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Welding in the World


Microstructures and their distribution within HAZ of X80 pipeline

steel welded using hybrid laser-MIG welding
Limeng Yin 1,2 & Jinzhao Wang 1 & Xizhang Chen 3 & Cheng Liu 1 & Arshad Noor Siddiquee 4 & Gang Wang 1 &
Zongxiang Yao 1

Received: 21 January 2018 / Accepted: 14 March 2018

# International Institute of Welding 2018

Large microstructure gradient in the heat-affected zone (HAZ) in the joints of large thick material welded by the hybrid laser-MIG
welding technology reduces the in-service reliability and durability of the welded structure. It is of great importance to charac-
terize and analyze how the microstructure distribution and evolution occur in the HAZ of the laser-MIG hybrid welded joints
fabricated with X80 pipeline steel. In this article, the HAZ is found to comprise these characteristic zones, namely banded
microstructure HAZ (BMHAZ), fine-grained HAZ (FGHAZ), transitional microstructure HAZ (TMHAZ), and coarse-grained
HAZ (CGHAZ). The zone of the HAZ contains quasi-polygonal ferrite (QF), M-A component, polygonal ferrite (PF), and bainite
ferrite (BF). From the base metal side towards the weld center with the decrease in the distance, the size of the M-A components
decreases and its distribution is more dispersed, while the content of QF decreases in the HAZ. The average diameter of the
original austenite grain increases gradually and so does the content of lath microstructures.

Keywords Laser-MIG hybrid welding . X80 pipeline steel . Microstructure . HAZ

1 Introduction section welds arise due to lager weldment volume, dendrite

formation, greater variation in microstructure, and coarse-
Laser-arc hybrid welding derives synergy of the constituent grained structure [3, 4]. Further, parts with a thick section have
process and possesses distinct advantages such as greater pen- a heat sink effect causing a high cooling rate (and rapid solic-
etration, smaller amount of filler material, higher welding itation too) which leads to complex changes in the heat-
speed, and better quality and adaptability [1]. It is, conse- affected zone (HAZ) of welds [5, 6]. While the weld pool
quently, more suitable to welding large-diameter thick-wall regions are rapidly solidified, the HAZ undergoes grain coars-
pipeline in comparison to traditional low-energy density arc ening and metallurgical changes [7–9]. These microstructural
welding technology [2–4]. Main joint quality issues in thick changes adversely affect the in-service performance such as
reliability and durability of the welded joints of thick steel
Recommended for publication by Commission II - Arc Welding and
pipeline [10–12]. Process hybridization using laser-metal inert
Filler Metals gas (MIG) welding alleviates such concerns to some extent as
the high-intensity laser improves penetration without much
* Limeng Yin increase in weld pool volume and limiting the amount of net heat input [13]. Joint strength eventually depends on the mi-
crostructure evolution over entire bead geometry, as the failure
School of Metallurgy and Materials Engineering, Chongqing may be imminent at the weakest region even though the rest of
University of Science and Technology, Chongqing 401331, China the zones may remain stronger [5, 9]. This paper has made an
State Key Laboratory of Advanced Welding and Joining, Harbin attempt to better apprehend microstructural evolution and dis-
Institute of Technology, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang, China tribution phases. In this work, large-diameter thick X80 steel
School of Electrical and Mechanical Engineering, Wenzhou pipes were welded using hybrid laser-MIG welding; micro-
University, Wenzhou 325035, China structure evolution and distribution phases in the HAZ are
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Jamia Millia Islamia (A analyzed and presented. Results of the present work are highly
Central University), New Delhi, India useful in providing theoretical basis for the general
Weld World

Table 1 The chemical

composition of X80 pipeline steel C Mn P S Si Nb V Ti N Cr Mo Ni
0.074 1.51 0.023 0.007 0.281 0.018 0.016 0.012 0.002 0.066 0.319 0.129

development of the process in general and hybrid approach in MIG welding power source. The nozzle of the hybrid welding
particular especially for the girth welding of land pipelines system is shown in Fig. 1a. The preparation and commission-
that is largely employed in the oil and gas industry. ing of hybrid welding control procedure as well as parameter
settings were accomplished with the KUKA robot hybrid
welding control software and the equipment control panel.
2 Experimental procedures
2.3 Experimental methods
2.1 Materials and consumables
The welding specimens were thoroughly cleaned prior to
Samples in size 100 mm × 50 mm × 18.4 mm were taken from welding. The welding was performed in flat position (PA)
welding X80 steel pipes with a diameter of 1219 mm and a using three characteristic passes, namely (a) root pass, (b) fill
thickness of 18.4 mm. Chemical composition of the X80 steel pass, and (c) cover pass. The root passes were performed with
is given in Table 1. The microstructures consist of as received a virgin laser and the MIG module was not engaged. The laser
X80 steel consisted of quasi-polygonal ferrite (QF), small beam for all passes was used in defocused mode. The laser
amount of polygonal ferrite (PF), and dot-like martensite-aus- beam was employed vertically and the MIG arc trailed the
tenite component (M-A component, as shown in Fig. 3a). laser beam. The trailing MIG arc was maintained inclined with
Generally, the strength of QF is better than that of PF, but both a travel angle between the arc and the laser beam φA = 35°.
are not enough, and the M-A component has deleterious effect The process parameters employed for the hybrid welding are
on the toughness of X80 steel. In addition, a solid filler wire, given in Table 2. These parameters were identified through a
1.2 mm in diameter, conforming to AWS A 5.8: ER80S-G set of rigorous experimentations. The welding process param-
specification was used as electrode for all the hybrid welds. eters as specified in the Table 2 produced a full-penetration
Pure argon (Ar) was employed for shielding which was sup- weld as shown in Fig. 1b.
plied through the MIG torch and laser co-axial nozzle. The welding of X80 steel specimens was performed with
Y-groove joint configuration (8 mm root face and 20° groove
2.2 Process equipment angle). The samples for microstructural examinations were
machined using by wire electric discharge machine
The process equipment comprised of hybrid welding head, (WEDM). The microstructural samples were machined using
mounted on a precision six axis robotic arm (KUKA KR 60 WEDM as per the scheme shown in Fig. 2. The metallograph-
HA). The robotic arc is configured to perform necessary mo- ic samples of 30 mm × 20 mm × 18.4 mm were machined
tions required for welding as per welding procedure specifi- using WEDM. The microstructural samples so machined were
cation (WPS) through hybrid laser-MIG welding control soft- then polished by following standard microstructural examina-
ware. The laser module of the hybrid welding system (Fronius tion procedure and were etched using 4% nital solution (for
LaserHybrid 10 kW) contained a disc laser (TRUMPF 3~8 s). The bead shape measurements and microstructural
TruDisk 10002) with a maximum output power of 10 kW. examination were performed using optical microscopy (OM)
The MIG module of the equipment consisted of a full digital and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). OM was performed

Fig. 1 a Principle of laser-MIG 1.shielded gas 10.laser beam 11. shielding

hybrid welding. b X80 pipeline nozzle gas
arc angle
steel cross-section of joint 2.tip A 12.laser
induced plasma
amount Ddef


5.arc plasma
7.melt pool
welding direction
distance DLA
Weld World

Table 2 Laser-MIG hybrid

welding process of X80 pipeline Weld Laser power Welding Wire feed Defocusing Laser-arc
steel pass (kW) speed (m/min) speed (m/min) distance (mm) distance (mm)

Root pass 8 2 – −5 –
Fill pass 5 2 7 −5 1
Cover pass 6 1 7 −5 1

on a metallurgical microscope (Axio Imager M2 m) and SEM thickness too. Consequently, under the same heat transfer con-
was performed on a scanning electron microscope (Hitachi dition, the upper and lower portions of the HAZ undergo
S-3700 N). The quantitative analysis of the micrographic im- different heating and cooling cycles which must be reflected
ages was performed using image analysis software (Image- as difference of microstructure distribution along the thickness
Pro Plus). in the HAZ of hybrid welded joints. It is important to examine
the nature of variation in the microstructure of HAZ of laser-
MIG hybrid joints in order to find ways to alleviate undesired
effects. Moreover, the widths of the AHAZ and LHAZ have a
3 Results and discussion significant difference in size. Extremely inhomogeneous mi-
crostructure distribution was found from the stitching SEM
3.1 Heat-affected zone of X80 pipeline steel image of X80 pipeline steel cross-section laser-MIG hybrid
joint (Fig. 1b). This inhomogeneity seriously affects the per-
Under the inert shielding environment, synergy between dual formance of the welded structure.
heat sources generates narrow yet intense plasma [14]. At a
reasonable laser-wire distance (DLA), a full-penetration and
narrow weld pool is developed by melting of the base metal 3.2 Microstructures of different zones in the HAZ
(BM) and the wire. With BM thickness being large, the molten
metal pool cools down rapidly producing a sound joint. The The microstructure of the weld cross-section revealed signif-
synergy is the main driving force for a deep and narrow weld icant variation in the structure of the HAZ that exists between
bead, but since the heat input is intense, the adjacent HAZ weldment and BM. Based on the distribution and extent of
undergoes significant changes in structure and metallurgy. actually existing structure, the HAZ is characterized and sche-
The laser beam is deep and narrow while the MIG arc is matically depicted in Fig. 2b. As shown in the figure, the
relatively broad and shallow [15, 16]. This creates a contrast structure consists of a banded microstructure (BMHAZ)
between the characteristics of lower and upper portions of the which lies adjacent to the BM, fine-grained HAZ (FGHAZ)
weld pool. The upper portion of the pool bears a combined next to BMHAZ, and coarse-grained HAZ (CGHAZ) which
effect of the arc and the laser whereas the lower portion expe- lies between FGHAZ and weldment. The transitional micro-
riences more effect of the laser. As shown in Fig. 2a, the size structure HAZ (TMHAZ) lies between FGHAZ and CGHAZ.
of arc-acted HAZ (AHAZ) in the upper region is bigger than Four regions (i.e., BMHAZ, FGHAZ, TMHAZ, and CGHAZ)
that of the laser-acted HAZ (LHAZ) in the lower region of the in upper and lower portions of the joint (i.e., AHAZ and
joint. LHAZ respectively) were examined in detail by employing
The variation in energy distribution in the thickness direc- OM, SEM, and quantitative analyses. For analysis, test sam-
tion may affect the variation in joint properties along the ples were taken at 2 mm (for AHAZ) and 10 mm (for LHAZ)

Fig. 2 Schematics of the weld 1.652

a b 0.379
profile and its different zones in
the HAZ





unit:mm 0.752
Weld World

Fig. 3 Optical microstructure of a - BM b - BMHAZ 1 c - FGHAZ d - TMHAZ e - CGHAZ

the AHAZ (1—PF, 2—QF, 3—
MA, 4—BF). a BM, b BMHAZ, 2 2
1 3
c FGHAZ, d TMHAZ, and e
3 2 4
2 3
2 3

distances from the surface as shown by red boxes in Fig. 2a. It recrystallization process in the FGHAZ, and most M-A com-
is found that the width of BMHAZ in AHAZ and LHAZ is ponents gathered at grain boundaries (Fig. 3c) [8, 9, 20].
nearly equal in size (0.379 mm wide in AHAZ, and in The grain boundaries of the original austenite with different
0.378 mm wide in LHAZ). However, the size of combined shapes and sizes became intermittent and indistinct, and the
regions of FGHAZ and CGHAZ in AHAZ is twice as great as segregation phenomenon of the granular M-A components
that in LHAZ (as shown in Fig. 2b, it is 1.652 mm wide in appears gradually, with the granular or block ferrite and lath
AHAZ and 0.752 mm in LHAZ). bainitic ferrite (BF) coming into existence and increasing in
Similarly, the microhardness distribution as given in Fig. 7 the TMHAZ (Fig. 3d) [21]. The original austenite grain is
demonstrates that the microhardness undergoes a transforma- coarse and uniform in the CGHAZ; it has a clear polygonal
tion from weldment to BMHAZ. The average microhardness grain boundary (Fig. 4a) [22, 23]. There is small amount of
of combined FGHAZ and CGHAZ regions contributes to the dot-like M-A components in the block QF formed during the
one third of the total average hardness. The transitional region rapid cooling, while the fine BF appeared in the original aus-
between FGHAZ and CGHAZ is also represented as the tenite and the granular M-A components dispersed in the grain
TMHAZ, because the width of FGHAZ and CGHAZ is much boundaries and between the laths (Fig. 3e) [24–26].
larger than that of BMHAZ and the microstructure transitions As compared to AHAZ, in LHAZ, the banded microstruc-
from FGHAZ to CGHAZ are not uniform. This variation in ture is more obvious (Fig. 4b) and the microstructure gradient
the structure and microhardness can be understood through is smaller. This contrast exists due to greatly different thermal
microstructural analysis. The resulting microstructures in cycles in the two portions.
characteristic zone in AHAZ which have undergone different
thermal cycles are shown in Fig. 3. The banded ferrite is
3.3 Quantitative analysis of microstructures in HAZ
formed in X80 steels in which strengthening phase M-A com-
ponents are dispersed in the grain boundaries by thermo-
The average area percentage, chord length, and perimeter of
mechanically controlled processing (TMCP) [17, 18]. Due to
QF, PF, M-A, or BF phases of each zone in AHAZ and LHAZ
incomplete austenitization and high cooling rates in the
were obtained using the Image-Pro Plus software. The micro-
BMHAZ, the region with higher energy formed the M-A com-
structure obtained through the SEM image was processed by
ponent bands, and the lower energy region retained the orig-
the image processing software for measurement of M-A
inal banded ferrite microstructure as shown in Fig. 3b [3, 4,
19]. The fine equiaxed ferrite with a few dot-like M-A com-
ponents in their interior appears during the complete

a b
dot-like M-A lath BF

granular M-A

original austenite banded M-A

grain boundary

Fig. 4 SEM micrograph of CGHAZ of the AHAZ (a), and FGHAZ of the
LHAZ (b) Fig. 5 Quantitative analysis steps of metallographic examination
Weld World

average area, 47~106 μm in perimeter, and 77 μm in average
perimeter, and the content of BF reached 63.6%, 33.6 μm2 in
the microstructure content (%)

the average area, 0.2~1.8 μm in the width of the lath BF, and
26 μm in maximum lath length in CGHAZ. Compared with
40 the AHAZ, a slight increase in the size and content of the M-A
components in the BMHAZ and an identical FGHAZ is found
in the LHAZ.

10 3.4 Microhardness of different zones in the HAZ

The average microhardness of different zones in the AHAZ
and LHAZ is illustrated in Fig. 7. It is evident that the micro-
Fig. 6 Microstructures and contents in AHAZ
hardness of HAZ decreased first and then increased with the
decrease in the distance from the weld center. Moreover, the
components. The features such as image area calibration, fea- microhardness gradient of LHAZ is larger, which is deter-
ture selection, binary division, and counting measurement mined by the temperature gradient. The microhardness of
were employed in the quantification of M-A component as the FGHAZ is lower than that of BM, and the softening phe-
shown in Fig. 5. The data acquired from the measurement of nomenon of the FGHAZ in LHAZ is weaker than that in
M-A component from the microstructures in each zone of the AHAZ. The microhardness of the CGHAZ in LHAZ is basi-
AHAZ is given in Fig. 6 graphically. It is obvious from the cally the same as that of the TMHAZ in AHAZ, and the
chart given in Fig. 6 that the M-A components exist in all of average microhardness of the CGHAZ in AHAZ is 302,
the zones; their contents greatly vary in each and consequently which depends on the relative content of ferrite and bainite
may greatly influence the mechanical properties of the joint. in HAZ. The error of microhardness measurement in the
The actual measured data of the M-A content present in TMHAZ region of LHAZ is a little large, which is mainly
AHAZ reveal that the average aggregate area of M-A contents due to the great difference of microhardness caused by the
reached 2.0 μm2 which represents an increase from 3.2% in large microstructural gradient, and the measurement error in
the BM to 24.3% in the BMHAZ. The content of the quite other zones is normal. The softening phenomenon of the laser-
dispersive M-A components increased up to 28.9%, but the arc hybrid welding joint HAZ is basically consistent with that
size was 2.1 μm2 in FGHAZ. Furthermore, the original aus- of traditional arc welding. Although the microhardness in
tenite grain boundary and the lath BF appear with the decrease CGHAZ of the AHAZ is the same as that of arc welding joint,
in the distance to the weld center. The original austenite grain the microhardness of TMHAZ is obviously higher because of
is 15~30 μm in diameter, 147~665 μm2 in area, 384 μm2 in a lot of bainite formed at large cooling rate.

Fig. 7 Microhardness variation 320

trends in AHAZ (a) and LHAZ

280 HV0.2




4.0 3.5 3.0 2.5 2.0 1.5 1.0 0.5

(a) AHAZ (b) LHAZ
Distance to the center of weld in (a) AHAZ, (b) LHAZ (mm)
Weld World

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