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Concept Map on Hypertension

Predisposing Factors:
Precipitating Factors:
Gender (Male)
high-fat, high-salt diet
Age (40 yrs old)
smokes 4 cigarettes a day
3 cups of coffee a day
History of throbbing,
binge drinking 2x a week
suboccipital headaches
sedentary lifestyle
for 2 yrs
stress from work
Family history of IM & DM
BMI = 26.2 Overweight
History of AKI

educate on smoke
cessation and less Persistent unhealthy eating increased caloric conversion of excess
cholesterol and
alcohol consumption; psychological stress habits intake calories to fat
alcohol intake
low-fat diet.

excessive activation educate healthy coping

of the sympathetic mechanisms; encourage excess body weight
SGPT: 65 U/L (high) nervous system
Artovastatin to exercise regularly; limit
SGOT: 50 U/L (high)
cholesterol and salt
increased metabolic
cholesterol and build-up triglycerides release of demand
triglycerides clog up and LDL in the LDL: 165 epinephrine into the
liver and impair bloodstream mg/dL body
functioning (high)
259 mg/dL increased vital signs
241 mg/dL RR = 26 cpm
(high) activation of HR = 125 bpm
decreased HDL in the hypothalamus- SOB w/ exertion
HDL: 30 mg/dL (low)
bloodstream pituitary gland-
adrenal gland axis breathing techniques; semi-fowler's
position; relaxation techniques;
bed rest & early ambulation as
Fasting Blood Sugar : tolerated; vagal maneuvers;
increased glucose excessive release of
115 mg/dL peaceful environment
levels and proteolysis cortisol in the body
Urinalysis: Protein: 2+
increased sodium
absorption through GI
12 Leads ECG: left
various cardiac
subsequent increase
of calcium in systemic

increased calcium CX PAL: obstructing

increased cardiac
content of muscle calcification in valve
cells in the heart areas; cardiomegaly

bounding jugular &

radial pulsation

administered IV fluids; monitor

renal ischemia vasoconstriction delayed capillary refill I&O; assess vital signs; assess
orientation; promote
active/passive ROM exercises;
instruct patient on limiting
caffeine intake and smoking

Telmisartan + HCTZ
compromised renal
Hypertension BP = 180/112 mmHg Metoprolol
cellular respiration

encouraged bed rest; assessed

initiation of RAAS blood vessels of bp; administered prescribed
system blood flow to the brain retina thicken and are
is reduced antihypertensive medications;
constrict blood flow to slow deep breathing; assessed
retina and managed headache pain;
provide DASH diet
release of
vascular bruits over
aldosterone and retina’s function
the carotid; N&V
vasopressin becomes limited and
pressure is applied on
the optic nerve
provide emesis basin; bed
triggers sodium and rest; eliminate strong odors
Serum Sodium: 165 mEq /L (high)
water retention and from room; sufficient
Serum Potassium: 3.0 mmol/L (low) vision problems and rest in quiet dark room; cold
potassium excretion hydration; relaxation throbbing, sub- compress in the head; keep
techniques; occipital headaches hydrated; relaxation techniques;
elevate the affected area Dependent edema in
low-salt diet extremities
wear compression stockings
Urinalysis: Blood: 3+ renal insufficiency Serum Creatinine:
glomerular damage
2.45 mg/dL

BUN: 37 mg/dL
decrease in (high)
production BUA: 9.1 mg/dL

Hemoglobin: 11.2


Predisposing Factors Signs and Symptoms Disease Condition

Predisposing Factors Lab Results Nursing Management

Disease Process Medical Management

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