The Developmental Origins of Anxiety: Cornelius Gross and Rene Hen

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Cornelius Gross* and Rene Hen‡
Anxiety is a mental state that is elicited in anticipation of threat or potential threat. Sensations of
anxiety are a normal part of human experience, but excessive or inappropriate anxiety can
become an illness. In this review, we consider the evidence for anxiety as a product of early
environmental experiences, the impacts of which are modulated by genetic susceptibility factors.
We propose that such interactions can induce persistent structural and functional changes in the
brain that underlie susceptibility to anxiety. Investigation of the molecular nature of these factors
and the plastic changes that they induce has the potential to reveal why different individuals
experience different levels of anxiety.

OBSESSIVE–COMPULSIVE Anxiety is accompanied by a characteristic set of traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and OBSESSIVE–COMPULSIVE
DISORDER behavioural and physiological responses including DISORDER (OCD). Together, these disorders affect over
A psychological disorder in avoidance, vigilance and arousal, which evolved to pro- 20% of the population at some point in their lifetime,
which the person is burdened by
tect the individual from danger. These anxiety-related with an annual estimated cost of $44 billion in the
recurrent, persistent thoughts or
ideas, and/or feels compelled to responses have been described in higher animals, and United States alone2. Despite the wide range of anxieties
carry out a repetitive, ritualized seem to be part of a universal mechanism by which encompassed by these six disorders, all probably share
behaviour. Anxiety is increased organisms adapt to adverse conditions. common behavioural and physiological characteristics.
by attempts to resist the A growing body of data indicates that human This hypothesis stems mainly from the fact that
compulsion and is relieved by
giving way to it.
susceptibility to mood disorders such as depression most anxiety disorders respond to a similar spectrum of
and anxiety can be determined early in life. These data pharmacological treatments (TABLE 1).
support the view that early developmental mecha- In this review, we discuss the evidence supporting the
nisms can set the lifelong tendency of an organism to idea that increased susceptibility to the expression
express anxiety in response to threatening stimuli. of anxiety-related behaviour in humans, primates and
Such developmental mechanisms are under both rodents is the result of abnormal development. Our
genetic and environmental control. Studies of anxiety- review focuses on recent studies that highlight the impor-
related behaviour in monkeys and rodents support the tant interplay between genetic and early environmental
*Mouse Biology Programme,
important role of gene–environment interactions in factors in modulating anxiety-related behaviour.
European Molecular Biology the aetiology of anxiety.
Laboratory, Via Ramarini 32, In its non-pathological form, anxiety can be divided Physiology of anxiety
00016 Monterotondo into two categories: state anxiety, a measure of the Excessive anxiety has been treated primarily with drugs
(Rome), Italy. immediate, or acute, level of anxiety; and trait anxiety, that have calming properties, including alcohol, barbitu-

Center for Neurobiology
and Behavior, Columbia which reflects the long-term tendency of an individual rates, opiates, beta-blockers and benzodiazepines3. Of
University, 722 West 168th to show an increased anxiety response. In its patho- these, the benzodiazepines are the most specific and
Street, New York, New York logical form, anxiety can severely interfere with normal effective, and are therefore widely used to treat both nor-
10032, USA. life, and has been classified into six disorders described mal and pathological anxiety. Benzodiazepines increase
e-mails: cornelius.gross@;
in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American the potency of the main inhibitory neurotransmitter in Psychiatric Association1: generalized anxiety disorder, the brain, GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid), by modulating
doi:10.1038/nrn1429 social phobia, simple phobia, panic disorder, post- the function of GABAA receptors4. On the basis of the



Table 1 | Categories of anxiety disorders, their prevalence and most common treatments*
Disorder Symptoms Lifetime prevalence (%) Treatments
Generalized anxiety Unrealistic, excessive and long-lasting 5 Benzodiazepines, SSRIs,
worry, motor tension, restlessness, venlafaxine, buspirone,
irritability, difficulty sleeping, hypervigilance cognitive/behavioural therapy
Panic disorder Brief, recurrent, unexpected episodes of terror 3 SSRIs, benzodiazepines,
(often associated with (peak within 10 min), sympathetic crises, cognitive/behavioural therapy
agoraphobia) dyspnoea (shortness of breath), fear of dying
and losing control, de-realization
Post-traumatic stress Following an extremely stressful event (involving 3 SSRIs, cognitive/behavioural
disorder actual or threatened injury), recurrent episodes therapy
of fear often triggered by reminders of initial trauma
(re-experiencing and avoidance), autonomic arousal
Social phobia Aversion, fear, autonomic arousal in unfamiliar 13 SSRIs, benzodiazepines,
social settings cognitive/behavioural therapy
Specific phobia Aversion, fear, autonomic arousal in specific 11 Behavioural therapy (exposure)
situations (exposure to animals, blood and so on)
Obsessive–compulsive Recurrent obsessions and compulsions: 2 SSRIs, behavioural therapy
disorder obsessions are persistent, intrusive or
inappropriate thoughts that cause anxiety;
compulsions are repetitive acts that the sufferer
feels driven to perform to alleviate anxiety
*As described in DSM-IV (REF. 1) and in REF. 76. DSM-IV, Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association Vol 4; SSRI, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor.

effectiveness of GABA-enhancing drugs, it has been pro- An important difference between the modes of action
posed that excessive excitatory neurotransmission is an of benzodiazepines and SSRIs is their kinetics in the
important physiological hallmark of anxiety5. However, brain. Benzodiazepines act rapidly, within minutes of
the precise anatomical location and nature of this brain administration, whereas SSRIs act much more slowly. The
hyperexcitability are not known. Functional magnetic therapeutic effects of SSRIs only become apparent
resonance imaging (fMRI) studies of humans with anxi- between two and four weeks after the commencement of
ety disorders have revealed increased baseline activity in treatment. This slow therapeutic onset implies that the
the cingulate cortex and parahippocampal gyrus6, and anxiolytic effect of SSRIs depends on inducing gradual
increased brain activity in response to anxiety-provoking changes in brain structure or function14. In serotonergic
stimuli in the AMYGDALA, parahippocampal gyrus and neurons, slow desensitization of auto-receptors con-
frontal cortex (reviewed in REF. 7). Consistent with imag- tributes to a gradual increase in 5-HT neurotransmission
ing data, surgical removal of portions of the cingulate following SSRI treatment15. In the forebrain, the expres-
cortex is an effective treatment for refractory OCD8. sion profile of several molecular markers gradually
Together, these studies indicate that the forebrain might changes during SSRI treatment. Recently, proliferation of
be a site of increased excitatory neurotransmission new neurons in the rodent hippocampus has been shown
in anxiety disorders. Studies of mice with genetically to contribute to the behavioural effects of SSRIs16,17. Such
engineered GABAA receptors that specifically lack the plastic changes could be the mechanism by which these
benzodiazepine-binding site showed that GABAA recep- drugs counteract the excessive excitability that is associ-
tors that contain the α2 subunit and that are located in ated with anxiety disorders.
the hippocampus, cortex and amygdala are primarily
responsible for the anxiolytic effects of these drugs9 (see Gene–environment interactions and anxiety
REF. 10 for a review of animal models of anxiety). Individuals seem to have a rather consistent level of trait
In the past two decades, another class of drugs, the anxiety over their lifetime18–20, indicating that the degree of
selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs), have anxious behaviour persists over long periods and reflects
AMYGDALA replaced the benzodiazepines as first-line treatment for fundamental differences in brain composition or wiring.
A small almond-shaped anxiety, mostly because they lack the addictive proper- Such differences in the brains of highly anxious versus less
structure, comprising 13 nuclei,
buried in the anterior medial
ties of benzodiazepines11. SSRIs, such as fluoxetine anxious individuals are likely to have developed as a result
section of each temporal lobe. hydrochloride (Prozac; Eli Lilly), sertraline (Zoloft; of differences in both the genetic makeup of individuals
Pfizer), citalopram (Celexa; Forest Pharmaceuticals) and the environment they have experienced during their
MONOZYGOTIC and paroxetine hydrochloride (Paxil; GlaxoSmithKline), life. Twin studies confirm this hypothesis. An analysis of
Twins that develop from a single
are now used effectively to treat most anxiety disorders. the incidence of anxiety disorders in MONOZYGOTIC and
fertilized egg cell through its
division into two genetically They probably act by selectively blocking the re-uptake DIZYGOTIC twins revealed that approximately 30–40% of

identical parts. of serotonin (5-HT) following its release from neurons, the variance in occurrence between individuals can be
thereby increasing the potency of 5-HT neurotransmis- attributed to genetic variation21. So, the magnitude of the
DIZYGOTIC sion in the brain12. Although the physiological conse- genetic contribution to anxiety disorders is relatively
Twins that develop during the
same pregnancy as the result of
quences of this increased potency are still not well moderate and less than that for more heritable psychiatric
two separate eggs being fertilized understood, functional imaging studies show that SSRI disorders such as schizophrenia, or neurological disorders
by two separate sperm. treatment can dampen brain excitability13. such as Huntington’s disease22,23 (FIG. 1).

546 | JULY 2004 | VOLUME 5


100 for infants carrying the s/s combination26. These data

Percent of variance due to heritable factors

indicate that this POLYMORPHISM has an important impact
on early developmental events. Despite its small overall
effect (it is estimated that the polymorphism accounts
for less than 4% of the variance in this trait24), recent
fMRI studies showed that the s/s allele combination
50 is associated with increased activity of the amygdala
during observation of fearful faces28. This finding
indicates that 5-HTT influences anxiety-related
behaviour by modulating the excitability of specific fear
circuits in the brain.
These results seem to be at odds with the therapeutic
0 efficacy of SSRIs, which block 5-HTT activity. However,
sm ed er ia m ia ’s
ici liz r rd ob lis en on e the association between genetic impairment of 5-HTT
ot e ra orde diso ph o ho p hr i n gt eas
ur n is c
l c o nt dis function and increased anxiety is supported by studies
Ne Ge ty d ani Al hiz Hu
ix e P So Sc of 5-HTT-knockout mice, which exhibit increases
a n
in anxiety-related behaviour29. Intriguingly, this
Figure 1 | A comparison of the occurrence of mental
illness in monozygotic and dizygotic twins reveals the
phenotype can be mimicked, at least partially, by
influence of genetic factors. For generalized anxiety pharmacological blockade of 5-HTT function during
disorder, panic disorder and social phobia, 30–40% of the the first two weeks of life. This indicates that modula-
variance in occurrence between individuals can be attributed to tion of 5-HTT function during development can have
genetic factors. Trait anxiety, represented by neuroticism, is the opposite effect on anxiety-related behaviours to
influenced by genetic factors to a similar degree, whereas modulation during adulthood30.
genetic contributions to the aetiology of alcoholism,
PTSD is an example of an anxiety disorder in which
schizophrenia and Huntington’s disease are greater.
environmental risk factors seem to be modulated
by genetic factors. PTSD develops in approximately
Because it is very difficult to control for differences in 15% of individuals that experience or witness severe
an individual’s environment, estimating the impact of trauma such as rape, murder or military combat. It is
environmental factors on the incidence of a phenotypic characterized by recurrent and intrusive memories of
trait is problematic. However, by assuming that twins the traumatic event that elicit intense fear and severely
raised together are exposed to significantly similar disrupt normal life. One of the most consistent findings
familial environmental factors, estimates of the in the study of PTSD is a tendency for the volume of
influence of shared environments on the prevalence of the hippocampus — a structure in the medial temporal
anxiety disorders have been calculated21. Surprisingly, lobe of the brain required for associative memory — to
these estimates are low, accounting for only about 5% decrease31. The hippocampus is easily damaged by stress
of the variation in incidence of anxiety disorders. hormones32,33, and several researchers have proposed
The apparently minor contribution of shared environ- that the decreased size of this brain region in PTSD
ment could be due to twins experiencing shared patients is a direct consequence of the chronic state of
environments differently. In addition, both shared and stress that is induced by the trauma34,35.
individual-specific experiences are likely to be modified However, recent imaging studies of twins discordant
by, or dependent on, genetic factors (gene–environment for PTSD indicate that this hypothesis is incorrect36.
interaction) or to be the product of genetic factors These researchers propose that reduced hippocampal
(gene–environment correlation). Gene–environment volume is a pre-existing condition that determines
interactions and correlations are probably particularly susceptibility to PTSD. They studied 40 pairs of mono-
important in illnesses with modest genetic components, zygotic twins — one twin had experienced combat in
One of five domains of the
NEO-Personality Inventory such as anxiety disorders. Vietnam, while the other had stayed at home. Of those
psychological assessment tool. Only a small number of genetic variations have been with combat experience, 42% developed PTSD. MRIs
Neuroticism comprises six linked to increased anxiety in humans. In several of the twins’ brains showed that hippocampal volume
facets: anxiety, depression, angry studies, a small but significant increase in anxiety was did not differ significantly between those that
hostility, self-consciousness,
impulsivity and vulnerability.
evident in both infants and adults that carry a variant of developed PTSD and their stay-at-home siblings,
the 5-HT transporter (5-HTT) gene24–26 (reviewed supporting the assertion that the reduction in
AGREEABLENESS in REF. 27). The 5-HTT gene promoter contains a hippocampal volume associated with PTSD is not a
One of five domains of the NEO- simple repeat sequence — approximately 32% of the consequence of the traumatic event or of the ensuing
Personality Inventory
Caucasian population carry two short (s) alleles disorder. Most interesting, however, was the significant
psychological assessment tool.
Agreeableness comprises six (14 repeats), 49% carry one short and one long (l) allele inverse correlation between hippocampal volume and
facets: trust, straightforwardness, (16 repeats), and 19% carry two long alleles24. the probability of developing PTSD after combat
altruism, compliance, modesty Homozygous s/s individuals have decreased cellular exposure. This correlation could explain why only
and tender-mindedness. 5-HTT activity, and score higher for NEUROTICISM and some individuals that experience trauma go on to
lower for AGREEABLENESS on a personality inventory ques- develop PTSD, and indicates that a small hippo-
Variation in DNA sequence tionnaire than s/l or l/l individuals24,25. Similar increases campus increases an individual’s susceptibility to
between individuals. in anxiety-related measures have also been documented environmental stress (FIG. 2).



Combat experience? Risk for PTSD evident, however, indicating that other, possibly genetic,
factors determine the precise pathology that is precipi-
tated by childhood trauma. In such a model, genetic risk
Twin A1 Low
factors for specific psychiatric disorders would depend
Normal brain
on environmental influences acting early during the life
with normal of the individual.
hippocampus Two particularly striking examples of such
interactions in humans were recently discovered in
Twin A2
longitudinal studies of children exposed to a violent
family environment43,44. In the first study, severe early
maltreatment was associated with a significantly
increased risk of adolescent and adult antisocial
Twin B1 High behaviour, including conduct disorder, conviction
for a violent offence and tendency to be violent.
Susceptible Furthermore, Caspi et al.43 found that the impact
brain with small
hippocampus of early maltreatment was strongly modified by a
polymorphism in the promoter of the MAOA gene,
Twin B2 Low which codes for an enzyme that metabolizes 5-HT,
dopamine and noradrenaline. In boys carrying the
low-activity allele of the MAOA gene, maltreatment is
a significant risk factor for adolescent and adult anti-
Figure 2 | Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) can develop as a result of a traumatic social behaviour, whereas maltreatment conferred no
experience, such as military combat, and is associated with a reduction in hippocampal
increased risk of antisocial behaviour on boys with the
volume. However, magnetic resonance imaging studies of monozygotic twins discordant for
combat experience and PTSD show that combat-exposed twins have similar hippocampal high-activity allele. This finding implies that the
volumes to their combat-naive siblings. In addition, lower hippocampal volume is associated with biochemical consequences of high MAOA activity are
more severe PTSD, indicating that low hippocampal volume is a predisposing factor for PTSD sufficient to protect the brain against the long-term
rather than a consequence of the disease. consequences of childhood abuse.
In a second study using the same longitudinal
cohort, rates of major depression at age 26 were found
An important question left unanswered by these to be strongly influenced by both childhood abuse and
twin studies is whether the between-twin difference in the number of stressful life events in individuals carry-
hippocampal volume has a genetic or environmental ing the s/s and l/s allele combinations of the 5-HTT
origin. The strong correlation between the hippo- promoter polymorphism, but not in those carrying the
campal volumes of monozygotic twins in this study l/l combination44. Notably, predisposition to depression
indicates that genetic factors are important. But larger was not further modified by the MAOA polymorphism,
studies that compare monozygotic and dizygotic twins indicating that there are different molecular mecha-
are necessary to determine relative genetic and environ- nisms for MAOA- and 5-HTT-mediated susceptibilities.
mental contributions. Presently, evidence from humans Given the high co-morbidity of depression and
and rodents indicates that hippocampal volume anxiety45, and the evidence for their modulation by
is determined by both genetic and environmental common genetic factors46, it is likely that predisposition
factors37–39. In primates, hippocampal circuits are estab- to anxiety disorders is also determined by developmen-
lished mid-gestation and do not attain full maturity tal influences whose impact on the brain is under
until adolescence. Hippocampal structure and function genetic control.
might be most susceptible to adverse influences during The observation that individuals are particularly
these developmental stages40. susceptible to adverse environmental influences during
early development was confirmed by animal studies that
Developmental events and adult anxiety showed the powerful effects of the quality of maternal
A large body of data indicates that human susceptibility care on lifelong emotional behaviour and brain func-
to psychopathology can be determined early in life. tioning. Replacement of the mother of an infant rhesus
Psychologists have long supposed that early-life trauma monkey with an inanimate surrogate during the first
increases the risk of psychiatric disorders developing months of life induces long-term deficiencies in peer
subsequently. This hypothesis is supported by studies in interaction and social adaptation. It is also associated
which the number of severe early traumas suffered with an increased risk of developing anxiety-related
by patients was correlated with increased risk for adult behaviours such as rocking and grooming47,48.
disease pathology, including mood disorders41,42. For Increasing the unpredictability associated with foraging
example, adults that had experienced four out of a list for food causes bonnet macaque mothers to rear
of seven severe early traumatic events had a 4.6-fold offspring that have abnormal stress hormone and fear
increased risk of developing depressive symptoms and responses in adulthood49. These studies indicate that
were 12.2-fold more likely to attempt suicide42. No early environmental trauma can directly induce long-
direct correlation between any specific childhood term changes in the brain that alter fear and anxiety-
trauma and a specific adult anxiety disorder was related responses in adulthood. In rhesus monkeys, as in

548 | JULY 2004 | VOLUME 5


Prenatal development Postnatal development Adult Anxiety risk of anxiety-related behaviour developing in the
Mother offspring55. However, the converse is not true. Offspring
of high licking-and-grooming mothers raised by
Low low licking-and-grooming mothers do not have an
increased tendency to develop anxiety-related behav-
iour. This finding indicates that genetic or intra-uterine
Mother environmental factors imparted by high licking-and-
High grooming mothers confer protection against adverse
effects of later mothering (FIG. 3). By transplanting
embryos from a high-licking strain into low-licking
Mother surrogate mothers shortly after conception, Francis
et al.56 showed that the combination of consistent pre-
natal and postnatal maternal environments is sufficient
to confer low-licking behaviour on the offspring of
high-licking mice. So, intra- and extra-uterine maternal
Mother signals can synergistically induce long-term structural
Low and functional changes in anxiety circuits.
Cross-fostering Furthermore, Francis et al.57 showed that experimen-
tally conferred high licking-and-grooming behaviour
can be passed from one generation to the next. Females
High-licking behaviour Low-licking behaviour raised by high licking-and-grooming mothers become
Figure 3 | Rats raised by mothers that display low licking-and-grooming behaviour high licking-and-grooming mothers themselves, and go
exhibit more anxiety-related behaviour than rats raised by high licking-and-grooming on to produce low-anxiety offspring, regardless of
mothers. Cross-fostering studies show that the offspring of low licking-and-grooming mothers whether their biological mother was of a low or high
raised by high licking-and-grooming mothers are less prone to anxiety-related behaviour as licking-and-grooming strain. This epigenetic inheri-
adults. This indicates that the effect is mediated by postnatal maternal environment. However, tance of anxiety-related behaviour underscores the
offspring of high licking-and-grooming mothers raised by low licking-and-grooming mothers do
not have an increased tendency to develop anxiety-related behaviour in adulthood, indicating that
influence that environmental factors can exert to persis-
specific factors inherited by the high licking-and-grooming offspring protect them from the effects tently remodel circuits in the brain during the early
of being mothered by low licking-and-grooming females. developmental period.

What molecular mechanisms are involved?

We know little about the molecular mechanisms by
humans, there are short and long versions of the 5-HTT which early environmental influences alter anxiety
promoter repeat50. As in humans, the short allele in circuits in the brain. Rats raised by high licking-and-
monkeys is associated with increased levels of the 5-HT grooming mothers have elevated levels of GLUCOCORTICOID
metabolite 5-HIAA, and an increase in anxiety-related receptor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF),
behaviour51. Intriguingly, the effect of the 5-HTT poly- cyclic-AMP responsive element binding protein
morphism in monkeys is strongly modulated by early (CREB), acetylcholine esterase, and the synaptic marker
rearing environment. Monkeys reared by their mothers synaptophysin, in the cortex and hippocampus55,58. The
have normal levels of 5-HIAA regardless of 5-HTT mechanism by which changes in the concentrations of
genotype. But monkeys reared in peer groups from 30 these molecules persist into adulthood after maternal
days to 7 months of age have significantly increased care ceases is not known. It has been suggested that
levels of 5-HIAA at maturity if they are of the l/s geno- long-term changes in transcription of the glucocorti-
type, but not if they carry the l/l allele combination52. coid receptor could be mediated by changes in the
These data indicate that the physiological impact of the METHYLATION status of the gene .
5-HTT polymorphism is dependent on early maternal Studies in genetically modified mice have made it
and social interactions. possible to investigate the anxiety-related consequences
Similarly, a number of studies have shown that, in of manipulating specific genes. A number of mouse
GLUCOCORTICOID rodents, maternal behaviour has long-lasting conse- strains in which mutations in specific genes have been
Hormones produced by the
adrenal cortex, which are
quences for anxiety-related behaviour of the offspring. induced (including knockout, knock-in and transgenic
involved in carbohydrate and As adults, rats that were separated from their mothers mice) show altered anxiety-related behaviour (reviewed
protein metabolism, but also for several hours a day during the early postnatal period in REFS 60,61). A defect in the establishment of brain
affect brain function. Cortisol are more likely to exhibit anxiety-related behaviours as circuits during development has been implicated in
(human) and corticosterone
well as increased hormonal reactivity to stress53. Pups increased anxiety in at least one strain of knockout
(rodent) are examples.
raised by mothers with impaired licking and grooming mouse. Mutation of the serotonin 1A (5-HT1A) receptor
METHYLATION skills have higher levels of anxiety-related behaviour in mice causes increases in anxiety-related behav-
A chemical modification of a than pups raised by high licking-and-grooming iour62–64. This defect can be rescued by expression of the
molecule involving the covalent mothers54. Cross-fostering studies show that these receptor in the forebrain under the control of calcium/
attachment of a CH3 group.
Methylation of the DNA
influences are primarily environmental. Cross-fostering calmodulin-dependent protein kinase IIα (CaMKIIα)
encoding a gene can alter its the offspring of low licking-and-grooming mothers to regulatory sequences via the doxycycline-repressible
expression. high licking-and-grooming mothers can decrease the transactivation system65. This conditional knockout



OCULAR DOMINANCE Development Adulthood Anxiety As expression of the receptor in the forebrain of
In the mature primary visual ‘rescued’ mice was detectable only after the second post-
cortex of mammals, most natal week, the crucial period for establishment of the
neurons respond predominantly Low
knockout phenotype is probably the third and fourth
to visual inputs from one eye or
the other. Cells that respond to a postnatal weeks, a period of dramatic synaptogenesis
given eye are arranged in stripes and dendritic growth in the forebrain. These results
— the ocular dominance
are supported by behavioural data which show that
columns — that alternate with the anxiety-related phenotype of the knockout mice
stripes of neurons that respond
to the other eye.
first appears at three weeks of age (C.G., unpublished
data). Furthermore, dendritic branching and neuronal
excitability are increased in the CA1 region of the
hippocampus of mice that lack the 5-HT1A receptor
(J. Monckton and J.-P. Hornung, personal communica-
tion). This region has been shown to be important for
regulating the innate anxiety-related behaviours that are
abnormal in 5-HT1A-receptor-knockout mice66,67.
Maturation of dendritic branches in the CA1 region of
Serotonin 1A receptor the hippocampus occurs during the second, third and
expressed in hippocampus
fourth weeks after birth, and overlaps with the sensitive
Figure 4 | Serotonin receptor espression and anxiety. In period of 5-HT1A receptor function68. It is interesting to
developing mice, expression of the serotonin 1A receptor in the
forebrain is both necessary and sufficient to ensure normal
speculate that this period of active synaptic develop-
anxiety-related behaviour later in life, regardless of whether the ment is a particularly crucial time for the adjustment of
receptor is expressed during adulthood. anxiety circuits in response to experience-dependent
signals. Recent association studies in humans have
found correlations between a functional single
strategy was used to show that, whereas repression of nucleotide polymorphism in the promoter of the
receptor expression in the adult is ineffective, repression 5-HT1A receptor and both trait anxiety69 and depres-
of receptor expression until four weeks of age is sion70. So, the 5-HT1A receptor probably also modulates
sufficient to produce adult mice with increased anxiety- anxiety circuits in humans.
related behaviour. This finding indicates that 5-HT The molecular mechanisms that govern the suscep-
is essential to the establishment of normal anxiety- tibility of developing synapses to environmental
modulating circuits in the brain during postnatal influences have been well studied in other brain
development (FIG. 4). systems. In the visual system, for example, monocular
deprivation during early postnatal development induces
a synaptic rearrangement called OCULAR DOMINANCE
plasticity (reviewed in REF. 71). Neuronal excitability in
the visual cortex — which can be under genetic as well
inhibition as pharmacological control — determines susceptibil-
ity to ocular dominance plasticity72. Similarly, in the
developing rodent somatosensory cortex, various
Immature brain Low anxiety factors, including autophosphorylation of CaMKIIα,
Genetic and
environmental modulate synaptic plasticity in response to competi-
factors tion between adjacent whisker inputs73 (reviewed in
Rapid therapy REF. 74; see also REF. 75). We propose that similar molec-
(benzodiazepines) Low anxiety ular mechanisms might operate in developing limbic
brain regions to integrate the effects of genetic factors
— such as mutations in genes encoding the 5-HTT or
Slow therapy 5-HT1A receptor — and environmental factors, such as
(SSRIs, Plastic
adverse early-life events.
In summary, lifelong susceptibility to anxiety can be
High anxiety
determined by the combined influence of genetic and
environmental factors during early development.
Studies in humans, monkeys and rodents have revealed
the importance of interactions between genetic and
environmental factors in determining susceptibility to
anxiety-related behaviour. In several recent human
Low anxiety
studies, early environmental risk factors for adult
Figure 5 | During development, genetic and environmental influences interact to modulate
neuronal maturation and determine levels of anxiety. In adulthood, high anxiety can be
psychopathology have been shown to depend on the
overcome by either rapid pharmacological treatment that directly blocks excessive excitability, or by presence of specific genetic variations. Although
slow pharmacological or psychotherapeutic treatments that induce compensatory plastic changes early gene–environment interactions that affect the
in the brain. GABA, γ-aminobutyric acid; SSRI, selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitor. risk of developing anxiety disorders have not yet been

550 | JULY 2004 | VOLUME 5


identified in humans, work with primates and rodents psychotherapy and pharmacotherapy with SSRIs later
clearly shows the importance of such interactions in the in life indicates that anxiety circuits retain their plasticity
aetiology of anxiety-related behaviours. Anxiety circuits in adulthood (FIG. 5). Understanding the molecular mech-
might be particularly vulnerable to these factors during anisms that underlie the long-term impact of genetic and
developmental periods when synaptic connections environmental factors on anxiety will help identify risk
are elaborated and refined, and when brain circuits factors for these disorders and provide insight into
are highly plastic. Nevertheless, the efficacy of both natural variations in anxiety-related behaviour.

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