Mastering Swiftui Xcode12

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of Contents
Chapter 1 - Introduction to SwiftUI
Declarative vs Imperative Programming
No more Interface Builder and Auto Layout
The Combine Approach
Learn Once, Apply Anywhere
Interfacing with UIKit/AppKit/WatchKit
Use SwiftUI for Your Next Project
Chapter 2 - Getting Started with SwiftUI and Working with Text
Creating a New Project for Playing with SwiftUI
Displaying a Simple Text
Changing the Font Type and Color
Using Custom Fonts
Working with Multiline Text
Setting the Padding and Line Spacing
Rotating the Text
Chapter 3 - Working with Images
Understanding SF Symbols
Displaying a System Image
Using Your Own Images
Resizing an Image
Aspect Fit and Aspect Fill
Creating a Circular Image
Adjusting the Opacity
Applying an Overlay to an Image
Darken an Image Using Overlay
Wrap Up
Chapter 4 - Layout User Interfaces with Stacks
Understanding VStack, HStack, and ZStack
Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled
Using VStack
Using HStack
Using ZStack
Exercise #1
Handling Optionals in SwiftUI
Using Spacer
Exercise #2
Chapter 5 - Understanding ScrollView and Building a Carousel UI
Creating a Card-like UI
Introducing ScrollView
Exercise #1
Creating a Carousel UI with Horizontal ScrollView
Hiding the Scroll Indicator
Grouping View Content
Resize the Text Automatically
Exercise #2
Chapter 6 - Working with SwiftUI Buttons and Gradient
Customizing the Button's Font and Background
Adding Borders to the Button
Creating a Button with Images and Text
Published: 31/10/2019 | Last updated: 4/12/2020 | AppCoda © 2020

Using Label
Creating a Button with Gradient Background and Shadow
Creating a Full-width Button
Styling Buttons with ButtonStyle
Chapter 7 - Understanding State and Binding
Controlling the Button's State
Exercise #1
Working with Binding
Exercise #2
Chapter 8 - Implementing Path and Shape for Line Drawing and Pie Charts
Understanding Path
Using Stroke to Draw Borders
Drawing Curves
Fill and Stroke
Drawing Arcs and Pie Charts
Understanding the Shape Protocol
Using the Built-in Shapes
Creating a Progress Indicator Using Shapes
Drawing a Donut Chart
Chapter 9 - Basic Animations and Transitions
Implicit and Explicit Animations
Creating a Loading Indicator Using RotationEffect
Creating a Progress Indicator

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 4

Delaying an Animation
Transforming a Rectangle into Circle
Understanding Transitions
Exercise #1: Using Animation and Transition to Build a Fancy Button
Exercise #2: Animated View Transitions
Chapter 10 - Understanding Dynamic List, ForEach and Identifiable
Creating a Simple List
Creating a List View with Text and Images
Refactoring the Code
Chapter 11 - Working with Navigation UI and Navigation Bar Customization
Implementing a Navigation View
Passing Data to a Detail View Using NavigationLink
Customizing the Navigation Bar
Building the Detail View
Removing the Disclosure Indicator
An even more Elegant UI with a Custom Back Button
Chapter 12 - Playing with Modal Views, Floating Buttons and Alerts
Understanding Sheet in SwiftUI
Implementing the Modal View Using isPresented
Changing the Navigation View Style
Implementing the Modal View with Optional Binding
Creating a Floating Button for Dismissing the Modal View
Using Alerts

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 5

Displaying a Full Screen Modal View
Chapter 13 - Building a Form with Picker, Toggle and Stepper
Building the Form UI
Creating a Picker View
Working with Toggle Switches
Using Steppers
Presenting the Form
What's Coming Next
Chapter 14 - Data Sharing with Combine and Environment Objects
Refactoring the Code with Enum
Saving the User Preferences in UserDefaults
Sharing Data Between Views Using @EnvironmentObject
Implementing the Filtering Options
Implementing the Sort Option
What's Coming Next
Chapter 15 - Building a Registration Form with Combine and View Model
Layout the Form using SwiftUI
Understanding Combine
Combine and MVVM
Chapter 16 - Working with Swipe-to-Delete, Context Menu and Action Sheets
Implementing Swipe-to-delete
Creating a Context Menu
Working with Action Sheets

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 6

Chapter 17 - Using Gestures
Using the Gesture Modifier
Using Long Press Gesture
The @GestureState Property Wrapper
Using Drag Gesture
Combining Gestures
Refactoring the Code Using Enum
Building a Generic Draggable View
Chapter 18 - Building an Expandable Bottom Sheet with SwiftUI Gestures and
Understanding the Starter Project
Creating the Restaurant Detail View
Make It Scrollable
Adjusting the Offset
Bring Up the Detail View
Adding Animations
Adding Gesture Support
Handling the Half-opened State
Handling the Fully Open State
Introducing PreferenceKey
Chapter 19 - Creating a Tinder-like UI with Gestures and Animations
Building the Card Views and Menu Bars
Implementing the Card Deck
Implementing the Swiping Motion

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 7

Displaying the Heart and xMark icons
Removing/Inserting the Cards
Fine Tuning the Animations
Chapter 20 - Creating an Apple Wallet like Animation and View Transition
Building a Card View
Building the Wallet View and Card Deck
Adding a Slide-in Animation
Handling the Tap Gesture and Displaying the Transaction History
Rearranging the Cards Using the Drag Gesture
Chapter 21 - Working with JSON, Slider and Data Filtering
Understanding JSON and Codable
Using JSONDecoder and Codable
Working with Custom Property Names
Working with Nested JSON Objects
Working with Arrays
Building the Kiva Loan App
Calling the Web API
Chapter 22 - Building a ToDo app with Core Data
Understanding Core Data
Understanding the ToDo App Demo
Working with Core Data
Working with SwiftUI Preview
Chapter 23 - Integrating UIKit with SwiftUI Using UIViewRepresentable

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 8

Understanding UIViewRepresentable
Adding a Search Bar
Capturing the Search Text
Handling the Cancel Button
Performing the Search
Chapter 24 - Creating a Search Bar View and Working with Custom Binding
Implementing the Search Bar UI
Dismissing the Keyboard
Working with Custom Binding
Chapter 25 - Putting Everything Together to Build a Real World App
Understanding the Model
Working with Core Data
Implementing the New Payment View
Implementing the Payment Activity Detail View
Walking Through the Dashboard View
Managing Payment Activities with Core Data
Exploring the Extensions
Handling the Software Keyboard
Chapter 26 - Creating an App Store like Animated View Transition
Introducing the Demo App
Understanding the Card View
Implementing the Card View
Building the List View
Expanding the Card View to Full Screen

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 9

Animating the View Changes
Chapter 27 - Building an Image Carousel
Introducing the Travel Demo App
The ScrollView Problem
Building a Carousel with HStack and DragGesture
Moving the HStack Card by Card
Adding the Drag Gesture
Animating the Card Transition
Adding the Title
Exercise: Working on the Detail View
Implementing the Trip Detail View
Bringing up the Detail View
Chapter 28 - Building an Expandable List View Using OutlineGroup
The Demo App
Creating the Expandable List
Using Inset Grouped List Style
Using OutlineGroup to Customize the Expandable List
Understanding DisclosureGroup
Chapter 29 - Building Grid Layout Using LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid
The Essential of Grid Layout in SwiftUI
Using LazyVGrid to Create Vertical Grids
Using GridItem to Vary the Grid Layout (Flexible/Fixed/Adaptive)
Switching Between Different Grid Layouts

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 10

Building Grid Layout with Multiple Grids
Chapter 30 - Creating an Animated Activity Ring with Shape and Animatable
Preparing the Color Extension
Implementing the Circular Progress Bar
Adding a Gradient
Varying the Progress
Animating the Ring Shape with Animatable
The 100% Problem
Chapter 31 - Working with AnimatableModifier and LibraryContentProvider
Understanding AnimatableModifier
Animating Text using AnimatableModifer
Using LibraryContentProvider
Chapter 32 - Working with TextEditor to Create Multiline Text Fields
Using TextEditor
Using the onChange() Modifier to Detect Text Input Change
Chapter 33 - Using matchedGeometryEffect to Create View Animations
Revisiting SwiftUI Animation
Understanding the matchedGeometryEffect Modifier
Morphing From a Circle to a Rounded Rectangle
Exercise #1

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 11

Swapping Two Views with Animated Transition
Exercise #2
Creating a Basic Hero Animation
Passing @Namespace between Views
Chapter 34 - ScrollViewReader and Grid Animation
The Demo App
Building the Photo Grid
Adding the Dock
Handling Photo Selection
Using MatchedGeometryEffect to Animate the Transition
Using ScrollViewReader to Move a Scroll View
Chapter 35 - Working with Tab View and Tab Bar Customization
Using TabView to Create the Tab Bar Interface
Customizing the Tab Bar Color
Switching Between Tabs Programmatically
Hiding the Tab Bar in a Navigation View

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 12

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 13
Copyright ©2020 by AppCoda Limited

All right reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced, stored or transmitted
in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the publisher.

Published by AppCoda Limited

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 14

Frankly, I didn't expect Apple would announce anything big in WWDC 2019 that would
completely change the way we build UI for Apple platforms. A year ago, Apple released a
brand new framework called SwiftUI, along with the release of Xcode 11. The debut of
SwiftUI was huge, really huge for existing iOS developers or someone who is going to
learn iOS app building. It was unarguably the biggest change in iOS app development in
recent years.

I have been doing iOS programming for nearly 10 years and already get used to
developing UIs with UIKit. I love to use a mix of storyboards and Swift code for building
UIs. However, whether you prefer to use Interface Builder or create UI entirely using
code, the approach of UI development on iOS doesn't change much. Everything is still
relying on the UIKit framework.

To me, SwiftUI is not merely a new framework. It's a paradigm shift that fundamentally
changes the way you think about UI development on iOS and other Apple platforms.
Instead of using the imperative programming style, Apple now advocates the
declarative/functional programming style. Instead of specifying exactly how a UI
component should be laid out and function, you focus on describing what elements you
need in building the UI and what the actions should perform when programming in
declarative style.

If you have worked with React Native or Flutter before, you will find some similarities
between the programming styles and probably find it easier to build UIs in SwiftUI. That
said, even if you haven't developed in any functional programming languages before, it
would just take you some time to get used to the syntax. Once you manage the basics, you
will love the simplicity of coding complex layouts and animations in SwiftUI.

This year, Apple has packed even more features and UI components into the SwiftUI
framework, which comes alongside with Xcode 12. It just takes UI development on iOS,
iPadOS, and macOS to the next level. You can develop some fancy animations with way

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 15

less code, as compared to UIKit. Most importantly, the latest version of the SwiftUI
framework makes it easier for developers to develop apps for Apple platforms. You will
understand what I mean after you go through the book.

The release of SwiftUI doesn't mean that Interface Builder and UIKit are deprecated right
away. They will still stay for many years to come. However, SwiftUI is the future of app
development on Apple's platforms. To stay at the forefront of technological innovations,
it's time to prepare yourself for this new way of UI development. And I hope this book
will help you get started with SwiftUI development and build some amazing UIs.

Simon Ng
Founder of AppCoda

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 16

What You Will Learn in This Book
We will dive deep into the SwiftUI framework, teaching you how to work with various UI
elements, and build different types of UIs. After going through the basics and
understanding the usage of common components, we will put together with all the
materials you've learned and build a complete app.

As always, we will explore SwiftUI with you by using the "Learn by doing" approach. This
new book features a lot of hands-on exercises and projects. Don't expect you can just read
the book and understand everything. You need to get prepared to write code and debug.

This book is written for both beginners and developers with some iOS programming
experience. Even if you have developed an iOS app before, this book will help you
understand this brand-new framework and the new way to develop UI. You will also
learn how to integrate UIKit with SwiftUI.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 17

What You Need to Develop Apps with
Having a Mac is the basic requirement for iOS development. To use SwiftUI, you need to
have a Mac installed with macOS Catalina (v10.15 or up) and Xcode 11 (or up). However,
to properly follow the content of this book, you are required to have Xcode 12 installed.

If you are new to iOS app development, Xcode is an integrated development environment
(IDE) provided by Apple. Xcode provides everything you need to kick start your app
development. It already bundles the latest version of the iOS SDK (short for Software
Development Kit), a built-in source code editor, graphic user interface (UI) editor,
debugging tools and much more. Most importantly, Xcode comes with an iPhone (and
iPad) simulator so you can test your app without the real devices. With Xcode 12, you can
instantly preview the result of your SwiftUI code.

Installing Xcode
To install Xcode 12, go up to the Mac App Store and download it. Simply search "Xcode"
and click the "Get" button to download it. At the time of this writing, the latest official
version of Xcode is 12.0. Once you complete the installation process, you will find Xcode
in the Launchpad.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 18

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 19
Frequestly Asked Questions about SwiftUI
I got quite a lot of questions from new comers when the SwiftUI framework was first
announced. These questions are some of the common ones that I want to share with you.
And I hope the answers will give you a better idea about SwiftUI.

1. Do I need to learn Swift before learning SwiftUI?

Yes, you still need to know the Swift programming language before using SwiftUI.
SwiftUI is just a UI framework written in Swift. Here, the keyword is UI, meaning
that the framework is designed for building user interfaces. However, for a complete
application, other than UI, there are many other components such as network
components for connecting to remote server, data components for loading data from
internal database, business logic component for handling the flow of data, etc. All
these components are not built using SwiftUI. So, you should be knowledgeable
about Swift and SwiftUI, as well as, other built-in frameworks (e.g. Map) in order to
build an app.

2. Should I learn SwiftUI or UIKit?

The short answer is Both. That said, it all depends on your goals. If you target to
become a professional iOS developer and apply for a job in iOS development, you
better equip yourself with knowledge of SwiftUI and UIKit. Over 99% of the apps
published on the App Store were built using UIKit. To be considered for hire, you
should be very knowledgeable with UIKit because most companies are still using the
framework to build the app UI. However, like any technological advancement,
companies will gradually adopt SwiftUI in new projects. This is why you need to
learn both to increase your employment opportunities.

On the other hand, if you just want to develop an app for your personal or side
project, you can develop it entirely using SwiftUI. However, since SwiftUI is very
new, it doesn't cover all the UI components that you can find in UIKit. In some
cases, you may also need to integrate UIKit with SwiftUI.

3. Do I need to learn auto layout?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 20

This may be a good news to some of you. Many beginners find it hard to work with
auto layout. With SwiftUI, you no longer need to define layout constraints. Instead,
you use stacks, spacers, and padding to arrange the layout.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 21

Chapter 1
Introduction to SwiftUI
In WWDC 2019, Apple surprised every developer by announcing a completely new
framework called SwiftUI. It doesn't just change the way you develop iOS apps. This is
the biggest shift in the Apple developer's ecosystem (including iPadOS, macOS, tvOS, and
watchOS) since the debut of Swift.

SwiftUI is an innovative, exceptionally simple way to build user interfaces across all
Apple platforms with the power of Swift. Build user interfaces for any Apple device
using just one set of tools and APIs.

- Apple (

Developers have been debating for a long time whether we should use Storyboards or
build the app UI programmatically. The introduction of SwiftUI is Apple's answer. With
this brand new framework, Apple offers developers a new way to create user interfaces.
Take a look at the figure below and have a glance at the code.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 22

Figure 1. Programming in SwiftUI

With the release of SwiftUI, which is bundled in Xcode 11 (or later), you can now develop
the app's UI with a declarative Swift syntax. What that means to you is that the UI code is
easier and more natural to write. Compared with the existing UI frameworks like UIKit,
you can create the same UI with way less code.

The preview function has always been a weak point of Xcode. While you can preview
simple layouts in Interface Builder, you usually can't preview the complete UI until the
app is loaded onto the simulators. With SwiftUI, you get immediate feedback of the UI
you are coding. For example, you add a new record to a table, Xcode renders the UI
change on the fly in a preview canvas. If you want to preview how your UI looks in dark
mode, you just need to change an option. This instant preview feature simply makes UI
development a breeze and iteration much faster.

Not only does it allow you to preview the UI, the new canvas also lets you design the user
interface visually using drag and drop. What's great is that Xcode automatically generates
the SwiftUI code as you add the UI component visually. The code and the UI are always

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 23

in sync. This is a feature Apple developers anticipated for a long time.

In this book, you will dive deep into SwiftUI, learn how to layout the built-in
components, and create complex UIs with the framework. I know some of you may
already have experience in iOS development. Let me first walk you through the major
differences between the existing framework that you're using (e.g. UIKit) and SwiftUI. If
you are completely new to iOS development or even have no programming experience,
you can use the information as a reference or even skip the following sections. I don't
want to scare you away from learning SwiftUI, it is an awesome framework for beginners.

Declarative vs Imperative Programming

Like Java, C++, PHP, and C#, Swift is an imperative programming language. SwiftUI,
however, is proudly claimed as a declarative UI framework that lets developers create UI
in a declarative way. What does the term "declarative" mean? How does it differ from
imperative programming? Most importantly, how does this change affect the way you

If you are new to programming, you probably don't need to care about the difference
because everything is new to you. However, if you have some experience in Object-
oriented programming or have developed with UIKit before, this paradigm shift affects
how you think about building user interfaces. You may need to unlearn some old
concepts and relearn new ones.

So, what's the difference between imperative and declarative programming? If you go to
Wikipedia and search for the terms, you will find these definitions:

In computer science, imperative programming is a programming paradigm

that uses statements that change a program's state. In much the same way that the
imperative mood in natural languages expresses commands, an imperative
program consists of commands for the computer to perform.

In computer science, declarative programming is a programming paradigm—a

style of building the structure and elements of computer programs—that expresses
the logic of a computation without describing its control flow.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 24

It's pretty hard to understand the actual difference if you haven't studied Computer
Science. Let me explain the difference this way.

Instead of focusing on programming, let's talk about cooking a pizza (or any dishes you
like). Let’s assume you are instructing someone else (a helper) to prepare the pizza, you
can either do it imperatively or declaratively. To cook the pizza imperatively, you tell
your helper each of the instructions clearly like a recipe:

1. Heat the over to 550°F or higher for at least 30 minutes

2. Prepare one-pound of dough
3. Roll out the dough to make a 10-inch circle
4. Spoon the tomato sauce onto the center of the pizza and spread it out to the edges
5. Place toppings (including onions, sliced mushrooms, pepperoni, cooked sausage,
cooked bacon, diced peppers and cheese) on top of the sauce
6. Bake the pizza for 5 minutes

On the other hand, if you cook it in a declarative way, you do not need to specify the step
by step instructions but just describe how you would like the pizza cooked. Thick or thin
crust? Pepperoni and bacon, or just a classic Margherita with tomato sauce? 10-inch or
16-inch? The helper will figure out the rest and cook the pizza for you.

That's the core difference between the term imperative and declarative. Now back to UI
programming. Imperative UI programming requires developers to write detailed
instructions to layout the UI and control its states. Conversely, declarative UI
programming lets developers describe what the UI looks like and what you want to
respond when a state changes.

The declarative way of coding would make the code much easier to read and understand.
Most importantly, the SwiftUI framework allows you to write way less code to create a
user interface. Say, for example, you are going to build a heart button in an app. This
button should be positioned at the center of the screen and is able to detect touches. If a
user taps the heart button, its color is changed from red to yellow. When a user taps and
holds the heart, it scales up with an animation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 25

Figure 2. The implementation of an interactive heart button

Take a look at figure 2. That's the code you need to implement the heart button. In
around 20 lines of code, you create an interactive button with a scale animation. This is
the power of the SwiftUI declarative UI framework.

No more Interface Builder and Auto Layout

In Xcode 11/12, you can choose between SwiftUI and Storyboard to build the user
interface. If you have built an app before, you may use Interface Builder to layout the UI
on the storyboard. With SwiftUI, Interface Builder and storyboards are completely gone.
It's replaced by a code editor and a preview canvas like the one shown in figure 2. You
write the code in the code editor. Xcode then renders the user interface in real time and
displays it in the canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 26

Figure 3. User interface option in Xcode

Auto layout has always been one of the hard topics when learning iOS development. With
SwiftUI, you no longer need to learn how to define layout constraints and resolve the
conflicts. Now you compose the desired UI by using stacks, spacers, and padding. We will
discuss this concept in detail in later chapters.

The Combine Approach

Other than storyboards, the view controller is gone too. For new comers, you can ignore
what a view controller is. But if you are an experienced developer, you may find it strange
that SwiftUI doesn't use a view controller as a central building block for talking to the
view and the model.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 27

Communications and data sharing between views are now done via another brand new
framework called Combine. This new approach completely replaces the role of the view
controller in UIKit. In this book, we will also cover the basics of Combine and how to use
it to handle UI events.

Learn Once, Apply Anywhere

While this book focuses on building UIs for iOS, everything you learn here is applicable
to other Apple platforms such as watchOS. Prior to the launch of SwiftUI, you used
platform-specific UI frameworks to develop the user interface. You used AppKit to write
UIs for macOS apps. To develop tvOS apps, you relied on TVUIKit. And, for watchOS
apps, you used WatchKit.

With SwiftUI, Apple offers developers a unified UI framework for building user interfaces
on all types of Apple devices. The UI code written for iOS can be easily ported to your
watchOS/macOS/watchOS app without modifications or with very minimal
modifications. This is made possible thanks to the declarative UI framework.

Your code describes how the user interface looks. Depending on the platform, the same
piece of code in SwiftUI can result in different UI controls. For example, the code below
declares a toggle switch:

Toggle(isOn: $isOn) {

For iOS and iPadOS, the toggle is rendered as a switch. On the other hand, SwiftUI
renders the control as a checkbox for macOS.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 28

Figure 4. Toggle on macOS and iOS

The beauty of this unified framework is that you can reuse most of the code on all Apple
platforms without making any changes. SwiftUI does the heavy lifting to render the
corresponding controls and layout.

However, don't consider SwiftUI as a "Write once, run anywhere" solution. As Apple
stressed in a WWDC talk, that's not the goal of SwiftUI. So, don't expect you can turn a
beautiful app for iOS into a tvOS app without any modifications.

There are definitely going to be opportunities to share code along the way, just
where it makes sense. And so we think it's kind of important to think about SwiftUI
less as write once and run anywhere and more like learn once and apply anywhere.

- WWDC Talk (SwiftUI On All Devices)

While the UI code is portable across Apple platforms, you still need to provide
specialization that targets for a particular type of device. You should always review each
edition of your app to make sure the design is right for the platform. That said, SwiftUI
already saves you a lot of time from learning another platform-specific framework, plus
you should be able to reuse most of the code.

Interfacing with UIKit/AppKit/WatchKit

Can I use SwiftUI on my existing projects? I don't want to rewrite the entire app which
was built on UIKit.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 29

SwiftUI is designed to work with the existing frameworks like UIKit for iOS and AppKit
for macOS. Apple provides several representable protocols for you to adopt in order to
wrap a view or controller into SwiftUI.

Figure 5. The Representable protocols for existing UI frameworks

Say, you have a custom view developed using UIKit, you can adopt the
UIViewRepresentable protocol for that view and make it into SwiftUI. Figure 6 shows the

sample code of using WKWebView in SwiftUI.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 30

Figure 6. Porting MKMapView to SwiftUI

Use SwiftUI for Your Next Project

Every time when a new framework is released, people usually ask, "Is the framework
ready for my next project? Should I wait a little bit longer?"

Though SwiftUI is still new to most developers, Now is the right time to learn and
incorporate the framework into your new project. Along with the release of Xcode 12,
Apple has made the SwiftUI framework more stable and feature-rich. If you have some
personal projects or side projects for personal use or at work, there is no reason why you
shouldn't try out SwiftUI.

Having said that, you need to consider carefully whether you should apply SwiftUI to
your commercial projects. One major drawback of SwiftUI is that the device must run at
a minimum on iOS 13, macOS 10.15, tvOS 13, or watchOS 6. If your app requires support
for lower versions of the platform (e.g. iOS 12), you may need to wait at least a year
before adopting SwiftUI.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 31

At the time of this writing, SwiftUI has been officially released for more than a year. The
debut of Xcode 12 has brought us more UI controls and new APIs for SwiftUI. In terms of
features, you can't compare it with the existing UI frameworks (e.g. UIKit), which has
been available for years. Some features (e.g. changing the separator style in table views)
which are present in the old framework may not be available in SwiftUI. You may need to
develop some solutions to work around the issue. This is something you have to take into
account when adopting SwiftUI in production projects.

SwiftUI is very new. It will take time to grow into a mature framework, but what's clear is
that SwiftUI is the future of application development for Apple platforms. Even though it
may not yet be applicable to your production projects, I recommended you start a side
project and explore the framework. Once you try out SwiftUI and master its use, you will
enjoy developing UIs in a declarative way.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 32

Chapter 2
Getting Started with SwiftUI and
Working with Text
If you've worked with UIKit before, the Text control in SwiftUI is very similar to
UILabel in UIKit. It's a view for you to display one or multiple lines of text. This Text

control is non-editable but is useful for presenting read-only information on screen. For
example, you want to present an on-screen message, you can use Text to implement it.

In this chapter, I'll show you how to work with Text to present information. You'll also
learn how to customize the text with different colors, fonts, backgrounds and apply
rotation effects.

Creating a New Project for Playing with SwiftUI

First, fire up Xcode 12 and create a new project using the App template under the iOS
category. Apple has revamped some of the project templates. If you have used the older
version of Xcode before, the Single Application template is now replaced with the App

Choose Next to proceed to the next screen and type the name of the project. I set it to
SwiftUIText but you're free to use any other name. For the organization name, you can
set it to your company or organization. The organization identifier is a unique identifier
of your app. Here I use com.appcoda but you should set it to your own value. If you have
a website, set it to your domain in reverse domain name notation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 33

Figure 1. Creating a new project

To use SwiftUI, you have to choose SwiftUI in the User Interface option. Xcode 12
introduces the Life Cycle option that you can choose between SwiftUI App and UIKit App
Delegate. By default, it's set to SwiftUI App. This allows you to build the entire app using
SwiftUI, which was not possible in Xcode 11. For this book, we will use this option for our
demo apps. However, in case that your app needs to support iOS 13, you can fallback to
the UIKit App Delegate.

Click Next and choose a folder to create the project. Once you save the project, Xcode
should load the ContentView.swift file and display a design/preview canvas. If you can't
see the design canvas, you can go up to the Xcode menu and choose Editor > Canvas to
enable it. To give yourself more space for writing code, you can hide both the project
navigator and the inspector (see figure 2).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 34

By default, Xcode generates some SwiftUI code for ContentView.swift . However, the
preview canvas doesn't render the app preview. You have to click the Resume button in
order to see the preview. After you click the button, Xcode renders the preview in a
simulator that you choose in the simulator selection (e.g. iPhone 11 Pro).

Figure 2. The code editor and the canvas

Displaying Simple Text

The sample code generated in ContentView already shows you how to display a single line
of text. You initialize a Text object and pass to it the text (e.g. Hello World) to display
like this:

Text("Hello World")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 35

The preview canvas should display Hello World on screen. This is the basic syntax for
creating a text view. You're free to change the text to whatever value you want and the
canvas should show you the change instantaneously.

Figure 3. Changing the text

Changing the Font Type and Color

In SwiftUI, you can change the properties (e.g. color, font, weight) of a control by calling
methods that are known as Modifiers. Let's say, you want to bold the text. You can use
the modifier fontWeight and specify your preferred font weight (e.g. .bold ) like this:

Text("Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.").fontWeight(.bold)

You access the modifier by using the dot syntax. Whenever you type a dot, Xcode will
show you the possible modifiers or values you can use. For example, you will see various
font weight options when you type a dot in the fontWeight modifier. You can choose
bold to bold the text. If you want to make it even bolder, use heavy or black .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 36

Figure 4. Choosing your preferred font weight

By calling fontWeight with the value .bold , it actually returns to you a new view that has
the bolded text. What is interesting in SwiftUI is that you can further chain this new view
with other modifiers. Say, you want to make the bolded text a little bit bigger, you write
the code like this:

Text("Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.").fontWeight(.bold).font(.title)

Since we may chain multiple modifiers together, we usually write the code above in the
following format:

Text("Stay Hungry. Stay Foolish.")


The functionality is the same but I believe you'll find the code above more easy to read.
We will continue to use this coding convention for the rest of this book.

The font modifier lets you change the font properties. In the code above, we specify the
title font type in order to enlarge the text. SwiftUI comes with several built-in text styles
including title, largeTitle, body, etc. If you want to further increase the font size, replace

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 37

.title with .largeTitle .

Note: You can always to refer the documentation

( to find out all the supported
values of the font modifier.

Figure 5. Changing the font type

You can also use the font modifier to specify the font design. Let's say, you want the
font to be rounded. You can write the font modifier like this:

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))

Here you specify to use the system font with title text style and rounded design. The
preview canvas should immediately respond to the change and show you the rounded

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 38

Figure 6. Using the rounded font design

Dynamic Type is a feature of iOS that automatically adjusts the font size in reference to
the user's setting (Settings > Display & Brightness > Text Size). In other words, when you
use text styles (e.g. .title ), the font size will be varied and your app will scale the text
automatically, depending on the user's preference.

To use a fixed-size font, write the code like this:

.font(.system(size: 20))

This tells the system to use a fixed font size of 20 points.

You can chain other modifiers to further customize the text. Let's change the font color.
To do that, you use the foregroundColor modifier like this:


The foregroundColor modifier accepts a value of Color . Here we specify .green , which
is a built-in color. You may use other built-in values like .red , .purple , etc.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 39

Figure 7. Changing the font color

While I prefer to customize the properties of a control using code, you can also use the
design canvas to edit them. Hold the command key and click the text to bring up a pop-
over menu. Choose Show SwiftUI Inspector and then you can edit the text/font
properties. What is great is that the code will update automatically when you make
changes to the font properties.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 40

Figure 8. Using the Inspect feature to edit the properties of the text

Using Custom Fonts

By default, all text is displayed using the system font. If you want to use other fonts, you
can replace the following line of code:

.font(.system(size: 20))


.font(.custom("Helvetica Neue", size: 25))

Instead of using .system , the code above uses .custom and specifies the preferred font
name. Font names can be found in the application "Font Book". You can open Finder >
Application and click Font Book to launch the app.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 41

Figure 9. Font Book

Working with Multiline Text

Text supports multiple lines by default, so it can display a paragraph of text without

using any additional modifiers. Replace your current code with the following:

Text("Your time is limited, so don’t waste it living someone else’s life. Don’t be
trapped by dogma—which is living with the results of other people’s thinking. Don
’t let the noise of others’ opinions drown out your own inner voice. And most impo
rtant, have the courage to follow your heart and intuition.")

You're free to replace the paragraph of text with your own text. Just make sure it's long
enough. Once you have made the change, the design canvas will render a multiline text

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 42

Figure 10. Display multiline text

To center align the text, insert the multilineTextAlignment modifier after the .foreground
modifier and set its value to .center like this:


In some cases, you may want to limit the number of lines to a certain number. You use
the lineLimit modifier to control it. Here is an example:


Another modifier, truncationMode specifies where to truncate the text within the text
view. You can truncate at the beginning, middle, or end of the text view. By default, the
system is set to use tail truncation. To modify the truncation mode of the text, you use the
truncationMode modifier and set its value to .head or .middle like this:


After the change, your text should look like the figure below.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 43

Figure 11. Using the .head truncation mode

Earlier, I mentioned that the Text control displays multiple lines by default. The reason
is that the SwiftUI framework has set a default value of nil for the lineLimit modifier.
You can change the value of .lineLimit to nil and see the result:


Setting the Padding and Line Spacing

Normally the default line spacing is good enough for most situations. To alter the default
setting, you adjust the line spacing by using the lineSpacing modifier.


As you see, the text is too close to the left and right side of the edges. To give it some
more space, you can use the padding modifier, which adds some extra space to each side
of the text. Insert the following line of code after the lineSpacing modifier:


Your design canvas should now look like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 44

Figure 12. Setting the padding and line spacing of the text

Rotating the Text

The SwiftUI framework provides a modifier to let you easily rotate the text. You use the
rotateEffect modifier and pass the degree of rotation like this:


If you insert the above line of code after padding() , you will see the text is rotated by 45

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 45

Figure 13. Rotate the text

By default, the rotation happens around the center of the text view. If you want to rotate
the text around a specific point (say, the top-left corner), you write the code like this:

.rotationEffect(.degrees(20), anchor: UnitPoint(x: 0, y: 0))

We pass an extra parameter anchor to specify the point of the rotation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 46

Figure 14. Rotate the text around the top-left of the text view

Not only can you rotate the text in 2D, SwiftUI provides a modifier called
rotation3DEffect that allows you to create some amazing 3D effects. The modifier takes

two parameters: rotation angle and the axis of the rotation. Say, you want to create a
perspective text effect, you write the code like this:

.rotation3DEffect(.degrees(60), axis: (x: 1, y: 0, z: 0))

With just a line of code, you have created the Star Wars perspective text!

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 47

Figure 15. Create amazing text effect by using 3D rotation

You can further insert the following line of code to create a drop shadow effect for the
perspective text:

.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 2, x: 0, y: 15)

The shadow modifier will apply the shadow effect to the text. All you need to do is specify
the color and radius of the shadow. Optionally, you can tell the system the position of the
shadow by specifying the x and y values.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 48

Figure 16. Applying the drop shadow effect

Do you enjoy creating user interfaces with SwiftUI? I hope so. The declarative syntax of
SwiftUI makes the code more readable and easier to understand. As you have
experienced, it only takes a few lines of code in SwiftUI to create fancy text in 3D style.

For reference, you can download the complete text project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 49

Chapter 3
Working with Images and Labels
Now that you have a basic introduction to SwiftUI and understand how to display textual
content, let's learn how to display images in this chapter. We will also explore the usage
of Label , a new UI component introduced in iOS 14.

In addition to text, images are another basic element that you'll use in iOS app
development. SwiftUI provides a view called Image for developers to render and draw
images on screen. Similar to what we've done in the previous chapter, I'll show you how
to work with Image by building a simple demo. In brief, this chapter covers the following

What's SF Symbols and how to display a system image

How to display our own images
How to resize an image
How to display a full screen image using edgesIgnoringSafeArea
How to create a circular image
How to apply an overlay to an image

Creating a New Project for Playing with Images

First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the App template (under iOS). Enter
SwiftUIImage as the name of the project. For the organization name, you can set it to
your company or organization. Again, here I use com.appcoda but you should set to your
own value. To use SwiftUI, please make sure you select SwiftUI for the Interface option.
Click Next and choose a folder to create the project.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 50

Figure 1. Creating a new project

Once you save the project, Xcode should load the ContentView.swift file and display a
design/preview canvas. If you can't see the preview, make sure you click the Resume

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 51

Figure 2. Previewing the generated code

Understanding SF Symbols
With over 2,400 configurable symbols, SF Symbols is designed to integrate
seamlessly with San Francisco, the system font for Apple platforms. Each symbol
comes in a wide range of weights and scales that automatically align with text
labels, and supports Dynamic Type and the Bold Text accessibility feature. You can
also export symbols and edit them in vector graphics editing tools to create custom
symbols with shared design characteristics and accessibility features.

Before I show you how to display an image on screen, let's first talk about where the
images I use come from. Needless to say, you can provide your own images for use in the
app. Starting from iOS 13, Apple introduced a large set of system images called SF

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 52

Symbols that allow developers to use them in any app. Along with the release of iOS 14,
Apple further improved the image set by releasing SF Symbols 2. It features over 750 new
symbols and adds over 150 preconfigured, multicolor symbols.

These images are referred as symbols since it's integrated with the built-in San Francisco
font. To use these symbols, no extra installation is required. As long as your app is
deployed to a device running iOS 13 (or later), you can access these symbols directly.

To use the symbols, all you need is the name of the symbol. With over 2,400 symbols
available for your use, Apple has released an app called SF Symbols
(, so that you can easily explore the symbols
and locate the one that fits your need. I highly recommend you install the app before
proceeding to the next section.

Figure 3. SF Symbols App

Displaying a System Image

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 53

To display a system image (symbol) on screen, you initialize an Image view with the
systemName parameter like this:

Image(systemName: "cloud.heavyrain")

This will create an image view and load the specified system image. As mentioned before,
SF symbols are seamlessly integrated with the San Francisco font. You can easily scale
the image by applying the font modifier:

Image(systemName: "cloud.heavyrain")
.font(.system(size: 100))

Given that the image is part of a font family, you can vary the font size using the size
parameter, as we did in the previous chapter.

Figure 4. Display a system image

Again, since this system image is actually a font, you can apply other modifiers such as
foregroundColor that you learned in the previous chapter, to change its appearance.

For example, to change the symbol's color to blue, you write the code like this:

Image(systemName: "cloud.heavyrain")
.font(.system(size: 100))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 54

To add a drop shadow effect, you use the shadow modifier:

Image(systemName: "cloud.heavyrain")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 10, x: 0, y: 10)

Using Your Own Images

We just used the built-in images provided by Apple. You will have your own images to
use in your app. Let's see how can you load your images using the Image view.

Note: You're free to use your own image. In case you don't have an appropriate image
to use, you can download this image (
from to follow the rest of the material. After downloading the photo,
please make sure you change the filename to "paris.jpg".

Before you can use an image in your project, the first step is to import the images into the
asset catalog ( Assets.xcassets ). Assuming you already prepared the image ( paris.jpg ),
press command+0 to reveal the project navigator and then choose Assets.xcassets .
Open Finder and drag the image to the outline view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 55

Figure 5. Drag theimage to the asset catalog

If you're new to iOS app development, this asset catalog is where you store application
resources like images, color, and data. Once you put the image in the asset catalog, you
can load the image by referring to its name. Additionally, you can configure on which
device the image can be loaded (e.g. iPhone only).

To display the image on screen, you write the code like this (see figure 6):


All you need to do is specify the name of the image and you should see the image in the
preview canvas. However, since the image is a high resolution image (4437x6656 pixels),
you only see a part of the image.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 56

Figure 6. Loading a custom image

Resizing an Image
To resize the image, the resizable modifier is used:


By default, the image resizes the image using the stretch mode. This means the original
image will be scaled to fill the whole screen (except the top and bottom area).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 57

Figure 7. Resizing the image with the resizable modifier

Technically speaking, the image fills the whole safe area as defined by iOS. The concept of
safe area has been around for quite a long time. The safe area is defined as the view area
that is safe to lay out our UI component. For example, as you can see from the figure, the
safe area is the view area that excludes the top bar (i.e. status bar) and the bottom bar.
The safe area will prevent you from accidentally hiding (by over lapping) system UI
components like the status bar, navigation bar, and tab bar.

If you want to display a full-screen image, you can ignore the safe area by setting the
edgesIgnoringSafeArea modifier.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 58

Figure 8. Ignoing the safe area

You can also choose to ignore the safe area for a specific edge. To ignore the safe area for
the top edge, you can specify the parameter .top . In our code example, we specify .all ,
which means to ignore the safe area for all edges.

Aspect Fit and Aspect Fill

If you look into both images in the previous section and compare it with the original
image, you will find that the aspect ratio is a bit distorted. The stretch mode doesn't take
into account the aspect ratio of the original image. It stretches each side to fit the view
area. To keep the original aspect ratio, you can apply the modifier scaledToFit like this:


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 59

Figure 9. Scaling the image and keep the original aspect ratio

Alternatively, you can use the aspectRatio modifier and set the content mode to .fit .
This will achieve the same result.

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

In some cases you may want to keep the aspect ratio of the image but stretch the image to
as large as possible, to do this, apply the .fill content mode:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 60

To get a better understanding of the difference between these two modes, Let's limit the
size of the image. The frame modifier allows you to control the size of a view. By setting
the frame's width to 300 points, the image's width will be limited to 300 points.

Figure 10. Scaling down the image and keep the original aspect ratio

Now replace the Image code with the following:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 300)

The image will be scaled down in size but the original aspect ratio is kept. If you change
the content mode to .fill , the image looks pretty much the same as figure 7. However,
if you look at the image carefully, the aspect ratio of the orignial image is maintained.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 61

Figure 11. Using .fill content mode

One thing you may notice is that the image's width still takes up the whole screen width.
To make it scale correctly, you use the clipped modifier to eliminate extra parts of the
view (the left and right edges).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 62

Figure 12. Use .clipped to clip the view

Creating a Circular Image

In addition to clipping the image in rectangle shape, SwiftUI provides other modifiers for
you to clip the image into various shapes (circle, elliose, and capsule). For example, if you
want to create a circular image, you use the clipShape modifier like this:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: 300)

Here we specify to clip the image into a circular shape. You can pass different parameters
to create an image with a different shape. Figure 13 shows you some examples.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 63

Figure 13. Use the .clipShape modifier to create image with different shape

Adjusting the Opacity

SwiftUI comes with a modifier named opacity that you can use to control the opacity of
an image (or any view). You pass a value between 0 and 1 to indicate the opacity of the
image. Zero means that the view is completely invisible. A value of 1 indicates the image
is fully opaque.

For example, if you apply the opacity modifier to the image view and set its value to 0.5,
the image will become partially transparent.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 64

Figure 14. Adjusting the opacity to 50%

Applying an Overlay to an Image

When designing your app, you may need to layer another image or text on top of an
image view. The SwiftUI framework provides a modifier named overlay for developers
to apply an overlay to an image. Let's say, you want to overlay a system image (i.e.
heart.fill) on top of the existing image. You write the code like this:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(width: 300)
Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.font(.system(size: 50))

The .overlay modifier takes in a View as parameter. In the code above, we create
another image (i.e. heart.fill) and lay it over the existing image (i.e. Paris).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 65

Figure 15. Applying an overlay to the existing image

In fact, you can apply any view as an overlay. For example, you can overlay a Text view
on the image, like this:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

Text("If you are lucky enough to have lived in Paris as a young man, then
wherever you go for the rest of your life it stays with you, for Paris is a moveab
le feast.\n\n- Ernest Hemingway")
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))

alignment: .top

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 66

In the overlay modifier, you create a Text view and this text view will be applied as an
overlay to the image. You should be familiar with the modifiers of the Text view as we
have discussed in the previous chapter. To change the text, we simply change the font
and its color. Aadditionly we can add some padding and apply a background color. One
thing I'd like to highlight is the alignment parameter. For the overlay modifier, you can
provide an optional value to adjust the alignment of the view. By default, it's set to center.
In this case, we want to position the text overlay to the top part of the image. Change the
value from .center to .top to see how it works.

Figure 16. Applying an overlay to the existing image

Darken an Image Using Overlay

Not only can you overlay an image or text on another image, you can apply an overlay to
darken an image. Replace the Image code with the following to see the effect:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 67

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

We draw a Rectangle over the image and set its foreground color to black. In order to
apply a darkening effect, we set the opacity to 0.4, giving it a 40% opacity. The image
should now be darkened.

Alternatively, you may rewrite the code like this to achieve the same effect:

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

In SwiftUI, Color is also a view. This is why we can use as the top layer to
darken the image underneath.

This technique is very useful if you want to over lay some light-colored text on a bright
image to make the text more legible. Replace the Image code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 68

.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)
.frame(width: 300)
.frame(width: 200)

As mentioned before, the overlay modifier is not limited to Image . You can apply it to
any other view. In the code above, we use to darken the image. On top of
that, we apply an overlay and place a Text over it. If you've made the change correctly,
you should see the word "Paris" in bold white, placed over the darkened image.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 69

Figure 17. Darken an image and apply a text overlay

Wrap Up
In this chapter, I showed you how to work with images. SwiftUI has made it very easy for
developers to display images and use different modifiers to apply various image effects. If
you're an indie developer, the newly introduced SF Symbols will save you a lot of time

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 70

from searching third-party icons!

For reference, you can download the complete images project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 71

Chapter 4
Layout User Interface with Stacks
Stacks in SwiftUI is similar to the stack views in UIKit. By combining views in horizontal
and vertical stacks, you can construct complex user interfaces for your apps. For UIKit,
it's inevitable to use auto layout in order to build interfaces that fit all screen sizes. To
some beginners, auto layout is a complicated subject and hard to learn. The good news is
that you no longer need to use auto layout in SwiftUI. Everything is stacks including
VStack, HStack, and ZStack.

In this chapter, I will walk you through all types of stacks and build a grid layout using
stacks. So, what project will you work on? Take a look at the figure below. We'll lay out a
simple grid interfaces step by step. After going over this chapter, you will be able to
combine views with stacks and build the UI you want.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 72

Figure 1. The demo app

Understanding VStack, HStack, and ZStack

SwiftUI provides three different types of stacks for developers to combine views in
various orientations. Depending on how you're going to arrange the views, you can either

HStack - arranges the views horizontally

VStack - arranges the views vertically
ZStack - overlays one view on top of another

The figure below shows you how these stacks can be used to organize views.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 73

Figure 2. Different types of stack view

Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled

First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the App template under the iOS tab.
In the next screen, type the name of the project. I set it to SwiftUIStacks but you're free
to use any other name. Be sure to select the SwiftUI option for Interface.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 74

Figure 3. Creating a new project

Once you save the project, Xcode will load the ContentView.swift file and display a
preview in the design canvas. If the preview is not displayed, click the Resume button in
the canvas.

Using VStack
We're going to build the UI as displayed in figure 1, but first, let's break down the UI into
small parts. We'll begin with the heading as shown below.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 75

Figure 4. The heading

Presently, Xcode should have already generated the following code to display the "Hello
World" label:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
Text("Hello World")

To display the text as shown in figure 4, we will combine two Text views within a
VStack like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
VStack {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
Text("Your Plan")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 76

When you embed views in a VStack , the views will be arranged vertically like this:

Figure 5. Combining two texts using VStack

By default, the views embedded in the stack are aligned in center position. To align both
views to the left, you can specify the alignment parameter and set its value to .leading
like this:

VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {

.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
Text("Your Plan")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

Additionally, you can adjust the space of the embedded views by using the space
parameter. We'll add the additional parameter spacing: 2 to the VStack. The figure
below shows the resulting view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 77

Figure 6. Changing the alignment of VStack

Using HStack
Next, let's layout the first two pricing plans. If you look at the Basic and Pro plans, the
look & feel of these two components are very similar. Let’s take the Basic plan as an
example, to achieve the desired layout, you can use VStack to combine three text views.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 78

Figure 7. Layout the pricing plans

Both the Basic and Pro components are arranged side by side. By using HStack , you can
lay out views horizontally. Stacks can be nested meaning that you can nest stack views
within other stack views. Since the pricing plan block sits right below the heading view,
which is a VStack , we will use another VStack to embed a vertical stack (i.e. Choose
Your Plan) and a horizontal stack (i.e. the pricing plan block).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 79

Figure 8. Using a VStack to embed other stack views

Now that you have some basic idea how we're going to use VStack and HStack for
implementing the UI, let's jump right into the code.

To embed the existing VStack in another VStack , you hold the command key and then
click the VStack keyword. This will bring up a context menu showing all the available
options. Choose Embed in VStack to embed the VStack .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 80

Figure 9. Embed in VStack

Xcode will then generate the required code to embed the stack. Your code should look
like the following:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
VStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
Text("Your Plan")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

Extracting a View

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 81

Before we continue to lay out the UI, let me show you a trick to better organize the code.
As you're going to build a more complex UI that involves several components, the code
inside ContentView will eventually become a giant code block that is hard to review and
debug. It's always a good practice to break large blocks of code into smaller blocks so the
code is easier to read and maintain.

Xcode has a built-in feature to refactor the SwiftUI code. Hold the command key and
click the VStack that holds the text views. Select Extract Subview to extract the code.

Figure 10. Extract subview

Xcode extracts the code block and creates a default struct named ExtractedView . Rename
ExtractedView to HeaderView to give it a more meaningful name (see the figure below for


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 82

Figure 11. Extract subview

The UI is still the same. However, look at the code block in ContentView . It's now much
cleaner and easier to read.

Let's continue to implement the UI of the pricing plans. We'll first create the UI for the
Basic plan. Update ContentView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 83

struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {

VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .heavy, design: .rounded))
Text("per month")

Here we add another VStack under HeaderView . This VStack is used to hold three text
views for showing the Basic plan. I'll not go into the details of padding , background ,
and cornerRadius because we have already discussed these modifiers in earlier chapters.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 84

Figure 12. The Basic Plan

Next, we're going to implement the UI of the Pro plan. This Pro plan should be placed
right next the Basic plan. In order to do that, you need to embed the VStack of the Basic
plan in a HStack . Hold the command key and click the VStack keyword. Choose Embed
in HStack.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 85

Figure 13. Embed in HStack

Xcode should insert the code for HStack and embed the selected VStack in the
horizontal stack like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 86

HStack {
VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .heavy, design: .rounded))
Text("per month")

Now we're ready to create the UI of the Pro plan. The code is very similar to that of the
Basic plan except for the background and text colors. Insert the following code right
below cornerRadius(10) :

VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .heavy, design: .rounded))
Text("per month")
.background(Color(red: 240/255, green: 240/255, blue: 240/255))

As soon as you insert the code, you should see the layout below in the canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 87

Figure 14. Using HStack to layout two views horizontally

The current size of the pricing blocks look similar, but actually they vary depending on
the length of the text. Let's say, you change the word "Pro" to "Professional". The gray
area will expand to accomodate the change. In short, the view defines its own size and its
size is just big enough to fit the content.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 88

Figure 15. The size of the Pro block becomes wider

If you refer to figure 1 again, both pricing blocks have the same size. To adjust both
blocks to have the same size, you can use the .frame modifier to set the maxWidth to
.infinity like this:

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 100)

The .frame modifier allows you to define the frame size. You can specify the size as a
fixed value. For example, in the code above, we set the minHeight to 100 points. When
you set the maxWidth to .infinity , the view will adjust itself to fill the maximum width.
For example, if there is only one pricing block, it will take up the whole screen width.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 89

Figure 16. Setting the maxWidth to .infinity

For two pricing blocks, iOS will fill the block equally when maxWidth is set to .infinity .
Now insert the above line of code into each of the pricing blocks. Your result should look
like figure 17.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 90

Figure 17. Arranging both pricing blocks with equal width

To give the horizontal stack some spacing, you can add a .padding modifier like this:

Figure 18. Adding some paddings for the stack view

The .horizontal parameter means we want to add some padding for both leading and
trailing sides of the HStack .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 91

Organizing the Code
Again, before we lay out the rest of the UI components, let's refactor the current code to
make it more organized. If you look at both stacks that are used to lay out the Basic and
Pro pricing plan, the code is very similar except the following items:

the name of the pricing plan

the price
the text color
the background color of the pricing block

To streamline the code and improve reusability, we can extract the VStack code block
and make it adaptable to different values of the pricing plan.

Go back to the code editor. Hold the command key and click the VStack of the Basic
plan. Once Xcode extracts the code, rename the subview from ExtractedView to
PricingView .

Figure 19. Extracting the subview

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 92

As we mentioned earlier, the PricingView should be flexible to display different pricing
plans. We will add four variables in the PricingView struct. Update PricingView like this:

struct PricingView: View {

var title: String

var price: String
var textColor: Color
var bgColor: Color

var body: some View {

VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .heavy, design: .rounded))
Text("per month")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 100)

We added variables for the title, price, text, and background color of the pricing block.
Furthermore, we make use of these variables in the code to update the title, price, text
and background color accordingly.

Once you make the changes, you'll see an error telling you that there are some missing
arguments for the PricingView .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 93

Figure 20. Xcode indicates an error on the PricingView

Earlier, we introduced four variables in the view. When calling PricingView , we must
now provide the values for these parameters. So, change PricingView() to add the values:

PricingView(title: "Basic", price: "$9", textColor: .white, bgColor: .purple)

Also, you can replace the VStack of the Pro plan using PricingView like this:

PricingView(title: "Pro", price: "$19", textColor: .black, bgColor: Color(red: 240/

255, green: 240/255, blue: 240/255))

The layout of the pricing blocks is the same but the underlying code, as you can see, is
much cleaner and easier to read.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 94

Figure 21. ContentView after refactoring the code

Using ZStack
Now that you've laid out the pricing blocks and refactored the code, there is still one
thing missing for the Pro pricing. We want to overlay a message in yellow on the pricing
block. To do that, we can use the ZStack that allows you to overlay a view on top of an
existing view.

Embed the PricingView of the Pro plan within a ZStack and add the Text view, like

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 95

ZStack {
PricingView(title: "Pro", price: "$19", textColor: .black, bgColor: Color(red:
240/255, green: 240/255, blue: 240/255))

Text("Best for designer")

.font(.system(.caption, design: .rounded))
.background(Color(red: 255/255, green: 183/255, blue: 37/255))

The order of the views embedded in the ZStack determine how the views are overlaid
with each other. For the code above, the Text view will overlay on top of the pricing
view. In the canvas, you should see the pricing layout like this:

Figure 22. ContentView after refactoring the code

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 96

To adjust the position of the text, you can use the .offset modifier. Insert the following
line of code at the end of the Text view:

.offset(x: 0, y: 87)

The Best for designer label will move to the bottom of the block. A negative value of y
will move the label to the top part if you want to re-position it.

Figure 23. Position the text view using .offset

Optionally, if you want to adjust the spacing between the Basic and Pro pricing block,
you can specify the spacing parameter within a HStack like this:

HStack(spacing: 15) {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 97

Exercise #1
We haven't finished yet. I want to discuss how we handle optionals in SwiftUI and
introduce another view component called Spacer. However, before we continue, let's
have a simple exercise. Your task is to lay out the Team pricing plan as shown in figure
24. The image I used is a system image with the name "wand.and.rays" from SF Symbols.

Figure 24. Adding the Team plan

Please don't look at the solution, try to develop your own solution.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 98

Handling Optionals in SwiftUI
Have you tried the exercise and come up with your own solution? The layout of the Team
plan is very similar to the Basic & Pro plans. You could replicate the VStack of these two
plans and create the Team plan. however, let me show you a more elegant solution.

We can reuse the PricingView to create the Team plan. However, as you are aware, the
Team plan has an icon that sits above the title. In order to lay out this icon, we need to
modify PricingView to accomodate an icon. Since the icon is not mandatory for a pricing
plan, we declare an optional in PricingView :

var icon: String?

If you're new to Swift, an optional means that the variable may or may not have a value.
In the example above, we define a variable named icon of the type String . The call to
the method is expected to pass the image name if the pricing plan is required to display
an icon. Otherwise, this variable is set to nil by default.

So, how do you handle an optional in SwiftUI? In Swift, you usually use if let to check
if an optional has a value and unwrap it. If you are still using Xcode 11, you can't use if
let in SwiftUI. You will end up with the following error:

Figure 25. Using if let in Xcode 11

One way to work with optionals in Xcode 11 is to check if the optional has a non-nil value.
For example, we need to check if icon has a value before displaying an image. We can
write the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 99

if icon != nil {

Image(systemName: icon!)

In Xcode 12, the SwiftUI framework supports the usage of if let . The code can be
rewritten like this:

if let icon = icon {

Image(systemName: icon)

To support the rendering of an icon, the final code of PricingView should be updated as

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 100
struct PricingView: View {

var title: String

var price: String
var textColor: Color
var bgColor: Color
var icon: String?

var body: some View {

VStack {{
Image(systemName: $0)

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .heavy, design: .rounded))
Text("per month")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 100)

Once you make this change, you can create the Team plan by using ZStack and
PricingView . You put the code in ContentView and insert it after .padding(.horiontal) :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 101
ZStack {
PricingView(title: "Team", price: "$299", textColor: .white, bgColor: Color(re
d: 62/255, green: 63/255, blue: 70/255), icon: "wand.and.rays")

Text("Perfect for teams with 20 members")

.font(.system(.caption, design: .rounded))
.background(Color(red: 255/255, green: 183/255, blue: 37/255))
.offset(x: 0, y: 87)

Using Spacer
When comparing your current UI with that of figure 1, do you see any difference? There
are a couple of differences you may notice:

1. The Choose Your Plan label is not left aligned.

2. The Choose Your Plan label and the pricing plans should be aligned to the top of the

In UIKit, you would define auto layout constraints to position the views. SwiftUI doesn't
have auto layout. Instead, it provides a view called Spacer for you to create complex

A flexible space that expands along the major axis of its containing stack layout, or
on both axes if not contained in a stack.

- SwiftUI documentation

To fix the left alignment, let's update the HeaderView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 102
struct HeaderView: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 2) {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
Text("Your Plan")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))


Here we embed the original VStack and a Spacer within a HStack . By using a Spacer ,
we push the VStack to the left. Figure 26 illustrates how the spacer works.

Figure 26. Using Spacer in HStack

You may now know how to fix the second difference. The solution is to add a spacer at the
end of the VStack of ContentView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 103
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {

HStack(spacing: 15) {

ZStack {

// Add a spacer

Figure 27 illustrates how the spacer works visually.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 104
Figure 27. Using spacer in VStack

Exercise #2
Now that you know how VStack , HStack , and ZStack work, your final exercise is to
create a layout as shown in figure 28. For the icons, I use system images from SF
Symbols. You're free to pick any of the images instead of following mine. As a hint, you
can use the modifier .scale to scale up/down a view. For example, if you attach
.scale(0.5) to a view, it automatically resizes the view to half of its original size.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 105
Figure 28. Your exercise

For reference, you can download the complete stack projects here:

Demo project (

Solution to exercise #2

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 106
Chapter 5
Understanding ScrollView and
Building a Carousel UI
After going through the previous chapter, I believe you should now understand how to
build a complex UI using stacks. Of course, it will take you a lot of practice before you can
master SwiftUI. Therefore, before we dive deep into ScrollView to make the views
scrollable, let's begin this chapter with a challenge. Your task is to create a card view like
that shown in figure 1.

Figure 1. The card view

By using stacks, image, and text views, you should be able to create the UI. While I will go
through the implementation step by step with you later, please take some time to work
on the exercise and figure out your own solution.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 107
Once you create the card view, I will discuss ScrollView with you and build a scrollable
interface using the card view. Figure 2 shows you the complete UIs.

Figure 2. Building a scrollable UI with ScrollView

Creating a Card-like UI
If you haven't opened Xcode, fire it up and create a new project using the App template
(under iOS). In the next screen, set the product name to SwiftUIScrollView (or whatever
name you like) and fill in all the required values. Make sure you select SwiftUI for the
Interface option.

So far, we have coded the user interface in the ContentView.swift file. It's very likely you
wrote your solution code there. That's completely fine, but I want to show you a better
way to organize your code. For the implementation of the card view, let's create a

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 108
separate file. In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIScrollView and choose New

Figure 3. Creating a new file

In the User Interface section, choose the SwiftUI View template and click Next to create
the file. Name the file CardView and save it in the project folder.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 109
Figure 4. Choose the SwiftUI View template

The code in CardView.swift looks very similar to that of ContentView.swift . Similarly, you
can preview the UI in the canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 110
Figure 5. Just like ContentView.swift, you can preview CardView.swift in the canvas

Preparing the Image Files

Now we're ready to code the card view. But first, you need to prepare the image files and
import them in the asset catalog. If you don't want to prepare your own images, you can
download the sample images from Once you
unzip the image archive, select Assets.xcassets and drag all the images to the asset

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 111
Figure 6. Adding the image files to the asset catalog

Implementing the Card View

Now switch back to the CardView.swift file. If you look at figure 1 again, the card view is
composed of two parts: the upper part is the image and the lower part is the text

Let's start with the image. I'll make the image resizable and scale it to fit the screen while
retaining the aspect ratio. You write the code like this:

struct CardView: View {

var body: some View {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

If you forgot what these two modifiers do, go back and read the chapter about the Image
object. Next, let's implement the text description. You may write the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 112
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Drawing a Border with Rounded Corners")
Text("Written by Simon Ng".uppercased())

You need to use Text to create the text view. Since we actually have three text views in
the description, that are vertically aligned, we use a VStack to embed them. For the
VStack , we specify the alignment as .leading . This will align the text view to the left of

the stack view.

The modifiers of Text are all discussed in the chapter about the Text object. You can
refer to it if you find any of the modifiers are confusing. But one topic about the .primary
and .secondary colors should be highlighted.

While you can specify a standard color like .black and .purple in the foregroundColor
modifier, iOS 13 introduces a set of system colors that contain primary, secondary, and
tertiary variants. By using these color variants, your app can easily support both light and
dark modes. For example, the primary color of the text view is set to black in light mode
by default. When the app is switched over to dark mode, the primary color will be
adjusted to white. This is automatically arranged by iOS, so you don't have to write extra
code to support the dark mode. We will discuss dark mode in depth in a later chapter.

To arrange the image and these text views vertically, we use a VStack to embed them.
The current layout is shown in the figure below.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 113
Figure 7. Embed the image and text views in a VStack

We are not done yet! There are still a couple of things we need to implement. First, the
text description block should be left aligned to the edge of the image.

How do you do that?

Based on what we've learned, we can embed the VStack of the text views in a HStack .
And then, we will use a Spacer to push the VStack to the left. Let's see if this works.

If you've changed the code to match the one shown in figure 8, the VStack of the text
views are aligned to the left of the screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 114
Figure 8. Aligning the text description

It would be better to add some padding around the HStack . Insert the padding modifier
like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 115
Figure 9. Adding some paddings for the text description

Lastly, the border. We have discussed how to draw a border with rounded corners in an
earlier chapter. We use the overlay modifier and draw the border using
RoundedRectangle . Here is the complete code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 116
struct CardView: View {
var body: some View {
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Drawing a Border with Rounded Corners")
Text("Written by Simon Ng".uppercased())


RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.stroke(Color(.sRGB, red: 150/255, green: 150/255, blue: 150/255,
opacity: 0.1), lineWidth: 1)
.padding([.top, .horizontal])

In addition to the border, we also add some padding for the top, left, and right sides. Now
you have completed the card view layout.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 117
Figure 10. Adding a border and rounded corners

Make the Card View more Flexible

While the card view works, we've hard-coded the image and text. To make it more
flexible, let's refactor the code. First, declare these variables for the image, category,
heading, and author in CardView :

var image: String

var category: String
var heading: String
var author: String

Next, replace the values of the Image and Text views with our variables like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 118
VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Text("Written by \(author)".uppercased())


Once you made the changes, you will see an error in the CardView_Previews struct. This is
because we've introduced some variables in CardView . We have to specify the parameters
when using it.

Figure 11. Missing parameters when calling the CardView

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 119
Modify the code like this:

struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
CardView(image: "swiftui-button", category: "SwiftUI", heading: "Drawing a
Border with Rounded Corners", author: "Simon Ng")

This will fix the error. And, you now have built a flexible CardView that accepts different
images and text.

Introducing ScrollView
Take a look at figure 2 again. That's the user interface we're going to implement. At first,
you may think we can embed four card views using a VStack . You can switch over to
ContentView.swift and insert the following code:

VStack {
CardView(image: "swiftui-button", category: "SwiftUI", heading: "Drawing a Bor
der with Rounded Corners", author: "Simon Ng")
CardView(image: "macos-programming", category: "macOS", heading: "Building a S
imple Editing App", author: "Gabriel Theodoropoulos")
CardView(image: "flutter-app", category: "Flutter", heading: "Building a Compl
ex Layout with Flutter", author: "Lawrence Tan")
CardView(image: "natural-language-api", category: "iOS", heading: "What's New
in Natural Language API", author: "Sai Kambampati")

If you did that, the card views will be squeezed to fit the screen because VStack is non-
scrollable, just like that shown in figure 12.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 120
Figure 12. Embedding the card views in a VStack

To support scrollable content, SwiftUI provides a view called ScrollView . When the
content is embedded in a ScrollView , it becomes scrollable. What you need to do is to
enclose the VStack within a ScrollView to make the views scrollable. In the preview
canvas, you can click the Play button and drag the views to scroll the content.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 121
Figure 13. Using ScrollView

Exercise #1
Your task is to add a header to the existing scroll view. The result is displayed in figure 14.
If you understand VStack and HStack thoroughly, you should be able to create the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 122
Figure 14. Exercise #1

Creating a Carousel UI with Horizontal ScrollView

By default, the ScrollView allows you to scroll the content in vertical orientation.
Alternatively, it also supports scrollable content in horizontal orientation. Let's see how
to convert the current layout into a carousel UI with a few changes.

Update the ContentView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 123
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {

ScrollView(.horizontal) {

// Your code for exercise #1

HStack {
CardView(image: "swiftui-button", category: "SwiftUI", heading: "D
rawing a Border with Rounded Corners", author: "Simon Ng")
.frame(width: 300)
CardView(image: "macos-programming", category: "macOS", heading: "
Building a Simple Editing App", author: "Gabriel Theodoropoulos")
.frame(width: 300)
CardView(image: "flutter-app", category: "Flutter", heading: "Buil
ding a Complex Layout with Flutter", author: "Lawrence Tan")
.frame(width: 300)
CardView(image: "natural-language-api", category: "iOS", heading:
"What's New in Natural Language API", author: "Sai Kambampati")
.frame(width: 300)


We've made three changes in the code above:

1. We specify in ScrollView to use a horizontal scroll view by passing it a .horizontal

2. Since we use a horizontal scroll view, we also need to change the stack view from
VStack to HStack .

3. For each card view, we set the frame's width to 300 points. This is required because
the image is too wide to display.

After changing the code, you'll see the card views are arranged horizontally and they are

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 124
Figure 15. Carousel UI

Hiding the Scroll Indicator

While you're scrolling the views, did you notice there is a scroll indicator near the bottom
of the screen? This indicator is displayed by default. If you want to hide it, you can
change the ScrollView by adding showsIndicators: false to it:

ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false)

By setting showIndicators to false , iOS will no longer show the indicator.

Grouping View Content

If you look at the code again, you will see that all the CardView s have a .frame modifier
to limit their width to 300 points. Is there any way we can simplify that and remove the
duplicated code? The SwiftUI framework provides a Group view for developers to group

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 125
related content. More importantly, you can attach modifiers to the group to apply the
changes to each of the views embedded in the group.

For example, you can rewrite the code in HStack like this to achieve the same result:

HStack {
Group {
CardView(image: "swiftui-button", category: "SwiftUI", heading: "Drawing a
Border with Rounded Corners", author: "Simon Ng")
CardView(image: "macos-programming", category: "macOS", heading: "Building
a Simple Editing App", author: "Gabriel Theodoropoulos")
CardView(image: "flutter-app", category: "Flutter", heading: "Building a C
omplex Layout with Flutter", author: "Lawrence Tan")
CardView(image: "natural-language-api", category: "iOS", heading: "What's
New in Natural Language API", author: "Sai Kambampati")
.frame(width: 300)

Resize the Text Automatically

As you can see in figure 15, the title of the first card is truncated. How do you fix this? In
SwiftUI, you can use the .minimumScaleFactor modifier to automatically downscale text.
Switch over to CardView.swift and attach the following modifier to Text(heading) :


SwiftUI will automatically scale down the text to fit the available space. The value sets the
minimum amount of scaling that the view permits. In this case, SwiftUI can draw the text
in a font size as small as 50% of the original font size.

Exercise #2
Here comes to the final exercise. Modify the current code and re-arrange it like that
shown in figure 16.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 126
Figure 16. Aligning the views to the top

For reference, you can download the complete scrollview project here:

Demo project
Solution to exercise

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 127
Chapter 6
Working with SwiftUI Buttons, Labels
and Gradient
Buttons initiate app-specific actions, have customizable backgrounds, and can
include a title or an icon. The system provides a number of predefined button styles
for most use cases. You can also design fully custom buttons.

- Apple's documentation (


I don't think I need to explain what a button is. It's a very basic UI control that you can
find in all apps and has the ability to handle users' touch, and trigger a certain action. If
you have learned iOS programming before, Button in SwiftUI is very similar to UIButton
in UIKit. It's just more flexible and customizable. You will understand what I mean in a
while. In this chapter, I will go through this SwiftUI control and you will learn the
following techniques:

1. How to create a simple button and handle the user's selection

2. How to customize the button's background, padding and font
3. How to add borders to a button
4. How to create a button with both image and text
5. How to create a button with a gradient background and shadows
6. How to create a full-width button
7. How to create a reusable button style
8. How to add a tap animation

Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled

Okay, let's start with the basics and create a simple button using SwiftUI. First, fire up
Xcode and create a new project using the App template. In the next screen, type the name
of the project. I set it to SwiftUIButton but you're free to use any other name. You need to

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 128
make sure you select SwiftUI for the Interface option.

Figure 1. Creating a new project

Once you save the project, Xcode should load the ContentView.swift file and display a
preview in the design canvas. In case the preview is not displayed, click the Resume
button in the canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 129
Figure 2. Previewing the default content view

It's very easy to create a button using SwiftUI. Basically, you use the code snippet below
to create a button:

Button(action: {
// What to perform
}) {
// How the button looks like

When creating a button, you need to provide two code blocks:

1. What action to perform - the code to perform after the button is tapped or
selected by the user.
2. How the button looks - the code block that describes the look & feel of the button.

For example, if you just want to turn the Hello World label into a button, you can update
the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 130
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
Button(action: {
print("Hello World tapped!")
}) {
Text("Hello World")

Now the Hello World text becomes a tappable button as you see it in the canvas.

Figure 3. Creating a simple button

The button is non-tappable in the design canvas. To test it, click the Play button to run
the app. However, in order to view the Hello World tapped message, you have to right-
click the Play button and then choose Debug Preview. You will see the Hello World

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 131
tapped message on the console when you tap the button. If you can't see the console, go
up to the Xcode menu and choose View > Debug Area > Activate Console.

Figure 4. The console message can only be displayed in debug mode

Customizing the Button's Font and Background

Now that you know how to create a simple button, let's customize its look & feel with the
built-in modifiers. To change the background and text color, you can use the background
and foregroundColor modifiers like this:

Text("Hello World")

If you want to change the font type, you use the font modifier and specify the font type
(e.g. .title ) like this:

Text("Hello World")

After the change, your button should look like the figure below.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 132
Figure 5. Customizing the background and foreground color of a button

As you can see, the button doesn't look very good. Wouldn't it be great to add some space
around the text? To do that, you can use the padding modifier like this:

Text("Hello World")

After you make the change, the canvas will update the button accordingly. The button
should now look much better.

Figure 6. Adding padding to the button

The Order of Modifiers is Important

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 133
One thing I want to highlight is that the padding modifier should be placed before the
background modifier. If you write the code as illustrated below, the end result will be


Figure 7. Placing the padding modifier after the background modifier

If you place the padding modifier after the background modifier, you can still add some
padding to the button but without the preferred background color. If you wonder why,
the modifiers like this:

Text("Hello World")
.background(Color.purple) // 1. Change the background color to purple
.foregroundColor(.white) // 2. Set the foreground/font color to white
.font(.title) // 3. Change the font type
.padding() // 4. Add the paddings with the primary color (i.e.

Conversely, the modifiers will work like this if the padding modifier is placed before the
background modifier:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 134
Text("Hello World")
.padding() // 1. Add the paddings
.background(Color.purple) // 2. Change the background color to purple includin
g the padding
.foregroundColor(.white) // 3. Set the foreground/font color to white
.font(.title) // 4. Change the font type

Adding Borders to the Button

This doesn't mean the padding modifier should always be placed at the very beginning. It
just depends on your button design. Let's say, you want to create a button with borders
like this:

Figure 8. A button with borders

You can change the code of the Text control like below:

Text("Hello World")
.border(Color.purple, width: 5)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 135
Here we set the foreground color to purple and then add some empty padding around the
text. The border modifier is used to define the border's width and color. Please alter the
value of the width parameter to see how it works.

Let me give you another example. Let's say, a designer shows you the following button
design. How are you going to implement it with what you've learned? Before you read the
next paragraph, Take a few minutes to figure out the solution.

Figure 9. A button with both background and border

Okay, here is the solution:

Text("Hello World")
.border(Color.purple, width: 5)

We use two padding modifiers to create the button design. The first padding , together
with the background modifier, is for creating a button with padding and a purple
background. The padding(10) modifier adds extra padding around the button and the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 136
border modifier specifies a rounded border in purple.

Let's look at a more complex example. What if you wanted a button with rounded borders
like this?

Figure 10. A button with a rounded border

SwiftUI comes with a modifier named cornerRadius that lets you easily create rounded
corners. To render the button's background with rounded corners, you simply use the
modifier and specify the corner radius:


For the border with rounded corners, it'll take a little bit of work since the border
modifier doesn't allow you to create rounded corners. What we need to do is to draw a
border and overlay it on the button. Here is the final code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 137
Text("Hello World")
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 40)
.stroke(Color.purple, lineWidth: 5)

The overlay modifier lets you overlay another view on top of the current view. In the
code, we draw a border with rounded corners using the stroke modifier of the
RoundedRectangle object. The stroke modifier allows you to configure the color and line

width of the stroke.

Creating a Button with Images and Text

So far, we have only worked with text buttons. In a real world project, you or your
designer may want to display a button with an image. The syntax of creating an image
button is exactly the same except that you use the Image control instead of the Text
control like this:

Button(action: {
print("Delete button tapped!")
}) {
Image(systemName: "trash")

For convenience, we use the built-in SF Symbols (i.e. trash) to create the image button.
We specify .largeTitle in the font modifier to make the image a bit larger. Your button
should look like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 138
Figure 11. An image button

Similarly, if you want to create a circular image button with a solid background color, you
can apply the modifiers we discussed earlier. Figure 12 shows you an example.

Figure 12. A circular image button

You can use both text and image to create a button. Say, you want to put the word
"Delete" next to the icon. Replace the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 139
Button(action: {
print("Delete tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")

Here we embed both the image and the text control in a horizontal stack. This will lay out
the trash icon and the Delete text side by side. The modifiers applied to the HStack set
the background color, padding, and round the button's corners. Figure 13 shows the
resulting button.

Figure 13. A button with both image and text

Using Label

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 140
In iOS 14, the SwiftUI framework introduces a new view called Label that lets you place
an image and text side by side. Thus, instead of using HStack , you can use Label to
create the same layout.

Button(action: {
print("Delete tapped!")
}) {
title: { Text("Delete")
icon: { Image(systemName: "trash")

Creating a Button with Gradient Background and

With SwiftUI, you can easily style the button with a gradient background. Not only can
you define a specific color to the background modifier, you can easily apply a gradient
effect to any button. All you need to do is to replace the following line of code:



.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [,]), st

artPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 141
The SwiftUI framework comes with several built-in gradient effects. The code above
applies a linear gradient from left ( .leading ) to right ( .trailing ). It begins with red on
the left and ends with blue on the right.

Figure 14. A button with gradient background

If you want to apply the gradient from top to bottom, you replace the .leading with
.top and the .trailing with .bottom like this:

.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [,]), st

artPoint: .top, endPoint: .bottom))

You're free to use your own colors to render the gradient effect. Let's say, your designer
tells you to use the following gradient:

Figure 15. A sample gradient from

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 142
There are multiple ways to convert the color code from hex to the compatible format in
Swift. Here is one approach. In the project navigator, choose the asset catalog
( Assets.xcassets ). Right click the blank area (under AppIcon) and select Color Set.

Figure 16. Define a new color set in the asset catalog

Next, choose the color well for Any Appearance and click the Show inspector button.
Then click the Attributes inspector icon to reveal the attributes of a color set. In the name
field, set the name to DarkGreen. In the Color section, change the input method to 8-bit

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 143
Figure 17. Editing the attributes of a color set

Now you can set the color code in the Hex field. For this example, enter #11998e to
define the color. Name the color set LightGreen. Repeat the same procedure to define
another color set. Enter #38ef7d for the additional color. Name this color DarkGreen.

Figure 18. Define two color sets

Now that you've defined two color sets, let's go back to ContentView.swift and update the
code. To use the color set, you just need to specify the name of the color set like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 144

To render the gradient with the DarkGreen and LightGreen color sets, all you need is to
update the background modifier like this:

.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("DarkGreen"), Color("

LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))

If you've made the change correctly, your button should have a nice gradient background
as shown in figure 19.

Figure 19. Generating a gradient with our own colors

There is one more modifier I want to show you in this section. The shadow modifier
allows you to draw a shadow around the button (or any view). Just add this line of code
after the cornerRadius modifier to see the shadow:

.shadow(radius: 5.0)

Optionally, you can control the color, radius, and position of the shadow. Here is an

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 145
.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 20.0, x: 20, y: 10)

Creating a Full-width Button

Bigger buttons usually grab user's attention. Sometimes, you may need to create a full-
width button that takes up the width of the screen. The frame modifier is designed to
control the size of a view. Whether you want to create a fixed size button or a button with
variable width, you use this modifier. To create a full-width button, you can change the
Button code like this:

Button(action: {
print("Delete tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("DarkGreen"), Col
or("LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))

This is very similar to the code we just wrote, except that we added the frame modifier
before padding . Here we define a flexible width for the button. We set the maxWidth
parameter to .infinity . This will result in the button filling the width of the container
view. You should now see a full-width button in the canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 146
Figure 20. A full-width button

By defining maxWidth to .infinity , the width of the button will be adjusted

automatically depending on the screen width of the device. If you want to give the button
some more horizontal space, insert a padding modifier after .cornerRadius(40) :

.padding(.horizontal, 20)

Styling Buttons with ButtonStyle

In a real world app, the same button design will be utilised in multiple buttons. Let's say,
you're creating three buttons: Delete, Edit, and Share that all have the same button style
like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 147
Figure 21. A full-width button

You'll probably write the code like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

VStack {

Button(action: {
print("Share tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "square.and.arrow.up")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 148
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("Dark
Green"), Color("LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
.padding(.horizontal, 20)

Button(action: {
print("Edit tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "square.and.pencil")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("Dark
Green"), Color("LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
.padding(.horizontal, 20)

Button(action: {
print("Delete tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("Dark
Green"), Color("LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
.padding(.horizontal, 20)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 149


As you can see from the code above, you need to replicate all modifiers for each of the
buttons. What if you or your designer want to modify the button style? You'll need to
modify all the modifiers. That's quite a tedious task and not good coding practice. How
can you generalize the style and make it reusable?

SwiftUI provides a protocol called ButtonStyle for you to create your own button style.
To create a reusable style for our buttons, Create a new struct called
GradientBackgroundStyle that conforms to the ButtonStyle protocol. Insert the following

code snippet and put it right above struct ContentPreview_Previews :

struct GradientBackgroundStyle: ButtonStyle {

func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color("DarkGree
n"), Color("LightGreen")]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))
.padding(.horizontal, 20)

The protocol requires us to provide the implementation of the makeBody function that
accepts a configuration parameter. The configuration parameter includes a label
property applies modifiers to change the button's style. In the code above, we apply the
same set of modifiers that we used before.

So, how do you apply the custom style to a button? SwiftUI provides a modifier called
.buttonStyle for you to apply the button style like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 150
Button(action: {
print("Delete tapped!")
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")

Cool, right? The code is now simplified and you can easily apply the button style to any
button with just one line of code.

Figure 22. Applying the custom style using .buttonStyle modifier

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 151
You can also determine if the button is pressed by accessing the isPressed property. This
allows you to alter the style of the button when the user taps on it. For example, let's say
we want to make the button a bit smaller when someone presses the button. You add a
line of code like this:

Figure 23. Applying the custom style using .buttonStyle modifier

The scaleEffect modifier lets you scale up or down a button (and any view). To scale up
the button, you provide a value greater than 1.0. To make the button smaller, enter a
value less than 1.0.

.scaleEffect(configuration.isPressed ? 0.9 : 1.0)

So, what the line of code does is scale down the button (i.e. 0.9 ) when the button is
pressed and scales back to its original size (i.e. 1.0 ) when the user lifts their finger. Run
the app, you should see a nice animation when the button is scaled up and down. This is
the power of SwiftUI. You do not need to write any extra lines of code and it comes with
built-in animation.

Your exercise is to create an animated button which shows a plus icon. When a user
presses the button, the plus icon will rotate (clockwise/counterclockwise) to become a
cross icon.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 152
Figure 24. Rotate the icon when a user presses it

As a hint, the modifier rotationEffect may be used to rotate the button (or other view).

In this chapter, we covered the basics of creating buttons in SwiftUI. Buttons play a key
role in any application UI. Well designed buttons, not only make your UI more appealing,
but bring the user experience of your app to the next level. As you have learned, by
mixing SF Symbols, gradients, and animations together, you can easily build attractive
and useful buttons.

For reference, you can download the complete button project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 153
Chapter 7
Understanding State and Binding
State management is something every developer has to deal with in application
development. Imagine that you are developing a music player app. When a user taps the
Play button, the button will change itself to a Stop button. In your implementation, there
must be some way to keep track of the application's state so that you know when to
change the button's appearance.

Figure 1. Stop and Play buttons

SwiftUI comes with a few built-in features for state management. In particular, it
introduces a property wrapper named @State . When you annotate a property with
@State , SwiftUI automatically stores it somewhere in your application. What's more,

views that make use of that property automatically listen to the value change of the
property. When the state changes, SwiftUI will recompute those views and update the
application's appearance.

Doesn't it sound great? Or are you a bit confused with state management?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 154
You will get a better understanding of state and binding after going through the coding
examples in this chapter and a couple of exercises I’ve prepared for you. Please take some
time to work on these. It will help you master this important concept of SwiftUI.

Creating a New Project with SwiftUI enabled

Let's start with a simple example that I just described earlier to see how to switch
between a Play button and a Stop button, by keeping track of the application's state.
First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the App template. Set the name of the
project to SwiftUIState but you're free to use any other name. Please make sure SwiftUI
is selected as the Interface option.

Figure 2. Creating a new project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 155
Once you save the project, Xcode will load the ContentView.swift file and display a
preview in the design canvas. Create the Play button like this:

Button(action: {
// Switch between the play and stop button
}) {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 150))

We make use of the system image and color the button green.

Figure 3. Previewing the play button

Controlling the Button's State

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 156
The button's action is empty. We want to change its appearance from Play to Stop when
someone taps the button. The color of the button should also be changed to red when the
stop button is displayed.

So, how can we implement that? Obviously, we need a variable to keep track of the
button's state. Let's name it isPlaying . It's a boolean variable indicating whether the app
is in the Playing state or not. If isPlaying is set to true , the app should show a Stop
button. If isPlaying is set to false , the app shows a Play button. The code is written
like this:

struct ContentView: View {

private var isPlaying = false

var body: some View {

Button(action: {
// Switch between play and stop button
}) {
Image(systemName: isPlaying ? "" : "")
.font(.system(size: 150))
.foregroundColor(isPlaying ? .red : .green)


We change the image's name and color by referring the value of the isPlaying variable.
If you update the code in your project, you should see a Play button in the preview
canvas. However, if you set the default value of isPlaying to true , you would see a Stop

Now the question is how can the app monitor the change of the state (i.e. isPlaying ) and
update the button automatically? With SwiftUI, all you need to do is prefix the isPlaying
property with @State :

@State private var isPlaying = false

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 157
Once we declare the property as a state variable, SwiftUI manages the storage of
isPlaying and monitors its value change. When the value of isPlaying changes, SwiftUI

automatically recomputes the views that are referencing the isPlaying state. In our
sample code, it's the Button that changes

Only access a state property from inside the view’s body (or from functions called
by it). For this reason, you should declare your state properties as private , to
prevent clients of your view from accessing it

- Apple's official documentation


We still haven't implemented the button's action. So, let's do that now:

Button(action: {
// Switch between play and stop button
}) {
Image(systemName: isPlaying ? "" : "")
.font(.system(size: 150))
.foregroundColor(isPlaying ? .red : .green)

In the action closure, we call the toggle() method to toggle the Boolean value from
false to true or from true to false . Run the app by clicking the play icon in the

preview canvas and toggle between the Play and Stop button.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 158
Figure 4. Toggle between the Play and Stop button

Did you notice that SwiftUI renders a fade animation when you toggle between the
buttons? This animation is built-in and automatically generated for you. We will talk
more about animations in later chapters of the book, but as you can see, SwiftUI makes
UI animation more approachable for all developers.

Exercise #1
Your exercise is to create a counter button which shows the number of taps. When a user
taps the button, the counter will increase by one and display the total number of taps.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 159
Figure 5. Toggle between the Play and Stop button

Working with Binding

Were you successful in creating the counter button? Instead of declaring a boolean
variable as a state, we use an integer state variable to keep track of the count. When the
button is tapped, the counter will increase by 1. Figure 6 shows the code snippet to
achieve this.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 160
Figure 6. A counter button

Now we will further modify the code to display three counter buttons (see figure 7). All
three buttons share the same counter. No matter which button is tapped, the counter will
increase by 1 and all the buttons will be invalidated to display the updated count.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 161
Figure 7. Three counter buttons

As you can see, all the buttons share the same look & feel. As I've explained in earlier
chapters, rather than duplicating the code, it's always a good practice to extract a
common view into a reusable subview. We can extract the Button to create an
independent subview like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 162
struct CounterButton: View {

@Binding var counter: Int

var color: Color

var body: some View {

Button(action: {
self.counter += 1
}) {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.font(.system(size: 100, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

The CounterButton view accepts two parameters: counter and color. You can create a
button colored red like this:

CounterButton(counter: $counter, color: .red)

You should notice that the counter variable is annotated with @Binding . When you
create a CounterButton instance, the counter is prefixed by a $ sign.

What do they mean?

After we extract the button into a separate view, CounterButton becomes a subview of
ContentView . The counter increment is now done in the CounterButton view instead of the

ContentView . The CounterButton must have a way to manage the state variable in the

ContentView .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 163
The @Binding keyword indicates that the caller must provide the binding of the state
variable. It's just like creating the two-way connection between the counter in the
ContentView and the counter in the CounterButton . Updating counter in the

CounterButton view propagates its value back to the counter state in the ContentView .

Figure 8. Understanding Binding

So, what's the $ sign? In SwiftUI, you use the $ prefix operator to get the binding from a
state variable.

Now that you understand how binding works, you can continue to create the other two
buttons and align them vertically using VStack like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 164
struct ContentView: View {

@State private var counter = 1

var body: some View {

VStack {
CounterButton(counter: $counter, color: .blue)
CounterButton(counter: $counter, color: .green)
CounterButton(counter: $counter, color: .red)

After the changes, Run the app to test it. Tapping any of the buttons will increase the
count by one.

Figure 9. Testing the three counter buttons

Exercise #2

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 165
Presently, all the buttons share the same count. For this exercise, you are required to
modify the code such that each of the button has its own counter. When the user taps the
blue button, the app only increases the counter of the blue button by 1. In addition, you
will need to provide a master counter that sums up the counter of all buttons. Figure 10
shows the sample layout for the exercise..

Figure 10. Each button has its own counter

The support of State in SwiftUI simplifies state management in application development.
It's important you understand what @State and @Binding mean because they play a big
part in SwiftUI for managing states and UI updates. This chapter kicks off the basics of

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 166
state management in SwiftUI. Later, you will learn more about how we can utilize
@State in view animation and how to manage shared states among multiple views.

For reference, you can download the sample state project below:

Demo project (


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 167
Chapter 8
Implementing Path and Shape for
Line Drawing and Pie Charts
For experienced developers, you probably have used the Core Graphics APIs to draw
shapes and objects. It's a very powerful framework for you to create vector-based
drawings. SwiftUI also provides several vector drawing APIs for developers to draw lines
and shapes.

In this chapter, you will learn how to draw lines, arcs, pie charts, and donut charts using
Path and the built-in Shape such as Circle and RoundedRectangle . Here are the topics

we'll cover:

Understanding Path and how to draw a line

What is the Shape protocol and how to draw a custom shape by conforming to the
How to draw a pie chart
How to create a progress indicator with an open circle
How to draw a donut chart

Figure 1 shows you some of the shapes and charts that we will create in this chapter.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 168
Figure 1. Sample shapes and charts

Understanding Path
In SwiftUI, you draw lines and shapes using Path . If you refer to Apple's documentation
(, Path is a struct containing
the outline of a 2D shape. Basically, a path is the setting of a point of origin, then
drawning lines from point to point. Let me give you an example. Take a look at figure 2.
We will walk thorugh how this rectangle is drawn.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 169
Figure 2. A rectange with coordinates

If you were to verbally tell me how you would draw the rectangle step by step, you would
probably provide the following description:

1. Move the point (20, 20)

2. Draw a line from (20, 20) to (300, 20)
3. Draw a line from (300, 20) to (300, 200)
4. Draw a line from (300, 200) to (20, 200)
5. Fill the whole area in green

That's how Path is works! Let's write your verbal description in code:

Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 20))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 300, y: 20))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 300, y: 200))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 200))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 170
You initialize a Path and provide detailed instructions in the closure. You call the
move(to:) method to move to a particular coordinate. To draw a line from the current

point to a specific point, you call the addLine(to:) method. By default, iOS fills the path
with the default foreground color, which is black. To fill it with a different color, you can
use the .fill modifier and set a different color.

Test the code by creating a new project using the App template. Name the project
SwiftUIShape (or whatever name you like) and then type the above code snippet in the

body . The preview canvas should display a rectangle in green.

Figure 3. Drawing a rectangle using Path

Using Stroke to Draw Borders

You're not required to fill the whole area with color. If you just want to draw the lines,
you can use the .stroke modifier and specify the line width and color. Figure 4 shows
the result.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 171
Figure 4. Drawing the lines with stroke

Because we didn't specify a step to draw the line to the point of origin, it shows an open-
ended path. To close the path, you can call the closeSubpath() method at the end of the
Path closure, that will automatically connect the current point with the point of origin.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 172
Figure 5. Closing the path with closeSubpath()

Drawing Curves
Path provides several built-in APIs to help you draw different shapes. You are not

limited to drawing straight lines. The addQuadCurve , addCurve , and addArc allow you to
create curves and arcs. Let's say, you want to draw a dome on top of a rectangle like that
shown in figure 6.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 173
Figure 6. A dome with a rectangle bottom

You write the code like this:

Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 40, y: 60))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 210, y: 60), control: CGPoint(x: 125, y: 0))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 100))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 100))

The addQuadCurve method lets you draw a curve by defining a control point. Referring to
figure 6, (40, 60) and (210, 60) are known as anchor points. (125, 0) is the control point,
which is calculated to create the dome shape. I'm not going to discuss the mathematics
involved in drawing the curve, however, try to change the value of the control point to see
its effect. In brief, this control point controls how the curve is drawn. If it's placed closer
to the top of the rectangle (e.g. 125, 30), you will create a less rounded appearance.

Fill and Stroke

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 174
What if you want to draw the border of the shape and fill the shape with color at the same
time? The fill and stroke modifiers cannot be used in parallel. You can make use of
ZStack to achieve the same effect. Here is the code:

ZStack {
Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 40, y: 60))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 210, y: 60), control: CGPoint(x: 125, y: 0
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 100))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 100))

Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 40, y: 60))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 210, y: 60), control: CGPoint(x: 125, y: 0
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 60))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 230, y: 100))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 20, y: 100))
.stroke(, lineWidth: 5)

We create two Path objects with the same path and overlay one on top of the other using
ZStack . The one underneath uses fill to fill the dome rectangle with purple color. The

one overlayed on top only draws the borders with black color. Figure 7 shows the result.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 175
Figure 7. A dome rectange with borders

Drawing Arcs and Pie Charts

SwiftUI provides a convenient API for developers to draw arcs. This API is incredibly
useful to compose various shapes and objects including pie charts. To draw an arc, you
write the code like this:

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 200))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 200, y: 200), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(degr
ees: 0.0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 90), clockwise: true)

Enter this code in the body, you will see an arc that fills with green color in the preview

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 176
Figure 8. A sample arc

In the code, we first move to the starting point (200, 200). Then we call addArc to create
the arc. The addArc method accepts several parameters:

center - the center point of the circle

radius - the radius of the circle for creating the arc
startAngle - the starting angle of the arc
endAngle - the ending angle of the arc
clockwise - the direction to draw the arc

If you just look at the name of the startAngle and endAngle parameters, you might be a
bit confused with their meaning. Figure 9 will give you a better idea of how these
parameters work.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 177
Figure 9. Understanding starting and end angle

By using addArc , you can easily create a pie chart with different colored segments. All
you need to do is overlay different pie segments with ZStack . Each segment has different
values for startAngle and endAngle to compose the chart. Here is an example:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 178
ZStack {
Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(
degrees: 0.0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 190), clockwise: true)

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(
degrees: 190), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 110), clockwise: true)

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(
degrees: 110), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 90), clockwise: true)

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(
degrees: 90.0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 360), clockwise: true)

This will render a pie chart with 4 segments. If you want to have more segments, just
create additional path objects with different angle values. As a side note, the color I used
comes from the standard color objects provided in iOS 13 (or later). You can check out
the full set of color objects at

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 179
Sometimes, you may want to highlight a particular segment by splitting it from the pie
chart. Say, to highlight the segment in purple, you can apply the offset modifier to re-
position the segment:

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(degr
ees: 90.0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 360), clockwise: true)
.offset(x: 20, y: 20)

Optionally, you can overlay a border to further catch people's attention. If you want to
add a label to the highlighted segment, you can also overlay a Text view like this:

Path { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 187, y: 187))
path.addArc(center: .init(x: 187, y: 187), radius: 150, startAngle: Angle(degr
ees: 90.0), endAngle: Angle(degrees: 360), clockwise: true)
.stroke(Color(red: 52/255, green: 52/255, blue: 122/255), lineWidth: 10)
.offset(x: 20, y: 20)
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
.offset(x: 80, y: -100)

This path has the same starting and end angle as the purple segment, however; it only
draws the border and adds a text view in order to make the segment stand out. Figure 10
shows the end result.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 180
Figure 10. A pie chart with a highlighted segment

Understanding the Shape Protocol

Before we look into the Shape protocol, let's begin with a simple exercise. Based on what
you have learned, draw the following shape with Path .

Figure 11. Your exercise

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 181
Don't look at the solution yet. Try to build one by yourself.

Okay, to build this shape, you create a Path using addLine and addQuadCurve :

Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 0), control: CGPoint(x: 100, y: -20))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 40))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 40))
path.addLine(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 40))

If you've read the documentation for Path , you may find another function called
addRect , which lets you draw a rectangle with a specific width and height. Let's use it to

create the same shape:

Path() { path in
path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))
path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: 200, y: 0), control: CGPoint(x: 100, y: -20))
path.addRect(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 200, height: 40))

Let's talk about the Shape protocol. The protocol is very simple with only one
requirement. To adopt it, you must implement the following function:

func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path

When is it useful to adopt the Shape protocol? To answer this, let's say you want to
create a button with the dome shape but flexible size. Is it possible to reuse the Path that
you have just created?

Take a look at the code above again. You created a path with absolute coordinates and
size. In order to create the same shape but with variable size, you can create a struct to
adopt the Shape protocol and implement the path(in:) function. When the path(in:)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 182
function is called by the framework, you will be given the rect size. You can then draw
the path within that rect .

In the code that follows we create the Dome shape using a path(in:) function.

struct Dome: Shape {

func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {
var path = Path()

path.move(to: CGPoint(x: 0, y: 0))

path.addQuadCurve(to: CGPoint(x: rect.size.width, y: 0), control: CGPoint(
x: rect.size.width/2, y: -(rect.size.width * 0.1)))
path.addRect(CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: rect.size.width, height: rect.size.

return path

By adopting the protocol, we are given the rectangular area for drawing the path. From
the rect , we get the width and height of the rectangular area to compute the control
point and draw the rectangle base.

With the dynamic shape, you can create various SwiftUI controls. For example, you can
create a button with the Dome shape like this:

Button(action: {
// Action to perform
}) {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.frame(width: 250, height: 50)

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We apply the Dome shape as the background of the button. Its width and height are
based on the specified frame size.

Figure 12. Creating a button with the Dome shape

Using the Built-in Shapes

Earlier, we built a custom shape by using the Shape protocol. SwiftUI actually comes
with several built-in shapes including Circle , Rectangle , RoundedRectangle , Ellipse ,
etc. If you don't need anything fancy, these shapes are good enough for you to create
common objects.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 184
Figure 13. A stop button

Let's say, you want to create a stop button like the one shown in figure 13. It's composed
of a rounded rectangle and a circle. You can write the code like this:

.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 5)
.frame(width: 80, height: 80)

Here, we initialize a Circle view and then overlay a RoundedRectangle view on it.

Creating a Progress Indicator Using Shapes

By mixing and matching the built-in shapes, you can create various types of vector-based
UI controls for your applications. Let me show you another example. Figure 14 shows you
a progress indicator that can be built by using Circle .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 185
Figure 14. A progress indicator

This progress indicator is actually composed of two circles. We have a gray outline of a
circle underneath. On top of the grey circle, is an open outline of a circle indicating the
completion progress. In your project, write the code in ContentView like this:

struct ContentView: View {

private var purpleGradient = LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [ Color

(red: 207/255, green: 150/255, blue: 207/255), Color(red: 107/255, green: 116/255,
blue: 179/255) ]), startPoint: .trailing, endPoint: .leading)

var body: some View {

ZStack {
.stroke(Color(.systemGray6), lineWidth: 20)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 186
We use the stroke modifier to draw the outline of the grey circle. You may adjust the
value of the lineWidth parameter if you prefer thicker (or thinner) lines. The
purpleGradient property defines the purple gradient that we will use later in drawing the

open circle.

Figure 15. Drawing a gray circle

Now, insert the following code in ZStack to create the open circle:

.trim(from: 0, to: 0.85)
.stroke(purpleGradient, lineWidth: 20)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
VStack {
.font(.system(size: 80, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 187
To create an open circle, add the trim modifier. You specify a from value and a to
value to indicate which segment of the circle should be shown. In this case, we want to
show progress of 85%. So, we set the from value to 0 and the to value to 0.85.

To display the completion percentage, we overlay a text view in the middle of the circle.

Figure 16. Drawing the progress view

Drawing a Donut Chart

The last example I want to show you is a donut chart. If you fully understand how the
trim modifier works, you may already know how we are going to implement the donut

chart. By playing around with the values of the trim modifier, we can break a circle into
multiple segments.

That's the technique we use to create a donut chart and here is the code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 188
ZStack {
.trim(from: 0, to: 0.4)
.stroke(Color(.systemBlue), lineWidth: 80)

.trim(from: 0.4, to: 0.6)
.stroke(Color(.systemTeal), lineWidth: 80)

.trim(from: 0.6, to: 0.75)
.stroke(Color(.systemPurple), lineWidth: 80)

.trim(from: 0.75, to: 1)
.stroke(Color(.systemYellow), lineWidth: 90)
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.offset(x: 80, y: -100)
.frame(width: 250, height: 250)

The first segment represents 40% of the circle. The second segment 20% of the circle, but
note that the from value is 0.4 instead of 0. This starts the second segment at the end of
the first segment.

For the last segment, I intentionally set the line width to a larger value so that this
segment stands out from the others. If you don't like that, you can change the value of
lineWidth from 90 to 80 .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 189
Figure 17. Drawing the donut chart

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and coding the demo projects. With these
drawing APIs, provided by the framework, you can easily create custom shapes for your
application. There is a lot you can do with Path and Shape . I have covered just a few of
these in this chapter, try to apply what you've learned and further explore these powerful
APIs, they are magical!

For reference, you can download the shapes project files below:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 190
Chapter 9
Basic Animations and Transitions
Have you ever used the magic move animation in Keynote? With magic move, you can
easily create slick animation between slides. Keynote automatically analyzes the objects
between slides and renders the animations automatically. To me, SwiftUI has brought
Magic Move to app development. Animations using the framework are automatic and
magical. You define two states of a view and SwiftUI will figure out the rest, animating
the changes between the two states.

SwiftUI empowers you to animate changes for individual views and transitions between
views. The framework comes with a number of built-in animations to create different

In this chapter, you will learn how to animate views using implicit and explicit
animations, provided by SwiftUI. As usual, we'll work on a few demo projects and learn
the programming technique along the way.

Implicit and Explicit Animations

SwiftUI provides two types of animations: implicit and explicit. Both approaches allow
you to animate views and view transitions. For implementing implicit animations, the
framework provides a modifier called animation . You attach this modifier to the views
you want to animate and specify your preferred animation type. Optionally, you can
define the animation duration and delay. SwiftUI will then automatically render the
animation based on the state changes of the views.

Explicit animations offer more finite control over the animations you want to present.
Instead of attaching a modifier to the view, you tell SwiftUI what state changes you want
to animate inside the withAnimation() block.

A bit confused? That's fine. You will have a better idea after going through a couple of

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 191
Implicit Animations
Let's begin with implicit animations. Create a new project, name it SwiftUIAnimation (or
whatever name you like). Be sure to select SwiftUI for the interface!

Figure 1. Animate a button's state change

Take a look at figure 1. It's a simple tappable view that is composed of a red circle and a
heart. When a user taps the heart or circle, the circle's color will be changed to light gray
and the heart's color to red. At the same time, the size of the heart icon grows bigger. We
have various state changes here:

1. The color of the circle changes from red to light gray.

2. The color of the heart icon changes from white to red.
3. The heart icon doubles its original size.

To implement the tappable circle using SwiftUI, add the following code to
ContentView.swift :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 192
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var circleColorChanged = false
@State private var heartColorChanged = false
@State private var heartSizeChanged = false

var body: some View {

ZStack {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.foregroundColor(circleColorChanged ? Color(.systemGray5) : .red)

Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.foregroundColor(heartColorChanged ? .red : .white)
.font(.system(size: 100))
.scaleEffect(heartSizeChanged ? 1.0 : 0.5)
.onTapGesture {


We define three state variables to model the states of the circle color, heart color and
heart size, with the inital value set to false. To create the circle and heart, we use ZStack
to overlay the heart image on top of the circle. SwiftUI comes with the onTapGesture
modifier to detect the tap gesture. You can attach it to any view to make it tappable. In
the onTapGesture closure, we toggle the states to change the view's appearance.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 193
Figure 2. Implementing the circle and heart views

If you run the app in the canvas, the color of the circle and heart icon change when you
tap the view. However, these changes are not animated.

To animate the changes, you need to attach the animation modifier to both Circle and
Image views:

.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.foregroundColor(circleColorChanged ? Color(.systemGray5) : .red)

Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.foregroundColor(heartColorChanged ? .red : .white)
.font(.system(size: 100))
.scaleEffect(heartSizeChanged ? 1.0 : 0.5)

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SwiftUI automatically computes and renders the animation that allows the views to go
smoothly from one state to another state. Tap the heart again and you should see a slick

Not only can you apply the animation modifier to a single view, it is applicable to a group
of views. For example, you can rewrite the code above by attaching the animation
modifier to ZStack like this:

ZStack {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.foregroundColor(circleColorChanged ? Color(.systemGray5) : .red)

Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.foregroundColor(heartColorChanged ? .red : .white)
.font(.system(size: 100))
.scaleEffect(heartSizeChanged ? 1.0 : 0.5)
.onTapGesture {

It works exactly same. SwiftUI looks for all the state changes embedded in ZStack and
creates the animations.

In the example, we use the default animation. SwiftUI provides a number of built-in
animations for you to choose including linear , easeIn , easeOut , easeInOut , and
spring . The linear animation animates the changes in linear speed, while other easing

animations have various speed. For details, you can check out to see the
difference between each of the easing functions.

To use an alternate animation, you just need to set the specific animation in the
animation modifier. Let's say, you want to use the spring animation, you can change

.default to the following:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 195
.animation(.spring(response: 0.3, dampingFraction: 0.3, blendDuration: 0.3))

This renders a spring-based animation that gives the heart a bumpy effect. You can
adjust the damping and blend values to achieve a different effect.

Explicit Animations
That's how you animate views using implicit animation. Let's see how we can achieve the
same result using explicit animation. As explained before, you need to wrap the state
changes in a withAnimation block. To create the same animated effect, you can write the
code like this:

ZStack {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.foregroundColor(circleColorChanged ? Color(.systemGray5) : .red)

Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.foregroundColor(heartColorChanged ? .red : .white)
.font(.system(size: 100))
.scaleEffect(heartSizeChanged ? 1.0 : 0.5)
.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.default) {

We no longer use the animation modifier, instead we wrap the code in onTapGesture with
withAnimation . The withAnimation call takes in an animation parameter. Here we specify

to use the default animation.

Of course, you can change it to spring animation by updating withAnimation like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 196
withAnimation(.spring(response: 0.3, dampingFraction: 0.3, blendDuration: 0.3)) {

With explicit animation, you can easily control which state you want to animate. For
example, if you don't want to animate the size change of the heart icon, you can exclude
that line of code from withAnimation like this:

.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(.spring(response: 0.3, dampingFraction: 0.3, blendDuration: 0.3)
) {


In this case, SwiftUI will only animate the color change of both circle and heart. You will
no longer see the animated growing effect of the heart icon.

You may wonder if we can disable the scale animation by using implicit animation. You
can! You can reorder the .animation modifier to prevent SwiftUI from animating a
certain state change. Here is the code that achieves the same effect:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 197
ZStack {
.frame(width: 200, height: 200)
.foregroundColor(circleColorChanged ? Color(.systemGray5) : .red)
.animation(.spring(response: 0.3, dampingFraction: 0.3, blendDuration: 0.3

Image(systemName: "heart.fill")
.foregroundColor(heartColorChanged ? .red : .white)
.font(.system(size: 100))
.animation(.spring(response: 0.3, dampingFraction: 0.3, blendDuration: 0.3
.scaleEffect(heartSizeChanged ? 1.0 : 0.5)
.onTapGesture {

For the Image view, we place the animation modifier right before scaleEffect . This will
cancel the animation. The state change of the scaleEffect modifier will not be animated.

While you can create the same animation using implicit animation, in my opinion, it's
more convenient to use explicit animation in this case.

Creating a Loading Indicator Using RotationEffect

The power of SwiftUI animation is that you don't need to care how the views are
animated. All you need is to provide the start and end state. SwiftUI will then figure out
the rest. Utilizing this concept, you can create various types of animation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 198
Figure 3. A sample loading indicator

For example, let's create a simple loading indicator that you can commonly find in a real-
world application like "Medium". To create a loading indicator like that shown in figure
3, we start with an open ended circle like this:

.trim(from: 0, to: 0.7)
.stroke(, lineWidth: 5)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

How do we rotate the circle? We make use of the rotationEffect and animation
modifiers. The trick is to keep rotating the circle by 360 degrees. Here is the code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 199
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isLoading = false

var body: some View {

.trim(from: 0, to: 0.7)
.stroke(, lineWidth: 5)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: isLoading ? 360 : 0))
.animation(Animation.default.repeatForever(autoreverses: false))
.onAppear() {
self.isLoading = true

The rotationEffect modifier takes in the rotation degree (360 degrees). In the code
above, we have a state variable to control the loading status. When it's set to true, the
rotation degree will be set to 360 to rotate the circle. In the animation modifier, we
specify to use the .default animation, but there is a difference. We tell SwiftUI to repeat
the same animation again and again. This is the trick that creates the loading animation.

If you want to change the speed of the animation, you can use the linear animation and
specify a duration like this:

.animation(Animation.linear(duration: 5).repeatForever(autoreverses: false))

The greater the duration value the slower the animation (rotation).

The onAppear modifier may be new to you. If you have some knowledge of UIKit, this
modifier is very similar to viewDidAppear . It's automatically called when the view appears
on screen. In the code, we change the loading status to true in order to start the
animation when the view is loaded up.

Once you manage this technique, you can tweak the design and develop various versions
of loading indicator. For example, you can overlay an arc on a circle to create a fancy
loading indicator.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 200
Figure 4. A sample loading indicator

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 201
struct ContentView: View {

@State private var isLoading = false

var body: some View {

ZStack {

.stroke(Color(.systemGray5), lineWidth: 14)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

.trim(from: 0, to: 0.2)
.stroke(, lineWidth: 7)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: isLoading ? 360 : 0))
.animation(Animation.linear(duration: 1).repeatForever(autoreverse
s: false))
.onAppear() {
self.isLoading = true

The loading indicator doesn't need to be circular. You can also use Rectangle or
RoundedRectangle to create the indicator. Instead of changing the rotation angle, you

modify the value of the offset to create an animation like this.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 202
Figure 5. Another example of the loading indicator

To create the animation, we overlay two rounded rectangles together. The rectangle on
top is much shorter than the one below. When the loading begins, we update its offset
value from -110 to 110.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 203
struct ContentView: View {

@State private var isLoading = false

var body: some View {

ZStack {

.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))
.offset(x: 0, y: -25)

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 3)
.stroke(Color(.systemGray5), lineWidth: 3)
.frame(width: 250, height: 3)

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 3)
.stroke(, lineWidth: 3)
.frame(width: 30, height: 3)
.offset(x: isLoading ? 110 : -110, y: 0)
.animation(Animation.linear(duration: 1).repeatForever(autoreverse
s: false))
.onAppear() {
self.isLoading = true

This moves the green rectangle along the line. When you repeat the same animation over
and over, it becomes a loading animation. Figure 6 illustrates the offset values.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 204
Figure 6. Another example of the loading indicator

Creating a Progress Indicator

The loading indicator provides feedback to the user that the app is working on
something. However, it doesn't show the actual progress. If you need to give users more
information about the progress of a task, you may want to build a progress indicator.

Figure 7. A progress indicator

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 205
Building a progress indicator is very similar to that of the loading indicator. But you need
a state variable to keep track of the progress. Here is a code snippet for creating the

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var progress: CGFloat = 0.0

var body: some View {

ZStack {
Text("\(Int(progress * 100))%")
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))

.stroke(Color(.systemGray5), lineWidth: 10)
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)

.trim(from: 0, to: progress)
.stroke(, lineWidth: 10)
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: -90))
.onAppear() {
Timer.scheduledTimer(withTimeInterval: 0.5, repeats: true) { timer in
self.progress += 0.05
if self.progress >= 1.0 {

Instead of a boolean state variable, we use a floating point number to store the status. To
display progress, we set the trim modifier with the progress value. In a real world
application, you can update the value of the progress value to show the actual progress

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 206
of the operation. For this demo, we used a timer which updates the progress every half

Delaying an Animation
Not only does the SwiftUI framework allow you to control the duration of an animation,
you can also delay an animation through the delay function like this:


This will delay the start of the animation by 1 second. The delay function is applicable to
other animations.

By mixing and matching the values of duration and delay, you can achieve some
interesting animations like the dot loading indicator below.

Figure 8. A dot loading indicator

This indicator is composed of five dots. Each dot is animated to scale up and down, but
with different time delays. Here is how it's implemented in code.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 207
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isLoading = false

var body: some View {

HStack {
ForEach(0...4, id: \.self) { index in
.frame(width: 10, height: 10)
.scaleEffect(self.isLoading ? 0 : 1)
.animation(Animation.linear(duration: 0.6).repeatForever().del
ay(0.2 * Double(index)))
.onAppear() {
self.isLoading = true

We first use a HStack to layout the circles horizontally. Since all five circles (dots) are the
same size and color, we use ForEach to create the circles. The scaleEffect modifier is
used to scale the circle's size. By default, it's set to 1, which is its original size. When the
loading starts, the value is updated to 0. This will minimize the dot.

The line of code for rendering the animation looks a bit complicated. Let's break it down
and look at it step by step:

Animation.linear(duration: 0.6).repeatForever().delay(0.2 * Double(index))

The first part creates a linear animation with a duration of 0.6 seconds. This animation is
expected to run repeatedly, so we call the repeatForever function.

If you run the animation without calling the delay function, all the dots scales up and
down simultaneously. However, this is not what we want. Instead of scaling up/down all
at once, each dot should resize itself independently. This is why we call the delay
function and use a different delay value for each dot (based on its order in the row).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 208
You may vary the value of duration and delay to tweak the animation.

Transforming a Rectangle into Circle

Sometimes, you probably need to smoothly transform one shape (e.g. rectangle) into
another (e.g. circle). With the built-in shape and animation, you can easily create this
transformation as shown in figure 9.

Figure 9. Morphing a rectangle into a circle

The trick of morphing a rectangle into a circle is to use the RoundedRectangle shape and
animate the change of the corner radius. Assuming the width and height of the rectangle
are the same, it becomes a circle when its corner radius is set to half of its width. Here is
the implementation of the morphing button:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 209
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var recordBegin = false
@State private var recording = false

var body: some View {

ZStack {

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: recordBegin ? 30 : 5)
.frame(width: recordBegin ? 60 : 250, height: 60)
.foregroundColor(recordBegin ? .red : .green)
Image(systemName: "mic.fill")
.scaleEffect(recording ? 0.7 : 1)

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: recordBegin ? 35 : 10)

.trim(from: 0, to: recordBegin ? 0.0001 : 1)
.stroke(lineWidth: 5)
.frame(width: recordBegin ? 70 : 260, height: 70)

.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(Animation.spring()) {

withAnimation(Animation.spring().repeatForever().delay(0.5)) {

We have two state variables here: recordBegin and recording to control two separate
animations. The first variable controls the morphing of the button. As explained before,
we make use of the corner radius for the transformation. The width of the rectangle is

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 210
originally set to 250 points. When a user taps the rectangle to trigger the transformation,
the frame's width is changed to 60 points. Alongside with the change, the corner radius is
changed to 30 points, which is half of the width.

This is how we transform a rectangle into a circle. SwiftUI automatically renders the
animation of this transformation.

The recording state variable, handles the scaling of the mic image. We change the
scaling ratio from 1 to 0.7 when it's in the recording state. By running the same
animation repeatedly, it creates the pulsing animation.

Note that the code above uses the explicit approach to animate the views. This is not
mandatory. If you prefer, you can use the implicit animation approach to achieve the
same result.

Understanding Transitions
What we have discussed so far is animating a view that already exists in the view
hierarchy. We animate the view's size by scaling it up and down.

SwiftUI allows developers to do more than that. You can define how a view is inserted or
removed from the view hierarchy. In SwiftUI, this is known as transition. By default, the
framework uses fade in and fade out transition. However, it comes with several ready-to-
use transitions such as slide, move, opacity, etc. Of course, you are allowed to develop
your own or simply mix and match various types of transitions together to create your
desired transition.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 211
Figure 10. A sample transition created using SwiftUI

Building a Simple Transition

Let's take a look at a simple example to better understand what a transition is and how it
works with animations. Create a new project named SwiftUITransition and update the
ContentView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 212
struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

VStack {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
Text("Show details")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
Text("Well, here is the details")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

In the code above, we lay out two squares vertically using VStack . At first, the purple
rectangle should be hidden. It's displayed only when a user taps the green rectangle (i.e.
Show details). In order to show the purple square, we need to make the green square

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 213
Figure 11. Layout two rectangles vertically

To do that, we need to declare a state variable to determine whether the purple square is
shown or not. Insert this line of code in ContentView :

@State private var show = false

Next, to hide the purple square, we wrap the purple square within a if clause like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 214
if show {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
Text("Well, here is the details")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

For the VStack , we attach the onTapGesture function to detect a tap and create an
animation for the state change. Note that the transition should be associated with an
animation, otherwise, it won't work on its own.

.onTapGesture {
withAnimation(Animation.spring()) {

Once a user taps the stack, we toggle the show variable to display the purple square. If
you run the app in the simulator or the preview canvas, you should only see the green
square. Tapping it will display the purple rectangle with a smooth fade in/out transition.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 215
Figure 12. The fade transition

As mentioned, if you do not specify the transition you want to use, SwiftUI renders the
fade in and out transition. To use an alternative transition, attach the transition
modifier to the purple square like this:

if show {
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 10)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
Text("Well, here is the details")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
.transition(.scale(scale: 0, anchor: .bottom))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 216
The transition modifier takes in a parameter of the type AnyTransition . Here we use the
scale transition with the anchor set to .bottom . That's all you need to do to modify the

transition. Run the app in simulator. You should see a pop animation when the app
reveals the purple square. I suggest testing animations using the built-in simulator
instead of running the app in preview because the preview canvas may not render the
transition correctly.

Figure 13. Scaling transition

In addition to .scale , the SwiftUI framework comes with several built-in transitions
including .opaque , .offset , .move , and .slide . Replace the .scale transition with
the .offset transition like this:

.transition(.offset(x: -600, y: 0))

This time, the purple square slides in from the left when it's inserted into the VStack .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 217
Combining Transitions
You can combine two or more transitions together by calling the combined(with:) method
to create an even more slick transition. For example, to combine the offset and scale
animation, you write the code like this:

.transition(AnyTransition.offset(x: -600, y: 0).combined(with: .scale))

Here is another example that combines three transitions:

.transition(AnyTransition.offset(x: -600, y: 0).combined(with: .scale).combined(wi

th: .opacity))

Sometimes you need to define a reusable animation. You can define an extension on
AnyTransition like this:

extension AnyTransition {
static var offsetScaleOpacity: AnyTransition {
AnyTransition.offset(x: -600, y: 0).combined(with: .scale).combined(with:

Then you can use the offsetScaleOpacity animation in the transition modifier directly:


Run the app and test the transition again. Does it look great?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 218
Figure 14. Combining the scale, offset, and opacity transition

Asymmetric Transitions
The transitions that we just discussed are all symmetric, meaning that the insertion and
removal of the view use the same transition. For example, if you apply the scale transition
to a view, SwiftUI scales up the view when it's inserted in the view hierarchy. When it's
removed, the framework scales it back down to the original size.

So, what if you want to use a scale transition when the view is inserted and an offset
transition when the view is removed? This is known as Assymetric Transitions in
SwiftUI. It's very simple to use this type of transition. You just need to call the
.assymetric method and specify both the insertion & removal transitions. Here is the

sample code:

.transition(.asymmetric(insertion: .scale(scale: 0, anchor: .bottom), removal: .of

fset(x: -600, y: 0)))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 219
Again, if you need to reuse the transition, you can define an extension on AnyTransition
like this:

extension AnyTransition {
static var scaleAndOffset: AnyTransition {
insertion: .scale(scale: 0, anchor: .bottom),
removal: .offset(x: -600, y: 00)

Add this code after the ContentView block and before the ContentView_Previews block.
Run the app using the built-in simulator. You should see the scale transition when the
purple square appears on screen. When you tap the rectangles again, the purple rectangle
will slide off the screen.

Figure 15. Assymetric transition demo

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 220
Exercise #1: Using Animation and Transition to Build a
Fancy Button
Now that you have learned transitions and animations, let me challenge you to build a
fancy button that displays the current state of an operation. If you can't see the animation
below, please click this link (
content/uploads/2019/10/swiftui-animation-16.gif) to see the animation.

Figure 16. A fancy button

This button has three states:

The original state: it shows a Submit button in green.

The processing state: it displays a rotating circle and updates its label to Processing.
The complete state: it displays the Done button in red.

It's quite a challenging project that will test your knowledge of SwiftUI animation and
transition. You will need to combine everything you've learned so far to work out the

In the demo button shown in figure 16, the processing takes around 4 seconds. You do
not need to perform a real operation. To help you with this exercise, I use the following
code to simulate an operation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 221
private func startProcessing() {
self.loading = true

// Simulate an operation by using DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter

// In a real world project, you will perform a task here.
// When the task finishes, you set the completed status to true
DispatchQueue.main.asyncAfter(deadline: .now() + 4) {
self.completed = true

Exercise #2: Animated View Transitions

You've learned how to implement view transitions. Try to integrate a transition with the
card view project that you built in chapter 5 and create a view transition like below. When
a user taps the card, the current view will scale down and fade away. The next view will
be brought to the front with a scale-up animation.

Figure 17. Animated view transition

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 222
If you can't understand the animation above, you can click this link
to see the desired result.

Animation has a special role in mobile UI design. Well thought out animation improves
user experience and brings meaning to UI interaction. A smooth and effortless transition
between two views will delight and impress your users. With more than 2 million apps on
the App Store, it's not easy to make your app stand out. However, a well-designed UI
with animation will definitely make a difference!

Even for experienced developers, it's not an easy task to code slick animations.
Fortunately, the SwiftUI framework has simplified the development of UI animation and
transition. You tell the framework how the view should look at the beginning and the
end. SwiftUI figures out the rest, rendering a smooth and nice animation.

In this chapter, I've walked you through the basics. But as you can see, you've already
built some delightful animations and transitions. Most importantly, it needed just a few
lines of code.

I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter and find the techniques useful. For reference,
you can download the sample projects and solutions to exercises below:

Demo projects & Exercise #1


Exercise #2

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 223
Chapter 10
Understanding List, ForEach and
In UIKit, UITableView is one of the most common UI controls in iOS. If you've developed
apps with UIKit before, you know that a table view can be used for presenting a list of
data. This UI control is commonly found in content-based app such as newspaper apps.
Figure 1 shows you some list/table views that you can find in popular apps like
Instagram, Twitter, Airbnb, and Apple News.

Figure 1. Sample list views

Instead of using UITableView , we use List in Swift UI to present rows of data. If you've
built a table view with UIKit before, you know it'll take you a bit of work to implement a
simple table view. It'll take even more effort to build a table view with custom cell layout.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 224
SwiftUI simplifies this whole process. With just a few lines of code, you will be able to list
data in table form. Even if you need to customize the layout of the rows, it only requires
minimal effort.

Feeling confused? No worries. You'll understand what I mean in a while.

In this chapter, we will start with a simple list. Once you understand the basics, I will
show you how to present a list of data with a more complex layout as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Building a simple and complex list

Creating a Simple List

Let's begin with a simple list. First, fire up Xcode and create a new project using the App
template. In the next screen, set the product name to SwiftUIList (or whatever name you
like) and fill in all the required values. Make sure you select SwiftUI for the Interface

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 225

Xcode will generate the "Hello World" code in the ContentView.swift file. Replace the
"Hello World" text object with the following:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
List {
Text("Item 1")
Text("Item 2")
Text("Item 3")
Text("Item 4")

That's all the code you need to build a simple list or table. When you embed the text
views in a List , the list view will present the data in rows. Here, each row shows a text
view with different description.

Figure 3. Creating a simple list

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 226
The same code snippet can be written like this using ForEach :

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(1...4, id: \.self) { index in
Text("Item \(index)")

Since the text views are very similar, you can use ForEach in SwiftUI to create views in a

A structure that computes views on demand from an underlying collection of of

identified data.

- Apple's official documentation


You can provide ForEach with a collection of data or a range. But one thing you have to
take note of is that you need to tell ForEach how to identify each of the items in the
collection. The parameter id is for this purpose. Why does ForEach need to identify the
items uniquely? SwiftUI is powerful enough to update the UI automatically when
some/all items in the collection are changed. To make this possible, it needs an identifier
to uniquely identify the item when it's updated or removed.

In the code above, we pass ForEach a range of values to loop through. The identifier is set
to the value itself (i.e. 1, 2, 3, or 4). The index parameter stores the current value of the
loop. Say, for example, it starts with the value of 1. The index parameter will have a
value of 1.

Within the closure, is the code you need to render the views. Here, we create the text
view. Its description will change depending on the value of index in the loop. That's how
you create 4 items in the list with different titles.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 227
Let me show you one more technique. The same code snippet can be further rewritten
like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
List {
ForEach(1...4, id: \.self) {
Text("Item \($0)")

You can omit the index parameter and use the shorthand $0 , which refers the first
parameter of the closure.

Let's further rewrite the code to make it even more simple. You can pass the collection of
data to the List view directly. Here is the code:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
List(1...4, id: \.self) {
Text("Item \($0)")

As you can see, you only need a couple lines of code to build a simple list/table.

Creating a List View with Text and Images

Now that you know how to create a simple list, let's see how to work with a more complex
layout. In most cases, the items of a list view contain both text and images. How do you
implement that? If you know how Image , Text , VStack , and HStack work, you should
have some ideas about how to create a complex list.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 228
If you've read our book, Beginning iOS Programming with Swift, this example should be
very familiar to you. Let's use it as an example and see how easy it is to build the same
table with SwiftUI.

Figure 4. A simple table view showing rows of restaurants

To build the table using UIKit, you'll need to create a table view or table view controller
and then customize the prototype cell. Furthermore, you'll have to code the table view
data source to provide the data. That's quite a lot of steps to build a table UI. Let's see
how the same table view is implemented in SwiftUI.

First, download the image pack from Unpack
the zip file and import all the images to the asset catalog.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 229
Figure 5. Import images to the asset catalog

Now switch over to ContentView.swift to code the UI. First, let's declare two arrays in
ContentView . These arrays are for storing restaurant names and images. Here is the

complete code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 230
struct ContentView: View {

var restaurantNames = ["Cafe Deadend", "Homei", "Teakha", "Cafe Loisl", "Petit

e Oyster", "For Kee Restaurant", "Po's Atelier", "Bourke Street Bakery", "Haigh's
Chocolate", "Palomino Espresso", "Upstate", "Traif", "Graham Avenue Meats And Deli"
, "Waffle & Wolf", "Five Leaves", "Cafe Lore", "Confessional", "Barrafina", "Donos
tia", "Royal Oak", "CASK Pub and Kitchen"]

var restaurantImages = ["cafedeadend", "homei", "teakha", "cafeloisl", "petite

oyster", "forkeerestaurant", "posatelier", "bourkestreetbakery", "haighschocolate"
, "palominoespresso", "upstate", "traif", "grahamavenuemeats", "wafflewolf", "five
leaves", "cafelore", "confessional", "barrafina", "donostia", "royaloak", "caskpub

var body: some View {

List(1...4, id: \.self) {
Text("Item \($0)")

Both arrays have the same number of items. The restaurantNames array stores the name
of the restaurants, the restaurantImages array stores the name of the images you just
imported. To create a list view like that shown in figure 4, all you need to do is update the
body variable like this:

var body: some View {

List(restaurantNames.indices, id: \.self) { index in
HStack {
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 231
We've made a couple of changes. First, instead of a fixed range, we pass the array of
restaurant names (i.e. restaurantNames.indices ) to the List view. The restaurantNames
array has 21 items so we'll have a range from 0 to 20 (arrays are 0 indexed). This only
works when both arrays are of the same size as the index of one is used as an index for
the other array.

In the closure, the code was updated to create the row layout. I'll not go into the details as
the code is similar to previous stack views we've created. With less than 10 lines of code,
we have created a list (or table) view with a custom layout.

Figure 6. A list view with custom row layout

Working with a Collection of Data

As mentioned before, List can take in a range or a collection of data. You've learned
how to work with range. Let's see how to use List with an array of restaurant objects.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 232
Instead of holding the restaurant data in two separate arrays, we'll create a Restaurant
struct to better organize the data. This struct has two properties: name and image. Insert
the following code at the end of the ContentView.swift file:

struct Restaurant {
var name: String
var image: String

With this struct, we can combine both restaurantNames and restaurantImages arrays into
a single array. Delete the restaurantNames and restaurantImages variables and replace
them with this variable in ContentView :

var restaurants = [ Restaurant(name: "Cafe Deadend", image: "cafedeadend"),

Restaurant(name: "Homei", image: "homei"),
Restaurant(name: "Teakha", image: "teakha"),
Restaurant(name: "Cafe Loisl", image: "cafeloisl"),
Restaurant(name: "Petite Oyster", image: "petiteoyster"),
Restaurant(name: "For Kee Restaurant", image: "forkeerestaurant"),
Restaurant(name: "Po's Atelier", image: "posatelier"),
Restaurant(name: "Bourke Street Bakery", image: "bourkestreetbakery"
Restaurant(name: "Haigh's Chocolate", image: "haighschocolate"),
Restaurant(name: "Palomino Espresso", image: "palominoespresso"),
Restaurant(name: "Upstate", image: "upstate"),
Restaurant(name: "Traif", image: "traif"),
Restaurant(name: "Graham Avenue Meats And Deli", image: "grahamaven
Restaurant(name: "Waffle & Wolf", image: "wafflewolf"),
Restaurant(name: "Five Leaves", image: "fiveleaves"),
Restaurant(name: "Cafe Lore", image: "cafelore"),
Restaurant(name: "Confessional", image: "confessional"),
Restaurant(name: "Barrafina", image: "barrafina"),
Restaurant(name: "Donostia", image: "donostia"),
Restaurant(name: "Royal Oak", image: "royaloak"),
Restaurant(name: "CASK Pub and Kitchen", image: "caskpubkitchen")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 233
If you're new to Swift, each item of the array represents restaurant object containing both
the name and image for each restaruant. Once you have replaced the array, you'll see an
error in Xcode, complaining that the restaurantNames variable is missing. That's expected
because we've just removed it.

Now update the body variable like this:

var body: some View {

List(restaurants, id: \.name) { restaurant in
HStack {
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

Take a look at the parameters we pass into List . Instead of passing the range, we pass
the restaurants array and tell the List to use its name property as the identifier. The
List will loop through the array and let us know the current restaurant it's handling in

the closure. So, in the closure, we tell the list how we want to present the restaurant row.
Here, we simply present both the restaurant image and name in a HStack .

The resultant UI is still the same but the underlying code was modified to utilize List
with a collection of data.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 234
Figure 7. Same UI as figure 6

Working with the Identifiable Protocol

To help you better understand the purpose of the id parameter in List , let's make a
minor change to the restaurants array. Currently, we use the name of the restaurant as
an identifier. What happens when we have two records with the same restaurant name?
Change Upstate (the 11th item in the array) to Homei in the restaurants array like this:

Restaurant(name: "Homei", image: "upstate")

Take note that we are only changing the value of the name property and keeping the
image to upstate . The preview canvas should render the view automatically. If you see
the message "Automatic preview updating paused", click the Resume button to reload the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 235
Figure 8. Two restaurants have the same name

Do you see the issue (in figure 8)? We now have two records with the name Homei. You
might expect the second Homei record to show the upstate image, but iOS renders two
records with the same text and image. In the code, we told the List to use the
restaurant's name as the unique identifier. When two restaurants have the same name,
iOS considers both restaurants to be the same restaurant. Thus, it reuses the same view
and renders the same image.

So, how do you fix this issue?

That's pretty easy. Instead of using the name as the identifier (ID), you should give each
restaurant a unique identifier. Update the Restaurant struct like this:

struct Restaurant {
var id = UUID()
var name: String
var image: String

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 236
In the code, we added an id property and initialized it with a unique identifier. The
UUID() function is designed to generate a random identifier that is universally unique. A

UUID is composed of 128-bit number, so theoretically the chance of having two same
indentifers is almost zero.

Now each restaurant has a unique ID, but we still have to make one more change for
things to work. For the List , change the value of the id parameter from \.name to
\.id :

List(restaurants, id: \.id)

This tells the List view to use the id property of the restaurants as the unique
identifier. Take a look at the preview, the second Homei record now shows the upstate

Figure 9. The bug is now fixed showing the correct image

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 237
We can further simplify the code by making the Restaurant struct conform to the
Identifiable protocol. This protocol has only one requirement, that the type

implementing the protocol should have some sort of id as a unique identifier. Update
Restaurant to implement the Identifiable protocol like this:

struct Restaurant: Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
var name: String
var image: String

Since Restaurant already provides a unique id property, this conforms to the protocol

What's the purpose of implementing the Identifiable protocol here? With the
Restaurant struct conforming to the Identifiable protocol, you can initialize the List

without the id parameter. You just simplified the code! Here is the updated code for the
list view:

List(restaurants) { restaurant in
HStack {
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

That's how you use List to present a collection of data.

Refactoring the Code

The code works but it's always good coding practice to refactor the code to make it even
better. You've learned how to extract a view. Let's extract the HStack into a separate
struct. Hold the command key and click HStack . Select Extract subview to extract the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 238
code. Rename the struct to BasicImageRow .

Figure 10. Extracting subview

Xcode immediately shows you an error once you made the change. Since the extracted
subview doesn't have a restaurant property, update the BasicImageRow struct like this to
declare the restaurant property:

struct BasicImageRow: View {

var restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

HStack {
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 239
Next, update the List view to pass the restaurant parameter:

List(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)

Now everything should work without errors. The list view still looks the same but the
underlying code is more readable and organized. It's also more adaptable to code change.
Let's say, you create another layout for the row like this:

struct FullImageRow: View {

var restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

ZStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fill)
.frame(height: 200)

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))

This row layout is designed to show a larger restaurant with the restaurant name
overlayed on top. Since we've refactored our code, it's very easy to change the app to use
the new layout. All you need to do is replace BasicImageRow with FullImageRow in the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 240
closure of List :

List(restaurants) { restaurant in
FullImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)

By changing one line of code, the app instantly switches to another layout.

Figure 11. Changing the row layout

You can further mix the row layouts to build a more interesting UI. For example, our list
is to use FullImageRow for the first two rows of data and the rest of the rows will utilize
the BasicImageRow . To do this, you update List like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 241
List(restaurants.indices) { index in

if (0...1).contains(index) {
FullImageRow(restaurant: self.restaurants[index])
} else {
BasicImageRow(restaurant: self.restaurants[index])

Since we need to retrieve the index of the rows, we pass the List the index range of the
restaurant data. In the closure, we check the value of index to determine which row
layout to use.

Figure 12. Building a list view with two different row layouts


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 242
Before you move on to the next chapter, challenge yourself by building the list view
shown in figure 13. It looks complicated but if you fully understand this chapter, you
should be able to build the UI. Take some time to work on this exercise. I guarantee you'll
learn a lot!

To save you time finding your own images, you can download the image pack for this
exercise from

Figure 13. Building a list view with complex row layout

For reference, you can download the complete list project and solution to the exercise

Demo project (

Solution to exercise

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 243

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 244
Chapter 11
Working with Navigation UI and
Navigation Bar Customization
In most apps, you will have experienced a navigational interface. This kind of UI ty[ically
has a navigation bar and a list of data. It allows users navigate to a detail view when
tapping the content.

In UIKit, we implement this type of interface using UINavigationController. For SwiftUI,

Apple calls it NavigationView. In this chapter, I will walk you through the
implementation of NavigationView and show you how to perform some customizations.
As usual, we will work on a couple of demo projects so you'll get some hands on
experience with NavigationView.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 245
Figure 1. Sample navigation interface for our demo projects

Preparing the Starter Project

Let's get started and implement a demo project that we have built earlier with a
navigation UI. So, first download the starter project from Once
downloaded, open the project and check out the preview. You should be very familiar
with this demo app. It just displays a list of restaurants.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 246
Figure 2. The starter project should display a simple list view

What we're going to do is embed this list view in a navigation view.

Implementing a Navigation View

The SwiftUI framework provides a view called NavigationView for you to create a
navigation UI. To embed the list view in a NavigationView , all you need to do is wrap the
List with a NavigationView like this:

NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 247
Once you have made the change, you should see an empty navigation bar. To assign a
title to the bar, insert the navigationBarTitle modifier like below:

NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)


Now the app has a navigation bar with a large title.

Figure 3. A basic navigation UI

Passing Data to a Detail View Using NavigationLink

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 248
So far, we have added a navigation bar to the list view. We usually use a navigation
interface for the user to navigate to a detail view, showing the details of the selected item.
For this demo, we will build a simple detail view showing a bigger image of the

Figure 4. The content view and detail view

Let's start with the detail view. Insert the following code at the end of the
ContentView.swift file to create the detail view:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 249
struct RestaurantDetailView: View {
var restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))


The detail view is just like other SwiftUI views of the type View . Its layout is very simple
in that it only displays the restaurant image and name. The RestaurantDetailView struct
also takes in a Restaurant object in order to retrieve the image and name of the

With the detail view now ready, the question is how you can pass the selected restaurant
in the content view to this detail view?

SwiftUI provides a special button called NavigationLink , which is able to detect users'
touches and triggers the navigation presentation. The basic usage of NavigationLink is
like this:

NavigationLink(destination: DetailView()) {
Text("Press me for details")

You specify the destination view in the destination parameter and implement its look in
the closure. For the demo app, it should navigate to the RestaurantDetailView when any of
the restaurants is tapped. In this case, we can apply NavigationLink to each of the rows.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 250
Update the List view like this:

List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
NavigationLink(destination: RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: restaurant))
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)

In the code above, we tell NavigationLink to navigate to the RestaurantDetailView when

users select a restaurant. We also pass the selected restaurant to the detail view for
display. That's all you need to build a navigation interface and perform data passing.

Figure 5. Run the app to test the navigation

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 251
In the canvas, you should notice that each row of data has been added with a disclosure
icon. Click the Run button to execute the project. You should be able to navigate to the
detail view after selecting one of the restaurants. Furthermore, you can navigate back to
content view by clicking the back button. The whole navigation is automatically rendered
by NavigationView .

Customizing the Navigation Bar

Starting from iOS 13, Apple added a new API called UINavigationBarAppearance for
navigation bar customization. Its usage is very similar to the old API but offers you more
granularity. You are allowed to configure the following for a navigation bar:

1. Standard Appearance ( .standardAppearance ) - the appearance of a standard-

height navigation bar (e.g. the navigation bar appears in iPhone portrait mode)
2. Compact Appearance ( .compactAppearance ) - the appearance of a compact-height
navigation bar (e.g. the navigation bar appears in iPhone landscape mode)
3. Scroll Edge Appearance ( .scrollEdgeAppearance ) - this is the appearance when
the edge of the scrolled content reaches the navigation bar

In any given app, you are not required to implement all three of these navigation bar
appearances. You can apply the same settings for all instances of a navigation bar (see
section "Configuring Font and Color".

What customizations can you apply to the navigation bar? Actually, quite a lot. You can
change the navigation bar's font, color, background, etc. I'll cover some of the attributes;
However, for the full details, you may refer to Apple's official documentation

Display Mode
First, let's talk about the display mode of the navigation bar. By default, the navigation
bar is set to appear as a large title. But when you scroll up the list, the navigation bar will
become smaller. This became the default behaviour when Apple introduced the "Large
Title" navigation bar.

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If you want to keep the navigation bar compact and disable the use of the large title, you
can change the navigationBarTitle modifier like this:

.navigationBarTitle("Restaurants", displayMode: .inline)

The displayMode parameter controls the appearance of the navigation bar, whether it
should appear as a large title bar or compact title. By default, it's set to .automatic , which
means large title is used. In the code above, we set it to .inline . This instructs iOS to use
a compact bar.

Figure 6. Setting the display mode to .inline to use the compact bar

Change the display mode to .automatic and the navigation bar will become a large title
bar again.

.navigationBarTitle("Restaurants", displayMode: .automatic)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 253
Configuring Font and Color
Next, let's change the title's font and color. At the time of this writing, there is no
modifier in SwiftUI for developers to configure the navigation bar's font and color.
Instead, we need to use the API named UINavigationBarAppearance provided by UIKit.

Say we want to change the title color to red and the font to Arial Rounded MT Bold. We
create a UINavigationBarAppearance object in the init() function and configure the
attributes accordingly. Insert the following function in ContentView :

init() {
let navBarAppearance = UINavigationBarAppearance()
navBarAppearance.largeTitleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: UIColor.systemR
ed, .font: UIFont(name: "ArialRoundedMTBold", size: 35)!]
navBarAppearance.titleTextAttributes = [.foregroundColor: UIColor.systemRed, .
font: UIFont(name: "ArialRoundedMTBold", size: 20)!]

UINavigationBar.appearance().standardAppearance = navBarAppearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().scrollEdgeAppearance = navBarAppearance
UINavigationBar.appearance().compactAppearance = navBarAppearance

The largeTitleTextAttributes property is used to configuring the text attributes of the

large-size title, while the titleTextAttributes property is used for setting the text
attributes of the standard-size title. Once we configure the navBarAppearance , we assign it
to the three appearance properties including standardAppearance , scrollEdgeAppearance ,
and compactAppearance . If you want, you can create and assign a separate appearance
object for scrollEdgeAppearance , and compactAppearance .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 254
Figure 7. Changing the font type and color for both large-size and standard-size titles

Back Button Image and Color

The back button of the navigation view is set to blue by default and it uses a chevron icon
to indicate "Go back." By using the UINavigationBarAppearance API, you can also customize
the color and even the indicator image of the back button.

Figure 8. A standard back button

Let's see how this customization works. To change the indicator image, you can call the
setBackIndicatorImage method and provide your own UIImage . Here I set it to the system

image arrow.turn.up.left .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 255
navBarAppearance.setBackIndicatorImage(UIImage(systemName: "arrow.turn.up.left"),
transitionMaskImage: UIImage(systemName: "arrow.turn.up.left"))

For the back button color, you can change it by setting the tintColor property:

UINavigationBar.appearance().tintColor = .black

Run the app. The back button should be like that shown in figure 9.

Figure 9. Customizing the appearance of the back button

Custom Back Button

Instead of using the APIs of UIKit to customize the back button, an alternative approach
is to hide the default back button and create our own back button in SwiftUI. To hide the
back button, you can use the modifier .navigationBarBackButtonHidden and set its value to
true like this:


SwiftUI also provides a modifier called navigationBarItems for creating your own
navigation bar items. For example, you can create a back button with the name of the
selected restaurant like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 256
.navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action : {
// action
Text("\(Image(systemName: "chevron.left")) \(")

To put the following code into action and update RestaurantDetailView like below:

struct RestaurantDetailView: View {

@Environment(\.presentationMode) var mode

var restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

VStack {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))


.navigationBarItems(leading: Button(action : {
Text("\(Image(systemName: "chevron.left")) \(")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 257
SwiftUI offers a wide range of built-in environment values. To dismiss the current view
and go back to the previous view, we retrieve the environment value .presentationMode
and then call its dismiss() function. If you run the app in the preview canvas and select
any of the restaurants, you will see a back button with the restaurant name. Tapping the
back button will navigate back to the main screen.

To make sure understand how to build a navigation UI, here is an exercise for you. First,
download this starter project from Open the
project and you will see a demo app showing a list of articles.

This project is very similar to the one you've built before. The main difference is the
introduction of Article.swift . This file stores the articles array, which contains sample
data. If you look at the Article struct closely, it now has the content property for
storing a full article.

Your task is to embed the list in a navigation view and create the detail view. When a user
taps one of the articles in the content view, it'll navigate to the detail view showing the
full article. I'll present the solution to you in the next section, but please try your best to
figure out your own solution.

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Figure 10. Building a navigation UI for a Reading app

Building the Detail View

Have you completed the exercise? The detail view is more complicated than the one we
built earlier. Let's see how to create it.

To better organize the code, instead of creating the detail view in the ContentView.swift
file, we will create a separate file for it. In the project navigator, right-click the
SwiftUINavigation folder and select New File... Choose the SwiftUI View template and

name the file ArticleDetailView.swift.

Since the detail view is going to display the full article , we need to have this property for
the caller to pass the article. So, declare an article property in ArticleDetailView :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 259
var article: Article

Next, update the body like this to lay out the detail view:

var body: some View {

ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.aspectRatio(contentMode: .fit)

Group {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))

Text("By \(".uppercased())
.padding(.bottom, 0)


We use a ScrollView to wrap all the views to enable scrollable content. I'll not go over the
code line by line as you understand how Text , Image , and VStack work. But one
modifier that I want to highlight is Group . This modifier allows you to group multiple

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 260
views together and apply a configuration to the group. In the code above, we need to
apply padding to both Text views. To avoid code duplication, we group both views
together and apply the padding.

Now that we have completed the layout of the detail view, you will see an error in Xcode
complaining about the ArticleDetailView_Previews . The preview doesn't work because
we've added the property article in ArticleDetailView . Therefore, you need to pass a
sample article in the preview. Update ArticleDetailView_Previews like this to fix the error:

struct ArticleDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
ArticleDetailView(article: articles[0])

Here we simply pick the first article of the articles array for preview. You can change it
to a different value if you want to preview other articles. Once you have made this
change, the preview canvas should render the detail view properly.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 261
Figure 11. The detail view for showing the article

Let's try one more thing. Since this view is going to be embed in a NavigationView , you
can modify the preview code to preview how it looks in a navigation view:

struct ArticleDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
NavigationView {
ArticleDetailView(article: articles[0])

By updating the code, you will see a blank navigation bar in the preview canvas.

Now that we've completed the layout of the detail view, it's time to go back to
ContentView.swift to implement the navigation. Update the ContentView struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 262
struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

NavigationView {
List(articles) { article in
NavigationLink(destination: ArticleDetailView(article: article)) {
ArticleRow(article: article)

.navigationBarTitle("Your Reading")


In the code above, we embed the List view in a NavigationView and apply a
NavigationLink to each of the rows. The destination of the navigation link is set to the

detail view we just created. In your preview, you should be able to test the app by clicking
the Play button and navigate to the detail view when selecting an article.

Removing the Disclosure Indicator

The app works perfectly but there are two issues that you may want to fine tune. First, it's
the disclosure indicator in the content view. It looks a bit weird to display the disclosure
indicator. We will disable it. The second issue is the empty space appearing right above
the featured image in the detail view. Let's discuss the issues one at a time.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 263
Figure 12. Two issues in the current design

SwiftUI doesn't provide an option for developers to disable or hide the disclosure
indicator. To work around the issue, we are not going to apply NavigationLink to the
article row directly. Instead, we create a ZStack with two layers. Update the
NavigationView of the ContentView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 264
NavigationView {
List(articles) { article in
ZStack {

ArticleRow(article: article)

NavigationLink(destination: ArticleDetailView(article: article)) {


.navigationBarTitle("Your Reading")

The lower layer is the article row, while the upper layer is an empty view. The
NavigationLink now applies to the empty view, preventing iOS from rendering the

disclosure button. Once you have made the change, the disclosure indicator vanishes but
you can still navigate to the detail view.

Now let's see the root cause of the second issue.

Switch over to ArticleDetailView.swift . I didn't mention the issue when we were

designing the detail view. But actually from the preview, you should spot the issue (see
figure 13).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 265
Figure 13. Empty space in the header

The reason why we have that empty space right above the image is due to the navigation
bar. This empty space is actually a large-size navigation bar with a blank title. When the
app navigates from the content view to the detail view, the navigation bar becomes a
standard-size bar. So, to fix the issue, all we need to do is explicitly specify to use the
standard-size navigation bar.

Insert this line of code after the closing bracket of ScrollView :

.navigationBarTitle("", displayMode: .inline)

By setting the navigation bar to the inline mode, the empty space will be minimized.
You can now go back to ContentView.swift and test the app again. The detail view now
looks much better.

An even more Elegant UI with a Custom Back Button

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 266
Though you can customize the back button indicator image using a built-in property,
sometimes you may want to build a custom back button that navigates back to the
content view. The question is how can it be done programmatically?

In this last section, I want to show you how to build an even more elegant detailed view
by hiding the navigation bar and building your own back button. First, let's check out the
final design displayed in figure 14. Doesn't it look great?

Figure 14. The revised design of the detail view

To lay out this screen, we have to tackle two issues:

1. Extend the scroll view to the very top of the screen

2. Create a custom back button and trigger the navigation programmatically

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 267
iOS has a concept known as safe areas for aiding the layout of views. Safe areas help you
place the views within the visible portion of the interface. For example, safe areas prevent
the views from hiding the status bar. If your UI has a navigation bar, the safe area will
automatically be adjusted to prevent you from positioning views that hide the navigation

![Figure 15. Safe areas](images/navigation/swiftui-navigation-15.jpg)

To place content that extends outside the safe areas, you use a modifier named
edgesIgnoringSafeArea . For our project, we want the scroll view to go beyond the top edge

of the safe area, To accomplish this, we write the modifier like this:


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 268
This modifiers accepts other values like .bottom and .leading . If you want to ignore the
whole safe area, you can pass it a .all value. By attaching this modifier to the
ScrollView , we can hide the navigation bar and achieve a visually pleasing detail view.

Figure 16. Applying the modifiers to the scroll view

Now comes the second issue of creating our own back button. This issue is more tricky
than the first one. Here is what we're going to implement:

1. Hide the original back button

2. Create a normal button and then assign it as the left button of the navigation bar

To hide the back button, SwiftUI provides a modifier called

navigationBarBackButtonHidden . You just need to set its value to true to hide the back



Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 269
Once the back button is hidden, you can replace it with your own button. The
navigationBarItems modifier allows you to configure the navigation bar items. We can

make use of it to assign the button as the left button of the navigation bar. Here is the

Button(action: {
// Navigate to the previous screen
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")

You can attach the above modifiers to the ScrollView . Once the change is applied, you
should see our custom back button in the preview canvas.

Figure 17. Creating our own back button

You may have noticed that the action closure of the button was left empty. The back
button has been laid out nicely but the problem is that it doesn't function!

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 270
The original back button rendered by NavigationView can automatically navigate back to
the previous screen. We need to programmatically navigate back. Thanks to the
environment values built into the SwiftUI framework. You can refer to an environment
binding named presentationMode to get the current presentation mode of the view. Most
importantly, you can make use of it to dismiss a presented view (in this case, the detail
view) to go back to the previous view.

Now declare a presentationMode variable in ArticleDetailView to capture the

environment value:

@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

Next, in the action of our custom back button, insert this line of code:


Here we call the dismiss method to dismiss the detail view when the back button is
tapped. Run the app and test it again. You should be able to navigate between the content
view and the detail view.

Navigation UI is very common in mobile apps. It's crucial you understand this key
concept. With this understanding, you are capable of building a simple content-based
app, although the data is static.

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project for the first project

Demo project for the second project

To further study navigation view, you can also refer to the documentation provided by

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 271

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 272
Chapter 12
Playing with Modal Views, Floating
Buttons and Alerts
Earlier, we built a navigation interface that lets users navigate from the content view to
the detail view. The view transition is nicely animated and completely taken care by iOS.
When a user triggers the transition, the detail view slides from right to left fluidly.
Navigation UI is just one of the commonly-used UI patterns. In this chapter, I'll
introduce to you another design technique to present content modally.

For iPhone users, you should be very familiar with modal views. One common use of
modal views is for presenting a form for input. For example, the Calendar app presents a
modal view for users to create a new event. The built-in Reminders and Contact apps also
use modal views to ask for user input.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 273
Figure 1. Sample modal views in Calendar, Reminders, and Contact apps

From the user experience point of view, a modal view is usually triggered by tapping a
button. Again, the transition animation of the modal view is handled by iOS. When
presenting a full-screen modal view, it slides up fluidly from the bottom of the screen.

If you're a long-time iOS user, you may find the look & feel of the modal views displayed
in figure 1 are not the same as the traditional ones. Prior to iOS 13, the presentation of
modal views covered the entire screen. Starting with iOS 13, modal views are displayed in
card-like format by default. The modal view doesn't cover the whole screen but partially
covers the underlying content view. You can still see the top edge of the content/parent
view. On top of the visual change, the modal view can now be dismissed by swiping down
from anywhere on the screen. You do not need to write a line of code to enable this
gesture. It's completely built-in and generated by iOS. Of course, if you want to dismiss a
modal view via a button, you can still do that.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 274
Okay, so what are we going to work on in this chapter?

I will show you how to present the same detail view that we implemented in the previous
chapter using a modal view. While modal views are commonly used for presenting a
form, it doesn't mean you can't use them for presenting other information. In addition to
modal views, you will also learn how to create a floating button in the detail view. While
the modal views can be dismissed through the swipe gesture, I want to provide a Close
button for users to dismiss the detail view. Furthermore, we will also look into Alerts,
which is another kind of modal view.

Figure 2. Presenting the detail screen using modal views

We got a lot to discuss in this chapter. Let's get started.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 275
Understanding Sheet in SwiftUI
The sheet presentation style appears as a card that partially covers the underlying
content and dims all uncovered areas to prevent interaction with them. The top
edge of the parent view or a previous card is visible behind the current card to help
people remember the task they suspended when they opened the card.

- Apple's official documentation (


Before we dive into the implementation, let me give you a quick introduction to the card-
like presentation of modal views. The card presentation is achieved in SwiftUI using the
sheet presentation style. It's the default presentation style for modal views.

Basically, to present a modal view, you apply the sheet modifier like this:

.sheet(isPresented: $showModal) {

It takes in a boolean value to indicate whether the modal view is presented. If

isPresented is set to true , the modal view will be automatically presented in the form of


Another way to present the modal view is like this:

.sheet(item: $itemToDisplay) {

The sheet modifier also allows you to trigger the display of modal views by passing an
optional binding. If the optional has a value, iOS will bring up the modal view. If you
remember our discussion on actionSheet in an earlier chapter, you will find that the
usage of sheet is very similar to actionSheet .

Preparing the Starter Project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 276
That's enough background information. Let's move onto the actual implementation of
our demo project. To begin, please download the starter project from Once
downloaded, open the project and check out the preview. You should be very familiar
with this demo app. The app still has a navigation bar but the navigation link has been

Figure 3. Starter project

Implementing the Modal View Using isPresented

As discussed earlier, the sheet modifier provides us two ways to present a modal. I'll
show you how both approaches work. Let's start with the isPresented approach. For this
approach, we need a state variable of the type Bool to keep track of the status of the
modal view. Declare this variable in ContentView :

@State var showDetailView = false

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 277
By default, it's set to false . The value of this variable will be set to true when one of the
rows is clicked. Later, we will make this change in the code.

When presenting the detail view, the view requires us to pass the selected article. So, we
also need to declare a state variable to store the user's selection. In ContentView , declare
another state variable for this purpose:

@State var selectedArticle: Article?

To implement the modal view, we attach the sheet modifier to the List like this:

NavigationView {
List(articles) { article in
ArticleRow(article: article)
.sheet(isPresented: self.$showDetailView) {

if let selectedArticle = self.selectedArticle {

ArticleDetailView(article: selectedArticle)

.navigationBarTitle("Your Reading")

The presentation of the modal view depends on the value of the showDetailView property.
This is why we specify it in the isPresented parameter. The closure of the sheet
modifier describes the layout of the view to be presented. Here we will present the
ArticleDetailView .

The remaining item is to detect touch. When building the navigation UI, we utilize
NavigationLink to handle touch. However, this special button is designed for the

navigation interface. In SwiftUI, there is a handler called onTapGesture which can be used
to recognize a tap gesture. You can attach this handler to each of the ArticleRow to detect
the users' touch. Modify the NavigationView in the body variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 278
NavigationView {
List(articles) { article in
ArticleRow(article: article)
.onTapGesture {
self.showDetailView = true
self.selectedArticle = article
.sheet(isPresented: self.$showDetailView) {

if let selectedArticle = self.selectedArticle {

ArticleDetailView(article: selectedArticle)

.navigationBarTitle("Your Reading")

In the closure of onTapGesture , we set the showDetailView to true . This is used to trigger
the presentation of the modal view. We also store the selected article in the
selectedArticle variable.

Run the app in the preview canvas, by clicking the play button. You should be able to
bring up the detail view modally. Note: It is better to run this demo in the
simulator. If you run this in the preview, you may get a blank dialog. Wipe
down the dialog to dismiss it, select another article (not the same article)
and you should get the correct rendering.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 279
Figure 4. Presenting the detail view modally

Changing the Navigation View Style

There was a change after we applied the .sheet modifier to the List view. Did you
notice the change? Look at the following figure and compare it with the original list view
shown in figure 3. Do you see the difference?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 280
Figure 5. The list view appears like an inset grouped list

Once we attach the .sheet modifer to the List view, SwiftUI automatically changes the
list style such that the list view appears like an inset grouped list. The root cause for this
is due to a change in the NavigationView style. In Xcode 12, SwiftUI changes the
navigation view's style to DoubleColumnNavigationViewStyle when the .sheet modifier is
used. Run the app on iPadOS, you will get a better idea how this style affects the layout.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 281
Figure 6. The list view appears like a sidebar menu

To force the navigation view to use the original non inset grouped liststyle, you attach the
navigationViewStyle modifier to the navigation view and set the style to

StackNavigationViewStyle .


Once you make the change, this will result a standard list view even when the app is run
on iPadOS.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 282
Figure 7. Change the navigation view to StackNavigationViewStyle

Implementing the Modal View with Optional Binding

The sheet modifier also provides another way for you to present the modal view.
Instead of having a boolean value to control the appearance of the modal view, the
modifier lets you use an optional binding to achieve the same goal.

You can replace the sheet modifier like this:

.sheet(item: self.$selectedArticle) { article in

ArticleDetailView(article: article)

In this case, the sheet modifier requires you to pass an optional binding. Here we
specify the binding of the selectedArticle . What this means is that iOS will bring up the
modal view only if the selected article has a value. The code in the closure specifies how
the modal view looks, but it's slightly different than the code we wrote earlier.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 283
For this approach, the sheet modifier will pass the selected article in the closure. The
article parameter contains the selected article which is guaranteed to have a value. This

is why we can use it to initiate an ArticleDetailView directly.

Since we no longer use the showDetailView variable, you can remove this line of code:

@State var showDetailView = false

And remove the self.showDetailView = true from the .onTapGesture closure.

.onTapGesture {
self.showDetailView = true

After changing the code, you can test the app again. Everything should work like the first
version but the underlying code is cleaner than the original code.

Creating a Floating Button for Dismissing the Modal

The modal view has built-in support for the swipe-down gesture. Currently, you can
swipe down the modal view to close it. I guess this works pretty naturally for long-time
iPhone users because apps like Facebook have used this type of gesture for dismissing a
view. However, new comers may not know about this. It's better for us to develop a Close
button as an alternative way of dismissing the modal view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 284
Figure 8. The close button for dismissing the modal view

Switch over to ArticleDetailView.swift . We'll add the close button to the view as shown
in figure 8.

Do you know how to position the button at the top-right corner? Try not to peek at my
code and come up with your own implementation.

Similar to NavigationView , we can dismiss the modal view by using the presentationMode
environment value. So, first declare the following variable in ArticleDetailView :

@Environment(\.presentationMode) var presentationMode

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 285
For the close button, we can attach the overlay modifier to the scroll view like this:


HStack {

VStack {
Button(action: {
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")
.padding(.trailing, 20)
.padding(.top, 40)


The button will be overlayed on top of the scroll view so that it appears as a floating
button. Even if you scroll down the view, the button will be stuck at the same position. To
place the button at the top-right corner, here we use a HStack and a VStack , together
with the help of Spacer . To dismiss the view, you call the dismiss() function of
presentationMode .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 286
Figure 9. Implementing the close button

Run the app in a simulator or switch over to ContentView and run it in the canvas. You
should be able to dismiss the modal view by clicking the close button.

Using Alerts
In addition to the card-like modal views, Alerts are another kind of modal view. When it's
presented, the entire screen is blocked. You can't dismiss the dialog without choosing one
of the options. Figure 10 shows a sample alert that we're going to implement in our demo
project. What we're going to display an alert after a user taps the close button.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 287
Figure 10. Displaying an alert

In SwiftUI, you create an alert using the Alert struct. Here is an example of Alert :

Alert(title: Text("Warning"), message: Text("Are you sure you want to leave?"), pr

imaryButton: .default(Text("Confirm")), secondaryButton: .cancel())

The sample code initiates an alert view with the title "Warning". The alert prompt also
displays the message, "Are you sure you want to leave" to the user. There are two buttons
in the alert view: Confirm and Cancel.

Here is the code to create the alert as shown in figure 10:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 288
Alert(title: Text("Reminder"), message: Text("Are you sure you are finished readin
g the article?"), primaryButton: .default(Text("Yes"), action: { self.presentation
Mode.wrappedValue.dismiss() }), secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("No")))

It's similar to the previous code snippet except that the primary button has the action
parameter. This alert asks the user whether he/she has finished reading the article. If the
user chooses Yes, the modal view will be closed. Otherwise, the modal view will stay

Now that we have the code for creating the alert, the question is how can we trigger the
display of the alert? SwiftUI provides the alert modifier that you can attach it to any
view. Again, you use a boolean variable to control the display of the alert. So, declare a
state variable in ArticleDetailView :

@State private var showAlert = false

Next, attach the alert modifier to the ScrollView :

.alert(isPresented: $showAlert) {
Alert(title: Text("Reminder"), message: Text("Are you sure you are finished re
ading the article?"), primaryButton: .default(Text("Yes"), action: { self.presenta
tionMode.wrappedValue.dismiss() }), secondaryButton: .cancel(Text("No")))

There is still one thing left. When should we trigger this alert? In other words, when
should we set showAlert to true ?

Obviously, the app should display the alert when someone taps the close button. So,
replace the button's action like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 289
Button(action: {
self.showAlert = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "")

Instead of dismissing the modal view directly, we instruct iOS to show the alert by setting
showAlert to true . You're now ready to test the app. When you tap the close button,

you'll see the alert. The modal view will be dismissed if you choose "Yes."

Figure 11. Tapping the close button will show you the alert

Displaying a Full Screen Modal View

Starting with iOS 13, the modal view doesn't cover the whole screen by default. If you
want to present a full screen modal view, you can use the .fullScreenCover modifier
introduced in iOS 14. Instead of using .sheet to bring up a modal view, you can apply

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 290
the .fullScreenCover modifier like this:

.fullScreenCover(item: self.$selectedArticle) { article in

ArticleDetailView(article: article)

You've learned how to present a modal view, implement a floating button, and show an
alert. The latest release of iOS continues to encourage people interact with the device
using gestures and provides built-in support for common gestures. Without writing a line
of code, you can let users swipe down the screen to dismiss a modal view.

The API design of both modal view and alert is very similar. It monitors a state variable
to determine whether the modal view (or alert) should be triggered. Once you understand
this technique, the implementation shouldn't be difficult for you.

For reference, you can download the complete modal project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 291
Chapter 13
Building a Form with Picker, Toggle
and Stepper
Mobile apps use forms to interact with users and solicit required data from them. Every
day, when using your iPhone, it's very likely you will come across a mobile form. For
example, a calendar app may present you a form to fill in the information for a new event.
A shopping app asks you to provide the shipping and payment information by showing
you a form. As a user, I can't deny that I hate filling out forms. That said, as a developer,
these forms help us interact with users and ask for information to complete certain
operations. Developing a form is definitely an essential skill you need to grasp.

In the SwiftUI framework, there is a special UI control called Form. With this new
control, you can easily build a form. I will show you how to build a form using this Form
component. While building out a form, you will also learn how to work with common
controls like picker, toggle, and stepper.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 292
Figure 1. Building a Setting screen

Okay, what project are we going to work on? Take a look at figure 1. We're going to build
a Setting screen for the Restaurant app we have been working on in earlier chapters. The
screen provides users with the options to configure the order and filter preferences. This
type of form is very common in real-life projects. Once you understand how it works, you
will be able to create your own form in your app projects.

In this chapter, we will focus on implementing the form layout. You will understand how
to use the Form component to lay out a setting screen. We will also implement a picker
for selecting a sort preference. We'll also create a toggle and a stepper for indicating filter
preferences. Once you understand how to lay out a form, in the next chapter, I will show
you how to make the app fully functional by updating the list in accordance with the
user's preferences. You'll learn how to store user preferences, share data between views
and monitor data update with @EnvironmentObject .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 293
Preparing the Starter Project
To save you time from building the restaurant list again, I have created a starter project
for you. Download it from Once
downloaded, open the SwiftUIForm.xcodeproj file with Xcode. Preview ContentView.swift
in the canvas and you'll see a familiar UI except that it incorporates more detailed
information for a restaurant.

Figure 2. The restaurant list view

The Restaurant struct now has three more properties: type, phone, and priceLevel. I
think both type and phone are self explanatory. Price level stores an integer of range 1 to
5 reflecting the average cost of the restaurant. The restaurants array has been
prepopulated with some sample data. For later testing, some of the restaurants have
isFavorite and isCheckIn set to true . This is why you see some check-in and favorite

indicators displayed in the preview.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 294
Building the Form UI
As mentioned, SwiftUI provides a UI component called Form for building the form UI.
It's a container for holding and grouping controls (e.g. toggle) for data entry. Rather than
explaining its usage to you, it's better to jump right into the implementation. You will
understand how to use the component along the way.

Since we will build a separate screen for Settings, let's create a new file for the form. In
the project navigator, right click the SwiftUIForm folder and choose "New File...." Next,
select to use SwiftUI View as the template and name the file SettingView.swift.

Figure 3. Creating a new SwiftUI file

Now, let's start by creating the form. Replace SettingView with this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 295
struct SettingView: View {
var body: some View {
NavigationView {
Form {
Section(header: Text("SORT PREFERENCE")) {
Text("Display Order")

Section(header: Text("FILTER PREFERENCE")) {



To lay out a form, you use the Form container. Inside it, you add sections and form
components (text field, picker, toggle etc.). In the code above, we create two sections:
Sort Preference and Filter Preference. For each section, we have a text view. Your canvas
should display a preview like that shown in figure 4.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 296
Figure 4. Create a simple form with two sections

Creating a Picker View

When presenting a form, you certainly want to secure some information. It's useless if we
just present a Text component. In the actual form, we use three types of UI controls for
user input including a picker view, a toggle, and a stepper. Let's begin with the sort
preference. For that, we will implement a picker view.

For the sort preference, users are allowed to choose the display order of the restaurant
list, in which we offer three options for them to choose:

1. Alphabetically
2. Show Favorite First
3. Show Check-in First

A Picker control is very suitable for handling this kind of input. First, You represent
each of the options above in an array. Let's declare an array named displayOrders in
SettingView :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 297
private var displayOrders = [ "Alphabetical", "Show Favorite First", "Show Check-i
n First"]

To use a picker, you also need to declare a state variable to store the user's selected
option. In SettingView , declare the variable like this:

@State private var selectedOrder = 0

Here, 0 means the first item of displayOrders . Now replace the SORT PREFERENCE
section like this:

Section(header: Text("SORT PREFERENCE")) {

Picker(selection: $selectedOrder, label: Text("Display order")) {
ForEach(0 ..< displayOrders.count, id: \.self) {

This is how you create a picker container in SwiftUI. You have to provide two values; the
binding of the selection (i.e. $selectedOrder ) and the text label describing what the
option is for. In the closure, you display the available options using Text .

In the canvas, you should see that the Display Order is set to Alphabetical. This is
because selectedOrder is default to 0 . If you click the Play button to text the view,
tapping the option will bring you to the next screen, showing you all the available
options. You can pick any of the options (e.g. Show Favorite First) for testing. When you
go back to the Setting screen, the Display Order will become your selection. This is the
power of the @State keyword. It automatically monitors the changes and helps you store
the state of the selection.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 298
Figure 5. Using Picker view for display order selection

Working with Toggle Switches

Next, let's move onto the input for setting the filter preference. First, we will implement a
toggle (or a switch) to enable/disable the "Show Check-in Only" filter. A toggle has only
two states: ON or OFF. THis control is useful for prompting users to choose between two
mutually exclusive options.

Creating a toggle switch using SwiftUI is quite straightforward. Similar to Picker , we

have to declare a state variable to store the current setting of the toggle. So, declare the
following variable in SettingView :

@State private var showCheckInOnly = false

Then, update the FILTER PREFERENCE section like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 299
Section(header: Text("FILTER PREFERENCE")) {
Toggle(isOn: $showCheckInOnly) {
Text("Show Check-in Only")

You use Toggle to create a toggle switch and pass it the current state of the toggle. In the
closure, you present the description of the toggle. Here, we simply use a Text view.

The canvas should show a toggle switch under the Filter Preference section. If you run
the app, you can switch it between the ON and OFF states. Similarly, the state variable
showCheckInOnly will always keep track of the user selection.

Figure 6. Showing a toggle switch

Using Steppers

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 300
The last UI control in the setting form is a Stepper. Again, referring to figure 1, users can
filter the restaurants by setting the pricing level. Each of the restaurants has a pricing
indicator with a range of 1 to 5. Users can adjust the price level to narrow down the
number of restaurants displayed in the list view.

In the setting form, we will implement a stepper for users to adjust this setting. Basically,
a Stepper in iOS shows a text field and plus and minus buttons to perform increment and
decrement actions on the text field.

To implement a stepper in SwiftUI, we first need a state variable to hold the current value
of the stepper. In this case, this variable stores the user's price level filter. Declare the
state variable in SettingView like this:

@State private var maxPriceLevel = 5

By default, we set the maxPriceLevel to 5 . Update the FILTER PREFERENCE section

like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 301
Section(header: Text("FILTER PREFERENCE")) {
Toggle(isOn: $showCheckInOnly) {
Text("Show Check-in Only")

Stepper(onIncrement: {
self.maxPriceLevel += 1

if self.maxPriceLevel > 5 {
self.maxPriceLevel = 5
}, onDecrement: {
self.maxPriceLevel -= 1

if self.maxPriceLevel < 1 {
self.maxPriceLevel = 1
}) {
Text("Show \(String(repeating: "$", count: maxPriceLevel)) or below")

You create a stepper by initiating a Stepper component. For the onIncrement parameter,
you specify the action to perform when the + button is clicked. In the code, we simply
increase maxPriceLevel by 1. Conversely, the code specified in the onDecrement parameter
will be executed when the - button is clicked.

Since the price level is in the range of 1 to 5, we perform a check to make sure the value of
maxPriceLevel is between the value of 1 and 5. In the closure, we display the text

description of the filter preference. The maximum price level is indicated by dollar signs.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 302
Figure 7. Implementing a stepper

Click the Play button to run the app. The number of $ signs will be adjusted when you
click the + / - button.

Presenting the Form

Now that you've completed the form UI, the next step is to present the form to users. For
the demo, we will present this form as a modal view. In the content view, we will add a
Setting button in the navigation bar to trigger the setting view.

Switch over to ContentView.swift . I assume you've read the modal view chapter, so I will
not explain the code in depth. First, we need a variable to keep track of the state (i.e.
shown or not shown) of the modal view. Insert the following line of code to declare the
state variable:

@State private var showSettings: Bool = false

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 303
Next, insert the following modifiers to the NavigationView :


Button(action: {
self.showSettings = true
}, label: {
Image(systemName: "gear").font(.title)
.sheet(isPresented: $showSettings) {

The navigationBarItems modifier let you add a button in the navigation bar. You're
allowed to create a button at the leading or trailing position of the navigation bar. Since
we want to display the button at the top-right corner, we use the trailing parameter.
The sheet modifier is used for presenting the SettingView as a modal view.

In the canvas, you should see a gear icon in the navigation bar. Run the app and click the
gear icon, it should bring up the Setting view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 304
Figure 8. Creating the navigation bar button

Similar to what we have experienced in the previous chapter, you should see an extra
padding around the list view after attaching the .sheet modifier. To revert to the
original style of the list view, you can attach the .navigationViewStyle modifier to
NavigationView and set its style to StackNavigationViewStyle like this:


The only way to dismiss the Setting view is by using the swipe-down gesture. In the
modal view chapter, you learned how to dismiss a modal view programmatically. As a
refresher exercise, please create two buttons (Save & Cancel) in the navigation bar. You
are not required to implement these button. When a user taps any of the buttons, just
dismiss the setting view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 305
Figure 9. Adding two buttons (Save & Cancel) in the navigation bar

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 306
What's Coming Next
I hope you understand how the Form component works and that you know how to build
a form UI with components like Picker and Stepper. Currently, the app can't store the
user preferences permanently. Every time you launch the app, the settings are reset to
the original settings. In the next chapter, I will show you how to save these settings in
local storage. More importantly, we will update the list view in accordance with the user's

For reference, you can download the complete form project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 307
Chapter 14
Data Sharing with Combine and
Environment Objects
In the previous chapter, you learned how to lay out a form using the Form component.
However, the form is not functional yet. No matter what options you select, the list view
doesn't change to reflect the user's preference. This is what we're going to discuss and
implement in this chapter. We will continue to develop the settings screen and make the
app fully functional by updating the restaurant list in reference to the user's personal

Specifically, there are a few topics we will discuss in later sections:

1. How to use enum to better organize our code

2. How to store the user's preference permanently using UserDefaults
3. How to share data using Combine and @EnvironmentObject

If you haven't finished the exercise in the previous chapter, I encourage you to spend
some time on it. That said, if you can't wait to read this chapter, you can download the
project from

Refactoring the Code with Enum

We currently use an array to store the three options of the display order. It works but
there is a better way to improve the code.

An enumeration defines a common type for a group of related values and enables
you to work with those values in a type-safe way within your code.

- Apple's official documentation (


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 308
Since this group of fixed values is related to display order, we can use an Enum to hold
them and each case can be assigned with an integer value like this:

enum DisplayOrderType: Int, CaseIterable {

case alphabetical = 0
case favoriteFirst = 1
case checkInFirst = 2

init(type: Int) {
switch type {
case 0: self = .alphabetical
case 1: self = .favoriteFirst
case 2: self = .checkInFirst
default: self = .alphabetical

var text: String {

switch self {
case .alphabetical: return "Alphabetical"
case .favoriteFirst: return "Show Favorite First"
case .checkInFirst: return "Show Check-in First"

What makes Enum great is that we can work with these values in a type-safe way within
our code. Additionally, Enum in Swift is a first-class type in its own right. That means you
can create instance methods to provide additional functionality related to the values.
Later, we will add a function for handling the filtering. Meanwhile, let's create a new
Swift file named SettingStore.swift to store the Enum . You can right click SwiftUIForm in
the project navigation and choose New File... to create the file.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 309
Figure 1. Creating a new Swift file

After creating SettingStore.swift , insert the code snippet above in the file. Next, go back
to SettingView.swift . We will update the code to use the DisplayOrder enumeration
instead of the displayOrders array.

First, delete this line of code from SettingView :

private var displayOrders = [ "Alphabetical", "Show Favorite First", "Show Check-i

n First"]

Next, update the default value of selectedOrder to DisplayOrderType.alphabetical like this:

@State private var selectedOrder = DisplayOrderType.alphabetical

Here, we set the default display order to alphabetical. Comparing this to the previous
value, of 0, the code is more readable after switching to use an enumeration. Next, you
also need to change the code in the Sort Preference section. Specifically, we update the
code in the ForEach loop:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 310
Section(header: Text("SORT PREFERENCE")) {
Picker(selection: $selectedOrder, label: Text("Display order")) {
ForEach(DisplayOrderType.allCases, id: \.self) {
orderType in

Since we have adopted the CaseIterable protocol in the DisplayOrder enum, we can
obtain all the display orders by accessing the allCases property, which contains an array
of all the enum's cases.

Now you can test the Settings screen again. It should work and look the same. However,
the underlying code is more manageable and readable.

Saving the User Preferences in UserDefaults

Right now, the app can't save the user's preference permanently. Whenever you restart
the app, the Settings screen resets to its default settings.

There are multiple ways to store the settings. For saving small amounts of data like user
settings on iOS, the built-in "defaults" database is a good option. This "defaults" system
allows an app to store user's preferences in key-value pairs. To interact with this defaults
database, you use a programmatic interface called UserDefaults .

In the SettingStore.swift file, we will create a SettingStore class to provide some

convenience methods for saving and loading the user's preferences. Insert the following
code snippet in SettingStore.swift :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 311
final class SettingStore: ObservableObject {

init() {
UserDefaults.standard.register(defaults: [
"view.preferences.showCheckInOnly" : false,
"view.preferences.displayOrder" : 0,
"view.preferences.maxPriceLevel" : 5

var showCheckInOnly: Bool = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "view.preferenc

es.showCheckInOnly") {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(showCheckInOnly, forKey: "view.preferences.s

var displayOrder: DisplayOrderType = DisplayOrderType(type: UserDefaults.stand

ard.integer(forKey: "view.preferences.displayOrder")) {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(displayOrder.rawValue, forKey: "view.prefere

var maxPriceLevel: Int = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "view.preferenc

es.maxPriceLevel") {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(maxPriceLevel, forKey: "view.preferences.max

Let me briefly explain the code. In the init method, we initialize the defaults system
with some default values. These values will only be used if the user's preferences are not
found in the database.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 312
In the code above, we declare three properties (showCheckInOnly, displayOrder, and
maxPriceLevel) that will be saved in key-value pairs with UserDefaults . The default value
is loaded from the default system for the specific key. In the didSet , we use the set
method of UserDefaults ( UserDefaults.standard.set() ) to save the value in the user
default. All the three properties are marked with @Published so that they will notify all
their subscribers when its value is updated.

With the SettingStore ready, let's switch over to the SettingView.swift file to implement
the Save operation. First, declare a property in SettingView for the SettingStore :

var settingStore: SettingStore

For the Save button, find the Save button code (in the .navigationBarItems trailing
block) and replace the existing code with this:

Button(action: {
self.settingStore.showCheckInOnly = self.showCheckInOnly
self.settingStore.displayOrder = self.selectedOrder
self.settingStore.maxPriceLevel = self.maxPriceLevel

}, label: {

We added three lines of code to the exiting save button to save the user's preference. To
load the user's preferences when the Settings view is brought up, you can add a onAppear
modifier to the NavigationView like this:

.onAppear {
self.selectedOrder = self.settingStore.displayOrder
self.showCheckInOnly = self.settingStore.showCheckInOnly
self.maxPriceLevel = self.settingStore.maxPriceLevel

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 313
The onAppear modifier will be called when the view appears. We load the user's settings
from the defaults system in its closure.

Before you can test the changes, you have to update SettingView_Previews like this:

struct SettingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
SettingView(settingStore: SettingStore())

Now, switch over to ContentView.swift and declare the settingStore property:

var settingStore: SettingStore

And then update the sheet modifier like this:

.sheet(isPresented: $showSettings) {
SettingView(settingStore: self.settingStore)

Lastly, update ContentView_Previews like this:

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
ContentView(settingStore: SettingStore())

We initialize a SettingStore and pass it to SettingView . This is required because we've

added the settingStore property in SettingView .

If you compile and run the app now, Xcode will show you an error. There is one more
change we need to make before the app can run properly.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 314
Figure 2. An error in SwiftUIFormApp.swift

Go to SwiftUIFormApp.swift and add this property to create a SettingStore instance:

var settingStore = SettingStore()

Next, change the line code in the WindowGroup block to the following to fix the error:

ContentView(settingStore: settingStore)

You should now be able to execute app and play around with the settings. Once you save
the settings, they are stored permanently in the local defaults system. You can stop the
app and launch it again. The saved settings should be loaded in the Setting screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 315
Figure 3. The Setting screen should load your user preference

Sharing Data Between Views Using

Now that the user's preferences are saved in the local defaults system, the list view
doesn't change in accordance to the user's settings. Again, there are various ways to solve
this problem.

Let's recap what we have right now. When a user taps the Save button in the Setting
screen, we save the selected options in the local defaults system. The Settings screen is
then dismissed and the app will bring the user back to the list view. So, either we instruct
the list view to reload the settings or the list view must be capable of monitoring the
changes of the defaults system and trigger un update of the list.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 316
Along with the introduction of SwiftUI, Apple also released a new framework called
Combine. According to Apple, this framework provides a declarative API for processing
values over time. In the context of this demo, Combine lets you easily monitor a single
object and get notified of changes. Working along with SwiftUI, we can trigger an update
of a view without writing a line of code. Everything is handled behind the scenes by
SwiftUI and Combine.

So, how can the list view know the user's preference is modified and trigger the update

Let me introduce three keywords:

1. @EnvironmentObject - Technically, this is known as a property wrapper, but you

may consider this keyword as a special marker. When you declare a property as an
environment object, SwiftUI monitors the value of the property and invalidates the
corresponding view whenever there are changes. @EnvironmentObject works pretty
much the same as @State. But when a property is declared as an environment object,
it will be made accessible to all views in the entire app. For example, if your app has
a lot of views that share the same piece of data (e.g. user settings), environment
objects work great for this. You do not need to pass the property between views but
instead you can access it automatically.
2. ObservableObject - this is a protocol of the Combine framework. When you
declare a property as an environment object, the type of that property must
implement this protocol. Back to our question: how can we let the list view know the
user's preferences are changed? By implementing this protocol, the object can serve
as a publisher that emits the changed value(s). The subscribers that monitor the
value change will get notified.
3. @Published - is a property wrapper that works along with ObservableObject . When
a property is prefixed with @Publisher , this indicates that the publisher should
inform all subscribers whenever the property's value is changed.

I know it's a bit confusing. You will have a better understanding once we go through the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 317
Let's start with SettingStore.swift . Since both the settings view and the list view need to
monitor the change of user preferences, SettingStore should implement the
ObservableObject protocol and announce the change of the defaults property. In the

beginning of the SettingStore.swift file, we have to first import the Combine framework:

import Combine

The SettingStore class should adopt the ObservableObject protocol. Update the class
declaration like this:

final class SettingStore: ObservableObject {

Next, insert the @Published annotation for all the properties like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 318
@Published var showCheckInOnly: Bool = UserDefaults.standard.bool(forKey: "
eferences.showCheckInOnly") {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(showCheckInOnly, forKey: "view.preferences.showC

@Published var displayOrder: DisplayOrderType = DisplayOrderType(type: UserDefaults

.standard.integer(forKey: "view.preferences.displayOrder")) {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(displayOrder.rawValue, forKey: "view.preferences

@Published var maxPriceLevel: Int = UserDefaults.standard.integer(forKey: "

eferences.maxPriceLevel") {
didSet {
UserDefaults.standard.set(maxPriceLevel, forKey: "view.preferences.maxPric

By using the @Published property wrapper, the publisher will let subscribers know
whenever there is a value change of the property (e.g. an update of displayOrder ).

As you can see, it's pretty easy to inform a changed value with Combine. Actually we
haven't written any new code but simply adopted a required protocol and inserted a

Now let's switch over to SettingView.swift . The settingStore should now declared as an
environment object so that we share the data with other views. Update the settingStore
variable like this:

@EnvironmentObject var settingStore: SettingStore

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 319
You do not need to update any code related to the Save button. However, when you set a
new value for the setting store (e.g. update showCheckInOnly from true to false), this
update will be published and let all subscribers know.

Because of the change, we need to update SettingView_Previews to the following:

struct SettingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {

Here, we inject an instance of SettingStore into the environment for the preview.

Okay, all our work has been on the Publisher side. What about the Subscriber? How can
we monitor the change of defaults and update the UI accordingly?

In the demo project, the list view is the Subscriber side. It needs to monitor the changes
of the setting store and re-render the list view to reflect the user's setting. Now let's open
ContentView.swift to make some changes. Similar to what we've just done, the

settingStore should now declared as an environment object:

@EnvironmentObject var settingStore: SettingStore

Due to the change, the code in the sheet modifier should be modified to grab this
environment object:

.sheet(isPresented: $showSettings) {

Also, for testing purposes, the preview code should be updated accordingly to inject the
environment object:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 320
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

Lastly, open SwiftUIFormApp.swift and update the line of code inside WindowGroup like

struct SwiftUIFormApp: App {

var settingStore = SettingStore()

var body: some Scene {

WindowGroup {

Here, we inject the setting store into the environment by calling the environmentObject
method. Now the instance of setting store is available to all views within the app. In other
words, both the Setting and List views can access it automatically.

Implementing the Filtering Options

Now we have implemented a common setting store that can be accessed by all views.
What's great is that for any change in the setting store, it automatically notifies the views
that monitor for updates. Though you don't experience any visual difference, the setting
store does notify the changes to the list view when you update the options in the setting

Our final task is to implement the filtering and sort options to display only the
restaurants that match the user preferences. Let's start with the implementation of these
two filtering options:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 321
Show check-in only
Show restaurants below a certain price level

In ContentView.swift , we will create a new function called showShowItem to handle the


private func shouldShowItem(restaurant: Restaurant) -> Bool {

return (!self.settingStore.showCheckInOnly || restaurant.isCheckIn) && (restau
rant.priceLevel <= self.settingStore.maxPriceLevel)

This function takes in a restaurant object and tells the caller if the restaurant should be
displayed. In the code above, we check if the "Show Check-in Only" option is selected and
verify the price level of the given restaurant.

Next, wrap the BasicImageRow with a if clause like this:

if self.shouldShowItem(restaurant: restaurant) {
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.contextMenu {



Here we first call the shouldShowItem function we just implemented to check if the
restaurant should be displayed.

Now run the app and have a quick test. In the setting screen, set the Show Check-in Only
option to ON and configure the price level option to show restaurants that are with price
level 3 (i.e. $$$) or below. Once you tap the Save button, the list view should be
automatically refreshed (with animation) and shows you the filtered records.

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Figure 4. The list view now refreshes its items when you change the filter preference

Implementing the Sort Option

Now that we've completed the implementation of the filtering options, let's work on the
sort option. In Swift, you can sort a sequence of elements by using the sort(by:)
method. When you use this method, you need to provide a predicate to it that returns
true when the first element should be ordered before the second.

For example, to sort the restaurants array in alphabetical order. You can use the
sort(by:) method like this:

restaurants.sorted(by: { $ < $ })

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 323
Here, $0 is the first element and $1 is the second element. In this case, a restaurant with
the name "Upstate" is larger than a restaurant with the name "Homei". So, "Homei" will
be put in front of "Upstate" in the sequence.

Conversely, if you want to sort the restaurants in alphabetical descending order, you can
write the code like this:

restaurants.sorted(by: { $ > $ })

How can we sort the array to show "check-in" first or show "favorite" first? We can use
the same method but provide a different predictate like this:

restaurants.sorted(by: { $0.isFavorite && !$1.isFavorite })

restaurants.sorted(by: { $0.isCheckIn && !$1.isCheckIn })

To better organize our code, we can put these predicates in the DisplayOrderType enum.
In SettingStore.swift , add a new function in DisplayOrderType like this:

func predicate() -> ((Restaurant, Restaurant) -> Bool) {

switch self {
case .alphabetical: return { $ < $ }
case .favoriteFirst: return { $0.isFavorite && !$1.isFavorite }
case .checkInFirst: return { $0.isCheckIn && !$1.isCheckIn }

This function simply returns the predicate, which is a closure, for the corresponding
display order. Now we are ready to make the final change. Go back to ContentView.swift
and change the ForEach statement from:

ForEach(restaurants) {


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 324
ForEach(restaurants.sorted(by: self.settingStore.displayOrder.predicate())) {

That's it! Test the app and change the sort preference. When you update the sort option,
the list view will get notified and re-orders the restaurants accordingly.

What's Coming Next

Are you aware that SwiftUI and Combine work together to help us write better code? In
the last two sections of this chapter, we didn't write a lot of code to implement the
filtering and sort options. Combine handles the heavy lifting of event processing. When
pairing it with SwiftUI, it's even more powerful and saves you from developing your own
implementation to monitor the state changes of objects and trigger UI updates.
Everything is nearly automatic and taken care of by these two new frameworks.

In the next chapter, we will continue to explore Combine by building a registration

screen. You will further understand how Combine can help you write cleaner and more
modular code.

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 325
Chapter 15
Building a Registration Form with
Combine and View Model
Now that you have some basic idea about Combine, let's explore how Combine can make
SwiftUI really shine. When developing a real-world app, it's very common to have a user
registration page for people to sign up and create an account. In this chapter, we will
build a simple registration screen with three text fields. Our focus is on form validation,
so we will not perform an actual sign up. You'll learn how we can leverage the power of
Combine to validate each of the input fields and organize our code in a view model.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 326
Figure 1. User registration demo

Before we dive into the code, take a look at figure 1. That is the user registration screen
we're going to build. Under each of the input fields, it lists out the requirements. As soon
as the user fills in the information, the app validates the input in real-time and crosses
out the requirement if it's been fulfilled. The sign up button is disabled until all the
requirements are matched.

If you have experience in Swift and UIKit, you know there are various types of
implementation to handle the form validation. In this chapter, however, we're going to
explore how you can utilize the Combine framework to perform form validation.

Layout the Form using SwiftUI

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Let's begin this chapter with an exercise, use what you've learned so far and layout the
form UI shown in figure 1. To create a text field in SwiftUI, you can use the TextField
component. For the password fields, SwiftUI provides a secure text field called
SecureField .

To create a text field, you initiate a TextField with a field name and a binding. This
renders an editable text field with the user's input stored in your given binding. Similar to
other form fields, you can modify its look & feel by applying the associated modifiers.
Here is a sample code snippet:

TextField("Username", text: $username)

.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

The usage of these two components are very similar except that the secure field
automatically masks the user's input:

SecureField("Password", text: $password)

.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

I know these two components are new to you, but try your best to build the form before
looking at the solution.

OWre you able to create the form? Even if you can't finish the exercise, that's completely
fine. Download this project from I will go
through my solution with you.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 328
Figure 2. The starter project

Open the ContentView.swift file and preview the layout in the canvas. Your rendered view
should look like that shown in figure 2. Now, let's briefly go over the code. Let's start with
the RequirementText view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 329
struct RequirementText: View {

var iconName = "xmark.square"

var iconColor = Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255)

var text = ""

var isStrikeThrough = false

var body: some View {

HStack {
Image(systemName: iconName)
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))

First, why do I create a separate view for the requirements text (see figure 3)? If you look
at all of the requirements text, each requirement has an icon and a description. Instead of
creating each of the requirements text from scratch, we can generalize the code and build
a generic view for it.

Figure 3. A sample text field and its requirement text

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The RequirementText view has four properties including iconName , iconColor , text , and
isStrikeThrough . It's flexible enough to support different styles of requirements text. If

you accept the default icon and color, you can simply create a requirement text like this:

RequirementText(text: "A minimum of 4 characters")

This will render the square with an x in it (xmark.square) and the text as shown in figure
3. In some cases, the requirement text should be crossed out and display a different
icon/color. The code can be written like this:

RequirementText(iconName: "", iconColor: Color.secondary, text: "A minimu

m of 8 characters", isStrikeThrough: true)

You specify a different system icon name, color, and set the isStrikeThrough option to
true . This will allow you to create a requirement text like that displayed in figure 4.

Figure 4. The requirement text is crossed out

Now that you understand how the RequirementText view works and why I created that,
let's take a look at the FormField view. Again, if you look at all the text fields, they all
have a common style - a text field with rounded font style. This is the reason why I
extracted the common code and created a FormField view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 331
struct FormField: View {
var fieldName = ""
@Binding var fieldValue: String

var isSecure = false

var body: some View {

VStack {
if isSecure {
SecureField(fieldName, text: $fieldValue)
.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

} else {
TextField(fieldName, text: $fieldValue)
.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .semibold, design: .rounded))

.frame(height: 1)
.background(Color(red: 240/255, green: 240/255, blue: 240/255))


Since this generic FormField needs to take care of both text fields and secure fields, it has
a property named isSecure . If it's set to true , the form field will be created as a secure
field. In SwiftUI, you can make use of the Divider component to create a line. In the
code, we use the frame modifier to change its height to 1 point.

To create the username field, you write the code like this:

FormField(fieldName: "Username", fieldValue: $username)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 332
For the password field, the code is very similar except that the isSecure parameter is set
to true:

FormField(fieldName: "Password", fieldValue: $password, isSecure: true)

Okay, let's head back to the ContentView struct and see how the form is laid out.

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var username = ""

@State private var password = ""
@State private var passwordConfirm = ""

var body: some View {

VStack {
Text("Create an account")
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))
.padding(.bottom, 30)

FormField(fieldName: "Username", fieldValue: $username)

RequirementText(text: "A minimum of 4 characters")

FormField(fieldName: "Password", fieldValue: $password, isSecure: true

VStack {
RequirementText(iconName: "", iconColor: Color.secondary,
text: "A minimum of 8 characters", isStrikeThrough: true)
RequirementText(iconName: "", text: "One uppercase letter"
, isStrikeThrough: false)

FormField(fieldName: "Confirm Password", fieldValue: $passwordConfirm,

isSecure: true)
RequirementText(text: "Your confirm password should be the same as the
password", isStrikeThrough: false)
.padding(.bottom, 50)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 333
Button(action: {
// Proceed to the next screen
}) {
Text("Sign Up")
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(LinearGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [Color(r
ed: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255), Color(red: 253/255, green: 193/255, b
lue: 104/255)]), startPoint: .leading, endPoint: .trailing))

HStack {
Text("Already have an account?")
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))

Button(action: {
// Proceed to Sign in screen
}) {
Text("Sign in")
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))
.foregroundColor(Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue:
}.padding(.top, 50)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 334
First, we have a VStack to hold all the form elements. It begins with the heading,
followed by all the form fields and requirement text. I have already explained how the
form fields and requirement text are created, so I will not go through them again. What I
added to the fields is the padding modifier. This is used to add some space between the
text fields.

The Sign up button is created using the Button component and has an empty action. I
intend to leave the action closure blank because our focus is on form validation. Again, I
believe you should know how a button can be customized, so I will not go into it in detail.
You can always refer to the Button chapter.

Last, is the description text Already have an account. This text and the Sign in button
are completely optional. I'm mimicing the layout of a common sign up form.

That's how I laid out the user registration screen. If you tried out the exercise, you may
have come up with a different solution. That's completely fine. Here I just wanted to
show you one of the approaches to building the form. You can use it as a reference and
come up with an even better implementation.

Understanding Combine
Before we dive into the code for form validation, it's better for me, first, to give you some
more background information of the Combine framework. As mentioned in the previous
chapter, this new framework provides a declarative API for processing values over time.

What does it mean by "processing values over time"? What are these values?

Let's use the registration form as an example. The app continues to generate UI events
when it interacts with users. Each keystroke a user enters in the text field triggers an
event. This becomes a stream of values as illustrated in figure 5.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 335
Figure 5. A stream of data input

These UI events are one type of "values" the framework refers to. Another example of
these values is network events (e.g. downloading a file from a remote server).

The Combine framework provides a declarative approach for how your app
processes events. Rather than potentially implementing multiple delegate callbacks
or completion handler closures, you can create a single processing chain for a given
event source. Each part of the chain is a Combine operator that performs a distinct
action on the elements received from the previous step.

- Apple's official documentation


Publisher and Subscriber are the two core elements of the framework. With Combine,
Publisher sends events and Subscriber subscribes to receive values from that Publisher.
Again, let's use the text field as an example. By using Combine, each keystroke the user
inputs in the text field triggers a value change event. The subscriber, which is interested
in monitoring these values, can subscribe to receive these events and perform further
operations (e.g. validation).

For example, you are writing a form validator which has a property to indicate if the form
is ready to submit. In this case, you can mark that property with the @Published
annotation like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 336
class FormValidator: ObservableObject {
@Published var isReadySubmit: Bool = false

Every time you change the value of isReadySubmit , it publishes an event to the subscriber.
The subscriber receives the updated value and continues the processing. Let's say, the
subscriber uses that value to determine if the submit button should be enabled or not.

You may think @Published works pretty much like @State in SwiftUI. While it works
pretty much the same for this example, @State only applies to properties that belong to a
specific SwiftUI view. If you want to create a custom type that doesn't belong to a specific
view or that can be used among multiple views, you need to create a class that conforms
to ObservableObject and mark those properties with the @Published annotation.

Combine and MVVM

Now that you have a basic concept of Combine, let's begin to implement the form
validation using the framework. Here is what we are going to do:

1. Create a view model to represent the user registration form

2. Implement form validation in the view model

I know you may have a few questions in mind. First, why do we need to create a view
model? Can't we add the properties of the form and perform the form validation in the

Absolutely, you can do that. But as your project grows or the view becomes more
complex, it's a good practice to break a complex component into multiple layers.

"Separation of concerns" is a fundamental principle of writing good software. Instead of

putting everything in a single view, we can separate a view into two components: the view
and its view model. The view itself is responsible for the UI layout, while the view model
holds the states and data to be displayed in the view. The view model also handles the
data validation and conversion. For experienced developers, we are applying a well
known design pattern called MVVM (short for Model-View-ViewModel).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 337
So, what data will this view model hold?

Take a look at the registration form again. We have three text fields including:

Password confirm

On top of that, this view model will hold the states of the requirements text, indicating
whether they should be crossed out or not:

A minimum of 4 characters (username)

A minimum of 8 characters (password)
One uppercase letter (password)
Your confirm password should the same as the password (password confirm)

Therefore, the view model will have seven properties and each of these properties
publishes its value change to those which are interested in receiving the value. The basic
skeleton of the view model can be defined like this:

class UserRegistrationViewModel: ObservableObject {

// Input
@Published var username = ""
@Published var password = ""
@Published var passwordConfirm = ""

// Output
@Published var isUsernameLengthValid = false
@Published var isPasswordLengthValid = false
@Published var isPasswordCapitalLetter = false
@Published var isPasswordConfirmValid = false

That's the data model for the form view. The username , password , and passwordConfirm
properties hold the value of the username, password, and password confirm text fields
respectively. This class should conform to ObservableObject . All these properties are
annotated with @Published because we want to notify the subscribers whenever there is a
value change and perform the validation accordingly.

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Validating the Username with Combine
Okay, that's the data model. But we still haven't dealt with the form validation. How do
we validate the username, password, and passwordConfirm in accordance to the

With Combine, you have to develop a publisher/subscriber mindset to answer the

question. Consider the username, we actually have two publishers here: username and
isUsernameLengthValid. The username publisher emits value changes whenever the user
enters in a keystroke in the username field. The isUsernameLengthValid publisher informs
the subscriber about the validation status of the user input. Nearly all controls in SwiftUI
are subscribers, so the requirements text view will listen to the change of validation result
and update its style (i.e. strikethrough or not) accordingly. Figure 6 illustrates how we
use Combine to validate the username input.

Figure 6. The username and isUsernameValid publishers

What's missing here is something that connects between these two publishers. And, this
"something" should handle the following tasks:

Listen to the username change

Validate the username and return the validation result (true/false)
Assign the result to isUsernameLengthValid

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If you transform the above requirements into code, here is what the code snippet looks

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { username in
return username.count >= 4
.assign(to: \.isUsernameLengthValid, on: self)

The Combine framework provides two built-in subscribers: sink and assign. For sink , it
creates a general purpose subscriber to receive values. assign allows you to create
another type of subscriber that can update a specific property of an object. For example,
it assigns the validation result (true/false) to isUsernameLengthValid directly.

Let me dive deeper through the code above line by line. $username is the source of value
change that we want to listen to. Since we're subscribing to the change of UI events, we
call the receive(on:) function to ensure the subscriber receives values on the main
thread (i.e. RunLoop.main ).

The value sent by the publisher is the username input by the user. But what the
subscriber is interested in is whether the length of the username meets the minimum
requirement. Here, the map function is an operator in Combine that takes an input,
processes it, and transforms the input into something that the subscriber expects. So,
what we did in the code above is:

1. We take the username as input.

2. Then we validate the username and verify if it has at least 4 characters.
3. Lastly, we return the validation result as a boolean (true/false) to the subscriber.

With the validation result, the subscriber simply sets the result to the
isUsernameLengthValid property. Recall that isUsernameLengthValid is also a publisher, we

can then update the RequirementText control like this to subscribe to the change and
update the UI accordingly:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 340
RequirementText(iconColor: userRegistrationViewModel.isUsernameLengthValid ? Color
.secondary : Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255), text: "A minimum
of 4 characters", isStrikeThrough: userRegistrationViewModel.isUsernameLengthValid

Both the icon color and the status of strike through depend on the validation result (i.e.
isUsernameLengthValid ).

This is how we use Combine to validate a form field. We still haven't put the code change
into our project, but I want you to understand the concept of publisher/subscriber and
how we perform validation using this approach. In later section, we will apply what we
learned and make the code change.

Validate the Passwords with Combine

Now that you understand how the validation of the username field is done, we will apply
a similar implementation for the password and password confirm validation.

The password field has two requirements:

1. The length of password should have at least 8 characters.

2. It should contain at least one uppercase letter.

To meet these requirements, we set up two subscribers like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 341
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { password in
return password.count >= 8
.assign(to: \.isPasswordLengthValid, on: self)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { password in
let pattern = "[A-Z]"
if let _ = password.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression) {
return true
} else {
return false
.assign(to: \.isPasswordCapitalLetter, on: self)

The first subscriber subscribes the verification result of password length and assigns it to
the isPasswordLengthValid property. The second subscriber hands the validation of the
uppercase letter. We use the range method to test if the password has at least one
uppercase letter. Again, the subscriber assigns the validation result the
isPasswordCapitalLetter property directly.

Okay, what's left is the validation of the password confirm field. For this field, the input
requirement is that the password confirm should be equal to that of the password field.
Both password and passwordConfirm are publishers. To verify if both publishers have the
same value, we use Publisher.combineLatest to receive and combine the latest values from
the publishers. We can then verify if the two values are the same. Here is the code

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 342
Publishers.CombineLatest($password, $passwordConfirm)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { (password, passwordConfirm) in
return !passwordConfirm.isEmpty && (passwordConfirm == password)
.assign(to: \.isPasswordConfirmValid, on: self)

Similarly, we assign the validation result to the isPasswordConfirmValid property.

Implementing the UserRegistrationViewModel

Now that I've explained the implementation, let's put everything together into the
project. First, create a new Swift file named UserRegistrationViewModel.swift using the
Swift File template. Replace the whole file's content with the following code:

import Foundation
import Combine

class UserRegistrationViewModel: ObservableObject {

// Input
@Published var username = ""
@Published var password = ""
@Published var passwordConfirm = ""

// Output
@Published var isUsernameLengthValid = false
@Published var isPasswordLengthValid = false
@Published var isPasswordCapitalLetter = false
@Published var isPasswordConfirmValid = false

private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []

init() {
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { username in
return username.count >= 4
.assign(to: \.isUsernameLengthValid, on: self)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 343
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { password in
return password.count >= 8
.assign(to: \.isPasswordLengthValid, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { password in
let pattern = "[A-Z]"
if let _ = password.range(of: pattern, options: .regularExpression
) {
return true
} else {
return false
.assign(to: \.isPasswordCapitalLetter, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

Publishers.CombineLatest($password, $passwordConfirm)
.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { (password, passwordConfirm) in
return !passwordConfirm.isEmpty && (passwordConfirm == password)
.assign(to: \.isPasswordConfirmValid, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

The code is nearly the same as what we went through in the earlier sections. To use
Combine, you first need to import the Combine framework. In the init() method, we
initialize all the subscribers to listen to the value change of the text fields and perform the
corresponding validations.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 344
The code is nearly the same as the code snippets we discussed earlier. One thing you may
notice is the cancellableSet variable. Additionally, for each of the subscribers, we call the
store function at the very end.

What does the store function and cancellableSet variable do?

The assign function, which creates the subscriber, returns you with a cancellable
instance. You can use this instance to cancel the subscription at the appropriate time. The
store function lets us save the cancellable reference into a set for later cleanup. If you do

not store the reference, the app may end up with memory leak issues.

So, when will the clean up happen for this demo? Because cancellableSet is defined as a
property of the class, the cleanup and cancellation of the subscription will happen when
the class is deinitialized.

Now switch back to ContentView.swift and update the UI controls. First, replace the
following state variables:

@State private var username = ""

@State private var password = ""
@State private var passwordConfirm = ""

with a view model and name it userRegistrationViewModel :

@ObservedObject private var userRegistrationViewModel = UserRegistrationViewModel(


Next, update the text field and the requirement text of username like this:

FormField(fieldName: "Username", fieldValue: $userRegistrationViewModel.username)

RequirementText(iconColor: userRegistrationViewModel.isUsernameLengthValid ? Color
.secondary : Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255), text: "A minimum
of 4 characters", isStrikeThrough: userRegistrationViewModel.isUsernameLengthValid

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 345
The fieldValue parameter is now changed to $userRegistrationViewModel.username . For
the requirement text, SwiftUI monitors the
userRegistrationViewModel.isUsernameLengthValid property and updates the requirement

text accordingly.

Similarly, update the UI code for the password and password confirm fields like this:

FormField(fieldName: "Password", fieldValue: $userRegistrationViewModel.password,

isSecure: true)
VStack {
RequirementText(iconName: "", iconColor:
PasswordLengthValid ? Color.secondary : Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue:
128/255), text: "A minimum of 8 characters", isStrikeThrough: userRegistrationView
RequirementText(iconName: "", iconColor:
PasswordCapitalLetter ? Color.secondary : Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue
: 128/255), text: "One uppercase letter", isStrikeThrough: userRegistrationViewMod

FormField(fieldName: "Confirm Password", fieldValue: $

sswordConfirm, isSecure: true)
RequirementText(iconColor: userRegistrationViewModel.isPasswordConfirmValid ? Color
.secondary : Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255), text: "Your confi
rm password should be the same as password", isStrikeThrough: userRegistrationView
.padding(.bottom, 50)

That's it! You're now ready to test the app. If you've made all the changes correctly, the
app should now validate the user input.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 346
Figure 7. The registration form now validates the user input

I hope you now have gained some basic knowledge of the Combine framework. The
introduction of SwiftUI and Combine completely change the way you build apps.
Functional Reactive Programming (FRP) has become more and more popular in recent
years, This is the first time Apple has released their own functional reactive framework.
To me, it's a major paradigm shift. The company finally took position on FRP and
recommends Apple developers embrace this new programming methodology.

Like the introduction of any new technology, there will be a learning curve. Even if you've
been programming in iOS, it will take some time to move from the programming
methodology of delegates to publishers and subscribers.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 347
However, once you get comfortable with the Combine framework, you will be very glad as
it will help you achieve more maintainable and modular code. As you can now see,
together with SwiftUI, communication between a view and a view model is a breeze.

For reference, you can download the complete form validation project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 348
Chapter 16
Working with Swipe-to-Delete,
Context Menu and Action Sheets
Previously, you learned how to present rows of data using list. In this chapter, we will
dive a little bit deeper and see how to let users interact with the list view including:

Use swipe to delete a row

Tap a row to invoke an action sheet
Touch and hold a row to bring up a context menu

Figure 1. Swipe to delete (left), context menu, and action sheet (right)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 349
Referring to figure 1, I believe you should be very familiar with swipe-to-delete and action
sheet. These two UI elements have existed in iOS for several years. Context menus are
recently introduced in iOS 13, though they look similar to peek and pop of 3D Touch. For
any views (e.g. button) implemented with the context menu, iOS will bring up a popover
menu whenever a user force touches on the view. For developers, it's your responsibility
to configure the action items displayed in the menu.

While this chapter focuses on the interaction of a list, the techniques that I'm going to
show you can also be applied to other UI controls such as buttons.

Preparing the Starter Project

Let's get started and create the demo. We will build an interactive list based on the
restaurant list app. You can download the starter project from Once
downloaded, open the project and check out the preview. It should display a simple list
with text and images. Later, we will add the swipe-to-delete feature, an action sheet, and
a context menu to this demo app.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 350
Figure 2. The starter project should display a simple list view

If you have a sharp eye, you may spot that the starter project used ForEach to implement
the list. Why did I change it back to ForEach instead of passing the collection of data to
List ? The main reason is that the onDelete handler that I'm going to walk you through

only works with ForEach .

Implementing Swipe-to-delete
Assuming you have the starter project ready, let's begin implementing the swipe-to-
delete feature. I've briefly mentioned the onDelete handler. To activate swipe-to-delete
for all rows in a list, you just need to attach this handler to all the row data. So, update
the List like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 351
List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.onDelete { (indexSet) in
self.restaurants.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)

In the closure of onDelete , we pass an indexSet storing the index of the rows to be
deleted. We then call the remove method with the indexSet to delete the specific items
in the restaurants array.

There is still one thing left before the swipe-to-delete feature works. Whenever a user
removes a row from the list, the UI should be updated accordingly. As discussed in earlier
chapters, SwiftUI has come with a very powerful feature to manage the application's
state. In our code, the value of the restaurants array will be changed when a user
chooses to delete a record. We have to ask SwiftUI to monitor the property and update
the UI whenever the value of the property changes.

To do that, insert the @State keyword to the restaurants variable:

@State var restaurants = [ ... ]

Once you have made the change, run the app (click the Play button) in the canvas. Swipe
any of the rows to the left to reveal the Delete button. Tap it and that row will be removed
from the list. By the way, do you notice the nice animation while the row is being
removed? You don't need to write any extra code. This animation is automatically
generated by SwiftUI. Cool, right?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 352
Figure 3. Deleting an item from the list

If you've written the same feature using UIKit, I'm sure you are amazed by SwiftUI. With
just a few lines of code and a keyword, you implemented the swipe-to-delete feature.

Creating a Context Menu

Next, let's talk about context menus, a new feature which was introduced in iOS 13. As
said, a context menu is similar to peek and pop in 3D Touch. One noticeable difference is
that this feature works on all devices running iOS 13 and later, even if the device doesn't
support 3D Touch. To bring up a context menu, you use the touch and hold gesture or
force touch if the device is powered with 3D Touch.

SwiftUI has made it very simple to implement a context menu. All you do is attach the
contextMenu container to the view and configure its menu items.

For our demo app, we want to trigger the context menu when people touch and hold any
of the rows. The menu provides two action buttons for users to choose: Delete and
Favorite. When selected, the Delete button will remove the row from the list. The

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 353
Favorite button will mark the selected row with a star indicator.

To present these two items in the context menu, we attach the contextMenu to each of the
rows in the list like this:

List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.contextMenu {

Button(action: {
// delete the selected restaurant
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")

Button(action: {
// mark the selected restaurant as favorite
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "star")
.onDelete { (indexSet) in
self.restaurants.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)

We haven't implemented any of the button actions yet. However, if you execute the app,
the app will bring up the context menu when you touch and hold one of the rows.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 354
Figure 4. Deleting an item from the list

Let's continue by implementing the delete action. Unlike the onDelete handler, the
contextMenu doesn't give us the index of the selected restaurant. To figure it out, it would

require a little bit of work. Create a new function in ContentView :

private func delete(item restaurant: Restaurant) {

if let index = self.restaurants.firstIndex(where: { $ == })
self.restaurants.remove(at: index)

This delete function takes in a restaurant object and searches for its index in the
restaurants array. To find the index, we call the firstIndex function and specify the

search criteria. The function loops through the array and compares the id of the given
restaurant with those in the array. If there is a match, the firstIndex function returns
the index of the given restaurant. Once we have the index, we can remove the restaurant
from the restaurants array by calling remove(at:) .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 355
Next, insert the following line of code under // delete the selected restaurant :

self.delete(item: restaurant)

We simply call the delete function when the user selects the Delete button. Now you're
ready to test the app. Click the Play button in the canvas to run the app. Press and hold
one of the rows to bring up the context menu. Choose Delete and you should see your
selected restaurant removed from the list.

Let's move onto the implementation of the Favorite button. When this button is selected,
the app will place a star in the selected restaurant's row. To implement this feature, we
first need to modify the Restaurant struct and add a new property named isFavorite
like this:

struct Restaurant: Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
var name: String
var image: String
var isFavorite: Bool = false

This isFavorite property indicates whether the restaurant is marked as a favorite. By

default, it's set to false .

Similar to the Delete feature, we'll create a separate function in ContentView for setting a
favorite restaurant. Insert the following code to create the new function:

private func setFavorite(item restaurant: Restaurant) {

if let index = self.restaurants.firstIndex(where: { $ == })

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 356
The code is very similar to that of the delete function. We first find out the index of the
given restaurant. Once we have the index, we change the value of its isFavorite
property. Here we invoke the toggle function to toggle the value. For example, if the
original value of isFavorite is set to false , the value will change to true after calling
toggle() .

Next, we have to handle the UI for the row. Whenever the restaurant's isFavorite
property is set to true , the row should present a star indicator. Update the
BasicImageRow struct like this:

struct BasicImageRow: View {

var restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

HStack {
.frame(width: 40, height: 40)

if restaurant.isFavorite {

Image(systemName: "star.fill")

In the code above, we just add a code snippet in the HStack . If the isFavorite property
of the given restaurant is set to true , we add a spacer and a system image to the row.

That's how we implement the Favorite feature. Lastly, insert the following line of code
under // mark the selected restaurant as favorite to invoke the setFavorite function:

self.setFavorite(item: restaurant)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 357
Now it's time to test. Execute the app in the canvas. Press and hold one of the rows (e.g.
Petite Oyster), and then choose Favorite. You should see a star app appeared at the end
of the row.

Figure 5. Using the Favorite function

Working with Action Sheets

That is how you implement context menus. Lastly, let's see how to create an action sheet
in SwiftUI. The action sheet, that we are going to build, provides the same options as the
context menu. If you forgot what the action sheet looks like, please refer to figure 1 again.

The SwiftUI framework comes with an ActionSheet view for you to create an action
sheet. Basically, you can create an action sheet like this:

ActionSheet(title: Text("What do you want to do"), message: nil, buttons: [.default


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 358
You initialize an action sheet with a title and an option message. The buttons parameter
accepts an array of buttons. In the sample code above, it provides a default button titled

To activate an action sheet, you attach the actionSheet modifier to a button or any view.
If you look into SwiftUI's documentation, you have two ways to bring up an action sheet.

You can control the appearance of an action sheet by using the isPresented parameter:

func actionSheet(isPresented: Binding<Bool>, content: () -> ActionSheet) -> some V


Or through an optional binding:

func actionSheet<T>(item: Binding<T?>, content: (T) -> ActionSheet) -> some View w
here T : Identifiable

We will use both approaches to present the action sheet, so you'll understand when to use
which approach.

For the first approach, we need a Boolean variable to represent the status of the action
and also a variable of the type Restaurant to store the selected restaurant. So, declare
these two variables in ContentView :

@State private var showActionSheet = false

@State private var selectedRestaurant: Restaurant?

By default, the showActionSheet variable is set to false , meaning that the action sheet is
not shown. We will toggle this variable to true when a user selects a row. The
selectedRestaurant variable, as its name suggests, is designed to hold the chosen

restaurant. Both variables have the @State keyword because we want SwiftUI to monitor
their changes and update the UI accordingly.

Next, add the onTapGesture and actionSheet modifiers to the List view like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 359
List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.contextMenu {

.onTapGesture {
self.selectedRestaurant = restaurant
.actionSheet(isPresented: self.$showActionSheet) {

ActionSheet(title: Text("What do you want to do"), message: nil, b

uttons: [

.default(Text("Mark as Favorite"), action: {

if let selectedRestaurant = self.selectedRestaurant {
self.setFavorite(item: selectedRestaurant)

.destructive(Text("Delete"), action: {
if let selectedRestaurant = self.selectedRestaurant {
self.delete(item: selectedRestaurant)

.onDelete { (indexSet) in
self.restaurants.remove(atOffsets: indexSet)

The onTapGesture modifier, attached to each row, is used to detect users' touch. When a
row is tapped, the block of code in onTapGesture will be run. Here, we toggle the
showActionSheet variable and set the selectedRestaurant .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 360
Earlier, I explained the usage of the actionSheet modifier. In the code above, we pass the
isPresented parameter with the binding of showActionSheet . When showActionSheet is set

to true , the block of code will be executed. We initiate an ActionSheet with three
buttons: Mark as Favorite, Delete, and Cancel. Action sheet comes with three types of
buttons including default, destructive, and cancel. You usually use the default button
type for ordinary actions. A destructive button is very similar to a default button but the
font color is set to red to indicate destructive actions such as delete. The cancel button is
a special type for dismissing the action sheet.

The Mark as Favorite button, is our default button. In the action closure, we call the
setFavorite function to add the star. For the destructive button we used Delete. Similar

to the Delete button of the context menu, we call the delete function to remove the
selected restaurant.

If you've made the changes correctly, you should be able to bring up the action sheet
when you tap one of the rows in the list view. Selecting the Delete button will remove the
row. If you choose the Mark as Favorite option, you will mark the row with a yellow star.

Figure 6. Tapping a row to reveal the action sheet

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 361
Everything works great, but I promised you to walk you through the second approach of
using the actionSheet modifier. The first approach, which we have covered, relies on a
Boolean value (i.e. showActionSheet ) to indicate whether the action sheet should be

The second approach triggers the action sheet through an optional Identifiable binding:

func actionSheet<T>(item: Binding<T?>, content: (T) -> ActionSheet) -> some View w
here T : Identifiable

In plain English, this means the action sheet will be shown when the item you pass has a
value. For our case, the selectedRestaurant variable is an optional that conforms to the
Identifiable protocol. To use the second approach, you just need to pass the

selectedRestaurant binding to the actionSheet modifier like this:

.actionSheet(item: self.$selectedRestaurant) { restaurant in

ActionSheet(title: Text("What do you want to do"), message: nil, buttons: [

.default(Text("Mark as Favorite"), action: {

self.setFavorite(item: restaurant)

.destructive(Text("Delete"), action: {
self.delete(item: restaurant)


If the selectedRestaurant has a value, the app will bring up the action sheet. From the
closure's parameter, you can retrieve the selected restaurant and perform the operations

When you use this approach, you no longer need the boolean variable shownActionSheet .
You can remove it from the code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 362
@State private var showActionSheet = false

Also, in the tapGesture modifier, remove the line of the code that toggles the
showActionSheet variable:


Test the app again. The action sheet looks still the same, but you implemented the action
sheet with a different approach.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 363
Now that you have some idea how to build a context menu, let's have an exercise to test
your knowledge. Your task is to add a Check-in item in the context menu. When a user
selects the option, the app will add a check-in indicator in the selected restaurant. You
can refer to figure 7 for the sample UI. For the sample, I used the system image named
checkmark.seal.fill for the check-in indicator. However, you are free to choose your own


Please take some time to work on the exercise before checking out the solution. Have fun!

Figure 7. Adding a check-in feature

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 364
Demo project and solution to exercise

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 365
Chapter 17
Understanding Gestures
In earlier chapters, you got a taste of building gestures with SwiftUI. We used the
onTapGesture modifier to handle a user's touch and provide a corresponding response. In

this chapter, let's dive deeper to see how we work with various types of gestures in

The framework provides several built-in gestures such as the tap gesture we have used
before. additionally, DragGesture, MagnificationGesture, and LongPressGesture are
some of the ready-to-use gestures. We will be looking at a couple of them and seeing how
to work with gestures in SwiftUI. On top of that, you will learn how to build a generic
view that supports the drag gesture.

Figure 1. A demo showing the draggable view

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 366
Using the Gesture Modifier
To recognize a particular gesture using the SwiftUI framework, all you need to do is
attach a gesture recognizer to a view using the .gesture modifier. Here is a sample code
snippet which attaches the TapGesture using the .gesture modifier:

var body: some View {

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 200))

If you want to try out the code, create a new project using the App template and make
sure you select SwiftUI for the Interface option. Then paste the code in
ContentView.swift .

By modifying the code above a bit and introducing a state variable, we can create a simple
scale animation when the star image is tapped. Here is the updated code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 367
struct ContentView: View {
@State private var isPressed = false

var body: some View {

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 200))
.scaleEffect(isPressed ? 0.5 : 1.0)

When you run the code in the canvas or simulator, you should see a scaling effect. This is
how you use the .gesture modifier to detect and respond to certain touch events. If you
forget how animation works, please go back to read chapter 9.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 368
Figure 2. A simple scaling effect

Using Long Press Gesture

One of the built-in gesture is LongPressGesture . This gesture recognizer allows you to
detect a long-press event. For example, if you want to resize the star image only when the
user presses and holds it for at least 1 second, you can use the LongPressGesture to detect
the touch event.

Modify the code in the .gesture modifier like this to implement the LongPressGesture :

LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.onEnded({ _ in

Run the project in the preview canvas to see what it does. Now you have to press and hold
the star image for at least a second before it toggles its size.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 369
The @GestureState Property Wrapper
When you press and hold the star image, the image doesn't give the user any response
until the long press event is detected. Obviously, there is something we can do to improve
the user experience. What I want to do is to give the user immediate feedback when
he/she taps the image. Any kind of feedback will help to improve the situation. Let's dim
the image a bit when the user taps it. This just lets the user know that our app captures
the touch and is doing work. Figure 3 illustrates how the animation works.

Figure 3. Applying a dimming effect when the image is tapped

To implement the animation, you need to keep track of the state of gestures. During the
performance of the long press gesture, we have to differentiate between tap and long
press events. So, how do we do that?

SwiftUI provides a property wrapper called @GestureState which conveniently tracks the
state change of a gesture and lets developers decide the corresponding action. To
implement the animation we just described, we can declare a property using
@GestureState like this:

@GestureState private var longPressTap = false

This gesture state variable indicates whether a tap event is detected during the
performance of the long press gesture. Once you have the variable defined, you can
modify the code of the Image view like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 370
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 200))
.opacity(longPressTap ? 0.4 : 1.0)
.scaleEffect(isPressed ? 0.5 : 1.0)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.updating($longPressTap, body: { (currentState, state, transaction) in
state = currentState
.onEnded({ _ in

We only made a couple of changes in the code above. First, we added the .opacity
modifier. When the tap event is detected, we set the opacity value to 0.4 so that the
image becomes dimmer.

Second, we addded the updating method of the LongPressGesture . During the

performance of the long press gesture, this method will be called. It accepts three
parameters: value, state, and transaction:

The value parameter is the current state of the gesture. This value varies from
gesture to gesture, but for the long press gesture, a true value indicates that a tap is
The state parameter is actually an in-out parameter that lets you update the value of
the longPressTap property. In the code above, we set the value of state to
currentState . In other words, the longPressTap property always keeps track of the

latest state of the long press gesture.

The transaction parameter stores the context of the current state-processing

After you make the code change, run the project in the preview canvas to test it. The
image immediately becomes dimmer when you tap it. Keep holding it for one second and
then the image resizes itself.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 371
The opacity of the image is automatically reset to normal when the user releases the long
press. Do you wonder why? This is an advantage of @GestureState . When the gesture
ends, it automatically sets the value of the gesture state property to its initial value,
false in our case.

Using Drag Gesture

Now that you understand how to use the .gesture modifier and @GestureState , let's look
into another common gesture: Drag. What we are going to do is modify the existing code
to support the drag gesture, allowing a user to drag the star image to move it around.

Replace the ContentView struct like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@GestureState private var dragOffset =

var body: some View {

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.offset(x: dragOffset.width, y: dragOffset.height)
.updating($dragOffset, body: { (value, state, transaction) in

state = value.translation

To recognize a drag gesture, you initialize a DragGesture instance and listen for an
update. In the update function, we pass a gesture state property to keep track of the drag
event. Similar to the long press gesture, the closure of the update function accepts three

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 372
parameters. In this case, the value parameter stores the current data of the drag
including the translation. This is why we set the state variable, which is actually the
dragOffset , to value.translation .

Run the project in the preview canvas, you can drag the image around. but, when you
release it, the image returns to its original position.

Do you know why the image returns to its starting point? As explained in the previous
section, one advantage of using @GestureState is that it will reset the value of the
property to its original value when the gesture ends. So, when you end the drag and
release the press, the dragOffset is reset to .zero , which is its original position.

But what if you want the image to stay at the end point of the drag? How do you do that?
Give yourself a few minutes to think about how to implement it.

Since the @GestureState property wrapper will reset the property to its original value, we
need another state property to save the final position. Therefore, let's declare a new state
property like this:

@State private var position =

Next, update the body variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 373
var body: some View {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.offset(x: position.width + dragOffset.width, y: position.height + dragOff
.updating($dragOffset, body: { (value, state, transaction) in

state = value.translation
.onEnded({ (value) in
self.position.height += value.translation.height
self.position.width += value.translation.width

We have made a couple of changes to the code:

1. We implemented the onEnded function which is called when the drag gesture ends.
In the closure, we compute the new position of the image by adding the drag offset.
2. The .offset modifier was also updated, such that we take the current position into

Now when you run the project and drag the image, the image stays where it is even after
the drag ends.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 374
Figure 4. Drag the image around

Combining Gestures
In some cases, you need to use multiple gesture recognizers in the same view. Let's say,
we want the user to press and hold the image before starting the drag, we have to
combine both long press and drag gestures. SwiftUI allows you to easily combine
gestures to perform more complex interactions. It provides three gesture composition
types including simultaneous, sequenced, and exclusive.

When you need to detect multiple gestures at the same time, you use the simultaneous
composition type. When you combine gestures using the exclusive composition type,
SwiftUI recognizes all the gestures you specify but it will ignore the rest when one of the
gestures is detected.

As the name suggests, if you combine multiple gestures using the sequenced composition
type, SwiftUI recognizes the gestures in a specific order. This is the type of the
composition that we will use to sequence the long press and drag gestures.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 375
To work with multiple gestures, you update the code like this:

struct ContentView: View {

// For long press gesture
@GestureState private var isPressed = false

// For drag gesture

@GestureState private var dragOffset =
@State private var position =

var body: some View {

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.opacity(isPressed ? 0.5 : 1.0)
.offset(x: position.width + dragOffset.width, y: position.height + dra
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.updating($isPressed, body: { (currentState, state, transaction) in

state = currentState
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating($dragOffset, body: { (value, state, transaction) in

switch value {
case .first(true):
case .second(true, let drag):
state = drag?.translation ?? .zero

.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 376

self.position.height += drag.translation.height
self.position.width += drag.translation.width

You should be very familiar with part of the code snippet because we are combining the
long press gesture that we have built with the drag gesture.

Let me explain the code in the .gesture modifier line by line. We require the user to
press and hold the image for at least one second before he/she can begin the dragging.
So, we start by creating the LongPressGesture . Similar to what we have implemented
before, we have a isPressed gesture state property. When someone taps the image, we
will alter the opacity of the image.

The sequenced keyword is how we link the long press and drag gestures together. We tell
SwiftUI that the LongPressGesture should happen before the DragGesture .

The code in both updating and onEnded functions looks pretty similar, but the value
parameter now actually contains two gestures (i.e. long press and drag). We have the
switch statement to differentiate between the gestures. You can use the .first and

.second cases to find out which gesture to handle. Since the long press gesture should be

recognized before the drag gesture, the first gesture here is the long press gesture. In the
code, we do nothing but just print the Tapping message for your reference.

When the long press is confirmed, we will reach the .second case. Here, we pick up the
drag data and update the dragOffset with the corresponding translation.

When the drag ends, the onEnded function will be called. Similarly, we update the final
position by figuring out the drag data (i.e. .second case).

Now you're ready to test the gesture combination. Run the app in the preview canvas
using the debug preview, so you can see the message in the console. You can't drag the
image until holding the star image for at least one second.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 377
Figure 5. Dragging only happens when a user presses and holds the image for at least
one second

Refactoring the Code Using Enum

A better way to organize the drag state is by using Enum. This allows you to combine the
isPressed and dragOffset state into a single property. Let's declare an enumeration

called DragState .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 378
enum DragState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)

var translation: CGSize {

switch self {
case .inactive, .pressing:
return .zero
case .dragging(let translation):
return translation

var isPressing: Bool {

switch self {
case .pressing, .dragging:
return true
case .inactive:
return false

We have three states here: inactive, pressing, and dragging. These states are good
enough to represent the states during the performance of the long press and drag
gestures. For the dragging state, we associate it with the translation of the drag.

With the DragState enum, we can modify the original code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 379
struct ContentView: View {
@GestureState private var dragState = DragState.inactive
@State private var position =

var body: some View {

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.opacity(dragState.isPressing ? 0.5 : 1.0)
.offset(x: position.width + dragState.translation.width, y: position.h
eight + dragState.translation.height)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating($dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in

switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)

.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


self.position.height += drag.translation.height
self.position.width += drag.translation.width

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 380
We now declare a dragState property to track the drag state. By default, it's set to
DragState.inactive . The code is nearly the same as the previous code except that it's

modified to work with dragState instead of isPressed and dragOffset . For example, for
the .offset modifier, we retrieve the drag offset from the associated value of the
dragging state.

The result of the code is the same. However, it's always good practice to use Enum to
track complicated states of gestures.

Building a Generic Draggable View

So far, we have built a draggable image view. What if we want to build a draggable text
view? Or what if we want to create a draggable circle? Should you copy and paste all the
code to create the text view or circle?

There is a better way to implement that. Let's see how we can build a generic draggable

In the project navigator, right click the SwiftUIGesture folder and choose New File....
Select the SwiftUI View template and name the file DraggableView .

Declare the DragState enum and update the DraggableView struct like this:

enum DraggableState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)

var translation: CGSize {

switch self {
case .inactive, .pressing:
return .zero
case .dragging(let translation):
return translation

var isPressing: Bool {

switch self {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 381
case .pressing, .dragging:
return true
case .inactive:
return false

struct DraggableView<Content>: View where Content: View {

@GestureState private var dragState = DraggableState.inactive
@State private var position =

var content: () -> Content

var body: some View {

.opacity(dragState.isPressing ? 0.5 : 1.0)
.offset(x: position.width + dragState.translation.width, y: position.h
eight + dragState.translation.height)
LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 1.0)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating($dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in

switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)

.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


self.position.height += drag.translation.height

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 382
self.position.width += drag.translation.width

All of the code is very similar to what you've written before. The tricks are to declare the
DraggableView as a generic view and create a content property. This property accepts

any View . We power this content view with the long press and drag gestures.

Now you can test this generic view by replacing the DraggableView_Previews like this:

struct DraggableView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
DraggableView() {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))

In the code, we initalize a DraggableView and provide our own content, which is the star
image. In this case, you should achieve the same star image which supports the long
press and drag gestures.

So, what if we want to build a draggable text view? You can replace the code snippet with
the following code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 383
struct DraggableView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
DraggableView() {
.font(.system(size: 50, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

In the closure, we create a text view instead of the image view. If you run the project in
the preview canvas, you can drag the text view to move it around (remember to long
press for 1 second). Isn't it cool?

Figure 6. A draggable text view

If you want to create a draggable circle, you can replace the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 384
struct DraggableView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
DraggableView() {
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)

That's how you create a generic draggable. Try to replace the circle with other views to
make your own draggable view and have fun!

We've explored three built-in gestures including tap, drag, and long press in this chapter.
However, there are a couple of them we haven't checked out. As an exercise, try to create
a generic scalable view that can recognize the MagnificationGesture and scale any given
view accordingly. Figure 7 shows you a sample result.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 385
Figure 7. A scalable image view

The SwiftUI framework has made gesture handling very easy. As you've learned in this
chapter, the framework has provided several ready to use gesture recognizers. To enable
a view to support a certain type of gesture, all you need to do is attach to it the .gesture
modifier. Composing multiple gestures has never been so simple.

It's a growing trend to build gesture-driven user interfaces for mobile apps. With the easy
to use API, try to power your apps with some useful gestures to delight your users.

For reference, you can download the complete gesture project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 386
Chapter 18
Building an Expandable Bottom Sheet
with SwiftUI Gestures and
Now that you have a basic understanding of SwiftUI gestures, let's see how you can apply
the technique you learned to build a feature which is commonly used in real world apps.

Bottom sheets have increased in popularity lately! You can easily find them in famous
apps like Facebook and Uber. Bottom sheets are like an enhanced version of an action
sheet that slides up from the bottom of screen and overlays on top of the original view to
provide contextual information or additional user options. For instance, when you save a
photo to a collection in Instagram, the app shows you a bottom sheet to choose a
collection. The Facebook app displays the sheet with additonal action items when you
click the ellipsis button of a post. The Uber app also makes use of bottom sheets to
display the pricing of your chosen trip.

The size of bottom sheets varies depending on the contextual information you want to
display. In some cases, bottom sheets tend to be bigger (which is also known as
backdrops) and take up 80-90% of the screen. Usually, users are allowed to interact with
the sheet with the drag gesture. You can slide it up to expand its size or slide it down to
minimize or dismiss the sheet.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 387
Figure 1. Uber, Facebook and Instagram all use bottom sheets in their apps

In this chapter, we will build a similar expandable bottom sheet using SwiftUI gestures.
The demo app shows a list of restaurants in the main view. When a user taps one of the
restaurant records, the app brings up a bottom sheet to display the restaurant details.
You can expand the sheet by sliding it up. To dismiss the sheet, you can slide it down.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 388
Figure 2. Building a expandable bottom sheet

Understanding the Starter Project

To save you some time building the demo app from the ground up, I've prepared a starter
project for you. You can download it from Unzip
the file and open SwiftUIBottomSheet.xcodeproj to get started.

The starter project comes with a set of restaurant images and the restaurant data. If you
look in the Model folder in the project navigator, you should find a file named
Restaurant.swift . This file contains the Restaurant struct and the set of sample

restaurant data.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 389
struct Restaurant: Identifiable {
var id: UUID = UUID()
var name: String
var type: String
var location: String
var phone: String
var description: String
var image: String
var isVisited: Bool

init(name: String, type: String, location: String, phone: String, description:

String, image: String, isVisited: Bool) { = name
self.type = type
self.location = location = phone
self.description = description
self.image = image
self.isVisited = isVisited

init() {
self.init(name: "", type: "", location: "", phone: "", description: "", im
age: "", isVisited: false)

I've created the main view for you that displays a list of restaurants. You can open the
ContentView.swift file to check out the code. I am not going to explain the code in details

as we have gone through the implementation of list in chapter 10.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 390
Figure 3. The list view

When you run the code in the canvas or simulator, you should see a scaling effect. This is
how you can use the .gesture modifier to detect and respond to certain touch events. If
you forget how the animation works, please go back to read chapter 9.

Creating the Restaurant Detail View

The bottom sheet will contain the restaurant details with a small handlebar. So, the very
first thing we have to do is to create the restaurant detail view like that shown in figure 4.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 391
Figure 4. The restaurant detail view with a small handlebar

Before you follow me to implement the view, I suggest you consider it as an exercise and
create the detail view on your own. As you can see, the detail view is composed of UI
components including Image, Text, and ScrollView. We have already covered all these
components, so give it a try and provide your own implementation.

Okay, let me show you how to build the detail view. If you have already built the detail
view on your own, you can use my implementation as a reference.

The layout of the detail view is a bit complicated, so it's better to break it into multiple
parts for easier implementation:

The handlebar, which is a small rounded rectangle

The title bar containing the title of the detail view
The header view containing the featured image, restaurant name, and type

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 392
The detail info view containing the restaurant data, which includes address, phone,
and description.

We will implement each of the above using a separate struct to better organize our
code. Now create a new file using the SwiftUI View template and name it
RestaurantDetailView.swift . All the code discussed below will be put in this new file.

First, the handlebar. The handlebar is actually a small rectangle with rounded corners. To
create it, all we need to do is to create a Rectangle and give it rounded corners. In the
RestaurantDetailView.swift file, insert the following code:

struct HandleBar: View {

var body: some View {

.frame(width: 50, height: 5)

Title Bar
Next, the title bar. The implementation is simple since it's just a Text view. Let's create
another struct for it:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 393
struct TitleBar: View {

var body: some View {

HStack {
Text("Restaurant Details")


The spacer here is used to align the text to the left.

Header View
The header view consists of an image view and two text views. The text views are
overlayed on top of the image view. Again, we will use a separate struct to implement the
header view:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 394
struct HeaderView: View {
let restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

.frame(height: 300)
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))


Since we need to display the restaurant data, the HeaderView has the restaurant
property. For the layout, we created an Image view and set the content mode to
scaleToFill . The height of the image is fixed at 300 points. Since we use the scaleToFill

mode, we need to attach the .clipped() modifier to hide any content that extends
beyond the edges of the image frame.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 395
For the two labels, we use the .overlay modifier to overlay two Text views.

Detail Info View

Lastly, the information view. If you look at the address, phone, and description fields
carefully, you should notice that they are pretty similar. Both address and phone fields
have an icon right next to the textual information, while the description field contains
text only.

So, wouldn't it be great to build a view which is flexible to handle both field types? Here is
the code snippet:

struct DetailInfoView: View {

let icon: String?
let info: String

var body: some View {

HStack {
if icon != nil {
Image(systemName: icon!)
.padding(.trailing, 10)
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))


The DetailInfoView takes in two parameters: icon and info . The icon parameter is an
optional, meaning that it can either have a value or nil.

When you need to present a data field with an icon, you use the DetailInfoView like this:

DetailInfoView(icon: "map", info:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 396
Alternatively, if you only need to present a text-only field like the description field, you
use the DetailInfoView like this:

DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:

As you can see, by building a generic view to handle similar layout, you make the code
more modular and reusable.

Using VStack to Glue Them All Together

Now that we have built all components, we can combine them by using VStack like this:

struct RestaurantDetailView: View {

let restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

VStack {




DetailInfoView(icon: "map", info:

DetailInfoView(icon: "phone", info:
DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:
.cornerRadius(10, antialiased: true)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 397
The code above is self explanatory. We use the components that were built in the earlier
sections and embed them in a vertical stack. Originally, the VStack has a transparent
background. To ensure that the detail view has a white background, we attach the
background modifier.

Before you can test the detail view, you have to modify the code of
RestaurantDetailView_Previews like this:

struct RestaurantDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: restaurants[0])

In the code, we pass a sample restaurant (i.e. restaurants[0] ) for testing. If you've
followed everything correctly, Xcode should show you a similar detail view in the preview
canvas to figure 5.

Figure 5. The restaurant detail view

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 398
Make It Scrollable
Do you notice that the detail view can't display the full description? To fix the issue, we
have to make the detail view scrollable by embedding the content in a ScrollView like

struct RestaurantDetailView: View {

let restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

VStack {


ScrollView(.vertical) {


DetailInfoView(icon: "map", info:

DetailInfoView(icon: "phone", info:
DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:
.cornerRadius(10, antialiased: true)

Except the handlebar, the rest of the views are wrapped within the scroll view. If you run
the app in the preview canvas again, the detail view is now scrollable.

Adjusting the Offset

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 399
A bottom sheet is overlaid on top of the original content but usually only covers part of it.
Therefore, we have to adjust the detail view's offset so that it only covers part of the
screen. To achieve that, we can attach the offset modifier to the VStack like this:

.offset(y: 300)

This moves the detail view downward by 300 points. If you test the code in the preview
canvas, the detail view should be shifted to the lower part of the screen.

Figure 6. Adjusting the offset of the detail view

To make it look more like the final result, you can also change the background color of
RestaurantDetailView_Previews like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 400
struct RestaurantDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: restaurants[0])

The detail view looks pretty good right now. However, one problem is that the offset is set
to a fixed value. As the app is going to support multiple devices or screen sizes, the offset
value should be able to adjust itself automatically.

The offset value should be set to half of the screen height. So, how can you find out the
screen size of a device? SwiftUI provides a container view called GeometryReader that
gives you access to the size and position of the parent view. Therefore, to get the screen
height, all you need to do is wrap the VStack with a GeometryReader like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 401
struct RestaurantDetailView: View {
let restaurant: Restaurant

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {


ScrollView(.vertical) {


DetailInfoView(icon: "map", info:

DetailInfoView(icon: "phone", info:
DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:
.cornerRadius(10, antialiased: true)
.offset(y: geometry.size.height/2)

In the closure, we can access the size of the parent view using the geometry parameter.
This is why we set the offset modifier like this:

.offset(y: geometry.size.height/2)

To correctly compute the full screen size, we added the edgesIgnoringSafeArea modifier
and set its parameter to .all to completely ignore the safe area.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 402
Now run the app again in the preview canvas. You should have a bottom sheet which
takes up half of the screen size.

Figure 7. Adjusting the offset of the detail view

Bring Up the Detail View

Now that the detail view is pretty much done. Let's go back to the list view (i.e.
ContentView.swift ) to bring it up whenever a user selects a restaurant.

In the ContentView struct, declare two state variables:

@State private var showDetail = false

@State private var selectedRestaurant: Restaurant?

The showDetail variable indicates whether the detail view is shown, while the
selectedRestaurant variable stores the user's chosen restaurant.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 403
As you've learned in an earlier chapter, you can attach the onTapGesture modifier to
detect the tap gesture. So, when a tap is recognized, we toggle the value of showDetail
and update the value of selectedRestaurant like this:

List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.onTapGesture {
self.showDetail = true
self.selectedRestaurant = restaurant

The detail view, which is the bottom sheet, is expected to overlay on top of the list view.
To achieve that, embed the navigation view in a ZStack . Right below the navigation view,
we will check if the detail view is enabled and initialize it like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 404
var body: some View {
ZStack {
NavigationView {
List {
ForEach(restaurants) { restaurant in
BasicImageRow(restaurant: restaurant)
.onTapGesture {
self.showDetail = true
self.selectedRestaurant = restaurant


if showDetail {
if let selectedRestaurant = selectedRestaurant {
RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: selectedRestaurant)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))

We attach the transition modifier to the detail view such that it uses the move
transition type. The selectedRestaurant property is defined as an optional. This means it
can either have a value or nil. Before accessing the value of the property, it's required to
check if selectedRestaurant has a value or not. Therefore, we use if let to perform the
verification. As a side note, this if let operator is only supported in iOS 14 (or up).

If you run the app in the preview canvas, it will bring up the detail view when you select a
restaurant. However, the implementation of the bottom sheet is far from completion.

First, the list view is not blocked from user interaction when the bottom sheet is active. In
fact, the list view should be dimmed to indicate it's the back layer.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 405
To implement this, we create an empty view and place it between the list view and the
detail view. In the ContentView.swift file, insert the following code to create the empty

struct BlankView : View {

var bgColor: Color

var body: some View {

VStack {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinit

Next, update the if clause like this:

if showDetail {

BlankView(bgColor: .black)
.onTapGesture {
self.showDetail = false

if let selectedRestaurant = selectedRestaurant {

RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: selectedRestaurant)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))

When the detail view is displayed, we place an empty view right below it. The empty view
is filled in black and semi opaque. This will block users from interacting with the list view
but still keep them in the original context. We also attach a tap gesture recognizer to the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 406
empty view, so that the detail view will be dismissed whenever the user taps the empty

Figure 8. Dimming the list view

Now run the app and try out the changes. When you tap the dimmed area, you can close
the detail view.

Adding Animations
We are a little bit closer to the final product, but there are a few things we still need to
take care of. Were you aware that the transition of the detail view was not animated?
While we have the .transition modifier, the transition will only be animated when we
pair it with an animation.

So, go back to RestaurantDetailView.swift and attach the .animation modifier to the

VStack like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 407
VStack {
.offset(y: geometry.size.height/2)
.animation(.interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 200.0, damping: 25.0, initialVelocity:

In the code, we use the interpolatingSpring animation. The values of stiffness, damping,
and initialVelocity can be changed. You can play around with the values to find out the
best animation for your app.

I also want to add a subtle animation to the list view, such that it shifts a little bit upward
when we bring up the detail view. Go back to ContentView.swift . Attach an .offset and
.animation modifier to the navigation view:

NavigationView {
List {

.offset(y: showDetail ? -100 : 0)
.animation(.easeOut(duration: 0.2))

Now run the app in the preview canvas again. You should see a nice animated effect when
the detail view is displayed.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 408
Figure 9. Adding animations to the bottom sheet

Adding Gesture Support

Now that we have a half-baked bottom sheet, the next step is to make it expandable with
gesture support. As mentioned at the very beginning of the chapter, users can slide the
view up to expand its size. Or slide it down to minimize or dismiss it.

Since you've learned how drag gesture works in the previous chapter, we will apply a
similar technique to create the expandable detail view. The implementation of the
dragging gesture of this expandable bottom sheet is more complicated than before.

In RestaurantDetailView.swift , first define an Enum to represent the drag state:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 409
enum DragState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)

var translation: CGSize {

switch self {
case .inactive, .pressing:
return .zero
case .dragging(let translation):
return translation

var isDragging: Bool {

switch self {
case .pressing, .dragging:
return true
case .inactive:
return false

Furthermore, declare a gesture state variable to keep track of the drag and a state
variable to store the position offset of the bottom sheet:

@GestureState private var dragState = DragState.inactive

@State private var positionOffset: CGFloat = 0.0

To recognize the drag, we can attach the .gesture modifier to the VStack :

.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
state = .dragging(translation: value.translation)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 410
In the updating function, we simply update the dragState property with the latest drag

Finally, modify the .offset modifier of the VStack like this to move the detail view:

.offset(y: geometry.size.height/2 + self.dragState.translation.height + self.posit


Instead of a fixed value, the drag's translation and the position offset will be taken into
account for calculating the offset. This is how we enable the detail view to support the
drag gesture.

If you test the detail view in the preview canvas, you should be able to slide the view by
dragging the handlebar. Select the image (content view) and drag upwards, it's nearly
impossible to slide up/down the view by dragging the content view.

Figure 10. Dragging the content part of the detail view won't slide up the view

Why couldn't we drag the content view to expand the detail view?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 411
Don't forget, the content part of the detail view is embedded in a scroll view. Therefore,
we actually have two gesture recognizers here: the one built into the scroll view and the
drag gesture we added.

So, how do we fix it? One way is to disable the user interaction with the scroll view. You
can add the .disabled modifier to the scroll view and set its value to true :


Once you attach this modifier to ScrollView , you will be able to slide up/down the detail
view by dragging the content part.

But here comes to the next question. Users can't interact with the scroll view when it's
disabled. That means the user can't view the full content of the restaurant. Therefore, we
still need to make the content part scrollable.

Obviously, we need to figure out a way to control the enablement of the scroll view. A
simple solution is to disable the scroll view when it's in half open state. After the detail
view is fully opened, we enable the scrolling again.

The other problem with the current implementation is that the detail view won't stay
fully open even if the user slides the view all the way up to the status bar. It just bounces
back to the half-open state when the drag ends. Additionally, you can't dismiss the detail
view when you slide it down to the end of the screen.

How do we tackle these problems?

Handling the Half-opened State

Let's first handle the issue of the half-opened state. This is the default state when the
detail view is brought up. In this state, there are two scenarios that can happen:

1. The user chooses to slide up the view to make it fully open. But the user may drag the
view a bit upward and then drag it down to cancel the action.

2. Alternatively, the user can choose to slide the view down to dismiss it. Again, the
user may drag it back to up to cancel the dismissal.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 412
As you can see from these scenarios, other than keeping track of the drag offset, we need
some kind of threshold to control the opening and dismissal of the view.

Figure 11. Adding thresholds to control the dragging and view state

The figure above shows you the thresholds we are going to define for the half-opened

Threshold #1 - once the drag goes beyond this threshold, the detail view becomes
fully open.
Threshold #2 - when the drag moves lower than this threshold, the detail view will
be dismissed.

Now that you understand how the half opened view should work, let's move onto the
coding part. First, we declare another Enum in RestaurantDetailView.swift to represent
these two view states:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 413
enum ViewState {
case full
case half

In RestaurantDetailView , declare another state property to store the current view state. By
default, it's set to half open:

@State private var viewState = ViewState.half

Also, in order to dismiss the view itself, we need the ContentView to pass us the binding
of its state variable. So, declare the isShow binding variable like this:

@Binding var isShow: Bool

Obviously, we need to figure out a way to control the enablement of the scroll view.
A simple solution is to disable the scroll view when it's in half open state. After the
detail view is fully opened, we enable the scrolling again.

Let's fix the scrolling issue of the scroll view. Attach the .disabled modifier to the
ScrollView like this:

.disabled(self.viewState == .half)

Here, we disable the user interaction with the scroll view when the detail view is in half
opened state.

Now, let's implement the thresholds that we just discussed. As you've learned before,
when the drag ends, SwiftUI automatically calls the onEnded function. So, we will handle
the thresholds in this function. Now update the .gesture modifier like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 414
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
state = .dragging(translation: value.translation)
.onEnded({ (value) in

if self.viewState == .half {
// Threshold #1
// Slide up and when it goes beyond the threshold
// change the view state to fully opened by updating
// the position offset
if value.translation.height < -geometry.size.height * 0.25 {
self.positionOffset = -geometry.size.height/2 + 50
self.viewState = .full

// Threshold #2
// Slide down and when it goes pass the threshold
// dismiss the view by setting isShow to false
if value.translation.height > geometry.size.height * 0.3 {
self.isShow = false


I compute the threshold by using the screen height. For instance, threshold #2 is set to
one-third of the screen height. This is just a sample value. You may alter it you desire.

Take a look at the code comments if you need further explanation about how the code

Since, we added a binding variable in RestaurantDetailView , we have to update the code of

RestaurantDetailView_Previews :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 415
struct RestaurantDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: restaurants[0], isShow: .constant(true))

Similarly, you need to go back to ContentView.swift to make the change according:

if let selectedRestaurant = selectedRestaurant {

RestaurantDetailView(restaurant: selectedRestaurant, isShow: $showDetail)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))

After all this hard work, it's time to test out the expandable detail view. Run the app in
the simulator or preview canvas, you should be able to drag down the detailed view to
dismiss it. Or drag it up to open it fully.

Figure 12. Drag the detail view upward to fully open it

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 416
Handling the Fully Open State
Now that you are able to drag down the detailed view to dismiss it or drag the view up to
open it fully. It works pretty well but there is an issue that the scroll view overrides our
drag gesture when the view is fully open. In other words, you can scroll through the
content but can't revert the view back to the half opened state.

Before we fix this scrolling issue, let's first fix a minor issue with the detailed view. You
may notice that when the detailed view is in the fully open state, you can't scroll to the
end of the description. To resolve this issue, open RestaurantDetailView.swift and update
the DetailInfoView for displaying the restaurant description like this:

DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:

.padding(.bottom, 100)

We simply attach an additional .padding modifier to increase the empty space. This will
allow you to scroll through the description properly.

Now let's go back to the scrolling issue. How can we let users scroll through the content
and revert the view to half open by using the drag gesture? The user drags the view up to
reveal the content. Conversely, the user will drag the view down when he/she wants to
dismiss the detailed view. Right now, you can drag down the scroll view but the problem
is that it will bounce back to the top when you release your finger.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 417
Figure 13. Dragging the scroll view in both directions

Since the scroll view blocks the drag gesture we attached, we have to find an alternate
way to detect this "drag down" gesture. You've learned how to use GeometryReader to
measure the size of a view. It can also be used to find out the scroll offset as indicated in
figure 13.

In RestaurandDetailView , add the following code inside ScrollView and place it right
above TitleBar() :

GeometryReader { scrollViewProxy in
Text("\(scrollViewProxy.frame(in: .named("scrollview")).minY)")
.frame(height: 0)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 418
This is not the final code. I just want to show you how to use GeometryReader to read the
scroll offset. In the closure of GeometryReader , we use the scrollViewProxy to figure out
the offset by calling the frame function and retrieve the value of minY . When calling the
frame function, you have to pass it your preferred coordinate space. Here, we define our

own coordinate space, which is confined to the scroll view.

In order to define our own coordinate space, attach the .coordinateSpace modifer to the
ScrollView :

.coordinateSpace(name: "scrollview")

You may wonder why we have to use our own coordinate space instead of .global . Take
a look at figure 13 again. The dotted red line is the reference point, which should have an
offset value of zero. By defining the coordinate space confined to the scroll view, we can
make that possible.

Now run the app in a simulator. Bring up the detail view and make it fully open. When
you drag the view down, you should see the drag offset. As you can see in figure 14, the
offset increases as you drag farther from the top bar.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 419
Figure 14. Dragging the scroll view in both directions

Introducing PreferenceKey
Now that we have figured out a way to retrieve the scroll offset, the next question is how
to let its parent views know about the offset for further processing. The SwiftUI
framework provides a protocol called PreferenceKey which allows you to easily pass data
from child views to its ancestors.

In order to pass the scroll offset using preferences, we have to create a struct conforming
to the PreferenceKey protocol like below. Insert the following code snippet in
RestaurantDetailView.swift :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 420
struct ScrollOffsetKey: PreferenceKey {
typealias Value = CGFloat

static var defaultValue =

static func reduce(value: inout Value, nextValue: () -> Value) {

value += nextValue()

The protocol has two requirements. First, you have to define the default value, which is
zero for our implementation. Second, you need to implement the reduce function to
combine the offset values into one.

Next, modify the GeometryReader created in the previous section like this:

GeometryReader { scrollViewProxy in
Color.clear.preference(key: ScrollOffsetKey.self, value: scrollViewProxy.frame(
in: .named("scrollview")).minY)
.frame(height: 0)

In the code, we retrieve the scroll offset and save it into the preference key. We use the
Color.clear view to make the view invisible to the users.

The next question is how can you retrieve the scroll offset from the preference?

One simple way is to use the .onPreferenceChange modifier to observe the value change.
You can attach the modifier to the VStack and place it under the .gesture modifier like

.onPreferenceChange(ScrollOffsetKey.self) { value in

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 421
Here we simply print the value of the offset. When you run the app in a simulator, you
should see the offset value in the console while dragging the detail view.

Now that you have some basic idea how PreferenceKey works, let's finish the
implementation and make the detail view return to the half open state.

Declare a new state variable to keep track of the scroll offset:

@State private var scrollOffset: CGFloat = 0.0

Next, update the .onPreferenceChange modifer like this:

.onPreferenceChange(ScrollOffsetKey.self) { value in
if self.viewState == .full {
self.scrollOffset = value > 0 ? value : 0

if self.scrollOffset > 120 {

self.positionOffset = 0
self.viewState = .half
self.scrollOffset = 0

When there is a change of the scroll offset, we check if it exceeds our preset threshold (i.e.
120). If it's true, we set the view state back to .half . Now attach another .offset
modifier to the VStack :

.offset(y: self.scrollOffset)

The purpose of this additional .offset modifier is to move the detail view down. If you
run the app on a simulator, you should be able to drag the fully open view down to revert
it back to the half open state.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 422
Figure 15. Sliding down the view when it's in fully open state

You may notice that there is a minor bounce effect when you drag the scroll view down.
To resolve the issue, you can wrap the subviews inside the scroll view with a vertical stack
and attach an .offset modifier to it.

VStack {


DetailInfoView(icon: "map", info:

DetailInfoView(icon: "phone", info:
DetailInfoView(icon: nil, info:
.padding(.bottom, 100)
.offset(y: -self.scrollOffset)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 423
This is a huge chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. In this chapter, we utilized everything
you have learned so far to build a expandable bottom sheet. I tried my best to document
my thought process on tackling issues I discovered when I built the sheet. I really hope
this helps you understand my solution and code.

One of the advantages of SwiftUI is that it encourages you to build modular UI

components. We haven't done it yet. But, as you may discover, it is pretty easy to turn
this restaurant detail view into a generic bottom sheet that supports various types of
content by using the techniques that I covered in the previous chapter.

Try to build the generic bottom sheet by yourself and make it a reusable component for
your projects.

For reference, you can download the complete bottom sheet project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 424
Chapter 19
Creating a Tinder-like UI with
Gestures and Animations
Wasn't it fun to build an expandable bottom sheet? Let's continue to apply what we
learned about gestures to a real-world project. I'm not sure if you've used the Tinder app
before. But you've probably come across a Tinder-like user interface in other apps. The
swiping motion is central to Tinder's UI design and has become one of the most popular
mobile UI patterns. Users swipe right to like a photo or swipe left to dislike it.

What we are going to do in this chapter is to build a simple app with a Tinder-like UI. The
app presents users with a deck of travel cards and allows them to use the swipe gesture to
like/dislike a card.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 425
Figure 1. Building a tinder-like user interface

Note that we are not going to build a fully functional app but focus only on the Tinder-
like UI.

Project Preparation
It would be great if you want to use your own images. But to save you time preparing trip
images, I have created a starter project for you. You can download it from This
project comes with a set of photos for the travel cards.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 426
Figure 2. Preloaded with a set of travel photos

I have also prepared the test data for the demo app and created the Trip.swift file to
represent a trip:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 427
struct Trip {
var destination: String
var image: String

var trips = [ Trip(destination: "Yosemite, USA", image: "yosemite-usa"),
Trip(destination: "Venice, Italy", image: "venice-italy"),
Trip(destination: "Hong Kong", image: "hong-kong"),
Trip(destination: "Barcelona, Spain", image: "barcelona-spain"),
Trip(destination: "Braies, Italy", image: "braies-italy"),
Trip(destination: "Kanangra, Australia", image: "kanangra-australia"
Trip(destination: "Mount Currie, Canada", image: "mount-currie-canad
Trip(destination: "Ohrid, Macedonia", image: "ohrid-macedonia"),
Trip(destination: "Oia, Greece", image: "oia-greece"),
Trip(destination: "Palawan, Philippines", image: "palawan-philippine
Trip(destination: "Salerno, Italy", image: "salerno-italy"),
Trip(destination: "Tokyo, Japan", image: "tokyo-japan"),
Trip(destination: "West Vancouver, Canada", image: "west-vancouver-c
Trip(destination: "Singapore", image: "garden-by-bay-singapore"),
Trip(destination: "Perhentian Islands, Malaysia", image: "perhentian

In case you prefer to use your own images and data, simply replace the images in the
asset catalog and update Trip.swift .

Building the Card Views and Menu Bars

Before implementing the swipe feature, let's start by creating the main UI. I will break
the main screen into three parts:

1. The top menu bar

2. The card view

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 428
3. The bottom menu bar

Figure 3. The main screen

Card View
First, let's create a card view. If you want to challenge yourself, I highly recommend you
stop here and implement it without following this section. Otherwise, keep reading.

To better organize the code, we will implement the card view in a separate file. In the
project navigator, create a new file using the SwiftUI View template and name it
CardView.swift .

The CardView is designed to display different photos and titles. So, declare two variables
for storing these data:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 429
let image: String
let title: String

The main screen is going to display a deck of card views. Later, we will use ForEach to
loop through an array of card views and present them. If you still remember the usage of
ForEach , SwiftUI needs to know how to uniquely identify each item in the array.

Therefore, we will make CardView conform to the Identifiable protocol and introduce
an id variable like this:

struct CardView: View, Identifiable {

let id = UUID()
let image: String
let title: String


In case you forgot what the Identifiable protocol is, please refer to chapter 10.

Now let's continue to implement the card view and update the body variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 430
var body: some View {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.padding(.horizontal, 15)

VStack {

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.padding(.horizontal, 30)
.padding(.vertical, 10)
.padding([.bottom], 20)

, alignment: .bottom)

The card view is composed of an image and a text component, which is overlayed on top
of the image. We set the image to the scaleToFill mode and round the corners by using
the cornerRadius modifier. The text component is used to display the destination of the

We have an in-depth discussion about a similar implementation of the card view in

chapter 5. If you don't fully understand the code, please check out that chapter again.

You can't preview the card view yet because you have to provide the values of both image
and title in the CardView_Previews . Therefore, update the CardView_Previews struct like

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 431
struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
CardView(image: "yosemite-usa", title: "Yosemite, USA")

I simply use one of the images in the asset catalog for preview purposes. You are free to
alter the image and title to fit your own needs. In the preview canvas, you should now see
the card view similar to figure 4.

Figure 4. Previewing the card view

Menu Bars and Main UI

With the card view ready, we can move on to implementing the main UI. The main UI
has the card and two menu bars. For both menu bars, I will create a separate struct for
each of them.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 432
Now open ContentView.swift and start the implementation. For the top bar menu, create
a new struct like this:

struct TopBarMenu: View {

var body: some View {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "line.horizontal.3")
.font(.system(size: 30))
Image(systemName: "mappin.and.ellipse")
.font(.system(size: 35))
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 30))

The three icons are arranged using a horizontal stack with equal spacing. For the bottom
bar menu, the implementation is pretty much the same. Insert the following code in
ContentView.swift to create the menu bar:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 433
struct BottomBarMenu: View {
var body: some View {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "xmark")
.font(.system(size: 30))

Button(action: {
// Book the trip
}) {
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))
.padding(.horizontal, 35)
.padding(.vertical, 15)

.padding(.horizontal, 20)

Image(systemName: "heart")
.font(.system(size: 30))


We are not going to implement the "Book Trip" feature, so the action block is left blank.
The rest of the code should be self explanatory assuming you understand how stacks and
images work.

Before building the main UI, let me show you a trick to preview these two menu bars. It's
not mandatory to put these bars in the ContentView in order to preview their look and

Now update the ContentView_Previews struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 434
struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {

Here we use Group to group the preview of multiple components. Without specifying any
preview option (like ContentView ), Xcode displays the preview on the current simulator.
For both TopBarMenu and BottomBarMenu , we tell Xcode to preview the layout in a
container view. Figure 5 gives you a better idea what the preview looks like.

Figure 5. Previewing the menu bars

The .sizeThatFits option instructs Xcode to resize the container view to fit the content.
Alternatively, you can update the preview code like below to create a fixed size container

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 435
TopBarMenu().previewLayout(.fixed(width: 375, height: 60))
BottomBarMenu().previewLayout(.fixed(width: 375, height: 60))

Okay, let's continue to lay out the main UI. Update the ContentView like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
VStack {

CardView(image: "yosemite-usa", title: "Yosemite, USA")

Spacer(minLength: 20)


In the code, we simply arrange the UI components we have built using a VStack . Your
preview should now show you the main screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 436
Figure 6. Previewing the main UI

Implementing the Card Deck

With all the preparation, we finally comes to the implementation of the Tinder-like UI.
For those who haven't used the Tinder app before, let me first explain how a Tinder-like
UI works.

You can imagine a Tinder-like UI as a deck of piled photo cards. For our demo app, the
photo is a destination of a trip. Swiping the topmost card (i.e. the first trip) slightly to the
left or right unveils the next card (i.e. the next trip) underneath. If the user releases the
card, the app brings the card to the original position. But, when the user swipes hard
enough, he/she can throw away the card and the app will bring the second card forward
to become the topmost card.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 437
Figure 7. How the Tinder-like UI works

The main screen we have implemented only contains a single card view. So, how can we
implement the pile of card views?

The most straightforward way is to overlay each of the card views on top of each other
using a ZStack . Let's try to do this. Update the ContentView struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 438
struct ContentView: View {

var cardViews: [CardView] = {

var views = [CardView]()

for trip in trips {

views.append(CardView(image: trip.image, title: trip.destination))

return views

var body: some View {

VStack {

ZStack {
ForEach(cardViews) { cardView in

Spacer(minLength: 20)


In the code above, we initialize an array of cardViews containing all the trips, which was
defined in the Trip.swift file. In the body variable, we loop through all the card views
and overlay one with another by wrapping them in a ZStack .

The preview canvas should show you the same UI but with another image.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 439
Figure 8. Building the deck of card views

Why did it display another image? If you refer to the trips array defined in Trip.swift ,
the image is the last element of the array. In the ForEach block, the first trip is placed at
the lowermost part of the deck. Thus, the last trip becomes the topmost photo of the

How do you make sure all the images are laid out since we can only see the last image?
Instead of using the preview canvas, try to run the project in a simulator. After the app is
launched, click the Debug View Hierarchy button.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 440
Figure 9. Click the Debug View Hierarchy button

Xcode then shows you a 3D rendering of the view hierarchy. You can rotate the rendering
to inspect the views. As you can see in figure 10, you can reveal all the layers of the card

Figure 10. Click the Debug View Hierarchy button

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 441
Our card deck has two issues:

1. The first trip of the trips array is supposed to be the topmost card, however, it's
now the lowermost card.
2. We rendered 15 card views for 15 trips. What if we have 10,000 trips or even more in
the future? Should we create one card view for each of the trips? Is there a resource
efficient way to implement the card deck?

Let's first fix the card order issue. SwiftUI provides the zIndex modifier for you to
indicate the order of the views in a ZStack. A view with a higher value of zIndex is placed
on top of those with a lower value. So, the topmost card should have the largest value of
zIndex .

With this in mind, we create the following new function in ContentView :

private func isTopCard(cardView: CardView) -> Bool {

guard let index = cardViews.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) else {

return false

return index == 0

While looping through the card views, we have to figure out a way to identify the topmost
card. The function above takes in a card view, find out its index, and tells you if the card
view is the topmost one.

Next, update the code block of ZStack like this:

ZStack {
ForEach(cardViews) { cardView in
.zIndex(self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? 1 : 0)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 442
We added the zIndex modifier for each of the card views. The topmost card is assigned a
higher value of zIndex . In the preview canvas, you should now see the photo of the first
trip (i.e. Yosemite, USA).

For the second issue, it’s more complicated. Our goal is to make sure the card deck can
support tens of thousands of card views but without becoming resource intensive.

Let’s take a deeper look at the card deck. Do we actually need to initiate an individual
card view for each trip photo? To create this card deck UI, we can just create two card
views and overlay them with each other.

When the topmost card view is thrown away, the card view underneath becomes the
topmost card. And, at the same time, we immediately initiate a new card view with a
different photo and put it behind the topmost card. No matter how many photos you
need to display in the card deck, the app has only two card views at all times. However,
from a user point of view, the UI is composed of a pile of cards.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 443
Figure 11. How we use two card views to create a deck

Now that you understand how we are going to construct the card deck, let’s move onto
the implementation.

First, update the cardViews array, we no longer need to initialize all the trips but only the
first two. Later, when the first trip (i.e. the first card) is thrown away, we will add another
one to it.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 444
var cardViews: [CardView] = {

var views = [CardView]()

for index in 0..<2 {

views.append(CardView(image: trips[index].image, title: trips[index].desti

return views

After the code change, the UI should look exactly the same. Run it in a simulator and
debug the view hierarchy. You should only see two card views in the deck.

Figure 12. Using debug view hierarchy to view the card views

Implementing the Swiping Motion

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 445
Before we dynamically create a new card view, we have to implement the swipe feature
first. If you forgot how to work with gestures, read chapters 17 and 18 again. We will
reuse some of the code discussed before.

First, define the DragState enum in ContentView , which represents the possible drag

enum DragState {
case inactive
case pressing
case dragging(translation: CGSize)

var translation: CGSize {

switch self {
case .inactive, .pressing:
return .zero
case .dragging(let translation):
return translation

var isDragging: Bool {

switch self {
case .dragging:
return true
case .pressing, .inactive:
return false

var isPressing: Bool {

switch self {
case .pressing, .dragging:
return true
case .inactive:
return false

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 446
Once again, if you don't understand what an enum is used for, stop here and review the
chapters on gestures. Next, let's define a @GestureState variable to store the drag state,
which is set to inactive by default:

@GestureState private var dragState = DragState.inactive

Now, update the body part like this:

var body: some View {

VStack {

ZStack {
ForEach(cardViews) { cardView in
.zIndex(self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? 1 : 0)
.offset(x: self.dragState.translation.width, y: self.dragStat
.scaleEffect(self.dragState.isDragging ? 0.95 : 1.0)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: Double( self.dragState.translat
ion.width / 10)))
.animation(.interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 180, damping: 100))
.gesture(LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transact
ion) in
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?
? .zero)



Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 447

Spacer(minLength: 20)

.opacity(dragState.isDragging ? 0.0 : 1.0)

Basically, we apply what we learned in the gesture chapter to implement the dragging.
The .gesture modifier has two gesture recognizers: long press and drag. When the drag
gesture is detected, we update the dragState variable and store the translation of the

The combination of the offset , scaleEffect , rotationEffect , and animation modifiers

create the drag effect. The drag is made possible by updating the offset of the card view.
When the card view is in the dragging state, we will scale it down a little bit by using
scaleEffect and rotate it at a certain angle by applying the rotationEffect modifier. The

animation is set to interpolatingSpring , but you are free to try out other animations.

We also made some code changes to the BottomBarMenu . While a user is dragging the card
view, I want to hide the bottom bar. Thus, we apply the .opacity modifier and set its
value to zero when it's in the dragging state.

After you make the change, run the project in the preview canvas to test it. You should be
able to drag the card and move around. And, when you release the card, it returns to its
original position.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 448
Figure 13. Dragging the card view

Do you notice a problem here? While the drag is working, you're actually dragging the
whole card deck! It's supposed to only drag the topmost card and the card underneath
should stay unchanged. Also, the scaling effect should only apply to the topmost card.

To fix the issues, we need to modify the code of the offset , scaleEffect , and
rotationEffect modifiers such that the dragging only happens for the topmost card view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 449
ZStack {
ForEach(cardViews) { cardView in
.zIndex(self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? 1 : 0)
.offset(x: self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? self.dragState.transla
tion.width : 0, y: self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? self.dragState.translation
.height : 0)
.scaleEffect(self.dragState.isDragging && self.isTopCard(cardView: car
dView) ? 0.95 : 1.0)
.rotationEffect(Angle(degrees: self.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? Do
uble( self.dragState.translation.width / 10) : 0))
.animation(.interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 180, damping: 100))
.gesture(LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)



Just focus on the changes to the offset , scaleEffect , and rotationEffect modifiers.
The rest of the code was kept intact. For those modifiers, we introduce an additional
check such that the effects are only applied to the topmost card.

Now if you run the app again, you should see the card underneath and drag the topmost

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 450
Figure 14. The dragging effect only applies to the topmost card

Displaying the Heart and xMark icons

Cool! The drag is now working. However, it's not done yet. The user should be able to
swipe right/left to throw away the topmost card. And, there should be an icon (heart or
xmark) shown on the card depending on the swiping direction.

First, let's declare a drag threshold in ContentView :

private let dragThreshold: CGFloat = 80.0

Once the translation of a drag passes the threshold, we will overlay an icon (either heart
or xmark) on the card. Furthermore, if the user releases the card, the app will remove it
from the deck, create a new one, and place the new card to the back of the deck.

To overlay the icon, add an overlay modifier to the cardViews . You can insert the
following code under the .zIndex modifier:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 451
ZStack {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.opacity(self.dragState.translation.width < -self.dragThreshold && self
.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? 1.0 : 0)

Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 100))
.opacity(self.dragState.translation.width > self.dragThreshold && self
.isTopCard(cardView: cardView) ? 1.0 : 0.0)

By default, both images are hidden by setting its opacity to zero. The translation's width
has a positive value if the drag is to the right. Otherwise, it's a negative value. Depending
on the drag direction, the app will unveil one of the images when the drag's translation
exceeds the threshold.

You can run the project to have a quick test. When your drag exceeds the threshold, the
heart/xmark icon will appear.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 452
Figure 15. The heart icon appears

Removing/Inserting the Cards

Now when you release the card, it will still return to its original position. How do we
remove the topmost card and add a new card at the same time?

First, let's mark the cardViews array with @State so that we can update its value and
refresh the UI:

@State var cardViews: [CardView] = {

var views = [CardView]()

for index in 0..<2 {

views.append(CardView(image: trips[index].image, title: trips[index].desti

return views

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 453
Next, declare another state variable to keep track of the last index of the trip. Say, when
the card deck is first initialized, we display the first two trips stored in the trips array.
The last index is set to 1 .

@State private var lastIndex = 1

Okay, here comes the core function for removing and inserting the card views. Define a
new function called moveCard :

private func moveCard() {


self.lastIndex += 1
let trip = trips[lastIndex % trips.count]

let newCardView = CardView(image: trip.image, title: trip.destination)


This function first removes the topmost card from the cardViews array, then it
instantiates a new card view with the subsequent trip's image. Since cardViews is defined
as a state property, SwiftUI will render the card views again once the array's value is
changed. This is how we remove the topmost card and insert a new one to the deck.

For this demo, I want the card deck to keep showing a trip. After the last photo of the
trips array is displayed, the app will revert back to the first element (note the modulus

operator % in the code above).

Next, update the .gesture modifier and insert the .onEnded function:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 454
.gesture(LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


if drag.translation.width < -self.dragThreshold ||

drag.translation.width > self.dragThreshold {


When the drag gesture ends, we check if the drag's translation exceeds the threshold and
call the moveCard() accordingly.

Now run the project in the preview canvas. Drag the image to the right/left until the icon
appears. Release the drag and the topmost card should be replaced by the next card.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 455
Figure 16. Removing the topmost card

Fine Tuning the Animations

The app almost works but the animation falls short of expectations. Instead of having the
card view disappear abruptly, the card should fall out of the screen gradually when it's
thrown away.

To fine tune the animation effect, we will attach the transition modifier and apply an
asymmetric transition to the card views.

Add the extension, AnyTransition to the bottom of ContentView.swift and define two
transition effects:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 456
extension AnyTransition {
static var trailingBottom: AnyTransition {
insertion: .identity,
removal: AnyTransition.move(edge: .trailing).combined(with: .move(edge
: .bottom))

static var leadingBottom: AnyTransition {

insertion: .identity,
removal: AnyTransition.move(edge: .leading).combined(with: .move(edge:

The reason why we use asymmetric transitions is that we only want to animate the
transition when the card view is removed. When a new card view is inserted in the deck,
there should be no animation.

The trailingBottom transition is used when the card view is thrown away to the right of
the screen, while we apply the leadingBottom transition when the card view is thrown
away to the left.

Next, declare a state property that holds the transition type. It's set to trailingBottom by

@State private var removalTransition = AnyTransition.trailingBottom

Now attach the .transition modifier to the card view. You can place it after the
.animation modifier:


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 457
Finally, update the code of the .gesture modifier with the onChanged function like this:

.gesture(LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.01)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(translation: drag?.translation ?? .zero)

.onChanged({ (value) in
guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {

if drag.translation.width < -self.dragThreshold {

self.removalTransition = .leadingBottom

if drag.translation.width > self.dragThreshold {

self.removalTransition = .trailingBottom

.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


if drag.translation.width < -self.dragThreshold ||

drag.translation.width > self.dragThreshold {


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 458

The code sets the removalTransition . The transition type is updated according to the
swipe direction. Now you're ready to run the app again. You should now see an improved
animation when the card is thrown away.

With SwiftUI, you can easily build some cool animations and mobile UI patterns. This
Tinder-like UI is an examples.

I hope you fully understand what I covered in this chapter so you can adapt the code to fit
your own project. It’s quite a huge chapter. I wanted to document my thought process
instead of just presenting you with the final solution. Just like you and many other
developers, I am still studying this new framework and exploring its best practices. This
is one of many approaches to create this kind of UI. If you come up with a better
approach, I am happy to discuss it with you. Feel free to send me email at

For reference, you can download the complete tinder project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 459
Chapter 20
Creating an Apple Wallet like
Animation and View Transition
Do you use Apple's Wallet app? In the previous chapter, we built a simple app with a
Tinder-like UI. What we're going to do in this chapter is to create an animated UI similar
to the one you see in the Wallet app. When you tap and hold a credit card in the wallet
app, you can use the drag gesture to rearrange the cards. If you haven't used the app,
open Wallet and take a quick look. Alternatively, you can visit this URL
( to check out the animation we're going to

Figure 1. Building a Wallet-like animations and view transitions

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 460
In the Wallet app, tapping one of the cards will bring up its transaction history. We will
also create a similar animation, so you'll better understand view transitions and
horizontal scroll view.

Project Preparation
To keep you focused on learning animations and view transitions, begin with this starter
project ( The
starter project already bundles the required credit card images and comes with a built-in
transaction history view. If you want to use your own images, please replace them in the
asset catalog.

Figure 2. The starter project bundles the credit card images

In the project navigator, you should find a number of .swift files:

Transaction.swift - the Transaction struct represents a transaction in the wallet

app. Each transaction has an unique ID, merchant, amount, date, and icon. In
addition to the Transaction struct, we also declare an array of test transactions for

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 461
demo purposes.
Card.swift - this file contains the struct of Card . A Card represents the data of a
credit card including the card number, type, expiry date, image, and the customer's
name. Additionally, there is an array of test credit cards in the file. One point to note
is that the card image doesn't include any personal information, only the card brand
(e.g. Visa). Later, we will create a view for a credit card.
TransactionHistoryView.swift - this is the transaction history view displayed in
figure 1. The starter project comes with an implementation of the transaction history
view. We display the transactions in a horizontal scroll view. You've worked with
vertical scroll views before. The trick of creating a horizontal view is to pass a value
of .horizontal during the initialization of a scroll view. Take a look at figure 3 or
simply look at the Swift file for details.
ContentView.swift - this is the default SwiftUI view generated by Xcode.

Figure 3. Using .horizontal to create a horizontal scroll view

Building a Card View

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 462
As mentioned in the previous section, all the card's images do not include any personal
information and card number. Open the asset catalog again and take a look at the images.
Each of the card images only has the card logo. We will soon create a card view to lay out
the personal information and card number, as shown in figure 4.

Figure 4. A sample card

To create the card view, right click the View group in the project navigator and create a
new file. Choose the SwiftUI View template and name the file CardView.swift . Next,
update the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 463
struct CardView: View {
var card: Card

var body: some View {


VStack(alignment: .leading) {
HStack {
Text("Valid Thru")
.padding(.leading, 25)
.padding(.bottom, 20)

, alignment: .bottomLeading)
.shadow(color: .gray, radius: 1.0, x: 0.0, y: 1.0)


We declare a card property to take in the card data. To display the personal information
and card number on the card image, we use the overlay modifier and layout the text
components with a vertical stack view and a horizontal stack view.

To preview the cards, update the CardView_Previews struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 464
struct CardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {
Group {
ForEach(testCards) { card in
CardView(card: card).previewLayout(.sizeThatFits)

The testCards variable was defined in Card.swift . Therefore, we use ForEach to loop
through the cards and preview each card by calling previewLayout . Since we passed
previewLayout with .sizeThatFits , Xcode will layout the card like that shown in figure 5,

instead of displaying it in a simulated device.

Figure 5. Previewing the card views

Building the Wallet View and Card Deck

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 465
Now that we have implemented the card view, let's start to build the wallet view. If you
forgot what the wallet view looks like, take a look at figure 6. We will first layout the card
deck before working on the gestures and animations.

Figure 6. The wallet view

In the project navigator, you should see the ContentView.swift file. Delete it and then
right click the View folder to create a new one. In the dialog, choose SwiftUI View as the
template and name the file WalletView.swift .

If you preview the WalletView or run the app on simulator, Xcode should display an error
because the ContentView is set to the initial view and it was deleted. To fix the error, open
SwiftUIWalletApp.swift and change the following line of code in WindowGroup from:


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 466


Switch back to WalletView.swift . The compilation error will be fixed once you make the
change. Now let's continue to layout the wallet view. First, we'll start with the title bar. In
the WalletView.swift file, insert a new struct for the bar:

struct TopNavBar: View {

var body: some View {

HStack {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))


Image(systemName: "")
.padding(.top, 20)

The code is very straightforward. We laid out the title and the plus image using a
horizontal stack.

Next, we create the card deck. First, declare a property in the WalletView struct for the
array of credit cards:

var cards: [Card] = testCards

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 467
For demo purpose, we simply set the default value to testCards which was defined in the
Card.swift file. To lay out the wallet view, we use both a VStack and ZStack . Update the

body variable like this:

var body: some View {

VStack {



ZStack {
ForEach(cards) { card in
CardView(card: card)
.padding(.horizontal, 35)


If you run the app on simulator or preview the UI directly, you should only see the last
card in the card deck like that shown in figure 7.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 468
Figure 7. Trying to display the card deck

There are two issues with the current implementation:

1. The cards are now overlapped with each other - we need to figure out a way to
spread out the deck of cards.
2. The Discover card is supposed to be the last card - In a ZStack, the items stack on
top of each other. The first item being put into the ZStack becomes the lowermost
layer, while the last item is the uppermost layer. If you look at the testCards array in
Card.swift , the first card is the Visa card, while the last card is the Discover card.

Okay, so how are we going to fix these issues? For the first issue, we can make use of the
offset modifier to spread out the deck of cards. For the second issue, obviously we can

alter the zIndex for each card in the CardView to change the order of the cards. Figure 8
illustrates how the solution works.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 469
Figure 8. Understanding zIndex and offset

Let's first talk about the z-index. Each card's z-index is the negative value of its index in
the cards array. The last item with the largest array index will have the smallest z-index.
For this implementation, we will create an individual function to handle the computation
of z-index. In the WalletView , insert the following code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 470
private func zIndex(for card: Card) -> Double {
guard let cardIndex = index(for: card) else {
return 0.0

return -Double(cardIndex)

private func index(for card: Card) -> Int? {

guard let index = cards.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) else {
return nil

return index

Both functions work together to figure out the correct z-index of a given card. To
compute a correct z-index, the first thing we need is the index of the card in the cards
array. The index(for:) function is designed to get the array index of the given card. Once
we have the index, we can turn it into a negative value. This is what the zIndex(for:)
function does.

Now, you can attach the zIndex modifier to the CardView like this:

CardView(card: card)
.padding(.horizontal, 35)
.zIndex(self.zIndex(for: card))

Once you make the change, the Visa card should move to the top of the deck.

Next, let's fix the first issue to spread out the cards. Each of the cards should be offset by
a certain vertical distance. That distance is computed by using the card's index. Say, we
set the default vertical offset to 50 points. The last card (with the index #4) will be offset
by 200 points (50*4).

Now that you should understand how we are going to spread the cards, let's write the
code. Declare the default vertical offset in WalletView :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 471
private static let cardOffset: CGFloat = 50.0

Next, create a new function called offset(for:) that is used to compute the vertical offset
of the given card:

private func offset(for card: Card) -> CGSize {

guard let cardIndex = index(for: card) else {

return CGSize()

return CGSize(width: 0, height: -50 * CGFloat(cardIndex))


Finally, attach the offset modifier to the CardView :

CardView(card: card)
.offset(self.offset(for: card))
.padding(.horizontal, 35)
.zIndex(self.zIndex(for: card))

That's how we spread the card using the offset modifier. If everything is correct, you
should see a preview like that shown in figure 9.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 472
Figure 9. Spreading the cards

Adding a Slide-in Animation

Now that we have completed the layout of the wallet view, it's time to add some
animations. The first animation I want to add is a slide-in animation. When the app is
first launched, each of the cards slides from the far left of the screen. You may think that
this animation is unnecessary but I want to take this opportunity to show you how to
create an animation and view transition at the app launch.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 473
Figure 10. The slide-in animation

Each of the cards is a view. To implement an animation like that displayed in figure 10,
we need to attach both the transition and animation modifiers to the CardView like

CardView(card: card)
.offset(self.offset(for: card))
.padding(.horizontal, 35)
.zIndex(self.zIndex(for: card))
.transition(AnyTransition.slide.combined(with: .move(edge: .leading)).combined
(with: .opacity))
.animation(self.transitionAnimation(for: card))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 474
For the transition, we combine the default slide transition with the move transition. As
mentioned before, the transition will not be animated without the animation modifier.
This is why we also attach the animation modifier. Since each card has its own
animation, we create a function called transitionAnimation(for:) to compute the
animation. Insert the following code to create the function:

private func transitionAnimation(for card: Card) -> Animation {

var delay = 0.0

if let index = index(for: card) {

delay = Double(cards.count - index) * 0.1

return Animation.spring(response: 0.1, dampingFraction: 0.8, blendDuration: 0.


In fact, all the cards have a similar animation, which is a spring animation. The difference
is in the delay. The last card of the deck will appear first, thus the value of the delay
should be the smallest. The formula below is how we compute the delay for each of the
cards. The smaller the index, the longer the delay.

delay = Double(cards.count - index) * 0.1

The view transition still doesn't work because we need some way to trigger the transition.
Let's declare a state variable at the beginning of CardView :

@State var isCardPresented = false

This variable indicates whether the cards should be presented on screen. By default, it's
set to false . Next, modify the code of the ZStack like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 475
ZStack {
if isCardPresented {
ForEach(cards) { card in
CardView(card: card)
.offset(self.offset(for: card))
.padding(.horizontal, 35)
.zIndex(self.zIndex(for: card))
.transition(AnyTransition.slide.combined(with: .move(edge: .leadin
g)).combined(with: .opacity))
.animation(self.transitionAnimation(for: card))

We wrap the ForEach loop with a if clause. Since the value of isCardPresented is set to
false , all the card views are not displayed by default.

So, how can we trigger the view transition of the card view at the app launch? The trick is
to use onAppear and attach it to the ZStack :

.onAppear {

When the ZStack appears, we change the value of isCardPresented from false to true .
This will trigger the view animation of the cards. After applying the changes, hit the Play
button in the preview canvas to see the result.

Handling the Tap Gesture and Displaying the

Transaction History
When a user taps a card, the app moves the selected card upward and brings up the
transaction history. For those non-selected cards, they are moved off the screen.

To implement this feature, we need two more state variables. Declare these variables in
WalletView :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 476
@State var isCardPressed = false
@State var selectedCard: Card?

The isCardPressed variable indicates if a card is selected, while the selectedCard variable
stores the card selected by the user.

.onEnded({ _ in
withAnimation {
self.selectedCard = self.isCardPressed ? card : nil

To handle the tap gesture, we attach the above gesture modifier to the CardView (just
below .animation(self.transitionAnimation(for: card)) ) and use the built-in TapGesture
to capture the tap event. In the code block, we simply toggle the state of isCardPressed
and set the current card to the selectedCard variable.

To move the selected card (and those underneath) upward and the rest of the cards move
off the screen, update the offset(for:) function like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 477
private func offset(for card: Card) -> CGSize {

guard let cardIndex = index(for: card) else {

return CGSize()

if isCardPressed {
guard let selectedCard = self.selectedCard,
let selectedCardIndex = index(for: selectedCard) else {
return .zero

if cardIndex >= selectedCardIndex {

return .zero

let offset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 1400)

return offset

return CGSize(width: 0, height: -50 * CGFloat(cardIndex))


We added an if clause to check if a card is selected. If the given card is the card selected
by the user, we set the offset to .zero . For those cards that are right below the selected
card, we will also move them upward. This is why we set the offset to .zero . For the rest
of the cards, we move them off the screen. Therefore, the vertical offset is set to 1400

Now we are ready to write the code for bringing up the transaction history view. As
mentioned at the very beginning, the starter project comes with this transaction history
view. Therefore, you do not need to build it yourself.

We can use the isCardPressed state variable to determine if the transaction history view
is shown or not. Insert the following right before Spacer() :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 478
if isCardPressed {
TransactionHistoryView(transactions: testTransactions)
.padding(.top, 10)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
.animation(Animation.easeOut(duration: 0.15).delay(0.1))

In the code above, we set the transition to .move to bring the view up from the bottom of
the screen. Feel free to change it to suit your preference.

The app should now work if you test it in the preview pane or run it in a simulator.
However, you may find the animation is a bit laggy after you tap a card. This is due to the
transition animation that we set in the previous section. For each of the cards (except the
first card), we introduced a delay to the animation. So, when a card is selected, the same
series of animations is executed.

To make the animation more fluid, update the modifiers of the CardView by inserting the
animation and scaleEffect modifiers after offset like this:

CardView(card: card)
.offset(self.offset(for: card))
.padding(.horizontal, 35)

SwiftUI allows you to apply more than one animation to a view. In the code above, we
instruct SwiftUI to use the default animation to animate the change of an offset. For the
view transition, we keep using the original animation created earlier.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 479
Figure 11. Displaying the transaction history

Rearranging the Cards Using the Drag Gesture

Now comes the core part of this chapter. Let's see how to rearrange the card deck with
the drag gesture. First, let me describe how this feature works in detail:

1. To initiate the dragging action, the user must tap and hold the card. A simple tap will
only bring up the transaction history view.
2. Once the user successfully holds a card, the app will move it a little upward. This is
the feedback that we want to give to users, telling them we are ready to drag the card
3. As the user drags the card, the user should be able to move it across the deck.
4. After the user releases the card at a certain position, the app will update the position
of all the cards in the card deck.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 480
Figure 12. Moving a card across the deck using the drag gesture

Handling the Long Press and Drag Gestures

Now that you understand what we are going to do, let's move onto the implementation. If
you forgot how SwiftUI handles gestures, please go back and read chapter 17. Most of the
techniques that we will use have been discussed in that chapter.

To begin, insert the following code in WalletView.swift to create the DragState enum so
that we can easily keep track of the drag state:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 481
enum DragState {
case inactive
case pressing(index: Int? = nil)
case dragging(index: Int? = nil, translation: CGSize)

var index: Int? {

switch self {
case .pressing(let index), .dragging(let index, _):
return index
case .inactive:
return nil
var translation: CGSize {
switch self {
case .inactive, .pressing:
return .zero
case .dragging(_, let translation):
return translation

var isPressing: Bool {

switch self {
case .pressing, .dragging:
return true
case .inactive:
return false

var isDragging: Bool {

switch self {
case .dragging:
return true
case .inactive, .pressing:
return false

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 482
Next, declare a state variable in WalletView to keep track of the drag state:

@GestureState private var dragState = DragState.inactive

If you've read the chapter about SwiftUI gestures, you should already know how to detect
a long press and drag gesture. However, this time it will be a bit different. We need to
handle the tap gesture, the drag, and the long press gesture at the same time.
Additionally, the app should ignore the tap gesture if the long press gesture is detected.

Now update the gesture modifier of the CardView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 483
.onEnded({ _ in
withAnimation(.default) {
self.selectedCard = self.isCardPressed ? card : nil
.exclusively(before: LongPressGesture(minimumDuration: 0.05)
.sequenced(before: DragGesture())
.updating(self.$dragState, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
switch value {
case .first(true):
state = .pressing(index: self.index(for: card))
case .second(true, let drag):
state = .dragging(index: self.index(for: card), translation: drag?
.translation ?? .zero)

.onEnded({ (value) in

guard case .second(true, let drag?) = value else {


// Rearrange the cards



SwiftUI allows you to combine multiple gestures exclusively. In the code above, we tell
SwiftUI to either capture the tap gesture or the long press gesture. In other words,
SwiftUI will ignore the long press gesture once the tap gesture is detected.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 484
The code for the tap gesture is exactly the same as our previous code. The drag gesture is
sequenced after the long press gesture. In the updating function, we set the state of the
drag, the translation, and the card's index to the dragState variable defined earlier. I'm
not going to explain the code in detail as it was covered in chapter 17.

Before you can drag the card, you have to update the offset(for:) function like this:

private func offset(for card: Card) -> CGSize {

guard let cardIndex = index(for: card) else {

return CGSize()

if isCardPressed {
guard let selectedCard = self.selectedCard,
let selectedCardIndex = index(for: selectedCard) else {
return .zero

if cardIndex >= selectedCardIndex {

return .zero

let offset = CGSize(width: 0, height: 1400)

return offset

// Handle dragging
var pressedOffset =
var dragOffsetY: CGFloat = 0.0

if let draggingIndex = dragState.index,

cardIndex == draggingIndex {
pressedOffset.height = dragState.isPressing ? -20 : 0

switch dragState.translation.width {
case let width where width < -10: pressedOffset.width = -20
case let width where width > 10: pressedOffset.width = 20
default: break

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 485
dragOffsetY = dragState.translation.height

return CGSize(width: 0 + pressedOffset.width, height: -50 * CGFloat(cardIndex)

+ pressedOffset.height + dragOffsetY)

We added a block of code to handle the dragging. Please bear in the mind that only the
selected card is draggable. Therefore, we need to check if the given card is the one being
dragged by the user before making the offset change.

Earlier, we stored the card's index in the dragState variable. So, we can easily compare
the given card index with the one stored in dragState to figure out which card to drag.

For the dragging card, we add an additional offset both horizontally and vertically.

Run the app to test it out, tap & hold a card and then drag it around.

Figure 13. Dragging a card

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 486
Currently, you should be able to drag the card, however, the card's z-index doesn't change
accordingly. For example, if you drag the Visa card, it always stays on the top of the deck.
Let's fix it by updating the zIndex(for:) function:

private func zIndex(for card: Card) -> Double {

guard let cardIndex = index(for: card) else {
return 0.0

// The default z-index of a card is set to a negative value of the card's inde
// so that the first card will have the largest z-index.
let defaultZIndex = -Double(cardIndex)

// If it's the dragging card

if let draggingIndex = dragState.index,
cardIndex == draggingIndex {
// we compute the new z-index based on the translation's height
return defaultZIndex + Double(dragState.translation.height/Self.cardOffset

// Otherwise, we return the default z-index

return defaultZIndex

The default z-index is still set to the negative value of the card's index. For the dragging
card, we need to compute a new z-index as the user drags across the deck. The updated z-
index is calculated based on the translation's height and the default offset of the card (i.e.
50 points).

Run the app and drag the Visa card again. Now the z-index is continuously updated as
you drag the card.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 487
Figure 14. Moving the Visa card to the back

Updating the Card Deck

When you release the card, it returns to its original position. So, how can we reorder the
cards' after the drag?

The trick here is to update the items of the cards array, so as to trigger a UI update.
First, we need to mark the cards variable as a state variable like this:

@State var cards: [Card] = testCards

Next, let's create another new function for rearranging the cards:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 488
private func rearrangeCards(with card: Card, dragOffset: CGSize) {
guard let draggingCardIndex = index(for: card) else {

var newIndex = draggingCardIndex + Int(-dragOffset.height / Self.cardOffset)

newIndex = newIndex >= cards.count ? cards.count - 1 : newIndex
newIndex = newIndex < 0 ? 0 : newIndex

let removedCard = cards.remove(at: draggingCardIndex)

cards.insert(removedCard, at: newIndex)

When you drag the card over the adjacent cards, we need to update the z-index once the
drag's translation is greater than the default offset. Figure 15 shows the expected
behaviour of the drag.

Figure 15. Dragging the mastercard between the adjacent cards

This is the formula we use to compute the updated z-index:

var newIndex = draggingCardIndex + Int(-dragOffset.height / Self.cardOffset)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 489
Once we have the updated index, the last step is to update the item in the cards array by
removing the dragging card and insert it into the new position. Since the cards array is
now a state variable, SwiftUI updates the card deck and renders the animation

Lastly, insert the following line of code under // Rearrange the cards to call the function:

self.rearrangeCards(with: card, dragOffset: drag.translation)

After that, you are ready to run the app to test it out. Congratulations, You've built the
Wallet-like animation.

After going through this chapter, I hope you have a deeper understanding of SwiftUI
animation and view transitions. If you compare SwiftUI with the original UIKit
framework, SwiftUI has made it pretty easy to work with animation. Do you remember
how you rendered the card animation when the user releases the dragging card? All you
need to do is to update the state variable and SwiftUI handles the heavy lifting. That is
the power of SwiftUI!

For reference, you can download the complete wallet project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 490
Chapter 21
Working with JSON, Slider and Data
JSON, short for JavaScript Object Notation, is a common data format for data
interchange in client-server applications. Even though we are mobile app developers, it's
inevitable to work with JSON since nearly all web APIs or backend web services use
JSON as the data exchange format.

In this chapter, we will discuss how you can work with JSON while building an app using
the SwiftUI framework. If you have never worked with JSON, I would recommend you
read this free chapter from our Intermediate programming book. It will explain to you, in
detail, the two different approaches in handling JSON in Swift.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 491
Figure 1. The demo app

As usual, in order to learn about JSON and its related APIs, you will build a simple JSON
app that utilizes a JSON-based API provided by If you haven't heard of Kiva, it
is a non-profit organization with a mission to connect people through lending to alleviate
poverty. It lets individuals lend as little as $25 to help create opportunities around the
world. Kiva provides free web-based APIs for developers to access their data. For our
demo app, we'll call up a free Kiva API to retrieve the most recent fundraising loans and
display them in a list view as shown in figure 1.

Additionally, we will demonstrate the usage of a Slider, which is one of the many built-in
UI controls provided by SwiftUI. With the slider, you will implement a data filtering
option in the app so that users can filter the loan data in the list.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 492
Figure 2. A slider control

Understanding JSON and Codable

First things first, What does the JSON format look like? If you have no idea what JSON
looks like, open a browser and point it to the following web API, provided by Kiva:

You should see something like this:

"loans": [
"activity": "Fruits & Vegetables",
"basket_amount": 25,
"bonus_credit_eligibility": false,
"borrower_count": 1,
"description": {
"languages": [
"funded_amount": 0,
"id": 1929744,
"image": {
"id": 3384817,

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 493
"template_id": 1
"lender_count": 0,
"loan_amount": 250,
"location": {
"country": "Papua New Guinea",
"country_code": "PG",
"geo": {
"level": "town",
"pairs": "-9.4438 147.180267",
"type": "point"
"town": "Port Moresby"
"name": "Mofa",
"partner_id": 582,
"planned_expiration_date": "2020-04-02T08:30:11Z",
"posted_date": "2020-03-03T09:30:11Z",
"sector": "Food",
"status": "fundraising",
"tags": [],
"themes": [
"Vulnerable Groups",
"Rural Exclusion",
"Underfunded Areas"
"use": "to purchase additional vegetables to increase her currrent sal


"paging": {
"page": 1,
"page_size": 20,
"pages": 284,
"total": 5667

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 494
Your results may not be formatted the same but this is what a JSON response looks like.
If you're using Chrome, you can download and install an extension called JSON
Formatter ( to beautify the JSON response.

Alternatively, you can format the JSON data on Mac by using the following command:

curl | python -m json.tool > kiva-loan


This will format the response and save it to a text file.

Now that you have seen JSON, Let's learn how to parse JSON data in Swift. Starting with
Swift 4, Apple introduced a new way to encode and decode JSON data by adopting a
protocol called Codable .

Codable simplifies the whole process by offering developers a different way to decode (or

encode) JSON. As long as your type conforms to the Codable protocol, together with the
new JSONDecoder , you will be able to decode the JSON data into your specified instances.

Figure 3 illustrates the decoding of sample loan data into an instance of Loan using
JSONDecoder .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 495
Figure 3. JSONDecoder decodes JSON data and convert it into an instance of Loan

Using JSONDecoder and Codable

Before building the demo app, let's try out JSON decoding on Playgrounds. Fire up
Xcode and open a new Playground project. Once you have created your Playground
project, declare the following json variable:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 496
let json = """

"name": "John Davis",

"country": "Peru",
"use": "to buy a new collection of clothes to stock her shop before the holidays."
"amount": 150


Assuming you're new to JSON parsing, let's make things simple. The above is a simplified
JSON response, similar to that shown in the previous section.

To parse the data, declare the Loan structure like this:

struct Loan: Codable {

var name: String
var country: String
var use: String
var amount: Int

As you can see, the structure adopts the Codable protocol. The variables defined in the
structure match the keys of the JSON response. This is how you let the decoder know
how to decode the data.

Now let's see the magic!

Continue to insert the following code in your Playground file:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 497
let decoder = JSONDecoder()

if let jsonData = .utf8) {

do {
let loan = try decoder.decode(Loan.self, from: jsonData)

} catch {

If you run the project, you should see a message displayed in the console. That's a Loan
instance, populated with the decoded values.

Figure 4. Display the decoded loan data in the console

Let's look into the code snippet again. We instantiate an instance of JSONDecoder and
then convert the JSON string into Loan . The magic happened in this line of code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 498
let loan = try decoder.decode(Loan.self, from: jsonData)

You just need to call the decode method of the decoder with the JSON data and specify
the type of value to decode (i.e. Loan.self ). The decoder will automatically parse the
JSON data and convert them into a Loan object.

Cool, right?

Working with Custom Property Names

Now, let's jump into something more complicated. What if the name of the property and
the key of the JSON are different? How can you define the mapping?

For example, we modify the json variable like this:

let json = """


"name": "John Davis",

"country": "Peru",
"use": "to buy a new collection of clothes to stock her shop before the holidays."
"loan_amount": 150


As you can see, the key amount is now loan_amount. In order to decode the JSON data,
you can modify the property name from amount to loan_amount . However, we really want
to keep the name amount . In this case, how can we define the mapping?

To define the mapping between the key and the property name, you are required to
declare an enum called CodingKeys that has a rawValue of type String and conforms to
the CodingKey protocol.

Now update the Loan structure like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 499
struct Loan: Codable {
var name: String
var country: String
var use: String
var amount: Int

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {

case name
case country
case use
case amount = "loan_amount"

In the enum, you define all the property names of your model and their corresponding
keys in the JSON data. For example, the case amount is defined to map to the key
loan_amount . If both the property name and the key of the JSON data are the same, you

can omit the assignment.

Working with Nested JSON Objects

Now that you understand the basics, let's dive even deeper and decode a more realistic
JSON response. First, update the json variable like this:

let json = """


"name": "John Davis",

"location": {
"country": "Peru",
"use": "to buy a new collection of clothes to stock her shop before the holidays."
"loan_amount": 150


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 500
We've added the location key that has a nested JSON object with the nested key
country . So, how do we decode the value of country from the nested object?

Let's modify the Loan structure like this:

struct Loan: Codable {

var name: String
var country: String
var use: String
var amount: Int

enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {

case name
case country = "location"
case use
case amount = "loan_amount"

enum LocationKeys: String, CodingKey {

case country

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)

name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)

let location = try values.nestedContainer(keyedBy: LocationKeys.self, forK

ey: .country)
country = try location.decode(String.self, forKey: .country)

use = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .use)

amount = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .amount)


Similar to what we have done earlier, we have to define an enum CodingKeys . For the
case country , we specify to map to the key location . To handle the nested JSON object,
we need to define an additional enumeration. In the code above, we name it

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 501
LocationKeys and declare the case country that matches the key country of the nested


Since it is not a direct mapping, we need to implement the initializer of the Decodable
protocol to handle the decoding of all properties. In the init method, we first invoke the
container method of the decoder with CodingKeys.self to retrieve the data related to the

specified coding keys, which are name , location , use and amount .

To decode a specific value, we call the decode method with the specific key (e.g. .name )
and the associated type (e.g. String.self ). The decoding of the name , use and amount
is pretty straightforward. For the country property, the decoding is a little bit tricky. We
have to call the nestedContainer method with LocationKeys.self to retrieve the nested
JSON object. From the values returned, we further decode the value of country .

That is how you decode JSON data with nested objects.

Working with Arrays

The JSON data returned from Kiva API comes with more than one loan. Multiple loans
are structured in the form of an array. Let's see how to decode an array of JSON objects
using Codable.

First, modify the json variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 502
let json = """
"name": "John Davis",
"location": {
"country": "Paraguay",
"use": "to buy a new collection of clothes to stock her shop before the holidays."
"loan_amount": 150
"name": "Las Margaritas Group",
"location": {
"country": "Colombia",
"use": "to purchase coal in large quantities for resale.",
"loan_amount": 200

In the example above, there are two loans in the json variable. How do you decode it
into an array of Loan ?

To do that, declare another struct named LoanStore that also adopts Codable :

struct LoanStore: Codable {

var loans: [Loan]

This LoanStore only has a loans property that matches the key loans of the JSON data.
And, its type is defined as an array of Loan .

To decode the loans, modify this line of code from:

let loan = try decoder.decode(Loan.self, from: jsonData)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 503

let loanStore = try decoder.decode(LoanStore.self, from: jsonData)

The decoder will automatically decode the loans JSON objects and store them into the
loans array of LoanStore . To print out the loans replace the line print(loan) with

for loan in {


You should see a similar message as shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Print out the loans array

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 504
That's how you decode JSON using Swift. For reference, you can download the
Playgrounds project from

Building the Kiva Loan App

Okay, you should now understand how to handle JSON decoding. Let's begin to build the
demo app and see how you apply the skills you just learned.

Assuming you have launched Xcode, go up to the menu and select File > New > Projects
to create a new project. As usual, use the App template. Name the project
SwiftUIKivaLoan or whatever name you prefer.

We will start by building the model class that stores all the latest loans retrieved from
Kiva. We will handle the implementation of user interface later.

Retrieving the Latest Loans from Kiva

First, create a new file using the Swift File template and name it Loan.swift . This file
stores the Loan structure that adopts the Codable protocol for JSON decoding.

Insert the following code in the file:

struct Loan: Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
var name: String
var country: String
var use: String
var amount: Int

init(name: String, country: String, use: String, amount: Int) { = name = country
self.use = use
self.amount = amount

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 505
extension Loan: Codable {
enum CodingKeys: String, CodingKey {
case name
case country = "location"
case use
case amount = "loan_amount"

enum LocationKeys: String, CodingKey {

case country

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)

name = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .name)

let location = try values.nestedContainer(keyedBy: LocationKeys.self, forK

ey: .country)
country = try location.decode(String.self, forKey: .country)

use = try values.decode(String.self, forKey: .use)

amount = try values.decode(Int.self, forKey: .amount)


The code is almost the same as we discussed in the previous section. We just use an
extension to adopt the Codable protocol. Other than Codable , this structure also adopts
the Identifiable protocol and has an id property default to UUID() . Later, we will use
SwiftUI's List control to present the loans. This is why we make this structure adopt the
Identifiable protocol.

Next, create another file using the Swift File template and name it LoanStore.swift . This
class is to connect to the Kiva's web API, decode the JSON data, and store them locally.

Let's write the LoanStore class step by step, so you can better understand how I came up
with the implementation. Insert the following code in LoanStore.swift :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 506
class LoanStore: Decodable {
var loans: [Loan] = []

Later the decoder will decode the loans JSON objects and store them into the loans
array of LoanStore . This is why we create the LoanStore like above. The code looks very
similar to the LoanStore structure we created before. However, it adopts the Decodable
protocol instead of Codable .

If you look into the documentation of Codable , it is just a type alias of a protocol

typealias Codable = Decodable & Encodable

Decodable and Encodable are the two actual protocols you need to work with. Since

LoanStore is only responsible for handling the JSON decoding, we adopt the Decodable


As mentioned earlier, we will display the loans using a List view. So, other than
Decodable , we have to adopt the ObservableObject protocol and mark the loans variable

with the @Published property wrapper like this:

class LoanStore: Decodable, ObservableObject {

@Published var loans: [Loan] = []

By doing so, SwiftUI will manage the UI update automatically whenever there is any
change to the loans variable. If you have forgotten what ObservableObject is, please read
chapter 14 again.

Once you add the @Published property wrapper, Xcode shows you an error. The
Decodable (or Codable ) protocol doesn't play well with @Published .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 507
Figure 6. Xcode error saying that LoanStore doesn't conform to Decodable

To fix the error, requires some extra work. When the @Published property wrapper is
used, we need to implement the required method of Decodable manually. If you look into
the documentation (, here
is the method to adopt:

init(from decoder: Decoder) throws

Actually, we've implemented the method before when decoding the nested JSON objects.
Now, update the class like this:

class LoanStore: Decodable, ObservableObject {

@Published var loans: [Loan] = []

enum CodingKeys: CodingKey {

case loans

required init(from decoder: Decoder) throws {

let values = try decoder.container(keyedBy: CodingKeys.self)
loans = try values.decode([Loan].self, forKey: .loans)

init() {


We added the CodingKeys enum that explicitly specifies the key to decode. And then, we
implemented the custom initializer to handle the decoding.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 508
Okay, the error is now fixed. What's next?

Calling the Web API

So far, we just set up everything for JSON decoding but we haven't consumed the web
API. Declare a new variable in the class to store the URL of the Kiva's API:

private static var kivaLoanURL = ""

Next, insert the following methods in the class:

func fetchLatestLoans() {
guard let loanUrl = URL(string: Self.kivaLoanURL) else {

let request = URLRequest(url: loanUrl)

let task = URLSession.shared.dataTask(with: request, completionHandler: { (dat
a, response, error) -> Void in

if let error = error {


// Parse JSON data

if let data = data {
DispatchQueue.main.async { = self.parseJsonData(data: data)



func parseJsonData(data: Data) -> [Loan] {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 509
let decoder = JSONDecoder()

do {

let loanStore = try decoder.decode(LoanStore.self, from: data) =

} catch {

return loans

The fetchLatestLoans() method connects to the web API by using URLSession . Once it
receives the data returned by the API, it passes the data to the parseJsonData method to
decode the JSON and convert the loan data into an array of Loan .

You may wonder why we need to wrap the following line of code with
DispatchQueue.main.async :

DispatchQueue.main.async { = self.parseJsonData(data: data)

When calling the web API, the operation is performed in a background queue. Here, the
loans variable is marked as @Published . That means, for any modification of the

variable, SwiftUI will trigger an update of the user interface. UI updates are required to
run in the main queue. This is the reason why we wrap it using DispatchQueue.main.async .

Implementing the User Interface

Now that we have created the classes ready for retrieving the loan data, let's move onto
the implementation of the user interface. To help you remember what the UI looks like,
look at the following figure. This is the UI we are going to build.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 510
Figure 7. The user interface of our demo app

And, instead of coding the UI in one file, we will break it down into three views:

ContentView.swift - this is the main view presenting the list of loans

LoanCellView.swift - this is the cell view
LoanFilterView.swift - this is the view showing the filtering option

Let's begin with the cell view. In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIKivaLoan and
choose New file.... Select the SwiftUI View template and name the file
LoanCellView.swift .

Update the LoanCellView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 511
struct LoanCellView: View {

var loan: Loan

var body: some View {

HStack(alignment: .top) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))


VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)


This view takes in a Loan and renders the cell view. The code is self explanatory but if
you want to preview the cell view, you will need to modify LoanCellView_Previews like this:

struct LoanCellView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
LoanCellView(loan: Loan(name: "Ivan", country: "Uganda", use: "to buy a pl
ot of land", amount: 575)).previewLayout(.sizeThatFits)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 512
We instantiate a dummy loan and pass it to the cell view for rendering. Your preview
pane should be similar to that shown in figure 8.

Figure 8. The loan cell view

Now go back to ContentView.swift to implement the list view. First, declare a variable
named loanStore :

@ObservedObject var loanStore = LoanStore()

Since we want to observe the change of loan store and update the UI, the loanStore is
marked with the @ObservedObject property wrapper.

Next, update the body variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 513
var body: some View {
NavigationView {

List( { loan in

LoanCellView(loan: loan)
.padding(.vertical, 5)

.navigationBarTitle("Kiva Loan")

.onAppear() {

If you've read chapter 10 and 11, you should understand how to present a list view and
embed it in a navigation view. That's what the code above does. The onAppear() function
will be invoked when the view appears. And, we call up the fetchLatestLoans() method to
retrieve the latest loans from Kiva.

Now run the app in the preview (press the play button) or on a simulator. You should be
able to see the loan records.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 514
Figure 9. Presenting the loans in a list view

Creating the Filter View with a Slider

Before we finish this chapter, I want to show you how to implement a filter feature. This
filter function allows users to define a maximum loan amount and only display the
records below that value. Figure 7 shows a sample filter view. Users can use a slider to
configure the maximum amount.

Again, we want our code to be better organized. So, create a new file for the filter view
and name it LoanFilterView.swift .

Next update the LoanFilterView struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 515
struct LoanFilterView: View {

@Binding var amount: Double

var minAmount = 0.0

var maxAmount = 10000.0

var body: some View {

VStack(alignment: .leading) {

Text("Show loan amount below $\(Int(amount))")

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))

HStack {

Slider(value: $amount, in: minAmount...maxAmount, step: 100)


HStack {
.font(.system(.footnote, design: .rounded))


.font(.system(.footnote, design: .rounded))

.padding(.bottom, 10)

I assume you fully understand stack views. Therefore, I'm not going to discuss how they
are used to create the layout. But let's talk a bit more about the Slider control. It's a
standard component provided by SwiftUI. You can instantiate the slider by passing it the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 516
binding, range, and step of the slider. The binding holds the current value of the slider.
Here is sample code for creating a slider:

Slider(value: $amount, in: minAmount...maxAmount, step: 100)

The step controls the amount of change when the user drags the slider. If you let the user
have finer control, set the step to a smaller number. For the code above, we set it to 100.

In order to preview the filter view, update the FilterView_Previews like this:

struct LoanFilterView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
LoanFilterView(amount: .constant(10000))

Now your preview should look like figure 10.

Figure 10. The filter view for setting the display criteria

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 517
Okay, we've implemented the filter view. However, we haven't implemented the actual
logic for filtering the records. Let's enhance the LoanStore.swift to power it with the filter

First, declare the following variable which is used to store a copy of the loan records for
the filter operation:

private var cachedLoans: [Loan] = []

To save the copy, insert the following line of code after =
self.parseJsonData(data: data) :

self.cachedLoans =

Lastly, create a new function for the filtering:

func filterLoans(maxAmount: Int) { = self.cachedLoans.filter { $0.amount < maxAmount }

This function takes in the value of maximum amount and filter those loan items that are
below this limit.

Cool! We are almost done.

Let's go back to ContentView.swift to present the filter view. What we are going to do is
add a navigation bar button at the top-right corner. When a user taps this button, the app
presents the filter view.

Let's first declare two state variables:

@State private var filterEnabled = false

@State private var maximumLoanAmount = 10000.0

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 518
The filterEnabled variable stores the current state of the filter view. It's set to false by
default indicating that the filter view is not shown. The maximumLoanAmount stores the
maximum loan amount for display. Any loan records with an amount larger than this
limit will be hidden.

Next, insert the following code right below NavigationView {

if self.filterEnabled {
LoanFilterView(amount: self.$maximumLoanAmount)

When filterEnabled is set to true , the app will overlay the loan filter view on the list
view. What's left is the navigation bar button. Insert the following code and place it after
.navigationBarTitle("Kiva Loan") :

Button(action: {
withAnimation(.linear) {
self.loanStore.filterLoans(maxAmount: Int(self.maximumLoanAmount))

}) {

This adds a navigation bar button at the top-right corner. When the button is tapped, we
toggle the value of filterEnabled to show/hide the filter view. Additionally, we call the
filterLoans function to filter the loan item.

Lastly, attach the .navigationViewStyle modifier to change the view's style back to
StackNavigationViewStyle .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 519

Now run the app to test it. You should see a filter button on the navigation bar. Tap it
once to bring up the filter view. You can then set a new limit (e.g. $500). Tap the button
again and the app will only show you the loan records that are below $500.

Figure 11. Presenting the filter view

We covered quite a lot in this chapter. You should know how to consume web APIs, parse
the JSON content, and present the data in a list view. We also briefly covered the usage of
the Slider control.

If you've developed an app using UIKit before, you will be amazed by the simplicity of
SwiftUI. Take a look at the code of ContentView again. It only takes around 40 lines of
code to create the list view. Most importantly, you don't need to handle the UI update
manually and pass the data around. Everything just works behind the scenes.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 520
For reference, you can download the complete loan project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 521
Chapter 22
Building a ToDo App with Core Data
One common question of iOS app development is how do we work with Core Data and
SwiftUI to save data permanently in the built-in database. In this chapter, we will answer
this question by building a ToDo app.

Since the ToDo demo app makes use of List and Combine to handle the data presentation
and sharing, I'll assume that you've read the following chapters:

Chapter 7 - Understanding State and Binding

Chapter 10 - Understanding Dynamic List, ForEach and Identifiable
Chapter 14 - Data Sharing with Combine and Environment Objects

If you haven't done so or forgot what Combine and Environment Objects are, go back and
read the chapters again.

What are we going to do in this chapter to understand Core Data? Instead of building the
ToDo app from scratch, I've already built the core parts of the app. However, it can't save
data permanently. To be more specific, it can only save the to-do items in an array.
Whenever the user closes the app and starts it again, all the data is gone. We will modify
the app and convert it to use Core Data for saving the data permanently to the local
database. Figure 1 shows some sample screenshots of the ToDo app.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 522
Figure 1. The ToDo demo app

Before we perform the modification, I will walk you through the starter project so you
fully understand how the code works. Other than Core Data, you will also learn how to
customize the style of a toggle. Take a look at the screenshots above. The checkbox is
actually a toggle view of SwiftUI. I will show you how to create these checkboxes by
customizing the Toggle's style.

We've got a lot to cover in this chapter, so let's get started!

Understanding Core Data

Before we check out the starter project of the ToDo app, let me give you a quick
introduction to Core Data and how you're going to work with it in SwiftUI projects.

What is Core Data?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 523
First things first, don't confuse the Core Data framework with a database. Core Data is
not a database. It's just a framework for developers to manage and interact with data on a
persistent store. Though the SQLite database is the default persistent store for Core Data
on iOS, persistent stores are not limited to databases. For instance, you can also utilize
Core Data to manage data in a local file (e.g. XML).

The Core Data framework simply shields developers from the inner details of the
persistent store. Take the SQLite database as an example. You do not need to know how
to connect to the database nor understand SQL to retrieve data records. All you need to
figure out is how to work with the Core Data APIs such as NSManagedObjectContext and the
Managed Object Model.

Feeling confused? No worries. You will understand what I mean after we convert the
ToDo app from arrays to Core Data.

Using Core Data in SwiftUI projects

If you start from a brand new project, the easiest way to use the Core Data framework is
by enabling the Core Data option. You can give it a try. Launch Xcode and create a new
project using the App template. Name it to whatever name you like but please ensure you
check the Core Data checkbox.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 524
Figure 2. Creating a new project with Core Data enabled

By enabling Core Data, Xcode will generate all the required code and the managed object
model for you. Once the project created, you should see a new file named
CoreDataTest.xcdatamodeld . In Xcode, the managed object model is defined in a file with

the extension .xcdatamodeld . This is the managed object model generated for your
project and this is where you define the entities for interacting with the persistent store.

Take a look at the Persistence.swift file, which is another file generated by Xcode. This
file contains the code for loading the managed object model and saving the data to the
persistent store.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 525
Figure 3. The additional code for Core Data

If you've developed apps using UIKit before, you usually use the container to manage the
data in the database or other persistent stores. In SwiftUI, it's a little bit different. We
seldom use this container directly. Instead SwiftUI injects the managed object context
into the environment, so that any view can retrieve the context and manage the data.

Take a look at the CoreDataTestApp.swift file. Xcode adds a constant that holds the
instance of PersistenceController and a line of code to inject the managed object context
is injected into the environment.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 526
Figure 4. Injecting the managed object context into the environment

This is all the code and files generated by Xcode when enabling the Core Data option. If
you open ContentView.swift , Xcode also generates sample code for loading data from the
local data store. Look at the code to get an idea of how this works. In general, to save and
manage data on the local database, the procedures are:

1. Create an entity in the managed object model (i.e. .xcdatamodeld)

2. Define a managed object, which inherits from NSManagedObject , to associate with the

3. In the views that need to save and update the data, get the managed object context
from the environment using @Environment like this:

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

And then create the managed object and use the save method of the context to add
the object to the database. Here is a sample code snippet:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 527
let task = ToDoItem(context: context) = UUID() = name
task.priority = priority
task.isComplete = isComplete

4. For data retrieval, Apple introduced a property wrapper called @FetchRequest for you
to fetch data from the persistent store. Here is sample code:

entity: ToDoItem.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ToDoItem.priorityNum, ascending:
false) ])
var todoItems: FetchedResults<ToDoItem>

This property wrapper makes it very easy to perform a fetch request. You just need
to specify the entity object you want to retrieve and how the data is ordered. The
framework will then use the environment's managed object context to fetch the data.
Most importantly, SwiftUI will automatically update any views that are bound to the
fetched results because the fetch result is a collection of NSManagedObject , which
conforms to the ObservableObject protocol.

This is how you work with Core Data in SwiftUI projects. I know you may be confused by
some of the terms and procedures. This section is just a quick introduction. Later, when
you work on the demo app, we will go through these procedures in detail.

Understanding the ToDo App Demo

Now that you have a basic understanding of Core Data, let me go through the app demo
with you. Later, we will convert this ToDo demo, allowing it to save the to-do items
permanently. Right now, as mentioned before, all the data is stored in memory and will
vanish when the app restarts.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 528
First, please download the starter project from Unzip the
file and open ToDoList.xcodeproj in Xcode. Select the ContentView.swift file and preview
the UI. You should see a screen like that shown in figure 5.

Figure 5. Previewing the demo app

Run the app in the preview canvas or a simulator. Tap the + button to add a to-do item.
Repeat the procedure to add a few more items. The app then lists the to-do items.
Tapping the checkbox of a to-do item will cross out that item.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 529
Figure 6. Adding a new task

How to present the list of Todo Items

Now let us walk through the code, so you understand how the code works. First, we start
with the model class. Open ToDoItem.swift in the Model folder.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 530
enum Priority: Int {
case low = 0
case normal = 1
case high = 2

class ToDoItem: ObservableObject, Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
@Published var name: String = ""
@Published var priority: Priority = .normal
@Published var isComplete: Bool = false

init(name: String, priority: Priority = .normal, isComplete: Bool = false) { = name
self.priority = priority
self.isComplete = isComplete

The ToDo app demo is a simplified version of an ordinary ToDo app. Each to-do item (or
task), has three properties: name, priority, and isComplete (i.e. the status of the task).
This class adopts the ObservableObject protocol. The three properties are marked with
@Published so that the subscribers are informed whenever there are any changes of the
values. Later, in the implementation of ContentView , SwiftUI listens for value changes
and updates the views accordingly. For example, when the value of isComplete changes,
it toggles the checkbox.

This class also conforms to the Identifiable protocol such that each instance of
ToDoItem has an unique identifier. Later, we will use the ForEach and List to display

the to-do items. This is why we need to adopt the protocol and create the id property.

Now let's move onto the views and begin with the ContentView.swift file. Assuming
you've read chapter 10, you should understand most of the code. The content view has
three main parts, which are embedded in a ZStack :

1. The list view that presents all the to-do items.

2. The empty view (NoDataView) that is displayed when there are no to-do items .
3. The "Add a new task" view that is shown when a user taps the + button.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 531
Take a look at the first VStack :

VStack {

HStack {
Text("ToDo List")
.font(.system(size: 40, weight: .black, design: .rounded))


Button(action: {
self.showNewTask = true

}) {
Image(systemName: "")

List {

ForEach(todoItems) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)

.rotation3DEffect(Angle(degrees: showNewTask ? 5 : 0), axis: (x: 1, y: 0, z: 0))
.offset(y: showNewTask ? -50 : 0)

I declared a state variable named todoItems to hold all the to-do items. It's marked with
@State so that the list will be refreshed whenever there are any changes. In the List

view, we use ForEach to loop through the items in the array.

We handle the rows of the list, by a separate view named ToDoListRow :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 532
struct ToDoListRow: View {

@ObservedObject var todoItem: ToDoItem

var body: some View {

Toggle(isOn: self.$todoItem.isComplete) {
HStack {
.strikethrough(self.todoItem.isComplete, color: .black)


.frame(width: 10, height: 10)
.foregroundColor(self.color(for: self.todoItem.priority))

private func color(for priority: Priority) -> Color {

switch priority {
case .high: return .red
case .normal: return .orange
case .low: return .green

This view takes in a to-do item, which is a ObservableObject . This means for any changes
of that to-do item, the view that subscribes to the item will be invalidated automatically.

For each row of the to-do item, consists of three parts:

1. A toggle / checkbox - indicates whether the task is complete or not.

2. A text label - shows the name of the task
3. A dot / circle - shows the priority of the task

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 533
The second and third parts are pretty straightforward. For the checkbox, it's worth
having a deeper discussion. SwiftUI comes with a standard control called Toggle . In an
earlier chapter, we used it to create a Settings screen. The presentation of the toggle is
more like a switch that lets you flip between on and off. In the ToDo app, we want to
make the toggle look like a checkbox.

Customizing the look & feel of a Toggle

Similar to Button which we discussed in chapter 6, Toggle also lets developers
customize its style. All you need to do is to implement the ToggleStyle protocol and
provide the customizations. In the project navigator, open the CheckBoxStyle.swift file to
take a look:

struct CheckboxStyle: ToggleStyle {

func makeBody(configuration: Self.Configuration) -> some View {

return HStack {

Image(systemName: configuration.isOn ? "" : "circ

.frame(width: 24, height: 24)
.foregroundColor(configuration.isOn ? .purple : .gray)
.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .default))
.onTapGesture {



Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 534
In the code, we implement the makeBody method, which is the requirement of the
protocol. We create an image view which displays a checkmark image or a circle image,
depending on the status of the toggle (i.e. configuration.isOn ). This is how you customize
the style of a toggle.

To use the CheckboxStyle , attach the toggleStyle modifier to the Toggle and specify the
checkbox style like this:


Handling the empty list view

When there are no items in the array, we present an image view instead of showing an
empty list view. This is completely optional. However, I think it makes the app look
better and let users know what to do when the app is first started.

// If there is no data, show an empty view

if todoItems.count == 0 {

Since we have a ZStack to embed the views, it's pretty easy to control the appearance of
this empty view, which is only displayed when the array is empty.

Displaying the Add Task view

When a user taps the + button at the top-right corner, the app displays the NewToDoView ,
which I will go through with you shortly. This view overlays on top of the list view and
appears like a bottom sheet. We also add a blank view for darkening the list view.

Here is the code for reference:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 535
if showNewTask {
BlankView(bgColor: .black)
.onTapGesture {
self.showNewTask = false

NewToDoView(isShow: $showNewTask, todoItems: $todoItems, name: "", priority: .

.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
.animation(.interpolatingSpring(stiffness: 200.0, damping: 25.0, initialVe
locity: 10.0))

Understanding the Add Task view

Now let me walk you through the code in NewToDoView.swift , which is for users to add a
new task or to-do item. You can refer to figure 6 or simply open the file to preview it see
what this view looks like.

The NewToDoView takes in two bindings: isShow and todoItems. The isShow parameter
controls whether this Add New Task view should appear on screen. The todoItems
variable holds a reference to the array of to-do items. We need the caller to pass us the
binding to todoItems so that we can update the array with the new task.

@Binding var isShow: Bool

@Binding var todoItems: [ToDoItem]

@State var name: String

@State var priority: Priority
@State var isEditing = false

In the view, we let users input the name of the task and set its priority
(low/normal/high). The state variable isEditing indicates whether the user is editing
the task name. To avoid the software keyboard from obscuring the editing view, the app
will shift the view upward while the user is editing the text field.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 536
TextField("Enter the task description", text: $name, onEditingChanged: { (editingC
hanged) in

self.isEditing = editingChanged



.offset(y: isEditing ? -320 : 0)

After the Save button is tapped, we verify if the text field is empty. If not, we create a new
ToDoItem and call the addTask function to append it to the todoItems array, otherwise

we do nothing.

// Save button for adding the todo item

Button(action: {

if .whitespaces) == "" {


self.isShow = false
self.addTask(name:, priority: self.priority)

}) {
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 537
Since the todoItems array is a state variable, the list view will be automatically refreshed
and display the new task. This is how the code works. If you don't understand how the
Add task view is displayed at the bottom of the screen, please refer to chapter 18 on
building an Expandable Bottom Sheet.

Working with Core Data

Now that I've walked you through the starter project, it's time to convert the app to use
Core Data for storing the to-do items in the database. In the very beginning, we created a
blank project with Core Data enabled. By checking the Core Data checkbox, Xcode
automatically generated the basic skeleton of a Core Data project. This time, I will show
you how to transform the project to use Core Data manually.

Creating the Persistent Controller

Let's first create a new file called the Persistence.swift file. In the project navigator, right
click Model and use the Swift file template. Name the file Persistence.swift and insert
the following code in the file:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 538
import CoreData

struct PersistenceController {
static let shared = PersistenceController()

let container: NSPersistentContainer

init(inMemory: Bool = false) {

container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "ToDoList")
if inMemory {
container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first!.url = URL(fileURLWithPath
: "/dev/null")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, err
or) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appro
// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and
terminate. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although i
t may be useful during development.

Typical reasons for an error here include:
* The parent directory does not exist, cannot be created, or disal
lows writing.
* The persistent store is not accessible, due to permissions or da
ta protection when the device is locked.
* The device is out of space.
* The store could not be migrated to the current model version.
Check the error message to determine what the actual problem was.
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")

You should be familar with the code because it is the same as the code generated by
Xcode, except that the name of the container is changed to ToDoList.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 539
Injecting the managed object context
Now open ToDoListApp.swift and inject the managed object context into the
environment. In the ToDoListApp struct, declare the following variable to hold the
PersistenceController :

let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared

Next, in the same file, attach the environment modifier to ContentView() like this:

.environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistenceController.container.viewConte

In the code above, we inject the managed object context into the environment of
ContentView . This allows us to easily access the context in the content view for managing

the data in the database.

Creating the managed object model

Next, we need to manually create the managed object model. In the project navigator,
right click the ToDoList folder and select New file.... Choose Data Model and name the
file ToDoList.xcdatamodeld . Please make sure you name the file correctly because it should
match the name for initializing the NSPersistentContainer .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 540
Figure 7. Choosing the Data Model template

Once created, select the model file and click the Add Entity button to create a new entity.
Change the name of the entity from Entity to ToDoItem. You can think of this entity as a
record in the database table. Therefore, this entity should store the properties of a
ToDoItem . We need to add 4 attributes for the entity including (see figure 8):

id with the type UUID

name with the type String
priorityNum with the type Integer 32
isComplete with the type Boolean

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The types of id , name , and isComplete are exactly the same as that of the ToDoItem
class. But why does the priority is set to the type Integer 32? If you take a look at the code
in ToDoItem.swift , you see that the priority property is an Enum:

enum Priority: Int {

case low = 0
case normal = 1
case high = 2

To save this enum into the database, we have to store its raw value which is an integer.
This is why we use the type Integer 32 and name the attribute priorityNum to avoid
naming conflicts.

By default, Xcode automatically generates the model class of this ToDoItem entity.
However, I prefer to create this class manually in order to have better control. So, select
the ToDoItem entity and open the Data Model Inspector. If you can't see the inspector, go
up to the menu and select View > Inspectors > Show Data Model Inspector. In the Class
section, set the Module to Current Product Module and Codegen to Manual/None. This
disables the code generation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 542
Figure 8. Disable code generation

As you can see, everything we've developed so far does not require you have the
knowledge of database programming. No SQL, no database tables. All the things you deal
with are object based. This is the beauty of Core Data.

Defining the model class

In Core Data, every entity should be paired with a model class. By default, this model
class is generated by Xcode. Previously, we changed the setting from code gen to manual.
So, we need to implement the model class ToDoItem manually. Switch over to
ToDoItem.swift and import the CoreData package:

import CoreData

Replace the ToDoItem class like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 543
public class ToDoItem: NSManagedObject {
@NSManaged public var id: UUID
@NSManaged public var name: String
@NSManaged public var priorityNum: Int32
@NSManaged public var isComplete: Bool

extension ToDoItem: Identifiable {

var priority: Priority {

get {
return Priority(rawValue: Int(priorityNum)) ?? .normal

set {
self.priorityNum = Int32(newValue.rawValue)

The model class of Core Data should be inherited from NSManagedObject . Each property is
annotated with @NSManaged and corresponds to the attribute of the Core Data model we
created earlier. By using @NSManaged , this tells the compiler that the property is taken
care by Core Data.

In the original version of ToDoItem , we have the priority property which has a type of
Enum. For the Core Data version, we have to create a computed property for priority .
This computed property transforms the priority number into an Enum and vice versa.

Using @FetchRequest to fetch records

Now that we've prepared the model class, let's see how easy it is to fetch records from
database. Switch over to ContentView.swift . Originally, we have an array variable holding
all to-do items, which is also marked with @State :

@State var todoItems: [ToDoItem] = []

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 544
Since we are moving to store the items in database, we need to modify this line of code
and fetch the data from it. Apple introduced a new property wrapper called
@FetchRequest . This makes it very easy to load data from the database.

Replace the line of code above with @FetchRequest like this:

entity: ToDoItem.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ToDoItem.priorityNum, ascending:
false) ])
var todoItems: FetchedResults<ToDoItem>

Recall that we've injected the managed object context in the environment, this fetch
request automatically utilizes the context and fetches the required data for you. In the
code above, we specify to fetch the ToDoItem entity and how the results should be
ordered. Here, we would like to sort the items based on priority.

Once the fetch completes, you will have a collection of ToDoItem managed objects, these
are based on the ToDoItem class we defined earlier in the model layer.

This is how you perform a fetch request and retrieve data from database. And, since the
properties of ToDoItem are kept intact, we DO NOT need to make any code change for the
list view. We can use the fetch result directly in ForEach :

List {

ForEach(todoItems) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)

On top of that, you can directly pass the todoItem , which is a NSManageObject to create a
ToDoListRow . Do you know why we do not need to make any changes?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 545
Take a look at the documation of NSManagedObject . It conforms to ObservableObject . This
is why we can directly pass a todoItem to ToDoListRow .

Figure 9. NSManagedObject documentation

One more thing. You may also wonder if we need to manually perform a fetch request
when there are changes to todoItems (say, we add a new item). This is another advantage
of using @FetchRequest . SwiftUI automatically manages the changes and refreshes the UI

Adding data to the persistent store

Now, let's continue to do the Core Data migration and update the code for
NewToDoView.swift . To save a new task in the database, you need to first obtain the

managed object context from the environment:

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

Since we no longer use an array to hold the to-do items, you can remove this line of code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 546
@Binding var todoItems: [ToDoItem]

Next, let's update the addTask function like this:

private func addTask(name: String, priority: Priority, isComplete: Bool = false) {

let task = ToDoItem(context: context) = UUID() = name
task.priority = priority
task.isComplete = isComplete

do {
} catch {

To insert a new record into the database, you create a ToDoItem with the managed
context and then call the save() function of the context to commit the changes.

Since we removed the todoItems binding, we need to update the preview code:

struct NewToDoView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
NewToDoView(isShow: .constant(true), name: "", priority: .normal)

Now let's move back to ContentView.swift . Similarly, you should see an error in the
ContentView (see figure 10).

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 547
Figure 10. Xcode shows you an error in ContentView

Change the line of code like this to fix the error:

NewToDoView(isShow: $showNewTask, name: "", priority: .normal)

We simply remove the todoItems parameter. This is how we convert the demo app from
using an in-memory array as storage to a persistent store.

Updating an existing item

When you mark an item as complete, the app should store the change in the database. In
ContentView.swift , locate the ToDoListRow struct and declare the following variable:

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

Similar to adding a new record, we also need to obtain the managed object context for
record update. For the Toggle view, attach the onReceive modifier and place it right
after .toggleStyle(CheckboxStyle()) like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 548
var body: some View {
Toggle(isOn: self.$todoItem.isComplete) {
// Add the following code
.onReceive(todoItem.objectWillChange, perform: { _ in
if self.context.hasChanges {

Whenever there is a change to the toggle, the isComplete property of a todoItem will be
updated. But, how we can save it to the persistent store? Recall that the todoItem
conforms to ObservableObject , this implies that it has a publisher that transmits changes
in values.

Here, the onReceive modifier listens for these changes (say, the change of isComplete )
and saves them to the persistent store by calling the save() function of the context.

Now you can run the app in a simulator to try it out. You should be able to add new tasks
to the app. Once the new tasks are added, they should appear in the list view
immediately. The checkbox should work too. Most importantly, all the changes are now
saved permanently in the device's database. After you restart the app, all the items are
still there.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 549
Figure 11. Your ToDo app now supports Core Data

Deleting an item from database

Now that I have shown you how to perform fetch, update, and insert, how about data
deletion? We will add a feature to the app for removing a to-do item.

In the ContentView struct, declare a context variable:

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

Then add a new function called deleteTask like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 550
private func deleteTask(indexSet: IndexSet) {
for index in indexSet {
let itemToDelete = todoItems[index]

DispatchQueue.main.async {
do {

} catch {

This function takes in an index set which stores the index of the items for deletion. To
delete an item from the persistent store, you can call the delete function of the context
and specify the item to delete. Lastly, call save() to commit the change.

Now that we have prepared the delete function, where should we invoke it? Attach the
onDelete modifier to ForEach of the list view like this:

List {

ForEach(todoItems) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)
.onDelete(perform: deleteTask)

The onDelete modifier automatically enables the swipe-to-delete feature in the list view.
When the user deletes an item, we call the deleteTask function to remove the item from
the database.

Run the app and swipe to delete an item. This will completely remove it from the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 551
Figure 12. Deleting an item

Working with SwiftUI Preview

You should aware that the preview of your app doesn't work since we changed the app to
use Core Data. This is understandable because we haven't injected the managed object
context in the ContentView_Previews struct. So, how do we fix the issue and make the
preview work.

First, we need to create an in-memory data store and populate it with some test data.
Open Persistence.swift and declare a static variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 552
static var preview: PersistenceController = {
let result = PersistenceController(inMemory: true)
let viewContext = result.container.viewContext
for index in 0..<10 {
let newItem = ToDoItem(context: viewContext) = UUID() = "To do item #\(index)"
newItem.priority = .normal
newItem.isComplete = false
do {
} catch {
// Replace this implementation with code to handle the error appropriately.

// fatalError() causes the application to generate a crash log and termina

te. You should not use this function in a shipping application, although it may be
useful during development.
let nsError = error as NSError
fatalError("Unresolved error \(nsError), \(nsError.userInfo)")
return result

In the code above, we create an instance of PersistenceController with the inMemory

parameter set to true . Then we add 10 sample to-do items and save them to the data

Now let's switch over to the ContentView.swift and update the preview code like this:

struct ContentView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 553
We inject the context of the in-memory container to the environment of the content view.
By doing so, the content view can now load the sample to-do items and display them in
the preview canvas.

In this chapter, we converted a Todo list app from storing data in memory to a persistent
store. I hope you now understand how to integrate Core Data in a SwiftUI project and
know how to perform all basic CRUD (create, read, update & delete) operations. The
introduction of the @FetchRequest property wrapper and the injection of the managed
object context have made it very easy to manage data in a persistent store.

For reference, you can download the complete ToDoList project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 554
Chapter 23
Integrating UIKit with SwiftUI Using
There are two common questions developers ask about SwiftUI. First is the question of
how to implement Core Data and SwiftUI. The other common question is how to work
with UIKit views in SwiftUI projects. In this chapter, you will learn this technique by
integrating a UISearchBar in the Todo app.

If you are new to UIKit, UISearchBar is a built-in component of the framework that
allows developers to present a search bar for data search. Figure 1 shows you the
standard search bar in iOS. SwiftUI, however, doesn't come with this standard UI
component. To implement a search bar in a SwiftUI project (say, our ToDo app), one
approach is to make use of the UISearchBar component in UIKit.

So, how do we interface with UIKit views or controllers in SwiftUI?

For the purpose of backward compatibility, Apple introduced a couple of new protocols,
namely UIViewRepresentable and UIViewControllerRepresentable in the iOS SDK. With
these protocols, you can wrap a UIKit view (or view controller) and make it available to
your SwiftUI project.

To see how it works, we will enhance our Todo app with a search function. We will add a
search bar right below the app title and let users filter the to-do items by entering a
search term.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 555
Figure 1. Adding a search bar in the ToDo app

To get started, download the ToDo project at We will build on
top of the ToDoList project. In case you haven't read chapter 22, I recommend you read it
first. This will help you better understand the topics we are going to discuss below,
especially if you have no experience with Core Data.

Understanding UIViewRepresentable
To use a UIKit view in SwiftUI, you wrap the view with the UIViewRepresentable protocol.
Basically, you just need to create a struct in SwiftUI that adopts the protocol to create
and manage a UIView object. Here is the skeleton of the custom wrapper for a UIKit

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 556
struct CustomView: UIViewRepresentable {

func makeUIView(context: Context) -> some UIView {

// Return the UIView object

func updateUIView(_ uiView: some UIView, context: Context) {

// Update the view

In the actual implementation, you replace some UIView with the UIKit view you want to
wrap. Let's say, we want to use UISearchBar in UIKit. The code can be written like this:

struct SearchBar: UIViewRepresentable {

func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UISearchBar {

return UISearchBar()

func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: Context) {

// Update the view


In the makeUIView method, we return an instance of UISearchBar . This is how you wrap a
UIKit view and make it available to SwiftUI. To use the SearchBar , you can treat it like
any SwiftUI view and create it like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 557
Adding a Search Bar
Now back to the ToDoList project to add the search bar to the app. First, we will create a
new file for the search bar. In the project navigator, right click the View folder and
choose New File.... Select the SwiftUI View template and name the file SearchBar.swift .

Replace the content with the following code:

import SwiftUI

struct SearchBar: UIViewRepresentable {

@Binding var text: String

func makeUIView(context: Context) -> UISearchBar {

let searchBar = UISearchBar()

searchBar.searchBarStyle = .minimal
searchBar.autocapitalizationType = .none
searchBar.placeholder = "Search..."

return searchBar

func updateUIView(_ uiView: UISearchBar, context: Context) {

uiView.text = text

The code is similar to the code shown in the previous section but with the following

1. Instead of creating a UISearchBar with the default appearance, we initialize it with a

minimal style, disable auto capitalization, and update its placeholder value.
2. We have added a binding to hold the search term. While the makeUIView method is
responsible for creating and initializing the view object, the updateUIView method is
responsible for updating the state of the UIKit view. Whenever there is a state

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 558
change in SwiftUI, the framework automatically calls the updateUIView method to
update the configuration of the view. In this case, whenever you update the search
term in SwiftUI, the method will be called and we will update the text of
UISearchBar .

Now switch over to ContentView.swift . Declare a state variable to hold the search text:

@State private var searchText = ""

To present the search bar, insert the following code before the List :

SearchBar(text: $searchText)
.padding(.top, -20)

The SearchBar is just like any other SwiftUI views. You can apply modifiers like padding
to adjust the layout. If you run the app in a simulator, you should see a search bar,
though it doesn't function yet.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 559
Figure 2. The ToDo app now has a search bar

Capturing the Search Text

It's pretty easy to present a UIKit view in a SwiftUI app. That said, making the search bar
work is another story. For now, you can type in the search field but the app doesn't
perform the query yet. What we expect is that the app should search the to-do items on
the fly as the user keys in the search term.

So, how do we detect the user is entering a search term?

The search bar has a companion protocol named UISearchBarDelegate . This protocol
provides several methods for managing the search text. In particular, the following
method is called whenever the user changes the search text:

optional func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 560
To make the search bar functional, we have to adopt the UISearchBarDelegate protocol.
This is where things become more complex.

So far, we have only discussed a couple of the methods in the UIViewRepresentable

protocol. If you need to work with a delegate in UIKit and communicate back to SwiftUI,
you have to implement the makeCoordinator method and provide a Coordinator instance.
This Coordinator acts as a bridge between UIView's delegate and SwiftUI. Let's have a
look at the code, so you will understand what it means.

In the SearchBar struct (SearchBar.swift file), create a Coordinator class and implement
the makeCoordinator method like this:

func makeCoordinator() -> Coordinator {


class Coordinator: NSObject, UISearchBarDelegate {

@Binding var text: String

init(_ text: Binding<String>) {

self._text = text

func searchBar(_ searchBar: UISearchBar, textDidChange searchText: String) {

searchBar.showsCancelButton = true
text = searchText

print("textDidChange: \(text)")

The makeCoordinator method simply returns an instance of Coordinator . The

Coordinator , adopts the UISearchBarDelegate protocol and implements the

searchBar(_:textDidChange:) method. As mentioned, this method is called every time a

user changes the search text. Therefore, we capture the updated search text and pass it
back to SwiftUI by updating the text binding. I intentionally added a print statement in
the method, so that you can see the changes when we test the app later.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 561
Now that we have a Coordinator that adopts the UISearchBarDelegate protocol, we need
to make one more change. In the makeUIView method, insert the following line of code to
assign the coordinator to the search bar:

searchBar.delegate = context.coordinator

That's it! Run the app again and type in the search field. You should see the
"textDidChange:" message in the console.

Figure 3. The console displays the message as you type

Handling the Cancel Button

Did you tap the Cancel button? If you've tried that, you know it is not functional. To
make it work, we have to implement the following methods in the Coordinator :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 562
func searchBarCancelButtonClicked(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) {
text = ""
searchBar.showsCancelButton = false

func searchBarShouldBeginEditing(_ searchBar: UISearchBar) -> Bool {

searchBar.showsCancelButton = true

return true

The first method is triggered when the cancel button is clicked. In the code, we call
resignFirstResponder() to dismiss the keyboard and tell the search bar to end the editing.

The second method ensures that the Cancel button appears when the user taps the search

You can perform a quick test by running the app in a simulator. Tapping the Cancel
button while editing should dismiss the software keyboard.

Performing the Search

We can now retrieve the search text and handle the cancel button. Unfortunately, the
search bar is still not working yet. This is what we are going to implement in this section.
For this app, there are a couple of ways to perform the search:

1. Perform the search on the todoItems using the filter function

2. Perform the search on the FetchRequest by providing a predicate

Basically the first approach is good enough for this app because the todoItems is in sync
with the to-do item stored in the database. I also want to show you how to perform the
search using FetchRequest . So, we will look into both approaches.

Using the filter function

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 563
In Swift, you can use the filter function to loop over a collection and get an array of
items that matches the filter criteria. Here is an example:

todoItems.filter({ $"Buy") })

The filter function takes a closure as an argument that specifies the filter criteria. For
example, the code above will return those items that contain the keyword "Buy" in its
name field.

To implement the search, we can replace the ForEach loop of the List like this:

ForEach(todoItems.filter({ searchText.isEmpty ? true : $

) })) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)
.onDelete(perform: deleteTask)

In the closure of the filter function, we first check if the search text has a value. If not,
we simply return true , which means that it returns all the items. Otherwise, we check if
the name field contains the search term.

That's it. You can now run the app to test it out. Type in the search field and the app will
filter those records that match the search term.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 564
Figure 4. Filtering the todo items

Using FetchRequest
The filter approach performs the search on the existing fetch results. The other approach
is to perform the search directly using Core Data. When we fetch the data from database,
we specify clearly the todo items to retrieve.

The @FetchRequest property wrapper allows you to pass a predicate, which we haven’t
discussed before, to specify the filter criteria.

Here is an example:

entity: ToDoItem.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ToDoItem.priorityNum, ascending:
false) ],
predicate: NSPredicate(format: "name CONTAINS[c] %@", "Buy")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 565
By providing the predicate property, the fetch request will only fetch the to-do items
who's name field contains the search term "buy". The [c] following CONTAINS means
that the search is case insensitive. If you want to test it, please make sure you revert the
ForEach to the original code (without the filter function). And then replace the

@FetchRequest with the code above.

Assuming you’ve added some todo items with "Buy" in the item name, you should only
see the to-do items with the search term "buy" after the code change.

Figure 5. The app only displays the to-do items containing the keyword "buy"

It looks simple, right? But when you need to create a fetch request with a dynamic
predicate, then it is not that simple. Once the fetch request is initialized with a specific
predicate, you can't change it. The same goes for the sort descriptor.

So, how do we build a fetch request that supports different predicates?

The trick is not to use the @FetchRequest property wrapper. Instead, we create the fetch
request manually. In order to do that, we will create a separate view called FilteredList
which accepts the search text as an argument. This FilteredList is responsible to create
the fetch request, search for the related to-do items, and present them in a list view.

In ContentView.swift , insert the following code to create the FilteredList :

struct FilteredList: View {

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 566
@Binding var searchText: String

var fetchRequest: FetchRequest<ToDoItem>

var todoItems: FetchedResults<ToDoItem> {

init(_ searchText: Binding<String>) {

self._searchText = searchText

let predicate = searchText.wrappedValue.isEmpty ? NSPredicate(value: true)

: NSPredicate(format: "name CONTAINS[c] %@", searchText.wrappedValue)

self.fetchRequest = FetchRequest(entity: ToDoItem.entity(),

sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPa
th: \ToDoItem.priorityNum, ascending: false) ],
predicate: predicate,
animation: .default)

var body: some View {

ZStack {
List {

ForEach(todoItems) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)
.onDelete(perform: deleteTask)

if todoItems.count == 0 {

private func deleteTask(indexSet: IndexSet) {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 567
for index in indexSet {
let itemToDelete = todoItems[index]

do {
} catch {

Take a look at the body and deleteTask . Both are exactly the same as before. We just
extract the code and put them in the FilteredList . The core changes are in the init
method and the fetch request.

We declare a variable named fetchRequest to hold the fetch request and another variable
named todoItems to store the fetched results. The fetched results can actually be
retrieved from the wrappedValue property of the fetch request.

Now let's dive into the init method. This custom init method accepts the search text
as an argument. To be clear, it's the binding for the search text. The reason why we need
to create a custom init is that we are creating a dynamic fetch request based on the
given search text.

The first line of the init method is to store the binding of the search text. To assign a
binding, you use the underscore like this:

self._searchText = searchText

Next, we check if the search text is empty (or not) and build the predicate accordingly:

let predicate = searchText.wrappedValue.isEmpty ? NSPredicate(value: true) : NSPre

dicate(format: "name CONTAINS[c] %@", searchText.wrappedValue)

Once the predicate is ready, we create the fetch request like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 568
self.fetchRequest = FetchRequest(entity: ToDoItem.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ToD
oItem.priorityNum, ascending: false) ],
predicate: predicate,
animation: .default)

As you can see, the usage is very similar to that of the @FetchRequest property wrapper.

This is it! We now have a FilteredList that can handle a fetch request with different
predicates. Now let's modify the ContentView struct to make use of this new
FilteredList .

Since we've moved the fetch request to FilteredList , we can delete the following

@Environment(\.managedObjectContext) var context

entity: ToDoItem.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \ToDoItem.priorityNum, ascending:
false) ],
predicate: NSPredicate(format: "name CONTAINS[c] %@", "buy")
var todoItems: FetchedResults<ToDoItem>

Next, replace the following code:

List {

ForEach(todoItems.filter({ searchText.isEmpty ? true : $

Text) })) { todoItem in
ToDoListRow(todoItem: todoItem)
.onDelete(perform: deleteTask)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 569


Here we use the FilteredList to render the list view. We pass the binding of searchText
for performing the search. Since searchText is a state variable, any change on the search
text will trigger the update of the FilteredList . In reality, the app creates a different
predicate and fetches a new set of to-do items as the user types in the search field.

Next, remove the following code because it's in the FilteredList also:

// If there is no data, show an empty view

if todoItems.count == 0 {

Finally, delete the following code from the deleteTask method:

private func deleteTask(indexSet: IndexSet) {

for index in indexSet {
let itemToDelete = todoItems[index]

do {
} catch {

Now you're ready to test! If you've made all the code changes correctly, the app should
filter the to-do items as you type in the search term.


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 570
In this chapter, you've learned how to use the UIViewRepresentable protocol to integrate
UIKit views with SwiftUI. While SwiftUI is still very new and doesn't come with all the
standard UI components, this backward compatibility allows you to tap into the old
framework and utilize any views you need.

We also explored a couple of approaches for performing data search. You should now
know how to use the filter function and understand how to create a dynamic fetch

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 571
Chapter 24
Creating a Search Bar View and
Working with Custom Binding
Previously, we showed you how to implement a search bar by reusing the UISearchBar
component of the old UIKit framework. Have you ever thought of building one from
scratch? If you look at the search bar carefully, it's not too difficult to implement. So, let's
try to build a SwiftUI version of a search bar in this chapter.

Not only will you learn how to create the search bar view, we will show you how to work
with custom bindings. We've discussed bindings before, but haven't showed you how to
create a custom binding. Custom binding is particularly useful when you need to insert
additional program logic while it's being read and written. In addition to all that, you will
learn how to dismiss the software keyboard in SwiftUI.

Figure 1 shows you the search bar we're going to build. The look & feel is the same as that
of UISearchBar in UIKit. We will also implement the Cancel button which only appears
when the user starts typing in the search field.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 572
Figure 1. Building a search bar view entirely using SwiftUI

Implementing the Search Bar UI

We will convert the previous project from UISearchBar to our own implementation of
search bar. To get started, please download the starter project from Once
you download it, compile it to make sure it works. The app should show you a search bar,
however, this bar is from UIKit. We are going to convert it to a search bar view built
entirely using SwiftUI.

Open SearchBar.swift , which is the file we will focus on. We will rewrite the whole code
but keep its struct name intact. We still call it SearchBar , which still accepts a binding of
search text as an argument. To the caller (i.e. ContentView), there is nothing to change.
The usage is still like this:

SearchBar(text: $searchText)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 573
Now, let's begin with the UI implementation. If you want to challenge yourself, stop
reading here and try to implement the search bar UI on your own. This UI is quite
simple. It's composed of a text field, a couple of icons, and the cancel button.

If you have no idea how the UI is built, let's create it together. Replace the SearchBar
struct in SearchBar.swift like this:

struct SearchBar: View {

@Binding var text: String

@State private var isEditing = false

var body: some View {

HStack {

TextField("Search ...", text: $text)

.padding(.horizontal, 25)
HStack {
Image(systemName: "magnifyingglass")
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, alignment: .l
.padding(.leading, 8)

if isEditing {
Button(action: {
self.text = ""
}) {
Image(systemName: "")
.padding(.trailing, 8)
.padding(.horizontal, 10)
.onTapGesture {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 574
self.isEditing = true

if isEditing {
Button(action: {
self.isEditing = false
self.text = ""

}) {
.padding(.trailing, 10)
.transition(.move(edge: .trailing))

First, we declare two variables: one is the binding of the search text and the other one is a
variable for storing the state of the search field (editing or not).

We used a HStack to layout the text field and the Cancel button. For the text field, we
overlay a magnifying glass icon and the cross icon (i.e., which is only
displayed when the search field is in editing mode. The same goes for the Cancel button,
which appears when the user taps the search field.

In order to preview the search bar, please also insert the following code:

struct SearchBar_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
SearchBar(text: .constant(""))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 575
Once you have added the code, you should be able to preview the search field. Click the
play button to test the search field. When you select the text field, the Cancel button
should appear.

Figure 2. Previewing the search bar

What's more is that the search bar already works! Run the app on a simulator and
perform a search. It should filter the result based on the search term.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 576
Figure 3. The search bar is already functional

Dismissing the Keyboard

As you can see, it's not hard to create our own search bar entirely using SwiftUI. While
the search bar is working, there is a minor issue we have to fix. Have you tried to tap the
cancel button? It does clear the search field. However, the software keyboard is not

To fix that, we need to add a line of code in the action block of the Cancel button in
SearchBar.swift :

// Dismiss the keyboard

UIApplication.shared.sendAction(#selector(UIResponder.resignFirstResponder), to: n
il, from: nil, for: nil)

In the code, we call the sendAction method to resign the first responder and dismiss the
keyboard. You can now run the app using a simulator. When you tap the cancel button, it
should clear the search field and dismiss the software keyboard.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 577
Working with Custom Binding
The SwiftUI version of search bar already functions properly, but I want to take this
opportunity to discuss custom binding with you. In SearchBar.swift , we declare a
binding of the search text like this:

@Binding var text: String

It works great for our current implementation. But let me ask you. What if we needed to
add extra logic when reading or writing this binding? For example, how can you
capitalize each word in the search field?

Swift has a built-in feature to capitalize a string. You can use the capitalized property of
the text and retrieve the capitalized text. The question is how do we update the binding of
text ?

In this case, you will need to create a custom binding in SearchBar.swift like this:

private var searchText: Binding<String> {

return Binding<String>(
get: {

}, set: {
self.text = $0

In the code above, we create a custom binding named searchText with closures that read
(get) and write (set) the binding value. For the get part, we customize the binding value
of text by accessing the capitalized property. This is how we capitalize each word the
user types in the search field. For the set part, we do not make any changes and set it to
the original value. However, if you need to add extra logic when setting the binding, you
can modify the code in set .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 578
As a side note, you can omit the return keyword and write the binding like this:

private var searchText: Binding<String> {

get: {

}, set: {
self.text = $0

This is a new feature in Swift 5.1, in case you are not aware.

We are still passing the text binding to TextField . Before the custom binding change
takes effect, we will need to make one more change. Modify the parameter in TextField
and make sure you pass the searchText as the binding:

TextField("Search ...", text: searchText)

Now run the app on a simulator. Type a few words into the search field. The app should
automatically capitalize each word as you type.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 579
Figure 4. The search field automatically capitalizes each word as you type

In this chapter, we showed you another approach to implementing a search bar. As you
can see, it's not difficult to build one entirely using SwiftUI. You've also learned how to
create a custom binding. This is very useful when you need to add extra program logic
when setting or retrieving the binding value.

For reference, you can download the complete search bar project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 580
Chapter 25
Putting Everything Together to Build
a Personal Finance App
By now, you should have a good understanding of SwiftUI and have built some simple
apps using this new framework. In this chapter, you are going to use what you've learned
so far to develop a personal finance app, allowing users to keep track of their income and

Figure 1. The Personal Finance App

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 581
This app is not too complicated to build but you will learn quite a lot about SwiftUI and
understand how to apply the techniques you learned in developing this real world app. In
brief, here is some of the stuff we will go through with you:

1. How to build a form and perform validation

2. How to filter records and refresh the list view
3. How to use bottom sheet to display record details
4. How to use MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel) in SwiftUI
5. How to save and manage data in a database using Core Data
6. How to use DatePicker for date selection
7. How to handle keyboard notification and adjust the form position

Let me stress this once again. This app is the result of what you learned so far. Therefore,
I assume you have already read the book from chapter 1 to chapter 24. You should
understand how a bottom sheet is built (chapter 18), how form validation with Combine
works (chapter 14 & 15), and how to persist data using Core Data (chapter 22). If you
haven't read these chapters, I suggest you go read them first. In this chapter, we will
mostly focus on techniques that haven't been discussed before.

Downloading the Complete Project

Normally, we build a demo app from scratch. This time is a bit different. I've already built
the Personal Finance app for you. You can download the full source code of the project
from to take a look.
Unzip the project and run the app on a simulator to try it out. When the app is first
launched, it looks different from the one shown in figure 1 because there are no records.
You can tap the + button to add a new record. After you go back to the main view, you
will see the new record in the Recent Transactions section. And, the total balance is
automatically calculated.

The app uses Core Data for data management. The records are persisted locally in the
built-in database, so you should see the records even after restarting the app.

For the rest of the chapter, I will explain how the code works in detail. But I encourage
you to take a look at the code first to see how much you understand.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 582
Understanding the Model
As you can see in the project navigator, the app is broken into three main parts: model,
view model and view. Let's begin with the model layer and Core Data model. Open the
PaymentActivity.swift file to take a look:

enum PaymentCategory: Int {

case income = 0
case expense = 1

public class PaymentActivity: NSManagedObject {

@NSManaged public var paymentId: UUID

@NSManaged public var date: Date
@NSManaged public var name: String
@NSManaged public var address: String?
@NSManaged public var amount: Double
@NSManaged public var memo: String?
@NSManaged public var typeNum: Int32

extension PaymentActivity: Identifiable {

var type: PaymentCategory {
get {
return PaymentCategory(rawValue: Int(typeNum)) ?? .expense

set {
self.typeNum = Int32(newValue.rawValue)

The PaymentActivity class represents a payment record which can either be an expense or
income. In the code above, we use an enum to differentiate the payment types. Each
payment has the following properties:

paymentId - an unique ID for the payment record

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 583
date - the date of the transaction
name - the name of the transaction
address - where you spend / where the income comes from
amount - the amount of the transaction
memo - additional notes for the payment
typeNum - the payment type (income / expense)

Since we use Core Data to persist the payment activity, this PaymentActivity class inherits
from NSManagedObject . Later, you will see in the Core Data model that this class is set as a
custom class of the managed object. Again, if you don't understand Core Data, please
refer to chapter 22.

The payment type (i.e. typeNum ), is saved as an integer in the database. Therefore, we
need a conversion between the integer and the actual enumeration. This is one approach
to save an enum in a persistent storage.

Lastly, we adopt the Identifiable protocol. Why do we need to adopt it? We will use the
List view to present all the payment activities. This is why the PaymentActivity class

adopts the protocol. If you forget what the Identifiable protocol is, you can read about it
in chapter 10.

Working with Core Data

Now, open PFinanceStore.xcdatamodeld to have a look at the managed data model. In the
model, we only have one entity, PaymentActivity.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 584
Figure 2. The PaymentActivity entity

This class, as we discussed earlier, is the custom class of this entity. You can click the
Data Model inspector to reveal the settings. As mentioned before, I prefer to create the
custom class manually (instead of codegen). This gives me more flexiblity to customize
the class.

Next, let's head over to Persistence.swift (inside the Model group) to see how this data
model is loaded. In the PersistenceController struct, you should see the following code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 585
struct PersistenceController {
static let shared = PersistenceController()

let container: NSPersistentContainer


init(inMemory: Bool = false) {

container = NSPersistentContainer(name: "PFinanceStore")
if inMemory {
container.persistentStoreDescriptions.first!.url = URL(fileURLWithPath
: "/dev/null")
container.loadPersistentStores(completionHandler: { (storeDescription, err
or) in
if let error = error as NSError? {
fatalError("Unresolved error \(error), \(error.userInfo)")

When the app starts, we load the PFinanceStore.xcdatamodeld using NSPersistentContainer .

Now, switch over to PFinanceApp.swift and check out the code:

struct PFinanceApp: App {

let persistenceController = PersistenceController.shared

var body: some Scene {

WindowGroup {
DashboardView().environment(\.managedObjectContext, persistenceControl

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 586
To trick to using Core Data in SwiftUI, is to inject the managed object context into the
environment. Later, in the SwiftUI views, we can easily grab the context from the
environment for further operations.

Implementing the New Payment View

Now that we have completed the walkthrough of the model layer, let's see how we
implement each of the views. The New Payment view is designed for users to create a
new payment activity. Open the PaymentFormView.swift file to take a look. You should be
able to preview the input form.

Figure 3. The Payment Form View

The Form Layout

Let me first walk you through how the form is laid out. It's always good practice to extract
common views to create a more generic version. Since most of the form fields are very
similar, we created a generic text field (i.e. FormTextField ) to render the field name and

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 587
the placeholder using a VStack :

struct FormTextField: View {

let name: String
var placeHolder: String

@Binding var value: String

var body: some View {

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))

TextField(placeHolder, text: $value)

.border(Color("Border"), width: 1.0)


Do you notice the two validation errors under the form title? Since these validation
messages have a similar format, we also create a generic view for this kind of message:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 588
struct ValidationErrorText: View {

var iconName = ""

var iconColor = Color(red: 251/255, green: 128/255, blue: 128/255)

var text = ""

var body: some View {

HStack {
Image(systemName: iconName)
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))

With these two common views created, it's very straightforward to layout the form. We
use a ScrollView , together with a VStack to arrange the form fields. The validation error
messages are only displayed when an error is detected:

Group {
if !paymentFormViewModel.isNameValid {
ValidationErrorText(text: "Please enter the payment name")

if !paymentFormViewModel.isAmountValid {
ValidationErrorText(text: "Please enter a valid amount")

if !paymentFormViewModel.isMemoValid {
ValidationErrorText(text: "Your memo should not exceed 300 characters")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 589
The type field is a bit different because it's not a text field. The user can either select
income or expense. In this case, we created two buttons

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))
.padding(.vertical, 10)

HStack(spacing: 0) {
Button(action: {
self.paymentFormViewModel.type = .income
}) {
.foregroundColor(self.paymentFormViewModel.type == .income ? Color
.white : Color.primary)
.frame(minWidth: 0.0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(self.paymentFormViewModel.type == .income ? Color("IncomeCard"
) : Color.white)

Button(action: {
self.paymentFormViewModel.type = .expense
}) {
.foregroundColor(self.paymentFormViewModel.type == .expense ? Color
.white : Color.primary)
.frame(minWidth: 0.0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(self.paymentFormViewModel.type == .expense ? Color("ExpenseCar
d") : Color.white)
.border(Color("Border"), width: 1.0)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 590
The background color of the button varies depending on the type of the payment activity.

The date field is implemented using the DatePicker component. It's very easy to use the
DatePicker . All you need is to provide the label, the binding to the date value, and the

display components of the date.

struct FormDateField: View {

let name: String

@Binding var value: Date

var body: some View {

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))

DatePicker("", selection: $value, displayedComponents: .date)

.border(Color("Border"), width: 1.0)

In iOS 14, the built-in DatePicker has been improved with better UI and more styles. If
you run the view and tap the date field, the app displays a full calendar view for users to
pick the date. The user interface is much much better than the old version of date picker.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 591
Figure 4. Tapping the date field shows you a full calendar

The memo field is not a text field but a text editor. In iOS 13, SwiftUI doesn't come with a
multiline text field. To support multiline text editing, you will need to tap into the UIKit
framework and wrap UITextView into a SwiftUI component. Starting with iOS 14, Swift
introduced a new component called TextEditor for displaying and editing long-form text.
In PaymentFormView.swift , you should find the following struct:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 592
struct FormTextEditor: View {
let name: String
var height: CGFloat = 80.0

@Binding var value: String

var body: some View {

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.subheadline, design: .rounded))

TextEditor(text: $value)
.frame(minHeight: height)
.border(Color("Border"), width: 1.0)

The usage of TextEditor is very similar to TextField . All you need is to pass it the
binding to a String variable. Just like any other SwiftUI view, you apply view modifiers to
style its appearance. This is how we created the Memo field for users to type long form

At the end of the form, is the Save button. This button is disabled by default. It's only
enabled when all the required fields are filled. The disabled modifier is used to control
the button's state.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 593
Button(action: {
}) {
.opacity(paymentFormViewModel.isFormInputValid ? 1.0 : 0.5)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)


When the button is tapped, it calls the save() method to save the payment activity
permanently into the database. And then, it invokes the dismiss() method to dismiss the
view. If you are not familiar with the environment value presentationMode , please read
chapter 12.

Form Validation
That's pretty much how we layout the form UI. Let's talk about how the form validation is
implemented. Basically, we followed what's discussed in chapter 15 to perform the form
validation using Combine. Here is what we have done:

1. Create a view model to represent the payment activity form.

2. Implement form validation in the view model and publish the validation results
using Combine.

We created a view model class to hold the values of the form fields. You can switch over
to PaymentFormViewModel.swift to view the code:

class PaymentFormViewModel: ObservableObject {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 594
// Input
@Published var name = ""
@Published var location = ""
@Published var amount = ""
@Published var type = PaymentCategory.expense
@Published var date =
@Published var memo = ""

// Output
@Published var isNameValid = false
@Published var isAmountValid = true
@Published var isMemoValid = true
@Published var isFormInputValid = false

private var cancellableSet: Set<AnyCancellable> = []

init(paymentActivity: PaymentActivity?) { = paymentActivity?.name ?? ""

self.location = paymentActivity?.address ?? ""
self.amount = "\(paymentActivity?.amount ?? 0.0)"
self.memo = paymentActivity?.memo ?? ""
self.type = paymentActivity?.type ?? .expense = paymentActivity?.date ??

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { name in
return name.count > 0
.assign(to: \.isNameValid, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { amount in
guard let validAmount = Double(amount) else {
return false
return validAmount > 0
.assign(to: \.isAmountValid, on: self)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 595
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { memo in
return memo.count < 300
.assign(to: \.isMemoValid, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

Publishers.CombineLatest3($isNameValid, $isAmountValid, $isMemoValid)

.receive(on: RunLoop.main)
.map { (isNameValid, isAmountValid, isMemoValid) in
return isNameValid && isAmountValid && isMemoValid
.assign(to: \.isFormInputValid, on: self)
.store(in: &cancellableSet)

This class conforms to ObservableObject . All the properties are annotated with
@Published because we want to notify the subscribers whenever there is a value change

and perform the validation accordingly.

Whenever there are any changes to the form's input values, this view model will execute
the validation code, update the results, and notify the subscribers.

So, who is the subscriber?

If you go back to PaymentFormView.swift , you should notice that we have declared a

variable named paymentFormViewModel with the @ObservedObject wrapper:

@ObservedObject private var paymentFormViewModel: PaymentFormViewModel

The PaymentFormView subscribes to the changes of the view model. When any of the
validation variables (e.g. isNameValid ) are updated, PaymentFormView will be notified and
the view itself will refresh to display the validation error on screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 596
if !paymentFormViewModel.isNameValid {
ValidationErrorText(text: "Please enter the payment name")

Form Initialization
Do you notice the initialization method? It accepts a PaymentActivity object and
initializes the view model.

var payment: PaymentActivity?

init(payment: PaymentActivity? = nil) {

self.payment = payment
self.paymentFormViewModel = PaymentFormViewModel(paymentActivity: payment)

The PaymentFormView allows the user to create a new payment activity and edit an existing
activity. This is why the init method takes in an optional payment activity object. If the
object is nil , we display an empty form. Otherwise, we fill the form fields with the given
values of the PaymentActivity object.

Previewing the form

The instant preview feature is one of the many things I really enjoy when programming
with SwiftUI. However, if your SwiftUI project integrates with Core Data, it will require
some extra code to make the preview work. Here is the code for the preview:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 597
struct PaymentFormView_Previews: PreviewProvider {
static var previews: some View {

let context = PersistenceController.shared.container.viewContext

let testTrans = PaymentActivity(context: context)

testTrans.paymentId = UUID() = ""
testTrans.amount = 0.0 = .today
testTrans.type = .expense

return Group {
PaymentFormView(payment: testTrans)
PaymentFormView(payment: testTrans)

FormTextField(name: "NAME", placeHolder: "Enter your payment", value:


ValidationErrorText(text: "Please enter the payment name").previewLayo



To instantiate the PaymentFormView , you have to provide a PaymentActivity object. Since

PaymentActivity is a managed object, we need to retrieve the context from

PersistenceController to create one. Once we create the PaymentActivity object, we can

initialize it with a test item and use it to preview the PaymentFormView . This is how you can
preview a view that integrates with Core Data.

Implementing the Payment Activity Detail View

Now let's move onto the next view and discuss how the payment activity detail view is
implemented. This view is activated when a user selects one of the payment activities in
the Recent Transactions section. It displays the details of the activity such as amount and

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 598
location. You can open PaymentDetailView.swift to see what the UI looks like. This will
give you a better idea of the detail view.

Figure 5. The payment activity detail view

The User Interface

The detail view is quite simple. I believe you know how to layout the components, so I
will not explain the code line by line. One thing I want to highlight is the following lines
of code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 599
@Binding var isShow: Bool


init(isShow: Binding<Bool>, payment: PaymentActivity) {

self._isShow = isShow

self.payment = payment
self.viewModel = PaymentDetailViewModel(payment: payment)

This detail view is triggered when isShow is set to true . Since we need to perform some
initialization to create the view model, we implement a custom init method.

The View Model

Instead of putting everything in a single view, we can separate a view into two
components: the view and its view model. The view itself is responsible for the UI
layout, while the view model holds the state and data to be displayed in the view.
The view model also handles the data validation and conversion. For experienced
developers, we are applying a well known design pattern called MVVM (short for

- See Building a Registration Form with Combine and View Model (Chapter 15)

To separate the actual view data from the view UI, we have created a view model named
PaymentDetailViewModel :

private let viewModel: PaymentDetailViewModel

Why do we need to create an extra view model to hold the view's data? Take a look at the
icon right next to the title Payment Details. This is a dynamic icon that changes in
reference to the payment type. Additionally, do you notice the format of the amount? A

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 600
requirement for our app is to format the amount with only two decimal places. We can
implement all this logic in the view, but if you keep adding all the logic in the view, the
view will become too complex to maintain.

One well known computer programming principle is the single responsibility principle
(SRP). It states that every class or module in a program should have responsibility for
just a single piece of that program’s functionality. SRP is one of the keys to writing good
code, making your code easier to maintain and read.

This is why we separate the view into two components:

1. PaymentDetailView is only responsible for the UI layout.

2. PaymentDetailViewModel is responsible for converting the view's data into the expected

presentation format.

Open PaymentDetailViewModel and take a look:

struct PaymentDetailViewModel {

var payment: PaymentActivity

var name: String {


var date: String {


var address: String {

return payment.address ?? ""

var typeIcon: String {

let icon: String

switch payment.type {
case .income: icon = ""
case .expense: icon = ""

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 601

return icon

var image: String = "payment-detail"

var amount: String {

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal
formatter.minimumFractionDigits = 2

let formattedValue = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: payment.amount

)) ?? ""

let formattedAmount = ((payment.type == .income) ? "+" : "-") + "$" + form


return formattedAmount

var memo: String {

return payment.memo ?? ""

init(payment: PaymentActivity) {
self.payment = payment

As you can see, we implement all the conversion logic in this view model. Can we put this
logic back into the view? Yes, of course. However, I believe the code is much cleaner
when breaking the view into two parts.

The Bottom Sheet

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 602
The payment activity detail view is displayed as an overlay using a BottomSheet . When a
user taps a payment record, the app brings up the bottom sheet and displays the payment
details. This bottom sheet is expandable, so the user can drag the detail view up to
expand it. Alternatively, the user can drag the view down to dismiss it.

var body: some View {

BottomSheet(isShow: $isShow) {
VStack {
TitleBar(viewModel: self.viewModel)


We have implemented a similar bottom sheet in chapter 18. Therefore, we reuse most of
the code as discussed in that chapter. If you want to learn more about how the
BottomSheet is built, you can re-read the chapter. However, there is one thing I want to

highlight. In chapter 18, the bottom sheet is specifically designed for displaying the
restaurant details. For this app, we converted it to a generic bottom sheet which can
display any content.

The trick is to take in a Content view as a parameter. If you compare the code with the
code used in chapter 18, it is exactly the same, except that the content inside the scroll
view can be varied.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 603
struct BottomSheet<Content>: View where Content: View {


let content: () -> Content

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { geometry in
VStack {


ScrollView(.vertical) {





Walking Through the Dashboard View

Now it's time to walk you through the dashboard view. Among all the views in the
personal finance app, this view is the most complicated one.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 604
Figure 6. The dashboard view

The Menu Bar

Open Dashboard.swift and let's start with the menu bar:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 605
struct MenuBar<Content>: View where Content: View {
@State private var showPaymentForm = false

let modalContent: () -> Content

var body: some View {

ZStack(alignment: .trailing) {
HStack(alignment: .center) {

VStack(alignment: .center) {
Text( "EEEE, MMM d, yyyy"))
Text("Personal Finance")


Button(action: {
self.showPaymentForm = true
}) {
Image(systemName: "")

.sheet(isPresented: self.$showPaymentForm, onDismiss: {

self.showPaymentForm = false
}) {


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 606
The layout of the menu bar is simple. It shows the app's title, today's date, and the plus
button. This menu bar view is designed to take in any modal view (i.e. modalContent ).
When the plus button is tapped, the modal view will be displayed. If you don't know how
to create a generic view in SwiftUI, you can refer to chapter 17 on building a generic
draggable view.

Income, Expense and Total Balance

Next, we have three card views to show the total balance, income, and expenses. Here is
the code for the income card view:

struct IncomeCard: View {

var income = 0.0

var body: some View {

ZStack {

VStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
Text(NumberFormatter.currency(from: income))
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))
.frame(height: 150)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 607
We simply use a ZStack to overlay the text on a colored rectangle. We use a similar
technique to layout both TotalBalanceCard and ExpenseCard . So, how do we compute the
income, expense, and total balance? We have three computed properties declared at the
beginning of DashboardView :

private var totalIncome: Double {

let total = paymentActivities
.filter {
$0.type == .income
}.reduce(0) {
$0 + $1.amount

return total

private var totalExpense: Double {

let total = paymentActivities
.filter {
$0.type == .expense
}.reduce(0) {
$0 + $1.amount

return total

private var totalBalance: Double {

return totalIncome - totalExpense

The paymentActivities variable stores the collection of payment activities. So, to calculate
the total income, we first use the filter function to filter those activities with type
.income and then use the reduce function to compute the total amount. The same

technique was applied to calculate the total expense. Higher order functions in Swift are
very useful. If you don't know how to use filter and reduce, you can further check out this
tutorial (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 608
Recent Transactions
The last part of the UI is the list of recent transactions. As all the rows share the same
layout (except the icon of the payment type), we create a generic view for the transaction
row like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 609
struct TransactionCellView: View {

@ObservedObject var transaction: PaymentActivity

var body: some View {

HStack(spacing: 20) {

if transaction.isFault {

} else {

Image(systemName: transaction.type == .income ? "arrowtriangle.up.

circle.fill" : "")
.foregroundColor(Color(transaction.type == .income ? "IncomeCa
rd" : "ExpenseCard"))

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))
.font(.system(.caption, design: .rounded))


Text((transaction.type == .income ? "+" : "-") + NumberFormatter.c

urrency(from: transaction.amount))
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.padding(.vertical, 5)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 610
This cell view takes in a PaymentActivity object which is a managed object and then
presents its content. To ensure the given managed object (i.e. transaction ) is valid, we
place a check inside the HStack by accessing the isFault property.

To list the transaction, we use ForEach to loop through the payment activities and create
a TransactionCellView for each activity:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 611
ForEach(paymentDataForView) { transaction in
TransactionCellView(transaction: transaction)
.onTapGesture {
self.showPaymentDetails = true
self.selectedPaymentActivity = transaction
.contextMenu {
Button(action: {
// Edit payment details
self.editPaymentDetails = true
self.selectedPaymentActivity = transaction

}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "pencil")

Button(action: {
// Delete the selected payment
self.delete(payment: transaction)
}) {
HStack {
Image(systemName: "trash")
.sheet(isPresented: self.$editPaymentDetails) {
PaymentFormView(payment: self.selectedPaymentActivity).environment(\.managedOb
jectContext, self.context)

When a user taps and holds a row, it displays a context menu with both the delete and
edit options. When selecting the edit option, the app will create the PaymentFormView with
the selected payment activity. For the delete operation, the app will completely remove
the activity from the database using Core Data.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 612
Figure 7. The context menu for the payment activity row

Do you notice the paymentDataForView variable? Instead of using paymentActivities , the

list view presents items stored in paymentDataForView . Why is that?

In the Recent Transactions section, the app provides three options for the user to filter
the payment activities including all, income, and expense. For example, if the expense
option is selected, the app only shows those activities related to expenses.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 613
private var paymentDataForView: [PaymentActivity] {

switch listType {
case .all:
return paymentActivities
.sorted(by: { $$ == .orderedDescending })
case .income:
return paymentActivities
.filter { $0.type == .income }
.sorted(by: { $$ == .orderedDescending })
case .expense:
return paymentActivities
.filter { $0.type == .expense }
.sorted(by: { $$ == .orderedDescending })

The paymentDataForView is another computed property which returns a collection of

payment activities that match the list type. In the code, we use the filter function to
filter the payment activities and call the sort function to sort the activities in reverse
chronological order.

Managing Payment Activities with Core Data

As mentioned before, all the payment activities are saved in the local database and
managed using Core Data. In the code, we use the @FetchRequest property wrapper to
fetch the payment activities like this:

entity: PaymentActivity.entity(),
sortDescriptors: [ NSSortDescriptor(keyPath: \, ascending:
false) ])
var paymentActivities: FetchedResults<PaymentActivity>

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 614
This property wrapper makes it very easy to perform a fetch request. We simply specify
the entity, which is the PaymentActivity , and the sort descriptor describing how the data
should be ordered. The Core Data framework will then use the environment's managed
object context to fetch the data. Most importantly, SwiftUI will automatically update the
list views or any other views that are bound to the fetched results.

Deleting an activity from the database is also very straightforward. We call the delete
function of the context and pass it with the activity object to remove:

private func delete(payment: PaymentActivity) {


do {
} catch {
print("Failed to save the context: \(error.localizedDescription)")

FAdding a new activity or updating an existing activity happens in the PaymentFormView . If

you look at the PaymentFormView.swift file again, you will find the save() function:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 615
private func save() {
let newPayment = payment ?? PaymentActivity(context: context)

newPayment.paymentId = UUID() =
newPayment.type = paymentFormViewModel.type =
newPayment.amount = Double(paymentFormViewModel.amount)!
newPayment.address = paymentFormViewModel.location
newPayment.memo = paymentFormViewModel.memo

do {
} catch {
print("Failed to save the record...")

The first line of the code checks if we have any existing activity. If not, we will instantiate
a new one. We then assign the form values to the payment object and call the save
function of the managed object context to add/update the record in the database.

Exploring the Extensions

For convenience purposes, we have built two extensions for formatting the date and
number. In the project navigator, you should find two files under the Extension folder.
Let's take a look at the Date+Ext.swift file first:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 616
extension Date {
static var today: Date {
return Date()

static var yesterday: Date {

return .day, value: -1, to: Date())!

static var tomorrow: Date {

return .day, value: 1, to: Date())!

var month: Int {

return Calendar.current.component(.month, from: self)

static func fromString(string: String, with format: String = "yyyy-MM-dd") ->

Date? {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
return string)

func string(with format: String = "dd MMM yyyy") -> String {

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
return dateFormatter.string(from: self)

In the code above, we extend Date to provide additional functionality including:

Get today's date

Get tomorrow's date
Get yesterday's date
Get the month of the date
Convert the current date to a string or vice versa

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 617
For formatting the amount, we extend NumberFormatter to provide an additional function:

extension NumberFormatter {
static func currency(from value: Double) -> String {
let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .decimal

let formattedValue = formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: value)) ?? ""

return "$" + formattedValue


This function takes in a value, converts it to a string and prepends it with the dollar sign

Handling the Software Keyboard

In the PaymentFormView.swift file, we added the following modifier:


This is a custom view modifier, developed for handling the software keyboard. For iOS
14, this modifier is no longer required but I intentionally added it because you may need
it if your app supports iOS 13.

On iOS 13, the software keyboard blocks parts of the form when it's brought up without
applying the modifier. For example, if you try to tap the memo field, it's completely
hidden behind the keyboard. Conversely, if you attach the modifier to the scroll view, the
form will move up automatically when the keyboard appears. On iOS 14, the mobile
operating system itself automatically handles the appearance of the software keyboard,
preventing it from blocking the input field.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 618
Figure 8. Without using keyboardAdaptive (left), Using keyboardAdaptive

Now let's check out the code ( KeyboardAdaptive.swift ) and see how we handle keyboard

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 619
struct KeyboardAdaptive: ViewModifier {

@State var currentHeight: CGFloat = 0

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

.padding(.bottom, currentHeight)
.onAppear(perform: handleKeyboardEvents)

private func handleKeyboardEvents() {

NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIResponder.keyboardWillShowNoti
).compactMap { (notification) in
notification.userInfo?["UIKeyboardFrameEndUserInfoKey"] as? CGRect
}.map { rect in
}.subscribe(Subscribers.Assign(object: self, keyPath: \.currentHeight))

NotificationCenter.default.publisher(for: UIResponder.keyboardWillHideNoti
).compactMap { _ in
}.subscribe(Subscribers.Assign(object: self, keyPath: \.currentHeight))


extension View {
func keyboardAdaptive() -> some View {
ModifiedContent(content: self, modifier: KeyboardAdaptive())

Whenever the keyboard appears (or disappears), iOS sends a notification to the app:

keyboardWillShowNotification - this notification is sent when the keyboard is about

to appear
keyboardWillHideNotification - this notification is sent when the keyboard is going

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 620
to disappear

So, how do we make use of these notifications to scroll up the form? When the app
receives the keyboardWillShowNotification, it adds padding to the form to move it up.
Conversely, we set the padding to zero when the keyboardWillHideNotification is

In the code above, we have a state variable to store the height of the keyboard. By using
the Combine framework, we have a publisher that captures the
keyboardWillShowNotification and emits the current height of the keyboard.
Additionally, we have another publisher which listens to the
keyboardWillHideNotification and emits a value of zero. For both publishers, we use the
built-in assign subscriber to assign the value emitted by these publishers to the
currentHeight variable.

This is how we detect the keyboard appearance, capture its height, and add the bottom
padding. But why do we need to have the View extension?

The code works without the extension. You write the code like this to detect the keyboard


To make the code cleaner, we create the extension and add the keyboardAdaptive()
function. After that, we can attach the modifier to any view like this:


Since this view modifier is only applicable to iOS 13, we use the #available check to
verify the OS version in the keyboardAdaptive() function:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 621
extension View {
func keyboardAdaptive() -> some View {
if #available(iOS 14.0, *) {
return AnyView(self)
} else {
return AnyView(ModifiedContent(content: self, modifier: KeyboardAdapti

This is how we built the personal finance app from the ground up. Most of the techniques
we used shouldn't be new to you. You combine what you learned in the earlier chapters to
build the app.

SwiftUI is a very powerful and promising framework, allowing you to build the same app
with less code than UIKit. If you have some programming experience with UIKit, you
know it would take you more time and lines of code to create the personal finance app. I
really hope you enjoy learning SwiftUI and building UIs with this new framework.
However, one thing I have to point out again is that SwiftUI only works on iOS 13 (or up).
If you need to support older versions of iOS, you will need to use UIKit.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 622
Chapter 26
Creating an App Store like Animated
View Transition
You probably have used Apple's the built-in App Store app. In the Today section, it
presents users with a headline, various articles and app recommendations. What
interests me and many of you is the animated view transition. As you can see in figure 1,
the articles are listed in a card like format. When you tap it, the card pops out to reveal
the full content. To dismiss the article view and return to the list view, you simply tap the
close button . If you don't understand what I mean, the best way to understand these
views is to open the App Store app on your iPhone to try it out.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 623
Figure 1. Apple's App Store app

In this chapter, we will build a similar list view and implement the animated transition
using SwiftUI. In particular, you will learn the following techniques:

How to use GeometryReader to detect screen sizes

How to create a variable-sized card view
How to implement an App Store like animated view transition

Let's get started.

Introducing the Demo App

As usual, we will build a demo app together. The app looks very similar to the App Store
app but without the tab bar. It only has a list view showing all the articles in card format.
When a user taps any of the articles, the card expands to full screen and displays the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 624
article details. To return to the list view, the user can either tap the close button or drag
down the article view to collapse it.

Figure 2. The demo app

We will build the app from scratch. But to save you time from typing some of the code, I
have prepared a starter project for you. You can download it from After
downloading the project, unzip it and open SwiftUIAppStore.xcodeproj to take a look.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 625
Figure 3. The starter project

The starter projects comes with the following implementation:

1. It already bundles the required images in the asset catalog.

2. The ContentView.swift file is the default SwiftUI view generated by Xcode.
3. The Article.swift file contains the Article struct, which represents an article in
the app. For testing purposes, this file also creates the sampleArticles array which
includes some test data. You may modify its content if you want to change the article

Understanding the Card View

You've learned how to create a card-like UI before. This card view is very similar to that
implemented in chapter 5, but it will be more flexible to support scrollable content. In
other words, it has two modes: excerpt and full content. In the excerpt mode, it only
displays the image, category, headline and sub-headline of the article. As its name
suggests, the full content will display the article details as shown in figure 2.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 626
Figure 4. The sample card views

If you look a bit closer into the card views shown in figure 4, you will find that the size of
card views varies according to the height of the image. However, the height of the card
will not exceed 500 points.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 627
Figure 5. The components of a card view in excerpt mode

Let's also look at how the card view looks in full content mode. As you can see in the
figure below, the card view expands to a full screen that displays the content. Other than
that, the image is a little bit bigger and the sub-headline is hidden. Furthermore, the
close button appears on screen for users to dismiss the view. Please also take note that
this is a scrollable view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 628
Figure 6. The components of a card view in full content mode

Implementing the Card View

Now that you understand the requirements of this card view, let's see how to create it. We
will use a separate file for implementing the card view. In the project navigator, right
click the View folder and choose New file.... Select the SwiftUI View template and name
the file ArticleCardView.swift .

First, let's begin with the excerpt view, which is the view overlayed on top of the image
(see figure 5). Insert the following code in the file:

struct ArticleExcerptView: View {

let category: String

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 629
let headline: String
let subHeadline: String

@Binding var isShowContent: Bool

var body: some View {

VStack(alignment: .leading) {

.frame(minHeight: 100, maxHeight: 150)
HStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {

.padding(.bottom, 5)

if !self.isShowContent {



Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 630


The ArticleExcerptView should be flexible to support different content. Therefore, we

define the variables above. As previously mentioned, the card view should be able to
switch between excerpt and full content mode. This binding variable is declared for
controlling the display of the content. When its value is set to false, it's in excerpt mode.
Conversely, it's in full content mode when true. The sub-headline is displayed only when
the value of isShowContent is set to true .

There are various ways to layout the excerpt view. In the code above, we create a
Rectangle view and overlay it with the headline and sub-headline. You should be familiar

with most of the modifiers attached to the Text view. But the minimumScaleFactor
modifier is worth a mention. By applying the modifier, the system automatically shrinks
the font size of the text to fit the available space. For example, if the headline contains too
much text, iOS will scale it down to 10% of its original size before it truncates.

Previewing the UI
To preview the excerpt view, you can modify the preview code like this:

struct ArticleCardView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
Group {
ArticleExcerptView(category: sampleArticles[0].category, headline: sam
pleArticles[0].headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[0].subHeadline, isShowContent
: .constant(false)).previewLayout(.fixed(width: 380, height: 500))

ArticleExcerptView(category: sampleArticles[0].category, headline: sam

pleArticles[0].headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[0].subHeadline, isShowContent
: .constant(true)).previewLayout(.fixed(width: 380, height: 500))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 631
Here, we instantiate two excerpt views such that one has the isShowContent binding set to
false and the other one set to true . The sampleArticles array is the test data which

comes with the starter project.

Instead of previewing using a device, we preview the UI in a fixed size rectangle. If

everything works perfectly, you should see the excerpt view in the preview canvas.

Figure 7. Previewing the excerpt view

With the excerpt view ready, let's implement the article card view. Update the
ArticleCardView struct like this:

struct ArticleCardView: View {

let category: String

let headline: String
let subHeadline: String
let image: UIImage
var content: String = ""

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 632
@Binding var isShowContent: Bool

var body: some View {

ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
Image(uiImage: self.image)
.frame(height: min(self.image.size.height/3, 500))
.border(Color(.sRGB, red: 150/255, green: 150/255, blue: 150/2
55, opacity: 0.1), width: self.isShowContent ? 0 : 1)
ArticleExcerptView(category: self.category, headline: self
.headline, subHeadline: self.subHeadline, isShowContent: self.$isShowContent)
.cornerRadius(self.isShowContent ? 0 : 15)

// Content
if self.isShowContent {
.font(.system(.body, design: .rounded))
.padding(.bottom, 50)
.transition(.move(edge: .top))
.shadow(color: Color(.sRGB, red: 64/255, green: 64/255, blue: 64/255, opac
ity: 0.3), radius: self.isShowContent ? 0 : 15)

To arrange the layout of the card view, we overlay the ArticleExcerptView on top of an
Image view. The image view is set to .scaledToFill with the height not exceeding 500

points. The content is only displayed when the isShowContent binding is set to true .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 633
In order to make the view scrollable, we embed the VStack in a vertical scroll view. The
shadow modifier is used to add a shadow to the card view.

To preview the article card view, you can insert the following code within the Group
section of ArticleCardView_Previews :

ArticleCardView(category: sampleArticles[0].category, headline: sampleArticles[0].

headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[0].subHeadline, image: sampleArticles[0].ima
ge, content: sampleArticles[0].content, isShowContent: .constant(false))

ArticleCardView(category: sampleArticles[0].category, headline: sampleArticles[0].

headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[0].subHeadline, image: sampleArticles[0].ima
ge, content: sampleArticles[0].content, isShowContent: .constant(true))

Once you have made the changes, you should be able to see the card UI in the preview
canvas. Additionally, you should see two simulators such that one displays the excerpt
view and the other displays the full content.

Figure 8. Previewing the article card view

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 634
Using GeometryReader
It seems everything works great. But if you try to preview the card view with another
sample article (say, sampleArticles[1] ), the UI doesn't look good. Both the featured
image and the content go beyond the screen edge.

Figure 9. The card view doesn't fit the content

Let's look at our code again. For the Image view, we only limited the height of the image,
we don't have any limits on its width:

.frame(height: min(self.image.size.height/3, 500))

To fix the issue, we have to set the frame's width and ensure it doesn't exceed the width of
the screen. The question is how do you find out the screen width? SwiftUI provides a
container view called GeometryReader which lets you access the size of its parent view.
Therefore, we need to embed the ScrollView within a GeometryReader like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 635
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { geometry in
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.shadow(color: Color(.sRGB, red: 64/255, green: 64/255, blue: 64/255, opac
ity: 0.3), radius: self.isShowContent ? 0 : 15)

Within the closure of GeometryReader , it has a parameter that provides you with extra
information about the view such as size and position. So, to limit the width of the frame
to the size of the screen, you can modify the .frame modifier like this:

.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: min(self.image.size.height/3, 500))

In the code, we set the width equal to that of the screen. Once you complete the change,
the card view should look great.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 636
Figure 10. The width of the image is now equal to that of the screen

Adding the close button

The card view is almost done, but there is still one thing left. We haven't implemented the
close button yet. To overlay the button on top of the image, we will embed the scroll view
in a ZStack . You can modify the code directly to add the ZStack or let's show you
another way to do that.

Hold the command key and click on ScrollView , you should then see a context menu.
Since there is no option for ZStack , choose Embed in VStack to embed the scroll view in
a VStack .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 637
Figure 11. Embed the scroll view in a VStack

Xcode will automatically indent the code and embed the scroll view in the VStack . Now
change VStack to ZStack and set its alignment to .topTrailing because we want to
place the close button near the top-right corner. Your code should look like this:

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { geometry in
ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) {
ScrollView {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.shadow(color: Color(.sRGB, red: 64/255, green: 64/255, blue: 64/255,
opacity: 0.3), radius: self.isShowContent ? 0 : 15)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 638
Next, insert the following code right below the .shadow modifier to add the close button:

if self.isShowContent {
HStack {

Button(action: {
self.isShowContent = false
}) {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 26))
.padding(.top, 50)

After the modification, the preview should display the close button when the value of
isShowContent is set to true .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 639
Figure 12. Adding the close button

Building the List View

Now that we've implemented the layout of the card view, let's switch over to
ContentView.swift and create the list view. At the very top of the list view, is the top bar

with a heading and a profile photo.

Figure 13. The top bar

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 640
I believe you should know how to create the layout by using VStack and HStack . To
better organize the code, I will create the top bar and the avatar in two separate structs.
Insert the following code in ContentView.swift :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 641
struct TopBarView : View {

var body: some View {

HStack(alignment: .lastTextBaseline) {
VStack(alignment: .leading) {


AvatarView(image: "profile", width: 40, height: 40)


func getCurrentDate(with format: String = "EEEE, MMM d") -> String {

let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.dateFormat = format
return dateFormatter.string(from: Date())

struct AvatarView: View {

let image: String
let width: CGFloat
let height: CGFloat

var body: some View {

.frame(width: width, height: height)
.overlay(Circle().stroke(Color.gray, lineWidth: 1))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 642
Next, update the code of ContentView like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {

ScrollView {
VStack(spacing: 40) {

.padding(.horizontal, 20)

ForEach(sampleArticles.indices) { index in
GeometryReader { inner in
ArticleCardView(category: sampleArticles[index].category,
headline: sampleArticles[index].headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[index].subHe
adline, image: sampleArticles[index].image, content: sampleArticles[index].content
, isShowContent: .constant(false))

.padding(.horizontal, 20)
.frame(height: min(sampleArticles[index].image.size.height/3,

We embed a VStack in a ScrollView to create the vertical scroll view. In the code block,
we loop through all the sampleArticles using ForEach and create an ArticleCardView for
each article. If your code works properly, the preview canvas should show you a list of

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 643
Figure 14. The list view showing a list of card views

You may wonder why we need to wrap each of the ArticleCardView with a
GeometryReader . I will explain its purpose in a later section.

Expanding the Card View to Full Screen

Now it comes to the hard part. How do you switch the card view from excerpt mode to
full content mode? Right now, we set the isShowContent parameter to .constant(false) .
To switch between these two modes, each of the card views should have a variable to keep
track of its state.

Therefore, declare the following state variable in ContentView :

@State private var showContents: [Bool] = Array(repeating: false, count: sampleArt


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 644
We need a variable to store the state of each card view. This is why we declare the
showContents array and mark it as a state variable. By default, all card views are in the

excerpt state. Thus, the values of the showContents array are all set to false . Later, when
a card is tapped, we will change the state of that particular card view from false to
true .

Furthermore, we also need to have a handy way to find out the current content mode.
Continue to insert the following code:

enum ContentMode {
case list
case content

private var contentMode: ContentMode {

self.showContents.contains(true) ? .content : .list

The ContentView can either display a list of articles or an article in full content mode. So,
in the code above, we declare a ContentMode enum to represent these states. The
contentMode variable is a computed property that computes the current mode of the view.

When one of the items in the showContents array is set to true , we know it's in the
content mode. Otherwise, it's in the list mode.

Now, modify the initialization of ArticleCardView . Instead of using .constant(false) ,

pass it the binding of the state variable (i.e. self.$showContents[index] ):

ArticleCardView(category: sampleArticles[index].category, headline: sampleArticles

[index].headline, subHeadline: sampleArticles[index].subHeadline, image: sampleArt
icles[index].image, content: sampleArticles[index].content, isShowContent: self.$s

Handling the Tap Gesture

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 645
When the user taps one of the card views, the selected card will be changed to full screen
mode. To capture the tap gesture, attach the .onTapGesture modifier below the code you
just added:

.onTapGesture {
self.showContents[index] = true

Let's have a quick test to see how the app functions after making the changes. When you
run the app in the preview canvas, tap any of the card views to see the result. Though it
doesn't work as expected, the card view should show the content of the article and hide
the sub-headline. Additionally, you should be able to tap the close button to return to the
excerpt mode. If you can't see the content, drag up the card view to reveal it.

Figure 15. Testing the tap gesture

Controlling the Padding and Opacity

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 646
There is still a lot of work to do. Let's fix the issues one by one. First, the padding. When
the card view is in full content mode, there should be no padding. So, in
ContentView.swift , change the .padding modifier of ArticleCardView like this:

.padding(.horizontal, self.showContents[index] ? 0 : 20)

When one of the card views is in full content mode, the rest of the card views should be
hidden. To do that, we can vary the opacity of the card views to control their appearance.
Insert the following code after the .padding modifier:

self.contentMode == .list ||
self.contentMode == .content && self.showContents[index] ? 1 : 0

When the content view is in list mode, all card views should be visible. But when the
content view is switched to content mode, only the selected card should be visible. The
rest of the card views are set to be invisible.

Now let's test the app again. This time, when you tap any of the card views, only the
selected view appears on the screen. The rest are temporarily hidden.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 647
Figure 16. The card view in full content mode

You may want to hide the top bar when the content view is in content mode. Similarly,
you can attach an .opacity modifier to the TopBarView to control its appearance:

.opacity(self.contentMode == .content ? 0 : 1)

Adjusting the Height of the Card View

Right now, one of the major issues is that the card view doesn't expand to fit the whole
screen. Its height doesn't change when the card view is switched to full content mode.
The following line of code (attached to GeometryReader ) is the reason why the card view
doesn't expand:

.frame(height: min(sampleArticles[index].image.size.height/3, 500))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 648
The height of the card view is defined not to exceed 500 points. To adjust the view to take
up the whole screen, we need to alter the frame's height and make it equal to the height
of the screen.

To detect the screen height, we need to add another GeometryReader and wrap it around
the ScrollView in ContentView like this:

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { fullView in
ScrollView {
VStack(spacing: 40) {

The parameter fullView allows you to access the full size of the screen because the
parent of GeometryReader is the whole screen.

Next, modify the frame modifier like this:

.frame(height: self.showContents[index] ? fullView.size.height + fullView.safeArea + fullView.safeAreaInsets.bottom : min(sampleArticles[index].image.size
.height/3, 500))

For the selected card view, we adjust its height to take up the whole screen. By default,
the height property only gives us the height of the safe area. To calculate the height of
the actual screen, we need to include the top and bottom parts of the safe area insets.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 649
Figure 17. Understanding the safe area insets

Run the app in the preview canvas again and see the changes. Now the height of the
selected card view will be adjusted automatically.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 650
Figure 18. Adjusting the height of the card in full content mode

Enlarging the Image

We haven't finished the implementation yet. Even though we fixed one of the major
issues, there are still a few issues waiting for us. Next up is the featured image. In full
content mode, I want to make the image a bit larger. This is an easy fix. Just switch over
to ArticleCardView.swift and change the .frame modifier of the Image view like this:

.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: self.isShowContent ? geometry.size.heig

ht * 0.7 : min(self.image.size.height/3, 500))

When the card view is displaying the article content, the height of the image is now
adjusted to 70% of the screen height. You may alter the value to suit your preference.
Now go back to ContentView.swift and test the change. The featured image becomes
larger in full content mode.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 651
Figure 19. The featured image becomes larger in full content mode

Adjusting the Offset

Next, the view's offset. When the card view is in full content mode, we expect it to take up
the whole screen. The card view does extend its height but it doesn't shift its position to
cover the screen, as you can see in figure 18 and 19.

You probably know that we can adjust the view's offset by attaching an .offset modifier.
However, the question is what value of offset should we pass to the modifier? In other
words, how can we find out the offset value between the top edge of the card view and the
top edge of the screen?

Notice that we have wrapped each of the ArticleCardView with a GeometryReader . I

haven't explained why we implemented this. We also haven't made use of the inner

Now it's time for the inner parameter to come into play. In addition to giving us the size
of a view, the inner parameter, which is a GeometryProxy , also allows us to access the
frame of the view and its values (like position). By using the following line of code, we can

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 652
find out the distance between the top edge of the card view and the screen:

inner.frame(in: .global).minY)

The .global value indicates that we want to find out the frame's values using the global
coordinate space. In other words, the values are relative to the whole screen. The minY
property gives you the distance between the top edge of the card view and the screen.
Figure 20 illustrates the values of minY for a couple of the card views. Please note that
the value of minY changes accordingly as you scroll through the list.

Figure 20. Understanding the minY value of the frame

Now that we have figured out the offset value, all we need to do is attach the .offset
modifier to ArticleCardView in ContentView.swift like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 653
.offset(y: self.showContents[index] ? -inner.frame(in: .global).minY : 0)

The line of code above adjusts the offset of the card view only when it's in full content
mode. By setting a negative value of inner.frame(in: .global).minY , this will shift the card
view up. If you try to test the app again and tap any of the card views, the selected card
should take up the whole screen.

Figure 21. The card view now takes up the whole screen

Animating the View Changes

The transition of a card view from excerpt mode to full content mode is not animated. To
animate the transition, you can attach an .animation modifier to the GeometryReader of
ArticleCardView . Place the following line of code after the .frame modifier:

.animation(.interactiveSpring(response: 0.55, dampingFraction: 0.65, blendDuration

: 0.1))

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 654
With just a line of code, SwiftUI automatically animates the view transition. Run the app
in the simulator or in the preview canvas. You will see a slick animation when the card
view expands to full screen.

There is a minor issue after adding the animation modifier. When the app is first started,
it also animates the population of the card views. To resolve the issue, you can fix the
width of the VStack . Attach the following line of code to the VStack :

.frame(width: fullView.size.width)

Figure 22 shows you where the code above is added.

Figure 22. Attaching the animation modifier to animate the view transition


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 655
Congratulations! You've built an App Store like animation using SwiftUI. After
implementing this demo project, I hope you understand how to create complex view
animations and understand how to use GeometryReader to perfect your UI.

Animation is an essential part of the UI these days. As you can see, SwiftUI has made it
very easy for developers to build some beautiful animations and screen transitions. In
your next app project, don't forget to apply the techniques you learned in this chapter to
improve the user experience of your app.

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 656
Chapter 27
Building an Image Carousel
Carousel is one of the common UI patterns that you see in most mobile and web apps.
Some people refer it as an image slider or rotator. However, whatever name you call it, a
carousel is designed to display a set of data in finite screen space. For example, an image
carousel may show a single image from its collection with a navigation control suggesting
additional content. Users can swipe the screen to navigate through the image set. This is
how Instagram presents multiple images to users. You can also find similar carousels in
many other iOS apps such as Apple's Music and App Store.

Figure 1. Sample carousel in the Music, App Store, and Instagram app

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 657
In this chapter, you will learn how to build an image carousel entirely in SwiftUI. There
are various ways to implement a carousel. One approach is to integrate with the UIKit
component UIPageViewController and use it to create the carousel. However, we will
explore an alternative approach and create the carousel completely in SwiftUI.

Let's get started.

Introducing the Travel Demo App

Likes other chapters, I walk you through the implementation by building a demo app.
The app displays a collection of travel destinations in the form of a carousel. To browse
through the trips, the user can swipe right to view the subsequent destination or swipe
left to check out the previous trip. To make this demo app more engaging, the user can
tap a destination to see its detail. So, in addition to the implementation of a carousel, you
will also learn some animation techniques that can be applied in your own apps. Figure 2
shows you some sample screenshots of the demo app. To see it in action, you can check
out the video at

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 658
Figure 2. The demo app

To save you time from building the app from scratch and to focus on developing the
carousel, I've created a starter project for you. Please download it from and unzip the

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 659
Figure 3. The starter project

The starter project comes with the following features:

1. It bundles the required images in the asset catalog.

2. The ContentView.swift file is the default SwiftUI view generated by Xcode.
3. The Trip.swift file contains the Trip struct, which represents a travel destination
in the app. For testing purposes, this file also creates the sampleTrips array which
includes some test data. You may modify its content.
4. The TripCardView.swift file implements the UI of a card view. Each card view is
designed to display the destination's image. The isShowDetails binding controls the
appearance of the text label. When isShowDetails is set to true, the label will be

The ScrollView Problem

So, how would you implement the carousel in SwiftUI? At first thought, you may want to
create the carousel by using a scroll view. Probably you will write the code in
ContentView.swift like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 660
struct ContentView: View {

@State private var isCardTapped = false

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { outerView in
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
HStack(alignment: .center) {
ForEach(sampleTrips.indices) { index in
GeometryReader { innerView in
TripCardView(destination: sampleTrips[index].destinati
on, imageName: sampleTrips[index].image, isShowDetails: self.$isCardTapped)
.padding(.horizontal, 20)
.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: 450)
.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: outerView.size.height, ali
gnment: .leading)

In the code above, we embed an HStack with a horizontal ScrollView to create the image
slider. In the HStack , we loop through the sampleTrips array and create a TripCardView
for each trip. To have better control of the card size, we have two GeometryReaders:
outerView and innerView, where the outer view represents the size of the device's screen
and the inner view wraps around the card view to control its size. If you haven't read the
previous chapter and don't understand what GeometryReader is , please refer to chapter

This looks simple, right? If you run the code in the preview canvas, it should result in a
horizontal scroll view. You can swipe the screen to scroll through all the card views.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 661
Figure 4. Testing the horizontal scroll view

Does this mean we have completed the carousel? Not yet. There are a couple of major

1. The current implementation doesn't support paging. In other words, you can swipe
the screen to continuously scroll through the content. The scroll view can stop at any
location. For instance, take a look at figure 4. The scroll stops in between two card
views. This is not our desired behavior. We expect the scrolling will stop on paging
boundaries of the content view.
2. When a card view is tapped, we need to find out its index and display its details in a
separate view. The problem is that it is not easy to figure out which card view the
user has tapped with the current implementation.

Both issues are related to the built-in ScrollView . The UIKit version of the scroll view
supports paging. However, Apple didn't bring that feature to the SwiftUI framework. To
resolve the issue, We need to build our own horizontal scroll view with paging support.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 662
At first, you may think it's hard to develop our own scroll view. But in reality, it is not that
hard. If you understand the usage of HStack and DragGesture , you can build a horizontal
scroll view with paging support.

Building a Carousel with HStack and DragGesture

The idea is to layout all of the card views (i.e. trips) in a horizontal stack (HStack). The
HStack should be long enough to accomodate all the card views but only display a single

card view at any time. By default, the horizontal stack is non-scrollable. Therefore, we
need to attach a drag gesture recognizer to the stack view and handle the drag on our
own. Figure 5 illustrates our implementation of the horizontal scroll view.

Figure 5. Understanding how to create a horizontal scroll view using HStack and

Implementing the horizontal stack

Now let's see how we turn this idea into code. Please bear with me in that you will need to
update the code several times. I want to show you the implementation step by step. Open
Content.swift and update the body like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 663
var body: some View {
HStack {
ForEach(sampleTrips.indices) { index in
TripCardView(destination: sampleTrips[index].destination, imageName: s
ampleTrips[index].image, isShowDetails: self.$isCardTapped)

In the code above, we start by laying out all card views within an HStack . By default, the
horizontal stack tries its best to fit all the card views in the available screen space. You
should see something like figure 6 in the preview canvas.

Figure 6. Squeezing all card views to fit the screen

Obviously, this isn't the horizontal stack we want to build. We expect each card view to
takes up the width of the screen. To do so, we have to wrap the HStack in a
GeometryReader to retrieve the screen size. Update the code in the body like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 664
var body: some View {
GeometryReader { outerView in
HStack {
ForEach(sampleTrips.indices) { index in
GeometryReader { innerView in
TripCardView(destination: sampleTrips[index].destination, imag
eName: sampleTrips[index].image, isShowDetails: self.$isCardTapped)
.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: 500)
.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: outerView.size.height)

The outerView parameter provides us the screen width and height, while the innerView
parameter allows us to have better control of the size and position of the card view.

In the code above, we attach the .frame modifier to the card view and set its width to the
screen width (i.e. outerView.size.width ). This ensures that each card view takes up the
whole screen width. For the height of the card view, we set it to 500 points to make it a
bit smaller. After making the changes, you should see the card view showing the
"London" image.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 665
Figure 7. The horizontal stack now shows only a single card view

Why the "London" card view? If you place the cursor on the line of the .frame modifier,
the preview canvas should display something like that shown in figure 8. We have 13
items in the sampleTrips array. Since each of the card views has a width equal to the
screen width, the horizontal stack view has to expand beyond the screen. It happens that
the "London" card view is the center (7th) item of the array. This is why you see the
"London" card view.

Figure 8. The horizontal stack view has 13 card views

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 666
Changing the alignment
So, how can we display the first item of the array instead of the center (7th) item? The
trick is to attach a .frame modifier to the HStack with the alignment set to .leading like

.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: outerView.size.height, alignment: .lea


The default alignment is set to .center . This is why the 7th element of the horizontal
view is shown on screen. Once you change the alignment to .leading , you should see the
first element.

Figure 9. The horizontal stack view shows the first card view

If you want to understand how the alignment affects the horizontal stack view, you can
change its value to .center or .trailing to see its effect. Figure 10 shows what the stack
view looks likes with different alignment settings.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 667
Figure 10. The horizontal stack view with different alignment settings

Did you notice the gap between each of the card views? This is also related to the default
setting of HStack . To eliminate the spacing, you can update the HStack and set its
spacing to zero like this:

HStack(spacing: 0)

Adding padding
Optionally, you can add horizontal padding to the image. I think this will make the card
view look better. Insert the following line of code and attach it to the GeometryReader
that wraps the card view (before .frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: 500) ):

.padding(.horizontal, self.isCardTapped ? 0 : 20)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 668
While it's too early for us to talk about the implementation of the detailed view, we added
a condition for the padding. The horizontal padding will be removed when the user taps
the card view.

Figure 11. Adding the horizontal padding

Moving the HStack Card by Card

Now that we have created a horizontal stack that defaults to show the first card view, the
next question is how do we move the stack to display a particular card?

It's just simple math! The card view's width equals the width of the screen. Suppose the
screen width is 300 points and we want to display the third card view, we can shift the
horizontal stack to the left by 600 points (300 x 2). Figure 12 shows the result.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 669
Figure 12. Moving the stack view to the left

To translate the description above into code, we first declare a state variable to keep track
of the index of the visible card view:

@State private var currentTripIndex = 2

By default, I want to display the third card view. This is why I set the currentTripIndex
variable to 2. You can change it to other values.

To move the horizontal stack to the left, we can attach the .offset modifier to the
HStack like this:

.offset(x: -CGFloat(self.currentTripIndex) * outerView.size.width)

The outerView 's width is actually the width of the screen. In order to display the third
card view, as explained before, we need to move the stack by 2 x screen width. This is why
we multiply the currentTripIndex with the outerView 's width. A negative value for the
horizontal offset will shift the stack view to the left.

Once you have made the change, you should see the "Amsterdam" card view in your
preview canvas.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 670
Figure 13. The stack now shows the Amsterdam card view

Adding the Drag Gesture

With the current implementation, we can change the visible card view by altering the
value of currentTripIndex . Remember, the horizontal stack doesn't allow users to drag
the view. This is what we are going to implement in this section. I assume you already
understand how gestures work in SwiftUI. If you don't understand gestures or
@GestureState , please read chapter 17 first.

The drag gesture of the horizontal stack is expected work like this:

1. The user can tap the image and start dragging.

2. The drag can be in both directions.
3. When the drag's distance exceeds a certain threshold, the horizontal stack will move
to the next or previous card view depending on the drag direction.
4. Otherwise, the stack view returns to the original position and displays the current
card view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 671
To translate the description above into code, we first declare a variable to hold the drag

@GestureState private var dragOffset: CGFloat = 0

Next, we attach the .gesture modifier to the HStack and initialize a DragGesture like

!self.isCardTapped ?

.updating(self.$dragOffset, body: { (value, state, transaction) in
state = value.translation.width
.onEnded({ (value) in
let threshold = outerView.size.width * 0.65
var newIndex = Int(-value.translation.width / threshold) + self.curren
newIndex = min(max(newIndex, 0), sampleTrips.count - 1)

self.currentTripIndex = newIndex

: nil

As you drag the horizontal stack, the updating function is called. We save the horizontal
drag distance to the dragOffset variable. When the drag ends, we check if the drag
distance exceeds the threshold, which is set to 65% of the screen width, and computes the
new index. Once we have the newIndex computed, we verify if it is within the range of the
sampleTrips array. Lastly, we assign the value of newIndex to currentTripIndex . SwiftUI

will then update the UI and display the corresponding card view automatically.

Please take note that we have a condition for enabling the drag gesture. When the card
view is tapped, there is no gesture recognizer.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 672
To move the stack view during the drag, we have to make one more change. Attach an
additional .offset modifier to the HStack (right after the previous .offset) like this:

.offset(x: self.dragOffset)

Here, we update the horizontal offset of the stack view to the drag offset. Now you are
ready to test the changes. Run the app in a simulator or in the preview canvas. You
should be able to drag the stack view. When your drag exceeds the threshold, the stack
view shows you the next trip.

Figure 14. Dragging the horizontal stack view

Animating the Card Transition

To improve the user experience, I want to add a nice animation when the app moves from
one card view to another. First, modify the following line of code from:

.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: 500)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 673

.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: self.currentTripIndex == index ? (self

.isCardTapped ? outerView.size.height : 450) : 400)

By updating the code, we make the visible card view a little bit larger than the rest. On
top of that, attach the .opacity modifier to the card view like this:

.opacity(self.currentTripIndex == index ? 1.0 : 0.7)

Other than the card view's height, we also want to set a different opacity value for the
visible and invisible card views. All these changes are not animated yet. Now insert the
following line of code to the outer view's GeometryReader:

.animation(.interpolatingSpring(mass: 0.6, stiffness: 100, damping: 10, initialVel

ocity: 0.3))

SwiftUI will then animate the size and opacity changes of the card views automatically.
Run the app in the preview canvas to test out the changes. This is how we implement a
scroll view with HStack and add paging support.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 674
Figure 15. Adding the card transition animation

Adding the Title

Now that we have built the image carousel, wouldn't it be great if we implement the detail
view to make the demo app more complete? Let's start by adding a title for the app.

Command-click the GeometryReader of the outer view and choose embed in VStack.
Actually, I'm not going to use a vertical stack to layout the title. Instead, we will use a
ZStack. Therefore, change VStack to ZStack .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 675
Figure 16. Embed the outer view in a VStack

Next, insert the following code at the beginning of ZStack :

VStack(alignment: .leading) {
.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

Text("Explore your next destination")

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, align
ment: .topLeading)
.padding(.top, 25)
.padding(.leading, 20)
.opacity(self.isCardTapped ? 0.1 : 1.0)
.offset(y: self.isCardTapped ? -100 : 0)

The code above is self explanatory but I'd like to highlight two lines of code. Both
.opacity and .offset are optional. The purpose of the .opacity modifier is to hide the

title when the card is tapped. The change to the vertical offset will add a nice touch to the
user experience.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 676
Figure 17. Adding the title bar

Exercise: Working on the Detail View

Let's begin the implementation of the detail view with an exercise. I assume you have
some experience with SwiftUI and should be able to create the detail view shown in
figure 18. You can create a separate file named TripDetailView.swift and write the code

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 677
Figure 18. The detail view of a trip

To keep things simple, the rating and description are just dummy data. The same goes for
the Book Now button, which is not functional. This detail view only takes in a destination
like this:

struct TripDetailView: View {

let destination: String

var body: some View {


Please take some time to create the detail view. I will walk you through my solution in a
later section.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 678
Implementing the Trip Detail View
Were you able to develop the detail view? I hope you tried to complete the exercise. Let
me show you my solution. First, create a new file named TripDetailView.swift using the
SwiftUI View template.

Next, replace the TripDetailView struct like this:

struct TripDetailView: View {

let destination: String

var body: some View {

GeometryReader { geometry in
ScrollView {
ZStack {
VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5) {

VStack(alignment: .leading, spacing: 5) {

.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))

HStack(spacing: 3) {
ForEach(1...5, id: \.self) { _ in
Image(systemName: "star.fill")
.font(.system(size: 15))

.padding(.leading, 10)

.padding(.bottom, 30)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 679
Text("Growing up in Michigan, I was lucky enough to experi
ence one part of the Great Lakes. And let me assure you, they are great. As a phot
ojournalist, I have had endless opportunities to travel the world and to see a var
iety of lakes as well as each of the major oceans. And let me tell you, you will b
e hard pressed to find water as beautiful as the Great Lakes.")
.padding(.bottom, 40)

Button(action: {
// tap me
}) {
Text("Book Now")
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.background(Color(red: 0.97, green: 0.369, blue: 0
.frame(width: geometry.size.width, height: geometry.size.heigh
t, alignment: .topLeading)

Image(systemName: "bookmark.fill")
.font(.system(size: 40))
.foregroundColor(Color(red: 0.97, green: 0.369, blue: 0.212
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, max
Height: .infinity, alignment: .topTrailing)
.offset(x: -15, y: -5)
.offset(y: 15)


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 680
Basically, we embed the whole content in a scroll view. Inside the scroll view, we use a
ZStack to layout the content and the bookmark image. Since the TripDetailView requires
a valid destination in order to work properly, you need to update the preview code like

struct TripDetailView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
TripDetailView(destination: "London").background(

I also changed the background color to black, so that we can see the rounded corners of
the detail view.

Figure 19. Previewing the detail view

Bringing up the Detail View

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 681
Now let's go back to ContentView.swift to bring up the detail view. When a user taps a
card view, we will bring up the detail view with an animated transition. Since the content
view has a ZStack which wraps its core content, it's very easy for us to integrate with the
detail view.

Insert the following code snippet in the ZStack :

if self.isCardTapped {
TripDetailView(destination: sampleTrips[currentTripIndex].destination)
.offset(y: 200)
.transition(.move(edge: .bottom))
.animation(.interpolatingSpring(mass: 0.5, stiffness: 100, damping: 10, in
itialVelocity: 0.3))

Button(action: {
self.isCardTapped = false
}) {
Image(systemName: "")
.font(.system(size: 30))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, a
lignment: .topTrailing)

The TripDetailView is only brought up when the card view is tapped. It's expected that
the detail view will appear from the bottom of the screen and move upward with an
animation. This is why we attach both the .transition and .animation modifiers to the
detail view. To let users dismiss the detail view, we also add a close button, which appears
at the top-right corner of the screen. In case you are not sure where to insert the code
above, please refer to figure 20.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 682
Figure 20. The code snippet for bringing up the detail view

The code won't work yet because we haven't captured the tap gesture. Thus, attach the
.onTapGesture function to the card view like this:

.onTapGesture {
self.isCardTapped = true

When someone taps the card view, we simply change the isCardTapped state variable to
true . Run the app and tap any of the card views. The app should bring up the detail


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 683
Figure 21. The code snippet for bringing up the detail view

The detail view works! However, the animation doesn't work well. When the detail view
is brought up, the card view grows a little bit bigger, which is achieved by the following
line of code:

.frame(width: outerView.size.width, height: self.currentTripIndex == index ? (self

.isCardTapped ? outerView.size.height : 450) : 400)

To make the animation look better, let's move the image upward when the detail view
appears. Attach the .offset modifier to TripCardView :

.offset(y: self.isCardTapped ? -innerView.size.height * 0.3 : 0)

I set the vertical offset to 30% of the card view's height. You are free to change the value.
Now run the app again and you should see a more slick animation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 684
Figure 22. Adding an offset modifier to TripCardView

Great! You've built a custom scroll view with paging support and learned how to bring up
a detail view with animated transition. This technique is not limited to to an image
carousel. In fact, you can modify the code to create a set of onboarding screens. I hope
you love what you learned in this chapter and will apply it to your next app project.

For reference, you can download the complete carousel project here:

Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 685
Chapter 28
Building an Expandable List View
Using OutlineGroup
SwiftUI list is very similar to UITableView in UIKit. In the first release of SwiftUI, Apple's
engineers made list view construction a breeze. You do not need to create a prototype cell
and there is no delegate/data source protocol. With just a few lines of code, you can build
a list view with custom cells. In iOS 14, Apple continued to improve the List view and
introduced several new features. In this chapter, we will show you how to build an
expandable list / outline view and explore the inset grouped list style.

The Demo App

First, let's take a look at the final deliverable. I'm a big fan of La Marzocco, so I used the
navigation menu on its website as an example. The list view below shows an outline of
the menu. Users can tap the disclosure button to expand the list.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 686
Figure 1. The expandable list view

Of course, you can build this outline view using your own implementation. Starting from
iOS 14, Apple made it simpler for developers to build this kind of outline view, which
automatially works on iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

Creating the Expandable List

In order to follow this chapter, please download these image assets from Then create a
new SwiftUI project using the App template. I named the project SwiftUIExpandableList
but you are free to set the name to whatever you want.

Once the project is created, unzip the image archive and add the images to the asset

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 687
In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIExpandableList and choose to create a new
file. Select the Swift File template and name it MenuItem.swift.

Setting up the data model

To make the list view expandable, all you need to do is create a data model like this.
Insert the following code in the file:

struct MenuItem: Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
var name: String
var image: String
var subMenuItems: [MenuItem]?

In the code above, we have a struct that models a menu item. The key to making a nested
list is to include a property that contains an optional array of child menu items (i.e.
subMenuItems ). Note that the children are of the same type (MenuItem) as their parent.

For the top level menu items, we create an array of MenuItem like this:

// Main menu items

let sampleMenuItems = [ MenuItem(name: "Espresso Machines", image: "linea-mini", s
ubMenuItems: espressoMachineMenuItems),
MenuItem(name: "Grinders", image: "swift-mini", subMenuIte
ms: grinderMenuItems),
MenuItem(name: "Other Equipment", image: "espresso-ep", su
bMenuItems: otherMenuItems)

For each of the menu item, we specify the array of the sub-menu items. If there are no
sub-menu items, you can omit the subMenuItems parameter or pass it a nil value. We
define the sub-menu items like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 688
// Sub-menu items for Espressco Machines
let espressoMachineMenuItems = [ MenuItem(name: "Leva", image: "leva-x", subMenuIt
ems: [ MenuItem(name: "Leva X", image: "leva-x"), MenuItem(name: "Leva S", image:
"leva-s") ]),
MenuItem(name: "Strada", image: "strada-ep", subM
enuItems: [ MenuItem(name: "Strada EP", image: "strada-ep"), MenuItem(name: "Strad
a AV", image: "strada-av"), MenuItem(name: "Strada MP", image: "strada-mp"), MenuI
tem(name: "Strada EE", image: "strada-ee") ]),
MenuItem(name: "KB90", image: "kb90"),
MenuItem(name: "Linea", image: "linea-pb-x", subM
enuItems: [ MenuItem(name: "Linea PB X", image: "linea-pb-x"), MenuItem(name: "Lin
ea PB", image: "linea-pb"), MenuItem(name: "Linea Classic", image: "linea-classic"
) ]),
MenuItem(name: "GB5", image: "gb5"),
MenuItem(name: "Home", image: "gs3", subMenuItems
: [ MenuItem(name: "GS3", image: "gs3"), MenuItem(name: "Linea Mini", image: "line
a-mini") ])

// Sub-menu items for Grinder

let grinderMenuItems = [ MenuItem(name: "Swift", image: "swift"),
MenuItem(name: "Vulcano", image: "vulcano"),
MenuItem(name: "Swift Mini", image: "swift-mini"),
MenuItem(name: "Lux D", image: "lux-d")

// Sub-menu items for other equipment

let otherMenuItems = [ MenuItem(name: "Espresso AV", image: "espresso-av"),
MenuItem(name: "Espresso EP", image: "espresso-ep"),
MenuItem(name: "Pour Over", image: "pourover"),
MenuItem(name: "Steam", image: "steam")

Presenting the List

With the data model prepared, we can now present the list view. The List view has an
optional children parameter. If you have any sub items, you can provide their key path.
SwiftUI will then look up the sub menu items recursively and present them in outline
form. Open ContentView.swift and insert the following code in body :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 689
List(sampleMenuItems, children: \.subMenuItems) { item in
HStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)

.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))

In the closure of the List view, you describe how each row looks. In the code above, we
layout an image and a text description using HStack . If you've added the code in
ContentView correctly, SwiftUI should render the outline view as shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. The expandable list view

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 690
To test the app, run it in a simulator or the preview canvas. You can tap the disclosure
indicator to access the submenu.

Using Inset Grouped List Style

In iOS 13, Apple brought a new style to the UITableView called Inset Grouped, where the
grouped sections are inset with rounded corners. However, this style was not available to
the List view in SwiftUI. With the release of iOS 14, Apple added this new style to
SwiftUI list.

To use this new list style, you can attach the .listStyle modifier to the List view and
pass it the instance of InsetGroupedListStyle like this:

List {

If you've followed me, the list view should now change to the inset grouped style.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 691
Figure 3. Using inset grouped list style

Using OutlineGroup to Customize the Expandable List

As you can see in the earlier example, it is pretty easy to create an outline view using the
List view. However, if you want to have a better control of the appearance of the outline

view (e.g. adding a section header), you will need to use OutlineGroup . This new view is
introduced in iOS 14 for you to present a hierarchy of data.

If you understand how to build an expandable list view, the usage of OutlineGroup is very
similar. For example, the following code allows you to build the same expandable list
view like the one shown in figure 1:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 692
List {
OutlineGroup(sampleMenuItems, children: \.subMenuItems) { item in
HStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)

.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))

Similar to the List view, you just need to pass OutlineGroup the array of items and
specify the key path for the sub menu items (or children).

With OutlineGroup , you have better control on the appearance of the outline view. For
example, we want to display the top-level menu items as the section header. You can
write the code like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 693
List {
ForEach(sampleMenuItems) { menuItem in

HStack {


.frame(width: 30, height: 30)


) {
OutlineGroup(menuItem.subMenuItems ?? [MenuItem](), children: \.subMen
uItems) { item in
HStack {
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)

.font(.system(.title3, design: .rounded))

In the code above, we use ForEach to loop through the menu items. We present the top-
level items as section headers. For the rest of the sub menu items, we rely on
OutlineGroup to create the hierachy of data. If you've made the change in

ContentView.swift , you should see an outline view like that shown in figure 4.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 694
Figure 4. Building the outline view using OutlineGroup

Similarly, if you prefer to use the inset group list style, you can attach the listStyle
modifier to the List view:


You then achieve an outline view like figure 5.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 695
Figure 5. Applying the inset grouped list style

Understanding DisclosureGroup
In the outline view, you can show/hide the sub menu items by tapping the disclosure
indicator. Whether you use List or OutlineGroup to implement the expandable list, this
"expand & collapse" feature is supported by a new view called DisclosureGroup ,
introduced in iOS 14.

The disclosure group view is designed to show or hide another content view. While
DisclosureGroup is automatically embedded in OutlineGroup , you can use this view

independently. For example, you can use the following code to show & hide a question
and an answer:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 696
content: {
Text("Absolutely! You are allowed to reuse the source code in your own pro
jects (personal/commercial). However, you're not allowed to distribute or sell the
source code without prior authorization.")
label: {
Text("1. Can I reuse the source code?")

The disclosure group view takes in two parameters: label and content. In the code above,
we specify the question in the label parameter and the answer in the content
parameter. Figure 6 shows you the result.

Figure 6. Using DisclosureGroup for showing and hiding content

By default, the disclosure group view is in hidden mode. To reveal the content view, you
tap the disclosure indicator to switch the disclosure group view to the "expand" state.

Optionally, you can control the state of DisclosureGroup by passing it a binding which
specifies the state of the disclosure indicator (expanded or collapsed) like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 697
struct FaqView: View {
@State var showContent = true

var body: some View {

isExpanded: $showContent,
content: {
label: {

The DisclosureGroup view allows you to have finer control over the state of the disclosure
indicator. Your exercise is to create a FAQ screen similar to the one shown in figure 7.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 698
Figure 7. Your exercise

Users can tap the disclosure indicator to show or hide an individual question.
Additionally, the app provides a "Show All" button to expand all questions and reveal the
answers at once.

In this chapter, I've introduced a couple of new features of SwiftUI. As you can see in the
demo, it is very easy to build an outline view or expandable list view. All you need to do is
define a correct data model. The List view handles the rest, traverses the data structure,
and renders the outline view. On top of that, the new update provides OutlineGroup and
DisclosureGroup for you to further customize the outline view.

For reference, you can download the complete expandable list project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 699
Please note that you can refer to FaqView.swift for the solution to the exercise.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 700
Chapter 29
Building Grid Layouts Using
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid
The initial release of SwiftUI didn't come with a native collection view. You can either
build your own solution or use third party libraries. In WWDC 2020, Apple introduced
tons of new features for the SwiftUI framework. One of them is to address the need for
grid views. SwiftUI now provides developers two new UI components called LazyVGrid
and LazyHGrid. One is for creating vertical grids and the other is for horizontal grids.
The word Lazy, as mentioned by Apple, refers to the grid view not creating items until
they are needed. What this means to you is that the performance of these grid views are
already optimized by default.

In this chapter, I will walk you through how to create both horizontal and vertical views.
Both LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid are designed to be flexible, so that developers can easily
create various types of grid layouts. We will also look into how to vary the size of grid
items to achieve different layouts. After you manage the basics, we will dive a little bit
deeper and create complex layouts like that shown in figure 1.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 701
Figure 1. Sample grid layouts

The Essential of Grid Layout in SwiftUI

To create a grid layout, whether it's horizontal or vertical, here are the steps you follow:

1. First, you need to prepare the raw data for presentation in the grid. For example,
here is an array of SF symbols that we are going to present in the demo app:

private var symbols = ["keyboard", "hifispeaker.fill", "printer.fill", "tv.fill",

"desktopcomputer", "headphones", "", "mic", "plus.bubble", "video"]

2. Create an array of type GridItem that describes what the grid will look like.
Including, how many columns the grid should have. Here is a code snippet for
describing a 3-column grid:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 702
private var threeColumnGrid = [GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()), GridI

3. Next, you layout the grid by using LazyVGrid and ScrollView . Here is an example:

ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: threeColumnGrid) {
// Display the item

4. Alternatively, if you want to build a horizontal grid, you use LazyHGrid like this:

ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHGrid(rows: threeColumnGrid) {
// Display the item

Using LazyVGrid to Create Vertical Grids

With a basic understanding of the grid layout, let's put the code to work. We will start
with something simple by building a 3-column grid. Open Xcode 12 (or greater) and
create a new project with the App template. Please make sure you select SwiftUI for the
Interface option. Name the project SwiftUIGridLayout or whatever name you prefer.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 703
Figure 2. Creating a new project using the App template

Once the project is created, choose ContentView.swift . In ContentView , declare the

following variables:

private var symbols = ["keyboard", "hifispeaker.fill", "printer.fill", "tv.fill",

"desktopcomputer", "headphones", "", "mic", "plus.bubble", "video"]

private var colors: [Color] = [.yellow, .purple, .green]

private var gridItemLayout = [GridItem(.flexible()), GridItem(.flexible()), GridIt


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 704
We are going to display a set of SF symbols in a 3-column grid. To present the grid,
update the body variable like this:

var body: some View {

ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridItemLayout, spacing: 20) {
ForEach((0...9999), id: \.self) {
Image(systemName: symbols[$0 % symbols.count])
.font(.system(size: 30))
.frame(width: 50, height: 50)
.background(colors[$0 % colors.count])

We use LazyVGrid and tell the vertical grid to use a 3-column layout. We also specify that
there is a 20 point space between rows. In the code block, we have a ForEach loop to
present a total of 10,000 image views. If you've made the change correctly, you should
see a three column grid in the preview.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 705
Figure 3. Displaying a 3-column grid

This is how we create a vertical grid with three columns. The frame size of the image is
fixed to 50 by 50 points, which is controlled by the .frame modifier. If you want to make
a grid item wider, you can alter the frame modifier like this:

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50)

The image's width will expand to take up the column's width like that shown in figure 4.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 706
Figure 4. Changing the frame size of the grid items

Note that there is a space between the columns and rows. Sometimes, you may want to
create a grid without any spaces. How can you achieve that? The space between rows is
controlled by the spacing parameter of LazyVGrid . We have set its value to 20 points.
You can simply change it to 0 such that there is no space between rows.

The spacing between grid items is controlled by the instances of GridItem initialized in
gridItemLayout . You can set the spacing between items by passing a value to the spacing

parameter. Therefore, to remove the spacing between rows, you can initialize the
gridLayout variable like this:

private var gridItemLayout = [GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 0), GridItem(.flexibl

e(), spacing: 0), GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 0)]

For each GridItem , we specify to use a spacing of zero. For simplicity, the code above can
be rewritten like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 707
private var gridItemLayout = Array(repeating: GridItem(.flexible(), spacing: 0), c
ount: 3)

If you've made both changes, your preview canvas should show you a grid view without
any spacing.

Figure 5. Removing the spacing between columns and rows

Using GridItem to Vary the Grid Layout

Let's take a further look at GridItem . You use GridItem instances to configure the layout
of items in LazyHGrid and LazyVGrid views. Earlier, we defined an array of three
GridItem instances, each of which uses the size type .flexible() . The flexible size type

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 708
enables you to create three columns with equal size. If you want to describe a 6-column
grid, you can create the array of GridItem like this:

private var sixColumnGrid: [GridItem] = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count

: 6)

.flexible() is just one of the size types for controlling the grid layout. If you want to

place as many items as possible in a row, you can use the adaptive size type:

private var gridItemLayout = [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 50))]

The adaptive size type requires you to specify the minimize size for a grid item. In the
code above, each grid item has a minimum size of 50. If you modify the gridItemLayout
variable as above and set the spacing of LazyVGrid back to 20 , you should achieve a grid
layout similar to the one shown in figure 6.

Figure 6. Using adaptive size to create the grid

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 709
By using .adaptive(minimum: 50) , you instruct LazyVGrid to fill as many images as
possible in a row such that each item has a minimum size of 50 points.

Note: I used iPhone 11 Pro as the simulator. If you use other iOS simulators with
different screen sizes, you may achieve a different result.

In addition to .flexible and .adaptive , you can also use .fixed if you want to create
fixed width columns. For example, you want to layout the image in two columns such
that the first column has a width of 100 points and the second one has a width of 150
points. You write the code like this:

private var gridItemLayout = [GridItem(.fixed(100)), GridItem(.fixed(150))]

Update the gridItemLayout variable as shown above, this will result in a two-column grid
with different sizes.

Figure 7. A grid with fixed-size items

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 710
You are allowed to mix different size types to create more complex grid layouts. For
example, you can define a fixed size GridItem , followed by a GridItem with an adaptive
size like this:

private var gridItemLayout = [GridItem(.fixed(150)), GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 50


In this case, LazyVGrid creates a fixed size column of 100 point width. And then, it tries
to fill as many items as possible within the remaining space.

Figure 8. Mixing a fixed-size item with adaptive size items

Using LazyHGrid to Create Horizontal Grids

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 711
Now that you've created a vertical grid, LazyHGrid has made it so easy to convert a
vertical grid to a horizontal one. The usage of horizontal grid is nearly the same as
LazyVGrid except that you embed it in a horizontal scroll view. Furthermore, LazyHGrid

takes in a parameter named rows instead of columns .

Therefore, you can rewrite a couple lines of code to transform a grid view from vertical
orientation to horizontal:

ScrollView(.horizontal) {
LazyHGrid(rows: gridItemLayout, spacing: 20) {
ForEach((0...9999), id: \.self) {
Image(systemName: symbols[$0 % symbols.count])
.font(.system(size: 30))
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, minHeight: 50, maxHeight:
.background(colors[$0 % colors.count])

Run the demo in the preview or test it on a simulator. You should see a horizontal grid.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 712
Figure 9. Creating a horizontal grid with LazyHGrid

Switching Between Different Grid Layouts

Now that you have some experience with LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid, let's create
something more complicated. Imagine you are going to build a photo app that displays a
collection of coffee photos. In the app, it provides a feature for users to change the layout.
By default, it shows the list of photos in a single column. The user can tap a Grid button
to change the list view to a grid view with 2 columns. Tap the same button again for a 3-
column layout, followed by a 4-column layout.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 713
Figure 10. Creating a horizontal grid with LazyHGrid

Create a new project for this demo app. Again, choose the App template and name the
project SwiftUIPhotoGrid. Next, download the image pack at Unzip the images and
add them to the asset catalog.

Before creating the grid view, we will create the data model for the collection of photos.
In the project navigator, right click SwiftUIGridView and choose New file... to create a
new file. Select the Swift File template and name the file Photo.swift.

Insert the following code in the Photo.swift file to create the Photo struct:

struct Photo: Identifiable {

var id = UUID()
var name: String

let samplePhotos = (1...20).map { Photo(name: "coffee-\($0)") }

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 714
We have 20 coffee photos in the image pack, so we initialize an array of 20 Photo
instances. With the data model ready, let's switch over to ContentView.swift to build the

First, declare a gridLayout variable to define our preferred grid layout:

@State var gridLayout: [GridItem] = [ GridItem() ]

By default, we want to display a list view. Other than using List , you can actually use
LazyVGrid to build a list view. We do this by defining the gridLayout with one grid item.

By telling LazyVGrid to use a single column grid layout, it will arrange the items like a list
view. Insert the following code in body to create the grid view:

NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, alignment: .center, spacing: 10) {

ForEach(samplePhotos.indices) { index in

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 200)
.shadow(color: Color.primary.opacity(0.3), radius: 1)

.padding(.all, 10)

.navigationTitle("Coffee Feed")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 715
We use LazyVGrid to create a vertical grid with a spacing of 10 points between rows. The
grid is used to display coffee photos, so we use ForEach to loop through the samplePhotos
array. We embed the grid in a scroll view to make it scrollable and wrap it with a
navigation view. Once you have made the change, you should see a list of photos in the
preview canvas.

Figure 11. Creating a list view with LazyVGrid

Now we need to a button for users to switch between different layouts. We will add the
button to the navigation bar. In iOS 14, Apple introduced a new modifier called .toolbar
for you to populate items within the navigation bar. Right after .navigationTitle , insert
the following code to create the bar button:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 716
.toolbar {
ToolbarItem(placement: .navigationBarTrailing) {
Button(action: {
self.gridLayout = Array(repeating: .init(.flexible()), count: self.gri
dLayout.count % 4 + 1)
}) {
Image(systemName: "square.grid.2x2")

In the code above, we update the gridLayout variable and initialize the array of
GridItem . Let's say the current item count is one, we will create an array of two

GridItem s to change to a 2-column grid. Since we've marked gridLayout as a state

variable, SwiftUI will render the grid view every time we update the variable.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 717
Figure 12. Adding a bar button for switching the grid layout

You can run the app to have a quick test. Tapping the grid button will switch to another
grid layout.

There are couple of things we want to improve. First, the height of the grid item should
be adjusted to 100 points for grids with two or more columns. Update the .frame
modifier with the height parameter like this:

.frame(height: gridLayout.count == 1 ? 200 : 100)

Second, when you switch from one grid layout to another, SwiftUI simply redraws the
grid view without any animation. Wouldn't it be great if we added a nice transition
between layout changes? To do that, you just add a single line of code. Insert the
following code after .padding(.all, 10) :


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 718
This is the power of SwiftUI. By telling SwiftUI that you want to animate changes, the
framework handles the rest and you will see a nice transition between the layout changes.

Figure 13. SwiftUI automatically animates the transition

Building Grid Layout with Multiple Grids

You are not limited to using a single LazyVGrid or LazyHGrid in your app. By combining
more than one LazyVGrid , you are able to build some interesting layouts. Take a look at
figure 14. We are going to create this kind of grid layout. The grid displays a list of cafe
photos. Under each cafe photo, it shows a list of coffee photos. When the device is in
landscape orientation, the cafe photo and the list of coffee photos will be arranged side by

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 719
Figure 14. Building complex grid layout with two grids

Let's go back to our Xcode project and create the data model first. The image pack you
downloaded earlier comes a set of cafe photos. So, create a new Swift file and name it
Cafe.swift. In the file, insert the following code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 720
struct Cafe: Identifiable {
var id = UUID()
var image: String
var coffeePhotos: [Photo] = []

let sampleCafes: [Cafe] = {

var cafes = (1...18).map { Cafe(image: "cafe-\($0)") }

for index in cafes.indices {

let randomNumber = Int.random(in: (2...12))
cafes[index].coffeePhotos = (1...randomNumber).map { Photo(name: "coffee-\
($0)") }

return cafes

The Cafe struct is self explanatory. It has an image property for storing the cafe photo
and the coffeePhotos property for storing a list of coffee photos. In the code above, we
also create an array of Cafe for demo purposes. For each cafe, we randomly pick some
coffee photos. Please feel free to modify the code if you have other images you prefer.

Instead of modifying the ContentView.swift file, let's create a new file for implementing
this grid view. Right click SwiftUIPhotoGrid and choose New File.... Select the SwiftUI
View template and name the file MultiGridView.

Similar to the earlier implementation, let's declare a gridLayout variable to store the
current grid layout:

@State var gridLayout = [ GridItem() ]

By default, our grid is initialized with one GridItem . Next, insert the following code in
body to create a vertical grid with a single column:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 721
NavigationView {
ScrollView {
LazyVGrid(columns: gridLayout, alignment: .center, spacing: 10) {

ForEach(sampleCafes) { cafe in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(maxHeight: 150)
.shadow(color: Color.primary.opacity(0.3), radius: 1)

.padding(.all, 10)
.navigationTitle("Coffee Feed")

I don't think we need to go through the code again because it's almost the same as the
code we wrote earlier. If your code works properly, you should see a list view that shows
the collection of cafe photos.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 722
Figure 15. A list of cafe photos

Adding an Additional Grid

How do we display another grid under each of the cafe photos? All you need to do is add
another LazyVGrid inside the ForEach loop. Insert the following code after the Image
view of the loop:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 723
LazyVGrid(columns: [GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 50))]) {
ForEach(cafe.coffeePhotos) { photo in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 50)
.frame(minHeight: 0, maxHeight: .infinity, alignment: .top)

Here we create another vertical grid for the coffee photos. By using the adaptive size
type, this grid will fill as many photos as possible in a row. Once you make the code
change, the app UI will look like that shown in figure 16.

Figure 16. Adding another grid for the coffee photos

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 724
If you prefer to arrange the cafe and coffee photos side by side, you can modify the
gridLayout variable like this:

@State var gridLayout = [ GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 100)), GridItem(.flexible())


As soon as you change the gridLayout variable, your preview will be updated to display
the cafe and coffee photos side by side.

Figure 17. Arrange the cafe and coffee photos side by side

Handling Landscape Orientation

To test the app in landscape orientation, you need to run it on a simulator. The preview
canvas doesn't allow you to rotate the device yet.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 725
Before you run the app, you will need to perform a simple modification in
SwiftUIPhotoGridApp.swift . Since we have created a new file for implementing this multi-

grid, modify the view in WindowGroup from ContentView() to MultiGridView() like below:

struct SwiftUIPhotoGridApp: App {

var body: some Scene {
WindowGroup {

Now you're ready to run the app in an iPhone simulator. It works great in the portrait
orientation just like the preview canvas. However, if you rotate the simulator sideways by
pressing command-left (or right), the grid layout doesn't look as expected. What we
expect is that it should look pretty much the same as that in portrait mode.

Figure 18. The app UI in landscape mode

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 726
To fix the issue, we can adjust the minimum width of the adaptive grid item and make it a
bit wider when the device is in landscape orientation. The question is how can you detect
the orientation changes?

In SwiftUI, every view comes with a set of environment variables. You can find out the
current device orientation by accessing both the horizontal and vertical size class
variables like this:

@Environment(\.horizontalSizeClass) var horizontalSizeClass: UserInterfaceSizeClass

@Environment(\.verticalSizeClass) var verticalSizeClass: UserInterfaceSizeClass?

The @Environment property wrapper allows you to access the environment values. In the
code above, we tell SwiftUI that we want to read both the horizontal and vertical size
classes, and subscribe to their changes. In other words, we will be notified whenever the
device's orientation changes.

If you haven't done so, please make sure you insert the code above in MultiGridView .

The next question is how do we capture the notification and respond to the changes? In
iOS 14, Apple introduced a new modifier called .onChange() . You can attach this modifier
to any view to monitor any state changes. In this case, we can attach the modifier to
NavigationView like this:

.onChange(of: verticalSizeClass) { value in

self.gridLayout = [ GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: verticalSizeClass == .compact
? 250 : 100)), GridItem(.flexible()) ]

We monitor the change of both horizontalSizeClass and verticalSizeClass variables.

Whenever there is a change, we will update the gridLayout variable with a new grid
configuration. The iPhone has a compact height in landscape orientation. Therefore, if
the value of verticalSizeClass equals .compact , we alter the minimum size of the grid
item to 250 points.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 727
Now run the app on an iPhone simulator again. When you turn the device sideways, it
now shows the cafe photo and coffee photos side by side.

Figure 19. The app UI in landscape mode now looks better

Understanding Navigation View Style

Earlier, I used the iPhone 11 Pro as the simulator. The app works perfectly in both
portrait and landscape mode. But when you run the app on iPhone Max models, it looks a
bit weird in landscape orientation. iOS automatically turns the view into a primary detail
split view. You can only access the grid view by tapping a navigation button at the top-left
corner of the screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 728
Figure 20. Split view on iPhone 11 Max

This is a default behavior of NavigationView on large devices like the iPhone 11 Pro Max.
To solve the issue and disable the split-view behavior on iPhone Max models, you can
attach the following modifier to the navigation view:


By using the .navigationViewStyle modifier, we explicitly instruct NavigationView to use

the stack navigation view style, regardless of the screen size. Now test the app again on
iPhone 11 Max Pro. The app UI should look well even in landscape orientation just like
that shown in figure 19.

I have a couple of exercises for you. First, the app UI doesn't look good on iPad. Modify
the code and fix the issue such that it only shows two columns: one for the cafe photo and
the other for the coffee photos.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 729
Figure 21. App UI on iPad

The next exercise is more complicated with a number of requirements:

1. Different default grid layout for iPhone and iPad - When the app is first
loaded up, it displays a single column grid for iPhone in portrait mode. For iPad and
iPhone landscape, the app shows the cafe photos in a 2-column grid.
2. Show/hide button for the coffee photos - Add a new button in the navigation
bar for toggling the display of coffee photos. By default, the app only shows the list of
cafe photos. When this button is tapped, it shows the coffee photo grid.
3. Another button for switching grid layout - Add another bar button for toggling
the grid layout between one and two columns.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 730
Figure 22. Enhancing the app to support both iPhone and iPad

To help you better understand what the final deliverable looks like, please check out this
video demo at

The missing collection view in the first release of SwiftUI is now here. The introduction of
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid in SwiftUI lets developers create different types of grid layouts

with a few lines of code. This tutorial is just a quick overview of these two new UI
components. I encourage you to try out different configurations of GridItem to see what
grid layouts you can achieve.

For reference, you can download the complete grid project and the solution to the
exercise here:

Grid Layout Demo project


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 731
PhotoGrid Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 732
Chapter 30
Creating an Animated Activity Ring
with Shape and Animatable
The built-in Activity app uses three circular progress bars to show your progress of Move,
Exercise, and Stand. This kind of progress bar is known as an activity ring. Take a look at
figure 1 if you haven't used the Activity app or you don't know what an activity ring is.
Apple Watch has played a big part in making this round progress bar a popular UI

Figure 1. A sample activity ring

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 733
In this chapter, we will look into its implementation and build a similar activity ring in
SwiftUI. Our goal is not just to create a static activity ring. It will be an animated one that
shows progress changes like that shown in figure 2. Or you can check out the demo video

Figure 2. Animated progress ring

Creating a New Project

Let's create a new project to build the progress indicator. As usual, you use the App
template for the project. Name it SwiftUIProgressRing or whatever name you like.

Make sure you use SwiftUI for the Interface option and SwiftUI App for the Life Cycle

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 734
Figure 3. Creating a new project with the App template

To organize our code better, create a new file named ProgressRingView.swift by using the
SwiftUI View template. Xcode should generate the following code after the file creation:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 735
import SwiftUI

struct ProgressRingView: View {

var body: some View {
Text("Hello, World!")

struct ProgressRingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {

Dissecting the Activity Ring

Before we dive into the implementation, take a look at figures 1 and 2 again. You should
find that an activity ring is actually composed of two or more circular progress bars. So,
what we need to build is a circular progress bar view and that should be flexible enough
to display a certain percentage value and allow the user to adjust the bar width and color.

For example, if you tell the bar view to display 60% progress in red and set its width to
250 points. The circular progress view should show something like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 736
Figure 4. A sample circular progress bar

By building a flexible circular progress bar view, it is very easy to create an activity ring.
For example, we can overlay another circular progress bar with bigger size & different
color on top of the one shown in figure 4 to become an activity ring.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 737
Figure 5. A sample circular progress bar

That's how we are going to build the activity ring. Now let's begin to implement the
circular progress bar.

Preparing the Color Extension

As mentioned, the circular progress bar that we are going to implement can support
multiple colors and gradients. For demo and convenience purposes, we will prepare a set
of default colors by using a Color extension. In the project navigator, right click
SwiftUIProgressRing and choose New file.... Select the Swift file template and name the
file Color+Ext.swift . Replace the file content with the following code:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 738
import SwiftUI

extension Color {

public init(red: Int, green: Int, blue: Int, opacity: Double = 1.0) {
let redValue = Double(red) / 255.0
let greenValue = Double(green) / 255.0
let blueValue = Double(blue) / 255.0

self.init(red: redValue, green: greenValue, blue: blueValue, opacity: opac


public static let lightRed = Color(red: 231, green: 76, blue: 60)
public static let darkRed = Color(red: 192, green: 57, blue: 43)
public static let lightGreen = Color(red: 46, green: 204, blue: 113)
public static let darkGreen = Color(red: 39, green: 174, blue: 96)
public static let lightPurple = Color(red: 155, green: 89, blue: 182)
public static let darkPurple = Color(red: 142, green: 68, blue: 173)
public static let lightBlue = Color(red: 52, green: 152, blue: 219)
public static let darkBlue = Color(red: 41, green: 128, blue: 185)
public static let lightYellow = Color(red: 241, green: 196, blue: 15)
public static let darkYellow = Color(red: 243, green: 156, blue: 18)
public static let lightOrange = Color(red: 230, green: 126, blue: 34)
public static let darkOrange = Color(red: 211, green: 84, blue: 0)
public static let purpleBg = Color(red: 69, green: 51, blue: 201)

In the code above, we create an init method which takes in the values of red , green ,
and blue . This makes it easier to initialize an instance of Color with an RGB color code.
All the colors are derived from the flat color palette
( If you prefer to use other colors, you can simply
modify the color values or create your own color constants.

Implementing the Circular Progress Bar

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 739
Referring to figure 4, a circular progress bar literally consists of two circles: a full circle in
gray underneath and another partial ( or full) circle in gradient color on top. Thus, to
implement the progress bar, we need a ZStack to overlay two views:

1. A circle view in gray

2. A ring shape in gradient color sitting on top of #1

Now open ProgressRingView.swift and declare the following variables:

var thickness: CGFloat = 30.0

var width: CGFloat = 250.0

Since this circular progress bar should support various sizes, we declare the variables
above with default values. As the name suggests, the thickness variable controls the
thickness of the progress bar. The width variable stores the diameter of the circle.

You can create the circle view using the built-in Circle shape like this:

Figure 6. Drawing the Circle view

We use the stroke modifier to draw the outline of the circle in gray. As you can see in the
figure, the thickness property is used to control the width of the outline. The width
property is the diameter of the circle. I intentionally highlight the frame, so that you can
see the thickness and width.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 740
Next, we are going to implement the ring shape. One way to create this ring shape is by
using Circle . We have discussed drawing circles in chapter 8. This time, let me show
you an alternate implementation. We will use the Shape protocol to create a custom Ring

In the same file, insert the following code:

struct RingShape: Shape {

var progress: Double = 0.0
var thickness: CGFloat = 30.0

func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {

var path = Path()

path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: rect.width / 2.0, y: rect.height / 2.0),

radius: min(rect.width, rect.height) / 2.0,
startAngle: .degrees(0),
endAngle: .degrees(360 * progress), clockwise: false)

return path.strokedPath(.init(lineWidth: thickness, lineCap: .round))


We create a RingShape struct by adopting the Shape protocol. We declare two properties
in the struct. The progress property allows the user to specify the percentage of progress.
The thickness property, similar to that in ProgressRingView , lets you control the width of
the ring.

To draw the ring, we use the addArc method, followed by strokedPath . The radius of the
arc can be calculated by dividing the frame's width (or height) by 2. The starting angle is
currently set to zero degrees. We calculate the ending angle by multiplying 360 with the
progress value. For example, if we set the progress to 0.5, we draw a half ring (from 0 to
180 degrees).

To use the RingShape , you can update the body variable like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 741
ZStack {
.stroke(Color(.systemGray6), lineWidth: thickness)

RingShape(progress: 0.5, thickness: thickness)

.frame(width: width, height: width, alignment: .center)

Once you make the changes, you should see a partial ring overlay on top of the gray
circle. Note that it has round cap at both ends since we set the lineCap parameter of
strokedPath to .round .

Figure 7. Displaying the RingShape

Other than the ring's color, you may also notice something that we need to tweak. The
start point of the arc is not the same as that in figure 4. To fix the issue, you need change
the startAngle from zero to -90.

Declare the following property in RingShape :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 742
var startAngle: Double = -90.0

Then update the addArc method like this:

path.addArc(center: CGPoint(x: rect.width / 2.0, y: rect.height / 2.0),

radius: min(rect.width, rect.height) / 2.0,
startAngle: .degrees(startAngle),
endAngle: .degrees(360 * progress + startAngle), clockwise: false)

We change the startAngle parameter to -90 degree. we also need to alter the endAngle
parameter, because the starting angle is changed. With the modification, the arc now
rotates by 90 degrees anticlockwise.

Figure 8. The partial ring after changing the start angle

Adding a Gradient

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 743
Now that you have a ring shape that is adjustable by passing different progress values to
it, wouldn't it be great if we add a gradient color to the bar? SwiftUI provides three types
of gradients including linear gradient, angular gradient, and radial gradient. Apple uses
the angular gradient to fill the progress bar.

Here is an example using AngularGradient :

AngularGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkPurple, .lightYellow]), center: .

center, startAngle: .degrees(0), endAngle: .degrees(180))

The angular gradient applies the gradient color as the angle changes. In the code above,
we render the gradient from 0 degrees to 180 degrees. Figure 9 shows you the result of
two different angular gradients.

Figure 9. Angular gradient with different start and end angles

Since the starting angle of the ring shape is set to -90 degrees, we will apply the angular
gradient like this (assuming the progress is set to 0.5):

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 744
AngularGradient(gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkPurple, .lightYellow]), center: .
center, startAngle: .degrees(startAngle), endAngle: .degrees(360 * 0.5 + startAngl

Now let's modify the code to apply the gradient to the RingShape . First, declare the
following properties in ProgressRingView :

var gradient = Gradient(colors: [.darkPurple, .lightYellow])

var startAngle = -90.0

Then fill the RingShape with the angular gradient by attaching the .fill modifier like

RingShape(progress: 0.5, thickness: thickness)

.fill(AngularGradient(gradient: gradient, center: .center, startAngle: .degree
s(startAngle), endAngle: .degrees(360 * 0.5 + startAngle)))

As soon as you complete the modification, the circular progress bar should be filled with
the specified gradient.

Figure 10. A circular progress bar with gradient

Varying Progress

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 745
The percentage of progress is now fixed at 0.5. Obviously, we need to create a variable for
that to make it adjustable. In ProgressRingView , declare a variable named progress like

@Binding var progress: Double

We are developing a flexible ProgressRingView and want to let the caller control the
percentage of progress. Therefore, the source of truth (i.e. progress) should be provided
by the caller. This is the reason why progress is marked as a binding variable.

With the variable, we can update the following line of code accordingly:

RingShape(progress: progress, thickness: thickness)

.fill(AngularGradient(gradient: gradient, center: .center, startAngle: .degree
s(startAngle), endAngle: .degrees(360 * progress + startAngle)))

Xcode should now indicate an error in ProgressRingView_Previews because we have to pass

ProgressRingView the progress parameter. Therefore, update the

ProgressRingView_Previews like this:

struct ProgressRingView_Previews: PreviewProvider {

static var previews: some View {
Group {
ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(0.5)).previewLayout(.fixed(width:
300, height: 300))
ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(0.9)).previewLayout(.fixed(width:
300, height: 300))

I want to see the end result of two different values of progress, so we create two instances
of ProgressRingView in the preview. Instead of previewing the progress ring on a
simulator, we use previewLayout to preview it in a fixed size canvas. This allows us to
easily see both results all at once.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 746
Figure 11. A circular progress bar with gradient

Animating the Ring Shape with Animatable

The circular progress bar looks pretty good. Let's put it into practice and create a simple
demo like figure 12. This demo has three buttons for adjusting the progress. We expect
that the progress bar will gradually increase (or decrease) to the chosen percentage when
any of the buttons is tapped. For example, the current progress is set to 0. When the
"50%" button is tapped, the progress bar will gradually goes up from 0% to 50%.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 747
Figure 12. A quick demo

Now let's switch over to ContentView.swift to create this demo. First, declare a state
variable to keep track of the progress like this:

@State var progress = 0.0

Then insert the following code in the body variable to create the UI:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 748
VStack {
ProgressRingView(progress: $progress)

HStack {
Group {
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.onTapGesture {
self.progress = 0.0

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.onTapGesture {
self.progress = 0.5

.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))
.onTapGesture {
self.progress = 1.0
.clipShape(RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 15.0, style: .continuous))

In your preview canvas, you should have something like below. The progress bar only
shows the gray circle underneath because the progress is defaulted to zero. Click the Play
button to run the demo. Try tapping different buttons to see how the progress bar

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 749
Figure 13. The demo UI

Does it work up to your expections? I think not. When you tap the 50% button, the
progress bar instantly fills half of the ring without any animation. This isn't what we

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 750
Figure 14. The progress bar doesn't animate its change

I guess you may know why the view is not animated. We haven't attached an .animation
modifier to the ring shape. Switch back to ProgressRingView.swift and attach the
.animation modifier to the ZStack of ProgressRingView . You can insert the code after the

.frame modifier:

.animation(Animation.easeInOut(duration: 1.0))

Okay, it seems like we've figured out the solution. Let's go back to ContentView.swift and
test the demo again. Run the demo and tap any of the buttons to try it out.

What's your result? Does the fix work?

Unfortunately, the ring still doesn't animate the progress change, but it does animate the
gradient change.

What's the root cause?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 751
Before solving the issue, let me further explain how the .animation modifier works. In
the official documentation) for the .animation modifier, it mentions that the modifier
applies the given animation to all animatable values within the view. The keyword here
is animatable. When you use the .animation modifier on a view, SwiftUI automatically
animates any changes to animatable properties of the view.

SwiftUI comes with a protocol called Animatable . For a view that supports animation,
you can adopt the protocol and provide the animatableData property. This property tells
SwiftUI what data the view can animate.

In chapter 9, I introduced you the basics of SwiftUI animation. You can easily animate
the size change of a view using .scaleEffect or the position change by using .offset . It
may seem to you that all these animations work automatically. Behind the scenes, Apple's
engineers actually adopted the protocol and provided the animatable data for CGSize
and CGPoint .

So, why can't RingShape animate its progress change?

The RingShape struct conforms to the Shape protocol. If you look at its documentation,
Shape adopts the Animatable protocol and provides the default implementation.

However, the default implementation of the animatableData property is to return an

instance of EmptyAnimatableData , which means no animatable data. This is why
ProgressRingView cannot animate the progress change.

To fix the issue and make the progress animatable, all you need to do is to override the
default implementation and provide the animatable values. In the RingShape struct,
insert the following code before the path function:

var animatableData: Double {

get { progress }
set { progress = newValue }

The implementation is very simple. We just tell SwiftUI to animate the progress value.
That's it!

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 752
Now go back to ContentView.swift and play the demo app to have another test. This time
the progress bar should animate the progress change.

Figure 15. The progress bar doesn't animate its change

The 100% Problem

With the animation, this circular progress bar is now even better. However, there is a
little issue that you may notice. When the percentage is set to 100%, the arc becomes a
full circle, hiding the round caps. To highlight where the arc ends, it's better to add the
round cap with a drop shadow like the activity ring in figure 1.

To resolve the issue, my idea is to overlay a little circle, who's size is based on the
thickness of the ring, at the end of the arc. Additionally, we will add a drop shadow for
that little circle. Figure 16 illustrates this solution. Please note that for the final solution,
the circle should have the same color as the arc's end. I just highlighted it using red
color for purpose of illustration.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 753
Figure 16. Overlaying a little circle

The question is how do you calculate the position of this little circle or the end position of
the arc? This requires some mathematical knowledge. Figure 17 shows you how we
calculate the position of the little circle.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 754
Figure 17. Overlaying a little circle

Now, let's dive into the implementation and create the little circle. Let's call it RingTip
and implement it in the ProgressRingView.swift file like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 755
struct RingTip: Shape {
var progress: Double = 0.0
var startAngle: Double = -90.0
var ringRadius: Double

private var position: CGPoint {

let angle = 360 * progress + startAngle
let angleInRadian = angle * .pi / 180

return CGPoint(x: ringRadius * cos(angleInRadian), y: ringRadius * sin(ang


var animatableData: Double {

get { progress }
set { progress = newValue }

func path(in rect: CGRect) -> Path {

var path = Path()

guard progress > 0.0 else {

return path

let frame = CGRect(x: position.x, y: position.y, width: rect.size.width, h

eight: rect.size.height)

path.addRoundedRect(in: frame, cornerSize: frame.size)

return path

The RingTip struct takes in three parameters: progress , startAngle , and ringRadius for
the calculation of the circle's position. Once we figure out the position, we can draw the
path of the circle by using addRoundedRect .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 756
Now go back to ProgressRingView and declare the following computed property to
calculate the ring's radius:

private var radius: Double {

Double(width / 2)

Next, create RingTip by inserting the following code after RingShape in the ZStack :

RingTip(progress: progress, startAngle: startAngle, ringRadius: radius)

.frame(width: thickness, height: thickness)
.foregroundColor(progress > 0.96 ? gradient.stops[1].color : Color.clear)

We instantiate RingTip by passing the current progress, start angle, and the radius of the
ring. The foreground color is set to the ending gradient color. You may wonder why we
only display the gradient color when the progress is greater than 0.96. Take a look at
figure 18 and you will understand why I come up with this decision.

Figure 18. Need to overlay the circle only when the progress is greater than 0.96

After adding the instance of RingTip in the ZStack , run the program in the preview.
Click the 100% button. The progress bar should now have a round cap.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 757
Figure 19. Overlaying a little circle at the ring end

You've already built a pretty nice circular progress bar. But we can make it even better by
adding a drop shadow at the arc end. In SwiftUI, you can simply attach the .shadow
modifier to add a drop shadow. In this case, we can attach the modifier to RingTip . The
hard part is that we need to figure out where we add the drop shadow.

The calculation of the shadow position is very similar to that of the ring tip. So, in
ProgressRingView.swift , insert a function for computing the position of the ring tip:

private func ringTipPosition(progress: Double) -> CGPoint {

let angle = 360 * progress + startAngle
let angleInRadian = angle * .pi / 180

return CGPoint(x: radius * cos(angleInRadian), y: radius * sin(angleInRadian))


Then add a new computed property for calculating the shadow offset of the ring tip like

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 758
private var ringTipShadowOffset: CGPoint {
let shadowPosition = ringTipPosition(progress: progress + 0.01)
let circlePosition = ringTipPosition(progress: progress)

return CGPoint(x: shadowPosition.x - circlePosition.x, y: shadowPosition.y - c


By adding 0.01 to the current progress, we can compute the shadow position. This is my
solution for finding the shadow position. You may come up with an alternative solution.

With the shadow offset, we can attach the .shadow modifier to RingTip :

.shadow(color: progress > 0.96 ? : Color.clear, radius: 2

, x: ringTipShadowOffset.x, y: ringTipShadowOffset.y)

I just want to add a light shadow, so the opacity is set to 0.15. If you prefer to have a
darker shadow, increase the opacity value (say, 1.0). After the code change, you should
see a drop shadow at the end of the ring, provided that the progress is greater than 0.96.
You can also try to set the progress value to a value larger than 1.0 and see how the
progress bar looks.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 759
Figure 20. The ring end now has a drop shadow

Now that you've created a flexible circular progress bar, it's time to have an exercise. Your
task is to make use of what you've built and create an activity ring. The app also needs to
provide four buttons for adjusting the activity ring like you see in figure 21.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 760
Figure 21. A sample activity ring

By building an activity ring, we covered a number of SwiftUI features in this chapter. You
should now have a better idea of implementing your custom shape and how to animate a
shape using the Animatable protocol.

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 761
Chapter 31
Working with AnimatableModifier
and LibraryContentProvider
Earlier, you learned how to animate a shape by using Animatable and AnimatableData . In
this chapter, we will take this further and show you how to animate a view using another
protocol called AnimatableModifier . Additionally, I will walk you through a new feature of
SwiftUI introduced in Xcode 12 that will allow developers to easily share a custom view to
the View library and make it easier for reuse. Later, I will show you how to take the
progress ring view to the View library for reuse. As a sneak peek, you can take a look at
figure 1 or check out this demo video (
to see how it works.

Figure 1. Using a custom view in the View library

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 762
Understanding AnimatableModifier
Let's first look at the AnimatableModifier protocol. As its name suggests,
AnimatableModifier is a view modifier and it conforms to the Animatable protocol. This

makes it very powerful to animate value changes for different types of views.

protocol AnimatableModifier : Animatable, ViewModifier

So, what are we going to animate? We will build on top of what we've implemented in the
previous chapter and add a text label at the center of the progress ring. The label will
show the current percentage of progress. As the progress bar moves, the label will be
updated accordingly. Figure 2 shows you what the label looks like.

Figure 2. Animating the progress label

Animating Text using AnimatableModifer

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 763
I highly recommend you read chapter 30 first as this demo project is built on top of the
previous one. In case you haven't worked on the project, you can download it at to get started.

Before we dive into the AnimatableModifier protocol, let me ask you. How are you going to
layout the progress label and animate its change? Actually, we've built a similar progress
indicator in chapter 9. So, base on what you learned, you may layout the progress label
(in the ProgressRingView.swift file) like this:

ZStack {
.stroke(Color(.systemGray6), lineWidth: thickness)

.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))


You add a Text view in the ZStack and display the current progress in a formatted text
using the below conversion:

private var progressText: String {

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .percent
formatter.percentSymbol = "%"

return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: progress)) ?? ""


Since the progress variable is a state variable, the progressText will be automatically
updated whenever the value of progress changes. This is a very straightforward
implementation. However, there is an issue with the solution. The text animation doesn't
work so well.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 764
If you've made the above changes in ProgressRingView.swift , you can go back to
ContentView.swift to see the result. The app does display the progress label, but when

you change the progress from one value to another, the progress label immediately shows
the new value using the fade animation.

This is not what we expect. The progress label shouldn't jump from one value (e.g. 100%)
to another value (e.g. 50%) directly. We expect the progress label follows the animation
of the progress bar and updates its value step by step like this:

100 -> 99 -> 98 -> 97 -> 96 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 53 -> 52 -> 51 -> 50

The current implementation doesn't allow you to animate the text change. This is why I
have to introduce you the AnimatableModifier protocol.

To animate the progress text, we will create a new struct called ProgressTextModifier ,
which adopts AnimatableModifier :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 765
struct ProgressTextModifier: AnimatableModifier {

var progress: Double = 0.0

var textColor: Color = .primary

private var progressText: String {

let formatter = NumberFormatter()
formatter.numberStyle = .percent
formatter.percentSymbol = "%"

return formatter.string(from: NSNumber(value: progress)) ?? ""


var animatableData: Double {

get { progress }
set { progress = newValue }

func body(content: Content) -> some View {

.font(.system(.largeTitle, design: .rounded))

Does the code look familiar to you? As mentioned earlier, the AnimatableModifier
protocol conforms to both Animatable and ViewModifier . Therefore, we specify in the
animatableData property what values to animate. Here, it's progress . To conform with

the requirements of ViewModifier , we implement the body function and add the Text

This is how we animate the text using AnimatableModifier . For convenience purposes,
insert the following code, at the end of ProgressRingView , to create an extension for
applying the ProgressTextModifier :

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 766
extension View {
func animatableProgressText(progress: Double, textColor: Color = Color.primary)
-> some View {
self.modifier(ProgressTextModifier(progress: progress, textColor: textColo

Now you can attach the animatableProgressText modifier to RingShape like this:

RingShape(progress: progress, thickness: thickness)

.fill(AngularGradient(gradient: gradient, center: .center, startAngle: .degree
s(startAngle), endAngle: .degrees(360 * progress + startAngle)))
.animatableProgressText(progress: progress)

Once you have made the change, you should see the progress label in the preview canvas.
To test the animation, run the app on an iPhone simulator or play the app in
ContentView.swift . When you change the progress, the progress text now animates.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 767
Figure 3. Displaying the progress label by applying the custom modifier

Using LibraryContentProvider
In Xcode 12, Apple introduced a new feature in the SwiftUI framework, allowing
developers to take any custom views to the View library. If you forget what the View
library is, just press command-shift-L to bring it up. The library lets you easily access all
the available UI controls in SwiftUI. You can drag a control from the library and add it to
the user interface directly.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 768
Figure 4. Displaying the progress label by applying the custom modifier

The new version of Xcode 12 now makes it possible to add your custom views the library
by using a new protocol called LibraryContentProvider . To add a custom view to the View
library, all you need to do is to create a new struct that conforms to the
LibraryContentProvider protocol.

For example, to share the progress ring view to the View library, we can create a struct
called ProgressBar_Library like this:

struct ProgressBar_Library: LibraryContentProvider {

@LibraryContentBuilder var views: [LibraryItem] {
LibraryItem(ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(1.0), thickness: 12.0, wi
dth: 130.0, gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkYellow, .lightYellow])), title: "Prog
ress Ring", category: .control)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 769
The way to add a view to the View library is very simple. You create a struct that
conforms to LibraryContentProvider and override the views property to return an array
of custom views. In the code above, we return the progress ring view with some default
values, name it "Progress Ring", and put it into the control category.

Optionally, if you want to add more than one library item, you can write the code like

struct ProgressBar_Library: LibraryContentProvider {

@LibraryContentBuilder var views: [LibraryItem] {
LibraryItem(ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(1.0), thickness: 12.0, wi
dth: 130.0, gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkYellow, .lightYellow])), title: "Prog
ress Ring", category: .control)

LibraryItem(ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(1.0), thickness: 30.0, wi

dth: 250.0, gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkPurple, .lightYellow])), title: "Prog
ress Ring - Bigger", category: .control)

As a side note, there are four possible values that can be given to item's category,
depending on what the library item is supposed to represent:





You may also wonder what the @LibraryContentBuilder property wrapper is. It just saves
you from writing the code for creating the array of LibraryItem instances. The code above
can be rewritten like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 770
struct ProgressBar_Library: LibraryContentProvider {
var views: [LibraryItem] {
return [LibraryItem(ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(1.0), thickness:
12.0, width: 130.0, gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkYellow, .lightYellow])), titl
e: "Progress Ring", category: .control),

LibraryItem(ProgressRingView(progress: .constant(1.0), thickness:

30.0, width: 250.0, gradient: Gradient(colors: [.darkPurple, .lightYellow])), titl
e: "Progress Ring - Bigger", category: .control)

Once you create the struct, Xcode automatically discovers the implementation of the
LibraryContentProvider protocol in your project and adds the progress ring view to the

View library. You can now add the progress ring view to your UI by using drag and drop.
Note that at the time of this writing, you can't add documentation for your custom

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 771
Figure 5. The progress ring view is added to the View library

Not only can you add a custom view to the Xcode library, you can also add your own
modifiers by implementing the modifiers method and return the array of library items.
You can add the animatableProgressText modifier to the View library by implementing the
method like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 772
struct ProgressBar_Library: LibraryContentProvider {

func modifiers(base: Circle) -> [LibraryItem] {
LibraryItem(base.animatableProgressText(progress: 1.0), title: "Progress I
ndicator", category: .control)

The base parameter lets you specify the type of control that can be modified by the
modifier. In the code above, it's the Circle view. Again, once you insert the code
in ProgressBar_Library , Xcode will scan the library item and add it to the Modifier library.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 773
Figure 6. The progress indicator is added to the Modifier library

The progress ring is now incorporated in the View library. Try to use it and build an app
like below. The app has 4 sliders for adjusting the progress of different tasks. The overall
progress is calculated by averaging the progress values of all tasks.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 774
Figure 7. The progress ring view is added to the View library

The AnimatableModifier protocol is a very powerful protocol for animating changes of any
views. In this chapter, we showed you how to animate the text change of a label. You can
apply this technique to animate other values such as color and size.

The introduction of LibraryContentProvider makes it very easy for developers to share

custom views and encourages code reuse. Imagine that you can build a library of custom
components and put them into the View/Modifier library, every member in your team
can easily access the controls and use them by drag & drop. Right now, you can only use
the controls within the same Xcode project. We will discuss how you can make this
possible by using Swift Package in the next chapter.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 775
For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project

The solution of the exercise is also included in the demo project. Please refer to the
TaskGridView.swift file.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 776
Chapter 32
Working with TextEditor to Create
Multiline Text Fields
The first version of SwiftUI, released along with iOS 13, didn't come with a native UI
component for a multiline text field. To support multiline input, you still need to wrap a
UITextView from the UIKit framework and make it available to your SwiftUI project by

adopting the UIViewRepresentable protocol. In iOS 14, Apple introduced a new component
called TextEditor for the SwiftUI framework. This TextEditor enables developers to
display and edit multiline text in your apps. In this chapter, we will show you how to use
TextEditor for multiline input.

Using TextEditor
It is very easy to use TextEditor . You just need to have a state variable to hold the input
text. Then create a TextEditor instance in the body of your view like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var inputText = ""

var body: some View {

TextEditor(text: $inputText)

To instantiate the text editor, you pass the binding of inputText so that the state variable
can store the user input.

You can customize the editor like any SwiftUI view. For example, the below code changes
the font type and adjust the line spacing of the text editor:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 777
TextEditor(text: $inputText)

Optionally, you can enable/disable the auto-capitalization and auto-correction features.

Figure 1. Using TextEditor

Using the onChange() Modifier to Detect Text Input

UITextView of the UIKit framework, works with the UITextViewDelegate protocol to

handle editing changes. So, how about TextEditor ? How do we detect the change of user
input and perform further processing?

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 778
The new version of SwiftUI introduces an onChange() modifier which can be attached to
TextEditor or any other view. Let's say you are building a note application using

TextEditor and need to display a word count in real time, you can attach the onChange()

modifier to TextEditor like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var inputText = ""
@State private var wordCount: Int = 0

var body: some View {

ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) {
TextEditor(text: $inputText)
.padding(.top, 20)
.onChange(of: inputText) { value in
let words = inputText.split { $0 == " " || $0.isNewline }
self.wordCount = words.count

Text("\(wordCount) words")

In the code above, we declare a state property to store the word count. And, we specify in
the onChange() modifier to monitor the change of inputText . Whenever a user types a
character, the code inside the onChange() modifier will be invoked. In the closure, we
compute the total number of words in inputText and update the wordCount variable

If you run the code in a simulator, you should see a plain text editor that also displays the
word count in real time.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 779
Figure 2. Using onChange() to detect text input and display the word count

Since the initial release of SwiftUI, TextEditor has been one of the most anticipated UI
components. You can now use this native component to handle multiline input on iOS 14.
However, if you still need to support older versions of iOS, you will need to use UIKit and
implement UITextView in your SwiftUI project using the UIViewRepresentable protocol.

For reference, you can download the complete text editor project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 780
Chapter 33
Using matchedGeometryEffect to
Create View Animations
In iOS 14, Apple introduced a lot of new additions to the SwiftUI framework like
LazyVGrid and LazyHGrid. But matchedGeometryEffect is a new one that really caught my
attention because it allows developers to create some amazing view animations with just
a few lines of code. In earlier chapters, you learned how to create view animations.
matchedGeometryEffect takes the implementation of view animations to the next level.

For any mobile apps, it is very common that you need to move from one view to another.
Creating a delightful transition between views will definitely improve the user
experience. With the matchedGeometryEffect modifier, you describe the appearance of two
views. The modifier will then compute the difference between those two views and
automatically animate the size/position change.

Feeling confused? No worries. You will understand what I mean after going through the
demo apps.

Revisiting SwiftUI Animation

Before I walk you through the usage of matchedGeometryEffect , let's take a look at how we
implement animation using SwiftUI. Figure 1 shows the beginning and final states of a
view. When you tap the circle view on your left, it should grow bigger and move upward.
Conversely, if you tap the one on the right, it returns to the original size and position.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 781
Figure 1. The Circle view at the start state (left), The Circle view at the end state (right)

The implementation of this tappable circle is very straightforward. Assuming you've

created a new SwiftUI project, you can update the ContentView struct like this:

struct ContentView: View {

@State private var expand = false

var body: some View {

.frame(width: expand ? 300 : 150, height: expand ? 300 : 150)
.offset(y: expand ? -200 : 0)
.onTapGesture {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 782
We have a state variable expand to keep track of the current state of the Circle view. In
both the .frame and .offset modifiers, we vary the frame size and offset when the state
changes. If you run the app in the preview canvas, you should see the animation when
you tap the circle.

Figure 2. The Circle view animation

Understanding the matchedGeometryEffect Modifier

So, what is matchedGeometryEffect ? How does it simplify the implementation of the view
animation? Take a look at figure 1 and the code of the circle animation again. We have to
figure out the exact value change between the start and the final state. In the example,
they are the frame size and the offset.

With the matchedGeometryEffect modifier, you no longer need to figure out these
differences. All you need to do is describe two views: one represents the start state and
the other is for the final state. matchedGeometryEffect will automatically interpolate the
size and position between the views.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 783
To create the same animation as shown in figure 2 with matchedGeometryEffect , you first
declare a namespace variable:

@Namespace private var shapeTransition

And then, rewrite the body part like this:

var body: some View {

if expand {

// Final State
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(width: 300, height: 300)
.offset(y: -200)
.onTapGesture {

} else {

// Start State
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(width: 150, height: 150)
.offset(y: 0)
.onTapGesture {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 784
In the code, we created two circle views: one is for the start state and the other is for the
final state. When our app first initialized, we present a Circle view which is centered
and has a width of 150 points. When the expand state variable is changed from false to
true , the app displays another Circle view which is positioned 200 points from the

center of the screen and has a width of 300 points.

For both Circle views, we attach the matchedGeometryEffect modifier and specify the
same ID & namespace. By doing so, SwiftUI computes the size & position difference
between these two views and interpolates the transition. Along with the animation
modifier, the framework will automatically animate the transition.

The ID and namespace are used for identifying which views are part of the same
transition. This is why both Circle views use the same ID and namespace.

This is how you use matchedGeometryEffect to animate transition between two views. If
you've used Magic Move in Keynote before, this new modifier is very much like Magic
Move. To test the animation, I suggest you run the app in an iPhone simulator. At the
time of this writing, there is a bug in Xcode 12 that you can't test the animation in the
preview canvas.

Morphing From a Circle to a Rounded Rectangle

Let's try to implement another animated view transition. This time, we will morph a
circle into a rounded rectangle. The circle is positioned at the top of the screen, while the
rounded rectangle is close to the bottom part of the screen.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 785
Figure 3. The Circle view at the start state (left), The Rounded Rectangle view at the end
state (right)

Using the same technique you just learned, you need to prepare two views: the circle view
and the rounded rectangle view. The matchedGeometryEffect modifier will then handle the
transformation. Replace the body variable of the ContentView struct like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 786
VStack {
if expand {

// Rounded Rectangle

RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity, maxHeight: 300)
.onTapGesture {

} else {

// Circle
RoundedRectangle(cornerRadius: 50.0)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "circle", in: shapeTransition)
.frame(width: 100, height: 100)
.onTapGesture {


We still make use of the expand state variable to toggle between the circle view and the
rounded rectangle view. The code is very similar to the previous example, except that we
use a VStack and a Spacer to position the view. You may wonder why we used
RoundedRectangle to create the circle. The main reason is that it gives you a more smooth


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 787
For both views, we attach the matchedGeometryEffect modifier and specify the same ID &
namespace. That's all we need to do. The modifier will compare the difference between
these two views and animate the changes. If you run the app in the preview canvas or on
an iPhone simulator, you will see a nice transition between the circle and the rounded
rectangle views. This is the magic of matchedGeometryEffect .

Figure 4. The Circle view animation

However, you may notice that the modifier doesn't animate the color change. This is
right. matchedGeometryEffect only handles position and size changes.

Exercise #1
Let's have a simple exercise to test your understanding of matchedGeometryEffect . Your
task is to create the animated transition as shown in figure 5. It starts with an orange
circle view. When the circle is tapped, it will transform into a full screen background. You

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 788
can find the solution in the final project.

Figure 5. Transforming a circle button to a full screen background

Swapping Two Views with Animated Transition

Now that you have some basic knowledge of matchedGeometryEffect , let's continue to see
how it can help us create some nice animations. In this example, we will swap the
position of two circle views and apply a modifier to create a smooth transition.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 789
Figure 6. Swapping the position of two circles

We will use a state variable to store the state of the swap and create a namespace variable
for matchedGeometryEffect . Declare the following variable in ContentView :

@State private var swap = false

@Namespace private var dotTransition

By default, the orange circle is on the left side of the screen, while the green circle is
positioned on the right. When the user taps any of the circles, it will trigger the swap. You
don't need to figure out how the swap is done when using matchedGeometryEffect . To
create the transition, all you need to do is:

1. Create the layout of the orange and green circles before the swap
2. Create the layout of the two circles after the swap

To translate the layout into code, you write the body variable like this:

if swap {

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 790
// After swap
// Green dot on the left, Orange dot on the right

HStack {
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "greenCircle", in: dotTransition)


.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "orangeCircle", in: dotTransition)
.frame(width: 100)
.onTapGesture {

} else {

// Start state
// Orange dot on the left, Green dot on the right

HStack {
.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "orangeCircle", in: dotTransition)


.frame(width: 30, height: 30)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "greenCircle", in: dotTransition)
.frame(width: 100)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 791
.onTapGesture {

We use a HStack to layout the two circles horizontally and have a Spacer in between
them to create some separation. When the swap variable is set to true , the green circle
is placed to the left of the orange circle. When false , the green circle is positioned to the
right of the orange circle.

As you can see, we just describe the layout of the circle views in difference states and let
matchedGeometryEffect handle the rest. We attach the modifier to each of the Circle

views. However, this time is a bit different. Since we have two different Circle views to
match, we use two distinct IDs for the matchedGeometryEffect modifier. For the orange
circles, we set the identifier to orangeCircle , while the green circles uses the identifier
greenCircle .

Run the app on a simulator, you should see the swap animation when you tap any of the

Exercise #2
Earlier, we used the matchedGeometryEffect on two circles and swap their position. Your
exercise is to apply the same technique but on two images. Figure 6 shows you the
sample UI. When the swap button is tapped, the app swaps the two photos with a nice

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 792
Figure 7. Swapping the position of two photos

You are free to use your own photos. For my demo, I used these free photos from

Creating a Basic Hero Animation

Other than transforming from one shape to another, you can use the
matchedGeometryEffect modifier to create a basic hero animation. Figure 8 shows you a

sample stack view of an image and text. When the view is tapped, both the image and text
will be expanded to take up the full screen. This type of animation is usually known as a
Hero Animation.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 793
Figure 8. Expanding a stack view into a full screen

Again, we apply the matchedGeometryEffect technique to create this type of animated

transition. If you refer to figure 8, there are two views in the view transition:

1. One is the view showing a smaller image and an excerpt for the article.
2. The other one is the view expanded into full screen showing a featured photo and the
full article.

To begin, first declare a state variable to control the status of the view mode:

@State private var showDetail = false

When showDetail is set to false, the article view with a smaller image is displayed. when
true, a full screen article view will be shown. Again, to use the matchedGeometryEffect
modifier, we have to declare a namespace variable:

@Namespace private var articleTransition

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 794
Next, update the body variable like this:

// Display an article view with smaller image

if !showDetail {
VStack {

VStack {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 200)
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: articleTransition)
.onTapGesture {

Text("The Watertower is a full-service restaurant/cafe located in the

Sweet Auburn District of Atlanta.")
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "text", in: articleTransition)

// Display the article view in a full screen

if showDetail {

ScrollView {
VStack {
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 400)

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 795
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: articleTransition)
.onTapGesture {

Text("The Watertower is a full-service restaurant/cafe located in the

Sweet Auburn District of Atlanta. The restaurant features a full menu of moderatel
y priced \"comfort\" food influenced by African and French cooking traditions, but
based upon time honored recipes from around the world. The cafe section of The Wa
tertower features a coffeehouse with a dessert bar, magazines, and space for live
performers.\n\nThe Watertower will be owned and operated by The Watertower LLC, a
Georgia limited liability corporation managed by David N. Patton IV, a resident of
the Empowerment Zone. The members of the LLC are David N. Patton IV (80%) and the
Historic District Development Corporation (20%).\n\nThis business plan offers fin
ancial institutions an opportunity to review our vision and strategic focus. It al
so provides a step-by-step plan for the business start-up, establishing favorable
sales numbers, gross margin, and profitability.\n\nThis plan includes chapters on
the company, products and services, market focus, action plans and forecasts, mana
gement team, and financial plan.")
.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "text", in: articleTransition)
.padding(.all, 20)



In the code above, we layout the views in different states. When showDetail is set to
false , we use a VStack to layout the article image and the excerpt. The height of the

image is set to 200 points to make it smaller.

The layout of the article view is very similar in full screen mode. The main difference is
that the VStack view is embedded in a ScrollView to make the content scrollable. The
image's height is set to 400 points, so that the image is a little bit bigger. In order to
extend the image and text views outside of the screen's safe area, we attach the
.edgesIgnoringSafeArea modifier to the scroll view and set its value to .all .

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 796
Since we have two different views in the transition, we use two different IDs for the
matchedGeometryEffect modifier. For the image, we set the ID to image :

.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "image", in: articleTransition)

On the other hand, we set the ID of the text view to text :

.matchedGeometryEffect(id: "text", in: articleTransition)

Furthermore, we use two different animations for the text and image views. We apply the
.interactiveSpring animation for the image view, while for the text view, we use the

.easeOut animation.

The implementation is very straightforward, similar to what we have done in the earlier
examples. Run the app in a simulator to try it out. When you tap the image view, the app
renders a nice animation and shows the article in full screen.

Figure 9. A basic hero animation

Passing @Namespace between Views

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Referring to the previous example, we can better organize the code by breaking the two
different stack views into subviews. But the problem is how we can pass the @Namespace
variable between views. Let's see how it can be done.

First, hold the command key and click on the VStack keyword of the first stack view.
Choose Extract Subview from the context menu and name the subview
ArticleExcerptView .

Figure 10. Extracting the stack view into a subview

You should see quite a number of errors in the ArticleExcerptView struct, complaining
about the missing of the namespace and the showDetail variable. To fix the error of the
showDetail variable, you can declare a binding in ArticleExcerptView like this:

@Binding var showDetail: Bool

To accept a namespace from another view, the trick is to declare a variable with the type
Namespace.ID like this:

var articleTransition: Namespace.ID

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 798
This should now fix all the errors in ArticleExcerptView . Now go back to ContentView and
replace ArticleExcerptView() with:

ArticleExcerptView(showDetail: $showDetail, articleTransition: articleTransition)

We pass the binding to showDetail and the namespace variable to the subview. This is
how you share a namespace across different views. Repeat the same procedure to extract
the ScrollView into another subview. Name the subview ArticleDetailView .

Again, you need to declare the following variable and binding in ArticleDetailView to
resolve all the errors:

@Binding var showDetail: Bool

var articleTransition: Namespace.ID

You should also update the instantiation of ArticleDetailView() like this:

ArticleDetailView(showDetail: $showDetail, articleTransition: articleTransition)

After all these changes, the ContentView struct is now simplified like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 799
struct ContentView: View {

@State private var showDetail = false

@Namespace private var articleTransition

var body: some View {

// Display an article view with smaller image

if !showDetail {
ArticleExcerptView(showDetail: $showDetail, articleTransition: article

// Display the article view in a full screen

if showDetail {
ArticleDetailView(showDetail: $showDetail, articleTransition: articleT


Everything works the same but the code is now more readable and organized.

The introduction of the matchedGeometryEffect modifier takes the implementation of view
animation to the next level. You can create some nice view transitions with much less
code. Even if you are a beginner to SwiftUI, you can take advantage of this new modifier
to make your app more awesome.

For reference, you can download the complete matched geometry project, with the
solutions to the exercises, here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 800
Chapter 34
ScrollViewReader and Grid
Earlier, I introduced you to the new matchedGeometryEffect modifier and showed you how
to create some basic view animations. In this chapter, let's see how to use the modifier
and animate item selection in a grid view. Additionally, you will learn another brand new
UI component called ScrollViewReader .

The Demo App

Before we step into the implementation, let me show you the final deliverable. This
should give you an idea of what you are going to build. When developing real world apps,
you may need to display a grid of photo items and let users select some of the items.

One way of presenting the item selection is to have a dock at the bottom of the screen.
When an item is selected, it is removed from the grid and inserted into the dock. As you
select more items, the dock will hold more items. You can swipe horizontally to navigate
through the items in the dock. If you tap an item in the dock, that item will be removed
and inserted back into the grid. Figure 1 illustrates how the insertion and removal of an
item works.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 801
Figure 1. The demo app

We will implement the grid view and the item selection. We will use the
matchedGeometryEffect modifier to animate the selection. To get started, please first

download the starter project at
This project includes sample data and images.

Building the Photo Grid

First, let's create the photo grid. In the ContentView struct, declare a state variable like

@State private var photoSet = samplePhotos

The samplePhotos constant is predefined in the starter project and stores the array of
photos. The reason why photoSet is declared as a state variable is that we will change its
content for photo selection.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 802
To present the photos in a grid, we use the built-in LazyVGrid component. Insert the
following code in body :

VStack {
ScrollView {

HStack {
.font(.system(.title, design: .rounded))


LazyVGrid(columns: [ GridItem(.adaptive(minimum: 50)) ]) {

ForEach(photoSet) { photo in

.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 60)

Assuming you have read the earlier chapter about grid view, the code is self explanatory.
We simply use the adaptive layout to arrange the set of photos in a grid.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 803
Figure 2. Presenting the photo set in a grid

Adding the Dock

For photo selection, we will create a dock to hold the selected photos. Insert the following
code inside the VStack :

ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {

.frame(height: 100)

This creates a scrollable rectangle area for holding the selected photos. Right now, it's
just blank.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 804
Figure 3. Adding a gray area

Handling Photo Selection

When a photo is selected, we will remove it from the photo grid and insert it into the
dock. To handle photo selection, we will create a state variable to hold the selected
photos. Insert the following code in ContentView to declare the variable:

@State private var selectedPhotos: [Photo] = []

Each photo in the photoSet has its own ID of the type UUID . To store the current
selected photo, declare another state variable of the type UUID :

@State private var selectedPhotoId: UUID?

To handle the photo selection, attach a onTapGesture function to the Image component
of LazyVGrid like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 805
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 60)
.onTapGesture {
selectedPhotoId =
if let index = photoSet.firstIndex(where: { $ == }) {
photoSet.remove(at: index)

In the block onTapGesture , we add the selected photo to the selectedPhotos array and
update the selectedPhotoId . Additionally, we remove the selected photo from photoSet .
Since photoSet is a state variable, the selected photo will be removed from the grid once
it's removed from the array.

The selected photo should be added to the dock. So, update the empty ScrollView of the
dock like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 806
ScrollView(.horizontal, showsIndicators: false) {
LazyHGrid(rows: [ GridItem() ]) {
ForEach(selectedPhotos) { photo in
.frame(minWidth: 0, maxWidth: .infinity)
.frame(height: 100)
.onTapGesture {
if let index = selectedPhotos.firstIndex(where: { $ == pho }) {
selectedPhotos.remove(at: index)

We create a horizontal grid to present the selected photos. For each photo, we attach the
onTapGesture function to it. When someone taps a photo in the dock, it will be added

back to the photo grid and removed from selectedPhotos . In other words, the photo will
be deleted from the dock.

If you run the app in the preview canvas, you should be able to select any of the photos in
the grid. When you tap a photo, it will be automatically added to the dock and that photo
will be removed from the grid. Conversely, you can tap a photo in the dock to move it
back to the photo grid.

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Figure 4. The selected photos are added to the dock

Using MatchedGeometryEffect to Animate the

The photo selection works pretty well but we can make it even better by animating the
transition of the photo selection. Currently, the selected photo immediately appears in
the dock. What I want to do is to animate the transition of the photo selection. Once
selected, the photo should look like it flies from the photo grid to the dock.

With the matchedGeometryEffect modifier, it is very easy to implement this type of

animation. First, declare the namespace variable for this transition in ContentView :

@Namespace private var photoTransition

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 808
Next, attach the .matchedGeometryEffect modifer to both Image objects:

.matchedGeometryEffect(id:, in: photoTransition)

The trick here is to assign each image a distinct ID, so that the app will only animate the
change of the selected photo.

To enable the animation, attach the .animation modifier to the VStack and insert the
following line of code under .padding() :


This is the code you need to create the animated transtion. Run the app on a simulator or
in the preview canvas. When you tap a photo in the grid, you can see a beautiful
transition before it's added to the dock.

Figure 5. The selected photos are added to the dock with animation

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 809
Using ScrollViewReader to Move a Scroll View
The animated transition works great. But did you notice a bug in the app? The dock
doesn't scroll automatically to display the most recent selected photo. If you select more
than 4 photos, you will need to manually scroll the dock to reveal other selected photos.

How can we fix this bug? In iOS 14, Apple introduced a new component called
ScrollViewReader . As its name suggests, this reader is designed to work with ScrollView .

It allows developers to programmatically move a scroll view to a specific location. To use

ScrollViewReader , you wrap it around a ScrollView . Each of the child views should be

given their own identifier. You can then call the scrollTo function of the
ScrollViewProxy with the specific ID to move the scroll view to that particular location.

Figure 6. Understanding ScrollViewReader

Now let's get back to our demo app. To programmatically scroll the ScrollView of the
dock, we need to first give each photo an identifier. The scrollTo function requires us to
provide an identifier of the view to scroll to. Since each photo already has its unique
identifier, we can use the photo ID as the view's identifier.

To set the identifier of the Image views in the dock, attach the .id modifier to it:


Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 810
Once we assign each Image view an identifier, attach the .onChange function to the
ScrollView of the dock like this:

.onChange(of: selectedPhotoId, perform: { id in

guard id != nil else { return }


We use .onChange to listen for the update of the selectedPhotoId . Whenever the selected
photo ID is changed, we call scrollTo with that photo ID to scroll the scroll view to that
particular location. This ensures the dock always shows the most recent selected photo.
You can run the app again to try it out.

Figure 7. Scrolling the dock automatically

In this chapter, we continue to explore the usage of matchedGeometryEffect and use this
modifier to create an amazing view transition. The modifier opens up a lot of
opportunities for developers to improve the user experience of their iOS apps. We also
experimented with the new ScrollViewReader to see how to use it to scroll a scroll view

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Demo project

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 811

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 812
Chapter 35
Working with Tab View and Tab Bar
The tab bar interface appears in some of the most popular mobile apps such as Facebook,
Instagram, and Twitter. A tab bar appears at the bottom of an app screen and let users
quickly switch between different functions of an app. In UIKit, you use the
UITabBarController to create the tab bar interface. The SwiftUI framework provides a UI

component called TabView for developers to display tabs in the app.

In this chapter, we will show you how to create a tab bar interface using TabView , handle
the tab selection, and customize the appearance of the tab bar.

Using TabView to Create the Tab Bar Interface

Assuming you've created a SwiftUI project using Xcode 12, let's start with a simple text
view like this:

struct ContentView: View {

var body: some View {
Text("Home Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

To embed this text view in a tab bar, all you need to do is wrap it with the TabView
component and set the tab item description by attaching the .tabItem modifier like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 813
struct ContentView: View {
var body: some View {
TabView {
Text("Home Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")

This will create a tab bar with a single tab item. In the sample code, the tab item has both
image and text, but you are free to remove either one of the those.

Figure 1. Tab bar with a single tab item

To display more tabs, you just need to add child views inside the TabView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 814
TabView {
Text("Home Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")

Text("Bookmark Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Text("Video Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Text("Profile Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

This gives you a tab bar interface with 4 tab items.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 815
Figure 2. 4 Adding tab items in the tab bar

Customizing the Tab Bar Color

By default, the color of the tab bar item is set to blue. You can change its color by
attaching the .accentColor modifier to TabView like this:

TabView {


Yet the SwiftUI framework doesn't have a built-in modifier for changing the tab bar's
color. If you want to change that, you may use the appearance API of UIKit like below:

.onAppear() {
UITabBar.appearance().barTintColor = .white

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 816
If you attach the call to TabView , the color of the tab bar should be changed to white.

Figure 3. Changing the color of the tab bar

Switching Between Tabs Programmatically

Users tap the tab bar items to switch between tabs, which is automatically handled the
TabView . In some use cases, you may want to switch to a specific tab programmatically.

The TabView has another init method for this purpose. The method requires a state
variable which contains the tag value of the tab.

TabView(selection: $selection)

As an example, declare the following state variable in ContentView :

@State private var selection = 0

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 817
Here we initialize the selection variable with a value of 0 , which is the tag value of the
first tab item. We haven't defined the tag value for the tab items yet. Therefore, update
the code like this and attach the tag modifier for each of the tab items:

TabView(selection: $selection) {
Text("Home Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")

Text("Bookmark Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Text("Video Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Text("Profile Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 818
We give each tab item a unique index by attaching the tag modifier. The TabView is also
bound to the selection value. To switch to your preferred tab programmatically, update
the value of the selection variable.

You can create a Next button that switches to the next tab like this:

ZStack(alignment: .topTrailing) {
TabView(selection: $selection) {
.onAppear() {
UITabBar.appearance().barTintColor = .white

Button(action: {
selection = (selection + 1) % 4
}) {
.font(.system(.headline, design: .rounded))


After making the changes, run the app in the preview canvas, you step through the tabs
by tapping the Next button.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 819
Figure 4. Using the Next button to switch the tab

Hiding the Tab Bar in a Navigation View

You can embed a tab view in a navigation view by wrapping the TabView component with
NavigationView like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 820
NavigationView {
TabView(selection: $selection) {

.navigationTitle("TabView Demo")

In UIKit, there is another option called hidesBottomBarWhenPushed , which allows you to

hide the tab bar when the UI is changed to the detail view in a navigation interface.
SwiftUI also has this feature built-in. You can modify the code like this to see it in action:

NavigationView {
TabView(selection: $selection) {
List(1...10, id: \.self) { index in
destination: Text("Item #\(index) Details"),
label: {
Text("Item #\(index)")
.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")

Text("Bookmark Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 821
Text("Video Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")

Text("Profile Tab")
.font(.system(size: 30, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "")
.onAppear() {
UITabBar.appearance().barTintColor = .white

.navigationTitle("TabView Demo")

We just altered the code of the Home tab to display a list of items. We wrap each list item
with a NavigationLink , so that it will navigate to the detail view when the item is tapped.
If you run the app using a simulator or in the preview canvas, you should see that the tab
bar is hidden when we navigate to the detail view.

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 822
Figure 5. Hiding the tab bar in the detailed view

For some scenarios, you probably don't want the tab bar to be hidden. In these cases, you
can create the navigation interface the other way round. Instead of wrapping the tab view
in a navigation view, you embed the navigation view in a tab view like this:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 823
TabView(selection: $selection) {
NavigationView {
List(1...10, id: \.self) { index in
destination: Text("Item #\(index) Details"),
label: {
Text("Item #\(index)")
.font(.system(size: 20, weight: .bold, design: .rounded))

.navigationTitle("TabView Demo")
.tabItem {
Image(systemName: "house.fill")


Now when you navigate to the detail view of the item, the tab bar is still there.

In this chapter, we walked you through the basics of TabView , which is the UI component
in SwiftUI for building a tab view interface. The framework doesn't provide you with
many options for customizing the tab bar. However, you may still rely on the APIs of
UIKit to customize its appearance. This chapter only shows you how to work with the
built-in tab bar. You can actually create your own tab bar if you need full customization.
We will discuss it in the future chapters.

For reference, you can download the complete project here:

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 824
Demo project (

Mastering SwiftUI (Supports iOS 14 and Xcode 12) | AppCoda © 2020 825

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