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The reinforced earth retaining wall is a coherent gravity structure engineered to resist specific
loading requirement. The primary components of this re-wall will consist of alternating layers of
backfill and high-adherence soil reinforcing tapes or strips to which a modular precast concrete
facing is attached. Its strength and stability will be derived from the frictional interaction
between the backfill and the reinforcements, resulting in a permanent and predictable bond that
creates a unique composite construction material. A mechanical connection between the facing
panels and the soil reinforcing strips will be achieved byway of a special tie strip embed. This
connection creates a system that is technically sound and highly reliable because of the
improved mechanical properties of the soil. The inherent strength and flexibility of the overall
wall system gives designers a powerful way to economically solve difficult stability issues for
structures subect to flooding or other dynamic forces, or those in seismically active areas.

!ompared with other types of retaining wall, the reinforced earth retaining wall has the
following maor advantages"

• It is advantageous over cast-in-place wall, both in construction time and quantity of

materials. It is quick to build thus saving time and cost even on the side of labour. !

ompared to the normal retaining wall, reinforced earth

retaining wall can save up to #$% of the cost.

• It is also flexible, making it possible to build directly upon compressible soils

and therefore deep excavations need not to be done thus reducing cost.
• The wall has high load-carrying capabilities, both to static and dynamic loads as a

result of reinforced earth through several layers of high strength tensile

• &ince it uses prefabricated components, it is easy to install therefore making it

rapid and predictable in terms of construction period.

• It is aesthetically appealing since the facing is highly suited for architectural finishes.

The regular shape of the blocks and their arrangement brings out the architectural

• !onstruction does not require any scaffolding permitting minimum
encroachmentto right-of-way.
• 'equirements for detour and disruption to traffic can be considerably reduced.

This technology of reinforced earth re-wall was first used in Thika superhighway and it has
proved to be an effective way of retaining earth where space is paramount. This strengthens the
desire of this company to use the same method on outer-ring road besides its advantages

(. It)s a new technological innovation.
#. The method of construction is highly technical and will be strictly done in
accordance with the construction drawings and specifications.
*. The mechani+ation of the construction process will help the process of
construction to finish within the given time.
. The construction process control demands high field coordination.
. !onstruction quality requires the construction details to be followed strictly.

This method of construction is very effective and can be applied in highway construction,
bridges, other areas affected by high water tables as well as dams. The versatility of the

technology allows engineers and architects wide-ranging flexibility in terms addressing

geotechnical, geometrical, and architectural requirements.

The "roce "rinci"#e

The primary components of a 'einforced arth wall consist of alternating layers of granular
backfill, and linear metallic, high-adherence soil reinforcing strips or ladders to which a

modular precast concrete facing is attached. The strength and stability are derived from the
frictional interaction between the granular backfill and the reinforcements, resulting in a

permanent and predictable bond that creates a unique composite construction material. In this
proect, the process will use a reinforced plastic composite !AT*$$#$/ which will be designed

according to the requirements in length and numbers arranged in the filling to improve the
mechanical properties of the soil.
The "roce of o"eration
Foundation engineering and precast panel

Panel mounting

Panel checking Laying of Panel adustments

geobelts Checking geobelts

Spread lling material !dusting geobelts

Check lling material

Filling material adustment

Compacting lling material materui

Check degree of "ore compaction and panel adustment

compaction and

Top level achieved

Subsidiaries and defence, drainage works

Completion and inspection

0ig" 0low chart 'einforced 'etaining 1all !onstruction

(. 2reparations"

The team will acquaint itself with the design document before construction. It will perform
a survey of raw materials available, sample panels as well as foundation concrete mix
design according to the design documents and construction specifications of prefabricated
3etailed construction design will be created and leadership built through having
construction and supervision departments designate people with clear responsibilities4

#. !onstruction survey controls will be put in place which include"

• 5easurement of the centre line for the base construction
• 6ocating and measuring the centre line for the wall construction.
• stablishing the level of base construction and set a standard point
• !learing the area of the base and compact it to the level of the strips.
*. 0oundation construction
• The trench for panel foundation will be excavated and prepared according to the

design requirements. In case of unexpected geological condition during excavation,

the reference shall be made to the design document in order to

make the appropriate changes or remedies.

• 0or the wall exceeding ($m long, a settlement or expansion oint of ($mm wide will

be created and this will be consistent throughout the wall. The top surface of each

segment will have the same hori+ontal plane and be in line with the panel modulus.

'etaining strip foundation depth should not be less

than (.$ meters.

• 0or the base foundation, reinforced soil compaction shall be smooth, and the
carrying capacity of the same shall meet the design requirements.
. 2anel fabrication and installation
• The moulds for the panels will be fabricated with steel plates and subected to regular

inspection and maintenance. Any concrete residue will be removed and the plate

brushed with a pre-releasing agent. This will ensure the

smoothness of the panel in compliant with the design requirement.

• The strength and geometry of the mould shall be to the exact dimensions
given in the design requirement.
• The top surface of the reinforced concrete foundation shall be cleaned and a cement

mortar with a mix ratio of ("* added as a first layer. Inspection of the layers shall be

done, the roadbed width reviewed, alignment of holes done, the bottom level of the

retaining wall checked and if any of the above criteria

will not have the standard, the work will be repeated ensuring accuracy.
• The panels shall be mounted in order according to the design document using
small home-made artillery for improved installation efficiency.
• A plumb line will be used after every three installations to check the elevation and axis

of the panels and this ensures uniformity in levels. Any level error will be remedied by

the use of the ("* cement mortar.

• Installation seam should be uniform, smooth and beautiful.
• The settlement oint of ($mm will be created and will run from top to bottom
throughout the height.
. 6aying bar strips
• The geobelt will be staggered according to the specification. 1eep holes shall
be created during the laying of blocks.
• The bar strip will be connected to the panels using its tip which shall be tied to
the reserved holes of the top and bottom panels.
• It should be reinforced with a radial fan laid on the levelling filler so as to prevent

curling or bending.

7. 0illeracquisition, paving and compaction

• The filling material will be obtained locally and should meet the design

requirement. It should not have other impurities such as roots, grass and
other debris.
• 'einforced filler paving and compaction will be done in layers of equal depth
with each layer having strips tied to the panels.
8i9 3ischarge" The distance between the offloading equipment and the panel distance
should not be less than (.m as a requirement. This is because the pressure generated

by the machine could interfere with the alignment of the panel. Acertain thickness of
filling material will be established so as to avoid

interference of the geobelt by the lower ribs of the equipment.

8ii9 2aving" The paving will be smooth and uniform. The paving equipment will also be at

least (.m away from the panel. A distance of (.m will be left because paving that
space with heavy equipment could interfere with the panels. Instead, this part shall be

compacted with lighter equipment such as pedestrian roller. 2aving shall also be done
perpendicular to the panel and this also helps straighten the geobelt.
8iii9 !ompaction" !ompaction of thefilled material within(m ofthe panel shall achieve :#%
and this need to be done through pedestrian roller or other lighter equipment. 0rom
(m of the panel, :% of compaction shall be

achieved and this will be done by heavier equipment.

o 0illing shall be done in layers of between #$cm-#cm thick. 3uring

compaction, the equipment shall not stopped once or have its direction changed

abruptly on non-compacted filler. This could interfere with the

geobelt placed under the filler.

o !ompaction shall be started centrally and gradually rolled towards the tail of

the geobelt. Then compaction near the panel will be done last.
;. 5iscellaneous

• 5iscellaneous works shall commence upon completion of the whole re- wall

structure inclusive of backfilling works.

• The miscellaneous works are the flexible pavement, drains and road furniture.

• There shall be a proper drainage system within the construction to drain any


Materials and Equipment

 quipment

nu$%er E&ui"$ent 'uantit Re$ar)

( 6oader ( 0or filling

# (<T 'oller (-# 0or soil compaction

* &mall compactor # 0or compacting the soil within (m of the panel

 crane ( 0or panel shipment if need be

 &mall artillery #- 0or panel mounting

7 bulldo+er ( 0or material pavement

; truck ( 0or transporting panels and other
< Tipper -< 0or transporting the filling material

 5aterials"

The materials used shall comply with the design requirements and they are as follows"

• !AT*$$#$/typeplastic compositereinforcementbelt 8=eobelt9

• =eotextile
• 0illing material
• 0ilter material 85ainly gravel9
• 0oam 8for expansion oints9

Constructionlabour organisation:



eldtest site eld

members inspectors technicians

"achinery paneland Transport $arstrips
class #andymen
installation vehicles class laying class
Quality control
• 'einforced earth retaining wall construction shall be strictly done in
accordance with the design documents.
• The operations on the ground shall also be done in accordance with the design document

and if by any chance any adustment has to be made due to the ground conditions, it

shall be done on approval by the resident engineer or

• Temporary and permanent drainage works needs to be put in place before, during and

after construction. The filler surface that has not been compacted
should be covered with plastic sheeting in case of rain indication.
• 2anels shall be created according to the design document. Any defective

panel shall not be transported to the site.

• The safety of the reinforced retaining wall is dependent on the quality of the filling

material and its compaction which must be based on the design document. 'egular and

consistent inspection as well as following construction

rules put in place ensures a good quality of work.

• All batches of bar strips transported to the site shall be sampled and checked
for breaking strength and elongation.
• The panels used must be smooth and of the appropriate si+e to enhance a straight

vertical expansion oint.

Security measures
• &afety technical tests must be carried out step by step and very often and the record

kept. !lear safety measures must be put in place to ensure safe

• The construction site should be planned to adhere to the local fire protection

by-laws. 2roper plans should be put in place to ensure fire

safety as well as develop fire contingency plans.
• &ince the work will be done near a busy road, the working area will be

barricaded using temporary barrier to stop non-working personnel and

vehicles from getting to the site which is risky.
• 2roper signs will be put in place forewarning the general public and other

personnel of excavation danger in the barricaded area and this will work
for good to all.
• A good site plan will be establishedto ensure safety on this site aswell as a good

work plan. verybody working or entering this site will have

personal protective gear for his own safety and the person in charge of this
site will ensure that everybody follows that directive.
• &ite clearing may be required as well as excavation and therefore the
personnel operating the excavator will have prior training.
• The excavator itself will have prior checking before beginning work as a

safety measure.
/efore the start of excavation, any underground service will have to be

identified and the risk assessed and the correction measures undertaken.
• The control measures for the work will be monitored in the course of work

performance. 2roper communication will be established within the site

before and during the working time to ensure safety on site.

• The manoeuvring of the excavator on this site will be undertaken under

controlled condition to reduce the risk to other site users and also to
ensure that it does not come into contact with other services going through
this site if present.
• The concrete for the re-wall foundation will be prepared under controlled

condition and brought to the site by a mixer truck. A pump will be used to place it

on the already prepared and reinforced foundation. The pump

operator will handle the delivery line in the placement to the said area.
• The work environment will be assessed for the overhead services which may

interfere with the concrete pump boom and this will help the operator to find an

alternative route for the boom to place the concrete.

Environmental protection
3uring normal maintenance of the construction equipment, it)s likely to have oil waste and
this should be collected in containers and disposed appropriately away from the site in

accordance with local regulatory authority. nvironmental

pollution shall be avoided at all cost.

>oise on the site shall be kept under control as well as dust. After the completion of work,
the site shall be cleaned and the materials cleared and disposed accordingly.

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