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Research article

Texture and mineralogy of

sediments from the
Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna river
system in the Bengal Basin,
Bangladesh and their
environmental implications
D. K. Datta 7 V. Subramanian

Abstract The Bengal basin, Bangladesh, represents extensive agricultural practice in the basin, the se-
one of the most densely populated recent flood- diments can in the long run become contaminated.
plains of the world. The sediment flux through the
basin is one of the highest on a global scale. A sig- Key words Grain size distribution 7 Mineralogy 7
nificant portion of this sediment load find its sink Bengal basin 7 Bangladesh
in the basin itself because of its lower elevation and
frequent flooding. The textural, mineralogical and
chemical nature of the sediments thus have an im-
portant bearing on the environmental quality of the Introduction
basin as well as for the Bay of Bengal.
The sediment load of the Ganges-Brahmaputra- The Bengal basin is one of the most important alluvial
Meghna (GBM) river system consists exclusively of basins of the world because of its size and location, den-
fine sand, silt and clay at their lower reaches within sity of population, catastrophic deposition of sediments,
the Bengal basin, Bangladesh, and is deposited un- increased flooding and lower elevation above mean sea
der uniformly fluctuating, unidirectional energy level. The basin includes one of the largest deltas of the
conditions. The sediments have a close simitarity in world (Coleman 1981), the Bengal delta, and is situated at
grain size with the sediments of the surrounding the confluence of the Ganges-Brahmaputra-Meghna
floodplain. The mineral assemblage is dominated (GBM) river system (the Bangladesh part of the Ganges
by quartz and feldspars. Illite and kaolinite are the and Brahmaputra are called the Padma and Jamuna, re-
major clay minerals, and occur in almost equal spectively) – the world’s largest sediment dispersal sys-
proportion in bed sediments. The heavy mineral tem (Kuehl and others 1989) – encompassing its total
assemblage is dominated by unstable minerals lower drainage. It accounts for about 9.2% (Rasid and
which are mostly derived from high-rank meta- Paul 1987) of the total drainage area of the GBM system
morphic rocks. The characteristic smaller grain- (about 1.64!10 6 km 2; Milliman and others 1995). The
size, i.e. having large surface-to-mass ratios, and GBM river system offers the passage of an estimated se-
the mineralogy of sediments suggests that they are diment load of more than 1060 million tons annually to
susceptible to large chemical adsorptive reactions the Bay of Bengal, which ranks first in sediment flux to
and thus could serve as a potential trap for con- the oceans on a global scale (Milliman and others 1995).
taminants. However, the sediments of the GBM riv- The river system supplies sediments through the Garo-
er system in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh, shows Rajmahal Gap (Niyogi 1981) to the Bengal shelf (Emmel
lower concentration of Pb, Hg and As, and a mar- and Curray 1985; Barua and others 1994; Sinha and
ginally higher value for Cd as compared to that of Friend 1994) and thereby to the biggest submarine fan
standard shale. Considering population density and known – the Bengal Fan (Kuehl and others 1989; Rea
1992) – via the Bengal basin. Thus, the GBM river system
has the potential to influence the tropical marine system
because of its deep-sea connection (Ittekkot and others
1986). A geological map of the total drainage basin of the
Received: 9 November 1994 7 Accepted: 18 June 1996 GBM river system is presented in Sarin and others
D. K. Datta 7 V. Subramanian (Y) (1989).
School of Environmental Sciences, Jawaharlal Nehru University, The Bengal basin is bordered on the west by the Indian
New Delhi 110 067, India shield, on the north by the Shillong shield, on the east by

Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag 181

Research article

Fig. 1 sediment and their environmental implications. In the

Location of the Bengal basin and sampling stations present paper, the grain size distribution, mineralogy and
trace metal concentration of some elements of the sedi-
ments have been studied as a starting point to elucidate
the Naga-Lusai orogenic belt and is open to the Bay of the environmental quality of the basin.
Bengal on the south (Sengupta 1966; Fig. 1). It is located
in a zone of intense neotectonic activity (Morgan and
McIntire 1959; Valdiya 1984; Agarwal and Mitra 1991; Methodology
Singh and Bhardwaj 1991; Pant and Sharma 1993). Be-
cause of its low elevation (between 5 and 6 m above The bed sediments were collected from the top few centi-
mean sea level), frequent flooding (Rasid and Paul 1987) meters of the river channel, and the suspended sediments
and Holocene sea level changes (Umitsu 1993), the Ben- were collected with a plastic bucket at a depth of 50–
gal basin also serves as a reservoir for the enormous se- 100 cm from the water surface during Dec.-Jan. 1991–92,
diment load carried down by the GBM river system. Aug.-Sept. 1992 and April-May 1993 at various pre-deter-
More than 86% of the basin are composed of recent mined locations (Fig. 1). The water with the suspended
floodplain alluvium, where the density of population sediments was kept undisturbed for a week at a tempera-
ranges from 400 to over 1200 people per km 2 (Milliman ture below 4 7C and the settled sediments were decanted.
and others 1989). It represents a scarcely industrialized The grain size distribution was determined by sieve shak-
but intensively cultivated region of the subcontinent. er (Fritsch Analysette 03.502) and by laser particle sizer
Although more than 6% of the total alluvial flux to the (Fritsch Analysette 22). Mineralogical analyses of the bulk
world oceans takes place annually through the Bengal ba- sediments, fraction ~4 mm and the heavy minerals were
sin (Milliman and others 1989), studies on grain size dis- done by X-ray diffractometer (Phillips PW 1130) after
tribution, mineralogy and sediment chemistry have so far glycolation and using Cu Ka radiation and a Ni filter fol-
not been carried out in detail. Brief reports on grain size lowing Lindholm (1987) and Gibbs (1965). The minerals
distribution and mineralogy on very localized areas may were identified according to Carroll (1970) and Lindholm
be seen in Morgan and McIntire (1959), Coleman (1969), (1987) and a semiquantitative estimate was made accord-
Subramanian and Jha (1988), Sarin and others (1989), Ja- ing to Schultz (1964). Trace elements have been deter-
han and others (1990), Kranck and others (1993) etc. mined following the procedure of Loring and Rantala
The particle size distribution of sediments and their mi- (1992), using an AAS (GBC 902) fitted with HG, and ICP-
neralogical and chemical characteristics are the major MS with the Canadian Soil Samples SO-1, SO-2, SO-3 and
variables to consider in any kind of study related to the SO-4 as reference materials.

182 Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag

Research article

Results and Discussion servations have been made by Goswami (1985), Choudhri
(1987), Subramanian and Jha (1988) and Singh and Bard-
waj (1991) in the Indian sector and by Jahan and others
Grain size distribution (1990) in the Bangladesh part of the GBM drainage basin.
The statistical parameters of grain size distribution is The mean size of 95% of the suspended sediment sam-
presented in Table 1. More than 76% of the bed sediment ples lies above 6 phi (Table 1) and they have a relatively
samples of the studied segments of the GBM river system well sorted distribution. The skewness and kurtosis val-
are within the fine-to-very-fine category of the sand class ues are indicative of an enrichment of finer grained sedi-
and have a mean grain size between 2.5 and 4 phi. The ments with respect to mean size. The Jamuna suspended
remaining samples were dominated by the silt fraction. sediments are rich in larger particles relative to those in
The grain size decreases gradually from the upper to low- other main channels. The river may have collected the
er reaches of the Ganges. More than 66% of the bed sedi- coarse-grained sediments during its passage through the
ment samples are moderately to well sorted (according to granite- and gneiss-rich Shillong shield at the entry to the
the scale of Folk and Ward 1957). The dominance of silt Bengal basin. The sediments from the Shillong shield
and clay is responsible for the poor sorting in the re- which enters the Meghna river via its tributary Surma
maining samples. The bed sediments of the Meghna main have a major sink in the Sylhet trough where the relative-
channel are better sorted than those in the other main ly coarser particles settle and give passage only to the
channels and tributaries. All the bed sediments are posi- finer ones to the lower Meghna. This may be the reason
tively skewed, which indicates an abundance of finer for more fine-grained sediments in the suspended load of
grained sediments relative to the mean size. Similar ob- the Meghna as compared to other main channels.

Table 1
Statistical parameters of grain-size distribution of the bed and suspended sediments from the GBM river system in the Bengal
basin, Bangladesh

Location Bed sediments a Suspended sediments b

Station (*)
Median Mean St. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis Median Mean Std. Dev. Skewness Kurtosis

Meghna and its tributaries

Seola (*01) 3.0 3.2 0.49 0.56 1.11 7.4 7.5 1.65 P0.08 2.45
Sherpur (02) 4.5 4.8 1.72 0.30 1.30 7.4 7.6 1.41 0.28 2.43
Sylhet (*03) 4.4 5.0 2.11 0.45 1.09 6.6 6.8 1.68 0.28 2.44
Sunamganj (*04) 3.7 3.8 0.61 0.24 1.37
Meghna main channel
Ashuganj (*06) 2.9 3.0 0.37 0.37 1.15 7.9 8.0 1.36 0.21 1.85
Meghna Ghat (*07) 3.0 3.1 0.33 0.42 0.97 6.9 7.0 1.85 0.16 2.40
Chandpur (*08) 3.2 3.3 0.42 0.32 0.74 6.9 7.1 1.64 0.30 2.26
Ganges (Padma) main channel
Rajshahi (*09) 2.5 2.5 0.12 0.00 1.00 6.2 6.5 1.56 0.60 2.90
Pakshi (*10) 3.0 3.4 0.94 0.59 0.83 6.5 6.7 1.88 0.37 2.86
Daulatdia (*11) 3.0 3.1 0.53 0.43 1.10
Maoa (*12) 4.7 4.9 1.52 0.25 1.23 7.9 7.9 1.61 0.19 2.75
Brahmaputra (Jamuna) and its tributaries
Tista Bridge (*13) 3.6 3.7 0.79 0.20 1.18
Jamuna (Brahmaputra) main channel
Dubri (*14) 2.5 2.5 0.21 0.14 1.25 4.9 5.2 1.88 0.65 3.46
Chilmari (*15) 4.2 4.4 1.17 0.26 0.98 6.5 6.5 2.01 0.06 2.94
Phoolchari (*16) 6.1 6.3 1.75 0.57 3.27
Ghat (*17) 2.9 3.0 0.41 0.43 1.34 5.9 6.1 1.83 0.39 3.14
Sirajganj (*19) 2.9 3.0 0.43 0.36 1.31 6.4 6.6 1.88 0.47 2.92
Nagarbari (*20) 3.8 4.0 1.34 0.10 1.52 7.0 7.1 1.91 0.28 2.63
Aricha (*21) 3.9 3.9 1.12 0.08 1.22 6.2 6.5 1.74 0.59 2.91
Statistical parameters obtained by Folk and Ward’s (1957) equations
Statistical parameters obtained by the method of moments (Lindholm 1987)
The median, mean and the standard deviation values are in phi (f)

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The GBM river system has its source in one of the
youngest mountain ranges in the world and traverses a
drainage area rich in Quaternary floodplain deposits. The
abundance of detrital minerals (quartzcfeldspar) in the
sediment composition clearly reflects this fact (Fig. 2).
Also, the relatively high quartz and low feldspar content
is indicative of the low relief tropical weathering condi-
tion in the basin (Potter 1978). The higher clay mineral
content in the suspended sediments (17–37%) as com-
pared to the bed sediments (3–32%) is due to the grain
size effect on the mineral composition. The insignificant
occurrence of carbonate minerals in the Bengal basin
may be related to the differential settling of detrital car-
bonates in the upper reaches during transportation.
The relative clay mineral content in the fraction ~4 mm
of the bed sediment is shown in Fig. 3. Illite and kaolin-
ite constitute 90% of the total clay minerals and occur in
almost equal amount in most samples. The chlorite con-
tent is less than 10% in most of the samples (~80%) and
the amount of montmorillonite is insignificant.
The average illite content of the world river bed sedi-
ments is between 45% and 60% (Irion 1991), similar to
that in the Bengal basin sediments. The richness of illite
is related to the dominance of its precursor, the musco-
vite type mica, in the source rock (Griffin and others
1968; Segall and Kuehl 1992) and the neotectonic activity
(Irion 1991) the basin is experiencing (Morgan and McIn-
tire 1959; Valdiya 1984; Pant and Sharma 1993). Kaolinite
occurs next to illite, and the vast floodplain providing the
major sediment load to the rivers can be a source of it
(Brinkman 1977; Islam and Lotse 1986), which indicates
intense soil-forming processes (kaolinization) in the basin
(Griffin and others 1968). The low content of chlorite in
the basin is related to the lesser stability of the mineral
in river sediments draining exclusively lowland tropical
areas (Irion 1991). The negligible amount of montmoril-
lonite is related to the scarcity of eruptive igneous rocks
in the drainage basin.
Naidu and others (1985) observed 73–78% illite and 27–
22% chlorite in the bed sediments of the Ganges, with no
kaolinite and montmorillonite at its upper and middle
course, while Subramanian (1980) recorded 46% illite,
28.7% kaolinite, 22.8% chlorite and 2.5% montmorillonite
in the suspended sediments of the Ganges (Hoogly) at
Calcutta. In the suspended sediments of the Brahmaputra
at Gauhati, Subramanian observed 31.5% illite, 36.8%
kaolinite, 31.5% chlorite and no montmorillonite. On the
other hand, Sarin and others (1989) reported 31.9% illite,
5.4% kaolinite, 7% chlorite and 56.2% smectite in the bed
Fig. 2a, b
sediments of the Ganges (Padma) at Aricha (Station 11, Major minerals in (a) the bed and (b) suspended sediment of
Fig. 1). In the bed sediments of the Brahmaputra (Jamu- the GBM river system in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh. (Station
na) at Aricha (Station 21, Fig. 1), Sarin and others re- numbers correspond to sampling stations in Fig. 1)
corded 61.7% illite, 12.3% kaolinite, 10.9% chlorite and
15.2% smectite. Our results on clay mineralogy differ
considerably, particularly in smectite/montmorillonite matic conditions and enriched with eruptive igneous
values, from those of Sarin and others (1989). Smectite is rocks. Rao and others (1988), Kolla and Rao (1990), Se-
a characteristic clay mineral of the peninsular rivers gall and Kuehl (1992) and Wijayananda and Cronan
which drain extensive areas under arid-to-semi-arid cli- (1994) cited several references on the transport path,

184 Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag

Research article

malayan sedimentary rocks. They also observed that

there is a relatively high amount of smectite in sediments
derived from the crystalline rocks of peninsular India,
and its abundance increases gradually from the Bay of
Bengal towards peninsular India. However, our results
are from samples distributed uniformly throughout the
basin and have a close proximity to Subramanian (1980)
and Naidu and others (1985). These results correspond to
the clay mineralogy of the sediments at their sink in the
Bay of Bengal. It is most likely that the conflicting data
on clay mineralogy among different authors are the result
of differences in the method of sampling, separation of
grain size fractions, frequency and timing (season) of
sampling and identification and estimation of the respec-
tive clay minerals.
On average the Meghna, Padma and Jamuna river bed se-
diments contain 13.5, 7.7 and 14.7%, respectively, of hea-
vy minerals in the size fraction between 200 mm and
63 mm. Amphibole is the most abundant heavy mineral,
Fig. 3 followed by garnet and epidote (Table 2). The relatively
Clay minerals in the bed sediment (Station numbers correspond
to the sampling stations in Fig. 1) high concentration of heavy minerals at stations 8 and 17
(Fig. 1 and Table 2) may be explained by the differential
settling of the mineral grains during their transportation.
grain size distribution, mineralogy, chemistry and source The Padma bed sediments show a higher (pyrope)-garnet
of sediments to the Bay of Bengal. They reported that il- content. This indicates the presence of mafic igneous
lite is the dominant clay mineral in the northeast Bay of rocks in their provenance.
Bengal, where the Ganges-Brahmaputra river system dis- The heavy mineral assemblage is dominated by unstable
charges its total sediment load carried down from the Hi- minerals (viz., garnet, magnetite, ilmenite, hornblende,

Table 2
Relative percentage of heavy minerals in the bed sediments

River Amphibole Pyroxene Epidote Garnet Apatite Topaz Megnetite Minerals identified but % heavy
Location a occurring in trace minerals

Meghna main channel

Ashuganj (6) 51 1 8 19 9 6 3 Rutile, kyanite, 13
Meghna Ghat (6) 62 2 8 13 9 2 1 Tourmaline, zircon, 12
rutile, kyanite, hematite
ilmanite, staurolite
Chandpur (8) 72 2 6 10 6 Trace 1 Tourmaline, zircon, 18
rutile, kyanite, hematite,
ilmanite, staurolite
Ganges (Padma) main channel
Rajshahi (9) 33 1 14 42 4 3 Trace Zircon, rutile, ilmanite 7
kyanite, hematite,
Pakshi (10) 29 3 16 42 5 1 2 Zircon, rutile, ilmanite, 9
Daulatdia (11) 41 2 30 11 11 2 2 Zircon, rutile, ilmanite 7
Brahmaputra (Jamuna) main channel
Dubri (14) 62 3 6 11 11 4 Trace Tourmaline, zircon, 9
rutile, kyanite, hematite,
ilmanite, sphene
Bahadurabad (17) 47 3 8 22 9 6 3 Tourmaline, ilmanite 24
Sirajganj (19) 54 5 10 10 12 6 1 Zircon, tourmaline 11
rutile, ilmanite
correspond to the sampling locations in Fig. 1
Values are rounded to the nearest whole number

Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag 185

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augite; for details see Hubert 1971) followed by semista- tribution of the majority of the suspended sediment sam-
ble minerals (viz., apatite, staurolite, kyanite, epidote) ples by more than 50%. This suggests that most of the
(Fig. 4). The content of stable and ultrastable minerals is bed sediments are capable of remobilization, particularly
insignificant. The relatively high amount of unstable and during high flow. This fine sand, silt and clay size class,
semistable heavy minerals in the sediment indicates in- as suggested by Mantei and Foster (1991), is fine enough
significant chemical alteration during transportation (Ku- to accumulate higher quantities of metals, as well as large
mar and Singh 1978). The majority of the heavy minerals enough to resist transport and have longer residence
are supplied by high-rank metamorphic (40–46%) and times in the stream channel.
mafic igneous rocks (21–29%) (Fig. 4). The heavy mineral The common trace metal contamination in a floodplain
assemblage shows no major variation in source rock of with extensive agricultural practice occurs from As, Pb,
the sediments in the three main river channels. Cd, Hg and Se through the use of fertilizers (e.g. phos-
phates), lime, pesticides, sewage sludge, irrigation and
Human Impact on the nature of sediments manure (Aswathanarayana 1995). The arithmetic average
The sediments on the banks and the floodplain of the and the range of concentration of Pb, Cd, Hg and As of
GBM rivers in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh, are com- the GBM river bed sediments in the Bengal basin, Bang-
posed dominantly of fine sand and silt (Morgan and ladesh, is presented in Table 3. The trace metals, viz Pb,
McIntire 1959; FAO 1977; Alam and others 1990; Umitsu Hg and As, are less in concentration in the Bengal basin,
1993) and are similar in size to the river bed sediments Bangladesh, as compared to standard shale and clays.
of the basin. The bank and floodplain sediments can Cadmium shows a slight enrichment. Muller (1979) for-
therefore be a major short-term source of river sedi- mulated an ‘Index of Geoaccumulation’ (Igeo) as a means
ments. Meade and Parker (1985) reported that the major to quantify metal pollution in aquatic systems. The Igeo
source of sediment supplied to the United States rivers has a scale of seven grades (0–6), where grade 6 corre-
are the sediments occurring in the floodplain. This grain sponds to about 100 times more than the normal concen-
size category is similar to that observed in the inner Ben- tration level. The sediments of the GBM system have ne-
gal Shelf which ultimately feeds the Bengal Fan via ‘the gative Igeo for Pb, Hg and As. Cadmium in the Brahma-
Swatch of No Ground’, a major conduit for the seaward putra (Jamuna) and Meghna sediments has positive Igeo
transport of sediments from the Bengal Shelf (Kuehl and values and shows a slight enrichment as compared to the
others 1989). Moreover, the distribution spectrum of normal concentration level. Thus, although the sediments
sand, silt and clay in the bed sediments overlaps the dis- of the GBM river system in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh,
has the potential to trap contaminants because of their
grain size and mineralogy, they are not contaminated at
the present stage, but, considering the population density
and fertilizer input, they can in the future become con-
There is no clear cut relationship among the variables,
viz. population density, mineral stability, terrain topogra-
phy and textural properties of the sediments in the Ben-
gal basin. However, to attain a ‘dynamic metastable
equilibrium’ (Schumm 1975) the tectonic nature of the
drainage basin of the GBM system can be one of the ma-
jor factor to consider (Barua 1994).
Umitsu (1993) observed that the uppermost sedimentary
unit of the Ganges delta and the surrounding region con-
sists of silts and clay deposited in poorly drained low-
lands. These lowlands are a zone of subsidence in the
Bengal basin where 40–60% of the sediment load of the
Ganges-Brahmaputra river system finds their sink (Milli-
man and Syvitski 1992). The influence of changes in the
land and water management pattern at the upper reaches
of the drainage basin, although known only qualitatively
(Bowonder 1986; Bhargava 1987; Hasan and Mulamoottil
1994), obviously affects the sediment characteristics in
the lower basin. The dynamic metastable equilibrium of
the river system – in the absence of any short-term tec-
tonic activity – is very likely to collapse with the anthro-
Fig. 4
pogenic sediment load, thus masking the natural textural
Heavy minerals in different stability and source categories and mineralogical features of the sediments. Furthermore,
expressed in percent (Station numbers correspond to sampling a negative balance may develop because of the water
stations in Fig. 1) management practices upstream. Thus, the human im-

186 Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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Table 3
Concentration of Pb, Cd, Hg and As in the bed sediments of the GBM river system in the Bengal basin, Bangladesh (in mg/g)

Rivers Pb Cd f Hg As f

Ganges (Padma) a 8–16 0.23–0.26 0.016–0.099 1.18–2.61

(11.6) (0.243) (0.047) (2.03)
Brahmaputra (Jamuna) a 6–16 0.14–1.35 0.014–0.048 1.41–5.93
(10.67) (0.504) (0.028) (2.79)
Meghna a 6–12 0.06–0.95 0.016–0.062 1.30–5.55
(8.86) (0.448) (0.035) (3.49)
Shale and Clays b 20 0.20 0.20 13*
World Soils c 10–20 0.10–1.00 0.010–0.060 5–10
Soils USA d 19 P 0.09 7.2
Igeo e Padma P1.37 P0.30 P2.67 P3.26
Igeo Jamuna P1.49 0.75 P3.42 P2.81
Igeo Meghna P1.76 0.58 P3.10 P2.48
This study; b Salomons and Förstner (1984); c Fergusson (1990) quoted in Aswathanarayana (1995); d Shacklette and Boerngen
(1984) as quoted in Dobrovolsky (1994); * Förstner (1981); e IgeopLog2 (Cn/1.5 Bn) where Cn is the measured concentration and
Bn is the geochemical background value in standard shale (Muller 1979); f unpublished data of R. Ramesh, Department of Earth
and Planetary Sciences, Harvard University, USA

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188 Environmental Geology 30 (3/4) April 1997 7 Q Springer-Verlag

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