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JANUARY 6, 2022



A project management information system consists of the tools and methods needed to gather,
integrate, and provide project management services. Humans and automated technology may
both be included, and it can be used throughout the course of a project. We'll make the final
decision. The Emirate of Abu Dhabi There is a well-known tradition in the United Arab Emirates
of utilizing huge, monolithic legacy systems. The fast proliferation of software necessitates that
banks adapt to new service-oriented computing paradigms. The problem is that this is not a
simple operation, and it frequently requires massive, expensive, and even lethal undertakings of
this sort. The Rational Unified Process is a safe option when it comes to software development
First Abu Dhabi Bank
Abu Dhabi Bank is an UAE based financial sector that operates in the domain of financials. The
headquarters of Abu Dhabi Bank may be found in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates. Bank of
Abu Dhabi is a publicly traded corporation that was established in 1968 and offers many
specializations such as financial services and investments in financial services. As of December
2016, First Gulf and Abu Dhabi Banks were the only two banks operating in the United Arab
Emirates. The biggest lending bank in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi and the United Arab Emirates
was Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi Bank was the most valuable bank in the United Arab Emirates in
terms of market capitalization. In order to provide the greatest services to the bank's clients, the
firm employs approximately 5,000 people in several departments. To guarantee that their
services are accessible to a wide range of customers, Abu Dhabi Bank maintains a network of
seventy branches and a corporate Centre with ATMs around UAE. Customers' different demands
need that banks use the most up-to-date technology in order to accommodate them.
Task 2 methodology
Banks are well-known for using massive, monolithic legacy systems. Now, banks must adapt to
new service-oriented computing paradigms in order to keep pace with the rapid growth of
software. Unfortunately, this is not an easy task that often necessitates large-scale, costly, and
even deadly endeavors of this kind. In terms of development methodology, the Rational Unified
Process is a sure bet. The two most popular approaches are known as agile and waterfall. The
first thing to keep in mind is that both strategies represent two separate approaches to project
management and development. Agile, on the other hand, is more collaborative and change-
focused, with a higher emphasis on the beginning of the project and its planning than waterfall.
Waterfall model
Requirements, design, development, testing, problem fixes, and go-live are considered as
independent stages in the "cascade" or waterfall technique. To begin the following phase, the
previous phase must come to an end. As a consequence, clients must wait a long period before
receiving any output, which leaves little room for error or for fixing any issues that may develop.
Many projects end up delivering products that are less-than-satisfactory for customers.
As a result of its emphasis on delivering early and frequent value to the client, the agile
methodology implies ongoing improvement. The ultimate objective is to provide immediate
benefit to all stakeholders, including those on the inside and outside the organization. Customer
input is solicited after each delivery to ensure that the product/service may be modified as
required and when changes may occur.
Agile Model
People are at the Centre of all agile transitions. In order for them to be effective, they need to
work together and provide results rapidly.
The four major benefits of an agile approach are: greater quality, fewer errors, and more
engagement in the work, quicker reaction and decision times, and better resource allocation.
The linear – or waterfall – strategy used by companies before to agile resulted in poor production
and a lengthy wait for results, restricting the organization's flexibility and efficiency.
Having a scrum master and a scrum team is crucial to the agile project management method.
Software development companies were the first to adopt agile methods, but they have now
extended to a wide range of industries, especially those with a strong technical or digital bent.
BBVA takes place in this environment. As part of a worldwide digital products rollout, the bank
used agile concepts.
Digital transformation initiatives like the worldwide mobile development platform were a
success for BBVA in 2018. As a result, new, agile ways of working have emerged in the
corporate world. These cultural and technological innovations have helped the bank evolve from
a closed to an open, collaborative approach.
Best Model for FADB
The Rational Unified Process (RUP) is the most secure development technique. RUP and AUP
are two common software development methodologies. Both processes appear iterative, but
separate. RUP is a process architecture for software development projects that may be scaled to
any size. To prevent oversimplifying or worse, failing to meet important project requirements,
RUP customization requires competent project team members and enough preparation time. To
decrease effort and risk, RUP is often deployed with little or no modification. As a consequence,
a lengthy operation is required. Agility methods, on the other hand, are perceived as lighter since
they emphasize people and give developers more control. Neither approach is mutually
Top-down and Bottom-up Approach to Competence Management Implementation
The same as with strategy development, a company's competency management may be
implemented top-down or bottom-up Capacity management includes assessing requirements,
developing capabilities, promoting development, assessing links between needed and attainable
competencies, then aligning them.
Based on the above notions in both theory and practice, we may distinguish two unique methods
to competence management implementation: The participatory method is a bottom-up technique
that involves employees in managing competence. An expert approach is used to advise and
assist top-down competence adoption.
Regardless of the approach utilized, a set of components and criteria are used to assess various

Activity 1: search data

Activity 2: Collect data

Activity 3: Prepare proposal

Activity 4: sort out the data

Activity 5: write in term project

Activity 6: Write project

Activity 7: Proof reading

Activity 8: Spell Checking

Activity 9: Format the project

Activity 10: Final reading

Activity 11: Final Project

Project GANNT chart


Task 3 – Risk Analysis plan

Risk assessment and risk management plan

Risk Description Risk Assessment Mitigation Measures or Risk

Management Plan
Destruction of raw material Medium A business strategy that takes into account
supply due to extreme events. any unforeseen circumstances.
Could lead to economic
project failure or delayed
commercial sustainability.
Partners' mismanagement or Medium Dedicated regional support for risk
bad business performance for reduction on various fronts is needed.
a variety of causes,
jeopardizing economic
sustainability, financing
support, and restricting larger
Unreliable raw material Medium Prior to providing help, thorough due
supply hampers business. diligence, evaluation, and preparation of a
business strategy are required.
Exogenous economic and Low Based on continual monitoring by facility
market shocks (including manager, a business support service
global economic downturns) adapted to the specific requirements of
undermine profitability of each business project is provided.
supported business projects.

Risk Description Risk Assessment Mitigation Measures or

Risk Management Plan
The development effect is Low Establishment goals are
weakened when lending ensured by screening
decisions are delegated to agribusinesses at an early
commercial banks. stage. Consider probable
impediments to entrance into
the market while doing due
diligence and business
planning; if these barriers are
too great, assistance should
be withheld.
Project funding may be seen Low Distancing financing
by certain agricultural firms assistance from the
as a government gift, which government by channeling
may have an adverse effect cash via private institutions
on their morale.
Some of the partnered firms Low The commercial foundation
do not follow through on their for financial assistance will
commitments. be strengthened if banks and
agricultural enterprises enter
into legal contracts to compel
repayment of loans and
additional seed money.

Feasibility Consideration
When starting a new project, the most crucial thing to do is do a feasibility study? Management
may make an informed decision on which option to accept or reject based on its clear image of
the proposed project, as well as legitimate grounds for doing. Feasibility study improves an
organization's chances of success by saving time, money, and resources.
The following are the details:
 Technical feasibility
 Economic feasibility
 Operational feasibility
Economic Feasibility
Most systems are evaluated for their efficacy via the use of economic analysis. This procedure,
also known as a cost-benefit analysis, identifies the potential savings and advantages of a certain
course of action or project. An advantage and savings analysis, a decision on whether or not to
proceed, and implementation of the new system are some of the intended results of this strategy.
Accounting, customer data management, withdrawals, deposits, and balance calculations involve
a tremendous amount of physical labor. This is because of the massive volume of data that has to
be processed.
Technical Feasibility
In order to assess the feasibility and economic attractiveness of RD procedures, the schemes
might be used. It is possible to quickly and easily assess the feasibility of a broad variety of
chemical processes using the framework presented for RD feasibility analysis and technical
assessment. It assesses the integrated process constraints, evaluates feasibility, and gives
guidance for any prospective RD process application by determining boundary conditions (e.g.
relative volatilities, target purities, equilibrium conversion, and equipment limitation). An
examination of the technical feasibility, as well as the process constraints, working regime, and
internals needs, is carried out when an RD process has been established.
Operational Feasibility
The requirements analysis phase of system development determines whether or not a proposed
system is operationally viable in terms of fixing difficulties and exploiting possibilities
uncovered during scope definition.
The organization's willingness to support the proposed system is assessed. This is the most
difficult to evaluate in terms of feasibility. Before assessing the initiative's feasibility, we must
first establish managerial commitment. Management engagement raises the chance of system
approval and utilization.
We have now enlisted the services of a select group of experts with experience in IT systems,
business components, and system analysis and design to undertake an operational feasibility
Hardware Requirement
Minimum hardware requirements:

ftware Requirement
Task 4 Change Management
You will play a critical role in ensuring that the business, schedule, and financial goals are met
by projects (change initiatives). When it comes to organizational change, this individual will be
responsible for the human side of things, which includes anything from new job responsibilities
to reorganization of the way things are done. In order to reduce staff resistance, increase
employee involvement, and provide a smooth customer experience, we will concentrate on
developing and executing change management strategies. The Change Management Specialist's
job is to ensure that the organization's customers and workers quickly embrace, use, and become
proficient in the changes that affect them, so that business outcomes may be reached.
Change Management
A variety of methods for managing change exist, and each organization uses one that best suits
its unique circumstances, situation, and features. These theories of organizational evolution cover
these topics in great depth; we won't go through them here. This article introduces the "prune and
graft" approach of change management for the suggested use in transforming the banking
system. New banking processes will be investigated using the case study of Rastin PLS Banking
in Bank Melli Iran as a case study. When we apply Rastin PLS Banking's methodology to a
bank, we may transform and develop it. Despite the fact that Rastin PLS Banking is not yet
implemented in all branches of Bank Melli Iran, its operational procedures serve as an excellent
example of successful change management. “Humans are the foundation of any change in an
organization's software and hardware, as well as its software and hardware. Acceptance by
employees is critical to dealing with organizational shifts; otherwise, the adjustments would be
hampered. Change management must thus be developed in a manner that the body of the
organization can accept it in a reasonable amount of time, thinking that the problem is a
necessary motivator for the company's objectives to be met in the long term.
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