Nama - Reni Melin-WPS Office

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Nama:Reni Melinda

Nim. :19.041

Individual Teks

Yesterday the day after yesterday me and my family traveled to a restaurant in north Purwokerto
precisely. And so confused we turned around first while thinking about what to eat hehe. I was with my
father, mother, sister and brother at that time. go down and never mind confused we go down in a
restaurant. so many culinary pokonya there until confused what to eat.

Later, finally I agreed with my brother to eat food in the form of meatballs and lots of topping there, the
main thing was delicious. After eating I thought of going to my nen house in the village of dawuhan and
my father agreed to it. Finally I and my family stopped by first and counted the holiday even though not
to tourist attractions, you know, because from the beginning of the month there was already a plague
problem from covid-19 so we chose to postpone the holiday this time. Even before dusk I finally asked
to go home because there were a lot of tasks to be done at home. Overnight until 21:00 I arrived at
home and sleep to continue my sweet dreams until morning returns.

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