USC Chan Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist

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Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist

The Chan Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist provides performance Checklist Items
descriptions for four tiers of classroom instructional practices. The first,
 Are observable actions and behaviors of the instructor (observable during
second, and third tiers include a progression of recommended teaching
a single visited class session), not the behaviors of students.
practices. The substandard tier includes items that are contrary to best
practices and/or USC policies. The checklist can be used for two purposes. It  Describe practices that can be implemented within a wide variety of
can be used as a developmental tool to provide faculty formative feedback to teaching models, both traditional and innovative.
enhance their teaching, showing progression over multiple observations. It  Reflect actions and behaviors that should be observable in nearly all
can also be used as an evaluative tool to document evidence of teaching classes, regardless of level, field, or student population. Some items in the
performance for annual merit reviews, promotion, tenure, or continuing Tier 3 column may not be applicable to certain educational contexts,
appointment. which should be noted in the comments sections.
Not Included in the Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist  Are rated in such a way that achieving mastery in one tier implies mastery
 Evaluation of course design, which is addressed in a separate Chan Course of the previous tier(s), as well. Satisfaction of Tier 2 requires achievement
Design Syllabus Review Checklist. of items in Tiers 1 and 2. Satisfaction of Tier 3 requires achievement of
items in Tiers 1, 2, and 3.
 Aspects of teaching that cannot be observed.
 Were developed to include best teaching practices relevant to
Checklist Conditions occupational science and occupational therapy as identified by Chan
 Effective use of the checklist requires that observer and observed have faculty in alignment with the Chan Definition of Excellence in Teaching and
met prior to the observation and discussed class format and purpose, and resources from the USC Center for Excellence in Teaching (CET).
will meet for a debrief after the observation.
 Visits one class session for each of the first- and second-tier evaluations.
Two visits are recommended before an instructor is judged to be
performing at the third-tier. Each dimension in the checklist measures one or more criteria in the
 Is familiar with the course learning objectives listed in the syllabus. Chan Definition of Excellence in Teaching and those criteria are
noted next to the dimension name. The practices in Tiers 1, 2, and 3
 Understands the content of the course well enough to evaluate are supported through training provided by Chan Faculty Fellows
effectiveness of instruction in that topic. and CET’s faculty institutes.
 Has been trained by CET or by a CET Faculty Fellow to use the checklist.

*USC Definition of Performing Below Minimum USC Performing at Minimum USC Performing at Proficient Level of Performing at Excellence Level
Excellence in Teaching Teaching Policy Standard Teaching Policy Standard Teaching Standard at USC of Teaching Standard at USC
criteria measured by
each dimension are (Includes Tier 1 Minimum
criteria) (Includes Tier 1 Minimum + Tier
2 Proficient criteria)

Instructional plan  Instructor changes the established  The class session  The class session includes  The class session includes
class session plan without prior demonstrates clear signs of instruction and formative instruction, formative
5a, 5b* notification to students. planning and organization, assessment1 to assess assessment, and reflection
and follows a logical flow. student learning for that components.
class session.  The class session includes
opportunities to ask and
answer questions to facilitate

Communication of clear  Instructor communicates no learning  Instructor clearly identifies  Instructor clearly connects  Instructor clearly identifies
learning goals for the goals for the class session and/or realistic learning goals for the the learning goals for the the learning goals for each
class session each lesson activity. class session. class session to the course instructional activity, and
 Instructor communicates learning objectives. connects them to the course
6a* inappropriate or unrealistic learning  Instructor emphasizes/ learning objectives2.
goals for the class session and/or summarizes main points of
each lesson activity. class session.

1 Assignments intended to help students evaluate their mastery of a skill or learning objective and provide information to the instructor on student progress.
2 See the CET resource A Clear Guide to Writing Learning Objectives.
Time management  Room and/or technology issues  The class session starts and  Instructor utilizes and  Instructor maximizes in-class
occur during class that could have ends on time. references educational time, using active learning or
3e, 5c* been addressed before the start of  Planned sections of the class technology for passive applications4 rather than
class. session are well-timed. learning activities3 outside of passive learning.
 Little or no time spent on class to support effective use  Instructor clearly indicates
non-instructional activities. of in-class time (for example, time limits for all student
 Instructor prepares the room using Blackboard to post activities.
and relevant technology articles and videos).
before the start of class.


3 When students receive information from the instructor.

4 Activities in which students practice course concepts during class.

Classroom climate  Instructor raises students’ stress or  Instructor consistently uses  Instructor establishes and  Instructor uses practices
anxiety by using discriminatory, verbal and body language consistently upholds that increase students’
1b, 2e, 2f, 3a, 4e* dismissive, or other abusive that is responsive to classroom norms that foster motivation and foster a
language. students’ stress or anxiety. a positive and inclusive growth mindset.6
 Instructor minimizes students’  Instructor encourages environment.5
struggle with material. student participation.  Instructor encourages
 Instructor discourages student input.  Instructor treats all students interaction between
equitably. students.
 Instructor violates confidentiality by
publicly revealing students with  Instructor is responsive to  Instructor addresses
accommodations. students’ different disruptive student behaviors.
 Instructor ignores disruptive student educational backgrounds and
behaviors. learning needs by providing a
variety of instructional

Presentation form  Instructor uses inappropriate or  Instructor volume, pace, and  Instructor incorporates  Instructor is engaging,
offensive gestures and/or speech. diction allow observer to appropriate eye contact and responsive, and
1a, 1b* follow the class session. effective non-verbal constructive in both
 Instructor displays a negative
attitude in tone and/or content.  Instructor faces students communication (e.g., hand tone and content of
when speaking. gestures). their speech.
 Instructor avoids prolonged  Instructor avoids distracting
reading from notes or slides. mannerisms or speech
patterns, such as filler words
and nervous habits.

Presentation substance  Instructor does not use, or uses  Instructor provides visual  Instructor cites sources for  Instructor follows
inappropriate, visual support for support for verbal content discussed. accessibility best
4a, 4d, 3f* presentation and/or presentation and uses practices by verbally
examples/illustrations. concrete describing and/or
examples/illustrations to captioning any images
clarify content. used in presentation.


Knowledge of subject  Instructor does not appear to  Instructor’s factual  Instructor answers  Instructor ties current
4a* understand course content. statements are consistent questions confidently, content to topics or
with current knowledge in clearly, and simply. knowledge from the
the field.  Instructor distinguishes profession and/or more
 Instructor correctly answers facts and opinions, as well advanced courses.
questions about course- as observations and
level content. interpretations.

Discipline-specific  Instructor does not use, or  Instructor uses discipline-  Instructor explains use of  Instructor facilitates the use
language incorrectly uses, discipline-specific specific and academic discipline-specific terms. of discipline-specific
and/or academic language. language. language by students.

Contextual relevance  Instructor teaches content devoid  Instructor provides real-  Instructor has students  Where appropriate,
and transferability of real-world scenarios and/or world applications of class provide real-world instructor uses examples
examples. session content. examples of class content where their discipline
3b, 3c, 4c*  Instructor assumes unrealistic skill  Instructor explicitly builds or apply content to real- converges with other
level of students in the class. on prior student knowledge world scenarios. disciplines in addressing
and experience. challenges.
 Where appropriate,
instructor addresses
“wicked problems”/public
policy identified by USC on
a local, national, or global

Classroom Teaching Observation Checklist

CONTEXT Context:
Record pertinent characteristics of the course, student
population, and physical environment. Examples: enrollment,
student demographics, classroom type (stadium, small conference
room, etc.), class meeting time, and general education status.

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