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Decimator User Interface Help

1.        General Overview
The Decimator User Interface (Decimator UI) runs as a Java Applet in a browser
using JDK 1.6.0 release 10 or higher.  It is used to monitor and control the software
running on the Decimator card, 8-Port Decimator or Portable Decimator.  The
Applet is served off the card.

2.        Terminology
Term Definition
Decimator UI Decimator User Interface
Frequency The horizontal component on the display.
Frequency Unit A unit of frequency in Hz, kHz, MHz or GHz.
Power A vertical component on the display in dB or dBm.
Trace Point A tuple consisting of (Frequency, Power)
Trace A series of Trace Points that can be the active trace or a memory
based trace.
Marker A visual indicator attached to a Trace Point.
Screen The main graphical area of the display.
Setting A parameter of the Decimator configuration.
State A collection of settings defining the state of the entire configuration
of the Decimator.
Menu Item A visual component used to control the behavior of the
Decimator. Optionally there may be desired and actual setting
values displayed.
Buttons A stack of high level buttons.
Menu List A list of menu items control by the buttons.
Analysis An operation done on a trace in carrier monitoring to yield a status.
Notification Event A trigger in the Carrier Monitoring system that results from a
measurement state change.
Measurement A named concept that contains a State, a trace result and a
notification event.

3.        Decimator Monitor and Control

The main functionality of the Decimator UI is to display the actual settings from
the Decimator card and send the desired settings down to the card.  That is, all
desired values are specified by the user and passed to the Decimator.  The actual
values are sent back from the Decimator card to the Decimator UI.

4.        Decimator UI Startup
To start the Decimator UI, ensure you are connected from your computer with a
browser to the Decimator hardware.  Obtain the IP Address for your
Decimator.  Enter the following URL in your browser “” assuming
your card has that IP Address.  Substitute your IP Address.  The Applet software
will be served to the browser and start up with default settings.

5.        Layout
The Decimator User Interface consists of a single screen with 3 main areas:
 Screen – the extreme left of the view.
 Buttons – in a vertical stack on the far right of the view.
 Menu List – in a vertical stack between the Screen and the Buttons.

5.1        Screen
The screen consists of 4 areas:
 Plot Area – to the center.
 North Settings Bar – to the top.
 West Settings bar – to the left.
 South Mouse Location Bar – to the bottom.

5.1.1        Plot Area
The plot area consists of a 10 by 10 grid with the active trace, and any memory
based traces, and marker symbols.  It contains numerous overlays depending on
user action.  The following overlays are            Edit Windows
Edit windows are overlaid in the north east section of the plot area.  An example
would be the Center Frequency edit window.  These windows are translucent to
allow the trace content to flow through.            Marker Legend
A marker legend is overlaid in the north area within the plot area when at least one
marker is enabled.  It contains the following items:
 # – The marker number.
 Style – The graphic used to render the marker.
 Type – Either Normal or Delta.
 Frequency – For a Normal marker, this displays the Frequency coordinate of the
marker in Hz and for a Delta marker, this displays the Frequency difference between
the marker and the reference marker.
 Power – For a Normal marker, this displays the Power coordinate of the marker
in dBm and for a Delta marker, this displays the Power difference between the
frequency marker and the reference frequency marker in dB.
 Band Power – Only applicable for Delta markers, this displays the band power
between the markers in dBm.            Carrier Monitoring Details
When in Carrier Monitoring mode, the top left of the screen shows the historical
values of the analysis in a translucent overlay.
5.1.2        North Settings Bar
The North Settings Bar resides at the top of the Screen and contains the following
 Connection LED – At the left, this component is Red if the connection to the
Decimator is broken and Green if communications are established.
 RBW – The actual resolution bandwidth value in the same Frequency Units as the
desired RBW.
 Span – The actual span in the same Frequency Units as the desired Span.
 # Averages – The actual number of averages.
 Start Frequency – The actual start frequency in the same Frequency Units as the
desired Center Frequency.
 Center Frequency – The actual center frequency in the same Frequency Units as the
desired Center Frequency.
 Stop Frequency – The actual stop frequency in the same Frequency Units as the
desired Center Frequency.
Note: Clicking on the Connection LED, RBW, Span, # Averages, Start Frequency,
Center Frequency or Stop Frequency labels will place the Decimator UI in edit
mode for those settings.

5.1.3        West Settings Bar

The West Settings Bar resides at the left of the Screen and contains the following
items from top to bottom:
 Ref. Lvl. – The reference level in dBm.
 Reference Select – The reference select.
 Scale/Div – The scale per vertical division in dB/div.
 Lower Power Value – The bottom power value in dBm.
Note: Clicking on the Ref. Lvl, Reference Select or Scale/Div labels will place the
Decimator UI in edit mode for those settings.
Note: There is a Carrier Monitoring toolbar to the left of the above labels.  This
gets displayed when there is at least one measurement in the Carrier Monitoring
System.  See the Carrier Monitor section for more details.

5.1.4        South Mouse Location Bar

The South Mouse Location Bar resides at the bottom of the Screen and displays the
frequency and power at the current mouse position.

5.2        Buttons and Menu List

Buttons exist at the far right of the view in a vertical stack and are used to control
the high level navigation to the Menu List.  A help button is always shown on the
title of the Menu List.  Since the 2 visual components are interconnected, they are
discussed in unison.
Button Menu Item Description
Preset N/A Sets the Decimator back to its default settings and clears
any stored traces, states and markers.
Decimator N/A This is the application logo only.
Frequency Center The center frequency.  Displays the desired and actual
Frequency center frequency values.  Clicking on the menu item
displays the Center Frequency Edit dialog.  Setting a value
too low or too high is automatically adjusted to the actual
value of the card’s limit.
Start Frequency The start frequency.  Displays the desired and actual start
frequency values.  Clicking on the menu item displays the
Center Frequency Edit dialog.  Setting a value too low or
too high is automatically adjusted to the actual value of
the card’s limit.
Stop Frequency The stop frequency.  Displays the desired and actual start
frequency values.  Clicking on the menu item displays the
Center Frequency Edit dialog.  Setting a value too low or
too high is automatically adjusted to the actual value of
the card’s limit.
Span Span The span.  Displays the desired and actual start frequency
values.  Clicking on the menu item displays the Span
Frequency Edit dialog.  Setting a value too low or too high
is automatically adjusted to the actual value of the card’s
Full Span Sets the span to 1200 MHz and center frequency to 1550
MHz.  The Decimator is in wide sweep mode.
Min Span Sets the span to 16 kHz.
Amplitud Auto Yaxis Whether or not the Decimator will set the Reference Level
e and Scale / Div to an appropriate value to show the entire
active trace in view.
 True
 False
Reference Level The Reference Level or power level at the top of the
screen in dBm.  This value will be automatically set if
Auto Yaxisis set to true.
Scale / Div The scale per vertical division in dB.  This value will be
automatically set if Auto Yaxis is set to true.
Auto Atten. The attenuation level is automatically set to the
appropriate value, depending on the power level of the
incoming signal.
 True Disables Manual Atten. Menu
 False - Enables Manual Atten. Menu.
Manual Atten. Stepped increments to adjust the input attenuation
Max Ref Line A horizontal reference line is drawn at the maximum
power value of the trace along with a label of the power
value. Clicking this menu item, sets it visible
Visible Whether or not the reference line
is visible.
 Show
 Hide
Color The color of the reference
line. Displays a color edit dialog.
Thickness The thickness of the reference line
in pixels.
 1
 2 (default)
 3
 4
 5
Back Navigate Back to the Trace menu.
Min Ref Line A horizontal reference line is drawn at the minimum
power value of the trace along with a label of the power
value. Clicking this menu item, sets it visible
Visible Whether or not the reference line
is visible.
 Show
 Hide
Color The color of the reference
line. Displays a color edit dialog.
Thickness The thickness of the reference line
in pixels.
 1
 2 (default)
 3
 4
 5
Back Navigate Back to the Trace menu.
RBW RBW The resolution bandwidth or spacing between the
points. Clicking on the menu item displays a combo box
with a list of the appropriate RBWs given the current span
and FFT Window.  The minimum RBW is 1 Hz.
RBW Mode The mode used.
 Auto (default) (Sets the RBW = span / ratio)
 Manual (Ratio is disabled, users have full control
to independently specify an RBW)
Ratio The ratio of the span to the RBW and is used only in Auto
RBW Mode.
Average Average The number of averages.  Displays the desired and actual
number of averages.  Clicking on the menu item displays
the Number of Averages Edit dialog.  Lower limit is 1.
Detector The detector used.
 Normal
 Peak
Hold The hold mode.
 Normal (none)
 Max Hold
 Min Hold
 Min Max Active
Measure Capture Mode The capture mode.
Values :
 Continuous
 Single
 Stopped
Restart Restarts the measurement if in Continuous Capture
Mode. This is handy if Max Hold, Min Hold or Min Max
Active mode is on while in Continuous Mode.
FFT Window The Fast Fourier Transform window type.
 Rectangular
 Flattop
 Blackman-Harris (default)
 Hamming
 Hanning
FFT Overlap The FFT Overlap from 0 to 1.
Spectral The Spectral Inversion
Inversion Values:
 Off
 On
Optimization The Optimization.
 Spurious
 Speed
System Reference The Reference Select.
Select Values:
 External
 Internal
 Auto
CrossPol Mode The CrossPol Mode.  Span must be less than 52
MHz.  Users should ensure proper values set for the
Switch Port andCrossPol Switch Port settings.
 True
 False
Switch Port The switch port.  On a single port Decimator, the value
will be set to 0 and disabled.  On an 8-Port Decimator, the
values will be from 1 to 8.  For a 4-Port Decimator, the
values will be from 1 to 4.
CrossPol Switch The CrossPol switch port.  On a single port Decimator, the
Port value will be set to 0 and disabled.  On an 8-Port
Decimator, the values will be from 1 to 8.  For a 4-Port
Decimator, the values will be from 1 to 4.
Color Scheme The color scheme of the background and grid lines
 Normal (Black and green)
 Print (White and black)
Connection The number of seconds to wait for a response from the
Timeout Decimator in addition to a minimum of a second.  Default
is 30 seconds.  Minimum is 1 second.  Setting the number
to 1 second will detect network failures quicker.  Setting
the number to 60 seconds will provide more time when
running the UI over a WAN and/or when connecting
through the Decimator Proxy.
Reset Perform a software reset on the card.
Status Display the status of the card in a display dialog.  A tool
tip does the same.
Error Log Displays a list of errors received by the Decimator
UI.  The dialog automatically pops up when an error is
Help Display the Decimator UI help in the default browser.
State State 1 to Store or restore the state of Decimator from storage of one
State 10 of 10 states.  When the state is captured, a gear marker
icon is shown on the menu item.  Hovering over the menu
item when a state is captured, displays the state in an html
tool tip.
 Clear – Clears the state
 Capture – Stores the current state
 Apply – Applies the stored state to the current
 View – View the stored state in a display dialog.
Trace Active The trace color is shown in the menu item.  This trace also
acts as the CoPol Trace when in CrossPol mode.
Visible Whether or not the active trace is
 Show
 Hide
Color The color of the active
trace. Displays a color edit dialog.
Thickness The thickness of the active trace in
 1
 2 (default)
 3
 4
 5
Export to CSV Export the Trace points to a CSV
file.  Displays a File Save as
Back Navigate Back to the Trace menu.
CrossPol The trace color is shown in the menu item.  This trace is
theCrossPol Trace when in CrossPol Mode.
Visible Whether or not the active trace is
 Show
 Hide
Color The color of the active
trace. Displays a color edit dialog.
Thickness The thickness of the active trace in
 1
 2 (default)
 3
 4
 5
Export to CSV Export the Trace points to a CSV
file.  Displays a File Save as
Back Navigate Back to the Trace menu.
Trace 1 to Trace Memory based traces.
4 The trace color is shown in the menu item.
Capture Copy the active trace to the stored
trace.  Displays a graph icon on
the menu item and on the Trace
menu item one level above when
Clear Clear the trace from memory.
Visible Whether or not the trace is visible.
 Show
 Hide
Color The color of the stored
trace. Displays a color edit dialog.
Thickness The thickness of the memory trace
in pixels.
 1
 2 (default)
 3
 4
 5
Freq. Rendering The frequency rendering mode.
 Overlay – Display the trace
exactly as was taken,
disregarding the
frequency. This is a
WYSIWYG of the trace
when it was captured.
 Absolute – Renders the
trace in the exact frequency
location.  It may be off
 Shifted – Render the trace
centered in the center of
the screen but scale it in
the frequency direction
according to the new Span.
Ampl. Rendering The amplitude rendering mode.
 To Scale – Renders the
trace in the vertical
direction to scale.
 Overlay – Renderings the
trace in the vertical
direction as was taken
during capture,
disregarding the reference
Export to CSV Export the Trace points to a CSV
file.  Displays a File Save as
Details Displays the settings at the time
the Trace was captured.
Back Navigate back to the Trace menu
Markers Marker 1 to Markers that can be applied to traces.  The markers are
Marker 5 added to the active trace and then can be moved to
memory-based traces. The trace color is shown in the
menu item. Note that markers can only be dragged using
the mouse on memory-based traces that have the Freq.
Rendering set to Absolute.
Style Set the style of the marker.  When
Normal or Delta, a paper clip
graphic is shown.
 Off – Turns off the marker
 Normal – A single marker
 Delta – A pair of markers
 CrossPol – A pair of
markers on the Active
and CrossPoltraces when
in CrossPolmode.
Shape The shape of the marker.
 Plus
 X
 Diamond
 Up Facing Triangle
 Down Facing Triangle
 Right Facing Triangle
 Left Facing Triangle
 Circle
 Do Not Enter
 Circle Plus
Color The color of the marker.  Displays
a color edit dialog.
Trace Shows what Trace the marker is
attached to.  Not applicable
inCrossPol mode.
 Current (Active)
 Cross Pol (future)
 1
 2
 3
 4
Frequency Enabled when the Style is Normal,
Delta or CrossPol, this displays
the Frequency Edit Dialog to
adjust the marker frequency.
Function Enabled when the Style is Normal
or Delta, this displays the
functions that can be performed on
the marker frequency.
 Peak Search
 Marker to Center
 Marker to Reference Level
 Next Peak Right
 Next Peak Left
 Next Lower Peak
Freq. Adjust Enabled when the Style is Normal,
Delta or CrossPol, this displays a
previous and next button.  The
buttons will move the marker one
point to the left or right.
Reference Enabled when the Style is Delta
Frequency orCrossPol, this displays the
Frequency Edit Dialog to adjust
the reference frequency marker.
Reference Enabled when the Style is Delta
Function orCrossPol, this displays the
functions that can be performed on
the reference frequency marker.
 Peak Search
 Marker to Center
 Marker to Reference Level
 Next Peak Right
 Next Peak Left
 Next Lower Peak
Ref. Freq. Adjust Enabled when the Style is Delta
orCrossPol, this displays a
previous and next button.  The
buttons will move the reference
frequency marker one point to the
left or right.
Report Export to CSV Export the active trace and any captured memory based
traces to a CSV file.  Displays a File Save as Dialog.
Export to Export the screen, traces, markers and states to an HTML
HTML file report.  Displays a File Save as Dialog to specify a
target directory.  The Decimator UI optionally displays
the report HTML file in the default browser when done.
Save / Save Screen to Save the screen to a PNG file.  Displays a File Save as
Open PNG Dialog.
Save Project Save the current settings, memory based traces, markers
attached to memory based traces, and states to a project
xml file.  Displays the File Save as Dialog.
Open Project Opens a saved project from file and loads the data into the
Decimator UI.  The current settings, memory based traces,
markers attached to memory based traces, and states are
loaded from the project xml file.
Carrier New Create a new measurement using the current state of the
Monitor Measurement Decimator.  Provide a name and specify which analyses to
Measurement The measurement delay in seconds.  This is the time to
Delay wait between successive measurements.
Log Directory The output log directory for traces and analysis files.  If
blank, logging will not occur.  Log files will be in a
subdirectory off this root log directory in a
Within that directory there will be a
 BandPower.csv (if Band Power analysis is
 PresenceOfACarrier.csv (if Presence of a Carrier
Analysis is configured)
 trace subdirectory containing a trace file per trace
with an hh_mm_ss_uuu.csv format
Email An edit window to specify:
 Master Switch – enables email
 Mail Server
o Name
o Port
 From
o Email
o Name
 Recipients
o Email
o Name
o Style
 Simple Text – text only
 Rich HTML – text and screen shot
 Test button – Select a recipient and click the test
button to send a test email.
 Note: Ensure nothing is blocking port 25, such as
virus software.  You will need to remove or
disable that port blocking for email to work.
SNMP An edit window to specify:
 Master Switch – enables SNMP
 Trap Destinations
o IP Address
o Port
o Community
 Test button – Select a trap destination and click the
test button to send a test trap.  Default values used.
 Show MIB button – Extract the MIB file from the
application and prompt the user to save the file to
local disk.  This MIB file can be loaded directly
into an NMS.
Band Power Displays sub menus for the default Band Power analysis.
Nominal Power Edit the default Nominal Power
Tolerance Power Edit the default Tolerance Power
Presence of a Displays sub menu for the default Presence of a Carrier
Carrier analysis.
Delta Power Edit the default Delta Power in

5.2.1        Editing
Editing a setting is done using two primary mechanisms: Combo box style and Edit
Dialog style. Clicking the menu item enters into edit mode.  Clicking a different
menu item, or the X automatically exits edit mode.  Pressing <ESC>, also edits edit
mode.            Combo box Style

When a setting consists of a selection from a predefined set of values, a Combo box
style menu item is used.  Clicking the menu item, enters the user into edit mode,
displaying a combo box already pulled down for convenience, with the desired
value pre-selected.  Clicking a selection sets the desired value and exits edit mode,
committing the value.  When in edit mode, pressing <ESC> exits edit mode.            Edit Dialog Style

When a setting does not consist of a selection from a predefined set of values, an
Edit Dialog style menu item is used.  Clicking the menu item, enters the user into
edit mode, displaying an edit dialog overlaid on the Screen.  The desired value is
shown and the actual value along with units.  With the focus on the entry text field,
 <ESC> exits edit mode.
 <ENTER> commits the value.
In addition, to the above short cuts keys, any frequency edit dialog supports the
following behavior while focus is on the entry text field:
 h or H, selects Hz in the Frequency Unit
 k or K, selects kHz in the Frequency Unit
 m or M, selects MHz in the Frequency Unit
 g or G, selects GHz in the Frequency Unit
Mouse scroll wheel is supported.  Scrolling the mouse wheel:
 down, decrements the value in the entry field by one unit
 up, increments the value in the entry field by one unit.

6.        CrossPol Mode
On multi-port Decimators, users can configure the Decimator to operate
in CrossPol mode.  To achieve this, perform the following:
 Connect the CoPol feed to one of the switch ports, for example Switch Port 1.
 Connect the CrossPol feed to one of the switch ports, for example Switch Port 2.
 Run the Decimator UI
 Navigate to the System Menu
 Configure the Switch Port to 1.  This acts as the CoPol Switch Port.  The CoPol trace
will be rendered as the Active Trace.
 Configure the CrossPol Switch Port to 2.
 Enable the CrossPol mode by setting the value to true.
 The Decimator UI renders the CoPol data using the Active trace and the CrossPol data
using the CrossPol trace.  CrossPol style markers are automatically added to the peak
of the Active trace and to the same frequency on the CrossPoltrace.  The delta power
level in dB is shown in the marker legend.

7.        Query String
The following query string parameters can be added to the end of the URL
separated by & and from the beginning of the URL portion by a ?.  For example, to
set the center frequency and span, the query string is:
Parameter Description Expecte Example Default Value
Name d Data
frequency Sets the center Decimal, frequency=1345.23 Half of the
frequency MHz available
span Sets the span Decimal, span=24.885 The minimum
kHz span value
RBW Sets the Decimal, RBW=95 100
resolution Hz
averages Sets the number Decimal averages=12 10
of averages
autoyaxis Turns Y axis Boolean autoyaxis=false True (auto scaling
auto scaling (true=on on)
on/off )
yref The Y axis Decimal yref=-10 0
reference value (dB)
(value at the top
of the plot)
dbdiv The number of Decimal dbdiv=5 10
dB per vertical (dB)
crosspolmode Turns CrossPol Boolean crosspolmode=true False
mode on/off (true=on (crosspolmode
) off)
switchport Selects the Decimal switchport=5 1
switched RF port (1 to 8)
crosspolswitch Selects the Decimal crosspolswitchport=3 2
port switched RF port (1 to 8)
thecrosspol feed
autoattenuation Toggles input Boolean autoattenuation=true True
attenuation (true=aut (automaticattentut
between auto o) ion)
and manual
attenuation Sets the Decimal attenuation=5 0
attenuation level
in dB
referenceselect Toggles the Enum: referenceselect=auto internal
clock reference external
between internal
internal/external auto
capturemode Sets the capture Enum: capturemode=continuous stopped
mode stopped
fftwindow Sets the FFT Enum: fftwindow=flattop blackman-harris
window rectangul
fftoverlap Sets the FFT Decimal fftoverlap=.4 0.5
overlap (0 to 1)
spectralinversi Sets the spectral Boolean spectralinversion=true false
on inversion (true=on
optimization Sets the Enum: optimization=speed spurious
optimization or spurious
dithering option speed
detector Sets the detector Enum: detector=peak normal
option peak
hold Sets the hold Enum: hold=max hold normal
mode normal
min hold
min max
colorscheme Sets the color Enum: colorscheme=print normal
scheme on the normal
plot print
profile Loads a project Local profile=C:/myProject.xml N/A
xml file (Similar file or
to using the Save web or
/ Open menu) at served
startup.  If file profile=
provided, all myProject.xml
other options
above are
ignored and the
ones in the
project file are
loaded in.

8.        Carrier Monitor Mode

The Decimator can be configured to monitor up to 100 carriers (measurements),
validating the captured trace for limits within acceptable Band Power and Presence
of a Carrier thresholds.  The measurement is defaulted to use the entire span of the
viewport.  Also see description of the menu structure and functionality in the
Buttons and Menu List section.  To achieve this, perform the following:

8.1        Add a Measurement
To add a measurement:
 Click the Carrier Monitor button
 Click the New Measurement menu item
 On the New Measurement display:
o Enter a unique carrier name
o Specify the Analysis to perform
o Specify the threshold parameters by accepting the default ones or overriding
o Click OK
 The measurement is added to the table in the Carrier Monitor toolbar
 Alternatively click on the add button on the carrier monitor toolbar
8.2        Carrier Monitor Toolbar
The carrier monitor toolbar appears when there is at least one measurement
specified.  Mousing over the toolbar, widens it to make the measurement name
 Play – start the carrier monitoring system from the currently selected measurement or
from the top, if no measurement is selected.
 Stop – stop the carrier monitoring system.
 Add – add a measurement.
 Delete – delete the selected measurement.
 Edit – Edit the selected measurement
 Recall State – Recall the state of the selected measurement
 Capture State – Capture the state on the Decimator to the selected measurement
 Move Measurement Down – Move the selected measurement down
 Move Measurement Up – Move the selected measurement up
 Scroll to Top – scroll to the top of the measurement table
 Scroll Up – scroll up one view port if there is more than one
 Measurement Table
o A two column table with
 Measurement status (LED: gray is unknown, green is success, red is
 Measurement name
 Scroll Down – Scroll one view port down.
 Scroll to Bottom – Scroll to the bottom of the measurement table

8.3        Play
To start playing in carrier monitor mode:
 Click the play button
The current measurement state will be set, a trace acquired, analyses run,
measurement status evaluated and displayed, optional logging of results and any
notification event raised if necessary.  A measurement overlay is added to the
screen in the upper left indicating the current measurement in progress.  The
Measurement Table updates the selection.  The overlay contains the last 24 hours of
historical data for each analysis configured.  Each analysis is evaluated and its
status is rendered in the caption bar.

8.4        Stop
To stop playing in carrier monitor mode:
 Click the stop button

8.5        Delete a Measurement
To delete a measurement:
 Select the measurement.
 Click delete.

8.6        Edit a Measurement
To edit a measurement:
 Select the measurement
 Click edit
 Mouse over the measurement in the Measurement Table
Then modify the Measurement’s Analyses, State or Notification Events.   Users
may Recall the state when editing a measurement and adjust the State as if they
were normally modifying the settings of the Decimator and Capture the State.

8.7        Recall State
To recall the state of a measurement:
 Select the measurement
 Click Recall State
 Mouse over the measurement
 Select State
 Click Recall

8.8        Capture State
To capture state to the selected measurement:
 Select the measurement
 Click Capture State
 Mouse over the measurement
 Select State
 Click Capture

8.9        Notification Events
There are 2 types of notification events: Email and SNMP traps (SNMP version 2

8.9.1        Email
Email notification events are raised if and only if:
 the master email switch is on, and
 the individual email notification is on within the measurement, and
 there is a status change in the measurement. 

8.9.2        SNMP
To view the specific SNMP trap raised, click the “Show MIB” button to save the
MIB file to disk.  This can be loaded into an NMS.
SNMP traps are raised if and only if:
 the master SNMP switch is on, and
 the individual SNMP notification is on within the measurement
9.        Carrier Monitor Command Line Task
After setting up the measurements for carrier monitoring in the previous section
and running and testing interactively, it may be beneficial to run the carrier
monitoring not from within the applet, but from a command line task.
To do this, perform the following:
 Run the Decimator UI to create a project file with all the measurements in it. Test it
out running in the browser interactively. Include things like measurement delay, trace
analysis result logging, email notifications, SNMP configuration and all your
measurements. Save the project file to disk. (e.g. C:/myproject.xml)
 Obtain the decimator.jar file by searching in your browser’s cache for the file
“decimator.jar”.   (Consult your browser documentation to find the directory and/or
search your drive)  Some browsers allow a “File | Save As…” option to save the
current page to disk, which will in turn save “decimator.jar” to the directory.
 Shutdown the Decimator UI.
 From the command line run:
o java -java.util.logging.config.file=''FullPathToJavaLoggingPropertiesFile'' -cp
decimator.jar com.sedsystems.decimator.CarrierMonitoring -IpAddress ''YourDecimatorCardI
pAddress'' -Port ''YourPort'' -ProjectFile ''FullPathToYourProjectFile''
 As an example:
o java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:/ -cp
decimator.jar com.sedsystems.decimator.CarrierMonitoring -IpAddress -Port
9784 -ProjectFile C:/myproject.xml
 When running through the proxy, add the extra –Proxy option, for example:
o java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:/ -cp
decimator.jar com.sedsystems.decimator.CarrierMonitoring -IpAddress -Port
9784 -ProjectFile C:/myproject.xml -Proxy
===== Sample Java Logging Properties File starts next line, (i.e. =====
# Properties file which configures the operation of the JDK
# logging facility.
# The system will look for this config file, first using
# a System property specified at startup:
# >java -Djava.util.logging.config.file=C:/
# If this property is not specified, then the config file is
# retrieved from its default location at:
# JDK_HOME/jre/lib/
# Global logging properties.
# ------------------------------------------
# The set of handlers to be loaded upon startup.
# Comma-separated list of class names.
# (? LogManager docs say no comma here, but JDK example has comma.)
handlers=java.util.logging.FileHandler, java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler
# Default global logging level.
# Loggers and Handlers may override this level
# Loggers
# ------------------------------------------
# Loggers are usually attached to packages.
# Here, the level for each package is specified.
# The global level is used by default, so levels
# specified here simply act as an override.
# Handlers
# -----------------------------------------
# --- ConsoleHandler ---
# Override of global logging level
# --- FileHandler ---
# Override of global logging level
# Naming style for the output file:
# (The output file is placed in the directory
# defined by the "user.home" System property.)
# Limiting size of output file in bytes:
# Number of output files to cycle through, by appending an
# integer to the base file name:
# Style of output (Simple or XML):
===== Sample Java Logging Properties File ends previous line, (i.e. =====

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