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Tornado Weather Adventure Journal

This Journal Belongs to ______________________

Turn the Page to start your weather adventure!

Activity Page 1/Language Arts or Reading
Directions: Answer each question, and then down below in the
provided area draw a picture that represents your answer. This
activity page goes along with Process 1 click on the website to
refer back to it.

What is a tornado?

Draw Picture Here

How do tornadoes form?

Draw picture here

Turn the page to continue your adventure

Activity Page 2
Directions: Fill in the blank about things to know about tornado
and weather safety. Refer back to the website on process 2 if

1. What should you listen to for weather updates


2. If you are caught outside what should you do?


3. If you are in a car what should you do?


4. After a tornado what should you look for?


To continue our weather adventures turn the page

Activity Page 3
Directions: Now that you have read over the tornado safety on the website in
process 3, Make your own safety plan at home, you must name 5 things you need
to do in order to stay safe you will be making a booklet out of these to give to
your family members. You can refer back to the website if needed

My Safety Journal
First thing I will do is ______________________________





I will stay safe with my safety journal; I will take this home to
my family and make a weather safety plan to keep everyone
safe. For another adventure turn the page.
Activity Page 4/Geography
Directions: Find the following on the map Kentucky, Tennessee,
and Georgia, then for each one fill in the blank as follows, from
the process 4 website what kind of weather is each state
having. You can refer back to the website if needed.



You are doing great so far in your weather adventure; keep up

the good work because at the end you will find a reward for
your progress. Turn the page to continue on in your weather
Activity Page 5 /Science
Directions: Fill out the My Climate Chart, fill out 3 types of
climate and fill out the rest of the chart corresponding to that.
Climate 1. 2. 3.
What is the
What kinds of
plants are
What kinds of
animals live
Where in the
world is this
How do living
things adapt
to the
My favorite climate is
Turn the page for the continued adventure
Activity page 6
Directions: Fill out this chart over your 7 day forecast that you
found in Process 5 in the website.

Day of the week Forecast




Build your own forecast here

For the town that you live in use your imagination and make up the weather
forecast for a day and draw a picture that goes along with your forecast.

Now that our journey has come to an end,

you did a great job on this journal weather
adventure. Keep up the good work, you are
now becoming a weather professional but
you have to keep the work and learning
about weather in your everyday life. Thanks
for going on this weather adventure!!!
Great JOB

My Journal is now completed

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