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DOI: 10.31399/asm.hb.v15.


Grain Refinement of
Aluminum Casting Alloys*
G.K. Sigworth and T.A. Kuhn, Alcoa Primary Metals

GRAIN REFINEMENT of aluminum was procedure is more convenient with large sam- surface of the sample under running water or by
first accomplished in the early 1930s by making ples, for example, when cutting through the mid- rinsing it in a dilute solution of nitric acid.
titanium additions to the melt (Ref 1–4). The dle of a casting. The sample is placed on There are various procedures established to
improvement in castability was considerable, a milling machine, and metal is cut away until measure grain size on the etched samples.
and this quickly became the established practice. a flat surface is obtained. Then, if a final light These are outlined in ASTM E 112. The grain
The resulting change in the structure of the cast- cut with a sharp tool is made, the resulting sur- structure can be reported in one of several units:
ing is remarkable. This may be seen by cutting face may be etched directly without polishing.
a piece from the casting and polishing the cut For aluminum alloys low in copper, the test  Average intercept distance
surface with a series of progressively finer sand- sample is placed in hot, nearly boiling water for  Calculated average grain diameter
papers, until a mirror-smooth surface is a few minutes. When the sample is hot, it is  ASTM grain size number
obtained. After the polished surface is etched removed from the water, and the surface to be  Grains per unit area
with acid, the underlying grain structure is etched is immersed briefly in a solution of Poul-
revealed. An example of the transformation ton’s etch. (This etchant contains the following Table 1 gives values in different units of
obtained by grain refinement is shown in Fig. 1. ingredients: 60% HCl, 30% HNO3, 5% HF, and measurement, for the sake of comparison. The
5% H2O.) This acid is held at room temperature. easiest procedure is usually to measure the
Grain refinement has a significant effect on average intercept distance. All grain sizes in
the mechanical properties of castings, primarily Alternatively, the surface may be etched by wip-
ing it with a piece of cotton wool or absorbent this article are reported in this way. The units
because the distribution of second-phase mate- employed are microns (mm, or 106 m).
rials is changed. Consider the casting shown cloth that has been soaked in the etchant.
in Fig. 1. The nonrefined casting (top in Fig. 1) For alloys that contain copper, it is more dif-
has a small area near the chill where equiaxed ficult to determine the grain size. One proce- Mechanisms of Grain Refinement
grains were formed, but the rest of the metal dure that works reasonably well is to etch the
has elongated, feathery grains. All brittle inter- sample at room temperature in a solution of Grain refinement dates from the early 1930s,
metallic phases and any porosity formed will be 10% HF. This results in a black smudge on when foundrymen began to use titanium addi-
located between these large grains, so the elonga- the sample, produced by the copper in the alloy. tions to improve the structure of their castings.
tion normal to the grains will be poor. The mate- This smudge may be cleaned off by rubbing the To understand this action of titanium, one must
rial shown at the bottom of Fig. 1 has a much
better structure. The grain size is small (or fine,
which is the basis for the term refinement).
Hence, mechanical properties are isotropic, and
the material is stronger.
As is shown subsequently, grain refinement in Chill
casting alloys tends to reduce the amount of
porosity and the size of the pores. This improves
mechanical properties, especially fatigue
strength. Feeding is also improved. It is for these
reasons that most cast aluminum is grain refined.

Measurement of Grain Size Chill

To determine grain size, one obtains a sample

and produces a smooth surface on one side. This-
may be done in the laboratory using standard
metallographic techniques. However, another Fig. 1 Grain structure in 3004 alloy castings. Top: no refinement; bottom: 10 ppm boron added as 5Ti-1B alloy

*Republished with the permission of American Foundry Society ( Copyright 2007 from the following: International Journal of Metalcasting (ISSN 1939–5981), Vol 1 (No. 1),
2007, p 31–40, and AFS Transactions (ISBN 978-0-87433-338-1), Vol 115, 2007, p 177–188

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Table 1 Comparison of various grain size measurements (ASTM E 112)

Average intercept distance
in. mm mm Average diameter, mm ASTM grain No. Grains/cm2 Grains/in.2

0.008 0.2 200 252 14.5 1890 12,200

0.015 0.4 400 504 12.5 496 3200 2
0.031 0.8 800 1008 10.5 112 724
0.047 1.2 1200 1512 9.5 56 362
0.079 2.0 2000 2520 8 20 128

1000 1830

900 1650
L L + TiAl 3 4
800 1420
Temperature, ⬚C

Temperature, ⬚F
700 1290
0.15 665 1.15

α α + TiAl 3 1110

500 930

400 900
0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Titanium, wt%

Fig. 2 The aluminum-rich side of the aluminum-titanium phase diagram. Source: Ref 5

consider the aluminum-titanium phase diagram of the base alloy. Hence, the first nucleation
(Ref 5), shown in Fig. 2. The important thing (or formation) of solid aluminum will be at
to note is that titanium raises the melting point the surface of the aluminide particle, as shown
of aluminum. Pure aluminum melts at 660.1  C by “3”. The aluminum crystal then grows Fig. 3 TiAl3 nucleates aluminum grain. Source:
Adapted from Ref 6
(1220.2  F); adding titanium increases the melt- around the surface of the aluminide (“4” and
ing point to 665  C (1229  F). This effect has “5”). In the process, it consumes the dissolved
important ramifications for the nucleation and titanium in the vicinity of the particle, and
growth of solid aluminum grains. growth stops. As the metal cools further, den-
The best explanation was given in 1983 by dritic growth begins (“6”) and continues (“7”)
Backerud (Ref 6). Figure 3 is taken from his as solidification proceeds.
paper and shows schematically what happens. This course of events may be confirmed in
Titanium additions are made via aluminum two ways. The first is to pour a sample of metal
master alloys, which contain between 5 and into a small cup and record the temperature 1
10% Ti. These materials contain numerous during solidification with a thermocouple. The Grain refiner added
crystals of the titanium aluminide compound resulting cooling curves of refined and nonre-
TiAl3. (Pictures of aluminide crystals are given fined metal are shown in Fig. 4. When titanium 3,4
in Ref 7.) When a master alloy is added, typi- is added, the nucleation temperature, Tn, is 5 6

Tn 7
cally a few minutes before casting, millions of often above the growth temperature, Tg. When
these microscopic particles are released into no titanium is present, the metal cools several Tg
the melt. The presence of one is indicated by degrees below the growth temperature before Tn
“1” in Fig. 3. When the TiAl3 crystal comes nucleation occurs.
in contact with liquid aluminum, it starts to dis- Another confirmation of the mechanism pro-
solve. This means the liquid metal at the sur- posed in Fig. 3 may be found by a careful No grain refiner
face of the particle becomes enriched in examination of the microstructure of aluminum
titanium, as shown by “2” in Fig. 3. From the castings. When anodized in the proper way and
relationships shown in the aluminum-titanium viewed under polarized light, the titanium-rich Time
phase diagram, the titanium-rich metal in con- areas corresponding to “6” and “7” of Fig. 3
tact with the aluminide can begin to solidify at are revealed. An example is presented in Fig. 4 Cooling curves during solidification. Tn,
a temperature that is above the melting point Fig. 5 (Ref 8). The darker areas located in the nucleation temperature; Tg, growth temperature

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Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys / 257

High quantities of titanium are necessary

to prevent dissolution of aluminum-titanium
From an historical point of view, the afore-
mentioned accurately describes the first 40 years
of aluminum grain refinement. Then, in the
early 1970s, the first modern Al-Ti-B grain
refiners became available. The role of boron
was studied in the laboratory in the early
1950s (Ref 10, 11). This work showed that
boron in combination with titanium gave much
better grain refinement, but the use of boron-
containing salts in the casthouse was an
extremely messy and haphazard business.
Finally, in the late 1960s, Kawecki discovered
how to produce boron-containing master alloys
by reacting a mixture of KBF4 and K2TiF6 with
molten aluminum. The result was the first com-
mercial Al-Ti-B master alloy—a fast-acting rod
product that could be fed continuously into the
100 mm
metal transfer launder or holding furnace by
wire feeders. The new boron-containing grain
Fig. 5 Titanium-rich areas in dendrites of Al-0.06%Ti alloy. Source: Ref 8
refiners were much more powerful and econom-
ical. They therefore replaced the use of the ear-
lier aluminum-titanium products in most
to 15 min. Waffle products are cast from aluminum alloys and still form the basis for
a higher temperature and have larger aluminide accepted commercial practices to this day.
Number of grains per cm3

10,000 100 particles. These may take 30 to 40 min to dis- How do the modern refiners differ from the old
solve. The practical consequence in the foundry ones? There are many differences, but the most
Grain size, mm

is relatively simple: If the titanium in the metal important is this: Most of the titanium in modern
is significantly less than the solubility (0.15% Tibor refiners is present as TiB2 particles, and
1000 Ti at 665  C or 1229  F), then it is not possible titanium diboride is virtually insoluble in molten
to grain refine consistently. Results from three aluminum. The consequence:
500 400
1 2 early studies of grain refinement in high-purity High quantities of titanium are NOT necessary
200 aluminum are shown in Fig. 6 (Ref 9). The best to prevent dissolution of Al-Ti-B grain
800 refinement was obtained when the titanium refiners.
100 added was more than 0.15%, the solubility limit However, that is only part of the story. In
0 0.10 0.20 0.30
Titanium, wt% of TiAl3 in aluminum. addition to low solubility, borides are extremely
The picture painted thus far is fairly attrac- effective nuclei in foundry alloys. In fact, boron
1 Delamore and Smith tive and relatively easy to understand. This is better than titanium as a grain refiner for
2 Grebe and Grimm
3 Crossley and Mondolfo understanding of grain refinement has been aluminum casting alloys.
around since 1930. During that time, it has
Fig. 6 Refinement of 99.7% Al by titanium. Source: entered deeply into the consciousness of foun-
Ref 9 drymen, much like Michelangelo’s Mona Lisa Boron as a Grain Refiner
has entered the mainstream of consciousness
forming our popular culture. For this reason, it In 1981, Lu, Wang, and Kung published
center of the grains were shown by microprobe needs to be well understood. This picture is a study of the grain refining of A356 alloy in
measurements to be high in titanium. essentially the source of, and basis for, most the Journal of the Chinese Foundrymen’s Asso-
The aforementioned is a clear explanation of of the grain-refinement practices used today ciation (Ref 12). The results shown in Fig. 7 are
how titanium acts to grain refine aluminum, but (2008) in aluminum casting alloys. taken from their study. Three different master
there is an additional factor that must be con- The maximum limits for titanium are quite alloys were added to A356 alloy: Al-5%Ti,
sidered: the dissolution of TiAl3 particles. A high in most alloys, and, in some cases, a mini- Al-5%Ti-1%B, and Al-4%B. The results
normal addition level of titanium is approxi- mum is specified, for example, 201 alloy. It is clearly showed that boron is more powerful
mately 100 ppm (0.01% Ti). When this small vital to grain refine this alloy to prevent hot than titanium as a grain refiner.
amount of titanium is added to relatively pure cracking during casting. The specification for This result ran completely counter to the pre-
aluminum at normal casting temperatures, it 201 alloy published by the Aluminum Associa- vailing viewpoint described previously. Every-
dissolves. When the added particles have dis- tion permits up to 0.35% Ti, and a minimum of one believed that titanium was needed for grain
solved, the grain-refining effect disappears. 0.15% Ti is called for. Many of the other 2xx refinement, but the Chinese study showed tita-
This loss of refining ability with time is called and 7xx casting alloys also have a minimum nium was only a weak grain refiner. It also sug-
fade. specified (0.10 or 0.15% Ti). With a few excep- gested that boron is much better than titanium.
The fade time depends on a number of fac- tions, aluminum casting alloys permit a maxi- Intrigued by these results, Sigworth and
tors. The most important are the titanium con- mum of at least 0.20% Ti. The reason for Guzowski (Ref 13, 14) began their own study.
tent of the metal, the metal temperature, and these large quantities of titanium may as well Laboratory tests confirmed that aluminum-
the type of master alloy used. The latter deter- be engraved in stone. As shown subsequently, boron master alloys containing AlB2 particles
mines the TiAl3 particle size. Aluminum-tita- it should be a tombstone. In other words, the gave excellent grain refinement. They then
nium rod products tend to have smaller epitaph for this 75-year-old grain-refining went to Stahl Specialty Company in Missouri,
particles and dissolve faster—typically in 10 practice should read: where foundry trials confirmed that aluminum-

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With this understanding, it is now possible to

define an optimized grain-refining practice for
2000 each of the common casting alloys.

Best Practices for Grain Refinement

Grain size, mm

Before defining the best grain-refinement

Al-5%Ti practices, it is necessary to clearly distinguish
between the two forms of titanium.

Forms of Titanium
Soluble Titanium. This is the TiAl3 com-
pound, which is present as 10 to 20 mm-sized par-
Al-4%B ticles in aluminum-titanium master alloys. It is
also present in Al-Ti-B alloys that have an excess
of titanium required to produce TiB2. (The sto-
0 chiometric ratio is 2.22 wt% Ti for each 1 wt%
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10
B.) The TiAl3 compound dissolves quickly in
Addition level, %Ti or %B alloys that contain less than approximately
0.15% Ti. As noted previously, this particle is
Fig. 7 Grain refining of A356 alloy by three master alloys. Source: Ref 12 a poor refiner in aluminum-silicon casting alloys.
Insoluble Titanium. This is the titanium
present as TiB2, which has such a low solubility
refinement at small addition levels. The refine-
1000 in aluminum that, for all practical purposes,
ment is also long lasting when the particles are
it can be considered to be insoluble. (TiC is
A356 alloy not allowed to sediment from the melt.
No TiB 2  AlB2 is the best nucleus. It produces the
another form of insoluble titanium. The carbide
is also a good grain refiner, but because it offers
smallest grain size. However, AlB2 dissolves
no advantage in casting alloys, Al-Ti-C refiners
Grain size, mm

600 readily in aluminum, where it reacts with

are not considered further in this article.)
titanium and strontium in the melt. Long-
In the past, the single word titanium has been
term use would produce an undesirable
400 used to describe both its soluble and insoluble
10 ppm B sludge in furnaces. Thus, in spite of its
forms. This terminology appears to be the prin-
potency as a grain-refining nucleant, AlB2
200 cipal reason for confusion by foundrymen when
cannot be used in the foundry.
trying to understand grain refinement. Thus, to
0 Would it be possible to develop a grain establish a linguistic foundation for an
0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.10 0.12 refiner with the potency of AlB2 and without improved understanding, the following termi-
Soluble titanium, wt% the problems associated with boron additions? nology is proposed: The word titanium shall
After reflecting on this question for some time, refer to the amount of titanium dissolved in an
Fig. 8 Grain size as a function of titanium content.
Sigworth and Guzowski produced grain refiners alloy; the word boron shall refer to the quantity
Source: Ref 16 of insoluble boride particles present.
containing a mixed boride (Ref 13, 14). The
compounds AlB2 and TiB2 have the same crys- With this terminology in mind, the question
tal structure, and x-ray studies showed the two can be posed: What combination of titanium
crystals form a continuous solid solution. Thus, and boron gives the best grain refinement?
boron master alloys were good refiners. How-
a mixed boride has a composition intermediate The answer is this: It depends on the alloy fam-
ever, the added boron reacted with dissolved
between AlB2 and TiB2 and can be represented ily under consideration. For this reason, each is
titanium to produce a sludge in holding fur-
by the formula (Al,Ti)B2. Mixed borides appear considered separately.
naces. Also, boron apparently reacted with
strontium, since boron additions resulted in to have a nucleation potency close to AlB2,
a loss of modification in some heats modified with a low solubility similar to TiB2. Thus, Practices
with strontium. A more recent study has con- the problems associated with straight boron
firmed the interaction between strontium and additions were avoided. Aluminum-Silicon Casting Alloys. The Al-
boron (Ref 15). The first mixed boride refiner was an Al- Si and Al-Si-Mg casting alloys, such as 356
This presented an interesting problem. If one 2.5Ti-2.5B alloy. More recently, it has been and 357, offer excellent castability and provide
compares the nucleation potency and other char- produced as an Al-1.7%Ti-1.4% master alloy, a range of attractive mechanical properties.
acteristics of the different crystals in Al-7%Si marketed under the name Tibloy. This is an Hence, they find widespread commercial appli-
alloys, one finds: excellent refiner but somewhat slow acting, cation. These alloys have also been studied
requiring approximately 5 min to produce the extensively. The grain refining of the (copper-
 TiAl3 crystals are poor nuclei. TiAl3 crystals best grain size. In 356 alloy, its performance free) aluminum-silicon casting alloys has been
also have a relatively high solubility in alu- does not usually justify the additional cost, but reviewed in a separate publication (Ref 16).
minum. For both reasons, a large amount in 319 alloy, Tibloy refines significantly better Figure 8 is taken from this study. These results
of titanium must be added to produce than Al-5Ti-1B. (See Fig. 17 and 18 in Ref 13.) are for grain refinement of an Al-7%Si-0.35%
consistently small grain sizes. One could summarize the previous discus- Mg (A356) alloy. This alloy was modified with
 TiB2 particles are excellent nuclei. Titanium sion by saying: approximately 0.02% Sr and grain refined with
diboride has almost no solubility in liquid alu- Boron is the most powerful grain refiner a 10 ppm boron addition of Al-5Ti-1B master
minum. Thus, TiB2 particles produce good in aluminum casting alloys. alloy. Castings were also poured without the

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Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys / 259

500 Si-Cu casting alloys before making an addition

of 10 to 20 ppm of boron.
A356 alloy Aluminum-Copper Casting Alloys. The first
400 casting alloy used in the United States was an Al-
8%Cu composition, known as No. 12 alloy. In
5% Boral 1909, Alfred Wilm discovered that an Al-4.5%
Grain size, μm

300 Cu-0.5%Mn alloy would strengthen by aging
after a quench from an elevated temperature. This
alloy was called Duralumin and formed the basis
200 for the aluminum-copper family of alloys used
5Ti-1B today (2008). These alloys have excellent
mechanical properties, high-temperature strength,
100 and fatigue life. They are difficult to cast, how-
ever. Their long freezing range makes them
extremely susceptible to hot cracking.
0 It has long been well known that grain refine-
0 0.05 0.10 0.15 0.20
ment reduces the tendency for hot cracking in
Soluble titanium, wt% net-shaped castings. The study that shows this
most clearly is the 1970 paper by Davies (Ref
Fig. 9 A356 alloy grain size from Aluminum Association test. Source: Ref 17 21), who found the total length of hot tears in
a casting to be proportional to the cast grain
size. In other words, a good grain-refining prac-
10,000 These results clearly point to improved grain- tice is essential for the production of crack-free
refining practices for the aluminum-silicon cast- 2xx alloy castings.
ing alloys, such as 356 and 357. Best grain The specifications for 2xx alloys date from
refinement is obtained when 10 to 20 ppm of the time when titanium was used as a grain
boron are added in the form of Al-5Ti-1B or refiner. For this reason, a minimum content of
%Ti Al-3Ti-1B rod. With this boron addition, it is 0.15% Ti is specified for 201, 202, 203, 204,
possible to reduce the large amounts of soluble and 206 alloys. More recently, however, it has
Grain size, μm

titanium now added to these alloys. Lower tita- been shown that lowering the titanium content
nium does not appear to result in any loss of reduces the grain size of the casting and
mechanical properties or castability, as deter- improves hot crack resistance (Ref 22). The
mined by grain size (Ref 16). Lower titanium best grain size and hot crack resistance are
0.10 contents also offer the advantage that the ten- obtained when the titanium is less than 0.05%
0.15 dency for sludge formation is eliminated. and 10 to 20 ppm of boron are added as
0.20 Sludge can become a significant problem when Al-5Ti-1B or Al-3Ti-1B rod.
the titanium content is held over 0.10% for long Aluminum-Zinc-Magnesium Casting Alloys.
periods of time (Ref 18, 19). A number of aluminum casting alloys are based
300 Aluminum-Silicon-Copper Casting Alloys. on the ternary Al-Zn-Mg system. These alloys
0 5 10 15 20
The grain refinement of 319 alloy was studied naturally age to high strengths at room temper-
Boron added as 3Ti - 1B, ppm
in detail by Pasciak and Sigworth (Ref 20). ature. A high-temperature solution and aging
A number of castings and solidification condi- treatment is not required. Consequently, there
Fig. 10 Grain refinement of 319 alloy. Source: Ref 20
tions were studied. The grain size observed in is a potential cost savings that can be realized
test castings, whose freezing rate was similar by eliminating the heat treatment, especially
to that found in permanent mold castings, has with complex shapes that would tend to distort
boron addition. All samples were cut from been plotted in Fig. 10. Both the (dissolved) when quenched from a high temperature. Cast-
a plate casting at a distance of 35 mm (1.4 titanium and (insoluble) boron contents were ings from these alloys may also be welded or
in.) from a chill, where the cooling rate was varied in these trials. brazed immediately after casting, and the
similar to that obtained in permanent mold cast For some reason, the presence of copper in assemblies will age to high strength at room
wheels. Grain sizes were measured in accor- the alloy completely changes the grain-refining temperature. This combination of properties
dance with ASTM E 112. The average and response to titanium. In this case, it is beneficial makes the alloys promising candidates for
standard deviations of the grain sizes are to have a minimum of approximately 0.10% Ti a number of applications.
plotted. dissolved in the alloy. Without this quantity of In spite of their excellent properties, the 7xx
It is readily seen that when TiB2 particles are titanium, it was not possible to produce a small casting alloys are seldom used, mainly because
added via commercial grain refiners, the grain grain size. The best grain size is obtained when of their propensity for hot cracking. As a conse-
size of the casting is essentially constant and 10 to 20 ppm of boron are added. The boron quence, the Aluminum Association chemical
independent of the dissolved titanium-content addition can be made in the form of Al-5Ti- composition limits established for titanium in
in the alloy. This result was also confirmed in 1B or Al-3Ti-1B rod. A Tibloy alloy can also these alloys have relatively high upper limits;
other experimental studies. A plot of results be used and may be cost-effective, but, in this in three alloys (712, 771, and 772), a minimum
obtained with the Aluminum Association grain case, at least 5 min should be allowed for the titanium content (0.10 or 0.15%) is specified.
size test is given in Fig. 9. Three different refiner to become active. A recent study has shown that low titanium
boron-containing grain refiners were employed. Although they have not been studied, it is contents in these alloys reduce the grain size
It appears a small amount of titanium (approxi- reasonable to presume that other copper-con- and improve hot crack resistance (Ref 23).
mately 0.02%) is desired when using Tibloy or taining aluminum-silicon casting alloys (such The best grain size and hot crack resistance
aluminum-boron master alloys, but this is not as 355 and 308) will behave similarly to 319. are obtained when the titanium is 0.02 to
necessary for TiB2-containing refiners, such as For this reason, it would be advisable to have 0.05% and 10 to 20 ppm of boron are added
Al-5Ti-1B. approximately 0.10% Ti present in these Al- as Al-5Ti-1B or Al-3Ti-1B rod.

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Table 2 Composition of aluminum-magnesium alloys tested Table 3 Grain sizes observed in 535 alloys
Composition, wt% Alloy Grain size, mm
Alloy Cr Cu Fe Mg Mn Ni Si Ti Zn 535 82
535 0.0 0.004 0.15 6.98 0.18 0.002 0.05 0.196 0.0 535L 86
535L 0.0 0.004 0.15 7.04 0.18 0.002 0.05 0.036 0.0

shrinkage formation in the casting. The mecha-

nism for this effect was first established by
Guocai Chai (Ref 26), who placed a slowly
rotating paddle in a solidifying cylindrical cast-
ing. By measuring the torque on the paddle, he
was able to measure the point during solidifica-
tion when the semisolid “mush” started to jell,
or became stiff. He called this transition point
dendrite coherency. Coherency indicates the
time when solid grains start to connect with
each other to reduce feeding. Chai’s measure-
ments showed that grain-refiner additions delay
the onset of dendrite coherence. Figure 13 pres-
ents results obtained for an Al-4%Cu alloy
solidified at two different cooling rates. With-
out grain refinement, dendrite coherency occurs
at 25% solid; with grain refinement, coherency
occurs at 50% solid. This means that a grain-
refined riser behaves like a liquid nearly twice
1000 mm as long as a nonrefined riser. The measurements
of Chai were later duplicated in other alloys by
Fig. 11 Grain structure in an A356 alloy casting Arnberg and Backerud (Ref 27).

Aluminum-Magnesium Casting Alloys. possible to reduce the titanium content of alu- Concluding Remarks
The 5xx casting alloys provide extremely good minum-magnesium alloys without affecting
corrosion resistance and moderate strength castability when boron is used as a refiner. This review of grain refinement in aluminum
without heat treatment. They are commonly casting alloys has shown that the large titanium
used in marine and architectural applications. additions commonly used, and often specified,
The alloys are not easy to cast. The high mag- Benefits of Grain Refinement are primarily an historical artifact. Titanium
nesium content produces a thick, sticky oxide was used by itself for nearly 40 years, and with
film on the melt, and castings are susceptible Grain refinement tends to reduce both the this practice, large additions are needed for
to hot cracking and shrinkage. The Aluminum amount of porosity and the size of the pores good results. Now that powerful Al-Ti-B
Association chemical composition limits estab- in casting alloys. The reason for this may be refiners are available, however, there is no lon-
lished for these alloys have relatively high seen by careful examination of the structure in ger any reason (with one exception) for large
upper limits for titanium; in three alloys (516, a casting (Fig. 11). In 356 alloy, the first 50 or titanium additions. Lower titanium contents
520, and 535), a minimum content of 0.10% 60% of the solidification process is taken up eliminate the tendency for sludge formation,
Ti is specified. by the formation and growth of aluminum and, in some alloys, a smaller grain size and
Sigworth (Ref 24) conducted a study of the grains. Then, a film of aluminum-silicon eutec- improved resistance to hot cracking are found.
grain refinement of Al-7%Mg (535) alloy. tic forms around the aluminum dendrites. Gas The first key to an improved understanding
Two alloys were prepared, having the same porosity typically forms during the last 5 to of grain refinement is to realize that titanium
composition except for the soluble titanium. 10% of the solidification process. Thus, gas can be present in two different forms: as soluble
The chemistry of the two alloys is given in must fit into the spaces available between the and insoluble particles. The soluble form is
Table 2. aluminum dendrites and solidified eutectic. called titanium in this article. The insoluble
To each alloy, an addition of 30 ppm boron (The pores are seen as black areas between den- form is called boron, since insoluble titanium
was made in the form of Al-3%Ti-1%B master dritic grains in Fig. 11.) When the grain size is is present as titanium diboride. The second
alloy. Grain size samples were taken by using reduced, the size of the spaces available for key is to realize that boron (boride particles)
the test specified by the Aluminum Association. pores is also reduced. The consequence is is an extremely powerful nucleant in all casting
The resulting grain size, as measured by the a smaller pore size. alloys. Boron is much more effective than tita-
average intercept distance, is shown in Table 3. Figure 12 shows a plot of measured pore size nium. Thus, it makes more sense to say that
Since the statistical (1s) error associated in directionally solidified A356 alloy castings grain refinement is accomplished with boron.
with the determination of grain size is approxi- (Ref 25). By comparing curves 1 and 3 of this It then becomes a question of which combi-
mately 10%, for all practical purposes, the two figure, one can see that grain refinement nation of titanium and boron gives the best
alloys have the same grain size. Thus, it appears reduces the size of pores formed. (Rapid solid- results. The answer depends on the alloy system.
the soluble titanium has little effect in 5xx ification also reduces pore size.) The result is A brief summary is offered as follows:
alloys. This result is similar to that found previ- an improved fatigue life for the casting.
ously for Al-Si and Al-Si-Mg alloys, such as The other major benefit of grain refinement is  Low titanium is best: The Al-Cu and Al-Zn-
356 and 357. In other words, it should be improved feeding and a reduced tendency for Mg alloys give best results when the soluble

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Grain Refinement of Aluminum Casting Alloys / 261

100 As noted previously, titanium diboride parti-

cles are virtually insoluble in molten aluminum.
(2) They are more dense than the metal, however,
(1) and will settle from the melt. Sedimentation
can be rapid if there is no stirring (Ref 28).
(3) The result will be a loss of grain refinement,
usually called fade. For this reason, it is useful
to provide a small amount of gentle stirring in
Equivalent average pore

holding furnaces. When stirring is present to

diameter (dp), μm

prevent sedimentation, borides will provide

(4) grain refinement for long times in foundry
10 alloys.
A356 alloy In this article, the advantages and disadvan-
tages of the various commercial Al-Ti-B master
alloys have not been considered. The interested
Casting # H2 content (cc/100g) * Non-grain-refined
reader is referred instead to the excellent review
** Grain-refined
(5) 0.31*** *** Grain-refined and modified
by Spittle (Ref 29). He concluded that, when
(2) 0.31** different refiners are compared on the basis
(1) 0.25* of the amount of boron added, the popular
(3) 0.25** Al-5Ti-1B alloy usually gives the most consis-
(4) 0.11** tent refinement.
Cooling rate, ⬚C/s
The authors wish to acknowledge Alcoa
Fig. 12 Pore size in A356 alloy castings. Source: Ref 25 Primary Metals, whose support made this study

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