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1. Illustrate the stages of meiosis and mitosis. With the corresponding labels and description.

A. If there will be an irregularity in the stages of mitosis and meiosis, what will be the result?
If irregularity in the stages of the cell division occurs, the results would be drastic as the
supposed amount of chromosomes in the daughter cells could be disrupted. It could be that
the other daughter cell would have less chromosomes and the other could have more.
Furthermore, it could result in genetic disorders that might affect an organism’s growth and

2. Compare and contrast mitosis and meiosis through their properties.

First of all, mitosis is only involved in one cell division; meanwhile meiosis involves two
successive cell divisions. Second, mitosis results in two diploid daughter cells, while meiosis
results in four haploid daughter cells. Next, is that in mitosis the daughter cells are genetically
identical, on the other hand in meiosis the daughter cells are genetically different. Mitosis
occurs in all organisms except viruses, whereas meiosis occurs only in animals, plants, and fungi.
And finally, meiosis involves crossing over in prophase I, whilst mitosis does not.

A. You accidentally bruise up your knee after quite some time it forms a scab. Which cell
division is applied and why? Explain comprehensively.
Considering the situation, the process of mitosis is applied. It is so because mitosis is the one
responsible for healing our wounds, it replaces the damaged cells thus forming scabs to
prevent blood flow, and it is also the reason why we can grow and develop. To support my
answer meiosis only occurs in the formation of sperm and egg cells in humans. It cannot
occur in healing wounds.

B. In humans, the children inherit both the character traits of the parents how is this so?
What type of cell division is applied? Explain comprehensively.

Since genes come in pairs with 23 chromosomes in each pair, children can inherit both
the character traits of their parents for each parent succeeds only one copy of their genes
(23 pairs) to comprise the child. This is possible because of meiosis, as it causes each parent
to give 23 chromosomes to a pregnancy. Then when a sperm fertilizes the egg, it leads to a
baby with 46 chromosomes.

C. How important is cell division in the development of a human being?

Cell division is of high importance and is essential in a development of a human being

and any other beings. I spare myself from explaining my answer. Please do forgive me for I
do not see any instructions to explain.

3. Differentiate the types of Cell Cycle Errors and give an example of a disease associated with
these errors. (only one disease per error)

The types of cell cycle errors include DNA damage and mutations or improper
chromosomal segregation and aneuploidy.

DNA damage and mutation is an alteration in DNA structure that is capable of causing
cellular injury as defined by Kaufmann and Paules. An example of a disease which was caused by
this error is Ataxia telangiectasia which is featured with mental retardation, partial
immunodeficiency and predisposition to malignancy.

Improper chromosomal segregation result in aneuploid cells and are generally

detrimental to both cell and the organism. This cell cycle error could lead to trisomy which is a
chromosomal condition that is characterized by an additional chromosome. A person with
trisomy has 47 chromosomes instead of 46; a very common form of trisomy is Down syndrome.

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