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Capstone Project

Activity 1

Module 1

Name: Tricia Faye I. De leon Date: Jan. 25, 2022

Section: 12 – Cana Score: __________

Answer the following questions and send to google classroom assigned to your section: (10 points each)

1. What is a scientific research?

 Scientific research is the research that execute by systematically to aim at generating new
information about world and its components, finding solution to real-life situation and

2. What comprises a research process?

 Research process comprises of 5 stages, which is Formulation, Manipulation, Activation,

Assimilation, Dissemination

3. Differentiate basic and applied research?

 The difference between basic and applied research are, basic or pure research is a scientific
research that aim to develop new knowledge from a tested hypothesis, this is operate purely by
desire to expand our knowledge thus, applied research is a scientific research that address a
specific research problem, resulting a new process.

4. Give examples for each type of research.

Example- Applied Reseach

 Faigenbaum, A. D., Milliken, L. A., & Westcott, W. L. (2003). Maximal strength testing in healthy
children. Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research, 17(1), 162-166.
 Judelson, D., Maresh, C., Farrell, M., Yamamoto, L., Armstrong, L., Kraemer, W., et al. (2007).
Effect of Hydration State on Strength, Power, and Resistance Exercise Performance. Medicine
andScience in Sports andExercise, 39(10), 1817-1824.

Examples- Basic or Pure Research

 Ichinoseki-Sekine, N., Naito, H., Tsuchihara, K., Kobayashi, I., Ogura, Y., Kakigi, R., et al. (2009)
Provision of a voluntary exercise environment enhances running activity and prevents obesity in
Snark-deficient mice. American Journal of Physiology: Endocrinology and Metabolism, 59(5),
 Frampton, C, Kinsman, G., Thompson, A. K. and Tilleczek, K. (Eds.) (2006). Sociology for Changing
the World: Social Movements/Social Research. Halifax: Fernwood Publishing.

5. Describe techniques on how to formulate a research problem.

 Techniques to formulate a research problem. First is creative thinking, means your way of
thinking is flexible enough to go beyond borders like, brainstorming a common technique to
generate new ideas moreover, Divergent thinking, goes beyond the traditional way of evaluating
things like mind mapping which can be in stark contrast to what you may have been exposed to,
to conclude to Convergent thinking, mostly used in the conduct of research, focuses on what is
more useful and relevant like multiple- choice test that students required to use convergent
thinking by memorize the fact or key term to come up at the correct answer.

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