Help Menu For BHEL Users

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Help menu for BHEL users

Description Status
Inspection request - Not approved: Draft Open: Call submitted.
stage (not submitted)
Call allocation Open: not yet Not approved: Allocated; Call
allocated Allocation not yet allocated
CQIR: Open: Not yet Not approved: Draft Closed: Final: not
started making stage (subject to modifiable
report. modification)
1. Feed in Login ID
& Password
2. Submit Do not use any regular Always logout after Keep ‘Pop up’
button on top of the completion button ON
screen except print
3. Click on
4. Click on: Inspn. Search criteria
Requests/ Call allocation The search menu provides options for
search single or multiple. But the data
has to be typed in as punched by the
Select Purchasing Unit
Select CQ Centre (include PDIL centres)
Type Project
Type P.O.
Select Call status
Type IR File no.
From date / To date
5. Click on search
6. To see an
letter/ Call
Select the row by
clicking on the small
circle on the left of
the row
7. Click view
8. Click ‘docs’ Shows docs.
available with
supplier for inspn.
9. After viewing click
10. From IR File no. To get and overview of all Click on search
calls/ allocations/ print
form of CQIR: against an
IR File no.
11. Click on the IR File Window opens
no. with headings:
• Inspection
• Call
• Feedaback
by DE
• Feedback by

12. Inspection request: The Inspn. call

click on the Call no. letter opens
13. Call allocation: Click The Inspn. call &
on call no. allocation opens
14. Print form of CQIR: The print form of
Click on call no. CQIR opens. If
more than one
page, click on
page no. for
viewing each
15. Click on ‘docs
used as annexure’
to view documents
used for inspn.
(Print can be
taken using ‘right
click of the
16. Click close Click close
17. To see feedback by Feedback by DE
DE: Click on call no. opens for the call
18. Feedback by Feedback by
supplier: Click on supplier opens for
call no. the call.
19. You can also select Use the search
Feedback by DE, criteria and ‘click on
Feedback by supplier search’
from Transaction menu

20. For giving feedback on Select IRfile no. Click’Add’

Click on ‘Feedback by Type out your
unit’ on Transaction menu Feedback
21. Save
22. Search
23. Select the
feedback using
the small cirlce
24. Modify if reqd.
25. Search
26. Select the
feedback using
the small cirlce
27. Approve

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