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Activated Sludge

Written by: Steven I. Safferman Ph.D., P.E.
Activated Sludge

Educational Objectives
Upon completion of this course, the operator should understand the activated sludge process, the requirements
for the treatment of wastewater in an activated sludge system, different reactor configurations, and monitoring

I. Abstract is used to remove dissolved biodegradable organic material

This operator education course describes the activated sludge (generally containing carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen) from
process as used for domestic wastewater treatment. An the wastewater. The organic material is used for new cellular
overview of the microbiology, system requirements, reactor material and is oxidized to provide energy. Approximately
configurations and operational parameters are discussed. half of the dissolved organic material (pollutants) goes to
new cell growth and the other half to the formation of car-
II. Keywords bon dioxide (as part of energy production). As a result, the
Take a glance through this list and be sure to read carefully any original dissolved pollutant is either removed from the bulk
terms or abbreviations with which you are not familiar. fluid stream by exiting the reactor as a gas or is transformed
into a solid material that can then be effectively and efficiently
Activated Sludge: The solids formed when microorganisms separated by sedimentation. However, it is possible to oper-
are used to treat wastewater using the activated sludge treatment ate an activated sludge system to produce little to no excess
process: mixing primary effluent with bacteria-laden sludge. microorganisms, as discussed later.
Microorganisms used in the activated sludge process are
Mixed Liquor: The combination of return activated sludge generally aerobic bacteria originating from soil. An image of
and wastewater in the aeration tank. bacteria cells is shown below. In general, half of the weight of
bacteria is from carbon, 20 from oxygen, 14 is from nitrogen, 8
Solids Retention Time: The average time a sludge molecule is from hydrogen, and 3 is from phosphorous. The remainder
remains in the system. (all less than or equal to 1) is from sulfur, potassium, sodium,
calcium, magnesium, chlorine, iron, and many other elements
Food to Microorganism Ratio (F/M): An activated sludge in very trace amounts (from Environmental Engineering, by
process control calculation based upon the amount of food Peavy, Rowe, Tchobanoglous, McGraw-Hill, 1985, p. 81).
(BOD5 or COD) available per pound of mixed liquor vola-
tile suspended solids; the amount of pollutant divided by the
amount of microorganisms.

Aeration: A physical treatment method that promotes biologi-

cal degradation of organic matter. The process may be passive
(when waste is exposed to air) or active (when a mixing or bub-
bling device introduces air).

Clarifier: A device designed to permit solids to settle or rise

and be separated from the flow. Also known as a settling tank
or sedimentation basin.

III. Introduction
Activated sludge is a flock-like substance with aerobic bio-
mass as the active ingredient. The activated sludge process

The discussion above only provides a generalization of dilution, the wastewater arriving at the treatment plant is gen-
the microorganisms in activated sludge. In reality, there are erally not toxic. The wastewater generally arrives at the treat-
hundreds of strains of bacteria and dozens of other microor- ment plant within an adequate temperature range for efficient
ganisms such as protozoa and cysts. treatment. The temperature is also fairly constant throughout
A schematic of the activated sludge system is shown be- the year because of the long period of time it spends in the
low. This system consists of 2 separate, but interdependent underground sewer system. However, if an industrial user has
units. The aeration basin provides the environment (air and a wastewater with an elevated temperature, it most be cooled
mixing) needed for the biological conversion of the pollutants before being discharged. This also protects the sewer system
to a gas and/or solid. Following the aeration basin, a sedi- and minimizes hydrogen sulfide production. As the microor-
mentation basin is used to separate and concentrate the solids ganisms necessary for activated sludge treatment are found in
(excess bacteria) from the bulk fluid stream. soil, they are naturally deposited into the wastewater stream
A recirculation line from the bottom of the sedimentation and are recirculated between the sedimentation basin and
basin returns concentrated microorganisms, returned acti- the aeration basin and, therefore, do not need to be routinely
vated sludge (RAS), to the aeration basin so that an optimal added. However, to rapidly start or restart a system, activated
concentration can always be maintained. Excess material sludge from a properly operating system is often seeded into
(sludge) is wasted from the system and disposed of. the process. The biological degradation of wastewater by ac-
tivated sludge is an oxidation/reduction process that requires
an electron acceptor. Because the process is aerobic, oxygen
serves as the electron acceptor. Oxygen is not present in
wastewater in adequate amounts and must be continuously
supplemented. The contact between the microorganisms and
the wastewater is achieved by mixing.
From the above discussion, it is clear that activated sludge
is an engineered process to optimize aerobic biodegradation
of the dissolved organic pollutants by providing oxygen, mix-
ing, and microorganisms (through recirculation from the bot-
tom of the secondary clarifier to the aeration basin). All other
IV. System Requirements required components are found naturally in the wastewater
For the aerobic biodegradation of organic pollutants, the fol- or controlled by pretreatment. Consequently, if the activated
lowing are required. sludge plant receives wastewater with characteristics that are
• Organic carbon not typically found in domestic sources it may fail.
• Macronutrients (nitrogen and phosphorous)
• Micronutrients (sulfur, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, V. Activated Sludge Process Components
sodium, chloride, copper, nickel, and hundreds of others) As shown below, the activated sludge process contains two
• Proper pH physical units, the aeration basin and secondary clarifier. The
• Lack of toxicity aeration system contains aeration equipment and the associ-
• Adequate temperature ated facility, if needed, to house blowers.
• Microorganisms
• Electron acceptor (oxygen for aerobic microorganisms)
• Contact between the wastewater and microorganisms

The organic material is the pollutant that is to be removed.

Macronutrients are also present in the wastewater and are
pollutants. However, to remove a substantial amount of the
macronutrients requires advanced treatment, beyond what is
provided in a typical activated sludge system. Micronutrients
are also present in the wastewater. The pH must be close to
neutral or the process will be less effective, at best, and com-
pletely shut down, at worst. Industrial users are required to
adjust the pH before discharging into the sewer system so that
by the time the wastewater reaches the plant the pH is within
the proper range. Industrial users are also required to pretreat
any compounds that could be toxic to the microorganisms at
the wastewater treatment plant. Through pretreatment and 3
A return sludge pump and associated piping is used to
return a portion of the solids and biomass from the final clari-
fier to the aeration basin. Without the return sludge pump,
the numbers of microorganisms needed to provide effective
degradation of the aeration influent solids loadings would
not be possible. The secondary clarifier also contains a wast-
ing system to remove excess sludge that is not needed in the
aeration basin. Sludge is recycled from the secondary clarifier
to the aeration basin in order to increase the population of
microorganisms in the aeration basin.
In addition to biomass quantity, the quality of the mixed
liquor is also critical. A well stabilized sludge should settle
rapidly in the secondary clarifier. In order for this to occur, the
sludge particles along with the microorganisims must form a
floc with enough mass for sedimentation to occur. Further-
more, certain filamentous bacteria cause sludge bulking and
Continuing with the components involved with the acti- poor settling. Solids that escape in the effluent of the second-
vated sludge process… ary clarifier will contribute substantially to the BOD of the
receiving stream.
The mixed liquor seen in the picture below is within the
aeration basin. The concentration of the microorganisms in VI. Design and Operational Parameters
the mixed liquor is typically represented as mixed liquor There are several operational and design parameters that
suspended solids (MLSS) or mixed liquor volatile suspended determine the characteristics of an activated sludge process.
solids (MLVSS). These parameters will first be described below and then their
 relation explained and correlated to variations in the activated
sludge process.

A. Hydraulic Retention Time

The average time that a water molecule spends in the aeration
basin, as represented by the hydraulic retention time (HRT) as
shown in Equation 1.

V = the volume of the aeration basin
Q = flow rate (volume/time)

This parameter, however, is fixed by the flow and size of

the aeration basin and the operator has little control unless
equalization or storage is available. A typical HRT is 4 to 24
The 30 minute mixed liquor settleability test is used as one
method to determine a good microbial population based on B. Solids Retention Time
the settling characteristics of the sludge. The MLSS typically The average time a sludge molecule remains in the system is
ranges from 1,500 to 3,000 mg/L and the MLVSS is typically the solids retention time (SRT), Equation 2.
10 to 30% less. Furthermore, TSS represents the total sus-
pended solids (organic and inorganic) in an activated system.
The MLVSS value is dependent on the amount of oxygen,
solids, and recirculated biomass under aeration. The greater where,
the efficiency of the aeration system, the larger the population MLSS = the TSS (mg/L) in the aeration basin
of bacteria can be supported which in turn determines the V = the volume of the aeration basin
treatment capacity. With a higher concentration of bacteria, TSSw = the TSS (mg/L) of the sludge wasted from
more pollutant removal, per unit volume of aeration basin, can the secondary clarifier
be achieved.

Qw = the flow rate (volume/time) of the sludge
wasted from the secondary clarifier
TSSe = the TSS (mg/L) of the water discharged
from the secondary clarifier
Qe = the flow rate (volume/time) of the water
discharged from the secondary clarifier

Often the “(TSSe X Qe)” component of Equation 2 is ig-

nored without a substantial impact on the final value as this
component is very small compared to the product of “(TSSw
X Qw)”. SRT is a critical design and operational parameter as
it directly determines the type of activated sludge process be-
ing used, as discussed later in this section. The SRT typically
ranges from 4 to 15 days, depending on the type of activated
sludge process being used, and can be controlled by adjusting bacteria in a batch reactor and illustrates endogenous respira-
Qw, which is directly related to the RAS. If more RAS is tion. When bacteria are first exposed to a pollutant there is a
desired, less excess sludge is wasted. lag period during which they adjust to the environment and
 start to degrade the pollutant. Then, as long as no required
 amendments, such as oxygen and nutrients, are missing and
no byproducts become toxic, the population grows rapidly. As
C. Food to Microorganism Ratio the pollutant is used, the population enters a stationary phase
The food to microorganism ratio (F/M) is the amount of where death and growth are equal. This is followed by the
pollutant divided by the amount of microorganisms. There endogenous phase where death is greater than growth and the
are various ways to express the ratio. Often both the F and population slowly declines.
M are represented as a concentration (mg/L) and the ratio is
dimensionless. There are several other commonly accepted
variations, however, the meaning is still the same. Similar
to the sludge age, the operator can control the F/M ratio by
the RAS rate, and again, this determines the type of activated
sludge system that is being operated. The F/M, based on a
concentration over a concentration, typically ranges from 0.1
to 0.8.

D. Sludge Volume Index

Sludge volume index is commonly used to quantify the settling
characteristics of MLSS. It is defined as the volume (in ml)
occupied by one gram of sludge after 30 minutes of settling.
Each installation has its own typical sludge volume index and
the index will vary slightly from day to day. However, a lower
index indicates better settling and compacting sludge. To achieve extended aeration, a substantial amount of the
settled sludge from the clarifier must be recirculated back to
VII. Variations of the Activated Sludge Process the aeration basin. This system can essentially operate with
Design and operational parameters determine the specific no sludge wasting. This, however, would be unusual for a
characteristics of the activated sludge process as represented municipal facility because of the large size of the aeration
below. basin that would be required. Consequently, some sludge
The extended aeration system provides a very long SRT is typically wasted. In addition to the large size, the capital
and small F/M. The result is excellent BOD removal and a and operating costs associated with the required high RAS
high degree of nitrification (conversion of ammonia to ni- recirculation rate and long aeration period make this system
trate). The microorganisms are essentially in a state of starva- expensive to operate.
tion and therefore have depleted the carbon (BOD) and are The opposite of the extended aeration system is the high
using the ammonia for energy (nitrification). The bacteria also rate system. This variation requires only a small aeration
cannibalize themselves (endogenous respiration) because of basin and low RAS flow but may not meet all regulatory
the lack of food. The growth curve shown below is typical for limits for BOD removal and little to no nitrification occurs. 5
Low sludge age, no nitrification, and low BOD removal, de- In mechanical systems, a turbine or a pump throws the
scribes the High Rate type of activated sludge system. There water into the air (shown in the image above). No additional
is a tremendous amount of excess sludge produced because equipment and facilities, beyond the mechanical devices mov-
the bacteria does not undergo endogenous respiration and, in ing the water, are required.
fact, remains in the log growth phase of the growth curve,
illustrated below. Continuing our discussion of Oxygen Delivery…

Diffused systems disperse air directly into the water at

low pressure. Blowers force the air through porous material
in plates or tubes that break the air stream into bubbles (as
shown below). These bubbles may be either large (coarse) or
small diameter (fine) but smaller diameter bubbles have better
diffusion characteristics and, therefore, provide more oxygen
due to their greater surface area.
Alternatively, in jet aeration, high-pressure water and air
are mixed and, upon release to the mixture at the bottom of an
aeration tank, air bubbles form. Diffused aeration equipment
generally allows for the transfer of more oxygen than mechani-
cal systems, resulting in higher concentrations of microorgan-
isms in the mixed liquor and greater pollutant removal per unit
volume of aeration tank. A substantial amount of additional
A conventional aeration system falls between the other equipment and facilities are required including blowers and air
two with regards to the size of the basin, the RAS flow rate cleaners and buildings to house this equipment.
and the amount of sludge produced. The system is usually
able to meet the minimum Federal Clean Water regulations
for typical domestic wastewater, however it typically will not
meet the requirements for more sensitive receiving streams.

VIII. Oxygen Delivery

The concentration of microorganisms in the aeration basin
is limited by the oxygen concentration. Because the amount
of oxygen determines the maximum bacterial population, it
also determines the amount of sludge that can be recycled
from the secondary clarifier to the aeration basin. Aeration
provides the oxygen to the bacteria in the aeration basin and
also typically provides the mixing that is required for optimal
contact between the wastewater and the microorganisms. The The general residual dissolved oxygen level that should be
two general categories of aeration equipment are mechanical present in the aeration basin is 0.5 to 2 mg/L. The higher end
and diffusion. of the range is needed for extended aeration and nitrification.
If an adequate supply is not available, oxygen becomes limit-
ing and the treatment efficiency drops. An excessive amount
of air wastes energy and increases the maintenance needed
for aeration equipment. However, an adequate air supply is
required for proper mixing of the aeration basin.

IX. Reactor Flow Regimes

There are four reactor flow regimes as they relate to aeration
basins: completely mixed, plug flow, dispersed plug flow
and sequencing batch reactor (SBR). In a completely mixed
system (shown below), the influent wastewater is instantly
diluted. The concentrations of MLSS, pollutants, and oxygen
are, theoretically, constant throughout the aeration basin. The
shape of the basin is more square or round than rectangular
or oval and the amount of aeration is equal throughout the

basin. This arrangement is ideal for strong wastewater that
may contain a potentially toxic component. Theoretically, the
wastewater is instantly diluted when it enters the reactor.

A plug flow system, like the one in the picture below,

consists of interconnecting ovals or a long narrow tank with
minimal axial (in the direction of flow) mixing. The concen-
tration of pollutants is greatest at the influent of the tank and
gradually decreases towards the effluent. Often step aeration,
in which more aeration is applied at the influent where the
pollutant concentration is highest, is practiced. In general,
plug flow systems are more efficient, in terms of the volume
of pollutant removed per unit volume of reactor. Practically, it
is impossible to have a tank that is completely mixed or plug
flow. All tanks are dispersed plug flow, a variation. However,
a flow regime can be favored.

In an SBR one basin serves as both the aeration basin and

the sedimentation basin. It is completely mixed during the
aeration cycle.

X. Summary
This operator education course described the activated sludge
process as used for domestic wastewater treatment. An
overview of the microbiology, system requirements, reactor
configurations and operational parameters were discussed. 7
Online Completion
Use this page to review the questions and choose your answers. Return to and sign in. If you have not previously purchased
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1. Which of the following statements 8. Which of the following
does not apply to the activated sludge activated sludge systems can be
system? Choose the best answer. operated with little to no wasting of
sludge? Choose the best answer.
A. It usually follows the
secondary clarifier. A. Extended aeration
B. It is an aerobic process. B. High rate
C. Microorganisms are used to convert C. Conventional
organics to biomass and gas. D. SBR
D. It involves natural material.

9. The average time a sludge

2. Which of the following are molecule remains in an activated
required by an activated sludge sludge system can be abbreviated as
system? Choose all that apply. ____. Choose the best answer.
A. Nutrients A. SRT
B. Proper pH B. HRT
C. Lack of toxicity C. SBR
D. Microorganisms D. F/M

3. What is used to represent the mixed liquor

suspended solids (MLSS) in an activated
sludge system? Choose the best answer.
C. Floc
D. Dissolved Oxygen (DO)

4. Why is sludge recycled from the

secondary clarifier to the aeration
basin? Choose the best answer.
A. Increase the population of
microorganisms in the aeration basin
B. Improve the performance
of the primary clarifier
C. Increase the concentration of
oxygen in the aeration basin
D. Assist in mixing

5. Which of the following is an

activated sludge system flow
regime? Choose all that apply.
A. Plug flow
B. Completely mixed
C. Step aeration

6. Low sludge age, no nitrification and

low BOD removal describe which
type of activated sludge system?
Choose the best answer.
A. High Rate
B. Conventional
C. Extended

7. Which of the following can be used to

supply oxygen to the microorganisms in
the aeration basin? Choose all that apply.
A. Coarse bubble diffusers
B. Fine bubble diffusers
C. Blowers
D. None of these
Activated Sludge


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