GFA#1 Reflection Vlog On Non Verbal Communication: Spiel/Script

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GFA#1 Reflection Vlog on Non Verbal

After watching the “Former FBI Agent Explains How to Read Body Language” video, write and
record your reflection on the statement or assertion of Joe Navarro that: “We create our perfect
space, our perfect distance” (minimum 1.5 minutes; maximum 3 minutes). In writing and
recording your reflection, use the PREP Method. By PREP, we mean Position-Reason-Example-
Additional instructions:

1. Use only two sentences for explaining the reason.

2. Use only three sentences for your example.
3. Do not plagiarise. Avoid the “copy and paste” quick method when making a claim which is
not yours. Instead, paraphrase it or restate it using your own words based on how you
understand such claim or statement from another source.
4. Submit your script (docx) and recording (mp4) to Canvas Assignments, using this format:
Family Name_FirstLettersOfFirstNameAndMiddleName_SectionNumber

Greetings, sir. I am ____, one of your students from _____ section ___. And in this video
I will be reflecting on the statement or assertion of Mr. Joe Navarro. He stated that, “We create
our perfect space, our perfect distance.”
We create a certain distance and space for us to feel comfortable while in a conversation.
There are some people who feels comfortable in a conversation while being up-close to someone
who they’re talking to, while others prefer to have a certain amount of space or distance
especially when they are talking to an anonymous or someone that they do not know.
Just like in the video that we have watched, there are two women that were having a
conversation. When Mr. Joe Navarro asked them to step back away from each other, the other
one felt comfortable and the other one did not. But in order for them to feel comfortable to each
other, they tend to rack their bodies or legs while they’re talking to each other so that they could
create this perfect space and distance. “We create our perfect space, our perfect distance.”

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