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In Outdoor Guerilla Marketing, as the definition said, it's a type of guerilla marketing in

which advertisements are placed in pre-existing urban surroundings, such as affixing a

removable item to a monument or placing temporary artwork on sidewalks and streets.
McDonald’s free coffee campaign and the Parachute Gliding videos both fall under Outdoor
Guerilla Marketing because they are both set on pre-existing environments outdoors. In
McDonald’s free coffee campaign, they placed a steam machine in a transit shelter, making
people stop and stare at the machine. As the steam blows, the “Your free coffee is ready” text
appears which I think was a witty way to advertise their campaign. As for the Parachute Gliding,
people flew parachute gliders outdoors and onto the sky.

For Indoor Guerilla Marketing, it is said to be the same as the outdoor type, but done
indoors. The Coca-Cola video is an example of this type of guerilla marketing because it is done
inside a university campus. In this video, as students insert a penny in the machine, it hands out
not just Coke but snacks as well. The crowd of college students erupted into happy cheers,
seeing the different free snacks coming out of the machine.

Event Ambush Guerilla Marketing, as the word implies, is ambush marketing. A product
or service is promoted without any permission. The video wherein a group of people entering or
ambushing different stores in Melbourne, Australia is considered as Event Ambush Guerilla
Marketing. The group was ‘ambushing’ stores to do a promotional ambush.

Lasly, the Experiential Guerilla Marketing is the type where marketing is executed
through all of the above (Outdoor, Indoor, & Ambush) but it needs the people to interact with the
brand. The KLM marketing is an example of this because it had people interacting with the man
sitting comfortably without a chair under him. Some stopped to analyze, some took photos, and
some tried to touch the space under the man. It was truly an entertaining experience to see that
kind of guerilla marketing.

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