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How the dog found himself

a new master!
We all are familiar with the term ‘DOMESTICATION’. Before we begin with the lesson let’s have a brief look at
the history of domestication. It is clear from historical facts that dog was the first animal to be domesticated by

The lesson, ‘How the dog found himself a new master’ is a folktale about how the dog became a tame animal. Folktales are old
stories, in oral tradition, that have been passed down between generations. These are stories which to a great extent reflect the
heritage and history of a region and can prove to be an important source of passing knowledge and information. It tells how the
dog, who was tired of wandering about all by himself now felt the need of a master with whom he could not only spend his life
easily but would also remain safe. He was in search of the strongest animal on Earth.

Lets begin the story………

Long ago dogs roamed freely in the

forest. They were their own masters like
the wolves. But once a dog did not like
that way of life. He was sick of
wandering alone in search of food. He
was also afraid of animals stronger than I am looking for Where
someone to take are u
him. He, therefore decided to find a up service with. going
master for himself. He wanted his new Would you like to
be my master,
master to be stronger than anyone on wolf?
earth. He first met a wolf who agreed to
be the dog's master. The two of them
went on together

At one place the wolf got the smell of a bear. Out of fear he ran off deep into the forest as he thought
the bear could eat up both of them. The dog left
What's come
the weak wolf. over you
Can’t you see
there's a bear What has
over there frightened
and he might you?
eat both of us.

The dog, next decided to take up service with the bear. The two set out to
find a herd of cows for food. They did see the cows. But suddenly the cows
started mooing or lowing in fear. They ran here and there in panic.

The bear too hid himself behind a tree. He told the dog that the lion was the ruler of the forest. The dog said goodbye to the
bear also.

Oh! The
Lion. Why
did I come

He became the servant of the lion. The two went on together. The dog had a good and secured life. No one dared to touch him.
But one day, the lion while walking with the dog stopped and gave a great roar. Then he began turning back quietly. He had
smelled a man coming that way. He suggested the dog that they should run for cover.

Q1. Why did the dog feel the need for a master?
a. He was unable to find food for himself
b. He was afraid of strong animals
c. Both A and B
Q2. Who did he first choose as his master?
a. lion
b. wolf
c. bear

So the dog finally decided to take up service with man, the strongest of all creatures. Since
then it has been serving man faithfully. This happened long, long ago, but to this day the dog is man’s most
loyal servant. He knows no other master now.

Mind map
Make a mind map depicting the character traits of the dog.


1. Choose the correct collective noun for cows-
a) herd b) fleet
c) School d) pack

2. Identify which of the following is a noun-

a) loyalty b) kind
c) cheerful d) honest.

3. The word ‘surprised’ in the lesson is –
a) noun b) adjective
c) verb d) adverb

4. The phrase ‘take up service’ means-

a) be the master b) serve food
c) be the servant d) earn money.

I. Find the synonyms of the given words from the lesson:
1. liberty( pg. 17) – 3.dreadful( pg. 19) -
2. slithered (pg. 18) – 4.annoy ( pg.20) –

II. Find the antonyms of the given words from the lesson:
1. compliment ( pg. 20) – 3.calm ( pg. 19) -
2. departed ( pg. 21) – 4. doubtful (pg. 18) –
III. Frame sentences of your own with the words given below:
hastily 2.agreed 3.darted

IV. Answer the following in about 30-40 words:
1. What was the dog sick and tired of?
2. What decision did the dog take?
3. Why did the dog say goodbye to the wolf?
4. What was the dog’s experience with the lion?

V. Answer the following in about 80-100 words:

“This happened long, long ago, but to this day the dog is man’s most loyal servant and knows no other
master”. What happened long, long ago?

Thank you

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