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International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology

ISSN 2277 - 4106

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Research Article
Mechatronics Design of Solar Tracking System
Farhan A. Salema,b*
Mechatronics program, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Taif University, 888, Taif, Saudi Arabia.
Alpha center for Engineering Studies and Technology Researches, Amman, Jordan.

Accepted 12 April 2013, Available online 1June 2013, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)


The key element in mechatronics system design is the concurrent synergetic integration, modeling, simulation, analysis
and optimization of multidisciplinary knowledge through the design process from the very start of the design process,
and toward constrains like higher performance, speed, precision, efficiency, lower costs and functionality, resulting in
products with more synergy. This paper proposes the conception and development of smart solar tracking system, based
on mechatronics design approach, such that the solar panel through both day and seasonal changes is accurately
perpendicular to sunlight beam (accurately point towards sun), where illumination is strongest. The whole system and
sub-systems are concurrently selected, designed, integrated modeled, tested and optimized; also, overall system response
is verified for different input types, including actual input altitude angles. The obtained results show the simplicity,
accuracy and applicability of design to meet all design requirements. The proposed design can be used either for
research or educational purposes.

Key words: Mechatronics design, solar tracker, modeling/simulation.

1. Introduction up of many silicon cells connected in series to get a solar

PV module, the current rating of the modules increases
Mechatronic system design process can be divided into when the area of the individual cells is increased
systematic, simple and clear design steps including; (Mohammed S. El-Moghany, 2012). It is known that the
Problem statement; Conceptual design and functional power generated by any solar cell is a function of three
specifications; Parallel (concurrent) design and integration variables: the surface area of the cell exposed to light, the
of system and all subsystems as whole and concurrently efficiency of the cell, and an environmental constant
including; selection, design and synergetic integration of known as irradiance, the best way to increase power
mechanical, electronics, software, control unit, control generation would be to increase exposed surface area,
algorithm and interface sub-systems; Modeling and where approximately, each solar cell develops 0.5 V.
simulation; Prototyping, Testing and Optimization; and Many research studies practically effective methods of
finally Manufacturing, and commercialization (Farhan A. solar energy, one of these methods is solar tracking
Salem et al, 2013)( Yu Wang, et al 2012)( Devdas Shetty system, solar tracker allows the increase of produced
et al,2011)( Sarah Brady,2008)( L. Al-Sharif, 2010). This energy amount about 40% in relation to fixed panels.
paper proposes the conception and development of smart When solar tracking system is exposed to solar radiation,
solar tracking system based on mechatronics design it can generate direct current electricity without
approach. environmental impact and contamination and at a lower
maintenance costs.
2. Pre-Study Process-Problem statement. For optimal operational efficiency of solar energy
receivers, and correspondingly generated electricity, solar
Among the renewable energy resources, solar energy is the tracking systems are designed such that solar panels are
most essential and prerequisite resource of sustainable perpendicular to sunlight, where the illumination is
energy because of its ubiquity, abundance, and strongest, to achieve this, an ideal tracker would
sustainability, regardless of the intermittency of sunlight, compensate for changes in both sun's altitude and
solar energy is widely available and completely free of latitudinal angles through both day and seasonal changes
cost )C.S. Chin,2012) Solar energy is directly converted and changes in azimuth angle. In 1986, Akhmedyarov first
increased the output power of a solar photoelectric station
into electrical energy by solar photovoltaic modules, made
in Kazakhstan from 357W to 500W by integrating the
station with an automatic sun tracking system
*Corresponding author: Farhan A. Salem

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

(Akhmedyarov, K.A et al, 1986),also studies show that, a about 5 kWh of electricity per day, the same installation
solar panel of 3m2 with fixed position to surface produces but equipped with tracker, can provide

Table 1 Requirements analysis

Requirements Value/ Unit Requirements type

Fixed Range or Quantitati Qualitati
Req. soft Req. ve Req. ve Req.
Control unit Compact , cost effective. Fixed Qual.
Control Simple, precise, efficient, and Fixed
algorithm easy to program.
Input Power Stand alone or battery 12 -24 V Soft Qual
One or two actuators for -
Actuators adjusting the solar panel Soft Qual.
rotating altitude and
12 -24 V
latitudinal angles, precise,
simple to interface, control
and inexpensive.
Sensors Light sensors ,simple to - Soft Qual.
interface, available,
Transmission Gears, belt, chain n Soft
Overall To supply Height 100 Cm
System maximum electrical width 45 Cm Soft
dimensions power Length 50 Cm
Depending on solar Height 50 Cm Qual.
Solar panel sells type , number : Soft
dimensions and required Width 38 Cm
electric power Length 40 Cm
User To supply maximum Fixed
requirements electrical power, standalone,
precise, cost-efficient
User Interface Simple and easy to use and Fixed Qual.
Machine Attractive, fits user needs. Soft Quan.

Light Light sensor1

sensor2 V.R Power
Power supply supply
Comp arator

Error θ


DC motor Gears User Light Solar

Controller p anel Controller Actuator
interface sensors panel

Position sensor Feedback

Figure 1(a) Figure 1(b)

Figure 1(a)(b) Simplified block diagram representation of proposed solar tracking system

up to 8 kWh per day. Several methods and designs of sun 2011)( R. Messenger et al, 2000 )( S.A. Kalgirou, 1996)(
tracking systems have been proposed, designed and Gustavo Ozuna et al, 2011)( A. Stjepanovic et al, 2010 )(
implemented, main are included in (C.S. Chin, 2012) A. Louchene et al, 2007)( C.S. Chin et al, 2013), a detailed
(Mohammed S. El-Moghany et al, 2012)( Akhmedyarov literature review can be found in (A. Louchene et al, 2007)
K.A et al, 1986)( Chin CS et ak, 2011)( Ahmad Rhif, Solar tracking systems consist of a photovoltaic generator,

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

actuating unit, control unit, sensing unit, energy storage panel through both day and seasonal changes is accurately
devices (such as batteries), and AC and DC elements for perpendicular to sunlight beam (accurately point towards
power conditioning. In solar tracking system design, any sun) and fit user's power needs and requirements. The
light sensitive device, can be used as light detecting sensor conception of light tracking system is quite simple, where
as input sensor unit including phototransistors, light detectors detect position of the sun, based on sensors
photodiodes, LDR and LLS05-A light sensors. A suitable, readings, and generated sun tracking error, based on error,
inexpensive, easy to program control unit is the control unit generates the voltage used to command the
microcontroller; a suitable motion generator is electric drive circuit to drive a low- speed motor, that outputs the
motors and corresponding drive. Target user of proposed rotational speed or displacement of electric motor, (to
system; Researchers, Educators and wherever such rotate the solar panel via a speed-reduction system) until it
renewable energy unit is required . User's requirements; it perpendicularly faces the sun. Based on this and on pre-
is required to develop a linear, one/two-dimensional study process, a preliminary simplified block diagram
single-variable solar tracking unit that can be used for representations of solar tracking system is shown in Figure
receiving solar energy and to meet the power demands of 1(a)(b). Functional structure block is shown in Figure 1(c).
supplying maximum electrical power, precise, cost- Morphological Table analysis and evaluating the best
efficient, with simple interface. System parameters, solution are listed in Table 2.
requirements and analysis, are listed in Table 1.
4. Parallel (concurrent) selection, design and
3. Conceptual design integration of sub-systems and overall system.

The purpose of design is to propose and develop the Mechatronics system design is Modern interdisciplinary
conception and development of solar tracking system design procedure; it is a concurrent selection, synergetic
based on mechatronics design approach, such that the solar integration and optimization of the system and all its
components as a whole and concurrently, all the design
User interface Switching system on-off
disciplines work in parallel and collaboratively throughout
Reading values the design and development process to produce an overall
optimal design. Mechatronics design approach tends to
Light sensor Sun position readings
develop products with synergy and integration toward
constrains like higher performance, speed, precision,
efficiency, lower costs and functionality.
Control system μu-control
4.1 Mechanical construction and components selection:
Actuator, electric Actuator motion Depending on desired performance, precision, efficiency,
energy response speed, cost, functionality and required maximum energy
receiving of solar panel, different solar tracking system's
types and arrangements exist, there are three main types
Gears ,lever arm Motions transmission particularly; Passive tracker, Chronological tracker and
active tracker, also, there are many system's arrangements,
most applied are shown in Figure 5 . In this paper two
Solar panel position
system arrangements are considered; one-axis (one
directional) using two light detectors (Figure 6(a)) and
Position sensor Solar panel angle
two-axis (two directional) using four light sensitive
measuring sensors (Figure 6(b) and). A simple and optimal
mechanical design could be as shown in Figure 5, this
Figure 1(c) Functional Structure block diagram arrangements can be used for either or both a one-axis and
two-axis motion control, the vertical axis is perpendicular
Table 2 Morphological table, analysis and evaluating the to the ground and horizontal axis normal to vertical axis,
best solution selection by the combinations of two axes any position and location
of solar panel in upward hemisphere could be achieved,
correspondingly, the motions can be manipulated such that
the solar panel is perpendicular to sun light. The proposed
mechanical design shown in Figure 5(c), the Overall
System and solar panel dimensions are listed in Table 1 ,
the system consists of aluminum steel base frame (2), onto
which the solar panel is to be mounted, the steel frame
with solar panel is mounted onto rotating head derived by
first DC motor for horizontal motions (3), and all are
mounted onto a vertical steel beam (4), this steel beam is
also a vertical axis for azimuth control derived by second
DC motor (5). System CAD model is shown in Figure

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

5(b). To make sure the structure is stable and the load is

constant for the rotation of motor, the center of gravity of
tilting structure is aligned at rotating center, this is shown
in Figure 5(c). The system uses external power supply, but
also can be modified to be standalone solar tracking

4.2 Sensor selection: a solar tracker can be built using

sensing unit, or can be built to be senseless (chronological
tracker), where the sun coordinates are calculated for the
any moment of the day, during all year, using this data, the
tracking system moves the solar panel to the optimum
calculated position. For smart precise solar tracker, a
(b) Physical implementation (Chin CS,2011)
suitable, inexpensive, simple and easy to interface sensor
is analog light dependent resistor (LDR), The LDR sensors
can be used to detect light intensity to which it is exposed,
also to differ from day and night, Different LDR sensors
available in the market, the biggest size is used to
construct the sensor because the more area of the sensor,
the more its sensitivity or less time taken for output to
change when input changes (Mohammed S. El-Moghany
et al, 2012). In both proposed system's configurations, (c) connecting to PIC, Figure 4 LDR sensor circuitry
sensors are integrated with the solar panel, screened from
each other by opaque surfaces; and each is placed in an 4.3 Control unit selection: Over the years, tests and
enclosure, so that the light will only hit LDR when it is researches had proved that development of smart solar
facing directly at the sun. tracker maximizes the energy generation. For
The LDR sensor circuitry is designed as a voltage implementing smart precise solar tracker, an embedded
divider circuit as shown in Figure 4. The desired resistor Microcontroller is optimal selection, since it is
value should provide a voltage that covers the sunny and inexpensive single chip computer, easy to embed into
cloudy conditions, a 100 ohm could be suitable; the output larger electronic circuit designs, also, because of their
of the sensor circuit is an analogue voltage that is used as versatility, Microcontrollers add a lot of power, control,
an input to the control unit ( e.g. microcontroller, PIC) to and options at little cost, capable of storing and running
calculate error between two LDRs. An extra LDR, located programs and can be programmed to perform a wide range
on panel's front surface, can be used to ensure that solar of control tasks. Optimal and available microcontroller is
panel is perpendicular to the sun. PICmicro Microcontroller (e.g. PIC16F877A), supplied
A variable resistor (potentiometer) can be, also used to with 6VDC. Selected PICmicro microcontroller type is
determine the location of the solar panel to prevent the supported with ADC pins, to convert the analog input
panel from the impact when it reaches the edges (also, in sensor readings to digital value, fed to microcontroller.
case of measured sequence of angle change), When the Microcontroller can be easy programmed, using C
potentiometer reaches the value corresponding to edge, the language; C offers unmatched power and flexibility in
controller stopped the motor and immune it from rotating programming microcontrollers. MikroC adds even more
in that direction. power with an array of libraries,

4.4 Control algorithm selection: a review of literature

shows that, different control algorithms can be used to
achieve desired performance of solar tracking system,
where: (M. A. Usta et al, 2011 ) presented a one-axis
tracker using three light resistors (LDRs). The first LDR
detect the desired state of the collector, the second and
third LDRs were designed to establish the presence of
cloud and to make difference between day and night. (S.A.
Kalogirou, 1996) implemented a fuzzy logic control for
sun tracker on a computer controlled the nonlinear
dynamics of the tracking mechanism. (H.A. Yousef, 1999)
modeled and designed a first order fuzzy inference system
for tracking system. (M. Singh et al, 2007) developed a
correction control system made by an artificial technique
vision based on the capture of pictures of the sun
positions. (M. Berenguel et al, 2004) presented a robust
(a) LDR sensor simulation in Proteus control with MPPT system based on a sliding mode

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

controller (SMC). In this paper we will propose a simple 4.6 Output signal and conditioning: LDRs are used as
and easy to implement control algorithms to achieve current sources and connected in opposite polarity to the
desired output position, particularly PID / PD with input of an op-amp, any difference in the short-circuit
deadbeat response. In the transient mode, PD-controller current of the two cells is sensed and amplified by the op-
speeds up the transient response, and it will decay faster, amp. Because the current of each cell is proportional to the
resulting in less settling time TS, less time constant T, less illumination on the cell, an error signal will be present at
peak time TP , and reduced maximum overshoot MP, while the output of the amplifier, this error voltage, is fed to
deadbeat response means the response that proceeds microcontroller to generate signal to cause the motor to
rapidly to the desired level and holds at that level with drive the system back into alignment, the op-amp is given
minimal overshoot, combining both characteristics will by RF
desired and satisfactory system response. A voltage regulator (the IC UA723chip) is to be used
The microcontroller can, also, be programmed to apply to regulate the supply voltage (12 V) lowered to a level
the Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) signal to drive the suitable for use in the microcontroller (6V), the charge
motor at a controlled speed correspond to a maximum controller and the LDR sensors. a heat sink is to be used to
voltage of 5V. A proposed flowchart of PIC16F877A dissipate the heat generated by the long duration used.
programming, is shown in Figure 4(d) , where LDR Different drives (servo-amplifier) can be used
readings is converted and compared, and based on including, Relay driver and H-bridge. A most suitable and
generated error , microcontroller will drive the motor until simple to implement drives for PMDC motor for
the error is zero. bidirectional driving are H-bridge Or H-Bridge in IC’s,
e.g. L293D, L293D is a dual H-Bridge motor driver, it is
Switching system on-off a 16 pin chip, so with one IC we can interface two DC
Sun position readings Position sensor reading
motors which can be controlled in both clockwise and
(LDR1 and LDR2) Vs counter clockwise direction .a common carrier,(see Figure
5-6). The gain of the servo-amplifier –K. A voltage
Converting and
comparing LDR readings regulator circuit was used to bring the supply voltage
Error= LDR1 - LDR2
down to a level suitable for use in the microcontroller and
the LDR sensors.

Error, Vs 4.7 Sub-systems placement and integration: The overall

solar tracking system consists of the selected mechanical,
Yes Error == 0 & Vs ~== edge
sensing, actuating and electrical subsystems, shown in Fig
Set RB? to 0 2 and Fig 3, all these subsystems are to be integrated with
Error ~= 0 & Vs ~== edge synergy into the solar tracking system. To make sure the
Yes structure is stable and the load is constant for the rotation
Set RB? to 1
motor, the center of gravity of tilting structure is aligned at
Yes Error ~= 0 & Vs == edge No
rotating center , electronics, data outputting and control
Set RB? to 0
Set RB? to 1
circuitry to be located inside the a housing, that will
include slots for user interface and input/output ports.
For one-axis sun tracking system, one light tracking circuit
consisting of two similar LDR-sensors, and one electric
motor are to be used, meanwhile for two-axis sun tracking
Figure 4(d) Flowchart of microcontroller programming system, two light tracking circuit consisting of four similar
LDR-sensors which are located at the east, west, south,
4.5 Actuator selection: Actuator converts an information and north and two electric motor, each for each axis, are
signal from the microcontroller control unit, into energy used, the two drive motors are decoupled, the sensors are
acting on the basic system, the solar tracking system configured in a way that sensor1 and sensor2 are used to
requires movement in different directions, the proper track the sun horizontally meanwhile sensor3and sensor4
selection of actuator and drive combination can save allow tracking the sun vertically, in order to achieve
energy and improve performance. Mechatronic systems constantly solar panel aligned perpendicularly to sun light,
often use electric motors to drive their work loads, due to it is required to find balance between the two light sensors,
simple principle of working, quick instantaneous and both sensors must receive the same light, and
accurate torque generation, available, inexpensive, correspondingly produce the same voltage, when one
reversible, and ease of designing and implementing sensor receives more light than the other, this means the
controller to achieve optimal instantaneous, precise motion solar panel is not aligned perpendicularly to sun light and
control performance, a suitable electric motor is low- an error voltage results. When sun's position changes, the
speed DC motor, therefore the control of proposed solar light source intensity received by different sensors is
tracking system is simplified to eclectic motor control. The different, the system then determines which sensor
driving mechanism includes the motor and the gears with received more intensive light based on the sensor output
gear ratio, n voltage value interpreted by voltage type A/D converter.

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

The system drives the motor towards the orientation of this

sensor. If the output values of the two sensors are equal,
the output difference is zero and the motor’s drive voltage
is zero, which means the system has tracked the current
position of the sun. Based on desired accuracy, a control
system is to be designed (particularly, PID / PD with
deadbeat response), and correspondingly the PICmicro
unit can programmed to continuously track the sun’s
position by continuously scanning the sun location and
continuously drive the system in both directions or a
control system is to be designed to scan the sun's position
every one minute in the horizontal plane and every 1.5
minute in the vertical plane, calculate the error and use it Figure 5(d) One and two DOF system (Ahmad Rhif, 2011)
to drive the system in both directions. It is important to
consider that for each sensor pair the both LDR must be
quasi-identically as possible, because the measurement
method assumes identical currents in the case of
identically irradiance. At the night the LDR-sensors
resistance are maximum, in this case the microcontroller
will rotate the solar panel until the position sensor has the
starting point value. For two axis system, Figure 1 can be
modified to have the arrangement shown in Figure 6(d).

Figure 5(e) One and two DOF system (Ahmad Rhif, 2011)


Light sensor

Figure 5 (a)( Mohanad Alata, 2005) Figure 6 (a) One-axis sun tracking system

North East
sensor1 sensor3

sensor4 sensor2
Figure 5(b) South
Figure 6 (b) Two-axis sun tracking system


Second tilt


First Control and Figure 6 (c) Light sensor

motor circuitry
Figure 6 light detecting and tracking circuit and
Figure 5(c) Proposed design arrangements.

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

Position sensor
Armature inductance, La is low compared to the armature
resistance, Ra (discussed later). Neglecting motor

DC/AC converter

DC motor1 Gears storage devices inductance by assuming, (La =0), manipulating and gives:
North East
sensor1 sensor3
 (s )
Charge controller
Controller RaJ a

 K t K b 

1 
sensor2 Error Solar panel
South & mechanism V in (s )
s s   bm 
DC motor2 Gears

 J m  R a 
2 2
Position sensor  N1   N1 
bequiv  bm  bLoad    J equiv  J m  J Load  
N2  N2  (3)
Figure 6(d) Two axis solar tracker system arrangements
m (h 2  a 2 )
J load  , ,
5. Modeling and simulation 12
m total * 2
0.5* m total *  2  0.5* J load *  2  J load 
The key essential characteristics of a mechatronics 2 (4)
engineer are a balance between two skills; G angle (s ) 
Kt / n
modeling/analysis skills and experimentation/hardware s (La J equiv )s 2  (R a J equiv  bequiv La )s  (R abequiv  K t K b ) 
implementation skills. The mechatronics design approach
challaenge conventional sequancial design approach, by
connecting machine design tools and creating a virtual 5.2 Sensor sub-system modeling: the system is to be built
machine prototype before designing the physical machine, with a unity feedback such that the control system insures
that the output position is met, as noted, a variable resistor
to take all advantages that can result from an integrated
(potentiometer) can be, also used to determine the location
design, this approach offers less constrains and shortened
of the solar panel to prevent the panel from the impact
development, also allows the design engineers to provide
when it reaches the edges. Potentiometer is a sensor used
feedback to each other about how their part of design is
effect by others to measure the actual output position, θL, convert into
Two very important characteristics that determine the size corresponding volt, Vp and then feeding back this value,
the Potentiometer output is proportional to the actual
of electric motor for a particular application are torque and
position, θL, this can be accomplished as follows: The
horsepower. Torque is the turning effort. Horsepower
output voltage of potentiometer is given by: Vp = θL * Kpot.
takes into account how fast the system is turned.
Where: θL :The panel position. Kpot the potentiometer
5.1 Electric motor sub-system modeling constant; It is equal to the ratio of the voltage change to
the corresponding angle change, and given by:
K pot  (Voltage change) / (Degree change)
Solar tracking system motion control is simplified to an , Depending on
electric motor motion control, in terms of output angular maximum desired output angle, the potentiometer can be
displacement; therefore, the conception of solar tracking chosen, for case Vin= 0:12, and angle = 0:180 degrees,
system can be presented as position control of one eclectic substituting, we have Kpot by:
motor, considering the system operation is accomplished K pot  12  0  / 180  0   0.0667 V / degree
by one of two used two motors. The gain of the servo-amplifier –K. The op-amp, for
The DC motor is an example of electromechanical sensors' reading difference, is given by RF
systems with electrical and mechanical components. Based
on (S. Kim et al,2007), the DC motor open loop transfer 5.3 Control system selection, modeling and design
function without any load attached relating the input
voltage, Vin(s), to the output angular displacement, θ(s), is The main function of designed control system is to achieve
given by Eqs(1)(2). The total equivalent inertia, Jequiv and a fast response to a step command with minimal
total equivalent damping, bequiv at the armature of the overshoot; this can be achieved applying different control
motor are given by Eq(3), for simplicity, the solar panel algorithms, including PID/PD with deadbeat response.
can be considered to be of cuboide shape, with the inertia PID controllers are commonly used to regulate the time-
calculated by Eq(4), also the total inertia can be calculated domain behavior of many different types of dynamic
from the energy conservation principle, correspondingly, plants (L. Al-Sharif, 2010). The transfer function of PID
the equivalent mobile robot system transfer function with control is given by:
gear ratio, n, is given by Eq(5)  K K 
K D s 2  P s  I 
 (s ) Kt
G PID (s )  K P  I  K D s   K D K D 
G angle (s )  
 
s s
V in (s ) s  La s  R a  J m s  bm   K t K B  (6)
 (s ) Kt Proportional Derivative, PD-controller, The transfer

V in (s )  La J m s 3  (R a J m  bm La )s 2  (R ab m  K t K b )s 
  function of PD-controller is given by:
) 1(

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

G PD (s )  K P  K D s , Rearranging, we have the following Designing and applying Proportional Derivative

form: controller with deadbeat response :Deadbeat response
 K  means the response that proceeds rapidly to the desired
G PD (s )  K P  K D s  K D s  P   K D (s  Z PD ) level and holds at that level with minimal overshoot(Wai
 K D  (7) Phyo Aung et al,2007). The characteristics of deadbeat
The PD-controller is equivalent to the addition of a simple response include; Zero steady state error, Fast response,
zero at Z PD  K P / K D . The addition of zeros to the open- (short rise time and settling time) , percent overshoot
greater or equal to 0.1% and less or equal 2 % and
loop has the effect of pulling the root locus to the left, or
minimal undershoot, less than ±2% error band. PD-
farther from the imaginary axis, resulting in speeding up
controller transfer function is given by Eq.(7). Using
the transient response, where it will decay faster. a suitable
simplified first order form of PMDC
choice is a combination, PD-controller with deadbeat
La 1
Kt, Torque constant 4
T, Load torque 7 Jm 2 Angular Acceleration 5 2 Angular position

Constant Angular speed 1

3 Curent1 4 Torque1
du/dt Derivative
5 1 Torque
Input Voltage1 s 1 1
Product4 Integrator.2 s s
Product8 Integrator..1 Integrator..4
Sum.1 Product7

Kb, EMF constant


Figure 7(a) actuator sub-system

Angular speed.

La La
angular. position.
La Angular speed

Jm Jm

Kb Kb, EMF constant Angular position
Kt Kt, Torque constant

Kt Curent1

Input Voltage1 Motor3.mat

Input Volt .
T orque
Ra Ra Torque1

Ra Angular acceleration
Tl T, Load torque
T load Angular Acceleration
To File1
bm bm
Bm Subsystem
To File2

Figure 7(b) Open loop one DOF solar tracker system, motor function block model

Changing the value of R1, R2, and C1, will chnage the width of the pulse: TIME=0.7*(R1+R2)*C1=1.620370257844658e-005

Farhan A. SalemChanging the value of variable resistor, will chnage the speed International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

D? 120V B2
1N4007 9V

B? R2 A
12V 1k U1

8 R5 Q? 4 3
R5 B

3 R Q
R Q BD139
10k C
33 7
7 DC
DC +88.8 D
1N4001 1N4001


100K 2 6
6 RV1 TR TH R6

C? C1
C5 0.1uF 5uF

Figure 8(a) Chronological solar tracker, two different circuits


C2 +88.8
16 8 U1 5
22pF 13 33 2 3
X1 14
34 7
8Mhz 35 1
C1 RB2 EN1
2 36
3 37
4 38 9
22pF 5 39 10 11
6 40 15 14
16 L293D LDR1
10 18
1 24 R2
RC7/RX/DT 1.5k
19 10k
27 B1
28 12V


Figure 8(d) microcontroller based solar tracker using L293D and Relay driver
Angular speed (rad/sec)

-K- -159.6

RPM speed in RPM

solar5.mat -K-
La La
Angular speed
. XY Graph2
speed in rad/sec
Jm Jm
Error signal Control_signal Angular position Rad2 -0.05004
Signal From
solar6.mat Kb Kb, EMF constant Angular position solar1.mat Angular position Rad
theta To File5 Kb Current.
Kt Kt, Torque constant Goto
From To File4
Workspace Kt Curent1 XY Graph
.2 ' time1
31.1288 .1 Input Voltage1 -K-
s+31.1288 PD(s) Signal From
Transfer Fcn .
Torque Workspace1 XY Graph1
Ra Ra Torque1
, .3 Step
Ra [output]
Kp TL T, Load torque
s+P0 From
Tload Angular Acceleration solar3.mat
''Lead compensator
bm bm
theta X(2Y)
To File1 Graph1
Bm Subsystem Signal From
-K- Angular acceleration
Angle feedback, Ktac solar4.mat

To File2

Figure 9 (a) The simulink model of overall solar tracker system, with main sub-systems

motor transfer function in terms of output angle given by (K p  K D s )K t

Eq.(2): Ra J m
 (s ) K t / Ra J m G forward (s ) 
G angle (s )   b K K 
V in (s )  1  Kt Kb  s 2   m  t b s
s s   bm    J m J m Ra 
 J m  Ra 
The system overall closed loop transfer function transfer
The system forward transfer function is given by:
function is given by:

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

(K p  K D s )K t 5.4 Sub-systems and overall system simulation, testing,

Ra J m analysis and optimization .
T (s ) 
b K K K K  K p Kt
s2  m  t b  D t s  5.4.1 Electric motor sub-system simulation in
 J m J m Ra Ra J m  Ra J m (8) MATLAB/Simulink
Referring to Wai Phyo Aung,2007 The controller gains KP Simulation of one DOF solar tracker open loop system is
and KD depend on the physical parameters of the actuator shown in Figure 7, where in Figure 7(a) is shown, the
drives, to determine gains that yield optimal deadbeat actuator sub-system inner sub-model, that to be used to
response, the overall closed loop transfer function T(s) is built the actuator sub-system model function block shown
compared with standard second order transfer function in Figure 7(b), this model can give designer different
given by (9), and knowing that parameters α and ωn are readings including; speed, angle, current and torque, to
known coefficients of system with deadbeat response evaluate and verify actuator sub-system performance, the
given by (L. Al-Sharif, 2010), α = 1.82 and ωn Tn = 4.82 , Tn same model is used for other direction in case of two DOF
=2 and gives the following: systems
ωn Tn = 4.82 , ωn = 4.82/2=2.41
5.4.2 Electronics and interfaces simulation and testing:
G (s )  3
s  n s 2  n2 (9)
To test and evaluate the selection and integration of
electronic circuit design, microcontroller programming
Equating and comparing the actual and desired and interface components, simulation using ISIS-
Professional Proteus is used. as noted, there are three types
characteristic equations, the gains of controller are found: of trackers; Passive tracker, Chronological tracker and
b K K K K  K p Kt active tracker, shown in Figure 8, different control circuits
s 3  n s 2  n2  s 2   m  t b  D t s 
 J m J m Ra Ra J m  Ra J m can be used to control the motion of solar tracker,
including using timers (Figure 8(a)) to generate pulse to
Systems design with prefilter: Prefilter is defined as a control motor motion. For smart solar tracker, the control
transfer function Gp(s) that filters the input signal R(s) program is written in C language, with the help of MikroC
prior to calculating the error signal. Adding a control program is converted to Hex.File that is downloaded on
system to plant, will result in the addition of poles and/or the simulated solar system including PIC-microcontroller
zeros, that will effect the response, mainly the added zero, and circuit, the simulation of solar tracker is shown in
will significantly inversely effect the response and should Figure 8(d), simplified algorithm can be as follows:
be cancelled by prefilter, therefore the required prefilter
transfer function to cancel the zero is given by (10). In unsigned int LDR1, LDR2,error ;
general. The prefilter is added for systems with lead void main(solarpanel) {
networks or PI compensators. A prefilter for a system with Ansel=0x06;
a lag network, mainly, is not , since we expect the effect of TRISC=0;
the zero to be insignificant. For systems with PD TRISB=0;
compensators, a prefilter is used to eliminate any while(1){
undesired effects of the term s + z introduced in the //dealy(1500)
closed-loop transfer function, the required prefilter transfer LDR1=ADC_Read(1);
function is given by: LDR2=ADC_Read(2);
ZO Z PD error= LDR1- LDR2;
G Pr efilter (s )  , ,G PI _ Pr efilter (s ) 
s  Z O  s  Z PD  (10)
if(error == 0){
Lead compensator Lead compensator is a soft }
approximation of PD-controller, PD controller transfer if(error > 0){
function is given by GPD(s) = KP + KDs , The PD controller PORTB.F1=1;
is not physically implementable, since it is not proper, and
it would differentiate high frequency noise, thereby
producing large swings in output. To avoid this, PD-
controller is approximated to lead controller of the
following form: 5.4.3 Overall system simulation, testing and analysis.
s Z
G Lead (s )  K C
s P The simulink model of closed loop solar tracker system is
Where : Zo < P o , The larger the value of P, the better the shown in Figure 9 (a), including electric motor, sensor,
lead controller approximates PD control, input altitude angle and two controllers PID, PD with
prefilter sub-systems.

Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

5.5 Overall system testing and results 15

Angle VS time

With a set of PD controller gains; KP , KD ,the response of 10 100

the proposed model is shown in Figure 9 (b). Response 5 0
curves show the system reaches desired output position in
0.2 seconds with zero steady state error, but with 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
overshoot. Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Current/time Torque/time
Applying PD controller with deadbeat response, and 2
x 10
calculating desired values of gains, we find Kp =
1 200
23.8893525618918 and KD= 0.767435051920526, PD


zero Z0 = Kp/ KD =31.1288.Applying PD controller with 0 0
deadbeat response, will result in response curves shown in
Figure 9(c), Response curves show response proceeds -1
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
rapidly to the desired level and holds at that level with Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

minimal overshoot and steady state error. Figure 9 (b) angle/time, speed/time, current/time,
To further test our design, by using signal builder to torque/timeAngle
VS time curves applying PD controller.
15 Angle VS time 150 Speed/time
generate signal that mimic angular input similar to sun 15 150
altitude angle, will result in response curves shown in 10 100
10 100
Figure 9 (d) , the output smoothly follows the output .


5 50
Applying PID controller will result in response curves 5 50

shown in Figure 9 (e) 0 0 00

Applying variable angular position to the system, will
-5 -5 -50
result in system responses shown in Figure 10 (f), the 0 0 0.50.5 1 1 00 0.5
0.5 1
Time (seconds)
Time (seconds) Time
system stands such variable values. To test the proposed Current/time
Current/time Torque/time
model, for actual input signal values, based on derived 40004000 100
equations given supposed by Ashraf Balabel,2013, altitude
2000 50
angle is calculated, for Taif city, western of Saudi Arabia, 2000 50


the altitude angle, which is the angle between the solar

0 0
radiation and the solar panel surface, is evaluated in the 0 0
day specified, plotting the calculated altitude angle versus -2000 -50
time, is shown in Figure 10(a). The altitude angle is 0
-2000 0.5 1 0
-50 0.5 1
0 0.5
Time (seconds) 1 0 0.5
Time (seconds) 1
changed regularly, based on this, the readings of two Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
LDRs are changed, and the sequenced altitude angle Figure 9 (c) angle/time, speed/time, current/time,
change can be considered as the difference (error) between torque/time response curves applying PD with deadbeat
the readings of two LDR sensors that is used by control response.
Angle VS time Speed/time
system to drive the electric motor. Generally, the sun 3 4
altitude angle change can be simulated assuming, the sun 2
is shining exactly 12 hours, from sunrise at 6 am to 2

sunset at 6 pm, in these 12 hours the sun is to travel from 0
the 0 degree to maximum 180 degrees, correspondingly, 0

the solar panel, in 12 hours will rotate 180 degrees, sun -1

0 2 signal 4 6
0 2 4 6
angle changes per hour can be calculated by dividing 10 Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Current/time Torque/time
maximum degree over number of hours; or minutes or 10 0.2
seconds; 180/(12) = 0.004166=15 degrees per hour or, 5 0.1
18/(12*60*60 ) = 0.004166 degrees per second, with the 0


0 0
initial altitude angle is at 30 degrees, and maximum angle -5
-5 -0.1
limit to be 90 degrees, the simulation shown in Figure
-10 -10
9(g) is proposed. 0 0 2 2 4 4 66 -0.2
0 2 4 6
Applying the calculated altitude angle, for Taif city, as Time (seconds)
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Error signal Control signal
the input data ( error) for the designed control system, 15 10
will result in corresponding panel angle, plotting both 5
input angle and output panel angle in the same graph
window, will result in response curve shown in Figure 5 0

10(b). These response curves show that, the input and 0 -5

output angles curves are allmostly identical, with small
-5 -10
error, by soft tuning of control system, the input can match 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 0 2 4 6
Time (seconds)
the output without error, comparison show that the solar Time (seconds)
Error signal
panel tracks the sun, resulting in optimal operational Figure 9 (d) Applying PID controller
15 response curves.
efficiency of solar energy photovoltaic module 10

0 427
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8
Time (seconds)
Farhan A. Salem International Journal of Current Engineering and Technology, Vol.3, No.2 (June 2013)

Angle VS time Speed/time Variable input angle

4 10 1.8

1.6 Output angle

Step input
2 0 1.4


0 -10

-2 -20
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4 0.6
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)
Current/time Torque/time 0.4
200 5

0 0


0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3
-200 -5 Time (Sec)

Figure 10 (d) Responses applying variable input angle

-400 -10
0 1 2 3 4 0 1 2 3 4
Time (seconds) Time (seconds) 6. Prototyping, testing, evaluation and optimization.
Figure 9 (e) Applying PD controllers with deadbeat
response. There is no single model which can ever flawlessly
Change of Altitude angle with time for 21st August
reproduce reality, there will always be errors called as
max. angle 80.83
unmodeled errors between behavior of a product model
and the actual product. In order to take into account the
unmodeled errors and enhance precision, performance in
the design process, the mechatronics design approach
includes prototyping phase. Prototyping development may

be carried out in the following two forms; Virtual
Prototype and Physical Prototype, in this paper, only
Sun rise Sunset virtual prototype in MATLAB and Proteus environment is
built, shown in Figure 9(d) and Figure 8(d)

0 500 1000 1500
7. Conclusion & Future work
Figure 10(a) the calculated altitude angle versus time (the
Time (sec)

input angle change) ( Ashraf Balabel et al, 2013) This paper proposes the conception and development of
solar tracking system based on mechatronics design
approach, where realization of design is achieved applying
80 Altitude angle
Panel angle
concurrent design approach and considerations. A
70 complete system and components' selection, design and
60 integration as well as, modeling, simulation, and analysis
50 are presented. Also, a new control method was proposed
for achieving smooth fast response without overshoot. The
obtained simulation results are quite encouraging; they
show the efficiency and the simplicity of the proposed
20 design. The proposed mechatronics design and models are
Angle10 intended for research purposes, as well as, for application
in educational process.
0 500 1000 1500
As a future work, both one and two DOF physical
Time (Min) prototypes of the proposed design to be built tested,
Figure 10(b) calculated altitude angle for Taif city, as compared with current design and optimized.
input and resulted panel angle as system response
time References
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