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Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ...................................................................................... 5
INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 6
CHAPTER 1: AN OVERVIEW OF WRITING ....................................................... 8
A. THE IMPORTANCE OF WRITING..................................................................... 9
B. UNIT STRUCTURE ............................................................................................ 10
................................................................................................................................... 14
Unit 1: Short emails ...........................................................................................................14
................................................................................................................................... 26
Unit 2: Longer emails .........................................................................................................26
Unit 3: Sharing news online ...................................................................................... 37
Unit 4: Filling in forms ............................................................................................. 49
Unit 5: “To do” list .................................................................................................... 62
Unit 6: Invitations and directions .............................................................................. 72
Unit 7: Advertising a room ....................................................................................... 85
Unit 8: Giving and getting advice ............................................................................. 95
Unit 9: Course application ...................................................................................... 103
Unit 11: Job application .......................................................................................... 120
Unit 12: Taking notes .............................................................................................. 128
Unit 13: Problems at work or school ...................................................................... 137
CHAPTER 2: TEST - TAKING STRATEGIES & REVISION .......................... 145
1. Key concepts ............................................................................................................. 146
2. Exam structure........................................................................................................... 146
3. Band score and Rubrics for assessment ................................................................. 146
4. Writing exam .............................................................................................................. 148
B. TEST-TAKING STRATEGIES ......................................................................... 153
1. Purposes of test-taking strategies ........................................................................... 153
2. Advantages of test-taking strategies........................................................................ 153
3. Specific test-taking strategies .................................................................................. 153
C. WRITING TEST SAMPLES ............................................................................. 162
CHAPTER 3: PRACTICE TESTS ......................................................................... 168
ANSWERS ................................................................................................................ 185
Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

GLOSSARY .............................................................................................................. 219

REFERENCES ......................................................................................................... 227
APPENDICES ........................................................................................................... 229

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1


No. Abbreviation Meaning

1 adj adjective

2 adv adverb

3 v, V verb

4 n noun

5 prep preposition

6 phr v phrasal verb

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

To the students,

Handbook for Writing 1 is for freshmen whose major is English Language of the University
of Economics and Technology for Industries (UNETI). This supplementary book gives an
overview of Writing 1 syllabus in line with the main textbook “Collins English for Life:
Writing” and its place within Vietnamese Standardized Test of English Proficiency


The first goal of this book is to take students from the mechanics of basic sentence writing
to the ability of construct a paragraph which suits specific types of writing. The grammar
in accordance with the useful language and vocabulary have been planned from single to
more complex, and the lessons build on each other. For this reason, the students will
probably benefit the most if they do the exercises in each lesson in the order they are

Additionally, this handbook provides students with a detailed background of examination

form and strategies about what to expect and how best to succeed in the test. Writing exam
information is presented in clear, easy-to-read chunks. Moreover, “exam tips” will be
highlighted with essential exam techniques or test-taking strategies and can be rapidly
reviewed at a glance.


This essential studying material is designed scientifically, clearly and attractively to

students with three chapters.

Chapter 1 emphasizes on the importance of writing skills and leading students through the
unique tutorials and related practice workouts for every single unit of Writing 1. In
particular, the target aim is embraced in the first part of the unit. The necessary knowledge
concerning grammar for writing, useful language and vocabulary; and academic writing
skills are definitely explained in order for students to comprehend and produce in their own
writing. Last but not least, students are given chances to reflect how they apply the
language through objective review. These steps, as a consequence, encourage them to study
at their own pace and develop either their self-esteem or autonomy.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Chapter 2 firstly describes the examination structure and the different task types so
candidates know what to expect when taking the exam. Additionally, it explains how the
test is evaluated and helps participants to know what to concentrate on and how to avoid
typical mistakes. Another significant feature is the online writing final test under the
circumstances of COVID 19 pandemic. Furthermore, this chapter sheds the light on
addressing a variety of test-taking techniques that are ideally useful not only for this course,
but also for various international examinations related to writing skills. Last but not least,
this chapter also includes the revision covering the nuclear contents for the final test which
is also analyzed for students to get throughout understanding on how the writing paper is

Chapter 3 is functionally presented with sample practice tests serving the aim of helping
students prepare for the final examination.

This book is compiled elaborately and expected to be a rich and powerful source for both
EFL teachers and students in writing class. We would be grateful to welcome the
constructive suggestions and recommendations to improve the book. Please send all the
responses to

Thank you!

Nguyen, T. T. H, Pham, T. D. L & Pham, T. Q. (2020)

Chapter 1: An Overview of Writing Handbook for Writing 1


Chapter 1: An Overview of Writing Handbook for Writing 1


Writing is a very important skill in our daily life. It helps in realizing communication
among people in community (Peterson, 2003). Writing as a craft goes in parallel with
human life since people need it to fulfill their different transactions. The importance of
writing, as one of the language skills, stems from the influential role which language plays
in human life. According to Williams (2011), since language is a means of communication
among people, writing accomplishes a lot of different communicative function. For
example, it realizes the documentary function in the social transactions of human life and
so forth and so one. Thus, no one can neglect its importance in the different aspects of
human life.

Writing in English is regarded one of the basic elements of intercultural communication.

This is regarded as a significant requirement especially in the present era which is
characterized by what has been recently termed as globalization. Nowadays, writing is used
more than at any point in human history. From Facebook updates and emails blasts to text
messages and business reports, words are everywhere. How people use their words can
vary depending on the platform through which they are expressing themselves. In business,
it means being a little more formal. In emails, it means being clear but concise. Writing is
like any skill or talent: the more you do it, the better you get. Word choice, syntax,
punctuation and style are all the obvious elements of effective writing. Without them, the
rest isn’t seen as credible. But all that doesn’t matter if there isn’t a good central idea or
objective behind writing. The idea must be organized well. As a result, this handbook is
designed serving the aims of encourage students, particularly UNETI students to get
background knowledge on how to produce written communication effectively under the
form of target writing types.
Chapter 1: An Overview of Writing Handbook for Writing 1


Collins English for Life: Writing consists of four different sections which stay focus on
various writing purposes of sharing information, getting things done, working and studying
and writing for pleasure. In each sections, a variety of writing tasks are highlighted as
 Writing formal and informal letter;
 Texting messages;
 Filling in forms;
 Writing a “to do” list;
 Writing an invitation letter;
 Writing an advert;
 Write a letter of advice;
 Write a CV;
 Write a letter to ask for help;
 Write a covering letter;
 Write a note;
 Write a letter of request.
Chapter 1: An Overview of Writing Handbook for Writing 1


Whatever people are writing, it is important to think about it first. If they plan their writing
well, it will be clear, logical and effective. Before they start to write, the most crucial
question to ask themselves is “What am I trying to achieve?”
The best way to be clear about this is to ask three questions:
1. Who is this writing for? Writers should make sure that they use a suitable style and
tone for their readers. Informal language and jokes are fine for their friends, but a
job application needs to be more formal.
2. What do I want to say? Writers should make sure that what they say is absolutely
clear, and that they have included everything they wanted to include.
3. Why do I want to say it? Writers should make sure the letter achieves what they
want it to achieve. For instance, if they write a letter of request, be clear about what
they want to happen, are they writing it because they want a request.

Before starting to write, it can sometimes be helpful to make a brief summary of what they
are trying to achieve. This can help them to concentrate on the most important points of
their writing.
When they have finished their writing, they can go back to their summary and check that
what they have written achieves what they wanted it to. A good summary will always
answer the questions: Who? What? And why?
Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1


Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Each unit starts with the objectives of the unit. They outline the key language and skills

Part A - Grammar for Writing: provide grammatical phenomenon used for the target type
of writing. Clear structures are provided

Part B - Language Development: provide useful vocabulary and phrases related to the

Part C - Academic Writing Skills: focus on task 2 and task 3 questions, and provides step-
by-step exercises and guidance on the type of writing answer required and the key stages
of the writing process. The particular requirements of each type of writing and the different
formats for presenting information.

Part D - Writing Tasks: provide some practice writing exercises.

Part E - Online Investigation: aim to expand students’ knowledge on the particular type of
writing in that unit by supplying them the online authentic material for further studying
and self-esteem.

Finally, an objective review helps students to check whether they have covered the key
points in the unit or not.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 1: Short emails


This unit helps students to:

 Identify and distinguish a formal email/ letter and an informal email/ letter.
 Use phrases to open and close an email/ letter.
 Know how to make suggestion, arrangement and plans.
 Write a short formal or informal letter.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Making plans, suggestions and arrangements

1. Suggest:

 Suggest + Noun/ Noun phrase + to + sb

 Suggest + (that) + Clause (Verb infinitive / should + Verb infinitive)
 Suggest + V-ing

Eg. I suggest going for a walk tonight I suggest we go for a walk tonight

2. Other structures:

 How about + V-ing + ….?

 What about + V-ing + ….?
 Shall we + V infinitive + …?
 Why don’t you + V infinitive + …?

Eg. Shall we make a birthday cake for Lisa?

What about making a birthday cake for Lisa?


1. Rewrite the sentences using the words given

1. Frank has got a headache. He should take the medicine

 I suggest …………………………………………………………………………...

2. Why don’t you watch more English film, Viet?

 The teacher suggests ………………………………………………………………

3. I suggest that you eat more vegetables and fruits.

 How about …………………………………………………………………………

4. Why don’t you ask him yourself?

 I suggest ……………………………………………………………………………

5. I suggest you buy a good English dictionary.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

 Let’s ……………………………………………………………………………….

2. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.

1. My teacher/ suggest/ I/ learn/ harder/ pass/ next test/

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. I/ suggest/ they/ dinner/ first/ then/ watch/ film.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. doctor/ suggested/ rest/ a bit

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. Why/ we/ try/ shop/ M.A Road?

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. Let’s/ get/ part-time/ job/ after/ school.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

6. My mother/ suggest/ we/ go out/ for/ hang out/ after/ dinner.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………7.
How/ stop/ drink/ coffee.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

8. Let’s/ go/ France/ instead of/ Italy/ this summer.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

9. We/ suggest/ she/ meet/ Frank/ café.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

10. How/ dinner/ first/ then/ watch/ film.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Useful language and vocabulary

1. Use these phrases to make plans, suggestions and arrangements

 Let’s revise our lessons

 What about going to the cinema tonight?
 How about playing cards?
 Why don’t we do our homework?
 Couldn’t we invite your grandmother to our party?
 Shall we have a walk along the river?
 What would you say to a cup of coffee?
 Don’t you think it is a good idea to watch TV?
 Does it matter if we use your car?

2. Use these phrases to respond to a plan, a suggestion or an arrangement.

Accepting Refusing

 Ok. Yes, let’s.  No, let’s not.

 Yes, I’d like to.  No, I’d rather not.
 Yes, I’d love to.  I don’t feel like it.
 What a good idea!  I dislike going for a walk.
 Why not?  What an awful/ bad idea!
 Yes, with pleasure.
 Yes, I feel like taking a walk
 That sounds like a good idea.


Complete the two dialogues with the words and phrases for making, accepting and
refusing suggestions or arrangements from the box.

We could do What about Shall we see Have any ideas

Not sure Go cycling Let’s watch Would you like
Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Shall we get Let’s Shall we do Fun

Sounds great Shall we do there Let’s go Why don’t we
What shall I’d rather not Shall we go Good idea

Dialogue 1

A: I’m bored. (1) ……………. to do something this afternoon?

B: Sure. What (2) …………….?
A: I don’t know. Do you (3) …………….?
B: (4) ……………. go to the cinema?
A: That sounds good. Which film (5) …………….?
B: How about watching a horror film?
A: (6) ……………. I don’t like watching horror films. (7) ……………. The
new Star Trek film. I hear it’s really good.
B: Ok. Let’s see that. What time is it on?
A: It’s on at 3 o’clock. (8) ……………. something to eat before the film?
B: Sure, that (9) ……………. (10) ……………. going to that new Korean
restaurant on the high street?
A: Good idea! Let’s leave at half past one.
B: Ok.

Dialogue 2

A: (1) ………………. we do today?

B: I don’t know.
A: (2) ……………. go bowling.
B: I’m (3) …… about that. It’s a lovely day. (4) ……. something outside.
A: How about going to the park?
B: That’s a (5) …….. What (6) …….?
A: Why don’t we go jogging?
B: I don’t think so. It’s too hot to go jogging.
A: Ok. Why don’t we (7) ……. instead?
B: That sounds (8) …….. The park has an excellent cycle track.
A: What time (9) ………?
B: (10) ……. just after lunch.
Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

A: Perfect. I’ll go and get my bike.

Opening and Closing a(n) email/ letter

1. Layout and punctuation

Opening a(n) email/ letter: we normally write a comma after the opening phrase. We start
a new line after the name of the person we’re writing to.

Closing a(n) email/ letter: we normally write a comma after the closing phrase. We start a
new line to write the name at the end.


 Dear Mr. Johnson,  Hi Tim,
 I am writing to thank you for all  Many thanks for your help.
your help.  See you next week
 I look forward to seeing you next  Cheers,
week.  John
 With best wishes,
 John Smith.

2. Phrases for opening and closing

Here are some phrases which we use for starting and finishing emails. We use these in
formal and informal emails:

Formal Informal
Opening Dear Mr. Piper, Hi Tim,
Dear Sir or Madam, Hello again Tim,
Closing Yours sincerely, Regards, Cheers,
Yours faithfully, Bye for now, See you soon,

See more phrases and structures in Appendix 1

PRACTICE: Read the phrases and mark them for making a plan “P”, opening
an email “O”, or closing an email “C”

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

1. How are things with you? 6. I would be grateful if we could rearrange

2. Write back soon! the suitable schedule for everyone.

3. Keep in touch! 7. Thank you for your email regarding

making an appointment.
4. Please contact me if you have any
further questions 8. Hope to hear from you

5. I am writing on behalf of LCD 9. Let’s go for a picnic on Sunday

company to discuss our cooperation 10. Just a quick note to remind you to work

Formal language and Informal language in letter writing

Formal language is the kind we use when we are being businesslike or when we are
talking to people who we need to respect. We use formal types of language when we are
writing essays, or applying for a job, or talking to our teachers.

Informal language is the kind we use when we are talking or writing to our family or

To whom is the email/ letter sent?


 An email to a customer  A birthday greeting to a colleague
 A job application/ covering letter  An email to a colleague who is
 An email to your manager also a good friend
 A complaint to a shop  A social invitation to a friend at
 An email from one company to your workplace
another company  A message to a friend on a social
networking site.

PRACTICE: Here are some topics. Identify the recipient and decide which topic
is formal? Which one is informal?

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Topic 1 You live in a room in college which you share with another student.
However, there are many problems with this arrangement and you find it
very difficult to work.

Write a letter to the accommodation officer at the college. In your letter:

 Describe the situation;

 Explain your problem and why it is difficult to work;
 Say what kind of accommodation you would prefer.

Topic 2 A friend has agreed to stay in your flat and look after it while you are away.
You want to give them some information.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter:

 Give information about the flat;

 Provide any important instructions;
 Say what he/ she should do if there are any problems.

Topic 3 A friend is visiting a city that you are familiar with.

Write a letter to this friend. In your letter:

 Describe to him/ her a place worth visiting;

 Suggest some eating options;
 Suggest transport options.

Topic 4 You have seen an advert in a newspaper asking for volunteers to help run
a charity event.

Write a letter of application to the organizer. In your letter:

 Explain why you are interested in helping;

 Give details of relevant past experience;
 Suggest ways you might help with the event.

Topic 5 You stayed at your friend’s house when you attended a conference in
Australia. Unfortunately, you left a large envelope with some important
documents in your room.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Write a letter to your friend. In the letter:

 Thank your friend for the stay;

 Describe where you left the envelop;
 Ask him/ her to return it to you by post.

How is the formal or informal email/ letter written?


 Is more rigidly structured, is used  Is less rigidly structured, is
with full form of verbs (I would, I accepted with contractions
will, etc.) (you’re, my name’s) or leaving
 Has a more formal tone out words (long time no see).
 Uses more standard, written  Has a more relaxed tone
language  Uses more casual, spoken
 Places higher importance on language
correct grammar and spelling  Places less emphasis on correct
 Is used mainly with non-peers grammar and spelling
and people you don’t know well  Is used mainly with peers and
 Is more likely to be needed in other people you know well
business, career or educational  Is more likely to be needed in
situations personal situations

See more phrases and structures in Appendix 1

PRACTICE: Which is the purpose of two letters? Decide which letter is formal?
Which one is informal? Why?

Queenstown Road

Singapore 672098

6th April, 2020

Dear John and Ann,

Thanks for a great weekend. We really enjoyed ourselves.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Bill & I were talking ‘bout the holiday. I’ll be nice to go camping in Cairo.
for 3 days. Are you interested?

Let me know if you’re and we can talk ‘bout date.

See you yah.

Love, Alice

Pure Water Ltd.

18 Carrington Road

London ES38 1HY

Dear Ms. Jodie,

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you for being our business
partner in more than decade.

I would be grateful to arrange an appointment about the two firms

extends in the horizon in the forthcoming years.

Please inform me at the earliest time schedule.

Yours sincerely,

John Doe.

1. Write a short email to arrange a picnic at weekend with your cousins. In your letter,
you should:

 Make a suggestion about the place for a picnic.

 Make a suggestion about what to prepare and bring for a picnic.
 Choose informal phrases to open and close your email.

2. Write a short email to your uncle and aunt to borrow their piano for your first lesson.
In your letter, you should:

 Ask if the piano is available next Friday afternoon.

 Suggest a time to borrow for your lesson.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

 Choose formal phrases to open and close your email.

 Be friendly and polite.

(1) Write a first draft of your email/ letter.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your email for content and structure


Have you written the opening and closing sentences for your email?
Have you written the main content for your email?
Have you used the correct language for your informal or formal email?
Have you used suitable and structures to make suggestions in your email?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your email/ letter: Make any necessary changes to your

Writing an email/ letter is very important because people often use this form of
communication in business or daily life. In details, identifying the recipient is so crucial as
it helps you to choose the appropriate language and writing manner – formal or informal

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on basics
of writing an email/ letter.

Chapter 2: Studying Materials A Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Identify and distinguish a formal email/ letter and an informal email/ letter.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use phrases to open and close an email/ letter.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Know how to make suggestion, arrangement and plans.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a short formal or informal email/ letter.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 2: Longer emails


This unit helps students to:

 Understand five parts in an email/ letter.

 Use punctuation correctly.
 Use Present Simple to talk about daily routines.
 Use appropriate vocabulary to talk about daily routines.
 Write an email/ letter with clearly different-oriented paragraph to describe daily

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

In the alphabet, the vowels are “u, e, o, a, i”. The other letters are consonants. To make the
third person singular form of a verb in the Present Simple, we need to follow spelling rules.

 We add “-s” if the verb ends in a consonant (e.g. read  reads) or a consonant sound
(e.g. write  writes)
 We replace “-y” with “-ies” if the verb ends in a consonant + “-y” (e.g. study 
 We add “-es” if the verb ends in a vowel (e.g. go  goes)
 We add “-s” if the verb ends in a vowel + “-y” (e.g. say  says)

Some verbs are irregular (e.g. have  has, be  is)


1. Put the words in order to make sentences.

1. have/ Tuesday/ Spanish/ on/ we.


2. dad/ work/ car/ often/ my/ to/ by/ goes.

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1


3. my/ I/ with/ always/ housework/ help/ mum/ the.


4. once/ judo/ week/ she/ a/ has/ classes.


5. like/ very/ gardening/ I/ much.


2. Correct the mistakes in the text

My neighbor is called Jeanie. She is coming from Belgium. She is living here since 1995
and she says she has been going back to visit her family in Belgium only once. She’s having
an accent that is the same as people who are coming from France, but I never ask her if she
is speaking French. She is really liking to go to the theatre and she is inviting me to go with
her one Saturday. In the short time, I am knowing her, we become good friends.


Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

Useful language and vocabulary: DAILY ROUTINES

1. Common phrases:

“Daily routines” mean activities you do every day. When we talk about our daily routine,
we use Simple Present. To talk about your routine, it is important to prepare the
vocabulary. Here are the suggestions:

2. Writing home about your daily routines

 Hi/ Hey there,  Life is the same as one at home.

 How are you? Hope you’re all well.  Life is similar to mine at home.
 How are the things?  Life is so different here.
 Let me tell you about my daily  I’m having great time.
activities.  I miss you all/ Wish you were
 Let me describe my daily activities here!
 I always/ often/ sometimes....  Love/ Hugs/ Kisses

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

3. Time expressions

Time expressions say when or how often something happens. One type of time expression
is every + a noun for time. Eg. I read a book every week/ month.

Another type of time expression is prepositional phrase for time. The type of phrase that
follows the preposition shows which preposition to use.

At + clock time: at 10 a.m., at 3 p.m.

In + part of the day: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening

4. Connectors

You need to connect sentences in your email talking about your daily routine. Here are

some words that can help you to connect your phrases.

 First, .... Then  At night...

 And  At the weekend,...
 When  After school/ work...


Fill in the blank with the suitable words.

I (1) .............. up early every morning. Then I usually (2) ..............

a shower before breakfast. I always (3) .............. breakfast before going to

school. Then I (4) .............. to school on foot. Sometimes I (5) ..............

lunch in the school canteen with a friend. After school I always (6) ..............

my homework. In the afternoon, I (7) .............. football in the park.

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

I (8) .............. dinner with my parents at 7 p.m. Sometimes I (9) ..............

a little TV after dinner. At 10 p.m. I (10) ............... to bed.

2. Read what Rosa Camino says about her day. Then write the sentences. Tell about
Rosa. Change “I” to “she” and “my” to “her”

I have two full-time jobs. I work in a hospital, and I take care of my family. I get up at 5.30
every morning. I cook breakfast for my son and my husband. At 6.30 I get my son, Pace,
ready for school. At 7.00 I drive Pace to school. I get to the hospital at 7.30. I work from
7.30 to 3.30. After work, I pick Pace up at school. I go home, and I cook dinner. After
dinner I do the dishes. On Wednesday evening, I go to class. After class, I make lunch for
my husband and my son. I sometimes watch television in the evening if I’m not too tired.
I usually go to bed at 10.30.


1. Structure of an email/ letter

There are five parts in an email.

(1) Greeting: to show who the recipient/ receiver is.

(2) Introduction: to introduce the reason why he/ she is writing the email.
(3) Main body (content): to describe the main information.
(4) Final message (comment): to add some closing remarks and promise the next

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

(5) Goodbye (closing): to end the letter.

Note: In real world, writers can put their signatures under Goodbye (closing).

2. Paragraphs

 In longer emails/ letters, it is advisable to break up pieces of text into different

paragraphs because it helps readers easier to read and follow.
 With the five-part structure, you can introduce, discuss the main content and close
your email/ letter in a neat way.
 In the main body, you can start a new paragraph each time you change the subject.

3. Puntuation

Punctuation is the system of signs or symbols given to a reader to show how a sentence is
constructed and how it should be read. Punctuation makes the meaning clear.

Internal punctuation

a. The comma (,): is useful in a sentence when the writer wishes to:

 Pause before proceeding

 Add a phrase that does not contain any new subkect
 Separate items on a list
 Use more than one adjective (a describing word, like beautiful)

Eg. I often have milk, bread, cheese and an apple for breakfast every day.

b. Dash (-): indicates to connect ideas or give more information

Eg. Do you remember Jane – my pen friend?

End stops

c. Full stop (.): should be used to end a sentence. The full stop indicates that a point has
been made and that you are about to move on further explanations or related point.

Eg. First, I get up at around 6.30 and get dressed before having breakfast.

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

d. Exclamation mark (!): indicates strong feeling within a sentence, such as fear, anger or
love. It is also used to accentuate feeling within the written spoken word.

Eg. How amazing the new life here it is!

e. Question mark (?): indicates that a sentence is asking a question. It always comes at the
end of a sentence.

Eg. Why don’t you visit my new apartment?

Other puntuation mark

f. Apostrophe (‘): indicates firstly possession or ownership, secondly contractions

Eg. My new school’s library is so big, Mom.

I’m going to take a Spanish course.

PRACTICE: Read the text, mark where each new paragraph should start and
use puntuation to make the text clear.
Hi Mom and Dad life here is so strange to me hope you are all well may day usually starts
quite early I always get up at 7.30 on weekdays but at the weekends I sleep an hour and a
half longer when I get up I go to the bathroom first I wash my face to wake me up brush
my teeth and then I have a shower after that I comb my hair and get dressed I usually wear
casual clothes mainly jeans shorts T-shirts and trainers I usually have a bowl of comflakes
with hot milk banana and toast with marmalade I usually walk to school because I dont
live far classes starte at 8.30 I like Maths best but Im also good at Science and English I
have two breaksat 11 and at 1 oclock I eat sandwich and drink orange juice I also play with
my classmates in the playground school finishes at 3.30 and I join the guitar club after that
before dinner I sometimes meet my friends or watch TV after dinner I read a book or surf
the internet for a while I miss you all how are things at home hope that see you soon love.


Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1


Your friend Mary has written you a letter. Part of it says:

What’s your favorite day of the week? I’d love to

hear all about your activities that day.

Write a letter of about 120 words in reply.

(1) Write a first draft of your email/ letter.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your email for content and structure


Have you written five parts in your letter?

Have you broken your main body into different paragraphs?
Have you used the correct language to talk about your favorite daily routine?
Have you used suitable and correct punctuation?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your email/ letter: Make any necessary changes to your

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

An email is well-organized when it is divided into different paragraphs or parts. Hence, it

is necessary to capture the following notes:

 Emails are easier to read if the writer uses paragraphs

 A paragraph in an email is often two or three sentences long.
 Each paragraph starts on a new line.
 When you start writing about a new topic, you can start a new paragraph.

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study on longer

Unit 2: Longer emails Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Understand five parts in an email/ letter.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use punctuation correctly

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use Present Simple to talk about daily routines

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use appropriate vocabulary to talk about daily routines

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an email/ letter with clearly different-oriented paragraph to describe daily routines
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 3: Sharing news online


This unit helps students to:

 Greet friends online and end a conversation.

 Use “should, must, have to” to express obligation.
 Use different phrases to share and respond to news.
 Chat with friends online.

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Modal Verbs of Obligation

We can use “must/ should/ have to” to express obligation (something you have to do)

Present Positive Negative

Must/ mustn’t + V infinitive Strong obligation (possibly Negative obligation
based on the speaker’s e.g. You mustn’t smoke here
opinion, from the inside)
e.g. I must study today.
Should/ shouldn’t + V Mild obligation or advice Mild negative obligation or
infinitive e.g. You should save some advice
money. e.g. You shouldn’t smoke so
Have to/ don’t have to + V Strong obligation (possibly No obligation
infinitive from outside) e.g. I don’t have to work on
e.g. Children have to go to Sundays

Be careful about the difference between “mustn’t” and “don’t have to”

Mustn’t: means it’s not allowed, or it’s a bad idea

e.g. You mustn’t eat so much chocolate, you’ll be sick

Don’t have to: means you don’t need to do something, but it’s fine if you want to do it

e.g. I don’t have to get up early at the weekend (of course, if I want to get up early, that’s
fine, but I can stay in bed if I want)


1. Choose the best answer

1. The doctor says I …………… eat a healthy diet.
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. have to
2. You …………… touch that! It’s dangerous.
a. mustn’t b. must c. don’t have to

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

3. You can wear what you like for the party. You …………… dress up.
a. have to b. must c. don’t have to
4. I …………. go to the shops today because my husband’s already been.
a. don’t have to b. mustn’t c. must
5. You …………… talk to him like that. It’s rude!
a. mustn’t b. don’t have to c. must
6. I know I really …………… study more!
a. mustn’t b. don’t have to c. must
7. If you want to lose weight, you …………… eat so much chocolate.
a. should b. shouldn’t c. have to
8. Tomorrow is a holiday. My children …………… get up early.
a. have to b. should c. don’t have to
9. Susan ……………visit her grandmother. She is old and sick.
a. should b. must c. has to
10. He …………… wear a tie and a uniform at work.
a. has to b. must c. should

2. Fill in the blank with “must/ mustn’t, should/ shouldn’t or have to/ not have to”

AT THE ZOO Children (1) …………… be supervised. Visitors (2) ……………

feed the animals. If you see a person in immediate danger, you (3)
…………… contact Zoo staff immediately. You (4) ……………
pay for a ticket if you are under six years old.

AT SCHOOL Students (5) …………… to wear uniforms, but they (6)

…………… respect the property and equipment of the school and
others. Every student (7) …………… be serious, honest,
responsible, polite and neat in appearance. In Japan, students (8)
…………… forget to sweep the hall floors before they go home at
the end of the day.

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

TRAFFIC You (9) …………… stop when the traffic light is red. You (10)
RULES …………… turn right. Look at the sign! Traffic wardens (11)
…………… be patient but firm with negligent drivers. Cyclists (12)
…………… cycle on the pavement. In England you (13)
…………… drive on the left.

CAMPING Trees (14) …………… be cut down, nor wood removed from live
RULES trees. All fires (15) …………… be within the built fireplaces. Water
is metered and (16) …………… be paid for, so you (17)
…………… ensure all taps are turned off after use.

BABY SITTING A babysitter (18) …………… know that she/ he (19)

……………open the door if someone he/she doesn’t know wants to
come in. If the person doesn’t go away, he’ll/ she’ll (20)
…………… call the police.

Useful vocabulary and phrases

1. Greeting a conversation

Informal language should be used for texting to greet people online

 Hey/ Hi/ Hello

 How’re you? How’s it going?
 How’re things?

2. Sharing news

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Here are some certain phrases that help to give or react to good news and bad news to
friends, family or colleagues.

Giving news

Formal Informal
 I’m really pleased to tell you that  Guess what!!
 I’d like to tell you that…  I have some amazing/ incredible/
 I’m (really) happy to inform you fantastic/ great news for you!
that …  Can you believe it?
 I’ve got some good news for you.  Hey! I’ve got some good news for
 I am afraid; I have some bad news you
to tell you…  So sorry to tell you that
 I really don’t know how to say it  So sad to inform

Responding to good news

Formal Informal
 That’s great!  Wow! That’s awesome!
 Well done!  Fantastic/ great/ awesome!
 I’m (so/really) glad to hear that!  That’s so great!
 Wonderful! Thank you for sharing.  I’m thrilled for you!
 I’m/ we’re very happy for you.  I’m so happy for you!
 Congratulations  Congratulations!
 That’s very good news  That is good news.
 I can’t believe it! That’s great!

Responding to bad news

Formal Informal
 I am sorry to hear that…  Sorry to hear that!
 My goodness it’s terrible news…  Poor you!
 Please accept my deepest sympathy 

3. Closing a conversation

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

When you want to end a conversation, you can combine three steps of giving a reason,
making some future plans and saying goodbye.

Reason  Oh, look at the time

 I’m afraid I have another appointment
 Well, I won’t keep you any longer.
 It’s been a pleasure talking to you.
Future plan  Let’s get together soon.
 Let’s do lunch sometime.
 I’ll call you next week.
 I’ll be in touch
Goodbye  Bye for now. Take care.
 See you! Bye now!
 Thank youivery much!


1. Choose the best answer to end the message.

1. I’ll let you go then. .............................. Bye for now!

a. Let’s be in touch next week b. Oh, look at the time!

2. It’s been great catching up with you. ............................. Take care!

a. I’m really busy these days b. Let’s do lunch next week.

3. Oh, look at the time! I’m afraid I have to go. I’ll be in touch with you soon.

a. You must have to go b. Bye for now

4. I’m afraid someone is trying to ring the belldoor. ............................. Bye!

a. I’ll text you back a little earlier b. My pleasure

Brandon: It’s been a real pleasure meeting you, Mr. Robert


Mr. Robert: Same here.

Brandon: May I come in to your office to discuss these ideas further next week?

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Mr. Robert: .............................

a. Catch you later b. Thank you very much

6. ............................. I’ll call you next week. See you!

a. Oh, look at the time! b. Oh, I’m so bored

7. I’ll call you on Friday. ............................. till then!

a. Take care b. Get well
8. What is the suggested order for ending a conversation?
a. Giving a reason for ending the conversation, saying bye and making a future
b. Giving a reason for ending the conversation, making a future plan, and saying
c. Giving a reason for ending the friendship, insulting them, and calling the police.
9. Which of these is NOT a way to plan to meet in the future?
a. Let’s do lunch sometime.
b. Well, I’m very busy these days.
c. I’ll see you next Wednesday.
10. You are on the phone with a friend. What do you text to finish the chat?
a. It would be great to chat again! Bye!
b. OK. I’d better go. Great to chat!
11. You are chatting with a friend and now you need to end the conversation. You say:
a. I haven’t got all the time in the world!
b. I really ought to go ...
12. You are chatting with a neighbour and now you need to go. You say:
a. I’m sorry, but I’m going to have to dash off...
b. Look, you’re making me late!
13. Your boyfriend is chatting with you. You need to back to study because you are
meeting the assignment deadline. You say:
a. I’m really busy. Can I get back to study now?
b. Is there anything else you want to discuss?

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

2. Read the text message between Joe and Sam, then decide which sentence is True or

1. Joe needs Sam’s help

a. True b. False

2. Joe is Sam’s brother

a. True b. False

3. At first it’s a good idea to study an hour

a day

a. True b. False

4. Joe won’t have time to play football.

a. True b. False

5. Joe thinks the plan is difficult.

a. True b. False

6. Sam tells Joe to start the study plan now

a. True b. False

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Tips for writing a text message

Here are some more popular symbols used in text message:


1. Complete the following text message with a symbol from the box.

Cu U sooooooo

XOXOXO @Bob’s <3<3<3!!!

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

2. Write the sentence again in text message style. Use symbols, abbreviations, letters and

1. See you later  ................. later

2. I’m at school  I’m .................
3. How are you?  How .................?
4. I’m fine, thanks  I’m fine, .................
5. I love pizza  I ................. pizza
6. We ‘re going to Sam’s house  We’re going .................
7. I’ll be there at 5 p.m.  I’ll ................. there .................
8. See you tomorrow  .................

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Continue the text messages as long as you can.

1. Hey, what about going 2 the new gym in the neighborhood?

2. I’ll bring sandwiches with orange juice 4 the camping trip.

3. What’s up? Jane asked u 4 her birthday party?

4. So sad and hurt, ‘cause of my wisetooth.

5. Wanna go 2c The new Xmen?

(1) Write a first draft of your text messages

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your text message for content and


Have you used “must, should, have to” in your text message?
Have you greeted and closed your text message?
Have you asked and responded to your friend’s text message?
Have you used symbols and abbreviation in you text message?

(3) Write the second draft of your text message: Make any necessary changes to your

Writing a text message is more like speaking and so is online forums. So as to gain more
knowledge and expand time for practicing, click the link below for further study

Unit 3: Sharing news online Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Greet friends online and end a conversation
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use “should, must, have to” to express obligation

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use different phrases to share and respond to news

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Chat with friends online

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 4: Filling in forms


This unit helps students to:

 Fill in a form with their personal details.

 Understand the legal importance of a form and write their signature correctly.
 Answer extended questions on a form.
 Complete a variety of different forms.

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Filling in forms

1. Understand the forms

Filling in forms accurately is a key skill in applying for jobs, schools, bank loans and etc.
Forms need to be filled in for lots of different reasons. For example, the writer might
want to record a complaint or fill in a course or job application form. Or he might
complete a form online to find out about jobs in his area or to book a ticket or a journey
or a show.

Forms can be filled in different ways, including:

 By hand
 By word processor and signed by hand
 Online (and sent online)

In order to fill in a form correctly, it is advisable to read the instructions and their
explanations below

Write in BLOCK CAPITAL Write the whole word in capital letters

Please tick appropriate box Put a tick in the box that’s right for you
Delete where applicable Cross out the answers that don’t apply you
Please print Write without joining up the letter
Please specify Please give details

2. Signature

Most forms need the writer’s signature at the end. This is because the information he
writes in a form is very important. It is typically placed at the end of the form as an
affirmation that all the information presented is the truth, which is called “declaration”.
In addition, the statement also includes the writer’s name and the date.

e.g. I hereby declare that all the above information is correct and accurate.
I solemnly declare that all the information furnished in this document is free of
errors to the best of my knowledge.

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1


What is the purpose of the following forms? Where is the declaration of the form?


Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1


Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1


Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1


Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Some common abbreviation in forms

M.I. Middle Initial Kg Kilogram(s)

MM/DD/YY Month/ Day/ Year Ibs Pound(s)
DD/MM/YY Day/ Month/ Year DOB Date of birth
M/F Male/ Female DOP Place of birth
Cm Centimeter(s) Zip Post code
In Inch(es)

PRACTICE: Match the word or abbreviation to its meaning.

1. For office use/ official a. How you sign your name
use only
2. N/A b. The first letter of your forenames and surname
3. Forenames c. Your nearest or closet relative
4. Signature d. Not applicable
5. Next of kin e. Any family members who rely on you for financial
6. Title f. Your National Insurance Number
7. Dependants g. Are you employed, unemployed, self-employed, a
career, etc.
8. Marital status h. Your first names (not your surname or family name)
9. Initials i. Say if you are single, married, in a civil partnership,
divorced or separated
10. N.I. No. j. Not to be filled in. This section is completed by the
11. Employment status k. Mr/ Mrs/ Ms/ Miss

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Tips to fill in forms

Filling in form includes:

 Recognizing different ways of completing forms

 Recognizing instructions on forms
 Understanding terminology on forms
 Practicing completing different forms

When you are filling in a form, you need to

 Read it carefully before you start writing

 Check that you understand all the language used
 Make sure you understand the instructions on the form

Sometimes there are different types of questions in different sections of a form. There
may be questions with a list of possible answers and you have to answer that applies to
you. You may have to circle or tick the right answer to a question, or cross out the wrong
answer. In some cases, you also need to open-ended questions about your own
experience or your stuffs you want to share.


1. Complete the form with Jane’s details

My name’s Jane Short. I was born on 26th May 2000. I live at Flat 2A, 164 Market Street,
Oxford and my postcode is OX2 5JZ. My mobile number is 07200 329922 and my email
address is

2. Fill in the form for Maria

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Maria Webster is 34 years old and single. She lives at 47 Harewood Court, Dunstand Road,
Bingley, YA2 3EW. She does not have a driving license. She has a visual disability and is
registered disabled.

1. Complete the form with the correct information from the box
Susan 20/8/1998 Cole Australian 02145562716

University of London Flat 4b, Green Street, E14 9V

First name: …………………………….. Last name: …………………………….

DOB: …………………………………... Nationality: ……………………………

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Place of study: ………………………..………………………..…………………….

Email: ………………………..………………………..……………………………..

Phone: ………………………..………………………..…………………………….

Address: ………………………..………………………..…………………………..

2. Fill your own information in the following form

(1) Write a first draft of your form

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your form for content and structure


Have you understood each personal detail?

Have you understood the legal importance of a form and written your
signature correctly?
Have you known how to answer extended questions on a form?
Have you classified a variety of different forms?

(3) Write the second draft of your form: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

This part will help you to develop your ability to understand and fill in form, in the context
of a school data collection form.

Click the link below to broaden your knowledge and promote your filling-in-form skills

Unit 4: Filling in forms Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Fill in a form with my personal details
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Understand the legal importance of a form and write my signature correctly

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Answer extended questions on a form

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Complete a variety of different forms

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 5: “To do” list


This unit helps students to:

 Recognize a “to do” list.

 Use imperatives to write tasks in a list.
 Write a “to do” list for every tasks.
 Write a “to do” list for important tasks.

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

1. “To do” list

“To do” list represents a set of orders, the addressee’s desires and the addressee’s goals

2. Imperatives

Imperatives are used to:

 To tell someone to do something: most commonly for advice, suggestions, requests,

commands, orders or instructions
 To tell people to do or not to do things, often in a “to do” list.

Imperatives don’t have a subject – they are addressed to the listener or listeners, who the
speaker understands to be the subject. Imperatives use the base form of the verb

e.g. Have fun Enjoy your meal

Stop talking and open your books. Don’t be late.

To make a negative imperative, put “do not” or “don’t” before the verb

e.g. Don’t go! Do not buy banana.


1. Put the words in the correct order

1. salt/ pass/ me/ please/ the. ……………………………………..

2. door/ please/ answer/ the ……………………………………..

3. lunch/ don’t/ your/ forget ……………………………………..

4. English/ speak/ please/ in ……………………………………..

5. wait/ please/ for/ me ……………………………………..

6. nicely/ sister/ with/ play ……………………………………..

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

7. your/ speak/ don’t/ mouth/ full ……………………………………..

8. your/ to/ listen/ teacher ……………………………………..

9. not/ corridors/ in/ run/ do/ the ……………………………………..

10. cross/ careful/ please/ when/ the/ you/ be/ street ……………………………………..

11. the/ wet/ don’t/ camera/ get/ let ……………………………………..

12. the/ cinema/ in/ eat/ not/ do ……………………………………..

13. don’t/ like/ that/ speak ……………………………………..

14. attention/ don’t/ to/ pay/ her ……………………………………..

15. down/ book/ and/ page/ sit/ open/ your ……………………………………..

2. Find the mistake, underline and write the correct sentence

1. Play to nicely with other children ……………………………………..

2. Don’t forgetting your homework ……………………………………..

3. Please you pass me a pencil ……………………………………..

4. Brushing your teeth every day ……………………………………..

5. Don’t to make a mess! ……………………………………..

3. Fill in the gaps with the correct words from the box. Some of these imperative forms
are negative (-)

help phone close go take leave tell clean sit drink

1. ………… your shoes 6. ………… on the table (-)

2. Today’s her birthday. ………… her, 7. ………… your dirty boots outside.

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

3. ….… her my phone number (-) 8. ………… and drive (-)

4. It’s cold outside. ………… the 9. ………… through the park at night (-)
window, please

5. ………… her in the kitchen. 10. ………… them to the airport.

Content and function words

Content = information, meaning

Function = necessary words for grammar

Content words give the most important information while function words are used to stitch
those words together

Content words: are usually nouns, verbs, adjectives and adverbs

Noun = person, place or thing (e.g. house, word, idea)

Verb = action, state (e.g. go, speak, think)

Adjective = describes an object, person, place or thing (e.g. difficult, interesting)

Adverb = tell us how, where or when something happens (e.g. slowly, clearly)

Function words: include auxiliary verbs, prepositions, articles, conjunctions and pronouns

Auxiliary verbs = do, be, have.

Prepositions = show relationships in time and space (e.g. to, from, for)

Articles = used to indicate specific or non-specific nouns (e.g. a, an, the)

Conjunctions = words that connect (e.g. and, but, if)

Pronouns = refer to other nouns (e.g. her, I, their)


Underline the function words and circle the content words in the following sentences

1. Mary has lived in England for ten years.

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

2. He’s going to fly to Chicago next week.

3. I don’t understand this chapter of the book.

4. The children will be swimming in the ocean this time.

5. John eaten lunch before his colleague arrived

6. The best time to study is early in the morning or late in the evening

7. The trees along the river are beginning to blossom.

8. My mother often drives me to school every day.

9. You will be happy to know that she’s decided to take to position.

10. I won’t give away your secret.

11. I am thinking about renting a movie for tonight’s party.

12. What kind of movies do you have in mind?

13. What did you think about him?

14. I don’t like action movies.

15. What do you think of documentaries or romantic comedy?

16. The DVDs on the shelf are on sale for five dollars.

17. He’s going to fly to Chicago next week.

18. I don’t understand this chapter of the book

19. The children go swimming every weekend.

20. The best time to study is early in the morning or late in the evening.

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

How to make a “to do” list?

In order to make a “to-do” list, it is ideal to form three steps

Step 1: Brainstorming your tasks

(1) Decide what medium works best for you.

(2) List all of the tasks that you need to accomplish
(3) Outsource any tasks you can

Step 2: Organizing your tasks

(1) Sort your master list into categories.

(2) Make your “to-do” lists for the current day only.
(3) Estimate the time each task will take
(4) Make your list pleasing (write or type it out in your favorite color)

Step 3: Holding yourself accountable

(1) Write down due dates next to every task on your master list
(2) Put your to-do list somewhere you will see it regularly
(3) Share your list with someone


 Put the most important tasks first or highlight them with an asterisk (*)
 Use bullet points for main tasks and sub bullet points for smaller tasks.

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1


1. Read the following passage, then make a “to-do” list to make a cake.

Well, Mom, if I want to stand a chance for the kid’s pastry championship, I should train
and practice making my chocolate and yogurt cake. First, I take the yogurt and empty it
into the bowl but I mustn’t throw the container away, because I’ll use it to measure the
different ingredients. Then, I fill in the empty container with sugar and gently beat what’s
in the bowl. The last part of step 2 consists in making the mixture more liquid, by adding
half a container of vegetable oil and two eggs, very gently, no to splash the mix everywhere.
Finally, I mix the contents of three containers of flour, add a soup spoonful of baking
powder, stirring the mixture firmly so as to avoid lumps. When the dough is very smooth,
I can add the grated zest of an organic lemon, pour into the buttered mound and put in the
pre-heated oven for 40 minutes. To make the two fruit varieties, simply add the diced pieces
of fruit after the flour, not forgetting to replace one container of flour by one container full
of cocoa for the chocolate and pear variety. The results are delicious and these cakes are
so easy to make!

From the “to do” list, use the asterisk(s) to show which step is the most important.

2. Here is Mary’s “to do” list. Read and answer the questions:

- When did Mary make the list?

- How many tasks are there on the list?

- What is the most important task on the list?

- What tasks has Mary completed before she is 22?

- What tasks hasn’t Mary completed before she is 22?

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

1. You are going to study abroad. Write a list of tasks you need to prepare before you
checking in your flight

2. You are going to get married in August. Write a list of tasks you need to do before your

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

(1) Write a first draft of your “to do” list

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your “to do” list for content and


Have you used bullet points and sub bullet points in your list?
Have you put the most important tasks first?
Have you used imperatives in your list?
Have you read your list again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your list: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

Writing a “to do” list or a checklist is so vital in the real world. Creating a checklist to
instruct for a colleague is not an exception.

Click the link below to practicing your skills on writing a list

Unit 5: “To do” list Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Recognize a “to do” list
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use imperatives to write tasks in a list

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a “to do” list for everyday tasks

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a “to do” list for important tasks

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 6: Invitations and directions


This unit helps students to:

 Recognize invitations for different parties.

 Use different phrases to make an invitation.
 Write a set of simple directions.
 Write an invitation to a party.

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Present continuous

To invite someone to an event, we can use present continuous. We use the verb “have,
celebrate” with certain events, like a party.

e.g. We are having a party on Sunday afternoon.

We are celebrating Christmas.

Time references

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1


1. Circle the words that can complete the sentences. You can circle more than one

1. We always watch a DVD ………… Friday night.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

2. Can you come to my house party ………… Sunday afternoon?

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

3. The party will start ………… about 10 o’clock.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

4. I will pick you up ………… morning after breakfast.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

5. Please reply to me by ………… evening.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

6. My family and I usually go shopping ………… the morning.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

7. I am looking forward to seeing you ………… Sunday.

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

8. Are you going to Tom’s party ………… weekend?

a. next b. tomorrow c. on d. in e. at

2. Read the sentences and choose the correct one

1. a. I am visiting my friend tomorrow.

b. I visit my friend tomorrow.

c. I tomorrow visit my friend.

2. a. We go to the cinema on Sunday.

b. We are going to the cinema on Sunday.

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

c. We going to the cinema on Sunday.

3. a. What do you do this weekend?

b. What are you doing this weekend?

c. What you are doing this weekend?

4. a. My brother is take an exam tomorrow.

b. My brother takes an exam tomorrow.

c. My brother is taking an exam tomorrow.

5. a. I’m on Saturday having a party for my birthday.

b. I have a party for my birthday on Saturday.

c. I’m having a party for my birthday on Saturday.

3. Find the mistake, underline it and correct it.

1. I’m meet my friend after school.

2. My grandma comes to dinner tonight.

3. I go to the dentist next week.

4. You are stay at home tonight?

5. My parents is playing tennis on Sunday.

4. Correct the verbs in the blank, using Present Continuous to talk about future plans

1. We ……………… (fly) to Paris on Tuesday evening.

2. No, I ……………… (go out) on Saturday. I’m staying at home.

3. Tim ……………… (play) football at half past six tomorrow.

4. ……………… (they/ have) a meeting on Thursday? Yes, they ………………

5. ……………… (Sue/ go) on holidays in July? No, she ………………

6. My father ……………… (see) a dentist on Friday afternoon.

7. What time ……………… (Ben/ have) lunch with Monica?

8. They ……………… (book) the room next Monday.

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

9. I ……………… (visit) my grandmother tomorrow morning.

10. ……………… (meet) Susan tonight?

Invitation phrases

1. Formal invitation:
 I would like to invite you to dinner next Sunday at my home.
 I was wondering if you would like to come to dinner on Wednesday evening.
 Would you like/ care to have dinner with us on Saturday?
 I would like to ask you to attend the opening ceremonies next week.
 It would be my pleasure if you would join us for dinner tonight.
 May I have the honor of your presence at dinner on Friday?

2. Informal invitation:

 What/ how about dinner tonight?

 Let’s go to our place for dinner.
 Why don’t you come to my party on Sunday?
 Like to come to my house for lunch

See more vocabulary and structures in Appendix 2


1. Complete the sentences, using suggested words. You can rearrange the words to make
it meaningful.

1. why not/ round/ for/ come/ a drink? ……………………………………..

2. Would/ like/ join/ you/ for/ lunch/ us/ to? ……………………………………..

3. Fancy/ for/ a/ going/ meal/ out? ……………………………………..

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

4. I thought/ would/ you/ try/ some of/ like to/ local ……………………………………..
cuisine/ our

5. There’s/ nice/ a really/ just round/ place/ the ……………………………………..


6. Shall/ meet/ we/ over/ dinner/ to discuss it/ later? ……………………………………..

7. what/ going out/ about/ a meal/ for? ……………………………………..

8. why/ join/ for/ a drink/ us/ not? ……………………………………..

9. on/ are/ dinner/ for/ free/ Friday/ you? …………………………………….

10. restaurant/ Japanese/ what/ going/ about/ the/ to/? …………………………………….

11. come/ I’m/ you/ can/ Saturday/ a/ having/ on/ …………………………………….


12. afternoon/ are/ you/ on/ doing/ anything/ …………………………………….


13. swimming/ what/ about/ the pool/ going/ to/ ? …………………………………….

14. home/ you/ morning/ at/ tomorrow/ are/ ? …………………………………….

15. like/ to/ do/ evening/ would/ what/ you/ this? …………………………………….

16. and/ would/ you/ round/ come/ to/ TV/ like/ …………………………………….

17. work/ a/ having/ about/ what/ drink/ after/? …………………………………….

18. you/ answer/ question/ why/ don’t/ the/? …………………………………….

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Giving directions

1. Verbs:

Go straight Turn right Turn left

Go past Cross Go along

2. Preposition of Place

On the corner of Next to Opposite Between

3. Common phrases of giving direction

 Go straight on till you see the hospital then turn left.
 Turn left when you see a roundabout.
 Turn right at the end of the rood and my house is number 67.
 Cross the junction and keep going for about 1 mile.
 Take the third road on the right and you see the office on the right/ left.
 Take the second road on the left and you see the house on the left.
 Take the second road on the left and you see the hospital straight ahead.
We often make reference to landmarks when we give directions. These can be places in a
town, such as cinema, bank, bus stop, etc. They can also be parts of the road system. See
more vocabulary and structures in the Wordlist and Appendix 2

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1


1. Fill in the blank with the suitable words. Use the map for direction

continue end excuse get left (2x) next

opposite right second straight on thank

turn welcome

1. ……… me, how do I ………… to the cinema?

2. Go ……………

3. Turn ……… at the corner.

4. Then take the ……… road on your …………

5. ……… to the ……… of the road.

6. ……… left there.

7. The cinema is on your ………, ……… the castle.

8. ……… you very much.

9. You’re ……….

2. How do James get to Monika’s house? Circle the correct answer.

1. James leaves the school and turns left/ right.

2. He walks along Lake Street/ Queen Street.

3. He takes the second/ the first turning on the left/ on the right

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

4. Then he goes straight on/ turns left.

5. He goes past/ goes as far as Station Road.

6. Monika lives in Park Street/ Station Road.

7. Her house is opposite/ next to the cinema, behind/ near the supermarket.

Writing a letter of invitation

It’s your birthday next week and you’re having a party. You want to invite your friend,
Lisa. Write an email to invite her to the party. Tell her when it is, what she should bring
and how to get there.

Top tips: Remember there are still 5 parts in your letter of invitation.

1. Use Present Continuous for future plans and arrangements.

2. Use Capital letters for days of the week and for street names.

3. Use Hope you can come to finish your letter of invitation

Note: RSVP means “please reply”

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1


1. Below is an email from Becky to her friend, Jane. Fill in the missing words in the

Would you like to come Coming over at 2 p.m. Hope you can come
Next to the library We’re going to

Dear Jane,
How are you? I’m having a garden party next Sunday.
(1) ……. come? It’ll be lots of fun and there’ll be loads of
people there. (2) ….... have a barbecue, so bring some
meat and fizzy drinks.
My house is on King’s Avenue, (3) …... You can see it’s
my house because I have a pink door.
It’s going to rain in the morning, so how about (4) …….?
It’s should be lots of fun. (5) …… and see you soon,


2. Choose the best answer

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Dear Mary,

I’m writing to invite you to a party we (1) ………… at the flat next Friday, December 14th.
As you know, (2) ………… Lan’s 13th birthday next week and my birthday next month,
(3) ………… we thought we’d celebrate together and have a joint party.

I can’t remember if you know my address or not, but anyway, if you (4) ………… the
direction below, you shouldn’t get lost. Take the number 15 bus from the station and (5)
………… at the Star Hotel. Walk down Long Viet Road, past the Dan Chu Cinema, and
then (6) ………… the first turning on the right. That’s Le Loi Road. Turn left (7) …………
the first junction, then go straight past the church as far as the next crossroads. (8)
………… and our block of flats is the second on the right.

Do try and come. Of course, you’re (9) ………… to bring someone with you if you want

Look forward (10) ………… you then!



1. a. have b. are having c. going to have d. will has

2. a. it’s b. its c. they’re d. she’s

3. a. too b. but c. because d. so

4. a. to follow b. follow c. following d. follows

5. a. get up b. get by c. get on d. get off

6. a. have b. get c. take d. bring

7. a. in b. at c. of d. on

8. a. right turn b. to right c. to turn d. turn right

9. a. welcomed b. welcome c. welcoming d. to welcome

10. a. to see b. for seeing c. of seeing d. to seeing

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Write an invitation letter to invite your classmates to your end-term party. In your letter,
you should:

- Tell them when to arrive

- Tell them what to bring.

- Give them directions to the party.

(1) Write a first draft of your invitation letter.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your invitation list for content and


Have you classified different types of parties?

Have you written different types of invitation letter to different parties?
Have you used Present Continuous to talk about plans and arrangements?
Have you used a variety of phrases to make an invitation?
Have you given direction to your parties?

(3) Write the second draft of your invitation letter: Make any necessary changes to your

1. In order to improve your punctuation and writing an invitation skill, click the link
below to further study

2. For some events, emailing a friend and inviting him or her over the phone just isn’t
exciting enough. So what invitation cards can you find online that can make inviting
people more special and unique?

Unit 6: Invitations and directions Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Recognize invitations for different parties.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use different phrases to make an invitation.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a set of simple directions.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an invitation to a party.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 7: Advertising a room


This unit helps students to:

 Understand and use vocabulary to describe flats and houses

 Use superlatives
 Identify missing information in an advert for a flat
 Write an advert for a room or a flat

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1


When we want to compare one thing with at least two other ones, we use Superlative
Adjective. Here are the rules:
1. Short adjectives
 One-syllable adjectives take “est”:
e.g. Short  the shortest Fast  the fastest
 One-syllable adjectives ending in “e” take “st”:
e.g. Nice  the nicest Late  the latest
 One-syllable adjectives ending in consonant, vowel, consonant, double the
last consonant and take “est”:
e.g. Fat  the fattest Hot  the hottest
 Two-syllable adjectives ending in consonant “y”, “y” changes to “i” then
takes “est”:
e.g. Nasty  the nastiest Easy  the easiest.
2. Long adjectives
 Two-syllable adjectives not ending in “y” and three or more-syllable
adjectives use “most”:
e.g. Modern  the most modern Dangerous  the most dangerous
 With some two-syllable adjectives, we can use “est” or “most”
Clever  the cleverest/ most clever
Narrow  the narrowest/ most narrow
Simple  the simplest/ most simple
3. Irregular adjectives
Good  the best Bad  the worst
Far  the farthest/ furthest Many  the most
Little  the least

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1


1. Complete with the superlative forms

1. Annie is …………………… person in my family (young).

2. January is ………………. month of the year (cold).

3. Rick is ………………. student of all (intelligent).

4. It is ………………. the soup I’ve ever eaten (tasty).

5. Jessica is ………………. girl in my class (cute).

6. “Titanic” is ………………. film I’ve ever seen (romantic).

7. Diplodocus was ………………. dinosaur (long).

8. Chinese is ………………. language to learn (difficult).

9. Bob is ………………. player in our team (bad).

10. 21st and 22nd December are ………………. days of a year in the Northern Hemisphere

11. Which is ………………. car in the world? (cheap)

12. Snails and turtles are ………………. animals of all (slow).

13. Parachuting is one of ………………. sports my brother has ever tried (dangerous).

14. Dorothy is ………………. person I’ve ever known (friendly).

15. Sue is wearing ………………. dress (elegant).

2. Reorder to make the meaningful sentences.

1. largest/ Asia/ continent/ the/ is ……………………………..

2. planet/ earth/ our/ smallest/ is/ the ……………………………..

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

3. is/ exercise/ best/ kind/ the/ swimming/ of ……………………………..

4. the/ food/ Pizza/ most/ is/ delicious ……………………………..

5. the/ most/ Sharks/ animals/ dangerous/ are ……………………………..

6. animals/ the/ giraffes/ tallest/ are ……………………………..

7. coldest/ Canada/ country/ is/ the/ North America/ in ……………………………..

8. year/ hottest/ is/ the/ month/ August/ of/ the ……………………………..

9. science/ thing/ study/ to/ most/ interesting/ the ……………………………..

10. person/ you/ the/ the/ are/ in/ smartest/ world ……………………………..

Renting a room/ an apartment/ a house.

1. If you have a room that you want someone to move in.

 The room is fully furnished and has a balcony overlooking the park
 To move in, you need to pay the first and the last month’s rent plus a security
 On average, the utilities come to about $150 a month.
 There’s no washing machine or dryer in the apartment building, but there’s a
laundromat nearby.
 My sister is subletting her room for three months while she travels to Europe.
 The landlord is offering a two-year lease with an option to renew.
 The apartment is a bit run-down, but the room itself was recently renovated.

2. If you are renting for a room in a house/ flat.

 I checked the classifieds, but I didn’t see anything in my price range

 I can’t afford to live there alone, so I’m looking for a roommate.
 We’re looking for a spacious room in an upscale neighborhood.

See more vocabulary and structures in Appendix 3


Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

1. Choose the best answer:

1. The money paid regularly to use a property is ………….

a. a deposit b. rent

2. Utilities include ………….

a. furniture and beds b. electricity and water c. landlords and tenants

3. A lease is a ………….

a. bills and furniture b. a person who rents an apartment

c. rental agreement

4. A person you live with is a ………….

a. landlord b. tenant c. roommate

5. The particular money you have for something is your:

a. deposit b. rent c. budget d. lease

6. Money that is paid by somebody when they start renting ………….

a. a deposit b. a tenant c. a lease d. utilities

7. The person who you rent from is a ………….

a. tenant b. roommate c. landlord.

8. A furnished apartment has ………….

a. tenants b. furniture c. a budget

9. A person who lives in a rented property is a ………….

a. landlord b. tenant

2. Complete the conversation with the words in the box

Application Credit report Deposit Fill out Be furnished

Landlord Non-refundable Reference Tenants To sublet

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

A: Hello, I am calling because I read your ad in the Sunday Tribune. It said you
were trying (1) ………. your one-room apartment for the next six months.
Can I ask you a couple of questions?
B: Certainly.
A: Will the apartment (2) ………..?
B: Yes. The apartment will have a couch, a small dinner table with two chairs,
a couple of bookshelves and a queen-sized bed
A: Great. I just moved here and I haven’t bought any furniture yet.
B: The facilities are very nice. And, the (3) ………. have access to a small fitness
room, a swimming pool and a coin-operated laundry. The (4) ………. is
excellent as well. If there are any problems at all, you can contact him and
he’ll take care of everything.
A: It sounds perfect.
B: If you are interested, you need to pick up an (5) ………. form, complete it
and return it to me by Friday along with a check for $25.00. We will get back
to you within a week and let you know our decision.
A: Do I get the $25.00 back if you rent the apartment to somebody else?
B: No, the $25.00 fee is (6) ………… We use the money to order a copy of your
(7) ………..; we need to find out about your history of paying bill.
A: I just moved here from Japan, I don’t think that will work in my case.
B: Oh, I’m sorry. I didn’t realize that you were new to the United States. In that
case, when you (8) ………. the form, make sure you include three (9)
………. that we can contact to find out a little bit more about you.
A: No problem! Oh! I forgot to ask about the rent
B: The rent is $950.00 per month and there is a cleaning (10) ………. of $450.00
when you move in
A: Sounds good. I’ll come by to pick up the form tomorrow.

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

It is important to choose words wisely and to include the most vital information.
Because there are 5 goals of a rental advert:

 To find tenants.
 To find quality tenants.
 To find tenants who are interested in your property and not wasting your time.
 To fill your vacancy quickly.
 To have a larger prospective tenant pool to choose from.

Here are some tips for a great rental advert.

1. The basics: the rent, number of bedrooms/ bathrooms, your name, your contact
number, the neighborhood or if pets are allowed.

Other basics, depending on the amount of space you have, can include: the amount of
security deposit required, the move-in date available.

2. Other two or three amenities: stainless steel appliances, quiet neighborhood, balcony,
walk-in closet, private entry, city view.


Rebecca, the owner of a loft department, wants to rent it. Help her to write an advert.

The rent for my loft apartment is $1100 per month.

This loft apartment measures approximately 1000
square feet and contains one bathroom. The loft faces
the street and newly remodeled small park on the third
floor of a postwar walk-up building in Manhattan’s
Tribeca District.

The building has a security system, residents gain entry with their own keys and
visitors are admitted through an intercom system.

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

This loft feature plain white and brick walls, hardwood floors, and contemporary
furniture. It faces the street as well as a small part. The expansive living room area
features three windows, white cabinets, open shelves for storage, and modern artwork
on the walls. A pair of cushioned sofas on a beige carpet provides ample seating.
Adjacent to the windows are white countertops for storage. The space is air-
conditioned, and a television and stereo are provided.

The bedroom area contains a queen-sized bed, and a chair for additional seating. Bed
linen is provided. There is a separate dressing room with a chest of drawer, and open
shelves for storage.

You own a three-bedroom flat in A

Block, Times City, Hanoi but you
don’t live there. You are interested
in letting out on rent. Write an
advert in not more than 50 words to
be published on Daily News,
giving necessary details.

(1) Write a first draft of your advert.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your advert list for content and


Have you used vocabulary to describe your three-bedroom flat?

Have you used adjectives, especially, superlative adjectives to describe your
Have you mentioned all the necessary information (the rent, number of
bedrooms/ bathrooms, your name, your contact number, the neighborhood,

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

the amount of security deposit required, the move-in date available and other
basics) about your house?
Have you read your advert again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your advert: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

1. The process of renting a house consists of filling in an application form in order for the
landlord to get understanding on the renter.

Click the link below to get acquainted to the form and practice your writing skill for further

2.Suppose you are planning on moving to a major city in the United States, and you have
to find a 2-bedroom apartment for you and your family. You have a limited budget of under
$600 a month for both rent and all utilities. Search the Internet for an apartment in the city
of your choosing and report on the place you find. Be dure to prioritize your reasons for
choosing the place.

Unit 7: Advertising a room Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Understand and use vocabulary to describe flats and houses.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use superlatives.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Identify missing information in an advert for a flat.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an advert for a room or a flat.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice


This unit helps students to:

 Ask for and give advice.

 Write an email asking someone for advice on a new place.
 Write an email giving someone advice on a new place.

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

Asking for and giving advice

1.Asking for advice:

 What do you think I should do (about...)?

 What should I do (about...)?
 What would you do (about...)?
 What would you suggest I do / I should do about...?
 Can / Could you give me some advice (about...)?

2. Giving advice:

 I think you should...  You might try (V-ing...)

 Why don't you...?  You had better to….

 If I were you, I would...  I would advise you to...

 Maybe you should...  It might be a good idea to...

 I suggest you...  How about (V-ing...)?


1. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.

1. If/ I /be/ you,/ I/go/the police.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. You/better/keep an eye/bag/all the time.

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

3. Why/not/you/ go/the cinema?

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

4. It/ a good idea/go/gym three times/week.

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

5. Could/ you/ give/advice/rent/ house?

 ……………………………………………………………………………………

2. Give advice for these situations using the given words.

1. My parents won’t let me put make-up when I go to school.

 I think you should………………………………………………………………...

2. I can’t sleep because of my neighbour who plays the cello until 1 a.m.

 If I were you, ……………………………………………………………………..

3. A group of girls troll me on Facebook. I don’t know what to do.

 How about …………………………………………………………………………

4. My parents want me to go to law school but I’m interested in arts.

 I suggest ……………………………………………………………………………

5. My sister always takes my clothes without asking me first.

 You may try …………………………………………………………………….

Useful language and vocabulary

1. Use these phrases to asking for and giving advice

 We’ve got our bag stolen? What should we do?

 What do you suggest us to do?
 What is your suggestion?
 You’d better keep an eye on your bag all the time.
 Why don’t you go to the police?
 If you take my advice, you’ll go to the police.

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

 You ought to/should avoid crowded places.

 Have you thought about visiting the police station?
 It might be a good idea keep an eye on your bag all the time.

2. Use these phrases to decline to give advice

 I wish I could suggest something, but I can’t.

 I don’t know what to advise, I’m afraid.

 I’m afraid I can’t really help you.

 I wish I could help.


Complete the two dialogues with the words and phrases for asking and giving advice
from the box.

What would you do Do you have any piece of advice What’s your advice
You should If I were you I would go
I think so Why don’t you go to the dentist?

Dialogue 1

A: How are you today?

B: I think I’m not so good. I broke my arm. …………………if you were in my
situation dear friends ?
A: ……………. I would read short stories.
B: I am not a big fan of short stories. How about you
Laura ?...............................for me ?
A: I advise you to visit a therapist.
B: Sounds great , but I don’t have any intention to visit a therapist .And you
Peter ?................................?
P: I think……………. visit a therapist as Laura suggested.
B: Thank you my friends! I appreciate it.

Dialogue 2

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

A: I’ve got terrible pain with my tooth I should do something about it. What do
you advise me to do?
B: …………………………..? You’d better to go there as soon as possible.
A: ................,but which dentist’s do you think I should visit?
B: If I were you, ……….to Central Hospital. They are very good at this.

Write an email for giving advice

1. Start informal emails with Hi + name instead of Dear + name.

2. An informal email can be like a conversation, so you can start with How are
3. If you're replying, you can start with Lovely to hear from you.
4. Use these phrases to make recommendations:
I think/suggest that….
I'd recommend ...
You can ...
You should ...
5. Say why you recommend those things.
6. You can add something at the end using P.S.


1. Put the phrases in the correct group.

Regards Dear Claude, See you soon, Clause

Hi Claude! Lovely to hear from you Thank you for your email

I hope we can meet up I look forward to meeting you

Formal Informal

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

2. Write the words to complete the email.

Email 1

Email 2

1. This is a part of the letter you receive from a friend. Write a short email to give advice.

I moved here two months ago and still don’t know anyone apart from the
people I work with. I don’t like discos, so I find it very hard to meet
people. 100
Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

2. Think of a real or imaginary problem and write a short letter asking for advice.

Then read the letter the teacher gives you and write a reply. In your letter, you should:

 Write down your problem.

 Ask for some advice.
 Be formal and polite.

(1) Write a first draft of your email/ letter.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your email for content and structure


Have you written the opening and closing sentences for your email?
Have you written the main content for your email?
Have you used suitable and structures to ask/give advice in your email?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your email/ letter: Make any necessary changes to your

When people are in trouble, they tend to ask for help. Giving explanation, description and
asking for advice is normally seen in daily life and business.

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study:

Unit 8: Giving and getting advice Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Ask for and give advice.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an email asking someone for advice on a new place.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an email giving someone advice for a new place.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 9: Course application


This unit helps students to:

 Use the past simple to write about your past achievements.

 Use the present perfect to write about your achievements you are working on.
 Use variety of phrases to talk about future goals.
 Complete an application form for a course.

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

Present perfect and past simple

Present perfect (have/has +PII) Past simple (V +ed/irregular


 An action or situation that started  a completed action in a time

in the past and continues in the before now. frequency: often,
present. sometimes, always

e.g. I have lived in Bristol since e.g. I sometimes walked home at

1984 (= and I still do.) lunchtime.

 a definite point in time: last
 An action performed during a
week, when I was a child,
period that has not yet finished.
yesterday, six weeks ago
e.g. She has been to the cinema e.g. We saw a good film last
twice this week (= and the week week.
isn't over yet.)  an indefinite point in time: the
 A repeated action in an unspecified other day, ages ago, a long time
period between the past and now. ago
e.g. People lived in caves a long
e.g. We have visited Portugal
time ago.
several times.
 An action that was completed in
the very recent past, expressed by

e.g. I have just finished my work.

 An action when the time is not


e.g. He has read 'War and Peace'.

(= the result of his reading is

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1


1. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect:

1. ………………. Helen ever …………. (try) sushi?

2. ……………… you …………. (go) to the wedding last night?

3. I ………………. never …………………(be) to Paris.

4. This year I ………………… (travel) to Athens 3 times so far.

5. Paul and Judith ………………(be) married since 1998.

6. …………… you …………………. (finish) your homework yet?

7. Last night aunt Betty……………. (come) by. She …………(tell) us that this
summer they are going to Hawaii.

8. I ………. (visit) many different countries so far. Last summer I ……. (go) to
Italy and 3 years ago I ………(be) in Spain. I …………(not/visit) Germany yet.

9. When ………………you …………………(come) to Greece?

10. I……………………(come) in 2007.

11. …………………. you ………………(watch) the film E.T. yesterday?

12. They………… already ……………. (leave) the train station.

13. How long ……………. you ……………. (know) Jonathan?

14. I ................. (meet) him in 2009, so I ………………(know) him for 3 years.

15. What …………. (happen) to Lucy last night?

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

Useful language and vocabulary

1. Describe qualification and experience

Describe yourself Describe your achievements

1. Able 1. Achieved
2. Creative 2. Competed
3. Dependable 3. Managed
4. Experience 4. On time
5. Flexible

2. Talk about the future plans

 I’m going to…  I’d like to…

 I’m planning to…  I might… / I may…

 I hope to…  I’m thinking about…

PRACTICE: Complete the sentences in an application letter using: able, creative,

dependable, flexible, competed, experience, managed, on time

1. I am ….to handle multiple tasks on a daily basis.

2. I use…. a approach to problem solve.

3. I am…… a person who is great at time management.

4. I have ……working as part of a team and individually.

5. I am ……in my working hours, being able to work evenings and weekend.

6. I ………at national competitions in cheerleading.

7. Lucy has ……. the team through several large projects.

8. I am always ……. for organized events, work-related or otherwise.

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

1.It’s a good idea to write in capital letters so it’s easy to read, except for your email address
and signature.

2.For dates, in the UK we usually write them DD/MM/YYYY (day-month-year). So, for
1 September 2018 you write 01/09/2018. In the United States it is MM/DD/YYYY so you
write 09/01/2018.

3.If you don’t understand every word on the form, don’t panic. You can probably guess
what information you need to write. Ask someone for help if you need to.


1. Match the personal details (a–g) with the form headings (1–7)

Headings Personal details

1. First name a.
2. Last name b. WILLIAMSON

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

3. Date of birth c. 13A SAEVIEW CLOSE, BRIGHTON

4. Address d. CLARE
5. Postcode e. 01/03/1999
6. Phone f. 07777 123456
7. Email g. BN1 2EP

2. Fill the gaps in this CV with the correct information from the box.

Address Education Languages

mobile Work experience Skills and interests
Email references Date of birth

CV – Martin Luke Moore

1…………………: 26 August 1997

2…………………: 94 Albion Street, Birmingham, B23 2TF
4…………………: 0778 445 288
5…………………: 7 GCSEs including English, Maths and Sciences
6…………………: Cashier at a large supermarket
7…………………: French – A2, German – A2
8…………………: Mountain biking, drawing and computer programming
9…………………: Mr. Williams, Albion High School, Park Drive, Birmingham

1. Write a personal statement. You should write about

 Personal information
 Achievements and experience
 Your future plans.

2. Write a CV to apply for a part-time job. You should:

 Your personal information

 Achievements and experience

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

 Choose formal phrases.

(1) Write a first draft.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your content and structure


Have you written the main contents?

Have you used suitable and structures in your CV?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

An application form is well-organized when it is divided into some main parts including:

 Personal statement
 Qualifications and experience
 Future plans

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study:

Unit 9: Course application Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Use the past simple to write about your past achievements
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use present perfect to write about your achievements you are working on
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use variety of phrases to talk about future goals

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Complete an application form for a course.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 10: Asking for help


This unit helps students to:

 Response positively and negatively to requests for advice or information

 Use phrases to ask for advice or information.
 Write Wh-questions in the past tense.
 Take part in online text chat about a lesson.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Past tense: Wh-questions

 Wh- questions are questions that require more information in their answers.
Typical wh- words are what, where, when, why, who, how, how many, how
 To create a wh-question, start with the wh-word, then add did (or didn’t for a
negative question), then the subject (a person or thing that does the action),
followed by the base form of the verb and only then add the rest of the sentence.

Wh-word auxiliary verb subject verb in base form rest of sentence

What did sell the house

I / you / we / they
he / she / it
Why didn’t rescue me


When did you buy that sweater?

Why did the computer break down?

How long did the train journey take?

Why didn’t you tell me about the accident?


1. Write the sentences using the words given.

1. What ................................... (eat /you) last Monday?

2. When ................................... (you/see) that film?

3. How ...................................(come /you) here?

4. Why ................................... (take/he) my book?

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

5. Why ................................... (say/ you) that?

6. When ................................... (they/ enter) through the window?

7. Where ................................... (Jane/go) on holiday last month?

8. What time ................................... (the train/ leave)?

9. How much ................................... (this dress/cost)?

10. How many friends ................................... (he/meet) yesterday ?

2. Make questions for the sentences.

1.They wanted to see Fiona. …………………………………………

2. I got up at 7 o'clock. …………………………………………

3. She paid $10. …………………………………………

4. He didn't like the movie. …………………………………………

5. We had dinner. …………………………………………

6. The meeting finished late. …………………………………………

7. I ate an apple pie? …………………………………………

8. I played tennis last week. …………………………………………

9. They wrote to Ellen. …………………………………………

10. I didn't eat the chicken. …………………………………………

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Make requests

1.Use these phrases to make requests.

 Will/ Would/ Can/ Could you  Can/could you… for me, please?

please…  Could you possibly…

 Do you mind…?  I’d appreciate it if you could…

 Do you think you could…?  Can/ Could I ask you to…?

 Would it be possible for you to…?  You couldn’t… could you?

 Would you be kind enough to…?

 Would you mind…?

2. Use these phrases to respond to a request.

Accepting Refusing

 Sure, I’d be glad to…  I’m sorry, I can’t.

 I’d be happy to …  I’m sorry, but …
 Sure. Just a moment.  I’d loved to, but …
 No problem.  Sorry to say that …
 Of course  It sounds great, but …
 Certainly.  All right.


Write requests to the following situations.

1. You need a dictionary and your classmate has one. What do you say?


2. You are taking a shower, so you can’t answer the call. Your sister in near the
telephone. What do you say? ..........................................................................

3. You’re studying in your best friend’s room, but it’s hot inside. What do you say?
Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

4. You borrowed some money to your mom. Now she’s asking for her money back.
What does she say? .................................................................................

5. Someone is smoking near you. What do you say? ...........................................

6. You’re calling to your boyfriend (girlfriend) His mother answer the call. What do
you say? ........................................................................................................

7. You’re studying for an important exam, but your sister is listening music aloud.
What do you say? ...............................................................................................

8. You want to leave your car at the parking lot. The security guard is there. What do
you say? ..........................................................................................................

9. You are visiting New York and you’re looking for the Art Museum. You don’t
know where it is. What do you say? ...................................................................

10. Your brother wants to smoke a cigar rete. What does he say?............................

2. Choose the correct answers.

1. You're in an English class and you would like to borrow another student's pen. You

............. you lend me your pen, please?

A. Can B. Do you mind C. Would you mind

2. Your colleague is going out to get lunch and you'd like him / her to get something for
you. You start your request:

Could you ............. me a favour? B. give C. make

3. You could also ask your colleague:

Would you mind ............. me a sandwich when you're out?

A. Get B. getting C. to get

4. You are a parent with two children. They want to go out, but you want them to do their
homework first. You say:

I'd ............. you to do your homework first.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

A. like B. need C. want

5. Your colleague asks to open the window, saying:

Do you mind if I ............. the window?

A. open B. opening C. would open

Formal language and Informal language in letter asking for help

Here we can see some examples of requests with could you and would you. Note
the different levels of politeness:

I would be grateful if you could send me … .

Very polite
I would appreciate if you could … .

Could you please send me … ?

Could you send me … , please?

Could you send me … ?

Polite but direct
Would you send me … ?

More direct Please send me … .

PRACTICE: Complete the below letter.

I was wondering if Sorry for asking you to do this I'd really appreciate it

I just need you Would you mind

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

You want to take part in an English course but don’t know what to choose. Write an email
to your friend to ask for help. In your letter, you should:

 Your reason for writing

 Asking for some advice
 Be nice and friendly

(1) Write a first draft.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your content and structure


Have you used suitable phrases and structures to make requests?

Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

Asking and giving advice is a necessary skill which each individual must achieve in not
only daily life but also in business field.

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study:

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Response positively and negatively to requests for advice or information.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use phrases to ask for advice or information.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write Wh-questions in the past tense.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Take part in online text chat about a lesson.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 11: Job application


This unit helps students to:

 Understand a job advert.

 Write a personal statement.
 Write a short CV
 Write a short covering letter.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Grammatical errors in a cover letter

1.“You’re” is a contraction that means “you are,” and “your” is a possessive pronoun.

I’m a big fan of you’re company, so I was excited to hear that your looking for a
manager for your new office.

2. “Their” is a possessive pronoun, and “there” describes a place or position.

I’ve been their for four years…

3. Some people might know “effect” as a noun and “affect” as a verb. But the correct
word is “effect” when you mean “to bring about.”

While at the company, I have effected many positive structural changes.

4. The correct spelling is “received.” “Have somebody proof your résumé or your cover
letter before your send,”

I’ve been promoted internally twice and have received honors…

5. The word “then” is used to indicate time or sequence, while “than” is used for
contrast or comparison.

I pride myself on my ability to anticipate office needs, rather than waiting…

6. “Years” should have an apostrophe at the end since it is a plural possessive in this

Your office would really benefit from my skills and my 10 years’ worth of professional

7. Commas shouldn’t be used to separate two complete sentences without a conjunction

in between them. A period or semicolon would be more appropriate here.

I’m attaching my résumé to this email, please reach out…

8. “Farther” is usually used to indicate physical distance. “Further” is more often

figurative, so “further” would be the correct word here.

…if you would like to further discuss my qualifications.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

PRACTICE: Find the grammar mistakes in the letter below:

Useful language and vocabulary

1.Use these phrases to apply for a job

 I heard about the job from….  I am particularly interested in

 I enjoy talking to customers…. this job, as…

 I look forward to hearing from  I am good at/ am excel in/

you… specialize in….

 I would like to apply for the  I have experience in/of…

position of…
Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

2. Use these phrases to write personal statement

Qualities Activities and Qualities Activities

Adaptable Co-ordinated Achieved

Confident Delivered (presentation) Awarded

Energetic Identified Completed

Friendly Implemented Demonstrated

Imaginative Inspired Developed

PRACTICE: Put the words and phrases in order to make sentences.

1. roles./ I /have/ in/ various/ experience/ five years’/

2. my/ involves/ working/ deadlines. / role/ tight/to /

3. a/ create/ ability/ to/I / have/ successful/ campaigns/./ proven/

4. digital/ in /specialise/ I/ marketing./

5. in/ excel/ I/ impact/ analysis./

6. I /of/ knowledge/ advanced /statistics./ have/

7. a digital marketing executive. / response to/ in/ your advertisement/ for/ I’m writing.

8. this job/ had/ six year. / I / for/ have

9. person/ are/ am the/ I believe/ I / you/ looking for. /

10. I would/ bring/ to this role. / very much like/ my experience and enthusiasm/ the
opportunity to/

11. with you/ welcome/ to discuss this position/ in person. / the opportunity/ I would

12. attached/ find/ Please/ my CV. /

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Tips for writing a CV

 Start with a short personal statement

 List your employment history, starting with the present.
 Explain any gaps, for example, time spent travelling or having children.
 Use bullet points for your main responsibilities and experience in each role.
 Then give your educational background and list the relevant qualifications that
you have, starting with the most recent.
 Consider putting Education above Employment if you do not have a lot of
work experience yet.
 List other experience or interests you may have if they are relevant to the job.
 If you have someone who could support your application, add their contact
details or say References available on request at the end.
Tips for writing a cover letter
 Begin and end the letter appropriately
Beginning: Dear Sir/ Madam,  Closing: Yours faithfully,
Beginning: Dear Mr./ Mrs./ Ms. + surname  Closing: Yours sincerely,
 Give a clear reason for writing: I am writing with regard to/ to enquire about/
to apply for/ to express interest in ….
 Use linking words to join similar ideas into paragraphs
 Include a summary comment near the end of your letter.
I hope you will find this information useful.
I would be very grateful for your assistance in this matter.
 Close your letter with a set phrase.


1. Are the sentences true or false?

1. It is a good idea to start with a short summary about you.

2.You should write your work history in order, with your most recent job at the end.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

3.You should list all your responsibilities in detail.

4.You should give the full title of your qualifications, with the date you passed each one
and the organisations that awarded them to you.

5.It is a good idea to include hobbies if they are relevant to the job.

6.Include references to support your application if you can.

2. Fill in the blank with the correct preposition

1. I am writing .......................... you with regard .......................... the voluntary work


2. I am planning .......................... doing a degree .......................... veterinary science

.......................... university.

3. As you will see .......................... my CV, I have always shown an interest

.......................... working .......................... animals.


Are you ... Do you ...
- Aged between 18 and 30? - like kids?
- Energetic? - like sport?
- Good at organizing people?
Then come and join us as a leader for a summer holiday of fun, looking after groups
of kids at our sports camp!

Send your CV to Liam McEvilly at 63 Effra Road, Brixton, London SW2 1BZ

You have decided to apply for the job advertised above. Write a covering letter (150 words)
for this job.

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

(1) Write a first draft.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your content and structure


Have you written the main contents for your email?

Have you used the correct language for your informal or formal email?
Have you used suitable and structures in your CV?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your letter: Make any necessary changes to your sentences.

A well-organized cover letter is divided into different parts. It is important to capture the
following notes:

 A cover letter is easier to read if the writer uses paragraphs.

 A paragraph in a letter is often two or three sentences long.

 Each paragraph starts on a new line.

 When you start writing about a new idea, you can start a new paragraph.

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study:

Unit 11: Job application Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Understand a job advert
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a personal statement.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a short CV.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write a short covering letter.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 12: Taking notes


This unit helps students to:

 Read and write simple note-taking symbols

 Summarize full sentences into notes.
 Use shortened words.
 Write lectures and work conversations as notes.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

Take notes

1 Steps for Summarizing

 The very first step for making a summary is to have a reading skill
 Underline or mark the main sentences of the passage
 After collecting the main points, check for the appropriateness of the ideas for
making the summary

2. How to take notes

 Keep your notes tidy and complete. If you miss a class, get the notes from a
friend or ask your teacher what you missed.

 Organize your notes into different sections, e.g. vocabulary, grammar,

pronunciation, speaking, reading, listening, writing.

 Look through your notes regularly, not just the day before the exam.

 Use different colored pens and highlighter pens to help you focus on the most
important things you have to learn.

 Make summaries of your notes. Include the most important things in your
summaries. You can carry around with you and read them on the bus or when
you have some free time.

 Make mind maps, visuals and diagrams.

 If you don’t understand something in your notes, ask a classmate or your teacher
to explain it to you.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1


1. Complete the following statements:

Colors Get Sections Regularly

Bus Diagrams Summaries Tidy

1. Keep your notes……….and complete.

2. Organize your notes into different………

3. Look through your notes…………..

4. Use different……….to highlight important parts in your notes.

5. Write short………. of your notes to help you review.

6. Read your summaries on the………or whenever you have free time.

7. If you miss a class………. the notes from your classmates or teacher.

8. Make mind maps or …………to help you remember your notes.

2. Read some notes and do the tasks.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

Decide which sentence is True or False. Tick X in the box

True False
1. You must call Mario tomorrow morning
2. Mario will call you later today
3. The sales meeting is at night
4. Your secretary, Jackie, is leaving the office this afternoon
5. You can collect the pens this evening
6. The keys for the pens are in your drawer.

Choose the best answer

1. What time is your sales meeting?

a. 12 midnight b. 2 p.m. c. 12 noon

2. Where is the sales meeting?

a. in Meeting Room 2 b. In your drawer c. In the office

3. What must you do before 7 p.m.?

a. Call Mario b. Collect the pens c. Leave the office

4. When can you collect the pens?

a. 9 a.m. b. 2 p.m. c. 4 p.m.

5. What must you do with the keys?

a. go to a meeting b. Give them to Jackie c. Lock the doors.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

6. Where are the keys?

a. in Meeting Room 2 b. In your drawer c. In Jackie’s office.

Useful language and vocabulary

Symbol Meaning Abbrev Meaning

&+ And e.g. for example
→ leads to, causes i.e. that is
← caused by, because of etc. etcetera, and so on
↑ more, go up, up C century, e.g. C20: 20th century
decrease, less, go
↓ approx approximate(ly) (see also ≈ symbol)
down, down

= equal to, is, are diff difference, different, difficult, difficulty

not equal to, is not, are
≠ imp important, importance
not, is the opposite of

≈ approximately lang language

> greater than max maximum


1. Summarize the following sentences

1. There are now more mountain gorillas than there were in the year 2000.
2. Before that, people still hunted and killed these big, beautiful mammals or destroyed
forests where they live.
3. Wildlife groups worked hard to help the gorillas and now nearly half of them live
safely in a National park in Rwanda, Central Africa.
4. Scientists and tourists can watch them and study them in the National park.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

2. The three sentences in exercise above could be summarized as they all discuss the
same idea. Look at the following examples and choose the best summary. Why is it the
best one?

a. Wildlife groups stopped people killing & hunting gorillas as much as before. Now lots
of them live in a national park where scientists and tourists can visit them.

b. There are more gorillas than in 2000. Before people hunted and killed them and
destroyed their forests. Groups helped the gorillas and half live in a National park where
scientists can watch and study them.

c. Gorillas are not in as much danger as before.

How to summarize your text:

1. Read through the original text to understand its overall meaning.

2. Capture the main points of the text by highlighting them and ignoring any
unnecessary facts.
3. Note down important details.
4. Without the original text, re-write your notes in your own words by linking
together the key points using full sentences or paragraphs as appropriate.
5. If the original text is very long it may be useful to use headings or sub-
6. It is important to re-read your summary to make sure that you have not lost the
overall point of the original information.
7. Summarised information needs to be referenced and must be attributed to the
original source

PRACTICE: Write a summary of the text in English, including the most

important points, using your own words whenever possible (maximum 50 words)

As today's bride and groom celebrate their wedding, they have every excuse for being
nervous. They exchange promises of lifelong fidelity and mutual support. However, all
Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

around them, they can see that many people do not and cannot keep these promises. Their
own marriage has a one in three chance of divorce, if present tendencies continue.
Traditional marriage is facing a crisis, at least in Britain. Not only are there more and more
divorces, but the number of marriages is falling. Living together is more popular than
before. The family is now no longer one man, one woman and their children. Instead, there
are more and more families, which include parents, half sisters and brothers, or even only
one parent on her/ his own. Although Britain is still conservative in its attitudes to marriage
compared with other countries such as the USA, Sweden and Denmark, the future will
probably see many more people living together before marriage - and more divorce.
Interestingly, it is women rather than men who apply for divorce. Seven out of ten divorces
are given to the wife. Also, one of the main reasons for divorce, chosen by ten times more
women than men, is unreasonable or cruel behavior. Perhaps this means that women will
tolerate less than they used to.

Here is your classmate’s presentation about ways to keep her body healthy and fit. Write
a note on her presentation.

For a healthy and fit body you need to keep on doing exercise. Many factors will come
across us and can divert us from achieving our goal of being fit and healthy. But you should
be having strong self discipline and will power to achieve this healthy and fit body. Below
given are some methods through which can maintain a fit and healthy body.

Most important is the exercise. Make it a routine to move your body. You can do this by
running around your home, playing with your kids, climbing up and down the stair case
and so on. This will help in increasing your blood circulation. You can also join a gym
where you will have an instructor who can guide you to have a healthy and fit body. Try
to avoid fatty food and junk food. These foods are not going to give any nutrients to your
body. Better stick on to a diet which includes fresh vegetables, fruits, fish and Dairy
Products such as milk. Limited number of dried fruits can be included in your diet. Reduce
intake of foods which are more salty and food with more sugar. Too much sugar and salt
is bad for health. Have food at proper timings .Try not skip any meals. If you don’t feel
hungry also eat something but don’t skip the meals.

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

Above given tips can help you to have a fit and healthy body. But most important is self
determination. If you possess self determination then definitely you can achieve a healthy
and fit body.

Name of presenter: ___________________

Topic: _________________________________________________

Three facts you learned:




Review your email for content and structure:


Have you written the main contents?

Have you used suitable words, symbols and structures to take a note?
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

A note should be clear and short. In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the
link below to further study:

Unit 12: Taking notes Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Read and write simple note-taking symbols
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Summarize full sentences into notes.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use shortened words.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write lectures and work conversations as notes.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

Unit 13: Problems at work or school


This unit helps students to:

 Write a polite apology.

 Use the first conditional to negotiate.
 Write an email asking for extra time to complete a task.
 Write an email to ask for some time off work.

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

The first conditional is used to express the real things at present or possibility that
can happen in the future.

Notes: In type 1 conditional sentences, you can also use modals in the main clause
instead of the future tense to express the degree of certainty, permission, or a
recommendation about the outcome.

 I may finish that letter if I have time.

 If he calls you, you should go.

 If you buy my school supplies for me, I will be able to go to the park.


1. Complete the first conditional sentences.

1. If you …………. (not/ hurry), we will be late.

2. If Enrico …………. (pass) his exam, he will be very happy.

3. However, If Enrico fails, he …………. (not be) very happy.

4. If you stay awake all night, you …………. (be) very tired tomorrow.

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

5. Alan …………. (not/ win) the lottery if he doesn’t buy a ticket.

6. If you eat too much chocolate, you …………. (become) fat

7. We …………. (not/ go) to the restaurant if you’re not hungry.

8. If Rick drives too fast, he …………. (have) an accident.

2. Match the two parts of the sentences


1. I’d go to Iceland. a. if they don't stop that noise,

2. If I ate that. b. If I had enough money for a holiday,

3. I’ll go next door and complain c. If you can’t repair your headphones,

4. Unless I have to babysit. d. I'd be ill

5. If you fancy a chat e. If we had more space at home,

6. You might need to buy new ones. f. Ice cream melts

7. We could have a dog. g. I'll see you on Saturday night,

8. If you don’t keep it in the freezer. h. Call me

Useful language and vocabulary

1. Use these phrases to apologize

 Excuse me for…  My apologies for…

 I apologize for…  Please forgive me for…
 I’m so sorry for…  It’s all my fault.
 I’m terribly sorry for…

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

2. Use these phrases to response an apology

 That’s all right.  Don’t worry about it.

 Never mind.  Don’t mention it.

 Don’t apologize.  No problem

 It doesn’t matter.  That’s OK.


Complete the dialogue with the expressions of apology

Dialogue 1

Ahmad: Hello, Ahmad’s speaking. Can I speak to Indah?

Indah : Yes, It’s me. Are you OK?

Ahmad: Yes, thank you. I just want to ………….. (1) for the incident yesterday.

Indah : …………………… (2). It doesn’t matter.

Ahmad: But I broke your bicycle yesterday. Wasn’t your father angry?

Indah : …………… (3). You did it accidentally.

Ahmad: Yes, but…

Indah : Listen to me, Ahmad. You did not break it in purpose.

Ahmad: All right. Again, I am ………….. (4) about that.

Indah : That’s …………… (5), Ahmad.

Dialogue 2

Samuel: You’ve broken my window. Can’t you see?

Jack: (6) ………………. We were playing cricket. We never thought that the ball would
hit the window.

Samuel: Haven’t I told you not to play in the street? Why don’t you go to the park?

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

Jack: We know we shouldn’t have played here… (7) ………………... We won’t repeat
this mistake.

Samuel: ……… (8) ……., but I don’t want you to play in the street again.

An email explaining a problem

1.Start with Dear and the person’s title and name.

2.Say what the problem is first. Then, give more details. Finally, offer a solution or
say what you hope will happen next.

3.Make it short and clear. Just include the most important information.

4.Say Thank you for your understandingat the end. It shows that you hope the reader
will understand your problems

PRACTICE: Match the part of the email (a–f) with the paragraph (1–6).

Paragraph Part of the email

1....... Dear Professor Hart, a.Closing phrase

2....... I’m writing to let you know ... b.Reason for writing, i.e. the problem
3....... I have medicine ... c.Sign off
4....... Until then, ... d.Greeting
5....... Thank you for ... e.The solution to the problem (including
6....... Regards, Jameela asking for help, if needed)

f.Supporting facts and details

2. Complete the email.

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

Dear back understanding writing

could attached know can’t

1. Write a short email to your boss to ask for extending the time of completing your task.

 Say sorry for missing the deadline.

 Explain the problem.
 Give solutions.
 Be formal and polite.

(1) Write a first draft of your email/ letter.

(2) Edit: Use the task and language checklist to review your email for content and structure


Have you apolozied to your boss in a polite way?

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

Have you given reasonable explanation for your late submission?

Have you suggested any solutions for the trouble?
Have you used formal and written language in your letter
Have you read your email again to check spelling and grammar?

(3) Write the second draft of your email/ letter: Make any necessary changes to your

Written language is so important in business world because people are in need of operating,
making requests or explaining problems at work.

In order to get more knowledge on this issue, click the link below to further study:

Unit 13: Problems at work or school Handbook for Writing 1

Check your objectives by circling the number.

I can…
Write a polite apology.
1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Use the first conditional to negotiate.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an email asking for extra time to complete a task.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Write an email to ask for some time off work.

1 2 3 4 5
Not very well Not well Average Well Very well

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


1. Key concepts
The VSTEP is a standardized test designed to measure the English proficiency of students
at UNETI. The test is based on the Common Europe Framework of Reference for
Languages (CEFR) and be relevant to the context of English use at UNETI.

2. Exam format
Writing 1 is a compulsory subject for linguistics freshmen in the first school year; thus, it
is believed that they need to achieve level A2. It is a VSTEP standardized writing test and
taken as a paper-based test at UNETI.

The writing test aims to check how students use structure, vocabulary, spelling and
punctuation and build sentences with simple clauses, complete a memo, a message, a
postcard and write a letter or an email. It lasts 35 minutes and the format consists of three

 Task 1 – Building sentences: test-takers complete 5 sentences with suggested words

or phrases.
 Task 2 - Writing a memo or a message: test-takers have to complete an everyday
writing task, such as a short note, a memo or a message.
 Task 3 – Writing a letter or a postcard: test-takers write a(n) letter/ email serving
different communication purposes.

3. Band score and Rubrics for assessment

The expected response should be described clearly in terms of the criterial in line with the
band score that will be used to judge it. Therefore, the aspects such as the basis of
grammatical accuracy, vocabulary use, content and organization should be disclosed to the
test takers in the directions.

The following is the band score for the final test of Writing 1.

Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Band score 2 3 5
Examiners award a band score for each of four areas with equal weighting

 Task 1: 0.4 points for each sentence

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

 Task 2 and 3: those tasks are assessed and evaluated with four criteria, each of
which is accounted for 25% of total scores. In details:

10% 15% 20% 25%

Task + The main + The main + The main + The main
Response content is not content is content is content is
clearly mentioned; mentioned; mentioned;
mentioned; + The main + The main + The key
+ The main issues issues are issues are issues are
are not yet fully highlighted emphasized emphasized and
mentioned; appropriately; clearly; implemented
+ There is too + The + The well;
much detailed information is information is + All the
information; chosen accurate; requirements are
+ The appropriately; + A few issues fulfilled.
information is + Some can be
inaccurate. information developed
may not be better.
Coherence & + The way of + The ideas are + The + Information
Cohesion implementing the organized information is and ideas are
paragraph is coherently; organized organized
restrictive; + The paragraph logically; logically;
+ Unsuitable is implemented + The + The
connectors are logically; paragraph is organization is
used. + Connectors organized clear and full of
are used logically; function;
effectively; + Connectors + The literary
+ There is still are used style is apparent
errors of using copiously; and logic.
connectors + Too much or
among too few
sentences. connectors are
Lexical + The vocabulary + The + The + The use of
resource is not consistent vocabulary is vocabulary is vocabulary is
and diversified; rich; used quite rich and precise;
+ The collocation + Some difficult accurately; + Difficult
or word form is but + Difficult words are used
not accurate; inappropriate words are used; appropriately;
+ The collocation words are used; + Some + Misspelling or
makes readers + There are a compound wrong word
confused. few errors in words are used; form is rarely
spelling and + Misspelling made.
collocation; and wrong
collocation are
rarely used.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

+ The content is
easy to
Grammatical + Sentence + Simple and + Complex and + Various
range and structure is complex simple sentence
accuracy simple; sentences are sentences are structures are
+ Some complex combined; used used
sentences are + There are a abundantly; abundantly;
used but few + There are + Most
incorrect; grammatical many errors in sentences are
+ There are many errors; free sentences; not defective.
grammatical + There are a + Grammatical
errors; few punctuation errors and
+ There are some errors; punctuation
punctuation + The writing is marks are rarely
errors; easy to caught.
+ Some ideas understand.
make readers
4. Writing exam
There are two ways for students to take final exam for Writing test 1. An offline exam is
scheduled on a specific date when candidates gather and sit for a handwriting test.
However, the online examination is compulsory for UNETI students due to Covid 19
pandemic. LMS software has been researched and carried out to organize the online test.
Therefore, it is significant to provide them with several basic knowledge on the LMS online

First off, students sign in their ID, move to the week with the final test assigned. When
they click the final test, another information box appears as follow.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

On the day of the test, students can get access to it at the scheduled time. The information
in accordance with the time limit is displayed on the screen.

After clicking “start”, students can do their test. Each question appears in the order of
task 1 (5 questions), task 2 (writing a note/ a memo/ an advert/ an invitation) and task 3
(writing a letter or an email). In the first page is task 1.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Besides, the numbers of questions are displayed on the screen. In addition, it enables
candidates to tick what question they complete. During the process of testing, students
should pay attention to the time left so that they can manage their time to complete the test
and submit.

Some students may have the habit of doing task 2 or 3 first, they can click “next page” to
move to task 2 or 3.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Students can finish their test by submitting and confirming in two below steps

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


1. Purposes of test-taking strategies

The primary purpose of test-taking strategies is to improve student performance on exams.
A second, but related, purpose is to reduce exam anxiety. If both of these goals are
achieved, higher test scores should result. “When you take a test – any tests – you are really
being tested on two things: how much you know about the subject and how much you know
about taking a test”. Test-taking strategies address the latter.

2. Advantages of test-taking strategies

Test-taking strategies have the following advantages:

 Improve test scores

 Bolster students’ confidence about exams
 Reduce exam anxiety.

3. Specific test-taking strategies

3.1. Before the test

Because a student’s actions and attitudes before the test can greatly affect his/ her
performance, a few words about pre-test strategies are appropriate


Through preparation is one key to successful test taking. Develop a timetable for exam
preparation and stick to it. Schedule time for reading assignments, recopying or
reorganizing notes, reviewing notes, reviewing texts, preparing organizational aids and
other study materials, meeting with other students or the teacher and practicing homework

Another important facet of preparation is knowing what to expect on the exam. Find out
from the syllabus or the teacher the following things: when and where is the test, what
chapters or topics will be covered, what types of questions will be asked, what the rubric
the evaluators will depend on to grade the writing papers.

Prepare mentally

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Bolster your confidence by reflecting on past exam successes and your pre-test preparation.
Avoid worrying about what other students are doing.

Picture yourself in the testing situation. Imagine you are calm, cool and collected. Picture
yourself scanning the test, knowing all the answers and turning in a passing test.

Use relaxation techniques to quell feelings of anxiety. Avoid depressing or infuriating

situations before the test. Get psyched up by listening to your favorite music

Assemble the necessary supplies

Gather and organize all the supplies you will need the night before the test. This includes
pens, sharpened pencils, eraser, ruler, student ID card and watch.

3.2. General strategies

Those general strategies are arranged in the order in which they should be used when taking
a test. The strategies should become part of every student’s test-taking plan.

Dump information

Information dumping refers to quickly writing down all information that one feels he/ she
may forget or confuse as the test is completed. If you fear you will forget or confuse how
many parts in a letter, how to distinguish formal or informal or the important headings to
write an advert and etc, dump that information on the back of the test as soon as you receive
it. Refer to the “dumped” information when answering questions

Read the directions

Read the directions for all parts of the test carefully. Take note of what questions are to be
answered, if answers may be used more than once, or if there is more than one answer for
each question. Break up complicated directions and run-on sentences into smaller parts.
Flag tricky directions by circling or underlining them so you don’t forget to follow them

Develop a plan

The next step involves quickly developing a plan for completing the exam. Budget your
time for completing each part and stick to your schedule. Start with the easy part first, with
the material you know the best. However, if you start with the task you know the most
about, be careful not to go overboard and spend too much time on them.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Plan to give more information to task 3 because it brings the highest point within the test.
Budget time for checking your answer. Check your watch or clock constantly, after every
task, for example, to make sure you stay on schedule. Plan to use the entire time period
allowed for the exam, there is no sense in rushing through the test.

Read the questions carefully

Break down complicated questions into manageable parts and then work on each part
individually. Number each part to make sure all of them are answered. Ask the instructor
to interpret or reword a question if you don’t understand it.

Watch out for careless errors

Reread the directions to make sure you have completed each part of the test correctly. Then
reread the questions to make sure you read them accurately and understand what they are

Double-check your answers after you have completed the test and the pressure is reduced.
Reread your writings to make sure that you wrote what you intended to write and that you
answered all parts of the questions.

3.3. Strategies for specific task in the VSTEP standardized writing test

Task 1: Sentence building

Step 1: Identify the sentence structure

In sentence building, grammatical and functional accuracy are emphasized in the way
students use correct terms such as noun, verb, adjective, pronoun, subject, predicate and
etc. Hence, in order to achieve this task, students need to become familiar with various
elements of grammar, as well as the various types of sentences that exist in English. There
are four types of sentences that students need to get their heads around. They are:

Classifying and organizing what type of sentence the questions in task 1 is so important,
students can depend on the suggested words to guess which sentence it is about. If the
question is:

(1) Simple sentence: Subject – Verb – Object or SVO pattern:

 The subject of the sentence will be the noun that begins the sentence.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

 The action itself will be encapsulated by the verb, which is the action word
that describes what the doer does
 The object of the sentence follows the verb and describes that which receives
the action
e.g. I kicked the ball.

(2) Compound sentence: combines at least two independent clauses, it means at least two
simple sentences joining together with a coordinating conjunction such as and, but, or, so,
yet, etc.

e.g. I kicked the ball and it hit Tom.

(3) Complex sentences: contain at least one independent clause and one dependent clause.
Those clauses are joined with subordinating conjunctions such as: after, although, because,
before, if, etc.

e.g. Tom cried because the ball hit him.

(4) Compound-complex sentences: consist of at least two independent clauses and one
dependent clause

e.g. Tom cried because the ball hit him, and I apologized immediately.

Step 2: Correct the verb tenses

When students can identify the sentence structure, it is necessary to consider what verb
tense should be used. In order to give the correct verb tenses, students need to pay attention
to the time adverbial phrase.

Within the level for Writing 1, Present and Past tenses are highlighted:

 Present simple (daily routine, describe a room): in the morning/ afternoon/ evening,
every day/ month/ year, on Mondays/ Tuesdays/etc.
 Present continuous (making plans and arrangements): tomorrow, tonight.
 Present perfect (experience): ever, for + time period, since + timeline, already,
lately, etc.
 Past simple (schedule in the past): last week/ month, year, yesterday, etc.

Step 3: Other structures

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

With Writing 1, students have to draw their attention to make suggestions, plans,
obligation, imperatives and superlatives. Those issues are discussed in details in chapter
two of this handbook.

In short, in order to accomplish the sentences, look for clues of suggested words and
classify them into function and content words. The clues include grammar, verb tense,
word type, and singular versus plural. Substitute simple words for difficulty or unknown
words in the sentences. Use context clues or your knowledge of word elements to decipher

Task 3: Write an email/ letter

This task consists of a brief description of a situation and three guiding points. Students
are expected to write an email based on the situation described. The most important point
is that the recipient of your email understands your messages. For full marks all the key
points or guiding points must be covered. Students may include additional information
related to the topic. Grammar and spelling mistakes are allowed as long as they don’t make
it difficult for the reader to understand the text. Therefore, it is advisable for students to
follow the writing process:

1. Generate 2. Develop and 3. Revise and

ideas Organize ideas Edit

Step 1: Generate ideas:

At this step, students need to develop skills for getting what they know about a topic down
on a paper, and generating ideas or finding additional facts. They also need to check

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

whether their writing is on-topic and fulfills its purposes. In order to accomplish this stage,
it is essential to answer two questions:

 Who are you writing to? – this question enables students to identify the target
recipient, so that they can use appropriate language: formal or informal language.
 What does the recipient want to know? – this question encourages students to
brainstorm how many main ideas or key points they have to respond in the main
body of the letter.

Step 2: Develop and organize ideas

At this stage, students need to form five different parts in their letter

With the ideas and information brainstormed in the first steps, this strategy gives students
the opportunity to recognize, regroup, sort, categorize, classify and cluster their notes.
Therefore, students need to answer the questions:

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

 How will you write it?

 In which order will you address the key points?
 What can you say about each key point?

Those questions need developing and organizing in five parts:

 Start your email with an appropriate greeting.

 Write an opening sentence in which you state the reason for your email
 Address the three key points in the order that you think is most logical in the main
body. Write one or two sentences for each key point. You can write more if you
wish. Ideally, you should write complete sentences.
 Write the final comments and closing.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

The number of words should range from 100 to 120 words. You should write no more than
120 words. You should try to apply a wide range of vocabulary and accurate structures. If
you cannot find any word to express your ideas, look for another way to convey your

Step 3: Revise and edit

This is the process of making sure that the writing contains what you want it to say. It is
advisable that you should take a few minutes to proofread your letter twice to make sure
that your letter is clearly understandable and that no words are missing, read the letter again
and check for grammar and spelling.

In order to do well on this writing test, the students also need to know how the writing test
is evaluated. That is the reason why the rubrics for assessing are discussed in the former
section of this chapter. There are four marking criteria:

 Task response: Have you fully addressed all the key points? Have you used the
appropriate formal or informal language?
 Coherence & Cohesion: Have you linked your ideas to produce a clear, well-
structured text?
 Lexical resource: Have you used a wide range of vocabulary to communicate your
 Grammatical range and accuracy: Is your grammar and spelling correct most of the

Task 2: Write a note, a card, a memo, an invitation or an advert

(1) Write a note, a card or a memo.

The reason why we place the strategies of writing task 2 after task 3 is that the format of
writing a note or a card is basically similar to format of writing an email/ letter. The
difference is the length of each task which decides the score of each task. As it is mentioned
in the previous part, task 2 is equivalent to 3 points, meanwhile task 3 accounts for 5 points.
Therefore, task 3 should be spent more time on writing than task 2. This also leads to the
difference in length, students write only from 30 to 50 words; whereas task 3 should be at
a range of 100 and 120 words.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

From the differences, it is important to clarify that in task 2, three main parts should consist
of greeting, main body and closing; in some cases, there is no need for opening and final

(2) Write an advert or an invitation

The tips for writing an advertisement or an invitation are thoroughly discussed in Unit 6
and 7, Chapter 1.

In short, when dealing with task 2, students should follow three steps in the writing process
of generating ideas, developing & organizing ideas and revising & editing.

On the following pages, because test graders use the same rubrics to evaluate both task 2
and 3, some writing samples of those tasks are displayed to help test-takers understand
what is expected in order to fulfil the four marking criteria.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


Task 1: Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. What / Sally / really / want / birthday?

2. We/ invited/ James’/ leaving party.


3. This/ be/ first/ time/ I/ write/ lover.


4. He/ look/ forward/ return/ native village.

5. Please / give / money / James’s leaving gift / Christine / 31st August.
Suggested answers:
1. What does Sally really want for her birthday?
2. We are invited to James’ leaving party.
3. This is the first time I have written to my lover
4. He looks forward/ is looking forward to returning his native village.
5. Please give money for James’ leaving gift to Christine on 31st August
Remember that, it is so important to not only give the correct the verb tense but also the
agreement between subject and verb because if each of those issue is not correct, you will
be minus all the point for each sentence (0.4 points).

Other errors related to article, preposition or pronoun can be minus a half (0.2 points).

Task 2: Jane is going to paint your bedroom. Her friend Robbie is going to help her.
Imagine you are Jane, write a note (30-50 words) to Robbie. Say:

 What color paint you are going to use.

 What time you will start
 What clothes to wear

Sample A: Mark 10% for each criteria

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Only one part of the message is communicated (color)

Sample B: Mark 15% for each criteria

Two parts of the message are communicated; one was unattemped (what clothes to wear).
Besides, there are some grammatical mistakes (…morning start paiting, going paint) and
spelling mistakes (I’’l, going paint, paiting)

Sample C: Mark 20% for each criteria

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Three parts of the message are communicated. There are some non-impeding errors in
spelling (vert, 8,00) and grammar (want painting, painting it of white, to wear….)

Sample D: Mark 25% for each criteria

Three parts of the message are clearly communicated. The content is clear, there are no
mistakes in spelling and grammar.

Task 3: This is part of a letter you receive from some English friends:

For our next holiday, we want to visit your country.

Is it best to spend our time in a city or in the country side?

Which would you recommend and why?

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Write a letter (100-120 words), answering your friends’ questions

Sample A: Mark 10% for each criteria

This letter was inadequate attempt. There are many mistakes and a lot of effort is needed
from the reader. To correct the letter, the writer should pay particular attention to these
basic mistakes:

 Task response: address only two key points

 Coherence & cohesion: no paragraphs, no signature
 Lexical resource (receved, mautain on the evening, dancing, etc).
 Grammatical range and accuracy: problems with singulars and plurals, the omit of
main verb (going to visiting, you well, it very better, etc), no full stops, and wrong
use of capital letters.

Sample B: Mark 15% of each criteria

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

This letter shows some evidence of ambition with an adequate range of language and some
linking. In details:

 Task response: address three key points

 Coherence & cohesion: clear and well-structured paragraph, five parts, some linking
 Lexical resource (lette, soo).
 Grammatical range and accuracy: grammatical errors (happy reading, a lots of, if
you’ll come, enough big, enjoy to see)

Sample C: Mark 20% of each criteria

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

This letter shows some evidence of ambition with an adequate range of language accuracy
and logical connection

 Task response: address three key points

 Coherence & cohesion: clear and well-structured paragraph, five parts, some linking
 Lexical resource: the vocabulary is accurate, there are no misspelling or wrong
collocation but the writing could be better if more difficult words such as compound
words were used.
 Grammatical range and accuracy: the subject agreement is good, there are some
complex and simple sentences. It could be developed if the writer used more various
sentence structures.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. I/ go/ the doctor/ next Monday.
2. I/ never/ be/ to India.
3. She/ suggest/ shop/ local markets/ instead of/ supermarket/ yesterday.
4. He/ not/ feel/ well/ yesterday.
5. The phone/ be/ ringing. /I/go /and/answer it.
II. (3 points) You have just returned from a week’s holiday staying at a home of
your British friend, Sam. Write a card (30-50 words) to your friend, Sam.
In your card, you should:
 tell Sam about your journey back to you home
 say what you enjoyed most about your stay
 ask Sam to visit you
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) This is a part of an email you receive from an English friend. Write an
email (100-120 words)

For my homework project I have to write about a special day that people celebrate in
your country. Which special day should I write about? When and where is that festival
held? What information should I include?
- Give the name of a special day or festival
- Give the time and place of the special day or festival
- List some interesting activities of the special day or festival.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. You/ must/ not/ park/ no-parking area. / It/ be/ forbidden.
2. My mother/ always/ order/ us/ turn/ music/ down.
3. She/ stop/ smoke/ few/ months/ ago.
4. I/ wash/ the car. /Now/ it/ look/ great!
5. She/ usually/ wear/ hat/ when/ she/ go/ church/ Sundays.
II. (3 points) You want to ask your English friend, Alex, to go shopping with you on
Saturday. Write a message (30-50 words) to Alex. In your message, you should:
 invite Alex to go shopping
 suggest a time and place to meet
 say what you want to buy.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

 III. (5 points) This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. Now
write a letter (100-120 words) to your friend, answering the questions.
My family and I have just moved to a new flat. It’s quite small but I like it. Do
you live in a flat or a house? What's it like?


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. I/ lose/ key/ and/ can/ not/ find/ anywhere.
2. He/ promise/ return/ book/ following day.
3. I/ think/ you/ relax/ more/ after/ work.
4. The doctor/ recommend/ I/ get/ more exercise.
5. Take/ notes/ when/ you/ be/ the/ meeting.
II. (3 points) You have lost some sunglasses which you borrowed from your
English friend, Pat. Write a note (30-50 words) to Pat. In your note, you should:
- apologize to Pat
- say how you lost the sunglasses
- offer to buy him some new ones.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) This is a part of a letter you receive from an English friend. Write a
letter (100-120 words) giving your friends some advice.

My grandmother has given me some money. There’s enough to buy a good camera or
go on holiday with my friends. My parents want me to save the money. What do you
think I should do?

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. She/ most/ beautiful/ girl/ I/ ever/ see.
2. I/ read/ book/ you /give/ three times.
3. Who/ you/ meet/ cinema/ last night?
4. Lan/ suggest/ go/ out/ dinner and/ we/ agree/ yesterday.
5. Mum/ visit/ Asian three countries/ up to now.
II. (3 points) An English friend of yours called James gave a party yesterday, which
you enjoyed. Write a card (30-50 words) to send to James. In your card, you should:
- thank him for the party.
- say what you like best.
- suggest when you could both meet again.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) This is a part of an email you receive from an English friend. Write an
email (100-120 words) answering your friend’s questions.

In your next letter, please tell me all about your favourite TV programme. Why do you
like watching? What is it about?

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. Would / you/ like/ go out / dinner / my family/ tonight?
2. You/ had/ better/ leave /before / I/ call / police.
3. Not/ make / room/ untidy /you / clean/ up.
4. I / think/ we / plan / carefully / advertising project/ next month.
5. Most/ comfotable/ this house / living room/ room.
II. (3 points) Your University is going to hold a Spring Camp at Central Park. Write
an advert (30-50 words) for that event. You should write:
• When and where the camp is going to be held;
• What activities are going to be organized;
• What things you need to prepare for the camp.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) This is part of a letter you receive from an English friend. Now write a
letter, giving your friend some advice about keeping fit. (100-120 words).

I enjoy my new job but I sit at a computer all day now. I don’t get much exercise.
What do you think I should do to keep fit?

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. How about/ go/ out/ dinner?
2. I/ organize/ party/ next weekend. /you/ want/ join /?
3. Stop/ talk/ and/ open / your books.
4. Mother/ tell/ them/ not/ play/ outside.
5. They/ suggest/ we/ go/ walk.
II. (3 points) Next week, you will receive some guests from Tokyo office. Write a
message (30-50 words) to ask for helping. You should ask:
• Activities;
• Place of interest;
• Meal for the visitors .
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) You are going to a birthday party next week. Write an email to invite
your friend to the party and give the direction to the address of the party (100-120
words). You should:
- Tell them when to arrive;
- Tell them what to bring;
- Give the direction to the place where the party will be held.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. I/ completely/ apologize/ what/ happen/ you.
2. Tell/ Lucy/ turn down/ volume. /I /can/ not/ stand /any more.
3. I/ not be/ person/ recommend / how/ the job/ be/ done.
........................................................................................................ …………………
4. They/ finish/ work /right/ before/ deadline.
5. This/ largest/ room in/ house.
II. (3 points) Read the advertisement and the message, write them as a note (30-50
words). You should mention:
- The name of working place
- Name of job
- Money per hour
- Working time
- Contact to the manager

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

I’ve seen a job for you. The Forest Café needs a waitress.
It’s six hours’ work on Saturday evening, starting at 7 p.m.
They pay 4 pound an hour. They need a clearer too, for 3
hours on Sunday. But it’s only 3.50 pound per hour and you
won’t like the work. Phone the manager on Monday at the
Café- or phone me on 35412 for more information.

III. (5 points) Your friend is going to Singapore with her two kids aged 6 and 8 on
May 8th next week. She has booked in Marina Bay and wants some advice. Write
her an email (120 words). You should:
- Congratulate your friend and say why you like Singapore;
- Give some advice on good places to eat and to visit ;
- List the best way(s) to travel around Singapore;
- Wish your friend good luck and close your email with a friendly phrases.


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


KINH TẾ - KỸ THUẬT CÔNG NGHIỆP Thời gian làm bài: (35’)

Điểm số: …………………… Cán bộ chấm 1: …................................. Số phách

Điểm chữ: ………………..… Cán bộ chấm 2: ………………….……

I. (2 points) Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if
1. I/ suggest/ we/ go out/ have/ dinner. /I /know /good /restaurant.
2. Not/ let's/ start/ early.
3. What/ be/ least/ expensive/ way/ travelling/ Japan?
4. Salary/ depend/ qualifications/ experience.
5. World/ economy/ experience/ difficulties/ because/ Covid-19.
II. (3 points) You are planning a picnic for Next Saturday. Write a message to your
English friend, Charley (30-50 words). You should:
 Invite Charley to come;
 Say where Charley should meet you;
 Tell Charley what to bring.
Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

III. (5 points) Write an email to your teacher to ask for extra time to complete your
next assignment (120 words). You should:
- Explain what the problem is
- Say why you cannot complete next assignment on time
- Suggest a solution to the problem.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


1. I suggest that Frank (should) take the medicine because he has got a headache.
2. The teacher suggests that Viet (should) watch more English film.
3. How about eating more vegetables and fruits.
4. I suggest that you ask him yourself.
5. Let’s buy a good dictionary.
1. My teacer suggests that I learn harder to pass the next test.
2. I suggest they have dinner first, then (they) watch film.
3. The doctor suggests resting a bit
4. Why don’t we try to shop on MA Road?
5. Let’s get a part-time job after the school.
6. My mother suggests we (should) go out for hanging out after the dinner.
7. How about stopping drinking coffee?
8. let’s go to France instead of Italy this summer.
9. We suggest she (should) meet Frank at the café.
10. How about having dinner first then watching film?
1. Dialogue 1
1. Would you like 2. Shall we do 3. Have any ideas 4. Why don’t we
5. Shall we see 6. I’d rather not 7. Let’s watch 8. Shall we get
9. Sounds great 10. What about

Dialogue 2
1. What shall 2. Let’s 3. Not sure 4. We could do

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

5. Good idea 6. Shall we do there 7. Go cycling 8. Fun

9. Shall we go 10. Let’s go

1- O 3-C 5-O 7-O 9-P
2- C 4-C 6-P 8-C 10-P


Topic 1: - The recipient: accommodation officer
- Formal letter
Topic 2: - The recipient: a friend
- Informal letter
Topic 3: - The recipient: a friend
- Informal letter
Topic 4: - The recipient: application organizer
- Formal letter
Topic 5: - The recipient: a friend
- Informal letter
1. - This is an informal letter because the recipients are closed to the writer and the
language is casual and the tone is relaxing
2. - This is a formal letter because the recipient is a business partner who the writer
doesn’t know well; the structure is very rigidly with full form of verbs; the tone is
standard and language is formal
Hi, Linda
How are you?
I’m very happy if you are well. This weekend my group will have a picnic by the river
in the countryside. We will go fishing and play games there. Because we go out all

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

day, we must prepare the food and tent. Do you want to join us? If you can, please
take some water and cold drink for the picnic
2. Dear Uncle Ba
This Friday afternoon, I am having the first music lesson, therefore, I am writing to
borrow your piano. I will study from 2 p.m to 4p.m, can I borrow it at that time?
I am very happy if you accept my proposal.
I am looking forward to hearing from you
Yours faithfully,


1. We have Spanish on Tuesday.
2. My dad often goes to work by car.
3. I always help my mum with the housework.
4. She has judo classes once a week.
5. I like gardening very much.
My neighbor is called Jeanie. She comes from Belgium. She has lived here since
1995 and she says she is going back to visit her family in Belgium only once. She
has an accent that is the same as people who come from France, but I never ask her
if she speaks French. She really likes to go to the theatre and she invites me to go
with her on Saturday. In the short time, I know her, we become good friends.
1. Wake 2. Take 3. Have 4. Go 5. Have
6. Do 7. Play 8. Have 9. Watch 10. Go

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

She has two full-time jobs. She works in a hospital, and she takes care of her family.
She gets up at 5.30 every morning. She cooks breakfast for her son and her husband.
At 6.30 she gets her son, Pace, ready for school. At 7.00 she drives Pace to school.
She drives to the hospital at 7.30. She works from 7.30 to 3.30. After work, she picks
Pace up at school. She goes home, and she cooks dinner. After dinner she does the
dishes. On Wednesday evening, she goes to class. After class, she makes lunch for her
husband and her son. She sometimes watches television in the evening if she is not too
tired. She usually goes to bed at 10.30.
Hi Mom and Dad,
Life here is so strange to me. Hope you are all well. My day usually starts quite early. I
always get up at 7.30 on weekdays, but at the weekends I sleep an hour and a half longer.
When I get up I go to the bathroom. First I wash my face to wake me up, brush my teeth
and then I have a shower. After that I comb my hair and get dressed. I usually wear
casual clothes mainly jeans shorts T-shirts and trainers. I usually have a bowl of
conflates with hot milk banana and toast with marmalade. I usually walk to school
because I don’t live far. Classes start at 8.30. I like Maths best but I’m also good at
Science and English. I have two breaks at 11, and at 1 o’clock I eat sandwich and drink
orange juice. I also play with my classmates in the playground. School finishes at 3.30
and I join the guitar club after that. Before dinner I sometimes meet my friends or watch
TV after dinner. I read a book or surf the internet for a while. I miss you all. How are
things at home? Hope that
See you soon love.
How are you?
I’m very happy to receive your letter. About my favorite day of week, I like Saturday,
because I don’t have to go to the University on that day. I usually get up early at 7a.m.
After brushing the teeth, washing face, I cook noodle for breakfast. Then I do my
homework by listening to some English songs, practicing writing essays in English.
At 11a.m I cook a simple lunch. After taking a nap, I go to the swimming pool. I

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

really like swimming because it helps me keep fit and healthy. I come back home at 5
p.m. In the evening I watch TV after dinner time. I always watch news and film on
VTV3 in the evening. Finally, I go to bed at 11p.m.
Next Saturday, Will you go swimming with me? If you agree, please tell me.
Hope to see you


1. C 3. C 5. A 7. B 9. A
2. A 4. A 6. C 8. C 10.
1. Must 5. have to 9. Have to 13. have to 17. have to
2. Mustn’t 6. Must 10. must 14. Mustn’t 18. has to
3. Must 7. Must 11. must 15. Must 19. mustn’t
4. don’t have to 8. Mustn’t 12. mustn’t 16. has to 20. have to
1. A 4. A 7. A 10. B 13. A
2. B 5. A 8. B 11. B
3. B 6. A 9. B 12. A
1. T 3. T 5. F
2. F 4. F 6. T


1. @ Bob’s 2. U 3. <3<3<3!!!
4. sooooooo 5. Cu 6. XOXOXO

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

1. Cu later 2. I’m @school 3. How ru?
4. I’m fine, thx 5. I <3 pizza 6. We’re going 2 Sam’s house
7. I’ll b there @ 5p.m 8. Cu tomorrow
A: Hey, what about going 2 the new gym in the neighborhood?
B: Sr,I don’t <3 gym. How about going 4 camping?
A: Great!
B. I’ll bring sandwiches with orange juice 4 the camping trip.
A: I’ll take something to drink
B: ok! CUL
A: bye

A. What’s up? Jane asked u 4 her birthday party?

B: Yes, but I think I can’t go
A: why? What’s matter with u?
B. So sad and hurt, ‘cause of my wise tooth.
A: poor u

A: Wanna go 2c The new Xmen?

B:LMK. I have to go the part-time class at 6p.m
A:IIRC, th film will start at 3p.m and end at 5p.m
B: K! let’s go
1. Purpose: applying for federal student aid
Declaration: I certify that all the information I have reported to qualify for federal
student aid is complete and right
2. Purpose: applying for Air force

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Declaration: I certify that I have read and understood the instructions stated in this
application form and that all entries I made herein are true and correct. Any false or
incomplete may cause my disqualification for application
3. Purpose: applying for private education loan
Declaration: I certify that I have read and understood the notices in Section 1, and
that to best of my knowledge, the information provided on this form is true and
4. Purpose: applying for the renewal of certificate and reinstatement of accreditation
Declaration: I certify the correctness of the foregoing.
5. Purpose: applying for student cards
Declaration: As registrar/ principal I certify that the information provided is correct
and that the applicant is registered at this campus/school

1-j 4-a 7-e 10-f
2-d 5-c 8-i 11-g
3-h 6-k 9-b


1. F 3. T 5. F
2. T 4. T 6. F
1-d 2-b 3-e 4- c 5-g 6-f 7-a
1. First name: Jane 2. Last name: Short
3. Date of birth: 26/05/2000 4. Address: Flat 2A, 164 Market Street, Oxford
5. Postcode: OX2 5JZ 6. Phone: 07200 329922
7. Email:
2. Full name: Maria Webster

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Title: Miss
Address (including postcode): 47 Harewood Court, Dunstand Road, Bingley, YA2
What is your age group: 26-40 years
What is your material status: Single
Please answer yes or no:
Do you have a full driving license? No
Are you registered disabled? Yes
Your signature: Maria
Today’s date: 05/0/52020
First name: Susan Last name: Cole DOB: 20/8/1998
Nationality: Australian Place of study: University of London
Email: Phone: 02145562716
Address: Flat 4b, Green Street, E14 9V
International Student Card Application
Card serial number: 12 0000 4567882 xs6788 91
First name: Linda Last name: Smith
Place of Study: UNETI Mobile: 098088990
Email. Address: 218 Linh Nam Road, HBT Dis, HN
Nationality: Vietnamese Date of birth: 05/05/1998
I declare the information provided is full and correct
Cardholder signature: Linda
As registrar/principal I certify the information provided is correct and that the applicant
is registered at this campus/ school


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

1. Please pass me the salt 2. Please answer the door
3. Don’t forget your lunch 4. Please speak in English
5. Please wait for me 6. Play with sister nicely
7. Don’t speak you mouth full 8. Listen to your teacher
9. Do not run in the corridors
10. Please be careful when you cross the road
11. Don’t let the camera get wet 12. Do not eat in the cinema
13. Don’t speak like that 14. Don’t pay attention to her
15. Sit down and open your book
1. Play to nicely with other children  play nicely with other children
2. Don’t forgetting your homework  Don’t forget your homework
3. Please you pass me a pencil  please pass me a pencil
4. Brushing your teeth every day  Brush your teeth everyday
5. Don’t to make a mess!  Don’t make a mess
1. Clean 2. Phone 3. Don’t tell
4. Close 5. Help 6. Don’t sit
7. leave 8. Don’t drink 9. Don’t go
10. Take

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1



 Take the yogurt & empty into the bowl
 Mustn’t throw the container away  measure the different ingredients in the
 Fill sugar in the container & beat the bowl.
 Add half a container of vegetable oil & two eggs.
 Mix flour

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

 Add a soup spoonful of baking powder

 Stir the mixture firmly
 Add the grated zest of an organic lemon
 Pour into the buttered mound & put in the pre-heated oven for 40 minutes. *
 Add the diced pieces of fruit after the flour  make the two fruit varieties:
 Add a container full of cocoa for the chocolate & pear variety.
- When she was 21
- 21
- The 21st task is the most important.
- 3, 4,9,12, and 16
- 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,14,15,17,18,19,20, and 21
- Check pass port/ ticket code
- Tag the luggage
- Put the purse, mobile phone, Ipad and MacBook on the carry-on luggage
- Take wedding photos - Choose wedding costumes
- List the guest & send the invitation - Book restaurant & list the menu
- Buy weeding rings - Prepare honey room and Honey moon


1. C 3. E 5. B 7. A
2. C 4. A 6. D 8. D
1. A 2. B 3. B 4. C 5. C
1. I’m meet my friend after school.  x

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

2. My grandma comes to dinner tonight.  is coming

3. I go to the dentist next week.  am going
4. You are stay at home tonight?  staying
5. My parents is playing tennis on Sunday  play
1. are flying 2. am going out
3. is playing 4. are they having/ are
5. is Sue going/ isn’t 6. is seeing
7. is Ben having 8. are booking
9. am visiting 10. Are you meeting
1. Why don’t we come round for a drink? 2. Would you like to join us for lunch?
3. Is Fancy going out for a meal?
4. I thought you would like to try some of our local cuisine
5. There’s a really nice place just round the corner
6. Shall we meet over the dinner to discuss it later?
7. What about going out for a meal? 8. Why don’t you join us for a drink?
9. Are you free for dinner on Friday?
10. What about going to the Japanese restaurant?
11. I’m having a party on Saturday. Can you come?
12. Are you doing anything on Sunday afternoon?
13. What about going to swimming pool? 14. Are you at home tomorrow?
15. What would you like to do this evening?
16. Would you like to come round and watch TV?
17. What about having a drink after work?
18. Why don’t you answer the question?
1. Excuse / get 6. Turn
2. Straight 7. Left/ opposite
3. Left 8. Thank

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

4. Second / right 9. Welcome

5. Continue/ end
1. Right 5. Goes past
2. Queen street 6. Station road
3. The first/ on the left 7. Opposite/ near
4. Goes straight on
1. Would you like to come
2. We’re going to
3. Next to the library
4. Coming over at 2 p.m
5. Hope you can come
1. B 2. A 3.D 4.B 5.D
6. C 7. B 8. D 9.A 10.D
Hi, everyone.
Next week, we will finish this semester; therefore I am going to hold an end- term
party to celebrate. It will be a small party at Jack’s restaurant. There will be food,
drinks and cakes. Moreover, It will have many songs and we will dance there. That’s
so amazing, why don’t you join us? It’ll be a great party with your coming.
If you don’t know the way, Please follow the direction because it’s the nearest way
from your house to the restaurant.
First, go along Dale Street and turn right at the first road on your left. Go straight
Victoria Avenue, past the Central Park, and then take the first turning on the right.
Keep going to the end of the road, you can see the restaurant on the right.
Do try and come. If you want, you can bring someone.
Hope to see you soon

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


1. The youngest 9. The worst
2. the coldest 10. The shortest
3. The most intelligent 11. The cheapest
4. The tastiest 12. The slowest
5. The cuties 13. The most dangerous
6. The most romantic 14. The most friendly
7. The longest 15. The most elegant
8. The most difficult

1. The Asia is the largest 6. Giraffes are the tallest animal
2. Our earth is the smallest planet 7. Canada is the coldest country in the
3. Swimming is the best kind of North America
exercise 8. August is the hottest month of the
4. Pizza is the most delicious food year
5. Sharks are the most dangerous 9. Science is the most interesting thing
animals to study
10. You are the smartest person in the

1. B 3. C 5. C 7. C 9. B
2. B 4. C 6. A 8. B
1. To sublet 6. non- refundable
2. Be furnished 7. Credit report
3. Landlord 8. Fill out

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

4. Reference 9. Tenants
5. Application 10. Deposit
Apartment for rent
- Convenient location: 3rd floor of a postwar walk-up building in Manhattan’s Tribeca
District, opposite Street, near the small park
- Description:
 A 1000- square feet loft apartment with one bedroom on 3rd floor
 Security system, own keys and an intercom system for visitor
 Plain white and brick walls, hardwood floors, and contemporary furniture.
 Three windows, white cabinets, open shelves for storage, and modern artwork
on the walls in the living room with A pair of cushioned sofas on a beige carpet, a
television and stereo .
 A queen-sized bed, a chair for additional seating and Bedlinen in bed room.
 A separate dressing room with a chest of drawer, and open shelves for storage
- Price: $1100 per month.
Apartment for Rent
- Position: A Block, Times City, Hanoi
- Description: a living room, one kitchen and 3 bed rooms with full furniture and
- Price: $1000 per month and discount 10% if pay full year
- Contact: 092973792 or




1. If I were you, I would go to the police

2.You had better keep an eye on your bag all the time

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

3.Why don’t you go to the cinema?

4. It’s a good idea to go to the gym three times a week

5. Could you give me an advice on renting the house?


1. I think you should not put make-up when you go to school

2. If I were you, I wouldn’t play the cello until 1 a.m.

3. How about trolling them back on FB?

4. I suggest going to art school

5.You may try to ask me for my clothes before taking them


Dialogue 1

1. What would you do 2. If I were you 3. What’s your advice

4. Do you have any piece of advice? 5. you should

Dialogue 2

1. Why don’t you go to the dentist? 2. I think so 3. I would go



Formal Informal

Dear Claude, Hi Claude!

Thank you for your email. Lovely to hear from you.

I look forward to meeting you. I hope we can meet up

Regards, See you soon, Clive


Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

1. How 2. Will 3. Nice 4. Prefer

5. Must 6. Seeing 7. Also 8. Please,


1. Dear, John

I’m happy if you are well. I received your letter on Monday, so I’m very happy. But I
‘m worried that you still don’t know anyone apart from the people you work with.

In my opinion, you should join some clubs or groups to communicate and make friend
with other people. It will be a good occasion for you to meet people and make
acquaintance with the people who have same interest. Besides, you can ask your
colleagues to introduce some friends and have dating with them

I hope you will consider my advice. I’m glad to hear the good news from you


2. Dear MS Joes,

I am writing to you to ask you some advice on my learning. Last month, I had an
accident and broke my leg; therefore, I had to stay at the hospital for 2 weeks. Because
the final test is coming, I have worked hard to keep up with my classmates. However,
there are many problems which I can solve and understand about the Math. Can you
give me some advice and direction to pass this test?

I am looking forward to hearing from you

Yours faithfully,



16. Has Helen ever tried 23. Came

17. Did you go have never been 24. Did you watch
18. Have travelled 25. Have already left
19. Have been Have you finished 26. Have you known
20. Came / has told 27. Met /have known.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

21. Have visited /went/ was /haven’t visited 28. Happened

22. Did you come


1. Able 2. Experience 3. Creative

4. Dependable 5. Flexible 6. Competed

7. Managed 8. on time



1- b 2- d 3-e 4- c

5- g 6- f 7- a


1. Date of birth 2. Address 3. Email

4. Mobile 5. Education 6. Work experience

7. Language 8. Skills and interests 9. References


1. Full name: Dian Smiths Date of birth: 27/02/1999

Email: Mobile: 029833739

Achievement and experience:

- 1st prize of national English contest

- 7.5 IELTS

- Part-time sale staff for FPT

- Admin of UNETI GO and MEDIA

Future plans:

- Win English speaking contest in Bangkok

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

- Be presenter of UNICEFT in Vietnam

- Be an English Interpreter for AHD

2. Full name: Nguyen Van A Date of Birth: 20/12/1999

Gender: male Address: Linh Nam Street, Hoang Mai Dist., HN

Mobile: 028973738 Email:

Education and working experience:

- Master degree in English at HANU

- Bachelor degree in English at ULIS

- French certificate at level B1

- MBA degree at NEU

- Part-time sale staff for FPT

- Admin of UNETI GO and MEDIA

Personal Quality

- Easy-going

- High responsible

- Generous


- Take advantage in Studying language and become an English interpreter




1. did you eat 6. did they enter

2. did you see 7. did Jane go

3. did you come 8. did the train leave

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

4. did he say 9. did this dress cost

5. did you say 10. did he meet


1. Who did they want to see? 6. When did the meeting finish?
2. What time did you get up?
7. What pie did you ate?
3. How much did she pay?
4. What didn’t he like? 8. When did you play tennis?

5. What did you do? 9. Who did they write to?

10. What didn’t you eat?



1. Would you mind if I borrowed your dictionary?

2. Could you please answer the telephone?
3. Could I ask you to turn on the air- condition?
4. Can you give me my money back?
5. Do you mind stopping smoking?
6. Can I talk to Joe? Could I possibly talk to Joe?
7. Could you possibly turn off the music?
8. Would it be possible for me to leave my car?
9. Could you please show me the way to the Art Museum?
10. Do you mind if I smoke?


1. A 2. A 3. B 4. A 5.A


1. I was wondering if

2. Would you mind

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

3. I just need you

4. I'd really appreciate it

5. Sorry for asking you to do this


Hi Linda,

I hope you are fine

I want to improve my English, so I will join an English course next month. But I don’t
know what to choose. I will be happy if you can give me a hand.

I know that you have studied many English courses at famous centers. Would you mind
giving me an advice?

I just need you to have a look at the list which I have attached and suggest which course
is suitable for me. There are 7 English courses which I am interested in. It shouldn't take
longer than an hour to do it. I'd really appreciate it if you could help me.

It's no problem if you can't, but could you let me know as soon as you can?

Sorry for asking you to do this, but I wouldn't ask you if it wasn't important.




Dear Ms. Thompson:

I’m a big fan of your company, so I was excited to hear that you are looking for a
manager for your new office.

I’m currently in a similar role at a busy advertising agency. I’ve been there for four
years, and I have overseen a team of 12 employees. When at the company, I have
affected many positive structural changes. I’ve been promoted internally twice and have
received honors from the CEO for my achievements. Additionally, I pride myself on
my ability to anticipate office needs, rather than want to be asked to do something.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

Your office would really benefit from my skills and my 10 years’ worth of professional
experience. I’m attaching my resume to this email; please reach out if you would like
to further discuss my qualifications.

Mary Benjamin


1. I have five years’ experience in various role

2. My role involves working to tight deadline

3. I have a proven ability to create successful campaigns

4. I specialise in digital marketing.

5. I excel in analysis impact

6.I have advanced knowledge of statistics


1. T 2. T 3. F 4. F 5. T 6. T


Dear Mr Mc Evilly,

I have seen the advertisement published on your website; therefore, I am writing to

apply for the activity holiday organizer position.

I graduated English major from ULIS in 2018, and I am looking for a suitable job after
my graduation. I have worked as a person who hosts the events since 2019. Moreover,
I have also been a part-time English teacher at APOLO. I have taught English for
children aged between 6 and 12. I have deep understanding working with the children
and their parents, which is similar to this job.

I am a confident and easy-going person. Besides I also love the kids. I have a neat
appearance and I can speak English fluently.

I think I will be a good candidate for this position.

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,



1. Tidy 5. Summaries

2. Sections 6. Bus

3. Regularly 7. Get

4. Colors 8. Diagrams.


1. Now mountain gorillas > in 2000.

2. Before, people hunted & killed them or destroyed forests.
3. Wildlife groups help the gorillas & now nearly ½ of them live safely in a
National park in Rwanda, Central Africa.
4. Scientists & tourists can watch and study them in the National park.
5. Because it summarizes the main idea and target of those sentences


The bride and groom are nervous before their weeding because of many reasons. It’s
difficult to keep promise of lifelong fidelity and mutual support. The divorce rate
accounts for 1/3. The marriage is in crisis, especially in Britain. The rate of divorce is
increasing and the rate of marriage is decreasing. And the women apply divorce more
than men because of unreasonable or cruel behavior.


Name of presenter: Linda Joe

Topic: Protecting environment
Three facts you learned:
1. Using recyclable materials instead of plastic

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1

2. Launch policy and law to protect environment

3. Raise the awareness of people




1. don’t hurry 5. doesn’t win.

2. passes 6. Will become

3. won’t be 7. don’t go

4. will be . 8. will have


1- b 2-d 3- a 4- g 5- h

6- c 7- e 8- f


1. Apologize 2. That’s Ok 3. No problem

4. Sorry 5. Ok 6. It’s all my fault

7. Please forgive me for breaking your window 8. That’s OK



1- d 2- b 3- e 4- f 5- a 6- c


1. Dear 2. Writing 3. Know 4. Can’t

5. Attached 6. Back 7. Could 8. Understanding

Chapter 4: Practice Tests Handbook for Writing 1


1. Dear Miss Pham,

I am writing to sorry about missing the deadline this Monday. Following the plan, I
must send the plan of next project to you; however, I cannot complete it on time. I
apologize for that nuisance. As you know, last week I had an accident and broke my
hand. Therefore, I cannot work up to know. If it is possible, can you extend the deadline
to next week? I will send you the complete plan and the detail of the new product.

I am looking forward to hearing from you.

Yours faithfully,

Answers Handbook for Writing 1


Test 1
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. I am going to the doctor next Monday. 2. I have never been to India.
3. She suggested shopping at local markets instead of supermarket yesterday.
4. He didn’t feel well yesterday. 5. The phone is ringing. I'll go and answer it.
II. Sample answer:
I very like the week’s holiday staying at your home very much. I really enjoyed swimming
with you in the sea, it was fun. But my journey home was awful, I had to stay in a plane
for twenty hours. Hey! Why don’t you come to visit my place next summer? I look forward
for it! Thu
III. Sample answer:
Dear Joe,
In my country, there are many holidays though out the year, but the traditional holiday is
Tet holiday. It’s also the most important holiday. It occurs in late January, early in
February. At that time, every family clean and decorate their houses. It’s also an occasion
for people who live far away from their home to gather and enjoy the exciting atmosphere
with their family. They prepare so much food, especially is sticky-rice, it is made from
sticky rice with meat and peas, Vietnamese people call “banh chung”. At Tet, young
children receive many red envelopes with lucky money inside. People wish best wishes to
their relatives and friends. Vietnamese people love it too much. Do you like it? Is it
interesting and exciting?
Write me soon.
Your friend

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Test 2
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. You mustn’t park in a no-parking area. It’s forbidden.
2. My mother always orders us to turn the music down.
3. She stopped smoking a few months ago.
4. I have washed the car. Now it looks great!
5. She usually wears a hat when she goes to church on Sundays.
II. Sample answer:
Would you like to go shopping with me on Saturday? We could meet outside the cinema
at two o'clock. I want to buy some new jeans and a birthday present for my mum. I hope
you can come.
III. Sample answer:
Dear -
Thanks for your letter. I'm pleased you like your new flat. We live in a flat too. It's in the
middle of the city so it’s on a busy street. It has four bedrooms so my sisters and I have a
room each which is good. It has a big sitting room with windows that look over the street.
It also has a dining room and a modern bathroom and kitchen, I like living here. It would
be nice to have a garden but most people live in flats here and we can go to the park which
is not far.
Write back soon.
Love from...

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Test 3
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. I have lost my key and can't find it anywhere.
2. He promised to return the book the following day.
3. I think you should relax more after work.
4. The doctor recommended (that) I get more exercise.
5. Take some notes when you are in the meeting.
II. Sample answer:
I have a bad news for you. I have lost sunglasses that you borrowed me. Yesterday I went
to the swimming-pool and when I was swimming someone took your sunglasses from my
bag. Sorry but I will buy you a new ones. What is your favorite model?
III. Sample answer:
Dear Jo,
Lucky you, my grandmother’s never given me a lot of money! You must think it through,
but if I were in your situation, I would use part of the money on your holidays and to save
the rest. I know that is sounds better buying a camera but one day or the other that camera
may be broken, so you would have spent a lot of money for nothing. When you save some,
later you would have the money and you would be able to spend it on something useful.
And you can go on holiday as well. Why don’t you visit me?
I’m waiting for your answer.
Test 4
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. She’s the most beautiful girl I've ever seen.
2. I have read the book you gave me three times.
3. Who did you meet at the cinema last night?
4. Lan suggested going out for dinner and we agreed yesterday.

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

5. My mum has visited Asian three countries up to now.

II. Sample answer:
Hi James,
Your party yesterday was very nice. Thanks for inviting me. The best I liked was that
interesting game we played. I think we could meet on next Saturday because on Friday I
have school.
Your dear,
III. Sample answer:
Dear Carmen,
Thank you for your letter. I’m really sorry that I didn't answer earlier. You asked me about
my favorite TY programme, so I’ll tell you something about this. If there is nothing special
to do, every evening at 6 o'clock I watch a soap called “Friends”. It's nearly the same as
“VL” in Germany which I always watched. It’s the kind of programme where you don't
have to think- an easy programme which doesn’t need your full concentration. Sol can do
some homework at the same time, or anything else. That's one of the reasons why I really
enjoy watching this kind of TV.
I hope I hear something from you soon.
Lots of love,

Test 5
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. Would you like to go out for dinner with my family tonight?
2. You had better leave before I call the police.
3. Don’t make your room untidy or you must clean it up
4. I think that we should plan carefully for the advertising project next month
5. The most comfortable room in this house is living room.
II. Sample answer

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

 Spring Activities!
 Please join us at Central park at 8:00 25th February, 2020.
 Please arrive between 7:00 and 7:45 am to join hand with us.
 There will be many activities such as: Sailing, Camping and Cooking.
 You should take food and drink for yourself.
 P/s: all the tool and equipment will be supplied before 1 day.

III. Sample answer:

Dear Alice,
I am really happy about your new job. I can understand you well about it because I know
you love sports and your figure. Anyway that is not end of the world. Firstly, go out for
lunch and move a little bit - for example going shopping. Secondly, after work you can
always go to the gym and do some exercises or buy a Wil. There are a lot of exercises
which you can do at home for free and really enjoy it. Believe me I am doing this and it
really helps me.
I hope I could help you a little bit and you will choose something.
Amelia, xx

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Test 6
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary
1. How about going out for dinner?
2. I am going to organize a party at the weekend. Do you want to join us?
3. Stop talking and open your books.
4. Their mother told them not to play outside.
5. They suggested that we (should) go for a walk.
II. Sample answer
As you know, next week we will receive guests from Tokyo office. I need some ideas for
interesting activities and places of interest they should visit. Also, I want to know if any of
you are available to take our visitors out for a meal or to visit some special places.
Thanks for your help.
III. Sample answer:
Hi everyone,
I’m writing to invite you to my birthday party on next Saturday. There will be many games
to play there. You can take your friend to join our party if you want. I am really looking
forward to seeing you on Saturday night. Here are directions to my place:
Firstly, from High Street, bear left onto Balm Street. Secondly, turn left on to The Avenue,
then take an immediate right onto South Circular Road. After that, go straight for one mile.
Pass by the hospital on your right, then take a left onto The Main Street. Finally, come
along the Main Street and you can see the 4’sP Restaurant on the left at the end of the road.
See you soon!

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Test 7
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. I completely apologize for what has happened to you.
2. Tell Lucy to turn down the volume. I can’t stand any more.
3. I'm not the person to recommend how the job should be done.
4. They have finished their work right before the deadline.
5. This is the largest room in the house.
II. Sample answer:
 Work at: Forest café
 Job: Student Waitress and cleaner
 Time and money per hour:
- Waitress: 6 hours/ week on Saturday evening at 7p.m – 4 pound
- Cleaner: 3 hours/ week on Sunday – 3.5 pound
 Contact: Manager on Monday at café or call 354120
III. Sample answer:
From: Sunny Chen
To: Janet Hill
Subject: Re: Hi!
Hi Janet!
Lovely to hear from you and how exciting that you're coming!
You've picked a great area to stay in as it's right next to a must-see attraction, Gardens by
the Bay. They light them up at night and the kids will love it. Another place to take the
little ones is the zoo, and the Night Safari is really worth doing. The animals are much
more active at night than during the day, so it's pretty special.
As for food, there's quite a variety here. I'd recommend trying laksa and kaya toast – they're
both really typical Singaporean foods. You can also eat well and cheaply at street markets.
You should definitely check them out.
Can't wait to see you all!
P.S. My number here is +65 1234 1234.
Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Test 8
I. Complete the sentences using the given words. Make any changes if necessary.
1. I suggest (that) we go out to have dinner. I know a very good restaurant.
2. Don't let's start too early.
3. What is the least expensive way of travelling in Japan?
4. Salary will depend on qualifications and experience
5. The world economy has experienced difficulties because of Covid-19.
II. Sample answer:
How are you? I’m going to ask you one thing, can you come to La Antilla next Saturday?
Because I’m planning a picnic. And if you can come, we can meet at Central park’s
entrance at 7p.m on Saturday. I will bring some drink and food for lunch, can you bring
sweets and potatoes chips?
See you
III. Sample answer:
From: Jameela Lee
To: Professor Kim Hart
Subject: Absence from class for two weeks
Dear Professor Hart,
I’m writing to ask for absence from class for 2 weeks. I have had an accident and I cannot
get up or walk around much, and the doctor said I should stay in bed and rest as much as
possible. This makes reading and studying very difficult for me at the moment. I hope to
be back in class from 12 May. Until then, my friend is going to record the lectures so I can
listen to them at home. However, I do not think I am able to submit the assignment next
week. If it is possible, can you give me extra time for the assignment?
Thank you so much!
Yours faithfully,

Answers Handbook for Writing 1

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1



1. take medicine (phr): take a substance to treat an illness
2. part-time (adj): done for only part of the time that an activity is usually performed
3. go bowling (phr): an indoor game in which players roll heavy balls along a track,
trying to knock down a group of ten pins
4. go jogging (phr): the activity or exercise of running at a slow steady speed.
5. cycle track (phr): a part of a road intended for use by bicycles.
6. make an appointment (phr): an arrangement to see someone at a particular time.
7. cooperation (n): a situation in which people or organizations work together to achieve
a result that will benefit all of them


1. Go to bed (phr): đi ngủ 14. Wake up (phr): thức giấc
2. Make my bed (phr): dọn giường 15. Brush my teeth (phr): đánh răng
3. Take a bath (phr): tắm bồn 16. Brush my hair (phr): chải tóc
4. Get dressed (phr): mặc quần áo 17. Make dinner (phr): nấu bữa tối
5. Have breakfast (phr): ăn sáng 18. Drive to work (phr): lái xe đi làm
6. Get home (phr): trở về nhà 19. Go to school (phr): đi đến trường
7. Surf the net (phr): vào mạng internet 20. Play with friends (phr): chơi với bạn bè
8. Do the laundry (phr): giặt là quần áo 21. Hang the clothes (phr): phơi quần áo
9. Vacuum the floor (phr): hút bụi sàn nhà 22. Put on makeup (phr): trang điểm
10. Wash the car (phr): rửa xe 23. Go for a walk (phr): đi bộ
11. Water the plant (phr): tưới cây 24. Go out with a friend (phr): đi chơi với bạn
12. Play the guitar (phr): chơi ghita 25. Take pictures (phr): chụp ảnh
13. Go shopping (phr): đi mua sắm 26. Exercise (v): tập thể dục


1. obligation (n): something that you must do for legal or moral reasons.
2. a healthy diet (n): a balanced healthy meal that a person usually eats

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

3. supervise (v): to be in charge of a person to check that he is behaving or working

4. respect (v): show admiration for someone that you believe has good ideas or qualities
5. property (n): an object that belongs to someone
6. patient (adj): keep calm even when you have to wait
7. negligent driver (phr): a person who drives a car carelessly


1. certify (v): to say that something is true or correct.
2. cardholder (n): someone who has been given permission to use a card that allows them
to do something, especially a cheque card or a credit card.
3. driving license (n): official permission for someone to drive a car.
4. divorced (adj): married in the past but not now married.
5. separated (adj): the situation when spouses do not live in the same home
6. widowed (adj): a person whose husband or wife has died
7. civil partnership (n): a legal relationship between two people of the same sex that gives
them the same rights as people who are married.


1. vital (adj): important
2. exception (n): someone or something that is not included in a rule, group or list or that
does not behave in the expected way
3. ballroom dancing (n): a type of dancing where two people use special steps and
movements to do dances such as the waltz or tango together.
4. ingredient (n): a food that is used with other foods in the preparation of a particular
5. splash (v): if a liquid splashes or if you splash a liquid, it falls on or hits something or
6. zest (n): the skin of an orange, lemon or lime, used to add flavor to food.
7. blossom (v): when a tree or plant blossoms, it produces flowers before producing fruit
that can be eaten.

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

8. pay attention to (v): to watch, listen to or think about something or someone carefully
or with interest.


1. taxi rank: a place where taxis queue for passengers.
2. level crossing: where the road and railway meet. There are barriers that go up and down
to signal when a train is coming.
3. underpass: a walkway that goes under a busy road so pedestrians can get to the other
side safely.
4. overpass/ flyover: a road that goes over another road (or railway)
5. zebra crossing: black and white markings in the road for pedestrians to cross the road.
6. pedestrian crossing: a place in the road where pedestrians can cross, often there are traffic
7. crossroads: where two roads cross each other.
8. junction: where one road meets another, and you can either go left or right.
9. main road: a big road where there is lots of traffic.


1. afford (v): have enough money to buy or do st
2. spacious (adj): big, with a lot of space.
3. upscale neighborhood (phr): an area with a lot of rich people and very nice restaurants
and stores
4. move in (v): enter a room to live there
5. security deposit (phr): an amount of money that you get back at the end of your time
living there if the room is in good condition
6. on average (phr): in general
7. utilities (n): things like electricity, water, heat – the basic needs of the room
8. come to (v): in total
9. laundromat (n): a place where you can pay money to use the washing machines and
dryers to clean your clothes
10.sublet (v): rent the room to another person temporarily while the owner is travelling.

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

11. lease (n): a formal contract or agreement for you to live in and use the room for a
specific period of time
12. renew (v): extend the renting contract for an additional time period
13. run-down (adj): not in good condition
14. renovated (adj): everything was fixed, redesigned and made new.



1. People

Advertisers often state what type of person they are looking for. They generally do this
by using adjectives, such as “clean, quiet, etc”; but noun and compound nouns may be
used too

Professional (adj/ n): somebody who has a job.

Mature (adj): this word is used to describe an older, quieter, more responsible person.

Easy-going (adj): friendly and relaxed.

Landlord/ landlady (n): the person who owns the accommodation; a landlord is male, a
landlady is female.

Tenant (n): the person who pays rent to live in the accommodation

Lodger (n): a person who lives with his/ her landlord.

Mixed (adj): this means that both males and females are living in the accommodation.

2. Types of accommodation

Flatshare/ houseshare (n): this refers to the situation of sharing a house or flat with people
who are not your family.

Bedsit (n): a type of accommodation where you live and sleep in the same room. The
bathroom and kitchen may be shared with other people who live in the same building.

Self-contained (adj): it means that the kitchen, bathroom and other rooms are not shared
with anyone else, and the accommodation has its own door which is not used by anyone

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

Studio flat/ apartment (n): a flat or apartment which does not have a separate bedroom and/
or kitchen, but it has its own bathroom.

(fully) furnished (adj): all the necessary furniture is provided

part furnished (adj): some of the necessary furniture is provided

unfurnished (adj): no furniture is provided

single/ double room (n): a single room is suitable for one person, a double room is suitable
for two people

all mod cons (phr): “mod cons” means “modern conveniences”: things like a telephone,
washing machine, dishwasher, etc

close to all amenities (phr): amenities are shops and services that people like to have close
to their houses – such as schools, banks, doctors, station, etc.

3. Money

Reasonable rent: it means that the rent is not too expensive, or that it is the same as the rent
for other similar accommodation in the same area.

Negotiable/ negot.: this means that the landlord is willing to talk about the rent and agree
on a price that is acceptable to both the landlord and the tenant.

Pcm: per calender month: sometimes rent has to be paid every 4 weeks, but pcm means
that the rent is payable on the same date each month, often the 1st

Incl.: inclusive – the rent includes the cost of gas, electricity, etc.

Deposit/ dep. (n): this is an amount of money which the tenant pays to the landlord/
landlady when she/he moves in to the accommodation. The landlord/ landlady gives the
money back to the tenant when she/ he moves out.

4. Other words and abbreviations

Avail.: available

End: at the end of

Beg.: at the beginning of

To let: available for rent

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

Suit: suitable for (a particular type of person)


1.advice (n): what you say to someone when you are telling them what you think they
should do.
2. culture (n): activities such as art, music, …
4. recommend (v): to suggest that someone or something would be good or suitable for a
particular job or purpose
5. appreciate (v): to recognize how good someone or something is and to value him, her,
or it.
5. definitely (adv): without any doubt
6. put make-up (phr): the act of decorating the face.
7. neighbour (v): someone who lives very close to you
8. therapist (n) : someone whose job is to treat a particular type of mental or physical
illness or disability
9. crowded (adj): If a place is crowded, it is full of people.
10. keep an eye on (phr): to watch or take care of something or someone


1.achievement (n): something very good and difficult that you have succeeded in doing.
2. application (n): an official request for something, usually in writing.
3. experience (n): knowledge or skill from doing, seeing, or feeling things.
4. dependable (adj): If someone or something is dependable, you can have confidence in
him, her, or it.
5. flexible (adj): able to change or be changed easily according to the situation
6. signature (n): your name written by yourself, always in the same way.
7. panic (n): a sudden strong feeling of fear that prevents reasonable thought and action.
8. postcode (n): a short series of letters and numbers that is part of an address, and shows
exactly where a place is.
9. reference (n): a mention of something


Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

1.positively (adv): in a good or positive way

2.negatively (adv): in a way that expresses "no" guard (phr): someone whose job involves preventing people going into places
without permission
4.colleague (n): one of a group of people who work together
5.presentation (n): a talk giving information about something
6.conference (n): an event, sometimes lasting a few days, at which there is a group of
talks on a particular subject.
7.professional (adj): relating to work that needs special training or education
8.possibly (adv): used when something is not certain
9.borrow (v): to get or receive something from someone with the intention of giving it
back after a period of time.


1.promote (v): to encourage people to like, buy, use, do, or support something
2.anticipate (v): imagine or expect that something will happen
3.qualification (n): an official record showing that you have finished a training course or
have the necessary skills
4.adaptable (adj): able or willing to change in order to suit different conditions
5.award (v): to give money or a prize following an official decision
6.deliver (v): to take goods, letters, parcels, etc. to people's houses or places of work
7.statistics (n): a collection of numerical facts or measurements
9.knowledge (n): understanding of or information about a subject that you get by
experience or study
10.specialise (v): to study or work on a particular subject or skill more than any others
11.responsibility (n): something that it is your job or duty to deal with


1.mammal (n): any animal of which the female feeds her young on milk from her own
2. appropriate (v): suitable or right for a particular situation
3. heading (v): words written or printed at the top of a text as a title

Glossary Handbook for Writing 1

4.highlight (v): to attract attention to or emphasize something important

5.ignore (v): to intentionally not listen or give attention to
6.overall (adj): in general
7.diagram (v): a simple plan that represents an idea
8.regularly (adv): often
9.summary (n): a short, clear description that gives the main facts or ideas
10.approximately (adv): close to a particular number


1.apology (n): an act of saying that you are sorry for something wrong
2.certainty (n): something that cannot be doubted
3.permission (n): If someone is given permission to do something, they are allowed to do
4.recommendation (n): a suggestion that something is good or suitable
5.apologize (v): to tell someone that you are sorry for having done something
6.mention (v): to speak about something quickly, giving little detail or using few words
7.accidentally (adv): by chance or by mistake
8.fancy (v): to want to have or do something

Handbook for Writing 1


[1] Cambridge English Keys. Handbook for teachers (2016). Harper Collins
[2] Cambridge English Qualification A2 Flyers (2008). Harper Collins
[3] Objective PET for schools (2009). Cambridge University Press.
[4] Peterson P. W. (2003). Developing Writing – Writing skills practice book for
EFL. Office of English Language Programs.
[5] Preliminary English Test for Schools. Handbook for teachers (2004).
Cambridge University Press.
[6] Key English Test – Handbook for teachers (2007). Cambridge University
[7] Key English Test Extra (2008). Cambridge University Press.
[8] Preliminary English Test for Schools. Handbook for teachers (2009).
Cambridge University Press.
[9] Skills for the TOEIC test – Speaking and Writing. Harper Collins Publishers.
[10] The TELC team. Tips for test takers. Retrieved 5/5/2020, from
[11] Williams, A. (2011). Writing for IELTS. Harper Collins Publishers.
[12] Accommodation form. Retrieved 25/4/2020, from
[13] An email – cover letter. Retrieved 26/4/2020, from
[14] An email giving holiday advice. Retrieved 24/4/2020, from
[15] An email explaining a problem. Retrieved 26/4/2020, from
[16] An online discussion forum. Retrieved 21/4/2020, from
[17] An email request for help. Retrieved 25/4/2020, from
[18] An email to explain an accommodation problem. Retrieved 29/4/2020, from
[19] Business ma. Retrieved 25/4/2020, from
Handbook for Writing 1

[20] Filling short form. Retrieved 21/4/2020, from
[21] Filling in a form. Retrieved 21/4/2020, from
[22] Instructions for a colleague. Retrieved 22/4/2020, from
[23] Invitation. Retrieved 22/4/2020, from
[24] Invitation messages. Retrieved 22/4/2020, from
[25] Organizing your writing. Retrieved 20/4/2020, from
[26] Starting and finishing emails. Retrieved 20/4/2020, from
[27] Texting friend. Retrieved 21/4/2020, from
[28] Writing a good CV. Retrieved 15/4/2020, from
[29] Writing short note. Retrieved 30/4/2020, from


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