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Local Materials and Traditional Techniques

Many contemporary artists are self-taught and have no formal training in the fine arts.
They combine and borrow pre-existing ideas to create something new.  Local materials and
traditional techniques can also be used in contemporary arts. Local materials are resources that
can be found in large quantities in a specific location or area at a specific time. It is also known
as materials that can be used to create a finished element. Traditional techniques are those that
have been used by people for a long time. Folk architecture, maritime transport, weaving,
carving, folk performing arts, folk (oral) literature, folk graphic and plastic arts, ornament, textile
or fiber art, pottery, and other artistic expressions of traditional culture are examples of
traditional art techniques in the Philippines. Working with local materials will reflect how artists
live and thus be more authentic. It is also a "greener" option because artists are not shipping
materials all over the place and are trying to make do with what they have on hand.

With each new era of art, there are new and distinct techniques that define how the
movement evolves. Minimalism, found objects, and large-scale paintings are among the many
techniques used in contemporary art. Each of these brings a unique perspective to the artistic
community, and each is valued as a choice for the most influential technique in contemporary

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