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SIE BANGALORE - JUSTIFICATION: ongakre cateain Suthe fa on the Geccon teas ih fer 20 above se levees mort popdour ty wih a metopotan op of 82 lion peeps Ihe ‘Becton’ eimoteoughout he yer and tr eewaton tana hs higice cron fs maker igs ncon cher ave sou chic ohave oneal vs eral ar cee iin fs Eongaure savin os! CAPIAL OF NGI” sa aly when hos so many edacaonaandtoserch wes and cosvies ood alan emai populion ng & wise opp ‘ylocorsume a MARIAL ARS CENTRE apes + sta locatadwinin me cy iti walcornscted + elected clone pram fo varus prominent oh ‘Sore one noo te cy eros 9 are ane Sarr ag stpo fear nso th (eral ero plain mneru ening vegeta youn over Iha Ch y I ‘rate nengolor is plosan are equable cimte overt evo. i : ‘Temparotire : Max-36 8 Min 4| Average : 24 degree calc | Serdar Wing Deca NerhEc! I re -e } OL ir ‘ok tun 99d Nuon “ETA mamma Mat "bl mut rand ecievesabft fom outhwes monsoon om sno septenberona nena. I |=} sot ncn Oa oa Cm oped wet ondsccrel ay tng pea: Mr ee peer oy bs nh othe sei ete my dra maecon Sonne as arma tebe: No waterbed est. Vegeta: Few oes, les yourd coven Siflee nage! Wot ps nto the rou uno recton towers Suth Eas a Nie pon: Ste oxiacent toe man tonkbunaoad. Low aval ode rm veni, oe ee Se as — a me Se oae Sa wt ge: BE ene pean ‘band use: Commercicl _Eally approachable through the maln 80H read, Road connecting the ralway station. The coas SSI ee ARSHAYAS | 101001579 | US 2017-292) | ESS oF AOS, 7 ce ; / Treas meson nde aN UE . ‘nny abo stop: om Kon hese on a tance wc ue top: Lr or te long he anni Veter hep tn om nb sta the Magodtoad mato sto: 7s om he Anger cael aay sain: stor hese Sal ctele bu sop tom tn te A escrito Goden ty mal TANONARES AROUND THE STE ats slocaed he tes where pond nemiber of od ‘Shot ond sent avo he oppurucy ef uina he Sawtooth Technique - Rooing Conventionally and oigey used in factory buldngs lexge span sucture for better ventioton and lo avoid alte, Diagram shows Ihe prefered amen: sioning fer a pica sawtooth reo! Its. preared metnos to have rellecled ayight fr that efectos ee used in tems of another oot or any suf ai Dafa ee Tete no end er ese me 0 ‘Again depencing upon te angle and arentation of ha dopectret the sun may nt reach he skyight dng certain nee of the Pa ey oryeor 1 | —ey, for example: 0 :.yight onan ec! facing eet wih 45 degree dope wi ony receive tect sun dng the morning ard midday eure. n ne sitemaon fil eeeive eight Bat any rom three fourth of tne sey. Ava reat te atternocn fl Solver abet Fay les igh Yo The space below than an identical stvight located on @ No ool ‘he shape of asyght alo affects how much dayight i can provide at ferent times of he doy, clinough these effects fend to x i a Callow ange neteatng te lhvmination delverea below by ive fo TO percent tthe start and end of fe Soy corto —_ f PROJECT NAME: KIMBELL ART PAVILION - PIANO PAVILION 4+} Stine coser StometeeanerSongn ee £2 m ry rs ¢ ‘The ovientation of building pioys @ vary essential role nits design, me The tlatorehia to st is bated on the Some of he other useful methods of daylighting in terms of rooting @ soaces. Based on the nate ~ Abstiacion of fundamental elements of nature and design, Ko ef space re meihod chorenly ceri soci. Here the golleies extend rom north to south pore to east west ax. Trough ‘Srarew elongated operingin the vaulted caiing he concrete wall record ‘The height othe ceiing in relation to the potions ofthe raom affect the prababiy that he sky areca cremeniera Ightmay couse gee, fe room hos very ow or very large cling is more kel thatthe seyights willbe within the cccu- pont file af vw, The heigher he cellng the les kel hss 0 be a problem. SHADOW PROJECT NAME: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT The detiah of Ih Bengaur relects he perfect vente o scale eroporton andlgh of ArchtectBokrshna Dosh Yerplay of was ond opering ight ond shadows and solids and voids change the cheraer ofthe mein busing during erent fies jay Gnd dutng diferent seasons The hgh coridors are sometimes open, sometimes Party covered with seyighs and sometimes wh bnly ergo: to heighten ne spatial experience shadows ina particuer manner segregated ond adds iol experiance o spaces IN INTRODUCTION {AID OF LIGHTING IN SPATIAL EXPERIENCE The perception of space is dkecty connected to the woy Ka integrates wiht. What we see, wht Wwe sxpertence and how weitere! ne elements afected By how ight interacts wth vs and wih he envtorment Regarding architecture, in whatever chmension con be analyzed, ether ae space, ‘material or ar color its exienfolly dependant onthe lighting stuaton that involves bath he sbjaet fond he observer The dinomic dayight ond the contoled arc ighing are able o aif! not ony ‘net physcal messi conalon: no space, put oso to nnigate and provore aferent sve S@petences and moses. Due fo he [gh is possble fo percalve dferen clmaspreresin the same physical envronment Light conshutes an element of undomental relevance for the desgn of foaces ond theclore i plays a sgniicont olen the cscusion ot quaty in arritecture Valeaceron bySMAO The second levels he description ofthe ight in ioace. In hs theory. Mr. lets present Ist of seven baie tems for detcrpton af height Inthe space bythe viual experience: spatial dstiouton of brightness reflections SS of font ting these tees, effective to cescfbe and understand the effects of tgnting n a space an to bbe sof or strong: they can present sharp or diluted borcers. Good shadows are pleasant fo see, Dut bad shosows con destroy the embience, the colt of the materiak ore ato resconsble fo Change he ‘tmospnere, National Parlament House by Lous Kan "Ye Sem nao ae he grt was wat ht the ike of ban," “ute Rabe rchecon he sila, scent ak mapa play of estes sen bit a t+ mole T + Difused or sigh trough window or opening + Extemaly reflected ight through tne same window by ground ‘rather bulding + Intemalyetlected ah rom walk, celing ond other eon surfaces. + ect ton dong osteo pat Hom ne ain rough @ FOR HOT DRY CUMATE Intematy ‘eecte igh he bes! fom of dayightng, Smal see of openings and blue skies reduce the sty compenant in such area, Shacing devices shovld be non reflective and postioned so that hey are decty wsbie os hey ‘con caute lore, High|eve! windows should be wed, low level windows are acceptable ont # they open to shaded and plantea eounvers. ‘rong ilrinance ciference between o sunt view and windows con be aveided by pointing ‘ocjocent was ond nie oF window rome, DIFFERENT METHODS OF BORROW DAYLIGHT WITHIN THE SPACES Ovethang method Where o contiver createdin footing member. Prevents he Sues een {rect gore to ge Inside the bulcing. generaly been vsed oF @ onventional method to ge! profecion fom hats sun in a crycimate sat provision Where ast oto deste evel given to reflect the cect rays ‘nd to gel ide ne relected componant oi Top lighting - skyight Where @ puncture is csatad on the top te borow daylight. he ‘raat examaies ofthe fechniques of dayighting hn ther fe Sadevenrent This techniques on south facade is wed etfecively to lower Po itteduce the radiation of heat into the building and keep the y Side ighting Angled AAccorang fo ine clmatic concons of « particular region onc / Barad on ne dsered conclione of day lghting Ine angie ct fhe inlined covering &Gecided mn whieh the puncte & mode of derived eimonsio, ls been used Used os Dotight 10 focus artwork in exhibition spcces ond at performance For this tng of apaning ce majoty 20 ana 45 degree may vary ste iciad on desves eaurements IN ZONNInG® 22

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