Writing 2

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Writing Better Paragraphs


Writing Better Paragraphs

Writing Better Paragraphs


No. Abbreviation Meaning

1 adj adjective

2 adv adverb

3 v verb

4 n noun

5 prep preposition

6 phr v phrasal verb

Writing Better Paragraphs

Welcome, and thank you for being this book’s readers. It gives me the chance to
introduce the book you are about to read as a compilation of ideas and activities that I have
gleaned for the last one year. It also contains some of the best practices of co-authors with
whom I have had the pleasure of working.

As you know, writing is a very important part of your university study. You will
write assignments that may range from one paragraph to several pages long, and will write
answers on tests and exams that may be a few sentences long or a complete essay.

Paragraphs are very important in academic writing. Paragraphs help the reader to
follow your arguments, and also show the reader when a new argument is being introduced.
This book is an introduction to paragraph writing with the purpose of assisting you in
Writing better paragraphs that you will do for your university courses and other purposes
in your daily communication or future career.

This book is intended for UNETI students of English Language, especially those
who are learning Writing 2. It is suggested being used along with the main textbook “Great
Writing 2: Great Paragraph” (National Geography Publisher, 4th Edition) to help you
revise all the writing skills, vocabulary and grammar that you have learned in classroom.
For this reason, you are encouraged to do the exercises in each unit after you have the same
writing lesson in your classroom.

You should come to your writing class every day with energy and a willingness to
work and learn. Your teacher and your classmates have a lot to share with you, and you
also have a lot to share with them. By coming to class with your questions, taking chances,
thinking in new ways, and expressing your ideas in another language, you will add not only
to your own world but to the world of those around you. Good luck!

Writing Better Paragraphs

The book provides a lot of opportunities for you to study the English academic
writing paragraph models and practice what you have learned in the textbook Great
Writing 2: Great Paragraph (4th edition) with the hope that you can write more naturally
and more effectively. You will not only revise all the writing skills, vocabulary and
grammar that you have learned in classroom but also learn the steps to write a paragraph
as well as how to maintain the paragraph unity and coherence. We hope that what the book
provides will help you throughout your academic studies and beyond.

Additionally, this supplementary book supplies students with an user-friendly

guidance to do the online practice. What is more, the guidelines for timed writing task in
each unit help you move from brainstorming to final draft easily and effectively. The tips
at the end of each unit are also helpful for you to master writing skills.

The book is designed to be used in-sessional course with three chapters.

Chapter 1 – An Introduction to Writing focuses on the importance and benefits

of writing skills and emphasizes the writing process.

Chapter 2- Elements of Great Paragraphs deals with the writing skill, grammar
points, which are explained in the easy-to-follow way and offers a plenty of practice
exercise in vocabulary collocations, word forms, writing sentences and editing paragraphs
to help students comprehend and produce in their own writing. Students are also given
chances to evaluate how much progress they achieve through track your success section.
These steps, as a consequence, encourage them to study at their own pace and develop
either their self-esteem or autonomy.

Chapter 3 – Strategies and Sample Test guides students to write effective

paragraphs and provides sample practice tests with the aim to assist them prepare for the
final examination.

Chapter 4 – Practice Tests & Online Practice offers 4 Practice Tests with test-
taking tips and guides students to do workbook online in a friendly-user way.

Writing Better Paragraphs

A feature of Writing Better Paragraphs is its clear, simple and logical organization,
which makes it ideal as a self-study and reference guide for students needing to work

Although every effort has been made to make Writing Better Paragraphs as clear
and accurate as possible, improvements can always be achieved. Therefore, we would
welcome any comments or suggestions about the book from teachers or students for future


Writing is important because it is used extensively in higher education and in the
workplace (Walsh, 2010). If students don’t know how to express themselves in writing,
they won’t be able to communicate well with lecturers, professors, and employers in later.
Much of professional communication is done in writing: proposals, memos, reports,
applications, preliminary interview, e-mails, and more parts of the daily life of a college
student or successful graduate.

Writing has a unique position in language mastering since its acquisition involves a
practice and knowledge of other three language skills: speaking, listening and reading.
Moreover, it requires mastering of other skills, such as metacognitive skills. Learners need
to set an objective for their writing, plan it carefully, think over its layout and logical
structure, revise it,.. In the process of writing, they have to use cognitive skill, they have to
analyze their sources and then synthesize them in a compact piece of writing. For these
reasons, writing offers a lot of benefits (Chappell, 2011) since it helps:

Express one’s personality

Foster communication
Develop thinking skills
Make logical and persuasive argument
Give a person a chance to later reflect on his/her ideas and re-evaluate them
Provide and receive feedback; and
Prepare for school and employment

Writing Better Paragraphs


Paragraphs are very important in academic writing. Paragraphs help the reader to
follow your arguments, and also show the reader when a new argument is being introduced.
Paragraph writing offers at least three benefits. First of all, mastering the structure of the
paragraph will help make you a better writer. For other courses, you’ll often do writing
that will be variations on the paragraph form— for example, exam answers, summaries,
response papers, and brief reports. In addition, paragraphs serve as the basic building
blocks of essays, the most common form of writing in college. The basic structure of the
traditional paragraph, with its emphasis on a clear point and well-organized, logical sup-
port, will help you write effective essays and almost every kind of paper that you will have
to do.

Second, the discipline of writing a paragraph will strengthen your skills as a reader
and listener. You’ll become more critically aware of other writers’ and speakers’ ideas and
the evidence they provide—or fail to provide—to sup- port those ideas.

Most important, paragraph writing will make you a stronger thinker. Writing a
solidly reasoned paragraph requires mental discipline and close attention to a set of logical
rules. Creating a paragraph in which there is an overall topic sentence supported by well-
reasoned, convincing evidence is more challenging than writing a free-form or expressive
paper. Such a paragraph obliges you to carefully sort out, think through, and organize your
ideas. You’ll learn to discover and express just what your ideas are and to develop those
ideas in a sound and logical way. Traditional paragraph writing, in short, will train your
mind to think clearly, and that ability will prove to be of value in every phase of your life.

Diagram of a Paragraph
The following diagram shows you at a glance the different parts of a standard
college paragraph. The diagram will serve as a helpful guide when you are writing or
evaluating paragraphs.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Writing Better Paragraphs


When we write, we do more than just put words together to make sentences. Good
writers go through several steps to produce a piece of writing. These are also the steps you
will practice in this book.

STEP ONE: Choose a topic. Before you write, your teacher gives you a writing prompt
or some ideas of what to write about. It not choose your topic yourself.

Narrowing a subject to a topic can be compared to a wide-angle camera lens that

zoom in to focus on a single small flower. By focusing your attention on a small part of the
subject, you can narrow the subject to a restricted area that you can cover in depth rather
than superficially. In the example below, the subject is narrowed into 2 different ways:


Effects of Smoking Cigarettes

The effects of Smoking Cigarettes on the Health

The effects of Smoking Cigarettes on Lungs


Smoking Cigarettes Policies

Should Smoking Cigarettes be banned?

STEP TWO: Brainstorm. When you have a topic, think about what you will write
about a topic and gather ideas.

Writing Better Paragraphs

STEP THREE: Outline. Decide which of the ideas you want to use and where you
want to use them. Choose which idea to write about first, which to write next and
which to write about last.

There are several different outline forms that can be used. The form used here is
particularly helpful for students who have never practiced outlining before.

Simple outline:
Topic sentence:
A. First Supporting Idea There are equal in
B. Second Supporting Idea importance and
C. Third Supporting Idea written in parallel
Concluding sentence:
The number of main supporting points (A, B, C) will vary widely from
paragraph to paragraph. This particular paragraph has three main supporting
points; others may have two or more than three. Take the following outline as an
Topic sentence: Snow skiers must take extreme precautions on the slopes.
A. They must consider the weather conditions. There are equal in
B. They must consider the slope conditions. importance and
C. They must consider their own ability. written in parallel
D. They must obey the warning signs.
Concluding sentence: Snow skiing is a safe and enjoyable winter sport if skiers
take a few precautions.
Now, read the paragraph to see how the writer used this outline to write a well-
organized paragraph that is easy to understand.
Snow Skiing
Snow skiers must take extreme precautions on the slopes. Before going out,
they should consider weather conditions. If it is stormy, they may not want to go
at all. Extreme cold can be dangerous, especially for beginning skiers, and wind
makes skiing unpleasant. Skiers should also know the conditions of the ski slopes.
In the early morning, the slopes may be icy. Hitting a patch of ice at high speed
can call hard falls and injuries. If the snow is not very deep, skiers should watch
for racks and tree stumps. If visibility is poor because of blowing snow or fog,
skiers should slow down. In addition, skiers should ski cautiously if the slopes are
very crowded, especially in areas where there are many beginning skiers. Of
course, skiers should consider their own ability and not ski on runs that are too
steep. Beginners and intermediates should not ski down runs marked "expert" or
"advanced". Finally, skiers must obey all warning signs. Some of these signs warn
them about closed trails, avalanche danger, and hazards such as rocks. Skiers
Writing Better Paragraphs

should not ski beyond the out-of-bounds signs because if they fall and are injured,
no one will find them. Also, they should always obey the "slow" signs in congested
areas. In short, snow skiing is a safe and enjoyable winter sport if skiers take a few
Detailed outline:
Sometimes, you need draft a detailed outline that will help you write a well-
organized paragraph more easily and successfully. A detailed outline might look
like this.
Topic sentence:
A. First Supporting Point
1. Supporting Detail
2. Supporting Detail
3. Supporting Detail
B. Second Supporting Point
1. Supporting Detail
2. Supporting Detail
3. Supporting Detail
C. Third Supporting Point
1. Supporting Detail
2. Supporting Detail
3. Supporting Detail
Concluding sentence:
In this detailed outline, supporting points A, B, and C are the main points
of the paragraph. Each of them supports the topic sentence. Supporting details 1,
2, and 3 are the supporting details for each main supporting point. Of course,
outlines are usually not as regular as this model. Every outline will probably have
a different number of supporting points and supporting details.
This is how a detailed outline for the example about snow skiing might look.
Topic sentence: Snow skiers must take extreme precautions on the slopes.
A. They must consider the weather conditions.
1. Temperature
2. Wind
3. Storm or clear weather
B. They must consider the slope conditions.
1. Icy surfaces
2. Rocks and tree stumps
Writing Better Paragraphs

3. Visibility
4. Crowds
C. They must consider their own ability.
1. Beginner
2. Intermediate
3. Expert
D. They must obey the warning signs.
1. Out of bounds markers
2. Closed trails and runs
3. Avalanche danger
4. “slow” and “merging” trails
5. Hazards
Concluding sentence: Snow skiing is a safe and enjoyable winter sport if skiers
take a few precautions.
The “Parallel Form” Rule
Equal parts of an outline should be written in parallel form. This means that
all ideas with the same kind of letter or number should have the same grammatical
form, that is, they all should be complete sentences, or all nouns, all adjectives, or
prepositional phrases, etc. Look at the following example:
Topic sentence: Watching sports on television has several benefits. ✘
A. Close-ups of the action.
B. Provide instant relays.
C. It provides comments of expert.
Concluding sentence: It is fairly beneficial to watch sports on
Topic sentence: Watching sports on television has several benefits. ✓
A. It provides close-ups of the action.
B. It provides instant relays.
C. It provides comments of expert.
Concluding sentence: It is fairly beneficial to watch sports on
In the second example, point A is a noun phrase; point B is a verb phrase; and point
C is a simple sentence, so they are not parallel whereas points A, B, C in the first
example are all simple sentence.

Writing Better Paragraphs


STEP FOUR: Write the first draft. Write your paragraph from start to finish. Use
your notes about your ideas and organization.

Reviewing and Revising

STEP FIVE: Review structure and content. Check what you have written. Read your
writing silently to yourself or aloud, perhaps to a friend. Look for places you can
add more information, and check to see if you have any unnecessary information.
Ask a classmate to exchange texts with you. Your classmate reads your text, and
you read his or hers. Getting a reader’s opinion is a good way to know if your
writing is clear and effective. Learning to give opinions about other people’s
writing helps you to improve your own. You may want to go on to


Revise structure and content. Use your ideas from step five to rewrite your text,
making improvements to the structure and content. You might need to explain
something more clearly, or more details. You may even need to change your
organization so that your text is more logical.
Proofread. Read your text again. This time, check your spelling and grammar and
think about the words you have chosen to use.
Edit. Check that you have corrected errors you discovered in steps five and six and
make any other changes you want to make.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Writing Better Paragraphs

Each unit contains practice exercises that can be checked using the answer key
section at the end of the book. For ease of use, it is divided into the following sections:

Part 1 – Writing Skills provides an extensive skill set to prepare students for every aspects
of academic writing.

Part 2 – Grammar for Writing supplies grammar presentation followed by practice

exercise to develop students’ understanding and improve their accuracy.

Part 3 – Building Better Vocabulary highlights academic words, word association,

collocations, and word forms of vocabulary that appear on the Vocabulary Index of each
unit from “Great Writing 2: Great Paragraph”.

Part 4 – Building Better Sentences focuses student on sentence-level work to ensure more
accurate writing.

Part 5 – Editing Paragraphs allows students to apply what they have learned to find
mistake in paragraphs and correct them as well as learn to maintain the coherence of
paragraphs through sequencing exercises.

Part 6 – Writing Task provides step-by-step guidelines for Timed Writing Task at the end
of the same unit in the main textbook “Great Writing 2: Great Paragraph” (National
Geography Publisher, 4th Edition).

Finally, Track Your Success allows students to assess their own progress in writing
skill, grammar and vocabulary.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how a paragraph is written

- Recognizing the three parts of a paragraph
- Analyzing the features of a paragraph
- Writing an effective title for a paragraph
- Using correct form of verbs in a paragraph
- Using capitalization and ending punctuation correctly in sentences
- Identifying sentences and fragments

Writing Better Paragraphs



A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develops one main idea, which
is the topic of a paragraph. A well written paragraph is made up of three kinds of
sentences that develop the writer’s main idea, opinion, or feeling about a certain subject.
These sentences are (1) topic sentence, (2) supporting sentences, and (3) the concluding
Four features of a paragraph:
1. A paragraph has a topic sentence that states the main idea.
2. All of the sentences in a paragraph are about one topic.
3. The first line of a paragraph is indented.
4. The last sentence, or concluding sentence, brings the paragraph to a logical end.
An easy way to picture the order of ideas in a paragraph is to think of a sandwich.
A sandwich has two slices of bread (the topic and concluding sentences). The main part
of the sandwich is the filling (the supporting sentences and details).

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.1: Read the statements about the paragraphs. Write T (True) or
F (False)

1 A paragraph can contain more than one topic. _____

2 The main idea is reflected in the topic sentence. _____
3 The topic sentence is developed into a paragraph. _____
4 Beside the topic sentence, a paragraph normally consists of _____
supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.
5 The first line of a paragraph need to be indented. _____
6 All of the sentences in a paragraph are topic sentences. _____
7 All of the sentences in a paragraph are about the same topic. _____
Exercise 1.2: Read the paragraph. Complete the sentences with the correct
word or words in the box. There are two extra answers.

Shoveling snow
Shoveling snow is hard work. I know that this is true because I have to
shovel the sidewalk and the driveway after every storm. It is certainly easy to work
up a sweat after just five minutes of shoveling. I can feel the muscles in both my
arms get tired after a while, and I have to take short breaks every five minutes or
so. After about forty-five minutes of shoveling, I have to stop because my lower
back feels so strained. I know firsthand what hard work it is to shovel snow.

topic sentence five sentences

main idea concluding sentence six
Shoveling snow is hard work paragraph title

1. The ___________________________ of the paragraph is that shoveling snow

is difficult.
2. There are ___________________________ sentences in the paragraph.
3. The ___________________________ is ___________________________ .
4. All of the ___________________________ relate to the topic.
5. The ___________________________ is indented.
6. The ___________________________ is I know firsthand what hard work it is
to shovel snow.
Exercise 1.3: Read the paragraph. Then read the sentences below it and
decide if they are true (T) or False (F).

Writing Better Paragraphs


John wanted to learn how to play the ukulele. First, he had to find a ukulele.
Luckily, his wife found a used one for him. It needed some repair, but John was
able to glue the body, replace two tuning pegs, and restring the instrument. Next,
he also ordered How to Play the Ukulele from a book company on the Internet. He
practiced two or three times a day and became quite proficient at playing the
ukulele. The instrument has a beautiful sound, and he is quite pleased with his new
ability to play the ukulele.
_____ 1. The main idea of the paragraph is: John’s experience in learning to play
_____ 2. There are eight sentences in the paragraph.
_____ 3. The topic sentence is: First, he had to find a ukulele.
_____ 4. All of the sentences are related to the topic.
_____ 5. The paragraph is intended.
_____ 6. The concluding sentence is: The instrument has a beautiful sound, and he
is quite pleased with his new ability to play the ukulele.
Exercise 1.4: Read the following paragraphs to find their topic. Write the
topic in the space provided.


WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 1.3 to 1.5

precious (adj): rare and worth a lot of money
characteristic (n): a typical feature or quality that something/somebody has
suitable (adj): right or appropriate for a particular purpose or occasion
remain (v): to continue to be something; to be still in the same state or condition
usefulness (n): the fact of being useful or possible to use
application (n): the practical use of something, especially a theory, discovery, etc.
protection (n): the act of protecting somebody/something
utility (n): the quality of being useful
prevent (v): to stop somebody from doing something; to stop something from
recommend (v): to tell somebody that something is good or useful,
thoroughly (adv): very much; completely
Writing Better Paragraphs

Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics. First

of all, gold has lustrous beauty that is resistant to corrosion. Therefore, it is suitable
for jewelry, coins, and ornamental purposes. Gold never needs to be polished and
will remain beautiful forever. For example, a Macedonian coin remains as
untarnished today as the day it was minted many years ago. Another important
characteristic of gold is its usefulness to industry and science. For many years, it
has been used in hundreds of industrial applications. The most recent use of gold
is in astronauts suits. Astronauts wear gold-plated heat shields for protection
outside the spaceship. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but
also its utility.
The paragraph is about …………………………………………………………

Without a doubt, one of the healthiest food groups is vegetables. Studies have
shown that vegetables contain special nutrients that prevent certain diseases.
There are many stories about children who do not like to eat vegetables. For this
reason, it is recommended that you eat at least five servings of vegetables every
day. Popular vegetables include potatoes, beans, broccoli, and carrots. With so
many types of vegetables available, it is easy to include vegetables in your meals
to maintain good health.
The paragraph is about ………………………………………………………

Judy and Eric spent a great deal of time planning their upcoming trip to
France. They are going to stay in Paris for a few nights. They want to go
sightseeing to the Eiffel Tower and Notre Dame. They want to visit a few museums
and shop along the Champs Elysees. After Paris, they will take the train to the
south of France where they are going to stay for another few days. They plan to
drive through the French countryside, enjoying the quaint villages and the miles
and miles of vineyards. It sounds like they will thoroughly enjoy their vacation in
The paragraph is about ……………………………………………………….
Exercise 1.5: Read the paragraph 1.3, 1.4 & 1.5 to answer the following
Paragraph 1.3
1. Write down the topic sentence.

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. How many sentences are there in the paragraph?_______________________

3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If so, underline it/them.
4. Is the paragraph indented? _______________________
5. Write down the concluding sentence.

Paragraph 1.4
1. Write down the topic sentence.

2. How many sentences are there in the paragraph?_______________________

3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If so, underline it/them.
4. Is the paragraph indented? _______________________
5. Write down the concluding sentence.

Paragraph 1.5
1. Write down the topic sentence.

2. How many sentences are there in the paragraph?_______________________

3. Are all the sentences related to the topic? If so, underline it/them.
4. Is the paragraph indented? _______________________
5. Write down the concluding sentence.

Exercise 1.6: Read the paragraph and choose the correct answer to each question.

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 1.6

variety (n): several different sorts of the same thing
consider (v): to think about something carefully, especially in order to make a decision


Visit Chile for your next vacation_____

There are many reasons to visit Chile for your next vacation. First, Chile’s
natural wonders are some of the most beautiful in the world. The Torres del Paine
National Park in the southern part of Chile has amazing ice-capped mountains and
rare wildlife, such as the puma. The Atacama Desert in the north is not only
beautiful, but also offers one of the best places to see the stars. Another reason to

Writing Better Paragraphs

visit Chile is for its variety of active adventures. You can ski from June til October,
and there are several convenient ski areas near the city of Santiago. Surfing, too,
is an option for water lovers. Many say the beaches in Pichilemu are the best in
South America. Finally, Chile offers ancient history and mystery on Easter Island,
a five-and-a-half-hour plane ride from Santiago. The calm, peaceful, faraway
island with ancient statues is for those who really want to “get away from it all.”
When you are planning your next vacation, consider all the wonderful things Chile
has to offer.
1. What is the purpose of this paragraph?
a. The purpose of this paragraph is to describe great things about Chile.
b. The purpose of this paragraph is to describe the natural wonders of Chile.
c. The purpose of this paragraph is to discuss sports in Chile.
2. What is the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Chile is very interesting.
b. Chile is a great place to visit.
c. Chile has great natural places.
3. The writer gives three reasons to support the paragraph. What are they?
a. looking at stars, skiing, and ancient statues
b. nature, sport, history
c. the Atacama desert, convenient areas to ski, beaches
4. What does the last sentence do?
a. It makes a suggestion to the reader.
b. It states an opinion.
c. It repeats information from earlier in the paragraph.
5. Write down the topic sentence: _______________________________________________
6. Write down the first sentence unrelated to the topic: _____________________________
7. Write down the second sentence unrelated to the topic: ___________________________
8. Write down the concluding sentence: __________________________________________

Writing Better Paragraphs


Exercise 1.7: Read each set and put a check (✓) next to the best the topic


A good title tells the readers what they will find in the paragraph. It also makes the
readers curious about the topic so they want to read the paragraph.
Explanation Examples
• Titles are short phrases. They are not Successful Engineers Have Several
sentences. Characteristics.
Characteristics of Successful Engineers
• Good titles tell the reader the main idea. Good title: Characteristics of Successful
They are not too general or too specific. Engineers
Too general: Successful Engineers
Too specific: Successful Engineers Are Smart,
Team Player, and Good Networkers
• Center titles over the paragraph. Measuring Success
There are several ways to measure success…
• Capitalize nouns, verbs, adjectives, and Characteristics of Successful Engineers
adverbs. Noun Prep Adj Noun
• Do not capitalize prepositions, Major Causes of Traffic Accident
conjunctions (and& but), or articles Adj Noun Prep Noun Noun
(a/an/the) unless they are the first word
in the title.
• Do not put a period or a quotation mark
at the end of a title.

1. ____ Trips
____ There Are Exciting Trips in Asia
____ Exciting Trips in Asia
2. ____ Dogs Are Easy to Train
____ Training
____ Training Dogs: Dos and Don'ts
3. ____ Exercise Tips
____ Benefits of Walking
____ Walking Is Better Than Running If You Are Older
4. ____ How to Choose the Right College

Writing Better Paragraphs

____ Colleges
____ Are Community Colleges Better Than Four-Year Colleges or Not?
5. ____ Chinese Restaurant Review
____ There's a Delicious New Chinese Restaurant
____ Hen Hao Dim Sum: Best Chinese Food in Town
6. ____ Who Established Washington State, When, and Why?
____ Washington State: The Early Years
____ American History
7. ____ No Presents
____ I Decided Not to Ask for Any Presents for My Birthday
____ A Birthday without Presents
8. ____ Unemployment
____ The Reasons Why Many People Are Unemployed Right Now
____ Unemployment Rising Fast
Exercise 1.8: Give a title for the paragraph 1.2., 1.3., 1.4., 1.5.
Paragraph 1.2. _______________________________________________
Paragraph 1.3. _______________________________________________
Paragraph 1.4. _______________________________________________
Paragraph 1.5. _______________________________________________


Writing Better Paragraphs


Explanation Examples
Use the Simple present to show actions or states that are true in general or habitual,
and for events in a sequence.
• General truths We use the Internet to stay in touch with friends.
• Habitual actions After dinner every night, Elena gets out her
• Events in a sequence Elena logs on to the Internet, reads her email, and
starts responding.
Use the base form of the Verb for I, I
You, We and They You
Note: For the verb Be, use I am We
You/ We/ They are You speak
Brazilians Portuguese.
Use the –s form for he, she, it and He
third-person Nouns. She speaks
Note: for the Verb Be, use He/ She/ It It
is. A Brazilian
When a Verb ends in a consonant + y, I try He tries
change the –y to –i and add –es.
When a verb ends in –ch, -sh, -ss, -x, Pilot watch A pilot watches
or –zz, add -es Janitors wash A janitor washes
People miss A foreign student misses

Exercise 2.1: Write the simple present form of the Verb in parentheses to
complete the paragraphs.

South America

Writing Better Paragraphs

South America __________ (1.be) one of seven continents. Its

population __________ (2.be) over 420 million, with over half living in Brazil.
The Pacific Ocean __________ (3.border) South America to the west, and the
Atlantic Ocean to the east and north. Spanish and Portuguese __________ (4.be)
the most common languages spoken in South America, but many
people __________ (5.speak) one or more other languages. South
America __________ (6.have) amazing geographical features, including the
Amazon River, which __________ (7.hold) more water than any other river in the
world. The Andes Mountains __________ (8.be) the longest mountain range in the
world, and the Amazon rainforest __________ (9.be) the largest rainforest in the
world. South America has many different kinds of people and places, and, like all
continents, it has unique characteristics that set it apart.


Visit Iceland
_____Iceland __________ (10.be) a popular new tourist destination. The
geography of this small island country __________ (11.include) volcanoes,
glaciers, and caves. Tourists __________ (12.visit) Iceland to hike, watch whales,
and see the northern lights. There __________ (13.be) many outdoor swimming
pools in Iceland. Swimming __________ (14.be) popular because of the naturally
warm water. Almost everyone in Iceland __________ (15.go) to the local public
pool. People __________ (16.talk) and __________ (17.relax) there. In addition
to outdoor activities, there (18.be) __________ plenty of museums, shops, and
restaurants to visit, too. Take a trip to Iceland to experience all of this for yourself.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Use the simple past to write a story about something that has happened.
Explanation Examples
The Past Simple is used:
• To express a finished action in the past We went to the cinema yesterday.
• To express actions which follow each I got up, switched off the radio, and sat
other in a story down by the window.
• For habitual actions in the past When I was young, I played tennis every
Form the past by adding “ed” to the base form call called
of most Verbs. start started
Verbs ending in -e: add –d to the base form live lived
care cared
Verbs ending in vowel + y: add –ed stay stayed
destroy destroyed
Verbs ending in consonant + y: change try tried
the y to i and add -ed carry carried
One-syllable verbs ending in consonant + stop stopped
vowel + consonant (except Verbs ending in rob robbed
–x & -w): double the consonant and add –ed
Two-syllable verbs with a final stressed admit admitted
syllable: double the consotant and add –ed occur occurred

Verbs ending in-c: add –k + -ed panic panicked

Exercise 2.2: Complete the following sentences with the Past Simple form of
the Verbs in the box.
tell be(x2) take sink catch eat spend
sit fall build steal drink grow up win
move hate sign up find come decide

1. The boy __________ his exam yesterday.

2. The manager of the shop __________ the thieves who __________ some
3. I __________ bacon and eggs for breakfast. Then I __________ a glass of
orange juice.
4. I __________ down on the bed and __________ asleep.
Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Last year, a bird __________ a nest on the branch of that tree.

6. Alison was born on the 13th of November 1996. She __________ in Paris until
she __________ 10 years old when her parents __________ to Kent in the UK.
7. Until last year I __________ spiders so much that I __________ to do
something about my fear and __________ for the Friendly Spider Programme at
the London Zoo.
8. He __________ the judge that he __________ innocent.
9. Two friends from Madrid __________ 20 days on a desert island after their
boat. Fortunately, the rescue team __________ them alive and well.
10. During the school summer athletic games, my class __________ 12 track and
field medals and we also __________ second in the 100m swimming race.
Exercise 2.3: Choose the most appropriate verbs to complete the text.
Remember to use the Past Simple tense.


Writing Better Paragraphs


Imperative sentences give directions or commands.

Explanation Examples
• Use the base form of the Verb to begin an To determine whether fire needs air, do a
imperative sentence. Note there is no simple experiment with a small candle and
subject in this form. The subject is a jar with a lid. Place the candle in the jar.
understood as you. Light the candle. Then put the lid on the
• Use Do not + the base Verb for negative Do not forget to thank the customer.
commands. Do not is often contracted to Do not bother the customer.
• Add a sequence word (First, Second, First, place the candle in the jar.
Third, Next, Then, and Finally) before the Second, light the candle.
imperative when you give written Then put the lid on the jar.
directions, the sequence or orders of the
steps is important.
• Imperatives can begin with always and Always be friendly and polite.
never. Never ask personal questions.
• Imperatives can be used with time clauses. Wait here until I come back.
Bring the customer to the check-out
counter when you think they are ready.

Exercise 2.4: Complete the following paragraph with the imperative form of the
verb in parentheses. Add a sequence word or phrase from the box where indicated
(Seq). Add a comma if necessary. More than one sequence word may be possible.
After that Finally First Next Then
Chocolate Chip Cookies

This is how you make chocolate chip cookies. __________ (1.Seq/turn) the oven
on. Heat it to 350 degrees F (175 degrees C). __________ (2.mix) butter, white sugar,
and brown sugar together. __________ (3.Seq/stir) in eggs and vanilla. __________
(4.Seq/mix) flour, baking soda, and salt in another bowl. __________ (5.pour) this dry
mixture into the wet mixture and stir. __________ (Seq/add) chocolate chips to the
mixture. __________ (Seq/use) a spoon to form cookies from the mixture on a pan.
__________ (Seq/put) the pan in the oven and __________ (bake) the cookies for about
10 minutes.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Explanation Examples
Always capitalize: Old people are tired of living in a big city.
• The first word of every sentence. Every year, Earth Hour is held on the last
• Days of the week and months of the Sunday in March.
year. When I was young, I wasn’t allowed to
• The pronoun I no matter where it is in stay out late in the evenings.
a sentence. Mother's Day usually falls on a Sunday in
• The first letter (only) of the proper March in the UK.
nouns, such as the names of people, places,
festival, cities, countries, holidays and The Three Things I Do in the Morning
• The main word of a title, but not
articles (a/an/the) or prepositions(in, on, to,
..) or conjunctions (and/but), unless they are
the first word in the title
Ending punctuation
A period (.) comes at the end of a statement. An electronic dictionary is more
If the sentence ends with an abbreviation, convenient than a paper one.
don’t use more than one period. My mother has just finished her P.D. ✓
My mother has just finished her P.D.. ✘
A question mark (?) is used at the end of the How many times have you been to Hanoi?
An exclamation point (!) is used at the end of This is the best love poem in the world!
an exclamation.

Exercise 2.5: Read the following sentences and decide if they are correct or
incorrect capitalization and end punctuation. Correct the mistakes.

1. Some dogs need very little training when it comes to doing certain tricks.
2. For example, there are many dogs that know how to fetch a ball or stick
without ever being taught.
3. because dogs are very social animals and love to play, this behavior is
4. their instinct, or natural character, leads them to behave in certain ways
5. However, a dog’s instincts can sometimes lead to dangerous situations.
6. because dogs are instinctually protective of their food, it is important to be
cautious around them while they are eating
7. It is fairly easy for a dog to learn how to “sit” or "lie down."

Writing Better Paragraphs

8. teaching a dog to jump through a hoop might be a little harder, but with
patience and a lot of “treats,” most dogs can learn this trick, too


Explanation Examples
Every sentence in English must have a I went to Italy last summer. Was a
verb. wonderful trip.
A sentence fragment is not a complete
sentence. Often it is: Students do not often major in art. Because
• without a subject, a verb or both they worry about job opportunities.
• a dependent clause, which is never
a complete sentence
To correct a sentence fragment: I went to Italy last summer. It was a
• Add a subject or verb wonderful trip.
• Combine two clauses with a Students do not often major in art because
connector they worry about job opportunities.

Exercise 2.6: Write F (Fragment) and S (Sentences) next to each number.

1. ____ Do not the hot oven!
2. ____ There is not enough salt on the vegetables.
3. ____ The snowplows did not clear the roads this morning.
4. ____ I liked learning a foreign language in high school.
5. ____ Mary broke her arm after she fell off her bike.
6. ____ Coffee grown in many South American countries.
7. ____ Did you the dishwasher?
8. ____ The pie crust nicely.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. convince A. (v) to take away
2. patient B. (n) a place to visit, especially for tourists
3. remove C. (adj) easy to use
4. require D. (v) to cause someone to believe something is true or good
5. attraction E. (n) all of the people living in a specific area

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. convenient F. (adj) calm; having the ability to wait calmly

7. traditional G. (v) to need, must have
8. population H. (adj) normal or usual; not new
Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word or phrase from the box to complete
each sentence.
remove takes up boil convenient allows
extremely constrast at least takes place majority
1. A __________of people in the United States live in cities.
2. The city__________ residents to park for free on weekends.
3. The bus station is very__________ for university students.
4. The yoga studio__________ most of the space in the new gym.
5. To make pasta, you must first __________water.
6. To play tennis, you need __________ two players.
7. The sunny weather today is a big __________ to the storms yesterday.
8. Graduation at most U.S. universities ___________ in May.
9. The city will __________trash if it is in the correct container.
10. The temperatures in the desert are __________ hot.

catchy composed achievement principal peel

purchased required hand flight majority

11. The song on the radio was so ____________ that I started to sing along.
12. The ____________ reason for moving was to find a cheaper apartment.
13. All the new employees are ____________ to attend a training session.
14. I don't really want a cat. On the other ____________, it might solve our mouse
15. We ____________ our home several years ago.
16. Because we were in first class, we were able to board the ____________ early.
17. Gloria spends the ____________ of her time at work.
18. It can be difficult to ____________ a banana if it is not ripe enough.
19. The fact that Max finished the marathon was a significant ____________.
20. Water is ____________ of hydrogen and oxygen.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.

Writing Better Paragraphs

deal of takes place take care obvious

1. a great__________ work
2. for __________ reasons
3. __________of yourself
4. the movie__________ in
5. __________ rare
ingredients convenient require boil traditional
6. __________ wedding dress
7. __________ time and place
8. to __________ medical treatment
9. healthy _________
10. after you __________ the water
Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. Mt. Everest is __________ (extreme) difficult to climb.
2. The workers __________ (convince) their boss to give them a day off.
3. The __________ (major) of people in the Middle East speak Arabic.
4. The country is __________ (divide) over the recent elections.
5. Students __________ (tradition) wear a special gown when they graduate.
6. There are several __________ (attract) parks in the middle of the city.
7. There is one important __________ (differ) between Canada and the U.S.
8. __________ (extreme) temperatures made the trip dangerous.
9. The math class is a __________ (require) for this major.
10. The writer's argument was very __________ (convince).

Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.

1. Swimming in public pools are popular in iceland. (2)

2 . There are a great deal for interest in adventure travel. (2)

3. In many countries, children starts school at age 5, in Finland, they start at age 7. (3)

4. Most people knows that water boil at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. (2)
Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Kyoto have more traditional architecture than tokyo. (2)

6. First. Make a list of the ingredients you need. (2)

7. The statue of liberty is in New York Harbor. (2)

8. The tradition rugs in Turkey take a lot of time to make (2)

9. Teaching young children are an extremely hard job. (1)

10. No one go to Antarctica without permission. (1)

11. The number of elephant in Chad is larger than in most other African countries. (1)

12. One of Brazil’s main products are sugar. (1)

13. Parents must are patient, but they cannot allow their children too much freedom. (1)

14. Water boiling at 212 degrees F(100 degrees C). (1)

15. There is several places to visit in Morocco, including Chefchaouen, a town known for
its blue buildings. (1)

16. There are many popular attraction in Barcelona, including La Boqueria, a famous
indoor market. (1)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. I / e-books/ traditional/ books/ read/ than/ more/ many.

2. that are/ over 8,000 meters/ the world/ 14/ mountains/ there/ are/ in.

3. a lot/ other countries/ teaches/ about culture/ us/ visiting.

4. 6.00/ will/ at/ the tour/ start/ approximately/ again.

5. in/ correct/ obvious/ any/ errors/ the draft.

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. but/ long hours/ have to/ travel/ at least/ you/ the job/ do not/ requires.


Exercise 5.1: There are 10 errors in spelling, punctuation, Subject-Verb Agreement

and verb form in the following paragraph. Underline and correct them.


WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 1.11 to 1.13

avoid: (v) to prevent something bad from happening
principle: (adj) a strong belief that influences your actions

Like many people, I prefer to skip breakfast I am not a “morning person”,

so it is hard for me to wake up and peal a banana, never mind prepare a huge
breakfast. In addition, I do not like to eat breakfast because it make me feel full the
rest of the morning With this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it is difficult
for me to do my work.
Finally, the principle reason that I skip breakfast is that I be very concerned
about my health, so I avoid traditional breakfast foods with unhealthy ingredients,
suchas buttered toast, bacon, and fried sausage. although others may not agreed
with my decision, I chose to skip breakfast most of the time.
Exercise 5.2: Find out the fragments in the following sentences and correct

My brother, Paul, a lot of fun. He has a great sense of humor, and he loves
to make jokes in all his conversations. He likes to take family members on trips,
too. Sometimes we to a campsite and go hiking on weekends. During this time,
Paul and I go fishing in the river and our fish on a fire. In the summer, we usually
to Europe or South America for a few months. Paul organizes everything about the
trip, and we usually have a great time. No matter what we do together, I always his
Exercise 5.3: Find ten mistakes in the following paragraphs and correct

Writing Better Paragraphs

Liuwa Plain National Park

If you prefer to visit far away places with few tourist, try Liuwa Plain
National Park in western Zambia. The grassy plains of Liuwa Plain National Park
is similar to the Serengeti. The plains have a larger populations of wildebeest. On
contrast to the Serengeti, however, Liuwa Plain National Park is not convenient. It
is not easy to get to. Right now, the park also does not having a great deal for
wildlife, but it has many bird and packs of hyena. Because majority of tourists
prefer convenient places with more wildlife, Liuwa remain rather unknown. It is
difficult to get to and do not have the same animals as other exciting spots in Africa
but Liuwa Plain National Park is still very interesting and worth visiting.
Exercise 5.4: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: In contrast, the Tsingy Rouge is reddish and made of laterite.

The Tsingy Rouge
The Tsingy Rouge is a collection of tall, thin rocks shaped like needles in
northern Madagascar. A[ ] over time, the Irodo River washed away a great deal of
the clay. B[ ] It left behind this beautiful rock formation. The Tsingy Rouge was
only discovered in the mid-20th century. C[ ] Most Tsingy in Madagascar are gray
and made of limestone. D[ ] Visitors usually explore the area on foot, but you can
also sightsee from airplanes. Most are delighted by this strange and unique
2. Sentence: How do they do this?

Plastic straws and the environment

Plastic straw cause a great deal of damage to oceans. A[ ] To begin with,
they are very light and get into the oceans easily. B[ ] Once there, they break into
smaller pieces. Fish and other sea animals think the plastic is food and end up
eating it. C[ ] In the meantime, straws cannot usually be recycled. D[ ] Because
they are so lightweight, they are too small for most recycling machines. To keep
from harming the environment, many cities and even countries no longer allow the
use of plastic straws. Even when allowed, people should consider not using plastic
straws if they want to protect our oceans.
Exercise 5.5-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a
complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Writing Better Paragraphs

Paragraph 1
Amazing Hummingbirds
___ a. For example, they can fly backward and stay in the same place while flying.
___ b. And finally, they are able to go into a sleeplike state called "torpor."
___ c. Hummingbirds are amazing animals for a number of reasons.
___ d. First, they are extremely small; they are only a few inches long and do not
weigh much.
___ e. For these reasons, hummingbirds interest many people
___ f. They have to go into torpor sometimes because they use so much energy
when they are active.
___ g. Second, they are incredible fliers.
Paragraph 2
Why should you play a sport?
___ a. First, playing a sport is great exercise.
___ b. There are several good reasons to play a sport.
___ c. In sum, if you want to be in good shape and have lots of friends, start playing
a sport today.
___ d. Because you spend so much time together, you can become really good
___ e. Second, playing on a team is a good way to make friends.
___ f. When you play on a team, you spend a lot of time with your teammates
during practices and games.
___ g. It is important to get enough exercise if you want to be healthy and strong.
Paragraph 3
How We Get Bananas?
___ a. That is the way most of us get bananas.
___ b. At that place, special workers help the bananas turn from green to yellow.
___ c. When the bananas start to look yellow, the workers send them to stores.
___ d. First, growers in countries like India and Brazil pick the green bananas.
___ e. Next, they send the green bananas to a special place.
___ f. A banana follows certain steps on its way to the grocery store.
___ g. Finally, customers choose the bananas they want when they go shopping.
Paragraph 4
Why Giraffes look like they do?
___ a. Third, big round spots seem to help baby giraffes to survive.
Writing Better Paragraphs

___ b. Giraffes are well-known for their long necks and their brown spots.
___ c. Some scientists study the spots on giraffes, and they have learned a few
___ d. Second, baby giraffes have the same kind of spots as their mothers.
___ e. These two things, long necks and round spots, help giraffes live longer.
___ f. First, the spots have different shapes.
___ g. Their long necks may help giraffes eat leaves on tall trees, but it is not clear
why they have spots.
Paragraph 5
Vikings in Canada
___ a. Before they made the discovery, they looked at images from satellite
___ b. These remains suggest that Vikings lived there long ago.
___ c. The images showed signs of past human activity at a certain location in
___ d. Because of this discovery, researchers will continue to look for more signs
of the Vikings in Newfoundland.
___ e. When they dug at that location, the researchers found the remains of a place
where people made tools.
___ f. In June, 2016, archaeologists discovered something exciting in
Newfoundland, Canada.



Describe the daily life of a police officer.
I Brainstorming List the activities that a police officer often does.

Respond to

Things a police
officer do every

Writing Better Paragraphs

II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph

Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Topic: Describe the daily life of a police officer.
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Activity 1 A. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Activity 2 B. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Activity 3 B. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different ideas that relate to the
main idea?
4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. Is there a concluding sentence?

IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.
V Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is the present simple tense used for habitual actions?
5. Is there sequence words or transition words?


Writing Skill I can recognize the three parts of a paragraph and

analyze the features of a paragraph
Grammar I can use capitalization and end punctuation correctly
I can use the Present Simple for fact, Past Simple for
past actions and imperative to give directions
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives

application avoid catchy
characteristic consider precious
principle convince suitable
protection reduce Adverbs
usefulness recommend extremely
utility remain thoroughly

Writing Better Paragraphs


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
paragraph structure.



Leave time to review your writing. First, check that your ideas are clear and all
relate to the topic sentence. Then proofread your paragraph and check for
subject-verb agreement, correct use of commas, and correct end punctuation.

Writing Better Paragraphs



This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how to brainstorm and develop ideas for writing paragraph

- Understanding some types of brainstorming such as listing, clustering and mapping
- Understanding how an outline is drafted
- Narrowing a subject to a topic
- Deciding about topics
- Recognizing and correcting Subject-Verb agreement errors

Writing Better Paragraphs

Writing Better Paragraphs



Brainstorming is quickly writing down all the thoughts that come into your head.
When you brainstorm, you do not think about whether an idea is good or bad or your
writing is correct. You simply write your ideas as fast as you can.
For example, imagine there is a fire at your school right now. What should you do? Here
are some ideas that someone might brainstorm.

Exercise 1.1: Decide which of the following brainstorm ideas to include in a

paragraph on the topic and write in the correct columns.

1. Topic: “Staying safe in public places”

1. Clams being a tasty addition to the spaghetti sauce
2. Not panicking in an emergency situation
3. Knowing where the emergency exits are
4. Restaurants serving bread for free
5. A toddler learning to walk
6. Looking both ways before crossing the road
7. Wearing reflectors on your shoes when biking at night
8. Using the stairs instead of the elevator during a fire
Writing Better Paragraphs

Ideas to include in the paragraph Ideas to leave out of the paragraph

2. Topic: “Keeping tropical fish”

1. Some pets need to be walked
2. Keeping fish in the same tank together
3. Correct water temperature
4. Turtles and the rocks they climb on
5. Not going fishing on windy or rainy days
6. A filter to keep the tank clean
7. Feeding your fish the correct amount
8. Not too many fish in the tank
Ideas to include in the paragraph Ideas to leave out of the paragraph

3. Topic: “Learning to draw”

Ideas to include in the paragraph Ideas to leave out of the paragraph

1. Books about making line drawings

2. A sewing needle and red, blue and green thread
3. Painting color outside the lines
4. Materials needed for drawing
5. Drawing simple shapes
6. The doll collection inside the glass case
7. Practice knitting a scarf

Writing Better Paragraphs

8. Paper, pencils, and charcoal


Listing is a way to try to generate ideas from your own mind, only instead of
writing out sentences about whatever comes to mind, you make list of related ideas.
The method is use fewer words, lists of words rather than sentences, and to begin to
create categories by listing things that belong together .
Look at this list a student made when brainstorming ideas to write about her topic
“what should I study at university?”

Exercise 1.2: Read the following list and the paragraph and cross out the
ideas that the writer didn’t use.


Relaxing at the Beach

Writing Better Paragraphs

Where is your favorite summer

vacation place? The beach is the perfect place
for me. The air is hot, but the water is cool,
wet, and fresh. First, I enjoy swimming and
surfing in the ocean. When I am tired, I come
out and lie on the beach. The sand is soft and
white. The beach is noisy with seagulls and
children laughing, but it is a pleasant noise. I
even like the beach smells. The air smells salty
from the sea and sweet from everybody’s
suntan lotion. I feel peaceful and relaxed.
When I want to relax in summer, I go to the


Asking questions about your topic is another way to help you generate ways to
approach your topic. There are different ways of using this technique. You might start by
listing the following question words on a piece of paper and answering them individually.
WH-question Who Where How
what When Why
When given the writing assignment “Is it a good idea for schools to incorporate
technology in the classroom? Why or why not?”, this student made a long list of Wh-question
about the topic.
Who would be affected by technology in the Who will pay for it?
Who maintain it? Who will benefit from it?
What will be taught using technology? What limitations are there?
What technology will be used? What if schools don’t have technology?
What’s wrong with schools the way they are now? Why is technology important?
How will the technology be used? When will it be used?

Writing Better Paragraphs


When you freewrite, you write whatever comes into your head about your topic,
without stopping. .
Freewrting helps you practice fluency (writing quickly and easily). When you
freewrite, you do not need to worry about accuracy (having correct grammar and
spelling). Don’t check your dictionary when you freewrite. Don’t stop if you make
mistakes. Just keep going!
Here is an example of a student’s freewriting:

Notice how the writer’s ideas jump around. When she makes a mistake, she just crosses it
out and continues writing. One thought (Writing) leads to another (journalism), and then
to another (photography). There are some details that are not exactly about her topic
(looking forward to meeting new friends), but that is acceptable in freewriting. You want
to get as many de idas on papers as you can. You can take out unnecessary words and
sentences later.

Exercise 1.3: Choose one of the following topics and practice freewriting for
five minutes. Remember, do not stop, erase, or go back. Just write as much
as you can.
a. Driving a motorbike
b. Physical exercise
c. Learning English
Exercise 1.4: Look at the following diagram and choose the correct
answer to each question.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Clustering means to fit together loosely in a group. In prewriting terminology,

clustering is a type of free-association listing. It begins with a core word, a word that act
as a mental stimulus to make the writer come up with related terms that branch out from
the center term. One term leads to another and another to create a complex network of
diverse ideas, all related back in some way to the core stimulus word. Look at the

following example:

1. What is the following diagram called?

a. cluster diagram b. a Venn diagram c. an outline
2. Which topic could be added to the diagram to compare Brazil and Chile?
a. Spanish speakers b. Rainforests c. Tourist activities
3. Where is the best place for this information in the diagram?
Immigrants or foreign born
a. Geography b. Language c. Population

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Where is the best place for this information in the diagram?

Brazil: Portuguese, Chile: Spanish
a. Geography b. Language c. Population


To make a map, use a whole sheet of paper, and write your topic in the middle,
with a circle around it. Then put the next idea in a circle above or below your topic, and
connect the circle with the lines. The lines show that the two ideas are related.
The example below shows a map of “What should I study at university”. The writer
connected favorite subject to the main idea. Art and English are connected to favorite
subject to show that they are related.

Writing Better Paragraphs


After you have gathered plenty of ideas, you will need to go back and edit them. This
is the time to choose which ideas are the most interesting, and which are the most relevant
to (important or necessary for) your topic. Certainly, you can still add new ideas if you think
of something else while you are re-reading your list.
For example, the student writing “What should I study at university” edited her list like

To edit freewriting, cross out

sentences or parts of sentences
that aren’t related. You can
add more ideas in the margin
or add more sentences at the
bottom. To edit a map, cross
out circles that don’t belong,
and add new one if you get
more ideas. You might also
change the lines you have

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.5: Read the statements about how to develop ideas for writing
paragraphs. Write T (True) or F (False)

1 Brainstorming is quickly writing down all the ideas that come ___
in your head.
2 Writers should check and correct spelling and grammar mistakes in ____
each sentence while freewriting.
3 Writers should write the sentences in mapping. ____
4 The next step after brainstorming is writing. ____
5 Writers cannot add new ideas while they are re-reading their ____
brainstorming list.
Exercise 1.6: Complete the crossword puzzle.

Each paragraph has only one topic. If the topic is too (1) n_________, you will not
be able to write enough about it. On the other hand, if the topic is too (2) b_________, you
will have too many ideas for just one paragraph.
After you choose a topic, you will need to (3) b_________ some ideas to write about
in your paragraph. One way to do this is to make a (4) l_________. Another way of
brainstorming is (5) m_________. After you have written down many ideas, you can go
back and decide which ones are the most interesting and the most (6) r_________ to your

Writing Better Paragraphs

(7) F_________ is a useful way to help you write more easily and naturally. In this
kind of writing, you are working on (8) f_________, and not (9) a_________.



Explanation Examples
Make sure the verb form matches the subject Singular:
in number. If the subject is singular, the verb A good student learns new words every
should be singular. If the subject is plural, day.
the verb should be plural. Plural:
Remember to use the -s form of the verb Good students learn new words every day.
with he, she, and it.

Prepositional phrases include a preposition The main products of Brazil and Colombia
(at, for, by, with, without, in, of, and so on.) are coffee and aluminum.
+ an object of the preposition (a noun, noun The main product of Brazil and Colombia is
phrase, pronoun). The object of a preposition coffee.
is never the subject.

The noun after there is or there are is the There is a dictionary on the table.
subject of the sentence. There are three reasons for this decision.

Pronouns with every-, some-, or any- are Everyone has an accent of some kind.
always singular. Nouns with each or every Every student needs a book and a
are also singular. workbook.
Gerunds (-ing words used as a noun) Drinking milk is good for your body.
are always singular. Drinking milk and juice is good for your

Exercise 2.1: Write the correct form of the Verb in parentheses in the simple
present tense. Pay attention to the Subject-Verb agreement.
1. Mike __________ (go) down to the river every few days to fish for catfish.
2. It __________ (take) him 15 minutes to walk down to the river.
Writing Better Paragraphs

3. He __________ (love) to fish because it is so peaceful.

4. He also __________ (love) the excitement of the catch.
5. Mike regularly __________ (catch) fish and __________ (bring) them home for
6. His mother, Maria, __________ (clean) and __________ (gut) the fish.
7. Then she either __________ (cook) them for dinner or __________ (freeze) them for
later use.
8. Mike __________ (know) that his fishing is both an enjoyable pastime as well as a
help to his family.
9. There __________ (be) two cartons of milk in the refrigerator.
10. The chess club __________ (meet) every Tuesday after school.
11. The official language of Brazil __________ (be) Portuguese.
12. Everyone __________ (need) to bring a lunch for the hike tomorrow.
13. The couple that lives next door __________ (want) to get a dog.
14. Venice __________ (be) my favorite city in Europe.
15. The Great Gatsby __________ (have) always been my favorite book.
16. Most of the food at that restaurant __________ (be) vegetarian.
17. Gardening and reading __________ (be) my mother’s favorite hobbies.
18. Some of my friends __________ (have) a membership to the new gym on Market

Exercise 2.2: Read the following sentences, write C if it is correct and I if it is

1. ____ There is a good chance it will rain later today.
2. ____ People who exercise regularly has more energy.
3. ____ The Thompsons are having a surprise party for Gloria on Saturday.
4. ____ Many of my friends enjoy listening to classical music.
5. ____ Physics is one subject I have never understood.
6. ____ The three alphabets in Japanese is called kanji, katakana, and hiragana.
7. ____ One reason I want to get contact lenses is because I keep losing my glasses!
8. ____ Everyone on my street put their garbage out on Monday mornings.
9. ____ O. Henry's short stories frequently has surprise endings.
10. ____ The food at that Indian restaurant are always too spicy for me.
Exercise 2.3: Complete the paragraph with the correct form of the Verb in
parentheses. Pay attention to the Subject-Verb agreement.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Tourists and Florence

Florence, Italy, is a popular place to visit. More than 10 million tourists __________
(1.visit) Florence every year. They __________ (2.walk) around the streets
and __________ (3.go) shopping. The typical visitor __________ (4.take) a tour of the
Duomo and (5.look) at the beautiful art in the Uffizi Museum and other buildings.
Visitors __________ (6.spend) about 40 billion euros there each year, but the large
crowds __________ (7.damage) the city in some ways. For example, tourists __________
(8.leave) a lot of trash. Also, tourism __________ (9.cause) the price of housing and other
prices to rise. These are serious problems, but millions of tourists will continue to visit
Florence in the future.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. Similar A. (adj) The last

2. Affect B. (n) General place
3. Contract C. (n) Help
4. Function D. (adj) Main, most important
5. Major E. (adj) Like
6. Assistance F. (v) To work
7. Area G. (n) A business agreement in writing
8. final H. (v) To produce a change

Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.
out room share suddenly deal
suitable extremely shouted list interior

1. The movie on television tonight is not ____________ for children.

2. Greg ____________ loudly across the restaurant to get the waiter’s attention.
3. Mrs. Lee was ____________ helpful in answering questions about my research paper.
4. Emily makes a ____________ every week of the things she needs to do.
5. Please ____________ your fruit with your brother. He is hungry.
6. Because we were in first class, we were able to board the ____________ early.
7. Carlos spends a great ____________ of time at the gym.
8. The bus stopped ____________ when the cat ran across the street.
quality fee polluted customer contract
supply ancient peaceful location recommend
Writing Better Paragraphs

9. The kitchen is always the messiest ____________ in our house.

10. Our teacher asks us to cross ____________ our errors instead of erasing them.
11. The lake is __________now because the factories put all their waste in it.
12. The Stantons signed a__________ to buy a new house yesterday.
13. The statue is __________. It is thousands of years old.
14. The company's new computer is high__________ , so it will last for many years.
15. This is a great __________for a convenience store because hundreds of people walk
past here every day.
16. There is not much traffic on this street, so it is very __________.
17. The cashier gave the _________$20 in change.
18. Most nutritionists ___________ a diet with very little sugar.
19. There has not been enough rain this year, so the water __________in the city is low.
20. You have to pay a __________ to park in this spot.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
major highly fees function final
1. to__________ badly
2. a __________ road
3. the__________race
4. to__________recommend
5. low __________

polluted shade affect quality limited

6. very high__________
7. a__________ city
8. in the__________
9. a__________ number

10. to__________ people's lives

Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. The most important duty of nurses who work in hospitals is to __________ (assist)
2. The __________ (major) of people in the United States speak English.
Writing Better Paragraphs

3. There are not many pine trees in this area, but there is an __________ (abundant) of
oak trees.
4. A job applicant needs a __________ (recommend) from a professor or a previous boss.
5. The __________ (similar) between these two buildings show that they were designed
by the same person.
6. The twins look very __________ (similar), though they are not identical.
7. The factory closed, so there is much less (pollute) in this area now.
8. After the storm, __________ (assist) was available from several non-profit
9. There was an __________ (abundant) harvest of oranges this year.
10. Climate change is a __________ (major) problem that we have to solve.


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. This area peaceful is and beautiful, but they is also polluted. (2)

2. There many snakes dangerous around here, so be careful when you walk. (2)

3. Was very hot that day, so the tourists listened to the tour guide in the shade. (1)

4. The website recommendations this restaurant, so is probably very good. (2)

5. Birds are abundance in this forest, and it are also lots of deer. (2)

6. This country produces a number limited of exports. (1)

7. Buses functions very well in this city, but or trains do not. (2)

8. Beijing is a city enormous, but Shanghai has a population larger. (2)

9. The professor highly recommend the book so the students reads it.

10. Traffic are a major problem in this city .

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. abundant / of fish / there is / an / supply / in this lake .

2. A / major / Los Angeles / in the United States / is.

Writing Better Paragraphs

3. the government / anything / highly / polluted, / but / to clean it up / is / does not do

4. so / old computers / well, / new / function / did not / the company's / computers

5. recommends / the Vietnamese restaurant is / but / this article / the Thai restaurant,

6. travelers can take / fast train / they can fly / a / or


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, word choice, Subject-verb agreement,
and verb form. Underline and correct them.
Tina and Grace
Tina and Grace be twin sisters, so people who do not
know them expect them to be very similar. It is true that they to share common interests,
but they also have many differences. I am there oldest sister,
so I know! They both have extremely expensive taste in
clothes. Suddenly, Tina prefers French fashion designers
and Grace prefers Italian. They also both spend a great deel
of time taking in the phone. The difference here is that Tina
talk to many people during the day for a short amount of
time, and Grace talks to just a few people for a long time.
Tina and Grace also have similar goals for their future. They
both want to be teachers. However, Tina wants to teaches
kindergarten, and Grace wants to be a university professor.
As their sister, I feel special knowing that I has the inside story on Tina and Grace’s
similarities and differences!
Exercise 5.2: Find out and correct the mistake of subject-verb agreement in
the following paragraph.

Jim Tucker and His Truck
Jim Tucker buy a new pickup truck every two years. He buys pickup trucks
because he thinks they are the best value for his money. Jim pays for the new trucks
with cash after he sell the old ones. The trucks have a good resale value, and he
take good care of them while he own them. He buys the trucks from the Greenville
truck dealer in his town. He is such a regular customer that the dealer give him a
good deal on the purchase of his new trucks. Pickup trucks are very well built and
very popular among farmers, ranchers and loggers. Because he is a busy rancher
Writing Better Paragraphs

with a need for a dependable truck, it makes sense for him to regularly invest in a
new one.
Exercise 5.3: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: You can always go to the top of the Empire State Building.

The Best View of New York City
What is the best way to get a great view of New York City? A[ ] From up there,
it is possible to see all of Manhattan and parts of Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx, and New
Jersey. B[ ] Another possibility is to take a helicopter ride over the city. The views are
amazing. However, helicopter rides can get a little rough, so some passengers might feel
sick. C[ ] Perhaps the best way to get a great view of New York City is to take the
Staten Island Ferry. From this ferry, passengers have a fantastic view of downtown
Manhattan. D[ ] And best of all, it is free!
2. Sentence: If a lightning storm begins, do not lie down on the ground or hide
under a tree.
Lighting in the Grand Canyon
Lightning often strikes in the Grand Canyon. A[ ] In fact, the Grand Canyon has
more lightning storms than any other national park in the United States. Lightning
storms are common during the tourist season, from June to September. B[ ] They happen
most often between noon and seven p.m. Lightning is dangerous, so visitors to the Grand
Canyon should be careful. C[ ] Instead, try to get indoors, or get inside a bus or car with
a metal roof. D[ ] While lightning strikes are common in the Grand Canyon, if you
follow these simple steps, you should be safe.
Exercise 5.4-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a
complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1
A New Package Design
___ a. These materials are easy to grow and do not take a lot of resources.
___ b. Second, the package will break down easily, so you will not have to throw
it away.
___ c. Using materials that grow and break down easily helps the environment.
___ d. First, we are going to make it out of plant-based materials.
___ e. There, it will break down and help your plants grow.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ f. Our new takeout food package is going to help the environment in two
___ g. Instead, you can put the package in your garden.
Paragraph 2
A Visit to an “Escape Room”
___ a. Then they gave us some basic instructions.
___ b. Last month, I went to an escape room with friends.
___ c. Solving the puzzles took teamwork and creativity.
___ d. In order to leave the room, we needed to solve some puzzles.
___ e. After the instructions, they locked us in a room, and we had to try to escape.
___ f. When we first arrived, they made sure our group was all together.
___ g. Fortunately, we worked well together, and we made our escape at last.
Paragraph 3
How Much Freedom Should Children Have?
___ a. I believe that parents should allow their children more freedom for several
___ b. These benefits show the importance of allowing children more freedom.
___ c. First, children need to explore the world around them.
___ d. In addition, children need to learn from their mistakes.
___ e. For example, when I was a child, I explored by riding my bike all around
the neighborhood.
___ f. Finally, children will develop confidence when they do things by
___ g. If parents always protect their children, kids will not learn what to do when
things go wrong.
Paragraph 4
Why Parents Should Read to Their Children?
___ a. All of these reasons make reading a great activity parents can do with their
___ b. Finally, children begin the process of learning to read themselves.
___ c. First, it is a good way to spend quiet time together.
___ d. I think parents should read to their children for several reasons.
___ e. Second, it teaches children about different kinds of things and people.
___ f. Both parent and child can relax and enjoy each other's company.
___ g. For example, they can learn about animals or countries far away.
Writing Better Paragraphs

Paragraph 5
Kew Gardens
___ a. One of the largest is Kew Gardens, a famous park in southwest London.
___ b. For all these reasons, if you visit London, make sure you do not miss Kew
___ c. Kew Gardens has beautiful plants from all over the world. These include
over 14,000 trees and flowering plants from ten different climate zones.
___ d. Kew Gardens also offers the Hive, a special building that allows the visitor
to experience what it is like to be a bee.
___ e. Finally, Kew Gardens offers art galleries, restaurants, and shops to visit if
the weather is bad.
___ f. London, the capital of England, has many beautiful parks and gardens for
tourists to visit.



In your opinion, is English easy or difficult to learn?
I Brainstorming List the reasons why you think English is easy or difficult to
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose to write for or against the
writing prompt. Then choose three supporting ideas to support your
opinion and write them in the outline below. Don’t write complete
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Is English easy or difficult to learn?
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Reason 1 A. _______________________________________________________
Explanation 1. __________________________________________________
Example 2.___________________________________________________
Reason 2 B. _______________________________________________________
Explanation 1. __________________________________________________
Example 2.___________________________________________________
Reason 3 C. _______________________________________________________
Explanation 1. __________________________________________________
Example 2.___________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce your opinion?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different reasons supporting the
main idea?
4. Does each reason include 2-3 examples or explanation?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?
IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.
V Rewriting
VI Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your second/ final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Do all the Subjects and Verbs agree?
5. Are the verb tenses correct?


Writing Skill I know how to brainstorm ideas for writing paragraphs

Grammar I can recognize and correct Subject-Verb agreement errors
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives

affect aggravate ancient
assistance pollute major
contract recommend peaceful
function supply similar
location Adverbs
quality suddenly
In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
paragraph structure.

Writing Better Paragraphs

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
brainstorming ideas.


TIPS: What’s the best way to brainstorm?

There is no best method of brainstorming. Some writers like to lists because they don’t
have to write complete sentences. Some like freewriting because they can write
quickly and ideas come easily. Some writers like mapping because they can easily see
the relationship between ideas whereas some prefer clustering. Experiment with all
kinds of brainstorming method, and then choose the one that work best for you.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how a topic sentence is written

- Recognizing effective topic sentence
- Identifying the parts of a topic sentence
- Identifying weak and strong topic sentences
- Choosing topic sentences suitably
- Writing a good topic sentence
- Using commas correctly in sentences
- Recognizing and avoiding sentence fragments, run-on sentences, and comma

Writing Better Paragraphs



The topic sentence introduces the subject of a paragraph and contains a specific
idea or opinion about the topic, called the controlling idea. The topic sentence usually
(but not always) comes at or near the beginning of a paragraph to help the reader
understand the purpose of the paragraph.
A good topic sentence:
1. controls or guides the whole paragraph
2. consists of a topic and a controlling idea
3. is not too specific
4. is not too general
5. is not a fact that everyone accepts as true

Exercise 1.1: Read the statements about the topic sentence. Write T (True) or F

1 A topic sentence introduces the main idea that the paragraph will _____
discuss or examine.
2 Two ideas are expressed in a topic sentence. _____
3 The sentences in a paragraph support the topic sentence. _____
4 A topic sentence is always at or near the beginning of a paragraph. _____
5 A topic sentence expresses the fact that everyone can accept. _____

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 3.1 to 3.3

destination (n): the place where someone is going or where something is
being sent or taken
hazard (n): something that can be dangerous or cause damage
manufacturer (n): a person or company that produces goods in large quantities
improve (v): to (cause something to) get better
aggravate (v): to make a bad situation worse
insignificant (adj): small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important
Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.2: Find the topic sentence in the following paragraph. Circle the

PARAGRAPH 3.1 My favorite vacation destination

Miami is the perfect place to take a vacation. It is always sunny and warm.
The beaches are gorgeous, with soft white sand and beautiful water. There are
many fine restaurants in the Miami area, and most of the hotels offer terrific
entertainment nightly. It’s no wonder that Miami is my first choice for a vacation

Reasons for exercise
There are many excellent reasons for exercising several times each week.
First, people who exercise look better. Exercise is important to keep our bodies in
good shape. In addition, people who exercise have more energy. For example, a
person who exercises can walk up stairs or climb hills more easily. People who
exercise have a healthier heart, too. Finally, exercise reduces stress and helps you
have a clear mind. Too much stress can cause you to worry a lot, and that is not
good for your health. For these reasons, if you want to improve your health, you
should exercise regularly.

The hazard of smoking cigarettes
Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health. Several years ago, a United
States government study was released that the linked intake of tar and nicotine,
found in cigarettes, with the development of cancer in laboratory animals. The
evidence was so overwhelming that the United States government required
cigarette manufacturers to put a warning on the outside of each packet of
cigarettes, which says, “Warning: The Surgeon General has determined that
cigarette smoking is hazardous to your health.” Aside from the most serious and
dreaded decease, cancer, cigarette smoking also can aggravate or promote other
health problems. For example, smoking can increase the discomfort for people
with asthma and emphysema. It can give one a “smoker’s cough” and contribute
to bronchitis. Finally, recent studies have shown that cigarette smokers are
susceptible to common colds and flu. Whether you get an insignificant cold or the
major killer, cancer, smoking cigarettes is hazardous.
Exercise 1.3: Choose the best topic sentence for each topic.

Writing Better Paragraphs

fabulous (adj): very good; excellent

1. Topic: Low airline fares

a. Today there are so many different airlines competing for passengers
that inexpensive fares can be found very easily.
b. A round-trip airfare from a busy hub such as New York to the west
coast can be found for as low as $400.
2. Topic: Mary’s yard sale treasures
a. Last year, Mary bought an iron bed, a rocking chair, and a filing
cabinet for $25, and they were all in good condition.
b. My friend Mary has excellent luck finding fabulous buys at
neighborhood yard sales.
3. Topic: A good roommate
a. A good roommate has four important qualities.
b. The person needs to be responsible about paying his or her share of
the bills.
4. Topic: The importance of saving
a. It is always a good idea to have some money tucked away for
b. Sometimes, unexpected expenses occur.
5. Topic: Hobbies
a. My brother Patrick likes to paint pictures.
b. There are as many different hobbies as there are different people.
6. Topic: Maple syrup
a. The production of maple syrup is a very interesting process.
b. You can use sugar, honey, or syrup in cooking.
7. Topic: Bilingual dictionaries
a. Bilingual dictionaries can help non-native learners in two very
important ways.
b. In a bilingual dictionary, the information is presented in two
different languages.
8. Topic: Job interview

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. A person who is interviewing for a job has to arrive on time to the

b. A person who is interviewing for a job has to do three important things
during the interview.
9. Topic: John F. Kenedy
a. There are many theories about who killed John F. Kennedy.
b. John F. Kennedy was assassinated on November 22, 1963.
10. Topic: Smartphones
a. Smartphones have a number of useful features.
b. Smartphones use touch screen technology.
11. Topic: Fossils
a. Fossils are the remains of plants or animals that died a long time ago.
b. There are numerous techniques that scientists use to discover the age of
Exercise 1.4: Read the paragraphs. Choose the best topic sentence for each
paragraph. Write it on the line provided.
1. _____________________________________. I usually go skiing every
weekend in the winter even though it is expensive. I love the feeling of flying down
a mountain. The views are beautiful from the top of a mountain and along the trails.
Even the danger of falling and getting hurt can’t keep me away from the slopes on
a winter day.
a. Skiing is expensive.
b. Skiing is my favourite sport.
c. Skiing is dangerous.
2. ________________________________________ . North Americans
send cards for many occasions. They send cards to family and friends on birthdays
and holidays. They also send thank-you cards, get well cards, graduation cards,
and congratulation cards. It is very common to buy cards in stores and send them
through the mail, but turning on the computer and sending cards over the Internet
is also popular.
a. Sending cards is very popular in North America.
b. Birthday cards are the most popular kind of card.
c. It is important to send thank-you cards.
3. ________________________________________ . I enjoy summer
sports like water skiing and baseball. The weather is usually sunny and hot, so I
can go to the beach almost every day. Gardening is my hobby and I spend many

Writing Better Paragraphs

summer days working in my garden. Unfortunately, the days pass too quickly in
a. I like to garden in summer.
b. Summer is my favourite season.
c. Summer is to short.
4. ________________________________________ . First of all, we need
money to repair old roads and build new roads. We also need more to pay teachers’
salaries and to pay for services such as trash collection. Finally, more tax money
is needed to give financial help to the poor citizens of the city. It is clear that the
city will have serious problems if taxes are not raised soon.
a. We should raise city taxes.
b. City taxes are too high.
c. City taxes pay for new roads.
5. _____________________________________________ . For example,
a person can have breakfast in New York, board an airplane, and have dinner in
Paris. A businesswoman in London can instantly place an order with a factory in
Hong Kong by sending a fax. Furthermore, a schoolboy in Tokyo can turn on a TV
and watch a baseball game being played in Los Angeles.
a. Airplanes have changed our lives.
b. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c. The fax machine was an important invention.
6. ___________________________________________ . She likes to
camp and has gone camping with me many times before. She said that we needed
a new sleeping bag and a new flashlight. I went to the sporting goods store at the
intersection of Main and Darling Streets to buy the items because they were having
a sale on camping equipment. I bought a red sleeping bag, a small stove, and a new
flashlight. My wife is very happy with my purchases. She and I will have a lot of
fun camping with the new items.
a. They had a large selection of camping supplies on sale today.
b. I went to the store to buy some camping supplies.
c. My wife and I are going camping this weekend.
7. ___________________________________________ . He is from Italy,
and he has a strong Italian accent, which I like. He has been cutting hair for about
30 years, 10 years in Italy and 20 years in the United States. Sometimes the
barbershop is crowded with customers, and you have to wait a long time. Today is
Monday, and on Mondays there is not usually a wait to get a haircut. I went into
the barbershop, and Luigi was able to take me right away. He gave me a haircut
Writing Better Paragraphs

while he told me about his new horse named Bella. It is always nice to get a haircut
from Luigi, the Italian barber.
a. Luigi bought a new horse named Bella.
b. I went into town to get a haircut from my favorite barber, Luigi.
c. Luigi the barber has never lost his accent, even after 20 years in the
United States.
8. ________________________________________. They do this because
it's fast and easy. In the time it takes to dial a number and say hello, you can send
a text message. People also like to text instead of talking on the phone because it's
silent. You can send messages from a meeting, but you can't make phone calls
during a meeting. Text messaging is also convenient because you can send one
message to several people at the same time. You can't do that with a phone call.
For many reasons, text messaging has advantages over phone calls. Many people
will continue to send text messages, until a new way of communicating comes
a. Some people never make phone calls anymore.
b. People use their cell phones only for text messages. They don't make
phone calls.
c. Many people today send text messages more often than they talk on
the phone.
9. Many students don't have computers at home.
________________________. Students without computers can use the computers
in their classrooms. They can also learn important computer skills at school. If
schools want to provide the best education for students, they should make
computers available at school for their students. Studies show that students with
good computer skills have better chances of getting good jobs. Schools need to
provide computers for students whether or not they have computers at home.

a. All students should buy computers for their homes.

b. Classroom computers are very helpful for students.
c. Computer labs should be open all day.

10. _____________________________________________. People of all

ages are affected by this trend. Some people think that every job will require people
to use some kind of technology. Some people even think that soon there will be
computers that people actually wear as part of their clothing. Others think that
these ideas will never happen. But there is no question that more and more,
technology is a part of everyday life.

A topic sentence has two essential parts: the topic and the controlling idea.
The topic names the subject or main idea of the paragraph.
The controlling idea makes a specific comment about the topic, which indicates
what the rest of the paragraph will say about the topic. It limits or controls the
topic to a specific aspect of the topic to be discussed in the space of a single

Registration at Greenhills
College is a frustrating experience.
Topic Controlling idea

Driving on freeways
requires skills and alertness.
Topic Controlling idea

American cooking.
The native foods of American’s immigrant population are reflected in
Controlling idea Topic
Below are some examples of strong and weak topic sentences.
Strong topic sentences
One reason that Singaporean are happy is that the government provides the basic
necessities, such as jobs and housing.
People in Mexico socialize a lot, and this may contribute to their happiness.
Weak topic sentences
Singaporean are happy.
(If the paragraph is about the ways that the government improves people’s happiness, this
idea should be included in the topic sentence.)
People in Mexico socialize a lot.
(If the paragraph is about how socializing contributes to people’s happiness in Mexico, this
idea should be included in the topic sentence.)
a. It doesn't matter what your age is.
b. Throughout the world, people are using more and more technology.
c. Technology is getting smaller all the time.

Exercise 1.5: Circle the topic and underline the controlling idea

WORDS TO KNOW Writing Better Paragraphs

maintenance: (n) the act of keeping something in good condition by checking or

repairing it regularly
inflation: (n) a general, continuous increase in prices
balance: (n) a state where things are of equal weight or force
mental: (adj) relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking
advantage: (n) a good or desirable quality or feature
educational: (adj) describes something that teaches or involves learning
addictive: (adj) having qualities that make you want to do something again and
confuse: (v) to mix up mentally so one cannot understand
investigator: (n) a person who tries to learn how something happened

1. Filling the woodstove with wood is a difficult chore.

2. The most beautiful part of the autumn season is the changing colors of the
3. The proper maintenance of a piano includes cleaning and tuning.
4. Knitting can be a relaxing and productive hobby.
5. My sister likes to babysit the children in our neighborhood.
6. The best family holiday memory I have is renting a house by the ocean.
7. Another way to reduce the rate of inflation is to balance the federal budget.
8. It is an expensive luxury to own an automobile in a large city.
9. Physical exercise is good for a person’s mental health.
10. The best season for children is winter.
11. The new test has three sections dealing with three important skills.
12. The shocking crash of the airplane off the coast of Florida confused
13. Crossword puzzles are not only educational and fun, but also addictive.
14. Recent research has shown once again that eating dark green, leafy
vegetables such as broccoli and cabbage may reduce the risk of some types of
15. Although buying a house may seem like a good idea, renting an apartment
has many advantages.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.6: Read each set of sentences. Check (✓) the best the topic
sentence and underline the controlling idea on that sentence.
1. ___ a. In an English class, most of the female students receive higher grades
than the males.
____ b. Research has shown female students like learning languages more than
males do.
____ c. Many students like languages very much.
2. ____ a. Cats are better pets than goldfish. for many reasons
____ b. Cats and goldfish are both animals.
____ c. Cats cannot swim very well, but goldfish can.
3. ____ a. Winter is a good season.
____ b. Winter weather is cold, and it snows.
____ c. The best season for children is winter.
4. ____ a. Soccer is popular for many reasons.
____ b. For a soccer game, players need a special leather ball.
____ c. Soccer is a nice game.
5. ____ a. There are many people in Los Angeles.
____ b. People from many different cultures live in Los Angeles.
____ c. Los Angeles is a big city in California.
6. ____ a. Monolingual dictionaries have only one language, but bilingual
dictionaries have two languages.
____ b. Many language students prefer bilingual dictionaries to monolingual
____ c. Dictionaries that have two languages, such as French and English, are
called bilingual dictionaries.
7. ____ a. The people in my office eat lunch from 11:30 to 12:30.
____ b. Yesterday I went to work late, and my boss was of course very angry.
____ c. Yesterday was the worst day of my life.
8. ____ a. Paul Cézzane was born in France in the last century.
____ b. Paul Cézzane, the father of modern art, made important contributions
to the history of art.
____ c. Many of the museum visitors recognized Paul work immediately.
9. ____ a. Many Canadians speak French, and some of them speak Chinese.
____ b. The current population of Canada includes immigrants from all over
the world.

Writing Better Paragraphs

____ c. A large number of new immigrants live in British Columbia, Canada,

but not many of them speak German.
10. ____ a. Basketball is played around the world for many reasons.
____ b. To play basketball, players need a basketball and shoes.
____ c. Basketball and soccer are fun sports to play.
11. ____ a. There are many places in the world that tourists like to visit..
____ b. Many people have visited Colombia.
____ c. In recent years, Colombia has become a popular destination for
12. ____ a. Lady Gaga is a talented artist who can sing, dance, and act.
____ b. Some singers have millions of fans around the world.
____ c. Lady Gaga is very famous.
13. ____ a. Many people like sugar because it tastes good..
____ b. Research has shown that eating sugar can be bad for your health.
____ c. A lot of scientific research has been done on sugar.
14. ____ a. Teenagers can get addicted to many different things.
____ b. Smartphones are useful, but they can be addictive, especially for
____ c. Many people own smartphones.
15. ____ a. Immigrants often move to large cities, but sometimes they move to
small towns.
____ b. Miami is a very large city, and a lot of people live there.
____ c. Many Cuban immigrants have moved to the area of Little Havana in
Miami, Florida.
Exercise 1.7: Read the paragraphs, choose the stronger topic sentences
1. _____________________________________________. Think about
making some new friends or joining a social club. No happiness is possible without
friendship. Humans are social animals. Being around others is a great way to
change your mood.
a. There is only way to have long-term happiness in life.
b. One way to have long-term happiness is to make changes in your
social life.
2. _____________________________________________. Giant
tortoises are the world's longest-lived animals. Harriet, a Galápagos tortoise lived
to the age of 175 years. Lin Wang, an Asian elephant was the oldest elephant in
the Taipei Zoo. He died in 2003 at the age of 86. George the lobster was estimated
Writing Better Paragraphs

to be approximately 140 years old by the time of his death. Humans too, can live
a long time. The longest documented case of a human lifespan is that of a French
woman named Jeanne Calment who lived for 122 years.
a. In the natural world there are some animals that can live for a long
b. Giant tortoises can live for 175 years and elephants can live for 86
3. ________________________________________. With over 208
centenarians per 100,000 people, Sardinia is at the top of the list of countries with
the oldest living people. Due to genetic factors and active lifestyles, Sardinians are
more likely to live to be over a hundred years old than any other nationality in the
a. Antonio Bruno, from Sardinia, is a 103-year-old centenarian.
b. Sardinia has a very high number of centenarians.
4. _________________________________________. Some are
buying anti-aging drugs to slow down the aging process. Others are choosing
medical procedures to avoid diseases like cancer. For example, two sisters in
London had parts of their stomachs removed to avoid a stomach cancer that had
caused the deaths of several family members. Then there are those who are
choosing methods like replacing body parts. Last year alone, there were over
5,0000 hip replacement operations were performed in the UK.
a. People today are turning to medical science to help them live longer
b. People today are turning to medical science to help them live longer
lives because they believe that medicine has all the answers.
5. _________________________________________ . Costa Rica has
a pleasant year-round climate with plenty of sunshine. Denmark has easy access
to recreation and its people have very active lifestyles. Researchers believe that
these two factors contribute greatly to overall satisfaction with life.
a. Costa Rica and Denmark are the happiest countries in the world
b. The smallest countries are the happiest in the world.
6. _________________________________________ . Littering,
chewing gum, and smoking are not allowed. However, many Singaporeans feel
that this is a very small price to pay. Since they never have to complain about
chewing gum stuck in the wrong places, cigarette smoke, or litter in the streets,
Singaporeans live in a relatively healthy environment. In fact, Singapore is one of
the cleanest countries in the world.

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. Singaporeans may not be happy about their laws, but they like the
b. Are Singaporeans happy about their laws?
7. _________________________________________ .Mexico is
ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world. There is plenty of good
weather and sunshine, and people value the simple pleasures in life, like spending
time with family and friends. Nevertheless, there is high unemployment and crime.
People no longer feel safe and secure. In spite of if all, Mexicans try to be happy
about life and have a positive attitude.
a. In many ways, Mexico is the opposite of Singapore.
b. Mexicans are happy despite having many problems.
8. _________________________________________. For example,
the government provides healthcare. Medical attention is available to all Brazilians
and even foreigners who live here. It is free of charge. So, whether you are rich or
poor, you can always see a doctor.
a. I would say that most people here feel happy with the government
b. Most people in Brazil are happy with the government.
9. _________________________________________. Most
centenarians have a traditional lifestyle. They probably live for many years due to
a healthy diet, lots of exercise, and a caring community. Centenarians also tend to
lead stress-free lives. Research has shown that a traditional lifestyle leads to long
healthy living.
a. A traditional lifestyle is the key to longevity.
b. In my opinion, centenarians have good lives.
10. _________________________________________ . It is no longer
safe to walk on the streets at night. Some areas are not even secure during the day.
The price of basic food items has risen by fifty percent. As a result, there are many
robberies all over the city because people are desperate for money.
a. Crime has increased along with the prices of the bare necessities of
b. Crime has increased at an alarming rate.
Exercise 1.8: Read the paragraphs and write a topic sentence for each. Be
sure to indent the first line.

Changing a tire on your car
Writing Better Paragraphs

Before you get started, make sure you have the following items: a jack, a lug nut
wrench, and a spare tire. First, use the jack to elevate the car off the ground. This
may require some strength because cars are very heavy. Using the plug nut wrench,
remove all of the lug nuts from the wheel. This will probably be the most difficult
step because some of the lug nuts may be stuck. After you have taken off the lug
nuts, remove the flat tire and replace it with your spare tire. Screw the lug nuts
back onto the wheel and make sure that they are tightly fastened. Finally, lower
the car back down to the ground. Check one last time to make sure that the nuts
are as tight as possible. Following these steps will have you back on the road in no
Reasons to eat a healthy diet
First, it will give you a lot of energy to get through the day. Fruits and vegetables
give you more long-lasting energy than foods with lots of sugar in them. In
addition, it will help you to control your weight. Many people are overweight these
days. Finally, it will reduce your risk of developing serious illnesses. Unhealthy
diets can cause some serious illnesses and make others worse. For all these reasons,
you should make sure that you eat mostly healthy foods.
Cats or dogs?
For example, one good thing about cats is that they are easy to take care of.
Meanwhile, dogs usually need more attention, and they need to be walked every
day. On the other hand, some cats are not very good pets because they do not like
people very much. However, dogs are usually very loving towards people. Pet
owners should think carefully about what kind of pet is right for them before they
make this important choice.

Writing Better Paragraphs



Commas are very important in writing because they help the reader understand
the writer’s message more easily.
Explanation Examples
1. a list of three things or more things London, Berlin, Madrid, and Rome
We do not use a comma with two things. We use are the largest cities in Europe.
and instead of a comma. Paula enjoys reading and cycling in
her free time.

2. compound sentences: Maya rides her bike to school, but

A comma separates two independent clauses Risa takes the bus.
when there is a coordinating conjunction, such
as and, but, so, or.
3. Introductory words or phrases: Last summer, the beach lost a lot of
A comma separates the subject from: sand.
First, you will need to get a pencil.
• Prepositional phrases (In the winter of 1995, Therefore, we will not complete the
…) project.
• Sequence words (first, next, finally,)
• Transition words or phrases (However,
Therefore, In addition,)

4. Adverb clauses: Because I speak three languages, I

When the adverb clause is at the beginning of a can communicate with many people.
sentence, use a comma after it. I can communicate with many people
Do not use a comma if the adverb clause is at because I speak three languages.
the end of a sentence.
5. Extra information that is provided in Saffron, an orange-colored spice, is
adjective clauses often used in Middle Eastern

Exercise 2.1: Insert commas where necessary. Write the number of the
comma rule (1, 2, 3, 4, 5) on the line. Sometimes more than one rule is possible.
1. ____ Brazil is surrounded by Spanish-speaking countries but most people in
Brazil speak Portuguese.
2. ____ The flags of Chile France and Norway have blue white and red sections.
3. ____ Fortunately no one was hurt in the accident that happened yesterday.
4. ____ Italian French Spanish and Portuguese came from Latin.
5. ____ Finally, you need to carefully frost the cake.
Writing Better Paragraphs

6. ____ In the summer of 1940 German soldiers entered France.

7. ____ Because English came from German there are many similar words in the
two languages.
8. ____ If you want to make cookies you need flour sugar oil and vanilla.
9. ____ Our daughter is very allergic to cats so that's why we have a dog.
10. ____ The Magic Flute which is my favorite opera by Mozart is playing at the
theater next month.
Exercise 2.2: Insert ten commas into the paragraph where necessary.
California and Oregon
California and Oregon are two states in the western United States. They
are next to each other and in some ways they are similar. People who love nature
enjoy both California and Oregon because you can find great beaches mountains
and forests in both places. However there are also differences between the states.
California is a lot warmer than Oregon and it usually rains less there. California
is also more well-known around the world than Oregon is. For example many
tourist visit Los Angeles a big city in southern California that is famous for its
movie studios shopping and beautiful people. Though the two states are near
each other, they are not all that similar.

Writing Better Paragraphs


1. A sentence fragment is a group of words that looks like a sentence, but actually isn't
a complete sentence. Sentence fragments are usually missing a subject or verb, or they
do not express a complete thought. While it may be punctuated to look like a
complete sentence, a fragment cannot stand on its own.
To correct a sentence fragment:
• Add the missing part (a subject or verb) or
• Combine two clauses
2. A run-on sentence is two sentences incorrectly joined without a comma or a
coordinating conjunction (and, or, but, so, yet, nor, for).
To correct a run-on sentence:
• Add a comma and a connecting word, or
• Separate the sentences into two with a period
3. A comma splice occurs when two or more sentences or independent clauses are
connected with a comma.
To correct a comma splice:
• Add a connecting word after the comma,
• Create two sentences from the one, or
• Combine the most important words from the two sentences into one sentence and add
a subordinating conjunction (because, since, although)

Exercise 2.3: Read the following texts and decide if it is correct (✓) or
contains a sentence fragment (SF), run-on sentence (RS) or comma splice
1. ____ The birds that usually eat at our feeders have disappeared. Due to the
extreme cold.
2. ____ I’m a vegetarian, I don’t eat meat.
3. ____ Robert plays the piano his sister plays the violin.
4. ____ My sister is pregnant I hope it will be a girl.
5. ____ So we can see the fireworks later.
6. ____ The shopping mall is too busy on the weekends we go during the week.
7. ____ When we went to Canada.
8. ____ Brad is a doctor, all of his patients like him.
9. ____ Since Diana moved there in 2010.
10. ____ Lilly needs to study tonight, she has a big exam tomorrow.

Writing Better Paragraphs

11. ____ Many people do not like extreme winters and purposely live farther
south where the weather is milder. I like the variety of four seasons and hope to
stay in this area for many winters to come.
12. ____ Although the outside temperature is average for this time of year. There
is a strong wind, and the wind chill factor makes the temperature feel even
colder. SF
13. ____ It has been warm this week, today the temperature really dropped.
14. ____ Even though it is so cold. I will still go out for a walk.
15. ____ It is really beautiful here in the valley when the sun shines. Walking in
the cold air makes me feel good.
16. ____ The weather report says it will be cold for another three days. I will
bundle up in many layers of clothing. When I go outside.
17. ____ I will be sure to wear my hat, scarf, gloves, and of course my winter
coat, I will even wear the face mask that I usually wear when I go skiing.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

9. contributor I. (v) to make a picture in your head
10. investigator J. (n) the beliefs and actions of a group
11. confuse K. (n) what someone does to help make something successful
12. economy L. (connector) as a result
13. imagine M. (n) the production of a place
14. culture N. (n) a person who tries to learn how something happened

15. reduce O. (v) to make less

16. therefore P. (v) to mix up mentally so one cannot understand

Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.

by brakes on soaring with

appealing reptile filling reduce snack

1. In order to __________________ stress in his life, Mark has started to do yoga.

2. After that delicious and __________________ meal, I don't think I can eat dessert.
3. The __________________ on my car don't work well on wet roads. I should get them
Writing Better Paragraphs

4. My manager is good at interacting __________________ everyone in the office.
5. Karen's favorite afternoon __________________ is yogurt with fresh fruit.
6. Due to __________________ gas prices, we're trying to walk more and drive less.
7. The Yunnan box turtle is a __________________ that became extinct in the early
8. Joanna can always depend __________________ her mother when she needs
someone to talk to.
9. Going to the beach on Friday is an __________________ idea, but I can't take the day
10. Aunt Helen only gives gifts that are made __________________ hand.

reduce connection educational control

immigrants recognize climb in sum
economy investigator addictive in good

11. The police___________ worked hard to solve the crime.

12. There is a__________ between the large number of people who are moving to this
area and the increase in traffic on the roads.
13. Many__________ from Peru moved to this country years ago.
14. Athletes are __________because they exercise every day.
15. The old woman did not__________ her best friend from childhood because she had
not seen her in 60 years.
16. In order to__________ a high mountain, it is necessary to use a lot of equipment,
like ropes and hiking shoes.
17. Some types of drugs can be very __________so people should be careful when they
take them.
18. Part of learning to be an adult is learning to__________ oneself.
19. The__________ is strong right now, and few people are unemployed.
20. The movie was __________ , so the children learned a lot from it.
Exercise 3.3: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally completes
the collocation.

Writing Better Paragraphs

climb reduce contribution control depend


1. __________pollution
2. __________your friends for help
3. __________the stairs
4. a__________ to a good
5. try to__________ yourself

advantage shape connection economy


6. a weak __________
7. a very __________ teacher
8. to our __________
9. make a _________ between
10. in good __________
Exercise 3.4: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses to complete
each sentence.
1. The instructions for the printer were very __________ (confuse), and the office
workers could not understand them.
2. Great writers use their __________ (imagine) to write interesting stories.
3. Pets are usually __________ (depend) on their owners for food.
4. The new CEO of the company has had a big __________ (effect) on how it is run.
5. Books for children should be both __________ (educate) and entertaining.
6. Smoking is very __________ (addict), so people should avoid doing it.
7. This computer is __________ (connect) to the Internet.
8. It is important to be aware of (culture) differences between people from different
9. There was a major __________ (investigate) after the train crash to find out what
caused it.
10. The business made a __________ (contribute) to help people who lost their homes in
the recent flood.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 4.1: Each sentence has (x) number of errors. Find and correct
1. People when eat a healthy diet live longer. (1)

2. If cars were invented, people often traveled in carriages what horses pulled. (2)

3. The Burj Khalifa is a very tall building has 163 floors. (1)

4. The Sahara Desert very dry after it hardly ever rains there. (2)

5. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a famous leader fought who for equal rights for African
Americans in the United States. (1)

6. Russia and China both very big countries, China has a larger population. (2)

7. Plants could not grow in the cold climate of Greenland, because its people used to fish a
nd hunt for food. (1)

8. Before baby bears are very cute, they are not good pets. (1)

9. Abebe Bikila was a famous runner from Ethiopia what won the Olympics twice. (1)

10. Many cities may be underwater soon although the climate keeps getting warmer. (1)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words or phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. who/ how to use/ people/ computers/ can find/ good jobs/ know/ .

2. before/ students/ usually have to take/ they/ tests/ apply/ for college,/.

3. she became/ Jacinda Acern/ was/ of New Zealand/ in 2017/ although/ only 37

years old,/ the leader/.

4. Vegans/ do not eat/ meat/ who/ dairy products like milk and butter/ are people/


5. in danger/ many people/ their lives/ leave/ their home countries/ because/ are

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. Families/ often go/ visit/ Orlando, Florida,/ when/ they/ to Disney World


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, fragments, run-ons, comma

splices, and verb form in the following paragraph. Underline and correct
Aunt Carolyn

connection: (n) the state of being related to someone or something else
optimistic: (adj) hoping or believing that good things will happen in
the future
unique: (adj) being the only existing one of its type or, more generally,
unusual, or special in some way
appreciate: (v) to recognize how good someone or something is and
to value him, her, or it
admirable : (adj) having qualities that you admire and respect
inherit: (v) to have qualities, physical features, etc. that are similar to those
of your parents, grandparents, etc.

In my large family with dozens of aunts uncles, and cousins, my Aunt

Carolyn is by far my favorite relative. Aunt Carolyn will be my father’s youngest
sister. I am also the youngest one in my family, which may explain why Aunt
Carolyn and I have always had a special connection. I’ve read about youngest
siblings having certain personality traits I can see and appreciate some of those
characteristics in Aunt Carolyn. First she has always appeared and acted youthful.
She exercises regularly and has a fun sense of style and fashion. Secondly, a very
optimistic person. She have a unique way of never letting anything bring her
down, as well as knowing the perfect thing to say when someone is having a bad
day. Finally Aunt Carolyn is easygoing and friendly. At family gatherings she
always seem to find a way to talk with everyone in a warm kind, and interested
way. I have often told Aunt Carolyn, how much I appreciate her positivity and
energy. I can only hope that I have inherited some of her admirable traits.
Exercise 5.2: Find the mistake in the following paragraphs and correct.
Mammoths and Elephants

Writing Better Paragraphs

Mammoths were lager animals used to live all over the world. Thousands of
years ago they went extinct. No one knows why, but it may be, because they were
hunted too much by people. Mammoths and modern elephants are similar in a
number of ways. First both mammoths and elephants eat only plants. Second, both
have long trunks who they use to pick up food. They also both have big teeth called
tusks, although the mammoth’s tusks are longer. One major difference between the
mammoth and elephants is that some mammoths had a lot of fur. Therefore, they
could live in cold places however elephants live only in warn places. Though
mammoths and elephants lived centuries apart they still belong to the same animal
family and are more alike than they are different.
Exercise 5.3: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: Many language learners are looking for methods to make it easier
for them to remember new vocabulary.
The Keyword Method
A[ ] In the Keyword Method, language learners make a connection between the
sound of the word they are trying to learn and a word in their first language. B[ ] For
example, a Japanese learner of English might connect the English word hatchet with
the Japanese word hachi, which means “eight,” because the two words have a similar
sound. In the second step, learners make a picture in their heads to help them remember
the word. In this case, the learner might imagine a person using a hatchet to cut down
eight trees. C[ ] For many language learners, the Keyword Method is effective for
learning new vocabulary. D[ ]

2. Sentence: It does not mean something that you drink from.

False Friend
A[ ] One thing to look out for when you are learning a new language is "false
friends." "False friends" are words in the new language that look very similar to
words in your native language, but they do not mean the same thing. B[ ] For
example, in Swedish, the word bad does not mean the same thing as the English
word bad. Instead, it means "a place to go swimming." C[ ] Another example of a
false friend in Swedish is the word glass. D[ ] Instead, it means "ice cream." Just
remember that words in another language that look the same do not always sound the
Exercise 5.4-Sequecing: Read the sentences and number them to make a
meaningful paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1
Writing Better Paragraphs

___ a. Next, add antifreeze to your windshield washer fluid; otherwise, the fluid
will freeze and possibly break the container.
___ b. First, put on snow tires if you plan to drive on a snowy, icy road very
___ c. Driving in winter, especially snowy, icy road, can be less troublesome if
you take a few simple precautions.
___ d. Finally, it is also a good idea to carry tire chains, a can of spray to
unfreeze door locks, and a windshield scraper in your car when driving in winter
___ e. Second, check the amount of antifreeze in your radiation and add more if
Paragraph 2
___ a. Furthermore, researcher are continuing to work on the development of an
efficient, electrically powered automobile.
___ b. Researchers in the automobile industry are experimenting with different
types of engines and fuels as alternatives to the conventional gasonline engines.
___ c. One new type of engine, which burns diesel oil instead of gasonline, has
been available for several years.
___ d Finally, several automobile manufacturers are experimenting with
methanol, which is a mixture of gasonline and methyl alcohol, as an automobile
___ e. A second type is the gas turbine engine, which can use fuels made from
gasonline, diesel oil, kerosense, other petroleum distillates, or methanol.
Paragraph 3
___ a. Later on, people began to write on pieces of leather, which were rolled
into scrolls.
___ b. In the earliest times, people carved or painted messages on rocks.
___ c. In the Middle Ages, heavy paper called parchment was used for writing
and books were laboriously copied by hand.
___ d With the invention of the printing press in the middle of the fifteenth
century, the modern printing industry was born.
___ e. Some form of written communication has been used throughout the
Paragraph 4
___ a. If there had been a big storm on the day of a baby’s birth, the baby might
have been named Thunder Cloud.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ b. American Indian names are very descriptive, for Indians were usually named
for a physical attribute, for an occurance in nature, or for an animal.
___ c. Grey Eagle, Red Dog, Big Bear, and Spotted Wolf are examples of
Indians named after animals.
___ d. Indians with distinctive physical characteristics might be given names
such as Big Foot or Crooked Leg.
Paragraph 5

___ a. Jennifer was filming a group of colorful fish when David suddenly made a
loud noise and started swimming towards her.
___ b. Surprisingly, Jennifer was not frightened. She knew that American
crocodiles are not very dangerous, so Jennifer did not try to get away. Instead,
she took some amazing close-up photos of the crocodile's face and teeth..
___ c. Meanwhile, David took his own amazing photos of Jennifer and the
crocodile—including the photo you see here.
___ d. Jennifer found out what David was worried about when she looked behind
her. A giant crocodile was only two feet away . . . and it was staring right at her.
___ e. Jennifer Hayes and her husband, David Doubilet, are wildlife
photographers. One day, when Jennifer and David were scuba diving in the
Caribbean and taking photos for National Geographic, they had one of the most
exciting experiences of their careers.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ f. When people see this photo, they ask Jencnifer if she was angry that David
had taken a photo of her and the crocodile instead of trying to save her. "No," she
says. "I would have killed David if he had not taken the photograph."
___ g. It may seem dangerous to the rest of us, but Jennifer and David were very
happy to have the opportunity to get so close to this wild animal and photograph
it. For them, it was a dream come true.



In your opinion, why do so many people want to learn English?
I Brainstorming List the reasons why you, your classmates and other people
that you know want to learn English. Add ideas to your list.
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Why do so many people want to learn English?
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Reason 1 A. _____________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Reason 2 B. _____________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Reason 3 C. _____________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Supporting Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different ideas that relate to the
main idea?
4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?
IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.
V Rewriting
VI Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your second/ final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Are there any sentence fragments, run-on sentences, or
comma splices?
5. Are the verb tenses correct?


Writing Skill I can write effective topic sentences

Grammar I can use commas correctly in sentences
I can correct sentence fragments, run-on sentences, or
comma splices
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives

advantage aggravate addictive
balance appreciate admirable
contribution confuse educational
connection improve fabulous
destination inherit insignificant
economy recognize mental
hazard optimistic
inflation unique
maintenance Adverbs
manufacturer therefore

Writing Better Paragraphs

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on topic



Be sure that topic sentence has a logical controlling idea.
Remember that your topic sentence guides your paragraph.
If the topic sentence is not clear, the reader will have
difficulty following your supporting ideas.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Analyzing paragraphs
- Identifying supporting and concluding sentences
- Understanding how supporting and concluding sentences are written
- Writing supporting and concluding sentences
- Using pronouns in place of key nouns correctly

Writing Better Paragraphs



Supporting sentences are the ones that develop the topic sentence. They give
information that explains and expands the topic of the paragraph. They also answer the
questions who? what? where? when? why? how? in order to develop the main idea.
Finally, good supporting sentences have different goals:
Explain: In some ways, technology has made people poor communication.
Some people do not listen well because they are always looking at
their phones. (The second sentence explains why they are poor
Describe: She walked among the thick green bushes that were covered with
huge flowers of every color.
Give reason: Many people prefer cell phones since they are cheaper than laptop
Give facts: The wall that surrounds the Grand Palace is more than 6000 feet
Give example: Digital devices such as cell phones, tablets, and laptops are an
essential part of college life.

Define: Gumbo is a thick soup made of seafood and meat served over rice.
Writers sometimes organize their supporting sentences by ranking them.
Ranking means putting ideas in a particular order of importance. Writers usually use
certain words and phrases to rank sentences.
First, / Firstly, / First and foremost, …
The first (characteristic) is …
Second, / Secondly, …
The next (factor) is …
The most important (reason) is …

Exercise 1.1: Read the statements about the supporting sentences and concluding
sentence. Write T (True) or F (False)

1 The supporting sentences are not related to the topic. _____

2 The supporting sentences add information about the topic. _____
3 The concluding sentence includes new information. _____
4 A sentence that summarizes or restates the main idea is the _____
concluding sentence.
Writing Better Paragraphs

5 The concluding sentence does not include opinion. _____

6 The ideas in the topic sentence and the concluding sentence are
Exercise 1.2: Read each topic sentence. Then choose the sentence that best
support it.

affordable (n): the place where someone is going or where something is
encouragement (n): something that can be dangerous or cause damage
accomplish (v): to (cause something to) get better

1. Topic sentence: It is possible to make pizza healthy.

a. Pizza is popular around the world for many reasons.
b. With a few changes, you can make a healthy pizza.
2. Topic sentence: More and more people work and study in coffee shops.
a. There are tables and comfortable chairs in coffee shops.
b. For many people, a coffee shop is a great place to work.
3. Topic sentence: Children have too many organized activities and not enough free
a. Many children play sports beginning at a young age.
b. If you want children to be healthy and happy, let them have more free time.
4. Topic sentence: A visit to Italy is not complete without a cooking lesson.
a. For these reasons, a cooking lesson will make your trip to Italy even better.
b. Italian food includes delicious pasta, wonderful seafood, and healthy vegetables.
5. Topic sentence: In elephant groups, older females are very important.
a. Older female elephants teach and protect the entire group.
b. Elephant mothers often play with their babies.
6. Topic sentence: Eating less meat helps the environment.
a. A diet with less meat is more environmentally friendly.
b. Many people are vegetarians now, which means they do not eat meat at all.
7. Topic sentence: There is a lack of affordable housing across the United States.
a. This real estate agent focuses primarily on second homes for vacation purposes.
b. Many of the nation’s poorest people are living in the street or in homeless shelters.

Writing Better Paragraphs

8. Topic sentence: Personal coaching is a new business trend in which "coaches" are
hired by people who need encouragement and help tracking progress in
accomplishing a goal.
a. There are many funds and grants available for starting a new business if you know
where to look.
b. If you have trouble with time management, for example, you might hire someone to
help you organize your tasks and assignments.
9. Topic sentence: It is important for businesses to establish professional dress codes
in order to project a certain image.
a. Business suits are acceptable for both men and women.
b. Inexpensive uniforms can be purchased online and delivered to your home.
10. Topic sentence: Due to increasing cell phone use, the greater number of
telephone towers has created hazardous conditions for the wild bird population.
a. Every day, birds across the country are losing their lives as they collide into towers that
have been built on their habitual flight paths.
b. Smaller, more compact cell phones are now for sale, and they come in a variety of
Exercise 1.3: Read each supporting sentence. Choose a or b for the
appropriate topic sentence.
1. Supporting sentence: Because it is an island nation, healthy seafood is abundant
a. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
b. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
2. Supporting sentence: When you do not have time to cook, fast food may seem like
a good option.
a. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
b. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
3. Supporting sentence: More and more people are now watching their fat intake, so
they try to avoid eating a lot of burgers, chicken nuggets, and French fries.
a. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
b. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
4. Supporting sentence: Along with fresh fish, many varieties of seaweed and other
green vegetables containing necessary vitamins are a part of every meal.
a. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
b. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Supporting sentence: Items can be stir-fried in very little oil and cooked quickly
and healthfully.
a. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
b. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
6. Supporting sentence: Unprocessed foods, like fresh vegetables and whole grains,
are part of a heart-happy regimen.
a. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
b. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
7. Supporting sentence: Not only are many of the food items high in calories, the
beverages often are as well.
a. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
b. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food
8. Supporting sentence: Diets that are high in fat can lead to a variety of health
problems, including obesity and heart disease.
a. Fast food, though convenient, is unhealthy and high in calories and fat.
b. Japanese cuisine is known for its healthy food components.
Exercise 1.4: Read each topic sentence. Then choose which question the
supporting sentences should answer.
1. Topic sentence: The best tea is made using loose leaves and boiling water.
a. Where can you find loose leaves?
b. Do most people prefer tea or coffee?
2. Topic sentence: Ethan's favorite birthday present this year was a model train set.
a. What was included in the model train set?
b. Where did Ethan set up the model train set?
3. Topic sentence: Some of the most beautiful shoreline views can be found along the
coast of Maine.
a. What other beautiful things can be found in Maine?
b. What specific things can you see on this shoreline?
4. Topic sentence: The Leaning Tower of Pisa is famous for its easily recognizable
a. Why do people visit the Leaning Tower of Pisa?
b. What types of architectural elements are present in the tower?
Exercise 1.5: Read the list of questions. Then choose the topic sentence go
better with these questions.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. Where did you buy it?

Who mailed it?
When did you order it?
When was it expected to arrive?
a. My brother Kevin has a very nice old music player that he was going to send to me.
b. I should have received my new music player in the mail last week, but I think it got
lost. x
2. What does she serve with it?
When does she serve it?
Who comes to dinner?
Where does she serve it?
a. My mother makes the best cookies in the world, and I try to be available whenever she
is in the mood to make them.
b. My mother cooks a full turkey dinner for our family every Sunday. x
3. How many people were coming to the party?
What did you have to buy?
How crowded was the store?
How long did it take?
a. I went to the grocery store the day before the party to buy all the food and paper goods
that we needed. x
b. The department store was having a sale on camping equipment.
Exercise 1.6: Read the paragraph and decide if each numbered sentence is a good
supporting sentence. Write G (Good) if it is a good supporting sentence and U
(unrelated) if it is an unrelated sentence.

My Dog
My dog Chutney likes to eat dog treats, although I think it is essential that
he gets them only as a reward for good behavior. It is important to me that he is
motivated by food because it makes training him much easier. If I ask him to sit,
he knows I will give him a treat if he does what I asked him to do. (1) I also give
him a treat if he rolls over when I give the command. (2) Some dogs do not like to
roll over. (3) His favorite treats are the brown ones that are shaped like a bone.
When we go for a walk on the road, I give him the command “with me” when there
is a car coming. (4) If he responds immediately by walking right next to me until
the car has passed, then he gets a treat from my pocket. I have to have a good
supply of dog treats on hand whenever we go for a walk on the road. That is the
most important situation where he has to respond immediately to stay out of

Writing Better Paragraphs

danger. He really is a good dog and as a result, he ends up eating many treats every
_____ 1. I also give him a treat if he rolls over when I give the command.
_____ 2. Some dogs do not like to roll over.
_____ 3. His favorite treats are the brown ones that are shaped like a bone.
_____ 4. If he responds immediately by walking right next to me until the
car has passed, then he gets a treat from my pocket.
Exercise 1.7: For each set of sentences, write TS next to the topic sentences. Write
SS next to the supporting sentences.
1_______a. The calendars are different.
_______b. The weekend starts on Friday instead of Saturday.
_______c. My country does not follow Greenwich time.
_______d. There are some very specific differences between my part of the world and
western countries.
2_______a. I was traveling to Jakarta, Indonesia to visit my cousin.
_______b. My plane was delayed, so I was struck at the airport.
_______c. I experienced a strange coincidence last year.
_______d. I heard my math teacher from my old hometown calling my name.
3_______a. I like several things about my English class.
_______b. I meet many new friends from different countries.
_______c. Every day, I learn new words, and I keep them in a notebook.
_______d. Sometimes we play games and laugh during class time.
4_______a. You can use the Internet to find information, but if you do not have the right
skills, you can waste a lot of time.
________b. The Internet can be incredibly useful if you know how to use it.
________c. There are opportunities to buy and sell products on the Internet, but you
have to know the proper way to send money.
________d. The Internet is a good place to find a job.

Exercise 1.8: Add a detail (a-c) to each of the supporting sentences in the
paragraph below.
a. As a result, I now have almost a thousand dollars saved that can help me pay for
Writing Better Paragraphs

b. For example, my mother stayed home with me when my team lost the
championship baseball game.
c. To illustrate, my mother fixed me chicken soup and took my temperature
whenever I did not feel well.

My Mother
My mother was successful for several reasons . First, she was always there
for me when I was sad. _(1)_. Second, she took good care of me when I was sick.
_(2)_. The most important thing my mother did was she saved money in a bank
account for me. _(3)_. In conclusion, my mother was a success to me because she
was always there for me, took care of me and saved money for me.
Exercise 1.9: Read the paragraphs and cross out the unrelated sentence.
My Father
The person I admire most is my father. He always worked hard to provide
for his family. When I was a child, he coached my basketball team. All my friends
loved him because he was funny and kind. My mother used to come watch my
games, too. My father is also very smart. He loves to read history books and do
crossword puzzles. He was born in a small town. My father is one of the best
people I know.

Coffee is popular around the world. It is grown in many places, including
Africa, South America, and Asia. Tea is grown in some of those places, too. People
like to drink it in the morning because it helps them wake up. Many people like to
drink it with milk and/or sugar. In some countries, people drink very strong coffee
in little cups. I think those cups are too small. People like it for its taste and for its
ability to wake them up.

How to Make Scrambled Eggs
Making scrambled eggs is easy to do. First, let the eggs come to room
temperature. Eggs can be brown or white. Then crack the eggs and put them in a
bowl. Make sure there are no shells in the eggs. With a fork, mix the eggs very
quickly. Eggs usually come in containers of 12. You can add a little salt, pepper,
and milk. Heat a pan over medium-low heat and add a little oil or butter. Then pour
the eggs into the pan. Cook until they are done. It is hard to go wrong with
scrambled eggs.

Writing Better Paragraphs

A Visit to Rome
Many tourists choose to go to Rome, Italy. Some visit this city because they
want to see world famous sights like the Colosseum. The Vatican and the Spanish
Steps are other popular attractions. Of course, as an ancient city, many people visit
Rome for its long history. Others visit it for its art work, culture, and food. Venice,
another famous city, is in northern Italy. People from around the world find a
variety of reasons to visit this great city.

Riding the Bus in London
Traffic can be really bad in London. The most interesting form of public
transportation in London is the double decker bus. These buses are famous from
movies and, in many ways, have become a symbol of the city. They have two
stories. You get a great view if you climb the stairs and sit on the top floor. This
makes taking a double decker bus a fun and inexpensive way to see the city.

The Park Family’s Journey
In 1970, the Park family moved from South Korea to the United States to
start a new life. After a long journey by plane, the Parks arrived in New York City
on June 15, 1970. Their journey was different from the typical journey of many
Asian immigrants in earlier years. Until 1940, many immigrants from Asia came
to the United States on ships, and they went through customs and immigration on
Angel Island in San Francisco, California. Angel Island was opened in 1910. While
their journey was different from the journeys of Asian immigrants in the past, the
Parks had the same feelings of excitement about starting life in a new country.
Languages in Canada
Unlike many nations, Canada is officially a bilingual country, with English
and French as the official languages. All over Canada, the government does its
business in both English and French. Most Canadians can speak English, and about
30 percent of Canadians can speak French. Other languages are also spoken in
Canada. Many immigrants speak their own native languages in their homes. Many
Chinese people moved from Hong Kong to the Canadian cities of Toronto and
Vancouver. Finally, a large number of tribal languages are also spoken in
Canada. However, most communication in Canada is done in English or French,
and these are the languages the government uses.

Writing Better Paragraphs


A concluding sentence is the last sentence of the paragraph. It often restates or repeats
the topic sentence using different words. Writers do not include any new ideas in the
concluding sentence.
A concluding sentence often has one or more of these four purposes:
1. It restates the main idea. It summarizes the main idea or points in the paragraph.
Often it says about the same thing as the topic sentence, but in different words.
2. It offers a suggestion. It tells reader something they should think or do.
3. It gives an opinion. It tells readers the writer’s thoughts or beliefs about the topic.
4. It makes a prediction. It tells readers what might happen in the future.
The following are transitional words and phrases commonly used at the beginning of a
concluding sentence. There is usually a comma after the transitional word or phrase.
In conclusion, As a result, Because of this, Certainly,
In summary, Therefore, Thus, Clearly,
In short, For this reason, Overall, Surely,
In brief, For these reasons, Looking back, From the information given,

Exercise 1.10: For each of these paragraphs, choose the sentences from the
list below that would make the best concluding sentence. Copy the sentence
you choose into the paragraph.

There They Are!

I feel happy whenever I am at a train station waiting for someone who is

close to me. I was the youngest child in my family, so my older brothers and sisters
left home before I did. However, they always returned for vacations and holidays.
My mother, father, and I were always at the train station to greet them. I enjoyed
the smell of the train and the roaring noise it made as the big black engine pulled
into the station. I would jump up and down trying to see while everyone crowded
around the doors. "There they are!" my mother would cry. I would run to jump
into the arms of my beloved brother or sister. ………………………………….

a. In conclusion, I always had an enjoyable visit with my brothers and sisters.

b. In conclusion, my whole family likes train stations.

Writing Better Paragraphs

c. Now I am an adult, but I still feel joy when I go to the train station to meet
someone I love.


A Wise Shopper

A consumer can save a lot of money by shopping wisely. This means he is

always looking for sales and collecting coupons. It also means that the person is
not a compulsive shopper. In other words, the wise consumer does his research
and makes a plan so that he knows what he is looking for. He is not tempted by
attractive products that are not necessary. Sometimes he goes home without
purchasing anything. He might think he was ted his time, but he knows he did not
waste his money. ………………………………………………………………

a. In conclusion, a compulsive shopper can never be a wise shopper.

b. In conclusion, a wise shopper also keeps a budget so that he knows how much
he can spend.

c. In conclusion, a wise shopper finds ways to save money on the price and to
avoid buying what he does not need.

Exercise 1.11: Read each topic sentence. Then check (✓) the sentence that
would make the best conclusion.
1. Topic sentence: There are four steps to finding a cheap airline ticket
___ a. Airline tickets will be more expensive in the future.
___ b. Following these steps will help you find the best price.
___ c. Everybody wants to save money on airline tickets.
2. Video games can benefit children.
___ a. Some video games teach children decision- making strategies.
___ b. In addition to playing video games, watching some educational programs
on TV is good for children.
___ c. These benefits can have lasting effects on children.
3. The government can encourage people to recycle by taking the following
___ a. Without these measures, people are less likely to recycle.
___ b. The government should pick up the recycling from people’s houses at
least once a week.
___ c. The government should do more to protect the environment.

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Topic sentence: I learned three things from failure.

___ a. In conclusion, failure is usually negative.
___ b. In short, failure taught me several things.
___ c. In summary, many people have failed.
5. Topic sentence: There are obstacles beyond our control that can prevent
___ a. In conclusion, sometimes we can control our own success .
___ b. In summary, you will face a lot of obstacles.
___ c. In brief, there are a lot of obstacles that prevent success.
6. Topic sentence: People do certain things to make sure a marriage is
___ a. In conclusion, marriage are not very successful.
___ b. In conclusion, listening to your spouse is one thing people can do for a
successful marriage.
___ c. In conclusion, marriages can become more successful by doing certain

Writing Better Paragraphs



Pronouns are words that take the place of Nouns or refer to Nouns. Writers use
pronouns to avoid the noun too often and to make their writing flow more smoothly.
Subject Object Possessive Possessive Reflexive Reciprocal
Pronouns Pronouns Adjective + N Pronouns Pronouns Pronouns
I me my mine myself
You you your yours yourself
We us our ours ourselves each other
They them their + Noun theirs themselves one another
He him his his himself
She her her her herself
It it its -- itself

1. Subject pronouns take the place of a Alex started his diet by cutting down on
subject. junk food. First, he stopped drinking soda.
2. Object pronouns take the place of an I hate to exercise at the gym. It drives me
object. crazy, but I know it’s good for me.
3. Possessive adjectives take the place of Mei’s recipe is more popular than John’s.
possessive nouns. His recipe is too complicated.
4. Possessive pronouns take the place of a Did you bring your lunch today? I forgot
possessive adjective + noun. mine. (mine=my lunch)
5. Reflexive pronouns are in the object We hurt ourselves on that long hike.
position when the object is the same as the
6. Reciprocal pronouns show that two or Maya and Sam help one another in their
more people give and receive the same exercise.
action. (=Maya helps Sam, and Sam helps Maya.)

Exercise 2.1: The bolded word or words in each sentence are key nouns.
Choose the correct pronoun for each key noun to complete the second
1. Cross-country skis are much lighter now than they used to be.
____________ are now made using composite materials and space-age
2. Our singing group was invited to sing at the county fair. ____________ are
very excited about this opportunity to get public exposure.

Writing Better Paragraphs

3. I bought a new light bulb for my bed-side lamp. ____________ casts a yellow
light and looks nice in my bedroom.
4. The horses next door love to run in the field. ____________ go out early in
the morning and race each other around the pasture.
5. I saw a mouse run under the porch. ____________ was so cute with its little
nose and big ears.
6. My sister and I share an unusual talent. ____________ both play the
accordian in a local band.
7. Rosa's favorite thing to do in her free time is watch TV. ____________ helps
her relax after a long day at work.
8. Martinique and Guadeloupe are two islands in the Caribbean.
___________ are both part of a group of islands known as the Lesser Antilles.
Exercise 2.2: Complete the sentences with the suitable pronouns.
1. Rugby is an exciting sport to watch, but ___________ is quite dangerous to
2. Humans are different from most other animals because ___________ take
care of their babies until they grow up.
3. Thailand is a fun country to visit because ___________ food is so delicious.
4. After my grandfather arrived in this country, ___________ decided to live in
Houston, Texas.
5. When they were younger, our daughters lived at home with us.
Now ___________ have moved to their own apartments.
6. Giraffes are large animals, but ___________ are gentle and not at all
7. Istanbul is the largest city in Turkey. However, ___________ is not the capital
of the country.
8. Marie Curie was one of the most famous woman scientists of all time.
won the Nobel Prize twice.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. research A. (n) a choice
2. survive B. (v) to study carefully
3. option C. (v) to give tasks to do
4. style D. (v) to continue to live or exist after a difficult or dangerous situation

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. continent E. (n) one of the main large land areas on the earth
6. assign F. (n) a place someone travels to
7. destination G. (n) a way of doing something
8. construction H. (n) the act of building
Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.

complain vegetables spot used to go shallow

eliminate consists logical fare dust

1. The bus ____________ for students and senior citizens is quite affordable.
2. The salad dressing ____________ of oil, vinegar, fresh herbs, and garlic.
3. Carla ____________ to the bookstore downtown before one opened up in her
4. My family is making an effort to ____________ all junk food from our diet.
5. The Conservatory Garden in Central Park is my favorite ____________ to relax in
New York City.
6. If you want to ____________ about the food, you should talk to the restaurant
7. There are some pretty fish in the ____________ pond behind the library.
8. Louis makes the most delicious, crispy ____________ to complement grilled steaks.
9. Since my grandmother is allergic to ____________, we clean the house carefully
before she visits.
10. Sharing a taxi is a ____________ idea since we both live in the same apartment

research survive amazed continent complain

replace destination laundry strict assign

11. The smallest__________ in the world is Australia.

12. It is difficult to__________ if you get lost in the desert because there is very little
water to drink.
13. If the TV remote is not working, you probably need to___________ the battery.
14. Everyone was __________after the young runner broke the world record during her
first race.
15. The teachers at that school usually __________a lot of homework.
16. London is a very popular__________ for tourists.

Writing Better Paragraphs

17. The Harringtons have to do the__________ almost every day. All of their four
children are on sports teams, and their uniforms need to be washed.
18. If scientists continue to__________ the causes of cancer, they will be able to help
people who have the disease.
19. Some parents are quite__________ . They refuse to allow their children to watch any
20. The hotel guest decided to __________ to the manager after the people in the next
room talked loudly all night.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
assign amount destination due to
1. __________ homework
2. a popular tourist ___________
3. __________ the bad economy
4. dirty __________
5. a large __________ of

survive opportunity strict used to

6. a great __________
7. __________parents
8. __________ live in
9. a___________ lake
10.__________ a disaster
Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. The __________ (survive) of polar bears is at risk because ice in the polar regions has
been melting due to global warming.
2. The swimmer's parents were __________ (tremendous) proud when their daughter
won an Olympic medal.
3. We need to __________ (replace) our washing machine soon because it does not
function very well.
4. Some parents are very __________ (protect) of their children and never allow them to
talk to strangers.

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Imelda speaks English __________ (perfect). She sounds like a native speaker.
6. Everyone was __________ (amaze) by the monkey's ability to use sign language to
communicate with humans.
7. Many students in the class had trouble finishing last week's __________ (assign).
8. The businessman's seat on the flight was given to another passenger, so he decided
to __________ (complain) to the airline.
9. After the __________ (construct) of this building is finished, there will be many more
apartments available.
10. The neighbors had a serious __________ (disagree) about politics years ago, and they
no longer speak to each other.


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.

1. Before the storm began at three o'clock in the afternoon. (1)

2. The Fords went to Japan last summer they liked them very much. (2)

3. Was extremely hot yesterday many people stayed inside their homes. (2)

4. Pedro is good at scoring goals in addition they can run very fast. (3)

5. That teacher's classes are difficult. Because he assigns a lot of homework. (1)

6. The prime minister visited Nigeria she did not visit Ghana. (1)

7. The restaurant served many meat dishes, it did not serve any vegetarian dishes. (1)

8. Though Ella's parents are strict. She allowed their daughter to stay out until midnight.

9.When people visit Hong Kong. They often take a ferry across the harbor. (1)

10. Though the continent of Antarctica is large. Hardly any people live there. (1)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. the Red Fort in New Delhi, / we went to / the Taj Mahal in Agra / after / we visited.

2. excellent, / it / has won / and / many awards / is / the director's new movie.

Writing Better Paragraphs

3. accepts / even though / a small school / it is / Central Community College / many


4. pick it up quickly / their children / but / sometimes have difficulty / learning English, /
new immigrants.

5. and / is great exercise, / fun to watch / it is / also / basketball.

6. strict / want / are / him to / because / Leo's parents / do well in school / they .


adventurous (adj): willing to take risks and try new ideas; enjoying being in new,
exciting situations

Exercise 5.1: There are 10 errors in spelling, pronouns, Subject-Verb Agreement and
verb form in the following paragraph. Underline and correct them.
If you are search for an interesting career, think about becoming a flight attendant.
First of all, flight attendants receives a hug amount of training for their job. The training
consists in things like interpersonal skills, customer servise, and safety. Second, every time
flight attendants go to work, their scenery change . We could be in Shanghai one day and
New York the next. Sometimes they can even stay in one spot for a few days before flying
home. In addition, flight attendants get bargain fares on airline tickets for vacation.
Imagine spending no more than a few dollars for a flight anywhere in the world! Finally,
flight attendants meets a wide variety of people from all over the world. For this reasons,
he is clear that for people who are flexible, adventurous, and social, becoming a flight
attendant could be a good career match.
Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [ ] (A-D). Decide the
best place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: In 1901, Daniel, Hanna, and Shoshana Schultz made the biggest
decision of their lives.
Writing Better Paragraphs

The Schultz Family
A[ ] The Schultzes lived in Berlin, Germany, but they had a hard time
making enough money to survive. So, they decided to move from Germany to the
United States. The Schultzes arrived at Ellis Island, New York, on September 3,
1901. B[ ] After they passed through customs, the family went to stay with their
relatives in a tiny apartment on the Lower East Side of Manhattan. C[ ] Soon,
Daniel Schultz, the father of the family, found a job as a waiter, and the Schultzes
were able to move to their own apartment in Queens. D[ ] That was when they
knew that they made the right choice when they decided to leave Germany.
2. Sentence: Though these European languages are spoken by the majority of
South Americans, many non-European languages are also spoken, including
Quechua, Aymara, and Wayuu.
The Languages of South America
People may be surprised by how many languages are spoken in South
Amercica. A[ ] In the rest of the world, many people think that South Americans
speak Spanish. B[ ] It is true that in most of the countries of South America,
Spanish is the official language. C[ ] However, in Brazil, the official language is
Portuguese, and in Guyana and Suriname, English and Dutch are spoken. D[ ] So,
Spanish is certainly not the only language spoken on this diverse continent.
Exercise 5.3: Read the sentences and number them to form a complete
paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the supporting
sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the concluding
Paragraph 1 Restaurant Review: The Marlin Grill
___ a. Before you leave, make sure you order one of Marlin's fantastic desserts.
___ b. If you are looking for a place to celebrate a special occasion, consider the
Marlin Grill Restaurant.
___ c. The Grill's most popular main dish is the salmon with roasted vegetables.
___ d. To sum up, the Marlin Grill is one of the best restaurants in town ... so
book your table today.
___ e. In addition to delicious food, the Marlin's staff offers outstanding service.
___ f. However, if fish is not your favorite, you can try the grilled chicken or the
roast beef with potatoes.
___ g. Choices include chocolate cake, peach pie, and strawberry ice cream.
Paragraph 2 Superheroes
Writing Better Paragraphs

___ a. First, superheroes engage in all kinds of activities that we wish we could
experience, but don’t usually have the chance to do.
___ b. In addition, they are admirable because they do work that is meaningful
and helpful to others.
___ c. Superheroes remain popular because they both entertain and inspire.
___ d. For example, they get to drive fast, play with cool gadgets, and even fly
through the air or climb tall buildings. Who wouldn’t enjoy those kind of thrills?
___ e. Whether or not we get to live out this fantasy, superheroes will always be
fascinating because they act out these opportunities for us and allow us to dream.
___ f. Finally, and most importantly, they appeal to our desire to be more than
we are and to conquer our fears.
___ g. If we had to face extraordinary adversity, we want to believe that we
would have the strength and courage of a superhero.
___ h. Most of us will never feel like we are saving the world, but superheroes
often do things that save the planet or at least a city.
Paragraph 3 How to Cook Pasta
___ a. Many people love spaghetti and other kinds of pasta. Luckily, it is very
easy to make it.
___ b. Next, add pasta to the water. Also add salt. Some people think you should
add oil, too, but this is a mistake. If your pasta is too oily, the sauce will not stick
to it when you eat it.
___ c. When you think the pasta is done, test it by tasting it. If it is still hard,
cook it longer. If it is starting to get soft, it is done.
___ d. Take the pot to the sink and pour the water out of it. Now your pasta is
ready to enjoy. Serve it immediately with a delicious sauce.
___ e. Then boil the pasta for about 11–12 minutes. Stir it every few minutes as it
___ f. Start by boiling water in a large pot. Make sure you use enough water. If
you use too little water, the pasta might stick together as you cook it.



In your opinion, is it a good idea to require all students to wear a school
Writing Better Paragraphs

I Brainstorming List the reasons why you agree or don’t agree with the
writing prompt.
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose three reasons and the best
supporting ideas to write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your opinion.
Step 3 Now write two supporting ideas for each reason.

Topic: Should all students be required to wear a school uniform?
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Reason 1 A. _______________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 2. __________________________________________________
Reason 2 B. _______________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 2. __________________________________________________
Reason 3 C. _______________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 2. __________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different reasons that support the
writer’s opinion?
4. Does the paragraph include supporting ideas for each reason?
Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?

6. Is there a concluding sentence?
IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.
V Rewriting
VI Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your second/ final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Are the key nouns replaced by the suitable pronouns?
5. Are all the verb tenses correct?


Writing Skill I can write effective supporting and concluding

Grammar I can use pronouns to replace the key nouns
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives

encouragement accomplish affordable
opportunity amaze logical
connection assign strict
characteristic complain

Writing Better Paragraphs


In order to get more practice on this issue, click the link below to further study on
basics of writing supporting and concluding sentences.

TIPS: Writing supporting sentences

To check if a supporting sentence relates to the controlling
idea, read the supporting sentence and then reread the topic
sentence to see the connection.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Maintaining paragraph unity

- Reviewing four features of a good paragraph
- Using the articles correctly

Writing Better Paragraphs


Exercise 1.1: Read the following paragraph about a student’s first job.
1. What is the topic?
___ a. Working in a laboratory
___ b. Getting my first job
___ c. What my first job taught me
Learning Responsibility
My first job was a sales clerk in a small clothing shop. It wasn’t a difficult
job, and it wasn’t really a very interesting job. My best friend had a more exciting
job. Every weekend I had to open the store at 10:00 a.m. I couldn’t be late. Now
on weekends I like to sleep late. I helped customers find clothes, and I kept the
store near and clean. My parents’ house was very clean, too. I used the cash register
and handled credit cards, so I had to be very careful. These things all taught me
responsibility. Now I work in a research laboratory. I don’t work with clothing
anymore, but I still use that important skill I learned in my first job.
2. Cross out the two unrelated sentences in this paragraph.
3. Which additional sentences could be connected to the paragraph? Write C
(connected) or I (inconnected).
___ a. I answered the phone and opened the mail.
___ b. On weekdays I did my homework for school.
___ c. I once worked delivering pizza, too.
___ d. I learned how to choose and order new clothing.
___ e. Dressing neatly and professionally was an important part of the job.
___ f. A lab assistant is a good job for me.
___ g. In the future, I would like to take some business trips.
Exercise 1.2: Read the paragraph and write the number of the sentence that
matches each description.


(1) My next-door neighbor and I are going to put up a fence between our
two properties so that each of us will feel that we have more privacy. (2) I am
supplying the fence materials, and he is bringing the post-hole digger, paint, and
paint sprayer. (3) He and I will dig the holes and set the posts this afternoon. (4)
My daughter has a dancing lesson today, but my wife can take her there. (5) We
Writing Better Paragraphs

will start working on the fence again tomorrow morning. (6) We will then paint
the fence a dark green using his paint sprayer. (7) When it is finished being
installed, the fence will look good from both our perspectives.
a. Sentence _________ is the topic sentence.
b. Sentence _________ determines when the work discussed in the topic sentence
will begin.
c. Sentence _________ determines who will contribute the materials for the work
discussed in the topic sentence.
d. Sentence _________ does not support the controlling idea of the topic sentence.
e. Sentence _________ is the concluding sentence.
Exercise 1.3: For each paragraphs, read and choose the correct answer to each

Grizzly Bears
(1)______________________________ Grizzly bears eat almost everything.
Naturally, they love honey. They also eat seeds, fruit, grasses, and mushrooms. (2)
________________________________________________. Grizzlies always need to eat
a lot because they are very large animals. However, in the late summer and early fall, they
eat even more than usual. In fact, they eat so much that
they can gain more than three pounds a day. Grizzlies
do this because they sleep all winter. They are not able
to eat at all during that time. Therefore, they need to
build up a lot of body fat before they go to sleep. This
allows them to survive the winter without any
food. Then, when spring comes, the bears wake up and
start eating again. (3)
_________________________________________ .
1. Which is the best topic sentence for this paragraph?
a. Many people are afraid of grizzly bears, but they are usually not dangerous to humans.
b. The eating and sleeping habits of grizzly bears are quite interesting and unusual.
c. Grizzly bears, black bears, brown bears, and polar bears live in the northern United
States and in Canada.
2. Which is the best supporting sentence for this paragraph?
a. In addition, they love to eat fish and insects.
b. Grizzly bear mothers may have one to four cubs to feed.

Writing Better Paragraphs

c. Bears from children's stories, like Winnie the Pooh and Paddington, are also famous
for loving honey.
3. Which is the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?
a. Bears are also known to be intelligent and curious.
b. Grizzly bear cubs drink their mothers' milk for up to three years after birth.
c. There are not many animals around the world that eat and sleep as much as grizzly
bears do.

Me And My Grandmother
____ (1) ______________________________ . When
I was a child, my parents were very busy, so my
grandmother often took care of me while they were at
work. She played a big part in raising me. I learned so
much from her. For example, she taught me to make
delicious dishes like spaghetti and meatballs. (2)
________________________________ . In addition,
she was a talented artist, and she taught me how to
paint. In fact, I think she is the reason I became a
successful artist. (3)
______________________________ .
1. Which is the best topic sentence for this
a. My grandmother Mona is very important to me.
b. I enjoyed spending time with my parents when I was young.
c. Children can learn a great deal from their parents.
2. Which is the best supporting sentence for this paragraph?

a. Meatballs are popular in many different countries around the world.

b. We enjoyed watching movies together.
c. She also taught me to speak Italian, her native language.
3. Which is the best concluding sentence for this paragraph?

a. I am a good athlete, too.

b. On top of all this, Grandma Mona was excellent at sewing.
c. I will always be thankful for everything Grandma Mona did for me.

Exercise 1.4: Read each topic sentence. Then choose the sentence that best
support it.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. Topic sentence: Sydney is the one of the most popular tourist destinations in

a. The most famous sight in Sydney is the Opera House.

b. Many tourists visit the Great Barrier Reef on the northeastern coast of Australia.
c. Many tourists visit New Zealand, too.
2. Topic sentence: In New York City, there are many different forms of public

a. People who own their own cars usually do not take public transportation.
b. In New York City, you can ride the subway, take a bus, ride a ferry, or even rent a
c. Some very famous tall buildings, such as the Empire State Building, are in New York
3. Topic sentence: In 1929, the Schultz family moved from Germany to the United

a. Thousands of immigrants from Europe moved to the United States in the late 1800s.
b. After a long journey by sea, the Schultzes arrived in the busy port of New York City
on September 3, 1929.
c. The Giancarlo family was from the island of Sicily in Italy.
4. Topic sentence: Many people are surprised by the variety of languages spoken in
South America.

a. While it is true that most people in South America speak Spanish or Portuguese, more
than 135 other languages are spoken there.
b. Portuguese is the official language of Brazil, and Spanish is the official language of
c. Canada, the United States, and Mexico are in North America.
5. Topic sentence: Thomas Jefferson is considered by many to be a great American

a. The first three American presidents were Washington, Adams, and Jefferson.
b. Many countries do not have presidents.
c. As president, he doubled the size of the United States.
6. Topic sentence: Thanksgiving is perhaps the biggest holiday in the United States.

a. Thanksgiving dinner usually includes turkey.

b. Thanksgiving is also celebrated in Canada, though on a different date.

Writing Better Paragraphs

c. It is the time, more than any other, when people will travel long distances to be with
their families.

Exercise 1.5: Read each topic sentence and supporting sentence. Identify the goal of
the supporting sentence and write a-d next to the goal.
a. describe d. define
b. give facts e. give reasons
c. give examples
1. Many tourists choose to go to Sydney, Australia. Tourists visit this city because they
want to see world famous sights like the Sydney Opera House.
2. In New York City, there are many different forms of public transportation. For example,
you can ride the subway, take a bus, ride a ferry, or even rent a bicycle.
3. In 1929, the Schultz family moved from Germany to the United States. After a long
journey by sea, the Schultzes arrived in the busy port of New York City on September 3,
4. Many people are surprised by the variety of languages spoken in South America. While
it is true that most people in South America speak Spanish or Portuguese, more than 135
other languages are spoken there.
5. In many ways, one symbol of the United States is apple pie. Apple pie is a sweet dessert
pie made with apples, sugar, and spices.
Exercise 1.6: Read each paragraph. Then identify the purpose of its concluding
sentence. Choose the correct answer.

Should Children Do Job at Home?

In the past, children used to do lots of jobs at

home. They washed dishes, cleaned the house, and
helped with the yard. Nowadays, children seem to
do fewer jobs. They do not help their parents at
home. Instead, they spend most of their time doing
homework and after-school activities. They also
spend far too much time on their phones and

Writing Better Paragraphs

computers. I think children should help with household jobs because it teaches them to
take responsibility and help others.
What is the purpose of the concluding sentence of this paragraph?
a. to restate the main idea
b. to give an opinion
c. to make a prediction

Visit Sydney
It is not surprising that many tourists choose to visit Sydney, Australia. They come
because they want to see world famous sights like the Sydney Opera House. The Harbour
Bridge and Bondi Beach are other popular attractions in the city. Sydney also has many
exciting shops and restaurants. For all these reasons, Sydney is well worth a visit.
What is the purpose of the concluding sentence of this paragraph?
a. to restate the main idea
b. to offer a suggestion
c. to make a prediction
Getting around in New York City
In New York City, there are many different forms of public transportation. For
example, you can ride the subway, take a bus, ride a ferry, or even rent a bicycle. All of
these transportation options are cheap and usually pretty fast. If you visit New York City,
you should take public transportation because it is the best way to get around there.
What is the purpose of the concluding sentence of this paragraph?
a. to restate the main idea
b. to give a prediction
c. to offer a suggestion


In recent years, hurricanes have caused a great deal of damage around the world.
People have lost their homes to flooding, and power lines have been blown down.
Hurricanes become more powerful when water temperatures are higher. Because climate
change is making the earth hotter, it seems likely that hurricanes will get even more
powerful in the future.
What is the purpose of the concluding sentence of this paragraph?
a. to restate the main idea
Writing Better Paragraphs

b. to offer a suggestion
c. to make a prediction

Writing Better Paragraphs



Use a/an before a singular count
noun that is not specific. My mother is a teacher.

• Use a before a consonant sound. Many people believe 13 is an unlucky

• Use an before a vowel sound.

Use the when talking about a The test was difficult. I did not know
specific singular or plural noun. the answers to the last five questions.

Do not use an article for nonspecific We ate steak, potatoes, and carrots.
plural nouns or non-count nouns. Would you like sugar in your tea?
Use the for the second (or Flight 226 from Miami to Tokyo has a
subsequent) time you talk about pilot and two copilots. The pilot has
something. more than 10 years of experience, but
the copilots have just a few.
Use the when you use a superlative The most interesting movie was The
form. Hunger Games.
Do not use an article with abstract Learning is fun.

To talk about a category of things, use Computers are found in many American
a plural count noun without the. homes.

My mother is a teacher. (general; answers What does your mother do?)

My mother is the teacher. (specific; answers Who is the teacher of this class?)
A teacher walked into the room. (general; an unnamed or unknown person)
The teacher walked into the room. (specific = our teacher or a known teacher)
Teachers are friendly. (general = teachers everywhere)
The teachers are friendly. (specific = the teachers at a particular school)

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 2.1: Read each sentence. If the articles are used correctly, type C in the
blank. If the articles are missing or used incorrectly, type I.
____ 1. The rainiest months in most of Japan are June and July.

____ 2. Can I have glass of iced tea, please?

____ 3. I think it's a good idea to cancel our dinner reservation.

____ 4. Do you have an account at the bank on corner of First and Main Streets?

____ 5. Teresa does not like a cheese.

____ 6. February is the second month of the year.

____ 7. Dogs and cats are probably most common household pets

____ 8. Please turn off a radio.

____ 9. Carlos wrote an interesting article for the school newspaper.

____ 10. Can you help me choose the good book to read?

Exercise 2.2: Choose the best answer for each sentences

1. Buying batteries for a digital camera is ____ easy task.

a. a b. an c. the

2. The first thing you should do is read ____ owner’s manual that came with your

a. a b. an c. the

3. It should tell you____ kind of batteries to use.

a. a b. an c. the

4. It may say to use just regular alkaline batteries, but nickel metal hydride (NiMH)
batteries last longer.____ NiMH batteries can be recharged.

a. a b. an c. the

5. You will have to buy ____ special charger to do this.

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. a b. an c. the

6. When you buy the charger, be sure it is correct for____ battery size of your camera.

a. a b. an c. the

7. Nowadays, you can buy NiMH batteries at most department stores, and ____ prices are
quite reasonable, too.

a. a b. an c. the

8. In general, having batteries on hand for your digital camera is ____ good idea.

a. a b. an c. the

Exercise 2.3: Underline the words that need articles. And circle articles that are not
necessary or are incorrect in the following paragraph


My cat

My cat Merlin is crazy cat. He loves to jump up on top of a high things,

such as cabinets. Yesterday he climbed up on grandfather clock in dining room.
He also likes to sleep on a tallest bookshelf in the living room windows. He is a
animal of a great curiosity and playfulness. If there is an commotion anywhere in
house, I can always be sure to find Merlin at the scene.
Exercise 2.4: Complete the following paragraph with a, an, the, Ø.

A Proud English Teacher

Ruth Mellon used to be (1)___________ English teacher at (2)

__________ high school in Texas. (3) ___________ school was big, so she had
many students, but most of them were not very interested in (4)
___________ English. They did not want to read (5) ___________ books or write (6)
___________ essays. One day, however, Ruth was checking homework that she
had assigned to her 9th grade class. (7) ___________ homework was (8)
___________ essay on the topic "What Does Being an American Mean to Me?"
Most of (9) ___________ essays were not very good, so Rachel felt tired and bored.
But then she started reading one by (10) ___________ new student named Rafael
Ortega. Rafael's essay described how he had moved from his homeland
Writing Better Paragraphs

of Guatemala to the United States when he was (11) ___________ little boy, and
how happy he was that he was (12) ___________ American citizen now. It was very
interesting, and the writing was beautiful. In fact, it was one of (13)
___________ best student essays she had ever read. Rachel realized she had (14)
___________ great writer in her class. She encouraged Rafael to go to (15)
___________ college to learn more about writing. He did, and now he is (16)
___________ famous author. He recently thanked Ruth for helping him back in
high school. This made Ruth very happy, and she felt proud of all (17)
___________ years she had spent teaching high school English.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. attempt A. (adj) difficult, complex
2. available B. (adj) amazing; extraordinary
3. site C. (v) to change
4. remarkable D. (v) to go up in number, amount
5. complicated E. (adj) easy to find
6. submit F. (v) to send
7. increase G. (v) to try
8. adapt H. (n) a place; a location
Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.

to narrow stir on glasses

buries rushes contest about odd

1. I've never won anything in the ____ I've entered, but I think it's fun to try.
2. Paul knows a lot ____ cars because his father is a mechanic.
3. My barber never ____ when he gives me a haircut. He takes his time.
4. First National Bank is ____ the corner of Front Street and Market Avenue.
5. Our neighbor's dog ____ its bones under a tree in our front yard.
6. An ____ New Year's tradition in Denmark is throwing dishes at your neighbor's
7. Please ____ the sauce on the stove so that it does not burn.
8. You ought ____ wear sunscreen if you are going to work outside all day.
9. The stairs in the old house are steep and ____ .

Writing Better Paragraphs

10. You can find clean ____ in the cabinet above the sink.

harsh apply stir former guard

contest ought to relative spill attempt

11. You__________ put on sunscreen because it is very sunny today.

12. When you fry vegetables, you should ___________ them often so that they do
not burn.
13. Bill Clinton is a__________ president of the United States. He was president
from 1993 to 2001.
14. Sometimes stores hire people to __________ the goods they sell to make sure
no one steals them.
15. Winters in Chicago are very__________ , so make sure you take a warm coat
when you go there.
16. Whenever Igor travels, he tries to stay with a ___________ because he does
not want to pay for a hotel. For example, the last time he went to New York, he
stayed with his cousin.
17. The children had a __________ to see who could run the fastest.
18. Hundreds of people __________ to climb to the top of Mount Denali in Alaska
every year, and many of them succeed.
19. Helena told her son not to drink milk in his bedroom because she was afraid
he might__________ the milk on the floor.
20. Anna and Bob want to buy a house, but they do not have enough money to buy
one, so they are going to__________ for a loan from a bank.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
score ought to relative hide pour

1.__________exercise more
2._________from the police
3.__________ a goal
4.__________tea into a cup
5. a close__________

apply spread spill spot submit

6. the illness___________
7.__________an application
Writing Better Paragraphs

8.__________ for college

9.__________ coffee on your shirt
10. a beautiful__________
Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. It is surprising that Otto and Fredrik are __________ (relate), because they do not look
2. Sarah did __________ (remarkable) well on the test, since she did not study for it at
3. Writers usually have to change the story when they do an __________ (adapt) of a
book for a movie.
4. Peter had a medical __________ (complicate) after his operation, so he had to spend a
week in the hospital.
5. Nadia was __________ (former) a high school teacher, but now she works in a bank.
6. Victor is __________ (current) living in an apartment downtown.
7. Oscar did not send in an __________ (apply) for the job because he did not want to
work for the company.
8. The key to the house was __________ (hide) underneath a rock.
9. The __________ (increase) cost of electricity in this area is a big problem for some
10. The cold wind blew so __________ (harsh) that Jeff did not want to go outside.
Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of

mistakes is indicated in parentheses.

1. My sister is an nurse at Greenhill Hospital. (1)

2. I bought new bicycle, but a bicycle does not work very well. (2)

3. Football games are fun to watch, but I think a most exciting sport is Soccer. (2)

4. Paying attention in class is important, and the studying at home after class may be even
more important. (1)

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. My Family loves beaches so we go to Long Beach every weekend. (2)

6. Bob and Lisa took a interesting tour through Beijing last year. (1)

7. There are the lions and elephants at Central Zoo but the zoo does not have any
crocodiles. (2)

8. Many people like the milk in their coffee. (1)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.
1. Lin took / the trip / a trip / but / to Los Angeles / last year, / was not fun

2. cheese / like / sandwiches / many / their / on / people

3. when / my backyard, / often eat / they / come into / deer / vegetables from my garden

4. are big, / dangerous / pandas / they / are not / although

5. not like / and / do / but / his / friends / love basketball, / Jeff / hockey / they

6. the / job very much / new job yesterday, / I started / and I like / a


Exercise 5.1: Underline the errors in subject-verb agreement, verb tense, pronouns,
capitalization, and punctuation in the following paragraphs.

Sweet tea
Sweet tea are a very easy – to make drink that is popular in the south united states.
Almost any restaurant in the states of georgia, Alabama and South carolina will serve this
cold beverage. To make tea, you must boils a pot of water. Once the water boiled, add one
cup of white sugar to the water. Next stir the sugar until she dissolves. After that, add four
Tea Bags to the pot of water. Let the mixture brew for thirty minutes. When the tea are
ready, pour it over ice. This sweet drink will definitely refresh you.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Unforgettable memory
I watched a road rally on TV last Night. It was a winter rally that took place in
sweden, and it was awesome. The cars were moving really fast down those icy Country
roads. One of the cars went "turtle up," flipping over on its roof, That was not the only
accident either. although the driver was able to walk away from the car seemingly unhurt,
it was still a frightening accident. A rally like that is fun to watch, I do not think I would
ever ride in a rally since I am too much of a "scaredy-cat."


My Plan to Paint the Old Cabinet

I want to paint my old cabinets Tomorrow. I will bring the cabinets outside to do
the job so that it will not smell so bad in the house. I hope that the outside temperature is
warm enough. I have been waiting almost a week. for the weather to warm up. I will need
to buy paint, and a brush before I start. I am going to paint the cabinets Red. It should take
me about an hour to complete. it will look nice when the cabinets are done.
Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: After you watch the animals perform in a show, you can feed them..

San Diego
If you go to California, San Diego is a great spot to visit because of the many
exciting things to see and do there. First, you should visit the Gaslamp Quarter. In this
historic area, you can easily find great food, fun, and culture. A[ ] Next, you should visit
SeaWorld to see the amazing animal shows. B[ ] Then you should watch a football or
baseball game at Qualcomm Stadium. Finally, you ought to see the animals at the world-
famous San Diego Zoo. If you decide to go to the zoo, do not forget to see the giant
pandas. C[ ] If you visit one, two, or all three of these San Diego sites, you will certainly
have a fun and interesting trip. D[ ]
Exercise 5.3-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a
complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1
Monkeys around the world
___ a. All these different kinds of monkeys are alike in one way, however. They are very
intelligent and can use tools ... just like humans.
Writing Better Paragraphs

___ b. Monkeys also differ a great deal in their sizes and shapes.
___ c. On the other hand, the largest kind of monkey, the mandrill, weighs about 77 pounds
and is three feet tall.
___ d. There are more than 260 kinds of monkeys, and they live all over the world.
___ e. Many kinds of monkeys live in warm places like Africa and South America.
___ f. However, some monkeys, like the snow monkeys of Japan, live in cold, snowy
___ g. The smallest kind of monkey, the pygmy marmoset, weighs only four ounces, and
it is five inches tall.
Paragraph 2
___ a. She turned the burner to medium, and after the water came to a boil, she let the
chicken simmer for one hour.
___ b. Finally, she added a bunch of fresh herbs tied up in a small net bag as well as a box
of egg noodles, and when these were cooked, the soup was ready.
___ c. Then she got out the cutting board, along with her sharpest cutting knife, and
chopped the chicken into smaller pieces.
___ d. I cannot wait to try this recipe myself.
___ e. Last night, I watched a cooking show on television with a chef who showed the
audience how to follow a simple recipe for chicken soup.
___ f. After the chicken simmered, she strained the broth through a sieve, removed the
bones, and added the meat back into the broth.
___ g. The first thing she did was take the chicken out of the refrigerator and wash it
carefully, inside and out.
___ h. The chef placed the pieces of chicken into a large pot, which she filled with water,
and then she put it on the stove.
Paragraph 3
___ a. The winter allowed me to review a variety of cultural traditions by teaching about
the various holidays that take place during the holiday season.
___ b. In February, we looked at a few American leaders around President’s Day as well
as the contributions of different African Americans.
___ c. April was a great month for teaching about spring in general and doing hands-on-
activities like coloring eggs.
___ d. When the school year started in September, I taught and reviewed vocabulary words
related to autumn and the concept of ripening and harvest.
___ e. When I was teaching ESL to elementary school children, I loved using American
holidays as part of my curriculum.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ f. November was the month that my students learned about Thanksgiving and the
American foods and traditions that come with it
___ g. May and June always seemed to disappear quickly as the end of the school year and
summer vacation approached once again.
___ h. The following month brought bats, jack-o-lanterns, and phrases like "trick-or-treat"
to my classroom lessons.



Write about the four seasons in your country.
I Brainstorming List the features of four season and the weather why you
like these feature . Answer the following questions.
What kind of weather can you expect in each season?
What is the temperature like?
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Four seasons in Vietnam

Topic sentence ________________________________________________________

Season 1 A. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1. _______________________________________________________
Detail 2. _______________________________________________________
Season 2 B. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1. _______________________________________________________
Detail 2. _______________________________________________________
Season 3 C. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1. _______________________________________________________
Detail 2. _______________________________________________________
Season 4 D. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1. _______________________________________________________
Detail 2. _______________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 4 seasons description?
4. Does the paragraph include 2-3 details for each season?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?
IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.

Writing Better Paragraphs

V Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in

your final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is the articles used correctly?
5. Is there sequence words or transition words?


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
basics of writing paragraph.


Underline key words in the writing prompt. Some examples of key words are
explain, describe, compare, and in your opinion. Always look back at the key
words as you write to be sure you are answering the question correctly and
staying on topic.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how to write a definition paragraph

- Practicing using quotation marks
- Using simple adjective clauses
- Knowing how to combine sentences for added variety

Writing Better Paragraphs



Definition paragraph defines something. For example, a definition paragraph

might define the word “ gossip” and give examples.
Structure of a definition paragraph:
1. Explain what something is
2. Give facts, details, and examples to make the writer’s definition clear to read.

Exercise 1.1. Read the statements about the topic sentence. Write T (True) or F

1 A definition paragraph defines about something. _____

2 The definition is explained without giving example to make it _____
3 The starting point for a definition paragraph is a simple _____
definition which becomes the topic sentence of the paragraph.
4 Topic sentence of a definition paragraph gives a complex _____
5 When writing a definition paragraph, you take a thing or an idea _____
and explain what it is.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Define (v): to say or explain what the meaning of a word
describe (v): to say what somebody/something is like
Harmless: not causing, not dangerous
in comparison with ( noun phrase): see the differences and similarities
in general: usually, mainly
Regardless of ( prep): paying no attention to something/somebody
Such as : for example
Term (n): a word or phrase used as the name of something, especially one
connected with a particular type of language

Exercise 1.2. Under one line with definition sentence and under two line with
examples/detail or fact .

What is meant by protein quality?

The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino acids (eaa) in
a protein in comparison with the ratio required by the body. A high quality protein
contains eaa in a ratio that matches human requirements. A protein which is
lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality protein. The eaa which
is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid. In general, animal
proteins tend to be high quality while vegetable proteins tend to be low quality.
The exception is soy protein which is quite high quality.


What is meaning of social norm?

A family is a socially defined set of relationships between at least two
people who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption. We can think of a family
as including several possible relationships, the most common being between
husband and wife, between parents and children, and between people who are
related to each other by birth (siblings, for example) or by marriage (a woman and
her mother-in-law, perhaps).

Writing Better Paragraphs

What is the meaning of love?
For me, the word love means trust, friendship, and unselfishness. First of
all, love means trust because when you trust someone, you can talk to him/her
about anything. For example, I trust my girlfriend 100%. It is because I trust her
that I know I can tell her anything, and that is why I love her. Furthermore, I
believe that love means friendship because the people who you spend time with
are your friends, and if you do not love them, then why would you hang out with
them? To illustrate, I love my two best friends because they are like brothers to
me. We are always laughing and protecting each other. Finally, love means
unselfishness because when you love someone and they love you back, there
should always be sharing. For instance, my next-door neighbor’s wife never shares
anything with her husband, such as food, drinks, possessions, etc. I sure do not
see a whole lot of love there. For me, love means the above three things.
Exercise 1.3. Choose the best topic sentence for each definition paragraph has the
1. Topic: Pest
a. Pest is defined as any animals or plant that are damages crop, forests
or property.
b. Pest can develop under variety of conditions such as: arid or hight
2. Topic: Coal
a. Coal can be found in most of the North- East areas in Vietnam.
b. Coal is a type of non- renewable resource.
3. Topic: dictionary
a. There are many kinds of dictionary in the market nowaday.
b. Dictionary is known as a type of reference book
4. Topic: Bank
a. A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and
make loans
b. Banks provide different payment services, and a bank account is
considered indispensable by most businesses and individuals.
5. Topic: Energy resouces
a. Natural resources are resources that exist without any actions of
Writing Better Paragraphs

b. There is much debate worldwide over natural resource allocations.

6. Topic: Mobile phone
a. Mobile phone became smaller and more features were added, such as
multimedia messaging service.
b. A mobile phone is defined as a wireless handheld device that allows
users to make and receive calls.
7. Topic: perfume
a. There have been many kinds of perfume nowadays.
b. Perfume means to give a nice smell to something.
8. Topic: Pollution
a. Pollution is the introduction of harmful materials into the environment.
b. The major kinds of pollution, usually classified by environment, are air
pollution, water pollution, and land pollution.
9. Topic: The Internet
a. The Internet is a global wide area network that connects computer
systems across the world.
b. The Internet provides different online services.
10. Topic: Fashion
a. There are fashions in furniture, automobiles and other objects, as well as
in clothing.
b. Fashion is defined as "the cultural construction of the embodied identity.
Exercise 1.4. Read the paragraphs. Choose the best topic sentence for each
paragraph. Write it on the line provided.
1. ________________________________________ It is made of a piece of
graphite and a piece of wood or plastic. The graphite leaves marks on paper and the
wood or plastic holds the graphite so it does not break. The most important thing about
a pencil is that the marks it makes can be erased. Pencils are very good for drawing and
for doing math, because if we want to change something, we only need to rub it out and
draw or write it again. Pencils are better than pens when we might need to change or
correct what we are putting on paper.
a. Pencils are used by most students and pupils.
b. A pencil is a popular school thing
c. A pencil is a tool we use for writing
2. ________________________________________ . Erasers are typically
made of rubber. They are quite flexible and can come in almost any color. To erase
pencil markings, we simply rub the eraser back and forth over the markings until the
Writing Better Paragraphs

markings disappear. Unlike white-out and correction tape, which mask the markings
we wish to change and must remain on the page to be effective, erasers leave small
slivers of rubber which can be easily brushed off the page, leaving very little trace of
themselves or the markings they have removed.
a. An eraser can be bought at many bookstores.
b. An eraser is a tool used for rubbing out pencil markings.
c. It is important to have an eraser for pupils when going to school.
3. ________________________________________ . People use tissues to
clean up under and inside their noses when they have a sniffle or a sneeze, remove
food from around their mouths after they eat, and get rid of fecal matter or urine after
they go to the bathroom. Because they are soft, tissues do not hurt the body when
pressed against or drawn across the skin. Because there are many spaces between the
fibers of which the paper is woven, tissues are very good at grabbing and holding
droplets and grains. Once a piece of tissue has been used, it is simply thrown away,
either in the garbage or in the toilet. Although traditionally sold in separate forms for
use on the face and in the bathroom, tissue paper is often used in either form for either
part of the body.
a. In Europe, Tissue is an important thing and looked for mostly during Covid-19
b. There are many definition of tissue.
c. For most people, the word tissue means a very thin and soft piece of paper
used for wiping something off their face or bottom
4. ________________________________________ . There are many kinds of
garbage cans. They can be made of various materials, such as metal or plastic. They
can be made in various shapes, such as boxes or cylinders. They can be made for
different types of garbage, such as regular waste and recycled waste. They may have
lids for keeping the garbage dry, pedals and levers for raising the lids by foot pressure,
handles for safer lifting, wheels for easier moving, or attachments for lifting by
garbage trucks with arms. Some garbage cans are designed for use outside while
others, such as kitchen garbage cans, are for use indoors. They come in different sizes,
such as giant school garbage bins that stand in the parking lot or tiny bathroom waste
baskets that stand under bathroom sinks. Whatever its design, the garbage can serves
mankind and the environment by neatly holding unwanted materials and items until
they can be taken away to landfills, incinerators or recycling stations.
a. We should reduce garbage cans.
b. Garage can cause pollution.
c. A garbage can, or waste receptacle, is a container for temporarily storing
refuse and waste.
Writing Better Paragraphs

5. _____________________________________________ . Modern computers

consist of a hard drive for storing software and digital files, a central processing unit
for reading and processing the software and files, and a user interface (usually a
screen, keyboard and mouse) for allowing the user to interact with the software and
files. Modern computers have many uses, including word processing, image and video
editing, digital drawing and painting, animation and information searching. Through
the Internet, a system connecting computers all over the planet, computers allow users
to access information of all kinds in all manner of languages. Computers increase the
power of human beings to gather, generate and make use of information.
a. The computer is a machine used to store and manage information.
b. Advances in technology have made the world seem smaller.
c. The computer was an important invention.
6. ___________________________________________ . Because of the
technological advances of society, mail has been turned into something computer
made that can be sent anyplace, anytime, as long as there is an Internet connection.
For instance, a person does not have to wait until the post office is open to send an
important letter or message, all they have to do is simply get on to the Internet and
come up with a draft and hit the send button. Also the person looking to send the mail
does not have to pay for the sometimes expensive postage price, but rather the
monthly cost of Internet access. Because of the development of E-mail, people can
send messages without hassle and in a timely fashion. E-mail also helps businesses
communicate throughout their company simply with the push of a button. As time
goes on, e-mail will advance while physical mailing will slowing be turned into
something of the past
a. Email can be sent from every time and everywhere with Internet.
b. E-mail is simply mail put into digital form and sent to its recipient through the
c. There are 2 main kinds of emails: formal and informal .

Writing Better Paragraphs


When you write, the ideas and the words are usually your own. However,
sometimes you might want to borrow someone else’s words. When you use another
person’s words, you must let the reader know that these words are not yours. In English,
you do this by putting the borrowed words in Quotation mark.
1. Commas, periods, and question marks are placed inside the quotation marks.

Correct: "I hope you will be here," he said.

Incorrect: He said that he "hoped I would be there."
2. When quoting one’s exactl words, be sure to begin with a capital letter.

Example: Lamarr said, "The case is far from over, and we will win."
Citing ideas to advoid plagiarism

- Plagiarism is using someone else’s words as if they were your words or stealing
another person’s words.
- Put those words in quotation marks. If you change most of words but keep the
person’s idea do not use quotation marks and cite , show the source of the idea.


advantage: (n) a good or desirable quality or feature

commodity (n): a product or a raw material that can be bought and sold
inflation: (n) a general, continuous increase in prices
mental: (adj) relating to the mind, or involving the process of thinking
passion: (n) a very strong feeling of love, hate, anger, enthusiasm, etc.
confuse: (v) to mix up mentally so one cannot understand
union: (n) an organization of workers, usually in a particular industry, that exists

Exercise 1.5. Adding quotation mark

1. Anthony J. D'Angelo said, develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will
never cease to grow.

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. the dictionary defines marriage as the union of a husband and a wife.

3. The dictionary definition of opulent , extremely wealthy or rich, may sound
good, but this word does not have a positive meaning for me.
4. I love where the Sidewalk Ends; however, my favorite poem is by Robert
5. although the dictionary currently defines a family as parents and their children,
previous definitions probably included additional family members.
6. She performed the poem where the Sidewalk Ends by Emily Dickinson.
7. The best investments today, according to Smith, are commodities and
emerging-market stocks.
8. She provides a thorough list of problems in her most recent article, Misery in
Paradise; she doesn’t provide a solution
9. The flight attendant asked, May I see your boarding pass?

Exercise 1.6. Write C ( correct) or I ( incorrect) for each sentence

1. ___ Although the dictionary defines the word puppy as "a young dog or pup,"
I think the definition should be "a warm, playful bundle of love."
2. ___According to "The American Heritage Dictionary," to indict means to
accuse of a crime or other offense.
3. ___Although the dictionary definition of "dramatic" is resembling a drama in
emotional content or progression, the word clearly has different shades of
meaning depending on how it is used
4. ___"A disadvantage or inconvenience" is the dictionary definition
of drawback.
5. ___ The child looked up the word leek and found the definition "a plant related
to the onion" and having a white, slender bulb and dark-green leaves.

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. ___ Some meanings differ from dictionary to dictionary, but for a typical word
such as regretful the meaning in many dictionaries would most likely be "full of
regret or sorrow."



- Use adjective clause to define special terms.

- Consist of: relative pronounce ( that, which or who)followed by a verb and
sometimes an object.
- Describe the noun coming before it.

- That or which for things ( that is more common)

- Who or that for people ( who is preferred)

Exercise 2.1. Write definition for each of the following terms. Include an
adjective clause in the definition and underline the clause
1. passport
2. mamals
3. village
4. Fashion

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. Email
6. perfume
7. Environment
8. The Internet
9. Mobile phone
10. Bank
Exercise 2.2. Fill who or that into the blankets
1. Owning a motorcycle is a big responsibility______not every person can
2. You have to provide the maintenance_____will keep it in good working order
3. You are the person_____has to ensure that everything on it is working
4. You also must have the required insurance______will protect you in case of
an accident.
5. It is not a good idea to lend your motorcycle to friends______may not take
the same care of it as you.

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. If you are sensible and conscientious about riding and maintaining the bike
_____ means so much to you, then you will have a lot of fun riding the open


4. Combining sentences with connecting words

• For, and, nor, but, or , yet and so
• Separate the sentences into two with a period
5. Using other words and phrases
• Using adjectives and adjective clauses
• Using adverbs and adverbial clauses
• Using prepositional phrases and other variations in the sentences

Exercise 2.3. Fill : “ and”, “but”, “or” or “so” into suitable blankets.
1. The road conditions were bad, _____ I was able to drive safely to my
2. Last spring, it rained a lot, _____ many of the streets in my town were flooded.
3. We can see the movie in the theater now, _____ we can wait until the DVD
comes out.
4. She loved riding horses, _____ she was a good trainer, so she was hired as a
guide at the state park.
6. There is a lot of snow melting in the mountains in early spring, _____ the
rivers are swollen and there is a greater risk of flooding.
8. My grandmother has good eyesight, _____ she needs a lot of light when she


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. range A. (n) a person who lives in a certain area

2. accurately B. (n) a person who knows a subject very well
3. resident C. (v) to hold
4. exceed D. (adv) correctly, precisely

Writing Better Paragraphs

5. regional E. (adj) from one region or area

6. region F. (v) to be more than
7. expert G. (n) an area
8. contain H. (v) to extend (from X to Y)

Exercise 3.2: Choose the suitable words to complete the task

gossip polite seemed keep hair

measure from plagiarizing quotes seafood

1. I need to ___________the room so I know what size sofa to buy.

2. The exam may have _________difficult, but we did review all the questions in class
3. Uncle Alex makes a delicious _______dish with clams, mussels, and three types of
4. The school librarian is a very _____________ person, and he expects the students to
be courteous as well.
5. Olivia isn't interested in _________and rumors about celebrities.
6. The woman in the picture with wavy __________ is my brother's girlfriend.
7. My father writes for a newspaper, and he always __________ his sources.
8. I have to ____________track of the money I spend each week.
9. The penalty for ____________ in my English class is failing the course.
10. The ages of my classmates range _____________ 17 to 23.

careless destroy range region occasionally

respected in advance expert flood entire

11. Tuscany is a beautiful__________ of Italy that many tourists like to visit.

12. The government tries to warn people at least a few days__________ if a big storm is
going to hit their area.
13. Hurricanes __________thousands of homes every year, and those homes have to be
rebuilt, which is very expensive.
14. The professor is__________ by all his students because he knows a lot about the
subject he teaches.
15. The players on the soccer team__________ from 19 to 32 in age.
Writing Better Paragraphs

16. It was very__________ of Walter to lose his wallet.

17. The children ate the__________ cake in only 10 minutes.
18. The radio host wanted to understand the problem of global warming, so she
interviewed an__________ on climate change.
19. Peter __________exercises, but he should do it more often if he wants to lose weight.
20. Jeff's car was underwater for a week during the__________ , and now it no longer

Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.

function fees highly major final

1. to___________ badly

2. a __________ road

3. the__________ race

4. to __________ recommend

5. low__________

limited affect quality shade polluted

6. very high _________

7. a __________ city

8. in the __________

9. a __________ number

10. to__________ people's lives

Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. Kyle did his homework very __________ (careless), so he got a bad grade on it.
2. This area is not __________ (reside), so there are hardly any houses around here.
3. Whenever we have a special __________ (occasion) to celebrate, my family eats at
that restaurant.
Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Employees usually ask for __________ (private) when they want to have difficult
conversations with their bosses.
5. Crime is a serious __________ (region) problem. The rest of the country does not have
this problem.
6. The hurricane caused a lot of __________ (destroy), and many people lost their lives.
7. The mechanic __________ (expert) fixed the car in just half an hour.
8. The information on this website is not __________ (accurate), because Atlanta is in
Georgia, not Florida.
9. In South Korea, young people usually treat old people with a lot of __________
10. Anya spread the butter __________ (thick) on her bread.


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. Pad Thai is a popular Thai dish who usually contains meat, noodles, and vegetables.
2. Elvis Presley was a singer used to be very popular. (1)
3. The star of the new movie, Meryl Streep, is an actress whom has won many awards for
her work. (1)
4. Guidance counselors are people which help students that have problems in school. (1)
5. Gymnastics is a sport that is difficult to learn it. (1)
6. Lassie is a dog was the star of a TV show who many people watched in the 1950s, 60s,
and 70s. (2)
7. Chili peppers are plants which many people use them in cooking. (1)
8. The Euro is a type of money whom people use in many countries in Europe. (1)

9. The Novaks love skiing so they really enjoyed their trip to Eldora Mountain the state
of Colorado. (2)
10. In 1914, a terrible war began who lasted for four years. (1)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. moves / is / the gopher tortoise / which / very slowly / an animal

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. a kind of bicycle / has one wheel / a unicycle is / that

3. a tennis player / has won / who / is / Rafael Nadal / many tennis championships

4. is / a country / many tourists / have visited recently / Iceland

5. it is going to rain / go inside / so / we should / in a few minutes,

6. a dessert / many children / chocolate cake / that / love / is


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, punctuation, adjective clauses, and
verb form. Underline and correct them.
It is fascinating that the first definition of “happiness” in the Merriam-Webster
dictionary be noted as obsolete. The definition is "good fortune. This means that
happiness used to be measured by how rich a person was. This contradicts a well-known
proverb who exists in many languages: "Money can't buy happiness." I agrees with this
proverb, and believe that having money does not mean you will lead a happy life. As a
result, I prefer Merriam-Webster's second definition of happiness , who is "a state of
well-being and contentment." This definition is preferable to me. It shows that even if
you lak money, you can still have happiness because happiness is a feeling that come
from inside. Of course, there are "external factors" that affect one's happiness. However,
for me, those factors is not related to money. I think true happiness comes from having
a meaningful job and healthy relationships. Those are the two areas in my life where I
strive to find my "state of well-being and contentment".
Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: Even though many people buy insect lollipops, they may not enjoy eating
them very much.
Insect Candy
A[ ] What is insect candy? It is not candy for insects. Instead, it is candy that
has insects in it. Often, this candy is in the form of lollipops. You can see the insect
inside the lollipop. B[ ] Eventually, as you eat the lollipop, you will get through the
candy to the insect. Then you are supposed to eat it. To make insect lollipops, candy
Writing Better Paragraphs

makers start by baking the insects. Then they put them in hot, liquid candy. The candy
gets hard to form lollipops. These candies are surprisingly popular. You can find them
in many shops, especially shops in regions that tourists like to visit. C[ ] According
to one writer, the mix of the insects with the very sweet candy tastes "awful."
However, even if they do not taste good, remember that insects are good for you and
very healthy to eat. D[ ] Insect candy could be a food that we should all try to learn to
Exercise 5.3-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to make a
meaningful paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1
___ a. The topic sentence of a definition paragraph usually gives a general definition
of the term. This will often be the idea that the reader remembers afterward..

___ b. A definition paragraph explains what something is or what a term means.

___ c. The concluding sentence usually gives a contextual definition, for example, the
type of situation in which an object or term would be used

___ d. Definition paragraphs contain three types of sentences: a topic sentence,

several supporting sentences and a concluding sentence.

___ e. The supporting sentences give details which make the definition more clear.
The details may include examples, description, comparison and contrast,
classification, analysis or any other form of explanation that helps to clarify the term

Paragraph 2

___ a. To illustrate, I love my two best friends because they are like brothers to
me. We are always laughing and protecting each other.
___ b. First of all, love means trust because when you trust someone, you can talk
to him/her about anything.
___ c. Furthermore, I believe that love means friendship because the people who
you spend time with are your friends, and if you do not love them, then why would
you hang out with them.
___ d . the word love means trust, friendship, and unselfishness.
___ e. Finally, love means unselfishness because when you love someone and they
love you back, there should always be sharing. For instance, my next-door
Writing Better Paragraphs

neighbor’s wife never shares anything with her husband, such as food, drinks,
possessions, etc.
Paragraph 3
___ a. Physically, it may cause violent reactions in the muscles and in the nervous
___ b. Finally, people must know how to control and relieve their angry.
___ c. It is one of our basic emotions and can be most dangerous if it is not carefully
___ d. Mentally, anger can interfere with our thoughts, making it difficult to think
___ e. Anger is having a feeling of hatred toward someone or something.
Paragraph 4

___ a. Waterfalls are often very beautiful. There are many famous waterfalls
around the world that tourists often visit.
___ b. People who visit either these waterfalls are lucky to be able to experience
two of the most beautiful natural wonders of the world.
___ c. The Newbury House Dictionary of American English defines a waterfall as
"water falling from a high place." Waterfalls happen when a stream or river flows
over a cliff.
___ d. Another famous waterfall is Victoria Falls, on the border between Zambia
and Zimbabwe in southern Africa.
___ e. The name Iguazu means "big water," and these falls are the biggest
waterfalls in the world.
___ f. Its name in Lozi, an African language, is Mosi-oa-Tunya. This means "The
Smoke That Thunders."
___ g. The Iguazu Falls, for example, are waterfalls that are located on the border
between Brazil and Argentina.

What is the anger?

I Brainstorming List the reasons why people become anger, examples and
the causes . Add ideas to your list.
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph

Writing Better Paragraphs

Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Topic: what is the anger?
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 1 A.___________________________________________________
Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 2 B.__________________________________________________
Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 3 C.__________________________________________________
Detail 1. _________________________________________________
Detail 2. _________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different ideas that relate to the
main idea?
4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?
Writing Better Paragraphs

IV Revising & Editing Answer the questions above about your own
paragraph and edit.
V Rewriting
VI Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your second/ final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is there all kinds of sentences?
5. Are the relative pronouns used correctly?


Writing Skill I can write a definition paragraph

Grammar I can use quotation mark correctly
I can use Adjective clauses
I can combine sentences to make variety of sentences
in my paragraph
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives

commodity aggravate careless
gossip destroy entire
inflation measure Adverbs
passion plagiarize occasionally
union range

Writing Better Paragraphs


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
basics of writing descriptive paragraph.


Organize your ideas. Review the notes you brainstorm and number each idea
from most important to least important. Choose the idea you want to write
about. Write the most important supporting idea last.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how to write a process paragraph

- Using transition words and chronological order

Writing Better Paragraphs



Process paragraphs are used when you are required to describe something or how
something works. In a process paragraph, you divide the process into separate steps, list
and explain the steps in chronological order- the order of event as they happen over time.
Special time words or phrases allow you to tell the reader the sequence of the steps. The
process paragraph ends with a specific result- something that happens at the end of the
A process paragraph:
1. explains a sequence or process
2. presents facts and details in chronological order
3. uses time words or phrases
4. ends with specific result
5. There are two kinds of process paragraphs: directional and informational

Exercise 1.1. Read the statements about the topic sentence. Write T (True) or F

1 A process paragraph has three main parts. _____

2 A process is ordered following chronological order. _____
3 The topic sentences of a process paragraph describes definition of _____
the topic.
4 There are three kinds of process paragraphs _____

Confident (v): to make a bad situation worse
Disappear(n): a person or company that produces goods in large quantities
Get rid of (n): the place where someone is going or where something is
being sent or taken
Get into (v): to (cause something to) get better
Pick off (n): something that can be dangerous or cause damage
Smooth (adj): small or not noticeable, and therefore not considered important
Writing Better Paragraphs

5 You should use time words or phrases in process paragraph _____

Exercise 1.2. Find the topic sentence in the following paragraph. Circle the


Getting Ticks Off a Dog

Here is how to get rid of the ticks dogs often pick up as they roll and sniff
in the grass and dirt. First, use a flea comb to pick them off the dog’s ears, neck
and back. Crush each tick between your fingernail and the floor to make sure it is
dead. Second, give the dog a bath with a shampoo that kills ticks and fleas. Let the
dog soak in the shampoo for about ten minutes before rinsing it off. Third, pick off
more ticks, which will be easier to see now that the dog’s fur is wet, and crush
them. Finally, wash the dog’s living area with a strong cleaner, checking every
corner for ticks that might have escaped and crushing them. Repeat this process
every day for two or three weeks as needed. It will not be easy, but eventually the
ticks will completely disappear from the dog and its environment


Writing a Skit for English

Follow these four steps to write a script for a performance in English class.
First, get into a group of three or four students. Next, choose the vocabulary you
want to use. Then write a conversation around the vocabulary you have chosen.
Finally, have your teacher check the grammar. When you have finished, you will
have an excellent short play that you can feel confident putting on in front of your
classmates and teacher.

Mark’s Super Simple Flat Bread
Bread lovers will enjoy the delicious results of this very simple recipe. First,
mix one part water with two parts wheat flour. Second, kneed the mixture until it
forms a firm, even lump or ball. Third, pinch off ping-pong ball sized lumps of
dough and roll them into smooth balls. Fourth, flatten one ball between the heels
of both hands until it forms a flat, round disk. Fifth, squeeze the disk between the
heel of your hand and the fingertips of the same hand until the disk is about as thin
as a popsicle stick. Sixth, place the disk in a hot oven and bake until the dough has

Writing Better Paragraphs

cooked through. In six easy steps, you will have a mouth-watering, nutritious snack
that you can eat right away or take to school for recess.
Exercise 1.3. Choose the best topic sentence for each topic.

1. Topic: Putting on Shoes

a. Anyone can learn these easy steps for putting on a pair of shoes.
b. Putting on shoes is an action describe to insert shoes into one’s feet.
2. Topic: Driving a Car
a. You can safely drive your car from one place to another if you follow
these steps..
b. Driving car is an important skill nowaday.
3. Topic: Dusting a Shelf
a. It’s necessary to keep your shelves clean..
b. You can easily keep your shelves dust free if you regularly follow
these four steps
4. Topic: how to saving money
a. There are some steps to save money.
b. Saving money is difficult to many people, especially who like
5. Topic: how to making tea
a. There are four main steps of making tea.
b. Making tea is a traditional custom in many Asian countries .
6. Topic: Process of harvesting coffee
a. To harvest coffee, there are following main steps.
b. You can use sugar, honey, or syrup in cooking.
7. Topic: how to look up new words in dictionaries
a. Bilingual dictionaries can help non-native learners in two very
important ways.
b. To find out the meaning of a new words, you should follow these
8. Topic: Preparing for job interview
a. A person who is interviewing for a job has to arrive on time to the
b. There are 3 main steps to prepare for a successful interview.
9. Topic: how to make a cup cake
a. There are many steps to make a cup cake.
Writing Better Paragraphs

b. Cupcake is a popular desert in Europe

10. Topic: process of making pottery
a. There are 6 main stages of making pottery
b. Smartphones use touch screen technology.
Exercise 1.4. Read the paragraph. Choose the best topic sentence for each
paragraph. Write it on the line provided.


1.______________________________ In the first part of the procedure,

cream one stick of butter and ¼ cup of sugar together in a bowl. Then beat two
eggs into the butter mixture and set this bowl aside. In another bowl, sift together
two cups of flour, ¼ teaspoon of baking soda, 4½ tablespoons of baking powder,
and two teaspoons of salt. After you have mixed the sifted ingredients, begin
adding that to the butter and egg mixture alternately with one cup of sour cream
until all the ingredients are fully mixed into a dough. Finally, add ½ cup of raisins
and mix thoroughly. Scoop the dough by spoonfuls onto a greased cookie sheet
and bake at 350 degrees for 25 minutes or until browned. Let the tea cakes cool for
about 5 minutes. The last step is to sit down, relax, and enjoy a tasty Irish tea cake
with a friend!
a. Making delicious Irish tea cakes is not difficult if you carefully
follow the directions.
b. In the first part of the procedure, cream one stick of butter and
¼ cup of sugar together in a bowl.
c. Mixing and Baking Irish Tea Cakes


2. __________________________. First, get a clock with the correct time.

Next, look at the time on the correct clock. Finally, make the time on the incorrect
clock match the time on the correct clock. Almost anyone can correct the time on
a clock
a. Time on a clock can be changed.
b. Clock shows the accurate time.
c. It is easy to change the time on a clock to the correct time.


Writing Better Paragraphs

3. ________________________. First, watch the people around you to see

who looks like your kind of person. Second, talk to people who look like your kind
of people. Third, invite them to spend time with you. Fourth, introduce them to
your other friends. Fifth, share a few personal things with them. Sixth, find out
what is important to them and show them those things matter to you, too. If you
follow these six steps, you will have some very good friends no matter where you
a. making friends helps us happy.
b. It is easy to make a new friend.
c. It’s undeniable that friends be an important part in our life.


4. ___________________________. First, you have to pick up all the

clothes, books, toys and other junk you have left lying around. Next, you have to
put all those things where they belong. Then you have to wash the windows, dust
the shelves and window ledges, and sweep and mop the floor. Finally, you have to
make your bed. It can take a long time and you may be very tired at the end of it,
but the result is worth the effort
a. It can be hard work to clean and tidy your room if it is very messy
and dirty.
b. cleaning and tiding room must be done afterward.
c. Don't forget to clean and tidy your room.


5. ____________________________. First, put your right arm through the

right sleeve. Next, let the shirt hang behind you. Then reach back and put your left
arm through the left sleeve. After that, shrug the shirt up onto your shoulders.
Finally button the shirt and tuck it into your pants. Putting on a shirt takes only a
few simple steps.
a. putting on clothes may help people keep warm and be fashionable .
b. clothes play an important role in our life.
c. It is very easy to put on a shirt.


Writing Better Paragraphs

6. ___________________________________________ . First, make sure

the area in front of the chair is clear of all obstacles by pulling it away from the
table or desk or removing toys, books or other items on the floor. Next, stand in
front of the chair with your back squarely to the back and seat of the chair. Then
step backward toward the chair until the backs of your legs lightly touch the seat
of the chair. Finally, slowly lower yourself onto the seat of the chair by bending
gently at the knees and supporting some of your weight with your hands and arms
on the arms of the chair. By using this scientifically tested method, you can avoid
both injury and embarrassment when you sit down on any chair.
a. They had a large selection of chair to sit nowadays.
b. It is essential to use the correct technique when sitting in a chair.
c. Sitting in a chair is an usual habit of people.


7. ___________________________________________ First, you have to

choose a color. Second, you have to choose a brand. Third, you have to choose a
size. Fourth, you have to test the color, brand and size. Fifth, you have to take the
pen to the cash register. Sixth, you have to take your money out of your pocket.
Seventh, you have to give the money to the cashier. Eighth, you have to accept
your change and receipt. Ninth, you have to put them away. The next time you
have to buy a pen, make sure you get a good night’s sleep and a good breakfast,
because buying a pen is a lot of hard work.
a. Buying a pen is not as simple as you think.
b. pen is a popular school thing
c. Pens are used by most learners


8. ________________________________________. First, slice the pizza

into wedge-shaped pieces. Second, pick up one of the pieces. Third, put the narrow
end of the piece of pizza in your mouth. Fourth, bite the end off. Fifth, chew the
end until it is soft and mushy. Sixth, swallow the mush. Seventh, put the next part
of the pizza in your mouth. Eighth, bite, chew and swallow it. Ninth, repeat steps
seven through and eight until you have eaten the entire piece of pizza. Tenth, repeat
steps two through nine until you have eaten the entire pizza. This process takes
time, but it is both simple and enjoyable.
a. Pizza- a common dish, comes from Italy

Writing Better Paragraphs

b. Pizza is a favourite food in the world

c. There are ten steps to eating a pizza


9. ________________________. First, you take them out of their case.

Second, you pull the arms away from the lenses. Third, you slip the glasses over
your ears and nose. Fourth, you move them around until they feel comfortable on
your ears and nose and you can see clearly through the lenses. Putting on your
glasses takes a couple of seconds.

a. Glasses help people to see clearly

b. It is quick and easy to put on a pair of glasses.
c. There are many kind of glasses.


10. _____________________________________________. First, remove

all objects from the shelf to be dusted. Next, brush the shelf with a feather duster
to remove the top, loose layer of dust. Then wipe the shelf with a porous cloth,
tissue paper or paper toweling to remove the lower, stickier layer of dust. Finally,
wipe the shelf with a wet cloth or equivalent to catch any stray particles. Once dry,
your shelf will be shiny and clean and ready for another week’s use for your books
or knick-knacks
a. You can easily keep your shelves dust free if you regularly follow
these four steps..
b. Keeping shelves clean is important.
c. You should keep your shelves dust free.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.5. Read each set of sentences. Check (✓) the best the topic
sentence and underline the controlling idea on that sentence.

immigrant: (n) someone who comes to live in a different country
monolingual: (adj ) speaking or using only one language
recognize: (v) to give attention or notice to

1. ____ In an English class, most of the female students receive higher grades
than the males.
____ Research has shown female students like learning languages more than
males do.
____ Many students like languages very much.
2. ____ Cats are better pets than goldfish for many reasons.
____ Cats and goldfish are both animals.
____ Cats cannot swim very well, but goldfish can.
3. ____ Winter is a good season.
____ Winter weather is cold, and it snows.
____ The best season for children is winter
4. ____ Soccer is popular for many reasons
____ For a soccer game, players need a special leather ball.
____ Soccer is a nice game.
5. ____ There are many people in Los Angeles.
____ People from many different cultures live in Los Angeles.
____ Los Angeles is a big city in California.
6. ____ Monolingual dictionaries have only one language, but bilingual
dictionaries have two languages.
____ Many language students prefer bilingual dictionaries to monolingual
____ Dictionaries that have two languages, such as French and English, are
called bilingual dictionaries.
7. ____The people in my office eat lunch from 11:30 to 12:30.
____ Yesterday I went to work late, and my boss was of course very angry.

Writing Better Paragraphs

____ Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

8. ____ Paul Cézzane was born in France in the last century.
____ Paul Cézzane, the father of modern art, made important contributions to
the history of art
____ Many of the museum visitors recognized Paul work immediately.
9. ____ Many Canadians speak French, and some of them speak Chinese.
____ The current population of Canada includes immigrants from all over the
____ A large number of new immigrants live in British Columbia, Canada, but
not many of them speak German.
Exercise. 1.6 Read the paragraphs, choose the stronger topic sentences
1. _____________________________________________. Think about
making some new friends or joining a social club. No happiness is possible
without friendship. Humans are social animals. Being around others is a great
way to change your mood.
a. There is only way to have long-term happiness in life.
b. One way to have long-term happiness is to make changes in your
social life.
2. _____________________________________________. Giant
tortoises are the world's longest-lived animals. Harriet, a Galápagos tortoise lived
to the age of 175 years. Lin Wang, an Asian elephant was the oldest elephant in
the Taipei Zoo. He died in 2003 at the age of 86. George the lobster was estimated
to be approximately 140 years old by the time of his death. Humans too, can live
a long time. The longest documented case of a human lifespan is that of a French
woman named Jeanne Calment who lived for 122 years.
a. In the natural world there are some animals that can live for a long
b. Giant tortoises can live for 175 years and elephants can live for 86
3. ________________________________________. With over 208
centenarians per 100,000 people, Sardinia is at the top of the list of countries with
the oldest living people. Due to genetic factors and active lifestyles, Sardinians are
more likely to live to be over a hundred years old than any other nationality in the
a. Antonio Bruno, from Sardinia, is a 103-year-old centenarian.
b. Sardinia has a very high number of centenarians.

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. _________________________________________. Some are

buying anti-aging drugs to slow down the aging process. Others are choosing
medical procedures to avoid diseases like cancer. For example, two sisters in
London had parts of their stomachs removed to avoid a stomach cancer that had
caused the deaths of several family members. Then there are those who are
choosing methods like replacing body parts. Last year alone, there were over
5,0000 hip replacement operations were performed in the UK.
a. People today are turning to medical science to help them live longer
b. People today are turning to medical science to help them live longer
lives because they believe that medicine has all the answers.
5. _________________________________________ . Costa Rica has
a pleasant year-round climate with plenty of sunshine. Denmark has easy access
to recreation and its people have very active lifestyles. Researchers believe that
these two factors contribute greatly to overall satisfaction with life.
a. Costa Rica and Denmark are the happiest countries in the world
b. The smallest countries are the happiest in the world.
6. _________________________________________ . Littering,
chewing gum, and smoking are not allowed. However, many Singaporeans feel
that this is a very small price to pay. Since they never have to complain about
chewing gum stuck in the wrong places, cigarette smoke, or litter in the streets,
Singaporeans live in a relatively healthy environment. In fact, Singapore is one of
the cleanest countries in the world.
a. Singaporeans may not be happy about their laws, but they like the
b. Are Singaporeans happy about their laws?
7. _________________________________________ .Mexico is
ranked as one of the happiest countries in the world. There is plenty of good
weather and sunshine, and people value the simple pleasures in life, like spending
time with family and friends. Nevertheless, there is high unemployment and crime.
People no longer feel safe and secure. In spite of if all, Mexicans try to be happy
about life and have a positive attitude.
a. In many ways, Mexico is the opposite of Singapore.
b. Mexicans are happy despite having many problems.
8. _________________________________________. For example,
the government provides healthcare. Medical attention is available to all Brazilians
and even foreigners who live here. It is free of charge. So, whether you are rich or
poor, you can always see a doctor.
Writing Better Paragraphs

a. I would say that most people here feel happy with the government
b. Most people in Brazil are happy with the government.
9. _________________________________________. Most
centenarians have a traditional lifestyle. They probably live for many years due to
a healthy diet, lots of exercise, and a caring community. Centenarians also tend to
lead stress-free lives. Research has shown that a traditional lifestyle leads to long
healthy living.
a. A traditional lifestyle is the key to longevity.
b. In my opinion, centenarians have good lives.
10. _________________________________________ . It is no longer
safe to walk on the streets at night. Some areas are not even secure during the day.
The price of basic food items has risen by fifty percent. As a result, there are many
robberies all over the city because people are desperate for money.
a. Crime has increased along with the prices of the bare necessities of
b. Crime has increased at an alarming rate.


Writing Better Paragraphs


Chronological order is used to show the reader when the steps in process occur
To show time order in a process, using:
1. Time phrases
2. Time clauses
3. Time words
For example: first, second, then, next, the next step, the last thing… in addition, before,
and after. transition words / sequence words ( they mark the transition from one step
to the next
Sequence words Examples
First, ( second, third, etc) First, you must boil the water first.
The next thing/ step The next thing that you should do is decide whether
you participate in an online or traditional classroom.
Next, Next, they must read carefully the requirement of the
The last step The last step is adding the liquid to the oven
Finally, Finally, they should check the answer more.

Exercise 2.1. Choose “after”, “before”, “finally” or “ first” to fill in the

The__(1)__ thing that I like to do when learning a new craft is to read about
how to do it, so I go tothe library for a book or search online for
information. __(2)__ researching the craft, I like to find a mentor who can help me
get started. I can usually find an acquaintance who has expertise with the craft in
which I am interested. __(3)__ go to the craft store to buy the basic materials, I
ask the mentor what tools and materials are necessary for a beginner. I do not want
to buy the wrong materials.__(4)__ , once I have all my materials assembled and
a good plan for how to begin, I get started to see how well I can do.

Exercise 2.2. Put the sentences in order to make a logical paragraph.

Number them from
___Finally, there should be lots of whipped cream.
___ I am sure that your guests will enjoy the banana split party as much as mine
___a. First, it is nice to put out some pretty bowls for the banana splits.
___b. You can use fresh whipped cream or canned whipped cream.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___c. Set out the ice cream in tubs of different flavors along with some ice
cream scoopers.
___d. The third station should have syrups like chocolate, caramel, or pineapple
___e. The second stop at the counter is the ice cream.
___f. Organizing a banana split party is a very simple process that yields
delicious results.
___g. You can set up the bowls at one end of your kitchen counter as the first
___h. The next station should have a variety of toppings such as nuts, coconut
flakes, and sprinkles.

Exercise 2.3. Read each sentence. Decide if the comma placement with the
time phrases is appropriate. Write C for correct and I for incorrect
1. ___It is really very easy to make a bed with clean sheets. First take off the
blankets, pillowcases, and sheets.
2. ___Next shake out the fitted sheet and settle it over the bed so that you can
pull the elastic corners to fit neatly over the four corners of the mattress.
3. ___Then spread the flat sheet so that the top edge is at the top of the
mattress and an even amount of sheet hangs on each side of the bed.
4. ___There will be a lot of extra sheet at the bottom, and this gets tucked
under the mattress and creased into special folds that again tuck snugly under
the mattress.
5. ___After that the blankets are spread on top.
6. ___After the fresh pillowcases are put on the pillows are plumped and
placed at the head of the bed.
7. ___Finally, the bed is made, and you can look forward to a wonderful,
freshly made bed.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. assume A. (v) to increase a number by a certain number of times for a
2. substitute B. (n) words that have been changed from one language to
3. translation C. (adj) the first or oldest
4. produce D. (v) to suppose
5. original E. (n) a test to see if something works
6. multiply F. (v) to put something in place of another
7. select G. (v) to make or create
8. experiment H. (v) to choose

Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.

common of ordinary than synonym peak

take up get phrase messy quiet

1. It’s __________________ difficult to become fluent in a language in just a

few years.
2. You remind me__________________ someone I used to know in high
3. A __________________ for the word________________
4. Please__________________ a bite of the pizza I just made, and tell me what
you think.
5. The highest mountain__________________ in the world is Mount Everest.
6. Clara helped her friend pick__________________ the books that she dropped.
7. I don't know how my brother can find anything in
his__________________ bedroom.
8. The number of residents in favor of the smoking ban was far greater
__________________ those opposed to it.

Writing Better Paragraphs

9. My mother's favorite__________________ is "Good things come to those

who wait."
10. It only takes Henry twenty minutes to__________________ ready in the

organized escape alive position prove

embarrassing divide impressed peak messy

11. The bookstore was not well________ , so it was very difficult to find the
book I was looking for.
12. The kids can share the cookie, but make sure you________ it into two equal
13. It was very________ when I forgot what I was going to say during my
speech yesterday.
14. The dog managed to _________from the yard and ran all over the
15. When the 10-year-old girl was accepted into Harvard University, everyone
was__________ .
16. Some people believe that a monster lives in a lake called Loch Ness in
Scotland, but no one has been able to__________it
17. Miriam asked her daughter to clean her room because it was very_________ .
18. The climbers were very happy when, after a very hard climb, they made it to
the__________ of the mountain.
19. A few people died during the flood, but most people managed to
stay__________ until they were rescued.
20. Many people think that the best __________ to sit in at a basketball game is
right next to the players on the court.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
empty substitute escape peak reach
1.__________ one item for another

2. the __________ of a mountain

3.__________ into your bag

4. an __________glass

5. __________ from prison

Writing Better Paragraphs

6.__________ the number by two

embarrassing divide select prove no matter

7. __________ what we do

8. __________ that a criminal is guilty

9. an__________ mistake

10.__________ an option
Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. I _________ (assume) the supermarket is open now, since it is one o'clock in the
2. In math class today, the students learned how to do _________ (divide).
3. Teenagers are often _________ (embarrass) when their parents wear old-fashioned
4. If you _________ (multiply) three by four, you get 12.
5. The Kumars are _________ (origin) from India, but they moved to the United States
20 years ago.
6. It was hard to find a candidate who had the right qualifications, so the _________
(select) of a new manager for the department took a very long time.
7. It is _________ (slight) cold today, but you do not need a coat. A sweater will be
enough to keep you warm.
8. At first, the fans were very angry about the _________ (substitute) of the team's star
player with a new player in the middle of the game, but they changed their minds when
the new player scored a goal.
9. These documents are in Chinese, and no one here speaks that language, so we need to
hire someone to _________ (translate) them.
10. It is important to type in your password _________ (accurate). If you do not, you will
not be able to get into your bank account.


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. When you make spaghetti, first step is to boil water. (1)

2. First, turn on your printer. The second, open the document. Third click on Print . (2)
3. Start by turning on the water. Next to take a shower. Then turn the water off. (1)
4. Final, take the cookies out of the oven and eat them. (1)
5. First, put the letter in the envelope. The next thing should do is to close the envelope.
Then to put a stamp on it. (2)
6. When you buy a new car, the first step is to research car prices online. The second step
to decide what kind of car you want. Third step is to go to a car dealership and drive the
car to see if you like it. (2)
7. Cleans your dishwasher every six months, or it will break down. (1)
8. After you show your passport and go through security, the next step board the plane.
Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.
1. first, / and / cut / the vegetables / into small pieces / the meat
2. get the answer / divide / then / the total / to / by / four
3. the / is / bake / the pie / step / for 45 minutes / last / to
4. them / a towel / with / the dishes, / wash / dry / after / you
5. the / you / thing / should / next / running shoes / is / do / buy / a pair of
6. pay / item you selected / with / finally, / your / credit card / the / for


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, word choice, Subject-verb

agreement, and verb form. Underline and correct them.
Althought the process for applying to an American university are not
complicated, it is important to follow each step. The first step, is to choose several
schools that you are interested in attending. Third, write to these schools to ask for
information, catalogs, and applications. You may also wants to visit the schools'
Web sites. After you have reserched several schools, narrow your list to between
three and five schools. Then mails all the required forms and documents only to
your final list of three to five schools. If the school of your choice require you to
take a standardized test, such as the SAT™, ACT, or TOEFL®, be sure to do so
early. In addition, ask various school officials and teachers to write letters of
recommendation for you if the university requires them. Finally almost all schools
have an application fee. This fee should be sent in the form of a check or money
order. One first piece of advice is to start quit early because thousands of high
school students is all applying at the same time
Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: If you do not like meat, you can also put beans in your taco.
How to Make Tacos
_____A taco is a Mexican dish made from a tortilla—a kind of flat bread—which
is folded around other ingredients, such as meat and lettuce. Here is an easy way
to make tacos. A[ ] First, make the ingredients that you are going to put inside your
taco. Cook hamburger meat in a frying pan with spices like chili powder and
salt. B[ ] Next, chop up vegetables to add to your taco. Good choices are lettuce,
tomatoes, and onions. C[ ] Chop the vegetables into very small pieces. Then pour
some sauce into a bowl. After that, heat up some tortillas in the oven. D[ ] The
final step is to put your tacos together. Spoon some meat or beans inside a taco,
and then add vegetables and sauce.
Exercise 5.3. Sentence: Many pet store fish are sick, so make sure you select a
healthy, active goldfish.
The Beginner’s Guide to Goldfish

_____Are you getting your first pet goldfish? Here are a few things you need to
know. A[ ] The first thing you need to do is to buy a home for your goldfish. Do
not buy a small bowl or keep your goldfish in a jar. B[ ] Your goldfish needs a
large place to live—a tank or an aquarium that it can swim around in. After you
buy your fish tank, fill it with water, but do not use water straight from the faucet.
Regular tap water can kill your goldfish. C[ ] Instead, put tap water in a machine
called a water conditioner. You can buy this machine at the pet store. It makes tap
water safe for your fish so that you can put it in your aquarium. Next, it is time
to choose your new pet. D[ ] Go home and put your goldfish in the aquarium.
Leave your fish alone for a day while it gets used to its new home. Then start
feeding it. Give it a small amount of fish food once a day. The final step is to keep
the goldfish's water clean. Clean the aquarium and change the water every two
weeks or so. If you follow these steps, your goldfish will probably have a long and
healthy life.
Exercise 5.4. Read the sentences and number them to make a meaningful
paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the supporting
sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the concluding
Paragraph 1
___ a. Third, adjust the rearview and side view mirrors to give yourself a
clear view of traffic immediately behind you and behind you on both sides.
Writing Better Paragraphs

___ b. You can safely drive your car from one place to another if you follow
these steps.
___ c. First, make sure that all four tires have enough air in them.
___ d. Fourth, check over both shoulders before backing out of your parking
spot. A successful journey begins with the first step and if you begin your drive by
following these steps, your journey should end well for you and for everybody else
on the road..
___ e. Second, settle comfortably into the driver’s seat and fasten your
seatbelt snugly across hips, shoulder and chest.

Paragraph 2
___ a. First, turn on the water and hold your hands under it until they are
completely wet.
___ b. Finally, rinse your hands under the water until all the soap has come off.
___ c. Next, rub or pump soap onto your hands and scrub both hands from
fingertips to wrists until every bit of nail and skin has soap on it.
___ d. Washing your hands is a quick and easy process.
___ e. None of these steps takes very long, but it is a good idea to save water by
turning it off whenever you are not actually using it

Paragraph 3
___ a. Surfing the Internet is easy
___ b. Finally, scroll through the list of hits the search engine gives you, click on
a link that looks interesting, and use the browser’s navigation arrows to return to
the list when you have finished viewing the page.
___ c. First, open your favorite web browser. Next, type the address of your
favorite search engine in the browser’s address bar. Then click the arrow next to
the address bar
___ d. When the search engine opens, type a search term in the search field and
click the search button next to the search field.
___ e. These few simple steps connect you to a world of information and

Writing Better Paragraphs

Paragraph 4
___ a. Fourth, look at the vehicles to left and right. Fifth, make sure the vehicles
are not moving across your path. Sixth, step carefully but confidently off the
curb. Seventh, walk carefully but confidently across the street.
___ b. First, stop on the curb. Second, look at the traffic lights. Third, wait until
your traffic light is green.
___ c. When crossing the road, it is crucial to follow this simple procedure.
___ d. Eighth, watch for vehicles turning left from behind you or right from in
front of you. Ninth, step firmly onto the opposite curb.
___e. This straightforward technique will save you from being hit by a vehicle.

Paragraph 4
How to Teach a Child to Read
___ a. After she has learned the alphabet, teach her the sounds of the letters she is
learning, and encourage her to start reading short words aloud.
___ b. First, read aloud to your child. You can start reading books to her when
she is still very young.
___ c. The next step is to start to teach your child the alphabet. Point out letters
wherever you are, for example, on signs in stores.
___ d. When your child is still very young, you can also teach her poems and
songs that rhyme, such as Twinkle, twinkle, little star, how I wonder what you
are. This will help her understand how words work even before she can
recognize letters of the alphabet.
___ e. What steps should you take to teach a child to read?
___ f. Finally, make sure that reading does not become boring for your child.
Have fun with it!
___ g. As you read aloud, ask questions to make sure she understands the books
you are reading


Writing Better Paragraphs


Write about how do you take to study for a difficult exam.
I Brainstorming List the steps to study for a difficult exam
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Topic: how do you take to study for a difficult exam.
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
1st Step A. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1._____________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
2nd Step B. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1._____________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
3rd Step C. _______________________________________________________
Detail 1._____________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include steps in the chronological order?

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?

5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?

IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph and
V Rewriting
VI Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your second/ final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Did you use sequence words and imperative?


Writing Skill I know how to write a process paragraph

Grammar I can use sequence words
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.
Circle these words you learned in this unit
Noun Verbs Adjectives
mess improve confident
peak precede common
position prove ordinary
synonym recognize smooth
synonym Adverbs
And/ furthermore/ more

Writing Better Paragraphs


Writing process paragraph is very important because people often use this form of
paragraph in writing, report or daily life. In details, identifying the recipient is so crucial
as it helps you to choose the appropriate language and writing manner
In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study
on basics of writing process paragraph


Write the concluding sentence. Readers are more interested in the ideas and
support you present than in your concluding sentence. If you do not have time
to finish, it is better to leave out the concluding sentence than to leave out
supporting sentences.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding how to write a descriptive paragraph

- Describing with five senses
- Using Adjectives in writing
- Identifying the positive and negative adjectives
- Identifying prepositions of location

Writing Better Paragraphs



A descriptive paragraph describes how something or someone looks or feels (

impression of something)
A descriptive paragraph:
1. describes
2. gives impressions, not definitions
3. “ shows” the reader
4. creates a sensory imagine in the reader’s mind

Breeze (n): a light wind
Entertainment (n): the act of providing people with somebody to interest
them or make them laugh
Excruciating (adj): extremely painful or bad
Flickering (adj): to make a bad situation worse
Giant (adj): very large; much larger or more important than similar things
Huge (adj): extremely large in size or amount; great in degree
Insignificant (adj): to be expressed or appear somewhere for a short tim are
Manufacturer (n): a person or company that produces goods in large

Exercise 1.1. Read the statements about the topic sentence. Write T (True) or F

1 A descriptive paragraph is a focused and detail-rich account of a _____

specific topic.
2 A descriptive paragraph give definitions. _____
3 Writers use logical statement to write a descriptive paragraph. _____

Writing Better Paragraphs

4 When a person is writing a descriptive piece, there should be very _____

detailed observations, write what you see in your mind
5 A descriptive paragraphs help readers feel and sense the details _____
that the writer wants to convey.
Exercise 1.2. Find the things described in the following paragraph. Circle
the adjectives describing these things.


As I was growing up in the 60’s, television was the only entertainment my

family knew of the electronic sort. (2) The 7 o’clock nightly news was such an
important part of our family that my dad knocked a wall down and built a huge
cabinet in its place just to accommodate our 19-inch black and white. (3) No one
was allowed to talk or make a sound when the television was on; all eyes were
glued to the moving and flickering image. The box commanded absolute
respect.(4) In the daytime, “the television needs its rest” my mother would say, as
she patted its pseudo-wooden top and covered it with a doilie she had made herself.
(5)There is no doubt that TV was as central to our lives as it was to the lives of all
our friends
during that period


December Beach Days in Hawaii

A beach in Hawaii on a December day is like a day at a lake in mid August.

The beach smells fresh, almost like a new ocean breeze air freshener. The sand is
hot and looks like gold blended in with little white specks; it sparkles like the water
running off the swimmers back and feels like walking on coals from a burning
grill. Not far from the shore, you can see the coral sitting still in the wild and
shallow water. Turtles drift in to see all the people. The palm trees sway in the air
from the forceful wind. In a distance, a house is beautifully placed right by the
water, so it can look across the ocean each and every day. People are laughing and
playing in the burning sand, and others are relaxing on the beach bronzing their
skin while enjoying the bright rays of light coming from the sun. From a far
distance the ocean is a deep navy blue; waves come in like a bulldozer from all the
wind. At night everything is still. Waves are still coming in but not as hard, while
the beach is cleared from all the people. All you can hear is the waves of the ocean
Writing Better Paragraphs

and the light breeze coming from the giant palm trees. The beach is a spectacular
place. Leaving it is excruciating and difficult to do.

"The Magic Metal Tube"

"Once in a long while, four times so far for me, my mother brings out the
metal tube that holds her medical diploma. On the tube are gold circles crossed
with seven red lines each―"joy" ideographs in abstract. There are also little
flowers that look like gears for a gold machine. According to the scraps of labels
with Chinese and American addresses, stamps, and postmarks, the family
airmailed the can from Hong Kong in 1950. It got crushed in the middle, and
whoever tried to peel the labels off stopped because the red and gold paint came
off too, leaving silver scratches that rust. Somebody tried to pry the end off before
discovering that the tube fell apart. When I open it, the smell of China flies out, a
thousand-year-old bat flying heavy-headed out of the Chinese caverns where bats
are as white as dust, a smell that comes from long ago, far back in the brain."
Exercise 1.3. Read the descriptive paragraph. Then answer the questions


New Mexico is a beautiful state though many people from the East Coast
think it is too dry and brown. Much of New Mexico is high desert, a landscape
dotted with short juniper and pinon pines. In spring, the small prickly pear cactus
blossoms with soft pink and yellow flowers and the cholla plant, which grows to
about four feet tall and has long spiny branches, breaks out in intense fuchsia
blooms. As summer progresses, monsoon season begins, and almost every day
there is a rumbling thundershower that leaves behind a rainbow, sometimes even
a double rainbow. After the rain, the pinon and juniper pines have a sweet cedar
smell, and the red dirt drinks up the water gratefully. In autumn, the cottonwoods
that line the arroyos and riverbanks turn yellow, abundant sunflowers line the
roads, and you can smell chili roasting. Many skiers flock to the state’s snowy
peaks in winter. New Mexico is a rough land with many contrasts—stark mountain
ranges, red rock canyons, open plains, lush river bottoms, and windswept, rocky
desert. If you journey through this land of enchantment, you may just find beauty
where you least expect it.
1. What does this paragraph describe?
a. It describes what people from the East Coast think of New Mexico.
b. It describes the beauty of New Mexico
Writing Better Paragraphs

2. Which of the five senses does the writer use?

a. Sight, smell, and sound.
b. Sight, smell, and taste.
3. Which of the following is an example of the sense of sight?
a. A rumbling thundershower.
b. Abundant sunflowers line the roads.
4. Which of the following is an example of the sense of smell?
a. Chili roasting.
b. A windswept, rocky desert.
5. Why is New Mexico a land of “many contrasts”?
a. It is rough and stark, yet colorful and has a variety of landscapes including
mountains, canyons, and plains.
b. Some people think New Mexico is beautiful, and some people think it is
6. What does the author say about beauty in the concluding sentence?
a. She has a better sense of what beauty is than people from the East Coast.
b. You can find beauty where you least expect it.
Exercise 1.4. Read each description. Then identify what is being described.
The smell of roasted coffee was in the air. People were seated at quaint
wooden tables, chatting or reading. Jazz music played over the whirring of an
espresso machine.
a. a fair.
b. a hot dog stand.
c. a coffee shop.
2. There were hundreds of trees all in rows, branches hanging low with
round red fruit. The autumn wind whispered through the leaves as people filled
their paper bags and bit into tangy, crunchy fruit.
a. a dairy farm.
b. an apple orchard.
c. a forest.
3. Young people were bent over their desks, writing. The concrete walls
were decorated with colorful drawings and posters. Fluorescent lights washed over
the room with a milky light.
a. a prison.
b. a classroom.

Writing Better Paragraphs

c. a cafeteria.
4. The sun beat down on the sand, making it so hot that we could feel the
heat through our sandals. There was sand and cacti as far as the eye could see and
a wide blue sky above. As cactus spines scratched my feet and rocks made walking
difficult, I wished that I had worn my hiking boots.
a. a desert.
b. a campground.
c. a beach.
5. The huge cloth sail flapped lazily overhead. I lay on the deck, lulled
almost to sleep by the warm sun, the cries of seagulls, and the rocking motion of
the water. My friend, Becca, stood at the helm, guiding us to shore.
a. a boat.
b. an island.
c. an amusement park.
6. The rows and rows of shelves lined with books made it hard to tell how
many people were in the room. I could occasionally hear people coughing and
turning pages. A man sat in a chair nearby reading the newspaper. I headed to the
nearest computer to search for the title of the book I wanted to borrow.
a. a classroom.
b. a store.
c. a library.


7. Judith watched as Kenneth, the man she had been in love with for what
seemed like years, slowly and affectionately intertwined his long, slender fingers
with the petite fingers of another girl's hand. Judith closed her eyes to block out
the image, but the scent of coffee—rich, bold, and bitter—still lingered in the air,
and the knowledge that it was his coffee was enough to make the inside of her
mouth taste and feel like cotton. Kenneth and the other girl remained silent, but the
silence spoke volumes about how intimate the moment between them was. A large,
painful lump was beginning to form inside of Judith's throat, making it hard to
breathe, and she felt as though she might suffocate if she did not flee from the
room. Her legs were frozen, however, and would not budge, leaving her with the
faintest hope that perhaps the rest of her would soon become just as numb.
a. Kenneth.
b. Kenneth and Judith.
Writing Better Paragraphs

c. Relation of Kenneth and Judith.


Good writers use words tah appeal to some or all of the five senses- sight, taste,
touch ,hearing, and smell to help describe a topic. Here is a list of senses and examples of
what they can describe.
sense example
Sight A sunset
taste A chocolate cake
touch Silk
hearing A baby’s cry
smell A perfume


abundant: (adj) existing in large quantities; more than enough

grumpy: (adj) easily annoyed; in a bad mood
rusty: (adj) covered with rust
tiny (adj): very small in size or amount


8. My mother gave me a lemon last summer. Its yellow surface was bright
and sunshiny. It was shaped almost round, but was slightly pointed at each end. Its
size was almost as big as a baseball. As I sliced into it, I heard the knife make sharp
cutting noises and heard the juice spurt out. I put it to my lips, and the cold wet
liquid made me pucker up. My cheeks were drawn together with its bitterness. Its
tart and tangy smell almost made my eyes water. As I tasted it, I was sure I had
never tasted anything more sour in my entire life. I made up my mind right then
and there never to eat another lemon unless it was sugared and in lemonade.
a. the author’s favourite food.
b. the mother
c. lemon
Exercise 1.5. Read each sentence. Decide which question the underlined
right answers

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. The grumpy man stormed out of the bank after waiting in line for too long.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
2. Tiny snowflakes fell steadily Sunday afternoon.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
3. Sarah was so sweet to give me this bouquet of flowers.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
4. There were many people who felt that war was not the answer to the problem.
5. The pandas have had enough food.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
6. I do not want that hat because I already have one the same color.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
7. Paul enjoyed taking pictures of rusty cars abandoned in pastures.
a. How many
b. What kinds?
8. Until we buy those concert tickets, it is not definite we are going.
a. How many
b. What kinds?

Writing Better Paragraphs



To Precise in description, writers need to indicate where something or someone is

especially in relation to something or someone else.
When you tell the location of something, it is important to use correct preposition of location,
followed by a noun
this noun: object of preposition
this preposition: prepositional phrase
Example: The new bank is on Wilson Road near the park
On the left, there is an old sofa. On the right, there are two wooden chairs
Next to the river, there is a grassy that goes from Wilson Road to the corner of Mample
street and Lee Road
Explanation Examples
Prepositional phrase of location can occur at A fat, fluffy cat was sleeping on top of the
th end of a sentence bookcase
Prepositional phrases of location can also on top of the bookcase, A fat, fluffy cat was
occur at the beginning of the sentence. Use a sleeping
comma between the prepositional phrase and
the rest of the sentence
If you want to move a prepositional phrase of An empty pizza box was under the sofa
location to the beginning of a sentence with Under the sofa was an empty pizza box
verb be, you must invert the subject and the (no comma)
verb and drop the comma after the
prepositional phrase. This word order is more
common in writing than in speaking


above before Far from On top of
across behind from Opposite
After Below In Outside
Against Beneath In back of Over
Ahead of Beside In front of Past
Along Between Inside Throughtout
Among Beyond Near Under
Around By Next to
At Close to On

Writing Better Paragraphs



It’s important to use words that have the precise meaning. There are many words
having same meaning but one is positive and the other is negative.
Example: the thrifty old man saved all his money for his retirement (positive
The stingy old man saved all his money for his retirement (negative meaning)

Exercise 2.1. Choose the right answer .

1. They are telling stories and roasting marshmallows _____ the campfire.
a. among b. around c. over
2. The city lights look pretty _____ the river.
a. across b. under c.in back of
3. The dog is peering out from _____ the kitchen table.
a. before b. By c. Under
4.The green peppers are _____ the eggplants and the red peppers.
a. between b. on top of c. opposite
5. Leah is standing _____ her desk.
a. along b. next to c. outside
6. That's my silver car parked _____ the red brick house
a. after b. in front of c. past
7. The Dead Sea is 1,385 feet _____ sea level.
a. below b. beyond c. far from
8. Carl and his daughter are sitting _____ the sofa.
a. above b. on c. near


Exercise 3.1 . Fill the right words into suitable bankets

photo precise recall sky scraper with

of constantly syrup world flowers

1. Although it was a faded _______, Lisa could still recognize everyone in it.

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. I hope you can give me _______directions to your house since I've never been
there before.
3. Gardenias, lilies, and roses are some of the most fragrant _______in my garden.
4. My mother serves us pancakes with maple _______ every Saturday morning.
5. For many people, their nation's flag is a symbol______ freedom.
6. The Sears Tower became the tallest ______in the world in 1974, at 1,729 feet.
7. My aunt and uncle have souvenirs they've collected from all over the______
8. Sam impressed everyone by______ all of his former classmates' names at
their twentieth high school reunion.
9. Because of my allergies, I cannot use pillows stuffed ____feathers.
10. The school principal is______ reminding students to follow the dress code.


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. Earthquakes can happening when companies will drill for oil or gas. (2)
2. Thailand is far away so it takes more than a day to fly there. (1)
3. Students need to leave the building, when a alarm goes off. (2)
4. He invented a machine who helps the heart pump blood. (1)
5. Many tourists visit Pisa in Italy to see it's famous Tower. (2)
6. When the days get shorter but the temperature drops, some birds fly south. (1)
7. Most sports requires some kind of equipped , such as bats and balls. (2)
8. I believe how we all use us phones too much. (2)

Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.

1. it / If / does /my/ not/ planets/ will /rain soon, /die

2. the office / Junko /of/ is/ when/ is away/ in charge / the manager

3. voting /They /that/ is/ important/ an/ responsibility/ feel

4. is /He/ the/ of/ last/ director/ week /the /saw /that/ movie /we

5. I /should/ that/ agree/ we/ together/ work

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. the/ won/ student /Laura/ that /award /is/the


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, word choice, Subject-verb

agreement, and verb form. Underline and correct them.
One of the most people
interesting that I know are Josh Curren, a lawyer in the busy
office where I work. Josh has curly hair and blue big eyes . Even on difficult work
days , Josh is always smileing . He is always ready to help his clients by listenin
g to their questions legal . He wears a thin chain around his neck that fastens to his
eyeglasses so that he does not lose them beyond the piles of thick folders on his
messy desk. On the side right of his crisp white shirt, he wear an identification tag
that indicates his name and his position under the law firm. Josh always wears a
tie colorful that he collects from his business trips beside the globe. Everyone
agrees that josh Curren is a skilled lawyer with a personality great.
Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
Sentence: In addition to its beauty, the statue is in an impressive place.
A Beloved Statue in Rio de Janeiro
The statue Christo Redemptor in Rio de Janerio is loved for its beauty. A
good example of its beauty is the face. A[ ] The expression is calm and gentle. It
makes me feel calm, too. Another example is the position of the figure. He stands
with opnen arms. It looks like he is embracing the whole city. It is a powerful
symbol of love. B[ ] . There is an amazing view from Corcovado. C[ ] Visitiors
can see the whole city, beaches, and gardens. D[ ] For many people, Christio
Redemptor represents the beauty of the city it overlooks.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 5.3-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a

complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
Paragraph 1
___ a. It was a bare earth house in the traditional style; brown mud walls, a few
glassless windows, with a knee-height wall around the yard.
___ b. Suddenly she saw the house, tucked away behind the trees almost in the
shadow of the hill.
___ c. The sun was riding high; its light prickled at her skin. They were too far
west here, too close to the Kalahari Desert, and her unease increased.
___ d. This was not the comforting land she had grown up with; this was the
merciless Africa, the waterless land.
___ e. A previous owner, a long time ago, had painted designs on the wall, but
neglect and the years had scaled them off and only their ghosts remained … She
opened the door and eased herself out of the van.
Writing Better Paragraphs

Paragraph 2
___ a. The iconic of Statue of Liberty stads on the liberty Island at the entrance
of the New York.
___ b. The idea of making a statue for US was first proposed by Edouard, and it
was constructed bt French astisans .
___ c. It is about 305 feet high form the ground to the tip of flame. The statue is
made of light weight copper sheets, about 2.5mm thichk, hammered into shape
by hand over the statue’s hallowed wooden framework.
___ d The statue was officially unveiled in 1886.
___ e. The internal structure of the statue comprises cast iron and stainless steel.
Paragraph 3
___ a. Big and vast as the universe, it holds the world for me – laptop, phone,
stationery. Like an army knife is to soldier, my backpack has been to me. It is my
headrest, backrest and cover from sunlight and down pour
___ b. Occasionally, it has been my “weapon” in a friendly fight. We have
together been to college and work and through all the ups and downs life. It has
now become a source of inspiration for me
___ c. a bit worn out and tattered, but ready for action at all times, it hangs onto
me just as I hang onto it.
___ d This is about one of my most dependable companions in fie- my back
Paragraph 4
___ a. The stew was hot on her tongue, and even the small amount she had taken
was enough to warm her throat as it slid down. As she leaned forward, the steam
made her face equally warm, and the soft sound of roiling bubbles tickled her
___ b. Trisha stirred the large stock pot of stew, watching as flashes of bright
orange carrot and stark white potato danced around, occasionally peeking
through the thick brown liquid as it bubbled and steamed.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ c. The stew had a strong, spicy scent, and when she ventured a taste, Trisha
was immediately struck by a slap of red cayenne pepper and a bold tanginess that
reminded her of the sauce served at her favorite steakhouse.
___ d It wouldn't be long now until the dish was ready, and the thought made her
stomach give a small grumble of anticipation



Look at the picture of Washington D.C. at night. Describe what you see in the
photo, using prepositional phrases of location and sensory adjectives. Write five
to ten sentences

I Brainstorming List the things appearing in the picuture. Add ideas to your
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.
Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Describe what you see in the photo?
Topic sentence ________________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 1 A. ___________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 2 B. ___________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Supporting Idea 3 C. ___________________________________________________
Detail 1.___________________________________________________
Detail 2.___________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.
Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different ideas that relate to the
main idea?

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?

5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?

IV Revising & Editing Answer the questions above about your own
paragraph and edit.


Circle these words you learned in this unit

Noun Verbs Adjectives

breeze appreciate abundant

entertainment recall excruciating

manufacturer giant

Adverbs negative
constantly rusty


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study
on basics of writing descriptive paragraph

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding what an opinion paragraph is;

- Classifying and distinguishing between facts and opinions;
- Writing a good topic sentence for an opinion paragraph;
- Choosing a topic for an opinion paragraph suitably;
- Recognizing word forms and common suffixes;
- Analyzing word association;
- Using collocation;

Writing Better Paragraphs



Opinion writing is also considered as argumentative or persuasive writing which

takes a position on an issue and gives supporting evidence to persuade someone else to
accept, or at least consider, the position. Opinion is also used to convinced someone to
take or not to take an action.
Opinion helps you persuade people to see things in your way, or at least to
understand your position. Most of us have experienced the feeling of being a helpless
victim – just standing by why something that we do not want to happen does occur.
Although knowing how to argue will not eliminate all such situations, it will help you to
stand up for what you want. You may not always win, but you will sometimes, and you
will at least be able to put up a good fight.
Four basics of good opinion:
1. It takes a strong and definite position.
2. It gives good reasons and supporting evidence to defend the position.
3. It considers opposing views.
4. It has enthusiasm and energy from start to finish

Exercise 1.1. Decide the following sentences are True or False.

No. Statements True False
1 The writer’s thoughts and attitude is expressed in opinion
2 The writer tries to persuade the reader about a certain point of
3 The writer has to present an argument against something.

4 The writer has to fullfil the whole opinion paragraph with his
views on one specific topic.
5 The purpose of an opinion paragraph is to persuade readers to
agree with the writer.
6 An opinion paragraph provides readers with the background
of the situation.
7 An opinion writing is always written in first person

Writing Better Paragraphs

8 In an opinion writing, the more facts there are, the more

valuable the writing is.
9 You should provide statistics or survey results to increase the
10 In opinion paragraphs, writers should always agree with the
Exercise 1.2. In the following paragraph, identify which part corresponds to one of
the four basic of good opinion.

The government should not require all citizens, particularly young people, to have
health insurance. I am a recent college graduate and have a decent job, but my company
does not provide health insurance. To require me to buy an individual policy is not fair or
reasonable. One reason is that such a policy would be expensive and would take most of
my income. As someone just starting out in life, my income barely covers my rent and
food. If I had to buy health insurance, I would have to take another job, find another
roommate, or try to find a cheaper apartment. Another reason is that any policy I could buy
would have such a high deductible that I would have to pay most of my own expenses
anyway. Most inexpensive policies have deductibles of $250 to $1000 so I would be paying
that on top of a high monthly premium. The most important reason that young people
should not be required to buy individual health insurance is that, statistically, we are not
likely to need expensive medical treatment. So why should we be expected to pay for it?
Although the people who want everyone to have insurance hope that the government plan
will provide lower rates for low-income families and children, they haven’t considered
how such a requirement will penalize the many young people who are just getting started.
A new system may be needed, but not one that is unfair to a whole generation of citizens.

Writing Better Paragraphs


In an opinion paragraph, the writer presents an opinion and tries to persuade

readers that the opinion is a good one. The writer tries to make readers agree with him
or her.
Topic sentence: The topic sentence introduces the topic and states the writer’s opinion
about the topic.
Supporting sentences:
• The middle sentences give reasons that support the writer’s opinion.
• Writers often use facts, explanations, and personal experiences to support their
Concluding sentences:
• The last sentence restates the writer’s opinion in different words.
• It also comments on the opinion in some way.
• The concluding sentence sometimes summarizes the main reasons for the writer’s

Exercise 1.3. Read the paragraph. Circle the correct answer to identify

I chose to become a vegetarian for both ethical

and health reasons. After reading about the
poor conditions experienced by many animals
that are raised for food, I felt that I could no
longer eat meat. Many animals that are raised

for food experience overcrowding, lack of fresh air, and lack of clean bedding.
Chickens, for example, are often packed into crates so tightly that they must live by
stepping on one another. Many veal calves are raised in the dark and are not allowed
enough room to turn around. Although some medical professionals advocate a high
protein, meat-based diet, I have also read many articles that outline the health
benefits of a vegetarian diet. Vegetarians tend to have lower cholesterol and fewer
problems with obesity. Since heart disease runs in my family, the health benefits of
a vegetarian diet are especially important to me. Even though I feel strongly about
my choice to be a vegetarian, I still agree that people have to decide for themselves
what kind of diet to follow.
1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
Writing Better Paragraphs

a. After reading about the poor conditions experienced by many animals

that are raised for food, I felt that I could no longer eat meat.
b. I chose to become a vegetarian for both ethical and health reasons.
c. Many animals that are raised for food experience overcrowding, lack of
fresh air, and lack of clean bedding.
2. Which sentence from the paragraph best sums up the writer’s opinion on the
subject of a vegetarian diet?
a. The writer chose to be a vegetarian because of the health benefits and
because she felt it was wrong how many animals are treated.
b. The writer feels that everyone should eat a vegetarian diet.
c. The writer feels that vegetarian food is better than a meat-based diet
because it requires less land to raise vegetables than it does to raise cattle.
3. What is one reason why the writer became a vegetarian?
a. Because heart disease runs in her family, so the health benefits of a
vegetarian diet are important.
b. Because she read a lot of articles about a vegetarian diet.
c. Because medical professionals advocate a high protein diet.
4. Which sentence from the paragraph contains an opposing viewpoint?
a. Since heart disease runs in my family, the health benefits of a vegetarian
diet are especially important to me.
b. Many veal calves are raised in the dark and are not allowed enough room
to turn around.
c. Although some medical professionals advocate a high protein, meat-
based diet, I have also read many articles that outline the health benefits of
a vegetarian diet.
5. What is the concluding sentence of the paragraph?
a. Since heart disease runs in my family, the health benefits of a vegetarian
diet are especially important to me.
b. Vegetarians tend to have lower cholesterol and fewer problems with
c. Even though I feel strongly about my choice to be a vegetarian, I still agree
that people have to decide for themselves what kind of diet to follow.

A Vietnamese Paradise

Writing Better Paragraphs

In Vietnam, the best place to spend a

honeymoon is the beautiful mountain city
called Da Lat. For many reasons, this
romantic city has the perfect atmosphere for
a new husband and wife to celebrate their
marriage and plan their
future. First of all, the scenery provides a beautiful setting for walking and
talking. The climate is pleasant all year round because it is high above the ocean.
Sometimes fog comes in and the city becomes mysterious and private. At other
times, the sun shines, and Da Lat is cheerful and lively. There are beautiful
gardens and lovely French colonial architecture. Young couples can walk along
the boulevards in the shade of tall pine trees. They can sit on benches in the
flower parks and hold hands. In addition, Da Lat is fashionable. There are
excellent hotels that have special rooms for honeymooners with candles and
beautiful decorations. Also, the streets are full of activity, so the newlyweds can
go out to one of the stylish restaurants that are open until late at night. The lights
are soft and the music is romantic. The newlyweds can eat delicious food, listen
to music and meet other young couples in love. Da Lat is the Vietnamese
people’s first choice for a honeymoon because it has lovely natural scenery,
many romantic places to stay, and exciting things to do.
1. What is the topic sentence? Which of the following statements best describes
the main idea of the paragraph?
a. Da Lat is the perfect place to have a honeymoon.
b. Da Lat is a popular place to have a honeymoon.
c. Vietnam is a great place to live.
2. Which of the following reasons does the author use to support her opinion?
a. the climate.
b. the reasonable cost of food and hotels.
c. the scenery and architecture.
d. the nightlife.
e. the transportation.
3. What is the concluding sentence? Which statement best describes the concluding
a. a description of how the climate of Da Lat is romantic.
b. a suggestion that the reader have a honeymoon in Da Lat.
c. A promise that Da Lat will not disappoint the reader.

Writing Better Paragraphs

d. a summary of the main reasons why Da Lat is a great place to have a


When solving problems in groups at work, it is often effective to involve similar

numbers of men and women. One reason for this is that men and women may solve
problems differently. In general, women are more likely to look at every angle of
a problem. Men, on the other hand, tend to look for quick and practical solutions.
Both methods can be effective, so it is often helpful to have men and women
coming up with solutions together. Furthermore, an unequal number of men and
women may create problems. The gender in the minority may feel uncomfortable.
In conclusion, when forming groups to solve problems, companies should try to
include about the same number of men and women.
1. What is the topic of the paragraph?
a. the differences between men and women.
b. problem solving in groups.
c. jobs that appeal to men or women.
2. What is the writer’s opinion?
a. Problems solving in groups is better with equal numbers of men and
b. Women solve problems more effectively than men.
c. Groups should have more men in them because men are more practical
and better at problem solving.
3. What suggestion does the writer make for companies?
a. They should get clear advice from men when there is a problem.
b. They should form groups with equal numbers of men and women to solve
c. They should hire exactly as many women as men.

Writing Better Paragraphs

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 9.1 to 9.4

Decent (adj): socially acceptable or good.
Deductible (n): an amount of money that is taken away from an employee’s pay
before they receive it.
Veal (n): meat from very young cow
Calf (n): a young cow.
Advocate (v): to publicity support or suggest an idea, development, or way of
doing something
Mysterious (adj): strange, not known, or not

Exercise 1.4. Read each topic sentence and identify if it is a good topic sentence for
an opinion paragraph?
1. Hot, humid weather makes me cranky.
2. It is important to get a college degree to compete in today’s job market.
3. Unless you want to be late, you need to leave now.
4. Americans should stop driving SUVs and drive smaller vehicles that use less gas
5. Organic vegetables taste better and are better for you than conventionally grown
6. After dancing competitions became popular on TV, more people began to take
dancing lessons.
7. Although many scientists feel that genetic engineering in human beings is
beneficial, I feel that it is wrong.
8. Until we buy a new house, we will have to rent one.
Exercise 1.5. Match each topic sentence from an opinion paragraph with the
correct concluding sentence
1. Brainstorming with others is the best tool a. In conclusion, experts suggest trying
for solving problems one of these methods to solve problems in
2. It is helpful to be flexible when solving the future.
problems. b. For this reason, avoid trying to fix other
3. There are many new useful ways to solve people’s problems.
problems c. People who are willing to try something
4. Problem-solving workshops are a useful new will probably have greater success.
tool to help people learn to solve problems. d. In conclusion, you should discuss many
5. It is rarely a good idea to solve problems possible solutions when there are
for other people. problems.
Writing Better Paragraphs

e. Register for a problem-solving course in

your area to learn these skills.
Exercise 1.6. Choose the best answer.
1. Write an opinion paragraph
a. when you want to explain exactly how something looks for feels.
b. when you want to convince readers of an opinion.
c. when you want to entertain your reader.
2. An appropriate topic for an opinion paragraph is
a. anything you can describe using time order.
b. something you can compare to something else.
c. something you have a strong opinion about.
3. What is one thing a concluding sentence in an opinion paragraph can do?
a. It can introduce the main idea.
b. It can suggest an action to take.
c. It can state the opposite opinion of the topic sentence.
4. Choose the most appropriate topic sentence for an opinion paragraph.
a. Studies suggest that men tend to think of quick solutions to problems.
b. Most researchers agree that children and adults solve problems
c. People should ask for advice when they have a problem.
5. Choose the most appropriate topic sentence for an opinion paragraph.
a. Time to Solve has the most up-to-date information about learning how
to solve problems.
b. Buy the book today for help with problem solving.
c. I read Time to Solve last week, and then I gave it to my brother.
6. Choose the best supporting sentence for this topic sentence from an opinion
paragraph: Brainstorming is a highly effective strategy for solving problems.
a. This is one reason why brainstorming is a waste of time and people
should not do it.
b. Brain-writing is a more effective way to think of solutions to problems.
c. It is a useful way to think of multiple solutions to a problem before
choosing one.
7. It is important to discuss problems with others.
Which concluding sentence restates the main idea of this topic sentence?

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. In conclusion, some people will try to solve problems without talking

to anyone about them.
b. For this reason, you should talk to people about a problem before you
choose a solution.
c. For these reasons, discussing problems with others is key.
8. People should make sure they understand a problem thoroughly before they
try to solve it.
Which concluding sentence offers a suggestion for an action reader could take?
a. In conclusion, people should make a flow chart to understand a problem
before attempting to solve it.
b. In conclusion, computers will help people understand problems better.
c. In conclusion, people should not try to solve problems before they
understand the issues.


A fact is something that is true and can be proven. An opinion is someone’s

feeling or belief about something.
Eg. FACT: Research shows that home-cooked meals usually include more fruits and
vegetables than meals in restaurants.
OPINION: Home-cooked meals taste better than meals in restaurants.
Facts help make writing more objective and impersonal. You should include them in
academic writing. Remember that many facts require a citation to provide details about
where the information came from.
If you do include opinions in your writing, for example, when you make an argument in
a paragraph, use facts to support the opinions and make them stronger and more
Eg. Parents should eat at least one meal a day with their children. Research shows
that there are many benefits when a family eats together. Several studies by Becky
Hand, a dietician, have indicated that children are healthier when they eat five to
six meals a week with their parents.

Exercise 1.7. Read each statement and decide if it is a fact or an opinion. Put
a tick in the correct column.
No. Statements Fact Opinion
1 Hamburgers are a great summer food.

2 Over 10 million hamburgers are eaten every summer.

Writing Better Paragraphs

3 People put lettuce, tomatoes, pickles, catsup, mustard and

other toppings on their hamburgers.
4 Hamburgers are best when cooked on an outdoor BBQ grill.

5 People buy hamburgers all year round, but more hamburgers

are sold in the summer months.
6. Hamburgers are a perfect picnic food, easy to make, and
delicious to eat.
7 For a great summer outing, put some juicy hamburgers on the
grill and enjoy this wonderful summer food.
8 Green vegetables taste better than other vegetables.

9 The U.S. Department of Agriculture recommends that adults

eat two to three cups of vegetables per day.
10 People who are overweight should make an effort to reduce
the number of calories they consume.
11 Research indicate that a diet low in salt can help people lower
their blood pressure.
12 Beyond Fat is a reality-based television show about teens who
are taking steps towards losing weight.
13 Less than Skinny was the most entertaining show on television

14 People who participate in weight-loss competitions are not

serious about changing their health habits.
15 Some companies hold competitions to help their employees
lose weight.
16 The U.S. Department of Agriculture emphasizes that exercise
is an important part of being healthy and reducing stress.
17 Playing a team sport is a better way to exercise than working
out a gym
Exercise 1.8. Match each opinion with the sentence that contains a fact to
support it.
1. Adults should help children a. About 80 million adults in the United States
learn about healthy eating habits. currently suffer from heart disease, according to the
2. American should take better American Heart Association.
care of their hearts.

Writing Better Paragraphs

3. Consumers who read nutritions b. For example, the U.S. Department of Agriculture
fact lables on food products are (USDA) recommends that people who are at risk for
better able to make informed heart disease consult a doctor before exercising.
decisions about nutrition. c. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
4. Strenuous exercise is not strongly supports the claim that parents and teachers
beneficial for everyone. can fight unhealthy weight gain by teaching children
5. Fried food is extremely about eating better.
unhealthy and can lead to heart d. The Food and Drug Administration says that
problems. healthier choices include lean meals that are baked,
6. By not exercising enough, boiled or grilled.
people may gain too much e. The USDA advises most people to exercise for 60
weight. minutes a day to prevent weight gain that may lead
to serious health problems.
f. Shirley Blakely, a dietician, stresses that shoppers
who understand what is in their food can more
clearly see the connections between ingredients and
Exercise 1.9. Read the paragraph about cooking and children. Decide if the
following statements are writer’s opinion or if they are supported by fact.

Learning how to cook is an important skill that all children should learn. According
to dietician Becky Hand, many children today do not know how to plan and prepare
meals. Research shows that learning how to cook leads to increased independence.
Parents should therefore teach their children how to cook. Hand suggests that
young children can help with simple tasks, such as cutting soft foods, and older
children can assist with more difficult tasks like grilling food. One easy recipe is
grilled chicken, which is easy to prepare and tastes delicious. Even if the recipes
are simple, research shows that children who cook with their parents learn valuable
1. All children should learn to cook.
2. Children do not know how to prepare meals.
3. Children who can cook become more independent.
4. It is important for parents to teach children how to cook.
5. Grilled chicken tastes delicious.
6. Children learn valuable skills by cooking with their parents.
Exercise 1.10. Choose the best answer.
1. A fact is something

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. that one person believes. b. that can be proven.

c. that most people agree about.
2. What is an opinion?
a. one person’s belief about a topic. b. common knowledge or a general
c. something that can be proven with data.
3. What is one reason to include facts in a paragraph?
a. facts make your writing personal b. facts make your sentences
c. facts help support the origins you include.
4. Which word is often associated with facts used to support opinions?
a. belief b. research c. style
5. Choose the sentence that expresses an opinion.
a. A few tablespoons of chocolate syrup improves the taste of milk
b. Teenagers need more milk than children, according to many studies.
c. Milk and cheese are products that are available in most grocery stores.
6. Choose the sentence that gives a fact.
a. The USDA is an agency that advises Americans about food.
b. The best job for a dietician is working for the USDA.
c. The USDA’s website is nicely designed and easy to use.
7. Choose the sentence that gives a fact.
a. Fruit is the best choice for dessert after a heavy meal.
b. According to a USDA study, adults should eat about two cups of fruit a
c. All children love fruit.
8. Exercising for 60 minutes every day is an easy goal to achieve.
Which fact best supports this opinion?
a. Walking to work every morning is the easiest way to get exercise.
b. Sixty minutes of exercise can be done 20 minutes at a time, making it
easier to fit into busy schedules.
c. The USDA says people need to combine smart food choices with
exercise in order to be healthy.
9. Parents should make an effort to eat dinner with their children.
Which fact best supports this opinion?

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. One study revealed that healthy meals include a lot of vegetables.

b. Children who eat dinner with their parents seem to appreciate it.
c. There are many benefits for children who eat with their families,
according to new research.
10. It is important for adults to prioritize the maintenance of low cholesterol levels.
Which fact best supports this opinion?
a. Some people have noticed a recent trend toward low-fat diets.
b. Studies show that elevated cholesterol levels are closely linked with
heart disease.
c. Cholesterol tests are inexpensive enough so that everyone can afford


Here are some common transition expressions used for time order and order of
• The first (second, third) reason is ….
• The first and most important reason is ….
• The second reason is …
• Another reason is …
• The final reason is …
Or we can use other equivalent transitions such as: firstly/ secondly/ thirdly; first of all,
last but not least; etc.
If you discuss your most important reason last, your transition expression should be the
The final and most important reason is …

Exercise 1.11. Read the sentences and rearrange them to indicate the correct

a. First of all, skiing across flat land cannot compare with the thrill of going down
a mountain at a blazing speed.
b. In addition, people can cross-country ski in the woods for free instead of paying
a high price at a ski resort.
c. Sitting high in the air on the chair-life, you can see spectacular views.
d. Even so, cross-country skiing is just too slow and solitary for me.
e. Downhill skiing is a more exciting sport than cross-country skiing.
f. However, despite the thrill of downhill skiing, there are people who prefer cross-
country skiing for two reasons.

Writing Better Paragraphs

g. Second, not only is going down the mountain thrilling, getting up to the top of
the mountain on a chair-lift is also fun.
h. Second, some people say that the woods are more quiet and peaceful than the
noisy crowds at ski resorts.
i. Although it may be cheaper and quieter, cross-country skiing cannot compare to
the thrill and excitement of downhill skiing.
j. First, cross-country skiing equipment is much less expensive than downhill
skiing equipment.

a. It can also help AIDS patients to regain their appetite and therefore to gain
b. In brief, smoking marijuana is effective enough to help seriously ill people enjoy
a meal or live without constant pain.
c. First of all, marijuana can help cancer patients who must undergo chemotherapy
or take anticancer drugs that cause serious side effects.
d. Therefore, marijuana for medical purposes should be legal.
e. In my opinion, marijuana should be legal for medical uses because it can
improve the quality of life for some people with serious illnesses.
f. Medical scientists and doctors in the U.S. have recently discovered that
marijuana, an illegal drug, is an effective medicine for severely ill patients who
cannot get relief from their usual prescription drugs.
g. Moreover, it might effectively stop the spread of glaucoma, which can cause
blindness, and it can relieve joint pain and relax muscles in certain other illnesses.
h. Unfortunately, because marijuana is an illegal drug, it cannot be purchased even
with a doctor’s prescription at a pharmacy.

a. In the future, I hope that I can live in a small town with friendly people.
b. First, people do not have enough free time because they are too busy with
work and appointments.
c. Because of their schedules, families only spend time together on the weekend.
d. Also, people must spend a lot of money for entertainment.
e. Parents and their children do not come home to eat lunch together.
f. Although many people say there are great opportunities in a big city, the life
here is not good for me.
g. Some employees go to work before the sun comes up and return home after
Writing Better Paragraphs

h. Third, the cost of living is very expensive.

i. Because there is usually a lot of traffic, I have a lot of anxiety.
j. Second, driving is necessary because everyone must use a car to go to school.
k. A visit to the aquarium costs twenty dollars for each ticket.
l. Like many families, my family lives in an apartment because we cannot buy a
house here.
m. Maybe I am lucky, my dream will come true, and I will move to a small town.
n. I have to drive my children to school, and after school we go to soccer practice
or to other activities.

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 9.5 to 9.7

Dietician (n): a person who scientifically studies and gives advice about food and
Chairlift (n): a set of chairs, hanging from a moving wire driven by a motor, that
carries people, especially people who are going skiing, up and down mountains.
Appetite (n): the feeling that you want to eat food.
Marijuana (n): a drug made from dried leaves and flowers of the hemp plant,
helps produce a pleasant feeling of being relaxed if smoked or eaten.
Glaucoma (n): a disease of the eye that can cause a person to gradually lose their


Writing Better Paragraphs


In a sentence or text you have to change the form of a word. Eg. From a noun to
an adjective, or from a verb to a noun.
Eg. The …. was very nervous (sing)
You have to complete the sentence with the person noun (singer). You change the
verb (sing) into the person noun (singer).
Here are some tips to do word formation exercises.
Look at the word you have to change. Which words do you knoe that are in the
same word family?
The beginning of the word is often the same and the end of the word changes.
What form is the new word? A verb? A noun? An adjective? An adverb?
Nouns often end: -ment, -ion, -ness, -ity.
People nouns often end: -er, -or, -ist, -an.
Adjectives often end: -able, -ible, -ive, -ic, -ed, -ing.
Some verbs end: -ise, -ate, -en.
Adverbs often end: -ly

Exercise 2.1. Read the groups of related words. Identify the word form of
each word by selecting N (noun), V (verb), ADJ (adjective) or ADV
1. beautiful beauty beautifully beautify
2. classify classification classified
3. quicken quick quickly quickness
4. argument arguable argue arguably
5. jealously jealous jealousy
6. courteously courtesy courteous
Exercise 2.2. Find and correct the mistakes in the following sentences if
1. I am very politely towards my mother-in-law.
2. The happily man whistled and smiled at people as he walked down the
3. Lately it seems that everything is going extremely well for me.
4. When people dreamily at night, they do not always remember all of their
dreams in the morning.
5. The little child was so whine in the store that the mother lost het patience
and scolded him.

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. When I was young, I liked to jump off the diving board and splash my
7. My favorite part of camping is roasting marshmallows.
8. Today, the sky is so blue I cannot even description it.

Exercise 2.3. Fill in the blank, using verbs made from one of the nouns or
adjectives in the box.
Broad dark fright sad sharp
straight strength sweet wide short
1. The road’s too narrow. They really should ______ it.

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. This picture on TV’s too bright. It should be ______.

3. The mirror’s hanging too much to the left. I would like you to ______ it.
4. Did you put any sugar in this tea? Ah no…. I forgot to ______ it.
5. This pencil’s blunt. I’ll ______ it.
6. I’m going to jump out and scare the children. No, don’t ______ them.
7. These trousers are too long. I’ll ______ them.
8. You should see more of the world. Yes, I need to ______ my horizons.
9. Were you angry that she was so rude? No, but it ______ me.
10. This bridge is too weak. Yes, they need to ______ it.
Exercise 2.4. Choose the appropriate word and change its formation to
complete the sentences.
Secretary occupy freeze carpenter explain
Fail success construct embarrass solve
Recently I decided to go to evening class twice a week. During the day I
work in a (1) ______ as a telephonist. It is not a very interesting (2) ______ and I
get bored. I also got tired of coming home every evening, putting a (3) ______
meal in the oven and then watching TV. So I decided to take up (4) ______ as a
hobby. Perhaps I should give you an (5) ______ for my choice. Learning a skill is
a good (6) ______ to the problem of boring work. Also, I felt I was a (7) ______
because any time I tried to put up a shelf, for example, it always fell down! Now I
am quite a (8) ______ wood-worker. I am working on the (9) ______ of some
furniture at the moment. And although there are only two other girls in the class, I
don’t feel any (10) ______ I’ve turned out to be the best student in the class!


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. occupation A. (v) to not allow
2. concentrate B. (n) a good result of something
3. injure C. (v) to hurt
4. obtain D. (v) to get or acquire through effort
5. benefit E. (v) to think hard about something
6. interact F. (n) a job, career
7. prohibit G. (v) to communicate with someone through conversation,
looks, or action
8. motivation H. (n) a strong reason to do something
Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.
From obvious playing also convince
Severe split all on mandatory

1. I will feel certain that my dog will protect my home _________ burglaries.
2. When Amy and Jennifer go out to eat, they always _________ the bill in half.
3. We decided to cancel our evening plans due to the _________ storm that was
4. The solution to the problem was _________ to everyone except me.
5. Sometimes Gina wastes time _________ computer games instead of doing her
6. Andrew tried to _________ his father to buy him a new cell phone.
7. First of _________ you must brainstorm positive and negative points for your
opinion paragraph.
8. A swimming cap is _________ if you want to swim in the pool at the local fitness
9. Not only can Bill speak Chinese, Japanese and Korean but he can _________
write in those languages.
10. I’d rather spend money _________ food to prepare at home than on an expensive
meal in a restaurant.

claim ban damage mandatory freedom

manage old-fashioned performance debt waste time

11. Polly told her daughter not to _________ watching videos when she should be
doing her homework.
12. Many scientists____________ that climate change is going to cause more and
more problems for everyone in the world in the future.
13. Students at that school have a lot of __________ to do whatever they want when
they are not in class.
14. Teenagers usually do not want to wear their parents' clothes because they think the
clothes are too __________.
15. Everyone in the audience enjoyed the dancers'___________ .
16. Luckily, the Franklins had enough money to repair the__________ to their car
after the accident.

Writing Better Paragraphs

17. After he graduated from college, George was in a lot of____________ because he
had to borrow a lot of money to pay for his degree.
18. There is a__________ on using cell phones during the flight, so you need to turn
your phone off now.
19. After her baby was born, Lucy could not __________ both taking care of him and
working full-time, so she quit her job.
20. It is __________to be quiet during the test.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
concentrate ban volunteer occupation damage

1. a__________ on smoking in airplanes

2__________. from an accident

3. __________ to help the homeless

4. a dangerous __________

5. __________on your work

freedom billions manage debt old-

6.___________ of people around the world

7. pay off your __________

8. the __________ to choose

9. __________ stress

10. an ___________ dress

Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. Time __________ (manage) is a very important part of being a successful student.

2. Soccer players often __________ (injure) their feet and knees.
3. Eating a lot of vegetables is __________ (benefit) to your health.
4. I have problems with __________ (concentrate) when there is a lot of noise, so I
always study in the library.
5. The president made a __________ (propose) to lower taxes in the country.
6. Candy is __________ (prohibit) in class, but many students eat it during lunch.
7. The actor could not give a good __________ (perform) in the play because he was
8. It can be difficult to __________ (motivation) people to vote when they do not know
or care about the issues or the candidates.
9. The monkey was happy to live in __________ (free) after it escaped from the zoo.
10. People who live alone often do not have much __________ (interact) with their


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. It is not legally to vote if you are under the age of 18. (1)
2. There are many beneficials to joining a gym. For example, you can exercise while you
interaction with other people. (2)
3. She studied hardly, so she passed the test easy. (2)
4. Some people believe it is very old-fashion to read a printed newspaper, but others like
it better than reading the news on a computer. (1)
5. Now that the storm is over, we should volunteer to help clean up the damaging. (1)
6. After Lin injury her shoulder, she had to pay a lot of hospital bills, and now she is in
debt. (1)
7. As we drove up the mountain, it got increasing cold. (1)
8. What is the different between butter and cream? (1)
Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.
1. is / pizza / my / in the world / opinion, / in / the best food

2. pollution is / to / scientific studies, / serious problem / in our oceans / according / a

3. is / China / in / Shanghai / located

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. Chicago is / city, / too cold / but / it / wonderful / is / a/ in the winter

5. not / I / cell phones / small children / allowed / should / to have / be / think

6. day / should / people / therefore, / every / half an hour / exercise / for


Exercise 5.1: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: This breakfast contains a bit too much fat to be really healthy, but
it is much better for you than the traditional American or French breakfasts.
The Healthiest Breakfast

Breakfast foods vary from country to country, and some of them are much
healthier than others. In the United States, people often eat sugary cereal with
milk for breakfast. This is not a very healthy choice because sugar is not good for
you. A [ ] In France, people like to eat croissants, a kind of bread, and drink coffee
for breakfast. Croissants taste very good, but they are made with lots of butter, so
they are not very healthy to eat either. People in Malaysia, on the other hand, eat
rice with coconut milk for breakfast. B [ ] Malaysians eat this sweet, flavored rice
with a red paste that is made of ground chili peppers and other ingredients. C [ ]
In Japan, it is also common to eat rice for breakfast, but the Japanese eat it with
soup and fish. This breakfast contains lots of protein and very little fat and sugar. D

Writing Better Paragraphs

[ ] In my opinion, the traditional Japanese breakfast is probably the healthiest

breakfast in the world.
2. Sentence: Sadly, though, humans are actually increasing the number
of earthquakes.
Earthquakes Caused by Human
Earthquakes kill people, and they cause billions of dollars in damage around the
world. For these reasons, it would be great if we could reduce the number of
earthquakes that happen every year. A [ ] Several types of human activity can set
off earthquakes. First, mining can cause earthquakes. B [ ] When we remove dirt
from the ground to build mines, the earth can become weak. If it collapses, an
earthquake can happen. Next, humans can cause earthquakes by building dams. The
weight of so much water in one place can set off an earthquake. In addition,
earthquakes can happen because fracking is used to get oil or gas from the
ground. C [ ] When the water that comes up with the oil or natural gas is put
back into the ground, it can cause an earthquake. If we continue to dig mines, build
dams, and use fracking, we will have more and more earthquakes. D [ ]
Exercise 5.2-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a
complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
The Advantages of Shopping Online
___ a. In conclusion, shopping online is clearly the best way to shop.
___ b. However, it is very easy to return clothes if they do not fit.
___ c. Instead, you can shop in the comfort of your own home.
___ d. In my opinion, shopping online is much better than shopping in stores.
___ e. In addition, there are many more products available online than you can find
in one store. You have many more choices.
___ f. The only real disadvantage to shopping online is that you cannot try on
clothes before you buy them.
___ g. When you shop online, you do not have to go to a crowded store and wait
in line to buy things.


Do you think it should be legal to download or share copyrighted material from
the Internet?
I Brainstorming Answer the following topic-oriented questions
Writing Better Paragraphs

• What does private property mean to you?

• What are some of the basic types of information found on the Internet?
• What information on the Internet should be free to download?
• What are some arguments against downloading artistic property from the
• What are some arguments for downloading artistic property from the
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph

Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Topic: Do you think it should be legal to download or share copyrighted
material from the Internet?

Topic sentence ________________________________________________________

1st Reason A. _______________________________________________________
Supporting detail 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 2. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 3. __________________________________________________
2nd Reason B. _______________________________________________________
Supporting detail 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 2. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 3. __________________________________________________
3rd Reason C. _______________________________________________________
Supporting detail 1. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 2. __________________________________________________
Supporting detail 3. __________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

Writing Better Paragraphs

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.

Revising Checklist Y N

1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?

2. Does the topic sentence introduce the writer’s opinion?

3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different reasons that support your

4. Does each reason include 1-2 supporting detail?

5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?

6. Is there a concluding sentence?

IV Revising & Editing Answer the questions above about your own
paragraph and edit.


Writing Skill I can write an opinion paragraph

Grammar I can recognize Word forms and Common Suffixes
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Circle these words you learned in this unit

Noun Verbs Adjectives

Chairlift Deductible Advocate Mysterious
Appetite Veal Reduce Mandatory
Marijuana Calf contain
Glaucoma Dietician Concentrate

Writing Better Paragraphs

Fracking Ingredient Prohibit

Interaction Motivation


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on
opinion paragraph






Do not use contractions. In academic writing, you should stay
away from informal language. Write out your contractions
(You’re=You are, I’m=I am) to make the writing sound more
formal and academic.

Writing Better Paragraphs


This unit will give you practice in:

- Understanding what a narrative paragraph is;

- Working with ideas for narrative paragraphs;
- Maintaining verb tense consistency;
- Analyzing word association;
- Using collocation;

Writing Better Paragraphs



A narrative is a story about a person or a group of people. What should you think
about when planning and writing a narrative?
- Your narrative should tell the events of the story in sequence, or the order in
which they happened.
- Four basics of good narration
o It reveals something of importance to you (your main point).
o It includes all of the major events of the story (primary support).
o It brings the story to life with details about the major events (secondary
o It presents the events in a clear order, usually according to when they

Exercise 1.1. Decide the following sentences are True or False.

No. Statements True False

1 Narration is a story

2 Problem and solution are elements of narrative writing

3 Descriptive words are important because they add detail to the

4 A narrative must have characters

5 The purpose of a narrative is to tell a story

6 The purpose of a narrative is to describe characters

7 A narrative piece of writing is always written in first person

8 In a narrative writing, one only needs to tell the story but does
not need to include descriptions
9 You should always write a narration in 2nd person

10 Narration can be written in chronological order

Exercise 1.2. Read the following paragraph and find out which part corresponds to
one of the four basics of good narration.
Writing Better Paragraphs

(1) Last year, a writing assignment that I hated produced the best writing I have
done. (2) When my English teacher told us that one of our assignments would be to do a
few hours of community service and write about it, I was furious. (3) I am a single mother,
I work full-time, and I am going to school: Isn’t that enough? (4) The next day, I went to
talk with my teacher during her office hours and told her that I was already so busy that I
could hardly make any time for homework, never mind house work. (5) My own life was
too full to help with anyone else’s life. (6) She understood that, right? (7) She said that she
understood perfectly and that the majority of the students at the college had lives as full as
mine. (8) Then, she went on to explain that the service assignment was just for four hours
and that her students in the past had enjoyed both doing the assignment and writing about
their experiences. (9) She said they were all surprised and that I would be, too. (10) After
talking with her, I decided I did not really have a choice because I needed to pass the course
before taking others, so I accepted my fate. (11) The next week, I went to the office of the
Community Service Club, and a student there set me up to spend a few hours at an adult
day-care center that is near where I live. (12) I few weeks later, I went to the Creative Care
Center in Cocoa Beach, not knowing what to expect. (13) What I found were friendly,
approachable people who had so many stories to tell. (14) They all had long, full lives, and
they were eager to talk with me about them. (15) The next thing I knew, I was taking notes
because I was interested in these people: their marriages, life during the Depression, the
wars they fought in, their children, their joys and sorrows. (16) I felt as if I was traveling
with them to the past and experiencing everything they lived while they shared their history
with me. (17) When it came time to write about my experience, I had more than enough to
write about: I wrote the stories of the many wonderful elderly people I had talked with.
(18) I got an A on the paper, and beyond that accomplishment, I made friends whom I will
visit on my own, not because of an assignment, but because I value them. (19) I never
would have guessed that what started as an annoying assignment would turn out to the best
thing I did that semester.

Writing Better Paragraphs


The narrative should have a beginning, a middle and an end.

o The beginning, or introductory sentence should introduce the setting (the

time and place of the story), the person that the narrative is about, and the
conflict, which is the problem or challenge the person faced.
o The middle, or the body sentences, should contain the details of the story’s
o The end, or the concluding sentence, should contain the resolution or the
outcome of the story.

Exercise 1.3. Read the narrative paragraph, then answer the questions

(1) Bike racks that fit on the roof of your car

are a great way to carry your bicycle unless
you forget your bikes are up there. (2) It was a
beautiful autumn day in New Mexico. (3) My
husband and I decided to go to the Sunflower

Festival in a small town not too far away, and we brought our bikes to ride around
the festival. (4) We had a nice time doing that and later proceeded merrily on our
way home with our bikes re-secured to the roof rack. (5) My husband, who is a
photographer, wanted to take the long way home so he could take pictures, which
we did. (6) Two and a half hours later, tired but happy, we pulled into our driveway
and opened the automatic garage door. (7) As we drove into the garage, there was
a horrible scraping sound, then a crunch, and then a tearing sound. (8) In the same
second, we gasped and turned just in time to see our bicycles, still attached to the
roof rack, fly off the back of the car and crash onto the pavement. (9) Disaster! (10)
We gingerly approached the wreckage. (11) Luckily, a thorough inspection showed
no damage to either bike; our now-mangled bike rack had taken the brunt of the
crash. (12) Thankfully, none of our neighbors saw the incident or they would have
died laughing.
1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?
a. Sentence 1 b. Sentence 3

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. In what sentence do you find background information which sets up the story?
a. Sentence 1 b. Sentence 4
3. In what sentence do you find the beginning of the main action or problem in the
a. Sentence 2 b. Sentence 3
4. In what sentences do you find the middle of the story? These are the sentences
which describe the main action or problem.
a. Sentence 4 and 5 b. Sentence 7 and 8
5. In what sentence do you find the final result, or end of the story?
a. Sentence 11 b. Sentence 12
6. What is the writer’s purpose for writing this story?
a. To entertain with humor and to warn about the problems with using roof
b. To describe the Sunflower Festival in New Mexico.

(1) The journey to English Channel is

such an unforgettable trip in my life.
(2) I stood on the deck, staring at the
huge waves. (3) From the moment we
left port and sailed into the English
Channel, the weather had got worse
and worse. (4) Now, lightning
flashed across the sky, which was
covered in dark clouds.
(5) Suddenly, the noise of the engines stopped. (6) The ship slowed, rolling
heavily in the rough sea. (7) A voice over the loudspeakers told us to remain
calm – then added that a fire had started in the engine room, and said that all
passengers must go immediately to the nearest lifeboat station. (8) We all ran
onto the deck, following the signs to the lifeboats. (9) The ship’s officers arrived,
made sure we had lifejackets and showed us how to put them on. (10) I looked
again in horror at the wild, stormy sea. (11) The thought of being out there in a
tiny boat was terrifying. (12) Minutes passed like hours, until at last a voice was
announced that everything was under control and the danger was over. (13) We
all cheered as the engines started again and the ship moved forward into the
waves. (14) I still couldn’t believe it was over, though – not until we had reached
port and had stood on solid ground again.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. What is the topic sentence of the paragraph?

2. In what sentence do you find background information which sets up the story?
a. Sentence 2, 3 b. Sentence 3, 4
3. In what sentence do you find the beginning of the main action or problem in the
a. Sentence 5 b. Sentence 7
4. In what sentences do you find the middle of the story? These are the sentences
which describe the main action or problem.
a. Sentence 6-12 b. Sentence 7-12
5. In what sentence do you find the final result, or end of the story?
a. Sentence 13 b. Sentence 14

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 10.1 to 10.3

Furious (adj): extremely angry
Approachable (adj): friendly and easy to talk to
Life jacket (n): a piece of equipment, like a jacket without sleeves, that
is filled with air or light material and is designed to help you float if you
fall into water
Proceed (v): to continue as planned.
Merrily (adv): showing happiness or enjoyment.
Scraping (adj): to remove an unwanted covering or a top layer from
something, especially using a sharp edge or something rough/
Crunch (n): the sound of hard food being crushed between the teeth, or
like something being crushed or broken.
Gasp (v): to take a short, quick breath through the mouth, especially because of
surprise, pain or shock.
Wreckage (n): a badly damaged object or the separated parts of a badly
damaged object.

Exercise 1.4. Match the beginnings to their endings

1. It was a cool August night. All was quiet a. Relieved to be back home, I lit the fire
and peaceful in my house as my parents and while Joanne unpacked our things. We
two sisters were sleeping in their rooms. I both realized how lucky we had been.
was lying in bed, trying to fall asleep. Without having to say anything, we
understood what the other was thinking.
Writing Better Paragraphs

2. It was a freezing cold morning, Joanne There’s no place like home, don’t you
and I were packing for our trip to Bermuda, agree?
our flight was leaving later that afternoon, 2. After being pulled out from under the
“I can’t wait to enjoy the hot and sunny pile of bricks, we both knew how lucky we
weather,” said Joanne. had been. We were truly ashamed of
3. Aggie and I had been bored all day at ourselves as we glanced at the crowd
school. As we wandered home, we decided waiting behind the fence, especially since
to sneak into the old abandoned house at our parents were there. Isn’t it true that
the edge of the forest. Although our parents curiously killed the cat?
had told us never to go in there, we couldn’t c. Back in my room, I felt confused and
resist the temptation. I am sure that you exhausted. I wasn’t sure if it was a moment
would have done the same if you had seen ago or hours ago when I had been trying to
this house. fall asleep. “I must have been dreaming,” I
thought to myself.


An interesting beginning is as important as an interesting ending. An interesting

beginning will catch the reader’s attention and make him/ her want to continue reading.
A good ending will make him/ her feel satisfied.

You can start your story by:

a. Using your senses to set the scene and describe the weather, atmosphere,
surroundings or people’s actions to create mystery or suspense: I could hear the
wind howling around me. It was quite dark that night and it felt strange to be out in
the wilderness all alone.
b. Using direct speech: “Always look on the bright side of life, kids”, Mr. Frisbain
used to tell us.
c. Asking a rhetorical question: a question that does not require an answer – Have
you ever travelled by train on a warm summer night?
d. Addressing the reader directly: I am sure you all know what a bargain is.
e. Referring to your feelings or moods: I was exhausted because I had been painting
walls all day.

Writing Better Paragraphs


You can end your story by:

a. Using direct speech: “Thank you, sir”, the boy said to me.
b. Referring to your feelings and moods: We were shivering but we were happy to
have made it.
c. Asking a rhetorical question: “Why did I have to suffer so much?”
d. Describing people’s reactions to feelings about the event developed in the body:
My brother had become the hero of the day and I was extremely proud.

Exercise 1.5. Read the beginnings and endings in exercise III, then identify
which techniques have been used.
Exercise 1.6. Read the following beginnings and answer the questions:
a. As I sat down at my desk and stared at the pile of revision notes, all I could
think was, “Why me?”
b. It was a warm, sunny morning and I woke up to the sound of the phone
ringing. The voice on the other end of the line simply said, “Juan, it’s me. Meet
me on the corner in half an hour”.
c. I’m sure you all know what it’s like when you have to sit an exam that you
haven’t studied for. Well, last May I was getting ready to….
d. One day I went to school. On the way, I crashed my bike into a tree. The bike
was badly damaged.
e. I was really tired and was looking forward to a good night’s sleep. Suddenly, I
heard a strange sound coming from the garden.
1. Which one do you think is the least interesting? Why?
2. Which of the above beginnings:
a. use(s) the senses b. use(s) direct speech
c. address(es) the reader directly d. refer(s) to feelings or moods.
3. Rewrite the least interesting introduction using any of the techniques

Writing Better Paragraphs


In narrative paragraphs, we use time expressions to make the chronological or

time sequence of events clear.
- We use connectors (time adverbs) such as “at first, then, finally, eventually, soon,
as, suddenly, ect.” to link sentences within a paragraph.
- We use subordinating conjunctions to link clauses within a sentence.

Exercise 1.7. The following sets of sentences are not in correct time order.
Rearrange the sentences in the correct order.
1. a. She put the clean dishes away.
b. She removed the dirty dishes from the table.
c. She turned on the dishwasher.
d. She put them in the sink and rinsed them.
e. It was Sarah’s turn to wash the dishes last night.
f. Finally, the dishes were clean
2. a. He filled it out and left.
b. He went to the bookshelf, but the book wasn’t there.
c. Tom went to the library to get a book.
d. He went to the computer catalog.
e. The librarian told him to fill out a form.
f. He told the librarian he wanted to reserve that book.
g. He wrote down the title and call number of the book.
3. a. Our vacation in Florida last month was a real disaster.
b. On the way to the airport, our taxi broke down.
c. We got a new hotel room after arguing with the manager.
d. When we arrived back home, we found that water had flooded our house
because of a broken pipe.
e. All in all, we should have stayed at home.
f. We had to wait several hours for the next flight.
g. When we arrived at our hotel in Miami, our reservations had been canceled
because we were late.
h. It rained the entire week, so we couldn’t go to the beach at all.
i. We missed our plane to Miami.
Writing Better Paragraphs

j. The second day we were in Miami, someone broke into our hotel.
4. a. My precious cat! She was dead.
b. I went into shock because I could not believe at first.
c. One November day when I got home after dark, Tom was not waiting at the
door as she always did.
d. Suddenly, I saw a black form next to my neighbor’s fence, lying on a bed of
pine needles.
e. The best pet I have ever had was a beautiful black cat named Tom.
f. I called for her several times but got no answer. I started to get worried.
g. Then, as I licked her lifeless body, I started to cry.
h. So I let her go outside each day to catch mice, which she always left as a
present on my doorstep and hoped she would return safely.
i. Even though it has been a long time since her death, I will never forget my
dear cat Tom.
j. I missed her so much that it took me almost two months to get over her
k. After calling some more, I began to comb the sides of the road.
l. Even though cars often drove by our house way too fast, I could not bear to
keep her inside because she loved to go out and hunt.
Exercise 1.8. Read the extracts below and fill in the gaps with the linking
words and phrases from each list
Before, eventually, meanwhile, as soon as, suddenly, after a while
A (1) ________ I arrived at the bank I joined the queue and waited for my turn.
(2) ________, two men burst through the door and ran to the cashier, shouting
loudly. (3) ________ we knew it, the men had forced the cashier to open the
security door. (4) ________ the bank manager called the police. (5) ________
we heard the police car siren blaring, but by the time they arrived, the robbers
had left the building. The police chased them and (6) ________ caught them.
At first, soon, suddenly, finally, then, as
B (1) ________ we were driving home down the winding mountain road, it started
to snow. Soft white snowflakes were falling lightly onto the road and it (2)
________ became very slippery. (3) ________, a deer shot out in front of the
van and I had to swerve violently to avoid it. I heard a loud thump and managed
to stop. I quickly jumped out of the van and ran back to see if the deer was hurt.
I found it lying in the road. (4) ________, I thought it was dead. Then, the deer
opened its eyes and I realized that it was alive. I jumped back, relieved as the
Writing Better Paragraphs

deer struggled to its feet. For a moment it stood looking at me with its large soft
brown eyes. (5) ________ it ran off into the forest and (6) ________ disappeared
from view.


You can use various past tenses in your story:

- Past simple: to describe actions which started and ended in the past, or actions
which happened one after the other in the past
Eg. I went to Paris last month
I walk past the bank and stopped at the post office to buy some stamps.
- Past continuous: to set the scene or to describe events/ actions in progress at a
certain time in the past.
Eg. It was pouring with rain that evening. We were all sitting in the living room.
- Past perfect: for actions which happened before other past actions, or to give the
background of the story.
Eg. I decided to call Mr. Jones and tell him the truth about what had happened.

Exercise 2.1. Read the narrative paragraph. Find and correct five errors in
verb tense consistency.

When I was little, my best friend, Billy, came over to play in the sand box
one day. He brings a whole collection of toy metal trucks with him. Many of his
trucks were brand new and shiny. A few were old, rusty and dented. He even had
an old dump truck with a missing front wheel. I was excited because I had no
trucks. My mom never bought us new toys. Billy and I play with his trucks all
afternoon. We pretend we were truck drivers and made truck noises. We played
until Billy’s mom calls him home for dinner. Before he leaves, he shyly asked me
if I wanted the truck with a missing wheel, and I said “Yes”. After he left, I put a
new wheel on, and the truck was as good as new, at least to me.
Exercise 2.2. Read the extract below and underline the correct past tense.

Writing Better Paragraphs

At first, I (1) wasn’t/ hadn’t been frightened by the noise as I (2) was
thinking/ thought it (3) had been/ was just the wind which (4) was rattling/
rattled the windows. Then I (5) was freezing/ froze when I (6) heard/ had heard
the wooden stairs creaking outside my bedroom door. I (7) was deciding/ decided
to be brave and (8) went/ was going downstairs to see if it (9) had been/ was really
a burglar. A few minutes later, I (10) had stood/ was standing terrified at the
bottom of the stairs, looking round for a burglar. It was then that I (11) was seeing/
saw that the “burglar” (12) was/ had been my little brother, who (13) was getting/
had got up to get a glass of water.

On October 1, Walter Mitchell, a young emergency helicopter pilot (1) had

just completed/ just completed three months of rescue training. He usually (2)
arrived/ was arriving at work at 6 a.m., but this morning he (3) had received/
received his first emergency call at 5 a.m. Two men (4) hiked/ had been hiking
in the mountains and were lost. One of the men (5) fell/ had fallen and was injured.
The situation was dangerous, as it (6) snowed/ was snowing. This was Mitchell’s
first real emergency, and he was afraid. The fear (7) had been making/ was
making it difficult for him to think clearly. When Mitchell got to the helicopter,
he (8) sat/ was sitting down and (9) got/ was getting ready to fly. During his
training, he (10) had learnt/ learnt a breathing technique to help overcome his
fear. He breathed in slowly for four counts, held his breath for four counts, and
then breathed out slowly for four counts. After doing this a few times, he felt ready
to face the day’s challenge.

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 10.4 to 10.6

Creak (v): when a door, floorboard, etc. creaks, it makes a long low sound
when it moves or is moved.
Rescue (v): to help someone or something out of a dangerous, harmful, or
unpleasant situation.
Rusty (adj): covered with rust
Dent (n): a small, hollow mark in the surface of something caused by
pressure or being hit.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

Writing Better Paragraphs

1. strategy A. (n) a job or assignment

2. relationship B. (n) a plan to achieve a goal
3. incredibly C. (adv) very, extremely
4. painful D. (n) giving and receiving information by speech, writing,
or signs
5. valid E. (adj) legally usable for a set time period
6. document F. (adj) causing pain; hurting
7. task G. (n) connection between two people or things
8. communication H. (n) an official paper or form
Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.
From obvious playing also convince
Severe split all on mandatory

1. I will feel certain that my dog will protect my home _________ burglaries.
2. When Amy and Jennifer go out to eat, they always _________ the bill in half.
3. We decided to cancel our evening plans due to the _________ storm that was
4. The solution to the problem was _________ to everyone except me.
5. Sometimes Gina wastes time _________ computer games instead of doing her
6. Andrew tried to _________ his father to buy him a new cell phone.
7. First of _________ you must brainstorm positive and negative points for your
opinion paragraph.
8. A swimming cap is _________ if you want to swim in the pool at the local fitness
9. Not only can Bill speak Chinese, Japanese and Korean but he can _________
write in those languages.
10. I’d rather spend money _________ food to prepare at home than on an expensive
meal in a restaurant.

wonder remind capture instant frighten silence

advertising funny shocked take a deep breath

11. Many young people__________ where they will live after they finish college and
start working.
12. There was__________ in the classroom during the test.

Writing Better Paragraphs

13. Many companies use__________ to sell more of their products.

14. Arnold sometimes forgets to__________ take his medicine, so his wife has to him
when it is time for him to take it.
15. The police were able to__________ the bear who was eating from people's
garbage cans. Then they released it far away in the forest.
16. Sharks__________ many people, but they are not really very dangerous to
17. That movie was so __________ that everyone in the theater was laughing.
18. During the earthquake, a giant hole opened in the earth, and the building
disappeared in an__________ .
19. Many people were__________ when the president married a young singer.
20. The runner was so nervous before his race that the coach told him
to__________ and calm down.
Exercise 3.3: Choose the correct word in the box to complete each sentence.

Hug natural on came up valuable

Deep over without flows without

1. Whenever Alan feels stressed, he takes a ________ breath, closes his eyes, and counts
to ten.
2. Although class is supposed to be ________ at 11.00. our teacher let us out five
minutes early.
3. Hurricanes, earthquakes, and tornadoes are examples of ________ disasters.
4. My mother gave me a big ________ when she heard the good news about my
5. Let’s set ________ our tent before making the fire and cooking dinner.
6. The Amazon River ________ in an easterly direction across South America.
7. The teacher asked what was going ________ when he walked in the room and saw
everyone looking out the window.
8. I learned a ________ lesson in empathy when I volunteered at the homeless shelter.
9. Even though Brian knew the water was cold, he jumped in ________ hesitation and
began swimming his laps.
10. When Sophia ________ up to me with a worried look on her face, I knew something
was wrong.
Exercise 3.4: Complete each sentence with a suitable word and its correct word form.
Astonish fool music thought Back free lead short
1. I don’t want to be a slave! I demand my _______.
2. How kind of you to bring flowers! That was very _______.
Writing Better Paragraphs

3. Martin plays the guitar, but he isn’t a very good _______.

4. Our school has closed because there is a _______ of teachers.
5. Brian is one of the world’s _______ architects.
6. Imagine my _______ when the cat started to speak!
7. Don’t be _______! There is no such thing as a ghost!
8. I prefer to begin at the end and go _______ wards.
Exercise 3.5: Complete the collocation word in each sentence with a word from the
Bow cut helmet powder storm case fire place steps
1. I could hear the sound of gun _______ coming from the main square.
2. We had to take shelter during a serve thunder _______.
3. Nobody can read the doctor’s hand _______.
4. You look awful. Why don’t you have a hair _______?
5. I wanted to do some washing but I’ve run out of soap _______.
6. If you ride a motorbike you have to wear a crash _______.
7. There isn’t room in here for another book _______.
8. After the shower, the sun came out and there was a rain _______.
9. I could hear the sound of foot _______. Someone was coming!
10. At one end of the room is a lovely old stone fire _______.
Exercise 3.6: Complete the paragraph with the suitable word form.
politics shy sympathy organize place
person innocent imagine interest straight
Jack had never wanted to be a (1) _______. First of all, he suffered from terrible (2)
_______ and blushed violently when he had to make a speech. He also (3) _______ with
people who refused to vote. After all, what difference did it make? As a speaker, he was
slow and (4) _______ and never knew what to say. He began his career as a last-minute
(5) _______ for a speaker who failed to turn up. Later he learned to (6) _______ his tie,
give a big smile, and read the speech which had been prepared by his (7) _______ speech-
writer. People liked him. “He has a kind of (8) _______”, they said. They did not mind that
he had no (9) _______ and seemed quite (10) _______ in what he was saying. They
applauded him and then made him Prime Minister.
Exercise 3.7-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.
task remind painful realize capture
1.__________ how late it is
2. __________ a prisoner who escaped

Writing Better Paragraphs

3. __________ me to buy a present for his birthday

4. a_________illness
5. an easy__________
take a deep breath valid relationship wonder
6. a clever _________
7. a _________ reason
8. in a__________ with someone
9. __________who will win the contest
10. __________ and relax
Exercise 3.8-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. Rita got an __________ (advertise) for shoes in her email inbox this morning.
2. Guests can dress __________ (casual) for this party because it is not a special
3. It was __________ (incredible) difficult to get to the top of Mount Everest, but in the
end, the climbers managed to do it.
4. Zoe's operation was very __________ (pain), but she is feeling better now.
5. That TV show is very __________ (fright), so young children should not watch it.
6. When the apartment building burned down in a fire, everyone in the neighborhood
was __________ (shock).
7. __________ (communicate) with people around the world has become a lot easier now
that we have the Internet.
8. Inez had to return home from her trip __________ (unexpected) after her husband had
an accident.
9. That painting is extremely __________ (value), so be careful with it.
10. The teacher could finally relax because all the children in the class were
reading __________ (silence).


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. After the company moved to China, its sales were increasing by 50 percent. (1)

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. The truck driver drove too fast when it was starting to rain hard, so he was crashing the
truck into a tree. (3)

3. Ken and Lynne watched a movie when Ken's cell phone rang. (1)

4. Helen worked really hard to finish her project before she was leaving for her vacation.

5. Everybody in the stadium celebrated after the player was scoring a goal. (1)

6. The Fosters were being very happy when their daughter was graduating from medical
school. (2)

7. Vince studied for a test when his mother called. (1)

8. Before the party guests ate the cake, Sonia was taking a picture of it. (1)
Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.
1. was / of / day / the / happiest / Greg's tenth birthday / his / life
2. he fell/ when / Jack / and / injured / a tree / his leg / climbing / was
3. before / arrived / the hurricane / everyone / left / the town
4. while / to Las Vegas / to music / listened / he / Harry / driving / was
5. at a hotel / started / Pedro / in / was / flood / staying / Miami when / the


6. Roy / stole / someone / his wallet / waiting / when / was / for the train
Exercise 5.1: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: A terrible accident happened soon after U.S. Airways Flight 1549
took off from La Guardia Airport in New York City.
Sully: A Hero’s Story
January 15, 2009, started like a day like any other for U.S. Airways pilot
Chesley Sullenberger, nicknamed "Sully." But on that day, 155 people almost lost
their lives in the airplane he was flying. A [ ] The plane was flying over the Hudson
River when it suddenly hit a group of birds. B [ ] The birds flew into the plane's
engines, and the engines stopped working. The plane completely lost power, and
Writing Better Paragraphs

Sully realized that he could not make it back to the airport. He needed to land the
plane right away. Although it was very difficult, he successfully landed the plane
in the middle of the Hudson River. Boats came to rescue the passengers. As the
passengers were getting off the plane, Sullenberger stayed on board to make sure
everyone was OK. He was the last person off the plane. C [ ] Because of his
actions, Sullenberger became so famous that a movie, Sully, was recently made
about him. D [ ] Sully's story shows how quickly a normal day can turn into a
terrifying disaster. It also shows how one man doing his job can become a hero
who saves many lives.
2. Sentence: It walked around until it found an animal that looked a little like
its mother: Asha.
Only in Australia
This incredible story, which could happen only in Australia, teaches us that
certain animals are capable of great kindness. One cold morning, Kerry McKinnon
was sleeping when her husband shouted that she should get up. A [ ] He wanted
her to come take a look at something amazing. Kerry did as he asked, and she was
very surprised to find her dog, Asha, with a new friend: a baby koala bear. B [
] The koala bear was sitting on Asha's back, and it looked warm and happy. Asha,
on the other hand, looked a little confused. However, she did not seem to mind
having a baby koala on her back. Kerry thought the baby probably got separated
from its mother in the middle of the night. C [ ] Asha could have attacked the baby
koala, but instead she kindly allowed it to stay on her back through the night. By
doing so, Asha probably saved the baby's life because baby koala bears need to
stay warm or they will die. Kerry eventually separated the dog and koala and took
the baby to a vet to be taken care of. D [ ] Do the baby koala bear and its dog
"mother" miss each other? Nobody knows, but everyone can enjoy this
heartwarming story.
Exercise 5.3-Sequencing: Read the sentences and number them to form a
complete paragraph. First, identify the topic sentence. Then, order the
supporting sentences to create unity and coherence. Finally, identify the
concluding sentence.
The Day Lisa Bueller Stopped being Afraid
___ a. However, Lisa was very frightened of the Cliffhanger. While her sisters
were riding the rollercoaster, Lisa always waited outside with her mother and
younger brother, Max.
___ b. Now Lisa is an adult, and she rides this amazing rollercoaster every chance
she gets. She learned a lesson that day: when you stop letting your fears control
you, you sometimes open the door to great experiences.

Writing Better Paragraphs

___ c. When Lisa Bueller was a child, her family's favorite weekend activity was
to ride the Cliffhanger Rollercoaster at Glenwood Caverns Adventure Park in
___ d. Then one day, when Lisa was 12 and Max was 8, Max said that he was
ready to ride the Cliffhanger. Lisa's mother asked her if she wanted to ride with
him. She felt anxious and refused.
___ e. Her heart pounding, she got on the rollercoaster. As the ride started and the
cars raced up and down the track, Lisa realized that she was not terrified anymore.
Instead, she was elated.
___ f. Max rode the Cliffhanger without her, and when she saw how much fun he
was having on the ride, Lisa changed her mind.


Write a narrative paragraph about something that happened to you while you
were on a trip?
I Brainstorming Answer the following topic-oriented questions
• What is the story about?
• Where did it take place?
• What happened first?
• What happened next
• What else happened?
• How did the experience end?
• How did you feel during the experience?
• What was important about the experience? How did affect you?
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Write a narrative paragraph about something that happened to
you while you were on a trip?

Topic sentence ________________________________________________________

1st Event A._______________________________________________________
Detail 1.__________________________________________________
Detail 2.__________________________________________________
2nd Event B._______________________________________________________
Detail 1.__________________________________________________
Detail 2.__________________________________________________
3rd Event C._______________________________________________________
Detail 1.__________________________________________________
Detail 2.__________________________________________________
Concluding sentences ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.

Revising Checklist Y N

1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?

2. Does the topic sentence introduce the challenge you faced?

3. Does the paragraph include background information about what

happened and who was involved?

4. Does the paragraph include details of what you heard, saw, felt,
smelled, or tasted during the experience?

5. Is there any details that doesn’t belong?

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. Does the concluding sentence explain what you learned from the

IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.

V Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is the past simple used to express events that started and
finished in the past?
5. Is the past continuous to show simultaneous or interrupted


Writing Skill I can write a narrative paragraph

Grammar I can maintain the Verb tense consistency
I can use the Past Simple and Past Continuous
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.
Noun Verbs Adjectives Adverb

Dent creak Rusty Merrily

Life jacket Rescue Furious Extremely

Crunch proceed Approachable

Wreckage Gasp Confused

neighborhood Crash Separated

Empathy Communicate Incredible

Relationship Blush Painful

Writing Better Paragraphs

Strategy Applaud Valid


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on letter






Avoid using general or vague vocabulary. Words such as nice, good, and very
can often be changed to more specific terms, such as friendly, fabulous, and
incredibly. Be more precise in your word choice.

Writing Better Paragraphs



This unit will enable you to:

- Get to know essays;

- Understand how paragraphs and essays are related;
- Understand the structure of an essay;
- Understand the basic steps in composing an essay;
- To write an essay outline and essay;
- Put an essay together;
- Practice word association;
- Use collocation.

Writing Better Paragraphs



An essay is a focused piece of writing that develops an argument or narrative

based on evidence, analysis and interpretation.

Comparison between paragraphs and essays.

Paragraphs Essays
• A group of related statements that a • A piece of writing that has more
writer develops about a subject. than one paragraph.
• The first/ topic sentence states the • It is divided into three parts: a
specific point, or idea of the topic or beginning (the introduction), a
they are called controlling idea. middle (the body) and an end (the
• The body the sentences in the conclusion).
paragraph support that point or • The introduction and the conclusion
idea. are usually one paragraph each.
• The concluding sentence The body may have from one to an
summarizes the idea in the topic unlimited number of paragraphs.
sentence. • The introductory paragraph states
the topic.
• The thesis statement states the
controlling idea.
• The body paragraphs support the
idea in the thesis statement. Each
body paragraph has a topic
• The essay conclusion summarizes
the idea in the thesis statement.

Exercise 1.1. Decide the following sentences are True or False.

Writing Better Paragraphs

No. Statements True False

1 There are more than two paragraphs in an essay.

2 Essays are always about something informational.

3 Writers have to indent between paragraphs.

4 There must be at least one body paragraph in an essay.

5 The introductory paragraph is the first paragraph of an essay.

6 The introductory paragraph summarizes the ideas presented.

7 The thesis statement presents details what will be discussed in

the body paragraph

8 The supporting sentences support the ideas in the controlling


9 Essays should always result with a conclusion.

10 The concluding paragraph is the final paragraph introducing

the ideas presented.

Exercise 1.2. Decide if each of the elements below are part of a paragraph or an
essay or both.

More specific concluding paragraph supporting paragraphs thesis


Topic sentence introduction, body and conclusion larger topic

concluding sentence hook longer in length one topic.

1. Elements of a paragraph
2. Elements of both paragraphs and essays
3. Elements of essays

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 1.3. Each pair of sentences is about one topic. Decide which one is the topic
sentence for a paragraph and which one is the thesis statement for an essay.

1. Topic: Horses
a. The best way to saddle a horse is to proceed through the following steps.
b. To some, the wild horses that roam the West are a symbol of freedom; to
others, they are a nuisance.
2. Topic: Camping
a. For my birthday last year, my parents got me a great tent.
b. Bear attacks are such a problem in many of our state and national parks that
it is important for all campers to learn how to avoid problems with bears.
3. Topic: Swimming
a. To become a lifeguard, one must be observant, strong and quick thinking.
b. When I was young, my favorite summer activity was to go to the beach.
4. Topic: Nuclear power
a. Many Americans thought that nuclear power was going to be the next best
source of energy until we were faced with what to do with the radioactive
b. I remember the day that I went to protest the Seabrook nuclear power plant.
5. Topic: Fitness
a. Every day, the first thing I do is get up and run, and I love it.
b. Obesity is becoming a problem for many American children due to lack of
exercise and poor diet.

Exercise 1.4. Read the paragraph and then the essay. Answer the questions



My uncle Patricio is one of the My family is full of happy, crazy and talented
most interesting people in my people. My aunt Margarita has a yard full of
family. He is old and has a wrinkled orphaned pets. My brother Jose is an expert tailor,
brown face. On his arm, there is a and my mother loves to experiment in the kitchen.
tattoo. Patricio has an intriguing
Writing Better Paragraphs

history. He and my mother were However, I think the most interesting is my

born in a small village in the mysterious uncle Patricio.
mountains. When he was Patricio is an elderly man now, with white hair
seventeen, he left home to explore sticking up all over his head. Beneath his messy
the world. Now he fixes air hair, he has a wrinkled brown face and powerful
conditioners in Los Angeles, and dark eyes that show many emotions. Patricio is tall
during the winter months, he and skinny and he wears baggy pants and a plaid
sometimes comes to visit us and shirt. He has a tattoo of a heart on his arm. The
play the accordion. I love spending heart has the word Rosa written across it in red and
time with my uncle Patricio black letters, but he has never told me who she is.
because he has an interesting look
Patricio has an intriguing history. He and my
and a mysterious past. Someday, I
mother were born in a small village in the
hope that he will tell me more about
mountains. When he was seventeen, he left home
his life.
to explore the world. On one trip, he went to Siberia
to look for gold. On another trip, he went to Alaska
to work in a fishing boat. Now he fixes air
conditioners in Los Angeles, and during the winter
months, he sometimes comes to visit us and play
the accordion.

I love spending time with my uncle Patricio. He has

an interesting look and a sad and mysterious past.
He is also a talented musician. Someday, I hope
that he will tell me about Rosa and how he got the
tattoo with her name.

1. Which is more interesting? Why?

2. What information is included in the essay introduction that is not in the topic sentence
of the paragraph?

3. Write the topic and controlling idea of body paragraph 1 in your own words.

4. What new details have been added to body paragraph 1 in the essay?

5. Write the topic and controlling idea of body paragraph 2 in your own words.
Writing Better Paragraphs

6. What additional details have been added to body paragraph 2 in the essay?

7. What information is included in the essay conclusion that is not in the concluding
sentence of the paragraph?


Exercise 1.5. Read the essay below and choose the best answer

ESSAY 11.2
Mother’s Day

Mothers everywhere deserve a day of recognition. More than 46 countries have a

Mother’s Day holiday. However, different countries celebrate the holiday in different
ways. (1) The United Kingdom, Mexico, and Indonesia have some interesting
similarities and differences in celebrating Mother’s Day.

(2) Many believe that Mother’s Day began in the United States, but it actually
started hundreds of years ago in the United Kingdom. Around the 1600s, England

Writing Better Paragraphs

became the first country to make a special day for mothers. It was originally called
“Mothering Sunday,” but now everyone calls it Mother’s Day. Families give gifts and visit
each other. Some people also bake a special almond cake for their mothers. (3) There is a
lot of interesting history and tradition around Mother’s Day in the United Kingdom.

(4) Mexico also has some unique ways of celebrating Mother’s Day. Many
children sing songs to their mothers. The most popular gift is flowers, but there are
some other interesting traditions, too. Children make homemade gifts for their
mothers. There are also special services in churches. The Mexican Mother’s Day
celebration is a very important event.

Another country with interesting Mother’s Day traditions is Indonesia. (5) Some
Indonesians have surprise parties for their mothers. Many people also have cooking
competitions. However, mothers do not have to do chores. Like Mexico and the United
Kingdom, children usually give gifts, such as flowers, to their mothers. Many
Indonesian mothers enjoy a very relaxing Mother’s Day.

(6) There are both similarities and differences among these three countries’
Mother’s Day celebrations. The United Kingdom, Mexico, and Indonesia all celebrate
Mother’s Day in slightly different ways. However, they also have many things in
common. Flowers are the most popular gift, and children often prepare food for their
mothers. In all three countries, families usually try to help mothers relax on this day.
For Mother’s Day around the world, the most important idea is to show gratitude
and respect to mothers.

1. Sentence 1 is …….

a. a thesis statement b. a supporting sentence c. a topic sentence.

2. Sentence 2 is …….

a. a concluding sentence b. a thesis statement c. a topic sentence.

3. Sentence 3 is ……

a. a thesis statement b. a concluding sentence c. a background


4. Paragraph 4 is ….

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. a concluding paragraph b. an introductory paragraph

c. a supporting paragraph

5. The sentences in 5 are ….

a. supporting sentences b. topic sentences c. concluding sentences.

6. Paragraph 6 is ….

a. an introductory paragraph b. a concluding paragraph

c. a supporting paragraph.

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 11.1 and essay 11.1 – 11.2

Intriguing (adj): very interesting because of being unusual or
Stick up (v): to pick up above the surface of something and not lie flat.
Beneath (prep): in or to a lower position than someone or something,
under someone or something.
Gratitude (n): the feeling or quality of being grateful.

Exercise 1.6. Each pair of sentences in the chart comes from a different essay. Within
each pair, decide which of the sentences is the thesis statement and which is a topic
sentence from a body paragraph.

Topic Thesis
sentence statement

1. Essay topic: Earth Day

a. In countries such as Canada, Earth Day provides an

opportunity to teach children about the environment.

b. Earth Day celebrations include education, volunteering,

and community service.

2. Essay topic: Family celebrations

Writing Better Paragraphs

a. Many nations have created special holidays to celebrate

mothers, fathers, grandparents, and children.

b. Father’s Day is one special holiday for celebrating family


3. Essay topic: Cinco de Mayo

a. Many people celebrate Cinco de Mayo, but not everyone

understands its social, cultural and historic importance.

b. For the people of Mexico, the traditions of Cinco de Mayo

are closely connected with the past.

4. Essay topic: Retailers during holidays

a. Retailers offer special deals to attract more customers and

increase profits around holidays.

b. One store had a big sale a few weeks ago.

c. The day after Thanksgiving is called Black Friday

5. Essay topic: Holiday decorations in department stores

a. It is fun to see seasonal holiday decorations in department


b. Some retailers plan big displays well in advance.

c. These stores believe that creative holiday decorations will

make shopping exciting, attract customers, and increase

Exercise 1.7. Choose the best thesis statement for each essay topic or topic sentence
for each paragraph.

1. Earth Day celebration.

a. Earth Day is April.

b. The science building has a rooftop garden.

Writing Better Paragraphs

c. On the Earth Day, people can help their communities, the environment and the

2. Black Friday.

a. Black Friday helps retails attract customers, sell products, and make larger profits.

b. Black Friday is after Thanksgiving.

c. The holiday shopping season is busy.

3. Independence Day celebrations.

a. People love to have picnics on Independence Day.

b. Picnics, parades, and fireworks are just a few ways that communities celebrate
Independence Day.

c. Fireworks on Independence Day can be dangerous.

4. Father’s Day gifts.

a. Father’s Day is celebrated all over the world, and it often honors grandfathers as
well as fathers.

b. Some people cook at home for Father’s Day, but others choose to celebrate by
taking their father to a restaurant.

c. For fathers who have special interests, many people choose to give their father
something useful.

5. Valentine’s Day gifts.

a. Most stores offer special deals on gifts like chocolate, red roses, and fine jewelry
to attract.

b. For example, retailers may advertise great offers for roses and chocolate;
however, fine jewelry.

c. Buyers need to pay attention to prices.

Writing Better Paragraphs


When you write an essay, you should follow several steps to make sure your
writing is clear and interesting. Some steps are part of the pre-writing process. Follow
these steps before writing:

1. Choose an appropriate topic. For example, maybe you would like to write an essay
about shopping addicts. Write down a few reasons why you want to write about
this topic. This step will help you narrow your ideas.
2. Make a list of ideas. Research your topic and write down everything related to the
topic that you can think of. In this step, use words and phrases, not complete
sentences. This will save time.
3. Make an outline. You can use ideas from a list to make your outline, but you’ll
need to include more details. An outline often includes the thesis statement for
the essay and shows specifically what each paragraph will be about. Outlines help
writers organize their thoughts and make sure their essays have a logical flow.


Once you have finished the prewriting steps, you are ready to write and revise
your essay. Write a first draft using the outline you have made. Then go back and read
the draft several times. Make sure your ideas are clear. Next, revise your essay. Add more
details, facts, or examples to help explain things that are not clear. Remove extra details
that are not necessary.

The final step of the essay-writing process is to edit your essay and write a final
draft. When you edit, correct grammar mistakes and spelling mistakes. Once you have
finished editing your essay, show it to a teacher, friend, or family member. Ask them to
edit it, too. After you have finished editing, write your final draft. This is the draft that
you will hand in to your teacher.

Exercise 1.8. Write the correct pre-writing steps to label the texts.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Outline your essay Choose a topic Make a list of ideas

1. Online shopping behavior

• I have noticed that more and more people are shopping online.
• I wonder if people behave differently when they shop online instead of in
a store.
2. What people look for when shopping online:
• Making purchases quickly
• Reviews from other shoppers
• Lower prices than in store
3. Thesis statement: Some experts say that people behave differently when they
shop online than when they shop in stores.
Body paragraph 1: shopping online if often faster.
Body paragraph 2: prices are lower online.
Body paragraph 3: shoppers can see other people’s opinions online
Conclusion: In the future, more people will shop online because it is
faster, cheaper and more interactive than shopping in a store.
Exercise 1.9. Make each list of ideas with the correct essay topic
1. - clothing a person doesn’t need
- food from restaurants a. Making a big purchase.
2. - many credit cards b. Unnecessary expenses.
- hiding purchases from family c. Signs of a shopping addiction.

3. - compare prices
- do not overspend
Exercise 1.10. Read the essay topics. Write the letters from the missing
sentences in the correct columns in the chart. There is one sentence that does
not belong in the chart.
Essay topics First draft sentences Final draft sentences
The importance of Everybody should have a (1) _________________
saving money. savings account they are _________________
Unnecessary luxuries (2) _____________________ For example, many experts
________________________ agree that people do not
need cable television.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Dangers of credit cards (3) _____________________ Although they may spend a

________________________ great deal of money on
certain luxuries, many
people cannot afford these
a. A lot of people can’t afford stuff but they overspend with cards and they get
in trouble.
b. You don’t really need a bunch a new clothing all the time.
c. For example, lots of experts say people don’t need cable TV.
d. Everyone should have a savings account because it is useful.
Exercise 1.11. Read the essay excerpt and choose the best answer.
ESSAY 11.3

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 11.3

Overspend (v): to spend more money than you should.
Self-confidence (n): the belief that you can do things well and that
other people respect you.

Many experts believe that the number of people who overspend has been
increasing. They may overspend because they are depressed, they lack
confidence, or they have a shopping addiction.
First, people who are depressed often feel better when they shop.
However, this improved mood often does not last long. . . .
Second, some women who lack self-confidence may overspend on items
such as new clothes. These things can help some women feel better about
themselves. . .
Third, some people overspend because they have an addiction. Shopping
addicts cannot always control their behavior, and sometimes feel they need to
shop in order to feel good.
To conclude, there are many reasons why people may overspend. A
feeling of depression or a lack of self-confidence may contribute to the problem.
Some people have addictions they cannot control. No matter what the reason,
people who overspend should seek help.
Outline A
Introductory paragraph: with support, it is possible to stop overspending.
Body paragraph 1: friends can help by listening to problems.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Body paragraph 2: interaction with family may improve confidence, which can
Body paragraph 3: professional counselors can give advice.
Conclusion: A strong support system can help people stop overspending.
Outline B
Introductory paragraph: people may overspend because of depression, lack of
confidence, or addition.
Body paragraph 1: depressed people feel better when they shop.
Body paragraph 2: some women who lack confidence buy clothes.
Body paragraph 3: shopping addicts shop in order to feel good.
Conclusion: People who overspend should seek help for their behavior.
Exercise 1.12. Choose the correct answer.
1. When you choose an essay topic, think about what ………
a. Your teacher is interested in.
b. you have already written about.
c. You are interested in and know about.
2. When you make a list of ideas, …………
a. Use complete sentences. B. Use words and
c. Add lots of details
3. The purpose of an outline is to help writers …………
a. Organize their thoughts and give the essay a logical flow.
b. Choose an appropriate topic.
c. Revise and edit their final draft.
4. The steps of pre-writing are ………
a. Choose an appropriate topic, revise the first draft, outline the essay.
b. Choose an appropriate topic, make a list of ideas, outline the essay.
c. Revise the first draft, edit the second draft, write a final draft.
5. When you revise the first draft of an essay, make sure that ……….
a. It lists ideas using words and phrases.
b. All the words have more than four letters.
c. It has a logical flow and the ideas are clear.
6. When you edit an essay ……
a. Look for spelling and grammar mistakes.
b. Make a list of ideas.
c. Create an outline.
7. Choose the correct essay-writing step shown in this text:
Necessary Expenses: rent, utilities
Writing Better Paragraphs

a. Outlining the essay b. editing c. making a list

8. Choose the correct essay-writing step shown in this text:
Luxury Cars
- I want to learn more about luxury cars.
- I think luxury cars are interesting.
a. Making a list b. choosing a topic c. outlining the essay
9. Choose the sentence that is most likely from the first draft of an essay
a. For many years, people send more and more money on luxury items
many people paid for items with credit cards.
b. For many years, people spent a great deal of money on luxury items.
Many people paid for these items with credit cards.
c. For many years, people spent increasing amounts of money on luxury
items, and many people paid for them with credit cards.
10. Choose the best thesis statement for this essay topic. The Science of
Shopping Addiction.
a. All addictions cause behavior that can harm the addict and others.
b. Shopping releases chemicals in the brain that make shopping addicts
feel good.
c. A close circle of friends may help control compulsive shopping.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Here is a sample of an essay.

In the process of writing an essay, writing a draft is the first step to get access to a
completed essay. In order to do that, it is important to analyze the draft, or read it again
carefully to see if you can make any improvements.

Here are certain key features which will help to improve your writing.

Writing Better Paragraphs


1. Check that you have used the appropriate type of writing.

2. Make sure your essay has a clear thesis statement.
3. Check for unity: all of the information in the essay should relate to the thesis
statement. Read each body paragraph in your essay, and make sure it has a clear
topic sentence as well as supporting sentences that directly relate to the thesis
4. Make sure your essay has a strong concluding paragraph.
5. Make sure your essay has clear organization.

Exercise 1.13. Read the thesis statement from an essay. Remember to make
sure they are directly related to the thesis statement.
Thesis statement: many critics agree that mocap made the characters appear
realistic, believable and interesting.
a. Mocap gave the characters emotional expressions that brought their
personalities to life.
b. The movie made more money in ticket sales than any other movie in
c. The characters moved like real people because of mocap technology.
d. Mocap allowed the characters to interact realistically, making the story
more interesting.
Exercise 1.14. Read the introductory paragraph from an essay about mocap,
and choose the best answer.

The History of Motion Capture Technology

The use of motion capture technology for animation started in the 1970s. It has
changed and improved significantly over the years. Artists used to film people and
then trace their movements. This helped them create realistic characters. Today,
actors are filmed, and their movements are sent to a computer. Then, artists can
change the images to create digital characters. Several important inventions in the
last four decades have made motion capture an effective way to animate movies.
1. This paragraph is from a descriptive | a comparison | an informal essay about
the history of mocap technology.

Writing Better Paragraphs

2. The thesis statement is the last | first | second sentence in the introductory
3. The three body paragraphs will probably describe some things that were
invented since the 1970s | tools artists used before the 1970s to draw characters |
several characters from different animated movies.
4. The writer will probably organize this essay in the order inventions were made
| by the location of the parts of the inventions | in alphabetical order according to
the artists’ last names.
Exercise 1.15. Read the thesis statement and the possible sentences from the
body paragraph. Choose the best sentence for each that does not relate to the
thesis statement.
Thesis statement: Although there are many similarities between how mocap is
used to make movies and to make video games, there are important differences.
1. Sentence from body paragraph 1
a. One difference between using mocap for movies and for video gaes is
the way characters interact with viewers.
b. In video games, on the other hand, the viewer controls one of the
character’s movements.
c. Designers are paid a lot of money to create animation.
2. Sentence from body paragraph 2
a. Another difference is the environments that characters “live” in.
b. Scenes in older TV programs often showed only one side of a room.
c. Unlike movies, video game backgrounds allow the viewer to see in
every direction.
3. Sentence from body paragraph 3
a. The Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences now recognizes
the importance of animated movies.
b. A third difference between animation for movies and for video
games is the use of sound.
c. Characters in these movies speak to each other more often than they
do in video games.
Exercise 1.16. Read the thesis statement and the three possible concluding
paragraphs for the essay. Answer the questions.
Thesis Statement: Programs that use mocap to train pilots are effective because
they give pilots confidence, reduce risk, and help prepare pilots for different
A. In summary, pilots have a variety of skills. They must have good hand-eye
coordination, be able to concentrate for long periods of time, and be in good

Writing Better Paragraphs

shape. Without these special skills, a pilot will not be very successful.
B. Mocap training programs help pilots gain confidence, provide practice without
and allow pilots to gain experience with different kinds of weather. These training
programs are extremely useful, and more airlines will likely use them in the future.
As technology improves, the programs will become more realistic, too.
C. Because mocap training programs are so effective, more flight schools should
them. They are clearly useful for improving confidence. In addition, they allow
pilots to practice safely and give pilots practice flying in different kinds of weather.
Airlines should continue to use mocap training for both inexperienced pilots and
experienced pilots.
1. Which concluding paragraph does not relate to the essay?
2. Which concluding paragraph offers a suggestion?
3. Which concluding paragraph makes a prediction?

WORDS TO KNOW Paragraph 11.2

Mocap (n): the process of digitally recording the patterns of movement

of people and objects, used for example in film-making and video
Animate (v): to make someone seem happier or more active.


Exercise 3.1: Match the words with the definitions.

1. maintain A. (v) to stop from happening
2. decade B. (v) to keep at the same level
3. prevent C. (adj) very different
4. bilingual D. (adj) able to speak two languages
5. invention E. (n) the use of science to create practical or useful things
6. technology F. (n) a period of 10 years
7. diverse G. (n) something useful created by someone
8. focus H. (v) to center one's attention on

Writing Better Paragraphs

Exercise 3.2: Choose the correct word or phrase from the box to complete
each sentence.

Potential give job routine disregard

Aware obvious danger come taking

1. My morning ________ is always the same. I take a shower, eat breakfast, and leave for
work by 8.00 a.m.
2. Greg needs to ________ up with examples of Greek architecture in our town for his
3. The information I gave you about today’s meeting is incorrect. Please ________ it.
4. The marriage counselor advised the couple to stop ________ each
5. I always admired my high school science teacher’s ability to see ________ in every
6. Irene likes to ________ people advice even when they don’t ask for it.
7. From the big smile on Paula’s face, it was ________ that she got the job.
8. Firefighters put their lives in great ________ when they enter a building that is on fire.
9. Before you watch the movie, you should be ________ that it is very sad.
10. Marco is hoping to get a full time ________ in a law office after he graduates.

deadly expression accomplish basic mayor

frequently routine discovery outweigh rural

11. Mark lives far from the city in a __________ area.

12. The scientists were very excited about their__________ of a new drug that could
save many lives.
13. The trains stop very __________ at this station: at least once every five minutes.
14. Math 101 is a__________ class. It is easy and anyone can take it.
15. The__________ work like a dog, which means "to work very hard," is funny
because most dogs do not work.
16. Betty Hanson has been the__________ of this town for 40 years. Everyone is
happy with the way she runs the town, so they vote for her in every election.
17. Frederico's morning __________ is to go to the gym for an hour and then eat a
quick breakfast before work.
18. AIDS used to be a__________ disease, but now medicines can keep people with
AIDS alive for a long time.
19. Gina's teachers were impressed by everything that she was able to__________ in
her last year of high school.
Writing Better Paragraphs

20. It is not a good idea to borrow a lot of money to buy a house. The disadvantages
of being in debt__________ the advantages of owning your own home.
Exercise 3.3-Collocation: Fill in the blank with the word that most naturally
completes the collocation.

deadly prevent bilingual maintain routine

1. __________ a car

2. __________ injuries

3. a __________school

4. a daily __________

frequently diverse expression outweigh technology

5. a __________disease

6. a common __________in English

7. exercise___________

8. the disadvantages_________ the benefits

9. the most up-to-date __________

10. a__________ group of students

Exercise 3.4-Word Form: Write the correct form of the word in parentheses
to complete each sentence.
1. After the scientist won the international prize, everyone congratulated him on
his __________ (accomplish).
2. It is important to have __________ (technology) skills these days because they are
necessary to get good jobs in many careers.
3. Eating a good diet is helpful in the __________ (prevent) of heart disease and other
health problems.

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. In 1911, Hiram Bingham's __________ (discover) of the ancient city of Machu Picchu
in Peru made news around the world.
5. Time is money is a common __________ (express) in English.
6. Zach __________ (routine) does his homework late at night, and that means that he
does not get enough sleep.
7. Katya __________ (frequent) makes dinner for her friends.
8. The __________ (invent) high school student managed to build her own computer.
9. Anyone who owns an apartment and rents it to other people is usually responsible for
the __________ (maintain) of that apartment.
10. The flu is usually not a __________ (dead) disease, but millions of people died when
they got the Spanish flu in 1918.
Exercise 3.5: Complete the collocation word in each sentence with a word from the
A: enroll, lose, reach, shake, suit, tackle, waste, withdraw.
B: chance, course, head, money, mood, patience, problem, target
1. I knew he disagreed with my idea when I saw him, ______ his ______
2. This music doesn’t really ______ my ______. Can we listen to something more lively?
3. Stay calm, don’t ______ your ______. It’s nearly finished.
4. The situation is serious, but I’m not sure what’s the best way to ______ the ______
5. Jorge works as a salesman now. He gets an extra bonus every month if he can ______
his ______.
6. I need to find a cash machine to ______ some ______
7. If you want to do First Certificate you can ______ on the ______ in the middle of
8. It’s a great opportunity for you. You shouldn’t ______ the ______ to go to London.
Exercise 3.6: Underline the adverb that does not make a common collocation with the
verbs in bold.
1. He talked dominantly/ openly/ vaguely about the political situation in his country.
2. It means exactly/ precisely/ evidently what it says.
3. Patricia danced wildly/ gracefully/ severely around the room.
4. The coffee bar inside the shop is run quickly/ efficiently/ independently.
5. Sara greatly/ instantly/ hardly recognized her brother.
6. He searched clearly/ frantically/ thoroughly for the missing book.
7. My project focuses mainly/ specifically/ carefully on young people’s attitudes to
smoking and drinking
8. It was raining enormously/ heavily/ non-stop all day.
9. She feels deeply/ exactly/ strongly about the rights of people in poor countries.
10. Her flight has been slightly/ unavoidably/ inevitably delayed.
Writing Better Paragraphs


Exercise 4.1: Find and correct the mistakes in each sentences. The number of
mistakes is indicated in parentheses.
1. My opinion every college student should take science and math classes. (2)
2. Pietro made a decision to retire from his job, when he was 70 years old. (1)
3. It is clear who the invention of cell phones has changed world forever. (2)
4. The city of London has a long and interesting history in addition, it is very culturally
diversity. (2)
5. Though there is very little water in the area. People manage to grow vegetables there.
6. In 1945 a long and painful war killed millions of people, World War II, finally ended.
7. When you start a job search, first step to check job ads online. (2)
8. One of the many beneficials of learning foreign languages is that you can
communication with people from other countries. (2)
9. Before you buy tickets to that play ask your friends, if they liked it. (1)
10. Football is clearly a much more dangerous sport than soccer For example many
football players get brain injuries.(2)
Exercise 4.2: Unscramble the words and phrases to form a complete sentence.
1. in the world / city / is / greatest / Tokyo / the / my view, / in

2. in / the / past, / of / covered / trees / Great Britain / most

3. because / people / they / were / antibiotics / to live longer / allowed / an / important


4. in Mexico, / although / they / were born / do not / speak / Spanish / Ana and Robert

5. you / of / one of the / is that you / advantages / travel / while / the subway / taking / can


Writing Better Paragraphs

6. North America / was / to / the first European / Christopher Columbus / not / who visited

/ some experts, / according


Exercise 5.1: There are 12 errors in spelling, punctuation, Subject-Verb Agreement

and verb form in the following paragraph. Underline and correct.
The Chinese philosopher Confucius says that “success depends upon previous
preparation, and without such preparation there is sure to be failure”. After I failed my first
university exam, I realized that something had to change. When I came across this quote,
it had a great impact to me because I knew my failure be due to lack of preparation. Over
a period of several months, I came up with three key steps that I now use to get ready for
any exam. First of all, I start prepareing the moment new materials is introduced. I take
time to read assignments, take notes on cards while I read, and reviews my cards regularly.
The second key step is finding a friend who I can to discuss the material with. When I get
together with my friend, we summarize what we understand, give each other specifically
examples, and then quiz each other using my note cards. The last step may seem obvious,
but I make sure to get enough sleep the night before an exam. I have noticed that it make a
big difference on exam day when I feel rested and alert. Since I’ve been following these
three steps, I have received excellent grades on count exams. If I could show my classmates
some advice. I would tell them that with preparation there is sure to be success!
Exercise 5.2: Read each paragraph and the four gaps [] (A-D). Decide the best
place to insert the sentence.
1. Sentence: However, communicating through a device is not the same as
communicating directly with another person.
The Benefits of Bilingualism
Bilingualism can help people from different countries, languages, and cultures get
along better. A[ ] If everyone in the world spoke a second or third language, it would be
much easier to understand other people’s ideas, beliefs, and actions. This would also
include a better understanding of the problems and situations in other countries. B[ ] Some
people claim that we do not need to learn other people's languages because we can have
our phones translate what people are saying. C[ ] In my view, it is this kind of direct, face-
to-face communication that really helps us to understand each other more. D[ ] If we can
understand each other more, perhaps we can accept our differences and get along better.
Exercise 5.3-Sequence: Sequencing the sentences to form a complete essay.
Essay 1
Driverless Cars

Writing Better Paragraphs

A____Driverless cars offer many advantages. First of all, they are much safer than cars
with human drivers. Computer drivers do not get drunk, tired, or distracted like human
drivers do. They make very few mistakes, so they have very few accidents. Second,
driverless cars allow people who cannot drive, like old people or people with disabilities,
to get around by themselves. Third, when people do not have to focus on driving, they can
use travel time for other activities like reading, working, or sleeping. And fourth, driverless
cars will reduce traffic on the roads and air pollution because people will be able to share
B_ Would you ride in a car without a human driver? You may get the opportunity to
try this soon. Several companies are now making and testing driverless cars. They will be
available for people to buy in the near future. Before long, they will most likely replace the
cars we drive now. Is the rise of driverless cars a positive or a negative development? I
believe it is a mostly positive development.
C____For all these reasons, it is clear that the rise of driverless cars is a positive
development overall. We should all look forward to a future in which every car is
D____In my view, the advantages of driverless cars are greater than the disadvantages.
Driverless cars offer important benefits. They are safer and more convenient than cars with
drivers, and they are good for the environment. Meanwhile, the disadvantages described
above may not even exist in the future. New jobs that we may not even be able to imagine
yet will probably be created for the people who lose their jobs to driverless cars. Engineers
will continue to improve the technology that operates these cars. In a few years, the
problems they are currently having may be solved. They will certainly become
cheaper than they are now.
E____However, driverless cars also have a number of disadvantages. One of the biggest
disadvantages is that they will take the jobs of many people in the transportation industry.
Taxi drivers, truck drivers, and many others will become unemployed when driverless cars
become common. Another problem is that the technology that controls driverless cars is
not perfect. For example, driverless cars have trouble working in bad weather. The
computers that control driverless cars are difficult for many people to handle if they stop
working correctly. In addition, driverless cars are currently very expensive.
Essay 2
The Importance of Physical Education
A____School leaders who choose to cut P.E. classes give a number of different reasons for
their decision. Most claim that with very little money to spend, they can only pay for the
classes that students really need. In their view, students need academic subjects, like math
and English, and test preparation. Teaching students how to take tests is very important
because the government uses the scores that students get on tests to decide whether to give
schools money or not. Schools also say that many children do not like P.E. Even if they
Writing Better Paragraphs

do, they can exercise after school if they want to. For these reasons, when schools have to
cut spending, P.E. classes are among the first to go.
B_____Cutting P.E. in schools is, however, not a good idea because these classes benefit
children in several important ways. Most importantly, physical activity helps children's
brains to work better. It actually makes parts of the brain larger, which makes it easier for
children to concentrate on their schoolwork. In addition, many children weigh too much
these days because they eat foods that are not good for them. After school, they go online
or play video games instead of playing outside. If these children do not have P.E. at school,
they will gain even more weight. Finally, exercise helps children sleep and reduces their
stress. This helps them to focus better in the classroom.
C_____The benefits that P.E. classes offer are clear. Instead of cutting these classes,
schools should add more of them. If current trends continue and schools stop offering P.E.
classes completely, our children will probably become less intelligent, healthy, and happy.
That is a result that nobody wants.
D Do our children really need physical education (P.E.)? Many American schools
seem to think they do not. They are offering fewer P.E. classes to their students. In my
view, these schools are making a big mistake. Physical education is much more important
than they think it is, and we should increase the number of P.E. classes in schools, not
reduce them.


Write a paragraph about a special possession you own; after that develop it
into an essay.
I Brainstorming Answer the following topic-oriented questions
• What are you going to describe?
• What is your general feeling about the possession?
• Write some notes about the background or history of the possession.
• What are some details you can use to describe the possession?
• What are some details you can use to describe your feelings about the
II Planning Follow the steps to complete an outline for your paragraph
Step 1 From your brainstorming notes, choose your best two or three
supporting ideas and write them in the outline below. Don’t write
complete sentences.
Step 2 Write a topic sentence that introduces your supporting ideas.
Step 3 Now write two examples or details for each supporting idea.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Topic: Write about a special possession you own; after that develop it
into an essay.


Background information ________________________________________________

Thesis statement ______________________________________________________
Topic sentence 1 ______________________________________________________
Descriptive details 1 ___________________________________________________
Topic sentence 2 ______________________________________________________
Descriptive details 2 ___________________________________________________
Topic sentence 3 ______________________________________________________
Descriptive details 3 ___________________________________________________

III Writing Use your outline and ideas from your knowledge, experience and
reading. Look at the Revising checklist below to guide your writing.

Revising Checklist Y N

1. Does the essay have at least three paragraphs?

2. Does the introduction include background information and a thesis


Writing Better Paragraphs

3. Does the body paragraph contain enough descriptive details? Do

the details support the topic sentence of the body paragraph?
4. Does the conclusion state a final opinion?

5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?

IV Revising Answer the questions above about your own paragraph.

V Editing Use the Self-Assessment Checklist to find and correct errors in
your final draft. Make any other necessary changes.

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is Adjective used to describe?
5. Is there sequence words or transition words?


Writing Skill I can analyze the features of an essay and

write an essay
Vocabulary Circle these words you learned in this unit.

Noun Verbs Adjectives Preposition

Self-confidence Overspend Intriguing Beneath

Mocap Contribute Obvious

Gratitude Animate Beneficial

Disability Stick up Painful

Face-to-face Reduce Adverbs


Brain injury Increase Thoroughly Currently

Diversity Distracted Instantly Certainly

Writing Better Paragraphs

Physical Evidently Culturally

Driverless Dominantly unavoidably

Vaguely Inevitably


In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on essay






Take a few minutes to check your concluding paragraph before you submit
you essay. Make sure that it restates information in the introduction
paragraph or offers a suggestion, gives an opinion, or makes a prediction.
Do not include any new information. This paragraph will help readers better
understand and remember your ideas.

Writing Better Paragraphs


Writing Better Paragraphs



Paragraphs should have both unity and coherence. A paragraph with unity
develops a single idea thoroughly and links it to the rest of the paper. Paragraph
coherence is achieved when sentences are ordered in a logical manner and when clear
transitions link sentences.
Unity means that you discuss only one main idea in a paragraph. The main idea is
stated in the topic sentence, and then each and every supporting sentence develops that
idea. Do not include any information that does not directly support the topic sentence.
Uni- is a Latin prefix meaning “one”. When paragraph unity is talked about, it
means that you should discuss only one main idea in each paragraph. ( If you start to discuss
a new idea, begin a new paragraph). For example, if you announce in your topic sentence
that you are going to discuss two important characteristics of gold, discuss only those. Do
not discuss anything else such as the price of gold, the history of gold, or gold mining.
Remember that, besides the topic sentence, a paragraph includes several other
sentences which in some way contribute to or support the idea in the topic sentence. In
other words, all these supporting sentence must be related to the topic and must therefore
refer back to the topic sentence. Notice the arrows in the following diagram.

It is possible, of course, that some sentences ( that is, they provide examples, details,
or further explanation).

Writing Better Paragraphs

Study the unified paragraph below ; note that the topic sentence clearly states the
paragraph’s main point and that each sentence thereafter supports the topic sentence.
Frank Lloyd Wright, America’s leading architect of the first half of the twentieth
century, believed that his houses should blend naturally with their building sites.
Consequently, he designed several “ prairie house” whose long, low lines echoed
the flat earth plane. (3) Built of brick, stone and natural wood, the houses shared a similar
texture with their backgrounds; (4) large windows were often used to blend the interior and
exterior of the homes. (5) Wright also punctuated the lines and spaces of the houses with
greenery in planters to further make the buildings look part of nature.
In the paragraph, the first sentence states the main idea, that Wright thought houses
should blend with their location; the other sentences support this assertion:
Topic Sentence : Wright’s houses blend with their natural locations.
1. Long, low lines echo flat prairie
2. Brick, stone, wood provide same texture as location
3. Windows blend inside with outside.
4. Greenery in planters imitates the natural surroundings
Now look at the next paragraph in which the writer strays from his original purpose:
Cigarette smoke is unhealthy even for people who do not have the nicotine habit
themselves. (2) Second-hand smoke can cause asthmatics and sufferers of sinusitis serious
problems; (3) doctors regularly advise heart patients to avoid confined smoky areas because
a coronary attack might be triggered by the lack of clean air. (4) Moreover , having the
smell of smoke in one’s hair and clothes in a real nuisance. (5) Even if a person is without
any helth problems, exhaled smoke doubles the amount of carbon monoxide in the air, a
fact which may cause lung problems in the future.
Writing Better Paragraphs

The fourth sentence refers to smoke as a nuisance and therefore does not belong in
this paragraph, which discusses smoking as a healthy hazard to nonsmokers.
To achieve paragraph unity, you should:
• Develop a paragraph around a major idea. Express this idea in the topic
• Make the relationship between the main idea of the paragraph and the thesis
of the paper clear. Don’t assume that the reader will “get it.” Spell it out for
• Support the main idea of the paragraph with details.
• Create separate paragraphs for those details that explore your topic from
different perspectives.
• Eliminate sentences that do not support the main idea. Alternately, you may
revise the main idea to include those sentences
Another element of an effective paragraph is coherence. Coherence means
that your paragraph is easy to read and understand because your supporting sentence
are in some kind of logical order and your ideas are connected by the use of
appropriate transition signals.
Co- is a Latin prefix that means “together” or “with”. The verb coherence
means “hold together”. In order to have coherence in writing, the movement form
one sentence to the next must be logical and smooth. There must be no sudden jumps.
Each sentence should follow smoothly into the next one.
There are four ways to achieve coherence. The first two ways involve
repeating key nouns and using pronouns which refer back to key nouns. The third
way is to use transition signals to show one idea is related to the next. (These three
ways were introduced and explained clearly in Chapter 2 with practice exercise). The
fourth way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentence in logical order. Three
of the common “logical order” are chronological order (order by time), logical
division and order of importance.
In addition to repeating key nouns and using consistent pronouns and
transition signals, the fourth way to achieve coherence is to arrange your sentences in
some kind of logical order. Since there are different kinds of logical relationships,
there are different ways to organize the ideas and sentences in a paragraph. Your
choice of one kind of logical order over another will certainly depend on your topic
and on your purpose. The important point to remember is to arrange your ideas in
some kind of order that is logical to a reader accustomed to the English way of

Writing Better Paragraphs

Some common kinds of logical order in English are chronological order,

logical division of ideas, comparison-contrast, and cause-effect. In this chapter, you
will learn to recognize some of the logical orders.
Each kind of order has its own special words and phrases to show the
relationships among the ideas. For example, in a piece of writing using chronological
order, you would expect to find a number of time expressions:
• first, next, after that, finally, before the last war, after 1950, since then,
in 1990, while working on the project, etc.
In a paragraph describing differences (constrast), you would find these
• the most noticeable difference, larger than, unlike, on the other hand,
in contrast, differ from
In a paragraph showing similarities (comparison), you would find these
• similarly, similarity, as expensive as, just as, just like, compare with, in
Logical division of ideas is another common method of organizing ideas to
give a paragraph coherence. Ideas are put into groups, and each group is discussed
one after another. Transition words such as first, second, third introduce each group.

1. Test Format

Students will be checked how to use structure, vocabulary, spelling and punctuation to
build variety of sentences from the given words, write the topic sentence and write a
paragraph through 3 task in a 45-minute test.

Task 1 – Building sentences: test-takers have to complete 5 sentences with

suggested words or phrases.

Task 2 - Writing the topic sentence: test-takers are asked to read the given paragraph
and write an effective topic sentence.

Task 3 – Writing a paragraph: test-takers are required to write a paragraph (180-230

words) from a given writing prompt.

2. Band score and Rubrics for assessment

The following is the band score for the final test of Writing 2.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Writing Better Paragraphs

Band score 2,5 2,5 5

Examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting

Task 1: 0.5 points for each sentence

Task 2 and 3: those tasks are assessed and evaluated with four criteria, each of
which is accounted for 25% of total scores. In details:

10% 15% 20% 25%

Task + The main + The main + The main + The main
Response content is not content is content is content is
clearly mentioned; mentioned; mentioned;
mentioned; + The main + The main + The key
+ The main issues issues are issues are issues are
are not yet fully highlighted emphasized emphasized and
mentioned; appropriately; clearly; implemented
+ There is too + The + The well;
much detailed information is information is + All the
information; chosen accurate; requirements are
+ The appropriately; + A few issues fulfilled.
information is + Some can be
inaccurate. information developed
may not be better.
Coherence & + The way of + The ideas are + The + Information
Cohesion implementing the organized information is and ideas are
paragraph is coherently; organized organized
restrictive; + The paragraph logically; logically;
+ Unsuitable is implemented + The + The
connectors are logically; paragraph is organization is
used. + Connectors organized clear and full of
are used logically; function;
+ There is still + Connectors + The literary
errors of using are used style is apparent
connectors copiously; and logic.
among + Too much or
sentences. too few
connectors are
Lexical + The vocabulary + The + The + The use of
resource is not consistent vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is
and diversified; rich; used quite rich and precise;
+ Some difficult accurately;
Writing Better Paragraphs

+ The collocation inappropriate + Difficult + Difficult

or word form is words are used; words are used; words are used
not accurate; + There are a + Some appropriately;
+ The collocation few errors in compound + Misspelling or
makes readers spelling and words are used; wrong word
confused. collocation; form is rarely
+ The content is + Misspelling
and wrong made.
easy to
understand. collocation are
rarely used.
Grammatical + Sentence + Simple and + Complex and + Various
range and structure is complex simple sentence
accuracy simple; sentences are sentences are structures are
+ Some complex combined; used used
sentences are + There are a abundantly; abundantly;
used but few + There are + Most
incorrect; grammatical many errors in sentences are
errors; free sentences; not defective.
+ There are many + There are a
grammatical few punctuation + Grammatical
errors; errors; errors and
+ There are some + The writing is punctuation
punctuation easy to marks are rarely
errors; understand. caught.
+ Some ideas
make readers

Task 1: (2.5 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes
if necessary.
1. The desert/ freezing/ night/ even after/ hot day.

2. It/ easy/ see/ advantages/ modern technology/ modern lives.


3. Anna/ first person/ finish/ test.


4. mistakes/I/ make/ spoil/ essay.


5. Some/ students/ not/ attention/ teacher.

Writing Better Paragraphs

Suggested answers:
1. The desert is freezing at night even after a hot day.
2. It is easy to see the advantages of modern technology in our modern lives.
3. The mistakes that I made spoiled my essay.
4. She spent an hour calling a woman Sally when her real name was Samathan.
5. Some students do not pay attention to the teacher.
Tips: You should take the tense into consideration first, then pay attention to the Subject-
Verb Agreement. Next, you should ask yourself if it needs any preposition between the
given words or any article before a noun or noun phrase. Finally, check any changes can
be added like plural form or word forms.
Task 2: (2.5 points) Read the following paragraphs and write down the topic sentence
to complete it.

Electronic Business Cards

Business cards are an essential part of business culture. Businesspeople often exchange
them when they meet for the first time. The information on a business card allows someone
to contact another person easily. Printed business cards are still popular, but there is a recent
trend toward electronic business cards. For example, many businesspeople add their
electronic business card at the end of an email. In conclusion, electronic business cards
help connect to other people.
Suggested answers: Electronic business cards are a good way to connect professionally.
Tips: You should read the concluding first to recognize the topic, then try to restate the
concluding sentence in different words. Finally, read the whole paragraph to make sure
the topic sentence you have written introduce the main idea of the paragraph.
Task 3: (5 points) Write a paragraph to define Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
Sample paragraph

The “employee assistance program” (EAP) is a confidential, early-intervention

workplace counseling service designed to help employees who are experiencing personal
problems. It is a social service within a work environment that can be found in most major
corporations, associations, and government organizations. EAP services are always free to
employee and benefit the organization as much as the employee. Employees who are free
of emotional problems are far more productive than those who are not. An employee whose
productivity is negatively affected by a drinking problem, for example, might seek help
through the EAP. He/ she would be assessed by a counselor and then referred to an

Writing Better Paragraphs

appropriate community resource for additional services. The “employee” is helped through
the EAP while the “employer” is rewarded with improved productivity. An EAP is a win-
win program for all involved.

Tips: First, you should decide what type of paragraph should be used to develop the writing
assignment. Then, try to rewrite the writing prompt for the topic sentence. After that, you
should make an outline in 5 minutes. It is necessary to make sure the paragraph you have
written has a topic sentence, supporting and concluding sentences. In case you do not have
enough time to give a suggestion , prediction or opinion in your concluding sentence, you
should restate the topic sentence in different words. Remember to use Revising Checklist
and Seft-Assessment Checklist to check the content, structure and language before
handing in your test paper.

Revising Checklist Y N
1. Does the paragraph have one main idea?
2. Does the topic sentence introduce the main idea?
3. Does the paragraph include 2-3 different ideas that relate to the
main idea?
4. Does the paragraph include 1-2 reasons for each one?
5. Is there any information that doesn’t belong?
6. Is there a concluding sentence?

Self-Assessment Checklist Y N
1. Are all the words spelled correctly?
2. Is the first word of every sentence capitalized?
3. Does every sentence end with the correct punctuation?
4. Is the present simple tense used for habitual actions?
5. Is there sequence words or transition words?

Writing Better Paragraphs


Writing Better Paragraphs


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (45’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2.5 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
6. In/ crowded cities/ like Hong Kong,/ traffic/ can/ serious problem.

7. The actor/ happy/ receive/ award/ excellent performance/ the Broadway play.

8. musician/ performed/ songs/ from Japan.


9. air conditioner/ invention / people/ use / warm places.


10. She / famous architect / design / modern buildings.

II. (2.5 points) Read the following paragraphs and write down the topic sentence to
complete it.

My Favorite City - Toronto


First, the people are very friendly and helpful. Because the city has people from different
places, the neighborhoods offer a variety of shopping and cultural experiences. Also, the

Writing Better Paragraphs

restaurants in Toronto are amazing. Toronto is on Lake Ontario, so you can walk by the
lake or go on a boat ride. There are many fun things to do and see in Toronto.
III. (5 points) Write a one-paragraph composition about something you have
accomplished. Tell about the steps you took to reach your goal.


Writing Better Paragraphs


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (45’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2.5 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
11. He/ think/ people / stop/ pollute/ ocean / plastic.

12. Earthquakes / often / damage/ thousands /buildings /when / hit.


13. It/difficult/quit/smoke/three reasons.


14. Camping/ require/ variety / special equipment.


15. Teenage marriages / often / end / divorce / several reasons.


II. (2.5 points) Read the following paragraphs and write down the topic sentence to
complete it.
Characteristics of Successful Students
First, successful students get good grades. They study hard and earn high marks in their
classes. They usually win awards. Also, successful students do extracurricular activities.
For example, they play on one of the school’s sports team, are a member of a club, or
play an instrument in the school band. Finally, successful students have perfect
Writing Better Paragraphs

attendance. They rarely miss classes, even when they feel tired from work. In conclusion,
there are several ways successful students are the same.
III. (5 points) Write a one-paragraph composition that describes two or three parts
or qualities of a place or event.


Writing Better Paragraphs


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (45’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2.5 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. Hiking / best / way / explore / nature / closely.
2. My uncle / frightening / experience / young man.
3. musician / who performed / songs is from / Japan.
4. I / have / scary / experience / when / I / young boy.
5. There / four / simple / steps / prepare / fried rice.
II. (2.5 points) Read the following paragraphs and write down the topic sentence to
complete it.

Driving while Using a Cell Phone

In my opinion, driving while using a cell phone can be perfectly safe. Good drivers are
able to pay attention to both the road and their phones. They can drive safely while they
are doing something else at the same time. People have done this ever since cars were
invented. They have listened to music, eaten a snack, or talked with other passengers while
they drive, so I think they should be able to use cell phones, too. Many studies, however,
say that cell phones are different and that using a cell phone causes more accidents than
Writing Better Paragraphs

other activities. A few states have even made it against the law to drive while using a cell
phone. But I think these studies and laws are wrong. How can we be certain that it was cell
phones that caused all those accidents? Even if you can prove that the accident was the cell
phone user's fault, maybe that person was doing something else, or fell asleep, and that is
why he or she lost focus and had the accident. In fact, according to the National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration, talking to passengers causes many more accidents than
phone use. The point I am making is that cell phones are probably blamed for a lot of
accidents that they did not really cause, so it does not make sense to make laws against
using them while driving. In addition, sometimes it is necessary to use a cell phone while
you are driving. You might need directions to the place you are driving to. Maybe you need
to contact the person you are meeting to tell him or her that you are going to be late. For
all these reasons, I think it is obvious that it should be legal to drive while using a cell
III. (5 points) Write a one-paragraph composition that gives an opinion about
improving the quality of life in your city. Provide two or three supporting points.


Writing Better Paragraphs


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (45’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2.5 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. It / difficult / find / job / countryside.
2. There / large/ choice / public transport / city.
3. I / rather / go fishing / stay / home / play / cards.
4. Travell / foreign country / help / people / learn / different cultures
5. Part time jobs / teach / students / skills / need / future.
II. (2.5 points) Read the following paragraphs and write down the topic sentence to
complete it.
Some colors, like blue and green, are relaxing. Red and orange suggest energy and get
your attention. Advertisers often use green and brown to show that something is natural.
And of course, the colors silver and gold make us think of money. The next time you
see an ad, think about how colors are used to give messages.

Writing Better Paragraphs

III. (5 points) Write a one-paragraph composition about what made the hamburger


Writing Better Paragraphs


1. Click on the link:
2. Once clicking on the link, you can visit page to practice online activities. Choose unit
you want to practise by clicking “select a chapter”.

3. Click on “Flashcards” or “Glossary” to review the vocabulary of the unit you want.

Writing Better Paragraphs

4. To do the online activities, click on “web activities”.

5. Choose the activity you wish to do.

Writing Better Paragraphs

6. Choose the activity and click on “Start assignment now” in the new window to start

7. Click on “Enter answer” to finish or “Review” to see your score and review the correct

Exercise 1.1: 1. F 2. T 3. T 4. T 5. T 6. F 7. T
Exercise 1.2:
1. main idea
2. six
3. topic sentence – Shoveling snow is hard work.
4. sentences
5. paragraph
6. concluding sentence
Exercise 1.3: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. T 6. T
Exercise 1.4: 1. the two important characteristics of gold
2. Vegetables
3. a vacation in France
Exercise 1.5:
Paragraph 1.3. 1. Gold, a precious metal, is prized for two important characteristics.
2. 9 sentences
3. No
4. Yes
5. In conclusion, gold is treasured not only for its beauty but also its
Paragraph 1.4. 1. Without a doubt, one of the healthiest food groups is vegetables.
2. 6 sentences
3. There are many stories about children who do not like to eat
Popular vegetables include potatoes, beans, broccoli, and carrots.
4. No
5. With so many types of vegetables available, it is easy to include
vegetables in your meals to maintain good health.

Paragraph 1.5. 1. Judy and Eric spent a great deal of time planning their upcoming
trip to France.
2. 7 sentences
3. No
4. Yes
5. It sounds like they will thoroughly enjoy their vacation in France.
Exercise 1.6: 1. a 2. b 3. b 4. b
5. There are many reasons to visit Chile for your next vacation.
6. The airfare is not expensive at certain times of the year.
7. The North Pole is also a great place to see the stars.
8. When you are planning your next vacation, consider all the wonderful things Chile has to
Exercise 1.7:
1. Exciting Trips in Asia
2. Training Dogs: Dos and Don'ts
3. Benefits of Walking
4. How to Choose the Right College
5. Hen Hao Dim Sum: Best Chinese Food in Town
6. Washington State: The Early Years
7. A Birthday without Presents
8. Unemployment Rising Fast
Exercise 1.8: Suggested Answers
Paragraph 1.2. John’s Experience in Learning to Play the Ukelele
Paragraph 1.3. The Two Important Characteristics of Gold
Paragraph 1.4. Vegetables and Health
Paragraph 1.5. Plan for Trip to France
Exercise 2.1: 1. is 4. are 7. holds
2. is 5. speak 8. is
3. borders 6. has 9. is
10. is 13. are 16. talk
11. includes 14. is 17. relax
12.visit 15. goes 18. are
Exercise 2.2: 1. took 6. grew up – was - moved
2. caught – stole 7. hated – decided – signed up
3. ate – drank 8. told - was
4. sat – fell 9. spent – sank – found
5. built 10. won - came
Exercise 2.3: 1. spent 7. cooked
2. stayed 8. posted
3. went 9. bought
4. drank 10. danced
5. carried 11. found
6. ate 12. were
13. left
Exercise 2.4: 1. First, turn 6. After that, add
2. Mix 7. Then use
3. Next, stir 8. Finally, put
4. Next, mix 9. bake
5. Pour
Exercise 2.5: 1,2,5,7: correct
3,4,6,8: incorrect
3. Because dogs are very social animals and love to play, this behavior is instinctual.
4. Their instinct, or natural character, leads them to behave in certain ways.
6. Because dogs are instinctually protective of their food, it is important to be cautious
around them while they are eating.
8. Teaching a dog to jump through a hoop might be a little harder, but with patience and a
lot of “treats,” most dogs can learn this trick, too.
Exercise 2.6: 1. F 3. S 5. S 7. F
2. S 4. F 6. F 8. F


Exercise 3.1: 1. D 3. A 5. B 7. H
2. F 4. G 6. C 8. E

Exercise 3.2: 1. majority 6. At least

2. allows 7. contrast
3. convenient 8. takes places
4. takes up 9. remove
5. boil 10. extremely
11. catchy 16. flight
12. principal 17. majority
13. required 18. peel
14. hand 19. achievement
15. purchased 20. composed
Exercise 3.3: 1. deal of 6. traditional
2. obvious 7. convenient
3. take care 8. ingredients
4. takes place 9. boil
5. extremely 10. extremely
Exercise 3.4: 1. extremely 6. attractive

2. convinced 7. difference

3. majority 8. extreme

4. divided 9. requirement

5. traditionally 10. convincing


Exercise 4.1:
1. Swimming in public pools is popular in Iceland. (2)

2 . There is a great deal of interest in adventure travel. (2)

3. In many countries, children start school at age 5. In Finland, they start at age 7. (3)

4. Most people know that water boils at 212 degrees Fahrenheit. (2)

5. Kyoto has more traditional architecture than Tokyo. (2)

6. First, make a list of the ingredients you need. (2)

7. The Statue of Liberty is in New York Harbor. (2)

8. The traditional rugs in Turkey take a lot of time to make (2)

9. Teaching young children is an extremely hard job. (1)
10. No one goes to Antarctica without permission. (1)
11. The number of elephants in Chad is larger than in most other African countries. (1)
12. One of Brazil’s main products is sugar. (1)
13. Parents must be patient, but they cannot allow their children too much freedom. (1)
14. Water boils at 212 degrees F(100 degrees C). (1)
15. There are several places to visit in Morocco, including Chefchaouen, a town known for
its blue buildings. (1)
16. There are many popular attractions in Barcelona, including La Boqueria, a famous
indoor market. (1)
Exercise 4.2:
1. I read many more traditional books than e-books.
2. There are 14 mountains in the world that are over 8,000 meters.
3. Visiting other countries teaches us a lot about culture.
4. The tour will start again at approximately 6:00.
5. Correct any obvious errors in the draft.
6. The job requires long hours, but at least you do not have to travel.
Exercise 5.1:
likeLike many people, I prefer to skip breakfast I am not a "morning person," so it is
hard for me to wake up and peal peel a banana, never mind prepare a large breakfast. In
addition, I do not like to eat breakfast because it make makes me feel full the rest of the
morning. With this uncomfortable feeling in my stomach, it is dificult difficult for me to do
my work. Finally, the principle principal reason that skip breakfast is that I be am very
concerned about my health, so I avoid traditional breakfast with unhealthy ingredents
ingredients, such as buttered toast, bacon, and fried sausage. although Although
others may not agreed agree with my decision, I chose choose
to skip breakfast most of the time.
Exercise 5.2:
My brother, Paul, is a lot of fun.
Sometimes we go to a campsite and go hiking on weekends.
During this time, Paul and I go fishing in the river and cook our fish on a fire.
In the summer, we usually go to Europe or South America for a few months.
No matter what we do together, I always enjoy his company!
Exercise 5.3:

If you prefer to visit far away places with few tourists, try Liuwa Plain National Park
in western Zambia. The grassy plains of Liuwa Plain National Park are similar to the
Serengeti. The plains have a larger population of wildebeest. In contrast to the Serengeti,
however , Liuwa Plain National Park is not convenient. It is not easy to get to. Right now,
the park also does not have a great deal of wildlife, but it has many birds and packs of hyena.
Because the majority of tourists prefer convenient places with more wildlife, Liuwa remains
rather unknown. It is difficult to get to and does not have the same animals as other exciting
spots in Africa but Liuwa Plain National Park is still very interesting and worth visiting.
Exercise 5.4: 1. D 2. A
Exercise 5.5:
Paragraph 1: 1-c 2-d 3-g 4-a 5-b 6-f 7-e
Paragraph 2: 1-b 2-a 3-g 4-e 5-f 6-d 7-c
Paragraph 3: 1-f 2-d 3-e 4-b 5-c 6-g 7-a
Paragraph 4: 1-b 2-g 3-c 4-f 5-d 6-a 7-e
Paragraph 5: 1-f 2-a 3-c 4-e 5-b 6-d
Exercise 1.1:
1. Ideas to include in the paragraph: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8
Ideas to leave out of the paragraph: 1, 4, 5
2. Ideas to include in the paragraph: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8
Ideas to leave out of the paragraph: 1, 4, 5
3. Ideas to include in the paragraph: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8
Ideas to leave out of the paragraph: 1, 4, 5
Exercise 1.4: 1. a 2. c 3. c 4. b
Paragraph 1.5: 1. T 2. F 3. F 4. F 5. F
Exercise 1.6: 1. Narrow 2. Broad 3. brainstorm 4. List
5. mapping 6. relevant 7. Freewriting 8. fluency 9. accurate


Exercise 2.1: 1. goes 7. cooks/ freezes 13. wants
2. takes 8. knows 14. is
3. loves 9. are 15. has
4. loves 10. meets 16. is
5. catches/ brings 11. is 17. are
6. cleans/ guts 12. needs 18. have
Exercise 2.2:
1. There is a good chance it will rain later today. (correct)
2. People who exercise regularly has have more energy. (incorrect)
3. The Thompsons are having a surprise party for Gloria on Saturday. (correct)
4. Many of my friends enjoy listening to classical music. (correct)
5. Physics is one subject I have never understood. (correct)
6. The three alphabets in Japanese is are called kanji, katakana, and hiragana. (incorrect)
7. One reason I want to get contact lenses is because I keep losing my glasses! (correct)
8. Everyone on my street put puts their garbage out on Monday mornings. (incorrect)
9. O. Henry's short stories frequently has have surprise endings. (incorrect)
10. The food at that Indian restaurant are is always too spicy for me. (incorrect)
Exercise 2.3: 1. visit 6. spend

2. walk 7. damage

3. go 8. leave

4. take 9. causes

5. look


Exercise 3.1: 1. E 3. G 5. D 7. B
2. H 4. F 6. C 8. A
Exercise 3.2: 1. suitable 6. deal
2. shouted 7. suddenly
3. extremely 8. room
4. list 9. interior
5. share 10. out
11. polluted 16. peaceful
12. contract 17. customer
13. ancient 18. recommend
14. quality 19. supply
15. location 20. fee
Exercise 3.3: 1. function 6. quality
2. major 7. polluted
3. final 8. shade
4. highly 9. limited
5. fees 10. affect
Exercise 3.4: 1. assist 6. similar
2. majority 7. pollution
3. abundance 8. Abundant
4. recommendation 9. requirement
5. similarities 10. major
Exercise 4.1:
1. This area peaceful is is peaceful and beautiful, but they it is also polluted. (2)
2. There are many snakes dangerous dangerous snakes around here, so be careful when
you walk. (2)

3. Was It was very hot that day, so the tourists listened to the tour guide in the shade. (1)
4. The website recommendations recommends this restaurant, so it is probably very good.
5. Birds are abundance abundant in this forest, and it there are also lots of deer. (2)
6. This country produces a number limited limited number of exports. (1)
7. Buses functions function very well in this city, but or trains do not. (2)
8. Beijing is a city enormous an enormous city, but Shanghai has a population larger
larger population. (2)
9. The professor highly recommend recommends the book so the students reads read it.
10. Traffic are is a major problem in this city .

Exercise 4.2:
1. There is an abundant supply of fish in this lake.
2. Los Angeles is a major city in the United States.
3. This area is highly polluted, but the government does not do anything to clean it up.
4. The company's old computers did not function well, so it ordered new computers.
5. This article recommends the Thai restaurant, but the Vietnamese restaurant is good, too.
6. Travelers can take a fast train to Paris, or they can fly.

Exercise 5.1:
Tina and Grace be are twin sisters, so people who do not knows know them expect
them to be very similar. It is true that they to share common interests, but they also have
many differences. I am there their older sister, so I know! They both have extremly extremely
expensive taste in clothes. Suddenly However, Tina prefers French fashion designers and
Grace prefers Italian. They also both spend a great deel deal of time talking in on the phone.
The difference here is that Tina talk talks to many people during the day for a short amount
of time, and Grace talks to just a few people for a long time. Tina and Grace also have similar
goals for their future. They both want to be teachers. However, Tina wants to teaches teach
kindergarten, and Grace wants to be a university professor professor. As their sister, I feel
special knowing that I has have the inside story on Tina and Grace's similarities and
Exercise 5.2:
Jim Tucker buys a new pickup truck every two years. He buys pickup trucks because he
thinks they are the best value for his money. Jim pays for the new trucks with cash after he
sells the old ones. The trucks have a good resale value, and he takes good care of them while
he owns them. He buys the trucks from the Greenville truck dealer in his town. He is such a
regular customer that the dealer gives him a good deal on the purchase of his new trucks.
Pickup trucks are very well built and very popular among farmers, ranchers, and loggers.
Because he is a busy rancher with a need for a dependable truck, it makes sense for him to
regularly invest in a new one.
Exercise 5.3: 1. A 2. C
Exercise 5.4:
Paragraph 1: 1-f 2-d 3-a 4-b 5-g 6-e 7-c
Paragraph 2: 1-b 2-f 3-a 4-e 5-d 6-c 7-g
Paragraph 3: 1-a 2-c 3-e 4-d 5-g 6-f 7-b
Paragraph 4: 1-d 2-c 3-f 4-e 5-g 6-b 7-a
Paragraph 5: 1-f 2-a 3-c 4-d 5-e 6-b

Exercise 1.1: 1. T 2. F 3. T 4. F 5. F
Exercise 1.2:
1. Miami is the perfect place to take a vacation. It is always sunny and warm.
2. There are many excellent reasons for exercising several times each week.
3. Smoking cigarettes is hazardous to your health.
Exercise 1.3: 1. a 2. b 3. a 4. a 5. b 6. a
7. a 8. b 9. a 10. a 11. b
Exercise 1.4: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b 6. c
7. b 8. c 9. b 10. b
Exercise 1.5: 1. difficult chore 2. changing colors of the leaves
3. proper maintenance 4. relaxing and productive hobby
5. likes to babysit 6. renting a house by the ocean
7. balance the federal budget 8. own an automobile in a large city
9. good for person’s mental health 10. The best season for children
11. three sections dealing with three important skills
12. confused investigation
13. not only educational and fun, but also addictive
14. reduce the risk of some types of cancer
15. renting an apartment has many advantages
Exercise 1.6:
1. b female students like learning languages more than males do
2. a for many reasons
3. c The best season for children
4. a for many reasons
5. b many different cultures
6. b prefer bilingual dictionaries
7. c worst day of my life
8. b made important contributions to the history of art
9. c not many of them speak German
10. a for many reasons
11. c a popular destination for tourists
12. a a talented artist who can sing, dance, and act
13. b bad for your health
14. b addictive for teenagers
15. c Little Havana in Miami, Florida

Exercise 1.7: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. b
6. b 7. b 8. b 9. a 10. a
Exercise 1.8: Suggested answers
2. There are many reasons to eat a healthy diet that contains lots of fruits and vegetables.
3. Choosing between a cat and a dog can be a difficult decision because both types of pets
have good points and bad points.
Exercise 2.1:
1. __2__ Brazil is surrounded by Spanish-speaking countries, but most people in Brazil
speak Portuguese.
2. __1__ The flags of Chile, France, and Norway have blue white and red sections
3. __3__ Fortunately, no one was hurt in the accident that happened yesterday.
4. __1__ Italian, French, Spanish, and Portuguese came from Latin.
5. __3__ Finally, you need to carefully frost the cake.
6. __3__ In the summer of 1940, German soldiers entered France.
7. __4__ Because English came from German, there are many similar words in the two
8. __4__ If you want to make cookies, you need flour sugar oil and vanilla.
9. __2__ Our daughter is very allergic to cats, so that's why we have a dog.
10. __5__ The Magic Flute, which is my favorite opera by Mozart, is playing at the theater
next month.
Exercise 2.2:
California and Oregon are two states in the western United States. They are next to
each other, and in some ways they are similar. People who love nature enjoy both
California and Oregon because you can find great beaches, mountains, and forests in both
places. However, there are also differences between the states. California is a lot warmer
than Oregon, and it usually rains less there. California is also more well-known around the
world than Oregon is. For example, many tourist visit Los Angeles, a big city in southern
California that is famous for its movie studios, shopping, and beautiful people. Though the
two states are near each other, they are not all that similar.
Exercise 2.3: 1. SF 7. SF 13. CS
2. CS 8. CS 14. SF
3. RS 9. SF 15. ✓
4. RS 10. CS 16. SF
5. SF 11. ✓ 17. CS
6. RS 12. CS


Exercise 3.1: 1. C 3. H 5. A 7. G
2. F 4. E 6. B 8. D
Exercise 3.2: 1. reduce 6. soaring
2. filling 7. reptile
3. brakes 8. on
4. with 9. appealing
5. snack 10. by
11. investigator 16. climb
12. connection 17. addictive
13. immigrants 18. control
14. in good shape 19. economy
15. recognize 20. educational
Exercise 3.3: 1. reduce 6. traditional
2. depend on 7. convenient
3. climb 8. ingredients
4. contribution 9. boil
5. control 10. extremely
Exercise 3.4: 1. confusing 6. addictive

2. imagination 7. connected

3. dependent 8. cultural

4. effect 9. investigation

5. educational 10. contribution


Exercise 4.1:
1. People when who eat a healthy diet live longer. (1)
2. If Before cars were invented, people often traveled in carriages what that horses
pulled. (2)
3. The Burj Khalifa is a very tall building that has 163 floors. (1)
4. The Sahara Desert is very dry after because it hardly ever rains there. (2)
5. Martin Luther King, Jr., was a famous leader fought who who fought for equal rights
African Americans in the United States. (1)
6. Russia and China are both very big countries, but China has a larger population. (2)
7. Plants could not grow in the cold climate of Greenland, because so its people used to
fish and hunt for food. (1)
8. Before Although baby bears are very cute, they are not good pets. (1)

9. Abebe Bikila was a famous runner from Ethiopia who what won the Olympics twice.
10. Many cities may be underwater soon although if the climate keeps getting warmer. (1)
Exercise 4.2:
1. People who know how to use computers can find good jobs.
2. Before students apply for college, they usually have to take tests.
3. Although Jacinda Acern was only 37 years old, she became the leader of New Zealand in
4. Vegans are people who do not eat meat or dairy products like milk and butter.
5. Many people leave their home countries because their lives are in danger.
6. When families visit Orlando, Florida, they often go to Disney World.
Exercise 5.1:

In my large family with dozens of aunts, uncles, and cousins, my Aunt Carolyn is by
far my favorit favorite relative. Aunt Carolyn will beis my father's youngest sister. I am also
the youngest one in my family, which may explains explain why Aunt Carolyn and I have
always had a special connection. I've read about youngest siblings having certain personality
traits. I can see and appreciate some of those characteristics in Aunt Carolyn. First, she has
always appeared and acted youthful. She exercises regularly and has a fun sense of style and
fashion. Secondly, she is a very optimistic person. She have has a unique way of never
letting anything bring her down, as well as knowing the perfect thing to say when someone
is having a bad day. Finally, Aunt Carolyn is easy-going and friendly. At family gatherings
she always seem seems to find a way to talk with everyone in a warm, kind, and interested
way. I have often told Aunt Carolyn, how much I appreciate her positivity and energy. I can
only hope that I have inherited some of her admirable traits!

Exercise 5.2:
Mammoths were lager animals that used to live all over the world. Thousands of years
ago, they went extinct. No one knows why, but it may be because they were hunted too much
by people. Mammoths and modern elephants are similar in a number of ways. First, both
mammoths and elephants eat only plants. Second, both have long trunks that they use to pick
up food. They also both have big teeth called tusks, although the mammoth’s tusks are longer.
One major difference between the mammoth and elephants is that some mammoths had a lot
of fur. Therefore, they could live in cold places. However, elephants live only in warn places.
Though mammoths and elephants lived centuries apart, they still belong to the same animal
family and are more alike than they are different.
Exercise 5.3: 1.A 2. D
Exercise 5.4:
Paragraph 1: 1-c 2-b 3-e 4-a 5-d
Paragraph 2: 1-b 2-c 3-e 4-a 5-d
Paragraph 3: 1-e 2-b 3-a 4-c 5-d
Paragraph 4: 1-b 2-d 3-a 4-c
Paragraph 5: 1-e 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-c 6-f 7-g

Exercise 1.1: 1. F 2. T 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. F
Exercise 1.2: 1. b 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. a
6. a 7. b 8. b 9. b 10. a
Exercise 1.3: 1. b 2. b 3. a 4. b
5. b 6. a 7. a 8. a
Exercise 1.4: 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a
Exercise 1.5: 1. a 2. a 3. a
Exercise 1.6: 1. G 2. U 3. G 4. U
Exercise 1.7: 1. a. SS b. SS c. SS d. TS
2. a. SS b. SS c. TS d. SS
3. a. TS b. SS c. SS d. SS
4. a. SS b. TS c. SS d. SS
Exercise 1.8: 1. b 2. c 3. b
Exercise 1.9:
Paragraph 4.3. My mother used to come watch my games, too.
He was born in a small town.
Paragraph 4.4. Tea is grown in some of those places, too.
I think those cups are too small.
Paragraph 4.5. Eggs can be brown or white.
Eggs usually come in containers of 12.
Paragraph 4.6. Venice, another famous city, is in northern Italy.
Paragraph 4.7. Traffic can be really bad in London.
Paragraph 4.8. Angel Island was opened in 1910.
4.9. Many Chinese people moved from Hong Kong to the Canadian cities of Toronto and
Exercise 1.10: Paragraph 4.10. c . Paragraph 4.11. c
Exercise 1.11: 1. b 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. c 6. c

Exercise 2.1: 1. They 2. We 3. It 4. They
5. It 6. We 7. It 8. They
Exercise 2.2: 1. It 2. They 3. Its 4. He
5. They 6. They 7. It 8. She
Exercise 3.1: 1. B 3. A 5. E 7. F
2. D 4. G 6. C 8. H
Exercise 3.2: 1. fare 6. complain
2. consists 7. shallow
3. used to go 8. vegetables
4. eliminate 9. dust
5. spot 10. logical
11. continent 16. destination
12. survive 17. laundry
13. replace 18. research
14. amazed 19. strict
15. assign 20. complain
Exercise 3.3: 1. assign 6. opportunity
2. destination 7. strict
3. due to 8. used to
4. laundry 9. shallow
5. amount 10. survive
Exercise 3.4: 1. survival 6. amazed
2. tremendously 7. assignment
3. replace 8. complain
4. protective 9. construction
5. perfectly 10. disagreement
Exercise 4.1:

1. Before the The storm began at three o'clock in the afternoon. (1)
2. The Fords went to Japan last summer they. They/, and they liked them it very much. (2)
3. Was It was extremely hot yesterday, so many people stayed inside their homes. (2)
4. Pedro is good at scoring goals. in addition In addition, they he can run very fast. (3)
5. That teacher's classes are difficult. Because because he assigns a lot of homework. (1)
6. The prime minister visited Nigeria, but she did not visit Ghana. (1)
7. The restaurant served many meat dishes, but it did not serve any vegetarian dishes. (1)
8. Though Ella’s parents are strict., She they allowed their daughter to stay out until
midnight. (2)
9.When people visit Hong Kong., they often take a ferry across the harbor.
10. Though the continent of Antarctica is large. , hardly any people live there.
Exercise 4.2:
1. After we visited the Red Fort in New Delhi, we went to the Taj Mahal in Agra.
2. The director's new movie is excellent, and it has won many awards.
3. Central Community College accepts many students even though it is a small school.
4. New immigrants sometimes have difficulty learning English, but their children pick it up
5. Basketball is great exercise, and it is also fun to watch.
6. Leo's parents are strict because they want him to do well in school.
Exercise 5.1:
If you are search searching for an interesting career, think about becoming a flight
attendant. First of all, flight attendants receives receive a hug huge amount of training for
their job. The training consists in of things like interpersonal skills, customer servise service,
and safety. Second, every time flight attendants go to work, their scenery change changes .
We They could be in Shanghai one day and New York the next. Sometimes they can even
stay in one spot for a few days before flying home. In addition, flight attendants get bargain
fares on airline tickets for vacation. Imagine spending no more than a few dollars for a flight
anywhere in the world! Finally, flight attendants meets meet a wide variety of people from
all over the world. For this these reasons, he it is clear that for people who are flexible,
adventurous, and social, becoming a flight attendant could be a good career match.
Exercise 5.2: 1. A 2. D
Exercise 5.3:
Paragraph 1 1-b 2-c 3-f 4-a 5-g 6-e 7-d
Paragraph 2 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-b 5-h 6-f 7-g 8-e
Paragraph 3 1-a 2-f 3-b 4-e 5-c 6-d

Exercise 1.1:
1. c. What my first job taught me
2. Unrelated sentences: Now on weekends I like to sleep late.
My parents’ house was very clean, too.
Now I work in a research laboratory.
3. a. U b. U c. U d. U e. C f. U g. C
Exercise 1.2: a. 1 b. 3 c. 2 d. 4 e. 7
Exercise 1.3:
Paragraph 5.3. 1. b 2. a 3. c
Paragraph 5.4. 1. a 2. c 3. c
Exercise 1.4: 1. a 2. a 3. b 4. a 5. c 6. c
Exercise 1.5: 1. e 2. c 3. a 4. b 5. d
Exercise 2.1: 1.C 2.I 3.C 4.I 5.I
6.C 7.I 8.I 9.C 10.I
Exercise 2.2: 1. b 2. c 3. c 4. c
5. a 6. c 7. c 8. a
Exercise 2.3:My cat
My cat Merlin is a crazy cat. He loves to jump up on top of high things, such as
cabinets. Yesterday he climbed up on grandfather’s clock in the dining room. He also likes
to sleep on the tallest bookshelf in the living room windows. He is an animal of great
curiosity and playfulness. If there is a commotion anywhere in the house, I can always be
sure to find Merlin at the scene.

Exercise 2.4: 1. an 2. a 3. The 4. Ø 5. Ø

6. Ø 7. The 8. an 9. the 10. a
11. a 12. an 13. the 14. a 15. Ø
16. a 17. the

Exercise 3.1: 1. G 3. H 5. A 7. D
2. E 4. B 6. F 8. C
Exercise 3.2: 1. fare 6. complain
2. consists 7. shallow
3. used to go 8. vegetables
4. eliminate 9. dust
5. spot 10. logical
11. ought to 16. relative
12. stir 17. contest
13. former 18. attempt
14. guard 19. spill
15. harsh 20. apply
Exercise 3.3: 1. ought to 6. spread
2. hide 7. submit
3. score 8. apply
4. pour 9. Spill
5. relative 10. spot
Exercise 3.4: 1. relatives 6. currently
2. remarkably 7. application
3. adaptation 8. hidden
4. complication 9. increasing
5. formerly 10. harshly
Exercise 4.1:
1. My sister is an a nurse at Greenhill Hospital. (1)
2. I bought a new bicycle, but a the bicycle does not work very well. (2)
3. Football games are fun to watch, but I think a the most exciting sport is Soccer soccer.
4. Paying attention in class is important, and the studying at home after class may be even
more important. (1)
5. My Family family loves beaches, so we go to Long Beach every weekend. (2)
6. Bob and Lisa took a an interesting tour through Beijing last year. (1)
7. There are the lions and elephants at Central Zoo, but the zoo does not have any
crocodiles. (2)
8. Many people like the milk in their coffee. (1)
Exercise 4.2:
1. Lin took a trip to Los Angeles last year, but the trip was not fun.
2. Many people like cheese on their sandwiches.
3. When deer come into my backyard, they often eat vegetables from my garden.
4. Although they are big, pandas are not dangerous.
5. Jeff and his friends love basketball, but they do not like hockey.
6. I started a new job yesterday, and I like the job very much.
Exercise 5.1:

Sweet tea

Sweet tea are a very easy – to make drink that is popular in the south united
states. Almost any restaurant in the states of georgia, Alabama and South carolina will serve
this cold beverage. To make tea, you must boils a pot of water. Once the water boiled, add
one cup of white sugar to the water. Next stir the sugar until she dissolves. After that, add
four Tea Bags to the pot of water. Let the mixture brew for thirty minutes. When the tea are
ready, pour it over ice. This sweet drink will definitely refresh you
Unforgettable memory

(1) I watched a road rally on TV last Night. (2) It was a winter rally that took place in
sweden, and it was awesome. (3) The cars were moving really fast down those icy Country
roads. (4) One of the cars went "turtle up," flipping over on its roof, That was not the only
accident either. (5) although the driver was able to walk away from the car seemingly unhurt,
it was still a frightening accident. (6) A rally like that is fun to watch, I do not think I would
ever ride in a rally since I am too much of a "scaredy-cat."

My Plan to Paint the Old Cabinet

(1) I want to paint my old cabinets Tomorrow. (2) I will bring the cabinets outside to
do the job so that it will not smell so bad in the house. (3) I hope that the outside temperature
is warm enough. (4) I have been waiting almost a week. for the weather to warm up. (5) I
will need to buy paint, and a brush before I start. (6) I am going to paint the cabinets Red. (7)
It should take me about an hour to complete. (8) it will look nice when the cabinets are done.

Exercise 5.2: 1. A 2. D
Exercise 5.3:
Paragraph 1: 1-d 2-e 3-f 4-g 5-g 6- c 7-a

Exercise 1.1
1- T 2- F 3- T 4- F 5- T
Exercise 1.2
What is meant by protein quality?
- Definition sentence: The term protein quality refers to the ratio of essential amino
acids (eaa) in a protein in comparison with the ratio required by the body
- Examples/ details: A high quality protein contains eaa in a ratio that matches human
requirements. A protein which is lacking or low in one or more eaa is termed a low quality
protein. The eaa which is in the shortest supply is called the ‘limiting’ amino acid
What is the meaning of social norm?
- Definition sentence: A family is a socially defined set of relationships between at
least two people who are related by birth, marriage, or adoption.
- Examples/ details: We can think of a family as including several possible
relationships, the most common being between husband and wife, between parents and
children, and between people who are related to each other by birth (siblings, for example)
or by marriage (a woman and her mother-in-law, perhaps).
What is the meaning of love?
- Definition sentence: For me, the word love means trust, friendship, and unselfishness.
- Examples/ details: love means trust because when you trust someone, you can talk to
him/her about anything. For example, I trust my girlfriend 100%
To illustrate, I love my two best friends because they are like brothers
to me. We are always laughing and protecting each other
For instance, my next-door neighbor’s wife never shares anything with
her husband, such as food, drinks, possessions, etc
Exercise 1.3
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a
6.b 7.b 8.a 9.a 10.b
Exercise 1.4
1.c 2.b 3.c 4.c 5.a 6.b
Exercise 1.5
1. Anthony J. D'Angelo said, “develop a passion for learning. If you do, you will never cease
to grow.”
2. the dictionary defines “marriage as the union of a husband and a wife.”
3. The dictionary definition of “opulent “, “extremely wealthy or rich”, may sound good, but
this word does not have a positive meaning for me.
4. I love “where the Sidewalk Ends”; however, my favorite poem is by Robert Frost.
5. although the dictionary currently defines “a family” as “parents and their children,
previous definitions probably included additional family members.”
6. She performed the poem “ where the Sidewalk Ends” by Emily Dickinson.
7. “The best investments today,” according to Smith, “are commodities and emerging-market
8. She provides a thorough list of problems in her most recent article, “Misery in Paradise”;
she doesn’t provide a solution
9. The flight attendant asked, “May I see your boarding pass?”
Exercise 1.6
1.C 2.I 3.I 4.C 5.I 6.C
Exercise 2.1
1. passport is defined as an official document issued by a government
2. mammals are known that warm-blooded vertebrate animals of a class that are distinguished
by the possession of hair or fur, the secretion of milk by females for the nourishment of the
young, and (typically) the birth of live young
3. village : the definition of village is a group of houses and associated buildings, larger than
a hamlet and smaller than a town, situated in a rural area
4. Fashion is defined as a popular trend, especially in styles of dress and ornament or manners
of behavior.
5. Emails are messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or
more recipients via a network
6. perfume is defined as a fragrant liquid typically made from essential oils extracted from
flowers and spices, used to impart a pleasant smell to one's body or clothes.
7. Environment is the surroundings or conditions in which a person, animal, or plant lives or
8. The Internet is known as a global computer network providing a variety of information
and communication facilities, consisting of interconnected networks using standardized
communication protocols.
9. Mobile phone is a telephone with access to a cellular radio system so it can be used over
a wide area, without a physical connection to a network.
10. A bank is a financial institution licensed to receive deposits and make loans. Banks may
also provide financial services such as wealth management, currency exchange, and safe
Exercise 2.2
1. that 2.that 3.who 4. that 5.who 6.that
Exercise 2.3
1. but 2.so 3.or 4.and 5.so 6.but
Exercise 3.1
1. H 3. A 5. E 7. B
2. D 4. F 6. G 8. C
Exercise 3.2
1.measure 2. seemed 3. Seafood 4. Polite
5. Gossip 6. Hair 7. Quote 8. Keep

9. Plagiarizing 10. From 11. region 12. In advance

13. Destroy 14. Respected 15. Range 16. Careless

17. Entire 18. Expert 19. Occasionally 20. Flood

Exercise 3.3

1. careless 2. accurately 3. keep track of 4. regardless of

5. expert 6. respected 7. private 8. regional

9. on purpose 10. in advance

Exercise 3.4

1.carelessly 2. residential 3.occasion 4. privacy

5. regional 6. destruction 7. expertly 8. accurate

9. respect 10. thickly


Exercise 4.1

1. Pad Thai is a popular Thai dish who which/that usually contains meat, noodles, and
vegetables. (1)

2. Elvis Presley was a singer who used to be very popular. (1)

3. The star of the new movie, Meryl Streep, is an actress whom who/that has won many
awards for her work. (1)
4. Guidance counselors are people which who/that help students that have problems in
school. (1)

5. Gymnastics is a sport that is difficult to learn it. (1)

6. Lassie is a dog who/that/which was the star of a TV show who that/which many people
watched in the 1950s, 60s, and 70s. (2)

7. Chili peppers are plants which many people use them in cooking. (1)

8. The Euro is a type of money whom that/which people use in many countries in Europe.
9. The Novaks love skiing, so they really enjoyed their trip to Eldora Mountain in the state
of Colorado. (2)

10. In 1914, a terrible war began who that/which lasted for four years. (1)

Exercise 4.2.

1. The gopher tortoise is an animal which moves very slowly.

2. A unicycle is a kind of bicycle that has one wheel.

3. Rafael Nadal is a tennis player who has won many tennis championships.
4. Iceland is a country many tourists have visited recently.
5. It is going to rain in a few minutes, so we should go inside.
6. Chocolate cake is a dessert that many children love.


Exercise 5.1

It is fascinating that the first definition of “happiness” in the Merriam-Webster

dictionary be noted as obsolete. The definition is "good fortune. This means that happiness
used to be mesured by how rich a person was. This contradicts a well-known proverb
who exists in many languages: "Money can't buy happiness." I agrees with this proverb, and
believe that having money does not mean you will lead a happy life. As a result, I prefer
Merriam-Webster's second definition of happiness , who is "a state of well-being and
contentment." This definition is preferable to me. It shows that even if you lak money, you
can still have happiness because happiness is a feeling that come from inside. Of course,
there are "external factors" that affect one's happiness. However, for me, those factors is not
related to money. I think true happiness comes from having a meaningful job and healthy
relationships. Those are the two areas in my life where I strive to find my "state of well-being
and contentment".

Exercise 5.2 C

Exercise 5.3

1-c 2-a 3-g 4-e 5- d 6-f 7-a



Exercise 1.1

1.T 2.T 3.F 4.T 5.T

Exercise 1.2

Getting Ticks Off a Dog

Here is how to get rid of the ticks dogs often pick up as they roll and sniff in the grass and
Writing a Skit for English
Follow these four steps to write a script for a performance in English class grammar.

Mark’s Super Simple Flat Bread

Bread lovers will enjoy the delicious results of this very simple recipe

Exercise 1.3

1.a 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.a

6.a 7.b 8.b 9.a 10.a

Exercise 1.4

1.a 2.c 3.b 4.a 5.c

6.b 7.a 8.c 9.b 10.a

Exercise 1.5

1. In an English class, most of the female students receive higher grades than the males.

2. Cats are better pets than goldfish for many reasons.

3. The best season for children is winter

4. Soccer is popular for many reasons

5. Los Angeles is a big city in California.

6. Dictionaries that have two languages, such as French and English, are called bilingual

7. Yesterday was the worst day of my life.

8. Paul Cézzane, the father of modern art, made important contributions to the history of art

9. The current population of Canada includes immigrants from all over the world.
Exercise. 1.6

1.b 2-a 3.b 4.b 5.a

6.b 7.b 8.n 9.b 10.b


Exercise 2.1

1. first 2. after 3.before 4. finally

Exercise 2.2


Exercise 2.3

1.I 2.I 3.C 4.C 5.I 6.I 7.C


Exercise 3.1

1. D 3. B 5. C 7. H
2. F 4. G 6. A 8. E

Exercise 3.2

1- quite 2- of 3. Synonym – ordinary- common 4. take

5- peak 6. Up 7. messy 8. than
9. phrase 10. get 11. organized 12. divide
13. embarrassing 14. escape 15. impressed 16. prove
17. messy 18. peak 19. alive 20. position
Exercise 3.3

1. substitute 2. peak 3. reach 4. empty

5. escape 6. divide 7. no matter 8. prove

9. embarrassing 10. select

Exercise 3.4

1. assume 2. division 3. embarrassed 4. multiply

5. selection 6. slightly 7. slightly 8. substitution

9. translate 10. Accurately


Exercise 4.1

1. When you make spaghetti, the first step is to boil water. (1)

2. First, turn on your printer. The second, Second, open the document. Third, click on Print.

3. Start by turning on the water. Next to, take a shower. Then turn the water off. (1)
4. Final Finally, take the cookies out of the oven and eat them. (1)
5. First, put the letter in the envelope. The next thing you should do is to close the envelope.
Then to put a stamp on it. (2)
6. When you buy a new car, the first step is to research car prices online. The second step is
to decide what kind of car you want. Third The third step is to go to a car dealership and
drive the car to see if you like it. (2)
7. Cleans Clean your dishwasher every six months, or it will break down. (1)
8. After you show your passport and go through security, the next step is to board the plane.
Exercise 4.2
1. First, cut the vegetables and the meat into small pieces.
2. Then divide the total by four to get the answer.
3. The last step is to bake the pie for 45 minutes.
4. After you wash the dishes, dry them with a towel.
5. The next thing you should do is buy a pair of running shoes.
6. Finally, pay for the item you selected with your credit card.

Exercise 5.1
Althought the process for applying to an American university are not complicated, it is
important to follow each step. The first step, is to choose several schools that you are
interested in attending. Third, write to these schools to ask for information, catalogs, and
applications. You may also wants to visit the schools' Web sites. After you have reserched
several schools, narrow your list to between three and five schools. Then mails all the
required forms and documents only to your final list of three to five schools. If the school
of your choice require you to take a standardized test, such as the SAT™, ACT, or TOEFL®,
be sure to do so early. In addition, ask various school officials and teachers to write letters
of recommendation for you if the university requires them. Finally almost all schools have
an application fee. This fee should be sent in the form of a check or money order. One first
piece of advice is to start quit early because thousands of high school students is all applying
at the same time.
Exercise 5.2 B
Exercise 5.3 D
Exercise 5.4
1-e 2-b 3-g 4-d 5-c 6- a 7-f
Exercise 1.1
1.T 2.F 3.T 4.T 5.T\
Exercise 1.2

As I was growing up in the 60’s, television was the only entertainment my family
knew of the electronic sort. The 7 o’clock nightly news was such an important part of our
family that my dad knocked a wall down and built a huge cabinet in its place just to
accommodate our 19-inch black and white. No one was allowed to talk or make a sound
when the television was on; all eyes were glued to the moving and flickering image. The box
commanded absolute respect. In the daytime, “the television needs its rest” my mother would
say, as she patted its pseudo-wooden top and covered it with a doilie she had made herself.
There is no doubt that TV was as central to our lives as it was to the lives of all our friends
during that period

December Beach Days in Hawaii

A beach in Hawaii on a December day is like a day at a lake in mid August. The beach
smells fresh, almost like a new ocean breeze air freshener. The sand is hot and looks like
gold blended in with little white specks; it sparkles like the water running off the swimmers
back and feels like walking on coals from a burning grill. Not far from the shore, you can see
the coral sitting still in the wild and shallow water. Trutles drift in to see all the people. The
plam trees sway in the air from the forceful wind. In a distance, a house is beutifully placed
right by the water, so it can look across the ocean each and every day. People are laughing
and playing in the burning sand, and others are relaxing on the beach bronzing their skin
while enjoying the bright rays of light coming from the sun. From a far distance the ocean is
a deep navy blue; waves come in like a bulldozer from all the wind. At night everything is
still. Waves are still coming in but not as hard, while the beach is cleared from all the people.
All you can hear is the waves of the ocean and the light breeze coming from the giant palm
trees. The beach is a spectacular place. Leaving it is excruciating and difficult to do.

"The Magic Metal Tube"

"Once in a long while, four times so far for me, my mother brings out the metal tube
that holds her medical diploma. On the tube are gold circles crossed with seven red lines
each―"joy" ideographs in abstract. There are also little flowers that look like gears for a gold
machine. According to the scraps of labels with Chinese and American addresses, stamps,
and postmarks, the family airmailed the can from Hong Kong in 1950. It got crushed in the
middle, and whoever tried to peel the labels off stopped because the red and gold paint came
off too, leaving silver scratches that rust. Somebody tried to pry the end off before
discovering that the tube fell apart. When I open it, the smell of China flies out, a thousand-
year-old bat flying heavy-headed out of the Chinese caverns where bats are as white as dust,
a smell that comes from long ago, far back in the brain."
Exercise 1.3
1.b 2.a 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.b
Exercise 1.4.
1-b 2.a 3.c 4.a
5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b
Exercise 1.5
1.b 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.a 6.a 7.b
Exercise 2.1
1.b 2.a 3.c 4.a
5.b 6.b 7.a 8.b
Exercise 3.1
1. photo 2. precise 3. flowers 4. syrup 5. of
6. skyscraper 7. world 8. recalling
9. with 10. constantly
Exercise 4.1

1. Earthquakes can happening when companies will drill for oil or gas. (2)

2. Thailand is far away, so it takes more than a day to fly there. (1)

3. Students need to leave the building, when an alarm goes off. (2)

4. He invented a machine who that helps the heart pump blood. (1)
5. Many tourists visit Pisa in Italy to see it ’s its famous Ttower. (2)
6. When the days get shorter but and the temperature drops, some birds fly south. (1)
7. Most sports requires some kind of equipped equipment, such as bats and balls. (2)
8. I believe how that we all use us our phones too much. (2)
Exercise 4.2

1. If it does not rain soon, my planets will die.
2. Junko is in charge of the office when the manager is away.
3. They feel that voting is an important responsibility.
4. He is the director of the movie that we saw last week.
5. I agree that we should work together.
6. The student that won the award is Laura.
Exercise 5.1
One of the most people interesting that I know are Josh Curren, a lawyer in the busy office
where I work. Josh has curly hair and blue big eyes . Even on difficult work days , Josh is
always smileing . He is always ready to help his clients by listening to their questions legal
. He wears a thin chain around his neck that fastens to his eyeglasses so that he does not lose
them beyond the piles of thick folders on his messy desk. On the side right of his crisp white
shirt, he wear an identification tag that indicates his name and his position under the law firm.
Josh always wears a tie colorful that he collects from his business trips beside the globe.
Everyone agrees that josh Curren is a skilled lawyer with a personality great.
Exercise 5.2 B
Exercise 5.3
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4

Exercise 1.1. 1T 2T 3F 4F 5T 6F 7F 8T 9T 10F
Exercise 1.2.
The government should not require all citizens, particularly young people, to have health
insurance. I am a recent college graduate and have a decent job, but my company does not
provide health insurance. To require me to buy an individual policy is not fair or reasonable.
It takes a strong and definite position.
One reason is that such a policy would be expensive and would take most of my income. As
someone just starting out in life, my income barely covers my rent and food. If I had to buy
health insurance, I would have to take another job, find another roommate, or try to find a
cheaper apartment. Another reason is that any policy I could buy would have such a high
deductible that I would have to pay most of my own expenses anyway. Most inexpensive
policies have deductibles of $250 to $1000 so I would be paying that on top of a high monthly
premium. The most important reason that young people should not be required to buy
individual health insurance is that, statistically, we are not likely to need expensive medical
treatment. So why should we be expected to pay for it? It gives good reasons and
supporting evidence to defend the position
Although the people who want everyone to have insurance hope that the government plan
will provide lower rates for low-income families and children, they haven’t considered how
such a requirement will penalize the many young people who are just getting started. A new
system may be needed, but not one that is unfair to a whole generation of citizens.
It considers opposing views

Exercise 1.3.
Paragraph 9.2: 1b 2a 3a 4c 5c
Paragraph 9.3
1. In Vietnam, the best place to spend a honeymoon is the beautiful mountain city called
Da Lat, a
2. a, c, d
3. Da Lat is the Vietnamese people’s first choice for a honeymoon because it has lovely
natural scenery, many romantic places to stay and exciting things to do, d
Paragraph 9.4: 1b 2a 3b
Exercise 1.4. 1 NO 2 YES 3 NO 4 YES
5 YES 6 NO 7 YES 8 NO
Exercise 1.5. 1d 2c 3a 4e 5b
Exercise 1.6. 1b 2c 3b 4c 5b 6c 7c 8a
Exercise 1.7. 1O 2F 3F 4O 5F 6O 7O 8O 9F 10O
11F 12F 13O 14O 15F 16F 17O
Exercise 1.8. 1c 2a 3f 4b 5d 6e
Exercise 1.9. 1O 2O 3F 4O 5O 6F
Exercise 1.10. 1b 2a 3c 4b 5a 6a 7b 8b 9c 10b
Exercise 1.11.
Paragraph 9.6: e–a–g–c–f–j–b–h–d–i
Paragraph 9.7: f–e–c–a–g–h–b–d
Paragraph 9.8: f–b–e–g–c–j–n–i–h–l–d–k–a–m
Exercise 2.1.
1. adj n adv v 2. v n adj
3. v adj adv n 4. n adj v adv
5. adv adj n 6. adv n adj
Exercise 2.2.
1. politely polite 2. Happily happy 3. Correct

4. dreamily dream 5. Whine whiny 6. Correct
7. correct 8. Description describe
Exercise 2.3.
1. widen 2. Darkened 3. Straighten 4. Sweeten 5. Sharpen
6. frighten 7. Shorten 8. Broaden 9. Saddened 10. Strengthen.
Exercise 2.4.
1. secretarial 2. Occupation 3. Frozen 4. Carpentry
5. Explanation 6. solution 7. Failure 8. Successful
9. Construction 10. embarrassment
Exercise 3.1.
1. F 3. C 5. B 7. A
2. E 4. D 6. G 8. H
Exercise 3.2.
1. from 2. Split 3. Severe 4. Obvious 5. Playing
6. convince 7. All 8. Mandatory 9. Also 10. On
11. waste time 16. damage
12. claim 17. debt
13. freedom 18. ban
14. old-fashioned 19. manage
15. performance 20. mandatory
Exercise 3.3.
1. ban 6. billions
2. damage 7. debt
3. volunteer 8. freedom
4. occupation 9. manage
5. concentrate 10. old-fashioned
Exercise 3.4.
1. management 6. prohibited
2. injure 7. performance
3. beneficial 8. motivate
4. concentration 9. freedom
5. proposal 10. Interaction
Exercise 4.1.
1. It is not legally legal to vote if you are under the age of 18. (1)
2.There are many beneficials benefits to joining a gym. For example, you can exercise while
you interaction interact with other people. (2)
3. She studied hardly hard, so she passed the test easy easily. (2)

4.Some people believe it is very old-fashion old-fashioned to read a printed newspaper, but
others like it better than reading the news on a computer. (1)
5. Now that the storm is over, we should volunteer to help clean up the damaging damage.
6. After Lin injury injured her shoulder, she had to pay a lot of hospital bills, and now she is
in debt. (1)
7. As we drove up the mountain, it got increasing increasingly cold. (1)
8. What is the different difference between butter and cream? (1)
Exercise 4.2.
1. In my opinion, pizza is the best food in the world.
2. According to scientific studies, pollution is a serious problem in our oceans.
3. Shanghai is located in China.
4. Chicago is a wonderful city, but in the winter it is too cold.
5. I think small children should not be allowed to have cell phones.
6. Therefore, people should exercise for half an hour every day
Exercise 5.1. 1C 2A
Exercise 5.2. 1-d 2-g 3-c 4-e 5-f 6-b 7-a

Exercise 1.1. 1T 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F 7F 8F 9F 10T
Exercise 1.2. Passage 10.1
It reveals something of importance to you (your main point) 1
It includes all of the major events of the story (primary support) 2, 4, 5, 6, 10, 11, 12,
15, 16, 18
It brings the story to life with details about the major events (secondary support)
3, 7, 8, 9, 13, 14, 17
It presents the events in a clear order, usually according to when they happened The
events were put in time order.
Exercise 1.3.
Passage 10.2: 1a 2a 3b 4b 5a 6a
Passage 10.3: 1a 2a 3a 4a 5a 6b
Exercise 1.4. 1c 2b 3a
Exercise 1.5.
1. Using the senses (to set the scene)
2. Using the senses to describe the weather and using direct speech.
3. Referring to feelings/ moods and addressing the reader directly.
A. Referring to feelings/ moods and asking a rhetorical question.
B. Referring to feelings/ moods and asking a rhetorical question.
C. Referring to feelings/ moods and using direct speech.
Exercise 1.6.
1. D is the least interesting because no writing techniques have been applied.
2. a: 2, 5 b: 1, 2 c: 3 d: 5
3. Suggested answer:
It was a bright and sunny Monday morning and I was cycling to school. As I was
turning the corner, a dog ran in front of me and I crashed my bike into a tree. I was alright,
but my bike was badly damaged, “Oh, dear!” I said out loud. “How am I going to pay for the
Exercise 1.7. 1. e – b – d – c – f – a 2. c – b – g - f – e – d – a
3. a – b – i – f – g – c – j – h – d – e
4. e – l – h – c – f – k – d – a – b – g – j - i
Exercise 1.8.
A. 1. As soon as 2. Suddenly 3. Before
4. meanwhile 5. Suddenly 6. Eventually
B. 1. As 2. Soon 3. Suddenly 4. At first
5. then 6. Finally
Exercise 2.1. brings brought play played pretend pretended
Calls called leaves left
Exercise 2.2.
Paragraph 10.5
1. Wasn’t 2. Thought 3. Was 4. Was rattling 5. Froze
6. heard 7. Decided 8. Went 9. Was 10. Was standing
11. saw 12. Was 13. Had got.
Paragraph 10.6
1. Just completed 2. Arrived 3. Received 4. Had been hiking
5. Fell 6. Was snowing 7. Was making
8. sat 9. Got 10. Had learnt
Exercise 3.1
1. F 3. C 5. E 7. A
2. G 4. F 6. H 8. D
Exercise 3.2.
1. From 2. Split 3. Severe 4. Obvious 5. Playing 6. Convince
7. All 8. mandatory 9. Also 10. On
11. wonder 16. frighten
12. silence 17. funny
13. advertising 18. instant
14. remind 19. shocked
15. capture 20. take a deep breath
Exercise 3.3. 1. Deep 2. Over 3. Natural 4. Hug 5. Up
6. flows 7. On 8. Valuable 9. Without 10. Came
Exercise 3.4.
1. Freedom 2. Thoughtful 3. Musician 4. Shortage 5. Leading
6. astonishment 7. Foolish 8. Backwards.
Exercise 3.5. 1. Gunfire 2. Thunderstorm 3. Handwriting 4. Haircut
5. soap powder 6. Crash helmet 7. Bookcase 8. Rainbow
9. footsteps 10. Fireplace
Exercise 3.6.
1. Politician 2. Shyness 3. Sympathized 4. Disorganized
5. Replacement 6. straighten 7. Personal 8. Innocence
9. Imagination 10. Uninterested
Exercise 3.7.
1. realize 6. strategy
2. capture 7. valid
3. remind 8. relationship
4. painful 9. wonder
5. task 10. take a deep breath
Exercise 3.8.
1. advertisement 6. shocked
2. casually 7. Communication
3. incredibly 8. unexpectedly
4. painful 9. valuable
5. frightening 10. silently
Exercise 4.1.
1. After the company moved to China, its sales were increasing increased by 50 percent. (1)
2. The truck driver drove was driving too fast when it was starting started to rain hard, so he
was crashing crashed the truck into a tree. (3)
3. Ken and Lynne watched were watching a movie when Ken's cell phone rang. (1)
4. Helen worked really hard to finish her project before she was leaving left for her vacation.
5. Everybody in the stadium celebrated after the player was scoring scored a goal. (1)
6. The Fosters were being very happy when their daughter was graduating graduated from
medical school. (2)
7. Vince studied was studying for a test when his mother called. (1)
8. Before the party guests ate the cake, Sonia was taking took a picture of it. (1)
Exercise 4.2.
1. Happiest day of his life was Greg's tenth birthday.
2. Jack was climbing a tree when he fell and injured his leg.
3. Before the hurricane arrived, everyone left the town.
4. Harry listened to music while he was driving to Las Vegas.
5. Pedro was staying at a hotel in Miami when the flood started.
6. Roy was waiting for the train when someone stole his wallet
Exercise 5.1. 1A 2C
Exercise 5.3. 1-c 2-a 3-d 4-f 5-b

Exercise 1.1. 1T 2F 3T 4T 5T 6F 7F 8T 9T 10F
Exercise 1.2. 1. Concluding sentence, more specific topic
2. Topic sentence, introduction, body and conclusion, one topic
3. Thesis statement, supporting paragraphs, concluding paragraph, hook, larger topic,
longer in length.
Exercise 1.3. 1. a. paragraph b. essay
2. a. paragraph b. essay
3. a. essay b. paragraph
4. a. essay b. paragraph
5. a. paragraph b. essay
Exercise 1.4.
1. The essay is more interesting because it has more details. The more the reader learns about
Uncle Patricio, the more real he becomes in the reader’s mind.
2. In the essay introduction, there are details about the members of the writer’s family. The
paragraph only mention Patricio.
3. Patricio looks like an interesting, old man now.
4. There are details about his physical appearance.
5. Patricio has an interesting life story.
6. There are details about the places he visited.
7. The concluding paragraph tells more about the writer’s feelings about Patricio, why he is
interesting and hoping to learn about the tattoo.
Exercise 1.5. 1a 2c 3b 4c 5a 6b
Exercise 1.6. 1. a. topic sentence b. thesis statement
4. a. thesis statement b. topic sentence
5. a. thesis statement b. topic sentence
6. a. thesis statement b. topic sentence c. topic sentence
7. a. topic sentence b. topic sentence c. thesis sentence
Exercise 1.7. 1c 2a 3b 4c 5a
Exercise 1.8. 1. Choose a topic 2. Make a list of ideas
3. Outline your essay.
Exercise 1.9. 1b 2c 3a
Exercise 1.10. 1d 2c 3a
Exercise 1.11. Outline B
Exercise 1.12. 1c 2b 3a 4b 5c 6a 7c 8b 9a 10b
Exercise 1.13. 1a 2c 3d
Exercise 1.14. 1. Descriptive 2. Last
3. something that was invented since the 1970s.
4. in the order inventions were made.
Exercise 1.15. 1c 2b 3a
Exercise 1.16. 1a 2c 3b
Exercise 3.1. 1b 2f 3a 4d 5n 6g 7c 8h
Exercise 3.2. 1. Routine 2. Come 3. Disregard 4. Taking 5. Potential
6. give 7. Obvious 8. Danger 9. Aware 10. Job
11. rural 16. mayor
12. discovery 17. routine
13. frequently 18. deadly
14. basic 19. accomplish
15. expression 20. outweigh
Exercise 3.3.
1. maintain 6. expression
2. prevent 7. frequently
3. bilingual 8. outweigh
4. routine 9. technology
5. deadly 10. diverse
Exercise 3.4.
1. accomplishment 6. routinely
2. technological 7. frequently
3. prevention 8. inventive
4. discovery 9. maintenance
5. expression 10. Deadly
Exercise 3.5. 1. Shake, head 2. Suit, mood 3. Lose, patience
4. Tackle, problem
1. reach, target 5. Withdraw/ money 6. Enroll/ course 7. Waste,
Exercise 3.6. 1. Dominantly 2. Evidently 3. Severely

4. Quickly 5. Greatly
2. clearly 6. Carefully 7. Enormously 8. Exactly 9. inevitably
Exercise 4.1.
1. My In my opinion, every college student should take science and math classes. (2)
2. Pietro made a decision to retire from his job, when he was 70 years old. (1)
3. It is clear who that the invention of cell phones has changed the world forever. (2)
4. The city of London has a long and interesting history. In addition, it is very culturally
diversity diverse. (2)
5. Though there is very little water in the area. People , people manage to grow vegetables
there. (1)
6. In 1945, a long and painful war that killed millions of people, World War II, finally ended.
7. When you start a job search, the first step is to check job ads online. (2)
8. One of the many beneficials benefits of learning foreign languages is that you can
communicate with people from other countries. (2)
Exercise 4.2.
1. In my view, Tokyo is the greatest city in the world.
2. In the past, trees covered most of Great Britain.
3. Antibiotics were an important discovery because they allowed people to live longer.
4. Although Ana and Roberto were born in Mexico, they do not speak Spanish.
5. One of the advantages of taking the subway is that you can read while you travel.
6. According to some experts, Christopher Columbus was not the first European who
visited North America.
Exercise 5.1.
The Chinese philosopher Confucius says that “success depends upon previous preparation,
and without such preparation there is sure to be failure”. After I failed my first university
exam, I realized that something had to change. When I came across this quote, it had a great
impact to me because I knew my failure be due to lack of preparation. Over a period of
several months, I came up with three key steps that I now use to get ready for any exam. First
of all, I start prepareing the moment new materials is introduced. I take time to read
assignments, take notes on cards while I read, and reviews my cards regularly. The second
key step is finding a friend who I can to discuss the material with. When I get together with
my friend, we summarize what we understand, give each other specifically examples, and
then quiz each other using my note cards. The last step may seem obvius, but I make sure to
get enough sleep the night before an exam. I have noticed that it make a big difference on
exam day when I feel rested and alert. Since I’ve been following these three steps, I have
received excellent grades on count exams. If I could show my classmates some advice. I
would tell them that with preparation there is sure to be success!
Exercise 5.2. 1C
Exercise 5.3.
Essay 1 1-B 2-A 3-E 4-D 5-C
Essay 2 1-D 2-A 3-B 4-C


I. Suggested Answers:
1. In crowded cities like Hong Kong, traffic can be a serious problem.
2. The actor was happy to receive an award for his excellent performance in the Broadway
3. The musician who/ that performed the songs is from Japan.
4. The air conditioner is an invention that/ which people use in warm places.
5. She is a famous architect who designs modern buildings.
II. Suggested answers: One of my favorite cities to visit is Toronto./ There are many reasons
why I like to go Toronto.
III. Sample

To improve my study habits, I set up a special place in my apartment. First, I chose a

quiet place with good light and the right temperature. I can concentrate more easily in cool
temperatures. Then I found a comfortable table and chair. Next, I cleaned the area of clutter
and removed distractions like my CD player, photograph albums, and magazines. Then I
arranged my textbooks, dictionary, paper, pens and pencils where they are easy to reach.
Finally, I pinned my weekly study schedule on the wall so that I can look at it when I am
sitting at the desk. The study schedule shows the hours I attend class, the blocks of time when
I study, and the times when I relax. It reminds me of my goals and responsibilities. Having a
clean, functional place to study has made me more motivated to do my homework and
succeed in school.

I. Suggested Answers:
1. He thinks that people should stop polluting the ocean with plastic.
2. Earthquakes often damage thousands of buildings when they hit.
3. It is difficult to quit smoking for three reasons.
4. Camping requires a variety of special equipment.
5. Teenage marriages often end in divorce for several reasons.
II. Suggested answers: Successful students share three characteristics.
III. Sample

Last year’s soccer championship for the state of Bahia, Brazil, was amazing because
of the skillful players and then enthusiastic, loyal fans. The players of both teams, Vitoria
and Bahia, showed great skill. They played with marvelous offensive strategy and great team
coordination. Their movements were graceful and unpredictable. They seemed to dance with
the ball as they ran with it and passed. They shot for the goal when no one expected them to.
In addition, the 96000 fans in Fonte Nova Stadium showed their enthusiasm for the sport and
their loyalty to their teams. They came wearing fan club T-shirts, and they started playing
samba drums and dancing before the game began. When the players appeared on the field,
the fans exploded fireworks that sent up puffs of smoke in the team colors. Every time a team
scored, the fans sang songs of praise and held up massive banners that covered entire sections
of the stadium. In this match, the players showed the best Brazilian style soccer, and the fans
showed their passion for the game and for the players.

I. Suggested Answers:
1. Hiking is the best way to explore nature closely.
2. My uncle had a frightening experience as a young man.
3. The musician who performed the songs is from Japan.
4. I had a scary experience when I was a young boy.
5. There are four simple steps to prepare fried rice.
II. Suggested answers: Many people think that it is dangerous to drive while you are using
a cell phone and that it should be against the law to do this, but I disagree.
III. Sample

The Greater Los Angeles area should provide free public transportation. First, the L.A
area has too much traffic and too much air pollution. If people can ride buses and trains for
free, they will drive less, and the traffic and smog will decrease. That will be better for
everyone’s health, but especially for people who live near the freeways and on busy streets.
Second, if public transportation is free, life will be a little easier for people. Many people
working in minimum-wage jobs find it hard to survive in today’s economy. The cost of rent,
food, medicine and other necessities is high. Third, free public transit is faster than paid
public transit. The city of Commerce, which is in the Los Angeles area, offers free public
transit. My cousin Ly, who lives in Commerce, says, “The buses are fast because drivers do
not have to spend time waiting for people to pay fares”.

I. Suggested Answers:
1. It is difficult to find a job in the countryside.
2. There is a large choice of public transport in a city.
3. I’d rather go fishing than stay at home playing cards.
4. Travelling to a foreign country helps people learn about different cultures.
5. Part time jobs teach students skills they need for the future.
II. Suggested answers: Advertisers use colors to help send a message about their products.
III. Sample

When I was thirteen years old, I had a great surprise at the Grand Hotel in Toronto.
My favorite soccer team was visiting from Mexico, so I went to the hotel to get autographs
from some of the players. When I got there, I waited outside for a long time because I was
very nervous. Finally, I told my legs to start moving, and I went up to my favorite striker,
Sergio Verdirame, and asked for his autograph. My voice was trembling, but I controlled it.
He stopped to listen to me, and then an amazing thing happened. He invited me to his table
for dinner, I could not believe it. Suddenly, I was sitting across the table from Sergio
Verdirame! I ordered a big hamburger with everything on it except onions. When the food
came, my hands were shaking, and I could not eat or talk. After a while, I took a deep breath
and said to myself, “Hey, this happens just once in your life”. I got rid of my nerves and
started talking with the team and enjoying my hamburger. They were really great guys, and
we had a good time laughing and joking together. That was the most delicious hamburger I
ever ate in my life because I was eating it my idol.


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[24] https://www.reachcambridge.com/17637/how-to-write-an-essay


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