CL314 Assignment 3

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Department of Chemical Engineering

Indian Institute of Technology Guwahati

Semester: Jan 2020 to April 2020

CL314: Numerical Methods in Chemical Engineering

Assignment 3: (Due Date: 10/02/2020)

Full Marks: 50

[For the MATLAB program Q1 and Q2 and so on (highlighted in yellow) you give the name
of the program as “yourname_A3Q1” and “yourname_A3Q2” respectively and upload the
program in the following link given. In the starting of the program by “commenting”, you
should put your name and roll number as well]

Q1. Solve the following set of equations by Gauss-Jordan method on paper:

3𝑥1 − 0.1𝑥2 − 0.2𝑥3 = 7.85
0.1𝑥1 + 7𝑥2 − 0.3𝑥3 = −19.3
0.3𝑥1 − 0.2𝑥2 + 10𝑥3 = 71.4

Also write a MATLAB program for the Gauss-Jordan method and check your result.


Q2. The following matrix is given:

[A|b]= [1 0 3 1 6
3 6 -3 -2 8
1 1 -1 2 6
1 2 -1 3 10]
Solve the problem using Gauss Seidel and Jacobi method using MATLAB code. You
have to write two separate codes for Gauss Seidel and Jacobi method. [10+5]

Q3. Write a code for “Bisection method” to solve the following equation: [10]

𝐹(𝑥) = 𝑥 3 − 6𝑥 2 + 10 = 0

Then find out the solution in the following interval:

a) [-2,1] b)[1,2] c)[4,7]

Q4. Write a code for “Regula Falsi method” and repeat the problem Q3 [5]

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