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An Evaluation of Digital Marketing

Operations of AL-Arafah Islami Bank


Submitted To

Professor Mohammed Masum Iqbal

Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

Submitted By
Fiona Ahmed
ID: 193-14-3083
Program: MBA
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business &Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

Submission Date:

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Letter of Transmittal

June23, 2021
Professor Mohammed Masum Iqbal
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business & Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

Subject: Submission of Internship Report on ‘‘an Evaluation of Digital Marketing

Operations of AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited’’


With gratefulness I want to express my sincere thanks to you to help to supervisor and
prepare my project named “An Evaluation of the Digital Marketing Operations of AL-Arafah
Islami Bank Limited”. This report will be submitted to Daffodil International University for
my Master of Business Administration degree.

I shall be happy with your effort which will enlighten me to complete my report. Once again,
I wish to thank you for all of your scholastic effort for helping me to complete my report

Sincerely yours,
Fiona Ahmed
ID: 193-14-3083
Major in Marketing
Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business &Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

©Daffodil International University


I am Fiona Ahmed, Master of Business Administration student, ID: 193-14-3083. I like to

declare that I have submitted my Internship Report under the program of MBA and entitled
“An Evaluation of digital marketing Operations of AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited”.

My technical experience was secured by the goal of the study and it allowed me to relate the
theoretical dimensions to the practical ways to complete the tasks.



Professor Mohammed Masum Iqbal

Department of Business Administration
Faculty of Business &Entrepreneurship
Daffodil International University

©Daffodil International University


It is almighty Allah’s blessing that I could complete my project “An Evaluation of digital
marketing Operations of AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited”.

I want to thank sincerely my academic supervisor, Professor Mohammed Masum Iqbal, PhD,
Dean, Faculty of Business and Entrepreneurship, Daffodil International University, who has
guided and supported me to prepare this report on the “An Evaluation of the Operations of
AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited”. I am grateful to him for giving me this opportunity that has
enriched my area of understanding about banking industry a lot.

In addition, I want to thank my organizational supervisor Mrs. Sadia Nowshin, General

Officer, AIBL, Shamoly Road Branch, Dhaka. Giving me the required information for this
report and also all the other staffs who gave me such a wonderful work experience.

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Executive Summary

The goal of my report was to find out performance of AIBL in Digital Banking section and
the customer satisfaction based on the online service provided by the bank. I have prepared
this report based on three-month internship program which I have successfully completed
from AIBL in Shamoly Branch.

I started work on February 1, 2021, which is a requirement of my MBA program. Working as

an intern, I had the opportunity to learn how the whole company works, and the experience
was different from the theoretical experience.

I have encountered many difficulties in many phases of my business. I also tried to get over
every point. AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited is a bank registered financial institution. It must
comply with the rules and regulations written by Bangladesh by the Bangladesh Bank for
Banking Trade.

Table of Content

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SN Contents Page No
Cover Page i
Letter of Transmittal ii
Declaration iii
Acknowledgement iv
Executive Summary v
Chapter – 01 Introduction
1.1 Introduction 02
1.2 Literature Review 02-03
1.3 Origin of the Report 03
1.4 Methodology of the Report 03
1.5 Objects of the report 04
1.6 Scope of the report 04
1.7 Limitation 04-05
Chapter – 02 Overview of AL-Arafah Islami Bank
2.1 Background of AIBL 07
2.2 Mission 07-08
2.3 Vision 08
2.4 Commitments 08
2.5 Shariah Council of the bank 08
2.6 Special Features of the Bank 09
2.7 Core of Values 09
2.8 Product and Services of AIBL 10-12
2.9 SWOT Analysis of Al-Arafah Islami Bank LTD 12-13
Chapter – 03 Digital Marketing of AIBL
3.1 E-Banking 15
3.2 Types of E-Banking 15-16
3.3 Facilities provided by banks through e-banking 16-17
3.4 E-Banking Service of AIBL 17-19
3.5 Structural Diagram of the E-Banking System 20
3.6 Risk Management and E-Banking 20-21
3.7 Analysis 21
Chapter- 04 Finding, Recommendation & Conclusion
Finding 23
Recommendation 23-24
Conclusion 25
Reference 26

List of Acronyms

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AIBL AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited

FDR Fixed Deposit

SB Savings Account

CA Current Account
A/C Account
SC Short Credit
CIB Credit Information Bureau
CRM Credit Risk Management
SWOT Strength Weakness Opportunity Threat
ALCO Asset-Liabilities Management Committee
NPL Non-Performing Loan
RWA Risk Weighted Assets
CRG Credit Risk Grading
IBC Inward Bill for Collection
KYC Know Your Customer
VAT Value Added Tax
L/C Letter of Credit
CAR Capital Adequacy Ratio
LR Leverage Ratio
SLR Statutory Liquidity Requirement
LIM Invested Against Imported Merchandise
HBI House Building Investment
BCD Bearer Certificate Deposit
PO Payment Order
ABB Any Branch Banking
CRR Cash Reserve Ratio

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Chapter – 01

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1.1 Introduction:
An internship is an opportunity that companies give to potential employees, called
apprentices, to go to work for some company or organization for some time. Internships
usually last less than recent graduates or students, and most internships last up to one to three
months. The internship can be part-time or full-time, whichever internship is possible or
desired. In Bangladesh, school enthusiasts have always been independent.

1.2 Literature Review:

 Electronic Banking:
Electronic banking, commonly referred to as online banking / internet banking, is one
of the great benefits of an international internet connection that has made products
shine. Easier, less time-consuming and safer. E-commerce, in the e-banking sector,
means only the exercise of personal activities on the Internet from anywhere, at any
time, through the protection of banking services.
E-banking allows its customers to pay, receive payments, even do business with
foreign customers easily and securely, save time for those services very short. Banks
and financial institutions around the world are getting their money in e-banking fast.
Sending and receiving money from one country to another is easier than it is now. The
use of computer and e-banking information in banks has allowed banks to reduce
rates in a number of ways, allowing them to offer better interest rates to their
customers. . In addition, managing an online account is easier and cheaper than
keeping records.
E-banking allows customers to save time without having to lag behind to get services
within the company. E-banking services are implemented, such as mobile banking.

 Customer Satisfaction:
Customer satisfaction is usually defined as the decision after the customer about a product or
service, customer satisfaction is defined as understanding, measurement and psychosis for the
previous consumer with the product / service. Thus, it is true that 5 customer satisfaction is
the result of behavior following the behavior of the customer, which is the result of
comparing the benefits. be good with the model.

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1.3 Origin of the Report:
An internship program is a must for students who want to complete an MBA. During an
internship, I was linked to the name of a co-host, Al-Arafah Islami Bank Ltd. This
information provided me with experience in day-to-day work, theoretical knowledge and
under the supervision of my internal support staff as well as my supervisor.

1.4 Methodology of the Report:

This report was based on my experience internship and from the help of seniors and partners
and regarded bosses. Technique of the examination basically covers the sources through
which the vital information was gathered. The sources have given below:

Primary Data:
 Conversation with consumers visited the Branch face to face.
 I also generated information to communicate the officer indifferent position, like
manager, second manager, senior officers, and officers of AL-Arafah Islami Bank

Secondary Data:
 Paper-based sources: Books, Journals, Abstract, Indexes, Annual Report, Internal
record of organization and newspaper.
 Electronic sources: Online databases and internet.
 Annual report of AIBL

1.5 Objects of the report:

The study has been carried out with the following Objectives

 To Identify digital marketing strategies of AL-Arafah Islami Bank Limited.

 To explain and evaluate the digital marketing operation of AL-Arafah Islami Bank
 To identify the problems related to the digital marketing operations of AL-Arafah
Islami Bank Limited.

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 To make recommendations for solving the problems.

1.6 Scope of the report:

The study provides a wealth of knowledge about AIBL's digital marketing. This report
provides an overview of the GB department of AIBL's Shamoly Road, Dhaka branch. It
consists of my observation and work experience during the internship. This report
incorporates the various aspects of digital marketing tools and techniques and its effects on
the bank's performance.

1.7 Limitation:
Despite my sincerest undertaking in setting up an ideal report, a portion of the impediments
are inevitable. These are as per the following:

 Inside quite a short timeframe, it was impractical for me to know everything about
AL-Arafah Islami Bank, Shamoly branch.
 The officials are so much busy that they can't appropriately co-work with me, which
are an issue.
 Bank's strategy of not unveiling some information and data for evident explanation,
which could be a lot of valuable.
 To investigation SWOT of developing business sector is a wide spread review
material. Nonetheless, time imperative limited the report to explicit element.
 The examination expects insight to be productive however it was totally missing to
 Absence of individual information and experience.
 Due to time restrictions huge numbers of the perspectives couldn't be examined in the

Though I have arranged numerous reports previously, I had no experience of internship. So,
freshness is one of the principle requirements of the investigation.

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Chapter – 02
Overview of AL-Arafah Islami Bank

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2.1 Background of AIBL:

With the aim of achieving success here and beyond, following the path of Allahe the path
shown by His Rasul (SM), Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited was established (registered) as a
limited liability company on June 18, 1995. Ceremony of opening took place on September
27, 1995. The headquarters are located at Ai-Arafah Tower, 63, Purana Paltan, Dhaka-1000,
and Bangladesh.

Being one of the largest Muslim nations, the individuals of Bangladesh are very special
beware of the Islamic lifestyle. At the same time, the bank operates with an authorized capital
of 15,000.00 million and paid-up capital of 9,469.58 million. The bank is guided and
controlled especially by well-balanced Islamic scholars and experts. An educated
businessman makes sure that the bank operates according to Shari'ah Islam.

The bank's capital amounted to TK 10440.22 million as of December 31, 2018, the workforce
was 3682 as of December 27, 2018, and the number of shareholders was 25,793 as of
December 31, 2018. It made continuous profit and declared well divided over the years. High
quality customer service, although the integration of modern technology and new products is
the bank's success tool. The bank has a wide range of products and services customized to
satisfy customer’s needs.

The bank is committed to making a significant contribution to the national economy. He

made a positive contribution to the socio-economic development of the county, with 184
branches, including 25 AD throughout the county.

2.2 Mission:
 Involving more in micro and SME financing
 Firm commitment to the growth of national economy
 Extending competitive compensation packages to the employees
 Attract and retain quality human resources
 Innovative banking at a competitive price
 Steady & competitive return on shareholders’ equity

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 Balanced growth
 Fast and efficient customer service
 Quality financial services adopting the latest technology
 Proliferation of Shariah Based Banking Practices
 Achieving the satisfaction of Almighty Allah both here & hereafter

2.3 Vision:

To be pioneer in Islami Banking in Bangladesh and contribute significantly to the growth of

the national economy

2.4 Commitments:

 Our business initiatives are designed to match the changing trade & industrial needs
of the clients.
 To deliver financial services with the touch of our heart to retail, small and medium
scale enterprises, as well as corporate clients through our branches across the country.
 Ours is a customer focused modern Islamic Banking sound and steady growth in both
mobilizing deposit and making quality Investment to keep our position as a leading
Islami Bank in Bangladesh.

2.5 Shariah Council of the bank:

The AIBL Sharia Council has 5 members formed in Fiqhul Muamalat (Islamic Affairs Law)
in accordance with the Bank's Office since 2007. The Sharia Council has followed various
decisions of the Council on various issues at different times in the verse " Islamic Banking
Shariah Nitimala "is prepared and published the Shariah Guide, which is the first book in
Bangladesh. The Shariah Group advises all interested parties to abide by the Shariah rules
and make every effort to improve the quality of customer service.

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2.6 Special Features of the Bank:

 All AIBL operations were carried out to acquire the nation’s usury under a profit/loss
based on Islamic shariah.
 In various moods, its investment practices are completely compliant with shariah and
well controlled by the shariah council board.
 AIBL introduced online banking into its broad range of services in 2018. With these
features, Bangladeshi software has been launched to attract local developers.
 They pay dividends to their shareholders on a regular basis. They announced a bonus
dividend of 13.50 percent to our shareholders for the year 2013.
 They believe in providing clients with committed resources imbued with the Islamic
spirit of fraternity, goodwill and brotherhood.
 The bank is committed to developing a welfare-oriented financial system to address
the needs of low-income and vulnerable groups of individuals.
 The bank upholds the Islamic principles of creating a justified economic structure
through the equal distribution of wealth through social emancipation.
 They believe in social and philanthropic programs and have set up the AIBL English
Medium Madrasha and the AIBL Library.

2.7 Core of Values:

 Environmental Consciousness
 Equity & justice
 Welfare Banking
 Transparency & Accountability
 Highest standard of Honesty & Integrity
 Adherence to the spirit of Islamic Shariah
 Trust in Almighty Allah

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2.8 Product and Services of AIBL:
AIBL has successfully branded its products intended to satisfy the various socio-economic
strata. The attractive features of the products have given a distinctive image among private
banks. The bank has made continuous efforts to offer new products and services. As a
commercial bank, it offers all traditional banking services, which are:

 General Banking Department

 Collection of cheque and bill

 Maintenance of accounts with Bangladesh Bank and other banks.
 Operations of clearing houses
 Handling transfer transaction
 Mobilization of deposits
 Receipt and payment cash

 Deposit Products
 Mudaraba Kotipoti Deposit Scheme
 Mudaraba Monthly Installment Term Deposit

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 Mudaraba Special Saving Deposit
 Mudaraba Saving Deposit
 Al- wadesh Current Deposit

 Investment Products and Scheme

 Bai- Mudaraba
 #Bai-Muajjal
 Bai-Salam
 Mudaraba
 Musharaka
 Hire Purchase under Shirkatul Melk

 Remittance Services
 Payment of Spot Cash Remittance s
 Central Crediting Account

 Alternative Delivery Service

Al-Arafah Islami Bank Limited, the largest commercial bank in the country, has
introduced a number of smart technology-based products from various alternative
delivery channels (ADCs) to provide customers with fast, easy and personalized
banking services. By using these products and services, customers can take advantage
of the necessary banking facilities 24 hours a day. The following are the bank's ADC
 ATM/ VISA Debit Card: To save customers from the risks of transport cash
and to ensure the availability of the necessary cash, the bank has introduced
the debit card accepted via ATM / VISA. Using this card, customers can
withdraw cash up to TK. 50,000 / - (Fifty thousand) from all VISA and
National Payment Switch Bangladesh (NPSB) ATMs are located throughout
the country. Customers can also purchase products with the VISA to TK debit
card. 50.000 / - The main characteristics are:
i. No issuance fee( for 1 year)
ii. 24 hours cash withdrawal from ATM booth

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iii. Alternative to cash for shopping through POS
iv. Hotel and Hospital booking, Bus, Train and Air ticketing

 i-Banking: To take advantage of one-click banking, the bank offers internet

banking services to customers. Major features of i-Banking are:
i. i-transfer at the lowest fees
ii. Account Balance Inquiry
iii. Anytime banking from anywhere of the world

2.9 SWOT Analysis of Al-Arafah Islami Bank LTD:

 Corporate Identity

 Branch image

 Strongly Communication with another Branch

 Link with international organization

 Broadly business in our Country

 Coordination of different department
 Decision making process
 Lack of maintain properly documentation
 Lack of office facilities

 GDP Growth, the server product demand may increase.
 May increase the new branch
 May Increase the global network

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 Market Competition May increase.
 Decrease competitive Advantage.
 Branch Image go down because of employee’s turnover.

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Chapter – 03
Digital Marketing of AIBL

3.1 E-Banking:

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E-banking is a special type of bank where the exchange of electricity revenue is made by
sending and receiving special electronic signals, rather than by check, money order or other
means information. Currency transfers take effect immediately when a user uses his or her
card to pay for any purchase or when he or she withdraws money from an ATM, the money is
transferred and deducted directly and cash electricity. Today, banks have always offered their
customers a wide range of services, such as customer acceptance, electronic betting,
electronic payments, and more. Apart from ordinary banks that have both physical and online
availability, few electronic banks are only available online. These funds are only available
online and are available online. HTML (Hyper Text Markup Language) is used to provide
online deposits to customers. User’s access users with a bank account on a computer and all
personal information of users is stored in the bank’s central bank. E-banking is also used by
financial institutions to sell financial products to their customers, do business with retailers or
provide financial services.

3.2 Types of E-Banking:

The e-banking information is associated with the basic elements of the financial institution
and is used only by the banker for commercial and bank support purposes. These templates
are used to inform the target public about the bank's new conditions, but do not allow
communication between the bank and its customers. This aspect of e-banking is usually
managed by the bank itself or can be outsourced to third parties.

The e-banking channel is widely used in banks because it allows interaction between the bank
and its customers. Even if the interaction level is low, for example, customers can request a
balance in the cash register, a cash register in the account, request a simple data transfer, and
so on. These steps are popular because almost every bank has passed through the computer
and now 14 bank employees can check customers, their chips and all other user certificate
from the service center. All bank processes have become robust and protected from e-bank

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The most popular form of e-banking is e-banking. This method allows users to instantly
transfer funds, make deposits, and withdraw at any time. This gives users all the benefits of a
passbook and has control over their bank accounts.

3.3 Facilities provided by banks through e-banking:

Debit & Credit cards:

Every bank in Bangladesh offers their customers debit and credit card products. Debit cards
can be withdrawn or paid with the card at any time from ATMs or reputable stores. The debit
card allows users to receive emergency funds from the bank when needed to change the price
for services. It is a payment card for customers (debit card) according to the payment process.
Allows the cardholder to pay for freight and services on a contract basis with the cardholder.
The debit card creates a repayment slip and provides a line of credit to the cardholder, which
the cardholder can borrow to pay the merchant or make a down payment.

Banking through mobile apps:

Now, in Bangladesh, mobile banking services have become very popular because they are
lightweight, convenient, always ready to use and convenient. AIBL has bKash, Bangladesh
Post has Nagad, DBBL has Rocket, City Bank has City Touch and so on.

An ATM, also called an ATM, is a type of telephone communication that creates security
between you and the bank to complete financial transactions, especially withdrawals, without
a carrier money, employee or bank user.

Other notable services:

1. Make deposits, loan payments and card management.

2. Fund transfer to any bank and detailed account statements.

3. Internet shopping and digital payment through e-commerce gateway.

4. Instant bill payment such as tuition fees, mobile phone bills, insurance premium, club
payments, internet bill payments etc.

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5. Instant top-up to mobile phones.

6. Utility Bill Payments.

7. Loan account information and management.

8. Beneficiary Management.

9. Electronically management of all client accounts.

3.4 E-Banking Service of AIBL:

General Banking service in AIBL:

The main four general banking activities of AIBL are given in the following section;

❖ Account opening

❖ Clearing

❖ Remittance and

❖ Cash

All four bank accounts have now been processed via the bank's online servers, and the
registrations of all coupons and checks have been processed by physical and electronic
means. For the account opening section, go to the user account write an example of an
opening file that contains all the user's personal information, such as the country card, photos,
file name, income and purpose of the number , the signature. , then an employee accesses all
data on the company's server and stores each user's digital data and bank account.

AIBL is a member of Q-Cash Consortium, National Payment Switch Bangladesh (NPSB) and
VISA. Customers can enjoy round the clock cash withdrawal facility from 86 ATM booth
and they have their own ATM also every Branch.

SMS Banking:

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SMS banking is a type of mobile business. It is a place used by some banks or other banks to
send messages to mobile phone users using SMS messages or services provided by them
which allow the users to do business. print money using SMS. AIBL customers can choose
the type of business they want to advertise. Optional options can be created by an online bank
or phone. Downloads are initiated by the consumer, using a mobile phone, to receive
information or to exchange an account.

Phone Banking:
Mobile banking is a service provided by a bank or financial institution that allows people to
do business on their mobile phone with a variety of financial transfers that do not include
money or financial instruments. There is no need to visit a bank or ATM. Enter your mobile
number 16434 to receive a 5-digit password. Telephone bank registration: The customer can
visit the bank account and submit the support request to the bank telephone. The prepayment
will be provided by the bank, which will have a 4-digit bank password.

Online & Internet Banking:

In this modern world, nothing can be imagined without the Internet. The banking sector also
offers better internet services. AIBL introduced basic online banking software. By using this
software the customer gets the online services. The shameful AIBL branch also offers online
banking services. Through the Intellect software, a customer can obtain information such as
balance survey, loan information view, transaction search, statement download, fund transfer,

Bill payment procedure:

Over the counters: Fill up the la-Riba Credit card deposit slip and pay by cash at any Al-
Arafah Islami Bank Ltd branch.

Auto Debit Instructions: If you have an account with any Al-ArafahIslami Bank Ltd branch,
you have the option of marketing the payment of your monthly bill through your bank
account without any charge.

3.5 Structural Diagram of the E-Banking System

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3.6 Risk Management and E-Banking:

Credit risk:
All bankers will be able to apply for an e-bank loan. While online banking is strong and
secure, there are ways to defraud users of information and you may be able to apply for loans
with anonymous identity or anonymous. In addition, the borrower will not be guaranteed by
sending online letters and emails.

Interest rate risk:

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Interest rate risk is a risk factor that will affect the performance of any bank. The differences
between the world and the internet have linked countries together and now one country's
economy has been affected by the other. Consumers now receive information on which banks
offer the highest interest rates on deposits, and transactions are extremely competitive.

Liquidity risk:
E-banking provides easy cash flow for most consumers, whenever they need it. Therefore, if
another bank or financial institution has more expensive prices and better products,
consumers can now request the removal of all the components, which will for banks in areas
with higher financial risk.

Foreign exchange risk:

Foreign currency transactions when the bank has assets or guarantees in foreign currency.
The value of an exchange can rise or fall over time and this puts the bank's income at risk.

3.7 Analysis:
I am doing my working paper on the market analysis of the Bangladeshi banking research
firm Al-Arafah Islami minority bank. I chose Al-Arafah-Islami Bank with 10 other financial
institutions to compare. And in this chapter, I present five different aspects of expression. The
median average of a bank, the average of the assets of a bank, the ratio of the average to the
earnings of a bank, the average revenue from the investment of the bank and the end is the
average payment compared to the authorized capital of the bank.

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Chapter- 04
Finding, Recommendation &


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I was given the opportunity to do my internship at AIBL's Shamoly branch. And I saw a lot
of things while I was working there. Al-Arafah Islami Banks is a very well-known and well-
known bank in Bangladesh, but in their work there is still unemployment that I have seen.
And I tried to reduce their problem in different way which I explained below:

 Al-Arafah Islami bank limited average asset to equity ratio is lower than the other
banks which is 16.12%. Because of this Al-Arafah bank limited debt financing is
 Al-Arafah Islami bank limited cash flow from investing activities is negative. And it
indicates that their performance is poor.
 Their Co- ordination of different department is not strong.
 They don’t have good ability of Decision-making process.
 Lack of office facilities.
 Al-Arafah Islami bank limited has lacking of proper documentations.

 The Al-Arafah Islami bank receives a small amount of cash almost every year. As we
know when we buy something, the profit margin will be less if the sale of long-term
assets or fixed assets, the amount of investment will be good.
 They can make better decisions. First, they can know their purpose and then Al-
Arafah Islami Bank should form a joint venture of various offices. They can build
partnerships through clear policies and procedures, interactions, have communities of
interest, best practices, and participation in choice.
 They can improve their decisions. First, they can identify their goals, write down all
the necessary information and then decide what will happen, and finally they have to
make accurate decisions based on the information they share etc.
 Because of their office space their work environment isn’t so good. It looks really
gathering. And they should rearrange their office furniture. If they increase their
office space then their environment will look good and it won’t look like crowed

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 If they want to do proper documentation they should think about some rules before
doing any documentation. Such as how to use the software, it will have to be easy to
contribute, which will be easy to find, comprehensive and dealing all aspects of
project etc.

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I completed my business in the Shamoly branch of Al-Arafah Islami bank limited. All my
colleagues were so friendly and supportive and helped me do an internship. If I hadn't gotten
help from them, it would have been difficult for me to make this recipe.

Al-Arafahi Islami bank Limited is one of the best Shariah-based banks in Bangladesh. And
this follows the procedure of the Islamic bank according to the Qur'an and Sunnah. Every
day, people prefer Islamic banks. Customers have become more profitable due to the lack of
monthly fees and the inability to convert income into Islamic banks.

Their main concern is to provide the best services to their customers. Always try to satisfy its
customers by improving technology and facilities. Because the recognition of the highest risk
was linked to the estimate with the announcement of better results for the organization.

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1. Web Site of Al-Arahaf Islami Bank Ltd.
2. Web Site of Bangladesh Bank
5. Sharah Manuel published by AIBL
6. Several Booklets from AIBL
7. Several News letters from AIBL

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