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 It is a repository object that generates, modifies, or passes data.

 Data passes through transformation ports that you link in a mapping


1. Active / passive.
2. Connected / Un connected

Active Transformations

An active transformation can perform any of the following actions:

 Change the number of rows that pass through the transformation : The filter
transformation is active because it removes the rows that do not meet the filter condition
 All multi-group transformations are activebecause they might change the number of rows
that pass through the transformation.
 Change the transaction boundary : The transaction control transformation is active
because it defines a commit or roll back transaction.
 Change the row type : Update strategy transformation is active because it flags the rows for
insert, delete, update or reject.

Passive Transformations

 A passive transformation does not change the number of rows that pass through the
transformation, maintains the transaction boundary, and maintains the row type.

Unconnected transformation

 Transformations which are connected to the other transformations in the mapping are called
connected transformations.

Unconnected transformation

 It is not connected to other transformations in the mapping and it is called within another
transformation, and returns a value to that transformation.

Types of Ports

 Input ports - Receive data from Source Definition

 Output ports - Pass data to other transformation

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Filter Transformation


 Active
 Connected


 It is used to filter out rows in a mapping based on user specified conditions.

 It allows rows that meet the specified filter condition to pass through and It drops rows that
do not meet the condition.
 We can filter data based on one or more conditions using Logical operators (OR/AND).
 The filter condition is case sensitive.

Types of Ports

 Input ports
 Output ports


 Filter Condition
 Tracing Level

Filter Condition

 The filter condition is an expression that returns TRUE or FALSE.

 For example, if you want to filter out rows for employees whose salary is less than $30,000,
you enter the following condition:
SALARY > 30000

Tracing Level

It specifies the level of information that can be recorded in the session log file while executing the

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Sorter Transformation


 Active
 Connected


 It is used to sort data in ascending or descending order for any kind of source
 It is also used to remove duplicate records from the incoming source data using distinct

Types of Ports

 Input
 Output
 Key
 Direction


 Case Sensitive
 Distinct
 Null Treated Low

Case Sensitive

 When you enable the Case Sensitive property, the Integration Service sorts uppercase
characters higher than lowercase characters while perform acending.

Distinct Output Rows

 The Integration Service discards duplicate rows compared during the sort operation.

Null Treated Low

 Enable this property if you want the Integration Service to treat null values as lower than any
other value when it performs the sort operation.

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Rank Transformation


 Active
 Connected


 It is used to select only the top or bottom rank of data

Rank Index

 The Designer creates a RANKINDEX port for each Rank transformation.

 The Integration Service uses the Rank Index port to store the ranking position for each row in
a group

Types of Ports

 Input
 Output
 Variable
 Rank
 Group By


 Top/Bottom
 Number of Ranks
 Case-Sensitive StringComparison


 Specifies whether you want the top or bottom ranking for a column.

Number of Ranks

 Number of rows you want to rank.

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Source Qualifier Transformation


 Active
 Connected


 When you add a relational or a flat file source definition to a mapping, you need to connect it
to a Source Qualifier transformation.
 It is Default transformation in case of Relational and Flat Files.
 It converts the source (relational or flat) data types into Informatica data type. So, you should
not alter the data types of the ports in the source qualifier transformation.

Types of Ports

 Input ports
 Output ports


 SQL Query
 User-Defined Join
 Source Filter
 Number of Sorted Ports
 Select Distinct

Tasks performed by SQ:

 Filter the rows based on the conditions when the Informatica Server reads source data.
 Sort the data by ascending or descending order for the specified column using SQL Override
 Selecting distinct values from the source
 Join data originating from the same source database
 Specify an outer join rather than the default inner join.

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Sequence Generator Transformation


 Passive
 Connected


 The Sequence Generator transformation generates numeric values and cycle through a
sequential range of numbers.
 It contains two output ports NEXTVAL and CURRVAL

Types of Ports

 Output ports


 Start Value
 Increment By
 End Value
 Current Value
 Cycle
 Reset


 If enabled, the Integration Service cycles through the sequence range.


 If enabled, the Integration Service generates values based on the original current value for
each session. Otherwise, it updates the current value to reflect the last-generated value for
the session plus one, and then uses the updated current value as the basis for the next session

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