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Alternative Course of Action (ACA)

This provides solution for the weakness and threats in our business. Our weakness

is that we are new to the industry and it has only one flavour. We planned to promote

our sweet and spicy tocino in the market to have additional flavours and choices.


In our business, we feel that it will be successful and we will be able to satisfy our

customer’s standards and a high percent quality of meat. We will put our best to make

this business a successful and unique one. We are looking forward to cover up all our

expenses as mentioned in financial part and to achieve our goal in the best way. Even

though our business is not so big, we are very thankful for all the participation in this



Food marketing to children and youth has become ubiquitous worldwide. Based on research and

study we conduct; we conclude that our product is feasible and viable in the market if you’re a person

who loves tocino. A hunk beef, pork cut into a perfect portion, seasoned seared in the hot pan is one of

the delicious tocino you will be eat ever eat. Tocino’s is also one of the growing companies in industries.

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