Assignment 1 - Individual Diet Planning

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NAD407 / UHS403

Assignment 1
Individualised Diet Planning

Mohd Ramadan bin Ab Hamid

(Bsc. Dietetics (Hons) (IIUM), MSc. Clincal Nutrition (UKM)
Senior Lecturer
Centre for Dietetics Studies
Faculty of Health Sciences
Universiti Teknologi MARA

“Endeavour, Religious, Dignified”

Assignment 1
Individual Diet Planning

❑ The total marks for this assignment is 80.

❑ This assignment consist of 2 parts.

❑ You are required to answer all questions.

❑ Below are the marks for each part.
Part 1 : 40 marks
Part 2 : 40 marks
Total : 80 marks

❑ Please use the cover page as provided. Download from Ufuture.

Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)

1. You need to list down your food intake for 2 days (1 weekday, 1
weekend) (20 marks) → refer to the next slide for explanation.
2. Answer all questions:
1. What is your average total energy intake for 2 days? Show the
calculation. (2 marks)
2. Calculate your energy requirement using the Ismail et al formula.
Show your calculation. (2 marks).
3. Based on your food intake, Identify 2 foods that you think are good
for your health. Explain why. (4 marks)
4. Based on your food intake, Identify 2 foods that you think are bad
for your health. Explain why. (4 marks)
5. Based on your food intake, suggest 4 ways on how can you
improve your food intake? (8 marks)
Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)
(please download template from ufuture)

Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)

Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)


Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)


Confirm the Quantity

Assignment 1
Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)


Confirm the Quantity

Individual Diet Planning
Part 1 (40 marks)

If you could not find the food from the myFCD database,
you can check from other sources below:

3. Myfitness PAL apps → you need to download to your
Individual Diet Planning
Part 2 (40 marks)

Ahmad is 34 years old man. His weight is 80kg and height is

175cm. Below is the food intake for Ahmad. Answer all
Mealtime Menu (quantity) Energy Carbohydrates Protein Fat (g)
(kcal) (g) (g)
Breakfast Nasi lemak (2 cups) with Fried Egg (1 pc) 35 13 25
Teh Tarik (1 glass, 250ml) 104.2 1 3

Lunch Nasi Briyani Ayam (1 plate set) 115 24 10.5

Watermelon Juice (1 glass, 300ml) 100 25 0
Afternoon Kuih Keria Gula Melaka (5 pieces) 470 95 8
tea Hot coffee (1 cup, 200ml) 13.8 0 0
Dinner Fried chicken chop (1 piece) 20.5 30.5 23.5
French fries (1 small bowl) 332.4 37.5 4.2
Ice milo (1 glass, 250ml) 18.5 0.5 3.2
Supper Kerepek pisang (1 medium bowl) 105 6.8 32.5
Low fat milk Plain (1 glass, 250ml) 106 7 3.2
Individual Diet Planning
Part 2 (40 marks)

1. Complete the table. (15 marks)

2. Calculate the percentage of total Carbohydrates, Protein and Fat from
the table. Show your calculation. (6 marks)
3. Calculate the Body Mass Index (BMI) for Ahmad. Show your
calculation. (2 marks)
4. Calculate the energy requirement for Ahmad using the Ismail et al
formula. Show your calculation. (2 marks)
5. Does Ahmad meet the Energy Requirement? (2 marks)
6. If Ahmad want to reduce / lower / cut down his energy intake,
suggest 2 foods or drinks Ahmad should remove from his intake.
Explain why? (4 marks)
7. Based on your answer in (6), suggest 2 foods or drinks that Ahmad
can replace in his intake. Explain why? (4 marks)
8. Overall, give your comments on Ahmad food intake with reference to
the Malaysian Dietary Guidelines 2020 (5 marks).
Individual Diet Planning

Do’s and Don'ts

1. Do your assignment yourself.

2. Keep the originality of your assignment.
3. Do not plagiarised! Avoid copy and paste
from your friends or internet.
4. Do not take food pictures from the internet! You will get 0
marks for that.

1. Please upload your assignment (online only, no need hard

copy) in the folder Assignment 1. Diet Planning. Please put
your name, student ID, group and name of facilitator.
2. Due date: 16.01.2022 before 11.59pm.
3. Marks will be deducted per 1 late day of submission)

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