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Phasor Diagrams 

Phasor Diagrams are a graphical way of representing the magnitude and directional relationship
between two or more alternating quantities.

Consider the phase difference of two sinusoidal waveforms shown,

The generalized mathematical expression to define these two sinusoidal quantities will be
written as:
v = Vm sinωt and i = Im sin(ωt – 300)

The phasor diagram of the sinusoidal waveforms is,

However, we can use the current phasor as our reference and correctly say that the voltage
phasor is “leading” the current phasor by angle, Φ.
i = Im sin ωt and v = Vm sin (ωt + Ф)
Either way, one phasor is designated as the reference phasor and all the other phasors will be
either leading or lagging with respect to this reference.

Time Domain Analysis of AC Circuits

1. Resistance Circuit

The instantaneous voltage across the resistor is equal to the supply voltage and is given as:
v R=v=V m sin ω t

The instantaneous current flowing in the resistor will therefore be:

v R V m sin ω t V m
i= = = sin ω t=I m sin ω t

Vm Vm
=I m =R
R Im
Note: and
Sinusoidal Wave Diagram

Phasor Diagram

At any point along the horizontal axis that the instantaneous voltage and current are in-phase
because the current and the voltage reach their maximum values at the same time, that is their
phase angle θ is 0o.  

Impedance, measured in ohms, is the effective resistance to current flow around an AC circuit.

v Vm
Z = = =R
i Im
Instantaneous Power
V m Im V m Im V mIm
p=vi=( V m sin ω t )( I m sin ω t ) =V m I m sin2 ω t= ( 1−cos 2 ω t )= − cos 2 ω t
2 2 2

Average Power
V m Im
2 watts

Power Factor

p. f .=cosθ=cos0=1

AC Power Waveform for a Pure Resistor

2. Inductance circuit
The instantaneous voltage across the inductor is equal to the supply voltage and is given as:
v L=v=V m sin ω t

L =V m sin ω t
di= sin ω t dt

i=− cos ω t+k
k is the transient component of the current and is neglected
−cosω t=sin ( ω t−90 )
i= sin ( ω t−900 )=I m sin ( ω t −90 )
Vm Vm
=I m =ω L
ωL Im
Note: and

Sinusoidal Wave Diagram

Phasor Diagram

At any point along the horizontal axis, the current lags the voltage by θ (phase angle)  = 900.  

Z= =ω L=2 π fL=X L
the inductive reactance of the inductor in ohms
Instantaneous Power
V m Im
p=vi=( V m sin ω t )(−I m cos ω t )=−V m I m sin ω t cos ω t=− sin 2 ω t

Average Power
P=0 watts

Power Factor

p. f .=cosθ=cos90=0 lagging

AC Power Waveform for a Pure Inductor

Prob. 1

Given the following expressions: v = 120sin(377t + 30 o) volts, i = 3sin(377t – 60o) amps.

Determine the circuit element and its value.
a) L = 106 mH b) C = 100 mF c) R = 50 Ω d) none of these

i lags v by Ɵ = 900 and the circuit is a pure inductance.

V m 120
Z =X L= = =40 Ω
Im 3
X L=ωL
X L 40
L= = =0 .106 H
ω 377

Prob. 2

The ac voltage across 150 ohm resistor is 39sin(2 π x 103t) V. At what time does the current
through the resistor equal - 0.26 A?
a) 0.65 ms b) 0.75 ms c) 0.80 ms d) 0.6 ms

Prob. 3

A pure inductance of L = 0.01 H passes a current I = 5cos 2000t. What is the voltage across the
a)100 sin (2000t + 900) b) 100 cos (2000t) c) 100 cos (2000t + 90 0) d) none of these

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