Academic Paper 1 1. Differentiate Measurement, Assessment and Evaluation. Substantiate Your Answer by Providing Examples

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Academic Paper 1

1. Differentiate measurement, assessment and evaluation. Substantiate your answer by

providing examples.

The most important things in life are results of education as a lifelong learning adventure.
And a lot of our learning occurs randomly throughout life as education gives us the knowledge
of the world around us. However, learning involves far more than thinking: it involves change to
ensure that learning has truly occurred. If learning makes no difference, it simply stays as a part
of random ideas with little significance floating in our consciousness then forgotten afterwards.
Learning doesn't stop with "I have learned" line of anyone, it needs to be measured, assessed
and evaluated at all cost. So to determine such progress, education involves the process of
measurement, assessment and evaluation to prove true learning. These concepts are often
used interchangeably, however, if we will just go beyond the surface, they are significantly
different from one another. Their differences are not only limited to their respective meanings
but also to the way they individually affect the learning itself. And despite of their uniqueness,
when combined, can make a great impact to education system.

Meaning of Measurement

The English word measurement originates from the Latin word "mēnsūra", "the action of
measuring something" which means that accurate measurement is very essential. In general, it
is the process of obtaining a numerical description of the degree to which an individual
possesses a particular characteristic. Dr. V.K. Maheshwari (2016) suggests that measurement
answers the question, "How much?". Whether in terms of physical quantities like time,
temperature, weight, length etc. and where each measurement value is represented in the
form of some standard units. However, the scope and application of measurement is still
dependent on the context and discipline.

In education, measurement is a specific process through which a learning experience,

phenomena, or context is translated into a representative set of numerical variables (People for
Education, 2020). The numerical value of scholastics ability, aptitude, achievement etc. can
be measured and obtained using objective (testing) and subjective (perception) types of
measurement. It means that the values of the attribute are translated into numbers, symbols or
any quantifiable data with respect to the indicators, variables and factors (Cizek & Agger, 2016).
Educational measurement is simply the use of educational assessments and the analysis of data
such as scores obtained from educational assessments to infer the abilities and proficiencies of

In simplest way, measurements can be in form of raw scores, percentile ranks, derived scores,
standard scores and grades obtained from assessment made by the teacher, as facilitator of
learning. For examples are the scores in multiple choice of a standardized test where every
correct answer equals a point (objective measurement) or the grade of student's performance
where 10 is being the highest and 1 is being the lowest (subjective measurement). These
measurement tools are held to standards and can be used to obtain reliable results. When used
properly, they accurately gather quantitive data for educators to measure student's learning.

Meaning of Assessment

The term assessment is derived from the Latin word "assidere" which means "to sit beside".
Instructors often conflate assessment with grading. And this is a mistake because it must be
understood that student assessment is more than just grading. According to Glossary
Education Reform (2015), the term assessment refers to the wide variety of methods or tools
that educators use to evaluate, measure, and document the academic readiness, learning
progress, skill acquisition, or educational needs of students. The purpose of assessment is to
gather relevant information about student's performance or progress, or to determine
student's interest to make judgments about their learning process. After receiving this
information, teachers can reflect on each student’s level of achievement, as well as on
specific inclinations of the group, to customize their teaching plans (Lynch, 2016).

Classroom assessment is generally divided into three types: assessment for learning,
assessment of learning and assessment as learning. The assessment for learning (formative
assessment) occurs when teachers use inferences about student's progress to inform their
teaching. While assessment of learning (summative assessment) occurs when teachers use
evidence of student's learning to make judgements on student's achievement against goals and
standard. And assessment as learning (self-assessment) occurs when students reflect on and
monitor their progress to inform their future learning goals (State Government of Victoria,

Assessments are usually in the form of formative and summative types. For example, formative
assessment happens when the teacher ask his students to come in front to locate Philippines in
the map to see if his students were able to follow the discussion. While summative assessment
happens when the teacher gives a blank map test at the end of unit of Asian Studies subject to
measure success at the conclusion of an instructional period. It can also include students
assessing themselves, peers, or even the instructor to gather evidences for a clearer picture of
the learning process and progress.

Meaning of Evaluation

Evaluation is derived from the word "value" which refers to "the usefulness of something".
Therefore, evaluation is an examination of something to measure its utility, value and other
qualitative data. However, evaluation is perhaps the most complex and least understood of the
terms. Simply put, evaluation is the process of using the measurements gathered in the
assessments with an aim of drawing conclusions, using criteria, usually governed by set of
standards or by making a comparison (St. Thomas University, 2020). It ascertains whether the
standards or goals established are met or not. If they are met successfully, then it identifies the
difference between actual and intended outcomes (Surbhi, 2017).

Teachers use this information to judge the relationship between what was intended by the
instruction and what was learned. They evaluate the information gathered to determine what
students know and understand, how far they have progressed and how fast, and how their
scores and progress compare to those of other students. Evaluation is also being used to
reform education systems and enhance accountability for outcomes. School administrators and
teachers are conducting evaluations of their own to improve school performance and foster
creative spaces for learning (Love, 2010).
Evaluation whether formative or summative is inevitable in teaching-learning process because
in all fields of activity of education, judgements need to be made. For example is the evaluation
of an educational programme, where they evaluate its merit, worth, or significance; an
evaluation of the final product of such process. Overall judgement is being made to determine
the success and effectivity of the educational programme. Finally, it aims to determine the
deficiencies so that appropriate interventions and improvements can be done.

Measurement, assessment and evaluation vary yet still connected to one another.
Measurement is the assignment of quantitative data. Assessment is the process of gathering
evidences of student's performance. While evaluation is the judgement of overall quality.
Without assessment there is no measurement nor evaluation. And without measurement and
evaluation, assessment will remain useless. They definitely coexist, without one, the process is
not complete. Above all, what unites them is their objective which is to improve the teaching-
learning process to ensure student's progress. I think that's the gist of being teacher, to bring
out the best in your students by giving your best too. It's not an easy task and it's actually a
lifelong responsibility, but teachers are teachers and no one can remove that fire. This
repeating worthy process (measurement, assessment and evaluation) is something that
teachers will always commit and never quit in the name of learning. Someday, as a future
teacher, I will and never too.

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