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DIRECTIONS: based on your experiences as a student and as a member of the society, please do
the following:
1. If you are to select an object, what object would best represent the world?
2. How did you know about the world?

since when I studied in high school because the teachers in araling panlipunan discuss
about the world and history as also since internet connections are available and several search
engines are constantly working to provide different information about the world. Both belief,
races, behaviors, and eating patterns of people all over the world are known to us. As a result, I
am well-versed god gives. As a result, intelligence comes naturally from him at times in life. As
a result, some people have a distinct advantage over others in terms of knowledge. Though this
form of later learning is uncommon.

DIRECTIONS: Based on the preceding discussions, illustrate the five themes of geography.


The five geographical themes began as a framework for children to high education to
access the geography. They describe an easy and effective way to teach student how and how the
concept of geography relates to the natural world, civilization and more. Although the National
Geographical Standards have superseded those topics, they remain an easy, useful way to teach
children geographical information.

These are based on the five basic themes, but with more stringent standards for deciding
how well students understand the content. Location, for example, allows them to know how to
use charts, atlases, and other resources, as well as how to create mental maps to comprehend
geographical, political, and environmental knowledge and evaluate the distribution of biomes,
people, and places around the world.

Lastly, the five themes of geography are a way to provide a cohesive structure for
learning about geography for school-aged children. They enable them to learn how to locate
specific locations using concrete devices such as latitude and longitude, charts, and atlases, as
well as how to create mental maps of their world and all of the people and places in it. While the
themes have been effectively replaced, they still have importance of geography in students.

1. Using your imagination as a tool, think of how does your locality look like.
2. Based on no 1, draw a mental map of your locality.



DIRECTIONS: Based on the preceding discussion, write an argumentative essay on the

1. Your belief about the world, the structure and processes between the natural environment
and human beings;
2. How the world should be studied;
3. Indicate a title for your essay.


Earth as we know it is a complex and delicate network of interconnected systems that has
evolved slowly over the last 4.5 billion years or so. This planet appeared as a mass of energy and
elements from the ashes of the Big Bang. Structured, dynamic systems of solids, liquids, and
gases arose from that newly created mass of energy and elements. Over billions of years, the
evolution of this planet unfolded in such a unique way that conditions arose that allowed life to

Tiniest microbes to the greatest creatures. Everything is intertwined with everything else.
So, how did our species manage to take over the landscape in such a short amount of time? What
gives us the authority to do so, anyway? Everything on Earth has evolved in a natural way during
the last 3.5 billion years. Our fast ascension as a species, however, has begun to disrupt the
natural order. We have played a significant role in the disturbance of the Earth's natural
processes, with a population of seven billion people and rising. It is critical that we address our
function and relationship with nature as we continue to grow and have a greater impact on the
Earth's systems.

Humans are in an unusual situation because of our ability to modify the landscape and
comprehend the repercussions of doing so. We have the responsibility of providing and
proliferating as a species. Our ultimate goal is to bring stability to ourselves and our family. We
do, however, have a responsibility to protect the environment since we rely on the resources and
services it provides. The question then becomes: what is our place in the natural world? Do we
have the right to control the land, farm animals in factory farms, and pollute waterways? Or are
we obligated to limit our numbers in order to survive? To answer these concerns, we must rely
on our understanding of the Earth, evolution, and our impact on the environment.
Our relationship with nature has been one of imbalance and overuse. Humans had a
measurable impact on the environment, but because to their small number, their impact was
controllable. Populations expanded as society progressed, necessitating more and more resources
to keep up with the expansion. With agricultural achievements, communities became more
permanent, and cities began to form.

Capitalism is particularly harmful to the environment because it promotes a monetary-

driven social hierarchy built on the expanding exploitation of our planet's resources. We don't
consider ourselves to be part of nature because we use it. For the sake of the lumber industry
profits and to make way for cattle, forests are cut down.

We have arrived at the pinnacle of technology and pollution after thousands of years of
societal growth. Species extinction, glacier melting, and landscape damage are all examples of
the consequences of our industrial lifestyles. We are seeing a cascade of effects as we continue to
disrupt the world's natural systems. Our awareness of these impacts shows that our impact on the
environment is significantly more than it should be. As a result, considerable adjustments are
required, and they must be implemented as soon as possible.

Rather than commercialization, our function in nature should be one of subsistence.

We've been exploiting the world for far too long, and the results are all around us. We have no
right to infringe on the livelihood of any other species because everything is interconnected. In
fact, our cognitive skills and comprehension of nature compel us to preserve the environment's
integrity. As a result, we must alter our methods of influencing the land. We must respect
nature's order and find a way to live in accordance with it.

Although a shift in mindset would necessitate a comprehensive revamp of our current

economic and political structures, it is necessary. As history has shown, if we continue to support
expansion and growth, we will almost certainly see significant changes in climate and
ecosystems. We've seen how damaging industrialism and capitalism can be. The environmental
consequences of human actions can be predicted and measured. We know we're on the wrong
track, and we're bracing for big consequences. So, why don't we take action to address it?

How the world should be studied? We must examine the things that surround us in order
to meet the basic requirements. Humans are the only creatures who are naturally curious, which
is why we study the world around us and; to enhance one’s quality of life.


Directions: please the following questions and answer them well.

1. Based on your experiences cite actual scenarios or examples of situations where the basic
knowledge on geography became or will become significant on one’s life.

The scenarios that where the basic knowledge on geography became or will become a
significant on one’s life is Choose where to live, Select which way to go to work,
Learn where supermarkets, shopping malls, doctors' offices and local schools are located,
Choose a place to visit on holidays and figure out how to get there, Understand local and global
environmental changes so you purchase adequate clothing and plan long trips, On a long car trip,
estimate where the next town big enough to have a motel will be, Understand where ethnic or
cultural restaurants will be located in a city, Walk around in my neighborhood and return home
safely, Walk around in our house in the dark without stumbling into furniture, Select a sports
team to follow, Decide which newspaper to buy, Appreciate the international interactions and
flows of goods that keep fresh produce daily in my favorite supermarket, Appreciate why it's
difficult to build houses on steep slopes with unstable soils, and Wonder why people continue to
live in places where they experience floods or hurricanes or tornadoes or fires or earthquakes or
emissions from chemical or nuclear industrial plants.

2. Make a collage to represent your understanding in this unit.


3. Conduct a surveys of your immediate locality and make a detailed map drawing its
human-made and nature features. Indicate as well the functions or these features.


nga Del

Designated area: soil types, A distinct portion of a walking-working surface delineated by a

warning line in which employees may perform work without additional fall protection." This
sounds almost identical to what was used above to describe controlled zones.

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