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Reading test
1. iii
2. i
3. ii
4. vii
5. worldwide phenomenon
6. valuable resources
7. agricultural technology
8. infrastructure facility
9. yes
10. no
11. not given
12. No
13. No
14. B
15. E
16. F
17. Essential element
18. Application
19. Portable commodity
20. Taxes
21. Spirits
22. True
23. Not given
24. Not given
25. False
26. Not given
27. True
28. I
29. D
30. G
31. C
32. A
33. A
34. D
35. B
36. D
37. A
38. E
39. C
40. E
Listening test
1. Framlington
2. 441192
3. 5 night
4. 4
5. B
6. C
7. 17th March
8. 716
9. 15
10. Fapsjm50
11. decade
12. business park
13. local organization
14. park side
15. 40 studio flat
16. ornamental lake
17. swimming pool
18. flower garden
19. play area
20. café
21. A
22. B
23. A
24. C
25. E
26. course diary
27. written exam
28. design
29. 50%
30. fashion shows
31. A
32. C
33. C
34. C
35. A
36. A
37. C
38. A
39. B
40. C
Writing test
The line graph illustrates millions of people travelling to their
destinations by train, with three different systems, in England &
Wales & Scotland over 55 years.
In general, it is noticeable that despite a dramatic fluctuation, people
most preferred to go by National rail network; however, the figure for
Light rail & metro system was consistently lowest during the period
In 1950, exactly 1000 million of British passenger railway journeys
were on the National rail network, while London Underground made
up over half of this, at nearly 750 million people. There was no one
who would travel to their destinations by Light rail & metro systems
until 1960, at under 100 million people. Through 1985, Great Britain
witnessed a significant fluctuation in National rail network and
London underground, with two systems equal, at about 750 million
Over the next twenty years, there was still the gradual fluctuation in
the number of people travelling by National rail and London
underground, reaching a peak at nearly 1000 million and over 1000
million people respectively. Nevertheless, the figure for Light rail &
metro systems was significantly lower, standing at only under 250
million people in 2005.


The rich and poor countries are behaved inequally and they have seen
an increase in terms of all categories in life. There are many reasons
why the poor are not conducted the same as the wealthy, but the main
causes are racism and income. By contrast, the government has
passed some laws in order to decline this distance.
First off, the key factor that has an influence on people’s behaviour is
the racism. Over the last many years, the society has been divided into
two classes: elite and underclass. The lower classes are farmers and
other inhabitants having no money and equal positions in their lives,
so they have to earn a living based on the rich. Unfortunately, those
mostly are the people with different skin colour from the elite. For
instance, the Negroes are usually the victims of slavery being bought
by others and they cannot live in a low-condition that they deserves.
Secondly, the income is also the main influence affecting on the gap
between the poor and the rich. In the past, the people's classes were
divided into two groups based on this reason. This was because of the
people’s law respecting others. Recently, although this has been
cleared, many people still keep in mind that distance .
To tackle this problem, the government should focus on education in
early years because it is essential. The children have to be taught how
to behave equally in their start of lives so that they can know the
importance of respecting others. As a result, they will become helpful
and generous benefiting our society; if there was no such law, the
conduction of people will be a troublesome. Another solution is that
we must not force the poor to pay taxes for the wealthy; if not, the
elite will seem that this is the poor’s duty and they are the
beneficiaries. People in the world need equality and what makes a
beautiful and friendly country is how they behave, love together and
are willing to do a favour whenever someone is getting difficulties.
In conclusion, the gap between the rich and poor nations is still a
difficult problem that needs to be solve as soon as possible, and for
younger generation, should learn how to get on well with each other,
for adults, should be a model so that children can imitate the dos as
well as don’ts acting from their parents. 

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