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DIX-AC-201601 Downstream Global Commercial Specialities August 2016

Blocked vent leads to partial buckling of bitumen tank

Target audience for this alert

 Asset Managers, Operations Managers and Plant Managers with accountabilities and
responsibilities for the operation of bitumen storage tanks.
 Operational and maintenance personnel with accountabilities and responsibilities for the
operation, inspection and maintenance of bitumen storage tanks.
 Contract Holders of contracts for the provision of services that include bitumen storage.
 HSSE professionals who support bitumen operations.

What happened
The main bitumen feedstock tank at a Specialities bitumen plant started to buckle as a
result of being subjected to a partial vacuum. The tank contained about 800 tonnes
of 40/60 PEN grade bitumen at the time of the incident.

Why it happened
The immediate cause of the incident was that the tank nozzles to which the two vent
assemblies were attached were completely blocked with a bituminous substance,
located beneath the level of the tank’s insulation. The vent assemblies themselves,
which are of the design specified in Specialities’ Bitumen Facilities Design Guidelines
(click here to view), were not blocked.
The underlying causes have yet to be established.

Lessons learned
The key learning at this early stage of the investigation is that visual inspection of the
upper part of the vent assembly of a bitumen tank, the normal form of inspection,
provides inadequate assurance that the vent is fit for service if there is a threat of
blockage of the tank nozzle.
 Plant managers at all sites that are under the management system control of
Specialities shall organise the removal of the vent assemblies from all tanks
containing bitumen feedstocks and products (e.g. PMBs, emulsions and
cutbacks) and inspect both the vent assemblies and the nozzles by which
they are attached to the tanks for signs of blockage and report the results of
the inspections to Specialities’ Global HSSE Manager by no later than 16th
August. The inspections shall be performed under Work Permit. Each tank
shall be inspected when it is static, i.e. there is no product reception or
withdrawal. PPE shall be in line with the requirements of Specialities’ PPE
Manual and Specification, which will include the use of breathing apparatus
if the tank is used for the production or storage of sulphur cross-linked PMB. All equipment used shall meet the
necessary hazardous area classification requirements.
 Contract Holders of contracts for the provision of services that include bitumen storage to inform the contractor of
the potential for tank nozzle blockage as occurred in this incident so that the contractor can take any necessary
action to manage the risk.

Further information
Contact David Carrier, Specialities’ Global HSSE Manager, for further information.
A further LFI communication will be issued once the incident investigation has been completed and the underlying
causes identified.

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