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REVISED edition for Ramadhan 2021

March 2021 - Electronic Edition Version 2.0

Copyright © 2021 - IslamNelson
All Rights Reserved*

No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any
form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise for business purposes without the
prior written permission of the copyright owner; *Except for one who wishes to charitably print and freely distribute this
publication, “as is” - strictly without change, solely seeking the Pleasure of Allah – and referencing IslamNelson.

“So whoever hopes for the meeting with his Lord, let him work righteousness and associate none
as a partner in the worship of his Lord.” The Noble Quraan - Soorah al-Kahf, Aayah 110

If any individual or organisation would like to publish this booklet, please contact us at:

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This booklet is FREE, however we would encourage you to donate just £2 voluntarily, to help set up a NEW masjid called
Masjid Sunnah in Nelson, Lancashire, UK. It will be the first masjid of its kind in the local area where all the Khutbahs
and activities will be in English to cater for all ethnicities. There will be a particular focus on meeting the needs of young
people. To find out more and donate visit:

The accompanying answer booklet can be found on our website

Ramadhan Day 1 Pillars of Islam
Ramadhan Day 2 Ramadhan Decorations
Ramadhan Day 3 Five Daily Prayers
Ramadhan Day 4 Our Parents
Ramadhan Day 5 Islamic Message (Design a T-shirt)
Ramadhan Day 6 School Assembly
Ramadhan Day 7 Ramadhan Word Search Puzzle
Ramadhan Day 8 The Spirit of Islam
Ramadhan Day 9 The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬and His Family
Ramadhan Day 10 Ramadhan Crossword Puzzle
Ramadhan Day 11 Design Your Own Invention
Ramadhan Day 12 Dot to Dot Puzzle
Ramadhan Day 13 Valid Excuses For Not Fasting
Ramadhan Day 14 Helping Others
Ramadhan Day 15 Dangers of Shirk
Ramadhan Day 16 Maze Puzzle
Ramadhan Day 17 Suhoor Meal
Ramadhan Day 18 Recognising Opposites
Ramadhan Day 19 Taking Precautions
Ramadhan Day 20 Laylatul Qadar (The Night of Power)
Ramadhan Day 21 Planting and Sowing in Islam
Ramadhan Day 22 The Strong Believer
Ramadhan Day 23 A Million Pounds!
Ramadhan Day 24 Memorise Part of an Ayah
Ramadhan Day 25 Prophets in Islam
Ramadhan Day 26 Eid Clothes
Ramadhan Day 27 Muslim Countries
Ramadhan Day 28 Eid Bunting
Ramadhan Day 29 Islam in Numbers
Ramadhan Day 30 Eid Day!
Introduction for Parents.

In the name of Allah the Most Merciful, the Bestower of Mercy.

This year the Muslim world will live through another unique Ramadhan. We will experience this blessed month in
relative isolation from our communities, friends and in many cases even family members. We will experience a
Ramadhan without some of the distinctions which ordinarily make Ramadhan so special.

Our Ramadhan will be largely restricted to our own homes, with only our closest family members as close company. As
Muslims, we believe all this is due to a wisdom which only Allah knows – perhaps this will cause us to appreciate our
Islam, communities and the Masaajid even more.

In such situations, the Muslims must pull together and help each other, in line with the saying of Allah,
{By time, Indeed, mankind is in loss, Except for those who have believed and done righteous deeds and advised each
other to truth and advised each other to patience} [Soorah Al-Asr]

This booklet has been compiled (and updated for Ramadhan 2021) in an effort to make our children’s Ramadhan more
fruitful. It has been designed for 7 to 11 year olds, however if your child is younger or not able to read fluently, they can
still benefit from the booklet if you help them with the reading and understanding. There are 30 different activities, one
for each day of Ramadhan and should only take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete. After completing each of the
quizzes or puzzles, encourage your child to check the answers (in the answer booklet, found on our website: straight away and make corrections in a different coloured pen. The corrections will
then stand out so they can review and learn from their mistakes.

In ending, I would like to thank my wife for proof reading the draft and advising me on some alterations. I must also
thank my children for their input and help. Any remaining mistakes are from myself and shaytaan. May Allah accept this
humble effort.

Of course, no book is perfect – asides the noble book of Allah, so if you have any thoughts, find any mistakes or you
have suggestions for future versions, we would welcome them. Please email us your thoughts to:

Abu Mus’ab
Nelson, Lancashire, UK
16th March 2021

Why do we fast?
We have to always remind ourselves that we are fasting for the sake of Allah alone, to please Him and to
attain reward from Him.

What is the benefit of fasting?

The main benefit is for us to become better Muslims. Whilst we are fasting, it’s not just about not
eating and drinking, but we have to control what we say, what we listen to and what we watch.

What other acts of worship can I do during Ramadhan?

Ramadhan is known as the month of the Qur’an. This is because in Ramadhan, we fast and we also
increase how much Qur’an we read. Many people finish reciting the Qur’an a few times during Ramadhan.
So set yourself a target – how much will you finish?
We should also make as much Dua as we can whilst we are fasting, always remember Allah, say Dhikr and
fulfil all our Prayers.

Are there any special times to make Dua in Ramadhan?

We can make Dua anytime in the day and night, however there are some special times for Dua as well.
They include: before breaking the fast, in your Sujood and after the Adhan.

Who should I make Dua for?

Make Dua for yourself, and make Dua for every person you love. Firstly, your parents and also brothers
and sisters, grandparents, and all your relatives. Do not forget your friends and neighbours. If you know
of an ill, lonely or poor person, make Dua for them.

How can I be a better Muslim during Ramadhan?

Think about which actions please Allah – do them. Think about which actions makes Allah angry – do not
do them. Also, try to learn and read more about Islam.

How can I have a healthy Ramadhan?

During long hot days, you have to make sure you drink plenty of water before you begin your fast and
after you break your fast. Make sure you eat your Suhoor meal, do not over eat at Iftar time and swap
fizzy drinks for water. Also remember to eat a variety of fruits and vegetables.

The most important actions of Islam are known as the 5 pillars of Islam. As soon
as we are old enough, we have to make sure we do them.

From the list below, tick the 5 pillars of Islam. Then, on a separate piece
of paper, draw a small picture that represents each pillar.

Being a good person Paying Zakah (Charity)

Fasting in Ramadhan Reading the Qur’an

Praying 5 times a day Helping your parents

Shahadah: Believing that none has the right to be worshipped except Allah
alone and Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬is His messenger.

Hajj Going shopping with mum

Once you have finished drawing the pictures, ask an adult in your home to
guess which picture matches with each pillar.

How many did they guess correctly?

Thought of the day

Every time you make Dua, do not forget the

most important people in your life – your
Which Dua will you make for them next time?

It is important that our houses are always clean and tidy, and smelling nice. When
there is a happy event such as Eid or a new baby, we can make our houses nice by
decorating them. We can also decorate our houses when Ramadhan comes.

Today, we are going to make our own decorative paper lantern!

You will need:

1) A4 card (or Paper)
2) Stapler (or Glue/Glue stick/Sellotape)
3) Scissors

Ask an adult to log onto the following address:

After scrolling down the page, you will find our 5 minute video demonstrating how
to make the lantern in just 6 easy steps.

Written Instructions:

Step 1: Layout the A4 sheet as landscape.

Step 2: Cut out a 2cm strip from the shorter end.

Step 3: Fold the main sheet in half along the long edge.

Step 4: Make cuts 2cm apart on the folded side.

Step 5: Open the sheet and staple (or glue) together the shorter

Step 6: Use the strip to make the handle by stapling each end to
the top of the lantern.

Thought of the day

Cleaning the house is not only your mum’s

responsibility, we have to all do our share of
the work.
What can you do every day to make the
cleaning easier?

In Arabic, the 5 Daily Prayers are called Salah. The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said
regarding them, “The difference between us (Muslims) and them (non-Muslims)
is the Salah. Whoever leaves it has disbelieved.” [1]
When you are 7 years old you have to start praying regularly, and after 10 years
old you are not allowed to miss a Prayer. This is because the prayer is one of the
main differences between a Muslim and a non-Muslim.

In the boxes on the left, write the 5 daily prayers in order. Next, match
each prayer with the correct number of Fardh Raka’aat by drawing a line
between the boxes on the left with the numbered boxes on the right.

Reminder of spellings: Isha - Maghrib - Fajr - Dhuhr - Asr

1st Salah: 4 Raka’aat

2nd Salah: 4 Raka’aat

3rd Salah: 2 Raka’aat

4th Salah: 4 Raka’aat

5th Salah: 3 Raka’aat

Thought of the day

When you stand to pray, remember you are

praying to Allah; when you say anything in
Salah, you are saying it to Allah. Remember
that every time you are about to pray.

Our Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The pleasure of the Lord is in the pleasure of the
parents, and the displeasure of the Lord is in the displeasure of the parents.” [2]
This means that when your parents are pleased and happy with you then Allah is
also pleased and happy with you. If your parents are angry and not happy with you
then Allah is also angry and not happy with you.

Today, make your parents extra happy by writing them a small thank you
note for all the things they have done for you.

You could begin with:

Dear parents, ..………………………………………..........








Thought of the day

Whatever we do for our parents, we will never be

able to repay them for the amount of goodness
they have done for us. But try to do a small kind
action for them every day, and never forget them
in your Duas.

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬used to always encourage people to do good actions, and there are
different ways to encourage people to do good.

Today we are going to Design a T-shirt so it has an Islamic message to

encourage people to do a good deed that is pleasing to Allah.

Thought of the day

Remember, actions speak louder than words.

What actions can you think of that you could
perform so it gives people an Islamic message?

Ask an adult to log onto

Scroll down to ‘Assembly Oct’ 19’

Read the 5 questions below first.

Next, listen to this 12 minute assembly by

Ustadh Abul Abbaas Naveed.

Answer the questions as you are

listening. (You may need to pause the

Q1) What will happen if, in this life, we behave as good Muslims?


Q2) How do you become a good Muslim?


Q3) Is it better to read 10 pages of the Qur’an once a month or half a page every
day? (Tick the correct answer below)

10 Pages once a month Half a page a day

Q4) In the assembly a child called Musa mentioned a good action that can be done
regularly (all the time). What did he say?


Q5) What did Ustadh Abul Abbaas say was a good deed that was easier than all
the things the children said?












Learn these words, they will come up again later in this booklet:

Tawheed: Worshiping Allah alone. The opposite of Tawheed is ‘Shirk’.

Suhoor: Early morning meal you have (before Fajr prayer) when you are fasting.

Iftar: The meal you have (at the time of Maghrib prayer) when breaking the fast.

Taraweeh: The late evening prayers during Ramadhan.

Sunnah: This means ‘a way’. For example the Sunnah (way) of Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.

Hadith: What the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, did or allowed.

Thought of the day

Every Muslim has to learn about Islam, so do lots of
reading, listen to Islamic audios and even watch
Islamic videos. Try to learn something new every day.

Ramadhan is a special month, which means we have to behave much differently in

Ramadhan. We should try to do more Islamic things, and stay away from bad

Draw an up arrow next to those things which we should do even more of

during Ramadhan and draw a down arrow next to the things we should do
less of or not at all. One has been completed for you.

Window shopping Sleeping all day

Playing computer games Watching films & cartoons

Speaking nicely Reading Qur’an

Showing kindness Helping others

Being on the phone all day Remembering Allah (Dhikr)

Taraweeh Fighting

Arguing Lying

Can you think of 5 more tasks that should be increased and 5 that should be
decreased this month?

Thought of the day

What is the point in not eating and drinking during
Ramadhan, if a person says bad words and does not pray?
This is why the Prophet said, “Whoever does not leave
false speech and evil actions, Allah is not in need of his
leaving food and drink .” [3][3]

If we really love our Prophet ‫ﷺ‬, we should learn about him. Let’s see how much we
know about his family.
Fill in the Prophet’s ‫ ﷺ‬family tree using the clues and names below and add
them to their correct position.
Abdil Mutalib’s daughter in law is Aminah. Her husband is Abdullah. Umm Kulthoom’s nephew is
Hussein and her sister is Fatimah. Hassan is Hussein’s brother. Ibraheem is the grandson of Aminah
and he is also the brother of Abdullah. Ruqayyah and Zainab are the sisters of Al-Qasim.

Zainab Hussein Abdullah

Ruqayyah Hassan Fatimah

His Grandfather
Abdullah Abdil Mutalib Al-Qasim

Umm Kulthoom Aminah Ibraheem

His Mother His Father

Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬

His Daughter His Daughter His Daughter His Daughter


His Son His Son His Son

His Grandson His Grandson

Thought of the day

The more you learn about the Prophet, the more you will love
and admire him. Learning about his life is called the Seerah.
Think about buying a good Seerah book? Or listen to a series
of lessons on his biography here:

Complete the crossword puzzle using the clues. Use a pencil, in case you
make a mistake.





2 The morning meal in Ramadhan. 1 Allah’s words revealed to the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬

6 A day celebrated after Ramadhan. 3 The month of fasting.

7 The meal when breaking your fast. 4 What the Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, did or
8 Late evening prayers during Ramadhan.
5 Singling out Allah alone in worship.

Thought of the day

Good friends in this life will be together in the next
life, in Paradise (inshaAllah). Think about your closest
friend. What do you like about them? Why are they a
good friend? How could you be a better friend to them?

Muslims have a long history of inventing things. Did you know the first camera,
windmill, soap and even the numbers we all write were invented by Muslims.

Today, you are going to design an invention which is going to change the world! This could
be a helpful machine that would make life easier or solve a problem people face, such as a
faster way of travelling. Draw and label your idea below.

Take a photo of it & email it to together with your

Name, age & city for a chance to win a £10 cash prize for the best submission.
Submission deadline: 20th Ramadhan.

Thought of the day

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The most beloved people to Allah
are those who are most beneficial to people…” [4]

This includes being helpful to all people, Muslims and


Use a ruler and a pencil to complete this dot to dot activity to reveal
the image. Start from 1 in the bottom left and continue to 94. After
you have finished, colour it in to make it look even more beautiful.

Thought of the day

In the sight of Allah, the best places on earth
are the Masaajid.

Do you attend your local Masjid often?


Some Muslims do not have to fast.

Draw a tick next to the people mentioned below who do not need to fast.

Someone who is sick and Someone feeling a little

will be harmed by fasting hungry

A traveller A young child

A person who is very old

A busy person
and fasts with difficulty

Someone who is feeling Someone feeling a little

lazy thirsty

However, anyone who misses a fast should make it up after Ramadhan if they

If they are not able to make it up (for example if they have a long-term illness or
are very old and will find it too difficult), then they should feed a poor person for
every fast they missed in Ramadhan.

Thought of the day

The prophet ‫ ﷺ‬encouraged us to make things easy for
people and not make things difficult.

Do you help make things easy for people?


The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: “…Allah helps the servant as long as he helps his
brother…” [5]
This means if you keep helping your Muslim brother or sister then Allah will keep
helping you. This includes helping your family.

On this 14th day of Ramadhan, do at least one extra thing to help your family
without them having to ask you. There are some ideas below.

❖ Wash up

❖ Help set the table

❖ Help your parents feel happy by hugging them

❖ Clean a room in your home

❖ Take care of your younger brother or sister by playing a game they like

❖ Ask your parents to phone your grandparents so you can speak to them and
help make them happy

❖ Ask your parents what you could do to help them today

❖ Add your own helpful idea here: ………………………………………………………………………………

Draw a tick next to the helpful thing you did today.

Thought of the day

As we learnt earlier in this booklet, the best actions
are those we do regularly.

Which of the actions above will you begin to do more


Qur’an: “Indeed, Allah does not forgive association [shirk] with Him, but He forgives
what is less than that for whom He wills. And he who associates others with Allah has
certainly fabricated a tremendous sin”. [4:48]

This means that shirk (making partners with Allah) is such a bad thing that Allah
will not forgive someone who does this if they do not ask for forgiveness before
they pass away. Although, Allah may forgive us for some of the other bad things
we may do.

Can you tell the difference between some of the 5 different types of shirk
below and other bad things that are not shirk?

Make a line between the ‘shirk’ box in the middle and its different types.
One has been completed for you.

Loving someone or Making dua FOR

something like you love Stealing
a dead person

Lying Making dua TO

a dead person

Wearing something
around the neck
thinking it will
protect you

Believing someone,
other than Allah, can
Believing someone
Fighting give life or cause death
knows the future

Thought of the day

Shirk is so bad that Allah will not forgive the one who
does it. There are many different types of Shirk.
It is important we study this subject in detail so that
we can always stay away from all types of Shirk.

Can you help little Mus’ab quickly escape the market place and find his way
to the Masjid on time for the prayer?

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said: “Whoever purifies himself in his house then walks
to one of the houses of Allah in order to perform one of the duties enjoined by
Allah, for every two steps he takes, one will erase a sin and the other will raise
him one degree in status”[6]

Thought of the day

Remember this hadith every time you make wudu in your house
then walk to the Masjid, for example, to pray. Insha’Allah
every two steps you take, Allah will forgive you for something
bad that you did & He will increase your position.

As we are now more than half way through Ramadhan, some people may begin to
feel lazy and not get up in time to have the Suhoor meal before fasting.

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The Suhoor is a blessed meal, so do not

abandon it even if you take only a sip of water. Verily, Allah and his angels send
blessings upon those who take the Suhoor.” [7]

Draw your own Suhoor meal below. Remember to keep it healthy!

Thought of the day

Along with following the Sunnah, there is lots of wisdom in
taking the Suhoor meal.

It gives us strength to worship Allah & helps us avoid a bad

mood due to being very hungry. Can you think of others?

Using a pencil and ruler, draw a line to match each of the words on the left
to its ‘opposite’ on the right. One has been completed for you.

Tawheed Bida’h

Fajr Eid

Ramadhan Shirk

Sunnah Jahanam

Halal Isha

Jannah Iftar

Masjid Market Place

Fardh Haraam

Suhoor Nafal

Thought of the day

It is useful to learn about the opposites to good
actions so that we can stay away from these.

A man said, “O Messenger of Allah, should I tie my camel and trust in Allah, or should I
leave her untied and trust in Allah?” The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “Tie her and trust in Allah.” [8]

This shows we should always trust Allah in helping and keeping us safe. However,
at the same time, we must also be careful and do what we are able to do ourselves
(take precautions) to keep us safe.

Can you circle at least 10 dangerous hazards in little Nusaybah’s family

kitchen to help keep her and her family safe?

Thought of the day

How can you help keep things safe in your home?

Think of things that may seem safe but could potentially

be a cause of danger. Do what you can to reduce the

Laylatul Qadar is a special night that could be on any odd night in the last 10
nights of Ramadhan. It is better than 1000 months! We should do extra good
deeds on these nights, hoping one of them will be Laylatul Qadar, so that we may
be rewarded hugely by Allah.

Put an up arrow next to the things which we could do even more of during
the odd nights of Ramadhan and put a down arrow next to the things we
should do less of or not at all.

Stay up late to talk to

Make extra dua

Pray Nawafil prayers Ask Allah to forgive us

Sleep longer on this

Read extra Qur’an

Read the dua: Laa illaha Making Dhikr

illa anta subhanaka ini (remembering Allah)
kuntu minaz-zalimeen

Thought of the day

Because it is the 20th day of Ramadhan today, tonight
will be the first odd night of the last 10 days of the
month (21st night of Ramadhan).

What extra worship will you do tonight?


The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “There is no Muslim who plants a tree or sows
seeds and then a bird, or a person, or an animal eats from it except that it is
regarded as a charity for him.” [9]

This shows that growing plants and trees from which living creatures eat, is
something Allah loves for us to do and He will reward us for it.

Plan your own garden by drawing fruits and vegetables you would like to
grow in the two rows of vegetable patches above.

Thought of the day

Why not gain extra reward on this day of Ramadhan
by growing your own plant? Take the seed from an
apple and plant it in a small pot. Later, once it sprouts,
you can move it into a garden.

The Prophet Muhammad ‫ ﷺ‬said, “The strong believer is more beloved to Allah
than the weak believer, but there is goodness in both of them...” [10]
Draw a tick next to things that make us stronger (physically & mentally) &
a cross next to those that make us weaker. Two have been completed.

Riding a bike Being sad

Using a car for short Always trusting Allah


Controlling our anger Sleeping too much

Eating healthy Eating too much

Eating lots of sweets Going to bed late

Exercising Walking

Eating fruit and Drinking fizzy drinks


Drinking water Being positive

Following the Sunnah Playing computer

of the Prophet ‫ﷺ‬ games for hours

Thought of the day

Which of the above actions will you begin to do more
regularly so you can become a stronger believer?

List or draw what you would do to help make the world a better
place, if Allah made you very rich and blessed you with a million
pounds! Start off by deciding on amazing Eid gifts for your family.

Thought of the day

Imam as-Shaafi’ said in a poem: If you have a content
(happy heart), then you and the one who owns
everything in the world are equal. [10]

Qur’an: “So remember Me; I will remember you…” [2:152]

This means as long as we remember Allah then Allah will remember us. When Allah
remembers us, He will help us and keep us safe and happy.

Fazkurooni Azkurkum

Learn and memorise the words above from the Qur’an (in Arabic and in
English), so it will help you remember Allah more. Ask your parents to test
you on it for the next 3 days.

Thought of the day

Tonight will be another odd night of Ramadhan. Try to
remember Allah more.

Using a ruler, draw a line to match each of the correct Arabic

pronunciations with the way some English speakers refer to the names of
some Prophets. One has been completed for you.

Moosa Adam

Aadam Noah

Nooh Jesus

Eesa Moses

Ibraheem Abraham

Yaqoob David

Ishaaq Ishmael

Sulaymaan Solomon

Dawood Isaac

Ismaeel Jacob

Thought of the day

Allah sent 124,000 prophets. He only taught us the
names of some of them.

Can you think of the names of any other prophets that

are not mentioned above?
We are in theDAY
days of Ramadhan now. Soon, it will be Eid.

On the day of Eid we should wear our best clothes.

On the hanger draw what you will, inshaaAllah, wear on Eid.

Thought of the day

Did you know boys are not allowed to wear gold
jewellery or silk material.

The Prophet ‫ ﷺ‬said, “These two [gold and silk]

are forbidden for the males of my ummah and
permissible for the females” [12]

Draw a tick next to the countries where most of the people are Muslims.
One has been completed for you.

Somalia Saudi Arabia

America Egypt

Malaysia Britain

Senegal Australia

France Japan

Pakistan Turkey

Turkmenistan Morocco

Syria Germany

Spain Sudan

Thought of the day

Indonesia has the most Muslims of any country with 225
million Muslims! Altogether, approximately 2 billion
Muslims all over the world have been fasting this month
of Ramadhan; all hoping to please Allah.

Do you remember to include all the Muslims in your duas,

just as other Muslims make dua for you?

Get yourself and your family in celebratory mood by designing and

creating your own Eid bunting! Use several A4 plain paper sheets to
trace the outline below. Design each one, cut it out, fold it over some
string, glue it down and hang up the bunting against a wall or window.

Fold here Fold here

Thought of the day

Not only do we enjoy the day of Eid by
celebrating but we also get rewarded by
Allah for doing so. What an amazing blessing!

Using a ruler, draw a line to match each of the sentences on the left to the
correct number on the right. One has been completed for you.

Daily Salah (prayers)


Tawaaf around the Kaaba

29 or 30

Eids in a year

Pillars of Islam

Our Lord

Chapters (Juzz) in the Qur’an


Surahs in the Qur’an


Fasts in Ramadhan

Holy cities in Islam


Percentage of Zakah we must pay


Thought of the day

Did you know most Muslims are not able to
visit the 3rd holiest city in Islam?

Find out from your parents why this is.


Draw a tick next to the things mentioned below which we should do on

Eid-ul-Fitr according to the Sunnah of the Prophet Muhammad ‫ﷺ‬.

Recite the Takbiraat March through the

streets to celebrate

Drink milk before Pray 2 Rak’ahs before

leaving for the Eid leaving for the Eid
prayer prayer

Pray the Eid prayer Run to the Eid prayer

Eat odd number of Pray 2 Rak’ahs at home

dates before leaving after returning from
for the Eid prayer the Eid prayer

Pay Zakat-ul-Fitr Use different routes

before the Eid when going to and
prayer returning from the Eid
Well done on completing your Ramadhan fun activity booklet! May Allah accept
your and our efforts during Ramadhan. Taqabal Allah Minna wa Minkum!

Eid Mubarak!

Thought of the day

Sadly, Ramadhan is now over.

What good habits from Ramadhan will you

now continue with after Ramadhan?
[1] Sunan an-Nasaa'ee 464
[2] Sunan al-Tirmidhi 1899. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to al-Albani.
[3] Sahih al-Bukhari 1804.
[4] Al-Muʻjam al-Awsaṭ 6192. Grade: Sahih (authentic) according to al-Albani.
[5] Sahih Muslim 2699.
[6] Sahih Muslim 666.
[7] Musnad Ahmad 11003.
[8] Sunan al-Tirmidhi 2517. Grade: Hasan (fair) according to al-Albani.
[9] Sahih al-Bukhari 2195.
[10] Sahih Muslim 2664.
[11] Imam as-Shaafi’s poem ‘Let the Days go Forth’
[12] Narrated by Ibn Maajah, 3640. Grade: Sahih (authentic) by al-Albani in Sahih Ibn Maajah.

The answer booklet can be found on

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