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Death and Assention (3).

What "path" must we follow, to find out what to do,

to achieve Assention?

What am I?

-I am consciousness!
What is counsciousness?

-I am clairvoyance!
What is claivoyance?

-I am a soul!
What is a soul?

-I am divine!
What is divine?

Even though we know we are conscious, we haven't

taken the time to find a thorough definition for what
it is.

How can we then understand - thought?

If we should read in Kabbala(h) that:
Everything is created of thoughts.
......(Which Kabbala[h] claims.)....

-We can think!

What is thought?

Is a leaf on a branch - the thought?

What about the branch - itself?
What about the three?

This is one way to uptain it.

There is another way:

Is the leaf - a RESULT of that thoughts is used

to create it? (and therfore not longer a thought)

Can you answer the question?

If you can not - then, the first you can find out
........(after having asked: What am I?).......
is - what your body is.
(Or - maybe it is your soul, you must find out of.)
We try.
My body is matter?

What is matter?
Somthing that is solid, so I can see and touch it.

Well, now we have found out what properties

matter has - not what matter IS.
We haven't answered the question.

In a parallell we could ask:

-What is gravitation?
Something that hold us down to the earth, so we
don't vanish into space.
Again - we have described a property - not the
thing itself.

If we had answered:
Gravitation occurs when two opposite magnetic
powers - are working against each other..
...Then we - at least - would have made an attempt
to answer the question....

The deeper we look into this question, the more we

see our own lack of knowledge - about what we are.

We take a whole lot for granted.

-Of course - we know what we are, we just haven't
thought about it.
When we start - there will be no problems.

Then - start .. and see how wrong this mentality is.


We CAN - to a certain degree - say that the humans

have not develloped a language to talk about this.
That is - in a way - true.
In another way, it is not so VERY true (as I said:
To a certain degree).

The old Biblical Language could be used as a

foundation - for develloping such a language.
But - in stead - it is substituted with a language
"that is easier to understand" - and thus, we
lost one of the opportunities to begin with

We are living in a very special (and exiting) time.

Only 20 years ago it was unheard to bring

counsciousness - into science.
To day - this is done.

The result is that scientists will have to ask

questions - they never have asked before.

-What is ....?
The next ten years you will get much help, to the
questions you have to ask - to learn to know what
you are.

But. if you shall not be among those who will have

to wait for 5000 to 10000 years,until the next
opportunity comes - you don't have 10 years.
(Again: The Reincarnation is included here.)

(You probably have one .. maybe 3 or at the longest,

5 years.
Compared - it is MORE like - to have 10 minutes left
of the examn, at school - when you suddenly
understand how to solve the matematics you shall do.

Even 5 years - is short time, very short time.)


All right.
How deep shall we BEGIN - to go?
We don't need to go ALL the way - immediately.

I am a soul.
-What is soul.

As we don't know - we begin with the properties.

-A soul is a divine body, that can become a spirit.
-A soul is invisible (as far as we can understand).
-A soul can (probably) leave the body and defy
-A soul can master 5 dimensions. It can therfore
....pass boudairies - that would be impossible for
....the physicle body, to pass.

This is beginning to make me FEEL that I am
about to know more about - what I am.
I have now followed a teaching - saying:
"To understand - what you don't understand to day,
you BEGIN with - what you CAN understand"
(even to a certain degree).

To a certain degree - I understand, through my

feelings - more of what I am.
Well, it is a beginning.
And - a beginning - is better than nothing.

We have here - begun - to make a foundation to

devellope a spiritual language - even though it is
still - far to go.


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