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Social Media and Mobile Technology for

Communication Campaigns
For BA in Communication

Far Eastern University, Manila

By Luis G. Recto, MA

Consultation Schedule: Saturdays, 7pm onwards

Email: or

Today’s Agenda
September 4, 2021

Agenda What are we going to do? How long will this take? Is this graded?

between SM and 30 mins. NO

The strat problem 30 mins. NO

Activity Breakout rooms! 30 mins. HMMM.

Leave behind “May alam, may pakialam.” 30 mins. HMMMMM.

Learning Objectives

1. To know what a social media communication campaign is

2. To know what a mobile technology communication campaign is

3. To understand what counts as a strategy and what doesn’t

Differentiating Between Social Media and Mobile Technology
for Communication Campaigns
What comes in mind when we hear the word CAMPAIGN?

• Advocacy
• Strategy

• Promotion
• Techniques

• Goal/s
• Influencers

• Organized
• Politics

• Execution
• Branding

• Product
• Movement

• Awareness
• Change

• Increase Sales
• Public Image

• Iniative
• Selling the subject
• Social Media

• Persuasion

• Publicity

• Target Audience

Honestly, there are a plethora of terms that can be connected to the word “campaign”
because its encompassing definition.
Okay… but what is a campaign… a marketing campaign to be exact?

A marketing campaign, is a long-term approach to promote a product or service through multiple mediums. It

typically has one goal, which tends to be to an increase sales of a specific product.

However, marketing campaigns don’t only have to revolve around one product; it can also have a goal to improve

the image of an entire brand or company.

How to Tell If a Campaign is Really a… CAMPAIGN?
Oh you mean examples?

• Long term approach?

• Promote a product?

• Increase sales?
Pwede other examples? Di ko pa rin gets.
Oks. That’s what I’m here for.

• Long term

• Promote a

• Increase
When is it a social media campaign?
But we need to understand first what it is.

A social media campaign is a coordinated marketing effort to reinforce or assist with a business goal using one or

more social media platforms.

Campaigns differ from everyday social media efforts because of their increased focus, targeting and measurability.

… and when is it a mobile campaign?
But we need to understand first what it is.

A mobile marketing campaign is a campaign that is used for businesses and organisations to make contact with their

audience through a varying amount of channels, such as; mobile messaging (SMS), mobile ads, and mobile apps. 

We get the social media campaign part… but we need to see mobile campaigns too!
Hokie doks!
What’s the diff?


• Both are marketing promotions devices

• Part of an overarching marketing campaign

• They are time-bound

Points of Sameness • Usually has one objectives or a combination of objectives

• Promotes a product or brand

• Has a target group

• Measurable

• Social media driven

• Mobile-device driven - smartphone or tablets

• Usually leverages on the power of • Usually leverages on mobile capabilities like

Points of Difference content
wifi connectivity, geolocation and even SMS

• Seeks to create conversations on social • Apps and superapps usually do mobile

platforms campaigns
Why do both kinds of campaigns matter?

Because whether that’s social media or mobile campaigns, you are able to reach audiences that is targeted
to you and for you. These people are more likely to buy your products too!

This is not something that the legacy media - TV, Radio, Print can do.

These two kinds of marketings are also measurable hence you are able to understand your target group’s
pain and passion points in life.
The Strategy Problem
Do you have a strategy?

1. A strat that highlights WHAT you’re trying to


2. HOW it’s going to be accomplished

3. HOW you’ll measure success

If not, then you have a PROBLEM.

Well… I actually have these:

A Facebook Strategy or an Instagram Strategy or a Tiktok strategy is

NOT a strategy - these are channels.
Oh but I have… posts!

These are not strategies too. These are executions.

But when you begin to ask yourself:
Who are my audiences?

What are their behaviors?

How will I reach them?

How do I know which social media to use?

What mobile capabilities will I use?

How do I know it’ll work?

Then you are already being STRATEGIC.

Got it. So… what is a strategy?

A strategy is a PLAN.

It is a singular overarching principle that maps how you want to approach your campaign - what’s
the key message, what would the platforms be, what will I talk about, how is it going to be measured?

These are the moving parts of a strategy.

Can we skip doing it coz it sounds tedious.

Without a strategy in place you risk yourself of not having a robust

backbone for your campaign.

Without a strategy, you’re entire campaign becomes a mere tactic.

Cool. We’ll just agree that we have it then!

Effective marketing campaigns starts with a

strong strategy.

It should be documented and not verbally

Sheesh. Kaloka.

The lack of strategy leads to other campaign problems - such as the inability
to recognize what you’re trying to achieve, what you want to communicate,
who you want to communicate, how long will you communicate, how you
ultimately measure success.
How do we know if we’re being strategic?

The shiny object syndrome.

You give focus on fads, channels, technology.

This is looking and doing at/a single tactic that is

usually worthless because it doesn’t provide you
with the results that you want from your campaign.
Test your strategic skills!
1. I will group you randomly via breakout rooms here in MS teams

2. Pick a brand of your choice on social media - no limits! You can go beyond Facebook!

3. Select a campaign post

4. From this post answer the following:

• Target market: who is the post intended to?

• Key message: what is the campaign trying to communicate?

• Channel: Why did the brand chose that channel to communicate their campaign?

5. Each group is given 10 minutes to do items 2-3. No need to deck this. :)

6. Present to the class within 5 minutes your findings

Leave Behind
Next meeting:
1. Discuss how to find the business strategy

2. I need everyone to have a take on the DepComm’s mantra of “May alam, may pakialam.”. Some guide questions to have:

• “How do I personally feel about this?”

• “What value does this bring to the department?”

• “Is this something that we can blow up on social media or mobile as campaign?”

3. I’ll randomly call 5 students to share their thoughts on this. No right or wrong answers, so relax! :)
Thanks for today!

Hindi trabaho ng presidente na i-audit ang other government agencies. :)

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