Detailed Lesson Plan

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EDUC 115



Activity 7: Develop a detailed lesson plan on any English grammar topic.


I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson the students should be able to:

a. Use capital letter properly;

b. The use of proper noun and common ; and
c. Difference between proper noun and common.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Proper Noun and Common Noun

Materials: Visual Aids, Charts, Flash Cards, Name Tags

Reference: English Book in Grade 6

Values: Understanding and motivation

III. Learning Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary Activities
“Before we start, let us all stand and let us (One Student will lead the Prayer)
pray….” Students stand and pray

“Good Morning Class...” “Good Morning Ma’am!”

“Is everybody’s present today?” It’s all present Ma’am

“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was great Ma’am!”

“That’s good to know. So, are you to “Yes Ma’am!”

discuss our new topic today?’

“Our topic for today is Proper Noun and “Yes Ma’am!”

Common Noun.”

“Okay that’s good, so let’s begin this with a “Yes Ma’am!”

Reading and listening technique.

B. Motivation
“Before we go deeper into our lesson for (Students will listen carefully)
today, I read some story entitled, The
Potato, The Egg, And The Coffee Beans

A boy named John was upset. His father

found him crying.When his father asked
John why he was crying, he said that he
had a lot of problems in his life.His father
simply smiled and asked him to get a
potato, an egg, and some coffee beans. He
placed them in three bowls.He then asked
John to feel their texture and then fill each
bowl with water.John did as he had been
told. His father then boiled all three
bowls.Once the bowls had cooled down,
John’s father asked him to feel the texture
of the different food items again.John
noticed that the potato had become soft
and its skin was peeling off easily; the egg
had become harder and tougher; the coffee
beans had completely changed and filled
the bowl of water with aroma and flavour.

“Is the story good class?” “ Yes Ma’am”

“What is the good moral of the story?” Ma’am, Life will always have problems
and pressures, like the boiling water in
the story. It’s how you respond and
react to these problems that counts the
“Very good ”

“Okey class, Let’s have an activity. Here’s a

list of Five (5) sentences about the story
above. All you have to do is to determine
whether proper noun or common noun in
the sentences.

If you think the answer is “Proper noun,”

all you have to do is underline (_) and If
you think the answer is “Common noun,”
all you have to do is encircle (_).

“Do you have any questions?” “None Ma’am”

1. A boy named John was upset.
2. His father simply smiled and asked
him to get a potato, an egg, and
some coffee beans.
3. He then asked John to feel their
texture and then fill each bowl with
4. John noticed that the potato had
become soft and its skin was
peeling off easily.
5. The coffee beans had completely
changed and filled the bowl of
water with aroma and flavour.

C. Lesson Proper
“Who among you knows what is Proper A proper noun is the name of a particular
Noun?” person, place, organization, or thing.
Proper nouns begin with a capital letter.
“Very Good. Yes, remember class that a
proper noun begin with capital letter.” “Yes Ma’am”
For example, Margaret, London, and the
United Nations.

“Next, who among you knows what is A common noun is the general, non-
Common Noun?” specific term for a person, place, thing, or
idea. Usually, common nouns are not
capitalized unless they begin a sentence.

“That’s great.”
Remember class that names a class of “Yes Ma’am”
persons or things or any individual of a
class and that may occur with a limiting
modifier (as a, the, some, or every) The
words "child," "city," and "day" are
common nouns.
For example, as you work on your “Yes Ma’am”
homework, think about the things you are
using. You might be using a computer, a
textbook, or a pencil.

“Okey Class, Very good !!

Thank you very much for your active

“I hope you maintain your interest in our
lesson until the end of our period.”
D. Application

Direction: Underline the Proper nouns and double underline the Common nouns.

1. I like the food at Power Rock.

2. The train will stop at Union Station.
3. Mr. McCready visits his mother every week.
4. After lunch, we will go to JLP Farm.
5. Mrs. Dela cruz teaches students how to paint.
6. Tanner is younger than his brother.
7. Mr. Dreyer walked his dog down the street.

IV. Evaluation

Let the students check their own output and ask to them the following questions:

1. What is the difference between a common and proper noun?

2. Where you have difficulty with the lesson?

V. Assignment

Direction: Bring an articles from any newspaper tomorrow. We’ll be encircling the
Proper Noun and underline the Common noun used in those articles.

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