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ffimpffi $ ru|IH$THffiffi$ nil0 fill$ffififfi$

B ffii-*
l.Which car goes first?

2. ln a vehlcle,if you are a learner, how many passengers are you alloweeJ
to canry?

3. What are the lane changing proceclures?

Sggrylgy , electrieil sisnat , blind spot aTjl"Fgggg3gl

4. A holder of a class five driver's license carrr drlve, agriculturalvehicles only

ti ^& hnlrlar etri.,sr,e jj nar^.i+
ui.: ii.:.luE u;!;reri ir --!"-!" .. .- -L!^!
-."--::u:u;--, nf n *r.r.^$ar Firrniii tF
ru ai;iJi:iec
^ll-r.,^-i i.rr OiiVc VenicieB;iulrllAiiy
aili,lelit by l:iaS,,;fiVe

6. A person under the age of seventeen yeas's is allowed to drive class two motor vehicles


7. At the age of sixteen years ,a person can 1ge$ a lerarrrers license in

r- i s h t rg*_to f yg!' cl_e,s .

E.At the age of sixteen year$ , a per$on can get a learners license in
Class 3gnd 4

9. A tractor dniver's permit is only used when the rJrivrer is aecompanied hy a lieerused

10. Ambulanee vehicles must be fitted with riafety belts before they are used.

At night in well lighted areas, drivens should drive with

Head lanrps on low beam

12.A learners driver is exampled frorut wearing seatbelts only

When reversing

13. YoU check your view mirror and you seq arl af,rplarle in the sl<V
14. Whlch can an applicant apply for a duplication learner's license
e Whcn the origina! is lost or default

15. An accident has just happened, you being the first at scene what at'e you
o Render first aid and neport to the nearerst police
16. 0t is legally permissible to carry a child un'd,er the age of 10 years in pickup
truck wtrich has canopy on that portion where goods are no mally carried
while not accompanied
17. At four way stop which ear rnust give the riuht of way when you intend to turn to the left?
o The car which stops first

18. A driver's Medical certiffleato is valid only'

o 12 nnonths

f 9. Class five is allowed to drive tractors ot'lly

o False

20. What do you do at a detour?

. You slow down and follow directions

2't. Which vehicle is used by class two driving sturlents?

o 5000k9 7m truck
22. An ambulance has the right of way when
o Flashing its emergency light and souncling its siren

23. Motor cycle should travel in which lane?

o Left lane

24. Ambutance drivers are required to wear safety belts each time their driving and ambulance
I Yes

25. When vehicle ahead of you is towing what tlo you do

Reduce sPeed and exercise caution
PHPEM ffi &trE,$Tlffi ffi$ AAffi MH.$WEM,$
1. What islfie correct sequonce of
a rcbot?
a) Green, fted, A..mber, b)
Ambor, Red, Gieen c)@
?. ln urban area which car lras the right of
anawer the trinp from your right siOe
3. When tavelling at 75km/h r rnust ariowa gap between
a)4 vehicle frbnt b) G vehicte tength my vehicre amd the sar in front
4. This sign !s
o, uanger warning sign
c) lnformattve sign

5" Tl-!lS-sigm v$arns us bT

@rtau levet crossing ahead
c) A grid ahead

ti. Whem approaching this sign I would

a) be expocted to check rny iehicle
b) slow down and.ex; t* he stD
I o*cx"l

c, expecrctt to see road wonks aheac

7" When approaching this sign lam expocted to

a) engage breaks continuously
b) enqaqe low qear
c) enEage high gear

8. LrUhich car goes

al can A
first? Ar *---ry\
b) car B

9. At this sign I should

-a) stop and give way to cross traffic
-<>+ -*r.

10, Thss gign fegufates that
?l u'e Wfifd,timtt gE tris ry
b) epeed limit on thiC ioadlsE6ffih
c) speed llrnit on thie road is 40krn/h
'11,Which car rnovea tast at this intersestfion?
a) car B blcar C clcar A -JL-[m.B
'12. h vehicle should be fitted with efficient eflectors of what coloun?
a) amher at the frorrt and red at the bacl<
b) whlte at the front and amber at tfte bae k
c) white atthe front and red at tfie back
i 3. :Fh
ts:is-tgri WiatrS,iuslof

on a road except in trarnc where

il"ffiJ;ffifl1lt,4ffi?ilff:." w,r you stop
b) stop in lhe g.
mfidOlu if lts safe t" Oo
15' !-row fiar fronr a cornor ar€ you
forbidden par* yourvehicre
1!}- b) 7,Sm c) tr0rn

16' When under ttr3infue.nce

or drugs,'or arcohotwhat must you
a) drive slowly to a safe place
ui;w ,**,.
r"<1.;'fi*" on ttre e>ctreme reft of the road
'!7. The insignia of
a dimger warning sign
ilj q1"gg b) A roctangle c) n etrje " iq?
t6' on whiah sid's must your overhke an
anifirar drawn wagon
a) left hand size b) rigttt hand'size
*fricf,"r.;;id.L bafo to do so
nxed of nashing amber robot at an intersection
a) give precedbnco to all cross traffic

20" W&ricla car [IF]es firsfli
a)car A
QISSr B clcar G

21. This algn is a

gn infqrmqtryc
ll €lsn
D) a Gtrnage manking
c) a regulatory sign

22. This sign regutates that

a) vehic8e shoultJ give right \rrray tro cyclfists
b) stop and gi\re way to oyclistr fromthe right ffi
23. Before dn[ving a moton vehicre on a.pubr[c road it musthave follow document
a) a certificate of fikress, license and rou-te

24. when onconning vehicle lights ane on bright beam nrhat do you
a) pull down tfte sun visor
b) swltchbn yqfur flghte

25. To drive a puhllc soMce vehicre you must have reached the age of
a) nineben
b) twentv- five
c) eighteen
-*--d' S\q-
I'AI)ER 13 -r-

1. Which car goes last?
a, C

Which car goes last?

b.A c.B
a.'e b.B c.A
3, Class t (one) drivers applicants must have age of __J 4 \
a. L6

b, 18 & defensive c. 25 & medical

/ \t_-* F-'
4, Th€ correct sequence of a robot
a. Green, Red, Amber
b. .Red, Green, Ambel
c. , Red, Amber; Green

5, At this sign I must

a. Engage brakes continuously.
b. Eneage lower qear
c. Engage higher gears.

6, How many reflecting triangles does a lorry carrying two trailers have?
a. 3 b.5 c. 6

Whrrh'.rehicir,, cannot have a f!re extingr.risi:r,:l? r,t { ,.-

a, Motor cvcle. b. motor parked at honre.
c, registered motor travelling on the road. ; ,,t. Yi l _"*
B. Which car has the right of way ,lI U-*-- **,
l- tL-.u
a, _e
b''B FI
/) trJ
c.A I

9. When entering a robot controlled intersection and already crossed pedestrian crossing
a. Stay whene vou are.
b. Turn to the left.
c. Reverse your vehicle.
10. Which vehicle does nbt have a reverse gear?
a. Combine Harvester b. Motor CVcle
c. Tractor

11. When you drive behind another vehicle at night

a. You put your headlight on but at bright beam lul
b. You dip vour hggdliehts.
You switch off your light
-__"_"Iii L*:
12. Which car moves first?
a, A b,B c.C
=1fu { +*- b--il

13. When involved in a serious accident

?. Report to hospital within Z-4 hours,
c. Proceed with yoqr journey if safe to do so.
* r'\.--

14. Which car givers the right of lvay?
a. Car B b. Car C c. Car A

15: Whiclr car is breaking the law?

a. A b.B C,C

\ ,,,
1"6. []ow many classes of road sign do we have in Zimbab,"ve?
a. 50 b.s c. 55

l"7, Which car gives rlght of way?

A' ,3
a, A b.E c. None

1B. lf you see an L-plate displayed on Vehicles in front of you what do!
a. lncrease speed and overtake
c. Put on your hazards

i9.,,At .,vh;it d;starr;r: do '1iou put e ieflective ti-ii:rirgie

a. 7,5m b. 3-o'ss c, 15-20

20. WhiEh car is breaking the law?

a.L b.B c,C

21. What do you do when seeing this sign?

a. Stay ofthe road,
b. Reducq spged and exercise caution.
c. lngage lower gear.

22. When travelling behind a vehicle you do not intend to overtake at 75km/h you leave a gap of
; a. 3 cars b.4 cars c, 5'cars

23. Jhe broken white line in conjunctirrn with continuous arrows has
a, lnformative message
b" Reeulatorv effect & driver must obev
c. Danger warning signs
24, When travelling,at 60km/h the reaction distance is
a, 27,7m b; 8;Q!B c. L6,7m

25. When travelling at 120km/h toral stopping distance is

a.113,3m b. 130,0U c. L6nr
l. In rural a!'eas which trafJic hns right uf rvay'i
a. Traflic on thc right
b,'Ii'aflic on thc left
c.'h'aflic lirst to lhc jUnctirr-u
I How far from a cornsr must you purk * vehicie?
a.7rn b.7,5rn c.Sm
3. When a rcd t.obot h*s au illurulurted urrurv poinflng uprvurds?
a. Pnoceed disregurrling ttre rcd robot
b, Proceed Bs ),olt have right of rvay
e. You *nar. procee-d gtii$g strgig[l3@d
4. Specd limit in urban'arens is?
n,,{0tr*rn/h b. 80krn/h c. 60knr/h

L-_ Wltich car gives right of rvuy?
:r) gjl"1*A b) cnr B

6. \Yhti gives right of rvu1,i;taps?
n) Cnr R b) CarA

,W Who gives rigtrr of rvuy

u. Car C b. Car A c. car Ii

A*,-- * Who has right of rvn.+"f
-l 'rP* u' CarA ' c' Car C c' car 13

9, Involved in rt scrious

a. Rsp!-Lt.Lq-lhe-p!.!i$-rurdr-2 il- hqus
b. [gnore it
c. [teport to the hospital
10. Rcllcctions r.rn the sitles of a bus nre?
s. Whitc h; YSI!-orv c. Itcd
tI. Doublc continuous lincs on rny right side?
a. May not{.txsddle to ths left
b,Illny stradtllo only rvhen overtahing slor+ ulovilrg trnffic
e. May dgt sfrnddlo it at all,
17, At 90lun/h rny cflrs lcngth is?
tt. 4 ctrs b. 5 cars c. (r cnrs

13. J t- who tlas right of rvny?

Il -t <- A a. Cnr t] ti; car A

r4. Symbol for Danger warning signs is?:
n. A lriarigle
b. cfircle
c. A rectangle

t5. Lny-By sign is eoloured [n rvhich colour?

a) IRed b) Blrtg c) Greon

I6" Dipping of lights *t night is done?

n, F$llnwirtg other trirfric
b. Ileing folilowed
c. Glving qncoming_tlgffg
17. When would one straddle broken ycllorv lincs ruining.along the side of a rond outiide
n.Ovortnking slow moving traffic
b. Ovortnklng traflie turning right
c. Overtaking anlm'al drawn wagonS
18. At rearnrrY bridges considpr?
rr. fl.engthi b.'Wid!h e. height

19. ,q*O Whlch car goes laet?

This sign 4reons?
a)-gsr4 b) Crrr B

a. F.oad closed'
tE ft g,sm t$girt{e,e -sfl e$-ro*d
c. I.ieith'0r A not B is aorrect

2t. Wherc rvoultl you find the I'ottowing signs

a. $,pproaching rnihvay level crosslngs
b. When at'railwrfy.level erossings
c. A0 railway stations

1',' The follorving slgn is nssoclnted with

a. Weight b. Width c. lVeigh bridger

23. Amhulancee have right of rvay rvhen?

a. Approacliing i'obots rhvays
br Hending for seryice
c. Squntling their sirens of errretgenclt,lights

24. At 4 curs length speed is?

s.60k$& b. 75hn/h c.

,( At arr lntersection with hvo (2) lancs, going strnlght you trovel in rvhich lane?
a. [,eft lane
b. Right lane
c. Centre lane
I When travelling at 60km/hryou
leave tfre gap of how many

1,, What is the maximum speed when

tlriviug in urban areas
a. B0lun.l,r
b. 120km/hr
Ifyou tin:d wlren driving
u.@t late you proceed
c. Reduce speed and eiertise eaution
4, This sign falls in which:class
a.Danger l

b. Regulatory

5. Which colour of reflectprs are put on a bus

a. Red at the front and lvhite ui thu bri,tr
b. White:rt the front aud red at the bar:li
c. White art the ltont and chevrogat bagl

6, You srvitch on your ligtrts

a.5:30am to 6:30pm i

i-r. Depentis oll tire weufher


This sign belougs to which class

a. Dauger
b, Regulato{v
c. lnformative

8, This sign means

a" Road narrows to ilre left
b. Road narrows to the rrisht
c. Road nitrrow$ central

9" At a hridge you should travel at

a. Sa[e speed

10. Double continuous liries on my right side?

a. May not straddle to the left
b. May sl;raddle only when overtaking slorv rnovi,g traffic
c, May_pot straddle_if,it safe.

11" When you see arnbulauce on potice sountling i{s device you
a. fncrease your speed
b. SIow down and rnove to the left
c, Slory down and move out olthe r.oad arrd prepare to stop

t?. If an oncoming car flashes you, what dro you rlo?

a. Increase your speed
b. Retalial;e
c. Bcdulce speed and exercise cautioir
13. This eign means (ffi
a" lftirning to the right prohibitcd ]f
h. About turn is perruitted H
c" r\bout lur&Il-turu is brohibited
14. This sign &nesns
a. Wormimg of manrow gti,t{
h. Wnruing of narrnw bridgg
e" Wanning of narrow ri[ge
15. .When seeing thls it mleall$ o
a" Vehicle turning right pny proceed o
b" Vehicle turning to the left may proceed
e, Vehicle goimg straight mny proceed
16. What do you consider at a narrow brielge
a. Ileight
b. Jlength
c" Width

17. Which car gives the night of

- . way
s.csrB ... *-l IL-

h. Car.r\
a" Nome ----_lEi r"
18. What is the speetl limit in Zimbabwe's highway for Iight motorvehicle?
a...t20bn/hr b.1O0km/hr c. No maxirnum specd

r9, Y{h_lch car goes last?

a.'Car B
I' r'a.,. d'


20" This sign means

a" Vehicie slaaXl straddleiif it is safe.
h" Vehflele shall not turnitefi
c. V+hicle shaU not tu-rtr,rtgh(

21. 'l'he stecring fneeplay nrrrst not exceed?

h, 120'
c" 450

27" 'Whicih is tho con'rtci procedurc lbr turning to the left?

a" Show intention to thelneft
h" Chechmirfpqshor ihleqtia!,-busks, slow down and use a rgiElble gsqr
c. Show intention to theiright

23. Whlch Crrr gives rigtrt of wayrNl'

n.CarC IXf
3:ffi ll=I'l

24. sign
When fat:ing this

fl.ffiutuu-uorr.ffirsr Iffiffi
e. Reduce speed and exdrcise [l
25. This sign means d,U,
;: ffiffii*li ff *tr*?ili llllll
c. Warning of school children
ffi ffi

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