Iprocurement Architecture 11i

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10: Oracle iProcurement

Architecture Overview

An Oracle White Paper

June 2005

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review


This paper provides a high level overview of the 11.5.10 - iProcurement architecture and should provide valuable insight to

customers in designing customizations to the product. This document assumes that the reader is completely well versed

with the Oracle Applications Framework (OAF) and its integration with underlying Oracle Business Components For Java

(BC4J) architecture.

The following documents provide a good overview of the OAF and BC4J architecture and are a pre-requisite to reading

this document.

Metalink Note Number Document Title

275880.1 Oracle Applications Framework Release 11i Documentation Road Map

268969.1 Oracle Applications Framework Personalization Guide Release 11i (11.5.10)

269136.1 Oracle Applications Component Reference Release 11i (11.5.10)

269138.1 Oracle Applications Framework Developer's Guide Release 11i (11.5.10)


The following table lists the categories of customizations that are most frequently made to the base iProcurement product and
some guidelines on how best to implement those customizations.

This document would provide some insight into implementing the last two categories of customizations using the iProcurement
architecture. The first three categories can be implemented using the standard OAF architecture and is beyond the scope of this

Desired Customization Suggested Approach Recommended Documentation

Attributes on a given page
The OA Personalization
Re-ordering the attributes displayed Framework provides support for
on a page all the listed customization
Changing the label/prompt
associated with a given attribute

Adding new validation rules for the This can be implemented using the Addressed in this document
attributes on the requisition header, Helper Classes as described in this
line and/or distribution document, in the BC4J

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

Adding new defaulting rules for the

attributes on the requisition header, extensibility framework.
line and/or distribution

In this section, we briefly describe the interactions between the different layers in the new iProcurement architecture, each time
a page is displayed or the information on a page is submitted. More specific details about each of the layers of the architecture,
the implementation details and design/customization guidelines are explained below.

Client Tier Controller

Web Bean processRequest

Controlled By
Web Web
Bean Bean


xml Page

Application Module

2 2

Server Tier
Server View Object
Command 3

4 4

Helper 5 Entity Object



Page Display Execution Flow

A typical execution of the processRequest method is explained below.

1. When a page is displayed, the OAF will automatically call the processRequest method on the Controller of a page. In
certain cases, in addition to the statically rendered items on a page, there are dynamically controlled elements that are
displayed based on other setup in the system. If this logic is simple, then the corresponding implementation would be
in the Controller for the page (Step 1).

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

2. In many cases, the logic to determine the state of the dynamic elements on the page is sufficiently complex to warrant
new Server Commands (refer to the “Server Command” section on Page 7 for more details) to encapsulate the logic. In
this scenario, a call is made from the Controller to the Server Command via the corresponding Application Module
(AM) for the transaction. The Application Module maintains a mapping of the Server Command names and the
corresponding classes. The Controller passes the name of the Server Command to the Application Module, which in
turn uses the mapping to execute the Server Command (Step 2).

3. The Server Command then calls the corresponding View Object (VO), which in turn calls the mapped Entity Object
(EO), to retrieve the data required to determine which elements and data values to be displayed on the page (Steps 3, 4
and 5).

Page Submission Execution Flow

A typical execution of the processFormRequest method is explained below

1. When the data on the page is submitted (for e.g. when a button on the page is clicked), OAF calls the
processFormRequest on the Controller for the page. In most cases, all the processing that needs to be done once a page
is submitted is implemented in Server Commands (Step 1).

2. Depending on the event being processed by the Controller, the Controller passes the name of the Server Command to
the Application Module, which in turn makes a call to the corresponding Server Command (Step 2).

3. In most cases, the data submitted on a page needs to be validated before the user proceeds to the next page in the flow.
All the validation logic is implemented in Helper classes (refer to the “Helper” section on Page 14), which can be
associated with one or more Entity Objects. The Server Command calls methods in the Helper classes to perform all
the required validations on the page. Helpers might use additional criteria (Business Attribute Sets and Business Views
as explained in Pages 10 and 11) to determine which validation needs to be performed on a given page (Steps 3, 4, 5
and 6).



The Controller responds to user action and controls the application flow. Each page in the application has at least one
Controller associated with it.

The list of all the Controllers invoked in the requisition checkout flow, along with the associated pages and descriptions is
as detailed below.

Page Name Controller File Name Notes

Shopping Cart ShoppingCartCO.java Users can access the page after items have been
added to the shopping cart.

Checkout – Summary CheckoutSummaryCO.java This is the first page in the Checkout flow after the
shopping cart. Users can submit requisitions from this

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

Checkout – Edit Lines CheckoutLinesCO.java Users can use this page to specify different checkout
information for each of the lines on a requisition.

Checkout – CheckoutDistsCO.java Users can access this page from the Checkout – Edit
Distributions Lines page, to specify distribution level information
for each of the lines on the requisition.

Checkout – Update CheckoutUpdateSingleCO.java Users can access this page from the Checkout – Edit
Single Lines page to edit the information for a single line.

Checkout – Update CheckoutUpdateMultipleCO.jav Users can access this page from the Checkout – Edit
Multiple a Lines page to edit the information for multiple lines.

Approval List ApprListCO.java Users can access this page if they choose to proceed
after completing the checkout information.

Approval List - Change ApprChfCO.java Users can access this page from the Approval list
First Approver page.

Review and Submit ReviewSubmitCO.java This is the last page in the step-by-step checkout flow
before the user can submit the requisition.

Requisition ReqConfirmCO.java Users are taken to this page after the requisition
Confirmation submission process.



An Application Module acts as the interface between the client and the server. It is a container that manages and provides
access to related BC4J and OA objects. Therefore, all objects that are involved in the same user transaction are grouped
into one Application Module, even if there are multiple pages in the transaction. The Application Module handles all the
events and implements all the logic on each of the pages in the transaction. Application Modules provide a logical
separation between the different process flows in the application. Therefore, a new Application Module is generally
defined for each of the transactions within the application.


Some of key Application Modules in iProcurement are listed below.

Application Module Name Related Files Description


Requisition AM RequisitionAMImpl.java Responsible for managing all pages involved the

process of requisition creation. This includes all
flows originating from the process of searching,
adding to cart and submitting the requisition.

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

Requisition Management AM ReqMgmtImpl.java Responsible for managing all pages under the
Requisition Life Cycle Management flow,
including Requisition Details, Requisition Line
Details, Requisitions Summary etc.

Approval List AM ApprovalListAMImpl.java Manages the pages involved in adding and

editing approvers during the process of
requisition creation.

Cancel Requisition AM CancelRequisitionAMImpl.java Responsible for managing all pages in the

Cancel Requisition flow.

Change Order AM ChangeOrderAMImpl.java Responsible for managing all pages in the

Cancel Requisition/Order flow.

Launch IP AM LaunchIPAMImpl.java This Application Module encapsulates the logic

invoked when the user accesses the
iProcurement home page. This includes setting
up the global menus, setting up the tab structure

Contractor Performance AM ContractorPerformanceAMImpl.jav Responsible for managing the pages enabling the
a customer to create and manage contractor
performance entries.

Contractor Home AM ContractorHomeAMIml.java Responsible for managing the pages under the
Contractors tab including Contractor Summary,
Contractor Advanced Search.



A Server Command is a class that contains code that would normally be placed in an Application Module. The code is
extracted out into a separate class to prevent the Application Module from becoming too big, ease maintenance, facilitate
concurrent development and promote reuse (different Application Modules may be able to use the same Server Command
class). For example, a Server Command class could contain the code used to populate/query the different VOs displayed
on a particular page, or contain the code to apply changes to all the requisition lines.


Every Server Command class should implement the ServerCommand interface. At runtime, a Server Command is invoked
by name. There are two methods in the RequisitionAM that are used to invoke the Server Commands by name.

public Serializable executeServerCommand(String cmd, ArrayList args)

Parameters: cmd – Name of the Server Command that needs to be executed

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review
args – List of parameters that are input to the Server Command

public Serializable executeServerCommand(String cmd)

Parameter: cmd – Name of the Server Command that needs to be executed

The Server Command can be invoked from the client-tier (Controller) through one of the above methods in the
Application Module. With this architecture, all the logic/events on the user interface is handled via methods in the Server
Commands, providing modularity and reuse.

The list of the Server Commands used in the requisition checkout flow, along with descriptions is as detailed below.

Server Command Pages Invoked Description

CheckoutSummarySvrCmd.java Checkout – Summary Encapsulates all the logic on the checkout

summary page. For e.g. hiding/displaying
attributes on the page when the lines on the
requisition have different destination types,
handling the mass update of checkout
information on all lines of the requisition.

CheckoutLinesSvrCmd.java Checkout – Edit Lines, Implements the logic on the checkout – edit
Checkout - Update Single, lines page, the checkout Update Single Line
Checkout – Update Multiple page and the Update Multiple Lines page.

CheckoutDistsSvrCmd.java Checkout – Dists Implement the logic on the Checkout –

Distributions page.

ReqAttachmentsSvrCmd.java Requisition Attachments Encapsulates all the logic for adding and
deleting attachments at the header and line
level during the checkout flow.

ReqReviewSvrCmd.java Requisition Review and Encapsulates all the logic for displaying
Submit header, line and distribution information on
the Requisition Review & Submit Page.

InfoTemplateSvrCmd.java Information Template Implements all the logic for adding,

displaying, editing and deleting an
information template for a requisition line
during the checkout process.

OneTimeLocationSvrCmd.java One Time Location Implements all the logic for adding,
displaying, editing and deleting a one-time
location for a requisition line during the
checkout process.

ShoppingCartSvrCmd.java Shopping Cart Implements all the logic on the shopping


ReqSupplierSvrCmd.java Contractor Request Implements all the logic on the second page

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

of the contractor request flow, where the

user can select one or more suppliers from
an approved supplier list.

PriceDifferentialSvrCmd.java Rate Differential Implements the logic to display the

price/rate differentials table on the Assign
Contractor page.

AssignContractorSvrCmd.java Assign Contractor Implements all the logic on the Assign

contractor page

ContractorShoppingCartSvrCmd.jav Contractor Shopping Cart Implements all the logic on the contractor
a shopping cart page. This includes both the
first time checkout flow as well as the assign
contractor checkout flow.

ContractorRequestSvrCmd.java Contractor Request Implements all the logic on both pages of

the Contractor Request page.


Server Commands often handle more than one task. For example, a Server Command class may handle a number of
different requests a user can make from a particular page. In this case, an argument is passed to the Server Command
class that indicates the request and then calls the appropriate method inside the Server Command class.



An Entity Object (EO) encapsulates interactions with the database related to a row in a particular table. In a typical OA
implementation, all the defaulting and validation logic associated with an entity is implemented in the corresponding
Entity Object. However, in order to facilitate concurrent development, ease maintenance and promote reuse, Helpers (as
described in the next section) are used in conjunction with one or more Entity Objects.

In order to optimize system performance, validations on Entity Objects should typically be performed when the any of the
values on an entity changes from a previously validated state. Transient member variables on the Entity Object keep track
of whether certain attributes have changed. Helpers can then check the value of this attribute and decide whether to carry
out certain validation or defaulting. These member variables will be reset after passivation, so the default values will be
set in such a way that validations will be executed after activation. The section below on Business Attribute Sets provides
some more details on this.

The list of the key Entity Objects in the iProcurement architecture is shown below.

Entity Object Description Related Files

Base EO This is a base Entity Object that all the other PorBaseEOImpl.java
Entity Objects inherit from

Requisition Header EO This Entity Object is based on the PoRequisitionHeaderEOImpl.java

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

and models the Requisition Header

Requisition Line EO This Entity Object is based on the PoRequisitionLinesAllEOImpl.java

models the Requisition Line

Requisition Distribution EO This Entity Object is based on the PoReqDistributionsAllEOImpl.java

models the Requisition Distribution

Requisition Supplier EO This Entity Object is based on the PoRequisitionSupplierEOImpl.java

models the Requisition Supplier, that is
associated with a Requisition Line

Class Diagram


ReqHeaderToReqLineAO ReqLineToReqDistAO

PoRequisitionHeaderEOImpl 1 1..* PoRequisitionLineEOImpl 1 1..* PoReqDistributionEOImpl

Business Views
Business Views are used, when a certain subset of attributes on an entity (header, line or distribution) need to be
validated, rather than the entire entity. For e.g. on the shopping cart page, since the user can only modify quantity, price
and edit/add information templates, it is premature to validate other information that the user has not yet entered such as
the delivery and the billing information. Hence, calls are only made to a subset of the Helpers as defined in the Business
View to Helper mapping, depending on the attributes displayed to the user on the page.

The following is the list of the Business Views, along with the associated Helpers and the page within the application
where it is used.

Business View Name Associated Helpers Page Name

Default Business View NeedByDateHelper, RequesterHelper, All Pages

DestinationTypeHelper, SubinventoyHelper,
MaintenanceHelper, HazardHelper,

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

PcardHelper, ProjectHelper, TaxHelper,

AwardHelper, AccountHelper,

Single Line Business SourceDocHelper, CategoryHelper, Line Level Checkout

View UOMHelper, PricingHelper, SupplierHelper, Pages
ItemInfoHelper, NeedByDateHelper,
DestinationTypeHelper, SubinventoyHelper,
MaintenanceHelper, HazardHelper,
PcardHelper, ProjectHelper, TaxHelper,
AwardHelper, AccountHelper,

Distributions for Line ProjectHelper, TaxHelper, AwardHelper, Distribution Level

Business View AccountHelper, EncumbranceHelper, Checkout Pages

Shopping Cart Business SourceDocHelper, UomHelper, Shopping Cart

View PricingHelper, ItemInfoHelper

Contractor Request JobHelper, CategoryHelper, Contractor Request

Primary Business View RequesterHelper,
InfoTemplateHelper, NeedbyDateHelper,

Contractor Request LineTypeHelper, UomHelper, PricingHelper, Contractor Request

Supplier Business View SupplierHelper

Contractor Shopping RequesterHelper, Contractor Shopping Cart

Cart Business View DeliverToLocationandOrgHelper,

Assign Contractor LineTypeHelper, UomHelper, PricingHelper, Assign Contractor

Business View TaxHelper, NeedbyDateHelper

Business Attribute Sets

Business Attribute Sets are used as a mechanism to track dependent attributes and to trigger business logic when the user
changes one of the dependent attribute values. An example of this would be the charge account on the requisition
distribution associated with a requisition line. Deliver to location on the requisition line is one of the attributes on the
requisition line that drives the charge account on the associated distribution. So, a Business Attribute Set for charge

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

account is defined on the requisition line Entity Object with the deliver to location as one of the attributes to indicate that
if the deliver to location changes, the charge account needs to be recomputed.

The list of the key Business Attribute Sets defined, the related Entity Object and intended functionality is as defined

Business Attribute Set Name Description Related EO Driving Attributes

AccountDistBizAttrSet Determines if the charge Requisition Distribution Project, Task, Award,

account on the distribution EO Expenditure Organization,
needs to be rebuilt based Expenditure Item Date, GL
on other attributes on the Encumbrance Date

RecoveryRateDistBizAttrSet Determines if the recovery Requisition Distribution Charge Account (Code

rate on the distribution EO Combination)
needs to be recalculated

PcardFlagDistBizAttrSet Determines it the Pcard Requisition Distribution Project

flag on the requisition line EO
needs to be recalculated

ApprvLineBizAttrSet Determines if the approval Requisition LineEO Deliver to location,

list on the requisition Category, Unit Of
needs to be rebuilt Measure, Unit Price,
Category, Quantity,
Amount, Currency Amount

AccountLineBizAttrSet Determines it the charge Requisition LineEO Deliver to location, Deliver

account on the associated to Organization, Requester,
distributions need to be WPI, Operation Sequence
rebuilt based on changes Number, Destination Type
on the requisition line Code, Subinventory,
Vendor, Vendor Site,
Document Type, Source
Document, Unit Price

TaxCodeBizAttrSet Determines if the tax code Requisition Line EO Vendor, Vendor, Site,
on the requisition line Deliver to location, Deliver
needs to be recomputed to Organization

RecoveryRateLineBizAttrSet Determines it the recovery Requisition Line EO Tax Code

rate needs to be
recomputed based on the
attributes on the
requisition line

ModifyPricingLineBizAttrSet Determines if the unit Requisition Line EO Source Document, Source

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

price on the requisition Document Line Number,

line needs to be Unit of Measure, Deliver
recomputed to Location, Need by Date,
Deliver to Organization

ServicesAslBizAttrSet Determines if the list of Requisition Line EO Job

approved suppliers need to
be required

Adding Attributes to an existing Business Attribute Set

The Business Attribute Sets defined above include a pre-defined set of attributes that indicate when certain logic needs to
be fired in the application. In some cases, there might be a need to extend this set to include certain other attributes based
on a custom logic. An example of this would be when a customer enables a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) on the requisition
line and wants this attribute to drive the account generation. In other words, when a user changes the value of this DFF
attribute, the charge accounts on the distributions for the line should be redefaulted based on the new DFF value. This can
be done by extending the AccountLineBizAttrSet defined above to include the DFF attribute.

The details on how this can be done are outlined below.

1. First, extend the Entity Object (EO) that contains your target attribute(s). Follow steps 1 to 4 in the OA
Developer’s Guide to extend the EO. Since you will be extending EOs in the BC4J package
oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server, you need to first open this package in your project. If your target attribute is
on a requisition line, select oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server.PoRequisitionLineEO in the “Extends Entity” field.
If your target attribute is on a requisition distribution, select
oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server.PoReqDistributionEO instead.

2. In step 2 of the Entity Object Wizard, click the “New from Table…” button and select your target attribute(s). Hit
“OK”. Accept the defaults for the rest of the steps in the wizard.

3. In the System Navigator panel, highlight the EO you created in step 1-2. The Structures panel will list all the
attributes in the EO.

4. For each of your target attributes, highlight it in the Structures panel and click the right-mouse button and select
the “Edit” option. The Attribute Editor will come up.

5. Select Properties from the left-hand panel. If your attribute is associated with a requisition line, enter
“AccountLineBizAttrSet” in the name field and “Y” in the value field. If your attribute is associated with a
requisition distribution, enter “AccountDistBizAttrSet” in the name field and “Y” in the value field. Click “Add”,
then Hit “OK” and save the changes.

6. Once you have completed extending the Entity Objects, you need to follow the setup steps listed in the “Substitute
the Extended BC4J Object for the Parent BC4J Object” section in the OA Developer’s Guide. You need to restart
the middle-tier JVMs after these changes.

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review



There are 2 categories of Helpers – Entity Object Helpers and Server Command Helpers. Entity Object Helpers contain
defaulting and validation logic for Entity Objects. Each EO Helper implements a particular interface related to the EO
(e.g. PoReqLinesAllEOHelperInterface for the Requisition Lines EO). An EO Helper can “help” more than one EO by
implementing several EO Helper interfaces. Server Command Helpers (e.g. DataMappingHelper) contain reusable
processing and validation logic that are part of a Server Command.

Helper Framework Model

Following are the main functions of the Helper Framework architecture.

• Uses the Helper map to provide an instance of the Helper at run time to the corresponding Server Command that
has invoked a Helper method

• Each of the Helpers implement the CacheEnabledHelper interface to allow for caching the validated values for
the attributes that each Helper is responsible for

• Helpers invoke methods in the validation VO or execute PL/SQL to perform validations or execute business


Helpers are created for Entity Objects based on a logical grouping of attributes on the EO. For e.g. Project, Task,
Expenditure Type, Expenditure Org and Expenditure Item Date are all handled by the ProjectHelper since these attributes
are logically related.

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

When an EO is created, each of the associated EO Helpers is responsible for providing the appropriate default values.
Similarly, when an EO is validated, the validation is delegated to the Helpers. In addition to the logical grouping of
attributes within Helpers, attributes for each of the requisition Entity Objects (header, line and distribution) are grouped
into logical groupings (Business Views). There is a pre-defined set of Business Views, and each page displays one of the
pre-defined Business View. The Business View corresponding to the page is notified by the client-tier to the server-tier.
Code in the Helpers can decide whether to execute certain logic based on the Business View, as well as any other data
element the Helper has access to.

Helper Interfaces

There are 3 main Helper interfaces – one for each of the Entity Objects (header, line and distribution). Each interface
contains a number of different methods that is implemented by the Helpers implementing the interface, and implements
the defaulting and validation logic for the attributes on the entity.

The list of the interfaces along with the key methods in them are as listed below.


Method Name Description

defaultFromCreate Method called when the first line is added to a new requisition.
This defaults the values on the attributes on the requisition

defaultFromCopy Method called when a new requisition is created from a copy of

an existing requisition. This defaults the values of the attributes
on the header of the new requisition.

defaultFromRetrieve Method called when an existing requisition is retrieved from the

Requisition LifeCycle page, for resubmission, withdrawal or

validate Method called before a requisition is submitted to validate all the

attributes on the requisition header.


Method Name Description

defaultFromCreate Method called when a new line is added to a requisition. This

defaults the values on the attributes on the requisition line.

defaultFromCopy Method called when a new requisition is created from a copy of

an existing requisition. This defaults the values of the attributes
on the lines of the new requisition.

defaultFromRetrieve Method called when an existing requisition is retrieved from the

Requisition LifeCycle page, for resubmission, withdrawal or

defaultFromDuplicate Method called when a requisition line is copied on the Edit Lines

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

page to create a new line on the same requisition.

validate Method called before a requisition is submitted to validate all the

attributes on the requisition line. This is also called on the
checkout pages, when the user specifies the line level information
for the lines on the requisition.


Method Name Description

defaultFromCreate Method called when a new distribution is added to one of the

lines on a requisition. This defaults the values on the attributes on
the requisition distribution.

defaultFromCopy Method called when a new requisition is created from a copy of

an existing requisition. This defaults the values of the attributes
on the distributions of all lines of the new requisition.

defaultFromRetrieve Method called when an existing requisition is retrieved from the

Requisition LifeCycle page, for resubmission, withdrawal or

defaultFromDuplicate Method called when a requisition line is copied on the Edit Lines
page to create a new line on the same requisition.

validate Method called when a requisition is submitted to validate all the

attributes on the requisition distribution. This is also called on the
checkout pages, when the user specifies the distribution level
information for the distributions on the requisition.

Extending Existing Helper Methods

Using this architecture, existing Helpers can be extended when additional customer specific defaulting or validation logic
needs to be added. This would supplement any logic that’s already implemented as part of the application.

As an example, lets consider the case when a customer desires to extend the defaulting logic for the requester information
on the requisition line for a new requisition. The following are the steps that would need to be done in order to extend the
RequesterHelper and supplement the defaulting logic for the requester on the requisition line.

1. Determine the Helper you need to extend

The first step in the process is to determine the name of the Helper that would need to be extended. This would depend on
the functionality that needs to be implemented and the attributes and the entity that this would affect. So, in the example
above, the attribute of interest in the requester information on the requisition line. The defaulting logic for the Requester
is implemented in the RequesterHelper and therefore, this would be the Helper that needs to be extended.

2. Determine the name for your New Helper

Once the Helper to be extended has been decided, the next step would be to come up with an appropriate name for the

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

new Helper class that needs to be created. Since this class would extend the Helper class selected above, its reasonable to
pick a name that indicates the Helper to which it is associated. In the example above, the new Helper class can be named
as MyRequesterHelper (The corresponding file name is MyRequesterHelper.java). The new Helper class should also be
created in the same package as the Helper class it extends. So, MyRequesterHelper would be created in the
oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server package.

package oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server;

public class MyRequesterHelper extends RequesterHelper

3. Implement the desired logic in the new Helper class

Once the new Helper class has been created, the next step would be to determine the method that needs to be extended
from the parent Helper class. In the example above, since the defaulting logic for the requester needs to be extended in
case of a new requisition, the defaultInternal() method on the RequesterHelper should be extended to add any new
logic. Its important to note that the method in the new class should call super.defaultInternal() method first, so
that all the standard defaulting logic for the requester gets executed.

package oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server;

public class MyRequesterHelper extends RequesterHelper

protected void defaultInternal(OADBTransaction txn, PoRequisitionLineEOImpl linesEO)


// Add the customer specific defaulting logic here

4. Create a new class mapping class

The architecture uses a Helper mapping class to determine which Helper to call when the requisition is being created, for
defaulting and validating the attributes on the requisition header, line and distribution. Since a new Helper class is created
in Step 3, the Helper class map would also need to be extended to include this Helper class.

Package oracle.apps.icx.por.common;

public class MyClassMap extends PorClassMap

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review
public String getClass(String name)

if (“RequesterHelper”.equals(name))

return "oracle.apps.icx.por.schema.server.MyRequesterHelper";


return (String)s_classNames.get(name);

5. Include a call to the new Helper Class Map

Once the new Helper class map has been defined, a call needs to be made to this Helper class map from the
RequisitionAM, so that all the right Helpers get invoked during the requisition creation process.

A new property has to be defined on the AM that allows the architecture to decide the class map that needs to be loaded
as part of the AM. The entry in the bold in the XML file below helps achieve that.




LoadComponentsLazily="true" >


<Property Name ="RETENTION_LEVEL" Value ="MANAGE_STATE" />

<Property Name ="PorClassMap" Value ="oracle.apps.icx.por.common.MyClassMap" />




The View Objects and View Rows in iProcurement follow the basic OAF architecture and hence, no further details are
provided in this document.

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

11.5.10: Oracle iProcurement Architecture Review

June 2005.
Author(s): Sudhir Kaushik

Oracle Corporation
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