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links: motion sickness, Crohn’s disease

Meta-description: Although it’s a rare side -effect, CBD could make you feel nauseous and
sick. Here’s why, and what you can do about it.
Categories: Side-Effects, FAQs

Can CBD make you nauseous?

CBD is known to stop nausea, which is how why it can help people with motion sickness and
those undergoing chemotherapy. So how can it be that nausea is also listed as a side -effect
of CBD? The truth is that, CBD has a direct impact on the biological system that controls
nausea. As a result, it could potentially make your nausea worse by interacting with the
pathways that make you nauseous. In this article, we go over what causes nausea, how
CBD affects it, and what to do if CBD makes you nauseous.

What is nausea, and what causes nausea?

Nausea is one of your body’s defense mechanisms. You can get nauseous when you smell
something rotten, or when you eat food that has gone bad. This is a way for your body to
protect you from ingesting something toxic.

As a general rule, nausea is here as a sign, to let you know that something is wrong. It’s a
natural defense mechanism that. It often comes as a result of eating bad food, eating too
much, or drinking too much alcohol. It could also be one of the first noticeable signs that you
are pregnant.

NNausea could also be a sign of something more serious, like gastroparesis, appendicitis, or
gallbladder disease.

But sometimes, nausea also happens because your body has misreads certain signals. For
example, you can may experience nausea if you suffer from motion sickness or seasickness,
because your body is getting contradictory messages from different organs.

Finally, nausea is controlled by the brain. This means that you could suffer from it, even if
nothing is wrong in your body. Some people experience nausea before giving a public
speech, for example. Others react to certain smells by feeling nauseous, even if they’re not
smelling anything toxic.

What are the best ways to make nausea go away?

As we’ve discussed, nausea is sometimes a sign that something is wrong. So before you try
to mask that itsymptom, you need to ask yourself: Is there any specific reason I’m feeling
nauseous? It can may be worth consulting with a doctor if you frequently suffer from nausea,
without seeing any a noticeable reason why.
But if you already know the cause of your nausea (seasickness, pregnancy,
chemotherapy…), then there are a few steps you can take to make it go away.

Whenever you’re feeling nauseous, eating will be very difficult. Don’t force yourself, and
don’t eat or drink too quickly. And, more importantly, don’t eat or drink too fast.

Instead, take things easy: drink slowly, one sip at a time, and chew your food several times
before swallowing it.

The easiest foods to eat when you’re nauseous are bland foods like plain bread and pasta.
Room- temperature foods also work best, so avoid eating warm soup or cold foods like ice

After eating, make sure to stay upright for at least an hour, as laying down could make you
feel even more nauseated.

Finally, some natural ingredients can help you get rid of your nausea faster. For example,
ginger root has been known used as a nausea-fighting food for hundreds of years. Simply
chewing on some ginger, drinking ginger tea, or having a little ginger candy could help
relieve your nausea.

Peppermint is also very powerful. To relieve nausea, you can drink some peppermint tea, or
even apply a few drops of peppermint essential oil to a tissue and smell them.

Finally, CBD may be able to help. That is, if you don’t suffer from nausea as one of its side -

Can CBD help with nausea?

Yes, CBD can make nausea go away. A 2011 study found that CBD could suppress
vomiting, thanks to its action effect on the endocannabinoid system. In fact, CBD is often
used to fight nausea by people who suffer from Crohn’s disease, motion sickness, or by
people who are undergoing chemotherapy.

As a matter of fact, it’s quite rare enough for CBD to cause nausea. Although it has been
listed as one of its side -effects, it is rarer than other side -effects like lethargy or changes in

Why can CBD also cause nausea?

So why does CBD cause nausea in some people? There may be a couple of different

The first one is that CBD has a strong herbal taste and smell. SomeOn occasion, people can
may be very sensitive to it, and become nauseous when they try to ingest CBD oil. This is
fairly easy to remedy: if the taste or smell of CBD makes you nauseous, try to disguise it in a
capsule or, in an edible, or find another way of taking it.
CBD could also make you nauseous simply because it’s a substance that your body is not
used to. Unknown substances can sometimes make us nauseous, especially when taken on
an empty stomach. So you may want to make sure that you are taking CBD with a large
meal, and not first thing in the morning. This will also help with its absorption, as CBD is
more bioavailable when taken together with some fat.

Finally, CBD could make you nauseous for the same reason it prevents nausea in other
people: because of its action effect on the endocannabinoid system.

The endocannabinoid system is a large biological system, running throughout the whole
body. It’s responsible for regulating some important body functions, including appetite, pain,
and inflammation. We also know that the endocannabinoid system regulates nausea and
vomiting, as this 2010 study has shown. And as this 2014 study demonstrated, enhancing
the endocannabinoid system alleviates motion sickness.

When we ingest CBD, it binds with receptors of the endocannabinoid system and sends
certain messages. This is why it can reduce pain, inflammation, blood pressure, and help
with a lot of oother symptoms. Most of the time, CBD sends signals to the endocannabinoid
system that reduce feelings of nausea. But in some cases, it’s possible that for the
endocannabinoid signals to get mixed up, which is why CBD could make you more
nauseous instead rather than less.

What should I do if CBD makes me nauseous?

So what actions can you take if CBD is making you nauseous?

First, you’ll want to make sure that the CBD is actually making you nauseous and not
something else. If you’ve just started taking CBD edibles, it could be some other ingredient
in the edible that’s causing your nausea. If you’ve changed the way that you eat at the same
time as you started taking CBD, this could also explain why you feel nauseous.

If you’ve established that CBD is making you feel nauseous, this is perfectly valid. It’s
something that some many people experience, and it doesn’t necessarily mean that your
endocannabinoid system is working incorrectly.

One thing you can try doing is switching to a lower dose. Starting out with high doses of CBD
(over 10 mg a day) could make you nauseous if you’re not used to it. RSo reducing could
help to control your nausea. Another solution would be to switch to topical products. When
you apply a CBD ointment, the molecule absorbs through your skin rather than through your
digestive system. As a result, it’s a lot less likely to make you nauseous.

Finally, if any form of CBD makes you nauseous, it could simply be that it doesn’t agree with
your system. CBD has a lot of potential to and helps with dozens of conditions, but it’s also
not for everyone. So, if you’ve recognized that any dose of CBD consistently makes you
nauseous, stop taking it. If you were taking CBD to help with symptoms like pain,
inflammation, or anxiety, it’s also a good idea to consult your physician. They will be able to
advise you on alternative ways to combat these symptoms.
The Takeaways

CBD is a wonderful substance that can help with hundreds of symptoms and conditions. But
as with any substance, it has some side -effects. Although nausea is one of the rarer ones,
some people definitely will experience it from taking CBD. It could be because of a mix-up in
the endocannabinoid system, because your body is sensitive to its taste and smell, or simply
because it doesn’t agree with you.

If this is your case, don’t despair. There are other ways to take CBD that can make it less
nauseating. And if you truly can’t take CBD of any kind without feeling nauseous, there are
alternative ways of addressing your symptoms, some of which may be just as effective.


Side effects of CBD

2017 study on the safety and side effects of CBD

Nausea and the endocannabinoid system

2011 study on the effects of CBD oil on nausea and vomiting

2010 study on motion sickness and the role that the ECS plays
2014 study showing how motion sickness inhibits the ECS

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