Environmental Solution To Covid-19 Spread: Aerosol Ozone Solution Is The Neutralizer For Covid-19 Virus

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The control of covid-19 spread can be achieved by environmental solution .Ozone not only exists in the
stratosphere but is also present at ground level. Studies in Beijing shown that,  air pollution particles do
harbour microbes and that pollution particulate (PM) is likely to have carried the viruses .The viruses can
be inactivated by the atmospheric ozone in ppb level. Due to air pollutions caused by vehicles (diesel
emits more No2) and industries the ozone level is decreased in ground level . But during lockdown due
to corona virus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on air pollution in four Southern European cities (Nice,
Rome, Valencia and Turin) and Wuhan (China) ,Chennai , Mumbai was quantified, with a focus on ozone
(O3). Compared to the same period in 2017-2019, the daily O3 mean concentrations increased in all
cities. The sudden increase in the ozone level attained by the ozone aqueous solution sprayed around
the cities . It helps the cities to flatten the curve of covid-19 spread. This method should be adopted to
control the covid-19 in other countries also.


The "infamous" ozone layer is found within the stratosphere, with a concentration of 10 to 20 ppm (parts
per million). By absorbing the high-energy ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun, the ozone layer acts as a
shield for some UV damage to the cellular DNA, thus protecting the life on earth. Ozone is a gas made up
of three oxygen atoms (O3). It is created primarily by ultraviolet radiation. When high-energy ultraviolet
rays strike ordinary oxygen molecules (O2), they split the molecule into two single oxygen atoms, known
as atomic oxygen..

Naturally produced ozone is anything but hazardous. We must recognize the difference between the
naturally produced ozone and ozone in the photochemical smog, and should not blame it as a cause for
environmental pollution. Low concentration of ozone is still able to kill bacteria, viruses and molds, if
given enough exposure. It is fair to say that ozone has balanced and inhibited the overgrowth and
reproduction of microbes on earth. For this reason ozone is used in all air purifiers.
Nowadays, 55% of the world population lives in urban areas (United Nations, 2019). Outdoor air
pollution is a major global public health issue (Lelieveld et al., 2015), leading to 4.2 million premature
deaths worldwide in 2016 (WHO, 2019).

Tropospheric O3 formation occurs when NOx and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) react in the
atmosphere in the presence of sunlight (Seinfeld and Pandis, 1998 ). Despite control efforts, the rising O3
levels become a major public health concern in cities worldwide (Paoletti et al., 2014; Sicard et al., 2018;
Lefohn et al., 2018). The ground-level O3 is considered one of the most harmful air pollutants in terms of
effects on human health (e.g. respiratory and cardiovascular systems), vegetation and materials.But In
the limited artificially produced with high voltage ( corona discharge technology) ozone is helpful to
humans and destroy microorganisms.

Due to the coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic, lockdown measures were implemented in China,
Italy, Spain and France to limit social contacts and flatten the epidemic curve. Such measures were
implemented from 23rd January 2020 in Wuhan, China, while in Italy, the measures were first applied in
Northern regions (from 8th March 2020), where first COVID-19 cases were reported, before to be
extended to the whole country from 10th March 2020. Tightened restrictive measures (i.e., close of
schools and non-essential businesses, limitation of motorized transports) were fully implemented. Still
the virus cases goes up. Because the viruses raid on the particulate matter (PM ) and spread in the air.
The physical and chemical properties of airborne particulate matter (PM) have been extensively studied,
their associated micro biome studied at beijing by Nan Quin group in their recent papers. This theory is
called Magic carpet of microbes.

During Lockdown due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on air pollution in four Southern
European cities (Nice, Rome, Valencia and Turin) and Wuhan (China) ,chennai , Mumbai (India ) was
quantified, with a focus on ozone (O3). Compared to the same period in 2017-2019, the daily O3 mean
concentrations increased at urban stations by 24% in Nice, 14% in Rome, 27% in Turin, 2.4% in Valencia
and 36% in Wuhan during the lockdown in 2020.But in Mumbai only 5 % and chennai only 3%
increased.In natural process it is possible to increase ozone level 3-5 % like in india. But all other cities
the ozone level is artifially incresed to kill the covid-19 virus.

To control the Coviid-19 virus we need to think in environment perspective. Covid 19 ride through air
pollutant until it reaches human. The air pollutant can be neutralized by air purifier ozone .There is a
strange correlation between the City ozone Level and the corona cases .Whenever the atmosphere
ozone level in the city decreases there is increase in no of corona cases .It is universally same.

If ozone can be used in a human environment to kill the new coronavirus and clean air, it will be a
blessing to use it in crowded hospitals, factories, public spaces, closed public transportation, and indoor
homes. Whether ozone can take effect heavily depends on our ability to control its concentration levels.
The volatile gas is easy to produce, but difficult to be controlled at a certain level, because of the cost of
ozone sensors. Without the real-time test of sensors, it is out of the question to control its
concentration. But with aqueous solution of ozone with controlled level will disinfect the public areas. It
also emits ozone gas in PPB level.

Materials and methods

Many cities were selected to have a spatial representativeness and larger air pollution gradients for O3:
Rome and Turin in Italy, Nice in France, Valencia in Spain, and Wuhan, chennai , mumbai , Abudhabi,
Newyork and brisbane.

Measurements performed by the European Space Agency (Sentinel-5P satellite) showed that between
late January and early February 2020, NO2 levels over cities in Asia and Europe were reduced by 40–50%
compared to the same period in 2019 (ESA, 16th April 2020). In parallel with a reduction of the levels of
some pollutants (e.g. black carbon, NO2, PM), in Barcelona (Spain) it was also observed that O3
increased. During Covid-19 lockdown the Wuhan level of aerosol pollution (particulate matter) has also
been substantially reduced. These conditions have led to a substantial increase (a factor 1.5 to 2) in the
concentration of surface ozone.
Due to the complex chemistry of the atmosphere, there are still open questions regarding air pollution
formation and spatiotemporal patterns during the lockdown. The ozone level is maintained after

In the same time the covid-19 cases in this European cities ,Brisbane and wuhan is decreased suddenly .
The aerosol ozone neutralizes the covid 19 viruses. Fortunately, Professor Zhang Yue has donated ozone-
generating purifiers to Huoshenshan Hospital and cubic hospitals, hoping this equipment can play a role
in protecting medics' lives and saving infected patients.

The IIT delhi study found a 10.3% rise in ozone across 10 Indian cities during the two month lockdown
period. Among monitoring locations across Maharashtra, Khadakpada in Kalyan has shown the highest
average ozone levels at 70 micrograms per cubic metre (μg/m³) , followed by the Maharashtra Industrial
Development Corporation Khutala station in Chandrapur at 64 μg/m³. While the concentration ranged
between 23-37 μg/m³ for MMR, a 50% increase in average O3 levels was witnessed when compared to
2019. Kolkata, the city-wide average exceeded on eight days, at least in one station exceeded on 17
days. Chennai and Mumbai did not register a single day of excess at the city-wide level, but at least one
station in both exceeded the standard on 61 and five days.

After the lockdown , due to increase in air pollution and NO2 level the ozone level is deceresed suddenly.
In the mean time the covid -19 positive cases increased immensely in mumbai and chennai as well as

In abudhabi and Newyork after the lockdown the covid-19 cases increased gradually and in end of the
May month the cases suddenly reduced. At the same time the ozone level of cities increased up to 120
ppb .

We study with small ozone generator and with ozone sensor. The preparation of 3 -5 ppm ozone
solution through ozone generator. Then this solution is sprayed in the open park . After 10 minutes we
measure the small level of ozone gas in the Environment .The Level is 0.01 ppm to 0.02 ppm. The level
is enough to kill the covid19 viruses , we already seen in the case studies.


The hourly O3 concentrations were provided by the local and regional agencies in charge of air
monitoring stations. To detect and estimate the changes within the time series, and quantify the
lockdown effect on air pollutants levels, the deviations of 24-h mean concentrations (expressed in %)
were computed for each day of the year (DOY) and station, by calculating the mean bias between the
period After the lockdown and during the lockdown in 2020. At the same time the covid-19 cases also
investigated during lockdown and after lockdown

The Chinese case study

The china cases attained the peak in between 12-feb to 17 feb. But suddenly the cases reduced after 19
February. In the same time ,the atmospheric ozone level is increased and little by little after 23 january
and reduced between peak period. Finally after 19 feburary the ozone level increased tremendously .
This graphs are the proof for ozone aerosol solution is the potential neutralizer for covid-19.


The red vertical line indicates the day (23 January 2020) during which the lockdown of Wuhan was
implemented by the Chinese authorities. The horizontal dash lines show the mean of the represented
quantities before and after this date. Block Arrow is the peak date of cases.

The Italian case study

The Italian cases attained the peak in between 20 march. But suddenly the cases reduced after 1 24

The Italian cases

Ozone level and cases in Milan,Itlay

In the Milan case study , we can proof during march 24 the ozone level is increased dramatically in the
air and in reverse the daily cases decreased suddenly. Here the important news to remember is march 23
itlay sign the agreement with china silk route plan.

Comparison studies of Wuhan and European cities ozone level

During Lockdown due to coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic on air pollution in four Southern
European cities (Nice, Rome, Valencia and Turin) and Wuhan (China) ,Brisbane was ozone (O3)is
increased in the environment . Compared to the same period in 2017-2019, the daily O3 mean
concentrations increased at urban stations by 24% in Nice, 14% in Rome, 27% in Turin, 2.4% in Valencia
and 36% in Wuhan during the lockdown in 2020. The average ozone level is all cities regarded around
120 PPB. The same ozone level between 100 bbp to 120 bbp will be maintained after the lockdown also.
In Wuhan the ozone level increased from 40 bbp to 120 bbp between 19 -23 january . at the same time
the corona virus cases decreased suddenly. In southern European cities and brisbane , the ozone level is
increased suddenly betwwe 23 -26 march .Mean while ,the covid 19 cases decreased drastically in these

Mean concentrations (±standard error, in μg.m−3) by joining all stations at city-scale of 24-hour mean concentrations (PM2.5,
PM10, NO, NO2 and O3) in Nice, Rome, Turin, Valencia and Wuhan between the lockdown period in 2020 and the weekday and
weekend of the equivalent time period averaged over the 3 previous years (2017–2019). Different letters represent significant
differences between groups per city (Kruskal-Wallis test, p-value <0.05 significant).

Country wise study in UK

The Uk case study also showing the same results .The south east and east regions has more ozone in
environment and less corona cases and more air pollution .
Abudhabi and Newyork

Abudhabi and Newyork the cases increased after the lockdown also. But in the end of the May , the
ozone level in these cities increased suddenly as well as the covid-19 cases reduced practically.

The abudhabi ozone level



In india case, Mumbai and chennai the cases increased after the lockdown also. The ozone level in
these cities decreased gradually as well as the covid-19 cases increased gradually. India is struggling to
flatten the curve because of its low ground ozone level.
Mumbai Ozone Level

The Mumbai worst affected area kurla , After the Lockdown in the month of June , average ozone level
is 4 ppb only.

Source : National Air Quality Index

Chennai Ozone Level

The Chennai worst affected area Royapuram , After the lockdown in the month of June average ozone
level is 8 ppb only.

Chennai Case study

The chennai case study up to 11th june, further reveal the how the ozone level is affect the three areas
with covid -19 cases.

Zone Covid-19 cases Ozone Level ( Monthly Avg )

Alandur 521 27 ppb

Manali 383 56 ppb

Velachery Less than 1000 66 ppb


To control the Coviid-19 virus we need to think in environment perspective. The air pollutant carry the
covid 19 virus can be neutralized by air purifier ozone .There is a strange correlation between the City
ozone Level and the corona cases .It is universally same .From these observations we can plot the
relationship curve between covid-19 cases and atmospheric ozone.

According to results of the experiment on how ozone kills SARS virus conducted by the national P3
laboratory headed by Professor Li Zelin, ozone is effective in killing the SARS virus inoculated on green
monkey kidney cells, realizing a killing rate of 99.22%. The virus found in Wuhan and SARS virus both
belong to the coronavirus.
If ozone can be used in a human environment to kill the new coronavirus and clean air, it will be a
blessing to use it in crowded hospitals, factories, public spaces, closed public transportation, and indoor
homes. But controlled release of ozone gas in the environment need many sensors .Also the sensors is
very costly. Instead we can use ozonized water solution in the open environment with safe .

The optimum level of ozone solution instreets is 3- 4.5 ppm . It will emits the ozone gas in 100 to 200
ppb level ozone gas which is safe for humans including asthma patients.

In open parks and outside city areas we can use the level of 20 ppm which can kill the virus with in 4


In Brisbane, Sunshine Coast-based company Grenof is already battled against #COVID19. They use an
ozone-based disinfectant in public places. They say it works 3000 times better than chlorine at killing the
virus - and it’s safer too .



Itlay also used ozonized water solution.


currently the Nora medical university in Japan release the press release , ozone gas can inactivate covid-
19 virus.In india, the tripathi temple is using the ozone gas for public disinfection . But it is dangours
practice for asthma patients. Un controlled ozone will create irritation to lungs and mucus cells which
can worse the asthma condition .
The ozone aerosol solution is the safe and effective method to inactivate covid-19 virus. Finally we need
to consider the low humidity also responsible for effective inactivation of corona virus.

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