternative to fossils fuels as a
means of lowering their carbon footprint. Firms may require suppliers to document working conditions
at their facilities, and may even actively conduct site audits to ensure compliance with local laws as well
as with corporate policies. These are some actions that a company should implement, while others
embrace a more comprehensive approach that seeks to minimize undesirable societal impact. Always
keep in mind that a desire to do good is an important first step. Together with clear, corporate policies
regarding social issues and program to actively document changes at your facilities, as well as in a simple
chain, can help ensure that a company’s good intentions are translated into effective actions that can
help lead to a cleaner, safer and successful world.

1. Social entrepreneurs are
concerned with improving the /
condition of the community.

2. Social entrepreneurs call for

public awareness and support /
regarding the programs and
activities of social
3. All businesses in the
Philippines are highly
encouraged to adopt the main /
principles of social

4. A social entrepreneur may

not necessarily be for profit. /

5. A traditional business is
essentially a profit-maximize. /

Entreprenuerial Entrepreneurial
thinking combimes
thinking challenges thinking practices
creativity with market
traditon humility

thinking is big, it is
embraces risk and
needed more today
than ever before

If you were an entrepreneur, what social problem would you like to solve? Propose a solution to the
social problem that you chose to solve and explain how your business can help solve it

Environmental concerns/ Global climate change

Companies may choose to utilize wind and solar power as an alternative to fossils fuels as a
means of lowering their carbon footprint. Firms may require suppliers to document working conditions
at their facilities, and may even actively conduct site audits to ensure compliance with local laws as well
as with corporate policies. These are some actions that a company should implement, while others
embrace a more comprehensive approach that seeks to minimize undesirable societal impact. Always
keep in mind that a desire to do good is an important first step. Together with clear, corporate policies
regarding social issues and program to actively document changes at your facilities, as well as in a simple
chain, can help ensure that a company’s good intentions are translated into effective actions that can
help lead to a cleaner, safer and successful world.


I understand that an Entrepreneur is the who is responsible for creating quality products or services, and
ensuring not to pollute the environment by disposing their waste properly. It is their job to pay the
correct amount of taxes to the government, and being fair with their suppliers by paying them on time
as they both agreed. Likewise, I understand that Social Entrepreneurship is the process of recognizing
and resourcefully pursuing opportunities to create a social value. It encompasses the activities and
processes undertaken to discover and define opportunities in order to develop social wealth by creating
new ventures and making the existing organizations in an innovative manner. A social entrepreneur is
interested in starting a business for the greater social good and not just to pursue the profits.
I realize that there are large number of social responsibility issues in today’s business world. Each
organization must identify the concerns that are relevant to is operation. Some of the social problems in
entrepreneurship are global climate change, environmental concerns such as pollution, worker health
and safety, child labor, and safety workplace practices. We should also involve ourselves in solving such
problem, it can help our economy to grow faster and our ecosystem to become better.

I need to learn more about being able to give the best solution to a social problem. Moreover, I want to
learn about the strategies, if there are, that are useful to create better economy.
WEEK 5-8


1. Social Entrepreneurship

2. Social Problem

3. Social Problem

4. Social Entrepreneurship

5. Social Problem


1. What is your understanding about sound business?

Sound business refers to the practice of ensuring the receipt of a favorable price based on a
scope of work and adhering to Code of Conduct to avoid violating public bid laws.

2. How do you define leadership?

In my opinion, leadership pertains to a process of social influence that maximizes the efforts of
others. It is the ability of a person or individual to create a connection and guide his/her followers or the
members of their organization. A leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who
motivate people to move toward that better vision.



1. Hazardous material risk

2. Location risk

3. alcohol and drug abuse

4. Power outage

5. Strategy risk



a. Vulnerable
-vulnerability is crucial in team dynamics: without being able to speak openly, it is impossible for
team to build trust. (Lencioni)

b. Committed

-staying committed to the team’s initiatives means creating an atmosphere where conflict is
welcomed, not feared, because differing perspective help to shape a clear goal.

c. Team effort

-consistent reassessment and realignment of team goals are the way to achieve the best results.

d. Reward effort

-the reward motivates people to achieve more and helps to build a company loyalty.


A sound business idea is an economic opportunity which is within the reach of the enterprise
and which could provide a desirable value.


- sets the objectives,
policies, values,
culture, and

ENVIRONMENT - they are the
- refers to the
elimination if waste
CSR shareholders,
suppliers, and
and emissions. customers of the
- refers to the
company's strategies
that is ethical, and
benificial to the


Long term
towards a
Sincerity Goal

Make desirable
social changes

of social
Market Sustainability

business and
soceity Ethics Responsibility


I understand that sound business refers to the practice of ensuring the receipt of a favorable price based
on a scope of work and adhering to Code of Conduct to avoid violating public bid laws.

I realize that a leader is someone who can see how things can be improved and who motivate people to
move toward that better vision.

I need to learn more about sound business and the right way it can be done.

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