My Routine To Stay Fit, Healthy & Well

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Mary Elianah Quioyo HUMSS 11- 2

1. Drinking a 6-8 glass of water

- Keeping myself hydrated is in the top of my list because if I get dehydrated, my mind
and body cannot function well. The human body relies on water to maintain its
many functions that continuously occur. By following this intake of water, it will
regulate my body, help my digestion, and maintenance of cells, tissues and organs.
Furthermore, blood and bones also rely on the adequate hydration. This is why I
always remind myself to drink plenty of glass of water every day.

2. Staying hygienic always

- Maintaining hygiene practices reduces the spread of illness and risk of medical
conditions caused by not taking care of yourself. This is why I always take care of my
personal hygiene by taking a bath every day, brushing my teeth after eating, washing
my hands every time, and so much more. I do this because it can boost my self-
confidence and self-esteem and it has a positive impact on my personal
relationships. Especially in this time of pandemic, I’m always cautious about getting
infectious diseases, that is why it’s important to have a good hygiene.

3. Having a well-balanced diet

- With proper intake of healthy food, my body will burn and get enough energy from
the food I eat in order for me to do my daily tasks without getting tired easily.
Proper nutrition provides my tissues with oxygen and nutrients and makes my
cardiovascular system function more effectively. This practice is essential in
maintaining a healthy body and mind and it will prevent me from getting sick. For
instance, fruits, vegetables, dairy, and protein are the following groups of food that I
eat, so putting all the go, grow and glow food will help my health stay in good shape.
Therefore, I have more energy to handle everyday tasks as my heart and lung health
improves if we exercise regularly and have a well-balanced diet. That’s why it is
important to stay fit and well so that we can live a healthy and happy life.

4. Doing a Regular Exercise

- I really do my best to do this task but whenever I’m having a hectic week full of
quizzes and assignments, I just do the household chores like washing the dishes,
watering our plants, cleaning and sweeping the floor. Most of the time, I will
memorize a KPOP dance choreograph and learn it until I fully mastered it, which is
also considered as an exercise. Additionally, every weekends, I work on my abs
routine and sometimes my mother would be my fast-walking buddy on doing a 10-
20 min exercise from YouTube.

5. Praying to God
- I always have time to pray and thank God for the graces He bestowed upon me and
to my family. Through praying, I’m always feel at ease and happy. By connecting to
Him, He reminds me to keep moving forward because I know he’s always by my side.
Me and family pray the Holy Rosary every 6PM which makes me feel better when I
have a bad day. Truly, God is the source of comfort and strength.

6. Studying smart
- Time management and consideration are two excellent practices. Discipline creates
habits, habits make routines, and routines become who you are daily. This is why I
am working hard to do each tasks I perform so that I can avoid stress. Therefore,
having discipline in ourselves in studying can help develop our mind. To achieve that,
it requires accuracy and focus.

7. Resting
- Sleep is one of my priorities to maintain my good health. One should always recover
from doing all of the daily tasks of living, and a good night sleep is the answer to it.
This is why I don’t stay up all night, and I always keep in mind that I should sleep for
at least 8-9 hours a day.

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