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The market for any product is normally made up of several segments. A
‘market’ after all is the aggregate of consumers of a given product. And,
consumer (the end user), who makes a market, are of varying characteristics and
buying behavior. There are different factors contributing for varying mind set of
consumers. It is thus natural that many differing segments occur within a

In order to capture this heterogeneous market for any product, marketers usually
divide or disintegrate the market into a number of sub-markets/segm
ents and the process is known as market segmentation market segmentation.
Thus we can say that market segmentation is the segmentation of markets into
homogenous groups of customers, each of them reacting differently to
promotion, communication, pricing and other variables of the marketing mix.

Market segments should be formed in that way that difference between buyers
within each segment is as small as possible. Thus, every segment can be
addressed with an individually targeted marketing mix. The importance of
market segmentation results from the fact that the buyers of a product or a
service are no homogenous group. Actually, every buyer has individual needs,
preferences, resources and behaviors. Since it is virtually impossible to cater for
every customer’s individual characteristics, marketers group customers to
market segments by variables they have in common. These common
characteristics allow developing a standardized marketing mix for all customers
in this segment.

Through segmentation, the marketer can look at the differences among the
customer groups and decide on appropriate strategies/offers for each group.
This is precisely why some marketing gurus/experts have described
segmentation as a strategy of dividing the markets for conquering them.
Segmenting markets is the foundation for superior performance. Understanding
how buyer needs and wants vary is essential in designing effective marketing
strategies. Segmenting markets may be critical to developing to developing and
implementing market driven strategy.
The need to improve an organization’s understanding of buyers is escalating
because of buyers demand for uniqueness and an array of technology available
to generate products to satisfy the demands. Companies are responding to the
opportunities to provide unique customer value with products.
Buyers vary according to how they use the products, the needs and preferences
that the products satisfy, and their consumption patterns. These differences
create market segments. Market segmentation is the process of identifying and
analyzing subgroups of buyers in a product market with similar response
characteristics. Recognizing differences between market segments, how they
change better and faster than competitors is an increasingly important source of
competitive advantage.

Market segmentation is resorted to for achieving certain practical purpose. For
example, it has to be useful in developing and implementing effective and
practical marketing programs. For this to happen, the segments arrived at must
meet certain criteria such:-
a. Identifiable - The differentiating attributes of the segments must be
measurable so that they can be identified.

b. Accessible - The segments must be reachable through communication


c. Sizeable - The segments should be sufficiently large to justify the

resources required to target them. A very small segment may not serve

d. Profitable - There is no use in locating segments that are sizeable but not

e. Unique needs - To justify separate offerings, the segments must respond

differently to the different marketing mixes.
f. Durable - The segments should be relatively stable to minimize the cost

g. Measurable - The potential of the segments as well as the effect of a

specific marketing mix on them should be measurable.

h. Compatible - Segments must be compatible with firm’s resources and


Criteria for selecting Market Segments

A segment should be measurable. It means you should be able to tell how many
potential customers and how many businesses are out there in the segment.

A segment should be accessible through channels of communication and
distribution like: sales force, transportation, distributors, telecom, or internet.

Segment should not have frequent changes attribute in it.

Make sure that size of your segment is large enough to warrant as a segment
and large enough to be profitable

Unique Needs
Segments should be different in their response to different marketing efforts
(Marketing Mix).

Bases for Consumer Market Segmentation

There are number of variables involved in consumer market segmentation,

alone and in combination. These variables are:

 Geographic variables
 Demographic variables
 Psychographic variables
 Behavioral variables

Geographic Segmentation

In geographical segmentation, market is divided into different geographical

units like:

 Regions (by country, nation, state, neighborhood)

 Population Density (Urban, suburban, rural)
 City size (Size of area, population size and growth rate)
 Climate (Regions having similar climate pattern)

A company, either serving a few or all geographic segments, needs to put

attention on variability of geographic needs and wants. After segmenting
consumer market on geographic bases, companies localize their marketing
efforts (product, advertising, promotion and sales efforts).

Demographic Segmentation

In demographic segmentation, market is divided into small segments based on

demographic variables like:

 Age
 Gender
 Income
 Occupation
 Education
 Social Class
 Generation
 Family size
 Family life cycle

 Home Ownership
 Religion
 Ethnic group/Race
 Nationality

Demographic factors are most important factors for segmenting the customers
groups. Consumer needs, wants, usage rate these all depend upon demographic
variables. So, considering demographic factors, while defining marketing
strategy, is crucial.

Psychographic Segmentation

In Psychographic Segmentation, segments are defined on the basis of social

class, lifestyle and personality characteristics.
Psychographic variables include:

 Interests
 Opinions
 Personality
 Self Image
 Activities
 Values
 Attitudes

A segment having demographically grouped consumers may have different

psychographic characteristics.

Behavioral Segmentation

In this segmentation market is divided into segments based on consumer

knowledge, attitude, use or response to product.
Behavioral variables include:

 Usage Rate
 Product benefits
 Brand Loyalty
 Price Consciousness
 Occasions (holidays like mother’s day, New Year and Eid)
 User Status (First Time, Regular or Potential)

Behavioral segmentation is considered most favorable segmentation tool as it

uses those variables that are closely related to the product itself.

Bases for Business Market Segmentation

Business market can be segmented on the bases consumer market variables but
because of many inherent differences like

 Businesses are few but purchase in bulk

 Evaluate in depth
 Joint decisions are made

Business market might be segmented on the bases of following variables:

 Company Size: what company sizes should we serve?

 Industry: Which industry to serve?

 Purchasing approaches: Purchasing-function organization, Nature of
relationships, purchase policies and criteria.

 Situational factors: seasonal trend, urgency: should serve companies

needing quick order deliver, Order: focus on large orders or small.

 Geographic: Regional industrial growth rate, Customer concentration,

and international macroeconomic factors


Segmentation and Market driven strategy

Market segmentation is the process of placing the buyers in a product- market

into subgroups so that the members of each segment display similar
responsiveness to a particular positioning strategy. Buyer similarities are
indicated by the amount and frequency of purchase loyalty to a particular brand,
how the product is used and other measures of responsiveness. The opportunity
for segmentation occurs when differences in buyers demand function allow
market demand to be divided into segments, each with a distinct demand
function. The term market niche is sometimes used to refer to a market segment
that represents a relatively small portion of the buyers in the total market.
Segmentation identifies customer groups within a product market, each
containing buyers with similar value requirements concerning specific product/
brand attributes. A segment is a possible market target for an organization
competing in the market. Segmentation offers a company an opportunity to

better match its products and capabilities to buyer’s value requirements.
Customer satisfaction can be improved by providing a value offering that
matches the value proposition considered important by the buyer in a segment.
To get a product or service to the right person or company, a marketer would
firstly segment the market, then target a single segment or series of segments,
and finally position within the segment.
Market Segmentation is the process of placing of subsets of buyers within a
market that share similar needs and demonstrate similar buyer behavior. The
world is made up of billions of buyers with their own sets of needs and
A segment is a possible market target for an organization competing in the
market. Segmentation offers a company an opportunity to better match its
products and its capabilities to buyer’s value requirements. Customer
satisfaction providing a value offering that matches the value proposition
considered important by the buyers in a segment.

Segmentation is a form of critical evaluation rather than a prescribed process or

system, and hence no two markets are defined and segmented in the same way.
However there are a number of underpinning criteria that assist us with

 Is the segment viable? Can we make a profit from it?

 Is the segment accessible? How easy is it for us to get into the segment?
 Is the segment measurable? Can we obtain realistic data to consider its

There are many ways that a segment can be considered. For example, the auto
market could be segmented by: driver age, engine size, model type, cost, and so
on. However the more general bases include:

 By geography - such as where in the world was the product bought.
 By psychographics - such as lifestyle or beliefs.
 By socio-cultural factors - such as class.
 By demography - such as age, sex, and so on.

A company will evaluate each segment based upon potential business success.
Opportunities will depend upon factors such as: the potential growth of the
segment the state of competitive rivalry within the segment how much profit the
segment will deliver how big the segment is how the segment fits with the
current direction of the company and its vision.

Market Driven strategy

Firm's policy or strategy guided by market trends and customer needs instead of
the firm's productive capacity or current products.
1. Segments
2. Value opportunities
3. Capabilities/segment match
4. Target
5. Positioning

Creating New Market Space

Market analysis may identify segments which are not recognized or served
effectively by the competitors. There may be opportunities to tap into new areas
and create a unique space in the market.

For example, in France Accor has established the highly successful formula 1
hotel chain by building a new market segment in between the traditional
strategic groups in the hotel market.
In general one –star hotels offer low prices; on the other hand two-star hotels
offer more amenities and charge higher prices.
Accor analysis of customer need found that customer choose the one star hotel
because it is cheap, but trade up from the one star hotel to the two star hotel for
the “sleeping environment “that is clean ,quiet rooms with more comfortable
beds –not all the other amenities that are offered.
While formula 1 provides the superior “sleeping environment” of the two star
hotel, but not the other facilities, which allows it to offer this at the price of the
one star hotel. Formula1 had built a market share larger than sum of the next
five largest competitors.


FMCG refers to consumer non-durable goods requirement for daily or frequent

use. Typically, a consumer buys these goods at least once a month.

The sector covers a wide gamut of products such as detergents, toilet soaps,
toothpastes shampoos, creams, powders, food products, confectioneries,
beverages, cigarettes.

Typically characteristics of FMCG products.

Individual items are of small value. But all FMCG products put together
account for a significant part of the consumer’s budget.

The consumer keeps limited inventory of these products and prefers to purchase
them frequently, as and when required. Many of these products are perishable.
The consumer spends little time on the purchase decision. Rarely does he/she
look for technical specification (in contrast to industrial goods). Brand loyalties
or recommendations of reliable retailer/dealer drive purchase decisions.

Trail of a new products i.e. brand switching is often induced by heavy

advertisement, recommendation of the retailer or neighbors/friends.
These products cater to necessities, comforts as well as luxuries. They meet the
demands of the entire cross section of population. Price and income elasticity
of demand varies across products and consumers.



Breeze scent magic is the soap which fulfills the aspirations of women of
rural India. Breeze has offered them ‘beauty at an affordable price,
making them look and feel beautiful.

Research and consumer visits have shown that the desire for great
fragrance featured highest in the daily beauty regime of discount soap
users. Breeze explores this through the proposition of scent in a soap scent
ka kamala, ab sabum mein’ and explicitly propagates the brand promise of
the Hameshaa Kuchh extra. It delivers all this and still matches
consumer’s needs in terms of price and quantity offered staying true to its

Breeze has been enriched with 19 special scent oils, which ensure that one
smells good for a long time though the day. Introduced in variants like
scent magic, scent magic lime, and scent magic sandal, Breeze strives
towards fulfillment the company’s mission of being inventive in creating

Brand Name: Breeze

About the Brand: Originally launched in 1989, Breeze is today perceived

to be a good value for money brand – with outstanding sensory experience.
Its strengths are its fragrance, lather and the soft feeling it has on the skin.

Target: Breeze is a mass market soap that sells in the economy segment. It
targets to the people who wants to feel fragrance during the bath.

Positioning: Breeze is positioned for her who considered it as more than

just soap. It is, in fact, her beauty aid, her only cosmetic, and one that she
can afford. She regards Breeze as her only way of fulfilling her dream of
looking beautiful.
Brand Name: Lux Sunscreen formula

About the Brand : The new, patented technology called the ‘Sunscreen
Formula’ contains a combination of sunscreen ‘actives’, which are
deposited on the skin as a protective layer, even as the soap washes away
dirt and grime. This unique formula is the climax of a long search for a
product that’s easy to apply, safe to use, affordable and provides optimal
protection from UV ray.

Target: It target at the women from upper middle class above. It target to
the women of age group of 15-45 who were very much concerned about
their skin under the sun.

Positioning: It position itself as a protective layer to the women’s skin also

who can go out in the blazing sun without worrying about losing her

Advertising Objective: The advertising objective of HUL is to influence the

women who used to go out in the blazing sun.

Advertising strategy: Strategy is to project Lux sunscreen formula as a

protection from ultra violet ray.

Available Range and price: 75 gms

Dove soap, which was launched by Uniliver in 1957, has been available in
India since 1995. It provides a refreshingly real alternative for women who
recognize that beauty is not simply about how you look, it is about how you

The skin’s natural pH is slightly acidic 5.5-6. Ordinary soaps tend to be

alkaline, with pH higher that 9. Dove is formulated to be pH neutral (pH
between 6.5 and 7.5) and to be mild on skin. This makes it suitable for all
skin types for all seasons. While Dove soap bar is widely available across
the country, Dove body was is available in selected outlet.

Globally, Dove has been extended too many other countries. Since the
1980s, for example, Unilever has launched a moisturizing body-wash
deodorants, body lotions, facial cleansers and shampoos and conditioners,
providing a comprehensive range of solutions to bring out true inner

Brand Name: HAMAM

About the Brand: It is a product from HUL

Target: It targets to the middle class Indian Family.

Positioning: It positioned as a family soap with natural ingredients.

Price: Rs. 10 (100 gms)

Advertising objective: It is to emphasis on the natural quality of the soap.

Advertisement Strategy: It project as a natural product for every Indian

middle class family.

Sales Promotion: No scheme

Available range & size: 100 gms

Making a billion Indians feel safe and secure by meeting their health and
hygiene needs is the mission of Lifebuoy.

The world’s largest selling soap offers a compelling health benefit to the
entire family. Launched in 1895, Lifebuoy, for over 100 years, has been
synonymous with health and value. The brick red soap, with its perfume
and popular Lifebuoy jingle, has carried the Lifebuoy message of health
across the length and breadth of the country.

The 2002 and 2004 re-launches have been turning points in its history. The
new mix includes a new formulation and a repositioning to make it more
relevant to both new and existing consumers.

Lifebuoy is now milled toilet soap with a new health fragrance and a
contemporary shape. The new milled formulation offers a significantly
superior bathing experience and skin feel. This new mix has registered
conclusive and clear preference among existing and new users.

The new Lifebuoy is targeted at today’s discerning housewife with a more

inclusive “family health protection for my family and me” positioning.
Lifebuoy has made a deliberate shift from the male, responsible benefit of
health to a warmer, more versatile, more responsible benefit of health for
the entire family.

At the upper end of the market, Lifebuoy offers specific health benefits
through Lifebuoy Gold and Plus. Lifebuoy Gold (also called Care) helps
protect against germs which cause skin blemishes, while Lifebuoy Plus
offers protection against germs which cause body odors.

Brand Name: Lifebuoy

About the Brand: Launched in the year 1895, Lifebuoy, for over 100 years,
has been synonymous with health and value. The brick red soap, with its
perfume and popular Lifebuoy jingle have carried the Lifebuoy message of
health across the length and breadth of the country, making it the largest
selling soap brand in the world.

In 2002 Lifebuoy was re-launched, making a new turning point in its

history. The new mix includes a new formulation and a repositioning of the
brand to make it more relevant to both new and existing consumers.

Target: The new Lifebuoy is targeted at today’s discerning housewife with

a more inclusive “family health protection for my family and me”

Positioning: Lifebuoy has made a deliberate shift from the male, victorious
concept of health to a warmer, more versatile, more responsible benefit of
health for the entire family.

Brand Name: Lifebuoy International Gold

About the Brand: The brand was launched by Hindustan Level Ltd. This
soap is not a red carbolic soap as Lifebuoy normally is.

Target: It targets to the every Indian family starting middle class.

Positioning: It positioned as a family soap

Price: Rs. 10.

Advertising objective: Objective is to differentiate the new brand from the

old one.

Advertisement strategy: The strategy they followed was to emphasis on the

quality aspect of the soap as well as the colour of the soap as it is totally a
white in colour.

Sale Promotion: Ear ring free with three pack of soap.

Available Range and Size: 75 gms.


For 28 years, freshness has been clearly identified with one name Liril.

Liril expressions have always set trends whether it is a bathing beauty in a

waterfall of “La-i-ra-i-laa!”. The energy and excitement levels associated
with the brand have to be experience to be believed with changing times.
Liril has donned many avatars: Presently, Liril Soft Aloe Vera & Lime,
Liril Icy Cool and Liril Orange Splash are making waves.

Lux stands for the promise of beauty and glamour as one of the India’s
most trusted personal care brands. Lux continues to be a favourite with
generations of users for the experience of a sensuous and luxurious bath.

Since its launch in India in the year 1929, Lux has offered a range of soaps
in different sensuous colours and world class fragrances. 2003 saw one of
the biggest milestones in the history of Lux. From being just a beauty soap
of film stars, Lux recognized the need for a compelling message about
beauty that would resonate with women of today.

Lux is available in four different variants – Exotic flower petals and Jojoba
Oil, Almond Oil and Milk Cream, Fruit Extracts and Honey in Milk
Cream and Sandal Saffron in Milk Cream.

Brand Name : Lux

About the Brand : Lux is one the biggest brands in the soap category.
Lux was launched in India in the year 1905. A unique soap, which protects
the skin’s fairness against darkening by the sun. The product contains a
combination of sunscreen actives, which are deposited on the skin as a
protective layer, even as the soap washes away dirt and grime. This
breakthrough, for the first time in the world, is the result of technology
patented by HUL.

Target : Lux targets the women of age group of 15-40 having the monthly
family income Rs. 10000-20000 who are more concerned about taking care
of skin and wants dazzling skin. It targets at the women from the middle
class and above. In short, Lux has worked it charm on millions of women
making their dreams of beauty come true.

Positioning: Lux wants to position itself as the premium beauty care

product for women, which gives them glowing skin and will help in taking

care of different type of skin. Lux positiones as a Filmi Sitaron ka
Soundarya Sabun”

Price : 11.50

Advertising objective : The advertising objectives of HUL for Lux are to

cover vast area (whole of India) and influence women from 350 million
middle class family to use Lux according to the type of skin for radiance or
glowing skin.

Advertisement Strategy : The advertising agency responsible for Lux is

HTA. The main aim of HTA is to project Lux as a product for dreamy
women who have her skin glow like a film Stars after her bath. The recent
model for this advertisement is Aishwarya Rai.

Introduced in India in 1902, Pears soap has no equal. It is gentle enough,
even for baby’s skin.

Pears are manufactured like any other soap, but unlike in conventional
soaps, the glycerin is retained within the soap. That is the cause if its
unique transparency. After manufacturing, the soap is mellowed under
controlled conditions over weeks. At the end of this maturing process, it is
individually polished and packed in cartons.

Today pears is available in three variants – the traditional amber variant, a

green variant for oil control and a blue variant for germ protection.

Brand Name: REXONA

About the Brand: Product of Hindustan Level Ltd.

Target: Targets women of middle class

Positioning: It positioned as a soap which contains vegetable oil.

Price: Rs 11.00 (100 gms)

Advertising Objective: To influence the middle class women who looks for
smooth and soft skin.

Advertisement Strategy: The strategy is to project the brand as a product

for women who have dry skin but wishing for soft one.

Sales promotion: No scheme

Available Range & Size: 100 gms.

Brand Name: DENIM

About the Brand: It is a product of HUL

Target: it targets all the men from upper middle class and upwards.

Positioning: Positioned as a bathing soap for men.

Price: Rs. 16 (75 gms)

Advertising objective: The advertisement objective is to create niche for

the men.

Advertisement Strategy: It project the soap as a product for the men who
doesn’t have try to hard.

Sales Promotion: No scheme.

Available Range & Size: 75 gms and 125 gms.

Brand Name: DOVE

About the Brand: It is a product of HUL

Target it targets specially women of rice class.

Positioning: Dove is being positioned as an Alkaline substance Free Soap

with one fourth Moisturizer for highly sensitive skin..

Price: Rs. 35 (100 gms)

Advertising objective: To influence the rich women who wants moisturizer

not the soaps.

Advertisement Strategy: It projects itself as not soap but as moisturizer.

Sales Promotion: Rs. 10 off.

Available Range & Size: 100 gms.


Brand Name: Fairglow

About the Brand: Fairglow has a unique Bio-extract ‘Natural Oxy-G’ that

is of vegetable origin and absolutely safe. Its natural action involves

reduction of the black melanin in the skin without changing the skin’s

natural balance. The Natural Oxy-G also helps remove blemishes to give

the user a smooth and glowing complexion. FAIRGLOW therefore,

provides fairness for the face and the whole body without any extra effort.

In sum, it gives the twin advantages of a clean and fresh bath while also

providing the fairness benefit.

Target: It targets to the every women of India who wants to have fair-

bright complexion. That is why it was one of the top successful brand of


Positioning: It position as a beauty soap with Natural Oxy-G which help

the skin to reduce black melanin without changing skin’s natural balance.


About the Brand: NEW CINTHOL SKIN FRESH is a unique toilet soap

with Orange extracts which gives freshness along with skincare. Orange is

an ingredient known for its skin benefits since times immemorial and

CINTHOL SKIN FRESH offers the same benefits in the form of soap for a

Fresh and Lively skin to all its consumers.

Target: First it targeted to the men now the new Cinthol Skin Fresh targets

to the all people from young to old.

Positioning: It position itself as the beauty soap which keeps the people


Advertising Objective: The objective is to influence all the people who

always try to keep themselves fresh.

Advertisement Strategy: The advertisement strategy is to project new

Cinthol Skin Fresh soap as an element of freshness as well as cleaning.

Available Range & Size: Cinthol Regular (100 gms), Cinthol International

Lime (100 gms), Cinthol Lime Fresh (75 gms, 125 gms.).

Market Share (Soap)

The economy soap constitute 35% of market share, popular soap constitute
major portion of market share, 55% then premium and super premium constitute
7% and 3% respectively.

Segmentation of soap on the basis of price

From the above figure, it is very much clear that most of the toilet soaps
available in India fall into the category of popular and premium soaps, both of
these groups accounts 43%, functional soaps accounts 10% and there is small
percentage for the super premium soaps.\

List of soaps with their segments and prices

Functional Popular Premium Super Premium

/Economy Rs. 9-12 Rs. 13-30 Rs. 31 and above

Rs. 5-8

Breeze Nima Palmolive Extra Dove

Jai Medimix Lux Skin Care

Palmolive Natural Hamam Pears

Lifebuoy Rexona Nevia

Borosoft Johnson Baby


Margo Doy

Liril Johnson Kids

Neem Denim

Fair Glow Fa

Cinthol Park Avenue

Segmentation of soap on the basis of TFM
(Total Fatty Matters ) contents

TFM 60-65% TFM 66-70% TFM 71-75% TFM 76-80%

Medimix Jai Breeze Dove
Palmolive natural Lux Hamam Nima
Lifebuoy Neem Rexona Fairglow
Lifebuoy gold Borosoft
Liril Dettol
Pears Cinthol
Denim Nevia
Lux Skin Care
Palmolive Extra
Park avenue





A literature review is a body of text that aims to review the critical
points of current knowledge including substantive findings as well as
theoretical and methodological contributions to a particular topic.
Literature reviews are secondary sources, and as such, do not report
any new or original experimental work. Also, a literature review can
be interpreted as a review of an abstract accomplishment.

Most often associated with academic-oriented literature, such as a

thesis, a literature review usually precedes a research proposal and
results section. Its main goal is to situate the current study within the
body of literature and to provide context for the particular reader.

A well-structured literature review is characterized by a logical flow

of ideas; current and relevant references with consistent, appropriate
referencing style; proper use of terminology; and a comprehensive
view of the previous research on the topic.



Every study has certain objective there is no study without the objective,
because objective are the purpose of study. No study serves any existence
without its significant thus; they are the backbone on which the body study

a) To find out the awareness of FMCG product among the


b) To find out the factors affecting the purchase of FMCG products.

c) To find out from where the customer prefer to buy the FMCGI

d) To find out which bank is being preferred by the customer.

e) To find out the purpose of taking FMCG products.


“According to father of marketing - PHILIP KOTLER

Marketing research is the systematic design analysis, collection and finding

of relevant data to specific marketing situation facing the company”

According to American Marketing Association

“Marketing is systematic gathering, recording of data about problem

relating to marketing of goods and services.”

So it is clear that the marketing research on the myriad problem of

marketing. Its purpose is to systematic gathering and analysis of
information and of course to provide aid of marketing management.

It is important to clarify the relationship and difference between marketing

research and marketing information system (M.I.S.) where as job of MIS is
to supply marketing information, problem analysis is the job of marketing

research. Marketing research too generates and utilizes marketing
information but its purpose is problem solving.

Research Methodology

Research Methodology

Classification of Marketing Research

(Based on subject of research)

The various marketing research problems can be classified based on

subject matter of research as shown below:

 Research on products
 Research on market
 Research on consumer
 Research on advertising and promotion
 Research on distribution
 Research on price
 Research on competition
 Research on sales

Research process consists of seven steps which in practical works.

1. Analyzing purpose: Need of theoretical concepts in practical

2. Review of literature: Literature review of various books on
marketing management to acquire the knowledge about the subject.
3. Formulation of Hypothesis: The basic hypothesis and a random
sample of people to be formulated or to be taken.

4. Research Design: Research design of project to be done and
sample size to be taken as per the requirement.
5. Collection of Data: Method of collection of primary and
secondary data to be achieved.
6. Analysis of Data: The data to be analyzed with respect to the
theories given in the books which are referred and known to us.
7. Interpretation and Reporting: This is the resultant of analysis of
data, which is collected by survey and company visit.

Research Process Diagram

Problem Research Sampling

Definition Design
Discovery & Conclusion Data processing
Definition and Report and Analysis

This project has followed all the above criteria’s and following things are
taken into consideration for the preparation report:

Research Design
A research design is purely and simply the focus of the study in on studying
the banner advertising is conclusive in nature that guides to the collection
and analysis of data. The descriptive research design has been used in this
project, because consumer’s feedback was necessary for obtaining the data.

Data sources

Primary data was collected by the questionnaire based marked survey.

Secondary data was obtained from journals, magazines newspapers, books
and the internet.

Research Instrument

For doing the survey research, structured questionnaire with both open
ended and close ended questions were used.

Mode of Survey

The mode of survey was personal interview with the respondents during
the filling up of the questionnaire.


The sampling used for this study was probability sampling. Since the study
is only meant for certain specific categories within the total population, a
stratified random sample was used. Three groups of categories have been
taken into account viz. students professionals and general public.

Sample Size

A sample size of 150 respondents is used for the study.

Sample Unit

This study was basically an opinion survey of the male of female in

category of students, professionals and section A, B, & C people.

Place of study
The study and survey is done in SATNA region only.


1. After the survey (50 samples) the population understands the soap

by its brands regarded with quality. The results are:

I 30% known by the company name.

II 45% known by the quality of the soap.

III 10% known by the identifying the name.

IV 15% known by the types of the soaps.

2. Mostly consumer uses.











3. The individual rates their present soap by the following qualities-

I Packaging of soap 15%

II Company name 20%

III Price of the soap 30%

IV All of the above 35%

4. All the individuals preferred to change new brand of the soap.

I Frequently changes the brands 10%

II Rarely changes the brands 40%

I Punctual on one brand 45%

II Changes according to the climatic situation 5%

5. The factors which make the consumer to purchase the soap as rated.

I. Parent suggestion 35%

II. Friends suggestion 15%

III T.V. advertisement 25%

IV Owned suggestion 25%

6. After the survey of 50 samples I analyze that large family uses-.

I. HUL 45%

II. P&G 15%




7. After the survey of 50 samples I analyze that small family uses-.


II. P&G 15%




8. In the premium segmentation of the soap the rich people uses-

I. Pears 30%

II. Dove 55%

III Camay 10%

IV Dove 5%


Heat and dust are integral part of Indian climate. This makes Indian as

one of the ideal market for soaps and other cleaning products. As we know

that the consumer keeps limited inventory of soap products and prefers to

purchase them frequently, as and when required. Many of these products

are perishable. The penetration of bathing soaps is 98% of all households.

The research study shows that the per capita consumption of bathing soap

is 513gm. So there is a very big market for soap in India. The total

turnover of soap or market in India is 54 lakhs tone per annum and is

increasing at the rate of 5% per annum. In which HUL is the market

leader with 59% of share followed by godrej. Other major players are

Nirma Ltd., Colgate-Palmolive Ltd., Henkel-Spic India Ltd. The soap

market is not only segmented on the basis of price and benefits but even a

range of emotions within that outlining frame work.

Therefore according to research done on the soap industries I have reached

to the following conclusions-

 The frequent used soap was Lux (28%) then Nirma (14% the second


 The appealing factors are soaps were price which was followed by

size then the medicinal qualities and so on.

 The person ‘self’ was having the highest percent in decision making

for buying soaps.

 58% were male respondents and 42% were female.

 The age group of the respondents was highest between 20 – 30 years

in the sample design.


During the working of this project, I faced many problems, which has led to the
limitation of the work. These limitations could not be controlled even after
taking enough preventing measures. I hope the following limitations will not
affect the study of the project and its analysis.

a) Those sample sizes for the customer could not have been large due to
time constraints, it was at 100 only.

b) The survey was conducted in SATNA city only.

c) While conducting the survey unavoidable error kept in such as, non-
response error, and inaccuracy in response.

d) Because of there, busy schedule and workload some of the respondents

were not in the position to spare sufficient time and therefore their
questionnaire filled hurriedly.

e) Personal bias might have crept in at any stage.

f) Time was the major constraint for conducting study.

g) The information is collected from the web sites, broachers and books

h) The customer bases analysis on the information collected by the

I have taken secondary data in consideration while undertaking my study



After research done by me I analyze that the market shares of the HUL
products was greater than other companies, which shows that the
acceptance of HUL products are more by consumer.

The percentage of market shares are as follow:-

 The market share of HUL is 59% of the total of consumed products.

 The market share of P&G is 15% of the total of consumed products.

 The market share of GODREJ is 12% of the total of consumed
 The market share of NIRMA is 10% of the total of consumed
 The market share of JOHNSON & JOHNSON is 4% of the total of
consumed products.

Therefore HUL is considered as the one of the most branded and reliable

company and the product are frequently accepted and used by each and

every category of consumer. And the HUL put its all effort to maintain its

standard with respect to price and the quality of the products.

2. The brands generally demanded by the consumer.

I. HUL demanded approximately 60%.

II. P&G demanded approximately 15%.

III. NIRMA demanded approximately 15%.

IV. JOHNSON & JOHNSON demanded approximately 10%.

Graphical representation of the brands demanded by the consumer

1. On the question that how much the brand name of the soap is

important for the consumer during the purchasing of the soap. Near

about 40% are causes about the brand names of the soap, 25% are

not, about 20% used regular brands and 15% of them are not



On the basis of my studies I want to suggest that P&G has to make out the

more products varieties according with different product segmentations

same as the HUL did to grasp the market shares.

Because any company stands in the competitive market should have lot of

varieties of products to overtake the entire market. The P&G has to check

out there pricing strategy because the price of the HUL is much lesser than

P&G and other companies.

The sales and promotional activities of HUL is very effective than other

competitive companies. The HUL invest more money on advertisement

and it also emphasize on the dealer network distribution with the help of

there talented marketing executives.

Therefore, I suggest to other related companies that they should emphasis

on there sales and promotional activities and should make there proper

marketing strategy.

Last but not least the channel of distribution, packaging, segmentation and

moreover only after the proper marketing research they should launch

their new products in the market to grasp the entire market and increase

their market shares.


After the research of my study I found that

 Lower class people use Nirma & Lifebuoy because it cost

price is very less and they can afford to buy it.

 A middle class person uses Lux, Cinthol & Liril because

these are economical soaps.

 Upper class people use Camay, Pears & Dove these soaps tell

of high society.

 Most people like HUL products because it has got varieties

of products.

 Lux & Breeze are favorites of women.

 Johnson & Johnson have targeted the children and they

have achieved it.

 People say that price of Dove & Pears should be economical

to all categories.

 People demands for Nirma soaps mostly because it is



Information Requirement

I. Consumer perception of brands and the important they attach the

brand name.

II. The extent to which the consumer thinks the following attributes

company name, shape, skincare.

III. The buying process involved in the selection of soap.

IV. Consumer attitude towards retreating.


1) Which company’s soap do you use regularly?

HUL P&G Godrej Nirma J&J

2) What do you understand by the term “brand” of soap?

i) Company Name

ii) Quality of the soap

iii) Identifying name

iv) Type of the soap

3) Please name some soap companies that you have heard of.

4) How important us the brand name of a soap?

i) Not important

ii) Important

iii) Very important

5) How do you rate your present soap the following qualities-

i) Packaging of soap

ii) Company name

iii) Price of the soap

6) Are you satisfied with the overall performance of your present soap?

i) Satisfied ii) dissatisfied

7) Have you ever change new brand of soap.

i) Yes ii) No

8) Did you change both the soap at the same time and one time?

9) What do you want change over to the present soap?

10) How did you decided that your replacement?

i) Your friend ii) your own

11) What are the factors that you considered when you purchase the


i) Parents suggestion

ii) Friend suggestion

iii) T.V. Ads

12) In the premium segment which soap do you use?

(i) Pears (ii) Dove

(iii) Camay (iv) Dove

13) What are the factors that you considered when you purchase the


i) Company name

ii) Price of soap

iii) Past experience

iv) Advertising

14) KINDLY TICK the once you have heard of company

i) Lux ii) Dove iii) Dove iv) Cinthol v) Dettol

vi) Hamam vii) Liril viii) Breeze ix) Nevia

15) Which company’s advertisement do you prefer more?

i) HUL ii) P&G iii) Nirma iv) Godrej v) J&J


16) Your age group

i) 18 – 25 ii) 25 – 35

iii) 35 – 50 iv) 50 - above

17) Your family income

i) 4000 – 6000 ii) 6000 – 8000

iii) 8000 – 12000 iv) 12000 - above

18) Your educational qualification

i) High school ii) Intermediate

iii) Graduation iv) Above

18) What is your occupation status?

i) Own business ii) Service

iii) Students iv) Unemployed









8. Research Methodology, C.R. Kothari

9. Marketing Research, Harper W. Boyd

10. Marketing Management, Philip Kotler


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