Gmail - Psychotest Invitation PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia - Pasuruan

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Psychotest Invitation PT.

Cheil Jedang Indonesia - Pasuruan

1 pesan

Oshita Nurudina <> Kam, 20 Jan 2022 pukul 17.22



Thank you for your time and patience in waiting for schedule for our hiring process at PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia,

We already reviewed your profile and were immediately impressed with your skills/experience. Within this email, we gladly invite you to
come to our hiring process by the schedule:

ID - Number  : OPR - 138

Date                : Tuesday, 25 January 2022                  

Time                : 11.30 - 14.30 WIB (please be early for registration)

Place               : Sport Hall ~ 1st  Floor,

PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia - Pasuruan

Entry Gate     : East Gate, PT. Cheil Jedang Indonesia (near CJ’s mosque)

Agenda           : Psycho Test

To attend this process candidates must bring (WAJIB):

1.    Medical certificate (surat keterangan sehat dari dokter/puskesmas, maksimal masa berlaku H-3 kegiatan psikotes)

2.    Print out this Psycho Test Invitation Letter

3.    Double masks – 3 ply or medical mask (please wear it from home)
4.    Ballpoint

5.    Formal dress code (shirt & trousers)

Candidates must follow the health protocols in PT. CJI Pasuruan :

1.    Park your vehicle in the parking area provided

2.    Keep a safe distance (physical distancing)

3.    Wear a mask inside and outside of the area

Note: If you fail to complete the documents required/to follow the health protocols required, you are not allowed to
participate in Psycho Test

Please confirm this email by replying ( NAME_ATTEND/NOT ATTEND)

If you accept the invitation please let me know by replying to this email. Since this is an urgent fulfillment for this position, we are sorry

that psycho test date won t able to be rescheduled, so please be well-prepared for this opportunity.


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