AAO Handbook

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North America International School

教学部 Academic Department


序 Preface

NAIS Academic Affairs Office (AAO) aims to help students be fully prepared for overseas
study, to make sure that our students can cope with challenges of language, challenges of
academic, life and cultural differences in western countries, and to help students get admitted
into their dream universities. Academic Principal, The Director of AAO and all teachers work
together in order to create a bilingual environment in which a love of knowledge is promoted,
the disciplinary expertise is appreciated, and students are highly motivated to reach high
academic and personal objectives.

上海诺美学校教学部 (AAO)旨在帮助学生为出国留学做好充分准备,确保学生能够应
学。 教学部主任和全体教师努力营造一个双语的环境,在这里,学生们对知识充满了

In order to achieve AAO goal, Academic Affairs Office Handbook is a guideline for both the
director of AAO and teachers. It clarifies the goal of the department, timeline, School System
operations and Daily operations.


部门目标 Department Goal
GPA TOEFL Academic Competitions Goal

5 AP above 5, SAT above enroll in Ivy league

1-3 4 Above 115 1550, Scores of international universities or Oxford,
academic competitions Cambridge

enroll in top 30 American

universities or
10% 3.8 Above 110 4 AP above 4.5
universities at the same
rank in other countries

enroll in top 50 American

Scores of international universities or
50% 3.5 Above 100
academic competitions universities at the same
rank in other countries

enroll in top 100

Scores of international American universities or
100% 3 Above 85
academic competitions universities at the same
rank in other countries

Departments Language College Counseling
Affairs Academic Affairs Office
in charge Center Department
年度大事记 Annual Time Line

月份 目标
Month Objective

七月-八月 Summer Programs and Summer Camp 夏季项目和夏令营


八月 Orientation Week & School Opening Ceremony 培训周&开学典礼


九月  National Holiday Homework Preparation 国庆节假期作业准备

September  Board Distributions and Decoration 展板设计和布置
 Classroom Decoration 教室布置
 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估

十月  Mid-term Exam Preparations & Mid-term 期中考试准备&期中考试

October  Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估

十一月  P-T Conference 家长会

November  Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
 Peer Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 教师互听,检查教案,教师月度评估
十二月  Christmas Holiday Homework Preparation 圣诞节假期作业准备
December  Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
 2nd Semester Class Schedule Adjustment 第二学期课程调整
 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估
 Winter Camp Preparation 冬令营准备

一月  Final Exam Preparations & Final Exam 期末考试准备&期末考试

January  Winter Holiday Homework Preparation 寒假作业准备
 2nd Semester Class Schedule Adjustment 第二学期课程调整
 Local Textbooks Selection and Purchase (Mandarin, Chinese
Geography, Chinese History, Middle School Math) 订购国内教材
 Teachers’ Semester Evaluation 教师学期评估

二月  Opening Ceremony of Semester 2 第二学期开学典礼

February  Classroom Decoration 教室装饰

三月  Mid-term Exam Preparations 期中考试准备

March  Board Distributions and Decoration 展板设计和布置
 Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估
 Mid-term Exams & P-T Conference 期中考试&家长会
 May Holiday Homework Preparation 五一假期作业准备
 Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估
 New School Year Preparation (New School Year Calendar,
Textbooks Selection and Purchase, Course selection and Audit,
New teachers recruitment) 新学年准备(新学年校历,教材选订,
May  Classroom Decoration 教室装饰
五月  Peer Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 教师互听,检查教案,教师月度评估
 New School Year Preparation (Class schedule set up on School Pal
and Students’ course plans check, New teachers recruitment) 新学

六月  Final Exam Preparations & Final Exam 期末考试准备&期末考试

 Class Observations, Lesson Plans Check, Teachers’ Monthly
Evaluation 听课,检查教案,教师月度评估
 New School Year Preparation (Course selection on School Pal,
Finalize School Pal schedule, Orientation Week Plan) 新学年准备
 Summer Programs and Summer Camp Plan (暑期项目和夏令营计

Table of Content

序 Preface........................................................................................................................................... 1
部门目标 Department Goal................................................................................................................ 2
年度大事记 Annual Time Line............................................................................................................ 2
1 Decision-Making Policy 教学部决策流程............................................................................................ 6
2 School Pal 校宝使用操作.................................................................................................................... 6
2.1 Setting Up School Pal 校宝设置............................................................................................... 6
2.2 Attendance 考勤.................................................................................................................... 10
2.3 Homework Assignment 家庭作业.......................................................................................... 11
2.4 School Pal Score Input Requirement 校宝成绩录入...............................................................13
2.5 Exams and Comments 考试和评价........................................................................................ 13
2.6 成绩单制作 Student Report Cards........................................................................................ 19
2.7 Quiz 测试............................................................................................................................... 24
3 Exam Policy 考试流程以及政策........................................................................................................ 25
3.1 Arrangements before Exam 考前安排.................................................................................... 25
3.2 Writing Mid-term and Final Exams Papers 编写期中和期末试卷..........................................26
3.3 Proctoring Exams 监考........................................................................................................... 27
3.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Patrollers 巡考职责.................................................................30
3.5 Make-up Policy 补考政策....................................................................................................... 33
3.6 Analysis of Exam 考试分析.................................................................................................... 33
3.7 MAP Testing MAP 测试........................................................................................................... 36
3.8 Quiz 测试............................................................................................................................... 46
4 Classroom Instructions 教学要求...................................................................................................... 46
4.1 Curriculum Maps, Syllabus and Lesson Plan 教学大纲,教学计划和教案............................46
4.2 English Language Policy 英语语言政策.................................................................................. 47
4.3 Students Missing Class & Make Up Policy 学生缺课和弥补政策...........................................47
4.3.1 Student Absences 学生缺勤.............................................................................................. 47
4.3.2 Make up Policy for Unexcused Absences 无故缺勤的补救政策......................................48
4.3.3 Make up Policy for Excused absences 有原因缺勤的补考政策........................................49
4.4 Classwork and Homework 课堂任务和家庭作业..................................................................50
4.5 Classroom Management 课堂管理........................................................................................ 52
4.6 Course Withdrawal Policy 课程取消政策............................................................................... 53
4.7 Notice Boards and Classroom Decoration 告示板和教室装饰...............................................54
4.8 Bi-weekly Report 周报............................................................................................................ 56
4.9 Quiz 测试............................................................................................................................... 57
5 Students’ Management and Incident Reports 学生管理以及事件报告流程.....................................59
6 Communication between parents and NAIS 家校沟通......................................................................60
6.1 Students Portal of School Pal 校宝家长端...................................................................................60
6.2 Parents-Teachers Conference 家长会........................................................................................... 61
6.3 Satisfaction Survey of Teachers 满意度调查................................................................................65
7 PD & Subject meetings 教师培训以及学科教研...............................................................................65
8 AP Exam Registration AP 考试报名及相关事项................................................................................66
8.1 Settings before Registration 考试报名前的系统设置..................................................................66
8.2 Registration with Proscheduler 使用普尔文系统进行报名.........................................................69
9 Staff Meetings 员工例会.................................................................................................................... 71
10 GPA & Data Analysis 数据分析........................................................................................................... 72
11 Retention Policy 重修政策................................................................................................................. 74
12 Teachers’ Evaluation 教师考核.......................................................................................................... 86
12.1 Night Study Evaluation 晚自习考核........................................................................................... 86
12.2 Monthly Evaluation 月度考核.................................................................................................... 95

1 Decision-Making Policy 教学部决策流程

AAO respects opinions and suggestions from teachers, students and parents during
decision-making process. Opinions and suggestions are gathered from weekly meetings
with teachers and Student Improvement Team, as well as surveys from students and

2 School Pal 校宝使用操作

School Pal is the system used at SHNAIS to track attendance, grades, GPA and behavior
for all students. All teachers are required to become fluent users of the system and log on
to it daily. Teacher and student schedules are found here and teachers’ schedules are
updated when their classes have been changed or when they are expected to cover a

2.1 Setting Up School Pal 校宝设置

 All teachers are required to adjust the settings of their classes using the following
procedure; Click on score under academic record:


 Switch the setting to “Automatic Score Calculation” & “Send to Students Module”.
 All courses except Achieve, PE, Art, Drama, IT and Music must have the “weight” shown
below for each assessment. If the teacher has special requirement for the assessment, the
teacher needs to confirm with the Director of AAO.

 AP Courses must be selected as “AP Courses.” All other courses must be selected as
“Normal Courses.”

AP 课程必须选择为“AP 课程”。所有其它课程必须选择为“普通课程”。
 For Achieve Classes, the weight should be Classwork/Participation 15% (can be scores
from vocabulary and graphic organizers), Activities 20%, Thought Questions 35%,
Reading Connection 30%.
对于 Achieve 课程,比重要设置为课堂任务/课堂表现 15%,活动 20%,思考问题
35%,阅读连接 30%。
 If a student got transferred from one period to another period under the same subject, the
student’s previous score will be automatically packed with the student to the new class.
But the teacher needs to do an operation to make the system calculate the previous scores
into the total score.
After transferring, there will be a small icon in score that means the student has changed
class. The teacher will need to click "Automatic score Calculation" and then click OK,
and the student's previous grade will be included in the current GPA.
如果你的学生班级发生了变化,成绩管理里会有一个小图标,表示该生更换了班级 ,
2.2 Attendance 考勤

Teachers must record attendance for every class. The Academic Affairs Office checks
student attendance daily.

2.3 Homework Assignment 家庭作业

All homework assignments must be created and assigned on School Pals.
In order for the assignment to be counted in the total score of the course, click on
“Reckon in Course Performance”, then and choose the assessment item.

2.4 School Pal Score Input Requirement 校宝成绩录入

Homework/Quiz– at least twice a week
Class Participation – at least once a week
Project – at least three per semester (A detailed scoring rubric is required for each
Note: Achieve teachers follow course specific guidelines.
家庭作业/测试– 每周至少两次
课堂表现– 每周至少一次
项目–每学期至少三次 (每个项目都需要有一个详细的评分准则)
分数:Achieve 老师遵循课程特别准则

2.5 Exams and Comments 考试和评价

 Exam Arrangement 考试安排
Achieve, Physical Education, Music, Drama, Art and IT may use assessments other than
formal midterm and final examinations. All other subjects will have formal examinations
including: unit exams, semester midterms, and semester final exams. Midterms and Final
Exams will be held twice throughout the year.

Three weeks before the exam, AAO will send Email to all teachers to make sure the the
length of exam, the teachers should reply in time. Two weeks before the exam, teachers
should submit the exam paper to the director of AAO and Language Center. After
confirmation, teachers should print the test paper according to the number of students, put it
in a sealed bag and give it to Academic Affairs Office. One week before the exam, all
teachers need to attend the training of Proctoring.

 Exam Scores Input 考试成绩录入

You should go to <Test>, create new test and count in your exam category.
Please go to Elective Classes to find your classes, such as G8 Red, G7 Blue etc.
Then Click on Add.
请进入选修班去找到你的班级,比如说 G8 Red, G7 Blue 等等。然后,点击 添加。
Please make sure you input your full marks and make sure it’s counted into course

 Comments 学期评价
All teachers need to provide Periodic performance comments and Semester performance
comments during Mid-term exams and Final exams every semester.
Please follow the instructions below to enter comments:Academic Record – Score –Score.
按照一下步骤录入评语:成绩 – 成绩管理 – 录入成绩

For Periodic comments, the teachers need to input Mid-term exam scores first, and then will
need to wait for AAO to generate students’ periodic report cards, then will be able to input
Periodic comments.
针对于期中评语,老师们需要先录入期中考试成绩,之后教学部需要生成期中成绩单 ,

For Semester comments, teachers can input comments two weeks before the final exams, and
then input exam scores after exams, and then AAO will generate students’ report cards.

For Homeroom teachers, all homeroom teachers have to provide comments regarding student
performance at the end of the semester. Comments for all students must be entered according
to the semester due date. Comments input can start two weeks before the final exams.

 Constructive Feedback 评语要求

1. Be specific: Highlight what the student is doing well in addition to areas of improvement
Student: E.W.
Score: 77.5
Example: “You did an excellent job on the text analysis and definitions. Remember that
paragraphs and essays should have clear topic sentences that outline your arguments and
summarizing conclusions that relate to the topic.”
Note: Feel free to use specific examples from the exam, especially those that show insight,
mastery, or higher-order thinking.
2. Provide feedback on development progress for specific skills; e.g., learning objectives
and Common Core and Next Generation standards.
Student: E.W.
Score: 77.5
Example: “You are making progress in your understanding of satire, mood, and vocabulary
development. Please spend some time reviewing tone, the steps for prewriting, and the
structure of comparison writing.”
Note: Ideally, students will recognize skills from the learning objectives in class; you can also
differentiate between content and performance standards, especially if a student demonstrated
mastery of one but not the other in the same task. For example, E.W. showed insight and
understanding of mood (content standard) in the essay but did not write an effective
comparison (process standard).
Provide suggestions about learning strategies to help the student improve learning outcomes.
Give feedback that will help the student move toward skill mastery.
3. 针对于学生需要提高的地方,给出明确建议。老师的建议能够指向学生不同技能的
Student: E.W.
Score: 77.5
Example: “Try to practice writing essays under pressure once a week. Give yourself a topic
related to vocabulary, concepts, readings, or driving questions and 15-20 minutes to write a
1-3 paragraph response (I COULD task).”
4. Use appropriate but direct language. Be sensitive to individual needs and remember that
the student is a second language learner. Your language should be compassionate but also
direct enough to deliver the message.
Student: E.H.
Score: 0
Example: “What happened, E? You did not answer any of the questions. Please come talk to
me so we can make a plan to help you.”
Note: Students have a variety of levels and may be sensitive to criticism. Make your feedback
as direct as possible, with a minimum of adverbs and softening words. Students with low L2
proficiency may need bilingual support to understand feedback. Foremost, remember to
address the student in the same way you want to be addressed, especially when the news is

2.6 成绩单制作 Student Report Cards

The Director of AAO generates Student Report Cards after Mid-term exams and Final exams
following the procedure below

 Mid-term student report cards 期中成绩单生成:

 Semester Report cards can be generated with the same methods shown above. Just need
to make sure choose “Term Transcripts” at the beginning instead of “Periodic

 Overall Transcript 总成绩单的生成
2.7 Quiz 测试
1) How many Homework per Week you should input on School Pal? 每周需要在校宝输入

2) What is the meaning of the small icon in Score on School Pal? 校宝里这个小标

3) What is the first thing of your class? 每节课上的第一件事什么?

4) Which can be calculated in “Exam”? Please check it.以下哪项可以被计入“考试”?
 Mid-term Exam
 Final Exam
 Project
 Vocabulary Quiz
 Important Unit Quiz

5) When should Homeroom Teachers input their Comments? Which elements should be
included in Comments? 班主任老师什么时候需要输入评语?如何去写评语,评语

3 Exam Policy 考试流程以及政策

3.1 Arrangements before Exam 考前安排

One week before the exam, AAO will publish the first version of the Exam Schedule to
all teachers. Teachers need to carefully double check the Exam Schedule to see if there is
any conflict between the exam rooms and the students. AAO will publish the final
version of the Exam Schedule three days before the exam.

3.2 Writing Mid-term and Final Exams Papers 编写期中和期末试卷

Teachers are required to write their own exams for their subject and proctor exams for other
courses. All teachers need to print one copy of Exam Paper and give it to AAO or Department
Leader. Upon review and approval of the AAO, exams must be printed and hand delivered to
the Academic Office. Templates can be found at the Shared Folder.

The exams should be set out as follows 考试内容如下:

 Cover Page 封面页
 Multiple Choice Questions 选择题
 Long Answer Questions 主观题

Exams are scaffolded to progressively assess lower and higher order thinking skills.

Students’ list (Students’ List can be downloaded from SchoolPal)

The exam, exam questions and exam answers shall not be given to the students prior to the
exam being taken.

3.3 Proctoring Exams 监考

Teachers are expected to proctor exams during exam week, teachers must follow the
schedule sent from the Academic Affairs Office.
Teachers must collect exams from the Academic Affairs Office Room 208 and arrive in
their assigned exam room no less than 15 minutes prior to the start time of the exam.
Patrollers pick up the patrolling record form.
Teachers are required to check if the room is clean, no words on the board, no rubbish or
review materials in the drawers, the tables and chairs are well set.
教师必须在考试开始前 15 分钟到 208 教室领取考卷,并准时到达指定的考场。巡

Students are required to sit in assigned seats. The teacher use the student list to take
attendance and report to the patroller. Before the test, students are required to put items
unrelated to the test in front of the room, including: electronic watches, computers,
mobile phones, material notes, textbooks, etc. The exam papers should only be
distributed at the exam start time. Students must remain silent for the duration of the
exam and may raise their hand if they have a question.

Prior to the exam starting students should be reminded they cannot use the bathroom
during the exam and will only be given permission to use the bathroom if it is seen to be
an emergency. If a student needs to be taken to the toilet, another teacher needs to be
contact and supervises the student for duration when they are absent from the classroom.
The students are required to remain in the exam room for the duration of the exam and
cannot leave early even if they have completed the exam.
During the exams, teachers must walk around the room and abstain from using phones or
laptops unless they need to contact another staff member with regards to an issue with
the exam.
Teachers who suspect students of cheating during an exam must immediately contact the
Director of the Academic Affairs Office. Any evidence of a student cheating must be
confiscated immediately and given to the Director of the Academic Affairs Office when
they enter the room.

For the first 40 minutes of the exam students are not allowed to sleep and need to be
encouraged to continue working on the paper.
After 40 minutes if a student has completed their paper they are allowed to rest for the
duration of the exam. If a student has completed their paper it should be placed face
down on the table once checked by the proctor so it’s clear that they are finished with
their exam and minimize the risk of cheating. If a student has not finished their exam
they are not allowed to stop until it has been completed.
在考试开始的 40 分钟内考生不允许睡觉。监考教师应鼓励考生继续答题。在 40 分
Time Location Task
Proctors pick up exam papers and exam record form.
15 minutes before the exam Room208
Patrollers pick up the patrolling record form.

1. Check if the room is open or not (If not, contact ECHO).

10 minutes before the exam Exam classroom as scheduled 2. Check if the room is clean, no words on the board, no rubbish or review materials in the drawers,
the tables and chairs are well set.

1. Students are allowed to go inside the examroom. Students sit according to the numbers shown on
the paper sticked to the board. If there are fewer students, the proctor should let them sit as far as

5 minutes before the exam Exam classroom as scheduled

2. Check the attendance.Mark on the student list provided in the exam bag.
3. Emphasize the rules during exams.
* No cheating
* No leaving unless it's an emergency
* No sleeping in the first 40 mintutes
* Can't hand in earlier even though finish early

Start the exam on time.

Proctors need to walk around the whole time and pay close attention to students.
Exam Time Exam classroom as scheduled Proctors can't use their phones unless they need to contact the protroller for help.
If proctors need help, please get the patroller scheduled for that exam.
If proctors find any cheatings, pls contact ECHO.

Exam Time 1st Floor, 3rd Floor & 5th Floor Patrollers patroll constantly and stay at the floor the whole time in case there is a need.

Self-study supervisors go to the classrooms or 3rd floor as scheduled to supervise students self-study.
* Students are not allowed to leave the classroom without the supervisor's permission.
Exam Time 2nd Floor
* Supervisors can set up the study time and break time with students if the self-study time is too long.
(Such as 13.00-13.30 Study time, 13.30-14.00 can watch movies or read books)

Teachers for the exams please stay in the office area in case students may have some questions
Exam Time Teachers' Office
regard to the exam papers and the patroller can find you easily.

15 minutes before the exam finishes Exam classroom as scheduled Proctors remind students about the time left.

5 minutes before the exam finishes Exam classroom as scheduled Proctors fill out the exam record forms.

* Proctors collect all exam papers, put them back to the exam bag with the student list. Set the
tables and chairs, and clear the drawers for next exam.
Exam End Time Exam classroom as scheduled * Proctors give exam papers and the exam record form to Julia in Room 208.
* Patrollers give the patrolling record form to Julia in Room 208.
* Teachers please go to Room208 after the exam finishes to get your exam papers for marking.

Before 20th November Teachers' Office Teachers please give back your mid-term exam papers to Julia for filing.

3.4 Duties and Responsibilities of Patrollers 巡考职责

* Maintain order;
* Know the situation of absence and verify the reasons, and report to AAO Director;
* Make a preliminary verification of cheating and report to AAO Director;
* Remind invigilators to arrange desks and chairs and clean the room

All students must follow exam rules listed below and sign for Academic honesty.


一、考生必须在规定时间内参加考试。在考试前准时进入考场,迟到 10 分钟者,不得
二、考生进入试场,只准携带考试必需的文具用品,如钢笔、2B 铅笔、圆珠笔、圆规、
五、考生须将本人的信息 -- 班级、姓名(中英文)等清楚地填写在试卷及答题纸
九、考生在考场内必须保持安静,不准喧哗,不准交头接耳,不准偷看、夹带、旁窥 、

第一章 Rules for Examination

1. Students must take the exam within the exam period, enter the classroom on time before it
starts. It is not allowed for exam if coming 10 minutes later. Without special reason, students
are not permitted to hand in test paper and leave the classroom earlier.
2. Being the exam room, only the necessary stationery is allowed to carry, such as pen, 2B
pencil, ballpoint pen, compass, ruler, protractor, eraser, calculator without storage function. It
is strictly prohibited to carry all kinds of electronic communication tools (such as mobile
phones, tablets), E-storage devices and other items into the exam room
3. Once entering the exam room, students must sit on the assigned seat.
4. Students should check the subject of test paper if it is in accordance with the exam. If
there is any mistake, report it to the teacher immediately and ask for replacement. Students
are not allowed to answer the question before the bell rings.
5. Students need to fill personal information such as class, name (English, Chinese) in
specific space and write it properly on test paper/answer sheet, it is not allowed to make any
mark on test paper.
6. It is not allowed to write the answer in red pen, ballpoint pen, pencils
7. Students must write the answer in specific space on test paper/answer sheet, the answer is
invalid on the draft paper.
8. When answering the question, students can raise hand to ask the teacher if the paper is not
clear, but not permitted for any request to indicate or explain regarding to the detailed
9. Students must keep quiet, no noise, no whisper, no glance, slip, plagiarize or deliberately
let others copy the answer. It is also prohibited to pass or exchange any answer sheet.
10. Once the exam ends, students must stop writing immediately, turn over the answer sheet
on the desk, sit in place, and wait until the teachers collect all the test paper then leave the

2、考试过程中,按座位号就坐,考试中不得交谈,左顾右盼,互借文具 (包括计算尺,
已到时,立即停止答卷,将考卷反扣在桌面上,禁止喧哗。由监考教师将考卷收完后 ,


时间:年 月 日 星期

3.5 Make-up Policy 补考政策

AAO Director will arrange make-up examinations and inform the relevant teachers
according to the situation of students returning to school

3.6 Analysis of Exam 考试分析

After Mid-term, teachers need to analyze their exams based on the form below:


Mid-term Examination Test Paper Analysis

日期 Date Month_____ Year_____
科目 教师 班级
Subject Teacher Class
应考人数 实考人数 总分
Total Actual number of students Total score
Number of students taking the exam
考试时长 平均答题时长 平均分
Length of the exam Average time spent on Average
completing the exam
最高分 最低分 优秀率
Max Min Excellent (%)
不及格率 良好率 优良率
Failing (%) Good (%) Good (%)
(below 60) (60-80) (80-90)

I.学生答题情况简要分析 Brief analysis of students’ performance on the exam.

Bloom’s Descriptor Categories

Lower Order Thinking Skills Higher Order Thinking Skills
Knowledg Comprehension Application Analysis Syntheses Evaluation
Number of

of Total

II. 学期总分对比期中考试成绩 Total Scores (GPA) comparing with Mid-term scores


Descriptions 描述:

III. 教学反思 Reflection on teaching

III.今后应对措施 Measures to be taken

Grade level teachers will meet based on the timetable created by AAO to talk about their
exam result and make a mutual decision. Decisions can be actions listed below:
 Over 70% students are failing
Students of that subject will retake an exam two weeks after the Mid-term. The scores
will replace Mid-term exams.
 Low score – 80% students are around 60-70
The teacher will assign a specific task to this group. Students will complete with
guidance. The scores will be added to “Exams”.
 Certain students who have got extreme low scores of certain subjects
The subject teacher will arrange a tutor plan with the students. After two weeks, the
students will take an extra exam (similar but not the same as Mid-term exam papers). The
scores will be added to “Exams”.
 考试超过 70%学生不及格
 80%的学生处于低分段,60-70 分左右
 班级有个别学生分数极低。

3.7 MAP Testing MAP 测试

MAP Introduction
Measures of Academic Progress, established by NWEA, is a test completed in English. It is
divided into four categories, each of which measures students' language usage, reading,
mathematics and science respectively.
Map growth is an adaptive test without the concept of full score. At the beginning of the test,
system gives a question in line with students' grade level, and then adjusts the difficulty of the
problem according to personal performance. If a question is answered correctly, the difficulty
of the next question will be increased; conversely, if the answer is wrong, the difficulty of the
next question will be reduced. Since each student gets different questions, there is no time
limit for MAP Test. Students who have not finished the exam will be given make-up session
Except for grade 12, all students in NAIS take MAP Test for all subjects, three times a year,
beginning of the first semester, end of first semester, and end of second semester.
After first test, corresponding subject teachers will discuss results with the students
separately, and help them set goals. Map data will also be used for grouping, student learning
progress tracking, lesson preparation and teacher assessment

MAP 全称 Measures of Academic Progress, 由 NWEA 建立。MAP Growth 的问题与作答
MAP Growth 是自适应的测试,没有满分的概念。测试开始时,系统会提出一个符合学
难度将会减少。由于每个学生得到的文体不一致,MAP 考试没有时间限制,没有考完
除了 12 年级,诺美的所有学生都会参加 MAP Growth 所有科目的考试,一年三次,分
学年初的考试后,相应的学科老师会和学生单独进行成绩讨论,并帮助孩子建立目标 。
MAP 数据也会被用于分班、学生学习进度追踪、备课及教师考核。

Set up Preparation
 Upload roster containing information about all information about teacher, students and
 Arrange the examination according to the students' timetable, try ensuring students
taking their test in their normal classroom. Arrange proctoring teachers. Inform students
and teachers of the arrangement
 Homeroom teacher confirms the installation of MAP test software on students’ laptop
and reports the number of students who cannot install.
 IT teacher ensures that all computers in the computer lab meets the test requirements, and
the test software is installed properly
 Training for proctoring teachers
 Inform proctoring teacher to prepare pencil and scratch paper in the classroom
 完成花名册上传,需包含所有老师、学生、课程信息
 根据学生课表,安排考试,尽量保证学生去自己正常上课的教室考试;安排教师
 班主任确认学生 MAP 软件的安装情况,并上报无法安装的人数。IT 老师确认机房
 对监考教师进行培训
 提醒监考老师在教室准备铅笔和草稿纸

Before Exam :
1. Please log into your account and start test session prior to students’ arrival if possible
2. Write session name and password on the board and post in the group chat. These can be
found at the top of the page
3. Write the MAP shortcut key on the board and remind students to use this when their
question page is stuck
Ctrl + Alt (Option) + Shift + K
4. Do roll call according to student list on website and record absent student
5. Ask students to exit all irrelevant programs, including VPN, 360 security guards, etc
6. Remind students that there is NO time limit for the test and they will be given make-up
session if they can’t finish
7. Remind students that translator and calculator are NOT allowed for the test
1. 如有可能,登录帐户,并在学生到达之前生成测试密码

Select a testing session and click Test Now

2. 在黑板上写下 session 名称和密码,并在群聊中发布

3. 将退出快捷键写在黑板上,并提醒学生在答题页卡住时使用
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + K
4. 根据网站上的学生名单进行点名,记录缺席学生
5. 要求学生退出所有不相关的程序,包括 VPN、360 安全卫士等
6. 提醒学生考试没有时间限制,不能完成的将进行补考
7. 提醒学生翻译软件和计算器都不被允许使用

During exam:
1. No matter what happens, please do NOT panic and keep the classroom quiet
2. Ask students to open lock down browser and type in session name and password.
Make sure they are not using other browsers
3. Refresh your own web page and confirm students to start exam. Students are allowed
to start answering questions when they are ready, so please do keep the classroom as
quiet as possible
4. Students may not open their browser successfully at their first or even their tenth go.
This is normal. Just keep them patient and quiet and ask them to keep trying
5. Keep an eye on number of rapid guessing and remind student if they are going too
6. If question page is stuck during the test, you can:
a. Press F5 to refresh the page
b. Pause student and resume after his/her page is paused
c. Suspend student and test again. Ask student to press shortcut key to exit
7. If the "Workstation readiness check error: Requires 1024 x 768 screen
resolution" appears, the screen resolution needs to be set to 1024 x 768.
a. Windows 10: Settings> System> Display, and then change the size menu of
Change Text, Application, etc. items to 100%
b. MacBook Air: System Preferences> Display> Zoom, select 1366 x 768 in the
Zoom column.
8. Students are allowed to go to washroom, just pause them and resume when they are
9. If there is any difficulty you can’t solve, don’t panic and just report in the group the
room number. IT will come and help
10. Students who cannot test on their own laptop will be taken to 303. But don’t let them
go on their own. Just report in wechat group and they will be taken to 303
11. Please keep an eye on the group, students in 303 may still need your operation,
confirm, pause, suspend, etc
12. Since students take test at different times, classes are on as normal schedule and those
who take test will be marked as excused absent

1. 无论发生什么事,请不要惊慌,保持教室安静
2. 要求学生打开锁定浏览器,输入会话名称和密码,再次确认学生没有使用别的
3. 刷新自己的网页,确认学生开始考试。学生们准备好了就可以开始回答问题,
4. 学生可能在第一次甚至第十次都无法成功打开浏览器。这很正常。让他们保持
5. 注意快猜的次数,并适时提醒学生
6. 如果测试过程中问题页被卡住,可以尝试:
a. 按 F5 刷新页面
b. pause 学生并在其页面暂停后 resume
c. suspend 学生,test again。让学生按快捷键退出
7. 如 果 出 现 “ Workstation readiness check error:Requires 1024 x 768
screen resolution” ( 工 作 站 就 绪 检 查 错 误 : 需 要 1024 x 768 屏 幕 分 辨
率),则需要将屏幕分辨率设置为 1024 x 768
a. Windows 10:设置>系统>显示,然后将更改文本、应用程序等项的大小菜
单更改为 100%
b. MacBook Air:System Preferences>Display>Zoom , 在 Zoom 列 中 选 择
1366 x 768
8. 学生可以去洗手间,pause 他们回来后再 resume
9. 如果有任何你无法解决的困难,不要惊慌,只需在小组中报告房间号码,IT 老
10. 不能在自己的笔记本电脑上测试的学生会被带到 303,但不要让他们自己走,
在微信群组中报告人数,会有协调员带他们去 303
11. 请 注 意 微 信 群 组 , 303 的 学 生 可 能 还 需 要 你 的 操 作 , 比 如
confirm、pause、suspend 等
12. 鉴于学生根据不同的 MAP 考试时间表,老师正常按照课表进行上课,参加 MAP

After exam:
1. Please keep students in the room until the end of test session even they have finished
their test
2. At the end of the session, suspend those who haven’t finished. End session and press

1. 即使学生已经完成测试,也请让他们待在教室里直到考试结束
2. 在课程结束时,suspend 尚未完成的学生。End session 并按 save

MAP Data Analysis

 Student Profile_
See what each student is able to learn
 Learning Continuum_
See what the whole class is able to learn
 Student Progress
See what each student progress

MAP 数据解读

 Student Profile:单个学生适合学习的内容
Learning Continuum:整个班级适合学习的内容
Student Progress: 单个学生多个学期的成绩变化
3.8 Quiz 测试
1) What should you do when you receive the first version of Exam Schedule? 当你看

2) When and where can teachers collect exam papers? 什么时间,在什么地点老师可


3) What should you do before exam starts? 在开考之前老师需要做什么?

4) What kind of students should retake Mid-term Exam/ Final Exam? 什么学生需要

5) How many times will students take MAP Test in one semester? 学生每个学期要考
几次 MAP 测试?
4 Classroom Instructions 教学要求

4.1 Curriculum Maps, Syllabus and Lesson Plan 教学大纲,教学计划和教案

Teachers are required to upload Curriculum Maps and syllabus to the shared folder
before the semester begins.

Teachers are required to upload lesson plans and all accompanying teaching materials for
the following week to the shared folder every Friday.

Teachers must also print copies of lesson plans and all accompanying teaching materials
and place them into the curriculum folders every Friday.

Curriculum folders must be turned in for review in places designated.

Teachers are required to assign vocabulary for preview and review every Friday to
students. These words can be the same as the vocabulary lists.

印出教案和所有随附教材的副本,并将其放入课程文件夹。每周五下午 5 点之前

4.2 English Language Policy 英语语言政策

NAIS has an “English First” policy. This requires students to use English in classes that
teach the American Curriculum. Mandarin, Chinese History and Chinese Geography will
be taught in Mandarin. Some Middle School subjects using textbooks from the Chinese
public system will be taught bilingually. These include Math and Science support.

NAIS 遵从“英语第一”政策。这就要求学生在教授美国课程的课堂上使用英语。

All assessments, across the curriculum and at all grade levels, should contain an English
language component. For example, a science project grading rubric may include an
assessment of the correct use of English in addition to the stated science objectives.

4.3 Students Missing Class & Make Up Policy 学生缺课和弥补政策

4.3.1 Student Absences 学生缺勤
All teachers are responsible for student attendance in their classes. It is the responsibility
of the teacher to document, initiate communication and follow up on all student absences.

Teachers must follow each step below for each student absence.

 Document the absence in School Pal ( Notification will be sent to homeroom teacher
automatically), and report Non-excused absences in Wechat group.

 Conduct a documented Student Absence meeting with the student

 Email Student Absence Report Form to the Student Affairs Coordinator and Academic
Assistant. The subject line of the email must be in this format “Absence – Student
Name ,# of offence.” (Absence- Jane Doe, 3rd Time)

 Communication with parents by subject teacher or homeroom teacher- it is the

responsibility of the subject teacher to ensure and gather digital evidence that notification
was sent to the parents.

 Students will receive consequences outlines in the student handbook.


* 校宝上记录学生的缺席(缺勤情况会由系统自动发给班主任),微信群里汇报无

* 与学生进行关于缺勤的谈话,并记录。
* 将学生缺勤报告表通过电子邮件发送给学生事务协调员和教务员。电子邮件的
标题必须是“缺席-学生姓名,违反规定#”。(缺席——Jane Doe,第三次缺席)

* 由学科教师或班主任与家长沟通-学科教师有责任确保和收集电子证据,证明通

* 学生处将根据学生手册进行处理。
4.3.2 Make up Policy for Unexcused Absences 无故缺勤的补救政策
In the event of an unexcused absence, a student will receive a zero (no credit) on quizzes
or tests scheduled that day.

The administrative team will determine if a student’s excuse is valid.  

Teachers must issue an “Incomplete” with a zero given to students who have not
submitted work prior to the end of a grading period.

 For unexcused absences, teachers are not responsible for preparing make-up
assignments, tests, exams etc.  If a student fails to complete a makeup test on the assigned
date, the test will not be rescheduled.  





4.3.3 Make up Policy for Excused absences 有原因缺勤的补考政策

In the event of an excused absence on a day when there is a major assessment, the
student will be allowed to make it up for full credit, if it is the first time that a major
assessment is missed, in that subject during a given semester. It is the student’s responsibility
to meet with the teacher to set the date of the makeup. If the students fail to make these
arrangements the score will be graded zero. Subsequent missed tests in the same subject,
during the same semester may be made up only with a 20% reduction of the total score. 

For work missed as a result of an excused absence, it is the student’s responsibility to

find out what assignments or tests were missed and to arrange with the teachers for makeup
work. If the students fail to make these arrangements the score will be graded zero.
All major assessments missed due to a justified absence are expected to be handed
in/taken at the earliest possible date, as agreed with the appropriate teacher.  

Participation points cannot be made up if a class is missed for any reason.

出现错过或者遗漏的,在同一学期内可按总分的 80%补考。


所有因有原因缺勤而错过的重要考试成绩,均应按照有关教师的同意,尽早提交 /


4.4 Classwork and Homework 课堂任务和家庭作业

 Teachers much assign tasks on School Pal.
3-steps for homework assignment:
1) Clarify what students need to do.
2) Clarify the requirements and rubrics.
3) Point out the deadline including date and time.
1) 明确学生需要做什么
2) 明确要求和规则
3) 指出截至日期包括日期还有时间

 Teachers need to make sure to set up the deadline and mark homework after the deadline.
So that night study hall teachers can check students’ School Pals to remind them to finish
or make up.
 For assigned homework and projects teachers should provide a rubric for students to
follow and so they can understand the expectations for the work. NAIS rubric can be
found on the shared drive and some examples are shown below.

Homework Rubric

等级 4 3 2 1 0
完成情况 全部完成家庭作 大部分完成 家庭作业完 部分完成家庭 家庭作业未完成
业任务 家庭作业任 成一半 作业 或者抄袭

准确性 非常少的错误/不 一些错误/不 很多错误/不 非常多错误/不 未完成
正确回答 正确回答 正确回答 正确回答
成就/整洁度 展示了完美的成 展示了好的 展示了少量 展示了极少量 未完成作业或抄
果,作业完美 成果,作业 成果,作业 的成果,作业 袭他人作业
整洁、布局 不整洁、布 脏乱
清晰 局清楚
及时性 作业及时上交 作业及时上 作业迟交一 作业迟交多日 作业未上交或抄
交 天 袭他人

Writing Rubric
评分标准 4分 3分 2分 1分
任务完成情 仔细注意到所提 能够注意到提出的问 很少注意提出的 完全没注意到提出的
况 出的问题,并保 题,但不是完全注意 问题,很少注意 问题,根本不关心读
证能够给出适合 到;不能始终给出适 读者的想法 者
读者的答案 合读者的答案
主体思想和 主体思想清晰, 主体思想大部分清 主体思想不太清 主体思想不清楚,无
细节 并提供多个细节 晰,并提供部分细节 晰,并提供有限 任何细节支持
来支持 来支持 的细节来支持
语法 无标点符号,大 少量标点符号,大小 存在标点符号, 非常多的标点符号,
小写和拼写错误 写和拼写错误 大小写和拼写错 大小写和拼写错误,
误,并影响理解 并严重影响理解
风格和创造 引人注目,容易 思路清晰,容易理 部分内容表达不 表达不清晰,难以理
性 理解,值得一读 解,观感较佳。 清晰、难以理解 解

Teachers can check this website for more rubrics.


If a student is found to have copied or cheated on homework, the teacher needs to have a
conversation with the student to enhance the importance of Academic Honesty. A zero can be
given to the student for that specific assignment.
4.5 Classroom Management 课堂管理
All teachers are responsible for student engagement in their classes. It is the responsibility of
the teacher to manage the classes to ensure high teaching quality and give all students equal
access to success.

Fundamental Class Rules 课堂管理基本要求

All teachers are responsible for student behavior management in classes. Teachers should
ensure students to participate and be engaged.

 Teachers must give direct instruction for appropriate computer use in class. Usage must
be consistent with the requirements of the student handbook.
 Students must be awake and following the SLANT (Sit Up – Listen – Ask and answer
questions – Nod your head – Track the speaker).

4.6 Course Withdrawal Policy 课程取消政策

 In two Weeks 开学两周内
Within two weeks, students can change courses. Students need to go to AAO to change
courses. Teachers should also check the school treasure every day.
 After two Weeks 开学两周后
Students are required to fill a course withdrawal form <Course Drop Request> and have
signatures from the parents, subject teacher, homeroom teacher, Director of College
Counselor, Director of AAO and Academic Principal. The final decision will be made by
Director of AAO and Academic Principal. The Academic assistant will make changes on
School Pal once the approval process has been done. Teachers related follow the School Pal
for correct attendance information.
任签名,教学主任签名,以及学术校长签名。最终决定由教学主任以及学术校长给出 。
4.7 Notice Boards and Classroom Decoration 告示板和教室装饰
 Classroom Decoration Policy 教室装饰政策
Each teacher is in charge of the decoration and display of work in their classroom.
At the start of the year the room needs to have key vocabulary words displayed around the
classroom as well as boarders and backgrounds complete with additional sample work or key
learning points that will be learned throughout the year. In addition to this classroom
expectations must either be created in the first week with students or displayed clearly so
students are aware of classroom expectations.

 All teachers are required to decorate the classroom on the basis of Academic needs.
Elements must be displayed are listed below.

 Classroom Expectations 教室准则


 Procedures 上课流程

 Word Wall 单词墙

 Anchor Charts 图标图表

 Student Work 学生作品

 Student Supply Station 教学用具区

Teachers can find examples in the PPT in the Shared Folder.

Pathway: 01. Academic / 02. Department Share / 12. Orientation and PD / 2019-2020 /
Orientation Week 2
 Displays must be changed on a monthly basis to reflect current student work.
 AAO is responsible for assigning the boards to teachers and check on a monthly basis.
 Subjects areas, grades and committees also have notice boards throughout the school
which need to show pictures, activities and work completed in that area. The display must
be changed once a month.

4.8 Bi-weekly Report 周报

 At the beginning of the semester, each teacher is required to observe, evaluate and grade
the students in the class, and present it to the head of the teaching department in the form
of a report.
 The main contents of Bi-weekly report include: Subject name, students need to focus on
(usually failing students, grades fluctuations students and students didn’t finish all
Assignments), the student list can be exported from SchoolPal “Academic Record”. For
those students, teachers need to write the reason of low grade/scores volatility/ unfinished
tasks. Teachers also need to give a solution or plan for these students.
 Teachers need to name their Bi-weekly reports as "Week X+ subjects" on Weekly Report
day (Tuesday before 10am) and upload them to the Shared folder in your own subfolder.
Teachers are also expected to email the reports to related homeroom teachers and the
Director of AAO.
老师需要在每个周报日(周二上午 10 点前)将自己的周报以“Week X+学科”方
式命名,并上传到共享文件夹自己名字的子文件夹内,具体路径参考 Teacher
shared- 01 Academic-02 Department share-16 Weekly Report.老师也需要把报

4.9 Quiz 测试
1) When and where should teachers upload their bi-weekly report? 老师们需要在什么时

2) Which elements should be included in bi-weekly report? 双周报里需要包含哪些内容?

3) How often should teachers change their decoration in the class?老师们多久需要更新

4) Which elements listed below must be displayed in the classroom?以下哪些元素必须包

 Classroom Expectations 教室准则
 Procedures 上课流程
 Plants 植物
 Word Wall 单词墙
 Student Work 学生作品
 Photos 照片

5) Can students do make-up for their Participation/Classwork? 学生的课堂表现分可以后

 Yes 是的,可以
 No 不可以后补

6) If a student wants to drop one of his/her course, what should he/she do? 如果有位学生


7) What is 3-steps for homework assignment?布置作业的三步是什么?

5 Students’ Management and Incident Reports 学生管理以及事件报告流程
Teachers who witness inappropriate, dangerous, harmful, or suspicious student behavior
inside or outside of the classroom teachers are required to write an incident report. All
incident reports must be emailed to the Student Affairs Coordinators with a carbon copy
(cc) sent to the Principal, Academic Principal and Director of Academic Affairs Office.
Teachers must follow the NAIS disciplinary framework outlined in the Student
教师必须遵从 NAIS 学生手册中纪律准则。
6 Communication between parents and NAIS 家校沟通

6.1 Students Portal of School Pal 校宝家长端

Parents can follow the WeChat official account of "North America International School" and
select the "Students Portal" by clicking the "Campus Information" in the lower right corner of
the official account. When logging in, they need to enter the student's school account
username and password.
Parents can receive real-time attendance information from teachers and Principal letters from
school. On School Pal parents can also find the child's score and GPA. School Pal is an
important way for you to obtain your child's performance in school and Score.
选择学生端口“Students Portal”,登陆时需要输入学生的校宝账号和密码。
可以看到孩子的得分和绩点。 校宝是您获取孩子在校表现和学习成绩的重要途径。
6.2 Parents-Teachers Conference 家长会
Parents-Teachers Conference will be held after the Mid-term and Final exams. In special
cases, P-T Conference will be held online by DingTalk.

 P-T Conference Online 线上家长会

Due to COVID , P-T Conference will be held online by DingTalk. Before that, SAO will
gather all the homeroom teachers for training on the use of DingTalk. After the training, the
homeroom teacher will inform the parents of the meeting time, invite subject teachers to enter
the class group, and ensure that all parents enter the class group.
At the same time, AAO will hold a grade meeting and identify the students and subjects that
teachers need to focus on. For students with GPA below 3.0, teachers need to find time for
one-to-one meeting with parents.
生以及科目。对于 GPA 低于 3.0 的学生,老师需要找时间和家长进行一对一面谈。
 P-T Conference in the school 线下家长会
Before the Parents-Teachers Conference, AAO will send a notice sheet to all parents,
informing them of the specific time, process and classroom arrangement of subject teachers.
At the same time, the day before the Parents-Teachers Conference Day, AAO will print out all
the students' transcripts and send them to their Homeroom teachers, who will distribute them
at the meeting.
On the day of the Parents-Teachers Conference, the homeroom teacher will summarize the
examination situation of the whole class. After the meeting, parents can go to the subject
teacher's class for face-to-face communication. In order to ensure the quality of
communication, each classroom will have an International teacher and a Local teacher, and
the local teacher will translate when necessary. Subject teachers will collect students' work
artifacts in advance and conduct interviews with parents based on the Exam Analysis. In this
way, parents can further know the performance of students in school, it can better promote
the communication between parents and school and improve students' comprehensive quality.

Sample of a notice 通知范例:

6.3 Satisfaction Survey of Teachers 满意度调查
School carries out a survey of teacher satisfaction regularly, and students need to enter a link
to the questionnaire to evaluate each teacher.

7 PD & Subject meetings 教师培训以及学科教研

 Every Friday meeting is normally the time for all teachers to be trained based on
different topics listed below:
- School Pal score input 校宝分数录入要求
- School Pal comments input 校宝评语录入要求
- School Pal data update 校宝数据更新要求
- School Pal homework assignment 作业布置要求
- Classroom decoration 教室装饰要求
- Class management 教室管理要求以及方法
- Class activities 课堂活动
- How to communicate with students and parents 如何进行学生以及家长沟通
- How to do exam analysis 试卷分析
- Project sharing 项目教学以及分享
 Grade level meetings and subject group meetings normally are arranged bi-weekly or
monthly depending on the Calendar and the necessities. Topics can be:
- Students’ performance 学生表现
- Grade projects integration and sharing 年级项目融合及分享
- Subject projects integration and sharing 学科项目融合及分享
- Areas to be improved 可提高领域探讨
 PD Days – All teachers have a whole day PD day once per semester.

8 AP Exam Registration AP 考试报名及相关事项

8.1 Settings before Registration 考试报名前的系统设置

Firstly we should Use College Board professional username and password, use Access
Code to enter.
首先要用 CB 账号登录 myap.collegeboard.org 后,使用登录密钥进入学校账号。
If the administrator is changed, the AP administrator and other staff information needs to
be updated in the Settings.
如果管理员发生了更换,则需要在设置里更新 AP 管理员以及其他工作人员的信息。
After the setting, Read and acknowledge the Student Exam Decision Indicator policy on
this page, click save and continue

If you allow your teachers to add/drop/move students from their class sections, select the
“Enabled” option. Otherwise, select “Disabled”
如果允许老师在课里添加/删除/移动学生,需要选择 Enable 选项,否则的话需要选
择 Disable.
The setting of AP system finished. 至此,AP 系统设置成功完成。

Click the homepage “AP Registration and Ordering”, you can see the data of AP Exam
Registration. Download the roster of all students who take AP Exam on this page. After
that, send the roster to the administration of Prometric System. The APRO (AP Roster)
should be in csv. Form.
系统设置完成后点击主界面的 AP Registration and Ordering,会出现 AP 考试报名情
况的数据。需要在此页面点击 Exam Registrations 下载学校所有考生的 APRO 名单。
名单下载成功后需上传提交给普尔文管理员录入系统。APRO 名单需要使用 csv. 格
8.2 Registration with Proscheduler 使用普尔文系统进行报名
Login in Prometric, search the Exam place in your city.
登录普尔文官网 https://www.prometric.com.cn/apexamlocation 查询所在城市的考

Click the homepage of prometric, select the language in Chinese, and click Schedule in
the middle of the page.

Choose AP Exam in the system, type your own AP ID and the first four letters of your
Last name. Example: Last name Zhang, you need to type zhan.
Choose the subject you want to take, and pay for the Exam. You can only use AliPay.
在主办方和考试信息里选择 AP Exam,输入自己的 AP ID 和姓氏的前四位字母,
如张,则输入 zhan。
The Exam Information will be sent to the Email box, included: Time and place of Exam.

9 Staff Meetings 员工例会

Staff meetings take place on a weekly basis. Typically, the entire teacher base meets
Friday 3:00pm-4:30pm to review the work week and outline the following weeks work.
The schedule for this is send out by the Academic Office 24 hours in advance and if you
wish to add to the agenda, please email the Academic Office before Thursday 5pm.
NAIS staff committees also meet once per week please speak with committee head for
more details.
员工会议每周举行一次。通常情况下,所有教师会在周五下午 3 点到 4 点半开会,
回顾一周的工作,并概述接下来几周的工作。会议日程表由教务处提前 24 小时发
出,如需增加议程,请于周四下午 5 点前发邮件至教务处。NAIS 员工委员会每周

10 GPA & Data Analysis 数据分析

 AAO periodically download subjects’ GPA and students’ GPA to track teachers’ and
students’ performance.
教学部定期分析学科以及学生 GPA 来追踪老师的教学效果以及学生的学习成果。
Normally the data can be drawn out of the School Pal following the time listed below:
- One month after the beginning of the semester 学期开始后一个月
To check if teachers are following the score input rules listed in Chapter 1, initiating
tutorial plans
- Two months after the beginning of the semester (can be conducted through grade-level
meetings) 开学后两个月(年级组会议形式展开)
To analyze students’ performance, targeting weak subjects and academic low students,
implementing tutorial plans
- A week before Mid-term exams and a week after Mid-term exams
To compare students’ performance before and after Mid-term so as to evaluate the
effectiveness of teaching
Grade-level meetings should be conducted after Mid-term to do Exam Analysis and also
make adjustments for the 2nd half of the semester
- One month before the ending of the semester (can be conducted through grade-level
学期结束前一个月 (年级组会议形式展开)
To target students who have potential to improve their GPA and make plans to help them
明确潜力学生,制定计划落实到相应学科老师以提高潜力学生 GPA。
- A week before Final exams and a week after Final exams
To compare students’ performance before and after Final Exams so as to evaluate the
effectiveness of plans made before

 NAIS follows College Board standards to calculate GPA. Below is how GPA is
calculated in School Pal system:
The weighting of the different task within the subject area – for instance – home work,
participation, quizzes, chapter tests, projects and final exams.
以及期中期末考试都会影响到成绩以及 GPA。
11 Retention Policy 重修政策
NAIS follows Retention Policy for both High School and Foundation for meeting the
requirements of the California Department of Education. AAO sends out letters to parents 4
times a year, which are after Mid-term exams 1st Semester, after Final exams 1st Semester,
after Mid-term exams 2nd Semester and after Final exams 2nd Semester. These letters are for
informing parents the risk of their children retaking some courses or the current grade based
on the requirement of the Retention Policy. Final decision will be made by AAO and the
Academic Principal before the new school year.

High School Course Retention/Credit Recovery Policy

NAIS follows Common Core State Standards in building curriculum and models our
American Academic Program to meet the requirements of the California Department of
Education. The States of California directs the governing board of each school district and
each county superintendent of schools to adopt policies regarding pupil promotion and
retention. Middle school grades typically begin at 7th grade, high school at 9th grade,
although this can vary due to the individual school or district’s configuration.
NAIS defines successful completion of a course as having earned a score of 60 or higher in
the course. California Education Code defines the courses students must successfully
complete in order to earn a high school diploma. Students who do not successfully complete
these courses must complete an NAIS approved credit recovery course.
NAIS will assist student enrolment into credit recovery program if they elect to do so.
Students who do not complete the credit recovery program will be retained into the course
and risk not earning their high school diploma. Students who refuse to take the required
credit recovery courses will be asked to leave NAIS.
Teachers and administrators will review data to identify students who have a cumulative
score below 60% and are at risk of failing a course after the first semester midterm exam.
Parents will receive a written notice from the school identifying their student as being at risk
of failing the course. Teachers and administration will meet after the spring final exam to
discuss student progress and identify students who are at risk of failing a course.
Students with a cumulative first semester score of 30% or lower will be removed from the
course and required to take a credit recovery course or repeat the course at NAIS the
following semester. This decision is at the sole discretion of the Academic Principal in
cooperation with the subject teacher and Director of Academic Affairs. The parents of these
students will be required to meet with the Academic Principal and the Director of the
Academic Department to discuss the next steps in the student’s educational plan.
Students with a cumulative midterm score of 31-59% are at a high risk of failing the course.
The parents of students in this category will be required to meet with the subject teacher,
Academic Principal, and the Director of the Academic Department. In the meeting, the
subject teacher will present an action plan to assist the student in successfully completing the
course. The student and parents will receive a written warning stating that the student will be
required to take a credit recovery course if the student’s score remains below 60%. The
student and parents will be required to sign the warning notice and a copy will be kept on file
with the student’s record.
Teachers and administrators will meet after the second semester midterm exam to identify
students who are at risk of failing a course. Students with a cumulative course score of 30%
or lower will be removed from the course and required to take a credit recovery course or
repeat the course at NAIS the following semester. This decision is at the sole discretion of
the Academic Principal in cooperation with the subject teacher and Director of Academic
Affairs. The parents of these students will be required to meet with the Academic Principal
and the Director of the Academic Department to discuss the next steps in the student’s
educational plan.
Students with a cumulative score of 31-59% are at a high risk of failing the course. The
parents of students in this category will be required to meet with the subject teacher,
Academic Principal, and the Director of the Academic Department. In the meeting, the
subject teacher will present an action plan to assist the student in successfully completing the
course. Students and parents will receive a written warning stating that the student will be
required to take a credit recovery course if the student’s score remains below 60%. The
student and parents will be required to sign the warning notice and a copy will be kept on file
with the student’s record.
Students who fail a course with a cumulative course score of 60% or lower will be required to
take a credit recovery course or repeat the course at NAIS the following semester. This
decision is at the sole discretion of the Academic Principal in cooperation with the subject
teacher and Director of Academic Affairs. The parents of these students will be required to
meet with the Academic Principal and the Director of the Academic Department to discuss
the next steps in the student’s educational plan.
Students who are required to complete a credit recovery course must provide official
documentation of successful completion of the course before the end of the first semester of
the year after the student failed a course. The Academic Principal and the Director of the
Academic Department will meet to verify completion of the credit recovery program two
weeks prior to the end of the semester. Students who have not successfully completed the
credit recovery course will be asked to leave NAIS. Tuition refunds for the second semester
will follow the NAIS tuition refund policy.
NAIS recognizes The Keystone School’s online credit retention courses in English Language
Arts, Math, Science and Humanities. Students may request that alternative credit recovery
plans be approved. That approval will be at the sole discretion of the Academic Principal in
consultation with the Director of the Academic Department and subject teacher(s).

Academic Affairs Office

North America International School
159 Diannan Road
Minhang, Shanghai, China

NAIS 遵循共同的核心州标准来构建课程,设计我们的美国学术计划,以满足加利
人,采取有关学生晋升和留级的政策。中学的成绩通常从 7 年级开始,高中的成绩从 9
NAIS 将课程的成功完成定义为在课程中获得了 60 分或更高的分数。加州教育法规
NAIS 认可的学分恢复课程。
如果学生愿意,NAIS 将帮助他们参加学分补修计划。没有完成学分补修计划的学
求离开 NAIS。
教师和管理人员将审查数据,以确定累计分数低于 60%,在第一学期期中考试后
第一学期累计分数为 30%或更低的学生将被从本课程中除名,并被要求参加学分
恢复课程或在下一学期在 NAIS 重复该课程。本决定由学术校长与学科教师及教学主任
期中考试累计分数为 31-59%的学生很有可能不及格。此类别学生的家长须与学科
生顺利完成课程。学生和家长将收到书面警告,说明如果学生的分数仍然低于 60%,
累计课程分数在 30%或以下的学生将被除名,并要求在下个学期参加学分恢复课程或
在 NAIS 重复该课程。本决定由学术校长与学科教师及教学主任合作做出。这些学生的
累计分数为 31-59%的学生有很高的不及格风险。此类别学生的家长须与学科老
累计成绩在 60%或以下的课程不及格的学生将被要求参加学分恢复课程,或在下
个学期在 NAIS 重复该课程。本决定由学术校长与学科教师及教学主任做出。这些学生
提供成功修完该课程的正式文件。在学期结束前两周,学术校长和教学处主任将会面 ,
核实学分回收计划的完成情况。未完成学分恢复课程的学生将被要求离开 NAIS。第二
学期学费的退还将遵循 NAIS 的学费退还政策。
NAIS 认可 Keystone 商学院的在线学分保留课程,包括英语语言艺术、数学、科

中国上海闵行区淀南路 159 弄

Middle School(Foundation) Grade Retention Policy

NAIS follows Common Core State Standards in building curriculum and models our
American Academic Program to meet the requirements of the California Department of
Education. The State of California appoints the governing board of each school district and
each county superintendent of schools to adopt policies regarding pupil promotion and
California Department of Education Policy states that students must successfully master the
grade level standards of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science in order to be
promoted to the subsequent grade level. NAIS also includes Mandarin to this list of core
subjects. Mastery is defined as a combined cumulative score of 60% or higher for 2 out of the
4 core subjects. Students who do not master the standards in these subjects by falling below
the 60% score, will not be promoted to the subsequent grade level and will be retained.
Students who are retained in their grade level will be given a probationary period to track
their academic progress and may potentially earn promotion to the subsequent grade.
Students who show significant growth during the first semester and earn a cumulative mid-
term score of 60% or greater in 2 out of the 4 core classes will be promoted. Students who
are promoted at the midterm will follow the same course of action as students who are
admitted to NAIS throughout the year.
If the student does not earn 60% or greater in 2 of the 4 core subjects, he/she will remain
retained and complete the remainder of the year in the current grade level.
Teachers and administrators will review data to identify students who have a cumulative
score at or below 60% and are at risk of retention after the first semester midterm exam. The
parents of students in this category will be required to meet with the subject teacher,
Academic Principal, and the Director of the Academic Department. In the meeting, the
subject teacher will present an action plan to assist the student in successfully completing the
course. The students and parents will receive a written warning stating that the student will
be retained if the student’s score remains below 60% in 3 of the 4 core courses. The student
and parents will be required to sign the warning notice and a copy will be kept on file with
the student’s record. This process will be repeated after the subsequent final and midterm
Teachers and administrators will meet after the second semester final exam to identify
students who will be retained for the following school year and enrolled in the retention
program. Parents of those students will be required to meet with the Academic Principal and
the Director of the Academic Department to discuss the expectations of the retention

NAIS 遵循共同的核心州标准来构建课程,设计我们的美国学术计划,以满足加
标准,才能被提升到随后的年级水平。NAIS 还将普通话纳入了这一核心科目。精通度
的定义是 4 门核心课程中有 2 门的总分达到 60%或更高。成绩低于 60%,未达到本学科
年级。第一学期成绩有显著增长,四门核心课程中有两门的期中累计成绩在 60%以上
的学生将被提升。在期中考试中被提升的学生将会和全年被 NAIS 录取的学生采取同样
如果学生在四门核心科目中有两门的成绩不超过 60%,他/她将继续留级,并在
教师和管理人员将审查数据,以确定那些累计分数在 60%或以下,并有可能在第
家长将收到书面警告,如果学生在 4 门核心课程中的 3 门成绩低于 60%,将被留级。学
中国上海闵行区淀南路 159 弄

Samples of A letter to Parents (High School):

Date: 2020.1.18
To the parent(s)/guardian(s) of XXX,
The Academic Affairs Office of North America International School is sending this
letter to inform you that XXX has failed XXX by earning a score of XXX for the first
Semester of 2019-2020 School Year. In accordance with the NAIS Course Retention
Policy, your child is at risk of repeating their current course or grade level again in the
2020-2021 academic year. As a result, you are required to attend a meeting at NAIS with
the academic administrative team.
NAIS follows Common Core State Standards in building curriculum and models our
American Academic Program to meet the requirements of the California Department of
Education. The State of California directs the governing board of each school district and
each county superintendent of schools to adopt policies regarding pupil promotion and
retention. NAIS defines successful completion of a course as having earned a score of 60% or
higher in the course. California Education Code defines the courses students must
successfully complete in order to earn a high school diploma. Students who do not
successfully complete these courses must complete an NAIS approved credit recovery course.
Students who fail a course with a cumulative course score of 60% or lower will be required to
take a credit recovery course or repeat the course at NAIS the following semester. This
decision is at the sole discretion of the Academic Principal in cooperation with the subject
teacher and Director of Academic Affairs.
NAIS recognizes The Keystone School’s online credit retention courses in English Language
Arts, Math, Science and Humanities. Students may request that alternative credit recovery
plans be approved. That approval will be at the sole discretion of the Academic Principal in
consultation with the Director of the Academic Department and subject teacher(s).
The Academic Principal Brian Popp and the Director of the Academic Affairs Office
Echo Tang would like to meet you and your child to discuss the next steps in your child’s
educational plan at the beginning of next semester.
From 10th February 2020 to 14th February 2020, you must contact your child’s
homeroom teacher to set up a meeting. Meeting times are limited and will be appointed
on a first come, first served basis. Failure to attend the meeting may result in your child
forfeiting academic credits and repeating courses and/or grade levels the following year.


Echo Tang
Academic Affairs Office
North America International School
亲爱的 XXX 家长,
上海诺美学校抱歉的通知您,您的孩子在 2019-2020 学年第一学期没有顺利通过 XXX
课程。根据学校重修政策,您的孩子在 2020-2021 学年存在重修该课程或者留级的风
NAIS 遵循共同的核心州标准来构建课程,设计我们的美国学术计划,以满足加利福尼
NAIS 将课程的成功完成定义为在课程中获得了 60 分或更高的分数。加州教育法规定了
学生必须成功完成了课程才能获得高中文凭。未成功完成课程的学生必须完成 NAIS 认
累计成绩在 60%或以下的课程不及格的学生将被要求参加学分恢复课程,或在下个学
期在 NAIS 重复该课程。本决定由学术校长与学科教师及教学主任做出。
NAIS 认可 Keystone 商学院的在线学分保留课程,包括英语语言艺术、数学、科学和人
上海诺美学校学术校长 Brian Popp 以及教学部主任 Echo Tang 想希望能在下学期初与
请您在 2020 年 2 月 10 日到 2 月 14 日期间发送邮件到 nais-aao@north-america.cn 或

Echo Tang
Samples of A letter to Parents (Foundation):

Date: 2020.1.18
To the parent(s)/guardian(s) of XXX,
The Academic Affairs Office of North America International School is sending this letter to
inform you that XXX has failed XXX by earning a score of XXX for the first Semester of
2019-2020 School Year. In accordance with the NAIS Grade Retention Policy, your child is
at risk of repeating their current grade level again in the 2020-2021 academic year. As a
result, you are required to attend a meeting at NAIS with the academic administrative

NAIS follows Common Core State Standards in building curriculum and models our American
Academic Program to meet the requirements of the California Department of Education. The
State of California appoints the governing board of each school district and each county
superintendent of schools to adopt policies regarding pupil promotion and retention.

California Department of Education Policy states that students must successfully master the
grade level standards of English Language Arts, Mathematics, and Science in order to be
promoted to the subsequent grade level. NAIS also includes Mandarin to this list of core
subjects. Mastery is defined as a combined cumulative score of 60% or higher for 2 out of
the 4 core subjects. Students who do not master the standards in these subjects by falling
below the 60% score, will not be promoted to the subsequent grade level and will be

Students who are retained in their grade level will be given a probationary period to track
their academic progress and may potentially earn promotion to the subsequent grade.
Students who show significant growth during the first semester and earn a cumulative mid-
term score of 60% or greater in 2 out of the 4 core classes will be promoted. Students who
are promoted at the midterm will follow the same course of action as students who are
admitted to NAIS throughout the year. If the student does not earn 60% or greater in 2 of
the 4 core subjects, he/she will remain retained and complete the remainder of the year in
the current grade level.

XXX still has time to improve as long as he/she can pass more than two main courses in
the coming semester. NAIS Academic Principal Brian Popp and Director of Academic Affairs
Office Echo Tang would like to meet you and your child at the beginning of next semester
to talk about the situation and make plans.

From 10th February 2020 to 14 th February 2020, you must contact your child’s homeroom
teacher to set up a meeting. Meeting times are limited and will be appointed on a first
come, first served basis. Failure to attend the meeting may result in your child forfeiting
academic credits and repeating grade levels the following year.
Echo Tang

Academic Affairs Office

North America International School


上海诺美学校教学部抱歉的通知您,您的孩子在 2019-2020 第一学期有 XXX 和 XXX
学科不及格。按照本校留级政策,您的孩子在 2020-2021 学年有被留级的风险。

NAIS 遵循共同的核心州标准来构建课程,设计我们的美国学术计划,以满足加利

标准,才能被提升到随后的年级水平。NAIS 还将语文纳入了这一核心科目。精通度的
定义是 4 门核心课程中有 2 门的总分达到 60%或更高。四门科目中有两门成绩低于

成绩在 60%以上的学生将被顺利升入下一年级。如果学生在四门核心科目中有两门的
成绩不超过 60%,他/她将继续留级,并在该学年余下的时间内完成学业。

过四门主课中的两门,他/她仍然可以顺利升入下一年级。上海诺美学校校长 Brian
Popp 以及教学部主任 Echo Tang 希望能在下学期初与您以及您的孩子面谈一次,就孩

请您在 2020 年 2 月 10 日到 2 月 14 日期间发送邮件到 nais-aao@north-america.cn


Echo Tang


12 Teachers’ Evaluation 教师考核

12.1 Night Study Evaluation 晚自习考核

NAIS Evening Duty Management Rules

上海诺美学校为寄宿制学校,住宿生在校期间周一至周四以及周日晚上 6.30-8.30 会
进行为时两小时的晚自习,期间 7.30-7.40 为课间休息时间。晚自习旨在提供自主独

North America International School is a boarding school. Students in the boarding

school will have two hours of self-study in the evening from 6.30 to 8.30 on Monday to
Thursday and On Sunday evening. The break time is 7.30 to 7.40. The purpose of the
night study is to provide independent study time. Students use the night study time to
complete various subject tasks, independent study and extended study, and finish group
study if necessary. The teacher on duty for night study aims to maintain classroom
discipline, check students' achievement of learning tasks, and guide students to do
extra-curricular reading or extra study.

Night study teachers on duty tasks


On the basis of completing the night study on duty process, the teacher on duty at night
study sincerely pays attention to the students' learning situation. The final guidance for
the night study is to supervise and assist the students to complete the learning task,
solve the learning confusion and realize the learning goal. Teachers on duty for night
study shall observe the following procedures for night study:

1. 晚自习开始时间为 18:30。晚修值班教师和学生必须提前五分钟到达教室,18:30
铃声响起之后所有学生不得离开教室, 不得随意出入。学生需要在 18:30 之前拿好
晚自习需要的教材、作业、笔记本等等。课间 19:30-19:40 可以换取下节课需要的

The start time of evening study is 18:30, teachers and students for evening studies must arrive
at the classroom five minutes earlier. Students are not allowed to leave the classroom or come
and go at will during the evening study.

Students must take the textbooks, homework, notebooks and required documents of the
evening study before 18:30. Students can get items needed for the next period during 19:30-

2. 晚自习值班教师进入教室后首先在校宝上进行点名和收学生手机;18:40 之前,晚





Teachers on duty must check the attendance on School Pal and collect students’ cellphones
after entering the classroom. Teachers on duty need report attendance through the “WeChat
group of local teachers” as below format:

Class Name:

No.of students supposed to come:

Actual attendance:

No.of absence for leave:(Teachers on duty need check with homeroom teachers in advance)

No. of day students:

3. 晚自习值班教师负责监督学生完成各项作业,填写晚自习日志,不得利用晚自习时

Teachers on evening duty are responsible for supervising completion students' homework and
filling in Night Study Diary. Teachers are not allowed to complete personal lesson
preparation or other affairs during the evening duty. They need to move around at all times
and pay attention to students' work.

4. 18:30—19:30 第一节晚修学生必须在教室晚修,完成作业。同时做好学科预习和
复习,不能玩电脑;19:40 第二节晚修如有小组活动项目,需要向晚修值班教师申

Students must stay in the classroom and finish their homework as well as subject preview and
review. Students are not allowed to use laptops during 18:30-19:30.

If there is a group activity in the second period of evening study, students need to apply with
the teacher on duty, stating the group activity location, members and required time, and must
be written on the whiteboard of the classroom. After the group activity students return to the
classroom, teacher on duty must check whether the group tasks of the students have been
completed. If the student cannot present the completed group task, then the teacher will
record it, and cancel the opportunity of night study group task for the week, and the student
can only use other time to complete the group task.

5. 学生在晚自习期间禁止吃东西,禁止叫外卖,禁止玩游戏;需要讨论问题或者找教

Students are not allowed to eat, order take-out, watch movies or play games during the
evening study period. If need to discuss with other students or have questions, students
should do it after finishing evening duty.

6. 值班教师需要在第一节课下课前提醒学生第二节课准时返回,19:40 时做第二节课




The evening study teacher shall remind the students to return to the second period of evening
study on time before the first period is over and make attendance for the second class at
19:40. In case of absence, the teacher on duty shall report the attendance in the " WeChat
group of local teachers " in the following format:

Class Name:



7. 值班教师需在晚自习期间填写晚自习日志,包括学生的手机上交情况,需要完成的
作业,以及完成情况,20:20 拍照发至“中方教师微信群”。

Teachers on duty need to fill in the Night Study Diary during the evening study period,
including students' mobile phone submission, homework to be completed and completion
status. Take photos of feedback and send them to " WeChat group of local teachers " at

8. 20:30 铃声响起,带领学生整理教室,清理桌洞垃圾,清退教室全部学生,清点电

After the bell rings at 20:30, teachers on evening duty should lead the students to tidy up the
classroom, clean up the garbage in the table, clear all the students in the classroom, count the
total number of computers, turn off the lights and air conditioner, and lock the doors and
windows of the classroom.

9. 晚自习结束时间为 20:30,铃声响起之前所有学生不得离开教室。 晚自习结束后,


Evening study students are not allowed to leave the classroom until the bell rings at 20:30 but
should leave the school building after finishing the evening study except for the students who
are required to extend their evening study.

10. 晚修时间突发状况,请向总值班领导汇报,做好记录,及时解决问题。晚自习整体
Any emergency during the evening study needs to be reported to the administrative
supervisor on duty. The teacher must write an incident report and coordinate with AAO and
SAO to promptly solve the problem. The evening study teacher is responsible for creating an
orderly environment where students can study and complete their homework free from

备注 Notes:

晚自习值班老师在值班时,使用 ClassDojo 协助班级纪律管理,具体遵照 ClassDojo


Night study teachers use ClassDojo for supervising students’ disciplines in accordance with
ClassDojo Night Study Policy.


Tasks for supervisor of night study


# 晚自习总值班需按需遵守以下执行流程进行值班:

NAIS will arrange a general supervisor to conduct the overall management of night
study every day, guide the management of night study, and supervise teachers on duty
to ensure the orderly and efficient operation of night study.

The supervisor of night self-study shall be on duty according to the following execution

6.25pm 短信发至中方教师群“请各位值班老师进入教室,整顿秩序,提醒学生拿好晚

6.30pm 短信发至中方教师群“请各位值班老师开始考勤”,总值班老师检查中方教师
6.30pm – 7.30pm 巡视,查看是否有学生吃零食打游戏,查看走廊是否有散漫学生,
完成情况,查看值班老师是否在用 ClassDojo 给学生打分。

7.40pm 短信发至中方教师群“请各位值班老师开始第二次考勤”,总值班老师检查中
小组区域“二楼会议室,一楼 109,一楼小会议室,一楼玻璃房”。

6.25PM text message to The local teachers group: "Please come into the classroom, rectify
the order, remind the students to take the necessary things for the night study and go to toilet
if necessary", and start the inspection to see whether the teachers on duty are on time.

6.30pm text message to The Local teachers group "Please start attendance checking", the
supervisor will check the attendance of the local teachers group and deal with the relevant
absence in time.

6.30pm - 7.30pm patrol, check whether there are students eating snacks and playing games,
check whether there are scattered students in the corridor, check whether the teacher on duty
is walking around to inspect the overall situation of the class, check whether the teacher on
duty is checking the completion of students' learning tasks, check whether the teacher on duty
is using ClassDojo to grade students.

7.40pm text message to local teachers group "Please start attendance again", the supervisor
will check the attendance of local teachers group and deal with relevant absence in time. And
check the group requirements applied by teachers in the group, and assign the group areas
"conference room on the second floor, 109 on the first floor, small conference room on the
first floor and glass room on the first floor".

7.40pm – 8.20pm 巡视,查看是否有学生吃零食打游戏,查看走廊是否有散漫学生,

查看值班老师是否在用 ClassDojo 给学生打分。
8.20pm 短信发至中方教师群“请各位值班老师开始发晚自习反馈表情况”,总值班老

8.30pm 短信发至中方教师群“请各位值班老师开始带领学生整理教室,指导学生清理

7.40 PM - 8.20 PM patrol, see if any students to eat snacks, play games, see the students
learning group meeting room, check to see if the teacher on duty in the walking tour class
overall situation, check to see if the teacher on duty in the check students' learning task
progress and result to see if the teacher on duty in night lessons feedback, check to see if the
teacher on duty in ClassDojo to grade students.

8.20pm text message to local teachers group: "Please start sending feedback form of night
self-study to teachers on duty", and the chief teacher on duty will check and fill in the form.

8.30pm text message to local teachers group: "Please start to lead the students to tidy up the
classroom, guide the students to clean up personal belongings and garbage". The supervisor
made an inspection tour to check the cleanliness of the class, the switching off of air
conditioning and the turning off of lights.
# 在整体巡视过程中,根据晚自习流程细则进行打分。对于出现单项 0 分的老师,需

In the overall inspection process, grades will be given according to the rules of the
procedure of night study. For teachers with a score of 0 for a item, supervisor should
communicate with those teachers and gives guidance and requirements. Please refer to
the evaluation form of night study for details.

晚自习打分总分 10 分,每项细则对应 1 分,打分计入周绩效考核。

The total score of the evening study is 10 points, one point for each rule, and the score shall
be included in the weekly performance evaluation.


Reward standards for Evening study:

10 分 8-9 分 7分 6 分或以下

(10 points) (8-9 points) (7 points) (6 points or below)

200RMB 150RMB 100RMB 0RMB (排入改进计划)

备注 Notes:

1. 晚自习值班出现多项失职行为的值班教师,需要根据总值班教师排出的跟班表,

Teachers on duty who have many derelictions of duty should learn from excellent
teachers on duty for two nights in the following week according to the schedule of the
administrative supervisor, so as to improve the management quality.

2. 学生的相关行为管理请参照《学生手册》或者学生处附加说明。

Please refer to the Student Handbook or additional instructions of the SAO for the student
behavior management.
ClassDojo 政策 ClassDojo Policy:
Positive Behaviors Negative Behaviors
Plus 1 Minus 1
Study quietly and independently Not showing up on time
Clean the drawer and the classroom Constantly require to use the bathroom
Complete all homework Wandering in the hallway
Help other students complete homework Eating and drinking in class time
Discuss in a bearable volume Using computers inappropriately
Respect teachers and classmates (Eg. Ask for permissions, talk politely etc.) Play with teachers' chairs
Use computers appropriately Talk loudly and interrupt others
Use spare time to review Talk or act rudely
Not completing the homework
Minus 3
Wandering around the campus
Fighting or bullying

Rewards (Every 2 weeks)

Time: Homeroom Meeting Time Points
Movie Night Student Number * 2 *8
Bubble Tea Night Student Number * 3 *8
Pizza Night Student Number * 3 *8
Party Night (Including Drinks, Snacks, Movies, Games) Student Number * 4 *8

Punitive Measures (Every 2 weeks)

Each 10 deducted points will be counted as 1 referral Follow Student Handbook

12.2 Monthly Evaluation 月度考核

 AAO Director and Subject leader observe teachers’ classes and check the lesson plans
and Materials based on the policy listed below. All teachers receive one-on-one feedback
after the evaluation is done.
 Teachers should send Self-Evaluation to AAO Director and Subject Directors, including:
Class Attendance/ Student Work Artifacts/ Extra-Curricular Activities/ After School
Tutoring Sessions/ Weekend Activities/ Competitions/ Market your Class/ Peer Teacher
Observation and School Attendance. Teachers can use Danielson or ELEOT form for
your peer observation.
师可使用丹尼尔森或 ELEOT 听课表进行听课。
 AAO Assistant check the teacher's School Pal entry data weekly: Attendance, Homework,
Participation, Assessments and Feedback. And cooperate with HR department to score
teachers' attendance. All data will be record in the form.

 At the end of every month, all directors will summarize all data and information in the
form of Monthly Evaluation.

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