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According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 3.4 million

people die annually from water-related diseases. About a million Filipinos get

sick with water-borne disease like amoebiasis, cryptosporidiosis and cholera. In

our country, these problems are accredited to the poor water system in the

Philippines. Safe water is an issue that’s why water refilling stations are like

mushrooms in all provinces, because a lot of people prefer to get their drinking

water from these water stations, it’s simple, clean and safe to drink. In our area,

most of the families are looking for clean water sources if they are to avoid

cholera epidemics and other health problems spawned by the foul,

contaminated water available in our neighborhoods. In addition, nowadays,

people are more health conscious than usual. No matter how our elders would

say that water pump waters are the best drinking water, none of those claims

would work anymore today. The community is becoming more health conscious

as days pass by, and this does not exempt the most essential part of our

everyday life, water. Water Refilling Station is a shop, where consumers would

bring containers and fill them for a per-gallon fee that is a small fraction of

commercially bottled water’s cost. Demand is high that most stores now offer

home delivery for regular customers. Most shops produce between 3,000 to

12,000 liters of water per day. Typically, the supply comes from the pipes of
municipal concessionaires. We will be investing on treatment equipment and

further purifying their product before sale. The growing demand for clean, safe

drinking water in the Philippines has created opportunities for businesses that

sell purified water. While conforming to the national sanitation standards, these

water purifying stations often provide cheaper sources of clean, potable water

than traditional sources such as bottled mineral water bought at supermarkets.

Also, as the cost of household water filters continue to soar, domestic users are

likely to avail of sources coming from neighborhood water refilling stations.

Project Context

Over the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the

price of household water purifiers and bottled water has become prohibitive.

Water refilling stations managed by private entrepreneurs offer a cheaper and

more convenient solution to the public’s drinking water needs than bottled water

or the use of household filters.

A Water Refilling Station Management is a system that encompasses all

aspects of managing a company's inventories; purchasing, receiving, tracking,

and reordering. Automation can dramatically impact all phases of inventory

management, including counting and monitoring of items; recording and

retrieval of item storage location; recording changes to inventory; and

anticipating inventory needs, including inventory handling requirements. Even

stand-alone systems that are not integrated with other areas of the business,

but many analysts indicate that productivity and profitability gains that are
garnered through use of automated systems can be further increased when a

business integrates its inventory control systems with other systems such as

accounting and sales to better control inventory levels.

Purpose and Description

The purpose of the water refilling management system is to overcome

difficulties in manual operation in the refilling station. The difficulty in manual

systems is one of the reasons why the efficiency in availing services of the

clients is not satisfying and keeping of records is often misplaced and not

secure. This system will be programmed to java that can enable the user to

record things that are being purchased by the clients and it be created using

MySQL database.

This system manages to display the data to be filled by the user according to

the information of the customer in an organized manner, such that their personal

details, and the services they want to avail as well as the payment on the

transaction they purchased. The system keeps the information of the customer

and the details of what they purchased. The system coordinates the

arrangement on delivery of products. It consists of all the records for the location

of the clients, date of transaction, schedule of delivery, contact number and the

person assigned to deliver and the payment of the customer to the quantity of

product that is about to deliver. The system also views the information about the

availability of the products as well as the containers. The system views the

available containers to provide stocks again.

This system also manages the information of the employees that a

refilling station must have just like a front liner, cashier, technical assistant, and

delivery man. It stores the information in order so that it is easy for the owner to

access the details of his/her employee. Upon having this system, it will provide

the capacity to the owner and clients to transact without spending time and


Objective of the Study

The objectives of Alpha Purified Water Refilling Station are outlined below:

● To create a service-based company whose primary goal is to exceed

customers' expectations.

● The utilization of The Water Station products by at least 10% of the local


● To increase the number of sellers by 20% each year.

● To develop a sustainable home-based business, surviving off of its own

cash flow

Significance of the study

The development of this study as a practical application of business and

management will be useful in. Specifically, the study is beneficial to the

Consumers. Have knowledge and awareness as to the operation and

status of the said business.

Management. This study will aim to aid the management to enhance

their operation and assess their current year status.

Market Analysts. With the progression of the study, market analysts will

be benefited which could contribute to their existing related data.

Business Entities. Results can be used as their basis in designing their

marketing plan.

Future Researchers. This research will serve as a related study which

will provide data that may be undertaken in future.

Significance of the study

The development of this study as a practical application of business and

management will be useful in. Specifically, the study is beneficial to the


Consumers. Have knowledge and awareness as to the operation and

status of the said business.

Management. This study will aim to aid the management to enhance

their operation and assess their current year status.

Market Analysts. With the progression of the study, market analysts will

be benefited which could contribute to their existing related data.

Business Entities. Results can be used as their basis in designing their

marketing plan.

Future Researchers. This research will serve as a related study which

will provide data that may be undertaken in future.

Scope and Delimitation

This study is focused on the operational performance and profitability.

The results of this study will be applicable to the consumers and to those

entrepreneurs who just started their businesses. This study is limited only in

knowing the profitability and operational performance, including the quality of

product sold and service they provide.



This chapter is a presentation of the related literature and studies through

and in-depth search done by the researchers. This will also present the

synthesis of the art, theoretical and conceptual framework to fully understand

the research to be done and lastly the definition of terms for better

comprehension of the study.

Local Literature

Water filtration is a general term that refers to any system or process that

is used to filter out particles and pollutants from water. It doesn't necessarily

need to be a purifier to make the cut. Anything that removes any amount of

particles, sediment, bacteria and removes the chlorine taste, can be called

water filtration. If it has a filter of any type, it's a filtration system.

In the study of Gary Logsdon (2015) entitled "Microbiology and Drinking

Water Filtration" he assessed filtration to remove suspended matter such as

clays, algae, suspended matter in general, and asbestos fibers from water.

Filtration studies related to removal of microorganisms have generally been


According to Josephine Salillas (200ne of the fast expanding business in

Manila, and in most Metro cities nationwide, is the water refilling station. It's

mushrooming on every street corner, because a lot of people in urban areas

prefer to get their drinking water from these water stations, iť's simply clean and

safe to drink. Over the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher,

the price of household water purifiers and bottled water has become prohibitive.

Human Resources is also the organizational function that deals with the

people and issues related to people such as compensation and benefits,

recruiting and hiring employees, onboarding employees, performance

management, training, organization development and culture, and advising

senior staff about the impact on people of their financial planning. and

performance decisions on the people in the organization.

There are agencies involved for a water refilling station to operate. They

monitor these businesses if they are following the required standards that

benefits both consumers and the business.

In the study of B.B Magtibay (2018) entitled "Water Refilling Station: an

alternative source of drinking water in the Philippines" He enumerated all

agencies directly involved in the establishment operation of water refilling

stations, these are:

The Department of Health (DOH). DOH is the main agency responsible

for protecting the health of the people. The Sanitation Code of the Philippines

mandates DOH in protecting drinking water quality. Consequently, DOH issues

implementing rules and regulations prescribing sanitary standards for water

supply systems, including water refilling stations.

The Center for Health Development (CHD) is the regional branch of DOH.

Association of Water Refilling Entrepreneurs (AVWARE) concentrates on

resolving business management issues of its members.

Presidential Decree No. 856 (PD 856) or the Sanitation Code of the

Philippines is the main law requiring all establishments to comply with existing

sanitary standards to protect public health. Guidelines for operating a water

refilling station are indicated in the Supplemental Implementing Rules and

Regulations on Water Supply of PD 856 issued in 1999. Magtibay (2011) noted

that to operate the water store, about five employees are needed. One manager

to oversee store operations at least 4 hours a day; 1 accountant/bookkeeper

who will make financial statements of business operations; 1 administrative

assistant who will log and handle cash sales and purchases; 1 front liner who

will accept and refill containers of customers. 1 technical assistant who will

maintain and run the machine; and 1 driver/delivery man who will transport

refilled containers to customer's home Institutions and Policies

Water Quality can be defined as the chemical, physical and biological

characteristics of water, usually in respect to its suitability for a designated use.

According to MWSS Regulatory Office (2019) they enumerated all the tests that

need to undergo and pass for safe drinking water. Source water and product

water are subject to regular monitoring by the local health office. The national

standards for drinking water contains 54 parameters that must be complied with.

Only DOH-accredited laboratories are allowed to conduct water testing and

analysis. The frequency of monitoring is as follows: Bacteriological quality - at

least monthly. Monitoring of radioactive contaminants shall be done only if there

is significant input of radiation from the surrounding environment. Customers or

the standards of the consumer price will not be the problem as long as there is a

quality to the products that these businesses sell.

Foreign Literature

Eureka Forbes launches mobile water purifier NEW DELHI: Home

appliance maker Eureka Forbes has launched mobile water purifier "Aqua

guard-on the -Go', priced at Rs 595. Aqua guard-on-the-Go is in the shape of a

sipper loaded with miniaturized water purification technology and would be

available across retail outlets and general stores, Eureka Forbes said in a

statement. It would be available in four variants – black mystery, pink beauty,

pearl white and racy blue, Eureka Forbes, a part of ShapoorjiPallonji Group,

said. Commenting on the development, Marzin R Shroff, Eureka Forbes CEO

Direct Sales and Senior VP Marketing, said the miniaturized purification

technology was water rolled out after seven years of research. "Aqua guard-on-

the-Go is perhaps the only water purifier in India which can enable affordability,

adaptability and availability of safe drinking water for Indians. It is an important

milestone in the history of brand Aqua guard which will take our market

leadership in India to the next level," he added. The company said, the water

purifier is powered by space nano technology, which has 100 cores plus

optimally charged active sites that attract and can remove 99. 9 percent harmful

bacteria and viruses. Water filled in sippers passes through a maze of nano

sized positive charged media that traps negatively charged pathogens and other
impurities to decontaminate drinking water, the company said. It would attract

the travelers, school/college students, sports and fitness enthusiasts. (Eureka

Forbes, urnover of Rs 1,776)

In 1997, Solerex ventured into the water refilling stations business.Utilizing its

expertise and supplier channels in reverse osmosis, water filtration, and

purification systems, the Company was able to offer the market superior

equipment at relatively low cost. This, coupled with the strong name recall of

theCrystal Clear brand, enabled Solerexto expand at a fast rate, building the3rd

most extensive water stations franchise store network in the country after only

two years.By the1999. Solerex seeks the professional services of

FRANCORP,a franchise development specialist.Also this year, popular

Philippine TVand movie celebrity, Ms. Lorna Tolentino became the endorser

and franchise holder of Crystal Clear Water Refilling Station (WRS). After three

years in the business, Crystal Clear franchise network expanded to 150 stores.

By this year the Rabana Group of Indonesia acquired the Master Franchise of

Crystal Clear WRS in Indonesia. In 2001, PT SOLEREX Rabana Indonesia

opened its first water store under the Crystal Clea Trademark. After two years,

the PALMAGRO Holdings of Malaysia obtained the Master Franchise of CC

WRS for Singapore and Malaysia. By the year 2003, SWTI and Crystal Clear's

President, Mr. Jose Antonio Soler received the award as one of the Top Ten

Entrepreneur of the Year by the Entrepreneur Magazine. Various

commendations were given to mother franchisor, SOLEREX and Crystal Clear

by several prestigious organizations.

The National Foundation Affairs Consumers awarded for Most SOLEREX

Technology Outstanding Water System while Most Outstanding Purified

Drinking Water Brand for CC. Another citation was given to CC and Solerex

from the Parangalang Bayan Water Refill Stations New Wave of the Future |

Eliminate Plastic Water Bottles -Kelly Kline Burnett refill stations are now Water

available and appearing at locations across the United States. While some have

gone so far as banning bottled water, many others have taken a softer approach

and have offered filtered water, free at outside bottle filling stations.

Local Studies

Over the years, as the demand for cleaner water becomes higher, the

price of household water purifiers and bottled water has become prohibitive.

Water refilling stations managed by private entrepreneurs offer a cheaper and

more convenient solution to the public’s drinking water needs than bottled water

or the use of household filters.

At present, about 3,000 water refilling stations have proliferated nationwide.

They sell purified water of comparable quality with bottled water at a lower price.

For example, the current price per gallon of refilled purified water in America

ranges from P 50 to P 120 per 5-gallon container or about P 2.50 to P 6.00 per

liter while the bottled water is sold at P 12.00 to P 25.00 per liter. Household

filters, on the other hand, cost P 5,000 to P 25,000 per unit ( 1 US $ = P 56 in

In America, most of the water refilling stations are connected to the pipes of two

concessionaires: Maynilad Water Company or Manila Water Company for their

source of raw water while in other areas they opt to use private deep wells. The

“potable water” supplied by the providers is then further purified by utilizing a

combination of water treatment equipment, such as sediment filters, carbon

filters, water softeners, reverse osmosis membranes, ultra-violet lamps, and

ozone generators. Typical water refilling stations can produce 3,000 to 12,000

litres of purified water per day. In previous years, most of the people were

bringing a container to a water refilling station to buy purified water.

Nowadays, because of convenience on the part of the consumers, purified

water in 5-gallon (22.7 litres) containers are delivered by the station directly to

the people’s home. AquaSure, a water refilling station in America, can deliver

5,500 gallons (25,000 litres) a day to its 8,000 household clients.

Structurally, water refilling stations can be operated with a minimum area of at

least 20-25 square metres. It comprises the following sections: refilling and

selling room, enclosed water purification room, container washing and sanitizing

room, storage room for empty and refilled containers, source water storage

facility, toilet and an office. To operate the water store, about five employees are


1 – Manager – Overseas store operations at least 4 hours a day

1 – Accountant/Bookkeeper – Makes financial statement of business operations

1 – Administrative assistant – Logs and handles cash sales and purchases

1 – Front Liner – Accepts and refills containers of customers

1 – Technical Asst. – Maintains and runs the machine

1 – Driver/Delivery Man – Transport refilled containers to customer’s home

The main processes in a water refilling station is dictated by raw water quality.

The typical steps are filtration (several stages), softening, and disinfection. The

machines that could be installed for such processes are the following:

Multimedia sediment filter – removes sediments such as rust, sand and particles

that are invisible to the naked eye; employs a total of 5 filters.

Ion exchanger – replaces hard minerals with soft minerals.

Activated carbon filter – removes all organic chemicals, herbicide, pesticide,

offensive odor and bad taste.

Reverse osmosis membrane – the heart of the system and the most expensive

unit; removes inorganic minerals, bacteria and viruses while retaining its oxygen

content. Since the filter size is very small at less than 0.05 micrometre, the

product water could have a total dissolved solids (TDS) of less than 10 ppm.

The filtration process rejects about 50 percent of raw water volume.

Post-carbon filter – improves the taste of water.

Ultraviolet lamp – ensures that the water is free from disease-causing

Ozone generator – inhibits the growth of bacteria in the product tank and

prolongs the shelf life of water.

The efficiency of the water purification system in removing impurities is high.

The 10 water quality parameters measured by Magtibay (2001) showed an

average of 80 percent efficiency.

The agencies directly involved in the establishment operation of water refilling

stations are as follows:

The Department of Health (DOH). DOH is the main agency responsible

for protecting the health of the people. The Sanitation Code of the Philippines

mandates DOH in protecting drinking water quality. Consequently, DOH issues

implementing rules and regulations prescribing sanitary standards for water

supply systems, including water refilling stations.

The Center for Health Development (CHD) is the regional branch of

DOH. Its main function is to provide technical assistance to local government

units and to monitor DOH programme implementation which includes water

quality and sanitation standards. For water refilling stations, CHD is mandated

to issue initial and operational permits.

The Local Government Units (LGUs) are mandated by Presidential

Decree (PD 856) to issue sanitary permit, sanitary clearance, health certificates,

certificate of potability, drinking water site clearance and closure order (if

necessary) and to conduct sanitary inspection of WRS.

The Water Quality Association of the Philippines Inc. (WQAP) is an

organization of private firms who are engaged in the manufacture, sale, and

distribution of water refilling station equipment and supplies, as well as water

treatment and purification equipment and technology for household, institutional,

commercial and industrial applications. About 85 percent of its 250 members

operate water refilling stations.

Starting a business is the dream of millions of Filipinos. Being the boss,

getting rich and doing what one likes are among the promised benefits of being

an entrepreneur that are hard to resist. This may all come true, but succeeding

in a venture is not that easy especially for those with no business background or

experience. For most people who are not business majors, taking a few years

off to study business is not feasible. Nevertheless, if one wishes to improve

chances for success, it is critical that he supplements his knowledge by studying

the necessary skills needed to operate a small or medium-sized business.

According to Manuel (2013), as compared to a sole proprietorship, a greater

amount of capital can be accumulated in a partnership because of the number

of persons involved. With more resources, there will also be a greater

opportunity to expand services. Likewise, better management will result

because of the shared managerial skills, efforts and experiences of the partners.

A corporation is an artificial being created by operation of law, having the right of

succession and the powers, attributes and properties expressly authorized by

law or incident to its existence (The Corporation Code of the Philippines, Sec.2).

As mentioned by De Leon and De Leon (2010), the corporation has a legal

capacity to act as a legal unit, the business has continuity of existence because

of its non-dependence on the lives of those who compose it. The management

is centralized in the board of directors and the shareholders have limited liability.

The shares of stocks can be transferred without the consent of the other

stockholders. The corporation also has disadvantages. It is relatively

complicated in formation and management and the credit is weakened by the

limited liability of the stockholders. There is an ordinarily lack of personnel

element in view of the transferability of shares. In terms of business plan,

according to Asor (2009), a business plan is a well-written, honest-to-goodness

document prepared by the entrepreneur that will convince the investor to invest

or it is a tool to sell the business story to financial resources and should be

recognized. It is the direction and guide of the entrepreneur as to what is to be

done and how to do it. It details out what should be achieved over a certain

period of time. Also, about entrepreneurship, Hisrich (2008) defines it as the

process of creating something new with value by devoting the necessary time

and effort, assuming the accompanying financial, psychic, and social risks, and

receiving the resulting awards of monetary and personal satisfaction and

independence. Business strategy is about creating value. Value for the

customers in the difference between what is received in benefits from the

performance of the product or service obtained from the organization.

Customers pay the cost of a product and receive a package of benefits

(Hubbard, 2011). Competitiveness according to Stevenson (2009) is how

effectively an organization meets the wants and needs of customers relative to

others that offer similar goods or services. It is an important factor in

determining whether a company prospers, barely gets by, or fails. Asia Pacific

Journal of Academic Research in Business Administration, Vol. 1 No. 1, April

2015 13 Cross (2013) enumerated some tips on how to grow a small bottled

water delivery business. The first one is to learn more about the water industry.

There are different types of water. According to the International Bottled Water

Association (IBWA), this includes artisan water, fluoridated water, spring water,

purified water, distilled water, mineral water, sterile water and carbonated water

products. Understanding industry variety is essential for this start-up business.

Diversify water product offerings for additional sales to existing customers.

Magtibay (2011)noted that to operate the water store, about five employees are

needed. One manager to oversees store operations at least 4 hours a day; 1

accountant/bookkeeper who will makes financial statement of business

operations; 1 administrative assistant who will log and handle cash sales and

purchases; 1 front liner who will accept and refill containers of customers; 1

technical assistant who will maintain and run the machine; and 1 driver/delivery

man who will transport refilled containers to customer’s home. According to the

World Health Organization (WHO), about 3.4 million people die annually from

water-related diseases. About a million Filipinos get sick with water-borne

diseases yearly. And these are diarrhea cases alone. Chavez (2010),

emphasized that Quezon City authorities have asked the public to report water

refilling stations selling contaminated water or passing off tap water as mineral

or the purified variety to their clients. Councilor Jorge “Bolet” Banal Jr. of the
city’s third district raised the alarm after receiving complaints that some clients

protested the awful taste of the items which were presumed to be mineral or

purified water. To avert the sale of contaminated drinking water, the councilor

made arrangements for concerned local authorities to conduct surprise

inspections of water refilling stations in the city. When one started a new

business, the last thing he wants to focus on is failure. Schaefer (2011)

enumerates the 7 reasons why businesses fail: one starts the business for the

wrong reasons; poor management; insufficient capital; location; lack of planning;

overexpansion; no website. According to Kaizen philosophy (2010), a problem

occurred in their business. Although the franchised water store has an

established name in the industry, there are some difficulties in marketing it in the

area of Bacoor. Based on the conversations with different residents of the area,

it seems like the price above quality is highly considered. In addition to that,

there are many independent water stations in the area and it seems to be

trapped in a price war. Although the business is still new (2 weeks), the owner

got alarmed and frustrated because the sales are very low.

Foreign Studies

Plastic litter is present in nearly every environment on the land and in the

sea. Plastic can become litter from its point of production such as microbeads in

plastic factory waste water [1,2], during use such as a fishing net breaking free

from its anchor [3] and disposal, such as from littering [4,5]. Plastic litter has

shown to be harmful to wildlife via entanglement and ingestion [6,7], to

economies [8–10] and, potentially, to human health [11–13]. Plastic production

is predicted to double within the next 20 years [14] with the amount of plastic

escaping into the environment anticipated to increase accordingly [15–17]. The

driver of increased plastic production is the constant growth in demand and

consumption of plastic products. One area in which this rapid growth occurs is

the beverage industry, particularly bottled water. One million plastic bottles are

consumed every minute, with consumption expected to increase by 20% by

2021 [18]. In the United States, bottled water is becoming the most consumed

packaged beverage by volume [19]. In Australia, bottled water is predicted to be

the fastest growth sector in the beverage industry [20] with Australians spending

more than half a billion dollars per year on bottled water [21]. This increased

consumption has been linked to the preconception by consumers that bottled

water is healthier, more convenient, and tastier than tap water [21–23]. That

rationale is illusionary, however [24], with tap water often demonstrated to be

‘cleaner’ or less contaminated than that sold in bottles.

In Australia where the majority of people have the luxury of safe-to-drink, high-

quality tap water, an estimated 10% of water consumption is derived from

bottled water [25]. This widely consumed mass commodity is associated with

non-trivial environmental costs. For example, the production and transportation

of bottled water contributes to human-derived climate change. Plastic beverage

containers account for 30% of the global demand of polyethylene terephthalate

(PET) production [26] and bottled water production and transport accounted for

almost half a million barrels of oil and more than 60,000 tons of greenhouse gas

in 2014 in Australia alone [22]. Furthermore, plastic beverage bottles are a

commonly littered item. Of all litter found during clean-ups, on land, and on

coasts, plastic beverage containers are in the top three most littered items. For

example, plastic bottles were the third most littered item in 2018 in the

International Coastal Cleanup [27] and the second most littered item in 2017 by

Clean Up Australia [28]. These littered bottles not only make an area

aesthetically unappealing with potential negative e ffects on tourism revenues

but can also cause harm to wildlife [29,30]. The increasing supply and demand

for portable cold filtered water (i.e., bottled water) [19,20] is linked with

consumers either unintentionally losing or intentionally littering the plastic bottle

into the environment. The littering of plastic bottles can be viewed as a negative

externality to the supply and demand of cold filtered water. For instance, how a

plastic bottle is disposed of does not directly a ffect


To Reduce The externality of plastic bottle litter, the government have

developed policies,regulations,and infrastructure. Non-government

organisations (NGOs) have developed consumer outreach strategies that target

plastic bottle consumption and disposal. Using a supply-demand curve [31], the

consumption of portable cold filtered water (i.e., bottled water) can be

represented alongside the different strategies used to reduce its consumption

and subsequent disposal(Figure1). For Example, a plastic bottle ban is a policy

strategy that can reduce bottle litter by removing the supply of plastic bottles

(containing water) to the consumer. Alternately, promoting the benefits of

reusable drink bottles is a public outreach strategy that reduces the consumer
demand for bottled water. Selecting the right strategy for the desired audience is

critical for the strategy to reach the desired outcome of fewer plastic bottles

entering the environment. For example, a campus-wide bottle ban in Allegheny

College, Pennsylvania, would not successfully reduce bottle litter in the campus

since the majority of bottled water consumed on campus was purchased o ff-

campus [32]. This highlights the importance of gaining an in-depth

understanding of the target population’s current behaviours when designing a

behavioural change strategy. In Queensland, Australia, almost three billion

beverage containers are used each year and they are consistently among the

most frequently littered items in the state [33]. In the Brisbane River itself,

beverage containers are the number one littered item, which comprises 22% of

all items recorded [34]. ToreducebottlelitterintheBrisbaneRiver, an independen

natural resource management organisation, Healthy Land and Water (HLW),

instigated a behavioural change strategy by installing filtered water refill stations

in litter ‘hot spots’ (i.e., areas along the Brisbane River that have the highest

density of litter) and ran a public awareness campaign on litter in the Brisbane

River. In this paper, we looked at the success of this single-use plastic

behavioural change strategy and asked how to best apply such a strategy. We

approach the research question from a socio-ecology lens to determine if a

behavioural change strategy can solely reduce the amount of litter entering a

riverine environment. HLW provided daily clean up data [34] to determine

whether installing free water refill stations at designated litter hotspots resulted

in a significant reduction in plastic bottle litter found in the Brisbane River. We

describe the survey design and discuss the success of the chosen strategy

based on analysis of daily litter data. We also present suggestions on relevant

factors to consider when designing a behavioural change strategy. We conclude

with suggestions of regulatory and non-regulatory strategies government and

non-government organisations could use to encourage “better” behaviour by

consumers not motivated to switch to the pro-environment alternative.


The review of related literature above shows its relation to the project.

The reason why the developers come up with developing the mobile scanner is

to give insight and knowledge about health and their importance in life. All the

topics that have been discussed above show the significance for the users. The

users will be benefited on the said project.

Technical Background

Mobile apps, as a helpful device could help everyone, not only the staff of

the water refilling but also the clients in his or her problems. Having the

traditional way of going to refilling stations and waiting for your turn to order

water, they will just click on this app to order water. This will ease the job of

workers. The main objective of their study is to describe the current state of

mobile apps’ benefits, challenges, and its barriers to support water delivery

systems. This study is much related since it is integrated into mobile devices

that offer learning about ordering water on refilling stations.

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