Autocue Script

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Autocue Script

Hello, and welcome to AFTER HOURS, the show where we bring you the chilliest of vibes so that you
can relax after your long day doing whatever you’ve been doing, so grab a cuppa and put up your
feet, but make sure to enjoy!

Coming up in today's show we have an interview with 05 productions after the release of their new
music video, after that we have a music quiz where we will pick members of the audience to take
part in the answering of the questions we have prepared, if you want to take part next week then
make sure to grab some tickets. We then have an interview with the new and upcoming band KAOS,
this band will play a new song to end our show, so make sure to stay tuned. But first off we have a
piece of 05 productions new music video.

Well unfortunately we could not get an interview with a member of 05 productions, but either way
that music video was incredible. Moving on we have a quiz! So please can seats 4 and 7 come up to
the stage and tell me your names.

Congrats to Keaton for winning this weeks quiz, now on to an interview with KAOS.

Now please give it up for KAOS!

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